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View PDF - Twournal
ally evangelista's
Jun 2010 - Jun 2011
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Optimized for web, not recommended for print.
Rhode Island, LBI & Blue Hen for
life. Music, photography, & creativity
are what keep me going. #passion
Copyright © ally evangelista 2011
allyevangie's Twournal
Wed Jun 30
07:42am Sea sick ugghh
04:56pm Thanks for telling me people think I'm annoying @bevangelista
07:36pm Dancee partyyyyy
10:16pm Hiccups suck
10:53pm shawty
Thu Jul 01
03:08pm Stranded
07:07pm Antics!!!!!!!!
Fri Jul 02
12:55pm wowowowoww
ally evangelista
02:54pm @goldvera just ordered my graduation present - 28-135mm
lens from the one and only !
07:13pm @rmon667 it'll be over before you know it! Plus, the begininng
is always the hardest part!!
07:15pm Saying good bye to @kelseabearit nearly broke my heart
07:33pm @corrine_reed thank you!! have a good summer i'll be home
before its over!
09:24pm @spaquette51 thanks! @Andreas_Heck agreed and awesome
meeting you too! @kelseabearit vid chat me when you do!
Sat Jul 03
02:30am Just what I need for the start to our road trip! LBI see you in 4
hrs! (North Kingstown, RI)
03:56am Still waiting for Lil Mama to come out with some new music
04:02am Scones are like cookies for the morning @kelseabearit thank
09:04am @kelseabearit I suspect a rainbow will be in your near future
12:23pm GRAND SLAM! @Yankees
10:41pm Ben @bevangelista got peed on by puppy
Gracie....HAHAHAHAHAHAH @carabarbato
10:44pm On the other hand #itsdisappointingtoknow I have work in the
morning. And this bed is the equivilant to sleeping on a rock. :'(
Sun Jul 04
09:37am @ohkayearee710 No I'm not.. That's weird
09:37am @jakepesante thank you!
10:03am @bevangelista wish I was watching it with you
allyevangie's Twournal
03:51pm Shot pegged (Beach Haven, NJ)
06:20pm •+'#**^#\,?€£%^•**+=£?]_,!!!!> the only fireworks I'm
09:23pm Who's hacking @Andreas_Heck 's phone??!
Mon Jul 05
07:37am @Andreas_Heck no worries. it was entertaining
09:57am Everythings better with a tan
10:39am @jayneb @mingo100 needs a drinking utensil
11:05am I always think I'm late and I NEVER AM!
11:36am Why does it smell like pot on this bitch? I mean beach???
#illegal and also #gross
12:12pm Thanks to the ONE guy who needed badges, my feet now have
blisters on them from standing on the hot sand where your dumb ass
decided to sit
01:56pm Why are there so many lax girls here?
02:11pm Why can no one tell me and Emily apart?
ally evangelista
03:34pm Sometimes I like to take pixx of myself sleeping hehe Ben is the
05:12pm One time Emily brought my American girl doll to school and
took it's braids out :(
05:42pm There was this HUGE poisonous spider in the shower and it
scared me into talking to myself.
06:01pm 100 degrees tomorrow followed by a nice lobster meal....To
clarify: I'll be selling the lobster not eating it.
06:44pm Holy $#^* I wayyyy underpacked! Hello repeat outfits..pls, no
one tell my fashion, style& culture professor!
07:08pm 80 degrees at 9 pm...wth?
07:15pm Bens laugh reminds me of angels dancing @bevangelista
07:53pm Brendan George Salvadore KKKKAAARAAAZZIIINESSS
allyevangie's Twournal
Tue Jul 06
07:27am 90 degrees before 10 o'clock...
08:26am Hot
09:20am You know that feeling you get when you go to take the cookies
out of the oven? That wave of heat? I feel like I'm the cookies.
12:02pm There's an army of red heads storming LBTBP!
12:02pm Beach badge checker by day...
01:01pm @corrine_reed lmao please let me know how that goes
01:02pm @kelseabearit can't believe you all were able to pull throuh.
07:36pm Brendan Salvadore is so good looking
08:06pm @capricecrane why are people twealing? They should go to
Twitter Jail! @twitip101
ally evangelista
08:13pm You can twat me again, thanks Brendan for the wise advice.
Now start using your Twitter again!! @bsal
08:14pm Woops that's not brendans Twitter name!! -_08:15pm GOOD LUCK AT UDEL ORIENTATION TOMORROW
Wed Jul 07
09:06am @bevangelista I bet you wouldn't if you started work like me
and your sister
09:12am Its 11:11 and I wished to win the lottery so i don't have to
work!! Woo lottery ppl please read this !
09:27am Just kidding, working gives my life structure (a little too much
of it) but it'd be nice to get an advance in some money for españa this ...
11:19am RT @carabarbato: All hail to delaware!!!
01:05pm HototoothotoootoottototttoHOT
08:12pm Don't want to pay 969 for used text books...there goes my
summer money. :(
08:13pm Hey it's already like a work study--bonus dark tan and shrimp
smell included!
09:33pm Ask me Qs im bored and
yes i made a formspring....
09:33pm @jakepesante i think i want YOUR life!
Thu Jul 08
10:09am Oil on the jersey shore??
10:12am And the red flag goes up
11:30am @carabarbato read 8 and liked it!!..
allyevangie's Twournal
01:56pm Took lulu for a walk. Man she is one stubborn bitch.
02:10pm 28-135mm new lens!
08:08pm Ben screams "Amanda Amanda AMANDA"..all thought it was
someone he knew..but it was a girl from home whose never been here
08:08pm Ben passes gas in the car with the family, windows up. Ben: "it's
okay. It's okay, no, it's okay"
08:14pm Heyy Sprinkles the Clown
08:30pm Lucys being a bitch :(
08:48pm (^)(^) <--- snookie
Fri Jul 09
ally evangelista
09:05am @seventeenmag 9 years old
09:39am SUXZ
@elohweez @kelseabearit
allyevangie's Twournal
03:48pm Ben : "do I have sand on my face?" http://
04:28pm Ben: "ahh my brain my brain hurts"
04:41pm Ben: "Did you just lick me?' Emily: "I was trying to bite you"
06:52pm Ice, custard & happiness. Yes, Ritas employee, that means no
07:01pm Ben do what you want you're driving me crazy! Ben: I just
wanted to know what your thoughts were #evangietweets
07:03pm Ben: Let's just go to the club and have some sangria!!
07:03pm Ben farted really loudly in the car. Calmly he says, "it's okay"
10:34pm How can I love someone so much? Yes OFCOURSE i'm
talking about @johncmayer
ally evangelista
Sat Jul 10
08:21am @rmon667 twitpic!
08:35am @rmon667 so a gradual bald ryan, not too bad. can't wait to
09:26am It's sprinkling like the clown but I want it to POUR!
09:52am Waiting to get called off... Why are we sitting in the rain? At
least we're getting paid
12:26pm Uruguay fans = YAKKK
12:43pm Why an 18 year old finds Kung Fu Panda amusing is beyond me
12:47pm Slowest reaction to a spilled cup of WHATEVER ,
EVVEERR. and bitch donnn give me attitude!! I diidnnt spill yo shii
12:51pm Dying for a Med. Iced jitters blend w. sugar and a little bit of
cream. @jittersnk do you deliver, as in ship?
allyevangie's Twournal
01:18pm Sleepyheads @jayneb @mingo100 http://
04:21pm Pretzle m&ms changed my life
08:49pm what a good day
08:59pm It's a grenade! Run! Hide!
10:09pm LBI = Lots of Beach cutIes
10:36pm @carabarbato cuties with a capital "I"
10:37pm @kaytbee123 I miss you too! Do you have weekends off? The
kids rented the house from Saturday to Saturday i believe
Sun Jul 11
09:15am Work 10-4 then switch work 4-930
09:15am Work 10-4 then switch work 4-930 take 2
06:01pm Why a car full of boys AND girls were staring at me on my way
to work i'll NEVER know
09:34pm @carabarbato we still need to see Toy Story !!
09:39pm Two thumbs up to the free pink nano I just got with my new
MacBook #whatzgood
Mon Jul 12
10:25am @jordanowensby @corrine_reed so so SO jealous you get to
celebrate with Spain!!
10:26am True? RT @SarahKSilverman: EVERY time a new iPhone
comes out Apple fcks with your perfectly good old one so you have to
buy it.
12:21pm F that s
ally evangelista
02:29pm BLISSSSTTTERRRR!!! #owch
03:47pm I need another red bull but I'm afraid my hearts gonna stop for
it will be my fifth of the week
07:40pm Sitting....such a good feeling
07:57pm "Is bitch better" #rohnj
08:06pm "live in light. stay in the postive, bitch!!" #rohnj this show is
08:08pm "my hair was pulled I want them arrested" #rohnj #WTF
08:10pm Love in light ...?
08:12pm OOOPs#rhonj MY B
08:21pm And then I called her a whore!
Tue Jul 13
07:52am RIP George Steinbrenner #nyyforever
03:46pm That is NOT beyoncé that is some white gurl.
Wed Jul 14
10:00am I hate when the weather man is dead wrong.
01:48pm Storms coming
06:15pm "Mom you wannna listen to me!?"
08:46pm Comedy central
08:47pm Eeeeeeeeeaaaawwwww
Thu Jul 15
07:44am Wutfxup with the weather today??
08:56am @nancyheidt I know!! I see him soon too ;)
allyevangie's Twournal
12:30pm Http://
Fri Jul 16
08:28pm Not a bad night of work.
08:40pm White rice BOO YA!!!
08:43pm Are there bits in that? Idontlikebits.
Sat Jul 17
06:39pm And all the bad boys, are standing in the shadows // All the
good girls, are home with broken hearts
Sun Jul 18
09:07am A bird just shit ALL over my iPhone. WTFXUP with the
universe these days? Somone tell me this means good luck...
10:14am @elohweez @kelseabearit see you in like 24 hours *^
%#^*~~~like omg
12:00pm @ohkayearee710 get up! You'll regret it when your hours away
instead of a few minutes!! @JittersNK
12:59pm Too many sunsets I haven't seen. You can't waste the day
wishing it'd slow down. #nowplaying many the miles
Mon Jul 19
10:00am @Andreas_Heck I didn't get to say bye! But yes keep tweetingit was so nice to meet you! You're really fun/funny!!
08:30pm What am I gonna do pretend that I'm normal? @elohweez
ally evangelista
11:38pm Lolz highhlighter all over
Tue Jul 20
03:02pm Expectations for tonight are high as I don't have work
11:32pm Deja vú
Wed Jul 21
09:06am @carabarbato awwwww #iloveyousomuch
Thu Jul 22
10:01am Trying to wrap my head around the fact that I only have two
weeks left on lbi. Seriously how is that possible?
10:02am @carabarbato gotta live this sh!t up #ifyouknowwhatimean
07:57pm HUGEST slug I've ever seen chillin in the outdoor shower.
Find a new home please so I can be clean.
Fri Jul 23
03:48pm #brendansalvadore is a #hotguard and that's #damnstraight
03:57pm #brendansalvadore is flossing with a piece of my DNA
09:18pm @carabarbato making a politcal statement ??
09:20pm The wrong bus tryna pick us up??? Nardis bus??? Nahh
09:20pm And the right bus arrives
09:20pm Just kidding it's full WTF
allyevangie's Twournal
Sat Jul 24
09:02am WTFXUP with the universe??
10:05am Hot as hell on the beach today. #toohottobehungry
Sun Jul 25
08:59am @ohkayearee710 not me :( i don't even have my housing
assignment or roommate yet
12:37pm Can I get a 20 on @PerezHilton ? We have a Perez look-a-like
on Penn la.
09:45pm Laadadeedeedeedaaaa #wtf #tired #sad
Mon Jul 26
09:22am mad bitties rockin' lax pinnys on the lbi beaches everyday
#trendspotter #kindaweird
10:38am Although I guess it doesn't matter because in just over a month
I'll be in Delaware for the next year
12:27pm Tswift on the speakers bitches
03:36pm Emily is a class A retarded. Lollygagging then it's time to go
and she takes two different shoes... #wtf
03:44pm Why have I not been here that long???
03:58pm @transworldsurf when are you gonna post the pics from LBI
Von zipper tour?!!
05:13pm Never leave a table with a full finish that ish!! #pussy
05:35pm Most disgusting bathroom EVER
06:23pm walking 7 blocks since Peter brought my bike home
ally evangelista
06:35pm They ain't gonna tie me down, shawty wanna roll
08:03pm God gave me a dumbass for a brother. #imokwiththat
08:07pm ITS SUMMER!!
08:48pm Classy even when I'm trashy...
Tue Jul 27
11:39am one month from today I'll be in Delaware!
11:48am Miss me a little when I'm gone
08:05pm Doo da dippity
08:33pm RT @elohweez: i feel like you know who but i have to...
"everyyyonee suckkksssss, come on live it up, its summmerrrrr"
08:33pm Pass it. beat box. @carabarbato
09:31pm The grapes are hard..just the way I like my balls. @carabarbato
Wed Jul 28
10:48am Wawa ferr lyfe
11:18am Move in a month from today @carabarbato @bevangelista
11:19am I just hope you miss me a little when I'm gone @drakkardnoir
07:30pm Wasn't aware that today was National Asshole Day #wishiknew
Thu Jul 29
09:01am evrything that shine ain't always gonna be gold #kidcudi #getit
09:02am I don't wanna see blue sky today #cloudsOnly
12:14pm Getting paid to go to wawa and watch #jerseyshore #awesome
08:03pm @JSQuotes <3 love
allyevangie's Twournal
08:04pm Snookis strugglin lololololololol
08:04pm #livetweets about Jersey Shore Season 2
08:10pm Too many guidos in the dirt #jerseyshore
08:16pm Smoosh Captain #jerseyshore
08:19pm Angelina WTF are you doing on Jersey Shore Season 2
08:26pm Sammi's like thin and pretty... but... #guido
11:56pm Went to go use the bathroom but it was occupied by Lucy
drinking out of the toilet..
Fri Jul 30
11:22am Can I get a 20 on the gorilla juice heads??
12:40pm "goddamn why aren't I a model" -brendan salv
01:22pm #jerseygirls don't pump gas
01:25pm 57 miles to Camden #ROADTRIP
01:38pm @johncmayer see you soon!
01:45pm Hate when reality hits
01:51pm AHH it's a mirage
02:10pm If these two bitch ass cars make me late to @johncmayer
03:03pm Ohmygod I'm a boss -Brendan Salvadore
03:37pm $$$$$$$____$$$$$$$
03:48pm Loser lap
ally evangelista
04:11pm Follow the brick road
04:52pm Sick seats @johncmayer worth the $ :) http://
04:54pm @johncmayer is in the building!!!! I'm freaking out
09:25pm @johncmayer you get better every time
09:43pm Stop beeping your horns!!!
09:54pm @johncmayer freak out over the little things too
Sat Jul 31
10:02am Nothing to do Nowhere to be A simple little kind of free @johncmayer
11:23am grenades are flying
09:27pm Rocking it barefoot
09:52pm really sad this is my last week on lbi :'(
allyevangie's Twournal
Sun Aug 01
09:03am Please let this be the calm before the storm #rainBitch !!
09:37am Getting a lil rained on nshi
09:13pm 75 degrees out! OKAY! this is winter - @carabarbato
09:32pm @kstevens27 where are they still available??!!
Mon Aug 02
08:55am @kstevens27 no :( I saw him last Friday though but I wanted to
see him again !!
Tue Aug 03
09:40am Like girl put some pants on! .. Says the eight year old on the
beach #thataintright
10:31am Lovin on wawa
10:46am #nowplaying Sexy Bitch #lunchhour
10:51am We just need some inspiration
Wed Aug 04
09:51am thank you kind stranger for letting me know your enitre
vacation story that led you to have 1 beach badge when you need 12
06:33pm @nancyheidt hahahahahahahaaha
09:26pm with cara barbopshop, the insert twins, and Brendan
09:56pm waiting makes me so damn anxious
ally evangelista
Fri Aug 06
01:04pm @ohkayearee710 I say 13 only bc 15 is 1000 more! perfect size
for college
Sat Aug 07
08:24am @LeticiaLucaj passing exits for Pace..thinking of you!
12:50pm Great ass time for my phone to completely DIE.
01:28pm Stupid mother effing iphone, i had to upgrade to the new
software and i lost all my pictures, JOHN MAYER VIDEOS, and saved
09:12pm guy, hot girl, guy, hot girl, guy, hot girl, grenade.
Sun Aug 08
08:39am Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
03:31pm Thank you Lonzo for all your help at Bed Bath and Beyond!!!!
03:40pm I don't understand humor unless it's racist. Just kidding I don't
even understand racist humor...#evangietweets
04:48pm Hash tags make everything funnier. #notreally #OKreally
04:49pm I don't know about Five Guys but four of them in there were
definitely #reallycute #yum
04:53pm Ben farted in the car #butitsOK because the winds are open
05:36pm @ohkayearee710 yesss i did!! so funn
allyevangie's Twournal
05:36pm crushing on Kid Cudi #nowplaying Soundtrack 2 My Life
09:31pm Stakes outtie like a bellybutton #peace #nahYouChill
Mon Aug 09
10:23am You could get with this or you could get with that
07:24pm think pink ;)
Tue Aug 10
07:21am This is the most I've done before 10am all summer...
08:21am SHOTS!! No, I'm not day drinking..I'm at the doctors. :-(
08:33am I'm the oldest one in here but 10 years.. #thatAintright
08:34am Why do I tweet more in RI? #thatAintright #missingLBI
09:41am Stop giving me weird looks...I know I'm too old to be in this
#bitch w.o a child of my own...#whitetrash
05:30pm Stakes Audie like four circles #peace #nahYouchill
09:18pm " Stay the #F calm "
09:18pm Lougle....LOL you guyysssss
Wed Aug 11
04:28pm We just need some inspiration
Thu Aug 12
07:18am Sweatin through my shirt #thatAintcute
ally evangelista
01:36pm My day just went from good to GREAT #jerseyshore is on
03:17pm The stinky eye
06:05pm RT @kathleenn153: this life is a party, i'm never growing up.
06:57pm Check check check cha checking you out #omg
07:22pm Seriously Danielle? "when's thanksgiving break for you?"
07:26pm Dropping like flies :-(
Fri Aug 13
03:12am On way back to the pretty little map of LBI
05:43am NO SOLICITING!!!!!!!!!!
07:23am In seaside heights for sure
07:24am On the jersey shore board walk
allyevangie's Twournal
Sat Aug 14
07:42am Off to work....
10:57am New cup:)
Sun Aug 15
07:14pm live life only way to learn
07:15pm #somesong on the radio
08:22pm I got the magic �
08:25pm I hate when you look cute for nothing... #whatTaWaste
08:27pm being ignorant on twitter well #theTruthHurts
ally evangelista
08:46pm it's not PEAnuts it's HAZLEnuts #nutella
Mon Aug 16
05:35am #LOL RT @bevangelista: See you in 10 months, LBI! I hope
Mayor's Cup 2010 happens before I get back..
06:21am if everyone drives then there wont be any traffic!!! #wiseWords
06:56am en route to my first home
07:05am attn: now passing Cheesequake park
07:50am #throwback #wayback Ashanti and JaRule -- Always on time
07:54am you're not allowed to say love on the radio
07:58am you can travel the world but nothing comes close to the jersey
08:47am rest stop.. ugh i look like a true hauss
08:53am beep beep my turn to drive
02:56pm Im using my PhotoBooth as a mirror... #soHood
03:54pm oh princess u make the party uve been everybodys darling now
everybodys win bold for the boys who keep u guessing #nowplaying
08:38pm karaoke night at the north pavilion
08:39pm @nancyheidt hey I love you
Tue Aug 17
02:10pm obsessed with #DJgotusfallinginloveagain and I don't know
02:23pm just got hit with a shopping cart #whttheFXup
06:23pm nevermind a family dinner... but #somuch for dinner... #fml
allyevangie's Twournal
08:10pm left behind an endless summer @carabarbato #LBI #where it's
09:54pm I think that's a clock isn't a question....
10:17pm champs at life, cograts Ro we got it!
Wed Aug 18
01:00am They b like smooth wat can u teach me how to dougie
01:23am whattup with this hour
06:08am this is priceless
06:08am #okNot so priceless
06:10am hahahahahahahahahahahaha ew
09:50am should I pee in the ocean...?? #yaThinkYaSneaky
11:19am um excuse me can I just have a straw?
11:30am okay kids playing baseball 2 ft away from me...there's about a
mile left of empty beach #MoveBitch #getouttheway
01:07pm swimming in the aurora come and find me #Kelly #jen
02:05pm blowin money
02:07pm we tryna look rich tonight @bevangelista #ohYouFancyHuh
mascara rolling down our cheeks like we know nothin
02:14pm #beachtraffic ... that's not in my vocabulary
04:01pm meal before the meal is like the white girls version of a tshirt
before the tshirt
04:31pm @JakePesante #ohyoufancyhuh
08:15pm I get laughed at every time i tell someone why I'm moving jn
early #thataintright #IMJEWISH
ally evangelista
10:31pm "When the light turns green, u go When the light turns red, u
stop. But what do u do when the light turns blue w. orange & lavender
spots? "
Thu Aug 19
08:39am mom wrapped her feet in red toilet paper @jayneb #toms
11:08am @davidshanker I convinced her not to get them...for now at
11:15am successful day at the mall
08:44pm "damn I want those shoes" -ben "ben those are girl shoes.."
08:44pm "ha ha ha ha ha you've got a big butt!" -mr Chen #LOL
allyevangie's Twournal
08:45pm compose yourself ... wait is that proper English??
08:59pm @ohkayearee710 always gotta double check when it comes
outta Sammis mouth..
09:04pm @ohkayearee710 it creates draaamaa!!!*~ for the house
09:32pm "would she? oo its starting to sound like wood cheese."
Fri Aug 20
07:27am usher is the man #oldskooltonewskool
Sat Aug 21
09:37am iphone4
09:55am "I wish we could pay in other things like fish.." - @bevangelista
11:02am last tweet from the iPhone 3!
01:43pm Lemme upgrade ya
04:35pm @ohkayearee710 #iluhdisShit #daillest
07:43pm LMFAO RT @jayneb: Just saw ronzio pizza delivering to the
outback. Doesn't bode well for the quality of the food if staff is ordering
09:36pm i miss lbi with all my <3 #bestsummer #howtoliveonthebeach
Sun Aug 22
10:45pm 3 days what's a girl to do ! #pack #wutthefxup
10:47pm @elohweez look at all these @ replies you got girl. i l<3ve you
like crazy
ally evangelista
10:57pm Extremely jealous. I hope @LuckyBrand makes cases
for the iPhone 4 soon. I miss having my luck protected http://
Mon Aug 23
10:50am #nowplaying @drakkardnoir #Drizzy
allyevangie's Twournal
01:32pm I'd say the dorm shopping is done http://
08:31pm im hungry. would a family member please bring me some
cookies? @jayneb @mingo100 @emimad @bevangelista
08:36pm Love life and life will love you back #inspirationaltweet
08:45pm "oh WHATever" what a nice comeback, Danielle #rhonj
08:47pm The baby caterpillar is trying to keep up with the mama
08:49pm "You're saying this sitting there with red hair?" if only it were
that simple #rhonj
08:52pm @mingo100 is in twitter jail oh no!
09:58pm @vzeyewear Where are the pictures from Farias, LBI? http://
Tue Aug 24
ally evangelista
09:56am The King, The King how I love The King
10:03am @ohkayearee710 Download "ringtone design" app !!
01:31pm Ugly
02:41pm always feel kinda greasy after grubbin on Wendy's
02:42pm As the colleges get more northern we lose more and more
02:44pm "Now running on reserve battery power"...Someone remind me
why that's not a legitimate excuse in real life?
05:19pm Rohan giving up all his money for half of a meal... #soHungry
05:27pm They got that #soHungry look in their eyes... http://
05:28pm Flying tofu!
allyevangie's Twournal
06:00pm #theresNo #chefcookingforme http://
08:48pm "How do you know an old poor man who lives in Connecticut?"
@mandacichy @kathleeenn153
Wed Aug 25
08:15am @kelseabearit do you work today?
08:22am Lets get this last day started... #hoppedUpOutThebed
08:56am @kelseabearit i'm leaving tomorrow morning, i guess that
leaves tonight?
10:38am Guilt trippin'...shouldn't always be guilt trippin'...time to move
to Delly
11:01am Ben forgot to pack underwear...thank God for twins who knew
he'd forget.
ally evangelista
12:55pm I would personally like to thank the past three days of rain for
letting me lose my nice bronze tan.
02:34pm Last @jittersNK coffee until thanksgiving. If I remember
correctly I couldn't live a day w.o jitters last fall. @nancyheidt
04:43pm Just found $20. #todayisagoodday #rollinINdaDOUGH
04:43pm Twitter: its not for everyone
06:36pm Diarrhea of the mouth :(
10:50pm Goodnight room goodnight moon goodnight cow jumping over
the moon goodnight light and the red balloon goodnight bears goodnight
10:52pm Goodnight empty room
Thu Aug 26
09:33am Just passed three cars with UD stickers on them, car loaded
like mine
ON THE TURNPIKE?! #thataintcute
allyevangie's Twournal
10:30am My first cell phone... #thatsoldschool #throwback #WAYback
11:06am So excited I could pee my pants...and the frappaccino is
catching up with my bladder. #obnoxiousTweet #sorry
ally evangelista
11:22am #ohYoufancyHuh
07:17pm "This animal and the dog well..they got busy." SO MANY
Fri Aug 27
01:06am There's a train passing by about 50 ft away from where I'm
allyevangie's Twournal
06:44am Mah bed
03:37pm "we're Jewish. Does anyone have any sports questions?"
10:46pm :-)
11:03pm Stupid jalepeño that I didn't see on the nachos ... Sign that i
shouldn't be eating anyways
11:13pm Da train outside my dorm SUXX #thataintcute #shutUP
Sat Aug 28
10:28am Who grows these people #evangietweets #last
08:11pm Hypnotist!!
08:56pm Jason mraz and avocado yumm
09:14pm Jasper red @MTV
09:30pm Spotted: shirt that says Usually Drunk
09:40pm Tosh.0 taking over campus breakout
ally evangelista
Sun Aug 29
07:54am :(
08:48pm It's friggan 1047 WOO
11:58pm Okay cleaRly I was at a guys house and two that swimmer; you
are ridiculously good looking
Mon Aug 30
06:30pm Nobody said it was easy It's such a shame for us to part Nobody
said it was easy No one ever said it would be this hard
Tue Aug 31
03:21pm #ifihadapennyforeverytime i thought about going home i'd be
06:52pm @kathleenn153 i get shit for that all the time on LBI...i think it
makes you sound cool ;)
Wed Sep 01
09:14am Ffff the back of my iPhone got a little cracked. Need my casee
09:48am @jayneb yay thank you so much!
09:50am In psych trying desperately to stay awake what do i do
12:30pm Ha ha ha ha. True. RT @RevRunWisdom: Fellas:::If she's
amazing she won't be easy, if she's easy she won't be amazing -Jamal
02:35pm Why do I look both ways when crossing a one way st??
03:37pm sweating profusely under this tent... what's good Tracy kidder?!
04:46pm Found the upperclassman dining hall #ohYouFancyHuh
allyevangie's Twournal
09:21pm @LeticiaLucaj wait til you get to school it gets worse hahaha
09:29pm To Delaware Students:
Thu Sep 02
09:11am waahhhhh
10:24am lost the cable to set up my printer ffing great just what i need
right now
11:01am WTF do i do my roommate left her key in the room but is MIA
and im leaving soon
11:01am #secondTimeThisHasHappened
06:12pm Don't know which end zone we are scoring at....I just cheer
when everyone else does. GO BLUE HENS!
07:12pm Delaride
10:18pm @davidshanker @mingo100 there was definitely no fruit there!
10:19pm @LeticiaLucaj I told you it's sad! But walk around your dorm it
helps it / makes you feel better
Fri Sep 03
11:18am Last class before weekend begins
11:19am Laundry day plus need to get ahead on school work..
09:00pm Walked in wet cement lolololol
Sat Sep 04
03:26pm Pizza and cheese fries oh heyyy freshman 15
ally evangelista
Mon Sep 06
04:36pm Falafel Fest with my fellow jewmates
07:32pm anchor men w the floor mates @brittanyyyxox
07:43pm I wanna be on you @brittanyyyxox
10:29pm #unlikeothergirls THIS ONE AINT #EASY #sluts
Tue Sep 07
02:39pm Stupid Delaware drivers are worse than RI drivers. Stop
beeping at cute pedestrians for crossing too slow.
04:59pm Let's get UDressed...
10:01pm tear jerker :( @jayneb wearing @allyevangie 's perfume today
bc I miss her #onemonthtilparentsweekend
Wed Sep 08
12:38pm Alternate modes of transportation here at UD also include
Razor Scooters. #dontarguejustacceptit
allyevangie's Twournal
02:31pm Walking down the green
05:13pm @jayneb Which top?
05:19pm @jayneb cute! people are watching Jepordy in the basement
and it's reminding me of you @emimad and @mingo100
06:27pm Fire drill ?!!
06:55pm Missin' my family...Can't wait till they see me 15lbs heavier ;)
Thu Sep 09
01:12pm Chilllllayayayay
01:24pm Screw chem and the fact that I just found out I have to take
chem 102.
01:24pm When I'm having trouble working for JCrew in four years I'll
just turn to everything I'm learning in chenmistry.
04:10pm It is in no way shape or form warm outside.
ally evangelista
08:29pm yay my hundredth follower :) @lindsayoddi
09:49pm Watching FRIENDS!
