of “The Broken Com” Appears In This issue.


of “The Broken Com” Appears In This issue.
of “The Broken Com” Appears In This issue.
n oeu n sm t
h t o b l ic a
new spaper
" voted
t o t b s u p b u il m m c q f
a m m c a n
bom ks ak u a k e b k u k
D iD u s n t m .
ia r m K A N s
co ng bbss
Tfcoaa* B. g m
j ' . . ' ' LO TC ALLYFO R TH * . '
>• • PaBtkal
ef ' C W M d M n
Bnmgfct Farward Witk
• VUm to
Its P—s flli B M lilt U pM t t * Pew*
C t a p ii| v ~ P w (;
by P n f t n A w t PregramT
Pirat month—-Mona. Second month Friday’* iacue will be found tha story
-Mary Horne, MetteWea Hoffman, ot lhe epiaod* to appear on the screen
sfea haa hardly- gotten under way provided them is an abundant sup- Aleen WhiteseU, Bath Cole, Alton tbe following Monday night. Pr*>
yet, hot already th* reasonably o b-'ply of the-prodact of the cheaper Conklin. '
|a*r*e your copy of each paper and
so m at citiaen haa ttttle * n b t e f labor of England in it meets the
Second € «4 e -S e c *i«B B -M ia i F o ^
tha drift. Every important bill in-1batt with the'dsarad labor o f Amcr■ tar, Teadwr
tMdaced and every committee re- j fca in it, which will b * boughtat cost
First month— N ob*. Second month
. ___ -'
pert o f consequence, will be b iw g h tjo f production? I leave that prob- —Mildred Thompson, Drew Parry. , T* A p 3 K TRAINING CLASS OR*
forwacd with a view to its possible Ilem just there. Tha aala of tha EngJ
inarlng upon the approaching presi- j gUsh bale will be only limited by Second Grade- 8ertion A —Mi— B en-j
nett, Teacher
Amtial campaign. Tbe Democrats ’ Engaad's production."
First »o n th Viola Durant, B ow ie
wiil be , treated- to a moat pleasantj
---------- surprise. i f Brother Mann do«a not ’ DEMOCRATS PROTECTED TEXAS
•eck the jury—<that is, i f he should
w some unaccountable way fail to
, ..
* • owortoni^r to ao arrant*
tta tttertfty eom tttte* assignments;
a » a* to * m m * • aarittw n. «m- L n ^
banasaaMat fo r tbe Dewwmta.
|Gknwr o f
W J * n a lk e tfom hM ight the B * - ^
Aould ^
Mwm ^
Wfty> ^
pqbUean leeder wOl no doubt dosig-; c jtte*, held out foe a fifteen per
•a te k m for w i l e * ®a the commit- Jrtw^ ()uty
h*W ofc ittw A sfova
te « who will fir * . M f. Webb the m o ^ :
x)> » Bavabttean
tn n h l* in reporttef hia p w * ttW * »
M3. T *a North. CaxoUna laMBhw
«E|* n e k in eanNrt abett
rtw>y(i ^
d^Mifled sa
^ ^
g^ vp o p o latio a o f the TJcit-
« M « w e a tmahar « f h i»
« gtatea are
faattae who m y be t o , right into TccM> GarMr
A e ndddl* o »> *» awful briar peteh> went oa ^
on the p ta™ ot
ht, poiat. Wool
fr t » liit, teat hair o f the
W I * J® * *® confidently es|ieeted that Angora gwjit waa protected.
the Hepublican* will loee no oppor- >tonle, ^
from Saa Franeiaeo
t w it y to dig a hole fo r the Demo- that an Angora ln
vicim t, was
OMta in the matter o f our foreign w wtjj 1745 ijefor* being clipped and
r a t io n * , i f that it found possible.
' W oo afterward.
Many a member o f the guileful o^m pja o f the benefiflloBfi* of the
Old Guard ie pleaaed beyond exprea- pxoU>ctive po'ky encouragea th* bard
■ion over Mr. Wilson's conception of u ilnite y , , iyfe:
wh«t constitutes “ studious neutrali- f
ty,” becauaa it ha* been a fine thins y j,, tariff bill went through
fo r Great Britain. A t the acme tim e,
m i« w u 014 Guard observe* thatj Ag writ[ from A to 2;
Webb Av«aae M. S .
Once, acceding to aa eld legaad,
The Webb Aveaoe M. & Saadfcy
tha*e was a council caQed ia M L
School w illholdtheir Chrietnas Serv­
The devil was much coocenMd ovec
ice os Thursday night, Dec. 23rd. This
a aew kind o f ereatuM " 1W
aeboo! will h ai« a Christntas tr**,
with Trbom God was populating th*
which will be ht th* shape g f * berearth. A s it was. his chief eiai ta
rel, a treat for the children, with
life to oppoee aad w d o the works
Santa Clans aa a prominent figure
of God, he was now ™ «tlng abcst
for the occa^gn.
.to find the best way. to ruin
His aevw> head imps ware theseBorlittgtea Reformed
, Tbis chnreh will hare • hanqnet on fore sontnLoned, and he inquired o f
them who would u d a t a ln to destroy
Tuesday erentogi Dec. 28th, the tell
particular* of which we did not lean . this lace o f human ■beings.
Methadbt Pkateataat
The regular Christines Service was
held at this church last Sanday night
An entertaiwaaat vriQ be beki fo r th*
Sunday school on Friday night, Dec.
a Gus Gardner swore a codfish oath,
visit to the White Houaa and the
Asd Haup Moore waxed Soeratic:
W a r Deikaitmant had become a con­ Jim Mann singed off his lambrequins
vert to the Administration program.
As he damned things Democratic.
Aa a asatter o f fact, M r. Bay Is try­ Up rose the placid Underwood
ing to find a happy middle ground,
And put it .to a vot^—
sgeaptabie to th* majority o f his Two~eighty to one-thirty-nine
Tha battleship idea in pertienlar
ia gaining no groond.
A s a member
o f tha Senate said te the Dally News
tBdsp, if there is a desire to protect
ABiegfawi tommewa aad t American
dgttti, m a battleship would £a<3hy
perform more sarriee than would 40
featttsships asdas1 a cre aormal eon-
(CaaflMMd an Pagfik'Vfre) •-i..
brother against brother, magnify
trifle* to aarioaa quantda. Hate
Then stopped forward Greed. “ A ll
Ft««e* Street M. E.
On Thursday night a musical pro­ (bat Anger and Lust would crudely
Sykes, Fern U d e y , Edmund Guise, j * * * * *
^ ^
Bev. gram and illustrated lecture, coasiafe- I Will do subtly. I will instill lot*
Second month~~Ji>anite Anxlek, V iol* j lL! Priteberd. Tbe daaa meeta oe ing of 19 aOdes of the great paintings men’s hearts the most destructive o f
passions. Natural affection will dis­
Durant, Bonnie Sykea, Mildred M e -:
.y evenings immedietdy af­ portraying the birth of Christ Trill
appear, fo r parents and children wSt
Pherson, Hildah Kaek, Fern L a d e y .'^
frayer service. The daes has be given in th* auditorium of the
Edmond Curiee>
j had # Very satialactwy beginning. church, followed by an exerthe eo- be set against each other. Ih e strong
will oppress tbe weak. Each nation
Second aad lM sd Coisbiration Grade Bov. Mr. Pzitchcrd Informs us that titlod,. "W hit* Gifts for the King.”
will covet the other's
■—Mia* CMpep, Tsasfeer
Ithe daaa lB open to all persona, irre- On Saturday afternoon, Dec. 95th, a
And soon men, families and
Firat nioSth—1
Thelma Wiay, Louise ^ective o f deocmination, who are In- ChHstaoae tree' iHT, be enjoyed by the
M ee shall destroy each other in mad
Hanford,;.WilljKP, Holt,. E aael‘ Hart, 'tw isted in is wider fcnowiedgs o f the primary department of the Sunday
desire fo r each-other's goods.”
Nevida Montgomery, Ester AdU n s, -BiHe^ that them is so dunge fo r ta“ Mine," said Sloth, "would be the
Annie Maude Thomas, Baynoad Drf- itlo® and all' io * cordially invited to
nmplssrt and easiest way. L e t ma
Fin* Baptist
vat, Edgar Boswell. Secood nooth— attend the sessions o f the class.
Infect the people aad they ■ * - »
Tbe** will be th* annual Christ­
Thelma Way, Louise HanJord, lfe «id a ‘ \
casee to work. Atahition «nd p n » Moatgunery, Ceter PecUna.
^MIBCHANTH* ASSOCIATION TO as** eeSsetainewat and tw *t at thia Mss. will rse si
"JMtrdt^Mi ^ t n r ^ y n l«bt, T>m, SOth,
Thin! CraAc Sertiee A—M i**' M e-!
- ■ W l '. Z
grow up in wasds. I t -iriS not he
a t ? :# .'.mb Fcavilfc, Tsather
' A meeting of tb* BurUagtaa M « long before they shall sink into « ? Firat month— N ow . Second month ch* nt» ' Association wiU be held in the
ag«ry and tbe wild beasts will d * * w
Marrdnata l i t k u u
— Glenn BUrgrave.
jMayorls HaU Toseday waning, Dee.
The Christmaa Servfc* a t
JI, at 7:S0 o’clock.
“ Would not our wurjt be quicker?**
T h W Grad*—Sectioo B~M iae Kelly,
I t is yfoy. important that every church will be held on Friday night, aaked Gluttony and Drnnkenutai.
member o f the Association be pres- Dec. 24th, and will consist o f exer­ “ We would quickly bring the n a e
First month—Ernest Holt, Marahal
I ent, as there are matters o f interest cises by the children, musk by the of men to ruin. By us they wouM
Ellington. Sacond month—Katherine
: and vital importance to be considered. choir and a treat fo r tha Sunday gorge themselves with food unit
Martin, Pauline Whcttemore, Mary
By order of tho President.
their bodies were diseased and their
Jor.ee, Lillian Gattis, Kenneth Frank­
L. B. WHITTED, President.
tninda besotted. They would drink
I. C. MOSEB, Secretary.
of strong liquors until they would
Grammar Grade Departraeai
This church will bold their Christ- fall upon each other in drunken fuyy.
Dec. SO, 1916.
Fourth Grade— Misa Reid, Teacher
mas Service on Sunday night, Dec. j They will commit all
^ Ta^eher Training Ciaaa waa re^
,t ^
crimeis without p^vocationj.
race will vanish in stupor or in eegies.*’
* l f Tou are desirous o f corrupt­
“ iroald
ing mankind," said Envy,
not my services be o f most uaeT Tfke
once let men suspect and hate <*»•
another and urdveraal discord w<£M
*T hava heard you all,'* said Beel­
zebub. "But where So Idleness. SB*
sleeps somewhere. Go find and T&ken her.”
Forthwith was Idtaqepa, fat. aad
unclean, brought' into th* royal
“ What can you do to daatroy maa?*
inquired the master.
Riggs, TiaaherJ— Ollie Stadlor, Stiygue Larcin.
“Nothing,” replied Idleness, y&wa"W hite Gifts fo r the K in g" is the
Hart, title o f the service that w ill be held ing. “ Nothing at all.’?
“ Very well, then,” responded S»a t thia church on Sunday sight, Dee.
ten, " it i* yon tbat shall go.
Ik r
First month—None. Second month 26th.
Fifth Grade—Mias Bagby, Teacher
Where Idleness is there all «ther vies*
First month—None. Second month
follow. In you is not one evil, M
— Elsie Asheworth, Menoie Moore, Cooper, Hoyt McPherson. Hallie Mc­
you are all evils. You are m y oyi%
We desire to express cm
Chsistina Brooks, Marvin Smith, Lil­ Pherson.
favorHJs conflsrt. Goi tot men anA'
Coaid not get Garner’* goat.
Eighth Grade— Misa Webster, Teecher thanfca to onr friesda asd neighbon’
lian Home.
who w w so kind to a# and rendered ! reed among tbem tha Seven Deadly
First month—Held* Cates, Alma
Sixth Grade—-Mis* Template*
Th * bill went to A * Senate
ss help and sympathy dozing tha 111- Sins."
Knott, Mary Page Fraakiin, Percy
Where they labored to amend,
neat and death o f our beloved hus­
First m a th —Nona. Second month Holt, Knox Lively, Annie Cooper,
T b «y framed it fo r free sugar
band and father. M ay the blessing
la s t Saturday was a busy day wi$a
— Paulette Rogers, Elisabeth BauSsst.
Which they dot not now intend.
o f tha Creator be tapon all who re­ the local' nevchaitta, as waa evidcBMrf
Margaret Holt, Homer Fm uier. Sec­
SaabdeS m i stetmch protactfralat
membered us by a kind deed.
ond month—Cornelia Hall, Mary Pag*
by the large crowd* « a our stniuO
On tits* one thing—but note:
To gat Jack Garner’* goat.
Franklin, Ola Perkins, Margaret Holt, MRS. T. B. FOW LER A CHILDREN. Nearly every store had an extra forM*
He did not cress a single “t”
Homer Fraaiier, Pewy Holt.
Mr. W . T. Hinshaw, ascMtary aad o f clerks, salesman and
Te get Jack Gamer's feat.
Browa* oa, then mild-«yed nuaisant!
Grade Miss Naaaie Hart, treasursr c f th* W sat Sad Band, in­ ord«9P to accommodate
)»m f ^
Thou a rt thc causal zuxu*
First month—Ruth Ellis. Second* Serestth Grad*— Misa Lottie
month—Ruth Ellis, Dewy Isley.
Attoaa when other aatiess war* not
h s» f put to the xuprMoa teat o f a
ttixtbls war. Thsrwfora the sitoa- Aad Mary aad h « Uttlt tomb
T^iat bisds protection to haa t r a i* —
First month—Agnse Stout. Sseond
‘&m is, that while many Democrats Died Sa the anas o f Smoot;
Thoa Gamer Goat o f Totaal
'Month—Agnes Stont.
are dlaiaelined to go to such lengths Steel rails swao-so^ged ta Peons*, l i e snug in tby protected fleece,
Teath Grado—M. C. Terrell, Toaster
St a&ttpria&iag money ttot is not
Thou esadast not a. cot*.
A ad HcUro wspt to B oat
First soscth—Grace Chesh, Sasie
Ik the tN w ary for th* army cad Not oa* of those gram asigniMn
Whil* Garner ia, then (h a lt la t e
t i f f , the lapaM kaiw h aw eonoatfad
Firat earn* Anger, red-faced and
fire-eyed, and offered himself. urt*
me go,” he said, n o earth and I wSE
destroy men quickly.
I will set
24th, with a Christmas tree and Santa violence will soon taring murder la
Aa hoe** and war in tha fields. A>
shall the race be ext£BtBished.u
First month—Alexander Mclver,
Mr. E. W. Ross of Route 8 was in 26th, and the “ Country Star*” will b«
Isley, Bailey Sellars. Sec­
Mr. Wilson has definiHy said good^
pet centr on c^tU*
the city yesterday and gave 1%* Dis­ conducted for the Sunday school on
ond month—James Martin, Bailey Sel­
fay* to th® G^rmn-Amorican vote* |
product# fr©*.
patch a brief call, renewing his sub­ Tuesday night, Dec. 28th.
lars, Alexander Mclver, Elisabeth
«od it U r&Jtdy at aii times to push Sfaeep paid &n
scription. We are always glad to
Isley, Averil Taylor.
