SFCC Facts 2013-2014 - State Fair Community College
SFCC Facts 2013-2014 - State Fair Community College
SFCC Facts 2013-2014 3201 West 16th Street Sedalia, MO 65301 (660) 530-5800 www.sfccmo.edu Data Sources-Institutional Research and Planning, and Marketing and Communications Produced by Marketing and Communications 12/2013 SFCC at a Glance Established The Junior College District of Sedalia was established in an April 5, 1966, election as a result of a dedicated campaign by the Sedalia Jaycees and several local educators. Mission SFCC is an accessible, learningcentered institution, enriching its students and community by providing skills, knowledge and perspectives essential for a changing world. Mascot and Colors Roadrunner | Blue and white Enrollment Fall 2013 Credit students ............................ 5,185 Credit hours .............................. 52,090 Online students ........................... 2,332 First-generation students .............. 905 A+ students (receiving A+ benefits) .... 1,058 GED students .................................. 496 Basic Skills students .................... 1,318 Full-time enrollment ................... 2,744 Part-time enrollment ................... 2,441 Female ........................................... 3,318 Male ............................................... 1,867 Average age ....................................... 25 Missouri students ........................ 5,022 Out-of-state students ..................... 156 International........................................ 7 Missouri counties represented ....... 63 Financial Aid 2011-2012 Percent of all students receiving aid...................................74% Average aid package of all students............................. $5,524 A+ SFCC has participated in the state’s A+ scholarship program since 1998, which pays for tuition at Missouri community colleges for high school students who qualify. In fall 2013, SFCC had 1,058 students who received A+ benefits. Accreditation SFCC has been affiliated with the North Central Association (NCA) of Colleges and Schools since it was founded. Correspondence status was granted in 1968. Full accreditation was granted in 1976, 1981, 1988, and 1999. SFCC became accredited through admission to the NCA/Higher Learning Commission’s Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) in 2005 and continues to be accredited on an annual basis. 2 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS Program Accreditation • Automotive Technology – National Automotive Technicians Foundation (NATEF), an affiliate of the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) • Construction Technology – American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) • Dental Hygiene – Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) • Nursing – Missouri Board of Nursing • Occupational Therapy Assistant – Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) • Radiologic Technology – Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Certificates and Degrees Awarded 2011-2012 Skills Certificates ................................ 4 Professional Certificates .................. 64 Associate degrees (AA, AAS, AAT, AS) ...................... 673 Total certificates and degrees ...... 741 Contacts Athletics (660) 530-5808 | sfccmo.edu/athletics President (660) 596-7222 Website sfccmo.edu Box Office (660) 530-5814 | sfccmo.edu/thearts Residence Hall (660) 530-5854 | sfccmo.edu/housing Campus Map sfccmo.edu/collegetour Café and Catering (660) 596-7235 Safety and Security (660) 596-7110 Campus Phone Numbers Sedalia ................................(660) 530-5800 Toll-free ..................... (877) 311-7322 (SFCC) SFCC-Boonville .....................(660) 882-3090 SFCC-Clinton ........................ (660) 383-1600 SFCC-Eldon ..........................(573) 348-0888 SFCC-Lake of the Ozarks .......(573) 348-0888 SFCC-Whiteman AFB ............(660) 563-3358 Campus Store (660) 530-5840 | sfccmo.edu/bookstore SFCC Foundation (660) 530-5811 | sfccmo.edu/foundation Daum Museum (660) 530-5888 | daummuseum.org Student Services (660) 530-5830 Donald C. Proctor Library (660) 530-5842 | sfccmo.edu/library Admissions (660) 530-5833 [email protected] sfccmo.edu/admissions Financial Aid and Scholarships (660) 530-5834 | sfccmo.edu/ howtopayforcollege Connect with us! facebook.com/sfccmo facebook.com/sfccmoalumni facebook.com/sfccmoclinton facebook.com/sfccmoboonville facebook.com/sfccmolake facebook.com/sfccmolibrary facebook.com/davismpc facebook.com/sfccmothearts facebook.com/sfccmoadvising facebook.com/daummuseum facebook.com/goroadrunners twitter.com/sfccmo pinterest.com/sfccmo linkedin.com/company/state-fair-communitycollege linkedin.com/groups/State-Fair-CommunityCollege-Alumni Academic Records and Registrar (660) 530-5829 Fred E. Davis Multipurpose Center (660) 530-5808 | sfccmo.edu/ multipurposecenter Adult Education and Literacy (660) 596-7389 | sfccmo.edu/ael Human Resources (660) 530-5825 | sfccmo.edu/jobs Advising and Resource Center (660) 530-5831 Learning Force Work force/professional development .................