Salute Page 01 (Page 1)
Salute Page 01 (Page 1)
Paid advertising supplement Volume 7 ~ Issue 3 ~ July 2008 Chapter supports successful Armed Forces Week The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter sponsored a “buy-out” of the Huntsville Stars baseball game on June 21 at Joe Davis Stadium in Huntsville, AL. In return for AUSA’s contribution of $2,000, AUSA distributed some 300 tickets to Soldiers and other ID cardholders at Redstone Arsenal. Some 187 Advanced Individual Training Soldiers attended, as did several DA Civilians and their families. The youngest soldier present was selected to throw out the ceremonial “first pitch”, and several other soldiers participated in team-sponsored activities between innings. LTG and Mrs. Kevin Campbell were special guests of AUSA, as was COL Tom Keegan, Cdr, 59th Ordnance Bde, and CSM Willie Pullom from the 832d Ordnance Battalion. Chapter President Mike Howell, Exec VP Steve Taylor, VP for Public Affairs Steve Wil- SSG Anthony Marvan of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 59th Ordnance Brigade, won the NCO of the Year honors, and SPC Kenster Shannon of Headquarters Company USAMEDDAC, won the 2008 Soldier of the Year honors. SSG Marvan and SPC Shannon received the Army ComSPC Kenster Shannon SSG Anthony Marvan mendation Medal from MG won the 2008 Soldier of received he NCO of the Myles and many awards from the Year honors. Year award. Huntsville’s military supporters from the Huntsville/Madison son, and VP for Soldier Affairs Bob civic community and defense industry. Whiteford hosted our AUSA guests. AUSA presented to each: $250.00 (cash), Attendance at the game was over 6,000. an engraved wall plaque, a numbered The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter C3103 AUSA chapter coin, and a free 1participated in an awards ceremony for year AUSA membership. the 2008 NCO and Soldier of the Year for Redstone Arsenal. Please see SUPPORT on 2 AUSA assists Madison County Veterans Memorial The Redstone-Huntsville AUSA Chapter supported the Madison County Veterans Memorial Foundation through its contribution of $10,000 at a presentation ceremony on May 7. Mrs. Cathy Anderson, the chairman for fundraising activities, received the oversized presentation check from COL (Ret) Steve Taylor, Chapter Executive VP, accompanied by BG (Ret) Bob Drolet, Alabama AUSA President, and COL (Ret) John Rogers, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army (North Alabama) and newly-elected 3d Region President. Groundbreaking for the $4 million project is scheduled for Veterans Day, Nov 11, 2008 with dedication currently scheduled for one year later, Nov 11, 2009. The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter hopes that the large contribution will enable the planners to push forward with their plans without delay. In addition to this monetary contribution, volunteers from the AUSA membership staff the Memorial Foundation office every Wednesday. It is AUSA’s hope that this Memorial will honor the citizens who have worn their uniform bravely in the past, as well as help educate and remind young Americans about the costs to REDSTONE – HUNTSVILLE CHAPTER ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. ARMY POST OFFICE BOX 7054 HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA 35807 secure the safety and freedom we all enjoy today. The Memorial will feature a large fountain, flags, statues and walls inscribed with the names of fallen Madison County veterans from all U.S. wars and military conflicts. There have been over 350 individuals from Madison County whose names will be inscribed on the Memorial for having made the supreme sacrifice in our nation’s wars. Chapter celebrates Army’s birthday our AUSA Chapter, together with Team Redstone, celebrated the 233rd birthday of the United States Army at a dinner at the Redstone Officers and Civilians Club on June 14. Thirty-three corporate tables were purchased, with many of the tables donated to our Soldiers in uniform. Over 325 people were in attendance. The evening started with a social hour followed by Chapter President COL (Ret.) Mike Howell’s welcome. Following recognition of our special guests, Huntsville Mayor Spencer, LTG (Ret.) Larry Dodgen, MG (Ret.) Jim Snyder, MG (Ret.) Gerald Watson, Dr. David Williams, President University of Alabama Huntsville, numerous AUSA Past Presidents and many others by CW5 (Ret.) Keith Freitag, the Chapter Vice President for Awards and Recognition, the audience participated in a round of toasts. Following video birthday greetings from Secretary of the Army the Honorable Pete Geren, the Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey, and the Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth O. Preston, the 233rd Army birthday and 231st US Flag Day cakes were escorted in under the sabers of NCO escorts from the 59th Ordnance Brigade. LTG Kevin T. Campbell Commanding General, SMD/ARSTRAT; Commander, Joint Functional Component Command – Integrated Missile Defense and PVT Ricky Hartwell, the youngest soldier present, placed