Fri Sep 10
09:14am Psychpyschpyschhhhhooollllllgyy
09:16am Boooo I miss Lucy :-(
10:21am the scroungeee
05:45pm Bday dinner with F1 @brittanyyyxox @lindsayoddi
08:56pm What is this shit
09:14pm Hen after 10
10:00pm Court yards woohoo
10:03pm don't yell at me "no white after labor day" I'm a fashion merch
major I THINK I know better than you...
allyevangie's Twournal
10:40pm How to take orders at BK
11:06pm The iPhone 4 is such a good pickup tool
Sat Sep 11
12:05am tonight = fail.... tomorrow its bahamas mamas for us
08:29am Steven glandsberg @lindsayoddi
08:34am @kathleenn153 what's hall wars
10:59am blue hens for life!
11:37am Walking to big bobbie
12:03pm Chillin in the cockpit @brittanyyyxox @lindsayoddi
01:12pm What's worse than being a redhead? Being a redhead in the
marching band.
ally evangelista
05:51pm Best day ever!! @jayneb
09:32pm GINGER
Sun Sep 12
02:09am @lindsayoddi ahhh
02:11am @lindsayoddi that was so the opposite of the Bahamas,
tomorrow its disney land and chinese food for sure
09:05am First one at the dining hall two days in a row... #win
09:30am Glasses are such a classic look..9
09:36am It's homesick Sunday #allday
09:41am @Cesaro22 well I mean I'm at breakfast .... In delaware. Care
to join?
09:59am @nancyheidt ahhahahahahawtf
04:03pm Piso mojado
05:18pm @Cesaro22 no take the trainnnn
allyevangie's Twournal
07:04pm We want the VMAs, not football
07:16pm I cannot be the first two wonder WTF is lady gaga wearing?
07:28pm @elohweez @kelseabearit 30 second to mars music video
won!! #throwBack to #summer2010
07:31pm who are these midgets dancing on stage? #iCouldDoThat
07:36pm @bevangelista have fun riding thaat.....
07:39pm so we back in the club #USHER come to DELAWARE!!
07:39pm @bevangelista looks uncomfortable
07:41pm @Cesaro22 we are on a LiveTwitter status right now #lezzGO
07:43pm why are you so funny @brittanyyyxox
07:43pm i know its late but #FF @brittanyyyxox
08:01pm That stupid whale... #overCapacity
08:05pm Who does Lady Gaga think she is? God?? Sorry... I'm NOT
your "Little Monster", Gaga.
08:07pm omg lady gaga is so cool all of her outfits are so cool & shes just
so different from anyone else out there i can't believe her outfits #NOT
08:35pm RIFF MEH @brittanyyyxox
09:08pm Gaga, I'm pretty sure no one else thought you'd ever ask Cher
to hold your meat purse either....
10:51pm Late night shenanigans in Rodney F1. I love UDel!
10:52pm @kaytbee123 thats probably more than i've done since i've
been here. #sucksToBeMeRightNow
11:29pm bedtime finally
11:40pm The axe detailer commercial is borderline not appropriate for
public television.
Mon Sep 13
ally evangelista
06:14am Where can I get some coffee??
06:17am The train has been going by for over 15 min what is going on
out there??
06:49am How and what are you supposed to wear when it's 60 out but
the high for the day is 80? #somethingAintRight
08:20am @lindsayoddi that's okay he doesn't know about our chinese
food delivery
08:30am @kaytbee123 I think it was stuck or something #FTT
10:30am Waiting at a table looking like steven glandsberg to the max
03:30pm "its okay I'm going to the gym" best excuse ever
04:03pm Scared for free abs because I have none
04:13pm RT @kathleenn153: Never before have a truly appreciated
sammy adam's i hate college...classes are such a #drag
05:09pm Walking the road less traveled @brittanyyyxox
05:13pm Spotted :
allyevangie's Twournal
06:50pm @brittanymanchino cut the cheese :)
06:56pm @brittanymanchio oops i thought it was manCHINO
08:23pm nuggets on mtv
08:34pm @Cesaro22 don't do hw senior year...just get your apps in and
keep your grades up #realTalk
08:54pm brushed my teeth #AndThenIHitMyDougie
10:06pm @kaytbee123 and @nancyheidt i cant wait to celebrate either
but you know the first thing on the agenda is to sit at @JittersNK for a
few hrs
Tue Sep 14
03:07pm AlcoholEdu #EnoughSaid
03:08pm AlcoholEdu #AndthenIHitMyDougie
03:09pm @brittanymanchio where are you??
07:38pm FML get me out of this 7-10 lab WTF
08:10pm when will i EVER need to use chemistry again? This is not a
rhetorical question....seriously...when????
08:11pm poor college students living off three-day-old cold leftovers,
09:06pm Is sam under billy? we can't find her... @lindsayoddi
09:21pm @brittanymanchio lezz sp000n soon
10:27pm @bevangelista piensas en español ahora tambien? Hagolo todo
el tiempo.
Wed Sep 15
ally evangelista
06:48am it was extremely difficult to get up at 8am...the train passing by
at 7, 730, and 745 didn't help much either.
09:04am Waitin on @brittanymanchio and @carabarbato
10:28am Russell dining hall is the shit
11:53am I'm having extreme difficulties keeping my eyes open...when's
12:54pm This bitch is blowing smoke in my face #andthenihitmydougie
04:21pm On Wednesdays, we wear pink.
07:43pm gained 15 pounds #AndThenIHitMyDougie
Thu Sep 16
02:55pm @brittanymanchio Hi. Where are you. Bye.
06:34pm #nowplaying My Boo #throwback #WAYback
allyevangie's Twournal
06:35pm Hello Thirsty, I'm Ally
08:11pm Give me options
08:27pm Ticket to party
08:29pm No girls allowed...what dis a sausage fest?
08:55pm Where oh where do the cute boys go at night
09:14pm 2
09:20pm Sigma 3.14
10:32pm Lame
11:10pm @Quent_Dickmann hahahah Iearned that toooo
Fri Sep 17
08:30am @kelseabearit conditioner gets gum out!
08:33am My mom sent me cookies a week ago...they're still not here.
Clearly they don't know I got a #chefcookingforme
09:02am @kayylynch ME TOO!!!!!!
09:27am People here think I'm funny #neverLeavingThisState
ally evangelista
10:25am Jumbo HDs at russell
11:57am So excited for @udressmag
12:48pm Studying #reallymeans i'm on facebook
12:51pm Spotted: Too Tall Tom walking on the green
01:37pm First time in the library...this is the most silence I've heard since
I got here.
04:43pm tryna get a cockpit shirt!!
05:05pm Conveniently the soccer field is right next to where they keep
the cows...
allyevangie's Twournal
05:21pm Blue hen for LIFE
06:49pm You know you shouldn't be talking to someone when they don't
know what the Fiji islander is...
06:55pm @JakePesante complimented me on my tweeting
07:37pm The force is relentless
07:39pm Woops...yes it does. Its just a small cock.
09:00pm Too much estrogen stop over powering
11:15pm @JakePesante my new friends said "um no"
11:17pm Wings to go make me crave a Fiji islander shirt cuz they be like
YO can you teach me how to dougie?
11:52pm If u can't chug a beer why the freak are you here?!?
Sat Sep 18
ally evangelista
12:23am There's nothing wrong with a little adventure
12:36am Hen way after 10!
09:30am Soo much for going to the library today...hello Fiji islander!
10:44am Absolutely killing it
11:29am Fiji bathroom.....
06:10pm slept through dinner and the football game...OOPS!
06:40pm Ugggg Fiji done me good
08:46pm longest best day ever please bring me back to Fiji
@brittanymanchio @lindsayoddi
09:17pm @PAK524 she should meet ally Evangelista. I played for 2 hrs
straight today uh ohhh
09:22pm Shin splints
09:22pm Linsayyyy odddddi <3333
allyevangie's Twournal
10:16pm Techno bus!!
10:28pm I hate wasting cute outfits.
Sun Sep 19
12:04am Testosterone central
12:45am Is that mike Tyson??
07:39pm When I think about going to chem lab my eyes tear up.
09:05pm Should I be embarrassed that I almost cried when the cookies
my mom sent me were crumbly and stale? #SadMail
Mon Sep 20
12:13pm #iMiss my own private bathroom
12:16pm My mom silenced my phone call. #andthenihitmydougie
ally evangelista
01:01pm We asked for plain..we got pepperoni. #andthenihitmydougie
@brittanymanchio @lindsayoddi
01:29pm Why is this class so awkward... #sittinginSilence
04:43pm Longest day OF my life...still going.
11:15pm @elohweez Jason Mraz? I'm supposed to be seeing him next
tuesday but my chem lab has other plans for me
Tue Sep 21
11:06am Hitting my dougie
01:15pm Could you like not make out on the green? Excellent. Thanks.
03:46pm This is unacceptable. I'm not flushing other girls shit down the
toilet. Clean up after yourself!!!
07:44pm @elohweez You both have the same size wiener. Write about
Wed Sep 22
07:23am Beer pong
07:53am @elohweez we played it in my freshman seminar class this
morning (with water ;)
08:10am Beer long for fye class
09:05am Texting and walking #itsnotforeveryone
01:20pm i miss @brendansal
01:22pm On that routine status. #notimetohitmydougie
02:26pm Walking past KA easily the favorite part of my day. Too bad I
was wearing a Fiji shirt today.
06:53pm Everyone's getting kind of homesick. :(
allyevangie's Twournal
07:15pm @bevangelista sorry i didn't respond i left my room to watch
the storm
09:24pm #namesomethingawful hitting your head on a
Thu Sep 23
10:29am hitting my dougie today. come and find me.
12:13pm Too much estrogen for one floor
05:19pm What's up with the dining hall food tonight...its like they know
people are gonna throw up later....
08:16pm Oiishh a quiet @brittanymanchio never thought I'd live to see
the day
09:01pm Joe saw your thong. It wad like a two string thing.
Fri Sep 24
07:26am Physically cannot and do not want to get out of bed
ally evangelista
09:04am The green
09:27am Brittany meowing in class again....
11:00am Spotted: rob and big walking on campus #cuteRoomates
11:13am Barefoot Brittany
06:51pm @JakePesante hahahahaha just geeked
06:52pm @lindsayoddi @brittanymanchio NO DRUNK EATING
TONIGHT. LET THIS BE YOUR MEMO. #hideyawifehideyakids
11:29pm Saw my boyfriend tonight. I wish he knew he was my boyfriend.
Sat Sep 25
10:16am @jayneb that makes me sad.
12:54pm lazy as hell, this rooms a mess, it smells like tranny...gross.
12:54pm ps lindsay the bitch wants me to @ her in this @lindsayoddi
allyevangie's Twournal
03:21pm Passing by the green #MakesThePeopleSayYEAH http://
ally evangelista
03:21pm My new hat
11:12pm Droopped my iPhone faaassclk
Sun Sep 26
12:45am Cracked my iPhone cracked :(
01:36am @bevangelista your roommate is in rod f
01:38am @bevangelista i cracked my iphone can i get a new one
12:11pm At the library... #ISaidTellMeWhatsReallyGoingOn
02:27pm Now I can't use my phone without getting sad
05:29pm Chinese food party in Rodney basement
08:19pm I throw my papers in the air some times, sayin' ayoo I'll take a
zeroo #FunnyFacebookPages
09:28pm I love when I get into trouble & Akon lets me blame it on him
11:25pm I'm speechless.......Then why am I tweeting, you ask? Because
the video chat on the bed next to me is distracting me from my studies.
11:30pm here we go with the nom-ing. #JustZipYourLipsLikeAPadlock
Mon Sep 27
06:44am Using my debit card on coffee for the first time was too
convenient #tellMeWhatsReallyGoingOn
07:59am Spotted: sunshine brother and bahinni walking down amstel
#iSaid #tellmewhatsreallygoingon
08:22am This crack in my phone is so no okay #AyoGottaLetGo
allyevangie's Twournal
09:57am Should have emptied my bladder before I took my exam #oops
09:58am How did i just receive a text at 11:57 if my phone says the time
is 11:56? #somethingaintright
11:04am Surprisingly my vagina still functions #shitbrittanysays
12:35pm @SuperSaiyanWong thank you!
08:03pm What the hell did I just witness
11:36pm I hate when I embarrass myself infront of good looking people
who live in the same building as me. #oneShot
Tue Sep 28
10:23am Seriously? Who dumped their capt'n crunch in my favorite
12:04pm You don't have to be 21 to be a vampire #shitmyprofessor says
02:19pm Why is the eyewitness news infront of purnell? #UD
02:32pm @brendansal it felt like a friday here today too... weird.
04:46pm WOW so I'm only gonna be in lab for TWO AND A HAAALF
HOURS? Not three??? Thanks for being so reassuring.....
04:49pm I should just change my name to Steven glandsberg
04:54pm Spotted: a bike chained to a pole without a seat or any wheels.
Yeah. That's the bike I'd choose to steal.
Wed Sep 29
07:04am In a rush this morning I grabbed my large longchamp tote and
the only thing in it is my phone and ID card... #fail
07:28am I'm allergic to the morning
ally evangelista
11:16am Did I really just get cut off by a squirrel...
12:50pm @kaytbee123 wth?? Let me see!!
05:06pm @jayneb NOTHING!!! =)
11:08pm @JakePesante #WastedWednesday new #TT
Thu Sep 30
10:52am Rocking a hat today #MySneeksOffShadesOn
12:11pm Chemistry just ruined my entire day.
12:34pm Chemistry..... #tellmewhatsreallygoingon
03:05pm Currently 7 people in my Spanish class right now...make that 8
08:25pm "When did princess Diana die?".... "Who cares I took here spot"
- @lindsayoddi
09:20pm whatcha flava baby tell me whatcha flava
09:27pm Cracked my phone even more. YAY.
10:07pm im always the most homesick at nighttime
Fri Oct 01
10:33am Warm chocolate chip cookies :)
01:02pm Where are all the girls on #F1 ?
01:05pm @ramdomination its awesome , @bevangelista loves is it as far
as i can tell!!
01:05pm @EmiMad So proud of you! #CUSOON
01:06pm @lindsayoddi how can i miss someone i currently live two
doors down from.... #CUSOON
09:36pm Yay delAware!!!!!!!! N
09:39pm Find me a banggggin paaaaarrtYYYY!!
allyevangie's Twournal
10:50pm 2 boys in the same room o damn �
10:51pm @tarynnnx13 ahhhhhhahha I wanna ckmmmee!
10:52pm We are all so sexy
11:47pm What do I do ???
Sat Oct 02
01:12pm "I honestly hate her so much. And so does my mom" @SBazzini8
05:26pm Nuggle in the nuke
07:37pm Ya think ya cooler than me #F1
10:26pm Wiooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sun Oct 03
12:40am <3 Fiji!
11:58am The squirrels here are afraid of nothing!
03:42pm @brittanymanchio get back here now
05:37pm "You're my external harddrive" - @Brittanymanchio
06:29pm Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? no one thanks to BP
10:49pm #LikeISaid.. twitter: it's not for everyone
Mon Oct 04
10:47am It's difficult to adjust to falling asleep with the light on.
11:17am Why do I continue to make poor choices on the daily?
ally evangelista
11:29am It SO won't rain before parents weekend, leave your rainboots
in RI! #biggestMistake
12:19pm This weather makes me want to go home.
01:10pm Hate Mondays ... So happy my first class tomorrow is at 2...
Seize the day!
01:20pm In all seriousness, two guys talking about running and 1
asks: "do you run on a treadmill?" the other responds: "no I run in the
03:47pm Seen so many people reppin URI gear around campus
10:18pm check me out now ma! Im a real boiiii!http://
Tue Oct 05
10:27am Who was on my twitter?? I did not post that Mike Tyson and
Wayne Brady video..
04:28pm Surprise root beer float!!!
04:47pm screw walking to chem screw thinking about going to chem
screw talking about chem screw chem labs. #screwchem
06:14pm Stuck in chem lab... Baking the BaCO3 as we tweet...
Wed Oct 06
11:59am You know how all cats do is mope around and sleep? Never
thought I'd say this... but I #wish I had the life of a cat..
12:22pm "Another dog? Scrappy's dead he ran that one over!"
01:06pm #cantwait until my family arrives at UD this weekend and next
allyevangie's Twournal
04:25pm I would say I just took a cycling class but I think proper
grammar would be the cycling class just took me.
09:26pm @Cesaro_401 I'll unfollow you if you unnecessarily tweet that
many times
09:30pm SAME: this shouldn't be happening in the 21st century RT
@PAK524: I cannot handle all of my texts coming in hours later or never
09:31pm #twitteandoenlos90s RT @PAK524: I cannot handle all of my
texts coming in hours later or never sending. what is going on here
10:17pm @Cesaro_401 yeah... that was kind of harsh... good luck
breaking 1000!
Thu Oct 07
10:39am @elohweez oh you got one of those too ?
02:51pm @brittanymanchio i don't think im capable of receiving txts any
more. help! where are you?
03:43pm Watching Glee in the #F1 lounge...alone. #grilledcheesus
05:15pm Feeling a little Thursty on this Thursday evening....
08:21pm The girls here on #F1 should invest in some Fabreez for the
08:27pm You crushed his ramen!
08:28pm I'm not short I'm fun sized!
09:07pm KDR
09:07pm Kappa delta roe ?
09:18pm Never let the distance of a party keep you from going to it.
09:32pm Could really use a nattie lite right now
09:47pm Bet my liver
ally evangelista
09:59pm F my liver
10:29pm Twins. :) :)
10:30pm Girl you FLIP THAT CUP
10:57pm I look like yes and you look like no. At least im chillen at kappa
delta rho
11:05pm Where'd all the cute boys go
11:22pm Come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!
11:25pm Yeah STANDARDS
Fri Oct 08
12:35am Hello boy from upstairs, YES my name IS Ally! How did you
know? A DATE?> YES! idloove to go on a daetee with you!
08:51am @brittanymanchio hahahahahaha are you in your room
11:20am @brittanymanchio one of the twins from last night just walked
11:35am @brittanymanchio with the spot...he's cuter in the daylight btw
11:56am @brittanymanchio yup hahaha i only was sure it was him
because of the spot
12:16pm Spotted; young man in dress pants and dress shirt
skateboarding down amstel
12:29pm @brittanymanchio come to the basement
12:43pm @brittanymanchio come help me move to 152
04:27pm "I'm always nice to people when I first meet them. First you
gotta draw em in. Then you attack!" @lindsayoddi
05:21pm "I wanna wipe myself" ...okay rach
08:20pm Core 4 loookkkkohhh
08:37pm Lindsauyyyy
allyevangie's Twournal
09:41pm Kdr = poppin
09:52pm Why am I surrounded by girls.....,..
10:49pm Lol
11:33pm Love love love love love kdr
11:45pm Why. WHY!
Sat Oct 09
12:18am Elle woods.
12:24am Kittens and cowboy boots..... Oh Lord.
01:22am Rugby.
08:11am @kaytbee123 because of lucy? leave her alone and she'll come
down. or leave a trail of cheese..
08:15am Someone wrote on our sheet of things to do as a floor "poop
without being judged"
11:52am Another cockpit shirt!! @UDbluehens
12:25pm I spy with my little eye.....Joe Biden?!
05:12pm My goal is for @gotuscamera to RT me one day. That'll be the
day I KNOW I'm funny.
08:00pm Ladies and gentlemen we are currently running behind
schedule. If the ladies of #F1 could hurry up that would be more than
09:14pm Saved a $ @bevangelista
10:16pm Water. Yummmmmmnm:)
10:21pm @jayneb excellent
11:53pm @PAK524 love you too!
ally evangelista
Sun Oct 10
09:27am Campus, you stanky
01:07pm Spotted: techno bus driver not driving the techno bus. Was he
wearing the Viking hat? Absolutely.
Mon Oct 11
10:01am It'd be awkward if The Green was like yellow grass
@Brittanymanchio @overheardatud
10:31am my view is obstructed
04:00pm Customer service needed in the shave needs department.
04:49pm Staring at @gotuscamera while he eats
04:54pm Just vommed cause I looked at @gotuscamera for too long
Tue Oct 12
04:43pm I hayyte kem-iz-tree :-(
04:47pm "I remember my first college was about a month ago" maggiehibner
10:27pm Listened to "I Made It" on the way home from lab to celebrate
that I made it alive through Lab #30
10:28pm @elohweez i miss you and cannot wait to see your beautiful
Wed Oct 13
07:53am Beauty school graduates ?
09:12am Jam packed psych lecture
allyevangie's Twournal
09:16am C'mon Dick I'm tryna grab lunch @RussellDiningHall at 12
let's get this lecture going.
09:47am As if I'm not on my way to getting sick already I got this bitch to
the left of me in lecture hacking phlegm and shit all over my notebook.
10:32am Too many worstes's to enjoy my meal
11:21pm There's a 100% chance I should be sleeping right now.
Thu Oct 14
01:14pm Wow. What a miserable day.
01:25pm People here are #sodumb. Backpacks are meant to be worn on
your back not ...on your front.
04:46pm If one more person tells me I look like a bird #isweartogod
08:34pm @seanpaquette I'm sorry.
09:25pm Kdr please invest in some toilet paper
09:33pm spotted: spotty
10:08pm O. My. God.
11:00pm Oops hahahahahah
Fri Oct 15
12:14am Wow that was dumb
09:03am RHODY BOUND!
09:03am I could die of excitement. Is that bad?
09:05am @jayneb you should take up knitting
09:26am Scared
11:16am Sir if you're gonna joke with me please at least make it sound
like you're kidding.
ally evangelista
12:36pm RHODY!
04:02pm My own personal toilet <3
07:12pm URI for the nigh lezzzgooo
09:36pm @brittanymanchio for realz
Sat Oct 16
08:06am Yummmmmmm
09:23am i woouuullldd forget my debit card #oneandonly
09:47am @brendansal have fun!! wish i was there to
09:50am @brittanymanchio @lindsayoddi the moment i knew we'd be
friends....when i found out you had a twitter
10:02am New phoneeee
allyevangie's Twournal
09:21pm A clean bathroom!! Hallelujah
10:35pm A CLEAN BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!
Sun Oct 17
12:46am Zenon girl of the 21st century!!!!
12:57am Zetus lapedis!
ally evangelista
08:00am This is how I know I'm home @JittersNK
08:43am My girls @kaytbee123 @nancyheidt :-)
01:28pm Great just what I be stuck in the airport until 6pm. I
hate southwest. Why is this the second time in 48hrs this has happene ...
01:37pm @carabarbato I can't get any of my work bc its all online and
there is no wifi here
03:11pm Stop. Delaying. My flight.
04:02pm @nancyheidt well I should be landing right now and i haven't
boarded yet..
04:06pm @PAK524 library?
04:32pm Finally en route back to the big UD!
07:18pm Is this traffic for REAL?! Someone up there doesn't want me
to go back to UDel
07:19pm I think I'm gonna need a longer playlist..
allyevangie's Twournal
10:08pm WHO is screaming so loud in the hall? I'm tryna go to bed early
for once this semester #college
Mon Oct 18
12:17pm Walking a day in Rachel's shoes...and now I have blisters on my
04:50pm You know when you go to pasts parties? And the salads are all know, gross? That's what I eat everyday here at UD.
05:05pm People are singing to the music in the dining hall
08:24pm There are too many distractions..#mynext idea is to walk to the
library alone. got my mace at least..
08:24pm Absolutely horrible dinner at Rodney Dining Hall
tonight....literally want to cry about it #sohungry
08:26pm #YANKEES #letsgo #neversaynever
Tue Oct 19
07:49am NDB, nbd!!
09:46am Can someone please explain to me why Rodney is blasting the
heat today?
04:58pm "that's not the first thing j wanna know about you
have genetial herpes " @overheardatud
08:55pm I solemnly swear I am up to no good.
09:47pm I could really use a #swish right now
ally evangelista
Wed Oct 20
07:07am Jahahahahahha laryngitis
10:46am I love the cookie bell
12:26pm Yay just passed Rohan on amstel..I love seeing familiar faces.
04:51pm So I'm essentially eating bread and cheese for dinner..
10:18pm #f1 who the hell just knocked on my door and woke me up
Thu Oct 21
11:32am #thingsimiss private bathrooms!!
11:54am Chem exam take 2, praying it's a duplicate...
03:01pm Turned on TBS with the slightest hope that Friends would be
on.... And it was. #GOODDAY
03:43pm My eyes so heavy like coal... about to steal some coffee from
the dining hall and then go to Saxbys. #Allnighter
10:45pm Five hours in the library....done done and done.
10:45pm In the words of @brittanymanchio, I feel like a real college
10:47pm Rubbed Hugh Morris's nose for good luck.
Fri Oct 22
01:05pm If I meet my husband at Delaware I think I want to get married
on The Green.
07:51pm I love Fran!!! <3
10:34pm That's not mist that's a fire
allyevangie's Twournal
11:04pm Sad
Sat Oct 23
04:18pm Master wok! @bevangelista thinking of you
08:29pm Walking across campus in heels is just what I wanted to do
11:58pm The girls #f1 bathroom smells rancid
Sun Oct 24
07:05pm Decorating #f1 for Halloween!
08:51pm Getting busy with Marty Wolf and Frankie Muniz
ally evangelista
09:28pm They told me to pick up a little blue car. They didn't say
anything about a little blue man.
10:17pm @k_evans it was just released!!
Mon Oct 25
10:29pm I joke I joke, I kid I kid
Tue Oct 26
11:39am Getting up at 9am when your first class is at 2pm really makes
for a productive day.
12:47pm Some girl just stood up and left class because "she knew an
easier way" to name orbitals in chemistry
01:26pm In all seriousness, when will a fashion merchandising major use
chemistry? I want an answer!
01:27pm How do I get @MTVBuzzworthy 's job? That is the job I want.
08:22pm Elements in columns have same number of elec--oh wait this
isn't my chem notebook..
Wed Oct 27
07:47am Too bad I didn't realize it was raining until after I left for my
09:41am @brittanymanchio Hi. Bamos.
11:18am This weather is perfect for sleeping. #wishiwas
01:22pm "It's just a rainy kind of day" uhhhhuhh yeah that'd be why it's
been raining for the past three hours....
01:26pm Two new mayorships on the UDEL campus. I love 4square!
allyevangie's Twournal
07:02pm Look what Rohan found on this car!! #whataretheodds http://
07:21pm AY DIOS MIO...¡No puedo leer hisotrías en español!
¡Ayudame por favor!
09:36pm @k_evans I DID THAT SUNDAY NIGHT OMG!
Thu Oct 28
09:41am @kaytbee123 you okay?! sending my love from DE <3
02:12pm I hate when I get that "Message Send Failure" response...come
on ATT step it up.
02:46pm @Cesaro_401 where are you applying?
02:46pm Only snooki... RT @Sn00ki: All the trees here look like
broccoli #JustSayennnn
ally evangelista
06:34pm #nowPlaying Good Morning by Chamillionaire #thinkingof
@kaytbee123 who is coming to visit real soon!
08:21pm Just getting rid of Mario and Luigi..
08:40pm I'm with thumper the humper @brittanymanchio
09:14pm Did NOT know i went to an all girls school
09:34pm @jayneb yes! Let's!!
10:41pm Chilling w Marty Wolf nbd
11:34pm Yummy! Main st sliders =)
Fri Oct 29
09:46am Tweeting from Wolf Hall dropping in to remind everyone about
@lindsayoddi 's birthday ! Finally legal!
10:14am Walking down the green, "my bra just came undone" @brittanymanchio
11:36am Last class until complete freedom, @maggiehibner clear your
afternoon this is possibly the last day we have before it's too cold to do
11:50am Have to keep my eyes open for 30 more minutes... Can I do it?
12:08pm All the Mario kart characters are sitting on the south green
07:33pm Arggg matey!
07:54pm On Halloween it's really hard to tell the creepers from the
08:26pm @JakePesante awww I was gonna be that. I'm a pirate instead.
Watch your ship.
Sat Oct 30
allyevangie's Twournal
12:02am OHHH LORDY!
12:18am LikelikelikelikelikeLIKE
12:20pm @brendansal you could be lazy and go as Good Looking like
@bevangelista did last night
02:43pm Frolicking on The Green
07:58pm What a great fall day!! Only hoping for an even greater night!!!
08:44pm Making my father proud. NYY4L !
Sun Oct 31
10:20am N shi!
04:01pm #nowplaying #SpeakNow
05:49pm Maybe this is wishful thinking, Probably mindless dreaming
ally evangelista
Mon Nov 01
08:48am Remeber in "Doug" when they added an extra day to the week
called "Funday" #wishitwasreal
09:45am What do Socrates, Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Lincoln, and
Steve Jobbs all have in common?
12:12pm In the library...the girl to the left of me is blasting her
music...and the girl to the right of me chomping on Chex Mix
12:30pm @DuncanPenn @theburiedlife happy birthday duncan! its my
dogs birthday too!
01:16pm @elohweez i wanna talk to you!!
03:48pm Trekking across campus to Russell Dining Hall
03:53pm Spotted walking down South Green: Chuckie Finster
04:32pm @brendansal won't you be seeing me too, then?
07:02pm @carabarbato HAHAHA thats great did you say hi?!
07:03pm @EmiMad I promise college will be nothing like your current
08:27pm I'm so glad UDel accepted my application. I must be living The
Good Life.
08:28pm Raisin says "You are your mothers daughter" true.
08:30pm the password is goat...ooops
Tue Nov 02
10:46am Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight Like this city is on
fire tonight This could really be a good life A good, good life
11:27am My life is one giant awkward encounter.
01:23pm Police man walking around our floor...nbd?
