2014 Annual Report
2014 Annual Report
20TH ANNIVERSARY 1995-2015 A N N UA L REPO RT | 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, My life can be measured in celebrations of milestones: my grandfather’s 90th birthday, my wedding some 33 years ago, the births of our son and daughter. Executive Director, Edie Rice-Sauer Each of these big events marks something wonderful in my life, a moment worth celebrating and remembering. There are also those smaller events that I refer to when I think about my life celebrations: the first time I grew a gourd! Sewing my first men’s shirt (not to be attempted again, mind you!). My son’s catch in right field. Each of these, albeit miniscule by society’s standards, were moments of celebration and exaltation. Transitions also has big and small moments, each worth celebrating; all of those many big and small moments add up to our current milestone-our 20th anniversary! Each of you can no doubt think back to milestones along Transitions’ life: Miryam’s House moving from the house on Mission to its current location. I recall the move of the Hearth community from Howard to 2nd Avenue. That parade of Chester the ficus tree and the many women who sauntered with him down 2nd Avenue will forever be embedded in my mind. The establishment of the New Leaf Bakery Café is another of those major milestones. These are moments of great celebration, transitory steps in the life of Transitions that you and I participated in, and everyone can celebrate. I participated in a major celebration yesterday-the graduation celebration of five women from our Transitional Living Center into permanent housing. That major event was also made up of many individual, small celebrations that we see each day. The graduate’s words I heard at that celebration were small but mighty: “you believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself; when I wanted to quit you backed off and let me be until I climbed back on and you never shamed me; I love all the women in this room, and I never loved women before-in fact I couldn’t stand them!” The graduation was significant enough. But all the steps in getting to that milestone were huge and miniscule all at the same time. The steps both large and small are worth celebrating, and we try to do that each day at all of our programs: the first successful soufflé’ at New Leaf; tears; walking around the block for exercise. Yes, it is our 20th. And that is amazing. And thank you for walking these many years with us. But the true celebrations are those many, many stories of personal insight, hope and triumph when all appeared to be lost. So, let’s celebrate – together! Peace, WOMEN’S HEARTH NEW LEAF BAKERY CAFE A day center in downtown Spokane where homeless and low-income women find safety, community and services, including referrals, recovery support, activities, art, music, hygiene supplies, showers, computer/internet access, voicemail and more. Job training in the food service industry, plus support services for women with barriers to employment. Catering operation and Café provide both front and back of the house culinary training. “ ” “ ” Here I can express myself and know I’m accepted. Despite my mistakes I’m always welcome here. This is the first place someone has really given me a chance. TRANSITIONAL LIVING CENTER MIRYAM’S HOUSE A residential program with supportive services for up to 16 single mothers with children in individual apartments. Services include case management, parenting classes, recovery support and employment readiness services. Onsite childcare at EduCare helps children recover from the chaos of homelessness. Residential program with supportive services for up to 10 women recovering from life crises, including homelessness, domestic violence, incarceration and addiction. Women live in community sharing meals and common living space. Includes a new permanent supportive housing apartment for a woman ready for more independence. “ ” “ ” TLC has helped me become a better mom, a better friend; I’ve become a better woman. PROGRAMS 20 YEARS We have something to celebrate and want to share the celebration with you. Taking time to celebrate milestones is important in every life, the life of Transitions and my own life. Celebrations are the ways we count our milestones and track our lives. They bring us joy as we recall them in our mind’s eye. If I could tell people anything about Miryam’s House I’d say the walls are built of love. 2014 Annual Report 3 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 (UNAUDITED) REVENUE PRIVATE GRANTS 11% DONATIONS, FUNDRAISING & MISC. INCOME 22% IN KIND DONATIONS 10% PROGRAM FEES 3% HIGHLIGHTS: • 5 women obtained employment • 26 women moved into permanent housing • 4 advanced their education EXPENSES $2,207,282 $2,169,998 FUNDRAISING 2% TRANSITIONAL LIVING CENTER & EDUCARE 36% HIGHLIGHTS: • 4 moms obtained employment • 7 moms advanced their education • 24 families moved on to permanent housing TLC OFFSITE PROGRAMS served HIGHLIGHTS: • 6 women obtained employment • 8 women furthered their education • 45 families moved into permanent housing $242,515 FUNDRAISING IN KIND DONATIONS $220,704 ADMINISTRATION $293,628 NEW LEAF $317,503 $716,305 32 WOMEN FURTHERED THEIR EDUCATION 50 families with 62 children. PRIVATE GRANTS PUBLIC GRANTS & FEES 28 residents and 22 active alumnae. 