EXPRESS LINE - Georgia Food Industry Association
EXPRESS LINE - Georgia Food Industry Association
EXPRESS LINE T H E N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E G E O R G I A F O O D I N D U S T R Y A S S O C I AT I O N VOL. 14 NO. 3 Can We Count On You? INSIDE By Kathy Kuzava, GFIA President T he primary elections are behind us and I know we were all ready for a break from the political commercials, mail pieces and phone calls. By the time November hits and the calls come back with a vengeance, I may be rethinking the whole idea of a home phone! Election time also means many new legislators who will need to be educated on the grocery industry. With 236 legislators heading to Atlanta in January, and many new faces to meet, I am turning to you for help. New legislators will meet hundreds of lobbyists, and it is virtually impossible for them to know who they can count on for accurate information. As I represent GFIA, I compete with others as I tell our story. But I have a secret weapon…the greatest members in the world! This is where you come in. Everyone has to buy groceries. Do your local legislators shop in DON’T MISS IT! GFIA Board of Directors’ Fall Golf Tournament Thursday, September 25, 2014 WHITE OAK GOLF CLUB Newnan, Georgia Shotgun Start at 9am $10 raffle tickets for the chance to win fantastic prizes! Registration forms and more information available at Or Contact Michelle Boyer 678-654-3316 or [email protected] your store? Do their children go to school with your kids? Are you in the same Sunday school class? Is your accountant, attorney or insurance agent an elected official? Do you have any family connection to a legislator? You get the idea. Let me know your connection to your elected official. I can’t begin to tell you how much it helps me do my job! If you haven’t met your legislator, take the time to do so. Attend a rotary or chamber meeting. Or, better yet- invite your legislator to tour your business. When elected officials hear firsthand about the challenges of the WIC Program, or the difficulty of operating on very low margins, they are better equipped to make decisions that can help your business. Finally, make sure your legislator knows that you are an active member of the Georgia Food Industry Association. Let them know that I am your voice at the capitol. My goal is to “connect” every legislator with at least one of our members. Can we count on you? “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” This Edition State Election Preview Polls currently show Deal and Carter in a tight race for Governor. David Perdue faces off against Michelle Nunn for US Senate............. Page 3 Auction Success! Silent and live auctions brought in over $114,000 for the GFIA Education Foundation................. Page 4 Independent Retailer Education Seminar Ever wonder how your sales measure up or if your profit margins are on point with others?......................... Page 5 2014 Convention Review Education, networking, and just plain fun. Thanks to all who attended........ Page 8 2014 GFIA Legacy Award Each year the GFIA gives out the Legacy Award to someone who has gone above and beyond to make a difference..... Page 9 LEG I SL AT I V E U PDATE Primary Election Results - July 22, 2014 July 22,Run-Off 2014 Primary Run-Off Election Results Candidates November Election United States Senate Rep. J.H. 'Jack' Kingston David A. Perdue 49.12% 50.88% Perdue will face Michelle Nunn United States Representative District 1 (R) E.L. Buddy Carter Robert E. 'Bob' Johnson 53.81% 46.19% United States Representative District 1 (D) Brian Corwin Reese Amy L. Tavio 63.09% 36.91% E.L. Buddy Carter will face Brian Corwin Reese in the General Election United States Representative District 10 (R) M. A. 'Mike' Collins Jody B. Hice 45.68% 54.32% United States Representative District 11 (D) R.L. 'Bob' Barr Barry D. Loudermilk Hice will face Kenneth Dious 33.94% 66.06% Loudermilk is unapposed in November and is the new U.S. Representative for District 11 50.44% 49.56% Black will face Bikram Mohanty 47.02% 52.98% Martin will face Timothy Swiney State Senator District 8 (R) C. Ellis Black John P.Page State Senator District 9 (R) Michael A. 'Mike' Beaudreau P.K. Martin State Senator District 16 (R) M.H. 