Hocutt Memorial Baptist
along th* proceaa o f alienation.
BOt s groat,
have oar subscribers call in to see os
An entertainment b j the childeea
Ffcom the hou»etope, and more jguj ^jj jj,e wiles o f atatesmancbip
Fourth Grade—Miss Sadie Fiawille,! when in town, and wa ar© “ gladder”
ea^edally from tha White House-top,
Could sot get Garner’s goat.
[when they renaw thair subscriptions. o f the Sunday school and a treat for
it |* being proclaimed that there is
First month—None. Second month
. _______________ ____ the Snnday school w ili be given at
thi* church on Saturday, Dee. 38th,
io be no politics in preparedness.
They slipped the skids 'neath Scbed' — Estella Tally, Sadia May.
I Sixth Grade—Mis* EUia, Teacher
at 8:00 p. m.
It may be found humanly possible
nle C,
Fourth Grade— Mia* Edith Carroll.
Firat month—M yrtle Long, Helen
ta- keap polities out o f the question,
Farm products got the axe—
King, Boss Glenn, £ula Lutterloh, El­
hat atobody her* beUevos it. in the They made op fo r the difference
Church of the Holy O oa fn ta t
First month—None. Second month len Shelton, Rachel Shelton, Ernest
fiCat place, tha impression is grow­
With a damphool incooi* tax,
A Christmas eateartainmant, tree
— Willis Wood, Altha Ireland.
Second month—Myrtle
ing that th* Democratic majority The standpats growled and grumbled.
and treat for the Sunday school will
F ifth Grade—Mias Edith Carroll, Long, Eula Lutterloh, Agnea Lutter­
vrtU decline to go as fa r aa the Pres­
The Bull Mooc* bawled its note,
be given in the old church o s FViday
ident desires. It was announced a But all the flights forensic
night, Dec. 24th.
First month—Nose. Second month Seventh Grade—Mis* Catdhio, Teacher
Jfcsr weeks ago that Chairman. Hay
Couid not get Garner’s goat.
— Max? Murray.
First month—None. Second month
«? tbs military affairs committee, had
First Presfcyteriaa
edass to Washington, and after
By Dr, Ftank Cn b *
Tha pwatat esarioa o f Congress is|b* aold twiil ths eitra coat for the
to be a political assslea. The sea- jeoetlier labor ia aqoeeaed out o f it;
*W h r»
Firat GrAde Sertiwi B—iU a* B > »
* » • eartol afaay, “The
pUanrcea sad a atorket <»f nearly equal
adey, Y M M r
whi«h haa beea appaariat to
•is*, aad «a t <d tbem can hlrelabor
Firat month-None. Second mo«th * * * * * * * " * T W w , » » - “
atoneJialf less, nothing b a t a t a s —Bnth Mclver, Chriatin* Keek,
for thi* {»,
S ean m aintaintbs higher wages,
ade Broye, Mary U d M l, May Kay, « « « »
^ *“ * » • _
a»d that « • can prove. I f ther* be
aad is order to publish
Vernon Jone*, Clifford Moot*.
th o balsa o f good* aIda by rid* mad*
t h * * * * before it* appearance on
fcy tbe same land o f machinery and firat grade Section B -Jtiea Car, the Mifeen, we give the two inatallroll, Teacher
with ; tha labor of the human being
maatt, ninth and tenth, in today’a aad
First month— Son*. Second month
in both o f the same degree o f ddH,
Friday** ianxka, M^>eetivdy. So you
and if th* labor a f o m bale cost — Nellie White.
will Miad in thia issue the story e f
only half, for example, aa much as Firat Grade Scrtiaa A — M i«i Dailey, the iplaoda that will Appear at The
the: other, that, otherbele can m w
i Ciyatal next Monday night, and in
■ m y C u K t n Be*
M M *.
tfeas b m equal sU ttacd « 4 u l
Cm&I rim and
Aad atrire by SUhwtse
TheyTl cat not O a m r t goat.
forms as ihat th* B u a i r given by throng o f shoppers, who came, vtfc
tbe band in tbe new Isley bs&dfeg
only from the hoiM* o f oar owa. cH j,
last Saturday night waa qsite a suebet from th* adjoining town* oMI
css*. He desires to aspna* for ths
band their appreciation lo all who ■awwaading cowstry. Th* ftun* j f
Bsrliagtsc as * • «osrf flaes te iu & 0
Second month —» O m *» contributed to tb* swccsns o* (hs
_ 5.-r^5*a
^JV i’.-J
■V ;
-,v ,;.
V -■. ..
Ml TOO m e *
A T o u ch of a M atch Brings aTouch of Spring
that kaadred* of fwhUihart wmdi ha
glad ts eead you a fra* aaarola copy
« f their Magazine it they an V I m *
year i t t a a . It la aar kaabaaa to
aaeiah Publisher* ouli
a f W l l i i n t w w m ii m t e i H
tm will wrtta yonr M l addreta VkKTand aand oa O N L Y U eanta 01
) or money order, « • w ill aand
yacr aaan to aarecal hundred pobMkara witkin a yoar, who w ill aand
n i FSR E aampi* eopiaa of haadreda
(fe e aaretal hnadxadto) e f tha leading
Standard hlageataea, Farm “ ------Faaltfy Journal*. Story
Baviawa a n d W «
•M a r aad Trade } _________
Touch a m atch. I n f iv e m in - chiJWhae and coey. Pick it op­
iates the Perfection Smokeless and take it w herever you w an t
****** ««**<■ ssjxjstjsidss.:
and w arm th.
T he Perfection keeps any room
T en hours glowing w arm th o a
a gallon o f kerosene oil.
Soldinnaany atylessad aixes at all hardw are and general store*.
Highest Award M P a n a »a -P «ifie ISxpaMttB.
Laok ftrth * TriaH >» Trirtwiif*.
U m Ata<Mui Security OU er PU m eod W M teO JI w a *c w » Wat
Oil S tove*Lam p * ami Heawta..
hw^ac Magaanaa. Faahian
SBSrStao ^Magaclaae and
aoc in fact
afeaataU kindaof high-grad*intere#-
H i m p iiB i i
to f oo. i& n o it
tm n mS for war a jeer and all for
m V f 1* caoU (ta Hjrar.)
w s^
-w e -STy
aa aaod a tttvar ditto at m m and year
a— a *31 go aa a w next sraiith'a
Int andyea will ba greatly
M priaad at the r«*nlti aa wa aaana
yea that you w illb em o reth an wall
ideaccri with tha aataU inveatmaBt.
Aad yea W ILL N EVE R regret it.
Addreee tha Magasine Circulating Co.,
laa: 6240, Boaton^U.,8. A . Cireulatiax Dept C-73. DON’T fall to write
TO U R fall addrese EXTRA plain.
W a hjne •om^tfaiag tn itora for yoa
—e» a real aurprlia—if you will plaaaa
la* ua know in what paper yea taw
(U a advartiaauaot.
Fraadting haa bacn announcad for
Chriatmaa day at Z«w*a
m., b.- Baa. H. W .
'Jaffeoat, paator. Tha SatM aaci t i
Church at 11 :a.
tha Lord’a Supper U to ba admtni*-
Apptes Apples
Oranges Oranges Oran get
Mixed Nuts Engt Wahnts^ Cocoanuts, Peamits Gronnd Peasr and;
Apples showing some decay a t
sacrifice prices, come quick, and
get the pick. Special prices in lar­
ge quantities, Sunday Schools and
Employers wanting to treat their
Employees will do well to see us
before buying.
• •••.
’ •
tarad on tha fallowing day, tha Axuth
and laat Sunday of tfak yaar.
Svarybody ia moat cordially inrit'
ad to thaa* aod arary aarriea, o a tha
aaeond and fourth Sandaiya o f aaeh
month. Lat a* bagin tha yaar with
*Soma raa gis* and littia atona raaolottoaa ia W at w a r « * * N » On !
ranawad darotwa .to oar Maatar aad
aad I « n torwa, too. Soma n a laid on tha table.
Hia gn a t eaaaa.
H. W . Jatfcoat.
dairiaa and nacy othar thing*.
Maojr a n aa wh» K rlna aa a«a J l
“A farm la • pratty Ploca if tka
wheat, oata, wat*rni«3o»a ax.d aanta>
ha jumped oat o f tha window.
hlaeaif woaUnt ba (Mpactad il ha
mm «fc look dirty. HoUmk aaid aha
"Sotna do not waar aoeka, bat fa"Tbay have hopraaa, awiloa, 4oth liked tha tana, bet I! yo« ma?ry » didn’t btwy mt aboct f t
tliar doaa.
goata, hoga, oowa, ealtaa, piga, and man oa a tana yo* wi& h»va a hai*
Soma paopSa baliavv
^ | )r
“They fanarall^ t ° t« town Sat* many othar thiaga.
bear, onhMi it fappMii M l a afi*»*‘
onky ersalnc or ia tha morninc;
“Tha aiaa aat U>naa ta «at«h rab­
I f * altar a w o aotttM 4mm tfatt thanaaltaa.
S M O K E L E S S - O M , .H E A T E R S
generally look* dirty for tha wive*
ha*a a bard time to make them bath*
bat onee a iroek iaat they go to town.
(F r «n Kadlaoa j tadiaoniaa.)
Compaaitioq bjt
“Mother aaid one* whan the
* tlttlo Batfcaay
married aa* told fMher to pat on a
"Most farmers lira aa a tana, bat tie, for ha waa fixing to fo to town. father fanarafty goaa la tka araaios. bit*.
ha riaaa la M i o va eetimetkre.
Whan pnatwitiaatioa ia
H tt
“ Koat country poopt* ntvaa fratt,
Jtoat of aa ara oat fo » tha doat, bat t t ttaaa ba laay ha J ibW M ia taMkt
Hia did not want ta, ao aha locked
"T iay hava to piefe eettoa, boa aad
lira in town.
“Th* on» that lire* ia tha country the door. Tha window waa ap so cotton, corn, aorghum, ribboa cam. chop cotton aad otafcy oOwe tkiziga. Tha gn at «raahla WMk aar good tina by tha (m M k .
Dr. R. M. Morrow, J. M. Fix, J. C. Staley, J. L. Scott, J. Zeb. Waller, A. F. Cates, J. M. Cooke, W. E.
Sharpe and a few others met and organized
A la m a n c e H o m e
B u ild e r s A s s o c ia t io n
It was not a very big beginning but during tne eleven years that have come and gone we have steadily gone forward until today we have
A s s e ts o f $ 9 2 ,9 6 1 .4 6
but that is not all, we have bui^t homes for those who would probably have never owned a home but for
the Association.
We have matured 8 series and paid back to stockholders near
$ 5 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0
h a re ju at baftna, tb e » « x t nlavea yaar# w ill *saaa
th e
th *n
bafera. You compktm about
J a su u f 1, l t l « .
w ith m w here yea
4 « * ’t h a t *
fr »o from till taxao, aotbing aefar, aotisi&g battar.
T he 22nd
is bow i| tt
1 »ifh taxae, asm * a a
6 p e r c e n t In v e s t m e n t
..e '.
more for
S e r ie s
- •
alr*tdy »oid $10,eW.0e worth of stock im thi*
watck i t f?ow*
3. L . SCOT T, Ttm id w at; W . * . S H A R P S , S M n to rjr k T ra w u ra r; © K K . M . M O R R O W , V iea- P raa«kcit
•a r w
fP*. WH!1^:W -
< ;i
* W r t A T O ; W f l 1WW— I, M, ft
i a * managed to trap the i a t n u t a l
knew nothing o f the coast* of the K » | '
silence on the part of Kitty, whom h * !
. had left alone in ■ the count's apart-1
- ^E M E R SO N
FromfKeScetvario ^G(?ACE QWARD
copygtQwr. »9»a ^ . w c m «vf*rres5Q*
S tw a tb* Motloo Fictoiw Dram * of Uw Sun * Mane. ProducM W tit*
Ufttvenol W m Manufacturing Compaay,
KJttr Gray, newspaper w m m , And* In
% t w o l W Half at a broken coin, th*
Inaenpttoa oa which •K iiua
b*r attw ty and b»ds b«, at the otter
a f b t f niaiii fte g editor, to go to tha prtnUtoafltT ot GreUboffen to piece out thc
amry suggested by tha Inscription. 6he It
followed, and on arrival in Gr«tzhoff«B
* « ■ adventures while chasing ibe secret
Ot the- broken coin beein,
plerin my property by process o f law
what shall I do— wait and lose It, of
take my own when I find it?”
Count Frederick smiled at this.
“You claim tb$ coin also by . that
law?'*, said he. “V ery weli, I claim
my picture by that law. Possession is
nine points o f th e . law o f any land;
W ill you trade this for that?"
"Mo," spitefully.
“ There is no bargain concluded,”
said he. “So then"I suppose w e will
wait here until doomsday."
A s for the attendants of the palacc
'Itself, no alarm came from them. In
truth, they ail w ere in the front part
o f the building, grouped se a r the great
windows or the street door, whithei
they bad been called by certain alarms.
.'They bad seen h urrjin g troops, had
heard tbe challenge of the officers of
the law. That challenge came closet
to them. A little group of men march­
ing barriedly, .men In uniform,. now
ascended the great stairs. A load ta p
plhg.c&me at the doors ot Count Fred­
erick’s palace. “Open, in the name of
the king!” came the summons.
T b s servants, terrified, la c k ln g tb *
command. of their master, not know­
ing where that master was, knew no
alternative but tb obey. The door was
opened. The captain of gendarmes
and hia squad entered.
“The master of this place," he de­
manded of the, men . who met him.
‘‘Where is he? Is he at home?"
*A 6 B T H S J B
le a * bent over, making «u<>' >e*reb
as he could o f the silent evidence of
tbe crime: It seemed to him almost
certain that be had seen this mas
somewhere, but he could not be sure.
H e stooped, hr 'iitsted, and then swift­
ly sprang aside and sought conceal­
ment behind the hangings o f the room.
He was sure that be had heard some­
one move in the rear 100m of the
He had no more than concealed him­
self before he bad full evidence pf
the Justice of his suspicion. H e beard
a rustling behind the curtained door,
heard the slight shuffiing of a stop,
an d saw emerge from the concealing
curtains a face which he knew, well
enough; be could not mistake that
cunning, ratlike chin, the shifting
eyes, tbe almost silent footfall which
carried him forward,
Yes, Roleau
knew him, knew him well enough. H e
had met him not so long before fu
combat at the lodge of Count Sacbio,
bad saved the life of h e r excellency
from this very man. H e had fought ,
him again in,his own den in. the slums
of Gretiihoften here. Yes, it was Blake,
the renegade king of the apaches..