saber to cake and cut the Army birthday cake. MG Jim Myles, Senior Mission Commander, AMCOM and Redstone Arsenal, with the assistance of COL Walt Lorcheim, the oldest Soldier in attendance, made the first cut of the Flag Day cake. Soldiers and NCOs then provided a superb presentation of “Train me Sergeant” which brought a standing ovation from all in attendance. This was followed by brief remarks from MG Myles and a keynote address by LTG Campbell. LTG Campbell relayed a moving story of a Korean War Veteran that he had the opportunity to meet recently to present the Purple Heart Award and how even after all these years he would do his duty again today if he were able. This was truly a moving event and a salute to our Soldiers, the U.S. Flag and The United States Army. Y Thank you for being a member of the Redstone-Huntsville Chapter of AUSA. The end of June is the close of the AUSA operating year, we’ll know before long if your Chapter earned the honor of BEST AUSA CHAPTER again. Regardless of the outcome, I want to thank your Chapter Officers and Board Members for an outstanding job in organizing and executing our programs. You’ll read elsewhere in this Salute of all those activities that your Chapter accomplished in the past quarter. It was a busy one culminating in the Huntsville/Madison County Armed Forces Celebration Week (AFCW) that our Chapter and the Chamber of Commerce co-sponsor each year. Thank you to all who volunteered your time to make AFCW and all of our programs so successful. Thank you too to those who just came out to enjoy the activities and camaraderie. Your numbers and enthusiasm say a lot about our AUSA Chapter, Team Redstone and this community. We celebrated the Army’s 233rd Birthday on 14 June. The NCOs and Soldiers from the 59th Ordnance Brigade were terrific in their Soldier Challenge and NCO Response – thank you. Thank you also to MG James R. Myles, AMCOM CG, for his remarks and introduction of the guest speaker. Thank you to LTG Kevin T. Campbell, SMDC CG and our featured speaker, for reminding us of our heritage and inspiring us. We’re very pleased to welcome our new We Are • LaserFiche Document Management Services 2008-2009 Board Members: CSM attendance was terrific. Mayor Spencer, BG (Ret) Larry Capps, (Ret) Jeff Greer, SES (Ret) John representing the Chamber of Chapman (welcome back), Stew Hirsch, LTC (Ret) George Gore Commerce and I presented plaques to the 389th. It won’t be and COL (Ret) Bob English. Four new Chapter Officers were elected long before they are also known as Huntsville’s Own. Your AUSA that night: Sofia Bledsoe as VP for Chapter provided water and fans Publicity, CW5 (Ret) Keith Freitag Michael Howell as VP for Awards and Decorato the community and Soldiers from the 59th Ordnance Brigade. tions, Mike Kelley (welcome back) as VP for Member Retention/education and Tuesday night was the first of three Soldier Show performances in the VBC Concert Kathy Hale as Acting VP for Chapter Support Group Activities. I ask you to share Hall. Many of you commented that this years Soldier Show was the best ever. with me a special thank you for service to Unique this year was the signing of the the Chapter to Mike Carden, Rod Bissell Army Community Covenant on Wednesday and Bob Woods who retired from our morning at the Space and Rocket Center’s Executive Board this year. I also want to welcome back COL (Ret) John Rogers, Davidson Center. GEN Richard A. Cody, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, representing Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Army Geren was joined by Northern Alabama (Upper Alabama to LTG Campbell, CG SMDC, MG Myles, CG many of us) who serves AUSA as the 3rd Region President. AMCOM, Mayors Spencer, Huntsville, and Armed Forces Celebration Week was a Kirkindall, Madison, Mike Gillespie, Madigreat success again this year. It started with son County and others to signed the covenant committing to build partnerships AUSA sponsoring Military Appreciation that support the strength, resilience, and Night at the Huntsville Stars on June 21st. It was a great game with the score seesawreadiness of Soldiers and their Families. That was followed by the AFCW Luncheon ing until the Stars clinched it and one of the best home game attendance marks this featuring GEN Cody. Later that evening MG Myles hosted an year. Monday was very busy starting with AMCOM tribute to GEN Cody who is retiring the Proclamation Signing then the Team Redstone Soldier and NCO of the Year Lun- this month after 35 years of service. cheon. Congratulations go to SSG Anthony Marvan and SPC Kenster Shannon. That evening was the Concert in the Park at Joe Davis Stadium. Juice, a local band, and the 389th Army Band, AMC’s Own, provided Continued from 1 the pre-fireworks entertainment – the In addition, these two outstanding soldiers will be the guests of the chapter at the upcoming AUSA National Convention in Washington, DC. Mike Howell, Chapter President, presented the AUSA gifts at a luncheon honoring these outstanding young soldiers. Thirty-six chapter