'Marty' Harbin David J. Studdard 59.63% 40.37% Harbin is unapposed in November and is the new State Senator for District 16 39.01% 60.99% Jones is unapposed in November and is the new State Senator for District 22 33.82% 66.18% Williams is unapposed in November and is the new State Senator for District 27 State Senator District 22 (D) Corey L. Johnson Harold V. Jones II State Senator District 27 (R) Jack Murphy Michael E. Williams 2 “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” LEG I SL AT I V E U PDATE General Election Preview - General Election is November 4 The Governor’s Race: Deal vs. Carter Different Politics Familiar Names The Republican Party will Governor Nathan Deal is set to square off against Senator Jason Carter in the November general election. Polls currently show the two candidates in a tight race vying for Georgia’s top spot. Who will take the election in November? Only time will tell! Jason Carter Nathan Deal Current Governor Nathan Deal is no stranger to politics and has been serving Georgia as an elected official since 1980. Before serving Georgia as Governor, Deal held seats as a state Senator and U.S. Representative representing the Gainesville area. While serving as Governor, Deal has cut state taxes, increased public safety for our waterways, reformed the criminal justice system to be more cost efficient, as well as reducing the size of state government. Jason Carter, the grandson of President Jimmy Carter, will carry on tradition as the democratic nominee for Governor. Carter currently serves in the Georgia Senate, and believes that education is one of the most important issues. During his time as Senator, Carter fought for public education and helped protect the HOPE scholarship. He also supported the Safe Carry Protection Act. As well as being a Senator, Carter serves on the board of many organizations including Hands on Atlanta, the Georgia Bar Association and the Carter Center. try to hold on to the coveted U.S. Senate seat as republican nominee David Perdue faces off against the democratic nominee Michelle Nunn. Both candidates, come into this election without a political background, and both have led strong careers in executive positions. These factors bode for an interesting election come November. While the two differ on policy, the family tradition of politics is one thing they have in common! based projects, and has lived and worked in Europe and Asia in the past. These travels have allowed Perdue to gain knowledge on the global economy. Michelle Nunn, daughter of former Senator Sam Nunn is seeking her first political office as the democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate. U.S. Senate Race: Perdue vs. Nunn P olitical newcomer and businessman David Perdue seeks his first political office as the republican nominee in the U.S. Senate Race. Michelle Nunn Nunn attended the University of Virginia for undergrad, and Harvard University where she earned a Master of Public Administration. She was the CEO of a nonprofit organization, Points of Light, before deciding to run for the U.S. Senate. President George W. Bush even appointed her to the National Council on Service and Civic Engagement. David Perdue As a Fortune 500 CEO of many companies, Perdue is known throughout the business community. His campaign has focused on Perdue’s job creation and valued leadership. Perdue has had many internationally “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” 3 E DUC AT I O N FOU N DAT I O N Auction Success! Convention attendees caught the wave this year, at the “Surf’s Up” opening night party. The event was led by a team that knows how to catch a wave - the GFIA Trustees! O ur Trustee team, under the direction of Auction Chairman Donna Garcia, Jana Artesian & Mivela Sparkling Waters, sold a number of great items to raise “Dollars for Scholars!” Their efforts were a big success, as the silent and live auctions brought in over $114,000! We would like to give a huge thanks to our generous donor companies that continue to help make educational dreams come true! We sincerely appreciate the retailers who take the time out of their busy schedules to host some of our live auction events. Thank you to Bruce Lucia, Ruben Fernandez, Mike Faulk, Mark Koschwitz of The Kroger Company, and ALL of our independent retailers who participated in the “End Caps for Education” program. A very special thanks also goes to Publix Super Markets Charities for their $15,000 donation to the Foundation, which is a $5,000 increase from last year! The AJC also helped rake in an additional $20,000 for their presold Ads to The Kroger Company benefiting the Foundation. 