Farewell From the Desk of the Chief of Services!
Farewell From the Desk of the Chief of Services!
WHAT’S INSIDE 9 ovie, p. rive In M D ll e w x Ma Chief’s Update Responsibility p. 2 Customer Service Corner Customer Service is your bread & butter? p. 4 Social Media Interesting facts p. 9 Scoop Air Education & Training Command / A1S FINAL Issue Spring 2012 Farewell From the Desk of the Chief of Services! With the AF Services Transformation well underway this is going to be our last edition of our AETC A1S SCOOP newsletter. To that end, I’d like to personally thank Ms. Jennifer Greenwood and Ms. Lynda Cipollone for doing such a tremendous job of compiling information and laying it out each quarter. This was a huge undertaking and they should be commended for their efforts. Additionally I’d like to thank you for your input because it allowed us to showcase and share the outstanding programs and services that you provide to our AETC Airmen and their families. Since I usually use this space to share leadership thoughts from our senior leaders, I thought I’d close with a brief version of my very own “Leadership CI Style”. Over the years I have been blessed to have some great leaders and mentors from George DeCoux Sr, Harvey Faust, George Price, Art Myers and countless others. They have molded and shaped me into the leader and person that I am today. They’ve taught me an assortment of leadership tools that have saved me on countless occasions and I’d like to offer just a few for your potential use: - Always do the right thing. A very simple phrase but sometimes challenging to follow. If you always do the right thing, you can always sleep at night regardless of the consequences. - Find a Mentor Be a Mentor. Regardless of your age, find someone that you can learn from and at the same time, find others to share what you learn. - Grow future leaders. To ensure the long term success of any organization we’ve got to be fully committed to train others to take over when it’s our time to move on to other things. Invest the time to help others to gain the skill sets necessary to succeed. - Be a lifelong learner. You’re never too old to learn something. Spend time reading articles and books and even consider attending off-work classes and seminars. Also consider participating in professional military education (PME - e.g. Air Command and Staff College, Air War College, etc.) - Take care of yourself and your family. If you don’t have your health, then you’ve really got very little to offer the mission. Same applies for your family. - Be an innovator. With the challenges that lie before us, innovation, creativity and finding efficiencies and better ways of doing business will be the norm. Constantly challenge yourself to find ways that will increase your effectiveness. - Have a great attitude. Attitude makes the difference. Just read any book on leadership and you’ll find the person with passion and a great attitude is the one that always rises to the top. - Be a servant leader. Leadership guru Zig Ziglar says that you “get more out of life by helping others get what they want out of life”. Serve others and great things will happen for you as well as them. Although these may seem a bit cliché, I’ve not only Coming Soon.... As the AETC A1S branch responsiblities consolidate to the HQ Air Force Services Agency Installation Support Directorate (SVI) managers will use the following numbers/email to contact the team: Sustainment-related issues (as of 1 Apr 12): DSN 665-7000 Comm (210) 565-7000 POC: TSgt Johanna Sanchez BETA Field Support Team: DSN 969-1999 Comm (210) 395-1999 DSN 969-1000 Comm (210) 395-1000 BETA Resources & Requirements: E-mail: [email protected] Transition Timeline (subject to change) Sustainment Services Community Services Marketing/Sponsorship Family Services Resource & Requirements Full Operating Capability (FOC) 1 Apr 12 1 Jun 12 1 Jun 12 1 Aug 12 1 Aug 12 1 Oct 12 found them useful but the more simple they are, the more effective they are to implement and make them a part of your daily culture. These are some of the basic tenants of “Leadership CI Style” and I hope that you find some of them helpful. Also, if you’ve never put your leadership philosophy to paper, I suggest you do it and share it with others. In closing, I’d like to pay tribute and thank each and every member of our invaluable AETC/A1S team. AETC has been extremely lucky to have such a distinguished group of passionate MWR/ SVS/FSS professionals dedicated to meeting your needs. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with this team and I am truly blessed for having served with them. Good luck to all of you as we work together to make the United States Air Force the very best it can be. Always remember to take care of yourself, your family, your team as well as our awesome Airmen. Sustainment Services Branch 22 Thank YOU for the pleasure of serving AETC in clubs, golf cours- Chief’s Corner Greetings all of my fellow FSS Warriors, As time nears for me to transition from the Air Force into civilian life, I would like to thank each of you for what you do on a daily basis. The folks in FSS are awesome and have been throughout my entire career. It is with both sadness and anticipation that I write these remarks and prepare to transition into the next phase of my life. My sadness comes from knowing that I am leaving a career that I have loved for more than 29 years and my anticipation is of the journey ahead of me. It has been an honor and pleasure to have served with so many distinguished men and women in and out of uniform. My life has been truly enriched because of you. Today, I would like to leave you with a few things that helped me keep the past several decades in perspective: Accountability – We need to be accountable and hold our Airmen, civilians and all who serve accountable … enforce the standards Basics – We have to get back to the basics … start doing things right if you want things to be better Leadership is not positional – Leadership really doesn’t have anything to do with position per se, but it is in some ways a state of mind Mentoring – Encourage leadership, professional & personal development and career progression in others, not just your friends … we all benefit Responsibility – Remember your position is not about power but the responsibility you have to lead and guide others • Always know the priorities • Maintain Situational Awareness • Use all TOs, checklists, AFIs, etc • There are consequences for not fully complying • Pay attention to details and fight complacency • Stay engaged A few last things, let Airmen and civilians do their jobs and remember we are all on the same team. Do not assume everyone knows what you know: remember the goal is to work smarter not harder. Finally, always carefully analyze every decision you make and understand the second and third order affects. It may not affect you, but it will definitely affect others. I appreciate you allowing me to share these things with you and hope they help you as much as they have me. Again, I would like to thank you for the high level of service and excellence you provide every day. My heart is proud to know that I served with so many great men and women. Della and I salute you all and wish you much success in all of your future endeavors. Our prayer is that God continues to bless and keep each and every one of you. CMSgt Gerald Z. Gooding Chief Enlisted Manager CONGRATULATIONS Tyndall AFB Sports & Fitness AF Sports & Fitness Program of the Year! es, bowling centers, ITT, crafts/skills and outdoor recreation programs as well as community centers, and dining facilities since Dec of 1995 after serving 24 years active duty in both MWR and Services career fields. You have consistently met the challenges that were presented to you each year and I can honestly say that I’ve always been proud of you and your accomplishments. AETC activity managers and flight chiefs have always led the way and as a Team, have created many base level programs that went on to be Command and Air Force programs. I expect you to continue that legacy. I have called many of you for assistance in the past because you are the “boots on the ground” experts and have been great counsel to me and the Command. I thank you for all that you have done and do. At this writing I, along with the rest of A1S, do not know where I will complete my Services career. I’ll be somewhere though and I’ll be cheering AETC along. Thank you all for making the past 16 years a wonderful tour. (Mr. Tom Maxwell, AETC/A1SS) GOOD NIGHT TO ALL Yogi Berra, was a former and famous iconic catcher who played almost his entire 19 year baseball career for the New York Yankees. He is perhaps one of the most quoted personalities of our time. One of his most recognizable quotes remembered and still used today is “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.” Well, the time has come and sadly “it is over” for HQ AETC Services and our Sustainment Services Branch. The transfer of work under Installation Support Centralization has arrived. As part of the Secretary of Defense efficiencies and streamlining efforts beginning 1 Oct 12, MAJCOM A1Ss will no longer function in it’s traditional capacity. All Services related support now comes directly from HQ AFSVA. It’s anticipated the Sustainment Services Branch, A1SS will stand down on or about 1 Apr 12. It all began for me with AETC in 1996 after serving three years with AFSVA. I’m proud to share some of our accomplishment during this period. It’s estimated our branch funded over $1M in club programs and equipment to support the needs of Airmen. Too many to name, but if you canvass the bases I’m sure you will find our legacy is stamped somewhere in the club at your base either in the form of training, program funding, or a piece of equipment. From NASCAR to Designated Driver, to NFL Sunday Ticket, program guides, and even to rewarding club members with holiday vacations and cruises we supported them all. In fact, you can even look to the lights as a result of our “Operation Change Out” program in 2009. Some programs were even adopted by the Air Force and are still part of today’s cooperate structure. We were also selected as the test command for Air Force studies to include the Aloha point-of sales system and the “U Choose” Card Choice program for clubs. Since the implementation of the UBU and Take It To The MAX programs in Apr 04 and Jan 05, respectively we’ve remained the lead command in overall club membership. Of particular I’ - importance and through our combined efforts to date, we’ve recruited 24,078 Airmen and 987 2nd Lieutenants as our newest Air Force club members. There is so much more to share and so little space to put it. It’s estimated some 50 or more programs were developed, distributed, and funded since my arrival in 1996. Other success came in the form of career development and advancement. Since my arrival at least eight AETC club managers advanced in their careers becoming Flight Chiefs, Deputies or selected in a senior leadership role at other commands within Services or the Force Support Structure. What an accomplishment for those individuals. Lastly, and during my time with the command, 128 Services professional, in all the branches and divisions of HQ AETC Services Directorate/ Division have come and gone through our command Services doors. All of them proudly provided support, guidance, and recommendation for the betterment of making the AETC family what it is today. We applaud all of them. So, the time has come Yogi, yes, “it is over.” Please allow me to take this opportunity to say “thanks to all of you” for the tremendous support you’ve offered and provided to me during my time with AETC Services. Not everything we tried was successful but not everything we did was unsuccessful either. We held together and we provided what we believed were the best in programs and services for our Airmen, their families, and the communities we serve each and every day. You are all the “best” at what you do. The future presents a whole new set of challenges for all of us but as in the past our confidence gives us the ability to step up and take them on. Thanks, keep doing all those good things, and wishing everyone all the best. Good night to all. (Mr. Steve Cowan, HQ AETC/A1SS) t s been a pleasure To the HQ Manpower Personnel & Services and base Force Support Squadron team members, friends and co-workers it has been my pleasure serving with you. Since my arrival to AETC in Sep 2001, together we have met or exceeded goals and expectations, which equates to supporting the AF Mission. There is no doubt that AETC has the most professional and dedicated members that believe in exceeding guest expectations when it comes to customer service. I wish you all continued success, joy and happiness. This is not good bye but…I will see you around. Sincerely, Terry