eO o~!.Q - American Bonanza Society
eO o~!.Q - American Bonanza Society
AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY NEWSLmER ~&-L--_ • Editor : R.lph G. HM.loop eon .... Publi,h.,. : Arntr,can uSOciety . lnc. CHEMUNG COUNTY AIRPORT S.,....Inv Elmj,.. A,.•• HORSEHEADS, N.Y. 14845 16011139- 5515 Cir-eul.tiOtl : 5144 January 29, 1976 Page 565 Volume 76. No.1 BONANZA OF THE MONTH • ~-.G·\ .. " . eO O @,O o~!.Q • '.. . I , tI", ' t; . ( "-'. . I Ow ; , • • As thirty years of continuous production of the Model 35 Bonanza approaches, it is interesting to note the sophisticated equipment with which the new models are being delivered from the factory. The compact instrument panel presentation is a compliment to the current state of the avionics art. N4080S, a 1975 V-35B, is owned AMERI CAN BONANZA SX:IETY NEWSl ETTER 'I publi sn.d monthly , IXClpt for the month of ~t. ANIu.1 rnemtlvttllp ct"M I' $1000 of "",",d'I $1.00 I' th4 suMc"Iphon prlU to the Amerjean Bonenu So,., .~y N.... 'I .tt ... Se<OI'Id C' II ~ Plat ll)t I)8 ld .t W.t~ , " ' Glen N V 1£891 January 29, 1976 Pac. 566 NEWS AND VIEWS· BONANZA or THE MONTH--CONTlNUED FROM non PAGE by ~~. Gaoah_lan, MD. ABS 13926. 24 Pion.ar Dr., Welt Hartford. CT 06117, and !. Oario ~. ASS '4939, 96 Huntar Dr .• Walt Hartford, CT 06107. Hera 1. what they .ay about thair Bonanza and It. equipment: "You may whh to consider N4080S lour 1975 V-3SB (0-9728), lor Bonanza of tha Month. Thi, 1, the lirat 80nanza to U'I the naw Kina Fe 200 .y.tam and va. u••d to obtain tha STe. W. hava nov flawn 80S for 100 hour. and have notblnl but rava comment. to make about both the airplana and tha flilht eontrol autopilot .y.t... .om. "Savini recently &&da • hnlthy ... rch for a new plana to raplace our old raliabl. Dabonalr, 57570. v& vera .urprl.ad to ••• hov many autopilot. actually ara poorly ra,ard,d. Thi' 1•• 0 to the point wh.r. apolosie. for this and that are al.o.t sacond natura. Our ex~.ri.nca ~rior to the King system, h.viaa baan ralativelv 11aited in tha •• unit •• probably doe.n't allow. fair a~~rais.l, but we can •• y that thi. unit 1. excellent and p.rticularly helpful tor the .io,le-pilot IFR mi •• lon. Altitude hold mode i. i.pre.aive, a. ara the approach c.pture and track .ade •. Th. annunciator p.nel i. a Ire.t id.. .nd aiv.. in.tant .tatu. of the sy.t •• in •• tapla and unobtru.iv. vay. Evaryona who hal .a.n it in oper.tion loe. avay 'sup.r impra .. K,' procl.1ain. it the new .cADdard. oaa fi:Dal ca.aent on this unit i. that Kinl hal damonatrated a 'b.yond the call' attitude to inaure prop.r function and cu.to..r aatiafaction. What f.v bUla va hava uacov.red hava b.. n handled lllitbout quutiollS .nd .t no exp.lUe to u.. Thl. vaa true av.n to tha extant of raplac1na orilinsl boxes and .arvoa which had b.an u ••d DOt only for STC but for dav.lopaent vh.n new production unit. bec..e available--a ~.t tapr ••• iv •• how of IDOd faitb. "Attach.d 11 tha equip.. Dt U.t for 40805.· w. plan to add the .tand-by I.narator. AVIONICS tQUIPHENT Kial: Lonl-lanl. tanka lX-1701 v/ll 510-01 Supar Soundproofial lX-1701 ~I 201e Int.rnally Lilbted DI 73 Convartar InattuaanU J:II 65 IlK! 6-Proba CRT/EeT CaUl. KN 20 v/U-40 knot. Map Lilht Indicator Alt.rnate Static Air KR 85 ADF v/RI 225 Haatad Pitot Tub. KT 76 Tranapond.r External Pov.r KCS-S5A Slav. Gyro Sy.tea 3-Stroba Sy.t.m KFC-200 Fliaht Control Top B.acon Syst.m ['oor Lisht B.ndix Encoding Altim.tar H.adraat. Avionic. Kaat.r Svitch Laraa CarlO Door 5th & 6th Seata Shouldar Karna.. Sy.te. Urethana Paint "Lookiol this over, we .hould tel1 you that w. raally don't work for (ina Radio. "Our b.. t vi.he. and conaratul.t1on. for tha fin. job that tha AlS pedorma." SILICONE DRY LUBRICANT SPRAY AND NITROGEN FOR TIRES A law veak. ala, John !:!.. !:!.!!.!.!!.' ABS 1809. Kiopood Park, Poulhkeep.ie, NY 12601, flev in for a vi.it. John ' . a livina hi. tory book of aviation--over 33,000 bour. in everythinl trom a Can.dian J.nny to a Pitcairn Autoairo and a DC-S. K. i. al.o an A&P vho do •• much of the maint.nance on hi. own Bonanza and turbo Baron. I r .... b.r evo aUlle.tions he p••••d on to •• durinl hi. conv.r.ation. The flr.t va. the u.e of .ilicon. dry lubricant .pr.y on control cable., hing ••• pull.y., uplock roller., etc. Thi. lubricate., a. v.ll ~. act. a. a wat.r and corro.ion repell.nt--p.rticularly when the pl~ne i. tiad down or parked out.ide a hanlar. The Jry !pray doea not coillct du.t and dirt a. oth.r lubricant. ~isht do. S.condly, h. mention.d carrying a small cartrid •• of nitro.en la. in hi. plane. He u.e. nitrol.n for infl~tin8 hi. tir •• ( .. y. the airlin •• hava found that nitrog.n prolong. inner tub. lif. by eliminating oxidation of the rubbar, and I understand nitro,an do •• DOt chan,e pres.ura due to t.mperature chaoae.) and for inflatioa lear .trut. and charling propeller.. He caution. ~ to u•• C02 tor inflatins .trut. or in propellar. but that it ean be us.d for inflating tira.. Wh.n C02 i. u.ed whare it come. in contact with hydraulic tluid, the C02 is di•• olved by the fluid. and the .trut Iradually loa. down. Thinkiol you have lOIla leaky "0" rIna" IIOra CO 2 ia add.d. but it only h.pp.n. Alain. linelly, when tha valve i. tak.n out to .ee what i. the .. ttar, tb. CO 2 ca.aa out like fa .. , coy.rini .v.rythinl, and i ••xcaptionally hard to cl ..n out . t.lph C. Ha •• loop Executiv. Director IN CASE YOU MISSED ntIS "PEllSONAL" AD Thanks to Ron Wil.on, ABS 15217, of Endicott, NY 13760, we'v. r.c.ivad ~opy of the f01lowinl p.r.onal .d from a popular tr.d. paper. We're ,eprintina it fat your enjoyment. d.latinl tha nama .ad addr.... We're not cartain wh.ther or DOt the advartis.r 1s an ABS ...b.r. In any ca .. , we hop. th. ad va • • ucc ••• lull "OLD lASHIOK!.D PIIDT with old f .. hioned Sonenza, both airwortby, de.ir .. to e •• t fly1nl inclined lirl. Pilot i. mid-40's a.e, aid-1940' • ..atality, collel. I~ad profa •• iODAl, world trav.lad, occa.ioaally consid.red hand.ee., blond, blue .y •• , 170 lb •• , orilinal .quipment t.etb, No A.D.'