by Anna Luther - My Life and Kids


by Anna Luther - My Life and Kids
by Anna Luther
A partnership between My Life and Kids and the b Positive Project
Hi, my name is Anna, and I had three kids in three years. Then I quit my job, bought a minivan and started
wearing mom jeans.
You can read about it all at My Life and Kids, where I share my stories, make you laugh and help you feel
better about your crazy, messy, fabulous life.
Partnering with the b Positive Project
The b Positive Project is a t-shirt and apparel company that creates comfy clothes and tries to inspire people to
have a positive mindset and do good things for others.
As you can imagine, I fell in love with their mission from the start - and that was before I even got to
experience their comfortable clothing!
When we first started talking about ways to work together, I knew I wanted to put together something that
would really speak to women everywhere. Not something that would be preachy or make you feel bad for not
enjoying every second of your life.
I wanted to hear from real women that could inspire you to be positive - or just to have a good laugh.
The Bloggers
I worked with some of my (and your!) favorite bloggers to put
together this fabulous eBook. I hope you love it as much as we do.
Be sure to use the discount code ebookbpos when you visit to receive 10% off your order. As an
added bonus, for every purchase you make using this discount
code, the b Positive Project will send a b Positive t-shirt to a child
battling cancer!
Enjoy - and remember to b Positive!
Help kids
with cancer
and save
use code
Expires 12/31/2013
PS - If you're a company or a blogger that would like to partner
with me on my next eBook, please visit or contact me at [email protected].
>About the b Positive Project
A small company with a BIG story.
Be sure to grab your 10% off discount code
and help kids with cancer!
>Meet the Bloggers
Nineteen popular bloggers share their
thoughts on being positive. Meet them.
Humor is what makes
us human.
- Nicole Leigh Shaw
>Being Positive
We're talking about wrinkles, being nice to
others and depression.
>50 Ways to b Positive
Yes, punching someone in the face made
the list... so did praying.
>Being Inspired
What inspires you? How do you inspire
others? And how do you inspire your
spouse? <wink>
>Being Funny
Did we mention that these ladies are
>About the Author
Learn more about Anna Luther (including
how she cured muffin top!)
You are the
only one who
can turn your
mood around.
- Alicia @ Naps Happen
The b Positive Project is a little company with a big story. We create clothing for those who live life with
passion and purpose. We all encounter tough times, but we believe that in those moments, we also have the
choice to “b Positive.” Rock our gear and keep your head up.
Help kids
with cancer
and save
use code
Expires 12/31/2013
Nineteen amazing bloggers are
sharing their thoughts on being
positive, being inspired and being
Some of their thoughts will make you
think, some will make you cry - most of
them will make you laugh out loud
(don't say you haven't been warned.)
After you're finished, you're going to
want to hear more from these ladies
(trust me!) So we're making it as easy
as possible.
Click here to follow these 19 bloggers
on Facebook.
And - these bloggers make up some of
the Top 35 Most Pinteresting Moms on
Facebook. Click here to follow them on
Follow the Top 35
Most Pinteresting
Moms on Pinterest.
Click here to
follow all of
these bloggers
on Facebook.
Anna Luther
Allison Hepworth
My Life and Kids
The House of Hepworths
Crazy, Funny, Fabulous,
Thriftily DIYing my way to a
beautiful home.
Anna Sandler
Domestic Goddess
Random Handprints
Underachiever's Guide to Being a
Domestic Goddess
Tales from a mom of three living
the New York City dream... in the
New Jersey suburbs.
I'm a 50%-er giving 75%....
Frugalista Blog
Naps Happen
Frugalista Blog
Naps happen... don't lose sleep
over it.
Confessions of a middle-aged
drama queen.
Allison Hart
Motherhood WTF
I'm the mom who makes you feel
better about your parenting.
JD Bailey
Honest Mom
Authentic. Funny. Soul-baring.
And always, always honest.