Prudhomme (AETC/A1SS) Community Services Branch So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adios, Ciao, Au Revoir, See You Later! Change is inevitable and sometimes hard to accept but we must embrace it, move forward and make the best of it! I have truly enjoyed the last four years working at AETC; in fact it is the best assignment of my career. The reason is because of the great people I come in contact with daily…. all of you…. the folks who make things happen at base level. I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with each of you…. you are the best marketing folks in the Air Force! You truly made my job enjoyable. I hope in some small way, I have helped all of you, even if it was just to listen when needed. Again, heartfelt thanks for all you do and please keep taking care of our troops and their families. In “our” world of Services, I am sure our paths will cross again. (Lynda Cipollone AETC Marketing Director) THIS IS NOT GOODBYE! It has been a pleasure and honor to work with you all for the past 10 years. We had some ups and downs during our tenure together, but in the end we are all still friends, and very proud of the work we have accomplished together for the troops. I don’t like to say good-bye, so I will say see you all round the water cooler somewhere down the line. “Merry Christmas”! (Susan Jackowski, AETC Golf & Bowling Specialist) TO RECREATE… Throughout my 23-year career as an Air Force Recreation Specialist, it has been my goal to promote the importance of recreational activities and how they help to create a balance between work and personal life. My dedication to recreation goes far beyond the job title. When most people think of recreation, it’s usually a fun game or relaxing outdoor activity that comes to mind, such as a walk through the park or a game of Frisbee. The word recreation actually comes from the Latin word “recreare” which means to create anew, refresh, to “recreate” ourselves. Some forms of recreation can be challenging, maybe even something that we are approaching with trepidation, but know they will make us stronger and help us perform better down the road. For example, a 20-mile training run leading up to your first marathon, which once completed, gives a renewed sense of confidence going into the big race. In much the same way that we need to periodically recreate ourselves, Services, as we know it, is also recreating itself. This is an evolution that many of us have seen throughout the years as MWR transitioned into Services and then into FSS. Change is inevitable, but approaching change with a positive attitude makes all the difference. Always remember that our recreation programs undoubtedly help our Airmen achieve a fit and healthy lifestyle. These programs help with stress management and build a sense of community. Although the Air Force climate is changing, let’s continue every effort to make recreation an important part of our installations, especially for the younger Airmen who cannot always afford to take part in more costly off-base activities. I truly feel fortunate to have met many of you and will definitely miss working with you from the MAJCOM! Thank you all for your dedicated efforts. Working here has been an incredible experience, with incredible people, and has taught me so much about myself, AETC, and the Air Force. Wishing you all the best! (Denise Rossignol, AETC Recreation Specialist) Snow Comes to South Texas Debbie Milner, Lackland Marketing Director It was an unusual sight at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX; over 500 Airmen and their families went slip-sliding down 48,000 pounds of snow. The FSS outdoor amphitheater’s long, steep hill proved to be the perfect place for an exciting sled run. Participants’ laughter and screams of delight could be heard as they raced down the run during the four-hour event. The huge turnout proved that “snow sells”. In addition to sledding, a giant race track for remote-controlled cars and a bouncy castle were all available free of charge. Hosted by Arnold Hall Community Center, this first-ever event proved to be a hit with the community, and plans are already in the making for next year’s Snow Day to be even bigger and better. 33 CONGRATULATIONS Lackland AFB Bowling Center AF Bowling Program of the Year! It’s A Wrap (Almost) The time draws near where AETC/A1S will cease to exist (due to the MAJCOM centralization)… it’s a bittersweet moment for all of us. Very sad to be leaving the positions we dearly love and the fantastic managers/coordinators we have at our bases – but on the other hand, change is kind of exciting. Learning a new job, meeting new people, taking on new challenges…. As a military spouse, I am used to changing jobs every few years – in fact, I actually begin to crave change after three or four years. Interesting fact…. by the time the AFSVA Installation Support Directorate stands up in October I will be just over four years as the AETC command commercial sponsorship manager. It seems fate has stepped in and given me the opportunity for the change I would be craving this year; I’m just going to embrace it and hope for the best. Over the last 3+ years I have gotten to know many of the AETC sponsorship coordinators and marketing managers. I truly believe AETC has the BEST of the BEST and I will miss you all very much. Please keep doing what you do, don’t get discouraged and use each other as a sounding board once Lynda and I move on. Although my future is uncertain, I’m sure I will land where I’m “supposed to” (per FATE’s opinion)…. I’m not even sure if I’ll remain with the government. It would be hard for me to leave the military community for a job outside the gates, especially after a 15-year career working with MWR/Services/FSS but, as a NAF employee I must move on and find my own positions to apply for and as many of you can relate – it’s not always that easy. Times have changed over the last 10 years, each time I’ve left a position I’ve lost touch with many of the friends I made… this time it’s different, we have Facebook, Google+, Twitter or whatever the new platform will be, or we can just keep in touch periodically the old-fashioned way… by “email”! Please find me on one of the social media sites or shoot me an email once in a while! Good luck in all you do! (Jennifer Greenwood, AETC Sponsorship Manager) 4 4 Resources & Requirements “May you live in interesting times” - unknown At my last