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Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 244 Huntsville, AL Volume 9 – Issue 1 – January 2010 Chapter Supports Youth Leadership Conference The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter supported the Huntsville Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW), 7th annual Youth Leadership Conference (YLC) from 4-7 November at the US Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville. The conference theme was “Building Leadership Now for the Future”. More than 100 students, many from military families and attending JROTC at a variety of schools, focused on an interactive program of leadership, patriotism, and free enterprise helping to build a more solid foundation of citizenship for the future. The Chapter was happy to provide support for this program benefitting Military Families from the local area. The attached photo is of conference attendees planning for a leadership activity. Chapter hosts families at Santa’s Village On Friday night December 11, the Redstone-Huntsville Chapter was pleased to provide free refreshments to Soldiers and their Families on Military Appreciation Night at Santa’s Village located at Alabama Constitution Village in downtown Huntsville. Each year, the Chapter makes a donation to sponsor “Santa’s Patriotic Post Office” and AUSA members provide refreshments to Military & DA Civilian Families in the party room above the village craft shop. Santa’s Village is a holiday attraction created especially for families to enjoy the excitement and wonder of the holiday season. Adults and children can visit the Claus’ house and see live reindeer, North Pole elves and Santa himself. Snow shows, craft projects, Santa’s blacksmith shop and live musical entertainment all add to the fun. Thanks to the AUSA volunteers who faithfully kept the hot chocolate flowing on a chilly Huntsville night. HOOAH …and HO-HO-HO. Chapter contributes cheer to Operation Christmas Bear Santa arrived at the Cahaba Shrine Temple by fire truck at 1:00 on Saturday, December 12th to the sounds of cheering children from our military families. This was the sixth year for this event where the Huntsville community shows there support for the families of our deployed soldiers, Military families and families of our DoD civilians who are deployed to support our Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen. The event was first suggested by Dave Carney to the then leadership of the North Alabama Veterans and Fraternal Organization Coalition. The Coalition liked the idea of showing our support to the families of our deployed young men and women in the military just after 9/11. Since then, Operation Christmas Bear (OCB) has grown in size to meet the increased attendance by our families. The children who arrive at OCB are treated to a fantasy land of Christmas fun to include a private moment with Santa. After every child’s visit, Santa gives that child a Christmas Bear that has a camouflaged scarf and a pin that say “My Mom (or Dad) is a Hero”. In addition to a visit with Santa, there is quiet moment with Mrs. Claus. There’s a multitude of fun things for the children to immerse themselves in. There is a magician, a huge electric train set for them to play with and the famous Shriner’s Clowns are there to entertain the children. There is face painting, t-shirt painting, arts and crafts, robots and a live band playing Christmas music. Each child has his/her name drawn for a handmade wooden toy. Outside the children have an opportunity to have fun on the huge blow-up slides, a rock climbing wall as well as a chance to see inside a real HEMSI ambulance or a fire truck. The volunteers who dedicate their time are predominately veterans, spouses of veterans and volunteers from local defense contractors. AUSA is a proud sponsor of this event for six years. AUSA volunteers have supported the Santa area since the OCB began. AUSA has generously donated to the expenses of OCB and continue to contribute to the success and growth of Operation Christmas Bear. We are blessed to have our great AUSA volunteers and generous donations. See more pictures on page 15. January 6, 2010 AUSA The Salute G A&M ROTC Program commissioned 5 new Second Lieutenants on 3 Dec (article). We shared a lunch meeting with COL Glenn Richie, Brigade Commander, U.S. Army 2d Recruiting Brigade to discuss AUSA support for the critical recruiting mission. We hosted our annual Holiday Reception on 10 Dec. which many of you attended. We honored the Army National Guard on 11 Dec with an early birthday breakfast and excellent program. We hosted military Families for refreshments on 11 Dec at Santa’s Village, and followed that up the next day with our support for Operation Christmas Bear activities. And finally, on 19 Dec Huntsville’s Botanical Gardens relied on AUSA volunteers to run all aspects of the Galaxy of Lights exhibit. (Now excuse me for a second to catch my breath.) Looking ahead, in addition to a Breakfast with the Boss event in late January, we hope to place renewed emphasis on recruiting for the Army. I feel strongly that this must be a community-wide effort if it is to succeed. We will work closely with the 2d Brigade, as well as the Medical Recruiting Battalion at Redstone to get the word out on how we can all contribute to their important mission. Another area we will work vigor- Steve Taylor ously is on more active association with our ROTC and JROTC programs. We have some really active links to the Alabama A&M ROTC “Bulldog Battalion” which we will build upon to establish an AUSA ROTC Company at that school. Learning as we grow, we hope to build similar programs at some of the other area colleges to grow our membership. We will also look for additional opportunities to host membership functions – perhaps using the highly successful Holiday Reception as our Steve © 2010 Lockheed Martin Corporation B E T W E E N T H R E AT A C Q U I R E D A N D T H R E AT D E S T R O Y E D, T H E R E I S O N E I M P O R TA N T W O R D : H O W. A ballistic missile approaches. THAAD roars into the sky. Employing proven hit-to-kill accuracy to disintegrate weapons of mass destruction. Delivering needed protection to warfighters and civilians is all a question of how. And it is the how that makes all the difference. 0000137253-01 reetings and Happy New Year! Time flies, doesn’t it. If time really does fly when you are busiest, your Redstone-Huntsville Chapter’s clock is running at “warp speed.” So many events this past quarter … and so many initiatives for the New Year. First, to wrap up 2009 . The Veterans Day – actually Veterans Week activities in November were perhaps the best organized I have seen. As you can imagine, your AUSA Chapter leadership shared with many others in the community in key roles in the planning and execution of the many events and activities. The Veterans Dinner, Breakfast and Parade were all wonderful events honoring our Veterans. Thanks to AUSA volunteers who helped us distribute flags and candy to all along the parade route. Several AUSA volunteers took part in the Salute to the Military Dinner on 22 Nov by helping to serve some 1,000 Soldiers and Family members a really tasty Thanksgiving meal (see separate article). Dr. William “Bill” McCorkle, a serving RedstoneHuntsville Chapter Board Member, received a nice AUSA certificate at his retirement dinner on 1 Dec (separate article). We participated in the 441st Ordnance Battalion (EOD) departure ceremony on 2 Dec (article). Alabama pattern. And for those with contacts in the Birmingham and Montgomery areas, we still seek the right group of leaders to help us get off the ground with memberships and perhaps satellite chapter growth in those areas. Obviously, with all these activities going on and plans for the future, I am thankful to have such an active and responsive group of volunteers surrounding me