People I Want to Punch in the
I think the title sums it up. If you
can't figure it out, then go away before I punch you
in the throat.
Meredith Spidel
The Mom of the Year
A less serious look at the world of
Kathy Glow
Nicole Leigh Shaw
Kissing the Frog
Ninja Mom
A blog about what life is really like
after all your dreams come true...
She has a black belt in mediocrity.
Paige Kellerman
Mom's New Stage
There's More Where That Came
Re-Creating Mommy
A tongue in cheek look at figuring
out how to raise babies, feed the dog and love your
husband, without sarcasm.
Kerry Rossow
House TalkN
A fun lookiloo at houses, houses,
Robyn Welling
Hollow Tree Ventures
I share the usually ridiculous,
often sarcastic, sometimes
aggravating, and occasionally even touching tales
of our ventures into parenthood.
Sarah Langtry
Just the Bee's Knees
Design, Creativity, Everyday Life
Follow the b Positive Project
Stephanie Giese
Binkies and Briefcases
One mom's search for balance.
You Know It Happens At Your
House Too
Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest
Follow the Bloggers
Click here to follow these bloggers on Facebook.
Momma of 5, wife of 1. Lover of
my kids, Farmer Bob, wine, and Johnny Depp. Not
always in that order. I love a laugh, and rarely take
life too seriously.
Click here to follow these bloggers (and a few
more) on the Top 35 Most Pinteresting Moms
board on Pinterest.
The public prefers
positive people.
Nicole Leigh Shaw - When my
grandmother (my mother's mother)
died, my mom and her two sisters
needed to go out in search of a wig for
my grandmother to wear during the
It was a sad errand. It was painful
enough for them to face their loss,
never mind undertaking the macabre
task of selecting a hair piece for a
deceased loved one.
And yet, sometime between entering
the store and forcing each other to try
on grey-haired wigs to determine
which of them looked most like their
mom, three grieving women found
themselves in tears from laughing at
the absurdity of it all.
That laughter made a crack for the
grief to seep out of.
-Paige Kellerman
spreads like a
bad virus.
- Domestic Goddess
Allison Hepworth - Being negative is
no fun and only makes you and
everyone around you miserable.
That's no way to live!
We can sit around being depressed, or
we can sit around smiling and laughing.
I'd rather smile.
Tara @ YKIHAYHT - With all the
negatives on television and in the
movies these days, kids need the
positive. They need to know that they
matter, that they can make a
difference, that their positive attitudes
can take them places. It is up to us to
show them how.
Stephanie Giese - I have a son with
special needs. If I start the day with a
good attitude, we all have a better
chance of having a great day. If we
start off on the wrong foot, it is very
difficult for him to recover.
Staying negative for too long makes
me furrow, which causes wrinkles on
my forehead.
I haven't given in to Botox yet, so I
refuse to furrow. - Frugalista Blog
Kathy Glow - I want my kids to see a
healthy mix of emotions from me and
learn how to handle the positive and
fun times, as well as the hard and sad
times. Plus I get way more done when
I am being positive!
Sarah Langtry - I don't want to
look back on my life in 5 years, or
even 10 and only remember the tough
moments. When I'm positive, my kids
and my family are positive, and life in
general becomes much happier.
Meredith Spidel - I often can't
change the circumstances that come
my way, but I do have control over
how I handle things. And I've found
there is usually at least some good
hidden (sometimes very deeply!) in
most things.
Keesha - If I was not positive, I
would be under my dining room table
with a bottle of Wild Turkey and
speaking in tongues.
Seriously, how else can you move on
if you're not positive? How can you
start new projects, parent lovingly and
effectively, and enjoy life? There's no
other way.
Anna Sandler - I think that having a
positive attitude is one of the best
things we can do for ourselves. I try to
remember that every day, even on
rainy days and when it is really, really
cold outside. And Mondays.