members worked 4 Simply BetterSM water points to give out 2000 bottles of water, and 6 boxes of fans to roughly 3,500 people at the Armed Forces Week Concert in the Park performance by the 389th Army Band. The crowd included roughly 200 active duty soldiers, plus retirees and reservists. Steve Taylor, Executive VP, presented a plaque to the cast of the 2008 Army Soldier Show after the 3rd of 3 Huntsville performances for the public and for local Soldiers. AUSA co-sponsors the event, part of Support Thursday featured the Army Community Service reception and on Friday your Redstone-Huntsville Chapter hosted the 2008 AUSA AFCW Golf Tournament. Over 140 turned out at the ‘Links on Redstone ‘with honors going to a team from CAS, Inc., one of our corporate members Some of us (Jeff Greer, Mark McBride, Rich McAdams and I) journeyed to Anniston for the Satellite Chapter’s Golf Tournament. AFCW officially concluded with the Air Show on Saturday and Sunday at Huntsville International Airport. But technically it ended Saturday night with the Tennessee Valley Vipers Military Appreciation Night. The Anniston Satellite Chapter is doing well. MG (Ret) Gerald Watson and Carol Ann and David and Jacklin Sparrow are the spark plugs. Our sub-chapters at the University of North Alabama and Alabama A&M are in summer recess but we’ll have news of their activities in the next Salute. Your Chapter is doing well and has a wide range of activities planned through the rest of 2008. As always keep up to date by visiting or our Chapter website,, maintained by Corporate Member ITT-CAS. Mike Howell, COL (Ret), US Army President, Redstone-Huntsville Chapter AUSA Huntsville’s Armed Forces Week Celebration. The presentation took place before some 3,000 attendees at the Von Braun Center Concert Hall. Following their performance, each Soldier-performer and supporting team member received a RedstoneHuntsville Chapter coin to show this Chapter’s appreciation for the contributions made to the morale of our Soldiers and the citizens of this community. The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter AUSA co-sponsors with the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce the Armed Forces Celebration Week (AFCW). One highlight is the AFCW Luncheon, attended by over 500 civic leaders, military guests, business representatives (many Corporate Members), and the public. After VCSA General Cody’s remarks, Chapter President Mike Howell presented him with a numbered Chapter coin in appreciation of his dedicated service to the Army, Soldiers and their Families. • Printer Fleet Management 306 Wynn Drive - Huntsville 256.883.8700 0000011711-01 Simply BetterSM 0000011709-01 July 30, 2008 AUSA The Salute Page 2 President’s message Page 3 AUSA The Salute July 30 , 2008 Corporate Spotlights ICF International 7027 Old Madison Pike, Suite 108, Huntsville, AL 35806 Founded in 1969 ICF International partners with government and commercial clients to deliver consulting services and technology solutions in the energy, climate change, environment, transportation, social programs, health, defense, & emergency management markets. The firm combines passion for its work with industry expertise and innovative analytics to produce compelling results throughout the entire program life cycle. MAG7 Technologies 6275 University Drive, Suite 37, PMB 307, Huntsville, Alabama 35806 1-877-717-6247 2 years in business MAG7 Technologies is a minority/veteran-owned international provider of logistics innovations, turn around management solutions, and risk evaluations. We provide professional services to commercial and government clients. MAG7 Technologies is a division of the MAG7 Venture Group, LLC headquartered in Rochester, New York. Marriott Shoals Hotel and Spa 800 Cox Creek Parkway South, Florence, Alabama 35630 In business 3 yrs The Marriott Shoals Hotel and Spa is a full service AAA Four Diamond hotel with modern facilities set on a bluff overlooking the Tennessee River. The hotel combines conservative elegance and the beauty of nature to create an ideal setting for leisure and business travel. The hotel offers ample meeting space and award winning catering services to provide a professional experience in executing your event. Just minutes from the hotel are two championship Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail courses and within the hotel is a 6,000 square foot European spa, delivering the pinnacle of rejuvenation. WAFF 48 1414 North Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, AL 35801 Broadcasting for 54 years WAFF 48, the NBC affiliate for North Alabama and South Central Tennessee, is a comprehensive source for news, weather and information through and WAFF 48 News. To honor the rich military history of our community and its veterans, WAFF 48 is proud to be integrally involved in several veteran initiatives including Honor Flight and the annual Veterans Day Parade. • Towing and DMV paperwork completed free of charge • Tax deductible to those who itemize. • VOA provides services to people with disabilities 7067 