on the Chapter Board. I cannot begin to thank them for the many hours of effort they contribute to ensuring the Redstone-Huntsville Chapter remains on focus to support the goals and objectives of AUSA. Rest assured, they all do what they do for the right reasons, and as I stated at our June induction ceremony, we will remain on target. By the time you read this, some months will have passed since the tragic loss of life suffered by our friends in the Ft Hood community. The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter leadership approved a contribution to the fund to support the Families of those who lost loved ones. As part of the extended Army Family, I express our sincere sympathy to the Ft Hood community during these difficult times. Thanks for your continuing support to our Chapter, to AUSA, and to our Soldiers, Civilians and their Families. Be safe. 0000137290-01 Page 2 From the chapter President: J. Smith Lanier & Co. Kelly Services KLOS Diamond Center Kobler Communications Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Kwajalein Range Services LLC L-3 Communications, GS & ES L3 Communications Integrated Systems Lanier Ford Shaver & Payne PC Leadership Strategies, Inc (LSINC) The Lioce Group Inc. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company Lockheed Martin STS LogiCore Corporation Logistics & Environmental Support Serv. Lynn Layton Chevrolet MACRO Industries Inc. Madison County Commission Magnacom, Inc. Marie Imports Hallmark Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa Maynard Cooper and Gale, PC MEI Technologies Mentor Enterprises Inc. Mentor Publications Miko Group Millennium Systems Services, Inc. Miltec Corporation Modern Technology Solutions, Inc. Modis Monterey Gifts & Collectibles Moog, Inc. Morgan Stanley MortgageAmerica, Inc., Angelia Denney MSB Analytics, Inc. MTA Inc. MTS Inc. Navigator Development Group NeXolve Corporation Noetic Strategic, Inc. Northrop Grumman Mission Systems Northrop Grumman Technical Services Oak Ridge Partnership Office OAR Corporation OPDEC Orbital Sciences Corporation OTI Paradigm Technologies, Inc. The Patrick Wolffe Group, Inc. Peduzzi Associates, Ltd. PEMCO Perkins Technical Services Inc PhotoTelesis LP Physitron, Inc. Polaris Systems, Inc Port of Huntsville Portal Dynamics - Anniston Portal Dynamics - Huntsville Potts Marketing Group, LLC PPG Industries, Inc. PPT Solutions, Inc. Premier Professional Systems Inc. Professional Golf Shop PROJECTXYZ, Inc. QinetiQ North America QTEC Inc Quadrus Corporation Qualis Corporation QuantiTech, Inc. Radiance Technologies, Inc. RAM Incorporated Raytheon Company RBC Bank Redstone Arsenal Chapter-US Army Warrant Redstone Arsenal MWR Redstone Federal Credit Union Redstone Recognitions, Inc. Redstone Village Regions Bank RMCI Robbins – Gioia LLC Rocket Harley-Davidson Concurrent Technologies Corporation Congressman Mike Rogers Connected Logistics Consolidated Publishing Company Crestwood Medical Center Dale Technical Services Davidson Technologies Inc. Dayton T Brown DCS Corporation DeciBel Research, Inc. Defense Acquisition Inc. Delta Research, Inc. Delta Solutions & Strategies, LLC DESE Research, Inc. DHS Systems, LLC Dick,Riggs,Miller & Stem, LLP Digital Fusion Solutions Inc. DMD, L.L.C. Draper Laboratory DRS Test & Energy Management DTG AVN Dynetics Inc. Eagle Support Services Corporation Eclipse Business Services EG & G Technical Services, Inc. Eleit Technology Inc. Enabling Technologies, Inc. Enfinger Steele Development enGenius Consulting Group Enrollment Advisors, Inc. ERC, Incorporated Executive Leadership Skills Int’l First Commerical Bank Five Stones Research Corporation Fort McClellan Credit Union Freedom Information Systems Future Research Corporation Ga. Tech Research Institute General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc General Dynamics-OTS General Dynamics Arm & Tech Products GeoLogics Corporation Geotest-Marvin Test Systems,Inc. Gleason Research Associates Inc. Global Defense Associates LLC Global Recruiters of Huntsville Goodrich Corporation GradKell Systems, Inc. Gray Research, Inc. Griffon Aerospace Guesthouse Suites Plus Harris Corporation Hawk Enterprises, LLC Heritage Club Holiday Inn Downtown Huntsville Huntsville Emergency Medical Services Huntsville Hospital Huntsville Marriott Huntsville Rehabilitation Foundation Inc Huntsville Stars The Huntsville Times Huntsville/Madison Conv.Bureau HVF LLC Hyperspring Technical Services, LLC ICF International InfoPro Corporation Intelligent Decisions, Inc. Intelligent Systems Research, Inc. Inter-Coastal Electronics, Inc. Intergraph Corporation Intuitive Research and Technology Corp. Invariant Corporation IronMountain Solutions Inc. ISSI Unexploded Ordnance,Inc. ITT Corporation J Spencer Photography J2 Technologies Inc. Jacksonville State University Jane C. Smith, Circuit Clrk JAYA Corporation JB Management, Inc. Jean Porter Design Consultant Rousseau’s Sporting Goods Awards, Inc. Sanmina SCI Corp. Science and Engineering Services, Inc. Science Application Intl. Corp Scientic, Inc Scientific Research Corporation Scruggs Enterprises, Inc. Secotec, Inc. Selex Sensors & Airborne Systems US Inc Sensor Technologies Incorporated Sentar,Inc. ServisFirst Bank Shearer & Associates Sigma Services Sigmatech, Inc. Signature Research, Inc. Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation SimSTAFF Technical Services, Inc Sirote & Permutt,P.C. Slyman Construction Company, Inc. The Solid Waste Disposal Authority Somerset Group, Inc. Southern Convention Services. Inc. Southern Research Institute SpecPro Environmental Services, LLC Spirit Coach LLC SRA STAI-System Technology Associates, Inc. Stanley Associates Still Serving Veterans System Studies & Simulation, Inc Systems Development Corp. Systems Products and Solutions, Inc. TAOS Industries Inc Tec-Masters, Inc. Techni-Core Engineering TecoLote Research Inc. Teledyne Brown Engineering Teledyne Solutions, Inc. Ternion Corporation Tetra Tech - EMC TMT Group, Inc. Torch Systems Torch Technologies, Inc. Total Solutions, Inc. TRACE SYSTEMS INC. Trideum Corporation TSC/Phase IV Systems Operation Turner Universal Tyonek Fabrication Corporation T&W Operations UAS Project Office United Space Alliance Univ of Alabama in Huntsville U.S. Space & Rocket Center Valley Hill Country Club Van Valkenburgh & Wilkinson Properties Venturi, Inc. Venturi, Inc. Von Braun Center VT Aepco Wachovia Bank Walker Restaurant Group Inc. dba Atlanta WaveLink, Inc. (WLI) Weichert Realtors,TEG West Point Society of The TN Valley The Westin Huntsville Westinghouse Anniston Westwind Technologies, Inc. Whitney, Bradley & Brown, Inc. Who’s Who in Huntsville Magazine Wildwood Electronics, Inc. Wilks and Associates Willbrook Solutions, Inc. William Pedigo Associates, Inc. Wilson Garage Door Co. of Huntsville Woody Anderson Ford Inc. Y-12 National Security Complex Yorktown Systems Group, Inc. Youth Friendship Foundation Zarrilli Agency Inc. DBA Geico Direct Bold = New/Renew 0000137295-01 0000137262-01 3D Research Corporation 5-D Systems Inc. A-PMCS, Inc AAR Brown International AAR Mobility Systems AC, Inc. ADEX Machining Technologies ADT, Inc. Advanced Federal Services Corporation Advanced Optical Systems, Inc. Advanced Systems Development, Inc. Aegis Technologics Group Inc. Aero Thermo Technology, Inc. Aerodyne, Inc. Aerojet Agility Defense & Government Services AI Signal Research, Inc. Alabama Flag and Banner, Inc. Alabama Power Company Alabama Safety Products Inc. Alatec Inc. ALOG Corporation Alpha Beta Technologies Inc. Altair Altex Packaging, Inc. Alutiiq LLC American Federation of Government Employ Analytical Services, Inc. Anglin-Reichmann, Snellgrove & Armstrong Anniston Army Depot Anniston Water Works AOD Federal Credit Union Applied Data Trends Apt Research, Inc. ARES Corporation ARINC Engineering Services LLC ATK - TP&C Avion Inc. Axsys Technologies, Inc. AZ Technology Inc. BAE Systems BAE Systems Ground Systems-Anniston Bama Jammer Inc. Battelle Memorial Inst. Huntsville BD Consulting,LLC Beason & Nalley, P.C. Bell Helicopter Textron Belzon, Inc. Berney Office Solutions BFA Systems Inc. Boeing Bonham Technologies, Inc Booz Allen Hamilton Bradley, Arant, Rose & White, LLP Bridgestreet Worldwide Bright Smiles Dental Brockwell Technologies, Inc. BTC Bullet Resistant Glass B.R. Williams Trucking, Inc. Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce Camber Corporation Camo Country Military Surplus CB Commercial McLain Real Estate CDO Technologies, Inc. Century 21 Steele and Associates CFI Global Solutions Inc. CG Technologies Chamber of Comm. Huntsville-Madison Co. Chandler / May, Inc. Chugach MGMT Services City of Madison Civilian Marksmanship Program Classic Cadillac Pontiac GMC CMC Defense Products Cobham Analytical Services CohesionForce Inc. Coldwell Banker Premier Cole Marie Austin LLC COLSA Corporation Compass Bank Computer Sciences Corporation Page 3 AUSA The Salute January 6, 2010 Corporate Members – AUSA Redstone – Huntsville • Towing and DMV paperwork completed free of charge • Tax deductible to those who itemize. • VOA provides services to people with disabilities • SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ANALYSIS • MODELING AND SIMULATION • SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AND IV&V • TEST AND EVALUATION • C2BMC/BMC4 830-1146 or 1-888-900-2886 (AUTO) ® North Alabama or visit us at CFC#9046 “Our mission is to provide high-quality management, technical and engineering services to assist government and commercial customers in solving complex problems.” 530 Discovery Drive • Huntsville, Alabama 35806 • 256/922-0720 Page 4 January 6, 2010 AUSA The Salute Passion. Commitment. Innovation. SAIC is a leading provider of scientific, engineering, systems integration, technical services and solutions. With approximately 45,000 employees in more than 150 cities worldwide, SAIC engineers and scientists solve complex technical challenges requiring innovative solutions for customers’ mission-critical functions. For detailed information, visit us at Energy | Environment | National Security | Health | Critical Infrastructure NYSE: SAI 0000137292-01 © Science Applications International Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 5 AUSA The Salute January 6, 2010 Department of the Army Civilian of the Year Award Dinner sen as the AUSA national DA Civilian of the Year for 2009. Other past winners have included Mr. Tim Owings, Deputy Project Manager, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Mr. Troy Hester, Electronics Engineer, United States Army Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center, Mr. John Chapman, formerly Executive Director of the Integrated Materiel Management Center, Mr. Dale More, Ground-Based Midcourse Defense Joint Program Office, Mr. Paul Bogosian, Program Executive Officer for Aviation, Mr. Steve Pierce, Chief, Studies and Analysis Division, US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Future Warfare Center, Dr. Steven Messervy, General Manager NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Management Agency, and Mr. Troy Hester, Electronics Engineer, United States Army Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center. Plan to support these outstanding civilian nominees by attending the award dinner. Individual ticket cost is $34; corporate tables of eight are $272. Make your reservations by contacting the AUSA event coordinator, Jerry Hamilton at 771-1345 or [email protected] . 0000137256-01 On April 6th the RedstoneHuntsville Chapter of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) will sponsor the Department of the Army Civilian of the Year Award Dinner at 7 p.m., at the Von Braun Center, North Hall. This award and dinner recognizes local Department of the Army Civilians who have demonstrated exceptional performance as members of the Army team. We will recognize nominees from three groups: Management/Executive Award, Professional / Technical Award, and Supporting Staff Award. These outstanding civilians will be nominated by their commands or agencies in February. The Chapter nominee selected from among all of the local nominees will be announced at the dinner and go on to compete for the AUSA Third Region (Southeast) competition later in the summer. The Region winners are recognized nationally at the AUSA Annual Meeting in Washington DC in October. The winner in 2009 was Mr. Richard Turner, Executive Director of the US Army TMDE Activity, nominated by Mr. Ronald Chronister, Deputy Commander US Army Aviation and Missile Command. Mr. Turner went on to win the Region award and was cho- On November 19th, Marshall Space Flight Center hosted a meet and greet to honor its Veterans and present American Legion Blue Star Banners, Commanding General coins and AUSA Blue Star Banner coins to 12 family members of deployed service members. Hosting the ceremony, Center Director Robert Lightfoot commented that roughly 5% of the Center civil servants are veterans and thanked them for their critical contribution to the success of the Center. Guest speaker and Redstone Commander, Robert Lightfoot, Director, Marshall Space Flight Center, Rita MG Myles applauded Brock, mother of a deployed soldier, MG Jim Myles, Commanthe many ties and close der, Redstone Arsenal and Bob Devlin, Deputy Director for Cenpartnership between ter Operations Marshall and the Redstone community and asked that everyone remember our deployed service members and family members during the holiday season. Organizer Allan Day, Vietnam veteran, noted that the blue star banner tradition goes back to the first World War when banners were displayed in windows of houses to show a family’s pride in the service of their loved ones. He also noted that he was appreciative that senior leadership took the time to show their pride in our service members and their family members. Redstone Chapter Presents Awards to 2009 Guard Soldier and NCO of the Year Anniston Satellite Chapter President Ken Reynolds presented special awards to Alabama Army National Guard’s 2009 Soldier and NCO of the Year, Spc. Michael Blake Orso (left), Citronelle, Ala., and Sgt. Kevin Tarpley (right), Enterprise, Ala.. They are pictured with State Command Sgt. Maj. Danny Ashley (center) during the AL ARNG’s 2009 Soldier of the Year awards ceremony held at Fort McClellan, Ala., on December 5th. Orso of the 1165th Military Police Company out of Fairhope and Tarpley of Company C, Long Range Surveillance, 1st Squadron, 131st Cavalry out of Auburn, Ala., will now compete in the Regional Board in April 2010. TARGET: MISSION SUCCESS Precision, commitment and teamwork, along with sound strategies, produce winning teams. With a focus on performance and an affinity for the customer, BAE Systems ensures mission success. We deliver a range of solutions and services anywhere in a product’s life-cycle, anywhere in the world. To contact BAE Systems in Huntsville, call 256-890-8000, or visit 0000137283-01 0000138010-01 Page 6 January 6, 2010 AUSA The Salute Marshall Space Flight Center honors Veterans and Family Members Every December as its last official activity of the year, your Redstone-Huntsville Chapter volunteers to oversee the operation of the Huntsville Botanical Garden’s “Galaxy of Lights” holiday light extravaganza. The event is perfect for cool night, as the Gardens are transformed into a “drive-thru” event where attendees are literally surrounded by thousands of bright and colorful holiday lights. Companies, organizations and individuals sponsor lighted displays which come to life at dusk to depict a wide range of scenes - from leaping frogs to butterflies in flight to a Soldier firing a bursting cannonball (the latter sponsored by AUSA, of course). This year, the Chapter signed up for Saturday, 19 December as its night to dress warmly and “run” the event. Bob