(660) 530-5810 Lifelong Learning .......... (660) 530-5822 STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 23 Challenges and Opportunities • Increasing student retention and completion • Increasing percentage of full-time faculty (currently 18%) • Advocating for increased state funding and alternative revenue sources • Managing enrollment growth, particularly in allied health programs • Developing the next phase of the campus master facilities plan • Fully integrating and implementing Continuous Quality Improvement principles • Promoting the Energy Innovation Center incubator • Increasing and improving student and academic support services • Revising the strategic plan that embraces a shared vision among stakeholders • Keeping costs low for students Employee Profile Fall 2011 to Fall 2012 Full-time retention rate.................60% Part-time retention rate ................35% Full-time graduation rate within three years (2009 cohort) .............22% Spring 2013 Faculty ............................................. 413 Full-time ......................................... 73 Part-time....................................... 340 Staff ................................................. 152 Full-time ....................................... 114 Part-time......................................... 38 Licensure Pass Rates 2011-2012 ...................................^97.4% 2010-2011 ................................... *98.2% 2009-2010 ................................... *96.5% ^Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Radiologic Technology, Dental Hygiene, CNA *Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Radiologic Technology, Dental Hygiene Tuition 2013-2014 Fall 2013 through summer 2014 semesters, per credit hour: In-district .......................................... $98 Out-of-district ................................ $131 Out-of-state .................................... $196 International................................... $229 “I’m attending SFCC at Whiteman in order to complete my CCAF degree, and then I want to transfer to a four-year university. I like that the classes work with my schedule and are close to my home. Plus, SFCC is very military friendly.” ~Amber Rash, Warrensburg 22 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS Retention and Graduation Rates Residence Hall—$1,813 per semester, plus either a 19-meals per week plan with a $1,300 value OR a 15-meals per week plan with a $1,200 value Alumni Profile There are more than 12,000 graduates. Currently, alumni are defined as those who receive a certificate or degree. SFCC Foundation Endowment $8 million Board of Trustees Gary Noland, president Judy Parkhurst, vice president Randall D. Eaton, treasurer Kip Salmon, secretary Ron Wineinger, member Patricia Wood, member President Dr. Joanna Anderson “I chose to attend SFCC because I can use my A+ scholarship, which makes college really affordable. I want to be a nurse and help people, and SFCC is helping me do that.” ~Caitlyn Ridgway, Boonville STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 3 What We Offer Credit Degrees and Programs Transfer • Associate of Arts (AA) • Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) • Associate of Science (AS) Career and Technical • Skills Certificates • Advanced Driveability • Architectural Drafting • Automotive Chassis • Automotive Electrical/Electronics, Heating/Air Conditioning • Automotive Transmission, Driveline and Axles • Basic Business Competencies • CNC Operation • Control Technology • Electro-Mechanical Technology • Machinist Level 1 • Machinist Level 2 • Maintenance Management • Manufacturing Production Technician • Mechanical Drafting • Nurse Aide • Pharmacy Technician • Pipe Welding • Structural Welding • Solar Electric Installation • Sustainable Agriculture • Professional Certificates • Agricultural Business • Agronomy • Automotive Technology • Computer Aided Drafting Technology • Machine Tool Technology • Medical Coding • Nurse Aide • Office Support Services • Pharmacy Technician • Practical Nursing • Total Productive Maintenance • Welding Technology • Associate of Applied Science (AAS) • Accounting • Agriculture • Agriculture with Emphasis in Horticulture • Agriculture with Emphasis in Sustainable Agriculture • Automotive Technology • Building Materials Merchandising • Business Management, Management Specialty • Business Management, Marketing and Retail Specialty • Business Management, Office Management Specialty • Computer Aided Drafting Technology • Computer Information Systems with Emphasis in Accounting • Computer Information Systems with Emphasis in Programming • Computer Information Systems with Emphasis in Web Development • Construction Technology “I chose SFCC because it’s close to home, and I can use my A+ scholarship. I’m getting a quality education at an affordable price, and the teachers and staff go out of their way to help you.” ~Kathryn Fergerson, Osceola SFCC is affordable! 