2015 Event Information - World Softball Coaches` Convention
2015 Event Information - World Softball Coaches` Convention
2015 Event Information Event Partners www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com January 17, 2015 Dear Coach, We are excited to welcome you as we celebrate the Mohegan Sun World Softball Coaches’ Convention. Beginning with the first clinic, we have sought to provide you with the very best in coaching education. We want this clinic to be something special and we have spent considerable time securing the best clinicians and designing a curriculum that addresses all levels of play and a range of coaching areas. Each year, we seek to improve your clinic experience and this year we've made two major improvements: we've redesigned the event layout to improve traffic flow and we are introducing an event App for your smartphone or tablet to put critical clinic information at your fingertips. We believe our clinic is more than just one day of coaching and player instruction; it is a chance to exchange ideas and learn from each other. Our convention staff, exhibitors and guest speakers will be available to you throughout the day. Please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself, ask a question or provide your own perspective on the game. A special thanks goes to the staff and management of the Mohegan Sun - our title sponsor - who have welcomed us and allowed us to use their outstanding facilities and amenities. We also thank our other sponsors for their important support, including: Extra Innings, Rawlings, On Deck Sports, Hitting Guru 3D, Planet Fastpitch, Louisville Slugger, USA Elite Training, Club Diamond Nation, Lux Bond & Green, Fastpitch Nation, Jaypro Sports, The Coaches Insider and Geno’s Fastbreak Restaurant. We have a terrific group of exhibitors this year and we encourage you to visit them in the Mohegan Sun Convention Center during the event. Enjoy the clinic and please take the time during and after this weekend to let us know your thoughts on improving next year’s Mohegan Sun World SoftballCoaches’ Convention. We wish you all the best with your upcoming season and look forward to seeing you in January 2016! Yours in coaching, P.S.: Become a World Softball Facebook fan and get clinic updates throughout the year. www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com WORLD SOFTBALL EVENT SCHEDULE Saturday, January 17, 2015: Session Times Location Break-Out #1 Patrick Murphy Building a Championship Culture Break-Out #2 Kathryn Gleason Competitive Team Defense Extra Innings Batting Cage 9:15 am – 10:00 am Break-Out #1 Jennifer Hapanowicz with Youth Pitching Demonstrators Sue Enquist with Andrea Duran 11:20 am - 12:05 pm Dominate the Zone with the Rise and Drop: Drills for Proper Techniques Hitting Mechanics: See it. Know it. Teach it. Break-Out #2 Kathryn Gleason Skills & Drills for Your Infielders Break-Out #3 Eric Cressey Identifying and Addressing the Most Common Physical Limitations in Throwers Extra Innings Batting Cage Denise Davis, Brandice Balschmiter & Jordan Taylor Pitching, Hitting & Throwing Contests with Prizes! 10:00 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am - 11:05 am 2015 Topic GENERAL EVENT REGISTRATION Convention Center Pre-Function Area 7:00 am - 9:30 am 8:15 am - 9:00 am 2015 Presenter EXHIBITOR TIME Extra Innings Batting Cage Andrea Duran with Dan Rigol Hitting Demo/LOUISVILLE SLUGGER PRODUCT DEMO Break-Out #1 Patrick Murphy Aggressive Baserunning: Putting the Pressure on the Defense Break-Out #2 Jordan Taylor, Brandice Balschmiter & Denise Davis A Pitcher's Playbook Question & Answer Session Break-Out #3 Jen McIntyre Getting the Most Out of Indoor Practices Extra Innings Batting Cage Kim Gwydir with Youth Demonstrators Kathryn Gleason, Jen McIntyre & Jessica Mendoza Break-Out #1* Using Your Speed to Increase Run