•■We do not know,” stammered the
major domo, the first to speak.
Roleau caught some sense of what
H e s to o p e d o v e r th e b o d y a n d k n e lt
Was coming on, saw the men approach­
b y it s s i d e , t h r u s t a h a n d in t o t h e
“ Y e s ,” v ic io u s ly .
ing,-and darted'back ta'"warn his mis­
p o c k e ts , o f ih e c o a t, a n d a t le n g th
Tha Trap.
“Agreed, then, mademoiselle. W ith tress, whose long delay he could not
d r e w o u t a f o l d e d p a p e r , w h ic h h e h u r ­
Let your permission, may I light a cig- understand. K e hurried swiftly, on
"Mademoiselle, give It to me
r i e d l y c r o w d e d in t o h is o w n p o c k e t .
U* end all thl3."
avetto? Till doomsday! 1 would .rather tip-tee, along the halls be knew so
T h e n h e w a s a b o u t t o a r is e , b u t a t
T h e voice o f Count Frederick was spend m j time here than any place I well, and naturally met no opposi­
th a t
in s ta n t h e
fe lt
th e
t ig e r lik e
agitated. For once he to d mat. a sit­ know."
tion, - He reached the door o f the room
w e i g h t o f t h e g i a u t , R o le a u u p o n h is
uation sufficient to sbake him from his
where he had left Kitty, glanced with­
o w n b a c k . . A h a n d c a u g h t h is. a r m
in, and found tbe room empty. He
h a c k o f b is , c r o w d e d i t u p to w a r d th e
*Kitty Gray made no answer, as she
turned this way and that, not knowing
b a c k o f b is n e c k , s tr a in e d it in t o a
Frederick, Roleau and Kitty, Arrested for Murder.
shrank back, thb coin tightly clasped
N ew Problems.
what to do, ahd fearing to turn back
p o s it io n o f e x c r u c i a t i n g p a in . A d a r m
. la her hand. She cast on him a look
Meantime the agencies of the law toward the m a in .' stairway, passed
c a m e , a r o u n d h is . n e c k , c h o k i n g h im .
ao full of womanly anger as might were in charge ot another situation deeper to the rfcar.
" W b o are you, then?” demanded the H e - w a s h e lp le s s .
sprang down the steps, clung to the
have scorched him— an anger how de­ which but now bad arisen in' th * des­
All at ante he beard the voice ot arm of Roleau. a flush came to Count prefect of Count Sachio.
“ Get up,” said' Roleau, at length,
void o ffe a t . Caged, trapped, left with­ tiny o f thedynam ic Gretzhoffen coin. Kitty, .loud and clear: “Roleau! Rol­ Frederick’s face as he saw how sbe |
“I am Count Sachio of Grahaffen," grimly.
" I know you. So, you did
out resource, helpless in the hands of There had been murder done but now eau! A moi! Vitc! V lte!”
avoided himself.- There was, h o w -; replied the latter, none too happy at this? Come along with me."
h er enemy, still she seemed deadlier over this coin. T h e city was exerting
. H e hastened on down the hall, ever, no time for further speech. The i the situation in which he foiind him­
N o w it w as this strange apparition,
than that enemy now.
all its force usually employed in the knowing that his mistress was once sound o f rapid fcotfaiis came down | self.
of Roleau marching his prisoner be­
“W ill you not?" The m a n s voice preservation of life and property. more in some desperate plight, and so the hall. The captain ot gendarmes ;
"M igh t I suggest to monsieur le fore him, which gave pause to the
had In it now something almOBt of Swiftly a cordon of troops and o f the found himself at length fac e'to face and his men were a t tbe door.
i prefect that w e hasten," interrupted procession of the law as it advanced
pleading. Count Frederick felt some­ local gendarmerie had been summoned at the foot of the staircase with the
enough. toward tb e scene of the crime. The
“ Mesaieors, welcome!” said C oun t: Count
thing o f shame at his own p art In this. into action. The exits of, the town Count Frederick, who turned to meet Frederick. "But why are you here?"!
T h e prefect had seen many women, prefect of the city, his officers. Count
“N o ! ” she answered at length, her were guarded. The gendarmes filled him.
“ Monsieur le comte, w e ask pardon not all o f them innocent. H e smiled Frederick, Count Sachio, Kitty Gray,
'town voice low end eves, panting out the Btreets nearby, some guarding the
“ Eh bien, Roleau?” smiled the lat­ for the intrusion, but w e must ask you grimly enough now as he noticed the all these others, paused now.
the words. “N o, I w ill not. C o n e and crossings, others converging toward ter. "What, again?" You are most to Join us,” replied the officer. He
beauty of the young girl, who stood
“W h at is that?” demanded tiie pre­
take it from me If you dare. You have the point o f greater interest, whence faithful, shall I say most industrious, w as impressed by the calm dignity of pale and not wholly collected In nil fect imperatively. "W h o are you, and
done that once, why not again?”
the alarm had come— the Rits hotel.
in the service o f this lady? ! would Count Frederick, as had been more this turmoil. The girl now turned to wbat do you do with this man?"
H e turned away with a sudden ges­
“W hat is this, monsieur?" demanded you had been so devoted in my own.” than one man before his time.
! him, and for the first tim e spoke.
“ H e l « the guilty mac., excellency,"
ture. b is face red In chagrin over the the officer, as he approached the desk,
“Monsieur le prefect,” said she, “you said Roleau stoutly. “I took him but
“For what reason do you desire our
“As you please, master,” replied
Justice o f her taunt.
his quick eyes glancing over every de­ Roseau, with aplomb. “But where is company, monsieur captain? Is there cannot make guilt out o f innocence. Just now in our apartments. H e was
"T o n remember that?” said he. tail about him. "Remain here, all of she?"
I can prove to you by this clerk and bending over the dead man there
any charge against us?"
-."W hat remains? Must I b e yet more you. Let no one attempt escape. W hat
“There is a charge of great severity ' all these others that I w aa absent wben I saw him. I sprang upon him
'She seems safe,” said Count Fred­
rode with, yon? It is not that I like is this, then?"
to be laid against someone, monsieur from tbe hotel for several days. W hen and took him, as you see. 1 know this
erick coolly, and waved a hand.
th * part, mademoiselle; be sore ol
“W » do not know, captain." began
Roleau came front to front against le comte. W e ask your aid to deter­ I came back It w as but for a short man w ell enough. H e is a robber and
that. It w a * not myself but my man the clerk, who acted a s spokesman. the iron grille doors which barred mine w ho that one may be. This time. I was absent when this crime a chief ot robbers; he is the leader of
w h o laid hands upon yon that other “Thi* maid brings the alarm ; tb e de- egress for the inmate o f the little young woman, w bo is sba?”
How can you con- the apaches of this city.”
{ w as discovered.
I d ares a man has been found killed in prison. Ha shook at the bars in
“I am M iss Kitty Gray o f America,” h'sct me with it? R a'h er connect with
“ W h at you say may be true,” said
"H e is atffi your mas. f ou yourself one of our apartments.
frensy as be saw her. She approached answered the object o f bis suspicion.' it those w ho have had access to my the prefect, aa b e cast a sw ift glance
“ W hat room was it, monsieur?”
•tin a n willing to 'p oneen t* a women . 1
him, her eye* wide with joy at his “T M * ta my servant, Roleau. W h o are room during my absence.”
at the prisoner; “but w e can Jump at
c ad • strangor. . Tom are a o hatter I
"T h at belonging to a young Ameri­ coming.
T he official turned toward
her no conclusions.
Retain him, retala
than Its."
| can woman, a M i n Gray.”
" W e a r * of th * imperial police, j thoughtully, then to th * captain o ' them bstfe."
“So then,' thi* waa w h y !" cried Bo“flvppoM I am aot, thee. Doe* it;
“W h e r* la she?”
A murder bas been ' gendarmes. “H ave you searched all
leau. “Open this gate, 1 nay." In his mademoiselle.
“Do you know this man?” b e de­
M k aa thamgh y w would cats m u e h ;
*’t do not know, captain. She waa pMvion h * forgot hia own peslUoa
don* in your room at tb * Kits hotel. these persons?” he Inquired. T b e lat­ manded o f the clerk.
fcy defying » • ? Come, mow. Tha M ia here hat now. W e did so t i m her ea­ and tu n e d on hls master, ordering N atarally s * » * o n * ia under suspicion.' ter shook his head.
But th * latter shook his head. “I
"80 you do not know w hat evidence never saw him," said be. “B a t *M
•■ •O th in g tii r*a; It its everything to ter, but saw her leave. She and her him w thong* Count Frederick him- ket me caution both you and Count
H a I sw ear It is m or* th*® I thought
eciae and go ottm — somewhat self were the servant to this place.
Frederick not to speak. W b at y «v h a* been destroyed. Came, then, per­ the** thing* rouse additional suspi­
R e v er w oo l* fe*. It la lit* aad death mysteriously. I must admit."
| form that duty now, * e * what y=u cion o f tills young woman. She I* to*
“Roleau, yon Will yet eshaust my say may b * used aa evidence.”
W hen waa she hare last
h r me, a n i m i * thaa that, M a 4 ».
OcBBt F M e r lc k tu n e d su dd en ly; find upon tbe persons o f these Individ- mysterious; sbe ba* toe many M iuaca
patience. Thia ia a y home. I have
Moteefle. Wo*t!d yo* ataad between t
“W lthla the hour, 1 was about to had almost enough of yoar running toward Kitty, a w a n in g In his eyes. oal*. T h * woman lirst."
friends. 1 tell yoa, monsieur le pre­
* M wad an am Utfea sack aa tb a tf I •ay."
W ithout hesitation Kitty presented fect, she Is the on* w bo k s o v * att
back and forth ta tt as you ,Vt%. T his S h * stood, therefore, silent, looking a t
j h er handbag, drew out from it her llt- about this?
wmsld repay yon a hundredfold tat s a y ;
“And who was with her?"
is th* last time, Ont o f here. 70s fal­ th* man.
She know* th * v ic tla ,
! "Madestclaslle is ta no c a t* resooc - 1 tie portemounaie, even turned Inside whoever he may have been. Depaad
w ay yoa needed, if y o * would hut Us- j
“ Her man, whom I Save jast men- low.'’
t * a to reason. But perhaps a woman tieaed.
They cam* ia, apparently
"I* it so?” grinned Roleaa savagely, laibl* fa r any e f this,” said h * to t h * ! ° ,J|t tb * pocket of her frock. Count on that.”
d oe* not know t b * wortl tor re**oa.”
{ hoot tb * country; apparsxtSy from k U own mind apon t a * mala siuatfem offloer, "W e w ill all go with yok cad I Praderick watched her closely as she
The prefect, bad he made like qw*s“N o, 1 do sot. 1 remember a *!y on* travel. They earn* la at th* rear en­ o f meaac* to his mistress. " T b » r * icoiusiud* this matter aa quickly as ! did so. U e saw that so n * of th* offi- tion o f Count Frederick or o f Kitty
werd, and tS>at is h at* tor yoo! W h e a , trance, ao it seems. Soon after her
posribl*. W * must h * r*l«ae«d at j < * n discovered the piece ot ooic.
herself, might have beard that they
oacs from Attention.”
I suspected, although he did not know. both had seen before now this later
» T chaac* acme* I shaft still remem- j arrival a gentlmaas inquired for her.'
"A a d where ia that gentleman?"
T h a o A eer tsrned, backoaiag to ! that Kitty had paimed it under her addition to thc list of captives. ''
h e r tast. I * tent t w ill put you b * j
thumb as * h * spread oat her bands, that oMcial, for tiie time, w k p v
them to follow him
Tha clerk looked a boc i him. Couat
bind th * b a n if ever th * oMXHtantty j
T h * little group passed along tha asking them to certify thsmselve*.
dbaaes to m*. And y o * shall staytfcer* Sachift hy this t i n * had approached
ia larger mnlterr>.
T h * gaadarmea, their captain, the
“T;,... t«
alw ays for ail at mm. ! h at* y e * ! "
f tha d w r< n g f.w o u ld h av« beea glad
w alk to t ie open curb o l .th* street.
Count fM derieic « jailed grimly. ■ enoegk to pass out. Detained by the
R 'w a« Soleau who hasttatad few*, *d- prefect, o f polltte, turned a w s v - i - 1
■ -.1 ■
p la iw * t.
T he p r e f e c t h e s i t a t e * : 1 1
<n w l a > t«h * eeptaia ef-seedarm e*.
"T b e re la comfort in that word, made- porter for a time, be aow had met the
" Monsieur captain,” said he, “I s e * : f a c e d t h e c a l m d i s a i t y o f t h » 1. . . : '
xw iaelie," said he. “Rather that than [ geotdames, who allowed no cue t «
The captalc ap­
that you guard all tha escapes possi­ m a n .
laaden-eyed indifference, at least- But leave the plae*.
" Y o u r e x c e l l e n c y , ” s a id h e s t le n g t h
ble to any guilty man.
You will
M fo r me, I do not hate yoa, neither proached him.
therefore allow me to step to the cor­ " I d i t i i k e t o a s k o f y o u t !ie r ir ; h t o :
am I indifferent toward you. I only—
"Monaleur. yon must Jala s * for a
1 c o m p ly o n ly « i t U fo r m a l­
ner to summon a carriage for these s e a r c h .
at least, madeusciselle, I try only to time,” and led him toward th* desk,
two excellencies?"
' itie s . I f y o u r e x c e lle n c y — ”
think o f tbe coin and w bat it means where he resumed his queatiouins of
“ C e r t a i n l y , ” s a id l 'i ; u n t F r e d e r i c k .
The captain of gendarmes hesitated
the hotel force.
to me."
for a half-instant, frowned, and then J in d t h r e w o p e n h is c o a t .
“If it belonged to you, monsieur, it
“ Is this the gentleman?’’ he inquired
T h e p r e f e c t o f p o l i c e t u r n e d t o h ls
would have gone to you long ago. If ot the clerk. The latter ncdded.
“Naturally, you only do your duty, • m e n . " W e h a v e n o t yer. fo u n d a l l o f
“W hat did this gentleman say?"
you ever owned it you would own it
monsieur captain." suggested Roleau. 1 t h o s e p a r t i e s w b o n ia y b e c o n c e r n e d
“He asked me where was the charmBOW."
W e h ave n ot yet
"but excellencies like these must n o t : w i t h t h is c r i m e .
A sudfieu change came over the face ing young woman, the American. He
walk. Excuse me, then?"
| h e l d o u r q u e s t io n s o n t h e s o e : ie o f t h e
o f the nobleman as he caught the con­ said he bad known her before.”
Those wbo lingered for an instant;
“ Kas anyone else inquired for the
viction in these words. They touched
T h e y t u r n e d , a l l o f t lie m . n o w . a n d
saw Roleau w alk leisurely toward the :
for him some consciousness long left young American lately? H as anyone
corner, raise his hand aa though in a a p p r o a c h e d t h e s t a i r w a y w h ic h l e d t o
else been in her apartments?”
signal, and then break lutd a run.
| t b e f lo o r u p o n w h ic h w e r e lo c a t e - !