29 families with 56 children, 34 of whom were enrolled in EDUCARE. WOMEN'S HEARTH 21% $69,313 MIRYAM’S HOUSE served TRANSITIONAL LIVING CENTER served SPONSORSHIP, ENDOWMENTS 21% PROGRAM FEES 65 WOMEN WERE EMPOWERED TO MOVE TO PERMANENT HOUSING HIGHLIGHTS: • 5 women obtained employment • 4 women advanced their education • 15 women moved into permanent housing MIRYAM'S HOUSE 13% ADMINISTRATION 14% NEW LEAF 14% PUBLIC GRANTS & FEES 33% WOMEN’S HEARTH served 1,403 women who made 18,724 visits. More than 59% were homeless. OUTCOMES FINANCIALS 84 cents of every dollar received was spent on services directly benefiting the women and children served by Transitions. WOMEN'S HEARTH SPONSORSHIP, ENDOWMENTS $465,946 TRANSITIONAL LIVING CENTER & EDUCARE & EDUCARE DONATIONS, FUNDRAISING & MISC. INCOME MISC. INCOME $492,499 MIRYAM'S HOUSE $44,581 $452,887 $781,870 $279,529 37 WOMEN FOUND EMPLOYMENT 97 WOMEN RECEIVED ONE-ON-ONE VOCATIONAL SERVICES NEW LEAF BAKERY CAFÉ enrolled 45 women who completed 3,738 hours of training. HIGHLIGHTS: • 17 women obtained employment • 9 women advanced their education • 5 women moved into permanent housing 1695 ‘ WOMEN, CHILDREN & FAMILIES WERE SERVED BY . . . Transitions 2014 Annual Report 5 SKILLS FOR SUCCESS LEGACY OF HEALING “Right before my Grandmother passed away she said to me ‘Kathi, you must be really sick to put that drug into your body.’ She was right, I was sick both mentally and physically. In just two years of my life my marriage fell apart, I lost my job, I was evicted from my home and lost custody of my daughter, the love of my life.” “I needed help. While I was out looking for resources, thinking about getting my life back together, I saw a flyer for Miryam’s House saying it was ‘a place for women in life crises, a place to work on healing and transition’ and that’s exactly what I needed. I needed to heal from loss and my drug addiction.” These memories are from fifteen years ago and Kathi can recall them easily. Calling the day she got into Miryam’s House “the happiest day of my life.” While at Miryam’s House Kathi enrolled in drug treatment, completed and graduated. She loved what she learned about addiction and the science of brain chemistry. Her counselor at Miryam’s House suggested she go back to school and helped her navigate the process. But this was only one-side of her growth. Kathi’s healing included addressing underlying childhood trauma, undiagnosed learning disability and having visits with her daughter. The counselor at Miryam’s House helped Kathi find a pro-bono lawyer that assisted her in getting visitation rights back. During the decision “the judge listened to all I was working on and had accomplished while at Miryam’s House. He congratulated me for turning my life around and told my ex to stop living in the past.” “ It gave me hope that there was a different way to live. Kathi stopped living in the past as well. “The caring and respect I was shown and the encouragement I received were so impactful and kept me at Miryam’s House even when I felt scared and overwhelmed. It gave me hope that there was a different way to live.” ” wideshot.psd Kathi has now been sober for fifteen years and working steadily for eleven years. In fact, Kathi works at Transitions where she says “I still feel that sense of respect and support. I am honored to be a part of such a wonderful place that really helps women. I give back what I was never shown until Miryam’s – respect and encouragement to learn, grow and heal.” SUPPORT US: Volunteer on our Board, on a committee, or at programs Kathi Lee at Miryam’s House 2014 Annual Report 7 LEGACY OF COLLABORATION SUPPORT Community: we believe that the fullness of each person is realized in relationship with others. This is true for our employees, volunteers, investors and participants. Our values guide our day to day decision making and actions – building relationships is mandatory to our mission. In twenty years of serving thousands of women and their children we have discovered one sure truth, we can’t do it alone. There are hundreds of volunteers who staff offices, run life skills classes or help us track and interpret data. They are often our go to resources when we have a unique outreach opportunity, an on-site staffing crisis or maintenance need. They are you. You are our community and we couldn’t work to end poverty and homelessness for women and children in Spokane without you. AmericanWest has been an essential partner to Transitions since 2008, while serving the Spokane region since 1974. Recent expansions into new markets in the Western United States haven’t diminished their focus on making an impact where it counts – they remain true to their community banking roots. They have supported us with monetary gifts, volunteer time and in-kind gifts. They have run contests to help spread the word about Transitions throughout the community and even