Production/Slapping The Recruiting Process: Keys to Getting College Coaches Interested Break-Out #2 Eric Cressey Identifying and Addressing the Most Common Physical Limitations in Throwers/DEMO Break-Out #3 Rob Crews EYES LEAD the BODY: Adjustments and Strategies for Pitch Recognition and Ball Tracking Extra Innings Batting Cage Steve Sutton EASTON PRODUCT DEMO Outlines for certain sessions may not be included in this packet. Program, topics and presenters are subject to change. Attendees must wear their event credentials at all times to access the event. No videotaping of event sessions is allowed. NEW THIS YEAR Carry the World Softball Coaches' Convention with you at all times! Our new app has everything you'll need to enhance your convention experience including a full schedule, floor plan, presenter bios and more! Search “WorldSoftball” in the App Store and Google Play Store! www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com WORLD SOFTBALL EVENT SCHEDULE Saturday, January 17, 2015 (Continued): Session Times Location 2015 Presenter EXHIBITOR/LUNCH TIME 12:05 pm - 1:15 pm 12:05 pm - 1:15 pm 2015 Topic Exhibitor Zone/ Louisville Slugger Booth Exhibitor Zone/ Louisville Slugger Booth Exhibitor Zone/Planet FastPitch Booth Andrea Duran Autograph Session presented by Louisville Slugger (Players have first priority for autographs) Jessica Mendoza Autograph Session presented by Louisville Slugger (Players have first priority for autographs) Jordan Taylor Autograph Session (Players have first priority for autographs) Brandice Balschmiter Autograph Session (Players have first priority for autographs) Exhibitor Zone/Planet FastPitch Booth 12:05 pm - 12:30 pm Extra Innings Batting Cage Brian Meehan DEMARINI PRODUCT DEMO 12:30 pm- 1:00 pm Break-Out #1 Sue Enquist 2015 Recruit Standards: Measurables to Level the Playing Field Extra Innings Batting Cage Kyle Shiplett MIZUNO PRODUCT DEMO 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm 4:25 pm - 5:15 pm Break-Out #1 Talking Softball featuring Patrick Murphy, Sue Enquist, Andrea Duran & Jordan Taylor moderated by Jessica Mendoza Extra Innings Batting Cage Paul Sances WORTH PRODUCT DEMO Break-Out #1 Sue Enquist Defense Assessment: Skill Differentiations by Position Break-Out #2 Jen McIntyre Practice Activities to Improve Your Team's Offensive Production Break-Out #3 Rob Crews Developing the Mental/Emotional Game from 9 - 19 Extra Innings Batting Cage Denise Davis and Brandice Balschmiter Coaches & Parents Take the Mound!: An Interactive How-To Experience Break-Out #1 Patrick Murphy How to Hit Location Pitches Break-Out #2 Jen Hapanowicz How Can Anyone Increase Their Speed - From Little League to College Break-Out #1 Sue Enquist Hitting Drill Package: Get College Ready! AUTOGRAPH SESSION GUIDELINES: Players have 1st priority for autographs. We can only sign 1 item per person &, due to time constraints, cannot allow photos. We cannot guarantee that all players will receive autographs. Thank you for understanding. The event would like to recognize Jaypro Sports for providing the bleachers for the Extra Innings Batting Cage sessions. Visit Jaypro’s booth to learn more about all their softball product offerings. SAVE 15% AT GENO’S FASTBREAK RESTAURANT: Hungry? Geno’s Fastbreak is offering 15% off all food and beverage purchases throughout the clinic for softball clinic attendees wearing their credentials. Geno’s is located just outside the Convention Center on the 1st floor. www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com 2015 Mohegan Sun World Softball Coaches' Convention Exhibitor Booth Locations Company/Exhibitor Name 3D Hitting Guru Air Structures American Technologies AllBallPro by Sportworx Anaconda Sports/LIDS Team Sports Exhibitor Booth # 309 & 408 Company/Exhibitor Name (cont.) Exhibitor Booth # Jaypro Sports 91 506 Keith's II Sports 307 919 Lee County