Old Madison Pike, Suite 170 Huntsville, AL 35806 ® North Alabama or visit us at CFC#9046 (256) 721-7006 Fax: (256) 721-7007 Send resume to [email protected] 0000014070-01 0000011710-01 830-1146 or 1-888-900-2886 (AUTO) Recent Congressional passage of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2008 was a positive development for U.S. troops serving at home and abroad. The legislation, which President Bush signed into law, provides critical funding for the tools, resources, and equipment needed to win wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The bill not only provides weapons, vehicles, body armor, and pay for our soldiers, but also includes important provisions to promote quality educational opportunities for our nation’s veterans. thy improvements to the GI Bill, The legislation updates the GI Bill, a federal program that which were the product of much has a long and successful legadebate in the Senate and which cy since its inception in 1944. represent sharp improvements The new GI Bill provides addiover an original proposal that would have negatively affected tional educational support to recent veterans, covering not retention rates. I opposed the only tuition, but also housing original draft of that proposal and text book costs. Also, when the Secretary of the under the terms of the new GI Defense, the Secretary of the VetSenator Jeff Sessions erans Administration and the Bill, some benefits are transferable, meaning that a qualifying soldier may Congressional Budget Office each stated that the legislation would result in as much pass along to his spouse or children the educational benefits for which he is eligible. as a 16 percent reduction in America’s I was proud to support these noteworfighting force. The possibility of that unintended consequence was unacceptable and resulted in changes to the bill. I also felt that the original proposal was crafted to prevent veterans across the country from receiving equal benefits for their service, resulting in an inequity for Alabama’s veterans. For example, veterans seeking to attend the University of Michigan would receive $24,150 a year, while those enrolled at the University of Alabama would receive only $14,847. That disparity is unfair on its face, and for those reasons I objected. In all, the revised legislation, which I voted for, represents an improvement to current law and a positive step forward for our soldiers and their families. Although not perfect, I believe it will continue the storied 64-year heritage of the GI Bill and provide important educational opportuni- Proudly Serving Our Armed Forces Since 1993 A Technical Services Company Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/V/D ties for a new generation of veterans. But we should not wait for our troops to leave the ranks before we provide opportunities for something as important as their own education. Well-educated and informed soldiers are important to the overall success of our voluntary fighting force, and I believe Congress should consider more educational benefits for our men and women while they are still serving. I intend to introduce legislation in the coming weeks that will strengthen the Army’s tuition assistance program; increasing Soldiers ability to earn a four year or even graduate degree while in service. My legislation represents a worthwhile investment in our military personnel that I believe will encourage our valuable members of the Armed Services to continue to serve. I will likely introduce my bill as an amendment to the important National Defense Authorization Act that the Senate will consider next month. Alabama has done well in the defense authorization process thus far: the bill contains nearly $300 million in authorized defense programs in our state and an additional $80 million for military construction projects in Alabama. I’m proud that Alabama continues to be a leader in providing the programs and projects that our men and women in uniform need to complete their important missions around the world. 0000011713-02 By SENATOR JEFF SESSIONS 0000011712-01 July 30, 2008 AUSA The Salute Page 4 Education opportunities important for troops, past and present Huntsville/Madison Conv.Bureau Huron Valley Steel HVF LLC IBM ICF International InfoPro Corporation Innovative Emergency Management Inc. Innovative Signals Technology, LLC Inter-Coastal Electronics, Inc. Intergraph Corporation Interoptek Inc. Intuitive Research and Technology Corp. ISAC Inc. ISSI Unexploded Ordnance,Inc. ITAC Solutions ITT Corporation J2 Technologies Inc. Jacksonville State University Jacobs Sverdrup Technology Inc. Jane C. Smith, Circuit Clrk JANSON Communications JAYA Corporation JB Management, Inc. Jean Porter Design Consultant John Deere/Aero Tech Sales Jones Group at Merrill Lynch J. Smith Lanier & Co. Kappler Inc. Koniag Services Inc. (KSI) Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Kwajalein Range Services LLC L-3 Corporation-TMSD L3 Communications Integrated Systems Lanier Ford Shaver & Payne PC Laser Fabrication & Machine Co., Inc. The Ledges The Lioce Group Inc. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company Lockheed Martin STS LogiCore Corporation Logistics & Environmental Support Serv. Lynn Layton Chevrolet Macro Industries Inc. Madison County Commission MAG7 Venture Group, LLC Magnacom, Inc. Malace Technical Services Marie Imports Hallmark Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa Maynard Cooper and Gale, PC McLane Advanced Technology MEI Technologies Mesa Robotics, Inc. Millennium Systems Services, Inc. Miltec Corporation Monterey Gifts & Collectibles Morgan Stanley MSB Analytics, Inc. ITT & EDO have merged to form a top-ten U.S. defense contractor. A Partnership Benefiting Huntsville’s Federal Agencies and the Citizens of Madison County Learn more at ITT Corporation, ITT logo and Engineered for life are registered trademarks of ITT Corporation, Inc. ©2008 Communications 0000013388-01 2939 Johnson Road SW, Hsv. 35805 • 256-880-0671 Boldface identifies new or renewed memberships Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Sirote & Permutt SL1Engineer, LLC Slyman Construction Company, Inc. Snelling Search Snyder Technical Services, Inc. The Solid Waste Disposal Authority South Bank South Realty Inc. Southern Convention Services. Inc. Southern Digital Product, Inc. Sparta Inc. SpecPro Environmental Services, LLC SRS Technologies STAI-System Technology Associates, Inc. System Studies & Simulation, Inc Systems Development Corp. TAOS Industries Inc Tec-Masters, Inc. Tech USA, Inc. Techni-Core Engineering TecoLote Research Inc. Teledyne Brown Engineering Teledyne Electronic Manaufacturing Teledyne Solutions, Inc. Ternion Corporation The Huntsville Times Torch Technologies, Inc. Total Solutions, Inc. Trace Systems LLC Turner Universal Tybrin Corporation Tyonek Fabrication Corporation United Space Alliance Univ of Alabama in Huntsville U.S. Space & Rocket Center Valley Hill Country Club Van Valkenburgh & Wilkinson Properties Venturi, Inc. Von Braun Center Wachovia Bank WAFF 48 Walker Restaurant Group Inc. dba Atlanta WaveLink, Inc. (WLI) Weichert Realtors,TEG West Point Society of The TN Valley Westar Aerospace & Defense Group, Inc. The Westin Huntsville Westwind Technologies, Inc. Whitney, Bradley & Brown, Inc. Who's Who in Huntsville Magazine Wildwood Electronics, Inc. Wilson Garage Door Co. of Huntsville Woody Anderson Ford Inc. Youth Friendship Foundation Zarrilli Agency Inc. DBA Geico Direct NAMMO/Talley National Technical Systems Navigator Development Group New Leaf Marketing New Millennium Technologies, LLC Northrop Grumman Mission Systems Northrop Grumman (IT) Technical Service OAR Corporation OPDEC Orbital Sciences Corporation Paradigm Technologies, Inc. Parker Hannifin (Aerospace) Peduzzi Associates, Ltd. PEMCO Penta Research Incorporated Perkins Technical Services Inc Phase IV Systems Inc. Physitron, Inc. Port of Huntsville Portal Dynamics Portal Dynamics PPG Industries, Inc. PPT Solutions, Inc. Premier Professional Systems Inc. Professional Golf Shop PROJECTXYZ, Inc. QTEC Inc Quadrus Corporation Qualis Corporation QuantiTech, Inc. Radiance Technologies, Inc. RAM Incorporated Raytheon Company RBC Bank Rebecca Rogers, Realtor-Hughes Prop. Inc Redstone Arsenal MWR Redstone Federal Credit Union Redstone Recognitions, Inc. Redstone Village Regions Bank Ridge Industries, Inc. Riverside Research Institute Robbins-Gioia LLC Rousseau's Sporting Goods Awards, Inc. Sanmina SCI Corp. Science Application Intl. Corp Scientific Research Corporation Secotec, Inc. SEI Manufacturing Inc. Selex Sensors & Airborne Systems US Inc Sentar,Inc. ServisFirst Bank SFAE-AV-UAV Shearer & Associates Sigma Services Sigmatech, Inc. Signature Mortgage LLC Signature Research, Inc. Sensing & Surveillance Space Advanced Engineering & Integrated Services 0000011708-01 Compass Bank Computer Sciences Corporation Computing Technologies Consolidated Publishing Company Crawford Office Supply Crestwood Medical Center Dale Technical Services Davidson Technologies Inc. Dayton T Brown DCS Corporation deciBel Research, Inc. Defense Acquisition Inc. Delta Research, Inc. DESE Research, Inc. DHS Systems, LLC Dick,Riggs,Miller & Stem, LLP Digital Fusion Solutions Inc. DMD, L.L.C. DRS Test & Energy Management Dr. Greg Gum (Radiology) DTG AVN Dynetics Inc. EADS North America Defense-Huntsville Eagle Support Services Corporation EG & G Technical Services, Inc. Eleit Technology Inc. Embassy Suites Huntsville Enfinger Steele Development Engineering Management Concepts(EMC) Enrollment Advisors, Inc. EPS Field Services,Inc. ERC, Incorporated Executive Leadership Skills Fastframe First Commerical Bank Five Stones Research Corporation FLIR Systems, Inc. Forell Enterprises, Inc. Fort McClellan Credit Union Ga. Tech Research Institute GE Aviation General Dynamics Arm & Tech Products General Dynamics Ordnance & Tactical Sys GeoLogics Corporation Geotest-Marvin Test Systems,Inc. GH Systems Inc Gleason Research Associates Inc. Global Security & Engineering Solutions Goodrich Corporation GradKell Systems, Inc. Gray Research, Inc. Guesthouse Suites Plus