Whiteford expertly directed some 25 AUSA officers, board members and volunteers who showed up, armed with snacks and other refreshments to sustain them when not on duty. One of the traditional favorites is Loretta Spencer’s hot cider – perfect for a chilly night. The main functions performed were direction of traffic and collection of the entrance fees. However, our Chapter’s involvement also qualified as a HUGE membership drive, since each car received an AUSA membership application along with its change. We placed some 1,000 applications into the hands of potential members that night. All proceeds from the event go to the operation of the Botanical Gardens as this month-long event is the major source of its annual funding. AUSA is happy to support this community activity while spreading the good word about AUSA membership. Thanks again to our faithful and energetic volunteers. You are the greatest! Support Needed for Madison County Veterans Memorial where you and I travel. For details on how you can help, visit: Then click on “Store”, then “License Plate” for the commitment/order form. Time is running short, as we must achieve 1,000 commitment-to-purchase forms by April 2010 or this opportunity expires. Won’t you please help support this important initiative? Thanks in advance for your serious consideration of this request.” emotion, pride and patriotism of the entire community and our many visitors. Many of you have already contributed, but our goal has not been attained. One way we are raising awareness and money is through our own Distinctive License Plate. I believe the Veterans Memorial License Plate will not only be a great source of funding for the Memorial, but also a source of pride and patriotism, because it recognizes the service and sacrifice of all Veterans, and will be seen daily - every- 0000137294-01 The following request is made by the Veterans Memorial Committee: “Dear Patriots, Friends, Veterans alike, As you know, there is a major effort on-going to build a suitable memorial in Madison County for all Veterans-all wars, including 3 Medal of Honor recipients, and to recognize by name all who died during all major U. S. conflicts/wars. The Memorial will be located in Veterans Park, downtown Huntsville, and will surely capture the Chapter supports “Salute to the Military” dinner for Soldiers The Redstone Family, Morale, Welfare & Recreation (FMWR) hosted their annual “Salute to the Military” Thanksgiving Dinner for the Soldiers and their Families at the Redstone Arsenal Officers and Civilians Club on Sunday, November 22, 2009. The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter donated $500 to help sponsor the after dinner activities, games and door prizes. In addition to the donation, 13 AUSA volunteers joined with other community organizations to cheerfully serve dinner and extend Thanksgiving greetings to over 1,000 guests. Dinner included a wonderful selection of turkey, BBQ pork, and all the trimmings prepared by a team of professional cooks who volunteered their time. After dinner, the Soldiers were offered free phone calls home provided by Verizon Wireless, movies, games and even calendars signed by the Hooters waitresses/models. A great time was had by all bringing a touch of “home” to our Soldiers and their Families. 0000137297-01 Page 7 AUSA The Salute January 6, 2010 Chapter volunteers at Galaxy of Lights Page 8 January 6, 2010 AUSA The Salute Chapter contributes to deployment ceremony It has been a yearlong process preparing the 441st Ordnance Battalion (EOD) for their January 2010 deployment. On 2 December 2009, 45 Soldiers of the 441st departed for additional training at Camp Shelby, MS before deploying to Iraq. The 441st deployment ceremony took place before a large and spirited audience comprised of Family members, civic leaders, friends and supporters at the Jaycees Building in John Hunt Park, Huntsville, AL. The Soldiers were honored with remarks by MG Steve Taylor presents Redstone-Huntsville Chapter coins to the A.C. Blalock, MG Joe deploying 441st Ordnance Battalion (EOD) Solidiers. Harkey, COL Jose R. Atencio, III, and Huntsville Mayor ny Chapter President Steve Tay- Soldiers from Camp Shelby to Tommy Battle. The casing of the lor presented each deploying Sol- Huntsville to spend Christmas colors was accomplished by LTC dier an AUSA Chapter coin. LTC with their families. In response, Roger D. Yearwood, Battalion Yearwood, in turn, presented a the Chapter approved a $500 Commander, and MSG James T. plaque to the AUSA Redstone- contribution to Mt Zion Baptist Huntsville Chapter “in apprecia- Church who provided their Hayes. Members of the AUSA Red- tion of your support with our church bus to bring the Soldiers stone-Huntsville Chapter Board upcoming deployment for Opera- home and return them to Camp Shelby after their Christmas were significantly involved with tion Iraqi Freedom 2010.” As a follow-on action related visit. the planning and execution of the Best wishes for total mission ceremony. Dave Carney, Laura to the unit’s training and deployAyers, and John Perry con- ment, the Redstone-Huntsville success and safety to the Soldiers tributed several days supporting Chapter was contacted regard- and Families of the 441st. AUSA the 441st in the coordination for ing an opportunity to help pro- salutes you for your courageous the ceremony. After the ceremo- vide bus transportation for the service to our Nation. Chapter donation L to R: Loraine Arbo, Gen Manager, Redstone Arsenal PX; Steve Taylor, President, Redstone-Huntsville Chapter, AUSA; Jim Rountree, Vice President for Army Family Programs, AUSA. The local Redstone-Huntsville Chapter, Association of the U. S. Army (AUSA), recently donated $500.00 to the Redstone Welcome Volunteers to provide PX gift cards for incoming permanent party Soldiers E-5 and below. These cards will be included in the “Welcome to Redstone Welcome Packets” assembled by the Volunteer group, as AUSA’s way of welcoming these Soldiers and their Families to Redstone Arsenal. The PX also graciously donated additional gift cards for this project at no cost. It’s a New Day in Huntsville and CSC is rising to meet the challenge. We’ve brought in new leadership. We’ve sharpened our focus. We’ve integrated our Huntsville operations. Backed by CSC’s $16 billion worldwide presence, we are working together as one multi-functional team, in a brand new facility, with all of the technology and engineering solutions that our clients demand. The forecast is bright for CSC and Huntsville. CSC Public Sector IT’S A NEW DAY FOR CSC IN HUNTSVILLE 0000137260-01 On December 11, the RedstoneHuntsville Chapter of AUSA celebrated the 373rd birthday of the National Guard. Local Guard and civic leaders were invited to attend the breakfast birthday party and cake cutting. Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle presented a proclamation marking the day as National Guard day. MG Joe Harkey, Commanding General, 167th Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) gave the history of the Guard and explained how the Guard, in tracing its heritage to December 13, 1636, is the fourth oldest Army organization in the world, behind only two British organizations and the Swiss Guard. There was a lot of humor and good fun with BG (Ret) Bob Drolet, AUSA State President and native of Boston. Drolet claimed to remember that day was a cold winter day when he and fellow Minutemen were called out to defend against the British. Major Ken Arnold, who recently returned from Afghanistan, told of his experiences while deployed. State Command Sgt Major Danny Ashley, who will be retiring in January, exclaimed how appreciative all the Guard leadership in Montgomery is to the RedstoneHuntsville Chapter for support of the troops and families. Ashley also stated he wants to help with National Guard programs beginning immediately after his retirement. COL(Ret) Steve Taylor, Chapter President, presented a 50th Anniversary coin to Ashley in appreciation of his many years of service. The traditional birthday cake was presented by local National Guard recruiters SSG Thompson, SSG Vance, and SFC Henshaw who brought the cake forward and saluted as everybody stood at attention. Sharon Hancock, who has the voice of an angel, led everybody in singing Happy Birthday. The cake was sliced using the traditional sword by the oldest and the youngest Guard members present, 1SG Johnny Whisenant and PFC Stone of the 115th Signal Battalion, located in Huntsville. Several Redstone-Huntsville AUSA board members were present for the event. In addition, five Guardsmen submitted AUSA membership forms during the breakfast at the Heritage Club. Thanks to all who made this such a fitting birthday tribute to our National Guard and its Soldiers. AUSA Supports 375th Engineer Company The 375th Engineer Company Christmas Party was held on Saturday, December 5, at the Jaycee’s Building in John Hunt Park in Huntsville, Alabama. There were 140 soldiers, family members and friends in attendance. The 375th Army Reserve Unit is currently mobilized and serving in Iraq. The Rear Detachment Commander for the 375th Engineer Company (USAR) is Lieutenant Terry Spangler. The Company received some donations from the local community but still needed additional funds to be able to have the Christmas Party. AUSA Redstone-Huntsville was able to support Lt. Spangler’s request with a $500 donation to enable this important event to take place. The Christmas Party was for those soldiers who did not deploy with the unit, but more importantly for the Families of the deployed Soldiers. Spangler thanked AUSA for the support noting the chapter, “has put forth great efforts in seeing that our Family’s are taken care of.” 2939 Johnson Road SW, Hsv. 35805 • 256-880-0671 0000137541-01 A Partnership Benefiting Huntsville’s Federal Agencies and the Citizens of Madison County 0000137272-01 Page 9 AUSA The Salute January 6, 2010 Chapter salutes National Guard on 373rd birthday Ms Cathy Dickens was promoted to the Senior Executive Service position at the Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (SMDC/ARSTRAT) and is the principal assistant responsible for contracting. Dickens came from AMCOM and has been an Army civilian since 1977. Major General Richard Formica has been nominated for appointment to the rank of lieutenant general and assignment as commander of the Space and Missile Defense / Army Forces Strategic Command. Formica currently serves as the Commander, Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, US Central Command, Operation Enduring Freedom. Command Sergeant Major Angel Clark-Davis, 59th Ordnance Brigade, was presented the Legion of Merit by MG Jim Myles, AMCOM Commander. She was recognized for outstanding service during her 5-1/2 year tour in Germany where she served as CSM of the 129th Ordnance Battalion, the 29th Support Group, and finally as CSM of Joint Task Force East. OMEMS Instructors of the Year: CW3 Everett Stevens, a course manager for the Warrant Officer Basic Course at OMEMS, was named 2009 Officer Instructor of the Year. The NCO Instructor of the Year is SFC Kevin Sanders, senior instructor at Munitions Training Department, and the Civilian Instructor of the Year is Mr. Brian Witherspoon, also at the Munitions Training Department. The Ernest A. Young Logistics Achievement Award was presented to Darlene Pate, winner of the Professional/Technical Award, and Bill Andrews, winner of the Management/Executive Award. They both work in the AMCOM Materiel Management Center where Andrews is the deputy director and Pate serves as staff chief for the Associate Director for Aviation. Other nominees for the professional/technical award were Donald Boudah, Steven Drysdale, James Holloway, Anthony Jones, Gerald During this year’s annual Women of Color Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Conference, two AMRDEC employees were recognized for their accomplishments and contributions. Sharon Boclair, AMRDEC Security and Intelligence manager; and Dr. Yolanda Powell-Friend, Supervisory Aerospace Engineer in the Aviation Engineering Directorate, each received a Technology All-Stars Award given by the Career Communications Group. LTC Diane Richie has been named as Chief of Transportation, Operations, Plans and Security Division for the Logistics Support Activity. She brings 23+ years of military experience to her new position. In addition to her TOPS duties, she also leads the Army Airlift Clearance Authority which grants air clearance for sustainment cargo leaving the US to support warfighters in all corners of the world. The Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, in June recognized eight employees for their service during its annual Engineer Day celebration. Mary ‘Liz” Hayes, Chemical Demilitarization Directorate , Administrative Support Employee of the Year; Greg Havo, Chemical Demilitarization Directorate, Commander’s Leadership Award; Michael Duffy, Contracting Directorate, Contracting Professional of the Year; Anita Norton, Resource Management, Resource Management Professional of the Year; Roy Wright, Engineering Directorate, Engineer of the Year; Alicia Allen, Installation Support and Programs Management Directorate, Program Manager of the Year; Cyndee Oleyte, Ordnance and Explosives Directorate, Volunteer of the Year; James Clark, Engineering Directorate, Employee of the Year. COL Glenn Richie became the Commander, 2nd Recruiting Brigade, Redstone Arsenal. Thomas ‘Dick’ Wilbanks was named manager for Quantum Research International’s newly formed Missile Defense and Fire support Group which focuses on integrating the company’s MDA, SMDC, PEO M&S, and USAADASCH business bases in eight locations. Wilbanks, a retired air defense officer, was previously director of Huntsville operations for BAE Systems. Industry Notes Government/military Scott Kowerduck was named director of Huntsville operations for BAE Systems. He joined BAE Systems in 2004 and manages programs in support of SMDC, MDA and other customers. Mary Ottman, former Strategic Development Office Director and Homeland Security Liaison for the Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center, has accepted a Senior Service College Fellowship at the Defense Acquisition University, Huntsville campus. DRS Test and Energy Management has promoted Richard Spears and Michael Crockett; Spears to Program Manager responsible for vehicle health management and diagnostic initiatives, and Crockett to Senior Program Manager for vehicle health management and embedded diagnostic initiatives for the Army and Marines on M1A1 tank variants. Chester ‘Chet” Schickling has joined Westwind Technologies as Vice President of Business Development for both Domestic and International Programs. Schickling has 35+ years of marketing Ben Goode has been promoted to Director, Power & Energy Solutions at DRS Test & Energy Management, and will lead an organization with emphasis in highpower R&D, on-board vehicle power and renewable energy. He joined DRS TEM eight years ago as a mechanical engineer working on hybrid electric High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (or Humvees) for the Army. Lanson Quan joined Cobham Analytic Solutions and will be the Lead Systems Engineering and Technical Assistant BMD Systems Ground Testing as part of the MDA test and evaluation effort. Candis Kennard joined Cobham as a senior subcontract administrator. Craig Grabowsky has joined Cobham as a lead systems engineer and will be supporting the MDA Tactical Targets program. Dr. Joe Sims, Analytical Service’s Director of the Stone Engineering Division, was named an associate fellow in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Theresa Lynn Sanderfer-Brown joined LogiCore as a logistics analyst. Amy Estado joined LogiCore as manager