4 Thank you to the following companies who spent big bucks at the Live Auction which helps GFIA increase the amount of annual scholarship funding! Fly Fishin’ with Kroger - Mike Faulk and Mark Koschwitz Donated by: United Distributors, Inc. Abita Brewing Company Purchased By: Frito-Lay/PepsiCo Pepsi Beverages Co/PepsiCo Weekend with Ruben Fernandez Donated by: United Distributors, Inc. Biltmore Estates Winery Purchased By: Heineken USA Dinner with Bruce Donated By: Mercer Estates Winery / The Kroger Company Purchased By: Coca-Cola Refreshments / Snyder’s-Lance, Inc. End Caps for Education Donated By: GFIA Independent Retailers Purchased By: Flowers Foods Braves Training Weekend Donated by: D.G. Yuengling & Sons, Inc. Purchased By: On The Border Retail Products “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” E DUC AT I O N FOU N DAT I O N Independent Education Seminar Save the Date - October 2nd! E ver wonder how your sales measure up to others? Are your profit margins on point with other independent stores in GA? Get the answer to all of these questions and more! Join Mark Ehleben from FMS as he presents attendees with information about the independent market in Georgia. For the past 20 years FMS has been providing financial information and benchmarks for the independent grocer. FMS will present highlights from the 2014 NGA Independent Operator’s Financial Survey while also looking at how participating independent supermarket operators in Georgia compare to the national averages. Of course, attendees will also get the latest information on WIC / SNAP / 2015 Legislative Preview. The independent retailer seminars are a unique gathering Who: Open to ALL Independent Retailers When: Thursday, October 2nd, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Where: MillerCoors Albany Brewery Cost: FREE! Includes lunch! RSVP by: September 22nd to Brenda Stone, [email protected] More agenda details to follow! where grocers can come together and learn of the latest news affecting their businesses. Thank you to our generous sponsors: Now Accepting Trustee Applications! Are you interested in step- ping up your leadership role in GFIA? The Board of Trustees might be what you are looking for. This dedicated group is in charge of leading the GFIA Education Foundation, which is committed to bringing valued services and educational tools to GFIA members. Trustee applications will be accepted until October 31st. If you have further ques- tions about what being a trustee is all about, please contact Jacqueline Byrd or Kathy Kuzava. Annual voting for new trustees will take place in November and be announced in March. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this outstanding team! Need an Application? Visit or contact Brenda Stone, [email protected] 2 014 -2 015 B OA R D & T R US T E E S 2014-2015 GFIA Board of Directors 2014-2015 GFIA Education Foundation Trustees Chairman: Verlin Reece, Quality Foods, Inc. Chairman: Donna Garcia, Jana Artesian & Mivela Sparkling Waters Vice Chairman: Jeff Downing, Foothills IGA Vice Chairman & Silent Auction Chairman: Jimmy Tryon, Empire Distributors, Inc. Treasurer: Greg Crook, Crook’s, Inc. Past Chairman: Greg Edenfield, Wayfield Foods DIRECTORS Treasurer: Danny Dunbar, Snyder’s-Lance, Inc. As inducted at the 2014 Convention (*indicates a new Board Member) Preston Brinson, SpartanNash Company Dave Black, Northeast Sales, Inc. As inducted at the 2014 Convention (* indicates a new Trustee) Secretary: Tim Crain, Pro–Form Group, LLC Jack Carlile, SUPERVALU INC Mike Coggins, Sherwood Food Distributors *Tom Coogle, Reynold’s Foodliner, Inc. Joe DiBenedetto, Publix Super Markets, Inc. Stan Dilworth, Dill’s Food City, Inc. Ron Edenfield, Wayfield Foods Randy Gentry, RBG Foods Larry Higdon, Ira Higdon Grocery Company Matthew Insolia, Snyder’s – Lance, Inc. *Jamey Leseueur, All American Quality Foods Jerry McCann, Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Bob McTeir, MDI *Jimmy Purvis, J.H. Harvey Company, LLC John Rutledge, Coca-Cola Refreshments Skip Vaughan, Pepsi Beverages Company/PepsiCo Joel Veatch, Ellaville Piggly Wiggly Jim Warren, Associated Grocers of the South, Inc. David Wells, The