. or r •• trictions, is addictad to old airplan •• , old car., old hou.e. and old play.r piano., but i •• ocially obaol.te in modern cruda, rude, nud., Ilued lanaration, and can't stand rock-n-toll ~.ic. Bonanza i. hilhly poliabad aatural fin1&h .howpi.ce. Girl .hould b. natural fini.h, viII poli.h a. r.quired. Mu.t accept love trianale arraDlesaDt: H., Sha, and Bonanza. Ring & T-hanaar kay to rilht lirl. S.nd .tatus and airlra=e .pacificationa to: Chief Pilot, Airlin.a, ~~~~~~~~,... ' HOUlton, tx 71036 . Younl widow. ova1n1 a.achcraft duler.hipa liVeD prtaa consideration. " THOMPSOII AND 1lCMAC run PUMPS USED 011' E:18' SERIES ENGINES • • Dur Ialph: We ar. elvay. .urpr1lad whan .omathina lika w.ar in the Thomp.on fual pump used on the £-185 •• ria. Continental .nlin•• in early Bonanzaa .udden1y reappear.. When w. r •••• rch tha backaround of the pump, it i. obvious how this can occur. Wa h.ve .nclo.ad • copy of Thoap.on Product. Service Bull.tin ESD-lS2A, dated January 22, 1955. While it 1. r.alized the bulletin v•• i •• ued 20 y.arl alo, .ome .echanic. workinl on enlina. today with this pump .till in ••rvice wara babie. at the tia., .0 it ' . e•• y to se. how the condition could be overlooked. Tha Thoep.on Service lull.tin va. liv.n me.nlnl by the FAA wh.n they i •• u.d AD 5'-26-2 (Editor'. Nota: S.a pa •• 493 of tha Navalatt.r). Th. AD .pecifie. that the Tl-IIDO •• ria. fuel pump pin. be raplaced .ach 100 houra unl ••• a TF-1900 puap 1& inna11K. Tha TF-1900 pump i. the .... a. the TF-llOO pump ezcapt a laraer drive pin VII u.ed. Th. TF-lloo pump could b. lIOdifhd by enlaraina one hola and inatallinl the lariat' pia. In addition to the FAA AD and Tho.p.on Bulletin. I ••ch notifiad it. di.tributor., daaler., and •• rvic. at.tion. of the Thoapaon lull. tin on Daceab.r 7, 1955. Mo.t .nlin. ov.rh.ul .hop. would b. avar. of the Thomp.on Bulletin, but the pilot own.r vho overhauls hi. own .alina or the A&P machaaic workin, ia hi. own .hop mAy po •• ibl, ov.rlook the old bulletin or, vot •• yet, mAy f.il to ov.rhaul the .nain. acc •• aori.a which inc Iud. the anain.-drivan tu.l puap. Durin, production of the E-lS3 •• rie ••nline., both Thomp.on and RoGac puap. v.re u.ad. W. h.v. includ.d a copy of B•• ch S.rvic. Letter rei•• ued January 5, 1949. and reviaad a,ain in February, 1953, that covar. modification of the fuel pump. Fortunately .nliaa-driv.n fu.l pump. are very reliable, .0 it liven r.a.onable care, they vill ,iv. Ions, trouble-frea .ervice. J. Norman Colvin Project Servica Ealineer Be.ch Aircraft Corporation • January 29, 1976 • NEWS AND VIEWS ED1TOR'S NOTE: Th. Thomplon Products, Inc., Service Bulletin ESD-182A and the B.ech Service Leeter that cover modification of the Romac fuel pump are reproduced herein for nev ownera of older Bonanza • . The Thompson Produce., Inc., AD 55-26-2, which J. Norm Colvin refar. to in hi. letter, can ba found on page 493 of the March. 197 5 Nevll.uer. '-&-Jl .. V- leoC_1I; $. Tilt pump 1n 'OCONt,noo w1tn tno ~;ljlUQOIIlo 1nltl"ll.otlonl ou.tl1n.4 ln rotlronlll Full 1'11.'111 :lAndb ook . ~\!!I!e 110401 ~ 'M"-P fl2f1 It-ll-L-''-':-f_I _1 SIIIJiCTI RII'!RDCII THOMPSON SMAU. i:Ul:Ni-DRIn!I' Ah1) If)'roR - DIUVin 1UEL COIfVUSIOIf 0' 1 1 TF - 190) 'rF-1991 'M"-1920 01'1 .... 1' AU 0)"101C"17) Parte Catal o, !~rl~:t!:;; t!!Ji:~:!!~tL1nc tM 1Ib&ns" OlolU1zI,M tier.L.a. tu ~ IQDIPHIJft' U'PICTIZ)I SMll ru.l PWI;II, I".od11o TI'-P6f6.0.I. 'l'P-llOO-I. !P-llOOtll, rP'-1.200Kl, 1'F-UOO_), ~-l)OO-l . !7-1400-Z, 17-1100-1, 1'P .. lI~OO, UN, " " trult'r Piliii' Mltd. lDOorpore.tlnc tile .. pwnp•• Il)1W'l't7ICo\tIOII iW.l aa...o.r. ot .041t1l4 WIlt. wUl h \,Ind..r "DUCftIUIOlf 0' CIfAKlli". AI lndl0.tN .. CCOtIPLnIC,z1r.'1 Ie 1. r " _ . nd..d. ellat til' Ch.U!c .. Ololtl.1M41. a.rl1ft o. ... Clqt11.1114 &C IIIzt o"rnalLl ot tM NbJ.u P'*P" • ;)UCflIPTIOI 01' Cc:..llJi: ttu. Gonver .lon lQ'I'oh,. tile _Db,1nlna; ot tile .... 1 0...,.111( tau oC PU.lllP 11n.r, al.o, til.. ropleu • • nt or tb.. PIU!Ip rotor , oirhor. '114 4rh. pIn. It will b. . . 0~pl111l14 ln till toll°wLac ",.. nne"l 1. £111 ......ole tb.l PI.I.I:IP ana 1II'p.ot in "ooorcl&tlo. wlth tM ".hr ..... ~ook.. I II .. 4d.1Uon, d.l.oard. ebl rotor, ebe oirh.r, .nd. ehe oirh. pin. ::::ir!g;l 0!nom:o~~n:r!:: 7F- z900 Si'iCLU. TOOLS II:IQUIHl%h RoCo" 11. Orl'l'or TF- 190) 7F-1991 TF-Z420 ~l'1Vor rF - t ( 0) rF - l'J91 ZF- 22ZO :totor 11. 01'1'1'01" 1 1 1 ':'F-l'JO) ','F-1Q91 ';'-2220 Drhlr 1 1 1 TP -190) '!'I"-1C,91 '!'P- Zflzo ". T~' - lq91 lKl..l!h tw....!!2a. .LT-19)1 ft' -Z.!)! 'l'P-17)1 a. lI:otor and. oir1'1" .o4DlI, '1'111 '0. ,""II " nOU~$ :t..;WIJoIwll 'eldl tiona!. iIt.IGIfr CIlAI:,)';, 1/4 -.n-bo!,uo N.l!!!:l L6lbli . ACCUSORUS :lIVIStOX puMP lOOY ASSEMBLY t TNI """ACI Mlm' H SQUAItI: WITH OP MAlI... WITHIN DOl TOTAL fC)tCATOfII "IAOI,.. SUft,....CE MUIT II 1'11111: '11l0III AU. TOOL IM_ • pln r 'pl.a.ltIIDnt will '0, tb.1 .... tor . 11 SCIIIATCHES • MUIT TO 'LUI,. GIIO~ MACHINI THIS SU"'ACE OITAIN DIMENSION TO ()II' 'lolp.r.ld" OJ .lolp .....d..4 'OJ Jl. wIll b. 1IIICl. aoo ord.1nc to A'-)478 1"-11Z0 1"-lZ2O-1 fr-l)lO 'l'P-la2O 1.4'4" 1.415. .'Ht MIN. t IM tollowll'11l 1m . .1111:1.1< 'HA~ EDell: .lolp." ..G" .upor.Nd .upO"O"" 'UP.,. ..ctN , up'''IDd.ct 'OJ 'OJ '07 'OJ b7 oas-.o"s FIG-V!!, ! Attlr o.,lnina; tnt ol1&nf.. outl1f11ct 1ft CM .bo .... parl&rap"'. PIIIIP 1104.1 wll1 h lIOel1tloct I I 11".4 bolow, rtaIb.". Cb.tMI • ot 0"rb.lu1 ...pprozUlatoly • n. ...T tw...!2. 4. At elmo iJlUI!raJUroll Si:RVICE Di:PU'l'KEH'%' rr-2611 17-110) tr-uU D.olnr ,.."l ..... Rotor "'1"-r b. It 11 1'.1O_1\40d. tnac .11 PII.III, body ... ..,111. tP/II '. 17-11)1 • TF -12)1, .nQ 't'. ' -17)1) lncorpDractd. 1n PIAqI& .net In Itook' b. r _ r kOd to tn. cont l(tlu'o.ti on lhown 1n r' l GIU'I 1. lKl..l!h I\oto" Un pt. •• It 1. ",,_ond.od. tbat .U rotor. (P/:I tr -UO)), ,In. (1/1 -r.:o-U91 I, 'nd. Uhor. (P/I/I. Ai'-J47d, 17-1120. IT- 122O- 1. 1'1-1)20, 'M Tr-lf1Z0) l noorpol"lctcl ln PUI!IP' 'M 1n Itoc k h &cr'pp.d • Rlworkld. 1'P-U)1 Ro tor IfOM . ::'!I:I::~l~1 ti~~":~l~4s't :!:'~iPPMlK1- 'I F-1.2) l flotor Pl. ;)ISI'OSI'rIOn OF II:EKlVUl UMS, Z. d.J~llUIlon I I .boVD ln rl.6un 1. 