assignment, we searched for a new vision that wrapped the entire essence of FSS into an simple understandable phrase that was applicable to the Airmen in MPF or the civilian in the CDC. After lively discussion and many revisions we ended up with “We make lives better...its what we do!” Despite all the upcoming changes in our community I truly believe this describes what an FSS does today and it describes the essence of what we will do tomorrow. We may just do it through different programs, different methods and with different resources. As we depart, my hope is that the changes facing FSS are not feared, but rather embraced and put into a healthy context because it isn’t about HOW we do things it is about WHAT we do...and WHAT we do is... “We make lives better...its what we do!” - David Jenkins (Chief, Resources and Requirements Branch) Just shy of 20 years with AETC I’ve been assigned to AETC Services since Aug 1993 and I’ve loved every minute of it. Whether working training, personnel or facility issues, it has been my pleasure to work with, but more than anything, for some of the greatest, most professional people in the Air Force. We may not have a wartime mission in AETC because we ‘just train’ but without you that mission would not get accomplished because we prepare for service the current and future leaders. As I write this, I have no idea where I’ll end up when my job on the staff is over, but my longing, my prayer is to continue working within Services. The people of Services truly As I close another chapter our Services family, I want to thank all of the NAF HR and Unit Training staff for the opportunity to work with a team of professionals providing exceptional service to the FSS squadron. We have been through many challenges and changes over the past few years, and you have always provided that extra effort to manage your workload and “take care of the troops.” My assignment at AETC has been personally rewarding due to the support and friendships we have encountered along the way. Again, many thanks and I wish you continued success and enjoyment. touch the lives of every AF member and their families from cradle to grave. We on the A1S team have worked hard to serve you, but the base-level Services team works conscientiously, daily and often into the night hours to improve the lives of every member of the AF family. All who know a Services team member knows they work hours no other unit is willing to work because they feel with (Bonnie Sanderson, AETC Human Resources & Training) What is Great Customer Service? their mission is to serve. They have a camaraderie that you’ll find in no other organization. It is all about providing great customer service. Most of you know that as much as I liked training and personnel and as much as I love the facilities program, doing Customer Service seminars was, and is, my passion. Nothing gets me more enthused than sharing what great service does for the people we serve. Many people in today’s society look down on a ‘service industry’ job because they don’t comprehend the thrill of providing quality of life improvements to an audience of deserving customers; they would not survive in our industry. Whatever my lot in life, I’ll always know that I’ve worked with champions, I’ve been blessed to know the best, and I’ll always have the fondest memories of Team Services wherever I go. God’s richest blessings are my prayer for you. (Bill Middleton, A1SR) Academic Support Building, Student Activity Center Usher in a Modern Era of Recreation, Leisure By Deyanira room Rossell, 502nd FSS Marketing As the last remnants of the Hacienda Recreation Center turn to dust, the ground beneath it will settle and again hold a structure that will serve generations of troops who pass through Fort Sam Houston. Coming in 2013, two new 502nd Force Support Squadron facilities will open their doors on the Medical Education and Training Campus (METC) — the Academic Support Building (ASB) and the Student Activity Center (SAC), ushering in a modern era of recreation and leisure on the historic post. The ASB will boast a sprawling 20,848 square feet with 9,192 square feet dedicated to a “mega room” with seating for 980 people, fulfilling the campus’ need for graduations and special functions. A total of 5,400 square feet will be dedicated to administrative space including 23 personnel cubicles, accommodating incontinued on page 7 Customers Are Your Bread & Butter Return on Customer emphasizes trust as the key to building customer value. “Repeat after us: The only value your company will ever create is the value that comes from customers – the ones you have now, and the ones you will have in the future. To create value, you must put yourself in the customer’s shoes, understand the customer’s needs, and then act accordingly. Ultimately, this requires you to earn your customer’s trust. What value does the customer get? The customer, too, must weigh long-term as well as short-term factors, assessing the value Customer he gets from his relationship with you. And for the customer, such a relationship will be of the most value if he feels he can trust you to respect his interests as if they were your own. The fact is that maximizing your Service return on a customer and maximizing the customer’s trust are quite similar tasks. ... Understanding what Corner customers need from you — figuring out what motivates your customers — is a boardroom issue, because it is vital to your firm’s long-term success.” Excerpt from Customerthink.com, “Valuing Customer Value” 5 Airman & Family Services Farewell On behalf of the AETC/A1SA Team, it has been a pleasure serving and learning from you as we have visited and talked over the days, the months, and the years. Your contributions and commitment to providing our Air Force families with quality services and programs is deeply appreciated. There is no doubt you will continue to succeed as you help those at the heart of our military mission! Although we will miss our direct connection, we will all continue to be a part of the same purpose. We will be in touch through this transition and into the future. We are proud to have been a part of each of your professional lives! CONGRATULATIONS Lackland AFB Airman & Family Readiness Center AF A&FRC Program of the Year! “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” ~ Pericles and Luke AFB Family Child Care AF FCC Program of the Year! Calling all Airman & Family