Oland Brewery Halifax, NS


Oland Brewery Halifax, NS
Oland Brewery
Halifax, NS
Oland Brewery
Environmental Leadership through Innovation
Oland Brewery pursuing a dream to be the Best Beer Company in a Better
World, focusing on environment, giving back to our community and
promoting responsible drinking.
Oland’s employees use variety of management systems and tools to reduce
consumption and achieve goals, but attitude, awareness and engagement
are equally important.
Employees are passionate because they have a significant impact on waste
management, water and utility consumption.
Innovation Program encourages employee initiative and involvement
45 improved sustainability ideas implemented in 2010, 36% more than 2009
Available to improve environmental performance at other Labatt breweries
These innovative ideas produce better environmental performance, leading
waste management and diversion practices.
Leadership in
Waste-Resource Management
94 energy/utility ideas implemented in 2010 – more than double 2009
– Oland Brewery fuel consumption decreased by 6% in 2010
– Water usage down 3%
– Installed two natural gas-oil dual-fuel boilers to better manage resources
and reduce carbon emissions
– Replaced 800 HID fixtures with T8 fluorescent units - consume less than half
the energy.
– Reduced and repositioned nozzles to increase rinse efficiency and reduce
can rinser’s water consumption by 50% - saved 3,600 cubic meters of water
Achieved waste diversion rate of 99.42%
Fuel Usage 2009 vs. 2010
Water Usage 2009 vs. 2010
Electricity Usage 2009 vs. 2010
Recycling Rate
Waste Diversion Rate 2009 vs. 2010
Innovation in Diverting
Materials from Waste Streams
Implemented 93 waste-reducing Innovation Program ideas
New colour-coded container system at can line improves waste recycling - leftover
stretch wrap rolls reused
– 5 tonnes of food waste through lunchroom program
– 160 tonnes of label pulp
– 17 tonnes of beach woodchips
– 17 million kilograms of brewers’ grain and yeast
– 1.4 million kilograms of baled paper
– Employee Initiatives:
• Recycle bottle caps, plastic wrap, aluminum, office recycling, fluorescent light
bulbs, batteries, scrap metals and electronic wastes
99% of waste is diverted from landfill through reuse and recycling activities
Generation and Fate of Spent Grains
Mash filter to
Spent Grains
Spent Grains to
Animal Feed
2010 Recycling Rates for By-Products
By-product Material
Green Procurement Policies
Suppliers required to comply with Better World green
procurement policies
– Chemicals delivered in large totes that suppliers collect for reuse
– Chemical and raw material suppliers deliver in bulk to reduce
number of containers and shipments
– Plastic pallets and draught containers reuse
Significant Diversion of Waste
Partnered with NS Recycling to collect plastic waste
Baling cardboard from Distribution Centre for recycling, avoiding
Generation and Fate of Bailed Cardboard
Bottom Saws
to the baler
Baler to the
paper mill
Recycled Content in Packaging
Beer bottles reused average 17 times before recycling
Oland Brewery bottles contain 70% recycled materials
Cans are 100% recycled materials
Nova Scotia’s bottle deposit system ensures that about 98% of beer
bottles along with the cartons are returned to the brewery
The result - in 2010:
– 1,564 tonnes of glass diverted from landfill
– 17.87 tonnes of aluminum cans recycled
Generation and Destination of Glass Cullet
Line rejects from saws,
omni and candling
go to cullet bin
Cullet bin is picked up
and used to create new
septic beds or new glass.
Generation and Destination of Aluminum Cans
Can line and
can rebate station to
the can crusher
Crushed bricks of cans
go to a local metal
recycler for resale
Oland Brewery encourages, rewards creativity in search for
innovative ideas to reduce environmental footprint
Oland Brewery and its employees have significantly reduced water
and energy consumption, improved recycling rates and diverted
waste from landfills
Oland Brewery and its employees realizing dream to become the
Best Beer Company in a Better World
Oland Brewery