1I:\,Il:Ibl" It.., ebe "'"' bMJ part DIIIIII ... Db. the OI,Itl1," ot tb. p~ l:loelJ. tlU. "Iwork ot eb, p~ '0041 oMI:Ic" U. 4"!.cnaUon AI tollowil Ol'l~lnal pt. TI'- 22.20 'l'bCll.p.on i!;l'IIlnt - Drh.n P'u..l 'WqI il&n4boolc, Ho4.1 n'-llOO-2. Fo1' ChI U,S. D.plll'Uwnt of D,t.n"1 To lncr •••• PIClp Ut. &n4 l'.lh0111tJ. Dul to tu 11 ....nd. 10uUon ot tbl oirhl pln In tb.1 roto r, l t 11 110 .. 101. unUr .... td." 0plr.tlne ,ond.ltlon. tor tM oirhl ~obaD1I. ~o bl rlrMllfOM Rocol' Tl"-190) T. " . bRS-l - JJ (Porm'1'l,. AIf O)-lOiC -161 KUIO:lboak Ov.zobauJ. t.~~~~~~j4(r:~"'17 pt. tlrlv.r '0' "' ', JmlIOIl roR CUA!!GEI !lOtor A1-4i164 1 1 1 'l'b.l. bllll.cln 'llp.t'I.d .. lI:.SD-le2, dated. l"U-5S. :Io:'l!!l~l·t!:!:E! 1 1 'l'!IOKUOI 'IU;D~. IJC. Cl.IVWIm 17. 01110 lOtI. ~ TF-190) ·.'f'-199l 1 1 'rp" Mid.l MOUNTAIN CKAPTER ?RESIDENT RESIGNS Ben R. Boutell , Jr., ABS #889, of Denver, CO, recently informed chis off ice of his resignation as president of the ABS Mountain Chapter due to "the workload for national and my own personal re.ponIl1bil1tit!s." He asked that this announcement be placed in the Newsletter and hopt!s someone else will voluntee r to pi ck up the Mountain Cha pter torch and con~i""Je its activities. Anyone interested shou ld co nt act Ben and/o r the ABS office. Cruise to Zacatecas. many other places is scheduled Contact Joe Justin , Noeth North 47th St., Milwaukee. WI January 29 , 1978 Pap 588 NEWS AND VIEWS O.. r Sir: SERVICE LETTER ) 5-515 WTo\UATlOM 0' AN UTlIUIAL ADlUSTMIJrfT 0' TKI PUlL rtnU' Th' \&at ~c P\ap Coapl "' 1'111 d."' l o~ In uUrNl IclJloWt. .nt tor til' Ion.n.. !'ue l ~P. ~ preMnt .dJl&abll!nt requ1..NI on t he ,..., .... 1 11 'd J IoIIt~ b, ,d: ;'..j '~'~ W1t l'l the ~_ or tM P"'''Ut'e N U ll' n lYl eap 1M tlW pr. . ,\Ift b), .. "",ll y chlne1ne <; ". lenet h or tn. 'prtne. ,".!uI UDl I .... 1·' . c,,, ~ J ~l.I rn ::,: c t tl • • C"'" ~ ~ :I . l o n o n : 1': ' wh! e t. enlnc,. tn. ~n.t.::.d. :'Ul 1 , " .. UN ... y on ::"11 b.1 O" of erA ..., 1." I! 'P I"l l h :' vi lv i .prlr: ". The :'01 :owt :11 In l tNct: onl I l"t f o t' :1'11 Inl:,l1at1on o r ' ''.lul e, b l , v, h , CIPI ...... thl <; )w ,..... : 0. '1" ION" ClP t a l" U ... . blck 0:' th. fue J • • ft. ... " . 2. ''-Il10''1 t he eap , •• ltet 1M .... 1". 'prln,. "".. It uy bl n.o ••• .,·)' to rework tM .tI. . l CO ... II' to obtaIn t he ".oe ..u',. ole,ranc, Mt....n tfMi puap and the .". . 1 Cl OVU' tor the 14JIoI,n,1I1, val,. ClP, Th, 00"11' . . ,. " b~ down wtth 1 1tMr ttblr puno h o r , b.ll peln "--t'. Thl uUnt o t elle NWOrit wl:' l .,. dltll"ll1ne4 b,. t hl 'PICI requ~ NCi ';0 perw.1t Intry o r tn. •• 1.. np Into tM PUllp . ". In,u ll tnl Iprln, IUldl. e ,Ur. toll Thl nll«:t portlon ot t l'le I\lldl :'lU tnto tM I prl nl. (S. . . kl teh l . It t hl IPrLnc I\l1dl 11 In,u ll«s b.eIN.rd. ~t ~. poll l " 11 tor tM re. a ir prlne t o bl bott0.e4 una ,.I"Il1Uln, th. p~ to blollld IlP In .IUI.IU." prel~ a . t M reU.t .,.1'11 11 nat to ru.nat1on properl,.. .,.1 ... '''le , . t nlull tn• • dJ\aU"l. 01, with ,aa kaU lnto tbe , . . . . TiJhtan and .. rat,.. 6. s.t tha adJ\at1n, ICI,... '0 that tM d.u,," ruel prelillN un be . . lnt.lnH .t o",hlft,.nd Id111\1 ,.,.. lit Mo. 3'·'1, 11 ''1'111.b l 1 tro. ,.Otoll' !.UCHCI'IJIt' dlltrlbloltor . .... thll la .n IllJlro._nt e"a",I, al\1 COlt ot Inltallauon -.111 be I t thl o\&.toto. . ,, ' , I'Plna •. tt=.~~-- .. nM --- ..... . . - . lL.,..II..,.II--.,..........T PROPOSED !KG IlEQUIRDiENT--l10RE SAFETY OR MORE REGULATION? Hara'. a lOod qua.tion for tha ABS to con.id.r aa a membar.hip. And .11 you doctor. who don't mind speaking out on a controv.r.ial .ubject, lat'. haar your viewpoint. tool It hal rac.ntly be.n .nnounc.d that tha FAA i. con.idarina iapl ... ntina a raquiremant that all cl ••••• of -.dical axamdnatlona include a requIrement that two typal of EXC'. b. mada a part of the azaaination. To a nonaadical pIlot, the ~dlata re,ult I , th.t th.re would ba .n added expan,. for this .dditional raqulra.. ot. My quutlon II would thl. additIonal co.t to all pilot. be jUltified from the racord and from a medIcal point ot vI.". SiDea tbe AlS haa a laraa nu.bar of m-.barl of tha -.dIe&! prot ••• lon who .r. activ. pilotl and 10m. ara daaianated -.dical ex.. in.rl, it i, .y f.allog that thay .hould b. haard from al rhi, would con.titut. the bes t forum for .n intalli.ent datarmination of t he propo. ed raquiramant • Rog.r J . Jones, ABS '3604 19 Wa.t W•• hington St . Ath.n. , OH 45701 STABILIZER ATTACH FITTINC INSPECTIONS STATUS In ordar to provide tha l.ta.t information conc.rning the .t.biliKer attacb fitting in.p.ction., wa talkad with Bora Colvin ot aeachcratt to a.t tha ,coop at praa. tima. Th•• tock of 35-650044-1 fit tina' 1. b.ing rapl.ni.h.d . To dat •• a••cbcraft baa fabricatad and .old • b.tch of 40 and • batch of 50 fittl0'" Apparently the pric. of arouod $120 i. cbaap .nouah to own.r. wh.n you campara the removal .nd in.p.ction co.t of $150 to $200 or mora .v.ry 1,000 bour.. !hey hay. 100 10 thair .hop being fabricated and ~aet to hava 25 don•• hortly. Thar. i. a not.tion that .u.t be mada durina tha installation of the nav fit tina. It covar, the fact that there ara thra. or fo ur ri~at. that ara io the trt. tab pu1lay bracket which lnt.rfar witb tha inatallatioa of tha nev fittia •. Tharafora, tha.a rivat. ~t b. replacad with flulh h.ad riveta. Coneemina the plDdln, attach fittinl bolt in.paction, tb. raquir ...nt will b. for dye panatr.nt inlp.ction of the bolt. . Since this proce•• ot inapection doa. not raquir ••• atina m1Qt.~/aaxt.u. to1arane •• , there i. no furthar inap.ction r.quir.d. Thara are four bolt.. If they paa. (the r. have only baen two that h.ve not p••••d ) . they do not naad to ba r.placad. If you d.cida that you want to rapl.ca tha •• bolt •• they ara •• tandard t ypa, part no. AN7-l5A, and thay mult ba inlpactad in the .ama IllADn.r, which th.n add. an "M" eo the part number, .nd they b.co.. AN7-lSAK bolt.. Th. corract torque v.lua for inst.llation of the •• bolt. 1. from 550 to 560 inch/ pound a . • .0.. Tha following acco unt may ba of 10m. ha1p to a Bonanza own.r who find. an exhau.t atud twi.ted off in the cylindar. The R. E. Moor. Co., Inc •• 60 K St., South Bolton, MA 02127, haa an .xcellant tool for raaoving tha brokan .tud vithout t.king off tha cylinder. Th. l.ft r •• r .tud of No . 