HfaT press kit
HfaT press kit
Written & Directed by Erin Kitzinger Produced by Jay Delaney [email protected] 727-688-3418 www.hopeforathorn.com Hope for a Thorn SHORT SYNOPSIS One line: Fighting loss, loneliness, and madness, an estranged grandmother and granddaughter’s only chance for redemption is each other. Paragraph: HOPE FOR A THORN is the story of a troubled grandmother who seeks redemption for her past by helping her granddaughter overcome the cycle of neglect that has plagued the family for generations. The film focuses on Victoria, a recently widowed woman living alone in a big house in a small town. That is, until the disappearance of her estranged daughter Maggie forces the arrival of 12-year-old Sophie, the granddaughter Victoria's never met. Desperately clinging to the belief that her mother is returning for her, Sophie slips into fantasies to deal with the loneliness of her grandmother’s home. Victoria, a terrible mother to her own daughter and too caught up in her own demons and the loss of her husband, has no idea how to care for this wounded child. Slowly, she begins to realize that the damage she did to her daughter has affected her granddaughter as well. The misery and demise of her family begins to weigh heavily on her shoulders. Is she past the point of redemption? Can Sophie break the cycle that's been tearing the Thornes apart for generations or is she doomed to repeat it? w w w. h o p e f o r a t h o r n . c o m [email protected] 727.688.3418 p. 2 Hope for a Thorn PAGE SYNOPSIS HOPE FOR A THORN is the story of a troubled grandmother who seeks redemption for her past by helping her granddaughter overcome the cycle of neglect that has plagued the family for generations. The film focuses on Victoria, a recently widowed woman living alone in a big house in a small town. She spends her days lost in a reverie, reminiscing about her deceased husband. The sudden disappearance of her longestranged daughter Maggie leads to the arrival of 12-year-old Sophie, the granddaughter Victoria's never met. Unable to break her habits, Victoria is prone to delusions and often forgets the child is even there. Desperately clinging to the belief that her mother is returning for her, Sophie slips into fantasies to deal with the loneliness of Victoria's home. Victoria, a terrible mother to her own daughter and too caught up in her own demons and the loss of her husband, has no idea how to care for this wounded child. Sophie is a constant reminder of the daughter that Victoria thought she despised, forcing Victoria to finally come to terms with her true feelings. At times mistaking Sophie for Maggie, Victoria frightens and confuses the child. Sophie tries to escape, but after a failed attempt at running away, realizes there is nowhere for her to go. As her loneliness grows, Sophie begins to conjure up visions of her mother for comfort. Slowly, Victoria begins to realize that the damage she inflicted on her daughter has affected her granddaughter as well. Sophie must now pay the price for Victoria’s mistakes. Victoria has lived a lifetime of pain and her family’s troubles begin to weigh heavily on her shoulders. Is she past the point of redemption? Can Sophie break the cycle that's been tearing the Thornes apart for generations or is she doomed to repeat it? w w w. h o p e f o r a t h o r n . c o m [email protected] 727.688.3418 p. 3 Hope for a Thorn BIOS: FILMMAKERS Erin Kitzinger: Writer/Director/Editor Erin Kitzinger graduated in 2008 from the University of Central Florida’s School of Film & Digital Media, as one of the first six students accepted into the Entrepreneurial Digital Cinema MFA program, where she was also a film instructor. She has directed several short narrative and documentary films, which have played the Sarasota Film Festival, Gen Art Ignite!, and the Women as Global Leaders Conference in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, among others. Her script for "Hope For A Thorn" was the recipient of the UCF School of Film & Digital Media Grant for Special Achievement in Screenwriting in 2005. This is her first feature. Erin currently resides in Chicago where she works as a freelance editor. Jay Delaney: Producer Jay Delaney's passion for people has led to a