4 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS *Source: http://dhe. mo.gov/data/statsum. Tuition and required fees for 30 credit hours a year, 2011-2012; SFCC costs are for 2013-2014. Comparisons do not include the cost of books, transportation or room and board. $20,662 $7,499 $3,930 $2,940 SFCC (in-district resident) SFCC (Missouri resident) Missouri public Missouri private college or college or university university STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 21 SFCC Foundation The SFCC Foundation began in 1981 with a single check for $2,000 from J. Higdon and Bernice Potter, who wanted their estate “to benefit the young people of this community.” Led by a volunteer board, the foundation supports the mission of the college and has assets of more than $8 million. The foundation manages more than 50 endowed scholarships that provided $94,000 in scholarships to SFCC students last year. “I’m attending SFCC and using my A+ scholarship. My plan is to study mechanical engineering and transfer to a university. SFCC’s staff and instructors’ primary concern is student success, and Ms. Colvert is just one great example. After taking her Trigonometry class, I knew SFCC was a good fit for me!” ~Andrew Lewis, Clinton 20 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS Since 1981, the foundation has given almost $14 million from bequests, major gifts and endowment fund earnings. The foundation spearheaded several capital campaigns to build the Fred E. Davis Multipurpose Center, Daum Museum, and Heckart Science and Allied Health Center and to establish student scholarships. Thanks to generous gifts from friends of the college to the SFCC Foundation, many buildings on the college’s 128-acre campus have been constructed or remodeled and programs have received funds that enhance student learning inside and outside the classroom. • Criminal Justice • Dental Hygiene • Diagnostic Medical Sonography • Early Childhood Development • Health Care Specialist with Emphasis in Nurse Aide • Health Care Specialist with Emphasis in Pharmacy Technician • Health Information Technology • Industrial Technology with Emphasis in Electrical Maintenance • Metals Technology • Metals Technology with Emphasis in Machine Tool Technology • Metals Technology with Emphasis in Welding Technology • Marine Technology • Network Administration • Networking with Emphasis in PC Technician • Nursing • Occupational Therapy Assistant Paraprofessional Educator • Radiologic Technology • Renewable Energy Technology with Emphasis in Biomass Energy • Renewable Energy Technology with Emphasis in Solar Electric • Renewable Energy Technology with Emphasis in Wind Electric Noncredit Programs The Learning Force SFCC’s Learning Force is a team of industry and business experts and instructors who provide noncredit courses and training that are critical to strengthening the work force and enhancing the quality of life in the college’s 14-county service area. These opportunities, designed to equip, motivate and develop the whole person, include the following: • Customized work force knowledge for business and industry • Professional development skills for companies and individuals • Enrichment classes in culinary arts, dance, language, computers, fitness, and much more AEL services are free and provide individualized and group instruction in the following areas: • High School Equivalency Test (HSE) preparation • English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and U.S. Citizenship test preparation • Language arts, reading or mathematics skill building to prepare for college or improve job placement Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) • AEL’s mission is to empower individuals through education and knowledge and promote learning as a lifelong process that is necessary for living well in our changing society and workplace. “You’re never too old to start new. I earned my GED at SFCC, and now I’m working on a teaching degree. I’m showing my children