6 cylind.r of my [0-470-C v.a tvi,t.d otf. Du. to clo,. qu.rt.r., this i. problbly the harda.t .xhau.t .tud to a.t to on tha anlina. By followioa tha in.truction. furni.had with t~e tool, the stud va. removad vithout d... g. to the thraad.. A n.w "fir.t over.izad" .tud va. put in . Tha tool com •• COIllplate vith accalaoria, and in.truction.. A 90· drill bit attachmaat to • drill i. naad .d. In li.taninl to tha tap •• mada at tha Hinn.apolis convantion on tha 10-470 .ari., angin., a qua.tion wa. a.k.d ebout removing tha Allan plug at the bottom of the 011 .cr •• n .ump on tha r.ar right .ide ~f t he , ngin •. For y•• r., I have remov.d this plUI wh'n changing 011 and l.t it drain a. lonl a. tima parm1ta--ovarnight or long.r if po •• ibl.. rhi. aliminat •• much dirty oil and sludae and k •• p. tha nev oil clean much longer. Saa the . tory on page 282 of the Novemb.r. 1972 Naw.l.ttar. William Smid, ARS 6613 Rt. 11 , Rox 267 Edinburg. TX 78539 • • • January 29, 1976 Par. S89 NEWS AND VIEWS SAFETY TIP: IF ON RUN-UP. YOUR TACH COES to "0," WHAT IS THE REASON? Our Ralph: LaIc month I vas taxiing out to r taka-off, and Just while 1 va. in the proce •• of advaacinl my throttle to do mag chack. , the tachometer f ell to "0." My firs t thought v •• that the tach cabl. had broken, and t taxied off the run-up area t o myoId . . intananca s hop f raa vhen I lived in Shreveport, LA (which luckily w•• adjacent to the particular run-up area ). and ahut the anl!na down. When they fouad my tach cabl. intact. thay pulled the oil pump, which had ,h •• red ita shaft. I wal 10 sura of the cau •• of the p ro~lem and igno r ant of the internal workings of the angina that I did not even think of oil pump failure and ~ln.nt eng ina failure . Fortunately choUlh, ana Ina shut-down was before any damage •• a v.ri fled by oil screen in.pection and ~ubsequen t all anely.l.. However. it mlght be well to point out that on many angi nu (mine 11 an 0-4 70 - C in an "K" model). tha tachomatar driva is off of the oil pump s haft. end f.ilure of the taehometar shnuld immediately .and one'. attention t o hi. oil pre •• ura. It 11 abo intare.tina to not. that tha oU pump vhich tail.d had. hollow lhaft. and tha raplacam.nt part had a solid .haft. Tha FAA said tha part which failad was co rract .nd could nOt find any AD. on th.t angina. I do not know whan Continantal made tha p.rtl chang.; how.var. I hava WTittan tham and viII sand you • copy of tha ir reply . You hava to b. unlucky to h.va an oil pump failure. but to h.va ana on run-up . . . 8arri. C. ~i.rn. M.D .• ASS 11632 122 Saddle Mount. in Rd . Roma. GA 30161 CRECK FOR 8LOWN SNOW Daar Ralph: Now tbat wintar i. hara, it il time to r.count .n exparienc. of ••veral y..r •• go. I had b.an 1D Trav.r •• City. MI, viliting vith frienda for. w•• kand of .kiina. During our .tay, th.ra had ba.n a lot of 'now--araat for the alop.. but quita • h.ad.che for the airport p.r.onn.l vho var. hard put to k.ep runv.y. and taxiway. cl • • r . In addition. th.re h.d ba.n a lav.r. wind, creating drift. out of vhich I had to dig my ''V'' !DOdal. Thar. w•• a lonl wait fo r .n engine he.t.r • • 0 I el.c ted to try fo r a st. rt with .tart.r f luid (tempera tur. wa. abou t -10· Y.). Th.r. was. littla probl .m getting to the dipst ick to chec k for oil bec.u •• t har e w•• quit • • bit of snow . round tha f ill. r nack . It might be • good . tunt to li f t the bonnat .nd look around inaid.. How lucky can one ,at? Every cubic inch of the enlina comp.rtment w•• hard packed with wind-drivan anowl It took ovar 30 minutaa to dig tha snow out ••nd t finall y had to remove the forward cowl doo r s (no -=all job on the turbo ) to poke the snow out. Aft.r lot. of priming and handcr.nkina with • few bur.t. of s tarter fluid i nto the intake , the . ngin. ceuaht and sattlad down to • at.ady roar. Imagin. vhat would have h.pp.ned if the ang ina compartmant had b.en compl.taly blocked to the f low of cooling air! EDITOR'S NOTE: Wa w.nt to thank Jack Coyle for sand ins in thi. waather tip. FAA Adviaory Circular 91-l3A on "Cold W.a th.r Operation of Aircraft" h•• ,OM additional ,ulleatio na f rom which tha following h.ve been selected. III)' • 4 . PREPARATION OF TIlE AIRCRAFT FOR COLD W&ATIlER. • a. In.ulation agaln.t he.t io •• (R.Ciprocating Engines). In .xtrem.ly cold temp.r.tur., all oil line., 011 pr. saura lin.,. and t.nk. i f poa.ibla should be inap.ct8d fo r prop.r in.ulation; to praclude the po •• ibility of oil congealing. Inapection and inI tallation should b. accompli , h.d by a certi fic.ted A and P m.chanic u'ing firep Toof in.ulation. b. lafflina and Winter Cover . . Baf fles, wint er fro It' .nd 011 cooi. r cov.r. . r . recommandad by some manu- fac tur.r.. FAA approval i. r.quir.d fo r in.tallation unle •• the .ircraft manuf.ctur.r hal provided for th.ir approval. c . Oil and Gr..... Th. vi.eo.ity of the oil and gr •••• u.ed i. v.ry import.nt in cold w•• thar op.ration. Tha .ynthetic oil and gr •••• davalop.d for jat airc raft whara the normal temp.ratur. ran,. of op.ration i. from -80F to +120F say ba ad.ptable for other .ircr.ft u.ed in axtre. . cold temparatura. . If oil .dditive. ara used, tha manufacturar' . raca.mandation. sho uld ba clo.elv followad. d. 011 Sre.thar. Tha cr ankcas. breathar da.arva. a peelil con.idaration when preparing fo r cold weathar. Froz.n combustion go •• ou t of the axhaust. however . some . nter . the crankca.e and i. vaporized. When the vapor cools. it condense s in tha br.a t h.r line aubsequ.ntly fre.zing it closed. Spac i .l car e i. recommended during the pr afligh t to a •• ure that the braather .ys tam i. f ree of ica . If a modification of the .y.ta. i. neces.ary ba c. rtain that it i. an approvad chang• •0 a. to eliminat. a po.aibla fira hazard. a. Ho •• Clamp.! Ho •••• Hydraulic Fittin,. and S.ala. An important pha.a at cold wa.thar