of Human resources. Brandi Battles is the latest winner of LogiCore’s quarterly President’s Award. Two senior systems analysts at Intuitive Research and Technology, Jason Smith and Michael Yohe, are now Certified Information Systems Security Personnel. Smith and Yohe have completed the CISSP examination, which covers 10 CISSP information systems security test domains. Steve Olney has joined Stanley’s Applied Engineering and Technology Division in Huntsville, and will focus on business opportunities and future company growth. Olney has 38 years of experience with the Army, Department of Defense and NASA, supporting maintenance, logistics, supply management, program management and business development activities. Teledyne Brown Engineering has inducted Dr. James E. Cato and Gene R. Ezell into its Engineering Fellows Program for their lifetime contributions in the fields of engineering and science. Cato is the test and verification lead on the Single Stimulation Framework. He is a 37-year Teledyne Brown veteran and was Chief Integration Engineer of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense Test Laboratories for 10 years. Ezell, a senior systems analyst at Teledyne Solutions, is a pioneer of the Ballistic Missile Defense industry in the development of optical sensor component technology. For 15 years, he was Principal Technical Editor of the Sensor Hardening Handbook, a definitive reference for the Army. 0000137245-01 Government Notes and sales management with experience at Beech, Raytheon, Sino Swearingen, M-7 Aerospace and AAI Acquisition. 0000137058-01 January 6, 2010 AUSA The Salute Page 10 Briefs Koepke, Katherine Markow, Leon McInelly, Julia McKay, Ronald Parks, Masao Williams and Danny Wright. Nominees for the management/executive award were Deborah Daniel, CW4 Willie Dunning, LTC Trey Elder, John Hall Jr., Sydney Hutchins, Floyd Lindsey, David Willis and Sheila Wilson. 410 Jan Davis Drive • Huntsville, AL 35806 • 256.922.0802 • Huntsville’s Still Serving Veterans (SSV), a Redstone-Huntsville AUSA Chapter member and partner, had another year of excellent service for wounded warriors and their families. To date, this grass roots service organization has helped over 1200 wounded warriors and Veterans reintegrate into the workforce and communities, securing for them over $15.57 million in additional salaries and benefits since 2007. On October 27th, SSV earned national recognition as the Army’s annual Spirit of Hope Award winner at a formal awards ceremony in the Hall of Heroes in the Pentagon. The Spirit of Hope Award is presented annually to one recipient per military branch “for outstanding service to the United States of America, for patriotism and service that epitomize the values of Bob Hope (courage, honor, duty, commitment, integrity, and selfless dedication), and for significantly enhancing the quality of life of service members and their families.” COL(R) William Webb, SSV president and founding chairman, accepted the Spirit of Hope Award on SSV’s behalf. Receiving the award with Will Webb were Dr. Werner Baker, executive director of Still Serving Veterans, and LTC(R) Grant Rosensteel, SSV senior soldier advocate. Honored guests included Congressman Parker Griffith and his wife, Virginia, who is an SSV board member; Becky Pillsbury, SSV founding board vice chairman; LTG Jim Pillsbury, deputy commander of the Army Materiel Command; SSV board members Joe Collazo and Jeff Wishik; Redstone Arsenal Garrison Commander COL Bob Pastorelli; and Ronnie Chronister, deputy commander of the Aviation and Missile Command. SSV, a community supported effort, is making a significant difference in the lives of wounded warriors and their families, primarily focusing on wounded warrior reintegration into new careers and new communities through work transition, workforce development, job placement, career counseling and training, securing Veterans benefits, and PTSD/TBI counseling. SSV provides one-on-one case management, advocacy, career services and work transition, and coordinates mental health counseling. 0000137815-01 Pictured left to right, Don Wiegand, award designer and sponsor, Will Webb and Becky Pillsbury. Alabama A&M ROTC commissions five Second Lieutenants The Alabama A&M University ROTC Bulldog Battalion conducted a Commissioning Ceremony on December 3, 2009 for five Cadets. This event signifies the completion of all academic and ROTC training requirements to earn a commission as a Second Lieutenant. The academic portion consists of completing all requirements to obtain a Bachelors Degree from one of the three universities that support the Bulldog Battalion ROTC Program: Alabama A&M University, Athens State University and the University of Alabama in Huntsville. The ROTC requirements consist of meeting physical fitness and medical standards, completing all training requirements to include the Leadership Development Assessment Course (ROTC Summer Camp) at Fort Lewis, Washington and demonstrated leadership ability to serve as an Officer in the United States Army. The cadets receiving their commissions are listed below: 2LT Lesley-Ann Hanson is a native of Madison, AL and received her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. 2LT Hanson was branched into the Military Police Corps and will attend the Officer Basic Course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. 2LT Londarius Jackson is a native of Birmingham, AL and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Alabama A&M University. 2LT Jackson was branched into the Transportation Corps and will attend the Officer Basic Course at Fort Eustis, VA. 2LT Takishy Myers is a native of Franklin, LA and received her Bachelor’s Degree in Justice Studies from Athens State University. 2LT Myers was branched into the Quartermaster Corps and will attend the Officer Basic Course at Fort Lee, VA. 2LT John C. Waller is a native of Chattanooga, TN and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Alabama A&M University. 2LT Waller was branched into the Signal Corps and will attend the Officer Basic Course at Fort Gordon, GA. 2LT Quenton D. Watkins is a native of Huntsville, AL and received a Masters Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Alabama A&M University. 2LT Watkins was branched into the Adjutant General’s Corps and will attend the Officer Basic Course at Fort Jackson, SC. The event was conducted by the Professor of Military Science, LTC Louis L. Harris and was attended by over 100 family members and friends. The attendees included the Honorable Mr. Roderick Royal, the Interim Mayor of Birmingham, Dr. Andrew Hugine, President of Alabama A&M University, Dr. Denver Betts, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Athens State University, COL (Ret) Stephen C. Taylor, President Huntsville-Redstone Chapter of The Association of the United Sates Army (AUSA), and the Guest Speaker COL (Ret) Edric Kirkman, Director, Information Assurance Products for Dynetics, Inc. A reception was held immediately following the Commissioning Ceremony to celebrate the start of a journey as Army officers for the five new lieutenants. Page 11 AUSA The Salute January 6, 2010 Still Serving Veterans receive national honor for service to wounded warriors January 6, 2010 AUSA The Salute Page 12 0000137287-01 World Class Enterprise IT Solutions 103 Quality Circle, Suite 200 Huntsville, AL 35806 BRAC Re-location Support Services Secure IT Infrastructure Engineering & Installation Proudly serving our customers in Huntsville: Software, Database & Web Engineering US Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (SMDC/ARSTRAT) Information Assurance & Information Security IT Enterprise Operations Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC) 0000137251-01 History of Performance-Future of Dedication 0000137248-01 ERC 0000137285-01 The ERC family salutes the Association of the United States Army and the men