that education is important.” ~Doerthe Burke, Cole Camp STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 5 Who We Serve Sedalia Taxing District and Service Area CARROLL The taxing district, designed in 1966, includes Benton and Pettis counties. The city of Otterville was added to the district by annexation in 1985. In 1995, state legislation expanded the college’s service area to include Carroll, Cooper, Moniteau, Cole, Morgan, Miller, Johnson, Henry, Saline, St. Clair, Hickory, and Camden counties. Boonville SALINE Otterville Eldon COOPER JOHNSON PETTIS COLE BENTON MILLER CAMDEN HICKORY Clinton Warsaw CARROLL SALINE COOPER JOHNSON PETTIS MONITEAU COLE HENRY Locations Taxing District landfill in Pettis County. Funding for the center has been received from state, regional and federal sources, including a $1.8 million Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant. Camp Pin Oak Training Program Energy Innovation Center • Convert methane gas from local landfill into electricity for college and community energy needs • Provide educational and training opportunities in advanced energy systems • Provide an incubator for emerging businesses to research, develop and prove next generation energy technologies On Sept. 3, 2010, the historic dining lodge at Camp Pin Oak in the Lake of the Ozarks State Park was struck by lightning and destroyed by fire. Gov. Jay Nixon pledged to rebuild the 3,800-square-foot structure because Camp Pin Oak had been an important place for “Missouri youth to experience nature, learn valuable skills and create lasting memories.” MORGAN ST. CLAIR Whiteman Air Force Base Lake of the Ozarks MONITEAU HENRY To date, more than 70 participants have enrolled in programs and utilized the grant funding. Through the on-site classroom, students rebuilt the lodge to its original grandeur with today’s amenities while earning associate degrees in Construction Technology and valuable on-the-job experience. The dining lodge reopened in October 2013. SFCC has used the funds to develop courses and programs in Machine Tool, Welding and Industrial Maintenance. Funding also provides tuition assistance to eligible students. MORGAN BENTON ST. CLAIR MILLER Camp Pin Oak is located in SFCC’s service area, and within a few months, a partnership between the state and SFCC created a unique training program that would both educate students and rebuild the lodge. In fall 2011, SFCC students began a one-of-a kind learning opportunity at the camp. In 2009, a public-private partnership between SFCC, Waste Corporation of Missouri, Kansas City Power & Light, and other partners formed to develop a center and acquire funding to hire consultants, a curriculum designer and to construct a building and power generator on a five-acre site at the Waste Corporation of Missouri central When the center is completed, it will accomplish the following objectives: Energy Innovation Center CAMDEN HICKORY August 2013 6 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 19 The Daum Museum sheds light on the stimulating complexity of modern and contemporary art by collecting, preserving, interpreting, and exhibiting artworks created since SFCC has used the funds to add a Diagnostic Medical Sonography program, expand offerings in the 18 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS 07 3 5, 11 5 $1,596 $1,514 2010 2011 2012 5, 82 3 $1,758 26 4, 50 7 6 3, $2,717 30 2, $2,605 $2,393 $2,428 3, 3, 14 3 3, $2,496 91 6 06 2 39 1 3, $2,884 3,000 $2,655 1,000 $1,964 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2013 State Appropriations per FTE Student Enrollment Credit Hours (Fall 2002 - 2013) 52 ,0 90 0 50 ,9 79 .5 .5 25 ,0 52 ,8 10 . 49 0 .5 80 ,5 44 0 .0 34 ,7 12 0 27 .0 ,9 33 0 92 ,0 30 .0 00 ,4 29 .0 0 0 .5 99 20,000.00 30,000.00 ,0 The $15 million statewide MoManufacturingWINs program is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and administered through the Missouri Community College Association. 40,000.00 30 50,000.00 0 In 2013, SFCC received $996,000 to meet the growing work force needs of the manufacturing industry. .0 60,000.00 02 MoManufacturingWINs 75 0 To date, more than 130 participants have enrolled in programs and utilized the grant funding. 3, 29 0 4,000 2,000 Radiologic Technology program, and train additional students in CNA, CMT and Phlebotomy. Funding also provided tuition assistance to eligible students. 