Sports Development 209 & 308 Louisville Slugger 904 301 & 400 Anthem Sports 910 Marucci Sports Ball-Bandit 404 Mercury Sports Bangerz Sportz Eye Protection 402 Mizuno Baseball America 207 New Balance Baseball Baseball Heaven Sports Complex 108 New Britain Rock Cats T5 Batting Cages USA 915 New England Collegiate Baseball League 205 Beam Clay/Partac Peat Corporation 503 OC Sports 507 Beaver Bat Company 302 On Deck Sports 101 BIG Vision Sports Complex 504 Planet Fastpitch 203 - 207 Bownet Sports 911 & 913 Play In School 92 702 609 & 708 100 208 Brent's Uniform Factory 90 PLDGIT.com BSN Sports 914 Rawlings 502 Connecticut American Legion Baseball 902 Rawlings Stars and Stripes Connecticut Sportsplex 405 Ripken Baseball Connecticut Tigers T7 Rob Monte Art 712 Cooperstown Bat Company 605 Schutt Sports 201 & 300 DC Sports 916 Showcase Trading Cards 900 & 901 87 702A 406 Diamond Nation 702B SkillScore 98 Diamond Sports 401 Spalding 601 & 700 Disney Baseball & Softball 907 Sports at the Beach Dream Bat Company 403 Sports Team Hotels E.L.umber Co. 505 Sports Tutor 94 & 95 305 509 & 608 Easton Sports 905 & 906 Stadium System 602 Extra Innings Pre-Function Strike Out Strippz 501 & 600 Fastpitch Nation/CT USSSA Fastpitch Fastpitch on Line Showcase 96 Frank Herzog Photography 97 & 97A Swingaway 89 Swivel Vision 603 The Leadership Doc 606 Frank's Sport Shop 611 Tucci Lumber GameChanger 903 Turface Athletics 86 GamePlan by Everysport.net 99 TYRUS Baseball Products GloveWhisperer 304 USA Elite Training 94 & 95 Goose Grease Creams 407 VarsityGirl.Net 86 & 91 HeavySwing 613 Wilson/DeMarini/ATEC Historic Dodgertown 306 Worth Stars and Stripes 88 Holloway Sportswear 500 X-Grain Sportswear 607 Hot Dot 604 Zephyr Hats 303 HUMANeX Ventures 107 409 & 508 93 206 We thank you in advance for supporting our clinic exhibitors and encourage you to patronize them throughout the year. You can find a 2015 exhibitor listing on our website at www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com (on the Exhibitor Page) which includes their website address. www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 8:15AM - 9:00AM: Break-Out #1 Building a Championship Culture Patrick Murphy, Head Softball Coach, University of Alabama 1. The Ultimate Role Model 2. What does your program look like? 3. Affirm and Model 4. Separate the Who from the Do 5. Servant Leadership 6. An Attitude of Gratitude 7. Mudita 8. My favorite videos 1. The Little Team -- vimeo 2. The Butterfly Circus -- vimeo 3. E:60 Will Power -- espn.com 4. Debbie the Downer -- yahoo.com 5. Sermon from the movie Doubt -- youtube.com 6. Seton Hall basketball player -- youtube.com 7. Anatomy of a Teammate -- youtube.com 8. My Coach Sucks -- youtube.com 9. Soul Pancake Happiness Study – youtube.com www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 8:15AM - 9:00AM: Break-Out #2 Competitive Team Defense Kathryn Gleason, Head Softball Coach, Boston University 1. Why Team Drills? a. Practice a Part of a Skill (BMR) b. Practice Game-Like Elements c. Educate the Entire Team (Understand the Game) d. Create Competition i. Against the Clock ii. Against Groups 2. Full Team Defense Drills a. Continuous Rundown Drill i. 1st-2nd, 3rd- Home-Person who makes the out, keeps the ball & starts the new rundown between the other baseline. - Sequences (Multiples (1212, 2121, 1414, 4141, 3434, 4343) - Infield Drill (2-1-3-4)…there is ALWAYS another play. - Outfield (Relays/Cuts)…4-3-2 - Zig Zag Drill-Competitive Throwing Drill - “The Race”-OF-Baserunners, Full Infield with Pitcher and Catcher - Rocket Relays - 1st & 3rd Defense - Tweeners - Perfect 21 - Knockout-R @1, R @ 1st/2nd, R @ 2nd, R @ 2nd/3rd, Bases Loaded - Terrier Challenge www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 9:15AM - 10:00AM: Break-Out #1 Hitting Mechanics: See it. Know it. Teach it. Sue Enquist, NFCA Hall of Famer & Legendary UCLA Softball Coach Andrea Duran, 2014 NPF Player of the Year, USSSA Price Third Baseman 1. SEE IT: DEFINE swing principles two ways a. What can you evaluate live? b. What do you evaluate on video? 