and women who dedicate their lives to protect our freedom and the American way of life. Dr. William C. (“Bill”) McCorkle, Director, Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC), was honored following his retirement from Government Service at a gala dinner on Dec 1, 2009. Dr. McCorkle personally “touched” many weapons systems developed and deployed to Soldiers during his 52-plus years of service. At the retirement dinner, many from Government and civilian organizations spoke in tribute to his long and honorable service, including the mayors of both Huntsville and Madison, the Chairman, Madison County Commission, other elected officials and military commanders and civilian directors. Redstone-Huntsville Chapter President Steve Taylor presented an AUSA Certificate of Appreciation signed by the Association President, GEN (USA-Ret) Gordon Sullivan, expressing AUSA’s deep appreciation for the many significant contributions made by Dr. McCorkle with a special emphasis on his valuable support to the Soldier. Perhaps no other individual has contributed so much to the battlefield effectiveness of the individual Soldier as a result of his keen insight and managerial capability. Dr. McCorkle also served for several years on the RedstoneHuntsville Chapter Board of Directors, and we hope that his retirement from Government service will not result in a similar retirement from this position. Congratulations, Bill, on an outstanding career! HOOAH Redstone-Huntsville honors soldier and NCO of Quarter The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter congratulated the winners of the Team Redstone NCO and Soldier of the Quarter competition at a luncheon held on Dec. 10 at the Redstone Officers and Civilians Club. Chapter Board Member CW5 (Ret) John Blackmon represented the Chapter and presented several items to both Soldiers. The NCO of the Quarter was Staff Sergeant Jay Wilson, HHC, 59th Ordnance Brigade, and the Soldier of the Quarter was Specialist Fatih Aksu, assigned to Fox Army Health Center. Page 13 AUSA The Salute January 6, 2010 AUSA recognizes Dr. McCorkle at retirement ceremony Chapter hosts holiday reception Both Soldiers received several items from representatives from the Huntsville and Madison communities in recognition of their achievement. AUSA presentations included a set of leadership and professional development texts and programs, $100 cash, a 1-year free AUSA membership and a beautiful Chapter challenge coin. These soldiers will await the annual competition to select the NCO and Soldier of the Year in the summer of 2010. Best wishes to both of these fine Soldiers. On 10 December the Chapter hosted its annual Holiday Reception at (how appropriate) the Holiday Inn – Downtown, Huntsville. In years past, this event was specifically for our Corporate Members and their guests to express appreciation for their support of the Chapter. However, in the interest of thanking all Redstone-Huntsville Chapter members, this year’s invitation went to all active members – that’s right, nearly 3,000 invitations! Needless to say, this was an interesting development, given the physical limitations of the selected venue. Some 250 members and guests braved the somewhat nasty weather that night to join us in celebration of the upcoming holidays. The Holiday Inn staff really provided excellent service and quality food for those assembled, and the lively presentation of door prizes by master of ceremonies Mike Barefield (VP for Corporate Membership) (pictured) demanded everyone’s careful attention to their ticket numbers. With the wider distribution of invitations, the event evolved into a General Membership Meeting with an opportunity to share many thoughts about current and upcoming Chapter programs and activities. Your Chapter appreciates the opportunity to provide membership events like this for your benefit, and we will continue to plan opportunities to meet with you on an informal basis in the future. A special thanks goes to Angie Wooten who volunteered to take care of reservations and other event details. Thanks, Angie, for all you do to support the Chapter and its activities, and thanks to Mike for an excellent function. nLogic is an employee-owned small business that offers demonstrated performance to prime contractors and government customers. nLogic provides superior engineering and technical services with a commitment to business integrity. System Engineering and Integration Software Development Modeling and Simulation Test and Evaluation 4901 Corporate Drive, Suite H Huntsville, AL 35805 Phone: 256.704.2525 Fax: 256.704.2540 0000137300-01 Information Technology Program Management 0000137291-01 MUTUAL FUNDS MBNA AMERICA AFBA Five Star Fund • Four no-load funds to choose from: Equity, USA Global, High Yield and Balanced Fund. Call our mutual fund representative at (800)661-2466. AUSA Bankcard Call (800)847-7378, and mention priority code MTQ3. Certificates of Deposit and Money Market Deposit Accounts Call (800)900-6653, and mention priority code JA04T. CHOICE HOTEL DISCOUNTS AUSA members can get a 20% discount off hotel rooms at the following hotels: • Clarion • Quality • Comfort Suites • Comfort Inn • Sleep Inn • Econo Lodge • Rodeway Inn • MainStay Suites The discount is only available by calling (800)2582847 and using the code T00800700. You can book up to 9 rooms under one name with this program. Discoiunt is based on availability. Discount cannot be combined with any other offer. EYECARE PROGRAM Vision One Eyecare • Up to 60% discounts on eyewear (including contact lenses). • Available at over 5,500 locations including Sears Optical, Target and JCPenny Optical, Pearle Vision and other provider locations. Call (800)804-4384. Plan #20172 BOOK PROGRAM AUSA offers its members discounts on selected military books. Visit our Web site for more details. CAR RENTALS Use the reservation codes on the back of your membership card and save at: • Alamo (800)354-2322 (Rental for under age 25 available) • AVIS (800)331-1441 • Budget (800)455-2848 • Hertz (800)654-6511 • National (800)CAR-RENT PUBLICATIONS • ARMY Magazine every month, including the October ARMY Green Book. • AUSA NEWS every month. • Professional Education: Institute of Land Warfare Defense Reports, Land Warfare Papers, Background Briefs, NCO Update & Notes. For more information on professional education items call (800)336-4570 Ext. 630. EDUCATIONAL LOANS Wells Fargo’s Capital for Knowledge Program now offers our members the opportunity to apply for educational loans. For more information, call (888)651-5626 and mention you are with AUSA. Join or Renew Today! ARMY/FEDERAL TIMES DISCOUNTS Receive discounts on subscriptions to Army/Federal Times. Call (800)368-5718. INSURANCE LifePlan Term Life Insurance • Up to $250,000 for members and their spouses. • Children’s Rider is also available. Prompt assistance is available by calling (800)882-5707. Mastercare Health Insurance • TRICARE and Medicare supplements, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Short-Term Medical and Long-Term Care insurance are also available. Call (800) 882-5707 for details. GEICO Direct Auto Insurance • Up to 10% discounts for qualified members in 41 sates and the District of Columbia. Call (800)368-2734. ADDITIONAL MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS Corporate Member Program Corporate members are local businesses, corporations, civic assocations, veterans’ orgranizations, societies and other community groups that support a strong Army. Check with your local AUSA chapter, or call (800)3364570, Ext. 685, for more information. Three-Year or Life Membership - Save time and money by becoming a three-year or life member. Just fill out the appropriate boxes on the membership application below. For more information call (703)907-2670 or (800)3364570, Ext. 664. Member discounts and services are subject to change. (1002) Simply fill out the