07:58pm #inhighschool i said good night to my parents every night
allyevangie's Twournal
07:59pm #incollege i go to bed too late to do that
Wed Nov 03
09:15am Front row of my 400 person psych lecture... @carabarbato
01:06pm life should always b this EZ
01:07pm @Maggiehibner 12 to 3, 720 academy st tomorrowf or U can
suck our D shirts
02:24pm Imagine you're walking around campus and all of sudden you
see your parents out for a walk #wouldbeweird
03:12pm I feel so weird saying this spanish poem out loud to myself...
please some one come listen to me preach
04:29pm It's like when the sun goes down all the hot boys go into hiding
04:39pm Forgot I was in public...can't wait for the privacy of my own
dinner table.
04:39pm SHES DUMB AS MUD! #mollyvogt
05:52pm "theres a rapist in the rodjects so hide ur keys, hide ur bike, and
hide ur roomie because they're rapin everyone out there"
05:55pm @nancyheidt <3
08:13pm How come we always want what we can't have and get what we
don't want? #clichetweet but #idgaf #TRUTH
Thu Nov 04
ally evangelista
11:28am From the photobooth in my pocket. #pocketbooth http://
12:31pm Omfg sitting here in chemistry is giving me an anxiety attack-I'm supposed to understand this? Whahahat?
12:35pm What's up with bitches lately?
12:59pm Some time a Martian may come and step on you like a
cockroach #shitmyprofessorsays
01:18pm Walking in synch with a tour in the rain.
01:26pm @brittanymanchio please tell me that was some kind of inside
04:12pm just broke glass all over my floor...yes i did.
05:02pm In the basement of A/B a LIGHT FIXTURE fell from the
ceiling and is now dangling by a tubular wire. #spooky
05:11pm Reminiscing about the 60s-70s
allyevangie's Twournal
Fri Nov 05
08:06am @kelseabearit are me and you the same person?
09:16am Only class today......30 min #GoodLife
09:16am I would leave....but I have nowhere to go....
10:57am @bevangelista yeah get it! It's for droid too tell kenny and
amanda to get it
04:55pm Tell me what is there to complain about?
06:44pm getting weird with my faves. tis gonn be weird.
10:23pm Fail :(
11:59pm MoLLy vOgt are we the same person?
Sat Nov 06
09:29am Putting on the first coat
09:30am I'm trying to have a blue hen kind of HOMECOMING
09:38am Ignorance is love and i need that shit #nowplaying Kid Cudi
11:14am To the tailgate we go...time to get weird!
11:23am Beware of the ass kickin chicken
12:03pm There's 69 people in this line for the bathroom
12:30pm Beer was just spilled ALL over me
12:53pm Spotted at tailgate: DREW RIFFKIN!!!!
06:55pm @kaytbee123 Soda club love for life. I love you
06:55pm @jayneb no but i should have
06:56pm BLUE HEN
09:00pm I looooove Delaware!!
09:00pm Rolling MAADDD deep
ally evangelista
10:13pm Some dude just spilled his beer ALL over me.
allyevangie's Twournal
10:14pm I'm with @bevangelista so lucky we both go to udel http://
10:55pm Tryna slumber
11:27pm Toasty :)
Sun Nov 07
12:01am ITS ONE AM AGAIN!!!!!
12:09am it's really 2 but it's 1!
12:42am five star weekend
12:57am where's Mel..?
12:59am Omg we found mel!!!
02:14am I've been laughing for hours
01:31pm Summer Heights High is very distracting.
11:04pm Yeah i got almost nothing done today. Thank god the sun rises
Mon Nov 08
08:42am There's snow up north....? Huh?
08:50am Woke up to a call from Fran singing "Welcome to Mr. G's
room, take your shoes off and go back to bed!" ...She was hoping for my
10:34am RT @k_evans: Me: I don't want to go to class. @rmon667's
response: Once a skipper always a skipper!
03:26pm why are there so many leaves in trabant
06:12pm "I started making my Christmas list" "what's on it?" "a unicorn
pillow pet,.. "- @brittanymanchio
08:45pm Boys are #reallydumb #sodumb
ally evangelista
Tue Nov 09
12:30pm Surreal that my RI friends are going to be invading Newark,
DE in only 2 days..
01:51pm wuz good.. feelin dumb
06:02pm where's my lab partner at?!
Wed Nov 10
11:10am alright old men, you may run through our campus, but please
do it without wearing spandex
11:26am Have you ever been to a twin convention? I'm gonna assume it's
in Milwaukee. -- fran
11:50am that's why its SPECtacular - @brittanymanchio
allyevangie's Twournal
11:59am KIK ME!!!!!
02:27pm @LeticiaLucaj I think it's allyevangie
04:44pm I just dont understand...what what WHAT is cauliflower?!
07:42pm My love for Fran is forever growing...damn i love this bitch.
08:15pm friggen ants all up in my shit
08:15pm @kelseabearit echm and for the fact that you'll be here in a few
08:16pm @JaimeJorn you
11:15pm #nicknamesinmyphone gaylee, alex c rod e, emily plomp
11:28pm @jayneb i can't make that kind of stuff up! my RA just
informed me during our floor meeting
Thu Nov 11
12:42pm spotted: preacher preaching about God and Jesus infront of
01:30pm today in Chem I am not having an anxiety attack. I am,
however, having extreme difficulties keeping my eyes i open.
09:00pm who wants to play slap the butcher ?
11:32pm there is no sink in this bathroom um can I get a WTF
11:42pm why am I in the quiet room?? take me to the party..
Fri Nov 12
12:00am that was the single most embarrassing thing that has ever ever
ever happened ton me
02:58pm is my back like broken what is this ish mah ish
ally evangelista
11:32pm what's good on campus tonight???
11:41pm warning: dont fall asleep at main st sliders or your burger will
be stolen
Sat Nov 13
09:25pm YOUUUU DEL!!!!!
09:39pm santa claus us coming to town!!
Sun Nov 14
01:26am Best night with my RI4L kiddies <3
01:29am Thanks for the Hello Kitty shirt @PAK524
10:32am I don't know how we did it but all 9 of us are alive!
10:38am what was I ... fun!
10:57am lost: pink and black fake ray bans. if found please tweet at me.
01:46pm Off the facebook map until Thursday evening
02:09pm parcore!
03:40pm "I'm so happy I have college friends" -Fran
05:12pm (617): I'll be there in 5 min. If not, read this again.
06:37pm so we're getting pizza..fake mashed potatoes..
06:53pm I spy an all nighter
06:56pm is them vaccuuming them trying to kick us out?
allyevangie's Twournal
07:53pm Thank you @nancyhedit for taking my facebook password, so
far it's kept me pretty focused today.
11:22pm @PAK524 i can't even go on facebook until thursday after my
last exam...and i have tutor right after that so......around 6pm
11:28pm Dear High School Students, Please stop complaining. Your
homework isn't hard, you get plenty of sleep, your school is. http://
11:59pm Excuse me, train passing through Newark, DE, don't you know
its past quiet hours here in Rodney?
Mon Nov 15
01:37pm @LeticiaLucaj @nancyheidt changed my facebook password
and i don't get it back until thursday night
Tue Nov 16
10:23am @carabarbato Like we were talking about yesterday....I feel
like my life is just an awkward mess.
10:24am @alyshelly Hi Aly, YES you need to got to class ;) (Only
kidding...i haven't even gotten out of bed yet....)
10:50am @alyshelly I TWO!! :)
12:00pm the beatles are on iTunes nshi!!!
12:03pm it rains every Tuesday here. I think that's an emergency.
05:26pm @nancyheidt hahah maybe but also I updated my facebook
status via text and @brittanymanchio said you all went buck
ally evangelista
09:29pm @carabarbato necesito me ayudas con los actividades en
paginas 493 porfavor (si tienes tiempo, go on ichat!)
Wed Nov 17
09:57am @carabarbato BUNZ OUT
10:52am RT @carabarbato LOOK! @MTV To watch or not to watch?
The first 36 mins of 'Deathly Hallows' leaked:
12:04pm The service on this campus....
01:11pm @carabarbato whats a foot long?
01:13pm @carabarbato oh the gives me an anxiety attack.
how do i know my people aren't trying to get in touch with me?
02:20pm loveeee that I can walk around without a coat on
10:07pm I like to tweet when I'm not complaining but why is it that the
best things to tweet about are the things I complain about?
10:07pm On a completely separate note...I LOVE LIFE!
10:08pm Girl on my floor running and screaming "I'LL BEAT YOU TO
THE SHOWER!" .... um, they're all open, honey
10:30pm ummm whatdddid you do..fall off a cliff??
11:23pm #nowplaying Good Life - Day turns to night, night turns to
whatever we want We're young enough to say Oh this has gotta be the
good life
11:53pm I give in...You win again chemistry.
Thu Nov 18
02:04am @maggiehibner YOURE AWAKE TOO?!
08:13am why am I awake...I don't have class for five more hours...
allyevangie's Twournal
11:33am my life be like ooooh AHHH im so nervous for my exams today
my palms have yet to stop sweating
01:53pm 1 down 1 to go
09:05pm #nowplaying cheaper by the dozen how do I still love this
09:52pm My palms are so sweaty #sweatypalms #nervous
11:11pm @jakepesante send it to
Fri Nov 19
10:22pm if you're unhappy at U of D clearly you are depressed. I LOVE
11:33pm there's no girl seat .......??!!
Sat Nov 20
12:32am love life
12:56am hmm. stop making me think so hard. it hurts my brain!
12:20pm saying goodbye to lucille the omlet lady
03:12pm @bevangelista yes just wanted to thank her for her services!!
09:09pm #nowplaying Walking on a Dream Remix
10:29pm unnnnpredictable
10:44pm CHIX
11:10pm #nowplaying pop champagne senior year #throwback
11:23pm TWIN!
11:52pm are. you. kidding. me.
Sun Nov 21
ally evangelista
12:35am LOLOLOL life surprises you
04:34pm still..unpredictable..
07:59pm Do you ever wish you were psychic? #idothistoo #allthetime
09:57pm #ignoredtextmessages is a TT? so i'm not the only one?
Mon Nov 22
11:56am the most common way people give up their power is by thinking
they don't have any. -alice walker
03:32pm such brazen squirrels here
05:07pm I totally forgot that I need to pack......... Reasons why I need my
05:24pm The Last Supper with 9 members of Rodney...and Fran.
Tue Nov 23
09:36am RHODYROHDYRHODY I can't believe how much I've
missed you.
11:44am Reunion at jitters @jittersnk
03:16pm @Cesaro_401 @hannahfarrelly8 less all go
06:46pm "so what would you rather have a blackberry or an iPhone?"
06:47pm my response- iPhone; joshs response-blueberry; jons responseraspberry; andys response- iBerry
10:12pm "I don't know what he said but he finished it with 'why dont you
go row your boat'"
10:54pm After living in freshman dorms for three months, the concept
of houses amaze me
allyevangie's Twournal
10:58pm Other things that are blowing my mind: queen size beds,
homemade food, pets, kitchen sinks, extension cords..
10:59pm the radio... #WTF are these things
Wed Nov 24
12:41pm Getting a pedicure... so #ticklish
01:40pm Thought I just saw @gotuscamera. Not possible. :-/
03:40pm NOBODY treats Jeter like this....Nobody! #NYY
03:53pm How come in Friends you can always see through Rachel
Green's shirt? #PutOnABra
04:02pm No, Barney, boutonniere is not French for booty's near
#HIMYM #twoepsbehind
04:46pm Inspired by the Rodney Coffee House... now on a mission to
find my old guitar books and pics... #lost #wheredyago
Thu Nov 25
11:27am Welcome @lucyevangie
08:47pm wuts pacheeZie
09:09pm it's cold as hell up here
Fri Nov 26
10:56am Evangelista day of fun!
08:54pm Modern family with my modern family. You know, the people
I'm gonna buy a house to grow old with.
10:03pm ben just burst a pipe..
10:31pm "I like nice girls. especially nice sluts" - @rmohanty3
ally evangelista
11:05pm Twin time
11:44pm You can RT yourself?! But what's the point of that...that's like
liking your own facebook status.
Sat Nov 27
05:28pm Inocente!!
05:34pm Dont talk black to me momizzle
05:57pm Never seen @mingo100 laugh so hard at a tv show
06:35pm "I'm sober as a doorknob in winter in Russia" -- @kaytbee123
08:31pm just spilled water all down my new boots #nicebootsyaslut
10:37pm I love @elohweez !
Sun Nov 28
12:00am So many signs pointing in one direction, but one question -how do i get there? #superstitious #makeithappen
10:55am ahhhh wish I was driving back to UD
11:10am Should I be surprised that almost everything and everyone
remains unchanged? #maturity #ignoredtexts #chillin
12:41pm #ifmymomhadatwitter we'd follow each other #truth @jayneb
05:14pm @PAK524 are you gonna elaborate? that tweet was only half
05:30pm My jeans are a little snug.
06:43pm I came close to it, but I didn't shed a tear when departing my
family this time. What's happening to my soul? #Chandlerbing
08:38pm the two people behind me on my flight fell in love #ohphilly
allyevangie's Twournal
09:45pm the little kids infront of me are straight passed out on this
shuttle. must be the heat....
09:50pm dropping this nice modern american family off at their humble
abode. so long little kids, im sure one day you'll be on your way to UD
as ...
09:56pm am I on post road? #couldbe
10:19pm YES. I see familiar things...main at court yards, seasons pizza,
cold stone, d.p. dough....bring me to rodney
10:20pm oh this girl a bad b, she lives above catherine rooneys.
Mon Nov 29
10:16am Taking notes with the scribe.
01:24pm never skipping a beat
04:03pm you'll NEVER guess where I am!
04:49pm My moms always right.
05:07pm @jayneb yes I went to the gym!!
06:11pm @gotuscamera something mean
10:01pm just overheard a redhead getting complimented on the color of
her hair #isthisreallife?
10:01pm I must be very coldhearted...
10:02pm I thoroughly enjoyed my cold shower, though. Topped off by
hearing the train go by as soon as I stepped out. #Rodney #Rodjects
Tue Nov 30
08:40am Now I KNOW no one will believe me if I tell them where I am,
given that my first class today is at 2.
10:08am come help me hang my lights @maggiehibner !
ally evangelista
02:17pm nervous as anything for my Spanish oral exam.
02:32pm @gotuscamera don't forget about the special!
Wed Dec 01
08:36am Happy Hanukkah @jayneb !
08:38am @johncmayer youtube playlist #acoustic
10:28am Run rabbit run
11:13am Sooo I'm going to pretend that didn't just happen...and hide
under my bed for the rest of the week..
11:32am @bevangelista I just experienced the true definition of
#BOOM #roasted it wasn't fun.
06:08pm #nowplaying #coldplay Look at the stars, Look how they shine
for you, And everything you do,
06:10pm #thingsthatmakemecry cards from home
07:28pm So happy there was a giant white spider to chase me out of
the shower before I even shampooed. Thank you Kailee for killing it
#F1love #F1
09:35pm Back to the game playing.... You know what it is. #notTwister
Thu Dec 02
09:45am so many backwards flatbrimmed hats
01:33pm I'm having a lot of trouble paying attention right now.
allyevangie's Twournal
03:31pm I love it when guys rock a peacoat.
04:28pm I'm on that #gymrat status
04:32pm Mad Fiji brothers at the gym right now #LOL
05:47pm @jayneb #LOL no there were a lot of them
#dumbass #love
Fri Dec 03
12:55am lol @megmccreaa bird food all over #F1
09:51am UGH so it's one of THOSE friday mornings... #thursdaynight
11:16am classical conditioning: I throw up every time I see your face
CAMPUS #thanks
05:51pm @nancyheidt it's about time! looks cute!!
08:32pm I knew my Santa shirt would come in handy again. #score
10:22pm I'm saturday
10:23pm ever been bitch slapped by nugget?? fran has
Sat Dec 04
09:09am hop off!!!! actually hop on!
09:12am "I hope there's cookies at this tsilgate" - @rayzieee
11:28am hot chicks at russel LETS GO
12:06pm this is the life of a blue hen !!
10:18pm happy
ally evangelista
Sun Dec 05
01:38am @jayneb I'm not and wasn't at Fiji !
02:13am aNaLyzAtiOn! lol #LOL
11:59am Too superstitious for my own good #itsanevangiething
01:41pm @nancyheidt UGHH i'm so jealous!
02:49pm no
02:51pm @hannahfarrelly8 neverrrrr again #illnever @bevangelista
04:57pm love and miss the #evangieclan
05:10pm looking forward to: family, warm showers, home-cooked meals,
attempting to drive, my puppy,& RI
05:17pm Picked a wrong seat for people watching just another day, just
another #FML
06:13pm @bevangelista @hannahfarrelly8 @elohweez you should
follow @GoodMusicAllDay
06:25pm #noonelikesyoubecause you were mean #LOLnot
10:02pm "I wish there was an app for your phone that read between the
lines of text messages" -- @sbazzini8
10:23pm #damnittohell i missed 11:11 by ONE MINUTE... #gofigure
Mon Dec 06
11:34am ahh it's all part of the bigger picture
02:26pm I like to wear long sleeved shirts under short sleeved shirts
under long sleeved shirts @rayzieee
05:07pm found a hair in my food tonight...I think it's time to go home.
05:56pm hey hey I decided this is NOT MAH PROLEM! #freedom
06:08pm LOOK AT ALL THOSE BALLS. #juggle
allyevangie's Twournal
09:21pm There are places i'll remember All my life though some have
changed Some forever not for better Some have gone and some remain
09:24pm Question of the day brought to you by @carabarbato : "Are
men void of emotion?" First man to respond with a truthful answer earns
+10 pts
09:36pm Unfortunately I just learned that chemistry between 2 people is
just as hard to study as the chemistry you learn about in school.
11:40pm @kelseabearit let me know if you find anything good! also visit !
Tue Dec 07
12:54am Just roll with me @iitsmollyyyyy
01:30am I set five alarms for tomorrow morning #alltimelow
01:35am Look at the stars, look how they shine for you #yellow
02:19am Ignorance is bliss
11:54am Rule number 1: don't sweat the small stuff
12:01pm Rule number 2: it's all small stuff
02:17pm @kaytbee123 do you even have to ask?
02:21pm I go to University of Delaware bitch, hold me back HOLD ME
03:46pm The Scientist vs High and Dry
06:03pm I move onward the only direction, don't be scared to fail, search
ya perfection #JAYZ
08:23pm Kids in the hall playing Doorbell Ditzy...
09:06pm Watching the BiWeekly Show @bevangelista
ally evangelista
10:04pm Dear 6, Please stop spreading rumors about me eating 9.
You shouldn't be talking. I hear you guys do some pretty nasty... http://
Wed Dec 08
10:54am #rip John Lennon
11:29am wowwww WOW WWWOOOWW
11:37am classical response comin atya
11:47am life is random
01:19pm @anni3carter BEEN THERE
01:20pm Wondering what what WHAT could be waiting for me in my
package at #Trabant
01:21pm I don't know why you say Goodbye, I say Hello
01:30pm Retail therapy.......... @carabarbato
07:06pm @bevangelista ya left ya trash in mah room
07:20pm #johnmayer #nowplaying When you're dreaming with a
broken heart the waking up is the hardest part.
11:22pm I love Rohan
Thu Dec 09
11:32am "What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in
disguise."-- Oscar Wilde,
12:08pm today is: make up brought to you by last night @iitsmollyyyyy
01:20pm @nancyheidt you forgot one person on my fbookKK +++ i
gotta update you, call me later
01:40pm Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing
everybody. -- J.D. Salinger
allyevangie's Twournal
03:18pm laundry without laundry detergent. how productive.
04:44pm @nancyheidt you're the best
08:24pm Assembling a Gingerbread train on F1, what's next? Engine
08:38pm One day....when you guys least expect it....I'm going to turn this
floor into the North Pole. @brittanymanchio
10:33pm Next Halloween I'm gonna be Princess Cockess -- it's fran man
Fri Dec 10
11:46am Let's have a toast for the douchebags, Let's have a toast for the
assholes, Let's have a toast for the scumbags,
01:04pm things don't happen to me, they happen for me. @kaytbee123
03:16pm Shine until tomorrow #letitbe
04:26pm Study break to show my school spirit at the tailgate! #UD
04:52pm easy Mac for dinner #soCollege
09:05pm #nowplaying BEYONCE's "If I were a boy"
10:22pm � Let's have a toast for the scumbags, Every one of them that I
Sat Dec 11
12:54pm HAHAHA RT @Leti_Says: And frankly, I'd like to know who
Frank was and why does he have an adverb all to himself..?
01:00pm "And if someone brings up Taylor Swift, tell her 'no one man
should have all that power'" #nowplaying Power remix
01:17pm Hit me if I am ever simultaneously working out and drinking a
red bull.
ally evangelista
02:48pm @gotuscamera Dear Mr. 4.75 shots of espresso, 3.5 pumps
of hazelnut and 2.75 pumps of vanilla, half non-fat and half... http://
03:24pm RT @GoodMusicAllDay Plug In Stereo [Ft. Horizun] –
Up, Up, & Away (KiD CuDi Cover) | Go..
07:39pm All of this studying is depressing me... #THANKGOD for the
Fudge my parents sent me to keep me motivated
07:41pm If anyone on #F1 wants to take a break right quick hit me up in
09:11pm on that classy status
09:48pm ho ho ho
10:20pm JELLO!!!!!!!!!!
Sun Dec 12
12:00am it's December. how how HOW is it raining?!
12:32am Rohan cmon lezzgoo I have your Sammy!
03:02pm He just looks so dangerous... with hair.
03:02pm YIKES! The rain makes it impossible to focus!
allyevangie's Twournal
04:40pm My Christmas lights! #BeingAllArtsyNShii http://
05:52pm I didn't have any wrapping paper or tissue I used
regular paper @sbazzini8
06:59pm So sick of wearing pants!
Mon Dec 13
08:26am @jayneb Actually after 12:30 I will have two more... :(
09:20am @jayneb español!
09:27am @jayneb @rayzieee @brittanymanchio @iitsmollyyyyy
@megmccreaa @carabarbato will be all that's left!
09:27am @jayneb Wed 1030am
12:12pm ChChCheck it out
03:44pm having a conversation with your mom over twitter
03:45pm @beyonce has over 800,000 followers and no tweets....
ally evangelista
05:24pm @jayneb it's not it just looks like it is
05:44pm "2010 was a good year. We graduated. We went to college.
Turned 18. Thats a lot of stuff." @maggiehibner
07:43pm @mingo100 uggg the things I would do to see that man live
07:52pm @iitsmollyyyyy where are you!?
09:38pm Chinese food with f2
09:38pm Chinese food with f1
10:24pm girls don't fart
10:37pm @Quent_Dickmann it's just such dangerous territory
11:12pm #TextsYouGetFromAStalker "almost reach the point of not
caring...a little further and we're good.." @k_evans you know what i'm
talking about
11:15pm using the repressive cognitive therapy techniques I taught
myself in psychology
Tue Dec 14
08:47am how am I awake??????? is this real life??
02:11pm I would love love LOVE to say this is the last time I'll study for
chemistry....unfortunately CHEM102 has bigger and better plans for me
allyevangie's Twournal
05:11pm So cute #f2 boys helping @maggiehibner and @sbazzini8 pack
the car up
10:16pm i dont care what all tha hatahs say (@brittanymanchio) I love
10:22pm don't you think we oughta know by now? don't you think we
should have learned some how?
Wed Dec 15
12:07pm #FF Follow Friday (Even though it's not Friday....)
@Boyceavenue - Great Covers
02:31pm RT @bevangelista: Happy birthday to @k_evans and
@krysmetcalf !!
02:31pm @jayneb oh stop it! you're making me blush
10:10pm Last nightt hurr Rodney E lezzgoo
ally evangelista
10:35pm lessgoo round 4
10:39pm I luv free shyt
10:41pm @JakePesante ya aint no rookie!
Thu Dec 16
11:53am roadtrip @nancyheidt so awesome !
12:47pm welcome !!
12:48pm UD WE OUT
02:39pm so sad to have missed newarks first snow fall..missed it by a fee
03:37pm @Cesaro_401 it's not working from my phone
07:33pm @lucyevangie please come down i wanna snugsnug
07:41pm UDEL 2010 WE OUT. Back in RI.....
allyevangie's Twournal
07:42pm with family, the soda club, homecooked meals, warm showers
without flipflops, my puppy, attempting to drive, jitters
08:07pm @bevangelista for your bathroom
Fri Dec 17
12:27pm @nancyheidt you too?! ;)
02:23pm anyone know any good music sites #gmad #findnewjams
08:21pm santa came early this year!! woo
09:51pm imd sickd
10:16pm I love @nancyheidt
10:36pm oh!
10:36pm hello? imd sickd
Sat Dec 18
01:20am icalzzz
10:16am dear wallet, please have money in you. love, @pak524
11:36am should have started tailgating 4 hrs ago @rayzieee
@brittanymanchio @iitsmollyyyyy @lindsayoddi @megmccreaa
@maggiehibner @alyshelly
11:37am Good luck UD football!!
01:05pm @sbazzini8 dammnittohell i know it wouldn't fit !!!!!!!!!!
01:06pm @laura_sundberg I can't believe I didn't say hi to
you....actually, I can't believe I saw you... #ignorant
06:42pm 7 moons ALL DAY
07:13pm Snoop dog and my academic advisor just rolled up...
08:12pm bitchez be eatin mah foooood
11:28pm stefon is BACK #snl
ally evangelista
Sun Dec 19
10:40am I'm so..........pale
01:23pm oh na na ya names rihanna --@bevangelista
01:32pm we be rollin behind a car with Yale and UPenn bumper stickers.
#whatUfeedURkids #iwantsome
02:49pm @JittersNK is my favorite place in NK
06:58pm IMD SICKD ............................... OF ALL DA HATAS
07:00pm @brittanymanchio your last two tweets confirmed my tender
affection for you <3
07:42pm @nancyheidt imd sickd.......i cure
08:15pm alarm....set..
08:23pm i hate wearing pants -___-
allyevangie's Twournal
09:03pm @brittanymanchio gotta catch my bus to NYC
Mon Dec 20
05:21am on a megabus on my way to New York City
05:37am uggg stuck in the backwards seat. gonna vom. at least the sun is
rising now
07:53am this bus is on hydraulics @nancyheidt
07:45pm I hate seeing people in love. makes me sick. -_-
Tue Dec 21
09:53am lets goooo RT @nancyheidt: day 2 in NYC
10:40am #F1 when you visit RI I'll show you the best coffee
@lindsayoddi @rayzieee @JittersNK
11:24am @lindsayoddi no silly there are no saxbys in RI!
12:44pm people of canal street...SO agressive
02:26pm finally hail a cab, he asks "where to?", we tell him 48& 8th.... he
said no and speeds away
04:28pm I now understand the origin of 'Smelly Cat'
@DivorceMensClub @chandlermbing
07:55pm what do you do when you're so bored you're contemplating
sticking forks in your eyes?? get meh off da bus @nancyheidt
08:32pm nobody loves me!!!! muy triste
09:03pm @brittanymanchio @sbazzini8 love you guyyys
09:59pm @bevangelista lOOk at all the people who wish they were
picking me uppp
ally evangelista
Wed Dec 22
01:46pm at my home away from home @JittersNK
01:47pm @brittanymanchio you drunk before 5 again? Christmas is in 3
02:02pm "so yesterday I was scratching my balls...and my boxers ripped"
-- Joshua Desabris
02:58pm saving @ savers
03:01pm you know what it is
03:02pm @gotuscamera I see youre in the holiday spirit
03:31pm @hannahfarrelly8 of course
03:39pm "I can't be seen wearing the same beanie around campus all the
time. do you know what kind of rep I'll get?" -- Jonathan Desabris
08:59pm @elohweez I had to the partys mañana! :-(
allyevangie's Twournal
10:45pm @nancyheidt - hehe just lookin
10:46pm @gotuscamera SUCH a lie, you say "yo #truethat" all the
time // I don't get your last tweet @ me
Thu Dec 23
12:56pm Welcome to Twitter World @dezabreezy
03:43pm The most productive thing I did today was wrap one present.
04:35pm it really bothers me how in Home Alone they leave their
CHILD at home and don't even notice
06:49pm it's about to get real ugly up in here
06:51pm @brittanymanchio hahahahah it all makes sense now
09:56pm my left nostril just opened up -- @rmon667 #weRold
ally evangelista
10:18pm your breath smells like dead children. please do me a favor and
stop breathing. @PAK524
Fri Dec 24
03:08pm remember frippletown?
11:01pm Yay! Everyone welcome @asmitty319 to Twitter World! This
should be interesting...(;
Sat Dec 25
01:53pm I hate when people brag on twitter.
10:43pm I really wish @lucyevangie would trot in here so we could
11:08pm Things I miss about #Udel... Late night congregations #F1
Sun Dec 26
11:26am too bad we dont have a love sac...
11:27am mom - "our family IS a love sac"
11:53am @hannahfarrelly8 lmao you know thats hannahs shit
11:53am watching Ramona and beezus @selenagomez
11:59am I didn't know dogs could burp. @Lucyevangie thanks for
clearing that up
03:08pm warm twitter welcome to @JoshDes23
08:45pm the sound of the vontrapp children singing ahhhhh yes
09:26pm Ryan Reynolds really speaks to me in this movie.
allyevangie's Twournal
Mon Dec 27
12:04pm I got like 99 problems and yeeeah they all bitches
12:09pm i love @GoodMusicAllDay #nowplaying Recline to Mayer
04:38pm @nancyheidt and did you say
04:39pm @elohweez don't we all....we'ere all hopeless romantics on this
twitter world ish
07:22pm this is what i feel like.......................MEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPP
07:34pm CABIN FEVER.......................MEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPP
08:00pm @brittanymanchio omg i hate you for so many reasons right
09:52pm could i BE anymore bored? @chandlermbing
10:01pm Is this what this vacation has come to?