Readiness Center (A&FRC) Consultants! Are you Thinking about doing “The Deid?” You’ve seen the announcements on the Air Force Family Integrated Results Statistical Tracking System (AFFIRST) - you’ve been TDY and have seen the recruitment slides, but you’re still not sure. Should you put your name in the hat for a chance to deploy to the Airman Readiness Center (ARC) at Al Udeid? We think so! Currently, AETC has TWO civilian assets assigned to the Al Udeid ARC. Ms. Sandra Gray from the A&FRC at Luke AFB, and Mr. Rick Tomaskovic from the Goodfellow A&FRC! They are consultants who are making a difference! They’ve put together a Top Ten list about why others should consider a deployment to “The Deid”: 10) This could be you!! 9) During down time, there is lots to do! 8) It’s like a cruise in many ways: Has its up and downs but once on board, there’s no going back! Best of all…there is free DFAC (dining facility) which supplies food all day long. 7) If the DFAC is not your thing, Dairy Queen, Arby’s, Taco Bell, Subway, Burger King, and Pizza Hut are here too! 6) You’ll make a lot of new friends and maybe even run into some old ones! 5) The Cadillac will become your biggest daily challenge. 4) No need to think about what to wear every day, your wardrobe is planned! 3) Can you say, “lots of sunshine”. No kidding, there are two pools on base! 2) The Community Readiness Consultation concept is in action and allows an awesome opportunity to provide various services from finance questions to reintegration, pre-separation counseling appointments, resume questions and lots of outreach! 1) The opportunity to experience the military deployment cycle will bring you a great deal of satisfaction and a better understanding of not only what the A&FRC is all about, but offers excellent insight to the deployment cycle – you’ll have first-hand experience when working with your pre and post deployment customers! From your AETC/A1SA TEAM, THANK YOU to ALL AETC A&FRC RNCOs and Civilians for serving in the AOR – you are truly making a great difference! 2012 ANNUAL AFRC AWARDS The 2011 AETC Heart Link Program of the Year Award was recognized at this year’s AETC Symposium in January. The Airman & Family Readiness Center at Goodfellow AFB, TX is recognized for their innovative ways of reaching the Air Force’s newest spouses. The idea is to help spouses understand the Air Force mission and culture. The Pictured left to right: Gen Edward A. Rice, Jr, award recognizes the A&FRC’s HQ AETC/CC, Col Paul A. Bugenske, 17 MSG/ CC, and CMSgt James Cody, HQ AETC/CCC accomplishment in reaching that goal, while encouraging innovation and that extra initiative it takes to build a diverse program that contributes to the overall mission. On behalf of the A&FRC, Col Paul A. Bugenske, 17 MSG/CC accepted the award. The 2011 AETC Key Spouse Award Winner is Ms. Mary K. Anderson from the 455 FTS, Pensacola FL. Each year, the winner demonstrates they have established a solid Key Spouse program within their unit. This year’s recipient is recognized by her leadership for the outstanding accomplishments and contributions provided to families, Pictured left to right: Gen Edward A. Rice, Jr, HQ AETC/CC, Mary Anderson, Key Spouse, which have also helped to build 455th Flying Training Squadron, and CMSgt cohesion. Ms. Anderson is recJames Cody, HQ AETC/CCC ognized for her selfless dedication not only to the 455 FTS, but to the Pensacola community as a whole! She was able to join us in January at the AETC Symposium to receive this highly deserved award. Around the Bases... 6 The Glampire Gala – A Pampered Affair Is By Ms. Alicia J. Ballor – 97 FSS Marketing Director 14 FSS Leads With HEART By Jana Hall, 14 Force Support Squadron On Valentine’s Day, Columbus AFB’s 14th Force Support Squadron, along with Colonel Scott Frickenstein, Commander, 14th Mission Support Group, kicked off a new “HEART” customer service initiative to tie in with the ongoing Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) program. The revamped customer service campaign stems from Colonel Frickenstein’s commentary in the Dec. 16 edition of the base newspaper in which he states, “H-E-A-R-T captures what each member of the 14th Mission Support Group aims to provide each of our customers: a Helpful attitude, Eye contact and an Audible welcome when you come into our facilities, Respect, and Thanks for being our guest.” Each employee wears a pin that says “I have HEART” and is encouraged to hand out business cards setting out our promise to each customer: a helpful attitude to meet their needs; eye contact that says, “I value you, and I am listening”; an audible greeting to customers as they enter the office/facility; respect in treating each as we would want to be treated; and a “thank you” for doing business with us. The cards also encourage patrons to log onto our Web site, use the ICE program and let us know how we are doing in servicing their needs. As an additional benefit, folks who want to share their input are driven to the event marketing on www.cafbfssrocks.com. Plans are in the works for a secret shopper program offering employee incentive prizes for those who best present the essence of HEART to our patrons, along with a revitalized customer incentive program for those who offer their feedback on ICE. H.E.A.R.T. there a woman who doesn’t like to be pampered? Even just a little? That was our goal at Club Altus on October 20th. Well, that and to get everyone in the Halloween spirit for our Hallowscream Bash later that month! Weeks of planning culminated in one four-hour event that was a huge hit. Women walked away satisfied, and asking when the next Girl’s Night Out would be. Mother’s Day, maybe?! Club Manager, Ms. Marlene Diaz, got to work straight away decorating the Club ballroom in shades of red and black. Red and black balloon arches greeted the ladies as they made their way into the event, red and black tablecloths covered every surface. The stage was artfully decorated with more balloons and streamers in white and silver, providing a proper display area for the many gifts donated for door prizes. Sheer gauze hung from crystal chandeliers, creating an ambiance unparalleled. Mr. Nate Covington, the Club Altus Catering Manager, outdid himself with the dazzling array of finger foods and appetizers, displayed on platters and in bowls with white wisps of smoke drifting all around, giving the aura of an old-time horror moving. He