4, 3 5,000 5, 18 5 6,000 ,2 The funding is part of a $20 million grant awarded to 12 Missouri public community colleges and Linn State Technical College by the U.S. Department of Labor and administered through the Missouri Community College Association. (Fall 2002 - 2013) 33 In 2011, SFCC received a $940,500 grant to expand its allied health programs and train workers for health care jobs and careers. Student Enrollment Head Count 00 MoHealthWINs By the Numbers 3. The museum boasts nine galleries on three levels, with a combined area of 9,300 square feet. The permanent collection consists of approximately 1,000 objects and includes paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, ceramics, and sculpture created since the mid-20th century. It features significant works by Andy Warhol, Ed Ruscha, Helen Frankenthaler, Robert Motherwell, Peter Voulkos, Betty Woodman, Louise Bourgeois, Linda Connor, and Ansel Adams. “I was offered a job before I even finished my clinical rotation.” ~Andrea Sommer, first student to complete Phlebotomy class 95 With generous financial donations and gift of a large oeuvre of artwork from local, retired Dr. Harold Daum, the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art opened in 2002 on SFCC’s Sedalia campus. The Daum offers three or more exhibits a year featuring the works of local, national and international artists in addition to displaying pieces from the Daum’s permanent collection. the mid-20th century. In concert with SFCC’s faculty and students, the Daum works to enhance the cultural and educational life of the college, the city of Sedalia and communities in the college’s 14-county service area. On average, more than 900 area elementary school children and their teachers participate in a special art experience called the Daum Escape each year, and more than 12,000 people visit the museum annually. Admission is free; for more information visit www.daummuseum. org or call (660) 530-5888. 31 , Daum Museum of Contemporary Art 10,000.00 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 7 Enrollment by Location Doing Quality Right (Fall 2013) 21 228 483 427 Sedalia - 37% 27 10 405 Lake of the Ozarks - 7% Whiteman Air Force Base - 4% Dual Credit - 7% Warsaw - 0% 2,448 Clinton - 6% 2,332 Eldon - 1% Boonville-Boonslick - 0% Online - 36% Boonville-Kemper - 3% 187 Enrollment by Student Type (Fall 2013) 4 2 4 80 189 {4%} Continuing - 53% 50 338 {7%} ~Cody Walker, LaMonte Dual or advanced credit - 12% 1 First-time freshman - 23% 1 81 Prime Time learner - 0% International freshman - 0% 1,191 "Being in the welding program was a great opportunity, and I was able to still work full-time and complete the program." 51 Lifelong Learning - 0% New freshman - 1% Returning - 4% 616 Personal interest - 1% Transfer - 7% 2,556 SFCC’s journey toward a culture of continuous quality improvement began in 2003 when the college decided to participate in Higher Learning Commission’s Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) for maintaining accreditation with North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. In 2005, SFCC applied for AQIP admission and was accepted. In November 2008, SFCC submitted its first Systems Portfolio and received appraisal feedback in February 2009 that identified the college’s strengths and opportunities for improvement. In February 2012, the college completed an AQIP Quality Checkup visit and received a successful report in March. Following the checkup, a team of peer reviewers from the Higher Learning Commission reviewed SFCC’s Reaffirmation of Accreditation and recommended that SFCC receive continued accreditation. The college submitted its second Systems Portfolio November 2012. While a large component of AQIP is the reaccreditation process, an equally important piece is fostering a culture of continuous quality improvement at the college. Thus, the foundation was laid for SFCC to incorporate Doing Quality Right throughout all of the college’s units and departments. In December 2012, the AQIP Oversight Team and improvement teams were replaced by the Quality Council, which consists of a member from each division of the college, a Quality Champion and an Executive Leadership Team facilitator. The Quality Council ensures integration and documentation of continuous quality improvement principles throughout SFCC by focusing on these key responsibilities: • Implement a project management system • Provide training and resources in improvement practices and tools • Support and monitor quality improvement projects • Review, document and communicate improvement projects to the college community One result of a continuous quality improvement initiative is the college’s recent development of the SFCC Report Card. It includes five performance indicators - credit hours produced, completion rates, fall-to-fall retention rates, financial performance, and customer satisfaction. Grades are determined by identifying benchmarks and collecting and analyzing