#DisneyChannel #CabinFever #beyondhelp
10:44pm @bevangelista I MISS YOU ALREADY <333333 OMG
10:48pm @bevangelista count backwards from 100 by 3's
11:23pm life is easier as a blue hen @carabarbato and #F1
11:41pm so pale i feel so gingerous....
11:59pm true life: i'm addicted to @GoodMusicAllDay
Tue Dec 28
ally evangelista
10:48am who makes a juice called orangina?
12:59pm ya already know I want YOU
02:42pm RT @kaytbee123: Dear grades, sorry you suck. Sincerely, will
try harder this semester
06:30pm @nancyheidt ;) it's the best I'm addicted. the writer for the blog
@ mentioned me "I'm glad you like it" !!
11:35pm Sometimes I look back at things I have done in my past and go:
11:38pm @Dezabreezy Yes....sometime I think both at the same time...
Wed Dec 29
12:02am Sometimes the greener dead grass
01:08am #2010memories @carabarbato 2 words: the ketch
01:08am #2010memories, let this one RIP: applying to college
01:09am #2010memories sunz out bunz out
allyevangie's Twournal
01:10am Is it too early to joke about how much I cried the first two
weeks at college? #2010memories
01:11am #thatawkwardmomentwhen you realize i'm ally not emily
@emimad #omgsoawkward
01:14am #thatawkwardmomentwhen your relatives ask you if you have a
01:22am #thatawkwardmomentwhen you realize you left the house
without pants on..... again
01:24am #damnittohell i can't fall asleep
10:21am is 1130 too early for a burger?
05:51pm RHODY RHODY RHODY!! rams rams rams!!
06:47pm last time I was in here.....I graduated.
07:27pm I think URI bball really likes Guitar Hero music
07:54pm Time out at 1.0 seconds left....didnt know you could do that
08:12pm @hannahfarrelly8 heard DAT!
Thu Dec 30
02:37pm Ever wonder what happened to the phrase "tickle my fancy" ?
03:56pm the whole world is pale right now... so is that why they're saying
"pale is the new tan" ?
03:57pm I now permanently think in 140 character thoughts.
04:24pm Today: Keep calm and carry on
04:24pm Tomorrow: Keep calm and party on
04:34pm @brittanymanchio ughhhh seems like every city i go to is for
lovers. like helloO I'm 18 and single...i DONT wanna see you mackin on
ya girl
ally evangelista
04:59pm "sometimes I get my news from saturday night live" @emimad
05:34pm sorry dad I don't remember if they played "Fins" at the Fiji
islander @brittanymanchio @rayzieee
06:07pm ewwwwiie the people in the car infront of me: driving while
making out.... REALLY?!
06:23pm @brittanymanchio i remember about 4 main events....
06:24pm @sbazzini8 glad I can stay in your life via the Internet.. I miss
room 103
11:06pm People people people you only have one mouth, why are you
talking out of both sides of it? #dontsay1thinganddoanother
11:07pm Woops that was very passive agressive. Last one like that for
#2010 I hope..
Fri Dec 31
08:52am Can't believe I'm about to go out of the house looking like
this...Of course I'm probably going to see everyone and their uncle
09:14am Cheers to the friends who go the extra mile #UKnowWhoUR
10:12am the parking lot at @jittersnk is an absolute shit show
10:24am I'm having a hard time believing that I'm 18 years old and in
college and dealing with the same shit as my 15 yr old HS sister.
allyevangie's Twournal
11:28am found this list of things I did/didn't want to do on New Years
three years ago...
03:04pm Lucy just took herself for a walk.
07:04pm welcome: everything new
10:21pm @rayzieee YOU do
ally evangelista
11:05pm happy new years TWIT WORLD!!!!
11:35pm happy new year twitter twatter!!!!
11:35pm I miss my twin! second year in a row we've been separated ;
( @bevangelista
allyevangie's Twournal
Sat Jan 01
12:14am lol guys stay clam...PARTY ON!
01:06am clams are calm
09:23am @gotuscamera how so skeeepps?
09:26am @brittanymanchio confused but alive. that's the important
12:50pm moo meadows over here chowing down on a #4 @JittersNK
01:13pm I will be signing posters today from 2-4 at jitters
09:21pm waiting for 1.1.11 11:11 ahyeah
11:08pm @JoshDes23 HAHAHA why did you wait until 2011 to get a
11:10pm @elohweez I over think on the daily.....
11:10pm How do you get Pink eye?
ally evangelista
11:16pm The one smart thing I ever heard JWoww say: "Friends is a
deep word"
Sun Jan 02
07:09pm sounds about right... RT @EricHutchinson: "If you're not
making mistakes, you're not trying." - Wynton Marsalis on '60 Minutes'
08:20pm I'm eating ice cream with a fork. #onlywaytogo
10:35pm #nowplaying Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Mon Jan 03
02:36pm @elohweez sexy. although i was completely unaware we were
both naked
02:39pm in my car listening to an old CD i made: WHAT THE HELL
03:24pm I'm the oldest patient in here.....
04:48pm @alysiaa when life hands you lemons, cut them up and squeeze
em in someones eyes
05:38pm CON #17 to having a party.... mopping the basement
06:43pm I miss the conveyer belts at the dining we all about
#DIY at the #evangie household
07:35pm I think it's about to beee TEEE SHIIIIRRRRRTTT
Tue Jan 04
07:47am @DJPaulyD #TeamDJPaulyD I want that T for TSHIRT
allyevangie's Twournal
04:36pm @JakePes *cockpot
04:38pm When @emimad was little she asked us to call her "Emily
06:23pm "Is it weird that every time I see Lucy, I think of Ben?"
@bevangelista @elohweez
Wed Jan 05
06:31am @mandacichy you left it heree, i have it
06:32am WHY am I awake right now? I just want to sleep forever in my
warm bed and watch Always Sunny
02:18pm feels like Santa is sittin on my eyelids
07:25pm Covers are better than most originals @BoyceAvenue http://
07:26pm #realworldsucks i got 7 hours of sleep last night and worked 2
jobs today
08:59pm @bevangelista finishing season 2 funny. dont know
why i waited until 2011 to start watching
09:03pm If it's not a "no"....and its not a "yes".....Does that mean.... you
can just do it now? OR you will be punished forever if you do? @emimad
09:05pm @elohweez i would love to stay up until midnight to wish you a
happy birthday but with my plans for the gym @ 7 tmrw i just dont think i
09:07pm @Cesaro_401 did you hear the Huey Mack leaked song?
09:13pm Really want @MTVBuzzworthy 's job.
Thu Jan 06
ally evangelista
12:06pm RT @Quent_Dickmann: I wish I could teach people to do
things using a supersoaker like Luke from Modern Family
05:38pm Nice Girls #lessambitiousfilms
09:20pm i dont know no deena bitch #jerseyshore
09:41pm thanks stormy for scaring the living hell out of me. #ihatecats
09:44pm OHHH is that what Rihanna means when she sings "na na"
Fri Jan 07
12:02pm HELLO friscO
04:29pm's dark out? enough of this #realworld crap
06:39pm who dunnit
08:08pm #GoHens !! watching from Jamestown, RI
09:11pm @UDbluehens #gobluehens #GoHens all day
09:22pm first cry of 2011
10:28pm the things I'm hearing right now are disturbing omg surprise
@rmohanty3 @nancyheidt
10:48pm 14 out of 15 people are single in the room right now! #record
11:07pm the shed. sesh. kinda. WADDUP
11:29pm @hannahfarrelly8 hatas be lovin dis
11:30pm does he have a beard I feel like he has a beard @nancyheidt
11:55pm put ya arms out side to side
11:57pm I love @nancyheidt a lot
Sat Jan 08
12:40am ignorance is bliss
09:33am i need something to hide my face
10:29am Gym for the second time in 2011 @nancyheidt
allyevangie's Twournal
10:30am you must either be intoxicated or think it's still 2001 if you:
tYp3 lyK tHi5
11:37am "don't hold back this weekend. Mondays are so much better
with the embarrassing Facebook photos anyways" #radio929
01:13pm @Leti_Says that sounds so good right letii
02:18pm #nowplaying Sun Brother - Uri Dakota
02:36pm this is what we needed last night
03:17pm @MacMiller @nancyheidt thought you were singing "little man
little man" instead of "let em in let em in" in Knock Knock #weloveit
05:16pm #thatawkwardmoment when you watch 5min of commercials
only to realize you were watching a DVRd show
05:28pm Amen RT @mattnucc: There are a lot of things I will never
07:56pm was making a scavenger hunt for my 18 yr old friends the most
productive thing I've done all vacation...? It is likely.
09:30pm really don't want the jets to win...go colts
09:32pm I really don't understand why people don't ever think to use,
09:36pm @lindsayoddi hey now i haven't talked to you in almost a
month. some kinder first words of 2011 would have been appreciated!
09:42pm @asmitty319 i dont. i think they lack brain cells not sure
11:25pm @lindsayoddi i'm sorry for upsetting but can't wait to see you
Sun Jan 09
ally evangelista
12:04pm Good to know that bribery for @FiveGuys keeps children
motivated to do their homework @emimad
12:26pm Variety makes everything more spicy! #SNL
02:32pm imagine if Facebook and Twitter didn't exist...
03:12pm @nancyheidt you forgot the hashtag. don't worry i got your
04:38pm HUEY MACK where his twitter at?
05:33pm URI BLUE OUT
09:38pm @HueyMack YESS finally <3
Mon Jan 10
05:44am Gym with @nancyheidt welcome to the #realworld
01:16pm looks like @GoodMusicAllDay released some good music
today. #notsurprised
allyevangie's Twournal
02:19pm we're both riding shotgun @Lucyevangie
03:07pm Reminiscing about the days when I didn't make the Jump Rope
Team... #soexclusive
06:32pm @nancyheidt aww nancy feel better!
06:40pm You know you studied hard in #chem101 when you can answer
Jeopardy questions about the periodic table correctly.
07:46pm If a girl wears a flannel shirt out to a party is that
#sociallyacceptable ?
08:46pm Saving #PrettyLittleLiars and @ABCFgreek for the supposed
blizzard called for on Wednesday
08:47pm @HueyMack how can I get on your level?
08:49pm Joey = Huey & Michael = Mack #OhIGetIt @nancyheidt
ally evangelista
08:49pm #HaveYouEverSeen a girl play college football?
Tue Jan 11
06:12am #YouKnowItsEarlyWhen you start pedaling backwards on the
elliptical and don't notice
07:02am "Snooki wrote a book?" ..."Yeah, well, it's a coloring book" @mingo100
07:50am Just listened to Ramiro on #Jammin945 ....laughed alone,
missing my sidesick who used to laugh with me @bevangelista
09:54am Don't forget to make a wish 1/11/11 11:11 #ahyes
01:59pm RT @PAK524: We could do paint splatter...oops i forgot were
not going to a frat house @allyevangie #shethinksshesatrodney
02:01pm @Quent_Dickmann Good call, I wasted my wish this morning
02:11pm @jayneb true statement, not at 16 nash
04:06pm Just thinking about how cool it would be to be to Tweeter for
@MTV, #prettycool
04:24pm new TT thanks to @PAK524 #shethinksshesatrodney @ my
#F1 floormates
04:59pm @nancyheidt i love you ! and i think @MacMiller loves you too
05:12pm if "AT&T covers 97% of a all Americans" then I must be part of
that special 3%
05:38pm Pa is home just in time for supper!
07:46pm @iitsmollyyyyy i can't even respond to that! and i hate
#melgibson #gopats #patspatspats
allyevangie's Twournal
09:05pm @nancyheidt i'm trying to get on his level, DE to WV is not
that bad of a distance @HueyMack
09:10pm #CabinFever and it's only been about 4 hours.... I bet some
#AlwaysSunnyInPhiladelphia can fix that...
09:45pm Oy vey and #DamnitToHell we joked so much about being
sickd.... @nancyheidt worst possible time for you to get sickd
09:51pm #FunnyFacebookPages Boy:There's 21 letters in the alphabet
rite? Girl:No.There's 26 letters in the alphabet. Boy: Oh.Yeah.I forgot
10:13pm #DamnItToHell I missed 1/11/11 11:11 by 1 minute...
10:14pm @PAK524 @nancyheidt i'm coming... even though i'm not
allowed to drive in the snow.... i'm 18 i do what i want
Wed Jan 12
11:52am snowball fight in the courtyard, igloos on The Green, CalTor
for lunch, movies in F2 #shethinksshesatrodney
01:19pm @kaytbee123 come to my house!
01:25pm @kaytbee123 in my driveway I think there is
01:36pm #randomtweet stay clam, play in the snow, swim in the sea, pet
your dog, never own a cat, obey the speed limit & laugh until you snort
02:04pm everyone is hatin on @HueyMack but last time I checked he
was more successful than most of my other 18 yr old friends
05:23pm Ponies playing in the snow on nbc10 @nancyheidt @PAK524
ally evangelista
05:29pm @Leti_Says hahaha same! at first i didn't get why she said they
were "horsing around"
05:52pm Flex to the left throw some money out your hands Do it for the
city and we do it for the fans #JohnWall #DoTheJohnWall
05:57pm All my love and condolences to the victims and their families in
Tuscon ♥ So heartbreaking.
06:15pm @B_Salvadore did you have school today?
06:17pm @B_Salvadore ew @ Great Valley HS... why wouldn't you just
cancel it?
06:52pm omg uri suffered a hard loss tonight..
07:25pm @nancyheidt RT @HueyMack: The name of my new mixtape
will be..... Freshman 15
07:45pm My love for @DJPaulyD is forever flowing. He has a good
sense of humor.... And by good I mean inappropriate.
07:49pm @hannahfarrelly8 wish I had my own reality TV show.
someone tell @MTV and make it happen
09:40pm "Yeah I mean the real problem is that you're so much more
ridiculously good-looking that its intimidating." @brittanymanchio
10:01pm @nancyheidt listen to all of "Tonight" ft Young Scoll by
@HueyMack the end of the song is the Doug Theme song! Sick!
10:27pm @nancyheidt and i just friend requested @HueyMack we are a
little obsessed... #oops #loveatfirstlisten
10:37pm things usually fall into place when i STOP STRESSING
Thu Jan 13
12:02am @GoodMusicCFEN HAHAHAHAHHA thats hilarious
allyevangie's Twournal
08:49am Made a playlist called MACkATTACK feat @MacMiller and
@HueyMack #getonmylevel #obsessed
04:23pm speebeeries lol
05:49pm The Last Sushi
08:21pm Deena Nicole is a squeaky piece of trash
08:50pm @elohweez I'll buy it off you for $20. that's all I want for my
08:51pm @emimad why?!
09:02pm @emimad yeeeeee
09:09pm "it's a commercial....might as well occupy ourselves with good
Fri Jan 14
06:09am Now when the sun come up 'll be there to say what up In the
ally evangelista
07:16am HURAYRAY to RI today! @rayzieee
07:24am SKINNY PANTS AND SOME VANS @nancyheidt
07:37am @brittanymanchio wish I would wake up witchu bbg
07:38am Getting up early: it's not for everyone
12:34pm the one and only @rayzieee is about to enter Lil Rhody
12:36pm da internet h8zzzzzzz
Sat Jan 15
04:40pm @emimad thats a problem...
04:41pm @B_Salvadore are they calling my name?
06:36pm @kaytbee123 and a headache..
06:37pm errbody be breakin their neck LYKE WHO0o d@@t giiirrl?!!
08:40pm back to the other side JUST #shake @rayzieee @rmon667
@nancyheidt @kelseabearit @rebeccamorley @hannahfarrelly8
@PAK524 @rmon667 @asmitty319
08:40pm and also @andyrhess :)
08:41pm I see you.
08:54pm Flexin to the left...teaching these kids to flex to the left throw
some money out their hands
11:22pm ball like wall....but you gotta do the dance
11:40pm omg it's so early even milo is still awake
Sun Jan 16
12:14am ughhhh hint of lime tostitos Allyevangie CANT eat that
12:43am Huey Huey Huey Mac Mac Mac
allyevangie's Twournal
12:43am @mattnucc youre crazy it's too coldto surf
12:45am God bless that I love...@nancyheidt
07:55am Luigi....You can't make pizza today. You have to make ice
08:03am it's a mid atlantic know, that really great part of the
country. @asmitty319
08:04am @Lucyevangie eat up looloo
08:23am why is RIP JUSTIN BEIBER a #TT if he's still alive
09:05am @jayneb don't know anyone that looks like THAT
10:42am Bye @rayzieee !
10:42am Bye @nancyheidt !
05:36pm YES RT @udressmag: Remember those jelly sandals you used
to wear? Well theyre back! Heres some chic ways to wear them!..http://
06:16pm @rmohanty3 total copyright infringement :-x
06:30pm @B_Salvadore the things I would do for an outdoor shower
right now...
06:32pm RT @justjaredjr: Golden Globe Awards 2011!: Sarah Hyland is
gorgeous in a golden Max Azria…
06:35pm Twitter is going to blow up between the #pats game and the
06:39pm is it bad i find this hilarious RT @The_Stace: Ha the whole
Country (minus New England) is rooting against the Patriots. This is
09:20pm Awww my night was just made; Becky from Glee went up on
stage with the rest of the cast and crew
ally evangelista
09:29pm You guys are ruthless @PAK524 @hannahfarrelly8
@kelseabearit but it's why I love you
09:32pm @hannahfarrelly8 momma said NO
Mon Jan 17
12:06pm Mom is there any Chinese food left over?
05:03pm the amount of nothingness I did today is quite disgusting.
05:33pm Where was this Childrens Advil three years ago when I couldn't
swallow pills?
06:57pm @kathleenn153 me and my mom were just talking about how I
didn't make that team... #soexclusive
07:05pm @kathleenn153 I've gotta see this video... sounds like a
07:06pm something about Heath bar in coffee ice cream just tastes so
right, thank you #benandjerry
07:07pm @hannahfarrelly8 @rebeccamorley she aint shy no more
08:10pm Am I the only one who thinks Skins doesn't look like a good
show? #guessSo
08:44pm Seaside is so beautiful, look at the trash! @iitsmollyyyyy
08:47pm omg snooki and I have something in common..... #alltimelow
08:53pm @iitsmollyyyyy sorryy I'm quoting my rhody love @DJPaulyD
Tue Jan 18
06:35am 7am is my least favorite hour of any day #UpBeforeTheSun
allyevangie's Twournal
07:19am Thank you sweet baby Jesus I didn't sign up for that 8am two
days a week. I don't think I would have gone to class. #freedom
10:42am dont gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than
silver or gold #bobmarley
11:46am @brittanymanchio @lindsayoddi better a twitter whore than a
whore whore #BOOM
12:04pm @jayneb or a cute 18 year old college daughter who is still
dealing w high school drama like her little sister @emimad ?
12:40pm @nancyheidt I just found my YMCA member card! Screw the
fat guy who was gonna make me pay!
03:45pm Looking for free samples at Dave's
04:57pm scavengers
08:07pm and then there were 6
ally evangelista
08:54pm tosh.0 gets funnier every time I watch it #cantToshThis
Wed Jan 19
08:18am @FriendsTrivia fat monica
10:28am #nowplaying Sun Brother aka Billy Toulson #F2
12:27pm @MacMiller ayyOo macmacmillller happy 19th birthday!
01:56pm ayo someone please send me some new and/or good music
#findnewjams #gmad
01:57pm ppl playin checkers on the highway... #sodangerous
02:17pm @elohweez tell me how you like it !
03:39pm it's time to play.......#FAMILYFEUD #nowplaying
04:06pm "I like laughing" ......oh
05:17pm I you have an iPhone you can view this on a twitter app: �+�=
05:20pm and this: ������ ones not like the others...
05:39pm who names their first child Aria and second child Mike?
THE DEAD OF WINTER?! #help #randomtweet
06:34pm THERES A @RitasItalianIce in NEWARK DE AT THE END
06:36pm @megmccreaa @lindsayoddi just another reason to bring me
back to #dellyworld
06:53pm @megmccreaa possible trip to delly in two weeks?
@RitasItalianIce and CalTor trip included? #F1
06:56pm uggggg I have a bad case of twitterreah :o(
allyevangie's Twournal
Thu Jan 20
08:30am might be the highlight of my day @JittersNK
09:52am someone please tell me why the YMCA is jam packed right
now? I thought 11am on a weekday would be the perfect time to go...
09:53am One day I'm gonna follow the "Emergency evacuation -->"
signs all the way
09:59am Are all these people unemployed? For real...
05:17pm I found this tweet from "375 days ago" thought i'd remind you
about it RT @hannahfarrelly8: the only man u can depend on is the mail
07:58pm Jennifer Lopez the new American Idol judge?
09:38pm Thug life #SnookisTruckerHats
09:51pm omg I love Pauly D #pauly
ally evangelista
Fri Jan 21
11:46am #nowplaying Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia
02:49pm Hey @DJPaulyD do you tan at Exotic Tans?
03:23pm RT @HueyMack: wake up kids, we got the dreamers disease
03:24pm everything is done better at the last minute
03:25pm HELLO! Anyone want to go out to dinner tonight??
03:58pm Dinner anyone?? @kaytbee123 @kelseabearit @mandacichy
@JoshDes23 @PAK524 @rmohanty3
03:59pm @rmon667 sry forgot ur still here RT @allyevangie: Dinner
anyone?? @kaytbee123 @kelseabearit @mandacichy @JoshDes23
@PAK524 @rmohanty3
04:48pm iTunes says I've played the Up, Up & Away Cudi cover 58
times..... @goodmusicallday But I beg to differ...I think it's more
04:49pm Poor @lucyevangie can't figure out how to get down the steps...
05:49pm I'd have to say that EVERYONE IS CRYING @kelseabearit
07:42pm Friday night in with the parents....
08:27pm omg I'm watching the news it's 930 on a Friday night FML
08:29pm "i dont even have a membership to g theres no need to t and my
mom does my l" @rmohanty3 when asked about GTL over break
08:29pm @kelseabearit good luck my love <3 you are ready!
08:31pm @DJPaulyD I bet you're at the capital grille...
08:48pm why don't frat parties serve food? I'm always #trynagrub and
it's #whyIAlwaysLeave and go to D.P Dough #shethinksshesatrodney
allyevangie's Twournal
09:04pm @B_Salvadore you're gonne need #help on those midterms if
you can't differentiate than and *then
09:06pm @brittanymanchio only a 6
09:06pm @B_Salvadore I AM.....I MISS YOU
Sat Jan 22
09:48am @emimad don't know if that will QUITE fit in my bag on the
way home..
03:17pm Gonna be tough to #getonmylevel when I'm in Miami!!
03:21pm little boy on the phone next to me "do you want your tshirt to
say 'my brother went to Florida without me?'" #aww
11:21pm Enduring and resolving challenges seems to be the hallmark of
our journey, often described as the desert (cont)
11:24pm @mattnucc kind of corny... but it helped me when i was first
adjusting to the change at UD #randomtweet RT
Sun Jan 23
11:57am @GoodMusicAllDay Yes! that's the one! SO good. Probably
my favorite song I've found on your site so far
12:29pm old man bumpin Grenade?
05:27pm callie beanz and gracie belle lovin @GracieBellBarbs
08:16pm @hannahfarrelly8 there's only one answer.....
Mon Jan 24
ally evangelista
12:37am Valentines Day is pretty bad...what's worse? It's on a Monday
this year #lovesick
03:54pm @mandacichy hahahaha is that really what people call it?
03:55pm grid least I'm in MIA @carabarbato
09:50pm @elohweez what?...why? how? might as well throw WHO? in
there too
10:13pm "spike your chocolate milk" @carabarbato
11:16pm "did you say...queefy?" @carabarbato no, no I did not
Tue Jan 25
12:04am T my name is Tracy and my husbands name is Tom we come
from Tennessee and we sell TresLeche
12:25am @carabarbato llpd yoi spkif my xholatf milk! hurting!'nnn ...
12:29am @carabarbato whY diud yiu poisn mr:(
03:38pm if ya stayed then ya waiter woulda spoke Spanish.... I dont soO
LET'S DO THIS @carabarbato
03:45pm I know you don't like me cuz I don't speak spanish....but I was
busy @carabarbato
07:30pm @GreekBeaver @ABCFgreek i LOVED that all about beaver
episode last night #BeaverFever
07:37pm #uknowwhat you are a disgusting creature @carabarbato <3
07:47pm It's time for the percolator.........
09:53pm new TT #tweetsfrommiami #getonmylevel
10:25pm Let's Tango!! Visit to download the
Tango app on your phone and we can video call each other right now!
11:04pm omg why'd you tell me to watch this?! #Dexter @bevangelista
allyevangie's Twournal
Wed Jan 26
12:03am if you mess with the barbatos, this thing will come after you
12:06am it's always today...#inspirationWithAlly
12:08am I've been sitting for far too long
03:08pm omg i love Huey Mack...sorry,can't help it
04:47pm #immaletchuknow #youbekillinem
04:48pm #immaletchuknow I'm in Miami! And you're dealing with the
snow! #youbekillinem
07:25pm $334 out the window on books.......makes my bank account
quiver #killenEm
07:35pm do they have Shoppers Anonymous at UD? #ineedhelp
07:37pm Huey Mack @HueyMack at #UD? Who thinks he should?
ally evangelista
07:48pm #324 @1000awesome laughing at a stranger with another
stranger #idothistoo
08:09pm Nice people always lose out......hey @carabarbato not in the
end...but....whens the end....
08:13pm Tuti Fruti two nights in a row.... #alltimelow
08:42pm @Cesaro_401're a second semester senior
11:27pm I like to tweet tweet tweet TTs and hashtags
Thu Jan 27
10:07am @jayneb no I did not
10:30am I just took advil with a frappacino #killenEm
11:39am "Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to
see farther." - J.P. Morgan #youbekillinem
11:47am Excuse me, I don't want to listen to techno music right now...
#loweryourheadphones #jesusH
11:48am Limited overhead bin space #uhoh good thing I'm zone 2......
12:21pm wishing @bevangelista was with me so we could make fun of
people on our flight
01:58pm @Chegg saved me over $69 AND I planted a tree!
04:52pm having a panic attack in the airport by myself.... #alltimelow
06:03pm Mission: chik fil a
06:08pm I spy 3 men in rhody ram sweat suits...RI in the building
06:48pm #immaletchuknow URI bball team is on my flight
10:26pm WHY is Charles Widmore a TT? #lost
allyevangie's Twournal
10:36pm new TT #DontGetItTwistedBitch
10:38pm I said i'm from RHODE island not LONG island
10:47pm @hannahfarrelly8 YEAH GIRL love that one
RE HanskiFBaby: keepin it going im lovin it
10:50pm @hannahfarrelly8 haha i was on my #twittergame but uuuhhh i
can't think of anymore
10:57pm @hannahfarrelly8 dyed her hair red but she aint no ginger
11:17pm @carabarbato RT @1000Awesome: #320 When your friend
calls to tell you they got home safe
11:18pm @elohweez #InspirationWithAlly whatever annoyance or
sadness u r experiencing today will not be present in 2 weeks from now
nevermind a year
11:20pm @elohweez 1 thing i have learned is that nothing vry good or
bad lasts 4ever, things alwys get bttr when they r bad & worse when they
r bttr
11:22pm @elohweez some bittersweet advice for ya;) keep the positive
attitude i know you have and everything will turn out okay.
Fri Jan 28
10:21am I'm Ally and 18, not Emily and 15 #DontGetItTwistedBitch
11:21am Why you giving my mom lollipops to give to me at the bank?
I'm 18 #DontGetItTwistedBitch
12:32pm @rayzieee just got some frat boots!
05:58pm Feeling like Angelina... packing for college in a trash bag...
ally evangelista
07:05pm I lost a shirt, a pair of pants & a few pairs of socks while I was
home. Someone PLEASE explain how that happens....
RE HanskiFBaby: its called alcohol baby
08:06pm #agoodboyfriend HELLO?? ARE YOU OUT THERE???
09:32pm @carabarbato tomorrow I'm going to Delly and leaving my
bags with ben and then I'm flying back
11:16pm @maggiehibner oh maggie. how i miss you!
Sat Jan 29
06:38am this would only happen to the #evangieclan
06:49am we be on a roadtrip to delly...gotta love that #dellyworld
10:01am @B_Salvadore I'll die.
10:02am just woke up from a nap and I got that #napbreath very
different from #morningbreath
01:18pm omg I'm profusely sweating #immaletchuknow
04:28pm Sweaty Betty is what theyll call me now #youbekillinem
05:03pm @rayzieee buying my books for school basically stripped me of
my right to shop anymore #collegekidincome
05:23pm #thatawkwardmoment when you're not sure if you entered the
Mens bathroom or Womens bathroom
07:23pm @HueyMack Iiterally just did that except I thought I walked
into the Mens Room #thatawkwardmoment
09:06pm @brittanymanchio h8 you. I tried to see Billy tonight but it
didn't work out
Sun Jan 30
12:49pm @B_Salvadore <3 miss you
allyevangie's Twournal
01:01pm Facebook: What's on your mind? Twitter: #GetOnMyLevel
06:11pm @B_Salvadore where are they performing?
06:12pm This Sunday: Lazy Sunday.... Next Sunday: Sunday Funday
#RodneyF #PlusFran
06:50pm #immaletchuknow No one is allowed to talk when Parks and
Rec is on
07:19pm I hate T-Mobile commercials. #TeamApple
07:23pm @kelseabearit Kelsey! Don't! You worked far too hard to get
where you are today, I know you can do it
07:38pm @bevangelista Skit Scat Scadoodle #didmattreallysaythat
07:53pm @GoodMusicAllDay TONIGHT #duh :)
Mon Jan 31
08:41am Check this out @ - Paddys Irish Pub T-Shirt http://
12:55pm Support Delaware Blue Hens, add a #twibbon now! - http:// - Create one here -
01:58pm My love for Huey Mack grows the longer I follow him
#creeperstatus #whatevs #LoveAtFirstListen
04:07pm Becoming a Music Guru... @b_salvadore
04:11pm Just remembered @ABCFGreek is on tonight...the quality of
my day has significantly improved.