certainly succeeded in showing off just what Club Altus has to offer in the way of catering services. As ladies entered, they were handed their goody bags, valued at over $60, and used those to carry and hold all the excitement they were sure to get as the night wore on. For some, the goody bags weren’t near roomy enough for the many purchases they made. Scentsy boxes, Joyce Miranda make-ups, jewelry from Lia Sophia, Mary Kay bags and more could be seen around the room as the ladies mingled, chatted and enjoyed a night out that was just for them. Other ladies didn’t merely purchase items, they got their eyebrows waxed, bangs trimmed, hands massaged and tried on shoes. For four solid hours, these ladies were given every luxury we could think of. They did more than merely walk around and shop, we sent them on a scavenger hunt too! In their event guides, was the name of every vendor at the Glampire Gala. Their job was to have each vendor sign off their guide after they’d seen what that vendor had to offer. Afterward, they brought their guide to the Marketing Table, where they were registered for our distribution lists and entered to win the grand prize – a bracelet from Lia Sophia valued at $130. And what party would be complete without good music? Mr. Covington doubled as DJ, providing the soundtrack for the night. Occasionally, Ms. Diaz would break into the music to make her way around the event, talking to the vendors oohing and ahhhing over the cupcakes being sold by Babycakes Bakery and even trying on a pair of Vibram Five-Finger shoes. And she gave away prizes, of course. All in all, the ladies enjoyed themselves greatly. Pre-sales were a huge success with some ladies buying tickets for their entire offices, husbands buying tickets for wives or girlfriends coming in to get their tickets together. It’s safe to assume that our next event will be even greater now that the community knows what kind of party Club Altus can throw – especially one that’s all for the ladies! DRIVE-IN MOVIE By Amy Morris, 42 FSS Marketing and Publicity Maxwell AFB families experienced an old fashion tradition Friday, Nov. 14 when the Cypress Tree Golf Course hosted a drive-in movie right on the driving range. The early fall weather was just right for outdoor movie viewing as more than 60 adults and children from Maxwell and Gunter bundled up with coats and blankets and settled back in golf carts to watch the family friendly movie “Cars 2” on a giant blow up screen. Attendees snacked throughout the movie on hotdogs, popcorn and sodas available for purchase from the golf course. Maxwell Air Force Base Annual Retiree Appreciation Day By Amy Morris, Marketing and Publicity Veterans enjoy bingo at Retiree Day Retirees were honored for their service Friday, November 18 at Maxwell AFB. This base-wide event brought in more than one thousand retirees from all over the Montgomery and surrounding areas. The Maxwell Clinic provided free health screenings, blood pressure checks and flu shots. A lunch of hotdogs and hamburgers fresh off the grill was provided for retirees and their guests and a delicious cake was served for dessert. Numerous veterans enjoyed playing bingo and meeting fellow retirees. More than thirty lucky recipients won door prizes which included items such as spa treatments, ballet tickets, rounds of golf, tickets to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, one-year subscription to the Montgomery Advertiser newspaper and many local restaurant and store gift certificates. Several vendors from on and off base attended the event to show their support and inform retirees of the many benefits available to them in the local area. No Federal Endorsement of Sponsors Intended 7 Around the Bases... Whodunit at the Harlequin By Deyanira Romo Rossell, 502 FSS Marketing, Joint Base San Antonio, Fort Sam Houston Who killed Mrs. Boyle? The real question is who wouldn’t kill Mrs. Boyle? The annoying old bitty is rude, arrogant and nosy, played perfectly by Rose CohenBrown who starred in “The Mousetrap.” Based on a short story written by British author Agatha Christie, “The Mousetrap” played to sold out crowds at the Harlequin Dinner Theatre on Fort Sam Houston. “It has been exhilarating to work with such a talented cast for this play,” said Robert Olivas, Harlequin Dinner Theatre director. “Their hard work has made for a successful run with audiences packing the Harlequin to enjoy dinner and a great murder mystery,” he added. “The Mousetrap” is set in the 1950’s. In true Christie-form, seven characters are suspects, each harboring a mysterious side. Matthew Tejeda-Garcia and Emily Sanders play Giles and Mollie Ralston, innkeepers who welcome four new guests, including Mrs. Boyle. Miss Casewell played by Sara Christiansen, Major Metcalf played by Pete Sanchez and Mr. Wren, played by Ritchie Diego Valenzuela, also check in to Monkswell Manor. Snowed in, the group finds out from the local newspaper that a murderer is on the loose in town and all leads indicate he is one of the guests staying at the very inn owned by the Ralstons. It isn’t long before Detective Sgt. Trotter, played by Mollie Gilley, skis in to solve the mystery. “We are seeing more and more troops at our productions at the Harlequin. We are thrilled to offer them this high quality entertainment as they take a little bit of time to relax,” said Olivas. The longest running play of any kind, Christie’s “The Mousetrap” has been performed in more than 40 countries. Traditionally, the audience is asked not to reveal the twist ending so as not to spoil the play for future audiences. The Harlequin will begin packing the house again for a new production, “A Few Good Men,” which will run from May 10 to June 9. The Harlequin Dinner Theatre is on Harney Road, Building 2652. The number to the historic theater is (210) 222-9694. Photos. Left: The Proprietor of Monkswell Manor, Mollie Ralston (Emily Sanders) and Detective Sgt. Trotter have a cliffhanger moment in the “The Mousetrap,” an Agatha Christie whodunit playing at the Harlequin Dinner Theatre; Middle: Major Metcalf (Pete Sanchez) arrives at Monkswell Manor and is greeted by Mollie Ralston (Emily Sanders), a sweet proprietor, who could also be a murderer; Right: Monkswell Manor proprietor, Giles Ralston (Matthew Tejeda-Garcia) greets Mrs. Boyle (Rose Cohen-Brown) at his inn, which quickly becomes a murder scene in the Harlequin Dinner Theatre’s production of “The