The clerk considered tor an instant.
“ W hat do yoa mean?" he asked in
T h e ir n u m b ers
"W a it," exclaimed Count Frederick, K i t t y 's a p a r t m e n t s .
a low voice. “W hat is it that you “One other, monsieur le eapitaine,
as he saw the plan o f the quick-witted : q u i t e f i l l e d t h e h a l l a s t h e y a d v a n c e d ,
mean when you say that?"
servant. “If you leave us w e also ' p r e c e d e d a n d f o l l o w e d b y g e n d a r m e s .
“W ho— when was it?"
“W hen Frederick, Count of Gretimight run away. W e will pick him But suddenly, as they approached the
“A gentleman whose name I dislike
ko&en. deserve* this coin; when ha
ap, no doubt, Do you tarry here with * P °t they sought, the captain o f gend­
earns It; when he gains Ht!« by virtue to speak in public.”
armes touched the arm of his superior
"Sp?ak; it is tbe law.”
a t right thoughts and d «*d *. *ie n per­
In fact the captain o f gendarmes, and pointed ahead.
"Vi/ry well, then, it was Monsieur le
haps it will come to him ; surety not
“That Is the man who escaped,’
seeing bis own party reduced by dibefore. This 00la,” sha held it now out Counte Frederick of Qretzbotfea.”
visioas to no m ore than a couple ot exclaimed ha, "Roleau, here be is,
“The Count Frederick, whea was bs
before her in her hand, “it w ill come
coming from the room itself! Rut
Frederick’s '
beside himself, hesitated, and
eventually to that place w h e n te be-j here?"
who is that with him?"
"Ah, that w as before the return of
Songs. It is seeking fo r that place aow. j
ApartiM At by th* King’s 8w**tti*art turned to secure the safety o f his
more important captives. W hile tbey
T h « tttople really o w » IL They safe tbe young woman from an absence of
and Th*r< by Frederick.
passed tli«y heard th * Quick, wheels
freedom and jasttce aad liberty. And several days.”
«aiekof a taxicab which drew up before
The oflicer tam ed to kw
yoa ask at* why I cling to it; j
T he Body of th * Crime.
■B*y it clings to me. t suppo** it Is ."Those of you w bo remain,” ns said. ly, master. But aa tor this, 1 won’t them. After atl, it w as an open ques­
It had been easy fo r Roleau, once Count Frederick Detain* Kitty W k K *
hecaaae something impels me, eom- •■‘will gward all theee wboot w e hare a rgn * aow. It ia y e a r ovm safety da­ tion w bat had been Releaa’a intent,
Roleau Demand* H er Relea**.
qcectiofied her*.
Prevsat all from mands it. listen , tb * n e o a r * coat­ fo r certainly be bad ordered thi* vehi­ fca waa f m of the immediate presence
p i t n * t® do w bat I b a r * t o a «.”
Count Frederick turned ts compose laaviag th* hotel. I must gm to find ing — t b * o fle e n — daa’i yoa h *ar cle to come hither. Making the best .o f the officers, to spring into tits near­ clerk.
"N o w all the avenues ara
c f the matter, the captain of gend­ est alleyway a n j quickly pass from
W ttM if to a situation ot gteatar com­ th » Count IVederick himself aad bring them?”
closed and a ll the suspects a r * as­
fort. Aa he did *s. a ad about to seat
“ T b * gendarme*. T iler* la a eharga e ate r the car
hia more distinguished prisoners, wat’ sembled, I take it. W s w ill see w h at
feim a lf upon the Sower stair, some- may find aomethlag of the wher*Kitty turned to the silent matt w ho ! passing in the car toward the front, en- the room itself bolds. W e w ill entor."
IM o g teQ from the pocket o f M s o o « ; -ahosta o f the young woman herself. • f murder. Tbey are a ft»r you, they
“ N o, no,” cried Kitty, in sudden ter­
•n m th in g which he bad bPv:.;Lt with Once w e find bar w * hav* found th* aro o e a ia g to search thi* bou**. If sat at her side. Count Frederick l a i d 1 trance o f the Hotel R lti, Roleau him- ro r at the thought of w b at she fe a n A
they dad yoa with her, trapped, a finger to his lips, counseling silence,! **•* w as speeding thither almost as
him from his room, in th * hop* that il sotatloa o f this arbn*.'
to a$e. " i cannot. I know nothing ot
aad gased straight on ahead.
; quickly through devious passageways
“W h * w a* th* victim?” h * damand- w bat w ill they d or Opea, M **t
!M d aot been observed ther* by this
this; I don’t know w bo tbe b u s waa.
aalekly, I beg a yea. It is for th*
Thus, sileat and aloof, they arrived j
which led to Use rear o f the botel.
woman- It fell aow fae * apwaxd *a *d of t t * «S«rh.
I don't know who did this.”
as prisoners at tbe grand entrance o f j
Attaining entrance a t the roar, he
’T h a t w * eabnot M y. Thia maid sake e f her aed yourself."
th * stair betweoa them, aad h * aaw
“W hat, mademoiselle! Y on tear to
j aped up the back stairs, and tonne
“ I de a c t n o , " said Coast F red e r tb * Hotel Hit*.
tfcat a h * had » o e « it. H e aeoeptad th« alone h a* * * * « . “
Kitty tottnd herself face to face with
himself once m or* a t tha apartments see w b at there may be to witneaat"
M e, slowly. “If there is sack a eh&rg*
tact, and at first did not attempt ts
said the prefect. “A s to you, n o a s h i f
a * this, certainly w * shall meat It, a large man in full uniform, a maa o f Kitty Gray.
C H A P T g R X X X V.
ptek a p th* little piatare, for it va t
W hat he saw caused even bis stout la comte—
for it is o a r parpo** a s weU a * Chain wttb a heavy beard and merciless eye,
1 th * iittt* jtetara «h te h h * hsd hnttgfci
"T h e law will take its course,” said
w bo now addressed himself to hia nerve* to quail for the time. On tbe
to f i l l w bo a r* goilty.
•to n e W alls De Net a Prison M«ha.
I w k h him from his reom.
“ You h ay*
floor before him, with face h alf turned Count Frederick coldly.
"Com * aow,” h * taraed to Kitty m
“ Too saw, madeasctoelie?" aaid h a ' Soieaa, gaardiaa o f th* fortunes of
“ As to thia man,” he demanded, and arms outflung, lay the victim ol before now seen fit to doubt me. T ake
bis mistress, had mmatned at that b a drew th * key of th * loek ’ rota hta
“1 had hoped that
would M t.”
portion of th * palao* which seemed poekct, “you b a re one* more, by vir­ "w h y hav* you taken Couat Freder­ tb * last adventure connected with thc matter* into your own bands, taon'Tae, I so* it n ew ; i sa w It t h m
sieor le prefect, and let the la w g o
mysterious Gretthoffen coin
to him moet a w M a * a eoign o f van­ tue of ibla exigency, madeaioiseU*, ick of Gretzhoffen?”
: to y o w room,” M u w «**d Kitty « e »
Roleau did not know this man at on.”
“ lisrely a r ultimate suspicion,”
ItM tp tW M ly . "T o a aak w hy I ve rtn n tage ia watching sgsinst ictraakra. eonoaered at*! I mntt set you fra*
firct. bat he seemed not ot QreuhofT b e prefect himself flu es open the
; iata yeur apartm M ta aow aad thaa. H e had not b e *a awmi* o f the «a i*t for a time. F at* s«*m s to fight with stammered tha captain. "W e foand
Katx I net the r l ^ t ? *U p I aoteiehs advaac* of Couat Fr»derick when the yorL L ater w e will r * f * m « oar argu­ him in company with thi* young worn-: fen. R ather his garb betokened him door and entered the mysterious room.
T h e room, to fa r as an y victim ot
lattar had bee* suKtscaed h r the «J*a ment, bat aow I tkfcsk w U t Itotaa* aa, ia whoa* room the crime waa com­ to come from the kindred kingdom ol
4Ity m prcprty? I *m aot M t t H
a ciim * w aa concerned, w aa entirely
tHe bail sat o t by kitty** pree«noe IB aays h at justioe ia tt- W * m ast not mitted. TUs o t k ir - * he polated io
■wrn d » la w s f fm m rn U t.
Count Rachio, “ai*o * * * * * to faavs
empty. Everythin* w as in order tm
tt *MNH* t* mm A m * a n « a k « 8 tt hi* o w e apartmssts. B e k a e v aotih ha foand kera tk w .”
Which he knew ~;:!5 iicjeratfTe, Ro before. T h ere w as no dtad msn tfieral
R * flans e p e * tb * iren grille. Kitty known tlBa yonag woman.*'
t th land. Net tgaowtag ho# I t 1* la g a f the device hy which tke coani
m * 'I m
M, £
winter, the hand, and banded wife a twowhen tiny coaster* *Say one* more be inch strip o f beaver. K. broad Puri­
I d M i M * W f T « m <v u 4 Friday brought into use, asd th£ snow WJift tan collar of the pliush completed
zealously guards his domain-- ittOBn* the set, and a amoll hat; with a band
f l u State Dtetatek M A w f O*..
tain* and stm us* in glittering enow- of tha plush around the edge and
BaJrifaftw*, N. C.
a beaver ball on tbs tip-top of the
«jfftc* F im 'F U e r, W aller B aiU w f.
. For these day* o f sleighing and crown, was a ebic accompanunantTtlsphem Me. M ».
not forgetting the gorgeous This set was to be worn with the suit
W ic r iy tiw , Oae Dtllar par Year,
payable I i
wintry morning* when a brisk walk and also with a heavy, belted and
over froean paths brings a glow to pocketed topcoat o f dark green ve­
AH cMWnMkaUiM in Mfsjrtt ta
lours, intended for sleighing, m otor­
«M m t aawa itesM w M m m M«t> our cheeks and brightness to our
t e a ifcowI4 fce «< < r w ir i t * Tk « State eyes, clothes must play as important ing and like purposes, wfcea warattk
Biipshfc PaktfsWiC Cau «M l M t t*
was necessary aa well u becominga part as fo r any other occasions.
tured with thc thought
fte Tilct-A-leek
M T W iiU iu l «m
n c
designated as the Universdiy Ej U b T B E 06CAB U W t ft fT t W i ON tkeritfaa.
d w Series No. 14, contains sixty,
Guarantees wen# required tbat«srT O P TO CHRISTIANIA
four pages dealing on the question
tain parte o f tha steewslitp** cargo,
o f naval enlargement.
jfe r ^
Telh British Autfceritlsa Be whieh ha* beee dacla/ad contraband.
The Handbook might be derided
CoeU A rraa,* Peace if Om nA t o '* '0** « * « * » * • * O t M ' ■
into five parts. The first part give*
Henr f Fort made aa nrgiat rea brief summary o f tha history o f
quest that tha steamship b * allowed
London, Dae. i?.~Anr,oa»oement
the High School Debating Union; the
to p n M d . Ho t )U the British aasecond gives the official estimate o f wa> m* d®
*•». Foreign 0<ke to- ftoritts* b « believed he eoaSd ar-
*iU | t k IM-
Attractive Far Sals
AB aura nates . aad
Fashion decreed at the beginning
t b u ef impartaaee must b esiz a a *
b f tkt writer.
of the season that fur Waa to be
W c are act responsible (or >y « i » m
popular, aiid old Father Winter has
• f Use carreapaadeftte.
approved the notion by sending us a
ttabecribero will tate notice that *9
ffCdpt for aubacription for The State brisk, crisp winter that makes the
WSpsteh will be honored at thia e # «e touch o f fur, no matter how small
Wteas it ia aenbered with stsaped
or how large, quite consistent;
•(o re * . ■■
Entered. aa aaeond-eiasa matter
In muffs and neckpiece* there is
May IB, 1908, at the post elBee at
Karlin*too. North Carokaa, under the wide choice both sis to models and
A « t a f Conjrettn af March *, 1IT9.
materials. It is no longer considered
the navy's program as recommcaded i nigfet
the steamship Osmr JI, range peace t f permitted to v itft
having on board the Ford peace party, neutral countries.
by President Wilson aad Secretary
h«s been permitted to proceed on her
Daniels; part three is a brief for the
voyage to Christiania. Tha Foreig i
debate; part fbqw is devoted to ref* Officu srys that the vessel tailed this] Many a nan gate tfea better of aa
Another prety set of dosfr-haired
erenees—affirmative and negative, and afternoon from lfrlcwall. > t o which a w m «# *-. witfcaat necesaarfly prorfor, made from an old seal.coat, had
th* fifth and last part o f the Hand­ port it was taken by the British an-!ing he is right.
a barrel muff, and the regulation
book gives a Bibliography or list of
throw-scarf. This, set was complet­
publications containing valuable ma­
ed by a long tasseled cap mads of
terial on the query under discussion..
the same material as the loose, boxUnder tiie head of “ References” in
coat, which was o f dark green duve-.part {6m flf ^
Handbook, extract,!
tyn, also banded and cuffed witi, s e a l , , ^ Kiven from speeehe$ and maga. ,
Gold cord, silver and gold lace, is
sine articles, and from various re-j
used for the more dressy muffs and
,ports and bulletins issued by the Se- j GOOD fO S CHRISTMAS DAWN, AND GOOD AFTER CHRIST-
‘home-made” to carry a muff of vel
I t r r iw
icurity end Peace Uagu<;s- Fifteetl |MAS IS GONE. GIFTS o f LASTING VALUE ABE BEINC
vet, heavy silk, br velours, with just metal or velvet rose as an attractive articles are to be found here which
a band or two o f fur, by woy o f
uphold the affirmative and thirteen
The Alamance Home Builders’ A«The Popular Tam-a’-Shaater
trimming, or for that matter no fur
Which uphold the negative. Two o f TO PLEASE YOU IS A RAKE EXCEPTION. EVERYTHING
With the awakening o f the out. aoeiation paid out last week about at all. These sets are often made
these articles favoring preparedness IS EMPLOYED POR THE CONVENIENCE OF SHOPPERS.
spirit there has come a de­
tea thousand dollars on matured to match coat or suit; one especially
and enlargement were written by
mand fo r comfortable headgear; not
North Carolinians. One is an ex­
stock in the 8th series. This com­
the freakish hats and cap* which
tract from a speech made by Hon.
pany has been in existence about 11
were introduced whan the motoring
E. W. Pou, and the other from, an
years and lias paid out to its stock­
fed came in, ao hideous and unbe­
article by Secretary Josephus Dan­
holders and investors more than fifty
coming, but chic, little caps and tains
iels. The negative references induct!
thousand dollars, this amount, too,
made up in sweater cloth, lamb’s
a very powerful article by Ron.
within the last four years. Building
wool, the material o f the coat or
Claude Kitchin.