RE ABCFgreek: We do what we can! Can't wait to hear what you think
of tonight's episode of #Greek!
05:27pm RT @ABCFgreek: @allyevangie We do what we can! Can't
wait to hear what you think of tonight's episode of #Greek!
ally evangelista
07:45pm RT @damnyouac Damn You Auto Correct! » It’s A Boy! http://
07:47pm Tomorrow is February 1st.. don't forget to say #RunRabitRun
RE mattnucc: noo you have to say #rabbitrabbit
07:50pm Sorry...I haven't been in school since Dec 18... #runrabbitrun
08:10pm @mattnucc everyone always tells me that... i think i might have
made up the "run" part... #oops
Tue Feb 01
07:32am If I could marry my bed, I would.
07:37am DJ Tanner is a mom now? #weird
08:34am Having this much time off school has only furthered my
addiction to twitter, facebook....and sleeping.
09:04am I only hate sitting in traffic for one reason...
09:12am I decided I need a job in Social Media so I can Tweet all day.
09:16am Why is there someone cross country skiing through a
graveyard?! #WTF
RE HanskiFBaby: sayin wasssup to his homies
allyevangie's Twournal
09:25am Still open..even in the snow! @worldtrophies
09:29am @hannahfarrelly8 hahahah my mom basically said the same
thing. doing two things at once; exercising and paying a visit
09:30am OMG I need to get back to school. My tweeting is
#OutOfControl #HELP
RE maggiehibner: it's entertaining don't stop! #MISSYOU
10:10am Everyone do it! @worldtrophies: Which is your favorite
trophy? The Oscar or the Emmy? Comment with your response! http://
ally evangelista
10:14am @worldtrophies - The Emmy!
10:22am The most surprising person on this list? Paris Hilton..Didn't
know she knew any words other than "That's hot"
11:07am You know I can't focus if I #aintgotmyheadphoneson
12:24pm How did someone just steal my 4Square Mayorship of
Thompson Hall... #UD
12:59pm @megziegler Be careful they don't snap! That happened to
someone I know..
01:45pm @elohweez nooooo we rushed our last year of high school and
now we're all rushing all first year of college #SlowDown
02:13pm Class cancel- OHHH wait when you go to #UD Everyday's a
#SnowDay in January
RE elohweez: you're right . I'm just looking forward to it ( :
allyevangie's Twournal
02:27pm The separation anxiety is finally kicking in....I have exactly 1
friend left at home @rmohanty3
02:27pm Plus, I can hear Rodney F calling my name all the way from Lil'
04:51pm A solid 40mph on the highway.....
05:09pm you've come wayy too far RT @Leti_Says: @kelseabearit never
again kels. you know better than that
08:47pm I've never been broken up with properly so I wouldn't know any
#breakupexcuses but i do know a lot of #worstpickuplines
09:52pm Do you have a map? Cuz Honey, I just keep gettin lost in your
eyes. #worstpickuplines
09:52pm What time do you have to be back in heaven?
09:53pm @JoshDes23 So, do you come here often? #worstpickuplines
09:54pm I really need to find a Tweeters Anonymous group... this
tweeting is literally #OutOfControl
Wed Feb 02
06:41pm When someone asks you when you're going to get a boyfriend
and you’re just like ...
06:41pm “I don’t know, I guess tomorrow when I walk out of my house
I’ll just choose one from the swarm of guys that all come sprinting
towards me."
RE BenEBearJew: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha literally peeing
myself who asked that? Be like back off... Single and ready to mingle
ally evangelista
09:50pm @Leti_Says I'm so sorry for you loss. I hope this helps even if
it's only a little. <3 xxoo
RE Leti_Says: thank you sunshine, it does. Both you and Ben know just
what to say, I'm really grateful.
Thu Feb 03
06:43am me and new boyfriend. I like little Italian men
07:53am Lucy was shaking so much in the corner bc she's terrified of the
steps...and then she peed in Emilys room. Right on the floor.
07:53am @rayzieee RT @millburndeli: don't forget to swing by today
and get your free cup of coffee - hazelnut, vanilla, dark & light roast...
allyevangie's Twournal
07:58am Made it outside and she pooped on the ice....and then stepped
in it. #problemdog
11:47am #nowplaying Closing Time (Remix) by T.Ryan
@GoodMusicAllDyay #lovesit
12:08pm @carabarbato download The W's mixtape w. Shwayze and
Cisco Adler @GoodMusicAllDay #ShitsBangin
03:46pm Huey Mack is going to URI?? NOO He must must must stop at
#UD on his way up! #loveatfirstlisten
04:25pm @emimad Andy Pettitte is retiring :( #46
04:55pm Hope dining hall for dinner with my uri loves. finally getting
out of the damn house!
05:24pm @jayneb heyyO youre gonna miss me in a few days
RE jayneb: i know we (I) will. i only said that in response to your tweet
about getting out if the house <3
06:00pm @HueyMack Will you come to #Udel ?
ally evangelista
09:07pm @StUDentEvents @UDNews @UDelaware can book this
man for second semester? --> @HueyMack #UD
09:29pm I want a friend like @DJPaulyD
RE alyshelly: Waitttt me too!
RE HanskiFBaby: @DJPaulyD meeeeeeeeee
09:33pm @hannahfarrelly8 actually you ARE like @DJPaulyD because
everything you say/do is hilarious
RE HanskiFBaby: @DJPaulyD and cause i getz crazy
Fri Feb 04
11:00am Last day in the 401...finally allowed back to the 302 #Udel
12:23pm Trying for @HueyMack ! RT Hey Ally, we think your best
bet might be to get in touch with @SCPABatUD. Best of luck, keep us
01:03pm @RitasItalianIce Mango #TeamMango
01:20pm I bet all these people are like....
01:21pm "why's this girl always with her mom. bet she dropped out..."
01:24pm RT @MacMiller: new trending topic #iwannafarton let the
games begin
allyevangie's Twournal
02:19pm The cure for anything is salt water...
03:18pm @ABCFgreek Cappie and Casey...didn't except Casey to do
03:19pm @nancyheidt :-) miss you muchoo
08:08pm @megmccreaa #loveatfirstlisten
08:52pm @HueyMack how far is that from rhode island ;)
08:53pm @bevangelista what's weird? and if you steal my shit there is
something very special i stole to bring back to you...maybe you wont get
09:44pm @kelseabearit hahah TIM! you're right kelsey is very pretty!
Sat Feb 05
05:23am why was my flight just cancelled.......
09:57am Traveling alone.......#SOSICKOFYOU!
12:06pm Got a lil teary eyed leaving my family at the the
mean time I'm wasting another Saturday traveling alone.
ally evangelista
12:54pm So many old people on this flight... they must be #migrating
12:55pm Copped a window seat on this Boeing 737 ...oh and
#happybirthday to Jason way in the back...
12:58pm They call is Flow to Philly...I call it Slow to Philly
02:50pm I don't understand how DelExpress works. Is there a reason I'm
always waiting and tweeting at Terminal E ?
04:24pm "back to the old grind"
05:58pm @rayzieee literally so hard I can't do it. had to take a break for
some easymac #collegekidincome
05:58pm Sitting on a raggedy ass bed and it ain't even mine
07:22pm HAHAHAHAH @ all the #trollfoot pics @Danny_DeVito is
07:27pm ya gotta pay the troll toll #trollfoot #alwayssunny
08:58pm hahahahahahahahahaha the #trollfoot is so funny
09:31pm two words. Huey Mack. @HueyMack
Sun Feb 06
12:09pm Triple haze...back on my grind
12:55pm how many people at this school? how is it that the first time I
go onto campus I SEE YOU?
03:47pm Haven't even thought about class tomorrow....#sohazy
RE jayneb: did you get my email? are you alive?
08:08pm @emimad ew Emily Hahahah send me some of dads I miss
RE jayneb: @emimad ewww. no one NO ONE likes those beeloobs
allyevangie's Twournal
11:17pm Silly Week beings nowwww!
Mon Feb 07
08:27am nervous for classes = #sweatypalms and a stomachache
RE UDelaware: No need to be nervous, Ally! Have a great first day
09:59am @UDelaware thanks, one down two to go!
01:25pm I have an ant problem....
RE kaytbee123: I remember those ants
02:07pm @kaytbee123 They're bAAAAAAck =(
06:02pm I miss my moms cooking already. #trynagrub
06:41pm @bevangelista found this on @GoodMusicAllDay
qs7Ar and thought you'd enjoy it #musicguru
06:56pm Waiting for @ABCFgreek to start! @rayzieee finally we can
watch it together! come to my room!
10:51pm Dead ants...Dead ants...Dead ants...Dead ants #deadants
Tue Feb 08
09:30am The TT is #BornThisWayFriday but really I was
#BornThisFriday @bevangelista
11:23am @HueyMack @nancyheidt is responsible for about half of that
05:00pm Amen RT @mattnucc: There are so many dumb people in this
08:06pm #BitchYaLate @sbazzini8 @iitsmollyyyyy @megmccreaa
08:56pm what if I like to be loud? #NoiseViolation
ally evangelista
09:13pm @LindayOddi: Did you name your unicorn? I was thinking we
could name is Horny.
10:08pm @Leti_Says #TruthHurts but actually it's not mean if it's
RE Leti_Says: I stumbled upon this girls status and por a sec i thought it
was a painting... my b
11:44pm Why is Lil Twist a TT? For sure I saw him live in Camden when
@ drakkardnoir fell on stage #immaletyouknow
Wed Feb 09
09:31am My smallest class....18 students #FashionMerch
10:37am Going to lunch at Russell #ThatsTheGoodThing
RE kaytbee123: miss Delaware dining :(
10:38am I'm be on the West Side of campus #allday
10:47am @jayneb some things are better left untweeted...
RE jayneb: said the girl who tweets pictures of frat bathrooms
10:49am I wonder if @RealWizKhalifa does in fact wake and bake
RE HanskiFBaby: @RealWizKhalifa idk but he is definitely gonna be
goin on an odbc when he goes to URI
03:52pm @scottmfoster now I really want to know what "Show" you're
working on..... #tellme :)
03:53pm These ANTS have GOT TO GO #GTFO
04:40pm @carabarbato hahahah I laughed out loud
allyevangie's Twournal
05:56pm Same here... RT @carabarbato stressed about valentine's day....
how am i going to manage ALL of my boyfriends?
06:50pm People who start tweeting in 2011... #BitchYaLate
06:51pm RT @megmccreaa: ITS RUSH HOUR HAHAHAHA
09:54pm #trollfoot is the best thing anyone ever brought to
#TwitterWorld @Danny_Devito
Thu Feb 10
08:26am Why is the gym so crowded right now?! #ThatAintRight
08:32am Working out to @HueyMack #nowplaying Live It Up
10:48am The person in front of me is looking up Girl Scout Cookies
10:49am @mattnucc I was just playing that game in
11:08am Now he's looking up basketball jerseys on #eBay @sbazzini8
01:11pm I have a staring problem. #Rude #DontBeRude
04:50pm #1day until my birthday...didn't realize Twitter was helping me
celebrate it by promoting a TT
05:23pm I guess he could have salad for dinner....#again
05:25pm By "he" I mean "I"......and at least I brought my own dressing.....
07:41pm Do you want a staple? I'm going to staple my hair onto my head
- @rayzieee
07:42pm Why is @Valentines_2011 following me? #Huh
08:05pm You are so good to me :) @ F1
09:39pm got our friends got the night #ahyes
ally evangelista
10:10pm great
10:43pm Can't run in heels #AreYouKididngMe
Fri Feb 11
12:31am @HueyMack hi please say happy bday to me omg love you so
12:40am owwww heels hurt!
01:34am Special thanks to my RI homies, F1 bffae and @HueyMack for
completing the early hours of my birthday. Love you all!
09:17am "I'm just staring at your face" - My professor
02:01pm welcome to my humble abode
RE davidshanker: Happy Birthday from all of us.
allyevangie's Twournal
02:57pm love my mommy! @jayneb
04:10pm Thank you twitter friends for the birthday wishes!
04:10pm Best birthday! Only way it could be better is if my family and
rhody friends were here too..I miss them <3
10:35pm @emimad who threw up..............
10:38pm Open my fortune cookie...First lucky number? 19 #SCORE!
11:25pm if you wish me a happy birthday....i'll have to hash tag you
11:28pm I just like the TTs so #DontGetItTwistedBitch cause these
peeps be hollerin at me and all I wanna say is #BitchYaLate
Sat Feb 12
06:44am This has to be some kind of joke. I'm running on maybe three
hours of sleep. I guess I should have #CountedSheep
ally evangelista
06:49am It's so cold in my room...using the hair blowdryer to warm me
06:17pm These blisters on my feet... wish I was tweeting
07:31pm "I just love his party ideas. Like, it's so sweet that he would let
us all in" @MacMiller #KnockKnock
11:51pm @nancyheidt @MacMiller When? I think he's coming to Club
Edge in Maryland #SoDope #ThumbsUp
Sun Feb 13
09:04am Someone stole one of my shower shoes....Not only am I
confused as to why only ONE is missing...but those things are gross.
RE sbazzini8: where was it that someone stole it
09:33am @sbazzini8 outside my door hahaha
RE sbazzini8: kleptos in our building?! #hopenot
10:34pm There's no u in Valentine. Only I. #DAMNITTOHELL
11:10pm Why are there string beans in the bathroom sink?
11:12pm @Quent_Dickmann hahaha i forgot about it until today...i
don't think i'll be participating this year
11:42pm #ThatAwkwardMoment when you accidentally tag the wrong
person in a picture... and they still get the notification #FB
Mon Feb 14
08:08am The good news? Windex kills ants. The bad news? I had to find
out the hard way. #GTFO
allyevangie's Twournal
08:37am Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful #AintGotNoValentine
11:03am @Corr_Says : Senior year is unlike any other. Here are a few
things you should know..
11:07am Stupid KDR frat boy keeps counting the kids who run up to
get cookies when they ring the Cookie Bell. We get it, Americans like
11:51am iPhone Users: ���������
04:05pm @emimad No i found it somewhere, don't blink though! High
school goes by pretty fast
04:07pm @Corr_Says I read it the day before my last day of high
school...wished I saw it sooner. pass it on!
04:37pm @emimad that is not my doing
05:21pm @rayzieee YES!
07:41pm Mindless dreaming.......... #ThisIsNotACompleteTweet
09:50pm @nancyheidt are we the same person?
10:39pm @GoodMusicAllDay @GoodMusicCFEN is it legal to
download the songs off your blog?
RE GoodMusicCFEN: 100% legal to download from http://
10:49pm @rayzieee RT @GreekBeaver Sorry there was no Beav
tonight ;-) He was too busy making snow angels and hanging with
Tue Feb 15
08:53am So many empty boxes of 1-800-FLOWERS outside my dorm....
ally evangelista
RE jayneb: flowers are overrated....they just die. but jewelry lasts
10:46am I wonder what this professor would do if I just fell asleep in
class? #ImmaLetYouKnow
04:04pm Kid Cudi?
RE mattnucc: haha yeah he always chills in the scrounge
allyevangie's Twournal
05:03pm My favorite activity is to watch Ben eating across the dining
RE HanskiFBaby: creepin and i love it
09:16pm #DAMNITTOHELL I wish my TV was working.....
10:19pm @elohweez @macmiller and i just had sushi for lunch today!
wasn't that good though..
10:20pm @GoodMusicCFEN I knew I loved @GoodMusicAllDay <3
RE GoodMusicAllDay: n if u want to read about how n y it is, u can read
this which i did awhile back - @GMADTwebb
10:57pm @brittanymanchio Reading my wall? #InspirationWithAlly
11:07pm @GoodMusicAllDay Just sent in my app!
11:12pm If you go to the site someone already "called dibs" on UD
ally evangelista
Wed Feb 16
09:42am @bevangelista Gotta live the single life, although every time
the bathroom door opens it sounds like an alarm is going off... I was up
at 7
10:42am actually it's pretty awkward @sbazzini8 @iitsmollyyyyy http://
10:49am @carabarbato #verysexy, see you at chem?
10:50am @GoodMusicAllDay @GoodMusicCFEN When will you
announce the College Crew?
RE GoodMusicCFEN: We're looking to receive a bi of applications and
then choose from there. I think we'll start selecting some soon.
allyevangie's Twournal
11:21am #tallblackugg waits in line at Dunkin
12:27pm #thatawkwardmoment when you don't recognize your
professor because he shaved his beard
RE tarynnnx13: ahaha do you have adam jabbur?!
01:12pm @tarynnnx13 haha yes!
01:13pm @GMADTWebb @goodmusicallday any idea how many of the
applicants are from #UDel ?!
RE GMADTWebb: i know my boy, Tom Donovan, at UD is gonna be
helping out, but we will prob have a couple from #UDel bc its where im
ally evangelista
02:58pm #tallblackugg comes off as I'm preparing for nap time http://
05:13pm AAAND there goes my self esteem.... #BOOMroasted
allyevangie's Twournal
05:14pm #tallblackugg enjoys a cup of OJ at Rodney dining hall http://
05:29pm No one prepared us for this amount of intensity...everyone is
on edge and tears are flowing everywhere. #RushWeek
09:15pm THE SKY IS FALLING! #BOOMroasted
09:41pm A cold shower to top off this evenings series of unfortunate
events.. #SheBeAtRodney
11:49pm Its not time for bed yet, though #thatswhatsuzannesaid
Thu Feb 17
09:16am The Smokers Club outside my window is either going to give
me lung cancer or an asthma attack.
09:17am Wearing my glasses today to complete a classic look...but really
it's because my eyes are burning 8-(
ally evangelista
10:40am I wish all classes were 50min no matter what days you have
them on #Tired #CantFocus
10:40am #tallblackugg strolls to class in the sunny weather http://
RE lindsayoddi: I'm obsesssed with you
11:13am All this time I thought I was following @Nataliee_Joseph and
she just never tweeted but I #WasntFollowingHer
11:13am @lindsayoddi The feeling is definitely mutual
01:01pm I do not belong in this building
04:23pm Laundry day is the worst day in college...nap time, though, is
always a good time
allyevangie's Twournal
05:13pm The college way to dry laundry and save money. http://
RE HanskiFBaby: AIC has free laundryyyy send it here!!!
ally evangelista
06:17pm #tallblackugg missing out at Harrington gym :(
11:12pm @bostonsboy my girl @nancyheidt is a huge fan, shout out to
her... RT!
11:19pm @GMADTWebb so awesome/such a good idea, i can't wait for
@GoodMusicAllDay to start promoting on campus
RE GMADTWebb: happen to be at UD today partying with
@tdonovan58 if ur free then hit us up, we got no plans til i leave
Fri Feb 18
07:56am Just woke up...where the hell is this sun everyone speaks of?!
07:59am Why is there mud all over my favorite shower?
allyevangie's Twournal
08:55am #tallblackugg feels left out because of the nice weather http://
10:12pm @MacMiller What it gonna be what it gonna be what it gonna
11:00pm Sorority songs are stuck in my head...must be that time of week
Sat Feb 19
03:31pm Hope I made the right decision. Tonight will be restless.
05:21pm I get butt-dialed about once a week.
RE elohweez: hahahahahah that's actuallly really funny
09:25pm 19 years old and I still can't walk in heels
ally evangelista
10:46pm To the people yelling in the courtyard: Some of us have to be
up at 7:45 tomorrow morning. Please go find a party.
Sun Feb 20
07:26am Guess it wouldn't really be week two of a new semester without
a few tears.
10:15am @MTV should make a reality tv show off the Rush process at
colleges. #SoManyTears
08:37pm Changing with the door open #ThingsILike about an
Mon Feb 21
07:39am almost fell off the elliptical and @lindsayoddi didn't even
RE lindsayoddi: LMFAO because you are blindddd? #tooearly
09:21am My professor on #rushing: "What do they do, say, 'You're
allyevangie's Twournal
09:55am #tallblackugg socializing with new friends during class http://
ally evangelista
11:28am #tallblackugg ponders Todays Thought
12:07pm I'm never not getting Saxbys on a Monday morning ever again.
01:11pm It's the final countdown
03:36pm Boys in Trabant on the steps tallying the smiles and tears on a
poster...So happy I was tallied as a #smile!
Tue Feb 22
10:57am My eyes 8-( stuck wearing glasses again #FourEyes
12:16pm Love getting out of class almost an hour early..
01:51pm So hard to focus especially with my spectacles all up on my face
03:15pm @hannahfarrelly8 The number 1 #hanskiquote is
RE HanskiFBaby: lol yesssss and i still believe that its true
03:27pm @cgill914 @nancyheidt i see you Twitter friends
03:52pm My winter coats take up about 45% of the space in my dorm
room. #LifeSucks
RE jayneb: that's a #whitegirlproblem
04:21pm The cherry on top of a really soggy sundae....? A line too long
to get into the gym.
RE emevang: that's a #whitegirlproblems
05:19pm The dining hall...really?
allyevangie's Twournal
06:18pm #tallblackugg socializes in Chem lab
ally evangelista
07:07pm #tallblackugg participates in Chem lab
07:38pm @SCPABatUD When do tix go on sale?
RE SCPABatUD: February 28th and cost $10 for UD students and $15
for non-students
09:00pm Writing a paper on my transition to #college... #SoCollege
11:59pm Dear Clean Room, I BEG you to stay this way! Sincerely, Busy
College Student
Wed Feb 23
12:04am Lost some followers...sure hope its not because of
RE BenEBearJew: if people ain't feelin on your swag say #byehater
12:53am Because of @GoodMusicAllDay I never go to bed on
time....#oops #loveit
12:54am @HueyMack should follow me because.................we are
basically the same person but different sex
RE HueyMack: gimme your best 3 reasons and I'll hit you with a follow
12:54am Going to bed at 2am #DoTheJohnWall
01:04am @HueyMack 1)i've been a fan since day 1, 2) dying to get
you to UD for a concert & 3) you're the shit....i'm the shit, it just works
01:05am @maggiehibner @megmccreaa and @iitsmollyyyyy
06:54am Rodney F1 about to take over the Little Bob, Freshmen 15
allyevangie's Twournal
07:07am Smells like Newark... #Udel
10:48am My BFF KDR frat boy who counts the people getting cookies is
here again today... #WeGetIt #AmericaLikesCookies
RE BenEBearJew: where are the cookies? Once I was in trabant
smelling cookies and couldn't find them
10:53am @overheardatud how is he an australian pirate?!
10:54am #success on #F1
10:58am BLUE HENS, FINISH THIS TWEET: You know you're on the
East side of campus when...
RE lindsayoddi: everyone you see is ugly
RE BenEBearJew: you know you are on the east side when you have no
idea where you are
11:22am @bevangelista The cookies I'm talking about are in Russell
Dining Hall but in trabant they're prob near the cafe
ally evangelista
12:09pm To the people making out on the green: we can see you. it's
gross. stop.
03:48pm #nowplaying The Good Husbands - Things I Haven't Done [Ft.
Sara Bareilles] via @GoodMusicAllDay
RE TheGoodHusbands: ...Glad you like the song, just gettin a hang of
this twitter thing but we love the support, thanks!!!
03:55pm @SCPABatUD bringing @theburiedlife to #UDel?! Unreal.
Next up should be @HueyMack with @RealWizKhalifa!
04:20pm iPhone Users: �����
05:12pm line for homemade mac n cheese at the d hall
allyevangie's Twournal
06:28pm The love of my life is sitting infront of me
RE Lucyevangie: excuse me but I thought I was the love of your life.
09:13pm @Lucyevangie babygirl you know you're always my number 1
Thu Feb 24
11:05am WOW I hate this class... #CantStayAwake
ally evangelista
12:39pm fran..what a great friend
allyevangie's Twournal
01:19pm #tallblackugg walks down the steps of Smith
02:36pm #tallblackugg makes a delivery to friends at school! http://
04:10pm #nowplaying @HueyMack in my dorm room.....taking
advantage of non-quiet hours and playing it on Max Volume. Can't get
written up again.....
04:14pm @nancyheidt Whens your break again? #SorryIForgot
08:31pm Let's hang on to what we've got Don't let go girl we've got a lot
08:32pm #YouKnowYoureInRodneyWhen you take cold showers
Fri Feb 25
ally evangelista
12:45am Evrybdy is a genius. But if u judge a fish by its ability to climb a
tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid @elohweez
12:46am @FriendsTrivia To write in her diary everyday
08:40am I never have any motivation to go to class when it rains
09:51am Philly Dayglow is sold out?! #AreYouKidding
12:15pm OMG it's thundering and lightening while I'm walking on
campus #Udel
12:25pm #tallblackugg is jealous he's not waterproof
01:08pm This class is ill attended because no one wrote their 5page
02:56pm @carabarbato yeah....... guess i shouldn't be #SkippingClass
06:08pm I'm a little Gamma Phi sisters always by my side..#imaG
allyevangie's Twournal
08:16pm Back on my grind tonight....Newark where you at?!
08:24pm Walked into my room and You're A Star by Huey Mack was
playing.....tonight is going to be a good night #ahyes
09:37pm it ain't where he at, it where he wanna be
09:38pm key in front pocket. access card in back pocket. phone in hand.
Sat Feb 26
12:46am RT @amyldaly: Stupid stupid boyss
01:06am someone stole my jacket
RE elohweez: i was literally just about to comment on your fbook saying
how cute your jacket was, you better go find it girl!
12:34pm Fran wanted to throw that kid Dan on a ditch so badly last
night...why didn't she
12:35pm NYY RT @YankeesPR: we're underway here in Tampa at the
first game of 2011!
06:04pm You could have the best game in the world but you can't play a
blue hen, bitch.
06:52pm @sbazzini8 come play in 152
RE sbazzini8: ill be there in 2 :)
08:15pm Put your troubles aside and start living
08:24pm Oh yeah life goes on, long after the thrill of living it is gone
08:57pm Back at it!
10:10pm a little bit of errything all rolled inta 1
11:09pm a little more crowded....and we're good
11:51pm fran tried to throw dan in a ditch again...why didn't she?
ally evangelista
Sun Feb 27
12:06am Fiji it is.........
12:09am VINNY!!
RE elohweez: tell vinny i said hi!
12:19am love the butterfly catcher
01:03am I want to see the owl
RE Cesaro_401: I want to see you
01:07am @Cesaro_401 I'm at Udel. are you
RE Cesaro_401: OMG NO WAY!? im visiting in the Russel D hall!
12:52pm See, things Do Come Around And make sense eventually
Things Do Come Around But some things trouble me
05:23pm The keyword is Classy. #WordOfTheNight
06:06pm Live tweeting about the #oscars coming at you from @jayneb
RE jayneb: yeah you might want to unfollow me for the evening.
tweeting live with a group of twitter friends.
06:08pm Fraternity boys keep crashing our new member meeting...
08:32pm #sweatypalms #sweatypalms #sweatypalms
08:33pm Can't believe I didn't tweet about meeting the KDR Cookie
Monster on Friday night.....on top of losing my leather jacket
10:19pm Have I already tasted my piece of one sweet love? Ready and
waiting for a heart worth the breaking
10:27pm So much good stuff on @GoodMusicAllDay today...finally
have time to listen to it
10:58pm @nancyheidt new Huey Mack song just released that will not
be on #Freshman15
allyevangie's Twournal
Mon Feb 28
08:20am @Peter_Bull releasing a new mashup today! #ahyes
09:46am Lizzie Noble can't stay awake in this fashion's too early.
We ran out of time and didn't get Saxby's.
11:51am It's one of those Mondays where my eyes are involuntarily
closing during class
05:23pm First class for tomorrow morning was just cancelled...I can tell
March is going to be a great month already
05:43pm @carabarbato absolutely!
06:39pm @alyshelly I'm considering to going to bed by 9..... #yikes Are
we in college?
06:40pm The smell of the rain and the sound of the train sum up my
afternoon at #Udel today
06:40pm DON'T FORGET TO SAY #RabbitRabbit !! March 1st is
upon us!
06:50pm I really love this part of
@GoodMusicAllDay #CramSession
07:39pm My life is purely just the #RUDEST
08:19pm You think you've got it Ohh, you think you've got it But got it
just don't get it Till' there's nothing at All..
08:19pm We get together Ohh, we get together But separate's always
better when there's feelings Involved
08:20pm Yes I just tweeted lyrics from #HeyYa but listen to this http:// it's addicting @GoodMusicCFEN
ally evangelista
RE GoodMusicCFEN: check these out though. 5 quality
@MammaWorld mashups:
RE GoodMusicCFEN:
08:41pm @GoodMusicAllDay will be sponsoring the Flo Rida, Sam
Adams, Wale, and White Panda Concert at #Udel
08:44pm @B_Salvadore April 7th its a thursday, DEFINITELY try to
08:55pm @transworldsurf Did you ever put up pix from the
#SunzOutBunzOut tour in LBI?! I still can't find them :-(
10:48pm Hmm.. to go to the date party or to not go to the date party
@SororityProblem #SGP
11:26pm @HueyMack RT @KidCudl Sometimes your HATERS are
your biggest supporters. HATE is MOTIVATION, R-T if you agree...
Tue Mar 01
10:29am @lindsayoddi @brittanymanchio isn't that everyday?
10:44am @B_Salvadore check it RT @allyevangie check these out
though. 5 quality @MammaWorld mashups:
10:45am I guess it's @brittanymanchio 's day today.... everyone needs to
bring her gifts #DontGetItTwisted
10:47am @GoodMusicCFEN YES that was on the first InsideLacrosse
Mixtape. I workout to that song all the time! #loveatfirstlisten
11:07am @bostonsboy coming to UD gonna be #mardigras everyday
allyevangie's Twournal
01:38pm @PAK524 Favorite song ever! Ah I love @MikePosner
06:04pm having trouble understanding my temp TA. what the hell is she
talking about?!