praparation i. to ia.pect all hosa lin •• , fl.xible tubina .nd ...1. for daterior.tion . After replacing all doubtful couponant. be cartain that all clamp. and fittinaa ar. proparly torqued to the ~nufactur .r·. specification. for cold we.ther . f . Cabin Haat.r. Many .ircr.f t are .quipped with cabin heat.r . hroud . which .nclo.e the muffler or portion. of tha axhau.t .yat.m. It ~ impar.tive that a thorouah inapaction of the he.t.r ays tem be mada to altainata the poa.ib11ity of carbon monoxida .ntaring the cockpit or c.bin are.. Each y.. r accidant tova.tiaationa have r.v.aled that carbon monoxide h.. b.an a prob.bl. c.u.e in accidant, that occurr.d in cold weath.r op.r.tion •• a. Control Cable.. Bec.u.a. of contraction and expansion caua.d by t.ep.r.tur. chana••• control cabla. ahould be prop.rly adjuat.d to coapenaate fo r the t-=peratura chan,e • •ncountar.d. i. Car. of Batt.ria,. Both dry cell and v.t call battari.a r.quire . ome s p.cial con.idar.tion durinS cold waath.r . (1) W.t Cell. It i a r.commended that w.t cell. ba k.pt fUlly charged or removad from the aircr.ft if park.d out. ide to pr. vent 10', of power cau ••d by cold tamp.ratur.a and tha po.sibility of freezing. (2) D~ Call. Dry c.ll •• re u.ually aa.ociat.d with a rcraft in only two .pplication • • i •••• am.rS'nc y lighta and/or portable radios. including .m.rsancy loc.tor tranamitt.r.. Manufactur.r recommend.d b.ttari •• for this type equipment re.i. t 10 •• of pow.r by fre.zing. j . Whaal W.ll •• During thaving conditiona , mud and .lush can b. thrown into wheel well. during taxiinl and takaoff. If frozen during flight, thi s mud and . lu.h could cr •• ta l.ndin, g.ar probl.... The pr.ctica of racycling tha saar after a t.kaoff in this condition ahould ba u.ad ••• n amarg.ncy proc.dure only . Th. .afe.t mathod i. to avoid these condition. vith ratractabl. gaar aircraft. S . OPERATION OF THE AIRCRAFT. a o Pr.flisht lnapaction. The thoroughne •• of • pre_ flight in.p.ction ia important in temp.ratur • • xtreme.. At .x trem.ly low t emperatures it ia natural to hurry over • pr.flight of aircraft and oquipmant, p.rticularly when the aircraft i, outaid. and adverse vaath.r conditiona exi s t. Thi. i. the v.ry ttme to run the molt thorough preflight ins~ction. (1) ;uel Contamination. Fu.l contamination ia alvays a po.aibility in cold climates. Modern Pace 570 JlIluary H, 1878 NEWS AND VIEWS fuel pu.piDI faciliti.. (5) .~. lac.rally equipped with lOod filtratioD aqulpmant and the all compani.. attempt to deliver pure fual to your aircraft, Hov.ver, even with the beat fuel and precautions. if your aircraft has b•• n warm and tho. 11 parked with half empty taw in the !nfina .tart •• (a In iOderataly cold veathar, enain•• ara . 0 " time. atarted vttbout prah.. t. Particular car. i. raco..-cded durinl this type of .t.rt. au is partially consulad and tumiDg the enllna i. difficult for tha .tart.r or by band, cold, the po •• ibility of conden•• tion of vatar in the t.n~ cl~t ••. (b) nt.ra 1& a tandeney to ov.rprima, which re.ulta in wa.bed down c,lind.r vall. and po.dbl, .courin, of the valla. Thi. alao r.sult. in poor coapra •• 1on and. cODsequantly. harder .tartinl. Aircraft fir •• ha•• ba.n .tartad by ov.rprt=.. It i. lood practice to have a fir. guard handy during tha •• .tarts. (e) Anoth.r cold .tart problem that plaaue. an unpreb•• tad &nlin. i. icinl ov.r the .parkplug el.actrode.. This happ.n. wh.n an enain. only fire. a fev ravolutions and than quit •. Th.re has b.en .ufficiant coabultion to caus. SOM vater iD the cylindars but in.ufficieat co.bu.tion to hut th.. up. This little bit of wat.r condana.. on the .parkplUI el.ctrod •• , fr •• za. to ic •• and shorts th.. out. The only r ...dy is hut . When DO larg. hut .ource i. a.ailabl •• the pluS. are rallOVed fro. the &Dain. and hut~ to tha point wh.r. DO .ar. aci.tur. i. pr•• ant. (6) Raaoval of fro.t, ic. and anow. All fro.t. ica .nov lhO\ild • roov" froa all airfoil and control .urfac... Alcohol or on. of the ica r..,.al co.pouada can ba \III.d or i t can b. aalted off in a heated hansar. It it i ••elted off, b. .ure the vat.r dO ••Dlt run iDto control .urfac. biD,••• or cr••ic •• and fr •••• when the aircraft i, takaa out.id •• (7) mow. If aD aircraft 1& park~ in aD area 0 bloviD., nov, .pec1.a1 attention should be &1.en to 0pe:1l1n&. 1D the aircraft wh.re snow CaD ant.r. fr .. &. 8Olid. and ob.tt\&C.t oparatioa.. 'I1:I ••• opa:niDa ••hould ba tre. of .nov and ic. balor. flisht. So.a of th•• a area. ar ••• follows: (a) Pitot tub•• (b) Wh.el walla (c) Heat.r intake. (d) Carburator intakea (l) Fuel v.nu exists. (2) Fuel1n.& Facilities. ADother baud in cold Eua1ina fro. . .ka.hilt 11 the daD,ar of lueltn, faciliti... 'uel dru.. of "c••• '.'", evan if refinery aealad. can contai.D rust and. somehov contaminants can find thair way into the f uel. C••• s are on record of fual beiDa delivered from unidentifted containers vhich va. not aviation fuel. AA a precaution, W& l uggeat: (a) Where po •• ibIe, u•• fual fro. modarn fueling facUiti . . and fill your tanka a • .oon a. po •• ibla attar landing. (b) Be .ure the fuel beinl d.liv.r.d i •• in fact, aviation fuel aDd i. the correct Irad. for your enlin•• (c) It a fuel sourc. other than (a) ia uaed, b. .ur. to filt.r tha fual aa it soa. into your taDk.tl. NOTE: A funnel vith a dirty. worn out chulot.. akin is not a filter, nor vill a nev, clean c~1a filt.r out vat.r aftar the chaaoi. i •• aturatad vith vat.r. Many filt.ra ar. availabl. vbich at• .or•• ffactive than the old chQl)1.a. (3) Aircraft fu.! filtar. and .anta. ruel filtar. and ._p. Ullclud.inl each t • •p) ahould ba aquippad vith quiek drain,. Sulfic1ant fuel .ho\1ld ba drawn off into a tranaparent coata1a.ar to ... if the fuel 1& fra. of cont..s.n.a.u. All fual ••p. on the airerat t are draillM 1Dc.lud1n1 indiv:Ldual tank .....p.. Extra ear. abould ba talLen duriD& cbaq .. 1n tUlp&ratun, particularly vhen it naar. the fraez1D1 level. Ic. . ., be 1n the tanka vhich .., tum to vat.r when the taperature ri•••• and . ., filter dovn into the carbur.tor or fuel controllar cau.inl ani ina failur. . Durinl fraaz.