Kroger Company Darrell Wiley, J & J Foods, Inc. Teross Young, Delhaize America, LLC 6 TRUSTEES Scott Blackwell, Trinchero Family Estates Todd Collins, Publix Super Markets, Inc. Kent Driscoll, Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Mike Faulk, The Kroger Company Keri Fritz, MillerCoors *Michael Gay, Food Fresh Mike Givens, Atlanta Beverage Company Vernon Kelly, General Produce Joe Lambert, United Distributors, Inc. *Chad Ledbetter, Heineken USA Jamie Leggiero, Pepsi Beverages Company/PepsiCo Bill Methvin, Wrightsville Piggly Wiggly Lynn Micale, Mondelez International Lisa Overman, J.H. Harvey Co., LLC Mike Parrott, Colorado Boxed Beef Company *Barry Thompson, Flowers Foods Bob Wade, La Tortilla Factory John West, West Foods Caryn Woolley, Frito-Lay/PepsiCo “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” EVENT PRODUCERS Lights-Camera-Action! Welcome Back... the “Producers”! W WELCOME NEW GFIA MEMBERS e need your help! As the of YOU! That’s right! This gives Georgia Food Industry Associa- all members, including spouses, tion continues to grow, so does the opportunity to work directly the need for more hands on deck! with a great team of GFIA leadIt takes many hours of volunteer ers, ensuring that all events are a work to make GFIA the success success. that it is today. It is with great If you are interested in steppleasure we welcome back…. ping up your membership comTHE PRODUCERS! mitment, this is a great way to Led by “Executive Producer” do so! Events such as ConvenJoe DiBenedetto, Publix Super tion, Fall Golf and the Holiday Markets, Inc., Joe looks forward Extravaganza are in need of cast to working with this great group and crew. Sign up today! in preparation for our Fall Golf Please contact Michelle and (CMYK; other 350 GFIA Boyer, [email protected], 4129_DAR_Ad Tournament NA_BKGD_HR.eps ppi; 100%), XX_Responsibility_H_KO.eps (26.71%) events held throughout the year. for more information on The Producers consist of an becoming a Producer! Executive Producer, three DirecB:7.25” tors in charge of specific events, T:7.25” and the cast and crew made up Certified Angus Beef Family General Inc. (DBA Piggly Wiggly) Homeland Stores Kenwood USA KYVAN Foods Lonerider Brewing Company S:6.75” T:4.75” S:4.25” ©2014 DOS EQUIS XX® Dos-A-Rita Flavored Beer. Cervezas Mexicanas, New York, NY SEA.14129_DAR_Ad NA.indd 1 4/7/14 12:14 PM CONVENTION Special Thanks to Our Convention Sponsors DIAMOND SPONSORS Anheuser - Busch, Inc. & The Georgia Wholesaler Family Atlanta Beverage / Eagle Rock Copa Di Vino D.G. Yuengling Kill Cliff Sparkling Ice GO ENERGY Atlanta Beverage / Eagle Rock Kona Brewery / Redhook Brewery Red Hare Brewing Bimbo Bakeries USA Coca-Cola Refreshments Colorado Boxed Beef Constellation Brands DIAGEO–Guinness USA E & J Gallo Winery Empire Distributors, Inc. C.Mondavi & Family Flowers Foods Frito-Lay / PepsiCo General Wholesale Beer Company Starr Hill Georgia Crown Distributing Company Heineken USA Kellogg’s MillerCoors Mondelez International National Distributing Company KOBRAND Fine Wine and Spirits PERNOD RICARD USA The Wine Group Nestle Waters North America Northeast Sales, Inc. Chateau Julien Wine Estate Highland Brewing Company North American Breweries Paulaner HP USA Northeast Sales, Inc. mike’s hard lemonade New Belgium Brewing Co. Terrapin Beer Co. Pabst Brewing Co. Pepsi Beverages Company / PepsiCo Piggly Wiggly Alabama Dist. Co. Seven Up Snapple / Dr Pepper Snapple Group Sunny Delight Vita Coco Sherwood Foods Snyder’s-Lance, Inc. SUPERVALU INC United Distributors, Inc. Abita Brewing Company mike’s hard lemonade Warsteiner Wise Foods Bunzl Golden Flake Snack Foods Kraft Foods Mayfield Dairy Farms On The Border Retail Products Publix Super Markets, Inc. Walmart GOLD SPONSORS Fetzer Vineyards Mercer Estates Winery Samuel Adams Pabst Brewing Company St. Killian Importing Vermont Hard Cider Company PLATINUM SPONSORS Blue Bell Creameries Cash Register Services, Inc. Dr Pepper Georgia Lottery Jana Artesian & Mivela Sparkling Waters The Kroger Company La Tortilla Factory Nestle USA SpartanNash Company TNG Western Union SILVER SPONSORS Associated Grocers of the South Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. Country Delite Farms, LLC. D.L. Lee & Sons Domino Foods, Inc. General Produce, Inc. GFIA Education Foundation Ira Higdon Grocery Company MDI Milo’s Tea Company Pepperidge Farm PepsiCo Warehouse Sales Riteway Sales & Marketing of GA Sunset Farm Foods, Inc. Warsteiner BRONZE SPONSORS Sierra Nevada Ballast Point Brewing & Spirits Delhaize America, LLC. Quality Foods Inc. Red Bull North America ◊ Denotes companies donating $10,000 or more in sponsorship. 