Mousetrap.” Academic Building, continued from page 4 and-out processing. The SAC features a total of 59,521 square feet, with every inch devoted to providing service members with choices in entertainment, relaxation, dining and even creative endeavors. “The eastern portion of the Student Activity Center is a three-story club reflecting a ‘Dave & Busters’-style atmosphere,” said Justin Kurz, the project engineer with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Fort Sam Houston, who is the lead on the project. The bottom floor of the SAC, Level 0, will have a large open dance floor, DJ area, large beverage station, and substantial seating as well as an outdoor patio with more seating and an area for live bands to perform, both inside and outside. The building’s service facilities, including a loading dock, walk-in refrigerators and coolers, mechanical and electrical rooms, restrooms, and IT rooms, as well as an employee break room, is located on this level. Level 1 will house a 10,000-square-foot gaming area including billiards, foosball, a gaming lounge with arcade games, as well as Wii, Xbox and Playstation. “Level 1 is the primary ‘at-grade’ level that has the combined function of club and multi-purpose student activities,” Kurz said. Level 1 also will have musical instrument checkout and practice rooms, a mini-theatre exterior covered patio overlooking both the lower level patio, and a fullservice kitchen, food court and coffee bar area. Service members also will enjoy a large living room/lounge area with couches, chairs, and televisions, a multipurpose room for crafts, meetings, and miscellaneous student functions. Finally, outside on Level 1, troops will be able to hang out and relax on the large exterior front porch. “I’m excited to provide such a fun atmosphere for the students away from their daily grind of getting into formation, going to classes and doing PT,” Kurz said. “Here, they can kick back and relax. It is right in the middle of the campus. So, they’ll have a place to go right across the street from their classrooms as soon they get out of class,” he added. Level 2 includes a 1,677-square-foot outdoor “rooftop” patio area and beverage station. A 7,600-square-foot student business center, adminis- trative support offices, a “cybrary,” and chaplain’s offices round out this level. The new SAC will host the popular ethnic celebrations that were held yearly at the Hacienda, and will allow the shows to go on including the Festival of the Arts and Operation Rising Star, also big hits at the old facility. The facilities will go up at the corner of Garden and Corporal Johnson Roads directly in front of Smith Hall and Anderson Hall. Part of the Base Realignment and Closure process, the new facility is set to accommodate the influx of students training at Fort Sam Houston. At any given day, as many as 7,000 new trainees make the post home at least for a little while. The SAC, Building 1477, will cost $19,945,620 and is slated for completion Feb. 24, 2013, with an opening date of April 11, 2013. The ASB, Building 1467, will cost of $10,739,245, and is expected to be completed on Jan. 20, 2013, with an opening date of March 21, 2013. Congratulations to the Team at Maxwell’s Cypress Tree Golf Course for being recognized as one of Play Golf America’s Top 100 Performers in 2011! A total of 32 PGA Sections are represented, with 19 PGA/LPGA Professionals appearing for a second consecutive year, while three charitable organizations, including The First Tee, are represented. The PGA conducts an analysis using an objective formula measuring performance results for Get Golf Ready, junior golf/PGA Sports Academy, Free Lesson Month, Free Fitting & Trade-Up Month, Family Golf Month, and women’s golf. All of the recipients were recognized at the 59th PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, FL. Congrats to Ricky Magers and the entire Cypress Tree GC team! 8 8 Around the Bases... Maxwell Community Library Moves To New Home! By Amy Morris, Marketing and Publicity Maxwell Community Library opened the doors to their new home Monday, November 28 in building 910 on Shumacher Avenue. The new location allows for the library to grow from approximately 7,800 square feet to 13,484 square feet. The library’s interior received brand new shelving, carpet and furniture for its many different sections. There are even plans for a coffee shop on the library’s main floor. One of the main additions to the library is the separate rooms allocated to children of different ages. The glass walls surrounding each room allow patrons to see what is going on inside each section while the doors insure a quite atmosphere. Each section has special features designed to appeal to kids of all ages. The youth area features a wonderful interactive sculpture called “The Learning Tree” that reaches from floor to ceiling. This hollow structure invites children to walk into its trunk, sit on a toadstool and read a favorite book. The teen area includes flat screen televisions and Nintendo Wii game systems guaranteed to be a hit. The library also provides an updated media room and two conference rooms that are available to base personnel for meetings and events. A ribbon cutting ceremony for the new library was held Thursday, December 8 and provided refreshments, entertainment and activities for all base personnel and their families. U.F.O TAKES OFF AT MAXWELL By Amy Morris, Marketing and Publicity Maxwell AFB’s FamCamp and Base Lakes hosted the annual Ultimate Family Outing (UFO) Friday, September 30. More than 300 people attended the event that provided many family friendly activities and overnight camping. To kick off the event, staff members were on hand to help families pitch their tents while canoes were available for people to take quite evening rides out onto the lake. Children enjoyed jumping in a giant bouncy castle, sliding down the huge blow up slide and taking turns at the paintball station. One of the biggest attractions was a water balloon sling shot competition where kids tried to hit “Captain Jack”, a staff member dressed as a pirate. Kids took great enjoyment in trying to pelt Jack with water balloons as he took refuge in his pirate clad jon boat. Dinner was provided by Papa John’s Pizza, and at dusk families were treated to a movie under the stars. Everyone enjoyed watching the movie “Gnomeo and Juliet” on a giant blow up screen while snacking on popcorn. After the