data. The Executive Leadership Team reviews the data and uses this information to assess and revise, as necessary, goals and objectives that affect the college’s strategic plan concerning the performance indicators. urself Grading O Ca Report rd 2012-13 d s Produce Credit Hour e at R n Completio etention R l al Fall--F rformance Financial Pe n Satisfactio Customer ction (A)) fa tis Sa ee x Employ (B) tisfaction Student Sa x ctiv Overall Effe eness A C+ C AB+ B 7 GPA: 3.0 3 rev. 8/5/201 Visiting - 1% International transfer - 0% Continuing ability to benefit - 0% 8 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS U.S. Air Force GEM - 2% STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 17 Fine and Performing Arts Residence Halls Theatre Arts annually presents three main stage productions, a children’s play, and student-directed one-act plays utilizing two facilities—the Stauffacher Theatre and the Thompson O’Sullivan Studio Theatre. Dinner theatre productions also are presented. The college offers a residence hall and one renovated home, all well equipped and individually wired for personal network/Internet connections. About 120 students reside in the halls. The Music Arts program generally presents three performances each year–fall, holiday and spring. Each production showcases the Chamber Choir, Jazz Choir, Jazz Runners, and small vocal and instrumental ensembles. The Stauffacher Artist & Lecturer Series brings to campus quality performances by nationally known artists and lecturers. The Daum Museum of Contemporary Art on campus features a collection of abstract paintings, drawings, prints, works in clay, and sculptures created since the mid-20th century. Numerous visiting exhibitions also are presented. Trained volunteer docents are available to provide tours. Enrollment by Program of Study (Top 10) Fred E. Davis Multipurpose Center This state-of-the-art facility features a 180-yard indoor walking/jogging track, two full–sized basketball/ volleyball courts, a weight and fitness center, a large multi-use room, and two seminar rooms. For more information, contact the Davis MPC at (660) 530-5808 or visit www.sfccmo. edu/multipurposecenter. (Fall 2013) Associate of Arts 2,855 Associate of Arts in Teaching 218 Business Management with Emphasis in Management 124 Early Childhood Development 117 Health Information Technology 108 Athletics SFCC is home of the Roadrunner men’s and women’s basketball teams and Spirit Squad. SFCC is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association, Region 16. For details visit, www.sfccmo.edu/athletics. For event details, visit www.sfccmo. edu/thearts. “SFCC has one of the best nursing programs in the state. My goal is to be a labor and delivery nurse, and I’ve learned that studying and effort get you much further in life!” Health Care Specialist 103 Practical Nursing 64 Criminal Justice 62 Industrial Technology with Emphasis in Electrical Maintenance 59 Metals Technology with Emphasis in Welding Technology 58 ~Delanie Ellebracht, Pilot Grove 16 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 9 Highlights Academic and Student Support Services Employment Outcomes (2011-2012, career and technical graduates) 350 308 300 250 Donald C. Proctor Library 208 200 150 72 100 50 1 15 0 12 Not available for placement Not employed Serving in the military Unknown status 0 Competitively employed • Advising and Resource Center (ARC) • Advising and Counseling • Testing and Career Center • Access (Disability) Services • Café and Catering Services • Campus Store • Student Achievement Center • Adult Education Literacy (AEL) • English as a Second Language (ESL) and U.S. citizenship • High School Equivalency (HSE) • TRiO • Tutoring • Upward Bound • Student Success Center Continuing education 10 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS Total graduates Located in the Yeater Learning Center, the library has 35,000 books and videos, thousands of print and electronic journals, numerous academic databases and 22 public access computers with Internet connection. Hours are 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 6-9 p.m. Sunday. Technology Resources • More than 800 computers in academic classrooms, labs and administrative offices, all which are connected to a campus-wide network • Classrooms equipped with SMART Board™ technology • Portal that provides access to course and group tools, calendars, announcements and student email • Individual residence hall rooms equipped for campus network/ Internet connection for personal computers • 24/7 help desk • Student Help Center • Internet access in the Donald C. Proctor Library and in Parkhurst Commons on the Sedalia