8 “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” CONVENTION 2014 GFIA Legacy Award Each year the Georgia Food Industry Association presents the Legacy Award to those in our industry who have gone above and beyond to make a difference. C onvention attendees were delighted and surprised when GFIA President Kathy Kuzava received our industry’s highest honor. However, no one was more surprised than Kathy herself, who was told the award was being given to another GFIA member. After 25 years of service to the association, the Board of Directors made it clear that no one was more deserving of this award than Kathy. Membership Chairman Mike Coggins says, “If there was a dictionary describing the (L to R): Membership Chairman Mike Coggins, Sherwood qualities that a legacy award winB:8.75” Foods; Kathy Kuzava, GFIA; Chairman Verlin Reece, Quality Foods, Inc. ner should have, you would find a T:8.5” picture of Kathy by every definition.” Kathy began her grocery career as a part time cashier at Food Giant while still in high school. Upon graduating from college she took the position of Training Coordinator, responsible for writing and conducting training programs for more than 100 stores. When Food Giant left Atlanta, she was hired by SUPERVALU as Training Director and began to work with independent retailers. It did not take long for the independent grocers to see Kathy’s potential and the board of directors asked if S:7.25” T:5.35” S:4.75” DEW, MTN DEW, the MTN DEW Logo and the Mtn Dew Landscape are registered trademarks of PepsiCo, Inc. YGE175113 CONVENTION she would be interested in serving as president of what was then, The Georgia Grocers Association. Former GFIA Board Members agree that when Kathy took over, the Association was in need of strong leadership and direction. Soon after Kathy’s hiring, GFIA would rise to prominence as a power house, known for its political influence and first class events. Kathy has been recognized throughout the years by national industry groups such as The Food Marketing Institute and The National Grocers Association. Board member Ron Eden- field comments, “We went from a small struggling association, and today, we are considered one of the top industry associations in the country. I don’t think any of us envisioned that much success 25 years ago.” At the Capitol, where Kathy represents GFIA’s legislative interests, she has gained a great reputation among legislators and is considered to be a trustworthy and reliable source. House Majority Leader Larry O’Neal says, “Kathy possesses two of the most valuable traits of someone in governmental relations – honesty and intelligence. Kathy is and always will be one of the most trusted resources to Georgia government.” Chairman Verlin Reece says that “Kathy is a true visionary and everything she does is for the betterment of GFIA and those around her.” Under Kathy’s leadership, there is no doubt that the association has flourished. Because of her passion, drive and dedication Kathy has put forth the groundwork for an exceptional association that we expect will be around for years to come! Senator and former GFIA Board Member Jack Hill sums it up when he says, “I can think of no other person who has had a greater positive effect on the grocery industry in Georgia, than Kathy Kuzava.” And we couldn’t agree more. EVENTS Fall Golf Tournament, September 25th White Oak Golf Club Newnan, GA Independent Seminar, October 2nd MillerCoors Albany Brewery Holiday Extravaganza, December 4th The Cobb Galleria Centre Atlanta, GA For more information visit, (L to R): Kathy and Her Family - Wes and Kristen Clackum; Al, Kathy and Kevin Kuzava Want to Become a GFIA Member? Scan this code and apply TODAY! Ready-Set-Bag! T he annual Best Bagger contest, held July 10th in Amelia Island, FL, was full of excitement! Representatives from The Kroger Company, Publix Super Markets, Inc., J & J Foods and Quality Foods bagged like crazy for scholarship money and a chance to compete for the title of National Best Bagger at the NGA convention in Las Vegas! Congratulations to Kevin Davis, The Kroger Company. 