helped carry in foodbank supplies on a random Thursday morning. Their facilities team has spread bark to make our playgrounds safe. They have provided meeting space. Almost every committee at Transitions has a volunteer from AmericaWest. Linda Williams, 2015 Chair of Board of Directors “ As 2015 begins and AmericanWest experiences change, our connection continues to grow. Our incoming 2015 Chair of Transitions Board of Directors, Linda Williams, serves as Senior Vice president and Treasurer at AmericanWest Bank. She shares “I’ve been involved with Transitions for more than seven years and the feeling that originally drew me to this organization remains as powerful today – it’s the genuine care for each woman who passes through the doors. Every story is unique, yet the common theme here is that everyone matters.” AmericanWest volunteers making our playground safe Keith Western, President of Northwest Banking for AmericanWest Bank, goes on to say “One of the reasons we are an enthusiastic supporter of Transitions is because of their excellent reputation as good stewards of the contributions they receive, and their ability to stretch every dollar to help as many women and children as possible. In my opinion, that’s simply a good investment.” Every story is unique, yet the common theme here is that everyone matters. ” We agree! SUPPORT US: Event Sponsorships, Program Investments, Corporate Volunteer Projects 2014 Annual Report 9 LEGACY OF JUSTICE The process, which is designed to empower participants for responsible citizenship by sharing stories and finding ways to make social change. The women learned about each other and justice issues in their community. Important issues to them included understanding legal language and their legal rights. The concern that stalking, harassment and sexual/ racial crimes are not being taken seriously in the courts was a close second. Fairness in schools for all children was high on the list too as a secondary issue. Discussion from the women brought many complaints and anecdotes about being misunderstood because of living at TLC, having a mixed race child, or a child with health or behavioral issues, and having limited access to appropriate health care. They expressed much frustration at the stereotyping that has happened to them in their lives: living as a foster child, living in poverty, parenting early and young, as well as being considered ignorant or stupid. The women of TLC chose to focus on the safety of not only their children, but all children in our community by addressing pedestrian safety in our school zones. Children walking to school were surrounded by speeding cars. Justice Circle members testified in front of the Pedestrian Traffic and Transportation Committee and city council representatives about the need to improve crosswalk safety. Their advocacy bloomed into success; because of their efforts three schools, including Finch Elementary where TLC children attend, will have traffic cameras installed with $142 fines for speeders. These successes in social advocacy and justice seeking make successes in their personal lives easier to imagine and attain. Listed are the names of those remembered or honored by gifts given to Transitions during 2014. 2014 Sisters of Providence Jubilarians Edward Bauer Sharon Chisholm Sr Liz Cole, SP Diane Critchlow Linda Cunningham Andy Dodge Ursula Felice Mary Lou Girouard Fran Bauer & Hallenius family Betty Harrington Rose Harris Sr Maureen Healey, OP Kim Hendrick Weaver Hess Hunter Helen, Laried, & Bill Jenkins Jayce Keeling Diane Keogh Love Ones of Edith Keogh Robyn Lewis The Family of Dorothy Luby Dia & Bob Maurer Kathy McFaul Patricia McFaul Ted McFaul Sarah McKenna Ryan & Jeryd Bev Melcher Jaci Meyers Sr Joy Milos Sr Alberta Nett Ruth Palnick Marie Pizelo Dar & Don Raftis Gloria Ringwood Frances Rudolf Patsy Small Darrelle Volwiler Peggy & Harvey Walters Mary Weeks Sr Marianne Theresa Wilkinson Lenore Williams Jerrelene Williamson Jesse Witkoe Dennis Wuesthoff, Sr GRATITUDE SAFETY Seeking justice for yourself and others can be a satisfying life-long pursuit. Women and children living in poverty deserve this opportunity as much as anyone else. So when Transitions was asked to host a Justice Circle in partnership with the Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center we were eager to participate. Former Board Chair and United Methodist Minister Brenda Tudor stepped forward to become a trained Justice Circle facilitator and the journey to justice began at the Transitional Living Center. IN MEMORY/HONOR OF HEARD FROM PARTICIPANTS “They helped me become the type of mother my son needs.” “TLC put us on a path to succeed and to having a good life together as a family.” “I’ve been enjoying every minute at the Hearth.” “My family called me crazy and so that’s how I felt. But at Miryam’s House I’ve learned that I’m not; I’m a normal human.” “They’ve helped me realize that I have a future.” “I definitely feel like I’m found now.” “I feel like Transitions loved me when I didn’t even love myself.” “It’s more than a shelter or transitional housing, I feel like I have nine