and loan associations are home build­
suit, or knitted to match sweater or
For tha affirmative the Handbook
ers and city makers and all people
LADIES’ SEPARATE COATS—Cloth, Plush, Corduroy, Fur,
scarf. These caps are extremely
coiitains extracts from speeches or
who are interested in the upbuilding
youthful and chic, easily made, and
articles of Hobson of Alabama, Gard­ Lambs' Wool and Astrakhan, Zebeline, Fancy Plaids, Cheeks—
e f the city should carry a fe w shares,
tfce height o f comfort.
ner of Massachusetts, PreaideT.t all th* leading Coat Materials. All Conte at moderate price*.
i t ia not only a good investment, but
Woodrow Wilson and ex-President
it helps those who arc not able to
William Howard Taft, Rear Admiral
help themselvss and in this way peo­
Fiske, ex-£ecretary o f War Stimson,
ple have homes that i f they waited
and JL W. Neeser, Director o f the COAT SUITS—We are near flhe dose of the most successful
rather early thia year and there ware
ta get all the Money together at one
Navy League. Representing the neg­ Coat Suit season in our history. We are pricing handsome Broad­
many drunks Saturday night.
time they would not own a home.
ative slda of this question are such
one-quart law does not seem to af­
There are two good, strong building
cloth, Velvet, Gaberdine, Poplin and Serge Suits with a view t*
men as Clauds Kttcbin, William Jen­
fect any but the law-abiding claaa who
«nd loan associations here and sever­
them. Good styles and workmanship, ' Prices nu ifr
nings Bryan, President Wilson (be­
always want their mornings morning
al more in the county. New serios
fore his change o f attitude), Russell
from .............................. .................................. ..........$7.50 to $20.00
sometimes. The others seem to be
will be open now soon. Why not see
Weisman in tha Lak « Mohonk Peace
able to get ail tbey want. We would
some one connected with some as­
Contest, and others.
sociation and take a few sharea. You
like to n » a law that all would fare
In selecting as subject for this
may not want to borrow, but it will
alike, but we presume we are doom­
year’s high school debate the question
ed to disappointment. The crooJsed
help your neighbor and then, too,
o f naval enlargement, the debating FURS, GLOVES, SILVER SETS, IVORY SETS, JI AND BAGS,
always seem to be able to put it over
suppose you should happen to want
committee could not possibly have
tbe straight in this world, but maybe
some money it would come in mighty
ETC. A house full of good gifts at prices woaderfaUy low.
made a more appropriate or timely
bandy- Boost the building and loan as­
choice. Moreover, this question ie one
sociations and you are helping ycur
jwhich offers strong arguments
both sides and so will offer a tveneighbor and helping your town.
Collar of
Chapel Hill, N. C., Dec. 20.~The ‘ mendou,i 8cope for tho h>*h * * « *
High School Debaters’ Handbook, d* boters' From dozcns of * » “ •»• all
prety set worn recently with a tai­
Muffs and Becoming Neck­ lored suit of dark brown duvetyn,
was o f silk plush in the same tone
pieces.— Fascy Caps io Match.
as the suit, trimmed with strips of
New York, Oec. 18.— Just aa the
beaver to match the trimming on the
tinkling of sleighbells delighted the
suit. The muff was made in the pop­
hearts o f the children nnd grown-ups
ular melon shape, the plush being
JfC&terday, so are we o f today enrapshirred to a very kmsdl opening at
J. D. and L. B. Whitted
non- ^ n’ Secret* ^
o f the Hi* h ^
"Resolved, Thet the United States
S h a ll
The Handbook, that
larging its Navy.”
fu ith e r
« I t B
h a v e a lr e a d y
U n io n ; a n d i t is v e r y
e x p e c ts
s c h o o ls e n r o lle d
T h is
w o u ld
s tu d e n ts
j and
fo u r
j fo r
th e
fo r
th e
d is tr ic t
j fr o m
c o m -1
le a s t
58- ■Acre tobacco farm, adjoining the lands of Claude
McCauley f n i WiilVincent.
About 40 acres is
cleared, the remainder in wood. This farm is
in the heart of ihe tobacco belt and produces the
best quality of bright tobacco. It is situated on
a public road. On this tract there are two to­
bacco barns, pack barn, stable and new three
room houso.
c o n te s t.
th a t each
a v e r a g e o f e ig h t
p r e lim in a r y
w o u ld
co n te s t.
try -o u ts I
s e le c t e d ;
to '
s c h o o l s t u d e n t s w o u ld !
p r e lim in a r y
t h is n u m b e r
try -o u ts ,
t'iio d i s t r i c t c o n t e s t .
j in p
m in im u m
and t *
1,200 w i l l b e c h o s e n !
■ fo r
A n d , a llo w -
a u d ie n c e
: t'.ic h o n e o f t h e s ; s c h o o ls o n t h e n i g h t ■9
£ S :o f
th e
f in a l
d is tr ic t
N o rth
r ie ld e
6 0.000 p!
~ ' ri
C a r o l i n a w o u ld h e a r th c
9 ..
£■2! pr^wl.'scss?—r.n
- ,...w
c o n te s t,
; w o u ld m e a n n o l e s s t h a n
Y v .'m -p v o -:
44 Acre t(,bacco farm adjoining: the lands of Claude
McCauley and Will Vincent.
Thlity acres in
this farm is under cultivation, tbe remainder in
wood. There are live buildings on this tract. A
io .r room house, two tobacco barns, granery and
feed barn.
Th«'above mentioned farms are contiguous pro­
A public road divides them.
We will sell in
?ii;g:!o. tracts or as a whole. Prices reasonable. Terms
!'• suit the purchaser.
he a safe •
For further information apply to
Next to
The Grotio
‘-:s reason -ornc v.*oav?« : /
ilv' ;.pj ot*'
Bi2riingiont M. €.
\v. rii-'’--!
r'.I-ike both f'nas iriczl
tho. mid-
V.]!! t-f..-? cr.re of hsrAi.
' ‘ W h e re .y o u r $ W o rk s W in d e r %
C .-i
t.-ivrcU-: r.:r-y
i\z:\ yciz:'.g XriC'T.u.-; iwe not
enroll j
th e
o f th e s e
th e
ye,\ r.
w ill
p r o b a b ly m ea n
' s a y , 2 ,4 0 0 h i g h
| be
m ore
s c h o o l w o u ld h a v e
rs-' •*-*'5s«2e«HS<£*a»
RAIFT'S is the store to do your shopping. Because every day is sale day here.
This is the stare where your $ works wonders—and shall continue to work wonders. In
the short time we’ve been here we have established a reputation equalled by none- And
we do not intend to live on p a st records. We shall strive our utmost to continue to de­
serve the reputation already established.
Bear in mind the fact that we buy for several flourishing stores. Buying1 in tre­
mendous quantities enables us to get good merchandise for the price other merchants pay
for cheap, shabby goods. It is to your interest to do your trading here. Anyway, we
knovv- it will interest you very much to come and look us over. Can’t we expect to see
YOU soon?
by thfi fact j
sh ow n
m itte e
North Carolina
interest evidenced in the su*j-
Adopt ths Policy of Greatiy En- jcvt
r.i.’.o t h a t i’O o r MO
by t h e first o f t h e
. , Debating Union, has received letters,
preparednoas, is just oil the press.
„ . e x p r e s s i n g approval r.s t o t h e c h o ic e
T h e subject f o r d e b a t e t h i s y e a r » : of ^
c d in t h e
chockful o f interesting ntid instructive over North Caro,ina Mr E- *• * * * '
material on preparedness
Im t
llg r .
Barlii-pion, N. C.
— 140 A c r e
F ra m
F o r S a l e --
We arc offering the McPherson Farm near nnow Camp. N. C. with six room dwelling, log barn, granary, good apple orchard, practically all fenced in.
O ne H undred acres open for cultivation, balance i wood. This is known as the Thomas ML McPherson tract and adjoins Grey M cPherson a id a th irs .
Soil Red and Grey, adapted to cotton and small grain.
Price $3,750.00.
W. E. SHARPE. M&nagar.
Well watered
tastjusgt 8 a a i»y , tke 26th. Let’i all go
Mrs. Or. W. D.
(Continued from Page One.)
Tint with and five him a good crowd.
weak from an
to be good polities to take the
Hitua Bertha and Stella Patterson, position that they fee* constrained to J.
her parent* in Kiefcibond, Va.
Christmas K«t Every
Ctol and Staley Garrison, Carrie and Jsupport the President for the mo-1:
Tbe tenth installment o f “ The Bra­ Otis Leath were visitors at J. W. i motit, because they believe that what ■(
home coming o t tha
kes Com " wili appear in the Fridaj Somers' Sunday.
he proposes is a step in tbe right boys and girls, tiie
Mr. W. L. Saul of Person county is direction. Later on their position ! j
Usne o f The Dispatch.
Christmas aod New
visiting her .son, Lee Saal, on No, 8. will be that Mr. Wilson should be ' |
Year’s feetivitiea—in
Mr. James Workman, the fellow who The public school at Idey School- removed from the White House at J
each of these are fas­
has made Ralph's Place famous, spent house closed Friday, the i7th, for the the first moment possible, to the.
cinating subjects for
Sunday io Greensboro consulting an holidays. It will open January 3rd. end that something worth while may
the Kodak—pictures
Looks to us like it’s a week lost to be done in the way of national de­
eys specialist.
that make fa s in £h6
close so soon. But H pleases the kids; fense.
taking and that to you
Miss -Blanche Stockard of B&leigh also some of the teacher*.
For the Administration it is said
wiB always prove a
will arrive Thursday to spend the We stopped with G. W. Barker to­ that Mr. Wilsonwill have nothing to
T delight Freeh films, leather Kodak albums, and other I Christmas holiday* with her sister, day for dinner. Beats a cold lonehi fear if preparedness is run into pol-. u s e f u l x m a s g if t s
The gift season is now at
jL supplies
BU|f)0WO alwayson
*MMW We Have an up-to-date
M finiah^ ♦ Mrs. J. B. Cheek.
itics, as ail the President will have to j
hand as roost evrey one prefer*
LETTER TRAVELED 55 YEARS IN do wiil be to let Roosevelt and Bryan
ing department and only best grade materials are used. *
giving useful presents We want
Additional force, experienced men
talk themselves out.These extrem­
to suggest the following item* .
♦ to do your Christmas cleaning and
ists, too, say the friends of the Pres­
for your : consideration which
: will aid you in making your
You all read thc news in the pa­ ident are answering one another so
* pressing. : Sanitary Pressing Club, T.
pers how a letter written by Rev. effectually that it ought not to mat-1 Christmas
N. Boone, Prop. Phone 348-W.
Ladies and _Men! House Slip­
Samuel Ward of Noea, 111., for good tor much to the Democratic, party , pers, Si.k and Lisle Hoisery,
t|» ‘T he Rexall Store”
Kodak Finishing Dept.
Men’s beautiful Neckwear up to
Messrs. J. W. Slaughter and Rob­ Abe. Lincoln, was received today that which of the two haprjenp to get ■$2.00, Handerchiefs, Suspend­
Agents for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies.
FRIEND, slightly the better cf the argument.
ers, Shirts, (cotton and silk)
ert Wiuttemore of Catawba College had traveled 5o years,
from 50c to $5.00, Hats ahd
are here to spend the Christmas hol­ you don’t have to travel 55 years to They think the country will on the
Caps,. Collars, Night Shirts,
find your apples, oranges, candies and whole approve what the President
Umbrellas, Gloves, (Kid Work
idays with their parents,
and Knit) Rubber Boots, fib ­
tangerines. . Workman, at Ralph’s has proposed.
ber Shoes, Rubber Overshoes,
Men’s and Women’s heavy
The tenth installment of the se­ Place, has them, all price?, sizes and
Meanwhile, it is astonishing how
arties Overshoes, Overrial story. “The Broken Coin,” will as iine flavored as grown.
few people see anything save politics'
Gaiters, Wool. Soles for Cro­
chet Slippers. Every conceiv­
appear in the next issue o f The Dis­
in the preparedness agitation. The
able style in Men, Women and
fiev. and Mrs. N. G. Bethea of Elon
- Mr. Jerry D. Strader ws* a visitor
average statesmen does not see much
Children’s Shoes,
to the city o f Greensboro Sunday.
Make cmr Store headquarters
peril in the German peril, and not in­
for Your Christmas Shop
visitor* in the city yesterday.
Mr. Marvin Vestal, former linotype
frequently he is ready io admit, the
Bead “ The Broken Coin,” which ap­
operator for The Dispatch, arrived in There Are Plain Gowns and Elaborate possibility that a ‘‘studious neutral­
Miss Susie Stafford of the graded
pear* in this issue.
the city Sunday night to spend the Gowns and Other Items iu Ample ity" would go further is the direction
school faculty of Henderson is at
Christmas holidays with friends here.
Number for Each and Every Occa­ of keeping us out of trouble with the
Leading Shoe Store
Mr. Kolsad Lskey of Graham spent' home for the holiday season. .
Burlington, Ji. C.
That the New Mistress of the European belligerents, than would a
Sunday with friends in the city.
Miss Irma Holliday, who is. teach'
few battleships, more or less. Not
White House May Require.
Miss Kate Clendenin spent Saturday
ing at Carolina Mills, spent Friday
much solicitude is felt for the Monroe
Sanitary Pressing Club—None bet- and Sunday with friends in the city
evening and Saturday the guest of Washington, Dec. IS.—Mrs. Wil. doctrine. It is just possible, iii these
of Greensboro.
son's trousseau is said by close
., ter in town.
her cousin, fMr. James Workman.
circumstances, that Congress be found
friends to be magnificent 5n its extent
talking about thte measure long after
Say, some meat at 12 1-2 cents per
H r. Ed. Hatches spent Saturday
Editor Foy of the Mebane Leader and to have cost several thousand the robins shall have nested.
Will pjay you more m oney fo
pound. To Workman at Ralph’s was a business visitor in the city last dollars. Most of it is American made.
with friends in G**en*boro.
A few weeks ago Col. George Har­
The bride’s friends say it is one of
Place. He has some at this price.
Saturday, and paid The Dispatch
vey pained the world by setting in mo­
pleasant call.
tion the report that Editor Villard,
H r. A. H. Rimmar o f Hillsboro
ed wardrobes ever gathered by a mis­
Mr. J. A. Biddle aad son, Egbert,
of the New York Evening Post had
" spent Sunday with hit daughter, Mrs. of Swepsonvilie wwrs visitors with
Democrats, Republicans, B u l l tress of the White House.
Also Chickens and Eggs.
been discovered on the point of dis­
J. A . Leath.
relatives in town Saturday.
Mooses, Socialist* and Woman Suf- There are plain gowns and elab­ placing Col. E. M. House in the af­
-LOCATED A T jYrsgist* all trade at Ralph's Place— orate gowns, and other items in am­ fections of the President. The ed­
Mr. Parker Way left yesterday
Messrs. A. L. Allen and C. R. Way the piece your nickels and dimes cut
itor of the Post had progressed to
sion. Mrs. Wilson always haa >jeen
mMYiing fo r Randolph county, where spent Sunday with friends near Kimes- up at. Come, pay us a call.
that stage where he could ge£ into
fond of white and black, but in the
the White House while others respect­
he will spend two weeks with relatives. viile.