Heritage Club Holiday Inn Downtown Huntsville Huntsville Emergency Medical Services Huntsville Hospital Huntsville Marriott Huntsville Rehabilitation Foundation Inc Page 5 AUSA The Salute July 30, 2008 Redstone – Huntsville Chapter AUSA Corporate Members 3D Research Corporation 5-D Systems Inc. AAA Brown International AAR Mobility Systems Accurate Machine & Tool Corporation AC, Inc. ADT, Inc. Advanced Federal Services Corporation Advanced Optical Systems, Inc. Advanced Systems Development, Inc. Aegis Technologics Group Inc. Aero Thermo Technology, Inc. Aerojet AEROTEK AJA Inc. Alabama Flag and Banner, Inc. Alabama Safety Products Inc. Alatec Inc. All Points Logistics, LLC Analytical Services, Inc. Anglin-Reichmann, Snellgrove & Armstrong, PC Anniston Army Depot AOD Federal Credit Union Applied Data Trends Artech Design Group, Inc. ATK - MRTS Avion Inc. AZ Technology Inc. BAE Systems Barrios Technology, Ltd. Battelle Memorial Inst. Huntsville Beason & Nalley, P.C. Bell Helicopter Textron Belzon, Inc. Berney Office Solutions Bevilacqua Research Corporation BFA Systems Inc. Boeing Booz Allen Hamilton Bradley, Arant, Rose & White, LLP BTC B. R. Williams Trucking, Inc. Camber Corporation Camo Country Military Surplus CAS, Inc. CB Commercial McLain Real Estate CDO Technologies, Inc. Century 21 Steele and Associates CFI Global Solutions Inc. Chandler / May, Inc. Chugach Management Services Cimarron Cirrus Technology Inc City of Madison CohesionForce Inc. Coldwell Banker Premier Colonial Bank COLSA Corporation July 30, 2008 AUSA The Salute Page 6 Athens HS JROTC marches toward successful year The Athens High School Golden Eagle Battalion has completed a very busy year, with competitions, social events, and fundraisers that helped bring us closer together as a team. The year started with an exciting trip to Fort Benning, GA, to observe a 2007 “Rangers in Action” Graduation. During the fall, the program participated in three parades; the Athens High School Homecoming Parade, Huntsville’s Veterans Day Parade, and the Athens Christmas Parade. The color guard has performed in over thirty color guard events including JROTC Day at Alabama A&M University, seven Veteran’s Day events and the Fiddler’s convention. The rifle team has been extremely active this year, with both varsity and junior varsity teams having an outstanding 18-4 record in the North Alabama Air Rifle League. They also performed a 21Gun Salute at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4765 Veterans Day Program The cadet staff planned the Military Ball which was held at the Redstone Officers and Civilians Club. The highlight of the night was the grog bowl; a bowl where the staff pours assorted drinks such as orange juice, apple juice, Sprite, Coke, and fruit punch into a bowl and tasks the top two freshmen in the class to drink from it. The staff also worked very long and hard to pull together a wonderful awards ceremony, where outstanding cadets were recognized, along with a reception afterwards, where cadets mingled with parents, friends, and guests. BRIEFS Industry Briefs John Williams joined Houston-based MEI Technologies as director of corporate business development. Kevin Cook joined Will Technology as chief financial officer. Camino Everson was promoted to chief financial officer at Infinity Technology where he was previously director of finance and accounting. David Cox joined Sparta, Inc. as a senior engineer assigned to the technology assessment division. Cox retired from the Army where he last was a colonel working at SMDC. Cecelia Stephenz was promoted to director of strategic analysis and proposal operations at Teledyne Brown Engineering. Dr. Mel Adams has joined ASE Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Booz Allen Hamilton, as a lean enterprise subject matter expert. John D. Miller, formerly of Northrop Grumman, recently opened a Huntsville office for Selex Corp. Stanley Associates Inc. has promoted Gary Hall to systems director and Lisa Tyree to program control director at the applied engineering and technology division. Tamara Montgomery was promoted to director of program control for the technical services division. Paul Reitmeier has been named president and CEO of Time Domain and will lead the Chapter supports ROTC and JROTC Awards Program During the past few months several members of the RedstoneHuntsville AUSA Chapter have been very busy supporting our Chapter’s ROTC/JROTC annual awards program. As the Chapter’s board members watch the seasons change from winter to spring, during these ceremonies they also watch the true budding of young Americans preparing to serve their Country as citizens and soldiers. The ROTC/JROTC award ceremonies are the highlight of the various schools’ programs each year. These ROTC/JROTC ceremonies are well-attended (300-600 people) by the Cadet’s family members and friends and several community support activities. The RedstoneHuntsville Chapter supports 12 JROTC and two ROTC programs during a normal year. In 2008, the company’s growth in commercial applications for its