sisters and a little niece. Even the staff there doesn’t draw a huge line, they love us so much. We might fight like sisters but we love like sisters to.” “Even though each of us has our own journey we’re doing it together; it’s a home.” “We had a class on diabetes and I took it and found out that I was an undiagnosed diabetic.” “They teach you how to have a routine, how to be with your child.” “Permanent Supportive Housing is the next step. I feel like I’ve graduated into my own life and I can grow from there.” Amber and her two children at the Transitional Living Center 2014 Annual Report 11 Nancy Fox THANK YOU Transitions is grateful to the many individuals, businesses, organizations and foundations that invest in our work to end poverty and homelessness for women and children in Spokane. Our intention is to acknowledge every donor who contributed to our efforts in 2014. If your name was omitted, misspelled or appeared in the wrong spot, please accept our sincere apology and let us know by calling (509) 328-6702. Thank you. $50,000 AND ABOVE Community Development Block Grant, City of Spokane Continuum of Care ,U S Dept. of Housing & Urban Dev. Dominican Outreach Found. Estate of Tina Anderson Human Services Grant , City of Spokane Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary Strong Families Initiative, City of Spokane Walmart Foundation Washington Families Fund, Building Changes Women Helping Women Fund $2,500 - $9,999 AmericanWest Bank Automated Accounts, Inc. Avista Corporation Bank of America Breean Beggs & Laurie Powers Columbia Bank Emilie Gamelin Mission Fund Exchange Clubs of Spokane Foundation I.S. and Emily Fetterman $10,000 - $49,999 Foundation Scott & Kim Chaffin Amy & Joe Galloway Community Focus Trust Garco Construction Inc Conrad Hilton Fund for Sisters Aaron Gibson Dan & Cindy Hammes Consolidated Homeless Carol Haugen Housing Grant Program, Itron City of Spokane Bill & Ann Jones Estate of Margaret Hinnenkamp Karts 4 Our Community Pierce Charitable Trust Gonzaga University Dr. Jane Rinehart Harvest Foundation Rosauers Supermarkets Homeless Housing Assistance Rotary Community Services Act, Spokane County Tom & Cheri Susens Mary & Bill Murphy Raskob Foundation for Catholic The TJX Foundation Inc Travis Pattern & Foundry Inc Activities Inc Robert V Baker Foundation Inc Donald Tuttle Liz & Dave Ulmen Single Homeless Outreach Unitarian Universalist Church Project, City of Spokane Dr. Rose Mary Volbrecht Sinsinawa Dominicans Westminster Congregational Sisters of Providence United Church of Christ Sisters of St. Francis of Sondra Wildman Philadelphia Foundation Dr. Kathie Yerion PHD Smith-Barbieri Progressive Fund Supportive Services for $1,000 - $2,499 Veterans Families , Mary & Leroy Ashby Goodwill Industries Assumption Parish Title V, Aging & Long Term Heather Barbieri Care of Eastern Washington Tim & Deanna Bax Pamela Behring & Mike McBride Berge & Julie Borrevik Safeway Foundation Northwest Division Cathy & George Garber Michael Gilmartin Hope Community Srs. Of Providence Janice Houk Maggie Hughes-Smith Connie Hutchinson Inland Northwest Health Services Linda Jones Selinger Shone Foundation Glenda Kohls Tim & Kathy Brown Serenity Group Incorporated Christie Lambeth Catholic Campaign for Human Development Sisters of Providence-- Charity Fund Andrew & Sheila Leslie Larry Small Willie & Debbie Masten Sheryl Clark Sharon Spear Mort Maurer Pamela Clemens Spokane Teachers Credit Union Marian & Wayne Meredith Melinda Denton St Augustine Parish Mary Nellenbach East Spokane Kiwanis Mr. Dick & Pat St John Ron & Karen Orlando Emde Sports Diane & Rick Thomas Mary Jane Para OP Michael & Lori Fernandez Rosemarie Thurman Joan Peden Phyllis Gabel US Bancorp Pepsi Bottling Group LLC Paula Garske Becky & Mike Ward Pam Pyrc Pat & Larry Garvin Washington Society of CPA’s Alicia Quaintance Goldendale Pregnancy Resource Center Linda & Tim Williams Emmy Quaschnik Gus Johnson Ford $500 - $999 Kathy Brooks Keith Hegg Integrus Architecture Mark Iverson & Michaele Dietzel Meg Jones Valerie & John Keegan Mary LaFlamme Christine Larsen Jeremy Lewis Bob & Dia Maurer Dave & Bobbie McGann Sally McKen Sarah McKenna & Joe Snodgrass Rita & Ron Mickelson Modern Drywall John & Lori Moloney Moran Fence Jim & Teri Morrison Movher, LLC Elaine Myers National Assoc. of Women Business Owners Sean O’Regan Sr Sue Orlowski SP Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral Pasties & Paddles Lt. Col. Michael & Marilyn Phalen Pride in Nursing Sacred Heart Catholic Parish Sally & Tim Quirk Jim and Donna Reinbold Cindy Algeo Edie Rice-Sauer & Redhawk All Lines Insurance, Inc Ruth & Ken Safranek Carol & Clint Allen Sue & Jim Shaw Judy Altig Rev. Charles Skok Anastasi, Moore & Martin, PLLC Robert Smith Arby’s - Spokane St Aloysius Parish Assistants The Reichel Family Janice Baker Dick & Sharon Tiffany Gary & Glenda Bakken D.D.S. Barb & Rich Umbdenstock Richard Baldasty Cheryl & Steve Vawter BDO USA, LLP Washington Trust Bank Beauty & Bubbly Transitions Ms. Mary Ann Wilharm Fundraiser Committee YMCA of the Inland Northwest Bernardo-Wills Architects, PC Beyersdorf-Mulloy