06:34pm Time to book that Chem tutor #BitchYaLate
07:03pm @B_Salvadore did you make a plan for getting tickets ?!
RE B_Salvadore: yes ma'am @carabarbato took care of me
07:31pm Chemistry... it's not for everyone. #powerthrough
09:08pm @elohweez so.......... next year?
RE elohweez: shhhhhhhhhh hahahahah
10:32pm @elohweez #thatawkwardmomentwhen you introduce
RE elohweez: that would be unreal
Wed Mar 02
01:34am Chemistry consumed my Monday evening this lovely March 1st.
09:14am Every Monday Wednesday Friday I have to remind my
professor I go by Ally not Allyson....Today I have just given up.
RE kaytbee123: at college I go by Kathryn to my teachers. It sucks :(
RE alyshelly: i feel your pain.
09:58am Looking forward as we rewind, Looking back is a trap
sometimes Being here is so easy to do if you want to
10:36am @gotuscamera @maggiehibner what are you doing on this side
of campus?
RE gotuscamera: do you come to this side of campus often?
02:40pm What ever happened to John Mayer's Twitter account?
ally evangelista
Thu Mar 03
09:35am Woke up a little late today....
09:55am we don't care what people say, aint gotta wait for no one
11:06am I haven't been able to sing in the shower in so long
#SheBeAtRodney #Rodjects
11:30am Hellllllloooo boy in my math class wearing a Sigma Pi shirt
01:38pm Just bought my first letters at #unique
01:52pm addicted to #bubbletea
02:42pm naptime at Rodney #rodjects
03:30pm I've now officially been on more girl dates in my life than real
dates #ChangeThatNow #GphiBaby
allyevangie's Twournal
04:31pm I love #Udel
04:44pm Typical #evangie to be wicked early and then tweet about it
RE jayneb: the prompts are here! #evangieclan
07:16pm Ahh I really want this: yellow via
RE jayneb: hey i joined pinterest a few weeks back!
07:39pm #HELP! What should I be/wear to a 90s themed mixer?
RE jayneb: grungeORoveralls w/half shirt that cut abovebelly
button.flannel tied around your waist. doc martins,w/baby doll dress/
RE alyshelly: clarissa explains it alllll
07:55pm Every day can't be the best day Do what you can right now,
don't hesitate
09:07pm If you didn't have a twitter before @Lucyevangie had one then
#BitchYaLate #ReallyLate
09:50pm @mattnucc that IS a real serious problem.... burn a CD!
10:27pm #beclassy and compose yourself
10:46pm dont be salty if you do get it twisted
Fri Mar 04
12:07am I'm a little caesars girl don't ask me about no gravy fries.
12:26am Scale 1-10, How hard is it to type this on a phone: "Hey we're
having a party tonight on [blnk], you should could come" I say 0 how bout
12:55am not that hard is the correct answer also on another note frat
parties are fun......actually thats the same note
ally evangelista
01:00am I wish my name was Huey Mack...rolls right off the tongue
09:14am Call me Allyson one more time..... #AndThenIHitMyDougie
09:24am You know it's a Friday morning when.... there's people missing
in all your classes
11:01am No elevators...#SheBeAtRodney
01:03pm @ABCFgreek I never watch #Greek sneak peeks because I
love being 100% surprised every Monday night
01:10pm Does Ezra Fitz teach #E110 ?
RE kaytbee123: id be jealous
03:22pm @bevangelista you're confusing cargo shorts and carpenter
shorts #FashionMerch
03:33pm @B_Salvadore OMG IS TODAY FREE @RitasItalianIce ?!
05:19pm All I do is tweet tweet tweet #NoMatterWhat
allyevangie's Twournal
06:48pm @nancyheidt Too bad you don't mean Newark, DE
07:33pm pledgesssssss
07:33pm here's to all the news...!!!! a hell of a class!
08:57pm g phi baby #classy
09:06pm omg 20 min?! #TooFar
09:17pm Ryan
10:29pm @mattnucc where ya at
Sat Mar 05
12:02am voice = shot
12:07am @mattnucc hahahahah yessssss #Udel
12:48am SO SHADY
ally evangelista
12:49am seriously I have no voice.... it's very awkward
12:55am @bevangelista where ya at
01:06am cute cute cute cute cute cute
12:27pm Everyone's tweets from last night.... #BUCK
02:53pm Clothes make me happy #SGP
05:33pm OW OW SLAMMIN'
05:58pm Whoever stole my black jacket needs to give it back. Now.
05:59pm Better than your ex and Better than your next #stillClassy
06:02pm I've got some issues that nobody can see And all of these
emotions are pouring outta me #nowplaying #kidcudi
06:04pm What time to quiet hours start? THIS MUSIC BE BUMPIN
06:11pm My life is just the #RUDEST
06:12pm So happy that @brittanymanchio is in a good mood again. Go
get those swimmahhss
07:12pm "She wrote her own book. AND THERE'S NO PICTURES IN
07:14pm is he kidding #rudest
07:16pm @bevangelista if you search #degz there IS a result
07:57pm There's way too many people here that I didnt know last...
08:20pm there're playing #jerseyboys
08:23pm this bitch just stepped on my foot. she was wearing heels.
08:26pm thanks for the mass text #asshole
08:30pm they're playing closing time @GoodMusicAllDay
allyevangie's Twournal
RE GoodMusicCFEN: which version? The Five One, T. Ryan, or
08:46pm @goodmusiccfen wish I knew! I knew the words so I think t
08:47pm RT @carabarbato: Attention: Newark is about to get
08:49pm CAVAUGHALS !! - Matt
10:29pm @carabarbato go to ivy or Fiji !!
10:58pm I'm dancing...on a chair
11:19pm pledge...
11:21pm Numbing my throat with ice cubes....
11:30pm this is the Boston red sox theme song I REFUSE TO SING
ally evangelista
Sun Mar 06
12:02am blackmail on @sbazzini8
12:07am Wilmington looks like downtown providence!!
12:10am great great GREAT sense of humor i have.
12:11am @JakePes alllllll da bitches love me
12:22am compose ya self and stay classy Newark!
12:23am just drove by D.P Dough.... #bumpin
02:38am Homesick Sunday strikes again......
12:22pm @megmccreaa my voice back...hahaha :-x
01:19pm Bitty booty baby had a cold upon his chest
02:40pm we've got nothing figured out
02:42pm I'll say it again, cause really it's: Sick Homesick Sunday. No
doctors on call at Health Center. I just want my moms chicken noodle
RE jayneb: awwwww ally, you need to sleep and drink some tea f you
can. hugs hugs hugs
allyevangie's Twournal
03:37pm took a personality test at chapter
07:20pm Just ordered "The Undergrad".... Pizza topped with chicken
tenders, bacon, curly fries..... #TotalFreshmanMove @PizzaU
08:12pm I'm sarcastic...not mean. #DontGetItTwistedBitch
10:15pm On my third cup of tea.... please bring my voice back
11:17pm NyQuil KNOCK SESH
Mon Mar 07
09:20am @GMADTWebb whattt are you guys doing//when are you here
until? #UDel
09:29am #thatawkwardmomentwhen Class is nearly silent and my
stomach keeps growling... #BreakfastIsTheMostImportantMeal
RE timthakkar: same exact thing is happening to me right now SO
10:10am UD ice cream at the d hall
ally evangelista
10:47am You know you don't feel well when... you can't finish a cup of
mint chocolate chip ice cream.
RE mattnucc: def something wrong, that's the best flavor @ud
04:16pm Drying laundry #socollege
05:41pm Fran tried to throw Dan in a ditch again tonight...WHY
09:15pm welcome to twitter @CorinneBarbato !!
11:06pm Things are getting just a little bit stranger -- and yes, that is
possible. You need to step up yo...
11:11pm Oh no how do I stop from tweeting for my
11:16pm Thanks for the NyQuil Tom..... KNOCK OUT
Tue Mar 08
allyevangie's Twournal
08:37am If it wasn't for this exam I'd be in bed with my bag of cough
drops and bottle of orange juice. #IMdSICKd
05:41pm Chem lab manages to ruin another Tuesday night... #rudest
07:34pm @jayneb @MTV: Does your family belong on MTV?
Looking for quirky, crazy, loving large families, at least 2 siblings
[email protected]
RE jayneb: OMG. that's us!!!! apply!
11:06pm Check in with older relatives -- unless you're the oldest, in
which case you might want to just tu...
11:06pm The chemistry between you and that new hottie is almost scary!
With attraction like this, it's jus...
Wed Mar 09
08:13am Seriously, does anyone know how to get that horoscope site to
stop tweeting for me? It's really annoying.
03:45pm Seeing @theburiedlife tonight #UD !!
RE elohweez: jealoussssssss!
04:18pm #CramSession #nowplaying @Peter_Bull's How Six Songs
04:20pm Today is the most Thursday-Feeling-Wednesday ever!
06:03pm People cutting me in line to see @theburiedlife ... not my fault
06:10pm ROW THREE! #YeahIPushedBack
08:07pm @theburielife giving kisses left ad right
ally evangelista
09:20pm Being sick is no fun when mommy's not around to make it
better.. #SoCollege
10:30pm @MisssPaulina beyond jealous...have him tweet me ;)
RE MissPauleena: all he's doing is texting. So sad. Just learned he has a
wife. #womp
10:52pm @misspaulina well that's no fun! total #buzzkill
Thu Mar 10
09:13am Swallowing is becoming a challenge for me...Back to the Health
Center it is.
RE elohweez: #thatswhatshesaid ...
09:32am HAHA would be a funny #thatswhatshesaid joke if only I
didn't feel like I was dying @elohweez
10:14am Please help me win by clicking on this link, like the actual page
and then LIKE her photo
10:53am Future residents of Campus Side 269 got twitters #bitchyalate
@dubcs @rmohanty3 @bevangelista
11:54am I usually hate when people tweet about this but...this week
really needs to end. #EveryDayCantBeTheBestDay
12:52pm We got a Taylor Lautner look a like in the building. I repeat a
Taylor Lautner look a like.
01:19pm just got kicked out of the dining hall... #alltimelow
02:48pm Yankees....#oops
03:24pm @sbazzini8 tell em to look out for me I'll be there soon
04:05pm @bevangelista who are all your new twitter friends. i want to
play. #bitchyalate
allyevangie's Twournal
05:40pm so I guess I'm having rice and pie for wonder I'm
RE carabarbato: hahahahahahahah have the mashed potatoes! i was told
by acaridz they were delicious!
08:16pm Please help me win by clicking on this link, like the actual page
and then LIKE my photo
08:16pm @carabarbato drunk tweeting? it's 9:16...
09:10pm Snookis a hoe.
Fri Mar 11
08:21am @kelseabearit Stop it. You know how much everyone cares
about you and how much you have going for you. Look at the good,
08:31am Fran tried to throw Dan into a ditch again last night...I wasn't
there but I wonder... WHY DIDN'T SHE?!
08:32am #prayforjapan
08:34am @kaytbee123 Happy birthday my loveee <3
10:31am @nancyheidt @jittersnk @cgill918 oh my god stop you are
making me so jealous. i miss you guys soo much <3 have a med iced
jitters blend c&s
10:39am RT @bevangelista I hear St. Pattys Day begins this weekend?
12:30pm “@xoxYANKEES: Home Run Hughes #HadToIt”
12:41pm I like how productive @rmohanty3 is being in #E110 watching
youtube videos
03:36pm Not how I want to be spending my Friday afternoon..... #sick
Also sad I'm missing retreat with my Gamma Phi sisters :(
ally evangelista
09:47pm Watching @MacMiller live
09:50pm The internet is going to break @MacMiller DROP IT
09:59pm @gerberbaby4life thank you! i'm trying cause i wanna go
09:59pm @bevangelista tell Paul that #bestdayever was just released! I'd
text him but I don't have his number
Sat Mar 12
09:57am I wish I would feel better....i just want to attend all these dages
at #Udel right now.
09:58am I've looked forward to celebrating St Patricks day at #Udel
since before I was even accepted...... #truth
11:00am @nancyheidt not today :(
11:28am My $20 DVD player broke. Great timing...
RE jayneb: #rude it was more than $20
11:58am I'm getting out of this little dorm room and hanging with sober
sister @rayzieee at all the dages..
02:24pm asshole asshole YOU SUCK
02:31pm girls are nicer than boy #fact
02:50pm sober rando w some dagers
02:52pm omg the dog has the keystone #chase #HAM
02:53pm who Stole my shoes @gerberbaby4life @bevangelista
03:06pm better than your next #SUCKSTOSUCK
03:14pm "this is real life not a love story"
04:41pm watching @HueyMack on livestream
allyevangie's Twournal
05:32pm They know my two favorites are GMAD and Huey Mack. Ain't
gotta be told twice. #Truth
05:58pm shouts to @talbottC for creeping behind @HueyMack
RE TalbottC: hahah thanks for the shoutout
06:46pm hueymack's live broadcast on @Ustream!
07:38pm too ironic that @talbottC and i have mutual friends #CRAZY
RE TalbottC: small world lol
07:39pm Is that irony or just a really big coincidence? #CRAZY
07:53pm Flip Flip Flipadelphia @bevangelista @gerberbaby4life loved
my shirt yo
08:20pm @talbottC enough with the cheese
RE TalbottC: that was so annoying lol
08:58pm @nancyheidt when do we lose an hour of the day? tonight?
09:42pm @UDAdmissions @UDelaware A year ago today I found out I
was accepted to #UDel! @jayneb and i were so happy we cried :)
09:44pm @jayneb said this to me once "One word frees us of all the
weight and pain of life: That word is love." -Sophocles
10:17pm @bevangelista compose ya self
11:49pm @megmccreaa you lose an hour so.. we lose an hour
11:58pm @tunafishcandick real?
Sun Mar 13
12:01am paul just fell out of the sink...don't ask
12:04am my friend Paul wants to know he's drunk...@HueyMack I was
forced to tweet this.
ally evangelista
12:11am @domination44 on that twitter status
01:43am @domination44 ahahahahahaha you includied @danieltosh in
RE domination44: I know how we do. Plus he loves that shit
01:45am the time change is depressing #socollege #SGP
01:57am @carabarbato same to you xxoo
01:58am Last tweet of the night... #prayforjapan <3
10:08am @MTV @MTVBuzzworthy should consider following
recording our freshman dorm for the rest of the semester. it's always
something on #F1
10:46am @jayneb Homesick sunday?
12:49pm @icemantallpaul welcome.
RE Icemantallpaul: thanks huey told me yo.
01:36pm @Icemantallpaul some great great footage of you last night.
02:23pm hahahaha #truth RT @Sexstrology: If you make an #Aquarius
mad, find shelter
02:39pm This #Udel student performing @ @UDanceDelaware is
doing acoustic covers #ahyes
04:01pm @domination44 only if @Icemantallpaul keeps his clothes on
05:19pm @mattnucc you picked the wrong weekend to come back to
UD! shoulda been here this weekend!
05:25pm Often times we're lazy It seems to stand in my way Cause no
one NO not no one Likes to be let down
RE mattnucc: yeahh I heard... Was that pics of dages I saw???
06:21pm @mattnucc: sure as hell was. you're off next week? come to
#Udel and celebrate st pattys day
RE mattnucc: hahah hmmm possibly... Could potentially be amazing
07:20pm @mattnucc i'd say there's serious potential there
allyevangie's Twournal
07:37pm Copying chemistry notes...what a great way to relax on a
Sunday night #SenseTheSarcasm
08:32pm EvilAngle - AintNoPartyLikeElectroParties by Bas via
08:35pm #SICK : Tic Tac Orchestra - CollegeHumor video http://
Mon Mar 14
12:57am I don't understand how I'm having THIS much trouble falling
08:12am Someone called Dagers, Darties. #WINNING
08:41am #You KnowItsMondayWhen your professor throws on a
documentary from the 90s because she doesn't feel like teaching
11:36am #prayforjapan “@cnnbrk: Japan #quake death toll reaches
1,897, with at least 3,002 missing, police say.”
06:58pm All over that twitter level @icemantallpaul #PaulOnTwitter
Tue Mar 15
09:19am They should have a room reserved for me at the health center
RE elohweez: now you can really say "I'm sick"
08:35pm This karma?
09:41pm Missing one of the best weekends at #Udel :-( #SICK
RE dubCs: its tuesday
09:52pm @dubCs i know but im going home for the week :-(
10:25pm RT @totalsratmove: Picking my March Madness bracket based
on which team colors I like best. TSM.
11:19pm @kelseabearit can you send me a Summer Song please :)
ally evangelista
11:56pm @nancyheidt I think I wrote that.....
Wed Mar 16
08:41am @rayzieee just saw the exterminator leave your room....i think
he recognized me #ANTS
08:42am #HUGAJEWDAY I expect a hug from every single one of my
RE TecknowledgyXG: haha *hug* haha
01:43pm My heart's breaking at the thought of not being at #Udel
tomorrow and this weekend for St Pattys Day :-( #Losing
03:24pm @kathleenn153 you mean sophomore ??
05:52pm The #Udel swim team is blowing up my twitter feed..
#WINNING everyone knows they go #HAM
Thu Mar 17
07:50am Only I would be told not to drink for a few weeks on St Patricks
Day. #Losing
02:43pm Mono-3 Ally-0 #Losing
03:51pm @kathleenn153 yeah its ruining all my fun what is this?!
04:33pm @nancyheidt say 'yes now let me out of class so i can grab a
09:23pm @bevangelista 40 minutes until the weekend......#Friday
Fri Mar 18
10:28am IanJ is gonna be real #popular real soon -- where his twitter at?
allyevangie's Twournal
12:31pm Just learned that all the $$ Forever 21 makes today is going
towards Japan! #shopOn
12:41pm People are daging at #Udel today? Mono-4 Ally-0
04:57pm @mandacichy Say 'box wine' lolololol
04:57pm 'Mono affects your liver' Mono-5 Ally-0
10:05pm Jealous of all the blue hens enjoying their weekend in Newark
in good health #truth
Sat Mar 19
09:40am All my friends went #HAM last night without me. I miss them!
Mono-6 Ally-0
10:30am Getting a bagel from @JittersNK delievered by the one and
only @kaytbee123 Mono-6 Ally-1
10:31am Fiji and Gamma Phi BBQ started at 12.... Mono-7 Ally-1
02:50pm Sometimes I stare at girls who are wearing cute outfits so i can
copy them... but it looks like I'm judging them... #SGP
04:51pm Brand analysis of @BCBGMAXAZRIA #FashionMerchMajor
09:09pm Looook what I found in my boredom... @bevangelista
@icemantallpaul share with #Udel swim team
Sun Mar 20
08:28am I deserve to be shot for going into public looking like this. Not
even like a hot mess, just a mess.
08:58am #licenseplates BtchYaL8
11:56am How can I find lyrics to Closing Time with T.Ryan? #help
ally evangelista
12:38pm @iitsmollyyyyy this is as aggressive as i can get: hope you get
mono and have a horrible spring break
12:41pm Doesn't that make you shiver; the way things could've gone?
And doesn't it feel peculiar when everyone wants a little more?
RE BenEBearJew: emo
12:41pm And so that I do remember to never go that far, Could you
leave me with a scar?
12:54pm @iitsmollyyyyy MY NIL; totally not directed towards molly
cause we al know THIS BITCH has her head on straight
01:02pm Everyday can't be the best day, do what you can right now don't
03:17pm bitch i might be RT @bevangelista: @allyevangie emo
03:26pm @bevangelista ugh don't even say that.... Mono-8 Ally-1
03:36pm my head aint on all the way straight and then thats when imma
get it #twisted #dontgetittwisted
RE elohweez: hey at least it's not 0
05:27pm East side of campus SUCKS! WEST IS WHERE YOU
WANNA BE AT! @megmccreaa
06:02pm There are few things in life as sweet as a summer on the jersey
shore. #lbi #reminiscing
07:49pm SoLo - The News (Official Music Video)
via @GoodMusicAllDay
10:15pm i didn't even know @tankmakesbank had a twitter...turns out
i'm following in #WINNING #creep
11:15pm You may be concerned as to why I've tweeted 5,529 times. But
that's only because I've had a twitter almost 3 years to the date....
RE iDoFlipsAndShit: oh ok that explains alot
allyevangie's Twournal
11:16pm So when you join twitter next week i'm just gonna cock my head
at you, get in your face, and yell #BitchYaLATE
11:20pm On that #DubStep status @GoodMusicAllDay
RE Leti_Says: Jeez, why am I connecting with all your tweets?!?!
11:31pm @Leti_Says we're in love <3
RE Leti_Says: must be true! Can't wait to see my favorite twins this
summer :)
Mon Mar 21
07:37am You got no fear of the underdog,that’s why you will not survive!
07:38am Rise & Grind.... back at it again
09:48am #red
10:07am @hannahfarrelly8 turn it around it's only 12
10:09am Thank god for long distance friends like @nancyheidt s double
o g good
RE jayneb: check this out:
10:42am "Here's an interesting rxn" No. I will never find anythng about
chemistry interesting Unless youre talking about people&even then
01:46pm free time? where did you come from?! enjoying the sun #Udel
06:39pm 10 o'clock is gonna be a good time here on #F1 at #Udel
@HueyMack releasing single off #Freshman15
06:40pm Preparing myself to get written up for noise violation due to the
fact @HueyMack is releasing first single off #Freshman15
ally evangelista
RE YungSkillz208: @HueyMack NEW MIXTAPE "FREEDOM OF
07:59pm New Single and not a minute late 9:59...
RE RhodyFogarty: clicked the link cause im bored and you have been
braging all night... now im jammin #goodmusic
08:07pm Noise violation warning occurred....but I don't care because
Huey Mack's new single is THAT good #Freshman15
08:08pm @mattnucc BEG TO DIFFER: The Secret Life of the
American Teenager is much, much worse
08:09pm @RhodyFogarty it's #loveatfirstlisten and i'm a little
obsessed... oops
RE RhodyFogarty: bahahahahahahaha ill be putting this on my sub first
thing tomorrow and throwing it into the itunes rotation #loveatfirstlisten
08:22pm @mattnucc except for Greek....yes we can all agree
08:33pm This is what happens to girls in aephi...if you're lucky http:// @rayzieee
10:07pm "Nixon questions his audience to engage them in order to
persuade the country by making himself look SEXY" my new thesis?
11:05pm I have the true voice of an #evangie. late night convos in the
bathroom w @sbazzini8 and @maggiehibner and we got a noise warning
11:05pm Facebook Free unti Friday #losing
11:52pm @fl00dstaaa Happy birthday!!
RE samfleud: thanksss girrlllyyy!!! :)
Tue Mar 22
allyevangie's Twournal
12:14am Five beloved pop songs with lyrics more derivative than
"Friday" - Music News
09:43am @nancyheidt he's so lyrical dreamy, that huey mack ;)
10:46am Sigma Pi boy, he who works alone, i wanna be friends with you
10:55am #tallblackugg tries to pay attention and learn about slope....
10:57am @rayzieee wrong. it's definitely because everyone is so
intimidated by his dashing good looks
02:46pm you can't start a fire without a spark
02:56pm She says when she feels like crying she starts laughing Thinking
about glory days, well, they'll pass you by
03:38pm @itzyagurl_jen didn't know you had a twitter!! yay!!!
ally evangelista
04:42pm @iitsmollyyyyy @brittanymanchio you both SUCK
06:28pm Pretended I was making potions during chemistry lab tonight
made it so much more enjoyable.
RE samfleud: hahhahha thats sooo harrypotter i wish i wouldve thought
of that!!!!
07:02pm Just got an email from my big!
[email protected] #ImALittleGammaPhi
RE elohweez: aHHHHHHHH so exciting ( :
RE jayneb: SO exciting!!!!!!
07:21pm @rmohanty3 NICE twitpic #shawty
07:53pm @cgill918 i thought your new twitter name was @caitlingill
#dontgetittwistedbitch #salty
07:55pm When will a #fashionmerch major ever need to find
the pH, pOH or concentration of an acidic or basic solution?
#ThisIsNotRealLife #socollege
Wed Mar 23
09:59am If I went back to high school and took junior year chemistry
there's no way I wouldn't get an A. #WishICould
10:05am Ohhhhh the weather outside is weather #whereyouat spring?!
10:11am Don't be sassy. Its an #Elf reference @brittanymanchio
03:38pm Another email from my biggie! #ImALittleGammaPhi
RE elohweez: big little week is so much fun, I'm excited for you!
allyevangie's Twournal
03:54pm Rodney dining hall went #HAM
RE jayneb: perfect-ust hope no one keeps KOSHER or is a Veg there!
04:18pm OMG Fran's balling her eyes out over a story about jello that
happened in kindergarten
RE jayneb: jello can be very frightening. it wiggles and jiggles.
08:54pm Great idea taking a nap from 8-9..... #SGP
Thu Mar 24
12:14am #stoprightthere it's you know where your kids are?
09:58am Some things I guess we always need momma there
for....@bevangelista don't forget you have to check in to your flight for
10:38am what is my professor doing for spring break: "staying at home,
fighting with my wife, cleaning the toilet.." #shitmyprofessorsays
ally evangelista
11:11am productive #Math114
RE lindsayoddi: omg rachel always does thhoseeee
11:30am Winstons cooking Lemac in the d hall. #ChefCookinForMe
01:11pm @rebeccamorley Reminds me of 2010 talent show! #YaLate so
spit out ya gum too!
02:54pm Rebecca Black can #stoprightthere #nowplaying Huey Mack
05:15pm Passive agressive tweeting = Definitely not #WINNING
05:20pm Listening to Huey Mack before going out with my sisters =
definitely #WINNING
06:20pm eating some peepz lolol
06:58pm lime juice lol jk it's something else
07:19pm @jayneb: that's upsetting
RE jayneb: will buy more.
07:31pm oohhhhh yeah thursday yeahhh
07:43pm pound it. SQUIRREL
allyevangie's Twournal
07:55pm I'm a lil GAMMA PHI
08:04pm GALLUCIOSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!&&$!!
08:06pm these red lights are KILLIN ME #girlyoubekillenem
08:14pm GALLUCIOSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!&&$!! #iseeyou
08:20pm Rebecca Black doesn't know it but the weekend starts on
THURSDAY #socollege
RE kaytbee123: maybe in 15 years when she actually attends college she
will learn.
08:22pm where's tank:(
08:23pm OMG tango boy is here #Fiji
08:31pm @GoodMusicAllDay obsessed. w00pwooOp
11:15pm gaulatones omg hurts so
11:15pm pick z seat reecca blCk you so damn indecisive and you're only
Fri Mar 25
12:13am my love for Huey Mack...<3
12:18am get it robbbbb
12:42am I have to be up in 3 hours...LETS CHEEEEL #F1
12:50am Vinny let's CHEEEL I miss ya
12:54am pizza is WUT I WUNT
01:20am "wow at Fairfield university everyone has a microfridge" ...k
thanks Frank
02:21am when the sun comes up I'll be there to say what up in the
06:18am @brittanymanchio: frank and steve
ally evangelista
06:24am for reference @brittanymanchio #F1
07:14am so nice that @bevangelista and @rmohanty3 would rather have
their own row than sit next to me on the plane
RE d_agboh: hey where are them pictures from last night!
08:54am I haven't even been home an hour and I'm already at the mall
allyevangie's Twournal
09:28am shopping with ben is always a tie..........
09:29am part of me can't believe I just tweeted that... but the other part
of me (the part that that's been awake for 24hrs) thinks it's hilarious.
09:44am .@bevangelista hasn't been in the presence of adults in a
while... #pottymouth
08:42pm @d_agboh I got you on the pics!
RE d_agboh: where! facebook?
10:23pm @fhangez 1. yay finally accepted my request 2. NSHI #nshi
Sat Mar 26
10:33am So funny that my brother and I have the same password to log
into the computer :-0
RE emevang: and me hahahah
ally evangelista
01:36pm They're definitely playing Closing Time right now... but who is
singing?! #acoustic
05:19pm Happy almost birthday dinner #evangiefamily #YaHeard?
05:32pm And at 5'6" I am the shortest person in my family.
RE Nataliee_Joseph: same! my 13 yr old brother is taller than me! wtf
09:03pm kings & queens & princes too wanna wish the best to u so
whatta ya say birthday?! happy birthday! to u! @jayneb
10:04pm @HueyMack got hacked #iseewhyyoumad
11:03pm This world is so small.... what you heard about #coincidences
11:11pm @iitsmollyyyyy hahaha if it was a "NOOOOO" face, that'd be
so #bitchy. are you really coming to RI?!
allyevangie's Twournal
RE MOLLYxSUZANNE: I'd stay with my friend who goes to uri so she
said she would let me know if its gonna be a good weekend. #hopeitis
11:13pm @iitsmollyyyyy should be, it's their first weekend back!
11:23pm @fhangez i know how fran feels about her shoes
Sun Mar 27
11:09am i wonder if he's offended by how gross my feet are #trollfoot
02:25pm Its not over........for VCU fans
03:13pm @iitsmollyyyyy #namesinyourphone Lady Evangie
03:14pm @icemantallpaul #namesinyourphone Paul Humane Society
03:14pm #namesinyourphone Mike Fiji?
ally evangelista
03:14pm @brittanymanchio Brit Munchio #namesinyourphone
03:16pm @emimad #namesinyourphone Emily Plomp Plomp
RE emevang: ahhahahaahah
05:27pm @maggiehibner #namesinyourphone Maggggggggggie
05:28pm #namesinyourphone nuggie!!!!