movie families roasted hotdogs and smores over the campfire while the second movie, “Mars Needs Moms” was set up. In the morning, overnight campers were treated to Krispy Kreme donuts, a variety of juices, milk and coffee. No Federal Endorsement of Sponsor Intended Nathan’s Cart Rolls Out Taste of New York By Deyanira Romo Rossell, 502 FSS Marketing If patriotism had a taste, it would be a warm frankfurter in a bun covered with mustard and ketchup. In the case of Nathan’s Famous Frankfurters, add sauerkraut for a Coney Island-style dog or peppers for a Chicago-style dog. Not just an ordinary hot dog will do for the troops on Fort Sam Houston. So, Nathan’s Famous, or as they say, “more than just the best hot dog,” is rolling off the cooker at the Sam Houston Community Center. “The Nathan’s cart is especially attractive to people from the East Coast, like New York and Chicago. They immediately recognize the brand and get excited. It takes them home,” said Manuel Valdez, director of the Sam Houston Community Center. Valdez, a native of San Antonio is accustomed to “carne asadas” or barbecues, but is now also a huge fan of Nathan’s hot dogs. Since the Lone Star State and San Antonio are known in particular for their spicy foods, Valdez and his team have put a Texas twist on Nathan’s, the Warrior Dog. Covered in jalapeños, onions and chili, the Warrior Dog is not for the sensitive pallet. “The Warrior Dog is a big hit with those troops who want a spicier frankfurter,” Valdez said. It’s no surprise however, that the Armed Forces favorite is the AllAmerican Dog, which leaves the toppings to the consumer. Since the Nathan’s cart started serving frankfurters on Fort Sam last July, about 5,000 have been sold to the troops. “I’ve been waiting for the community center to re-open because it is in walking distance. It’s nice to have a great place to eat here now,” said Sgt. Marie Hinkle, sinking her teeth into one of Nathan’s famous all beef hot dogs at the grand opening of the cart. The cart’s home, the Sam Houston Community Center, has been remodeled and also offers a pool table, gaming, Wi-Fi and a game room. Most recently, the dogs were part of the Super Bowl celebration at the Sam Houston where about 500 student service members spread out to watch the big game on the sixteen 70-inch LCD TVs and two projectors there. The cart purchased for Fort Sam by HQ AETC Services, also goes to the action, including the Combatives Tournaments at the Jimmy Brought Fitness Center, the 502nd Force Support Squadron Back to School Bash at the Keith A. Campbell Memorial Library and the 232nd Medical Battalion’s Commander’s Cup in a field next to their headquarters. The Nathan’s cart also was also the center of attention for the March Final Four Championship party and celebrations for the 4th of July and Memorial Day festivities. Nathan’s Famous was founded by a Polish immigrant, Nathan Handwerker, in 1916 with a small hot dog stand in Coney Island, New York. He sold hot dogs that were manufactured based on a recipe developed by his wife, Ida. Today, they are served in all 50 states at 40,000 food service and retail outlets, including Fort Sam Houston, Texas where troops and their families have come to love a little taste of Coney Island. 9 Around the Bases... Militar y Saves Week On Tue, Feb 21, Team Goodfellow celebrated the kick-off of the Military Saves Campaign at the Event Center. Representatives from the Airman & Family Readiness Center (A&FRC), 1st Community Federal Credit Union, Money Management International, Base Legal, DECA/Commissary and the USAA Educational Foundation were present to answer questions and provide material. Military Saves Week included unit briefs, credit report reviews, personal financial counseling, and workshops all in an effort to promote financial awareness. Savers took the pledge and committed to over $263,000 dollars in saving goals. On Wed, Feb 22, representatives from the A&FRC and 1st Community Federal Credit Union visited the Child Development Center and School Age Program for the Military Saves Week Campaign. Children at the Child Development Center (CDC) were treated to some fun songs about money and a story while the School Age Program (SAP) children were visited by Arnie Dillo from 1st Community Federal Credit Union! The Coupon Savers Contest was a huge success with a total $1,226.75 saved toward reducing the family grocery bill. Olivia Campos won 1st Place saving $551.86, 2nd place to Rachel Preen saving $231.04, and 3rd place to Jennifer Rheaume saving $100.45. The Coupon Saver Contest ran from 19 Feb through 26 Feb. Military Saves Campaign events will continue through 10 Mar. Certified Financial Planners will be available to discuss retirement planning, trust funds, and more complex financial planning goals. Please contact A&FRC to register for any/all events. Servicemembers unable to attend the scheduled workshops can contact their unit or squadron Military Saves Representative to coordinate a workshop, counseling, or credit report review at their location. Any interested Commanders or First Sergeants can contact A&FRC via email, [email protected] or by calling 654-3893 for more information. For more information and to take the Saver Pledge visit www.militarysaves.org. No Federal Endorsement Intended MAXWELL AFB HOSTS DINNER AND BALLET ON THE GREEN By Amy Morris, Marketing and Publicity The stage was lit and excitement was in the air as the 42 FSS partnered with the Montgomery Ballet to host a free outdoor ballet for base personnel and families at Maxwell Officers’ Club Friday, October 14. Attendees were offered the chance to join the Maxwell Officers Club for an elegant gourmet dinner in the garden before the performance. White tablecloths adorned the tables as participants enjoyed a menu which included a special wine, port or champagne served with every course. The dinner was topped off with a dessert created just for the event called “Swan Cream Puffs”. The early fall weather was perfect for a night under the stars as approximately three hundred people spread their blankets in the club’s garden and unpacked picnic baskets in preparation for the Montgomery Ballet’s performance of “Ballet on the Green”. The crowd was welcomed by Ballet Artistic Director Elie Lazar and Ballet Executive Director Priscilla Crommelin-Ball and a wonderful night of dancing began. “I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next.” ~ Gilda Radner