Fund $250 - $499 Joyce & Gary Blazek Asset Planning & Management, Inc Julie Banks Carol Bjork Jamie Borgan Patricia Bryant Buder Memorial Fund Gerry Bulger Karen Campbell Linda Cannon Drs. Ken & Sharon Cathcart Catholic Daughters of the Americas #196 Barbara & Johnny Cox Ellen Curry Kathy & Dan Danforth Marilyn DeCoster & Richard Smith Laurel Brink & Diane Washington Catherine Brown C&H Foreign Auto Repair Catalyst Kitchens Catholic Charities of Spokane Darcy Cunningham Deaconess Medical Center Dr. Dorothy Detlor Marcia & Tim Dorwin Kalista & Bill Dubiel Edge Construction Supply Linda & Chuck Elmore ESA Foundation Patty Dicker Dr. Mike Donlan Dr. John Downey Sharon Curran Forsyth Ganesh Himal Trekking and Trading June Guimond Resa Hagen Dr. Michael & Christie Hinnen Larry & Liann Inman Bill & Debbie Jennison Robert Jibby Journal of Business Steven & Anne Katsaris Kelly Kennaly Edith Keogh Anita Kernie Louise Lamontagne Sarah Layton-Sutherly Nancy Ledeboer Robyn & Daniel Lewis Julie Liss Yvonne Lopez-Morton Malpass Law Office, PS Ann Martin Todd Mascarin Heidee McMillin Dr. Jacob & Colleen Meighan Amy Meyer Mount St Joseph Norma & John Mullen Claire & Bob Murphy Patty Nickle Arlene Patton Mary Paul PEO --Chapter AZ Rev. Kristi Philip Betty Presnail Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Providence Health & Services Diane Quincy RDH Investment Group Jim Reed Martha Rough Kay Rowley Barrie Ryan Gina Schrock Carlene Schwab Gary Simchuk Dorothy Simmons Mark & Annette Skubinna Robin Smith Marcia Smith Kathryn Smith & Erika Jacob Spokane Falls Comm. College Claire Steigleder Dr. Richard & Lois Steury Truella Stone Sunni & Jack Strand Total Security Inc Maria Trunkenbolz Brenda Tudor & Stephen Carlson Timothy Ulmen United Way of Spokane Yvonne Villa Darrelle & Stewart Volwiler Steffan Wachholtz Michael & Jean Walters Wear Law Office Steve & Kris Wedel Dr. Travis & Janice White $100 - $249 Gwendolyn Akers Jessica Allen Allina Health Community Engagement American Assoc. University Women--Spokane Branch Linda Armstrong Tammy Arndt Emily Arneson Christine Ashenbrener Barbara Augusta Judy Avery Judith Aylward Dr. & Mrs. Nic Bachhuber Laura Bacon Pauline Bafaro Kolea Baker Jennifer & Gary Ballantyne Susan Barclay Sheri Barnard Nina Bartlett Shonna Bartlett Lynne Baum Dee & Lee Bayley Cheryl Beckett Patricia Bell Andy Billig John & Laura Bjorkman Karl Boettner Dianne Bongarts Sherry Britz Deborah & Kerry Brooks Penny Brown Mary Kay & Mike Bryan Lori Bryant Bonnie Bush Judith & Bruce Butler Julia Calkins Vicki Camp Cancer Care Northwest Judith & Robert Cannata Shirley Cannon Carisa Interior Design Valerie & Gordon Carlton Lucy & Jerry Cesaratto Karen & Jay Charbonneau Christ Kitchen Tim & Kathy Christie Sara Clements-Sampson Dale Cockrum Alan & Renee Coelho Sr Liz Cole SP Robert Cole Heidi Collins Jim Colwell Mary Cooney Monique & Brad Corigliano Laurie Crane Diane Critchlow Leslie Culley Dr. Michael Cunningham Andrew Daniels Judy Davis Paul Dehmer George Detlaff Eugene Dire Ann & Jeff Dodge Michaela Dolina Laurie Donnell Jacqueline Donovan Dow Investors Karen & Tom Driscoll Stacie Duenich Joanne Duffy Jennifer Duncan James Dunn Deloris Duquette Eileen Edgren Elsen Family Foundation Connie Emry Michele English Christine Eriksen Verna Eucker Steve Eugster Ione & Karl Felgenhauer Anne Finer Kathy & Mitch Finley Lisa & Craig Fortier Peggy Frank Laura Franklin Pamela Fremd Jeremy Friedland Kendel & Peter Froese Sherry Gaiser Garske Family Peggy Gazette Amelia Genins Janel Gibson Weeks Bill & Candi Gilchrist Dr. George & Lila Girvin Gregg Godsey Barbara Greenwood Devon Greyerbiehl Mona Griffin Kari Grytdal GU Dept. of Counselor Ed. Carl Guenzel Albert Gunns Kenny Hall Paige Hall Debra Hanson Happy 50th Darrelle James & Sheila Harless Jan Harris Robin Hayford Dennis & Lucinda Healy Sylvia Hedrick Marie Heeren Heylman Martin & Associates Meredith Hilby Ruth & Peter Hinz Chris Hogstad Renee Hoke Barbara & Bill Hollace Dawn Holladay Dr. Frederick & Karen Hollon Cynthia & Jeff Holy Charles Horgan Rachel & Chris Houglum Dan & Mary Hughes Martha Ice Kathi Jaeger Judy & Paul Jaremko Steven Jarvis Maureen & Frank Johnson Marty Johnston Jason Jones Maureen & Phil Jones Teresa Kafentzis Jean Kavanagh Pat & Janice Keegan Jayce Keeling Ann & Gary Kennaly Mark Kinney K-L Mfg. Co, Inc Gary & Nora Klingsporn Samantha & Tom Kostelecky Francoise Kuester Shelly Kuney Kathleen Lee Lisa Lee Joan Leeds Alan & Sue Lesher Catherine Leslie Cindy & Todd Little Lockwood Family Randi & Gregg Longmeier Laura & Steven Lympus Jonathan Maccahan Merry & David Maccini Bill Malloy Jere Mansfield Karen Martin Vi Martin Bob & Debbie Martinson Ana Matthews Frances McDonald Steve & Nadine McKenna Carl McMinimy Kelly McPhee Betty McWilliams Charles & Marcia Milani Steve Miles Linda & Larry Milsow Catherine & Daniel Mitchell Betty Moen Monastery of St. Gertrude Marilyn Nelson Ron & Konny Newcomb Judy Noel Pat & Jacilyn Nolan Fred Oberdorfer Randi & Tim O’Brien Shannon O’Brien Ellinore Odell Francene Onzay Ruth Palnick Rev. Rubye-Lew-Huey Pang Bob Panther Jeanne Parker Roberta Paul Joan Pearson