high-performance ultra wideband and real-time location products in the health care, manufacturing and retail markets. Several key personnel changes have been made at . Damian Bianca, a retired Army acquisition officer, has been appointed president of QuantiTech. Tom Stott was named vice president of Parsons Huntsville. He is the senior officer here for Parsons Corp. and is responsible for their local business growth. Sentar Inc. has added William H. Bump, as a senior analyst; Dr. John M. Siegel, with a focus on developing a biotechnology base for the company; Courtney Langham, as a principal analyst; William Shawn Hill, as a senior principal analyst and Daniel Wittig, as a senior systems analyst. After six and a half years with Intergraph, Roy Willis has retired as vice president, life cycle management (LCM) in the company’s Federal, Security & Intelligence business unit. Tom Young has been named vice president and will lead the LCM unit. Young has been manager in LCM since joining the company in August 2007. Chad Rogers has joined Will Technology Inc. as strategic contracts manager. Rogers has spent the last 15 years in sales management in the telecommunications industry. The National Association of Professional and Executive Women named Rosa Snyder, p[resident of Snyder Technical Services as its Woman of the Year in aerospace engineering. Gary Smith has been named corporate vice president and general manager of DRS Test Chapter provided the following ROTC/JROTC support to award winning cadets: The Corporate Headquarters of AUSA provides the winning ROTC and JROTC Cadets with an AUSA designed medal, an AUSA certificate of recognition and a History award (ROTC only). The RedstoneHuntsville Chapter provides a very professional award package to the various ROTC/JROTC awardees. Our AUSA Chapter recognizes Cadets from the ROTC programs with a paid one-year AUSA membership, a Chapter coin, a framed AUSA certificate and $50 cash. The JROTC Cadets receive a paid one- School Awardees Sparkman High School Columbia High School Austin High School Lawrence County H/S University North Alabama University North Alabama Brewer High School Grissom High School Buckhorn High School Lee High School Athens High School Alabama A&M/UAH/ASU Alabama A&M/UAH/ASU Albertville High School Madison County High School R.A Hubbard High School and Energy Management. Ken Winters is now vice president of business and advanced technology development. Kevin Duke has been named vice president, programs. Mike Hamilton has been named vice president of business development. Steve Cayson joined Intuitive Research & Technology Corp. as director of technology development and integration, Also at Intuitive, Vergenia Shelton was promoted to director of design and engineering support. Government Briefs SSG Anthony Marvan and SPC Kenster Shannon were named Redstone Arsenals NonCommisioned Officer and Soldier of the Year at 21 June ceremonies at the ROCC. Charles Farrior is the new director of the Business Management Directorate in the Army Aviation and Missile Life-Cycle Management Command’s Acquisition Center. CSM Rickey Cooper joined the Garrison in March as its top enlisted soldier replacing the retired CSM Bill Cole. Coopers assignment here follows his return from a second tour in Iraq. Dr. Patricia Sanders, Missile Defense Agency’s executive director retired following 34 years of federal service. She was a member of the Senior Executive Service and recipient of the 1999 and 2005 Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Executives. On 15 May, 1SG Amos Jackson replaced out going HHC 59th first sergeant Jacob Endres in a change of responsibility ceremony overseen by company commander CPT Jacob Quinn. The Army officially promoted William T. year membership, a Chapter coin, a framed AUSA certificate and $25 cash. The Redstone-Huntsville AUSA Chapter proudly supports Northern Alabama’s ROTC/JROTC programs. Congratulations to these outstanding cadets and the schools they represent. Heather Jones Andrew Statz Travis Cartee Ashley Glover James Mahoney Evan Whiteside Scotty Free Clinton Winkles America Green Jeremy Williams Sarah Campbell Nicholas Garner Lesley-Anne Hanson Andrew Hughes Robert Blackburn Kenyette Aldridge “Tim” Crosby, deputy program manager of the PEO Aviation l, to brigadier general. Crosby assumed his current duties last May. Debra Wymer is selected to the Senior Executive Service. She serves as director of technology integration and interoperability for space and missile defense with the Army SMDC and Army Forces Strategic Command. LTC Andrew Hamilton is the new product manager for Ground Maneuver Unmanned Aircraft Systems within the PEO Aviation. He succeeded LTC Keith Hirschman Hamilton comes to Redstone from Fort Rucker. Hirschman is slated for the Army War College this fall. The Medical Repair and Renewal Team received the Teamwork Award. Team members are Crystal Bennett Echols, Michael Mollineaux, Sherene Opichka, Mike Hunter, Rex McLaury, Roger Brosemer, LTC James D’Arienzo, Rob Mackey, Cheryl Renz-Olar, Joseph