KOSÉ Corporation Results of Operations Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010 April 30, 2010 Contents FY03/2010 Results of Operations FY03/2010 Results Overview Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan 2 FY03/2010 Results of Operations FY03/2010 Results of Operations Shinji Ishikura, Executive Director 3 FY03/2010 Results of Operations Trends in the Japanese Cosmetics Market Shipment value, Articles and Unit Prices (billion units) (trillion yen) 2.8 2.6 683 667 634 1.6 594 2.4 576 561 578 571 591 2004 2005 597 580 1.4 590 540 2.2 1.2 Number of articles (billion units) 2.0 Shipment value (trillion yen) Unit price (yen) 1.8 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (excluding import) 4 FY03/2010 Results of Operations Trends in the Japanese Cosmetics Market Comparison of KOSÉ and Industry Shipments (1997 = 100) 140 130 KOSÉ consolidated sales (within Japan) 124 120 110 100 90 Japanese cosmetics industry 92 80 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (excluding import) 5 FY03/2010 Results of Operations Consolidated Income Statement Highlights (1) FY03/2009 Ratio to net sales FY03/2010 Ratio to net sales (million yen) (%) (million yen) (%) YoY change (million yen) (%) 178,121 100.0 172,564 100.0 (5,556) (3.1) 45,279 25.4 44,468 25.8 (811) (1.8) SG&A expenses 120,538 67.7 117,964 68.3 (2,573) (2.1) Operating income 12,303 6.9 10,132 5.9 (2,170) (17.6) Ordinary income 12,017 6.7 10,832 6.3 (1,184) (9.9) Income before income taxes 11,261 6.3 9,418 5.5 (1,842) (16.4) 4,742 2.7 5,154 3.0 Net sales Cost of sales Net income Net income per share 81.55 yen 88.81 yen 412 8.7 7.26 yen 6 FY03/2010 Results of Operations Consolidated Income Statement Highlights (2) FY03/2009 (million yen) Net sales Cost of sales Gross profit SG&A expenses Ratio to net sales (%) FY03/2010 (million yen) Ratio to net sales (%) YoY change (million yen) (%) 178,121 100.0 172,564 100.0 (5,556) (3.1) 45,279 25.4 44,468 25.8 (811) (1.8) 132,841 74.6 128,096 74.2 (4,744) (3.6) 120,538 67.7 117,964 68.3 (2,573) (2.1) 8,640 37,749 5,287 43,843 2,744 4,333 17,939 4.9 4.8 20.7 3.1 25.8 1.6 2.5 9.8 (289) (1,951) 62 619 96 (26) (1,084) (3.4) 10.1 8,350 35,797 5,350 44,462 2,840 4,306 16,854 6.9 10,132 5.9 (2,170) (17.6) <Significant accounts> Advertising Sales promotion Freightage and packing Personnel Depreciation R&D Other Operating income 12,303 21.2 3.0 24.6 1.5 2.4 (5.2) 1.2 1.4 3.5 (0.6) (6.0) 7 FY03/2010 Results of Operations Consolidated Balance Sheet Highlights FY03/2009 Share FY03/2010 Share YoY change (million yen) (%) (million yen) (%) (million yen) 100,760 60.4 99,925 59.7 (835) 21,846 13.1 22,717 13.6 870 66,159 39.6 67,470 40.3 1,310 39,296 23.5 37,337 22.3 (1,958) 166,920 100.0 167,395 100.0 475 Current liabilities 37,199 22.3 35,643 21.3 (1,556) Noncurrent liabilities 25,252 15.1 24,213 14.5 (1,038) 62,452 37.4 59,857 35.8 (2,594) 104,468 62.6 107,538 64.2 3,069 98,676 59.1 101,385 60.6 2,708 166,920 100.0 167,395 100.0 475 Current assets Inventories Noncurrent assets Property, plant and equipment Total assets Total liabilities Total net assets Shareholders' equity Total liabilities and net assets 8 FY03/2010 Results of Operations Consolidated Cash Flow Highlights FY03/2009 FY03/2010 YoY change (million yen) (million yen) (million yen) Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 8,927 10,328 1,401 Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 1,865 (12,622) (14,487) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (5,183) (2,661) 2,522 4,972 (5,279) (10,251) Change in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 39,066 33,787 (5,279) 9 FY03/2010 Results of Operations Results by Business Segment (1) Net Net sales sales (Sales (Sales to to third third parties) parties) Segment FY03/2009 FY03/2010 (million yen) (million yen) Cosmetics 132,517 126,104 Cosmetaries 43,821 44,972 Other 1,782 1,487 YoY change (million yen) Share (%) (%) FY03/2009 FY03/2010 (6,412) (4.8) 74.4 73.1 1,151 2.6 24.6 26.0 (16.6) 1.0 0.9 (295) 10 FY03/2010 Results of Operations Results by Business Segment (2) Operating Operating income income (before (before elimination) elimination) Segment FY03/2009 FY03/2010 (million yen) (million yen) 14,572 11,890 Cosmetaries 136 585 Other 444 521 Cosmetics YoY change (million yen) Operating margin (%) (%) FY03/2009 FY03/2010 (18.4) 11.0 9.4 449 330.1 0.3 1.3 76 17.2 10.6 13.6 (2,682) 11 FY03/2010 Results of Operations Income Statement Forecasts FY03/2010 FY03/2011 (Forecast) (million yen) (million yen) 172,564 Net sales Cosmetics Cosmetaries Other Operating income Ordinary income Net income Net income per share Capital expenditure Depreciation 178,400 YoY change (%) 3.4 126,104 44,972 1,487 129,600 47,500 1,300 2.8 5.6 (12.6) 10,132 10,832 5,154 11,000 11,100 5,900 8.6 2.5 14.5 88.81 yen 6,463 5,891 101.64 yen 5,700 5,700 12 FY03/2010 Results Overview and Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Kazutoshi Kobayashi, President 13 FY03/2010 Results Overview Trends in the Japanese Cosmetics Market YoY Comparison of Industry Shipments in 2009 (Monthly basis) (%) 110 Shipment value Number of articles 100 90 80 Jan. 2009 Feb. 2009 Mar. 2009 Apr. 2009 May 2009 Jun. 2009 Jul. 2009 Aug. 2009 Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (excluding import) Sep. 