Manager Coley of the Crystal Thea­ selection of her trouf-seau, ehe gave fully and patiently waited their turn. go back to the tariff for its single
possible issue next year, and that
tre informs us that he has an extra­ consideration to richness of material
Villard is still her** recording his im­
Time, four days. Place, Ralph's
there was not the slightest doubt in
Hiss Eunice Stcchard of near Saxa- ordinary program for this week. He rather than te color. Friends who
pressions and convictions. Something his mind that the Democratic party
What?? Xmaa apples and psthew spent Saturday and Sunday the has the very best for the holiday have seen dinner and reception gowns,
tailored suits, demi-toUettes, fascin­ unpleasant may have happened to him would be retained in power.
candies. Oranges, all sixes and price*. guest of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Cheek, season.
ating tea gowns and negligee crea­ socially, but in a signed article in confidence which the President has
Don’t fail to see the entertainment tions with slippers in harmony in tbe the Post he wondered what “the real expressed of late in the future of the
at the Elmira-Lakeside Schoolhouse trousseau say velvet is largely feat­ victory of a party is, which suddenly Democracy has been much discussed.
espouses a cause contrary to its his­ He has been receiving some favorable
Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock. ured as & material.
toric beliefs, without any evidence of reports, friends say.
An interesting and enjoyable program
The President called it the “Simwill be rendered. Admission, 10 cents, black velvet, with plain flowing skirt sincere conviction or of necessity.”
(and a highly embellished bodice. An­
Mr. Villard further lamented, or mons-Underwood law,” and said the
other velvet gown, French in its ma­
measure was working ail right. M r . iMr. Wesley Clegg, our linotype terial and treatment, is of sapphire rejoiced; "As for the President’s own
bers of the committ.* : e f t today
operator, spent from Saturday till hue. Like the other, it has a train
ly buoved 1 '
preparedness program. Some sixty
Monday morning with friends in as have all the evening gowns.
Winston-Salem and his parents in Mrs. Wilson will be hostess at four Democrats—so thc preparedness
;crs estimate—will vote against it.
Guilford College.
State receptions and at many dinners
H om e o th e rs w h o w ill v o te f o r i t w ill j
if the same character during the
\t f.X .- ..
n o t d o s o u n t il t h e y h a v o d o n e t h e i r |
One g o w n in her trousseau,
T h e n in t h i n s t a l l m e n t o f t h e s c r i a i winter.
lie s ! l o a l t e r i t i a
m any
re s p e c ts .
i;.\- il\ C, w. TEAGUE
s t o r y , “ T h c B r o k e n C o in , ” a p p e a r s in w o r t h y of such occasions ir. the o p in y
C o n g r e s s m a n H o w a r d o f (G e o r g ia , f o r
Wild j?amo foalured the menu c>£
t h i s is s u e .
S e a s o n f o r i t s a p p e a r a n c e io n s o f h e r f r i e n d s , is a w h i t e s a t in ,
in s t a n c e , w h o i s f o r g r e a t e r p r e p a r e d ­
privc-n ‘Wednesday evening at
i n t o d a y ’ s is s u e i s g i v e n in a n o t h e r t r i m m e d w i t h w h i t e f o x f u r a n d m a d e
n e s s , b u t c o n s id e r s
tb e
p rop osed
C. IV. Toa^ue at his homcc o lu m n .
tr a in .
A s e c o n d w h i t e s a t in
sc h e m e u tte r ly d e fe c tiv e .
C on gress­
i:j Ratlroad-st, West. Durham.
g o w n , n o t s o r ic h in m a t e r ia l,
m a n K i t c h i n w a s r i g h t w h e n h e s a id
Before and after tho dinner si fine
m a d e w i t h a t u n ic o v e r d r e s s , o p e n ­
t h a t th e b u lk o f h i s p a r l y a s s o c i a t e s musicsJ p^^?a;n was v e n d e d by
A v e r y in te r e s tin g ' a u d la r g e ly a t ­
in g in f r o n t , w i t h e d g e s b o u n d
d id
w ant
th is
p r e p a r e d n e s s Miss T
t e n d e d C h r i s t m a s s o r vie:.' w a s h e ld a t
Warren and W. A. Envin.
n a r r o w p ip in g s .
th e M e th o d is t P r o t e s t a n ! ch u rch S u n ­
s o h e m e , b u t a r e a c c e p t i n g i t f o r p s r - K. Tr. I.etviv., H. M. Jonson
A n o t h e r g o w n i s o f b lu e s a t i n , in
j iy r e a s o n s .
T h e r e is a S e n a t o r h e r e . O’^kson,
d a y n ig h t. T h e p r o g r a m r e n d e r e d c o n ­
s i s t e d o f s p e c i a l in s t r u m e n t a l a n d v o ­ o n e o f t h e n e w r n a d e - in - F r a n c e s h a d e s j c lo s e t o t h e P r e s i d e n t , h i g h in p a r t y
Those pre*er.t were: W. A, £rc a l m u s ic , readings a n d a n o ffe r in g - a s t h e y a r e c a l l e d , t h c c o l o r s o f w h ic h •sci-rets. v .h o m a k e s n o h o n e s c f h is
K- K. Pov.-e, X, P. I.ew;s, P.
f i e ’ iiig s .
H e d o e s n o t hcii. ve i n i t
f o r t h o p o o r a n d u n f o r t u n a t e o f ou i- or. t is s u e , v e i l e d in b la c k t u :le .
K. Moran, J. Harper Erwin. R. G.
— i t is " b u n k u m , ” h e s a y s — b u t h a is
A n i o n s a n u m b e r o f t a i l o r e d s u it *
e it y .
T h e a u d ie n c e w a s t h e l a r g e s t
.‘ones, T.e:jrh IJx’.nl;, Tvr. II. Muse, IT.
-. r
e ls e .
H e t o ld m e m b e r s ] ~t. ,To]in.".)n; Johr'i W, C;arJ:, J. F.
I t is d a r k d o t h
t h a t t h is c h u r c h h .:s h a d in m a n y is a f r r e e n gow n.
y e a r s , t h * e n t i r e s c r . t in g c a p a c i t y o f w i t h a s h o r t s k i r t n n d a f l a r i n g
- *. ■j v o t e f o r i t ; th -i P r o s k l e n t , j
C i : r . i e r , J. R.
J t h e a u d it o r iu m a n d p a r t o\ t h e a n n e x ! e r . £ t }i c o a t .
T h e c o l l a r a n d c u f f s a r ^ j i h f i p a r : y l e a d e r , a s k s h im t o .
‘ Vi'-v.y.tci
cr, W. ?.
[ IViCiaspc
to a c c o m m o d a te th e p e# *
i r o ’ e - t 'k in .
v e l v e t fcafc is
H:nv it poi-sibie. tliereforc
♦r. R . 33:.-xc!:s.
i:-.U>nt!cd f-.1-' w e a r w i t h ic.
cor.vietion that polities lii.5 j
S. s. nost.
O f t h e o t h e r ta :'o re < \ $uit-s s o r . v
t:> ao v/lh tho
J ;■ri.-.kso-i. c. c. v; :*e,
U O U T K M O . 8 IT E M S
c f t h e n v s t in te / e s im p : n r a a da:*’ :
• v.--.;..'.! : i l o i i !;* 5H'0p;'.Vvul,
ILuy Jeac J, ; •rr'^r Ter.Jrw-1
— ------c l o t h o o 'j i i d i:\ W a tfc f i l k bra'r.:.
-0^ j j\j i i Kcrl: ,
s. c : o : -...li
i. ■
Wil. ii pay
Tiic-ro vi 11 be :i Christmas “To-do” j v.iih :. r.ji'itary ::ir about the jacho': ? tae ru^stioa.
C h :r :'::c o
M W f F
t h c M a y w o o d S c h c c lh o \ i? e F r i d a y !
a t r r r y f.xic-.:c-ii'.e
c lo t h ,
a :? o
cov- j iar.••t’er- ia rallitarv ir.shioa.
t A r.isht. T'oc. 4th. Tho r.ubi'c
turkey, ral’i
I'opubii^aas v.i
f )
l -v
*out oC j'.v:'--.''.
W ill
’ V
J. .t v ;. t !'•»' V.
c-'O\’-icr ta.
Sataa to f e t be- ! '
' r.ow Mi-'h-,y p.i i si: jvc y.in j - 1
\ vi;i b e
O. T .
1 v.t .Tdthi'-I
.-Jend.s here
Foster Shoe Co.
B. H. Payne
Allen’s Neat Market.
You will b e sorry n e x t Christmas if
you d o not join with th em .
A fe w cents each w eek w ili keep
your payments up.
it is the sure way to have money
for Christmas.
We invite yea and your friends to
join but ycu mast hurry or al! the cards
wili be gone.
If you should die to-night, would your family be protected or would (hey have to do unph>a;vwt work
Keep your money at home by taking a 20 paymen r policy with the
malcft c : 0 m?ctr
r .17 ( m FAMILY. /.
T ~ : :k i t
over, then
u -,.
i#Eeesam iSiae»»,m e m K « 8 w .’$ ^ i^ v ^ ft^ iS s^ ^ ^ 'ja !f^ s£ i2 E z a .^ M £ s^
! $i'.•}
|Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Office »!-um s 7 & 8 , Second Fioor
of First National Bank Build'ng
That*s wfiai f « looking for, Grandma’
Leave it to “ Youug Hopeful" to know what not only
tickles his palate deliciously but what also satisfies his
thirst and refreshes his tired little body. It’s Pepsi-Cola,
Resident Phone, 337-L.
Dr. J. H. Brooks
Foster Building
B o ttlin g
Attorney At Law
L. M. SQUIRES, Proprietor.
First Sutionnl Hunk linihlirix
Phone 485
180* BEAD
n r r T D ili P
- D lIiL t 1
i U
""" Sweet feed for Horses
t i l — _____ and Mules.
The holly twined in with the mis­
at dawn
Sweet feed for Cows.
Dr. G. Eugene Hoit
17-38 Fimt Xatiumi) Bank BisikMtig
tletoe bough,
New York, Dec. 18.— Mrs. Susan And all o f ui met in a circle o f love—
I want to go home— I went to go
Gillie, a. nepres*, born in aiavery on
the plantation of Col. John Petter«o » at Petcrsborough, Va., on Christ­
ians, 1900, according to family rec- I want to go home to the day where
e*d», died today at the home o f her
daughter in Broklyn. Tb * daughter,
th e a slave, ia 84 y e u i old and
Corn, Oats, Hay, Straw, Shipstuffs, Meal, C. S. Hulls and Meal, Flour,
Meat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Apples, Cabbage. Potatoes, Onions, Oranges.
Lemons, Raisins, Candies, Molasses, Vinegar, tock S alt, and ail kinds
of chicken feed.
W o rk s
H E A D Q U A fiT E R S -
For A ll Kinds of Feed.
For All Thirtts— Pepn-Cola
P e p s i- C o la
Office Phone, 337-J.
A Ood-Mwt to the thirsty—old and yoang. No wonder it has
achieved such popalarity as a delicious, tempting drink that bae *
joyful tatte to every sip.
At the fountains
—or carbonated
inbottles, atyout
When you cannot get it from your Merchant, See us.
Office Phone 305, Res. 362-J.
Burlington, - - - - N. C.
Dr. L H. Allen
Fitting G la s s e s "A SPECIALITY
Office ever C. F. NEESE’S Store.
Burlington and Graham, N. C.
Burlington, N. C
forth with « whoop
•erred SO years in the tame family A t the clarion call o f the Little Tin
with her mother.
William I.
And the roll o f the dram a* it
f l n r Ta Q M Q eM aa T * SWMrea.
Attenter el-Ue,
samntoMd th* troop
W n u u M liiiK e i i i w it M n h w u w O f the tin-»oldiered legion with nn»s- Pteettae ia State aad Fedora) Coart*
taumwtgalaice. B e i TnHlm ln M . M «i
m w in * n t m mie m e n> acinMwk.
Gtahaat, N. C
kete a-rleufi.
mnew'BUfa a a A mrwt *atm it <eQaiatae.
Serried and straight in an unbro­
and M illers
Agents, M elrose and
V a lle y F lo o r a a d Feed,
ken row—
By Gnurtland Kite
Ohrietaiaa haa celled— aad I want to
I want to go back where a fellow
can dream
O f Christmas like that
Longtime Ago.
go home;
S or 8 d a m 6 6 0 will break
Christmas has whispered—and out
any case ol Chill* & Fever, Coklt
through the night
& LaGrippe; it nett on the lire*,
There's something that beckon* to us
than Calomel
and docu aot j
who must roam
tripe or sickeu. Price 2Sc.
Far from the berries of scarlet
S lo w
and white;
TVere's something that beckon*—and
out on the road
Former Speaker Cannon, sounded
W e follow the way of a drum that the keynote of the campaign of 1916
i> old,
in hie remarks at the caucus of the
And weary the traveler and heavy
the load
Of those who may never turn back
to the fold.
Republican minority in the House of
Representatives, December 2.
quoted in the Washington dispatch
to the New York American, lir.
Cannon said:
“ Tonight, after our tern o f adveraity, I am glad to look around me
ga bacSc—
Back through the years to a day and *ae this encouraging number of
old and new face*. I am glad to
that I know
Over the t^ail o f a <^eam-woven say: Behold how good i t in for
Ovev the trail of a dream-woven brethren to dwell together ia unity.”
Th* former Speaker waved Me
P ay
O r “X '
How Will You be Rated?
Ohristmas bag called and I want to
Longtime arm* about and teetered on his toes
in the same ofd spot where years ago
Where esarlet and white from tbe he was wont to harangue a goodly
Republics* majority. He continued:
gray wait* above
late the heart o f th*
Ax every aiaa’a eradit record ia of the utmost impertane* ta
h i», ws wish te give every eitiaen fcmpl* BOtka tb&t they ar« W
i*g rated—prompt pay, fair pay, alow pay and *a pay, aaeordisg
te the way they pay their doctor, dentist#, grocer, butcher, baker,
eeal man, rent man, milk m i and every ana wfee extend* them
A t
thia b a ck is used by aii bueiaeea asd professional aaea
ef BairHngtoa and vicinity aa their guide in agtamdiitg eredii we
toaight. Tear dnwgiet »r deair
*Mm’s Umt Tmn" Jfcfc Y«ir Lhw Tone
•eile you a 66 cent bottle of Dodson*;
Liver Tone under my perooaal muney
M r Tin fokaai ad Ymftw’t
beck guarantee tbat each spoonful wi!
yoar ilaggiah liver better than :
Last i itft Wtfk
doe* of nasty caieaiel aad that it w<»’<
Li ran up year aloggith iiveri
Saet and cheerful; make year work a
pleasure; be vigorosa aad fail t i asabitioa.
But tace no nasty, daaenove
eakaael because it makes yin nick aad
yon nay lose a day’s work.
Cakanei ia awtasry or quicksilver
whieh «tU K f sranwie el w « beaec.