Serena, Jennifer Cagle, Delores Davis, Gail Wilbur, Shawn Willie, Nancy Wilhite, Paul Daugherty, Althea Rudolph, Donna Parker, Cassandra Mora, Cindy Halbrooks, John Crow, Freddy Steel, Victor Taylor, Steve Feldman and Steve Talley. LTC Gregory Paul is the new Field Artillery Launcher product manager at Redstone. Paul was the systems coordinator for the Bradley and M113 combat vehicles in the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology). LTC Andrew Blanton is the new Precision Guided Missile and Rocket product manager at Redstone. Blanton was assistant product manager for business management and development, PEO Missiles and Space. Page 7 AUSA The Salute July 30, 2008 Bulldog Battalion holds Military Ball On Friday, 18 April, 2008, Cadets, Cadre, staff, distinguished guests, parents and relatives gathered for a night of fun, enjoyment and reflection during this year’s Bulldog Battalion Annual Military Ball at the Redstone Arsenal Officers and Civilians Club. The guest speaker for the evening was Major General (R) Paulette M. Risher, former Deputy Commander for Mobilization and Reserve Affairs, U.S. Special Operations Command. COL Eli Ballard, Commander, 8th Brigade, U S Army Cadet Command and COL(R) Steve Taylor, Executive Vice President, Redstone-Huntsville Chapter, AUSA were also part of the official party this year. The Cadets and their guests, as well as the Cadre and Staff were dressed in their best and entertained themselves with discussion, laughter and adoration. For the Class of 2008, the commissionees could not be any finer. After dinner, the Bulldog Cadre escorted each senior Cadet to the traditional grog bowl and the august gathering charged their glasses and heartily toasted one another. The guest speaker, MG (R) Risher, was impressed by the professionalism embodied by the Bulldog Battalion’s Cadets and the enthusiasm they propagated throughout the entire event. She offered sound advice to the cadets echoing her solid past with warm reflections of how she rallied through the ranks to become a General Officer. The Ball was also graced by the presence of COL(R) Steve Taylor, Mr. Claude Baldwin, and Mrs. Pamela Caruso, all of the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA), Redstone-Huntsville Chapter. COL Taylor officially welcomed the Bulldog ROTC Battalion’s new members to AUSA - 55 Cadets strong - and committed AUSA support to the Cadets of the Bulldog Battalion as they sought to accomplish their primary mission as scholars, citizens and leaders. COL Taylor presented C/LTC Rogers elected AUSA third region president Rogers said. He reappointed BG (Ret) Bob Drolet to another term as Alabama state president and as a region vice president at large. “Bob’s leadership and knowledge of how the region operates and his close ties to AUSA national made him an easy selection for these two positions,” Rogers said. Also reappointed, as region vice presidents at large, were Emily Vandiver and Joe Fitzgerald, both former Redstone-Huntsville chapter presidents. Joining Fitzgerald and Van diver as VPs at large is Steve Humphrey. 0000013221-01 At the annual AUSA third region Spring meeting, John Rogers, former Redstone-Huntsville chapter president, was elected to become the new AUSA 3rd region president. The third region is made up of seventeen AUSA chapters and encompasses the states of Alabama, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Republic of Panama. Rogers began his two-year term on1 July. Within a week of his term’s start he announced his leadership team for the region. “I relied on the proven skills and experience of many from the Redstone chapter in putting my team in place,” SAIC - We take it personally. Solving technical challenges to help make the world a better and safer place through science and engineering. For more information, visit Energy | Environment | National Security | Health | Critical Infrastructure © 2008 Science Applications International Corporation. All rights reserved. SAIC and the SAIC logo are registered trademarks of Science Applications International Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Austin Franklin (Battalion Commander) with a plaque, officially welcoming the Bulldogs as a Satellite Chapter of the Redstone-Huntsville Chapter. AUSA’s overall mission is to serve as the voice of the Army and its Soldiers, to generate public support for the Army’s role in National security, and provide additional support through educational and informational programs. 2008 represents a fantastic and successful year. This ROTC program more than doubled in size, commissioned its first nurse, and made mission for the year! Cadets get to plan and execute all phases of their training and as LTC Harris remarked, “this prepares them to be leaders in the Army upon commissioning as 2nd Lieutenants.” This has been another successful, student-led event, because in ROTC, “We train to lead” and as our motto says, “It’s just too hard to quit!” 0000013331-01 July 30, 2008 AUSA The Salute Page 8
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