PEO -- Chapter EW M.A. Phillips Paul & Jane Pimentel Nicole Pippinger Annette Plese Beverly Reed Lisa Reich Jim Ringwood Dick Ripley James & Gail Robasciotti Rogue Heart Media Inc Marilee Roloff Sonya Rose Melanie Rose Dorothy Rosman Suzanne Rubens Mary Rudolf Michael Rynas Rodney Santos Laurae Sather Barbara Savage Fr Michael Savelesky Jo & Duane Schafer Bruce Schmitt Christine Schnug Catherine Schuler Ann Scott & Bill Ettinger Patti Selden Sr. Annette Seubert S.P. Sheffels Family Trust Ann Sheridan Maureen Sheridan Cate Siejk Cheryl Simpkins Robert Simpson Sisters of Providence Alms Fund Sisters of the Holy Names Bishop William Skylstad Nanette Smith Cary Snyder Valerie & Mark Sonderen Jean Sorley Patricia Sowder Tammy Spicer Spokane Low Income Housing Consortium Spokane Regional Health Dist. Tana St Marie St. Marks Lutheran Mary Stamp Joyce Stefanoff Jonathan & Ashley Steinhart Carol & Edgar Stephan Colleen Stevens Darby Stewart Corena Stone-Stretch & Jerry Stretch Loris Stupel & Mark Nelson Margaret & Steve Tammaro Kathy Tanksley The First Tee of the Inland Northwest Kay & Tom Theis Patricia Thompson Nicole Thorson Tippett Land & Mortgage Company Chris & Lori Tochterman Hon. Linda Tompkins 2014 Annual Report 13 THANK YOU Kelly & Peter Tormey Marta Tosic Julenne Triplett Kathleen Turcotte Patricia & Ed Tyler Susan & Dean Tyler-Babkirk Harriet & Sam Van Wyck Manetta Vanleuven Chris & Teresa Venne Susan Vickrey-Morrow Nancy & Ken Vorhees George & Rita Waldref Joy Lynn Walker Mike Wallace Sr Mary Bridget Ward SNJM Washington State Office of the Attorney General Debra Watts Evelyn Wear Irene Weir Mark and Susan Weller James & Jacqueline Welsh Jordan & Raevyn Welsh Don & Shirley Whittaker Teresa Wilhelm Dave & Lee Williams Melissa Williams Sandi Wilson Pierette & Steve Wing Women of a Certain Age Carolyn Woodmansee Caroline Woodwell Mary Yim Kathi Young Marlene & Daryl Zeis $1-$99 Amy Acre Joni Alexander Marla Allen Alpha Delta Kappa Gary Anderson Tim Anderson Sharon & Bruce Anthony Chloe Apling Fred & Jacci Aronow William Asbell Joann Auvil Bonnie Avery Sr. Barbara Baehr OP Nancy Barker John Bartels Sharon Bartlett Ardyth Bass Bob Beck Kim Becker Nancy Bell Suzanne & Lawrence Bettinger Vanessa Beyers Mikki Bieber Terri Birk Heidi Blais Keith Bonertz Kathie Bonner-Walsh Dewey & Linda Bordwell Colleen Bosch Margaret Botch SP Flora Bowers Jerry Boyd Martha Breneman Dale Briese Gabriella Brooke Olivia Brooks Angel Button Thomas Campbell Bridget Cannon Carol Capra Ann Carey Stacey Chatman Duncan Chiu Jim Christensen & Sandi Blake Emily Clark Thelma Cleveland Heidi & Leo Cleveland Loretta Cobb Tarena Coleman Stacie Collier Karen Conlin SNJM Carly Cortright Dave Cotton Teri Craggett Jane Crowley Cris Currie Brad Cushman Kristin Danford KJ Davis Stacey Davis Patricia Devries Lisa Diffley Corey Digiacinto Mary Lou DiJulio SNJM Keith Dimeler The Diner’s Club Donya Dodd & Brandon Quarnstrom Michelle Domreis Mary Doucet Sharon Doyle Monte Drake Ordy Duker Lela Dung Anne Edmonds Gay Edwards Vicki Egesdal Linda Eitzman Peggy Ellingson Donald & Toni Elliott Mabel Elsom Sr Lily May Emert SP Empire Health Foundation Laura Enquist Suzee Esmieu Kathleen Esquibel Executive Women International Express Employment Professionals Jim & Joleen Falkner Ida Felton Conor Ferguson Aaron Fielder Jason Finley Teresa Forshag Sara Fortier Robert Foster Mary Frankhauser Ellen Franz Leslie Fuqua Shirley Gibson Susan Gilmartin Dave Gingrich Kialynn Glubrecht Tanner Graboow Jessica Green Lisa Green Kathryn Green Kathleen Grier Josh Grigsby Vitaliy Grishko Janell Grubb Theresa Hahn Wendy Hahn Mary & Harold Haimerl Sr. Peggy Haimerl OP Jan Hale Christine Halvorson Betsy Hammond Mary Harmon Art & Teresa Hathaway Lunell Haught & Robert Pyle Arthur Hayashi Sr Maureen Healy OP Jeanine Hendershot Susan & Jerry Henderson Kathleen Herzog Mary Hewett Arlene Hicks Marley Hochendonner Holford Family Kerry Holiday Jan Holloway Barbara Hostutler Diane Huckabay April Dawn Hughes Caydl Hunton Gabrielle Huycke Rachel & Gavin Inman Institute of Internal Auditors Martina Iribarren Mick Jackson Lance & Deidre Jacobson Frank Janosick Jack Jennings Lois John Lisa Johnson Christine Johnson Nancy Johnson Joy Jones Barbara Keevan Kari Kelli Kim Kelly Mary Kennedy Bob Kent Karen Kent Rebecca Kessinger George Kessler Susan E. King Brandi Kirk Claudia Kirkebo Linda & Dan Kobe-Smith Jean Labauve Inga Laurent Brigitte Lecocq-Harkins Sr. Clare Lentz SP Lucy Lepinski Carolyn Lesser Laura Lesser Kathy Lindner Janet Linhart-Hunter Donna Linton Alfredo Llamedo Marilyn Lloyd Deniece Long Mike Lucke Betty Lukins Susan Luppert Sr Julie Macasieb SP JoAnn Malicki Regina Malveaux Eulah Mann Ami Manning Marketing Assoc. of Spokane Scott & Jennifer Marquis Jennifer Martin Christopher Martin Pat Martin Kristin Mason Betty Massey Phuong Matera Aimee Maurer Marabeth Mayhew Mary Ann McCurdy Lindsey McDonnell Christopher & Renate McFaul Kathy McFaul Marjorie McFaul Colin McGlocklin Maria McGrew Christie McKee Eleanore McKenna Don & Terri McKenzie Jodi McKenzie Barbara McNabb Dorothy Mehl Steve Melcher Jean Merrill Sr Laura Michels