Calomel eratihee Into sear bile like
dynamite, hreakiag it up, Thet’s whm
yea fed th atattM aamea aad eraaajnrag.
nahe y«a eick.
Dudaoa’a Uver Top.* i« real liv.medicine. yoa’H kaoir it iMWt mutnii»;
beeace* jo * will wake sip feeling tin,
yoar liver will be working; head<u-h.
aad diMinru gose; atowcli wiil Ik
•waet aad bowele rq(uiar.
IMiom’t Liver Teae in eatirely vtfF
trust yen wili find it te yoar intereat t» eall »b
w ham
» £ y ewe money and pay up. I f you eaa’t pay ail, pay aa auieh am
yeu ea», ae they ea« give yen aa good a mting aa peaaiUe.
“W a may disagree aboat. seas be the same wise, able, mae&erfol
iC m ils d is M n iy t
things, some of us are wet, and some man that ha bee been for tha peat
o t ss are dry; some ar* radical; seme thirty years; the same sound advis­
are liberal; soma are for woman er, -the saaae potential Protectionist
!, When a duck lays an egg she Jnst
foi^rfeca and aome are against It tbat the county has known so long
(Waddlles off as i f aoihisg had kapBut on the one greet iaaua—and by and valued so highly. Xinoriy lead­
this sign ws conxjuer—o t the teriff, er Mann could not wish for a wiser
W h«n a hen legs an egg there’s a
counsellor or * stronger c£adJntor.
we are all agreed.”
whale o f noise.
Unela Joe will not be Speaker of Tha tariff; restored protection; re­ I Tha haa advertiee*. Rmee the da-
tabk, tktrefare bamlaee aad cks ant
Give it te j w r children.
UiltiajK al people see mdvg Dadean’i
listen in ate! St joe wash to ea}af Liver Teas Instead »< daafarowe eaienel
stored proepcity, “by thk sicn wa faaaad fo r hen’s
ihe ■‘atew*, fwibat Mmr and W n i aew. Tear di agaiat wili M i yea that tha present House. Ha will aot evex
elmaatag ye* fear asperieaMd jest take Ihe sale ef -QaI tmd Is sh aia* stopped be the minority leader. Bat he wiU ^onqusr." Uncle Joe is right.
a jpeaSalal tan S *» M a rt* Ueer
figgm instead o f dsck’e
Firfi and Oysters
Every day. TfeaLiaHavea
oyaters ar# the l a a t oyater
n tka world.
Ia m located at the Glebe
eafe nader Mayer’a Hall.
L. B Gross
fhone •&
Maijr B a *l*ra *U 4 9 A. It'
n* «m
•* n * U r c iw^wnr.
H i B* v*r*ed M * t a n
S « * i n » 1 w ry Banday, U *
I M P. X .
8ek*ei ed B*d> A . X .
8aaday W e n M * U M
S rf* P. X
T:M P. V.
OUarvsac* e f L h A
* * » CM*.
'.. c a u a c m
Beet Devia Street
E rr. J. K. Pritchard, Paator
Preaching 11:00 A . X , and 7:8» P.
Sabbath School 9:80.-..A, X . M. A.
Coble, Sopt. Exedlent Bataca and
Philathea Claaae*.
OhriatMB Endeavor Meeting: at 7:30
P . X ., Sonday.
Prayer Xeeting Wednesday evening
at 7:80. Teacher Training Class
•endnetod by the paator immediately after Prayer Xeeting Wednesday
Ofcoir Practice Friday evening
Bappar, fk m
By yiatae e f A * yew* e f aole ee*h t i W ile a w > p | i di
GAv m
•atore tha payteest e f k «aH ai» aeite,
and d e lW t b a «ia f been aiade ia tt*
so v m .
payment « f aaid note, th* undereifned
a »»t * * »e * wia **po*e to tohUe **d*
Bee. p . H. Tattl* Paster.
te th* higbeet btdder for eaak at the
Court House door ef Alaaaaoc* Counr*ae* te tbo** «k e eater.
ty on Friday, December 17, l f l l , at
Bleaaiiig* tothoee ^ 9 t * 11 o’clock A . X „ th* followin* l*kd
Preaching every Sanday, 11M A.
eocveyed by eaid mortgage 4e*d.
X . aod 8:09 P. X.
A certain piece » tract of Und ly*
Sachusent of the Lord’* Sapper with
iag and beinf in Almnane* Coucty,
offering for Chureh charfti**, K rtt
State - aforeeaid, in Boon Station
Sunday in ea*h inoatk.
Towclkip, aiid described aad defined
Sunday School, every B*aday, >:M M follows, t » wit:
A .X .
Adjoining the land* e f Ava aad
Prayer Keating, Wedneaday, S.99 P. & A . Tickle, John WilUeme, Pete*
Mkbael and ether*, aad hewded a*
Board *f Stewud* m *t as Xead*yt follows:
: 9:0# P. X., after Frank Baaday « f
Beginning at a crooked white <*k
Wmtorn • * *
■ **. T. 8. B m n i, Faster.
?«**» IM P. X.
M M N * mmtf M h y
Brery Th«r»*»y
M|tit at 7fl».
X «M k «
Aid 9t€mtf M k j M # t M M
'M r * Bkajfcj , X re .« . » . AnHk,
M.-M A, X .
vneyt th*
O. D. G w ria c *’* alffi let a 7 9 « **•
S »n *, W . 2.7S I’ketwi, t » a
«ara*r ef said iB S tat; Bm
« . H dagre«*t W. (B . » . S .) IM
•halm *> a reek ceraac witk eaid a W
let; thence 9. <B. B. S. 1 i q m UP X )
4 *>wki« «* a reek ewraer with **M
hit; flnaae a right eagle fim 8. IK
k r * » . X N . «9Vi degreai, K. 1.2*
ekaiu; tkoaoe a right aagl* K. 2 s*gt mt, W . 4 chain*, te Ike M fh iiif,
eratateiag in *N11 let .9 e f aa acre,
mor« er )«**; daeace N. 79H degree*,
TetH eW XeeO t
W l t w h f « .« t
A «M «t eeadhU weleene is eataaded
B. 2.79 chain*, te the aheve **e # e s P. X . (P*e«*r*. M a # ).
pea te eitead *]1 ear Meetiaf*, We
ed «ah M e oa week; tkeaee 3. 39%
WoxMk’a fe id M H r BaeMy, Pina
« u t yea te leet at h ear ia ear ter*
degree*, E. 79 ike., N. 74 dagreee, B.
Thikredey, X aaAiy, S:M P. X
2.99 chains, t* an iron bar ea peek
L. G. B. ieatety, Haeead tW a d a y
JAS. W . M »M , Paater,
en N. beak e f seid creek eoraer with
MeatMr. * -* • P. X .
, If. «.
Sidney Pvttigrew; thence S. 7 degreas
Yonag P*e»ie’a Xeeliae, Seeead Sac
*2’ W . (B . S. 1# deg. a3’) 34.3? eh*,
day at > P. X
te a reck eorncr witle seid C, A,
Cemer Freat aad Aadertaa Streate. Tickle aad Pettigrew; thence S. 4H
Sct. Ut. C. Baa.
decrees, W. & chain* te a reck coraar
M l l t l e< VMM tW k|f.
*, » i « A . X . PWif. J. J
Nothing Charged.
f W iiil Bvery faad af at t:M
A. X., W. X , T U w l , a w t
Why not Hast bargains in Groceries
W e have them—
You want them—
Come to See us~
T h e R a y o L igh ts
L ik e a G a s Jet
n p o lig h t th e R a y o
* la m p y o u d o n ’t
h a v e t b re m o v e tb e
sh ad e o r th e d u m ­
m y . Just lift th e g a l­
le r y a n d to u c n a
m a tc h .
I t is ju a t m
easy to lig h t as a gm
b u r n e r a n d it re q u ires
little e ffo rt to k e e p k
clean .
Lam ps
a r e th e m o d t r i
k c a p s fo r th e farm .
S im p le in d e s ig n —
j * t a n o rn a m e n t l *
a n y r o o m in t h e
hOM K.
U s tA M A tS a m H S y
ev|0f Sanday eveninc at 7:M P. X ..
Mid-lfeek PH yer and Sw ieJ Bfceiee,
every Wedbaaaday at »:• * P. X .
Weaaut’a Kettfe asA ?aoeiga 1lhdn
iiacer Streets.
Bantoy in eaA w eertB.
Leave Wiaatwe-Seieai.
Ada A . M lCba, « 0 b.
LadM * AM • * < « * » M M # ea K m A- (:M A. X . teily Jar B o f k e aad heday adter tfce iieaa* Sia i n la awk
MMM&Nto u M ltk i.
fiin a i
»«M B , at
P. X . Mae. W . > .
with Xenaphia Syieael ft r Biatlb>
B dlka. Bh b .
wart, a h » wsta Uae tn ia*
te aB.
D r . M ile s ’ A a t i -P a k P S *
They C iv a lUliaf WWwwt
w orn a t m t o s x
a s
B ad
■eeper W h H w B lliai te Xk»iaMBtr, PU M ttyU ft, Kwr Tee*.
O tw w Ckw Meath a f Baaeiki.
Bev. B. B> M n , M i r .
4:1* P. X. Btfiy
B o w *** aad
r n n H v «n q r M
W v 't t U M
leeal etatieac, PtiltMm fltaayea*.
A : x , « a « $m p. x
b m m IS w .
d * at •-.«* P. X .
V hmmi aam a Wiae*«»-ftihwa 11:19
M a r W ii il m v t a r t f •<> i m * A . X , 1:1# P. X ., *:M P. X .
A X .
TMa* iaaM Dwhaae Smt Baakea*,
A .X X.P.M mm . 1 h ra M a ta h
Nothar >• Better thaa
M a * aadt S »ae»k w g, Y:M A ,
X , M y aad 1 4 * P. X ., d*By < a n 0
Itudcrd Haad Sc*arater O il
Kurckt Hameei OM
U m Axle G rccie
If your dealer doe* * * i
have them, write to eitc
nearest tistion.
INw Jk h i !
W**^t*tkae, 1). G.
CltuUtU, N. t!.
N*ri*tk, W.V*.
C1iKr!«*MB. W.V*.
S. C.
rival in & *t city of a haa worth a
hundred tkotnend dollar*. O "chick­
en” worth not let* than, that *raoant
is something we long have sought,
bat aaver fouad.
a*r< p f*ttar t » a * n n aw* SkW y
m *4
T b t v t r j o s t w k « W&BT4B ia P r e t M t iM
Prosperity a s t a p le c »p y f e r t k a d d a g .
“ |V.
m * s t b« vU i f»t
a t a tt«M . T
Or. M t W
AxM ’ PftA*
ift& i atkl a t v « r !w r e t b t w Im « 4 *
M k M art)*
) « a x ispi^k
M rco
m t v « u«
U lle t'
K ir v iM
a **
o f m y «feH *r»n o f % U crlM *
d n *rd *r.
I caa
gywBV a g:oc*<i w#r4 f«r 3'*vr JMn>
tdiw Aixl b&vB r««»msn8nd«4 tfctai
> cood sunjr
One ef thi* «mjitry'# noat a***attal pr*p*r*dna*a pro****a* * a pro­
tective tariff agninat HomSc * n vaflioa o f ehaap labor product*.
mao. h. ssta k .
JumwUI*. law*.
Pet* Sale ky All Omafiieta.
as naaaa ** Caaia.
MU.C* MED10AU CO.. imaaK. lad.
9 * «nad W d fc hy
m t BU M * -
1916 M O D E L
The most up-to-date Typewriter m»nuf**tur«d. Six laber
lifting advance!* on thia improved model. Carbo* papers
and ribbons forall makes of machines.
Writ* For A Demonstration.
2A3JShepherd B!dg.
T Y P E W R IT E R C O .
RaleiRh, N. C.
Good Times Coining!
'■' 'BtW n.*
■ ! !.
P len ty to eat and wear in these gocd old U N IT E D
S T A T E S '*, !
Let’s all have plenty G O O D M U IC and feel a n d live
Right n o w our store is so full o f nice
Pianos,— Organs and Sewing Machines
that w e can hardly put any m ore in.
Prices are going higher
W e bought 25
Organ* at old price* and tbe price* w «*t up from $4.00 to
9l£&6 each thi* Bioatfe, wide thee* lent; we wili aeil at tb*
old priecs
Parlor Organs 9fit.08, *66.00, SfO.OO, 906.BQ up to 9131,10.
Church Or&utB $28.00, $36.pr>. $40.00 up to $200.00.
N iM Pianos,
$1?«.00, $200 00, $228.00, $2.60 to $B0B.00.
Sewiag Maehiue* $10.00, $15. (,0, W. 00 to $80.00.
X*sy ten**. I t 7 « t n fe a n a te c * a i d*iSv*nd ia year W a t fa**.
E llis N e b . t
in S s in t
C t >9)
N. C.
botiness, i a S am * tow a.
this wecuuri"
Remington Standard Typewriter
P O O * MM1I1S
‘Ah, Bbn. TkBcarty, hit ye leek sad
been w ttU '»tc*M d witk t in e u "
Greensboro, K. C
N» bava
I ir«iaM
B9 D B B K N B X
Lbyo Wk>« a gttdfcttMl M
•Mb r«rrit>)«
Near Foat Office.
u u H u in u u u u n in
" t ««n Kty t te t H r. M*m' 9mmA si
Let Me Estimate Right A n y
gjj H*lp jo* save money and build better k t n t t
Set in Teceh With The Moet Up-To-Date
M atch lctt L i^ a id
The New 'form papers aote iike ar­
aaake, the JJaith aad >a*k
PnllMM Steel BU«*ne L ift e d
Satndard H *u *e h *U
nay be done.
T o He*d-0&
a H fta d a c fo
K A fer t i e d hy naaie acd
yen v e Kite * ( wasfsciea.
teas* H i kealaeka, *ad w u e l M l 19*.
That Xiseouri man who undertook
to support two wive* on nine dollar*
a weok ha* yet to be shown how it
aean Sleepeea, Diniac flu *.
8:1* P. X. d*8y H r Xartlewefik, Be-
Keith, Baat and West wtth Paft.
JAM ES W ORKM AN, M aa«(«r.
' I V ft aye it *nJy en* #f
«o r Bttny »r * d t t«» A m arc
knawtt m the kea*ch«M
scd « n the fan* far their
gaalfcy and eeeaesay.
Oaiy Oa* “ BROMO Q U IN N S "
Spm it Street
int results ttt Oi/
8(*ves, Lumps mni
V*MtIke«—alei.oall kr M l____ ____
TttrksKOMOaOMOKH. U tth r a «M ttn «
i.w.amovi. ccwuctUikOMHiy, sapi
^ Norfolk I Western
O il » r MHmmmnil
Whit* 00 * *hm
witfa said Williams ia public s s ii te
Sunday S*h»el every Sabittth et Gibsouville, N. C.; thence N. S7 de­
9:4f A. U.
crees, W . 12.7S chains, te a rock aorHer A. B. Kesdall, B. !>., Pitieer.