-up in the fall. vatar can fra.z. in lin•• and filt.r. cauainl .toppaga. (4) Aircraft praheat. Low ttmp.ratur•• can chanaa tha vi.co.ity of anaina oil. battari•• can lo.e a hiah p.reantale of their .ffectiven•••• in.trum.nt. can .tick and vaminl liaht. vhan "pu.h.d to ta.t" can .tick in tha pushed po.ition. Beeau•• of tha abov., praheat of anline. .. well a. cockpit b.fore .tartinl i. con.idarad advi .. bla in low tamperature.. htr ... caution .hould b. u..d in the prehaat proc... to avoid fir.. Th. folloving pracautioa. ara racommend.d. turbina &Dain•• u.a synthetic oil., therafora. (a) i. applicabla for this type aquipment. (a) Praheat the aircraft by .toriAs in a h.. tad hangar. if po.sible. (b) Us. only heaters that ara in aood condition and do oot fu.l the h.at.r vhile it i. running. (c) During the h•• tiDa proc •••• do not l.ave the aircraft unattendad. Keap a fir. .xtingui.h.r handy for the attendant. (d) Do Dot place haat ductiog so it will blow out hot air directly 00 parts of tha aircraft; luch a., upholstery. canva. enain. coval'S. flexible fuel. oil and hydraulic line. or other item. that may cau.e fire •• (.) \othen udng a "fire pot" (pluabers pot) for heating, it is sugg.sted that wire =.sh ba in •• rted in the ducting betwean tha pot and the engine. Fla=ing piecas of carbon will not penatrate the wire mesh. • ana Ilovtn, S' • rri"f' 1 A aodinl .urfac. can b. very traacharou. in cold vaath.r operation. In addition, b. aware of oth.r hazard. .uch a. ~ov bank. on the .ida of the tWlVay. and POOrly Mrked runvay.. Advanca information about tha current condition. of the tuIlYay .urfac •• hould b. sained and if not readUy availabl., take the tLme to c ircle the field b.fora landing to look for drift. or other ob.tacl... • h. Po.t 'litht. Th. follovtns ara a fev itama to con.id.r 6. or. l.avina tha aircratt after the flight : (1) U eDOn .. po . . ibla fUl the tanka with the proper grad. of cl.an aviation fuel, aven if the aircraft i. coini into a h.atad hangar. (2) If the aircratt i. to be laft out.ide put 00 .ngin. cov.n &ad pitot covars. ' (3 ) If the ..,..th.r for.cast 1& tor snov or "dear and cold.r". put on winl cov.r. if available. (4) Control locka or tied control a are sUBse.ted if th. aircraft 11 laft out.id.. Tie down. are of COut .. , also .ugl •• ted. Advisory Circula; 2o-35A live. SOod advic. on ti. down •• (5) If tha aircraft i. equipped with an 011 dilution Iy.t~ &ad it i. decid.d to dilute, manufactural' • recommendation. should be car. fully followed. • 4 • January ZlI, Il178 • Page 571 NEWS AND VIEWS 1 am Vt'iting to you in hop •• that you will pas. my comment. of di •• atisfaction on to the r •• pon.ible people at a••ch. I have ju.t r.c.ived the dual control whe.l I ordered almost TWO y.ar •• ,0. Por the price you char,., I think you could do • better da.tln job. You have ,b ••n bul1dinl thb a ....bly for uny y.. ra. Th. only part that you hav. upd.ted i. the wh.al ita.lf. The a •• embly looka nice until we inatall the wirins for the aik. buttOD. autopilot kill button, and oth.r electric control. that mount on the vhe.l. You have t.il.d to provide a rout. tor the wire. conneetin, tha •• control. to the pan.l. and a •• result. the •• vira. mu.t b. hung on the c ro •• bar like • bundle of • • power. Thi. apparently 1e not the ca •• , . . .Y true air speed h•• Incr ....d by at l ••• t 10 to 15 mph at 75 percent power (only at altitude). I checked this several tim •• at ••veral differant altitude •• ttlnal. In othar word., I cannot only ao hiShee now, but my trua air speed 1, considerably batter. The plane flie. lIke an entirely different airplane. I definitely recommend that .ach owner replace the atandard filtar with the new paper-type filter a. aoon .. po •• ible. Thate 1. very little chaole below 15,000 f.et becau •• of the filter. Therefore, I doubt that the papar filter will help the atandard anaina vary such, but I would recommend to chanaa to the papar-type fil tar a. it sure couldn't hurt. 1 wish that I would have been able to sat back to you with the information sooner; however. at this time of the year I do not do much flying, and I wanted to have enough worms. facts that I have double-ch.cked to make .ur. that I sot Why don't you make the ca.tinl with a vire ,allery a. back to you with the corr.ct information on this subject. an intelral part and u •• a hollow .haft to mount the I have had about one-half doz.n lett.rs come to .e from vh •• ls on? Than, the oaly cabl. that n••d b. axpo.ad oth.r Turbo Bonanza own.r. that ar. having the .xact ae•• would b. the retractable on. alonl the c.nt.r col~. probl.m that 1 d.scrib.d. 1 am answer ina all of those With some conc.ntration ••v.n this could b. conc .. l.d. p.opl. with a court •• y copy of this l.tt.r that I •• s.adiOS Anotb.r fault i. the .nap-in acc ••• hal. cov.r. on you. I think that thta cay b. the major probl •• with the the forward .id. ot tb. c~oa.bar. tach t1ae a p.raon B••cheraft Turbo .yst... a. I have h.ard of quit. a fev remove. th... the paint I.t. cbipped b.cau •• it tak•• a problem. in the p.. t. 1 b.li.v. this vea a factory ov.rblada-typ. tool (like a .crewdriv.r) to pry them off. looked it.m, aDd that the factory should immediately •• nd Th. acc ••• 11 a.c ....ry. and ala1o. for the pric••• • bull.tin to av.ry own.r of • turbachar,ed unit that they b.tter way 'hould b. u.ed. eold. b.cause I don't think this letter would reaeh lobert Andru •• AlS '1065 avary on. of tham . I hop. you viII be abla to ,at Baach12702 64th S. Seattla, WA 98178 cratt to do that on an tm._dlate ba.i.. The la't problam that I bad that a•• chcratt involved vith took two y.arl CLEAN INDUCTION AIR FILT£R ESSENTIAL TO PROPEl ENGINE to ,et .alvad. 