2009 Oct. 2009 Nov. 2009 Dec. 2009 14 FY03/2010 Results Overview FY03/2010 Results Overview Consolidated sales: 172.5 billion yen down 3.1% YoY (excluding foreign exchange impact: down 1.8%) Cosmetics - The environment remained harsh "High Prestige" market and domestic "Prestige " market - Revenues in overseas markets increased in the double digits (local currency basis) Cosmetaries - Sales remained steady in 4Q and increased on an annual basis 15 FY03/2010 Results Overview Cosmetics Business (1) From top left: COSME DECORTE AQ MELIORITY From left: ADDICTION EYE SHADOW, MOISTURE LIPOSOME, ETERNIA SUR FOUNDATION, LIPSTICK, EYELINER PENCIL WHITELOGIST SPOTS CONCENTRATION 16 FY03/2010 Results Overview Cosmetics Business (2) From left: GRANDAINE LUXAGE Medicated SEKKISEI SUN PROTECTOR BRIGHT LIFTING FOUNDATION, BRIGHT LIFTING LIQUID FOUNDATION, CONCEALER 17 FY03/2010 Results Overview Cosmetaries Business From top left: KOKKO MAMA Sunscreen Gel, COSMAGIC, SALON STYLE PRECIOUS HEAD SPA Conditioner A (air in smooth) and Hair Treatment Mask, SOFTYMO Sara-Sara Powder Sheet and White Cleansing Oil N Refill From top: HAPPY BATH DAY Precious Rose Body Steam Oil and Repair Rose Hair Mist (morning), FASIO Hyper-stay Mascara (curl long) and Shade Trick Eyes 18 FY03/2010 Results Overview Overseas Operations KOSÉ counter in department store in China COSME DECORTE counter in department store in Korea JILLSTUART Event in department store in Korea COSME DECORTE Skin Care Clinic (left: Hong Kong, right: Taiwan) KOSÉ directly-managed stores in Hong Kong, Introduction of Nature&Co at KOSÉ counter in department store in China 19 Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Medium-Term Management Plan Management Management Policies Policies Rebuilding the cosmetics business in Japan Reinforcing overseas operations Entering new business fields Upgrading the Group’s overall strengths 20 Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Medium-Term Management Plan 1. Strengthen the foundations of domestic businesses Eliminate waste and strengthen the counseling business 2. Cultivate brands Grow brands that can also be successful in overseas markets Aiming to become a company with a global presence 21 Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Rebuilding the Cosmetics Business in Japan Optimize the brand portfolio - Simplified the brand system - Strengthening the counseling business - Creation of valuable brands (Propose new customer value ) High Prestige Prestige Self Selection 22 Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Rebuilding the Cosmetics Business in Japan Launch COSME DECORTE CYCLIC-KEY and AQ FACIAL PURE OIL N in May 2010 SEKKISEI’s 25th anniversary Update AWAKE’s brand image 23 Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Rebuilding the Cosmetics Business in Japan Making stores selling KOSÉ products more appealing as select stores/ Building more powerful sales system - Review of marketing costs - Establishment of support centers - Efficient reallocation of sales branches Concentration of resources Concentration of resources Strengthen Strengthen appeal appeal of of stores stores Deepen Deepen relationship relationship with with vendors vendors Improve Improve the the return return ratio ratio 24 Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Reinforcing Overseas Operations - Strengthening of global brands - Adding overseas brands through acquisitions and alliances - Establishing a presence in new overseas markets 25 Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Reinforcing Overseas Operations COSME DECORTE counter in department store in China April 2010 Launched SEKKISEI SUPREME FOUNDATION in 9 countries and regions outside Japan. Lower right: Event in department store in Singapore JILLSTUART directly-managed store in Hong Kong 26 Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Entering New Business Fields Business fields with expectations for expansion Entry into the male cosmetics markets February 2010 debut “adidas skin protection” 27 Progress in Medium-Term Management Plan Upgrading the Group’s Overall Strengths Improve operating efficiency and strengthen earnings Outsourcing of logistic activities Cut costs across the entire organization 28 These materials include estimates on the basis of the outlook on the future and plans as of April 30, 2010. Actual results may differ from these forecasts due to risks associated with economic trends and other items as well as to other uncertainties. KOSÉ Corporation accepts no responsibility whatsoever with regard to any possible mistakes, missing information and other errors in the data and text in these materials. These materials were prepared for the purpose of providing information concerning the finances, management strategies and other aspects of KOSÉ Corporation to assist in making investment decisions. This is not a solicitation to purchase securities issued by KOSÉ Corporation. Investors are cautioned not to rely solely on these materials when making investment decisions. Investors are asked to reach their own decisions regarding investments. KOSÉ Corporation assumes no responsibility whatsoever for problems, losses and damages of any type resulting from the use of these materials. 29
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