Domestic Goddess - Negativity
spreads like a bad virus. If you are
negative and have a conversation with
another person, you transfer that bad
energy on to them and so on and so
If you are positive, however, you can
turn someone's day around, you can
make a difference in someone's, life,
who knows...
Paige Kellerman - I've found being
positive beats the alternative of curling
in the fetal position and rocking back
and forth while children smack you
with plastic mixing spoons.
Also, the general public prefers
positive people, mainly because
positive people spread infectious
laughter and smiles, while negative
people tend to ruin jokes, dampen the
mood, and make dolphins cry.
I start every day reminding myself how
lucky I am and how
is toenough
- Life is hard
grateful for in mywithout
life. constantly focusing on how
hard it is. If I didn't really believe that
my life and my children's lives are
going to be filled with more good than
bad, more joy than sorrow, I don't
know how I'd manage to face every
day of the journey.
Sometimes my kids ensure I'm taking
stock of my blessings at 5:32 am when I
wish I was sleeping, but then I remind
myself I have so many wonderful things
in my life that adding "sleeping-in" to
the list would really be almost too much
good. - Anna Sandler
Allison Hart - Life is hard enough
without constantly focusing on how
hard it is. If I didn't really believe that
my life and my children's lives are
going to be filled with more good than
bad, more joy than sorrow, I don't
know how I'd manage to face every
day of the journey.
Tara @ YKIHAYHT - If you can't
take the bad things that happen in
your life and turn them into some sort
of motivation or inspiration, you
might as well lock yourself in your
room and live a lonely existence on
the internet.
Kerry Rossow - When everyone in
our house was throwing up, and my
son leaned out of his bunk bed and
threw up all over my husband (whose
mouth was open!!!), the only thing we
could do was laugh!
Well, and bathe, but laughing saved
us on that puke-filled night!
JD Bailey - Being positive helps me
manage my depression and be a
better and happier parent and
Robyn Welling - When I'm positive,
I've noticed those around me are
more positive, too. I'm already
grouchy enough without my family
members giving me a bunch of
negative attitude!
1. Laugh
18. Dance some funny.
35. Punch something.
2. Sleep
19. Make fun of your spouse.
36. Ignore stupid people.
3. Exercise
20. Laugh at yourself.
37. Take your vitamins.
4. Smile
21. Get inspired by something.
38. Write down 3 things you're
5. Drink coffee
22. Envision it until it feels
6. Pray
7. Call friends
8. Be alone
9. Go outside
23. Talk it up.
24. Take a risk.
25. Surround yourself with
positive people.
10. Dream
26. Eat well.
11. Get off the computer.
27. Try not to take life too
12. Read something funny.
13. Throw in the towel, have a
good long cry, and then get
over it and move on.
14. Say positive things - not
only to others, but to
15. Sing. Even if it's terrible sing.
28. Spend quality time with
family and friends.
29. Be grateful.
30. Hug your kids.
31. Hang out with your
32. Call your mom.
16. Laugh some more.
33. Meditate.
17. Share some funny
34. Give yourself time to dwell
(write it, tell it, do it!)
but not too much time.
grateful for.
39. Take a nap.
40. Be grateful for what you
have, be mindful of those
who don't.
41. Think before you speak.
42. Unplug.
43. Laugh some more.
44. Curl up with a good book.
45. Go shopping.
46. Share this eBook.
47. Pay off your dept.
48. Poop.
49. Eat some veggies.
50. Wear your
b Positive clothing!
Excitement is
Kerry Rossow - There was a sad day
that my friend had lost someone she
We were sitting on my couch, and it
was so heartbreaking and painful.
After awhile, your mind and heart
need a break from it all.
Through her tears, my friend said,
"Your china cupboard looks horrible."
She got up and totally rearranged my
We laughed until she could cry again.
- Alicia @ Naps Happen
Pinterest can be
a breeding
ground for low
- Allison Hepworth
Sarah Langtry - I find inspiration
everywhere! Reading a good book,
hanging out with my girlfriends,
traveling, scouring the flea market...
they are all inspiring in a sense that
they rejuvenate me and help me clear
my mind so I can focus on what's
important in life.