1 hopa that you will ba able to at laalt OPERAtION PART II lat th . . to land a lattar vary loon. S•• Naw,letter paS. '38 for fir.t articl •. Dear Mr. Dt.111\.y: If any Turbo leacheraft own.r 1s havin, a llailar prob1.. that thil do •• DDt correct. I vould be mora than happy 1 .. int.r•• t.d io findinl out if you have .olvad to di.cus. it witb tb. . . . va have .pent a lot at time and your low-pow.r probl_ on your "probl.. aircraft." It .ffort on this .y.tem aDd ar. fairly faa1l1ar vith the would appear that the .olution. vb.n found. vould b. co..on probl.... My tal.phon. numbar i. (916)483-6676. v.ll-d.fin.d aad. thar.for•• u..ful for future ABS I .ur. can't thank you aooulh for the h.lp. I am only .. inten.nce di.cu.a1OD... Wh.. J'Ot.I have tiM. pI .... let sorry that Air l .... rch or ".chcratt could Dot siva us .. kDov the re.ults of the corr.cti.e action you have twa. tbi. inlor.ation over a y.. r ala vhen v. . . ked for i t ..v.ral t1aa.. Alia. I would hava b.en ov.r $3.000 rich.r Harold E. 0. •• Jr. not countinl &11 the haaal. and trouble 1t cauled. t.chnical Dir.ctor D.ar Sir: What both.ra me b that appu.ntly your information Here'. what happen.d to ay V-3'A turbo Ionanza •• a cam. fro. I •• chcraft. yet v. have tried to ,alVa this r •• ult of the aUlle.tion. that you ..d. on· my lonl-term probl.m with thaa for ov.r a y••r. I hope th.y viII find turbo probl.... My problema w.r •• t.tad in .y lattar in the probl~ with th.ir or,anization that caua.d us not to the October i,.u. of tb. Bon&n%a Soci.ty Nev.letter. ,.t the riaht anav.r. I vould b. nor. than happy to di.cual If you viII r_emb.r. I could S.t 75 perc.nt power to the problem with th.m if th.y ara intere.ted ••nd I am approximat.ly 16.'00 feat d.pendins on the t.mp.rature. .ur. th.y ar.. Thank you. Thi. really ..d. the c.ilinl about the ..... as 1 .. not Tal Denn.y, ASS '1186 auppo ••d to run at 1••• than 75 p.rc.nt power. In ord.r 2324 Sharevood Driv. to try to .. k. a lonl .tory .hort. vhen I r.movad the intake Carmichael. CA 95608 filter and flaw the airplan•• I rec.iv.d 11 inch•• mora Dear Hr. Dee: I receiv.d your lettar, .nd in reply to your question manifold pr ••• ur. (no that i. not. milprint. it i • • l.vea (11) inch•• ). I had 75 p.rc.nt pov.r all the way to 27.500 about the air filter. it i. the two·stud dry filt.r '35-380035-5. Pl •••• nota that the dry filter that ha. f •• t, aad I had 100 percent paver to a littl. ov.r 21.000 f •• t. I d.cid.d tbat whil. I va. th.ra, I would 10 up to four Itud. i. a difterant mod.l numb.r. and I do not h.ve the .ervic. c.ilinl of the plan. to .e. if it would r~ach that .vailable at this tim•• what it va. de.ilnad for. At 30,500 f •• t. I had 23 inche. Th.nk you vary much for your help in this matter. of manifold pr.a.ur. laft. I would .ay the cailinl would Tal Denney, ABS ' 1186 ba .omewhar. naar 35.000 f •• t und.r the •• condition., and 2324 Sh.r.wood Drive the t.mperatur. wa. warmer than norm.l. Th.r. are • couple Carmichael. CA 95608 of thiDI. tbat ar. r.ally crazy. You •••• I had just raplac.d the bad .tand.rd filter •• part of the thin,. ve tDITOI'S NOTE: The followinS auss •• tion a.nt to Hr. Denney chanl.d to try to correct the probl... Th. old filter wa' not the .olution for hil problem. How.ver, it may be wa. only. fev months old. We r.c.ived the new paper u•• ful for aom. other turbocharged 80nanza owners. filtar •• and v. have • 10" of .pproxLaat.ly 1 1/2 inches De.r Mr. Denney: For. numb.r of year., I own.d a V-35 Turbocharged aft.r in't.llin, the n.v pap.r filter. a. compar.d to 11 Bonanze N2267A. Like you, I b.lieve this to be the fine.t inch •• with .tandard filter.. In othar word., the airplane p.rforml b.ttar tha~ the .pacification. a. stated in the aircraft built. Maintenance on the power plant b.came own.r·. manual. vith the papar filter. a bucket of worma. so the .hip wa. resreefully sold last y.ar. We war. abl. to cope with mo.t of the problema I let 75 percent power to approximataly 26.000 f.et, which i. fine. Howev.r, there i. on. thina tbat 1 cannot locally. but I loat confidence 1n the reli.bility of the fi,ure out. I would hava .aid that tha •• ttin,s for turbo .nd other component •. 75 p.rc.nt power vith or without a filt.r would produc. the One of my problem. involv.d the fuel pump, and the aame true .ir .peed al lon& a. you could s.t 75 percent w.. " Pac. 572 January 29, li7G NEWS AND VIEWS .olution ailht b. applicable to your .hip. At about 300 hour., thlra VI•• marked reduction 1n fuel pre •• ura (flow) at take-off and climb powar, and performance above 1'.000' va. inadequate. Naither t~. Continental raprl••ntativ. nor Norm Colvin and Larry Ball. with thair con_idlrabl. experti •• , could recomm.nd • fix. On, day I va. talkins to a e •• ana distributor who put the finSlr on thl full puap, which 1. aarkedly diffarlnt froa thl ~ual ptap on thl noraal 28' hp InJlctd aaline. Next I talked to the .hop .uplrvl.or at AirDOtivI Carburetor, Co •• BurbaDk. CA. who r..arlted, "WI havI that probl . . .11 thl tu., The fud pt..ap _rely naed. I repair kit." Thl happy Indlnl to thl .tory 1. that thl rebuilt fuel pump ,IVI ma no further trouble of thi • • ort. Thl name of thl rapair .hop 1. Airmotive Carburetor, Co. , 47 5-9 Riverlide Drive , Burbank , CA 91506. Jack Coy la, ABS 12067 1035 No. "E" Straet San Barnardino. CA 92410 P.S. To =y knovled,a, N2267A atill hold. the .pe.d racord fro. Denvar to Chicalo. On. cold r.bruary, I cauaht tha jlt atr... at 19,000', aakinl a taat letdown throuah ic. and fa, to aa inatruMftt ludin, at aill1aml at Palvault•• Airport. 