career that spans filmmaking, politics, government, and the nonprofit industry. His feature-length documentary, "Not Your Typical Bigfoot Movie," premiered at the 2008 SXSW Film Festival and is available on DVD by Oscilloscope Pictures. He has also helped produce various films and videos in New York City. He studied film at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and at the University of Central Florida in Orlando and is currently the President and CEO of the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce in Chicago. Marco Cordero: Director of Photography Marco Cordero is an accomplished cinematographer and photographer. He recently graduated from the University of Central Florida's film program and has shot nearly 40 shorts, feature film, and music videos, including the short film No-Air House, which premiered at Slamdance in 2008. Marco combines his skillful eye for composition, color, and movement with impressive technical knowledge. He recently shot a feature film, A Beautiful Belly, entirely on the cutting-edge Canon 5D Mark II. w w w. h o p e f o r a t h o r n . c o m [email protected] 727.688.3418 p. 4 Hope for a Thorn BIOS: CAST Pat Fisher: Victoria Thorne Pat Fisher began her acting career on stage in San Francisco and made her way into film acting in 1990 when The Asolo Film Conservatory accepted its first class. When the Conservatory's filmmakers sought actors from the Sarasota community, Pat became one of the regulars, performing the female lead in "The Customer" which won an Academy Award (Student Division) nomination. She also had a featured role in "Curdled." She has done many commercials, industrial films and publicity campaigns for television and print. She returned to the stage several years ago in Tampa's production of "The Vagina Monologues", which was a delightful experience, but not as good as making movies. Sarah Grace Ackerman: Sophie Thorne Sarah Grace Ackerman is a talented young actress who has played several roles in commercials, film, and video. HOPE FOR A THORN is her first lead role in a film. She has trained with Karen Storms through the Storms Acting Studio and the Lisa Maile School of Acting. Sarah has many interests, including tennis, snorkeling, swimming, fishing, four-wheel riding, target shooting, and dance. She lives in Orlando, Florida, where she continues to act, most recently in the short film “Crooked.” She recently started high school, where she’s a member of the Thespian Club. Jacqueline Caruso: Maggie Thorne Jacqueline Caruso is an accomplished actress and singer. She graduated from American University with a degree in Musical Theatre and has appeared in shows such as Fiddler on the Roof, Kiss Me Kate, and Into The Woods. She also teaches singing lessons. Jacqueline and her husband recently relocated to Los Angeles and celebrated the release of Jacqueline’s band’s first album, Thurlow’s Training Wheels. w w w. h o p e f o r a t h o r n . c o m [email protected] 727.688.3418 p. 5 Hope for a Thorn ABOUT THE FILM HOPE FOR A THORN was one of the first feature films produced through the University of Central Florida’s new Entrepreneurial Digital Cinema Master of Fine Arts program. The unique graduate program requires its students to finance and produce marketable microbudget digital feature films. Kitzinger graduated from the program in August of 2008. Shot entirely in Central Florida during the summer of 2007, THORN utilized local cast and a combination of student and professional crew. Kitzinger embraced the limitations imposed by the small budget and used the opportunity to focus on character. The resulting film is a highly personal story that features women as the lead characters, in tragic and deeply flawed roles, in a story about family and second chances. AWARDS UCF School of Film & Digital Media Grant for Special Achievement in Screenwriting, 2005 w w w. h o p e f o r a t h o r n . c o m [email protected] 727.688.3418 p. 6 Hope for a Thorn CREDITS Victoria Thorne Sophie Thorne Maggie Thorne Richard Bobby Child Victoria Victoria’s Mother Voice of Victoria’s Mother Sheriff Western Union Man Charles Pat Fisher Sarah Grace Ackerman Jacqueline Caruso Michael Ray Davis Jimmy Vosler Lily Flanders Lauren Maleski Leander