Freaehinc every First aad Third Sab­ ttac with said tfichael; thence N. < deWfceawrar Y<m Need * 9 *si i d Teat*
bath at 11:00 A. X., aad * :• » P. tf.
Preaahiag every Suaday il:* t A. M.
Taka Q row ’i
Mid-Week Serviee every Wedaeeday,
Tbe Old Studied Grove’s Tastalaee
and 8:90 P. X
ic equally valoabls a* a
8:0# P. X .
Sunday School, i-M A. M. Jeki K.
General Tonic beceuaa it contain* tbe
well ksowa toaic piopaarite of QUINTNB
Every*** WeieeaM.
Foater, Supariatendaat.
and IRON. It act* on thc Liver, Dtivee
Seuier, Jofcawediaie aad Joaier £ a oat MsJarie, Eorich** th* Blood aad
SaSda e# th* Whole System. 30
deaeer Saeietiee iMet le i werakip (Parteaage Ce?ner Freat and TreiCoraer Ckarth aed Oari< Streele.
Nothing Delivered.
— Thats W hy we sell cheaper.
W hile hunting bargains in dry Koods.
f t a ii y h M ct w l l .
. ■'
1T<H9M'« Union, P in * M n > y at *ack i * (h * «fiM e f «> • f *» i «t«y
it* A k iaw a* Coaaty, Bodk Mo. #T,
M ow *, S * t T.-M , .:■■■
P »fa * I M * , o f X o ftfac* Pe*d*, *
K w iMa« ffa w d awd VHmikftaad»y»
Get the Habit.
* e Bth fey ed Xwch, 1 # «, by Jaeaee
taath aad wife, and doty » * U * wod
each atenth.
tree «& S. eide o f Trsvio Creek cental
eaee'e Xiastoaary Society mmtht nith M id Ava Tickle, running thence
4:90 P. U., en Benday, «ttet 1*» with the meander of eaid creek tesreie
Ledie*’ Aid and Foreign Xiaaionary
and Srd Sudsy*.
aad distance* a* follow*: B. IXH
Societies meet Brat Monday
degree*. E- 4.19 cbai&s, N. ti% deeach month at 3:00 P. X.
eat&moiuon every test Sunday 11:90 Pa*ee*a#*, asst deer te Bken*, b e a t greea, X. 90 Iks., N. 19 deyreee, B. t
■haiiii, s. cs degree*, B. 1.10 eheine,
A. X .
Telephone. H i. 14*.
S. 7ft degree*, S. 1.16 ehains, 3.
Bfenrch Businees Xeeting second
Btag-*-T» Bh—Bang Op—“B **jj."
degree*, N. 1.0* ekaiaa, S. AT M
Tu**d»y evening » each BUwtk,
7:W p. K .
degree*, S. S£l chain*, S. >7H <
OeCUTT XMOMAL MAJFtVK greoe, * . 94 Iks., » . <9 ^ digiwii, B.
rtureoiwge 009 E. Davis St. Tele­
M V M 8 . w m r n rn o u ^
IM 4mh*, & 77# d*Rtaa*, B. 1.14*
phone M«~J.
f 9 . S. «.
cAalns, te mx ash tree ea Nertk h n k
*t eaid ecs*k; » * Celtow* t* e3Ml«d»
S fe o *« M
Thi* the l«tk day *d I t e w h r , 19U.
Sonday S c M i t > 4 * i . E
J. X.
The PakBt te ewdtaBy X«Bad t* all
Veraaa. SopcvteteDdMt.
Praise and Pr*y*r Btr wtata, W «* m »
day ot * # P. X .
A . X , Chii*ttea Cultar* <3***, l nhi i i? a*
"Mu aaMfe iii ***di*Uy tevited.
N M »
tj|| A . W,
M fw * *»*.
A. X , as*
■ t t*
r . K.
• 4 9 P.M.
M r .CMMMutMi T in t Baadey, U:99 Chuck Coaf*r*o**, W i iteudrcy be­
A . M ., A M B a a *? , W i . M.
t a ? V in t 8saday:*< «Mfc am th,
J f a t a a d B a f a t e 'D a t v U * a . X .
» w fc y » > ^
thm. Ifta iititg 99 IB-MB *cm ^
* . X t h e J a * M i» * lf lll* t ,* * t t .
1 11 '—
“Ta don't any!
“W*a, ye see
Aad what ftnha
H waa «h£*
T k w « e * a aoigpt ea • baildte’
“PaMk, aa’ why dteeHtet 1 ieekiad M*d> « *
whin au J5*a**e Ik* Bmmi O i i » i I ••B**-’ Aia'
tote * ’ h n V
iA te
*% f t * f m a m 1 0
S t t i f ''
■ m m m m rn m m m m
' So*** day w » d M B t a * M e unA lter W . C.
e M N n t d vfeotiwr * » had any « f 9 m m L p ti D iw M
them or not They « • not bad IWi
p | | 4 la t b l d n
-’ w * such trivial tfcin*»f.
Heodersonville, Dae. 1#^-Whfle W .
th* really grtst
C. Lyda waa lytng proatrste on ths
ars before us; things the vahie of floor from a stride of paralysis yes­
which will appear greater aad gnwt- terday, h<j 15-year-old son, Dawien
er to us with the passing of
Lyda, who was convtlnsHng from fe­
Cleanness and Honesty aad Ui
ver and diphtheria, fell from hi*
FOR CS*Bm iAS ■OUDAY* _ .. —
I t nwIrT " i n 1! '
'* “ °*~ >w
Tfc* ImifhaHi Railway win a*U from all potato low * « M * * n p
Christawa holiday tick*** December 17th to 28ft, indaaiv^ witii
w»»tt u lA ilt t t <rf f i M M T 10th. 191&
T ie U t* w fll « i w h* add Dt swber 16th, Wth, 18th, 28rf, 24th,
T- f tttku with * ~ »1 limit
e f J m u t M *.
t-r "
-»■ QUahsma, T o t , IWnois, lawn, JOm *sota. I M m k a , Sauth Dakota and W iM M uh.
m ot Qntetm w holiday* with yoar M end* w d loved
« • **• Sotrthws lU a w a ^ fM t
train*. th *«B *h aleapfa* « • * » *®
potato. U » « » n M i « ) w
M im a * v w aad sett Jon tickets by th* a*set w rt*gfcr r r - T 1*** taforatfioM, fares, schedslee, Pullman reesrva«&—», M e , call on any SocAorn Railway •cent, « r writ*,
/ :
aasaand GOD.
chair dead.
Tfcaaa are the necessary things in
Tha esndition c f Mr. L jkI* is 9dte
the life ef averyens. If we gain
serious, sa ha has lost *11 control of
them, what we lade does not matter.
ene aid* of his hody.
Tor a cap and balls our Hvee we pay. SIX HABIBS BORN *N BOFSW XLL
Babbles v e buy with a whoiaaouTs
DU R ING r m
, .
Ttavettag T M « *Pl « r
■■' :■.■' S #«Fay*tt*vffl* S t i* * , .'■
B i W A **♦ C.
(Ladies S w im Journal.)
(Youth’s Companion.)
That* te at least on* sensible wom­
T is heaven alooe that it given away, O m Yevsgstcr 8aw Light e f Day la
T is only God may b* had for tha
Fnight Car. '.
N *w Barn, N. C., Dee. 18.— Frank
Jordan, a reaident o f Onslow coonty,
COURTESY OF TH E 80UTHERN who has f o r the past few mwtthi
been empk>y*d with the . DuPont
w a rn
h* c W
ea Christmas Xv* aad w ill r --------
PUsa* note tha abews n d gevwra r n r r r r irm r<tptlj
W e « i i to a^rse s hsre onr
- f -n r it fj«ii> j.
» t o o n s f o r ft * li b a « a p a t r o n a g e i t o « i i r A * > ^ y « r ,« i i^
that osr sanries h«s hasa m j i
te «M w at yMH>
our nwtnmars during 1»M.
WisWa* y w tU a M m ttf O u rn m m M il B * m u m t
rm ^ -M w m ,
Yem, ■; .;. ;■y ,;V
B«riuftoat H C.
Powder Company at B^kewell, Van
Washington, D. C., Dec. 18.—To pasaed through the eity thia Mwa*
ing returning' home. Mr. Jordan de­
clared that Hopawell waa too iwoch
encourage employees lo he courteous
A fe w years ago the leaders o f the in all their dealings with the public,
party offered the 1st* Mayor Gaynor the management of the Southern
the Democratic nomination fo r Gov­ Railway is asking that report* o f exernor o f New York. H * had served amples o f courteous acta on the part
a year as ma?or and had gained the of employees be made o f it. With
an wfeo-has found out where aha gats
har fr*Mwi,>l‘ul1 and haa hit upon tha
right n r to ear* them. For year*
■he hrs been troubled with
aches, and dm day she stumbkxl on approval o f men o f ail parties. BU this policy in view, the following haa
har Ufeaavar: “ I noticed that i f m y popularity was at ita height partly been printed on tha menu cards in
head begin aching," she said, “ and on account o f the recent attempt on some o f the Southern Railway din­
I went to an open door and breathed hia life by an insane man. Mayor ing caw:
deeply fo r five minute* the headache* Gaynor declined the nomination. A
“ The management o f the Southern
lessened. From that «tep o f dSacov- friend wrote to him urging him to Railway Company expects its em­
try the r**t was easy: I always lift reconsider, and ashing him wheth­ ployees to distinguish their service
xny kitchen window open while at er he haa not overlooked the possi­ to the public by conrtasy aad re­
quests the traveling- public to re­
work, in both cold and w arn weath­ bilities o f the situation.
“ You are certain to be elected port examples of successful service
er, ttnd kept my 'rtdrojom window
down al! the way except whec asleep. governor by an overwhelming ma­
M y headaches (topped, and ao did jority," the letter ran. "Then you
those o f my husband. W a discovered w iil im the logical Democratic can
very quickly that it had been tha iack didate fo r President a t the next na.
o f fresh air in oar homes that brought tional convention The Democratic
candidate will be the neat President
oar headaches. Mow neither o f is*
o f the United States. Do yoa realize
have headaches, and—even better—
what you ara refusing?"
we have no colds. But the moment
Mayor Gwynor answered his friend;
We are shut in close quarters in a
“ A fte r a man has gene down into
theatre or a church; or vU it «ther tha valley o f the shadow aa I have
people's home where tbe fresh air ia and there faced the great realities,
all those things seem mighty small!"
kept oat, we fee1 onr heads aching.”
Ia o t t o to see how small most o f
And thia wise little woman adds:
the thisge f r t for which w e labor all
"B at it ia carious how many people our lives, it would perhape be neces­
earn* into my kitchen or sitting-room sary for os, too, to “ g e down into the
and say, why, you have a window valley o f the shadow." Pleasure—
open! and then retire to the farthest money — position— what are these
things for which w « strain our nerves
point in the room away from the of*
and sap our strength and soil our
fending opening!’* I t is curious, but
souls? They look so big and desir­
with this difference: that this woman able as we strive to gain them! In
for him and tta t he was going hack
to a placa where the place was not
to swift. Speaking o f tiie fire which
raged there fast Thursday, Mr. Jor­
dan told o f one incident which haa
so fa r failad to get into print and
this was the fact that during th*
time the fire raged, the population
o f Haj>eweU was increased by tha
birth o f six lusty youngster*.
of the little fellows came to a moth­
er wbo waa serving a sentence in
Cash Buyers o f Raw Fur*, Hides, Wool, Bee*
wax, Tdiar, etc, See us before 70a sell yoar
raw furs, for it will be of advantage to jtm.
jail, while another was bom in a
Levin Brothers
box car. According to Hr. Jordan’s
bo that the employees may be «n- statement, each one of the little tots
cotiraged^ by appifcciation o f their give promise o f living.
BtrHaglM, N, C
Next t » B n r iia f t « a A a ta Co.
P A Y S *1 FOB CHICKENS **OOHAdding up hia hills,
(Duluth Herald.)
The Queen was in the market-place,
There ia much urging to thrift
Buying lac* and frill*.
Millville, N. jr., Dec. 19.— A con­ these daya, and it ia timely.
science-stricken citizen o f Forest war that ia crushing human liv w aod
Th* maid waa in th* w rings bank
Grove surprised Denham Wilson, SI hopes in Europe in destroying more
Bluahing Ilk* a rose
yeam old o f Millville, today, by en­ thaa lives, it is destroying the things
Depositing her lavicga,
closing in a letter a one-dollar MIL
Bafore the bank should elos*.
duuvra are that 91 saved today will
th a note accompanying the bill Mid
be worth mot* than 92 saved five
that about thirty-live y**rs ago, when
Aaothsr contains practical help te r
years from now.
the saver and a perfectly goad morel:
Wilson lived at Forest Grove, two o t
Ss'ings banks ar* distributing a
his chickens strayed to the writer's •‘Mother Gcoee Bankbook,” in
Sing f song o f sixpeoca—
property and h* confiscated them. He the appeal to thrift is phntssd i
Juat younelf to thank—
said that he had had no peace o f mind merry jingles that, in imitation o f
Four and twenty dollars
the original Mother Goose rhymes,
for many years, and that he now
In th* savings bank.
trip musically from th* tongue.
wanted to ease his conscience by mak­
Maybe it isn’t poetry, but it’s very
ing restitution.
When the account is opened
sound sor.se. Here are some of th*
F iS C A T E IT I N 188*
haa hit upon a vital truth, while her reality, they are so insignificant! It
The note was not signed and Wil­ jing'cs*
neighbor# have not—and they suffer would be pleasant to have them all,
son decs not recall the incidont of
in conaoqocnce!
of course, but no one needs one of losing the chickens.
The King wus in his counting-house,
dollar in—
Jask Grimes could aar* hia itiam , j
Hia wife could aa*a a peony;
Batwixt the two, they richer m * , )
Yet lived m good a » any,
K »*C W
Second Grade—Daisy Pricbette M l
Paul Lewis.
Ihhd Grad*—Lillian Chmdkr, Im >
rw c* King, John Prichette, Marrie ^
aad Allan Htator.
Fourth Grade-—Claranes MatUw,
Fleming Sing, Jsitninga Chandler ant
Cleatua Hester.
Seventh Grade—Eva Wyatt, Bleach*
Hester and Eunice Roger*.
That'* the way tv get a start
I f you want to win.
in n
When disturbing influences cause unsettled conditions in business, the invest­
or’s mind naturally turns to the most non-fluctuating and time tried investment—
namely: Real Estate, First Mortgage Loans.
We have at this time ten to fifteen thousand dollars worth of Frist Mortgage
Real Estate Bonds in denominations of $100, $150, $250, $300, $400, $500, and $1,000.
These bonds are amply secured by Real Estate and fully guaranteed by our
Company, and will net you six per cent interest which we pay semi-annually. The
investor who is content with less than six per cent interest is depriving himself of
what is rightfully his own.
C e n tr a l
W. W. BROWN. Manager,
L o a n
T ru st
C o m p a n y
Burlington, North Carolina