SNJM Lori & Patrick Michels Linda Miller Crystal Miller, Spokane County Title Keryn & Scott Millsap Sr Joy Milos CSJ Mission Centered Educ. LLC Christina Mitma Nan Mogensen Mark Mohnkern Donald & Lois Moller Melanie Monek Shaune & Holly Montgomery Sandra Montgomery Barbara Morrissey Bryan & Ysabel Myers Jan & Dan Myhre Lois Nagel Steve Nash Bonnie & Bud Nelson Liz Nelson Margaret Nelson Martha Nerpel Brian Newberry Mark & Judy Newbold Northwest Farm Credit Serv. Colleen O’Brien Charlie O’Connor Margaret O’Phelan Elaine Orness Tara Ostlind Jeff Owens Laurie Palmquist Cheryl Paton Dana & Marylu Pavlic Nikki Perry, Connie Kent, & Mari Tyson Jill Pestrin Mike Petersen Kerry Picard Sr Ann Pizelo SNJM Linda Plese Elizabeth Pontarolo Charisse Pope Lea Anne Potter Ann Price Geri Proctor Barbara Proctor Kay Pupo Ryan Raynor Pamela Reilly Barbara Rice Elizabeth Rice-Arnold Betty and Clyde Ries Sr Shirley Roberg SNJM Rich Roberts Milena Robison Jennifer E Roseman Amber Rush Sharon Ann Saito Shawna Sampson Linda Santos Laura Schmidt Fawn Schott Lynn Schultz Jerry Schwab Deborah Seagle Kathy & Don Sewell Mardelle & J.C. Shagool SR Joan Shea SNJM Katherine Shipman Rick Shipman Cheryl Shoquist Linda & Steve Shrope Heather Simmons Patti Simpson Ward Jason Skaarvold Mary Skindlor Josh & Sara Smith Gary & Sarah Smith Cheryl Sontag Diane Sowers Shannon Spence Spokane County Bar Volunteers Lawyers Program Sr Sharon Stangler OP Starbucks Larry & Zoe Ann Stauffer Marilyn Stedman Marcia Strobridge Craig & Mary Stucky Ian Sullivan Timothy Swartout Richelle Swartz Christina Tegge Shannon Tegge Dave & Joanne Tegge Liz Tellessen Virginia Terpening Sr. Elaine Thaden OSF Ben Thompson Pandora Thoorsell Becky Tiller Arie Tobler Rachel Tomsha Sr Elizabeth Toohey OP Mary Tracey Tammy Tracy Rocco Treppiedi Trivent Financial for Lutherans Julie Tucker Janelle & Paul Turcotte Maria Turner Dave & Johanne Vahala Jamie & Chaz Valdez Bernadine Van Thiel Julie Van Wormer Teresa Vanairsdale Shirley Vold Erika Wade, CPA Patricia Jean Walker Tom & Brooke Watts Fawna Weets Marc Weiand Jessica Welsh John Weslowski Meagan West Mary Westerman Linda Westhaver Anne Whigham Jerry & Joan White Nancy & Chuck Wilbert Jeff & Amy Wilcox Sr Marianne Therese Wilkinson SNJM Dr. Lynne Williams MD Lucille Williams Erin Williams Hueter Cindy Wilmoth Lyndia Wilson Ruth Wilson Regina Winkler Karen Winston Michael Winterfeld WinWin Network Women’s Athletic Group Women’s Council of Realtors Jackie Worbec Donna Wueshofft Donna Wuesthoff Laurie Yarber Steve Yoshihara Brenda Zehm Judy Zeiger Leslie Zirker IN KIND AAA Travel --Washington Access Unified Networks Jeanne Ager Barb Albin Alfred’s Away, LLC Altruistic Adult Family Home Patty Aman AmericanWest Bank AmericanWest Bank Auditing Dept. The Arc of Spokane Stephanie & John Arnold Kevin & Sandy Aukerman Auntie’s Bookstore Ginny Baca Bill Bancroft Barili Cellars Peggy Beckmeyer Paula Beckner Wilma Beddow John Bennett Bennidito’s Pizza Ella Berg Nancy Berger Jennifer Boehmer Roseanna Boyd Terri Boyer The Brick House Massage & Coffee Bar Annette Brooks Sheila Bruno Didi Burns Jessica Butler Joan Butler Denise Byrne John & Maria Cahill Ashiah Campbell Forrest Campman Bob Capes Lavette Carpenter Chuck Carter Caryl Carver Cathedral of St John the Evangelist Catholic Cemetaries of Spokane Century Link Katy Charlson Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Christina Clark Coeur D’Alene Casino Comrade Studios Patricia Connell Costco Cecilia Cote Ann Cox Cravens Coffee Co. Shannon Cubley Tom Dahman Pati Dahmen The Daily Habit Vickie Dalton Dr. Dwight & Linda Damon Colleen Daniel Davidson Commodities, Inc Trisha Davis-Stacy Yvonne DeBill Rachel Denk Margie Dennis Department of Ecology Steven Devleming Janice Dixon Mary Dombrowik Donna Douglass Downriver Golf Course Ladies 9-Hole Group Downtown Hair Salon Teresa Droz Rosemarie Duffy Christina Dunham Marsha Dust Dutch Bros. Coffee Oaneka Edstrom JoAnne Elias Ed Elliott Gary Enright Andrea Estes Exit Real Estate Paula Fallon Jo Farrell Theresa Fears Finders Keepers Jewelry First Night Spokane Jean Flechel Franz Bakery Franz Outlet Bakery Pat Freeman Frito Lay Inc Dr. Jodi Funk Janet Gabrio Gamma Epsilon Chapter of ESA Beverly Gardner Theresa Gee Anne George Gonzaga University--Religious Studies Dept. Great Harvest Bread Co. Greencastle Soap Co. Joyce Gruenewald Andrew Gutman David Harris Jill Harwood Connie Heston Jerry Heston Katie Heylman Maddy Himmel Michele Holbrook Pam Holloway Holy Family Hospital Brooke Hooe Hope Fellowship Church Horizon Air Lisa Hoyt Huckleberry’s Sara Imbruglio Incognito Salon Peter Jackson Jeannette Jelley Mary Jett Jewelry Design Center Cynthia John Justin & Melissa Johnson Marie Johnson Kathleen Johnson Hart John Johnston Lynn M. Jones Jim & Pat Jungers Maggie Kadet Kairos House of Prayer Kalispel Tribe of Indians Keith Currie Photography Diane Kelly L & S Engineering Associates Laura Lahr Monica Lahr Landmark Restaurants Morgan Lantz Terry Larsen Madelyn Larson Steve & Eva Larue Laser Quest Carol Lawson Caryl Lawton Sue Lee Tanya Leverich Jean Lind Bob & Carol Little Melodie Little Cathy