Suleiman Mike Kazimar Jay Delaney Byron West Writer/Director/Editor Producer Executive Producers Erin Kitzinger Jay Delaney Paul Kitzinger Dan McSherry Stacy Broome Brigan Gresh Andrew Kenneth Gay Nicole Betz Mike de la Vina Michael Diaz Georginia Hurge Kristen Baker Addison Bryan Tony Brown Marco Cordero Drew Agan Matthew Richards Christina Santa Cruz Michelle Wargo Christine Olson Michelle Roca Kyle J. Britt Alexis Block Jonathan C. Hohensee Hyun Han Phil Bergquist Sarah Bordelon Eunice Paik Sheri Victor Katie Wollam Susan Bucciero Carla Tamma Katie Russo Consulting Producer Line Producer Production Coordinator First Assistant Director Second Assistant Director Key Set Production Assistant Production Assistants Director of Photography First Assistant Camera Second Assistant Camera Script Supervisor Casting Director Production Designer Art Department Coordinator Prop Master Set Decorator Leadman Swing Man Construction Art Production Assistant Art Research Assistants Costumer Wardrobe Supervisor Key Makeup Artist w w w. h o p e f o r a t h o r n . c o m [email protected] 727.688.3418 p. 7 Hope for a Thorn Boom Operator Production Sound Mixer Catering James Solomon Shawn Anderson Linda Zweifel Dennis Zweifel Amanda Mohammed Dave Currie Michael Nikolla Mark Valentin Travis Bell Logan Wade Coby Wilson Adam Gaiser Nick Colvin Craig Weinstein Jon Friskics PostAmp Sound LHV Audio David Jones David A. Harper and Terri L. Harper William Whitacre Bryan Girgenti, EA, CFP www.BryanGirgenti.com Location Manager Location Assistant Gaffer Key Grip Electrician Set Photographer Sound Designer Post-Production Sound ADR and Foley recorded at Original Music Written & Performed by Music Supervisors Legal Counsel Tax & Accounting Services Provided by Special Thanks Ula Stoeckl Paul Kitzinger Linda & Dennis Zweifel Dan & Dawn McSherry Stacy & Craig Broome Jim Atkisson Davey Johnson Mark Gerstein Steve Schlow Constance Jessup Jean Kitzinger Nick Amoro William Hough Mo Krausman Chris Scott Tony Broome Lisa Betz Pat Burdette Tom Powers Victor Liu Bill & Sally Atchley w w w. h o p e f o r a t h o r n . c o m Greg & Jerrie Cunningham Christine Padovan Tom & Sandy Peeples Jennifer Grider Chester Baumgartner Mark Russell Mary Johnson Phil Peters Joy Ackerman & the Ackerman Family Sigrid Tiedtke & The Enzian Theater Randy Finch Patty Hurter Manuel & Adeline Garcia Christina Rackley Phil Bergquist Anne Mulis Dave Moore Lisa Cook Metro Orlando Film Commission Women In Film & TV-Florida Chimene Hurst [email protected] 727.688.3418 p. 8 Hope for a Thorn Larry & Margaret Massey Chris & Maureen Kemp The Kossens Bootie & The Drawer, Mt Dora, FL Leah Fairchild Greenwood Cemetery Barbara Solomon & Oldies But Goodies Dan Jones Zach Stribling UCF School of Digital Media Theatre Downtown Fran Hilgenberg Robert Melendy Sr. UCF Costume Shop UCF Theatre Prop Dept Laurence Vexler at LHV Audio Donnie & Mac White Donna Zecker Tom & Linda Wagner THANKS Travis Bell Merrick Beatty Brett Bonowicz Mike Glumicich Jason Harper Rich Grula Michael Hausman Eric Ernst Angelyn Gay Dale Gordon Gregg Hale Danny Daneau Susie Copeland Alix Duggins Amanda DeSantis Angel de la Vina Dino Gallina Melissa Gruver Jamie Hanson Julia Jordan Jamie Konet Shannon Lacek Laura Lopez Sarah Long Keith Alan Morris Meredith McNiece Vincent's Italian Restaurant, Mt. Dora, FL Christopher Mertens Nick Martinolich Randy Molnar Alyssa Maio Jennifer Pennypacker Karen Pennington Planet Smoothie, Orlando, FL Sara Peeples Chris Silveira Rachel Schlow Tracey & Scott Schlather Steve Schutt Barry Sandler Jessica Stofan Andrew White Shot on location in DeLand, Mt. Dora, and Orlando, FL This film was produced at the University of Central Florida as part of a Master of Fine Art’s thesis © 2009 Hope for a Thorn, LLC w w w. h o p e f o r a t h o r n . c o m [email protected] 727.688.3418 p. 9 Hope for a Thorn TECHNICAL SPECS TITLE: Hope For A Thorn GENRE: Drama RUNNING TIME: 74 minutes FORMAT: high definition SHOOTING FORMAT: Panasonic HVX-200, HD ASPECT RATIO: 1.85 EDITED WITH: Final Cut Pro EXHIBITION FORMAT: HD, DVD, Bluray ORIGINAL LANGUAGE: English w w w. h o p e f o r a t h o r n . c o m [email protected] 727.688.3418 p . 10
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