10 “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” CONVENTION Larry and Cindy Higdon, Ira Higdon Grocery Company; Preston and Brenda Brinson, SpartanNash Company Skip Vaughan,Pepsi Beverages Company / PepsiCo; Glen & Nicole Wilkins, Walmart Randy Lamb, Dave Eaheart & Chad Ledbetter, Heineken USA Travis and Mindy Zeh, E & J Gallo Winery; Mike Faulk, The Kroger Company Bill Ambs and Tony NeSmith, Kellogg’s David Jones, United Distributors, Inc.; David Corso, Seven Up Snapple / Dr Pepper Snapple Group Jim and Margaret Warren, Associated Grocers of the South, Inc. Todd Collins, Publix Super Markets, Inc.; Tim Crain, Pro Form Group LLC Ralph Delgado & Danny Dunbar, Snyder’s-Lance, Inc. Shivan Daniels and Julie Barnes Scott, Bimbo Bakeries USA “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” 11 CONVENTION Jack Carlile, SUPERVALU INC; Jamey Leseueur, Food Depot Lou DeMarino, National Distributing Company; Andy Christon, Constellation Brands; Kevin Collins, National Distributing Company Mike and Lecia Parrott, Colorado Boxed Beef; Bob Wade, La Tortilla Factory Mickey Burch and Fred Caldwell, On The Border Retail Products Gary Rosser, Wise Foods; Karla and Mike Faulk, The Kroger Company Scott Boddie, D. G. Yuengling; Ruben Fernandez, The Kroger Company Jenna Wright and Aaron Parker, Frito-Lay / PepsiCo Billy and Melissa Wall, Abita Brewing Company 12 Joel Thompson and Kyle Boyer, Mercer Estates Winery John and Tasha West, West Foods “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” CONVENTION Dick and Carolyn Bennett, Riteway Sales & Marketing of GA Jason Tuggle and Morgan Soloman, Dr Pepper Jeff Downing, Foothills IGA; Rep. Tom McCall, Mike Coggins, Sherwood Foods Bob Overly, Kona Brewery / Redhook Brewery; Tom and Clarissa Robinson Jeff Weckback and Melanie LeBlanc, Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Scott Evans, Blue Bell Creameries; Darrell Caudell, Mayfield Dairy Farms Whitney and Ken Lohr, Sierra Nevada Tisa and Willard Fowler, Flowers Foods Brandon Barrow and Jim Murray, Bunzl Paul Carter and Mike Headley, Western Union “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” 13 CONVENTION Vernon Kelly, General Produce; Greg Edenfield, Wayfield Foods Keith Knight, Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc.; Jerry McCann and David Bullard, Piggly Wiggly Alabama Dist. Co. Lindsay Napier, Publix Super Markets, Inc.; Senator Renee Unterman; Joe DiBenedetto; Publix Super Markets, Inc. Angela Magnuson, Lisa and Trace Hohenstein, DIAGEO-Guinness USA Gerald Hawkins and Nick Montgomery, Georgia Crown Distributing Company Chris Crosby, Golden Flake Snack Foods; Phil Payment, Piggly Wiggly / Food World Debbie and Bob McTeir, MDI Shawn Valentine and Lynn Micale, Mondelez International Teresa Holder and Laura Byrd, Georgia Lottery Mike Givens, Atlanta Beverage Company; Don Faith, Publix Super Markets, Inc. 14 “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” CONVENTION Robb Finkey, Eagle Rock; Mike Weldon, Sparkling Ice; Leslie Peeples and Michael Hyle, Kill Cliff; Scott Wilkie, Atlanta Beverage Co. Congratulations to Coca-Cola Refreshments for winning the multiple Trade Show Booth Contest Congratulations to Empire Distributors, Inc. with Samuel Adams for winning the single Trade Show Booth Contest Bob Brower, Chateau Julien Wine Estate; Ruben Fernandez, The Kroger Company; Bobby Brower, Chateau Julien Wine Estate Justin Gwin, Joanna and John Cochran, Terrapin Beer Co. Tony Scavo, North American Breweries; Stephanie Bullock, TNG Randy Baker, Vermont Hard Cider Company; Karen Stinson and Kevin Kaseta, General Wholesale Beer Company Scott and Courtney Minot, GO ENERGY Len Fuller, Cash Register Services, Inc.; Jimmy and Karen Freeman, Freeman Foods Dan Kelly, Northeast Sales, Inc.; Tracy Dilworth, Dill’s Foods City “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” 15 EXPRESS LINE T H E N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E G E O R G I A F O O D I N D U S T R Y A S S O C I AT I O N VOL. 14 NO. 3 1260 Winchester Parkway, Suite 110, Smyrna, GA 30080-6546 “The Voice of the Food Industry in Georgia” “THE SOUTHEAST’S LEADING FOOD DISTRIBUTION NETWORK” Your Total Food Distributor 404-348-0001 Atlanta, GA Cleveland, OH Chicago, IL Detroit, MI Miami, FL Walton, KY
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