1 hated to I.e tut ahip 101 HICH ALTITtJl)Z AND COLD nMPZlAtuI.! PUSPlfT TAQ:-oPF PROILEKS DUr Ralph: I havI read .evlral artie 11. ia the Nev.llttlr plrt.inin, to thl frlecin l ot the 011 cooler vhill oparatinl out of airport. at belov zlro templraturl" t wonder if othlr pilot. h.vI tried I. hard .. I hav. with a. little auccl•• a. I havI had in eop!n& vith the problem. I fly an N-35 loD&n&a with an I0-470-N .nline. AI you know , the oil cooler i. forvard of the In,iDe aad i. 10eated in the riaht air intake. WI livl in Wichita lalla , TX. but '0 to Gunn!aoD, CO, two to three tt... p.r Ylar in tbe vinter tta. aDd a&G&rally .tay for a w..k at a tt.. . Th. fir. t experiencI va. about thrle y.. ra a,o juat at the critical poi.at of c11llbin.. to dur ..:tuataina (attu havin, thl anaine prah.. ted prior to taka-off). I nOticad that thl oil t ..perature v.. nlar the rad 1inl on the hot • ida. the oil pr ••• ure va. naar the rad lin. On the lov .ide •• nd the cylindlr h.. d t"plraturl va. nllr noraal but on tha cool .idl. Neldla •• to .ay. I blaIn to look for a place to land. but a. 1 pulled the power back (2.300 r pa ) Ind picked up _ir 'Pled. tha oil t .. parature aDd oil pra ••url bl,.n to co rr.ct th ... alv... While thlY did not return Intirlly to normal until aftlr I had cllarld the mount.in. (it takl' 12,500 f.lt). thlY did .ove avay froa thl rId linl anouah to lnab11 =a to Ilovly climb out u.inl a lonl valllY .nd ,01nl off cour,1 fro. 20 to 30 aile • • SincI thl airport at Gunni.on. CO, i. 7,668 flet in allv.tion and I naed 12 ,500 f.at to lIt out ovar thl ..:tuntatu. .nd .. u.ually f ully loaded, 1 can do without thb oil probl ... Sine. that fir.t experi.nc. thr.a y.ar ••,0. I have flown out of Cunni.on .bout five or six morl times aftlr leavinl thl airplanl on tha ramp in teaplratur.. up to -25 dllree. for a v.lk to tIn day. and alvay. havI .om. trouble with oil prll.url and/or templr.ture . I hlva tllkad to ••varal Inalnl .achanic. both hlra and in the "Ulh country ." I ha"l "b.fflld oft" 65 to 75% of tha all radiator .ftar prlhe.tina tor up to 45 minute. vith haat dirlctly on thl oil cool.r. I have tri.d cl1mbina with t he ASI at .round 90 to 95 mph and al.o have triod clImbinl out at around 110 to 120 mph . nd varyina . pe.d. in-bltween. Without exc.ption. I h.v. encountered . oal problem. Thl la.t time ou t of Cunn1&on v•• Dlcemblr 29. 1975. The tampar.turl had baln down to - 20· F. tha aight before and v•• around 10 to 15· F. a t tak.-off. Att.r prahl.tina vith he.t directly oa thl oil radiator , I taped off .bout two-third. of the oil radiator vith .11v.r duct tapa doubled. t let t~e engine run until the oil temperature .nd CHT ware each 3/16" off the pIg. At thb t!llle I noticed th.t the oil pre •• ure v •• low, but aa I continu.d to let the en,ine run idla. the pr ••• ure g.usa slowl y .av.d over to aora.l. I took off to thl I •• t and took up a normal climb attitud.--ADI 110 mph vith rpm •• ttina 00 2,500 and full throttll . which only produce •• round 17 mp .t this altituda. Aft.r about 5 to 10 minut • • , the oil pr ••• ur. g.uge st.rted to move from normal toward the r.d lin. . The oil templrature wa•• till .p proximately normal, and CHt wa. normal but on thl cool .ide. My covl ll.p. wara opan; hovav.r. I have tried it with covl fl.pa cloald vithout altlrinl thl r •• ult . Aa the oil prl •• ur. ne.red thl _ed lin., I pulled the rpm back to 2,300. llv.led off. cloa~ the covl flapa, and picked. vall.y to crui •• down until I could .lowl y aain my .ltitude. Thi. time thl oil tamper.tura never did ae t .bnormally hilh •• nd •• I pulled b.ck on the rpm and picked up air . p•• d to 145 mph with cowl flap. c losed, the oil pre •• ure slowly returned to noraal. I h.d .y .ach.nic inve.tigate changing out the oil cool.r but find th.t thi. cannot ba done on thi. enline. I will welcoma any .uIga. tion.. 1 have flown oue of Taxa •• Oklahoma, and Kan•••• a. vIll a. Danvar , in rather loy te.plr.ture. without Incounterina thi. problem. Eldon W. D.v •• , ABS '308E 1000 City N.tional Blda. Da.ar Eldon : Wkhiu Falla. TX 763 01 Thana. for .Indiaa in your intare.tina qua.tion and what the r •• ult. h.va bIen alta r the v.riou. thina. you have dona to obt.in a . olution to your oil problem . Wa bav. livan this much thoulht, and I lpoke vith Dick Schlftner at Continantal Motor •• pac ifical ly about your proble.. He mentioned lirat th.t one po •• lbl1ity (which you •• y you hava dona) i. to chack into chanaine out tha oil cool.r. The IQ-470-N V.I put back into produc tion for tha G-33 modll, and it hal •• lilbtly largar coolar in thi. modll . How,ver, att.r di.cullion I think hi•••cond .olution .erit. a try fir.t . You .ay that you cov.rad about two-third. of thl oil radiator witb .~var tape &ad had ...enti.Uy the 'l1li.1 iDdic.t1ona on your oil t ..peraturl .Dd 011 pra •• ure a.uII•• What probably happeaad 1.a that you went frOll one extreaa to tba otber. (WI are •••ua1aa that you .re ulina 20-30 wt . oil durinl tbl.a trip. to Cunni.on.) In thl fir.t In.tanc •• the 011 i. not v.ra Inoulh .nd 11 conae.lioa to .o=e Ixt.nt . In thl .Ieond c •••• you =ay have block.d off too much of tha vatar . Dick .. id lor you to chlDg. your t.p. b.fflinl tlchniqua two v.y.--only block tha middll at thl cool er and oaly block ana-third of the coollr . Tha vay he rlcoam.nd. do inK lt is to run your tape the lonl way .cro.. tha middll of the coola r usial .bou t • two-inch wida . trip . If tha rast at your .y.t .. i. ¥Orkina WIll, this .hould help .01vI your problem. When you take off from Gunni.on. U'I you r cowl in the most loaical w.y. If the Inaina i. hot, open thl cowl; if it's cold, clo.e tha cowl. In f.ct. t.ke off vith your cowl ~ if you tbink it would help the an,in. to oper.te in thl b.st t .. per.tura r.nll • Ona other it .. to quastion 1&, Doe. your Vernathlrm temperature control v.lva operata normall y? !hl. 1. thl .prinl-lo.dad valve th.t op.ns up with l ow temperature and clo •• s with high temper.turl, and it .odulate. according to the t"plratur. ch.n,e • • I di.cu•• ed the .ubJ.ct of oil dilution with Dick a. I va. f ..iliar with the lact that •• t one t1me. it w••• . tandard . tarting rrocldur. to diluta the oil by insertina a ••all .mount of ia.oline in vith it . Dic k •• id that while th.rl ha. bIen an oil dilution kit availabl. for tha.e .nain •• , hI doe. not rlcommend thi. practicl. The rea sons are that the only pl.c . you c.n .ffectively u.e diluted oil i. on the mein be.rin,s when they are cold. However, if you h.ve cllutad allan the cylinder walli. this thin oil vill not prevant the po •• ibility of .coring and .arly ve.r. So. wh.t halp. the bl.rina' might hurt the cylinde r. , and ther.forl it i. not rlco... nded to dilute the oil with any .dditivI in a hortiontally oppo ••d cylind.r enaine. I hop. thi. i . u•• ful information for you. and I will ba int. rl.tad in h•• rina any comment •• nd ra.ult l you may have. H.rold E. Dea, J r . technIcal Diractor • •