05:31pm watching ben struggle to make pizza, dads playing with
giussepi , emily hasn't showered yet and moms on her laptop
Mon Mar 28
08:06am #FollowMonday @WorldTrophies and "like" on Facebook for a
chance to win a free t-shirt!
08:20am Copying and pasting all day...... #YouWishYouWereMe
08:22am I haven'y used a computer mouse in so long. #Back2TheFuture
08:27am @cgill918 If by cold you mean 34 degrees, by all means do
continue that tweet #ColdFront
08:33am No, no, copying and pasting is awesome. You get to find out
that people have last names such as 'Gayowski' and 'Whittle'
08:44am I forgot headphones....What I am supposed to listen to?
Silence. No, I'm not that artistic...#GIMMEABEAT
09:06am And because I'm Jewish I have little to no problem playing 'spot
the Jew' while copying and pasting these names into Excel #Stein
09:35am @mkay108 she probably would have been judged less if she
were barefoot... #OceanStateSwag
10:12am @TecknowledgyXG @youngscolla @macmiller i'll travel
anywhere in RI to see them #All20Minutes
allyevangie's Twournal
10:38am @ohkayearee710 seriously, most stressful and dramatic
experience of my college career.
RE ohkayearee710: its insanity. how does your system work?
RE youngscolla: preciate the love
10:43am If I wasn't working this vacation I'd take a road trip with the
girls from #F1 to see Huey Mack perform live
12:56pm @ohkayearee710: applied in Feb but sororities made the ppl i
was supposed to live w. live in their house. MADNESS
RE ohkayearee710: thats out of control
01:09pm @ohkayearee710 how does yours work?
RE ohkayearee710: random lottery. lower numbers choose first. we
have 3, 5, 7, 8, 10. such random numbers and not even enough housing
01:29pm @ohkayearee710 well that doesn't seem fair #itAint
01:29pm @WhyYouNo follow me on twitter?!
01:30pm @iitsmollyyyyy @rayzieee @WhyYouNo visit me?!
02:49pm warning RI drivers I have just gotten behind the steering wheel
for the first time in two months
RE elohweez: LOL
RE TecknowledgyXG: ut oh lol
04:07pm Just got asked to leave to URI library 24 hour room bc it's 6
o'clock ... #isshekidding
05:51pm @iitsmollyyyyy are you following @ThatsBitchy ?!
06:38pm I tweeted far too many times today #ArrestMe
07:26pm @gerberbaby4life chemistry... #losing #alltimelow
Tue Mar 29
ally evangelista
07:28am @ThatsBitchy RT @jayneb: feel bad for @allyevangie, forced
to work during spring break while her brother is in myrtle beach.
08:40am My only friend at home is getting her fur groomed
RE HanskiFBaby: furry friends are the best friends
08:44am Hardly seems fair that me & my brother are both on spring
break but hes at the beach and im stuck inside wearing (cont) http://
08:58am @GoodMusicAllDay @GMADTWEbb Check out "Believe Me
- Meek Mill ft. Dave Patten" Just found them #loveatfirstlisten
RE GMADTWebb: will do asap, how things been in Newark?
10:29am @GMADTWebb was awesome when i was there but i'm home
for spring break and working
11:52am @itzyagurl_jen: uhh yess please!! this suckkkks
12:29pm @lindsayoddi @brittanymanchio @iitsmollyyyyy @rayziee
@ThatsBitchy #bitchyy
12:29pm @lindsayoddi he means U “@TlGERWOOODS:
#DontActLikeYouNever laughed so hard no sounds came out & you
started clapping like a retarded seal.”
12:31pm @elohweez thats a #SGP
02:42pm Think I pissed off the universe....I'm having the worst #karma
03:22pm @mattnucc: had to do a double take haha not used to this
03:41pm you. can look all over. but no. you'll never find. hot #swag. like
mineeeeee #StuckInMyHead
04:38pm URI #swag Hope Dining Hall for dinner #GuestMeInBitch
06:17pm @Cesaro_401 you're at URI?
RE Cesaro_401: naysh not tnight :/ this weekend tho!
allyevangie's Twournal
07:09pm I'm gonna legit kill this thing tonight oh my god what college
student buys a hamster for a pet
07:10pm Am I single? Yeah I am! #swag
08:14pm The hamster just lost his toe......blood everywhere
08:54pm his piercing eyes....his soft skin... #SOMUCHSWAG
09:00pm ego explosion #ahyes #dimepiece
10:22pm HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHER @jayneb !!!
RE jayneb: thank you lee
Wed Mar 30
08:15am URI #swag again eating at..."The Butt" #GuestMeInBitch
11:06am Free smoothie at Brewed Awakenings. The universe loves me
ally evangelista
RE kaytbee123: whattt?? Why didn't I come and just skip my class.
Teacher didn't even take attendance todayy
03:45pm @jayneb Here's to the first 50 &the 19 @bevangelista &I were
a part of, the 15 @emimad was a part of, and the 12 @Lucyevangie was a
part of
RE jayneb: xxxxoooookisskisshughug
04:12pm Honestly the only reason I'm wearing this shirt is because it
makes my boobs look bigger.... Was that inappropriate?
RE HanskiFBaby: not at all
06:07pm Know what? I can do anything I want and
RE sbazzini8: youuu tell those #bitches
RE lindsayoddi: and #dontgetittwisted
06:11pm Except my sister....cause I'm afraid of her #HighschoolAttitude
08:29pm @iitsmollyyyyy is Officer Thomas grabbing a late night coffee
and a free donut at DD?
RE MOLLYxSUZANNE: yuppp..took a break from busting parties
Thu Mar 31
06:56am Opening day at #Yankee Stadium!
09:11am URI tonight? #getatme
09:34am I thought Spring Break was supposed to be a week of
10:32am listening to @BostonsBoy at work to get ready for his concert
next week at #Udel
02:18pm #Yankees win on opening day 6-3 woopwoop!
07:51pm Someone please record @bevangelista singing karaoke
allyevangie's Twournal
10:21pm @PAK524 @kelseabearit I no where u live #watchurback
10:59pm @rmohanty3 blew up an air mattress manually
Fri Apr 01
10:39am “@JewAmerPrincess: Sometimes I purposely walk in between
couples holding hands on the sidewalk. If Im not in love, you shouldn't be
10:42am @kelseabearit Y U NO answer my texts girl?!
11:42am My birth certificate says 'Allyson' but my names Ally
11:54am I love the Phillies.......#aprilfools and #DontGetItTwisted
11:55am If you don't understand the difference btw a tweet &
a facebook status then maybe you shouldn't use the Internet...
01:00pm @GMADTWebb @GoodMusicAllDay Tell Matt Noth how
bad I want the UDel College Crew spot!
03:48pm @carabarbato they tweeted this for you RT @ThatsBitchy:
Girl with asses like mine do not talk to boys with faces like yours.
ally evangelista
04:11pm #tallblackugg is definitely wicked jealous of my new pink boots
RE MOLLYxSUZANNE: #tallblackugg is jealous and so am I !!!
allyevangie's Twournal
06:15pm heaven @bevangelista ya missin out
06:21pm I love coming to federal hill because it's the one place in rhode
island with an over flow of fellow Italian-Yankee fans
Sat Apr 02
12:40pm How am I old enough to be doing someones makeup for
prom?! Crazycrazycrazy!
01:09pm @B_Salvadore i c u #getatme
ally evangelista
02:37pm Sending baby rud off to prom!
allyevangie's Twournal
02:45pm just she is! what a beauty
03:45pm @MOLLYxSUZANNE HAHAHAHA it's so long now!!!
03:46pm "ooohh...I have mono" <-- my new excuse when someone tries
to eat my food
06:34pm Debating with @jayneb as to whether this woman had too
much to drink or has a peg leg....
10:23pm @gerberbaby4life Don't get caught!
Sun Apr 03
08:06am Only I would fly home for spring break with one bag and fly
back to school with two...
09:55am @bevangelista no toilet paper...? sounds like #itsbeentwisted
ally evangelista
10:13am the cutest arrival I've ever saw. "prom?" I love airport terminals
10:57am #lanecrane
11:47am First ant spotting in room 152....Hello maintenance? I'll place a
03:40pm If we hit 50 users we get some cool free stuff: Check out the
University of Delaware foursquare community!
05:55pm #Freshman15 RT @HueyMack: Grateful featuring
@YoungScolla and @itsdevinmiles - #freshman15
09:06pm always forget about that damn train #rodjects
09:41pm Note to self: find glasses and THEN take contacts out
Mon Apr 04
allyevangie's Twournal
07:33am this is what i feel like right now:
11:40am #bEz
11:54am You're wasting the fresh air on this campus. #pleaseLeave
12:09pm #plagiarism #arresther RT @MOLLYxSUZANNE: The suns
out..your tounge shouldn't be. #arresther
03:45pm I'm the only one at dinner who can cut my own chicken
breast..Thanks mom for forcing me to cut my own food all these years!
RE jayneb: i knew someday all that training would pay off.
04:53pm @mattnucc don't tell me your roommate did that....
#thatsgross #bitchy
RE mattnucc: oh yep it was him.. #scumbag
10:12pm Why are everyone's professors grading so much harder this
semester? #SpringIsInTheAir #LightenUp
Tue Apr 05
09:05am @BostonsBoy uh...YES
09:09am I haven't been to this class in two weeks and the one time I
come the professor is missing...#DROPOUT
09:13am Wasn't supposed to have class today but 200+ people showed
11:58am i just want to tell all the idiots finally figuring out that Twitter
12:22pm @megmccreaa: hush little baby don't say a word!
01:38pm Sunz out bunz out! Now I look like an asshole in my bright pink
rain boots.
ally evangelista
04:27pm Feeling like Rebecca Black at the d hall. Which seat do I take?!
#itsbeentwisted #SheBeAtRodney
11:56pm @HueyMack i looove you
Wed Apr 06
08:48am #thatawkwardmoment when you're not sure if you're in the
mens bathroom or womens bathroom
11:52am Didn't have permission to come to East side of campus today
but came anyways! #TeamWestSide
12:23pm I now own a fish named Phelps! Thanks Biggie!
03:46pm In study hours..don't breathe too loudly you WILL be judged.
RE jayneb: so says jthang!
07:42pm "I wonder what my mom thinks i REALLY do on the
weekends" - @maggiehibner
Thu Apr 07
08:30am Rise & Grind...Sam Adams IS at #Udel @BostonsBoy
09:06am Deliveries and performances courtesy of #BIGlittleWeek
09:36am @carabarbato in class my sociology professor is reinforcing that
10:30am @kathleenn153 in college I learned that boys are bitches, too.
05:43pm I LOVE MY BIG #BIGlittleWeek ! ΓΦBIGlittleWEEK ♥�
07:10pm with my favorite boys @bevangelista @B_Salvadore
@rmohanty3 @BostonsBoy
allyevangie's Twournal
07:16pm #getatme
07:16pm #getatme @BostonsBoy
07:45pm @wale @treyofucv @djomega609 did I #getittwisted ?
08:01pm just touched @wale #getatme
09:02pm #youwishyouwereme
09:13pm tha bass is aalllll tha way turned upppp
09:37pm spotted: @GoodMusicAllDay Crew leaving the big bob
10:26pm @tdonovan58 haha you too! and @dmcjGMAD who now
knows i stalk your lives on twitter...
RE dmcjGMAD: helloooooo. Nice meeting you. It's only 6am. Wake up.
Time to rage.
11:43pm @BostonsBoy killed with this one
ally evangelista
Fri Apr 08
07:33am @dmcjGMAD 6am...thats a little early...give me a few more
hours #rage
RE dmcjGMAD: Sorry I'm not Sorry. I guess...
07:38am So many puncture wounds on my feet....Thanks to the girls who
think its smart to wear heels to a concert.
12:25pm @dmcjGMAD Nope it's all good..Chem exam officially over,
weekend officially beginning. Time to go #HAM
RE dmcjGMAD: You can retake the class, but you can't relive the party..
12:30pm Definitely too immature for that last class. started laughing
when the teacher was talking about "hermes" and "fermes"
RE rmohanty3: haha i couldn't figure out what you were laughing at for
the longest time #iwasasleep
02:55pm LOVE MY BIGGIE!!!!!!! #BIGlittleWeek
02:56pm @dmcjGMAD #truth but... retake chemistry...or go #HAM
that i passed
04:18pm @GMADTWebb hahaha those are fighting words
#watchurback #WINNING
04:54pm smelly feet smelly feet where are you walking to smelly feet
smelly feet it's not your fault #smellyfeet
05:22pm Celebrating my birthday tonight with @lindsayoddi!
07:40pm WWWWWaaaaaHHHH000000000
08:37pm youre a star but ya just dont know it yet lemme tell you about a
boy i know he 18 and he come from the three oh four
08:43pm @dmcjGMAD YOOO yeah it is!
09:00pm @carabarbato is hot. end of story. #bestassoncampus
10:28pm roses really smell like booooooOOO
allyevangie's Twournal
10:35pm @HueyMack we have so much incommon :-)
Sat Apr 09
10:36am triple
11:10am Decorating my Little's room...Ally's DA BESSSTTTTT
12:27pm I think my mom likes this school more than I do #Udel
01:14pm cloudy but still rockin da raybanz #shadesonsneaksoff
01:24pm my names MATILDA
02:41pm suns out..your tongue shouldn't be
03:15pm xvvcig ïu
03:18pm oops sorry butt tweeted
08:41pm Hit 200 followers today... don't worry tonight's tweets should
change that. #swag
ally evangelista
08:43pm Depressed that #BIGlittleWeek is over...I was so spoiled
08:55pm Closing Time remix by T.Ryan might be the best song ever
08:56pm @SororityProblem WHO IS MY BIG?! #SGP
09:02pm Never mind what haters say ignore 'em till they #fadeaway
09:34pm @MOLLYxSUZANNE #dontgetittwistedbitch i meant what
day of the week #MTWThFSS
10:21pm When's the last time I went a day without tweeting....#addicted
10:43pm girls who wear heels........stop stepping on my feet
Sun Apr 10
12:15am eating slabs of mozzarella cheese on the floor of rho phi iota
10:48am @cgill918 a boy who vacuums?! wife him up!
11:52am Email I just got: "Just a reminder we are making the chocolate
penises today at 2pm on the North Green. Come join in on the fun!"
01:42pm Welcome to twitter @shelby_langan !
RE shelby_langaga: thanksss babbyy <3 cant wait to tweet at u
06:59pm Big/little reveal! #BIGlittleweek
10:59pm @Cesaro_401 I wanna hear
RE Cesaro_401: Facebook Inbox
11:03pm @maggiehibner i'm waiting for youuuu
Mon Apr 11
08:12am Everyone be bitchin about #chemistry in my FASH218
class...such a #drag
10:03am A Monday morning cannot go without a cup of coffee
allyevangie's Twournal
12:53pm I see grass therefore this isn't a beach... #Rodjects
06:16pm our lives = #SGP @CourtneyEl
08:37pm Lizzie just failed the pencil test.....with a water bottle.
Tue Apr 12
12:22am My room is 85% confetti-free #SGP
12:23am Spotted: Rodney bug on my ugly beige curtain....
09:05am Couples sharing umbrella's in the rain....Don't. Just don't.
RE sbazzini8: couples making out under umbrellas in the rain
ally evangelista
11:42am #WINNING
06:48pm It's been twisted....#DontGetItTwistedBitch
09:37pm b dub dubs #fingerlickin
Wed Apr 13
09:51am Rainy days call for 1 thing... #NapCity
03:28pm "How many of you know people who are addicted to coffee?
And how many of you know crack addicts? Probably all of you."
03:28pm @carabarbato our lives? RT @bitchproblems #agoodboyfriend
doesn't exist. unless he's gay or five years old. #bitchproblems
03:42pm @gotuscamera your calculator is giving me a headache
04:42pm Get pumped for #UD4SQ...I'll be handing out prizes on
Saturday by the #KissingArches! #Udel @UDelaware @BlueHenSays
09:52pm Soooo do you think running out of clean underwear means its
time to do laundry? #potentialProblem
Thu Apr 14
07:43am Thank you construction on Elkton that has kept me from
sleeping since 7am. #ThatsBitchy
09:54am @rmohanty3 having fun in sociology class.... #iseeyou nodding
10:38am Sigma Pi boy in my math class.....<3 what's your name?!
RE kaytbee123: getttt it!!!
02:22pm @cgill918 so give looooooOOOOve
allyevangie's Twournal
02:25pm Coming to a campus near you! #UD4SQ
05:51pm @OverheardAtUD "Dad you called me during my test! It
wasn't even on vibrate..."
07:46pm I called my mom at 9....she was going to bed. Doesn't she know
she only has #onelifetolive
RE jayneb: for the record it was 9:23 and I get up at 545 every day, you??
Plus I'm old.
09:30pm @KellyAnnScully i wish i saw your tweet before i just ate 3
Fri Apr 15
08:22am Part of my new fashion case study is to go to the
@ChristianaMall.... #WINNING
ally evangelista
RE jayneb: dream come true. shopping as a career. Why didn't I do that?
@mingo100 might actually think I did.
10:34am Radiocarbon dating has nothing to do w who you want
to spend the rest of your life w, thats what is for
01:17pm How many times will the train go by while I attempt to nap?
#NapCity #Rodjects
06:30pm i love @rayzieee ma favv twitter twotterrr tweetterrrr
10:17pm rain rain go away that's what all ma hatas say @brittychop
10:46pm @jfree975 I can't hear u
10:53pm this is unfair
Sat Apr 16
07:05am Last night i let the party get the best of me...RISE & GRIND
07:06am Heading to initiation with my beta sistas #GPhiLove
07:14am I can hear BHA's cheering people on into Trabant for #Udel
Decision day all the way from the #Rodjects
11:17am Why shower when you can stand outside under the kissing
arches to get clean?!
RE laurablagys: or at the top of the green! Hahah stay dry bluehens!
allyevangie's Twournal
05:27pm Successful day with @ecait21 at #Udel under the
#KissingArches even in the rain! #UD4SQ
RE UDelaware: Great pic! Enter that in the Facebook contest and
thanks again!!
05:35pm Just had a dream about Rodney bugs... #SheBeAtRodney
06:00pm I might be crazy for going out tonight but HEYHEYHEY i got
a poncho!
09:42pm @mattnucc U SUCK. me and Derek are #WINNING
RE mattnucc: I dont suckk!! I'm just losing compared to you guyssss :(
Sun Apr 17
11:10am Thank you black crow outside my window for waking me up at
9:30 on a Sunday morning. #DeathOmen
RE jayneb: weird, there have been a TON of black crows in our
yard....uh oh, i'm scared.
ally evangelista
11:12am Signs of a good & busy weekend
12:44pm @mattnucc haha this is true, so i told derek you should transfer
back to #Udel
RE mattnucc: haha derek just texted me saying "#tranfer?"... Kid needs a
05:52pm @mattnucc its about time! i actually just met someone who's
transferring back to #udel #couldhappen
05:54pm Homesick Sunday strikes again... need my momma to help me
get the glow out of my shirt!
06:56pm Homesick Sunday quickly turned into Laundry Day for what
seems like ALL the residents of the #Rodjects #Udel
08:37pm RT @IamBrittyPaige Karma may be a bitch, but trust me... I
am a far bigger one.
Mon Apr 18
allyevangie's Twournal
07:00am No one wants to #riseandgrind on a monday.....
10:33am Just exploded a balloon in chemistry...Welcome to #Udel
02:19pm I remember the day I learned my debit card could be used for
online purchases...#thedeathofme
03:34pm @cgill918 @hannahfarrelly8 gotta get you on @HueyMack
RE HanskiFBaby: @cgill918 i dont care what we listen to just cant wait
to back in rhody
11:14pm @nancyheidt My heart split in two :-(
Tue Apr 19
09:56am This Victoria Secret's PINK sweatshirt doesn't come in green...
09:56am This Longchamp bag doesn't come in enough colors
09:57am This Juicy bag was on sale online but not in the store...
11:06am Late to class because I stopped at Saxbys #LindsayProblems
12:10pm I ordered peach iced gave me passion fruit. I SAID
01:06pm Going to the berry...gotta figure out the
ally evangelista
01:15pm #FacebookProblems @rayzieee
02:30pm @GoodMusicAllDay Did Hulkshare change? The serve is
sllllllooooowwww #WorthTheWait #GOODMUSIC
CARMICHAEL! #twisted
09:24pm @GoodMusicAllDay @GMADTWebb SNAKEBIT new
mashup artist via @bevangelista and @Icemantallpaul =>
11:43pm I will never understand why I always want what I
can't have....But I do know that shopping fixes everything
Wed Apr 20
07:29am If anyone at #Udel was looking to go swimming indoors today,
Rodney F1 is now open for business on the first floor bathroom.
allyevangie's Twournal
10:28am Interesting chemistry lecture today #DidIJustSayThat?! http://
11:55am @mattnucc you already know the answer to that question
#YES #Udel
03:45pm New Crescent Classic rule: all hot fraternity teammates must
play with their shirts off.
ally evangelista
06:16pm Moonball! #crescentclassic
09:45pm Meowing at Katz... #lol
09:46pm @MacMiller YOU COMING TO #Udel!?
10:13pm I don't believe in Huey Mack having a girlfriend. Sorry
Thu Apr 21
07:48am You learn to love the words you hate to hear
#MorningRecords #BenRector
09:58am If the AT&T service in the #Rodjects would improve just a
little bit...... then i could #CallMom
10:40am I saw SigPi boy leave class, so I left class
11:59am The quality of my day has significantly improved since entering
the Rodney Dining Hall. #MADMAC #Udel
allyevangie's Twournal
12:15pm RT @megmccreaa: #ifitwasuptome Victorias' Secret would
start making UDel stuff, NOT University of Illinois. #BlueHenProblems
RE Margueritatvg: Check out the $500 Victoria's Secret Gift Card from I've got my new panties and i LOVE it!
12:34pm I can't really afford nap time, but it's happening anyways #SGP
02:43pm Billy just said...."Alright, I'm gonna go up...catch the last couple
minutes of Judge Judy, hashtag The Judge" #TheJudge
04:15pm @bevangelista show your friend RT @GoodMusicAllDay
Yo if you wanna get ur music ft... READ HERE: http://
04:16pm Best Mashup Mixtape I've downloaded....
#GOODMUSIC via @GoodMusicAllDay
09:31pm Buffalo Wild Wings knows me by name #BWW
09:55pm They said 15's been 18. #bitchyalate
10:12pm shouts @maggiehibner and @rayzieee...the only other two girls
who will be on F1 with me this weekend.
RE sbazzini8: sowwy i'm leaving you <3
Fri Apr 22
09:05am A mime on campus... yup, welcome to #Udel
09:52am @brittychop in front of the library!!
09:59am Retail therapy in t minus too many hours... #christianamall
11:06am #OTH.... “the reason why i don’t talk to u anymore is because
i keep telling myself that if you wanted to speak to me you would"
ally evangelista
RE jayneb: @sbazzini8 i wont eat this because you dont think i like it
even though i do @emimad
11:14am #StumbleUpon [life is beauty-full]: 100 ways to
11:23am There's six people in this class right now...#JewsForSchool
11:52am @rmohanty3 can we leave? #bored #youAintAJew
12:03pm @emimad we had Twitters before the fetus's knew what
tweeting was #BitchYaSOlate #BitchYaLate
12:04pm Twitter TT knows it's gonna be a #goodfriday....Just attempt at #JewJokes
03:31pm At what point does my love for Huey Mack cross the line
between #1 fan and stalker? #ifitwasuptome we'd be dating...
03:32pm Think I just crossed that line.... @HueyMack
Sat Apr 23
11:10am And then there were two...
RE jayneb: OH NO! who left??
04:54pm There are enough Jewish people who go to this school to throw
a party tonight...someone do it. #Udel
RE d_agboh: i know of a party tonight #justsayin
05:28pm @d_agboh where? #sharethelove!
RE d_agboh: 22 north chapel street haha i don't have a phone but if you
give me your number i'll text you the details with someone else's
08:33pm You'll never guess where I am... #BWW
11:03pm @d_agboh #rude lololol
RE d_agboh: how am i rude!
11:26pm The dog drank so much beer...#drunk
allyevangie's Twournal
Sun Apr 24
10:19am @d_agboh idk is wrote that last night lololol
RE d_agboh: hahaha did you have fun?
01:38pm #ithurtswhen Saying sorry is no longer associated with being
07:57pm The smell of fresh laundry #NothingLikeIt
09:49pm @cgill918 *Best when refrigerated #YUM
Mon Apr 25
09:18am 50% chance of rain today...I'd say the odds are in my favor
09:31am GRΣΣK ♥ WΣΣK ΓΦB ♥ AEΠ @GammaPhiUD @AEPi
09:31am @hannahfarrelly8 but why.....??!
ally evangelista
RE HanskiFBaby: idk it was some joke from summer goin into senior
year i think it was a twisted 69 reference or something
10:46am People who walk slow.... #thingsthatpissmeoff
11:16am Rhody prep Newport #swag
11:25am Uhhhh where is @rmohanty3....#ENGL110
11:48am If I see one more couple walking around campus holding hands
I'm going to run between them and scream RED ROVER. #notcute
03:19pm Taking notes on a FiberCast but I can't understand the VP
09:18pm I'm currently at The Drunk Monkey
RE Cesaro_401: OMG SAME HERE!
Tue Apr 26
07:27am #GreekWeek... #youknowuwinning
10:36am @CourtneyEl couldn't imagine why.... #GreekWeek2011
11:02am Rest in Peace John, fought a long and hard battle
02:35pm Study for chemistry.... #ThingsIDontDo
Wed Apr 27
08:15am @shelby_langan on one hour of sleep... #thingsilove
02:42pm @nancyheidt @kaytbee123 that dog's name is MIRELLA
and it was a drunken mistake on both parties behalves so do not get it
05:19pm Boys in togas at Greek Godess.. #idonthateit
05:52pm @MacMiller @ #Udel !!!!!
allyevangie's Twournal
Thu Apr 28
12:06am help
10:12am Torrential downpour and I'm not wearing a coat nor do I have
an umbrella #EvangieLuck
10:53am #THUMBSUP to the best day ever happening this saturday...
#GreekWeek and @MacMiller: a lil bit of errythang all rolled inta 1
11:01am My attempt to register for classes: "The maximum number
of logins per minute has been exceeded. Please try again later."
07:51pm Philly bound
08:41pm You must not know about me
08:43pm Wish I was good at singing too bad I have @jayneb's genes...
RE jayneb: which means you have a gorgeous singing voice ...i sing like a
cherub ;-)
10:03pm I'm in Philly for real
10:10pm IM AT JIMS!! in Philly
10:42pm @mattnucc delly tmrw!!?
RE mattnucc: I wish :( couldn't get out of work #pissed.
11:10pm What's in a cheesesteak? was it kist hotdog cut up? -@emeliabadlia
Fri Apr 29
10:45am @jayneb whoever I marry will be a prince
09:35pm go go gamma gamma go go go phi phi
10:24pm @dubcs Tweeted. #swag
RE dubCs: way too much #swag
ally evangelista
Sat Apr 30
07:25am I'm not even up for classes this early... #GreekWeek2011
10:18am you beat teen pregnancy and then you cant get into the bars -Aepi boy
10:42am they just threw away my water bottle WTF #GreekWeek2011
01:41pm @MacMiller come faster foooo
01:54pm @cslavoice mac millERR
06:29pm When's naptime and since when is it 8oclock??
06:57pm It's been 12 hours !!!
RE lindsayoddi: since what?!
Sun May 01
12:50am #SUCKSTOSUCK RT @MacMiller: any show that got
promoted in Deleware today was fake...
02:15am @TalbottC jealous. i wanna get #shanmmered with
12:02pm Remembered to say #RunRabbit this morning...#YES
12:03pm #GreekWeek2011 T-shirt tanlines.... #thingsihate
04:47pm "Toxic to your emotions...Toxic to your health" @fhangez
07:31pm Don't know why I'm still obsessed with this song... <3 True
07:31pm RT @IamBrittyPaige: Greek week you killed my liver,
my gpa, and apartment. However, my dignity is still mostly intact.
allyevangie's Twournal
08:51pm “You don't really understand human nature unless you know
why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his (cont)
09:50pm "America can do whatever we put our mind to. That is the story
of our history." -- President Obama
09:51pm Rot In Hell: Osama Bin Laden
10:21pm Walking on north green and people are blasting "DING DONG
THE WITCH IS DEAD" out the window #SEEyaOsama
10:50pm history in the making #SEEyaOsama
RE ecait21: Where is that!
10:58pm @ecait21 amstel but we're moving down main now!
11:31pm parade on main St at 130am -- main St is shut down!
ally evangelista
Mon May 02
12:59am That was absolutely insane...Delaware is going crazy!
09:09am Evangie intuition is a beautiful thing
RE jayneb: yo mama is a #witch
10:23am Permission to party granted by my chem professor...but not
during lab!
Tue May 03
02:18pm The only thing that could bring down this day......chem lab
04:07pm @MacMiller are you ever gonna come rage at #Udel?!
06:56pm I haven't tweeted NEARLY enough this week. #busy
Wed May 04
12:08am Watching "@theonewith the tiny tshirt"... one of the story lines
IS my life right now #Friends
12:30am Tell me your secrets And ask me your questions Oh, let's go
back to the start
07:59am To the man outside Rodney trying to hand me a free copy of
the bible; I dont care if it's free, I'm Jewish
RE JoshDes23: don't u celebrate xmas #chesnutsroastingonanopenfire
08:37am Girls fall in love with what they hear. Boys fall in love with what
they see. That's why girls wear make up and boys lie - @RealWizKhalifa
RE TecknowledgyXG: smh
allyevangie's Twournal
08:52am @TecknowledgyXG it is kind of true...