JD Bailey - My husband inspires me.
He is a funny guy and always makes me
I also find inspiration in women who
are like me - fighting depression and
winning. I read a lot of blogs and talk
with a lot of moms on and offline
about their struggles and triumphs.
Frugalista Blog - I'm inspired by so
many folks around me that I know who
have difficulties, and they are still
smiling and getting through their day.
I know folks fighting addiction,
disabilities, depression, and they still
get up in the morning and do great
things. If they can do it, I can do it.
My children inspire me.
If I could muster up a fraction of the
joy they experience over small things
on a daily basis, I'd be the happiest
adult ever. - Allison Hart
Robyn Welling - I find inspiration
in fleeting, quiet moments when no
one's asking me for anything, and I
have enough time to rub two
thoughts together.
Needless to say, I'm not inspired very
Tara @ YKIHAYHT - I find my
inspiration in my kids. Why not close
the laptop and run in the sprinkler?
Why not turn off the television and
play charades?
We can learn so much from our kids if
we just take the time to.
Kerry Rossow - Raising a family
provides daily inspiration. Between
the vomit and the endless, bizarre
questions, we are never short on the
funny. When my oldest was asking
thought provoking "How did God
know he was God? Who told him?"
questions, my second born chimed in
with "I can burp my name."
Keesha - I have been a dancer and
dance teacher my whole life, so
movement - someone dancing with
passion and commitment - whether a
professional or a toddler inspires me
and makes me happy to the point of
Kathy Glow - I have been through a
terrible loss - my son died from cancer
at age 6. When I first started writing
about his story - I needed people to
keep reading it. It was therapy for me. I
knew people wouldn't keep reading if
there wasn't SOMETHING positive in
my story.
In a way, searching to find the positive
for others, made me stronger and
better able to handle our situation.
Which in turn, inspired others to be
strong in their everyday lives as
Allison Hart - I help people feel
"normal" by openly talking about all of
my horrible parenting, my struggles,
and my failures.
It's not exactly inspiration, but I've
been told that it helps lighten their
load a bit to know that they're not
If anyone emails you that they've been
inspired by me, please feel free to
forward the message so I can send
them some chocolate.
And a survey about how things got so
bad that I inspired them to do
anything. - Paige Kellerman
Allison Hepworth - My goal is to
always build others up when they
read my blog, not have them walk
away feeling inferior.
Domestic Goddess - I try to keep
things light and happy most of the
time, so I hope that I am able to
inspire others to be kind and spread
love and not anger. I like to believe
that in my little corner of the
blogosphere, I'm making a genuine
effort to make the world a better
JD Bailey - A major goal of my blog
is to help other moms feel like they
aren't alone in their struggles. Moms
who are fighting depression or simply
dealing with everyday parenting
frustrations come to my blog and
Facebook page to know they aren't
alone, and that what they're dealing
with is quite common.
Kerry Rossow - My life
shenanigans make others feel better
about themselves. They can hold their
heads high and proclaim "At least, I'm
better than her!"
Frugalista Blog - I try to show
people that there's more to life than
being perfect. It's about loving who
you are and trying to accept yourself,
quirks and all.
Keesha - I wish I inspired my husband
by example. But he inspires me to be a
little more laid back. Just a little.
Nicole Leigh Shaw - I inspire my
husband by providing him with clean
Sarah Langtry - Positivity and
encouragement are the best form of
motivation for kids, err... husbands.
They all need to have their egos
stroked just a little sometimes.
Allison Hart - My husband is a
natural pessimist. I'm a natural
optimist. In the end, no amount of I
told you so's changes the way he
thinks, even though none of his dire
stress-mongering ever comes to
Although he won't admit it, I think he
really appreciates my optimism, and all
of my I told you so's.
Oh, he's inspired alright...