application below or apply online at DUES...........................................1 YEAR. .3YEARS RANK/TITLE FIRST NAME INIT SOCIAL SECURITY NO. (AT LEAST LAST 4 DIGITS FOR PIN) LAST NAME APPLICATION DATE MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE MILITARY UNIT CHAPTER OR CADET COMPANY OFFICE PHONE HOME PHONE ZIP +4 CODE 3103 FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) E-MAIL ADDRESS: STATE ZIP +4CODE PERMANENT ADDRESS (NORMALLY ONLY ACTIVE DUTY AND CADETS) CITY MO/YR OF BIRTH MALE LIFE MEMBERSHIP Age Under 55 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 plus DUES INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS First Year Second Year Third Year $185 $185 $155 150 150 125 125 125 125 100 100 100 85 85 80 Total $525 425 375 300 250 Full Payment Installment Plan Amount Paid: $ FOREIGN POSTAGE IS $9 A YEAR EXTRA. Regular dues include $16.50 a year for a subscription to ARMY Magazine ($13 for E1-E4, Cadets, GS1-GS4). All dues include $4 a year for a subscription to AUSA NEWS. Subscription prices are not deductible from dues. FEMALE New Cash CHECK HERE FOR ADDITIONAL MEMBER BENEFIT IDENTIFICATION CARD Renewal - Member No. Check/Money Order CHARGE APPLICANTS MasterCard VISA NAME TO APPEAR ON ADDITIONAL CARD PLEASE CHECK CURRENT STATUS Active Army Retired Army (all componenets) Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) Cadet National Guard U.S. Government Civilian Employee Army Reserve Former Military Junior, w/o ARMY, E1-E4, Cadet/OCS......................................$12.00..........N/A Regular, with ARMY, E1-E4, Cadet/OCS GS1-GS4...................$20.00..........$60.00 E5-E7, GS5-GS6......................................................................$25.00..........$68.00 01-03, W1-W3, E8-E9, GS7-GS11...........................................$30.00..........$82.00 04-06, W4-W5, GS12-GS15, Civilian......................................$33.00..........$90.00 07-010, SES, ES.......................................................................$38.00..........$103.00 CARD NO. Other U.S. Armed Services Civilian Foreign National Other Mail to: AUSA, Redstone-Huntsville Chapter, P.O. Box 7054, Huntsville, AL 35804 AmEx MO/YR Card Expires: ____/____ 0000139569-01 January 6, 2010 AUSA The Salute Page 14 ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY Membership Benefits Signature I authorize AUSA to charge all future renewal dues to the above credit card. I understand that I can cancel authorization at any time upon written notice to AUSA. Sensor Technologies Incorporated 600 Blvd. South, Suite 104 Huntsville, AL 35802 Sensor Technologies Incorporated (STI) expertise spans more than 17 years in offering technology based solutions. Our services include: Cyberspace Operations, Information Assurance, Engineering Services, Network/Communication Systems Architecture, Post Production Software Support, Information Technologies, Fielding/Training, Integration, Test/Evaluation, and Business Automation. STI is nationally recognized as one of Washington Technology’s “Top 100 Federal Prime Contractors”. ADEX Machining Technologies 260 Feaster Rd., Greenville, SC 29615 The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter recognized the Ordnance Munitions and Electronic Maintenance School’s (OMEMS) top instructors as Instructors of the Year at an awards luncheon on 20 November 2009. The following awardees were selected for their excellence in teaching Army Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Soldiers, NCOs and officers: Warrant Officer Awardee - CW3 Everett Stevens of the Warrant Officer Training Division NCO Awardee - SFC Kevin Sanders of the Munitions Training Division Civilian Awardee - Mr. Brian Witherspoon of the Munitions Training Division. The winners completed with other quarterly winners to earn this top annual recognition. The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter was represented by COL(Ret)Steve Taylor, Chapter President and CW5(Ret) John Blackmon, Board Member. Each awardee received an engraved AUSA plaque, Chapter coin, $100 cash, and a one-year free AUSA membership. AUSA is honored to salute these instructor leaders who serve a valuable role in the education and training of tomorrow’s America’s warriors and leaders. AUSA Legislative Update ADEX is a one-stop supplier of highly precision machined hardware for Aerospace, Defense, and Energy industries. We machine tough exotic materials while holding tolerances of .0002 or better. ADEX is also ISO 9001, AS 9100, and FAA certified. We operates 24 x 7 for all your hardware needs. Future Research Corporation 675 Discovery Drive, Bldg 2, Suite 102 Huntsville, AL 35806 14 Years in Business “Solving Tomorrow’s Problems Today.” Incorporated in Huntsville, Alabama in 1995, FRC is a minority-owned, small disadvantaged business. Our corporate philosophy is to develop creative and innovative quality solutions for specific demands of our customers and partners. JB Management, Inc 555 Sparkman Dr, Suite 1024 Huntsville, AL 35816 19 Years in Business “Smart Solutions for Those We Serve” JBM provides maintenance and training support, system integration and engineering, and information operations services to Army units world-wide, deploying side-by-side with our customers as they conduct operations Iraq and Afghanistan. JBM has proven that regardless of the environment, we provide world-class support to our clients to help them succeed in their missions. AUSA has been hard at work on Capitol Hill and has helped get the following legislation passed: • Getting a 3.4% pay increase for Active, Guard and Reserve; • Authorizing $2.2 Billion to support and expand high quality housing for all servicemembers and their families; • Barring DoD from increasing any TRICARE Standard inpatient copays through 30 September 2010; • Extending TRICARE eligibility to the Reserve Component so they can receive full coverage 180 days before they go on active duty; • Fully funding the Defense Health Program; • Allowing employees covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System to receive credit for unused sick leave toward their retirement annuity; and • Getting an increase in full-time manning authorizations. AUSA will build on these accomplishments, while continuing to urge the Administration and Congress to address such issues as: • Increasing funded active Army end strength by an additional 150,000; • Supporting additional legislation to reduce Reserve Component Soldiers’ retirement compensation age from 60 to 55; • Providing retiring federal employees receiving annuities and no Social Security, the same tax exemptions allowed for Social Security payments; • Full concurrent receipt of military retired pay and veterans’ disability compensation for all disability levels; and • Providing adequate funding to ensure continued access to quality health care for all beneficiaries and to preclude the imposition of user fees. How does your local AUSA membership support these activities? Your individual and corporate memberships, when combined with the other 100,000 active members worldwide, helps our National AUSA staff to be viewed as a powerful body of voters to be reckoned with by our elected officials in Washington. Thanks for your continuing support. For more on AUSA legislative initiatives, go to Festive appreciation Operation Christmas Bear, an annual Christmas party for military members and their families, allows us to show our support and appreciation. Page 15 AUSA The Salute January 6, 2010 AUSA Salutes Instructors of the Year Corporate Spotlights © 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation January 6, 2010 AUSA The Salute Page 16 “Our cause is noble. It is the cause of mankind.” — George Washington With gratitude and pride, we salute the valor and the sacrifice of those who so gallantly serve. 0000137504-01
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