RE TecknowledgyXG: depends on the girl and dude
09:35am @maggiehibner extended research paper deadline
10:37am @mattnucc #whiteboyproblems #rhodyproblems
12:47pm I want a @HueyMack Freshman 15 shirt! #Freshman15
RE HueyMack: soon
06:54pm Free grasshopper fro-latte from Saxbys #IDONTHATEIT
06:55pm #ThingsIdonthate... @BenEBearJew <--- THAT
09:15pm 8 Page paper @Y_U_NO 8 pages?!
11:19pm I will never ever understand why I always want what I can't
have. #TakeMeBackToTheStart #SGP
11:22pm And for tweet 6k happy #cincodedrinco! #socollege... so
Thu May 05
09:13am Anyone at Rodney: if you look out your window you will have a
prime view of the train stuck on the tracks... #yalate #rodjects
09:59am I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day and something
reminds you you wish you had stayed #itsthingsinlife
10:56am I'm finally healthy for a college holiday....where the parties at?
RE lindsayoddi: yeah this is patheticcc
11:17am shouts to the townie who almost ran me over with his
skateboard #thingsthatpissmeoff
RE gotuscamera: My bad yo
11:53am @d_agboh #heardDAT
ally evangelista
01:16pm Forget ethics in sweatshops, I should have written
my research paper about the ethics of living in the #Rodjects
02:17pm I'm the quickest with these witty little lines
LjD08goFChU <3
05:22pm Calling all captains @cgill918
06:36pm @HueyMack we just came to say hello
09:21pm I LOVE philllll
10:46pm @HueyMack come to #Udel now
Fri May 06
08:13am There's 10 people in this 50 people class right now....And I
thought I had a good #cincodemayo
08:54am Almost starting snapping in class... #SGP
11:33am There are cuts and bruises all over my hands and
09:05pm obsessed @dumbrunettejen
09:30pm @JakePes t-30 happy bday!!
Sat May 07
09:30am RT @BenEBearJew: Rembr that movie where friends lose
their best friend? I just made sure I had all my teeth...The Hangover is
coming to life
11:15am "everyone has a beer belly i love it"
12:19pm @jayneb I bought my cards before @mingo100 reminded me
RE jayneb: and i appreciate that!very funny cards,thank youuu!xo
allyevangie's Twournal
04:34pm @TalbottC aw no way! im not there have fun tho fijis having an
american party tonight!!
RE TalbottC: I heard haha that's pretty funny
06:07pm These heels....#BlisterCity
06:17pm so much gamma phi love
Sun May 08
08:58am She can roll with the punches
08:59am Happy Mothers Day @jayneb i love you! You're the best
RE jayneb: thank you leelee. Love youuuu.
07:43pm #SkinnyKid
09:02pm Life is short; Live your dream and wear your passion.
Mon May 09
07:18am Who needs an alarm when the construction on outside your
window can wake you up? #rude
08:13am Monday mornings are so dysfunctional...... #REALLY
10:03am @lindsayoddi #movebitch #Getouttheway
10:22am How do you know when you hit rock bottom? #probablydid
03:41pm Tell me this kid does not look exactly like @BostonsBoy
04:18pm @Y_U_NO #Y_U_NO say hi back to me when i pass you on
the way to class ...
06:42pm People always stare in the library #OhMorris
07:07pm @CourtneyEl: uh I was too crowded so I'm at Perkins
09:04pm #brotip #420 don't underestimate the power of music
ally evangelista
10:39pm #brotip #356 forgiving your bros doesn't mean you should give
them the opportunity to do the same thing twice
Tue May 10
09:57am another #brotip because i'm clearly addicted: #306 people are
usually way more sorry that they got caught than they are that they did it
09:58am @BenEBearJew let me know if you need soup or anything and
#FeelBetter and #RestUp for the last weekend in #Udel
06:39pm Twitter is going exceptionally slow because of all the new
people who joined that think Twitter is a new invention. #BitchYaLate
08:00pm @HueyMack are you performing in Philly
08:30pm @HueyMack ahh but so close
Wed May 11
11:44am #CollegeRules The real question is...Do you look good under a
02:33pm #CollegeRules #broptip Some of the best moments in life
come from doing things that scare you the most
02:38pm A wise man once said..."When reviewing your notes before an
exam, the most important will be illegible." #HeWasRight
03:04pm The Black Sheep - How to Survive Greek Week
jvXRKF @Jayneb Explains #GreekWeek a little better for you...
03:07pm @HueyMack @JonKilmer obviously i do...........
06:11pm Seems like the older I get the faster time goes by... #SlowDown
06:36pm Aside from this rager at Club Morris right now..I only know
one things for sure this weekend: #IgnoranceIsBliss
allyevangie's Twournal
RE TecknowledgyXG: preach
Thu May 12
08:43am wore my retainer last night...woke up this morning and learned
that teeth can be sore, too. #straightteethclub
10:57am @brittanymanchio can't spell embarrassing? #embarrassing
06:22pm Only I would make it all the way to library and realize I left all
my notes in my dorm.... #really
RE elohweez: I've done that hahah
06:23pm #457. "Never give them up, never let them down. Never run
around & desert them." - Rick Brolled. #brotips #sub
06:24pm @Nataliee_Joseph #heardDat sistaaa
09:05pm What a smells like summer
09:07pm There have literally been only 2 hours out of these past 12
where I wasn't studying, in class, or taking a test
Fri May 13
10:25am Advising myself this weekend that #IgnoranceIsBliss and for
that reason to stay off the FB #brotip #CollegeRules
10:35am YAY thanks for the #FF @ecait21 & My #FF for Friday the
13th... @brittychop @dumbrunettejen @samfleud @MissPauleena
@mattnucc @elohweez
10:57am for the 80 people that skipped chem today and for anyone who
likes to be confused:
10:37pm @jayneb it was something a little close to a #fail but as usual i
still had fun
ally evangelista
Sat May 14
10:54am Nothing a little Saxbys and #F1Love can't fix #Udel
01:19pm #ChoateFest #ShouldIStayOrShouldIGo
03:17pm Amber alert: Brian Fahey
05:14pm @BenEBearJew rooooood
05:16pm @gerberbaby4life where are u
09:25pm Last night out at UUUUUUUDDDDDDDDD #Udel
09:34pm Saw @Nikojoelidis today...... #cluelessthings
09:37pm So my phone stopped working... #cluesslessthings
09:47pm @HueyMack Come to #Udel the love is flooowwiiiiingggg
10:17pm @MOLLYxSUZANNE uz a bitch #thatsgucci
Sun May 15
12:17am @GMADTomUD: on out way yo #lAstweekend
01:10am @GMADtomUD #sniped
03:33am Wait...the sun is coming up and I haven't really gone to bed
yet... @rayzieee
11:08am @GMADtomUD: haha thaaaats a joke
11:57am Wait, where's my underwear................#cluelessthings
01:01pm You know it was a good weekend when.... #lastweekend #Udel
01:24pm @maggiehibner #sundayfunday @clubmorris #staygucci
02:21pm #Freshman15 #MAY22 RT @HueyMack: Oh Yeah and 1
week until Freshman 15.
03:41pm #MissionAccomplished #lastweekend
allyevangie's Twournal
04:35pm If @HueyMack performs in #Philly this weekend who is
coming with me?! #Udel
05:28pm #nowplaying #WhiteNoiseMashups
07:31pm Mudsliding in the rain.... #socollege
Mon May 16
12:47am #collegerules Go Greek. Be young. Fall in love. Party hard.
Stay classy. Be fabulous. Study some. Live it Up. Graduate at some point.
11:17am When ignorance isn't's still bliss. #lastweekend
06:13pm I wish it was socially acceptable for girls to wear hats
backwards. #TFM...
08:34pm @emevang diggin' the name change #itsanevangiething
08:59pm our nicknames, our faces #itsallrelative @emevang
09:28pm No chem lab tomorrow calls for a celebration from 7-10.
Facebook event invite to follow.
11:46pm The creativity is flowing.....or dripping in this case. #w00pw00p
Tue May 17
11:27am #OMG LEGGGGGO @megmccreaaRT @HueyMack: To see
me in Philly this saturday go to use the promo
code huey5off...
RE HueyMack: be there or be square
01:11pm Just bought 3 VIP tix to see @MeekMill and @HueyMack this
Saturday in #Philly. #SURREAL
04:36pm @spanishwildcat save me one! or two..or three...
06:24pm #collegerules sometimes bad decisions make good stories
ally evangelista
09:22pm What ever happened to Lil Mama? Her swag was off the charts
09:50pm Taping my shirt to my bra for the third time this month
11:01pm wimpy bed cause she likes it firm....nice.
RE TecknowledgyXG: ally
11:03pm @TecknowledgyXG what? my friend just said that..
11:09pm Your pupils are getting big...are you in love with me?
RE MissPauleena: YES.
11:12pm @MissPauleena knew it
RE MissPauleena: hey girl hey :)
Wed May 18
12:29am Seriously what just happened... #twitterjail oh and
12:50am I didn't get arrested i got locked in a portapotty
11:16am @dumbrunettejen funny....cause i hugged a girl last night who
looked remarkably like you
01:47pm #nowplaying Cram Session playlist via @GoodMusicAllDay
gotta make sure #ClubMorris stays ragin
01:49pm @carabarbato sorry i cant txt you, i don't have service on my
phone just wifi... where are you in the berry?
02:05pm @carabarbato basement at a table outside the study rooms
03:38pm it certaintly is reading day here at #Udel #sogucci
03:40pm There will be no objections to anyone who feels the urge to
deliver coffee to the basement of Morris. #sokind #staygucci
allyevangie's Twournal
06:57pm Listened to music all day with my headphones I cant
hear out of my left ear. #whatdyousay?
07:20pm I don't check out books at the library...I check out boys. #tsm
11:22pm starting to pack... #depressing
Thu May 19
08:11am Why my alarm didn't go off at 9am is beyond me but
for once THANK GOD for the construction outside my window.
08:20am HAHA what?! RT @Lucyevangie: I was only gone 3.5 hrs I
wish she wouldn't cry.
03:39pm @BenEBearJew show this to your friend http:// his mixtape was #DOPECITY
04:15pm The only place I should be allowed to go right now dressed like
this is Wal-Mart
07:33pm bc half the population consists of studying UD students
RT @mattnathanson: what happens in delaware stays in delaware.
07:46pm @wheatiez89 #woopwoop I'll be on the look out!
08:00pm Ever wish you were hungry just so you could eat more?
08:39pm @DJBeatzOff @BenEBearJew lololololol #soon
09:07pm @BenEBearJew @DJBeatzOff #status: back ordered
Fri May 20
12:01pm @natasha_mara #heardDAT I'm studying in Perkins
ally evangelista
12:50pm Forgot it was Friday.... #studyswag #staygucci
01:10pm Scheduling exams on a Saturday #thatsbitchy
03:12pm @jayneb I placed a call #missu
RE jayneb: sorry leelee. I'm watching rhony with em then going out to
weed since the suns out temporarily #goodtimes
06:24pm #iftheworldendsonsaturday at least i'll be in the presence of
06:34pm @HueyMack wait are you kidding?!
06:40pm @HueyMack just come to Udel tomorrow !! http://
06:47pm @HueyMack woopwoop don't blame you but i look forward to
hearing the new mixtape!!
07:08pm #Blackout in Newark but just remembered I CAN still study by
the light of my glowsticks #rage
08:20pm @mattnucc @Derek_Stritz and his bros were hatin on me for
our twitter relationship today........ i was like #bitchyoudontknowme
RE mattnucc: hahahah he's just jealous
Sat May 21
10:03am Celebrating the end of the world tonight #heaven #rapture
#Freshman15 #examweek #goyankees
01:23pm #myraptureplaylist #Freshman15
01:25pm #myraptureplaylist When The World Ends - Dave Matthews
01:47pm $20 back for my $80 math I can can afforded lunch
#collegelife #CTL
allyevangie's Twournal
RE jayneb: however since you didn't buy that book in the first place
consider that $20.00 free money!
02:22pm @jayneb actually i bought all my books this semester...
RE jayneb: I don't think so....
06:00pm @HueyMack wannnnnaa heearrr da #Freshman15
woooooooppppppp :)
07:54pm The work never ends...but college does. #onelastnight #Udel
09:15pm #Freshman15 Tweet Tweet
09:43pm @HueyMack drop it at 12!!! #freshman15
09:57pm @HueyMack stilll loveee yoooooooouuuuu<<333
10:27pm since when is UD an all girls school
11:20pm this is the this is the this is the #Freshman15
11:56pm what in the world is going on #Freshman15
Sun May 22
12:06am Ordering DP Dough almost got me written up #UDel
#Freshman15 #knock3times
10:43am The way I dress during finals week is socially unacceptable.
#sweats #bumminit
RE megmccreaa: welcome to my life
11:41am #swag #Freshman15
12:23pm @brittychop whereeee are you studying
01:53pm one chem exam standing in my way.... #movebitch
ally evangelista
03:47pm RT @megmccreaa: Welcome to #studycity usa. #distracted
03:48pm That boy sitting at the computer definitely wasn't supposed to
be watching Stefan from #SNL #distracted #ClubMorris
11:31pm we do what we want, we just havin fun, life is too short, we got
the privilege of being young #freshman15
Mon May 23
10:38am Find a penny pick it up rest of day have good luck
01:41pm @ceg918 #idonthateit SEE YOU SOON
03:20pm @ceg918 #freshman15
05:16pm may or may not have just balled my eyes out...#F1Love
07:20pm #np Closing by @HueyMack #repeat #repeat #repeat
allyevangie's Twournal
Tue May 24
02:19am finished freshman year #wowthatscrazy
RE elohweez: #bitchyalate lololol jk congratzz
03:41pm Realizing I'm the world's biggest pack rat while packing to
return home after my first year #incollege #bittersweet
11:26pm Wouldn't be the last night at UD without Newarks stench
stinking up campus. #Vom
Wed May 25
11:07am #Damnittohell for having the Shanker emotions in my
blood....Didn't ACTUALLY think I was going to cry... #F1love #WTF
12:26pm it's been real #therealest
03:16pm dirty poopy fish water already spilled all over me and we
haven't even hit a main road yet. anyone in DE want a fish?
Thu May 26
07:53am Can't imagine graduating college....ever. I love #UDel
06:40pm Just made a book out of my tweets at
09:33pm #bye We just sit around talking about the old times, she says
when she feels like crying she starts laughing thinking about glory days
09:36pm You just gotta suck it up and keep on keeping on #HeyArnold
Fri May 27
08:15am Working off the #Freshman15 #sweaty #smelly #YUM
10:21am Tryna go #dts for #mdw
ally evangelista
12:33pm #np OCD: Moosh & Twist #UpBeforeTheWorld
MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #letthepartycommence
02:47pm @slizzylizzie pulled that one out of our asses, hey?
03:22pm Aside from the fact that I finished my freshman year of college,
my aching back just reminds me of how old I am getting............
05:41pm no one got it twisted #dontgetittwisted @jayneb
05:44pm #np I got my toes in the water ass in the sand Not a worry in
the world a cold beer in my hand Life is good today #ZacBrownBand
07:07pm @allyevangie & @Lucyevangie back in action
07:25pm meow meow
10:37pm I can't drag @Lucyevangie across the hall into my room
anymore because she can't get up the steps... #itsadoglife :(
11:09pm @brittychop haha i'm a little obsessed...she's getting so old :o(
Sat May 28
12:19pm The things I would do to be on LBI right now...
02:32pm Eating a pickle...#snooki
RE lindsayoddi: I'm coming over
03:46pm Kanye West at #Udel graduation today? Knew there was a
good excuse to stay
RE GMADtomUD: wait what? Kanye? Who what where when why
06:48pm @GMADtomUD i know! apparently his good family friend
graduated #wishiwasthere
allyevangie's Twournal
Sun May 29
09:40am RT @brittanymanchio homesick sunday happens even when im
home.. i miss udel :(
09:41am Parading mulch around the yard....once again @BenEBearJew
somehow escapes this tedious child labor
04:02pm Newport preppy boy swag
05:52pm #passion
07:56pm Eat a whole bag of popcorn by
myself....#thingsilearnedtodoatcollege #gymtomorrow
08:36pm If Doby is supposedly "free", why is he still wearing a raggedy
old pillowcase and suede shoes? If I were him I'd get me a suit..
10:05pm #rhophiiota #rodneylife RT @1000Awesome: #234 3:00am
conversations with your best friend
Mon May 30
11:07am Had a dream that someone broke into all the rooms in the
#rodjects. Good thing I don't live there anymore... #happymemorialday
12:15pm I almost threw up when I saw Dunkin put my drink in a Red
Sox cup. #RatherThePhillies
01:12pm #happymemorialday
03:53pm Let the countdown begin #LBI
04:51pm @carabarbato i can't find my shrimp shoes #shrimpinisahabit
06:22pm Remember when I had mono and lost the #Freshman15? I
think that brings it to Ally-3, Mono-7
07:52pm Snap crackle pop
Tue May 31
ally evangelista
09:50am To the beach! Finally, I mean, I only live in the Ocean State..
RE TecknowledgyXG: not permanently
10:35am @TecknowledgyXG lol for now though
RE TecknowledgyXG: SMh
10:44am At the beach you can always tell who had fun at
12:08pm @UDelaware we're going through withdrawal, too! Although I
could get used to this:
RE UDelaware: We can see how! Jealous!
01:38pm Really? Basketball shorts on the beach...really? We live in
Rhode don't own a bathing suit?
RE g1mmethatBECKY: HAHA I think I see the kid ur talking about
06:32pm @coopaloop100k check your mailbox!!
06:58pm "I love nuts" - @BenEBearJew
06:59pm Not sure how serious I can take my dad after he just got tired
of listening to everyone he put socks on his ears.
07:25pm Remember the days when you didn't feel guilty for eating a
bowl of ice cream? #thosewerethedays
Wed Jun 01
01:55pm I was truly convinced that Italian Jews were incapable
of getting sunburned to the level that my stomach is right now
02:02pm @brittychop so very painful...and we have no aloe
#burnttoacrisp #summer
06:45pm @erin15tay would totally be there if I didn't live 5 hours away!!
wahhhh have fun :)
allyevangie's Twournal
06:59pm scrounging for money but #idonthateit #collegetownlife
Thu Jun 02
03:38pm Seriously think I have this.. @cracked RT @psychcentral:
Involuntary Emotional Expression Disorder
05:57pm bestfriends, family, beach, summer, LBI, shopping,
clothes, ΓΦΒ, pink, ice cream, #UDel, my moms cooking, lil rhody
Fri Jun 03
10:57am The only place I'd shove my face with a donut on
#nationaldonutday is Allie's Donuts. #cravingadonutcake
01:01pm @rayzieee Good luck! I'll be there to visit before you know it
02:28pm Shopping for my little. #TSM
06:53pm Huey Mackin it up
08:03pm @MOLLYxSUZANNE yeah yeah yeah whatever but you
know I WAS Huey Macking it up before anyone else in HP #bitchyalate
08:10pm HereWeGoOnToTheNextOne #chooseone
08:32pm @HueyMack love. you. #youdabest
RE HueyMack: ly2
09:23pm yeah he said it RT @HueyMack: @allyevangie ly2
09:56pm "will hot Charles be there?!" @JoshDes23
ally evangelista
Sat Jun 04
10:37am Beach day all day #DoTheBernie
11:45am The Narragansett beach workers are dressed just like the
Fantasy Island workers. #LBI #RI
12:18pm Real Gs move in silence #lasagna
05:26pm Reminds me of F1 #Udel RT Don't let life's storms get you
down,learn to dance in the rain,run with the lightning and scream with
the thunder
10:27pm This is great#girlswithasseslikeminedonttaketoboyswithfaceslikeyours http://
Sun Jun 05
11:28am When you mess up my coffee order I automatically like you a
little bit less.
01:41pm Just found out my dog goes to the neighbors every morning for
breakfast... oh...
03:27pm RT @BenEBearJew : So upset the dinosaurs are extinct
05:57pm @JakePes And at other people's houses...ALWAYS look for
cats behind the shower curtain #lovetoprowl
07:41pm letting go of the box that has provided me access to 92.3
and @hot106 all these years... #eleventobeexact
09:26pm @elohweez And I'm doing the exact opposite. This is why we're
friends. #whatelseisnew
RE elohweez: Tehehe so true. love you �
allyevangie's Twournal
Mon Jun 06
08:01am My cup of coffee is once again spoiled by the red sox logo on
the side. #riseandgrind #notcute #DD
RE lindsayoddi: in new jersey, they do Yankees :) more reason to move
11:07am .@nadiyakgqh4 who are you? stop spamming me. #rude
11:08am To be young, alive, and broke. #abeautifulthing #CTL
06:24pm You KNOW I can't leave the mall without buying something.
Who let me in here? I have no money... #getmeoutofhere
06:27pm Thank you Danielle for guiding me to the exit. I literally want
everything in #Forever21 #fashmerchmajorproblems
06:27pm Tryna cop a swag #swag @ceg918
08:16pm Does anyone have cotton balls I can shove in my ears? For
some reason my 19 year old friends think it's acceptable to blast Justin
Tue Jun 07
06:09am I forgot these hours of the morning even existed..
11:17am #lunchbreak #ballparkdog @Spikes
08:04pm "Your pants look a little snug" Oh do they? I didn't notice when
I couldn't put them on this morning... #freshman15
Wed Jun 08
ally evangelista
07:21am #sportsidontcareabout When are one of these teams
gonna win the damn Stanley Cup so my social life can go back to normal
12:12pm @sbazzini8 your new pet?
12:40pm Should be illegal to be as pale as I am this far into #summer I
wanna be #burnttoacrisp
07:08pm @BenEBearJew Who were you on the phone w in the
bathroom? #naturescalling #whoelsecalled
RE jayneb: @BenEBearJew remember tweetsfromthetoilet?
07:17pm @MOLLYxSUZANNE it's cause you're not Italian
#suckstoSUCK #trycornbeefandcabbage
07:19pm "why do you always have to have a hashtag?"
#dontgetittwistedbitch #theymakeeverythingfunnier
07:20pm #thingsidontcareabout the ending of Lost, who's gonna win the
Stanley Cup, what color crocs you own...
Thu Jun 09
10:49am @mattnucc because it's 100 degrees one should be
playing games on ice #itssummmer :)
RE mattnucc: lol #WeLiveInNewEngland thooo.. #donthateonmybruins
03:06pm @mattnucc its the winter sports in june that gets me...
RE mattnucc: ooff I don't even like baseball, but please don't even tell
me your a yankees fan... #dontgetittwisted
allyevangie's Twournal
03:07pm My mother left me behind carless at work forcing me to work
3 more hours...I now know the true meaning of #happyhour @jayneb
RE jayneb: take it up with your boss @mingo100
03:26pm So this is what it's like to be in #gridlock traffic. At least we
have the radio...@JoshDes23 #iminajeepwranglerbitch
03:29pm @mattnucc #itsbeentwisted im goin to yankee stadium
saturday haha #goyankees
06:50pm @BenEBearJew "miss being that young" -- #TMI but was he
charged with public indecency?
Fri Jun 10
12:38pm Thought Caitlins brother was so pure and innocent but
just found out he punched a kid in the face last year #itsbeentwisted
06:58pm Kisses from Giuseppe! xxx & Yankee game tomorrow will the
#1 fans from #Udel be there? @lindsayoddi @MOLLYxSUZANNE
RE MOLLYxSUZANNE: I'm on mah way!! Bring my boys good luck
tonight pleasee!! After last night, they need it!! Have fun in ny :)
Sat Jun 11
06:17am SNL is missing out on some good Weiner jokes.
ally evangelista
09:30am We be at NYC! #Es2NYC
allyevangie's Twournal
10:18am SnapBack....Velcro. Yankees hat though so still winning http://
10:39am Garlic fries and sausage sandwich with onions and peppers
11:06am There's always that one guy who yells "play ball" after the
national anthem. #whytho
11:34am @BenEBearJew you're tainting my area
01:08pm Mel was just on the jumbotron at Yankee abbot
01:10pm Hahah @carabarbato the whole stadium just booed a young
middle school couple for making out on the jumbotron #yankeestadium
03:12pm Butt we're in pubic! #seewhatididthere http://
ally evangelista
05:53pm On 53rd& 7th... @BenEBearJew "are we near Times Square?"
Sun Jun 12
07:29am @brittanymanchio I'm right by it!
08:10am #Es2NYC Rise & Grind children time for some #DD
#Yankee style #abeautifulthing
09:34am #Es2NYC
09:59am I just walked by Urban Outfitters without going inside. Am I
going to hell?
11:05am Mom doesn't think the laws of traffic apply to her
allyevangie's Twournal
02:23pm #idonthateit
03:58pm I may or may not have just made this car ride very awkward...
RE elohweez: LOL getting a bop while you're taking a poop
Mon Jun 13
06:30am Only Senior Citizens work out at this gym... Who am I gonna
check out now? #lessmotivated
07:42am Sweet Cover by Justin Robinett -- "Rolling in the Deep /
Someone Like You / Turning Tables" via @youtube
08:00am Just backed out of my driveway and ran over a basketball
07:28pm Made "Tweets of the Week"@CollegeTownLife
ePEcSdD #addicted #CTL
08:23pm Hats on hats on hats #snapback #coonskin #sombrero
ally evangelista
Wed Jun 15
07:47am #nowplaying Everything's Not Lost by @coldplay #parachutes
11:09am .@R0seBudz has a twitter! such an #antic
03:09pm Did some manual labor at work today
#thanksdadfornotbeingsexist #p90x #tonage
03:22pm @dmcjGMAD whaaaaat are you tweeting about
#idontunderstand #toomuchswagiguess
RE dmcjGMAD: JUELZ SANTANA. DA GAWD. If you really want to
#friendsquote #gettingpayper
04:39pm @dmcjGMAD hahah sweeeet didn't realize it was live
06:52pm @rayzieee oh hey.... @GoodMusicAllDay has some new
tshirts...want one?
Thu Jun 16
06:51am #cluelessthings #canucksriot but congrats to Boston on
winning another title
08:07pm Remember when you ranked your friends on myspace... how
rude.. #salty
Fri Jun 17
12:13pm #whytho @elohweez
05:45pm Am I wurring my slords??
09:43pm six chix #sevenheaven
allyevangie's Twournal
09:44pm The real question is...where's tank??
10:09pm DE may have invaded rhody...269 style
10:25pm "sawn her on the FBook and known she's orange as a
pumpkin"... #notreallanguage #doesitlooklikeicare
10:53pm The @HueyMack tweet must come out bc the love is forever
10:54pm Tom Cat lets play MANHUNT #higlandHOODIES
11:11pm if Tom cat wants to play manhunt then majority rules
#happybirthday #269 #whatabouttheneighbors #noonecares #Becky
11:19pm "I wanna go on chat rulette" finally found rock bottom...thanks
11:20pm if I'm tweeting weird things it's just cause I love @HueyMack
Sat Jun 18
08:05am Got slapped for calling Udel "DelaWorld" last night.... @ #F1
isn't that what we always call it?
08:06am @HueyMack sorry for tweeting you so much last night....and
for tweeting you again right now...
08:31am This must be what Eyore feels like every time his house made
of twigs collapses..
RE RySchny: feelin a little bit under the weather?
08:40am This must be what the old lady felt like when she dropped the
necklace into the ocean..
08:40am This must be what Lucy felt like after they cut her tail off
11:22am #nowplaying #fratmusic
ally evangelista
11:50am Her heart is broken But she won't say that Her heart is broken
But she can't go back
02:26pm "My focus in leadership is renewable energy. so I'm gonna spin
my head riight round" @icemantallpaul
03:37pm @rmon667 mines limited to bike, scooter, skateboard..
03:38pm About to depart from the Mooring #newport #rhodyprepswag
07:32pm If i had to describe it...The Best. RT @spanishwildcat: Booz
cruises are awesome @dubCs @BenEBearJew @Icemantallpaul
08:02pm #getatme #ohyoufancyhuh #Newportlifestyle #269
#toomanyhashtags #lobsta @rmohanty3 @dubCs @spanishwildcat
09:42pm @fhangez #tailless #nub #chopchop
RE fhangez: omg just saw the pic of lucys nub!!! And I don't have service
to text you back I'm in my basementt
Sun Jun 19
09:45am #HappyFathersDay @mingo100
09:45am RIP Clarence Clemons
01:21pm Gridlocked in the parking spot...ghost riding the whip... wish us
10:02pm Back to real life for a week before summer can commence on
the island of long beaches #lbi #staygucci
Mon Jun 20
allyevangie's Twournal
02:13pm Reminising on the times of farm camp.. Iyga flyga Fleega Flyga
Ishga Nishiga Nyga nyga Iyga Fyga Fleega Flyga Biiirrrdie. @kayylynch
08:07pm @dubCs I was going to individually twitpic each one of them
RE dubCs: you wont #noballs ....but seriously #slackin
08:33pm @dubCs just don't #DoLess
Tue Jun 21
11:08am Back to the island of chay #newport
12:22pm Lying out there, like a killer in the sun Hey I know it's late, but
we can make it if we run
05:46pm You have failed as a parent @jayneb. And I have failed as a
fashion-merch-major sister. My sister bought a black leather fanny pack.
RE emevang: -______- I'm not fancy enough to have leather
Wed Jun 22
11:49am @kaytbee123 My block list is growing too... #bitchproblems
11:59am RT @mattnucc: The Narragansett town gov't is the most
ignorant thing...Parking bans on narragansett avenue and trying to ban
seawall parking
12:13pm Anyone wanna grab dinner at Cucinas? I can be there in 5
hours, just in time for dinner
06:02pm There's ALWAYS that one group of friends who dress up as
wizards for the Harry Potter premiers... #youknowwhoyouare
07:35pm @BenEBearJew @emevang it's only fun until it's legal
ally evangelista