- Allison Hepworth
Domestic Goddess Besides the
obvious? I keep our conversations
going. We laugh all the time. We get
downright slap happy some days
where we can barely finish a
sentence. We have the same sense of
humor too, so that helps a lot.
Frugalista Blog - I flash him my
boobs every once in awhile. Hmm,
actually not sure if that inspires him.
Honestly, I have to be the voice of
reason for him sometimes. He can get
very cynical, and I have to be the
Pollyanna and remind him of all the
wonderful things in his life
Robyn Welling - My husband once
told me the magic words to end our
disagreements, and I scoffed, thinking
it would never work. So the last time
he made some snide comment about
how I didn't load the dishwasher right
(or something), about 10 minutes into
the "conversation" I looked him
square in the eye and took his advice.
"Shut the hell up," I said, which for
some reason made us both laugh so
hard we didn't feel like fighting
Paige Kellerman - Lots and lots of
motivational speeches. I don't know a
man who doesn't love a good, 8-hourlong lecture on remembering to close
the cabinet doors.
Kerry Rossow - We all know the
answer to this question. Next?
80's music heals
all wounds.
-Kerry Rossow
Allison Hart - As a mom, I have to
roll up my sleeves and get involved
with other people's bodily refuse on a
far-too-regular basis.
It sucks to have to clean up a toddler,
her bedding, her crib, her walls, her
ears, hair, nose, etc. after she decides
to spend nap time painting with the
contents of her diaper. It's awful, and
the task would be unbearable if not for
Instead of lamenting about my lot in
life, I wrote a funny blog post about it
in my head while I cleaned up. Each
time I experienced some new insult oh, is that shit in MY hair now? - I got
to chuckle to myself thinking about
how I can make that funny for other
people to read.
is one of the
funniest jobs
on the planet.
Jen @ PIWTPITT - Humor is like
oxygen to me. Even the worse
situation could use a dose of hilarious.
Allison Hepworth - Humor is the
quickest way to bring a smile to
someone's face and help them have a
better day.
Nicole Leigh Shaw - Humor is what
makes us human. Sharing a good
laugh? It makes life worth living.
Sure, pictures of cute puppies make
people smile, but a blog post that
makes you snort coffee out your nose
will keep you grinning for hours. If you
have the ability to make someone
snort coffee out their nose, then you
have a rare talent.
Meredith Spidel - Laughing... praise
God for it! When life is just downright
sucky sometimes, if you can laugh at
things, it's just such a relief. And if I
can make others laugh or feel less
alone while we are buried in
mountains of diapers, dirty laundry,
and annoyingly perky soccer moms, I
consider the day a success!
Stephanie Giese - When we lose our
sense of humor, that's when we start
letting the mommy martyr syndrome
take hold - and that's no good for
It is your obligation as a human to
share that talent with others.
Tara @ YKIHAYHT - I love to use
my sarcasm and humor to bring a
smile to even the grumpiest of faces.
Even when that face is on a four year
old body.
Kathy Glow- When I am down or
being negative about something,
humor can instantly change my mood
around like magic. It's amazing the
effect it has to make me see a
situation in a whole new light.
Laughter is contagious, and I would
rather spread giggles than
negativity any day of the week.
Paige Kellerman - Humor is the
only way to cope with what happens
on a daily basis.
- Domestic Goddess
I strongly believe humor is God's way
of saying, "Sure, someone wrecked
your car, but this fart joke will keep
you from losing your mind."
Jen @ PIWTPITT - I think that
motherhood is one of the funniest jobs
on the planet. How many jobs require
you to wipe butts, let people ogle you
in your most private moments and
require you to always take the vomit
hit? (That carpet is worth a lot more
than my sweatshirt.)
Paige Kellerman - I use a lot of
humor. Or, as it's also know
throughout the world, "gin."
I think so many people take
themselves way too seriously and a big
laugh could lighten the world.