Lobe Lolo Boutique Annette Long Shannon Luby Heather Lyons The Makeup Studio/ Project Beauty Share Miles Malinale Manito Presbyterian Church Mark Rypien Foundation Market Place Winery Sr Eda May Ed & Dorene McDonald Heather McFarland Scott McGann Chris McGinn Judy McGrady Michelle McIntosh Barbara McKay Darlene Melvin Sue Mihalic Model A Club Monastery of St Gertrude William Morkill Dorothy & Bud Morrison Mt Spokane Ski & Snowboard Joyce Mullane Jeannette Murphy Kathleen Myers Diana Nelson Marian Nelson North Central High School Oberto Brands Off Broadway Family Outreach Linda Olson Barb O’Neill Origin Church Papa Murphy’s Paradies Shops Janice Payne PEO -- Chapter CH PepsiCo Susan Perrett Sarah Petrino Phoenix Protective Corporation JoAnna Plumly Pounder’s Jewelry Ann Powers Pressworks Sarah Prindle Prodigy Productions Simon & Rochelle Prosser Providence Health Care Mission Services Providence St Joseph Care Center Jennifer Quantock Sally Ray Judy Reed Renatus Holly Requa Andi Richter Patricia & Jerry Ridgeway River City Brewing Riverfront Park, City of Spokane Parks Depart. Ben Roberg Rock City Grill Rebecca Roland Rosauers Cindy Rux Trudy Rux Salem Arms Community Housing Phil Salgado Liz Sanders Maggie & Larry Santschi Seattle Mariners Second Look Books Selkirk Abbey Sandra Shaffer Annie Shiffer Maureen Shogan Diane Shuman Jodi Siemienczuk Loralee Silverthome Silverwood Theme Park America Simon Sisters of Providence Roberta Smith Barbara Snyder Nancy Sonduck Jim Sooy Spokane Chiefs Hockey Spokane Community College Spokane Indians Baseball Club Spokane Symphony Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena Mary Lou Sproul SPVV Landscape Architects St Clare Ecumenical Catholic Community St Francis of Assisi St John Vianney Catholic Church St Joseph Family Center St Joseph’s Catholic Church St Mary Presentation St Peter’s Catholic Church St Stephens Episcopal Church Linda Stach Kelly Stapleton Starbucks Jerri Stewart Jane & Harold Stormfeltz Anita Stoval Kelly & Gabe Strine Irene Supica Joanne Swierzy The Swinging Doors Coreena Tobey Vicki Tomsha Total Wine & More Trader Joe’s Rebecca Trainor Triple Play Family Fun Park Kathy Turner Darlene Turwe Umpqua Bank Audubon Park, United Methodist Church Shaunell Vail Valley Christian School Cindy Vanhoff Vino! - Wine Shop VIP Luxury Limos Jim Wandler Ashley Ward Shelly & John Ward Jerry Warner Washington State University Raelene Watkins Shannon Weedman James Weston Gail White Wild Walls Elizabeth Wilkes Williams Inland Distributing Char Wilson Jeanne Witt Toby Wolf Women and Children’s Free Restaurant WSU Food $ense LoisAnn Wynt Yaden Construction Specialties Janet Yoder Deb York Erin Young Amanda Zahara BOARD OF MEMBERS Mary Rathert, OP, Chair Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters Judith Desmarais, SP Sisters of Providence Esther Anderson, OSF Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia Kathleen Hilton, SNJM Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus & Mary BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sarah Mckenna, Chair Washington Trust Bank Kristin Ankerbrand, Secretary Stanford Technology, Inc. Penny Brown, Treasurer AmericanWest Bank Joyce Blazek Community Volunteer Kim Chaffin Community Volunteer Liz Cole, SP St. Joseph Family Center Phyllis Gabel INHS Kari Grytdal Spokane County Maureen Healy, OP Providence Holy Family Hospital Steven Jarvis BDO USA LLP Robyn Lewis STCU Jennifer McPherson KeyTronicsEMS Sr Pat Millen, OSF St. Joseph Family Center Pam Pyrc Associated Industries Pam Reilly Windermere Realty Barrie Ryan US Bank Brenda Tudor United Methodist Minister Marianne Therese Wilkinson, SNJM Community Volunteer Linda Williams AmericanWest Bank MANAGEMENT TEAM Edie Rice-Sauer Executive Director of Mission and Services Jamie Borgan Director, New Leaf Bakery Café Ami Manning Director, Miryam’s House Marilyn Nelson Director, Transitional Living Center & EduCare Pat Nolan Finance Director Mary Tracey Development Director Susan Tyler-Babkirk Director, Women’s Hearth 2014 Annual Report 15 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 3128 N Hemlock Spokane, WA 99205 Phone: 509.328.6702 Fax: 509.328.9877 www.help4women.org UPCOMING EVENTS THURSDAY, JULY 9 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 12TH ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Fun and networking for a cause! Sign-up your 4-some. Spokane Country Club HOLIDAYS AT THE HEARTH Celebrate the holidays with the Women’s Hearth, enjoy tasty holiday treats, and hear updates from staff and participants. 920 W. 2nd WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 NEW LEAF HARVEST PARTY Enjoy fall harvest season with Transitions’ New Leaf Bakery Cafè Job Training Program, sample treats and hear updates from staff and participants. 3104 W. Ft. George Wright Dr. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 PEOPLE WHO CARE BENEFIT Annual Breakfast and Lunch Red Lion Inn at the Park CONNECT www.help4women.org facebook.com/help4women twitter.com/_help4women_ instagram.com/help4women 2014 Annual Report
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