campus; and wireless access at Sedalia, Clinton, Boonville, and Lake of the Ozarks (network login required) Community Use of Facilities Call Lifelong Learning at (660) 530-5822 for information about reserving and renting meeting rooms for community use. I want to make the lives of people around me better, and studying to be a nurse is the first step. I truly appreciate the support I receive here, and the faculty believe in students and want us to succeed.” ~Kenneth Watts, Clinton STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 15 Comparison of Higher Education Appropriations Budget Missouri Universities and Colleges - University of Missouri System - Four-Year Universities/Colleges Revenues $25,339,960 (2011-2012) $707,801,525 {84%} Linn State Tech (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013) $2,351,064 {9%} Tuition and Fees Missouri Community Colleges State Appropriations Local Property Taxes $3,291,090 {13%} Other $4,989,275 {20%} $14,708,503 {58%} $129,507,142 {15%} $4,570,639 {1%} $43,595,002 {34%} “I’m a returning student, and the most important things I’ve learned at SFCC are how to be a student again, and to ask questions when in doubt.” ~Sheridan Garman, Osceola 14 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS $25,733,699 {20%} $5,092,146 {4%} $7,313,206 {5%} $30,318,270 {23%} $7,470,409 {6%} $9,984,410 {8%} St. Louis CC Metropolitan CC Ozarks Technical St. Charles Jefferson SFCC Other colleges (Receiving less than $5 million) East Central - $4,984,993 Moberly - $4,909,643 Mineral Area - $4,797,111 Crowder - $4,399,905 Three Rivers - $4,260,897 North Central - $2,381,150 Expenses $23,625,967 $1,510,863 {6%} $176,233 {1%} $1,820,329 {8%} Instruction Institutional Support $2,611,393 {11%} $6,031,881 {25%} Operations and Maintenance of Plant $11,475,265 {49%} Student Services Academic Support Other For Bruce Holden, Whiteman AFB, SFCC is “all in the family.” “My wife just recently graduated from SFCC, and my daughter is currently attending. I attended because it’s on base and convenient, and I wanted to earn my CCAF degree. It’s a very friendly environment; the teachers are professional and helpful, and the classes are not too big, so there’s more one-on-one time.” STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 11 April 1977 – SFCC received its first accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. SFCC Through the Years 1966-2013 April 22, 1985 – The Fred E. Davis Sports Complex was dedicated Aug. 1986 – The college conducted its first online enrollment. Sept. 16, 1968 – SFCC first opened for classes. ▲ Sept. 28, 1995 – The Potter-Ewing Agriculture Building was dedicated. Feb. 1997 – Dr. Steve Poort became the third president. ▲ Dec. 1, 1967 – Fred E. Davis became the college's first president. April 10, 1968 – The college officially became State Fair Community College. ▲ Sept. 29, 1972 – A new student union building was dedicated. ▲ June 6, 1970 – SFCC held its first commencement, graduating 42 students. May 1973 – The college bought 113.87 adjacent acres. March 15, 1974 – The area vo-tech school (AVTS) began offering classes ▲ April 6, 1966 – The junior college district was formed, and the first board of trustees was elected. April 1998 – The foundation launched its “Making the Difference” major gifts campaign. ▲ July 10, 1977 – Ground was broken for the vocational-technical building. May-June 1980 – The agriculture energy project was dedicated. ▲ April 17, 1988 – The William C. Hopkins Student Services Center was dedicated ▲ May 13, 1968 – Trustees voted to buy 15 acres to construct interim facilities. 12 | STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS ▲ Dec. 12, 1976 – The Charles E. Yeater Learning Center was dedicated. Feb. 5, 1985 – Voters approved a 15-cent levy increase but voted down a 12-cents/$100 assessed valuation bond issue. July 1, 2003 – Dr. Marsha Drennon became the fourth president. Oct. 27, 1999 – Open house was held for SFCC’s residence hall. Jan. 28, 1981 – The board voted to file Articles of Incorporation for the J. Higdon Potter Educational Foundation ▲ Sept. 12, 2008 – Heckart Science and Allied Health Center was dedicated. June 1984 – Dr. Marvin Fielding became the second president. ▲ July 21, 1971 – Ground was broken for the auto-tech building. ▲ Jan. 26, 2002 – The Daum Museum opened. ▲ March 11, 1995 – The Stauffacher Center for the Fine Arts was dedicated. ▲ Oct. 19, 2001 – A grand opening ceremony was held for the multipurpose center. ▲ July 1, 2013 – Dr. Joanna Anderson became the fifth president. STATE FAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACTS | 13
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