Alicia @ Naps Happen - I suspect
that the humor in my parenting style
currently goes largely unnoticed by
my kids. Both my husband and I tend
to freely revert to nerdy parent jokes
in front of them, using any old big
words we feel like using.
Anna Sandler - Having fun with my
kids and making them laugh is just
about my favorite part of being a
As a result, I feel like my life is a little
like a good animated movie appropriate for kids, but funnier for
adults. My blog is a representation of
that. It's clean, but ridiculous.
When I'm stuck with a less favorable
part of parenting, like asking them for
the fifth time to take their feet off the
table, instead of yelling, I just sing my
request music theatre-style, jazz hands
optional. Works like a charm.
I joke with my kids a lot in hopes
that they'll develop a sense of
humor - so I can like them when
they're older. - Allison Hart
Meredith Spidel - Is there any way
to parent without humor? If I didn't
laugh, I would cry. I'm so grateful for
all my real life and online friends who
snort with me every time we can
check off another epic parenting fail.
From the absolute crazy, like having
the nearest Amish fire company come
rushing over to rescue your son from
the car you locked him in, to the
more everyday experiences, like
having your child lay down in the
middle of the grocery store aisle and
start temper-tantruming for "rainbow
goldfish", you've gotta laugh... and
then give yourself a pat on the back
for surviving another day.
Domestic Goddess - I answer their
1,000 questions a day in different
accents, I walk funny, skip, jump or trip
when I go to get them something.
I pretend I fall over most of the time, I
sing like an opera singer when I need
them to do something. It always makes
them laugh, and it certainly gets their
I use humor in everything I can to
make things fun for my boys.
Frugalista Blog - We are constantly
laughing in our house. How else would
anyone survive parenting?
My life is a constant dialogue of fart
and poop jokes and my daughter has a
razor sharp wit telling me my boobs
look like dehydrated pieces of fruit.
Allison Hepworth - Parenting is
hard, so you might as well do it with a
smile. I can either yell at my kids and
be really strict with them and we can
all be miserable, or I can let them be
kids, laugh with them, and they can
look back on their childhood with
fond memories of their parents joking
around with them and not getting
mad when they dropped the gallon of
milk on the floor.
Kerry Rossow - When the tension
is thick in our house, 80's music heals
all wounds.
When in doubt, fire up the Go-Go's
and humiliate yourself! Sometimes,
the issue at hand needs to ditched for
some boogie time. It's really hard to
be angry or worried if you are doing
the running man!
How can I NOT laugh at all that!
There is an opportunity for a joke in
just about every situation.
Nicole Leigh Shaw - I parent with
sarcasm. I don't recommend it
though. Kids are fast learners.
Kathy Glow - Living with five males,
I am definitely not above using
bathroom humor!
Keesha - My kids were driving me
nuts one day. Rather than totally
losing it, I began chasing them
around, making pinching motions and
saying in a silly voice, " I am going to
pinch you!" We all had a good laugh.
Anna Luther is the mother of three little kids, the driver
of a minivan, and the wife of the very patient (and
smoking hot!) Even Steven.
Author of the blog, My Life and Kids
(, Anna shares her stories and makes
you feel better about your messy, crazy, fabulous life.
Whether she's sharing pictures of other people's messy
houses (some of them are shocking!), or sharing her tip
for bedroom bliss (who knew a drinking straw could do
that?), you're sure to laugh when you visit My Life and
Anna is the author of two popular eBooks - 75 Ways to
Have More Fun at Home and FUN! Holiday Traditions.
She is also the Social Media Director of Productive
Parenting, and she's one of the Top 35 Most Pinteresting
Moms on Pinterest.
Most importantly - she discovered the cure for muffin
top (and you don't even have to put down your donut!)
Want to be featured in the next eBook?
If you're a company that would like to partner with Anna
on an upcoming project, or a blogger that would like to
be included in the next eBook, please visit for more information.
Find Anna here:
[email protected]
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