2. KNOW IT: EVALUATION of hitter a. Quick tip on evaluation: the 5% rule b. Define each part of the swing being evaluated (live). c. Common language with the hitter is created. i. Linear phase-We can see and assess these areas. ii. Rotational phase-What CAN’T we see with naked eye very well? d. NOTE:2015 NFCA Objective Measurables and new assessment language 1. NFCA Measurables released. 2. NEW Hitting metrics in softball space understand new language. 3. ANDREA DURAN’S PPFs & YOUTH ASSESSMENTS a. Andrea’s rill routines & progression b. Most common youth swing problems c. Favorite drills for youth d. Andrea’s mental tips for the youth coach player. 4. COMMON PROBLEMS and DRILLS to implement in each area a. Weight transfer problems & solutions b. Connection problems & solutions c. Bat Lag problems & solutions d. Contact problems & solutions 5. TEACH IT: Summary: Hitter’s custom swing package and drills implementation a. CORE 4 Principles b. Customized drills c. Goals and assessment of proper execution d. Train her to train herself www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 9:15AM - 10:00AM: Break-Out #2 Skills & Drills for Your Infielders Kathryn Gleason, Head Softball Coach, Boston University 1. The Throw a. Throwing Progression b. Types of throws-situations c. Drills 2. Footwork a. Ready Position b. Right left field, right left throw c. Gather-Gain ground on the throw d. Footwork Drills-Ladders, cones, hurdles (With and without the ball) 3. Everydays-Partners/Coach a. Rolling ground balls b. Short hops (Ozzie drill) c. Exchanges (flips, feeds, bunts) d. Tag plays 4. Putting It All Together ---Drills a. Box drill (60/40)-Throw b. 4 Corner Drill (Roll left, throw diagonal) c. Five Ball Drill (Drill Sets) d. Multiples (1212, 2121, 1414, 4141) www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 9:15AM - 10:00AM: Break-Out #3 Identifying and Addressing the Most Common Physical Limitations in Throwers Eric Cressey, Baseball Strength & Conditioning Expert, Cressey Performance Founder Softball Training Culture Opportunity #1: Appreciating Joint Hypermobility Why does one feel “tight?” Laxity Considerations Programming Considerations: Strength Training Opportunity #2: Gain active control of external rotation. “Fake” Lay-Back Opportunity #3: Individualize the management of scapular control. One thing we do know… o Takeaways: Opportunity #4: Establish core control during arm care. Action Items Assess, don’t assume! www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 10:30AM – 11:05AM: Break-Out #1 Aggressive Baserunning: Putting the Pressure on the Defense Patrick Murphy, Head Softball Coach, University of Alabama 1. Be aggressive! Don’t ever fault a kid for being smart aggressive on the bases. (stupid aggressive is another story) 2. Getting out of the box as quick as possible – inf single; single to lf; single to rf 3. Leads on the bases 4. When to tag at 1b 5. Leads at 2b, when to tag, when to advance 6. Leads at 3b, when to tag 7. Ground ball GO! How and when ... A. B. C. D. 8. Two outs, two bases -- always! A. B. C. D. E. 9. GREEN LIGHTS for the speedsters A. B. C. D. 10. BITDC A. 11. Independent drill www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 10:30AM – 11:05AM: Break-Out #2 A Pitcher's Playbook Question & Answer Session Jordan Taylor, NPF USSSA Pride Pitcher, USA National Team Member, 3-Time All-American & Boston University Assistant Coach Brandice Balschmiter, Collegiate All-American Pitcher, NPF 1st Round Selection Denise Davis, Founder of Planet Fastpitch & Youth Pitching Expert www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 10:30AM – 11:05AM: Break-Out #3 Getting the Most Out of Indoor Practices Jen McIntyre, Head Softball Coach, University of Connecticut Philosophy: You can do the exact same mechanics inside that you can do outside. We emphasize a TON of footwork and fast footwork drills inside that we can incorporate into the defense, especially with outfielders. The more you are limited by space, the more creative you get. 6. Fun Drills a. Popcorn/ Communication b. Venue differences: gym floor vs. astro turf vs. rubber pellet turf; ceiling height vs. lights; tennis balls vs. indoor incredi-balls vs. regular balls Space constraints: Basketball gym size vs. indoor football turf field 7. Infield challenges: No dirt, indoor surface is much faster; ie. When you go outside, the defense needs to be ready to charge the ball Outfield challenges: No wind resistance, no sun balls. (We utilize strings of overhead lights); Ceiling height for some venues therefore no fly balls. Practice Structure: 1. Run/ Stretch 2. Throwing progression 3. Catching/ Footwork 4. Every days with tennis balls, then regular balls & gloves 5. Defense (Infield vs. Outfield) a. Ladders i. With gloves, no ball then add a ball ii. 2 in, 2 out; lots of examples; change of direction; no false steps iii. NFL network karoake 8. Wall Ball i. Grounders ii. Fly balls iii. Wrong ways iv. Competition Team Defense a. Bunt defense b. Position breakdown c. Footwork d. Throw to bases (reorient the field) e. Relays and cuts f. Triangle balls/ balls in between g. Set defense schemes i. 1st and 3rds ii. Squeeze defense iii. Bases loaded iv. Slappers up the line, especially with a fast surface h. Around the horn, exchanges at the bag i. Thread the needle Offense a. Space restraints i. Indoor cages vs no cage space ii. Sock nets! iv. Back at an angle- flies and grounders b. Full team bunting (Last man standing) i. Throw bunting with two pitchers (one to home, one to second-space saver) c. Front toss d. Live on field/ BP e. Situational hitting f. Baserunning i. Runner at 2, reading controlled fungos ii. Runner at 2 & 3; Grounder- runner from 2; Fly- tag from 3 v. Closing speed b. vi. Competition ladders Cones i. Four diamond drill ii. Triangle drill/ back at angle iii. Change of direction c. Agilities i. Belt work ii. Single leg drives www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 11:20AM – 12:05PM: Break-Out #1 The Recruiting Process: Keys to Getting College Coaches Interested Kathryn Gleason, Head Softball Coach, Boston University Jen McIntyre, Head Softball Coach, University of Connecticut Jessica Mendoza, Star Outfielder & Two-Time World Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist, Team USA Softball, ESPN Commentator Rules Education: 1. Definition of PSA (Prospective Student-Athlete) a. 8th grade and younger is not a free for all 2. Written and Oral Correspondence a. Timeline b. Reply rules (Camp/ clinic/ brochure) c. Phone calls/ Text messages- boundaries 3. NCAA Eligibility Center Official vs. Unofficial Visits: 1. Definition and rules surrounding both 2. Philosophy varies based on coach/ school 3. Example of itinerary Offers/ Financial Aid: 1. 2. 3. 4. Division I rules: 12 full total scholarships (equivalency sport) Roster size-varies based on the institution Academic Aid Border state/ Bright Futures/ FAFSA ****What are the PSA’s determining factors? Summer vs High School Teams: 1. What tourneys do they attend? 2. Which teams will provide the opportunity for the PSA to achieve their goals? a. Geographic zone b. Competition level c. Coaching vs. Shopping/ Recruiting d. 3rd Party camps vs. Institutional Based Camps Videos- What to include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Length Skill vs. game footage Link vs. DVD Statistics Top Three Things I wish I could tell: 1. Summer Coaches 2. Parents 3. Student-Athletes www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 11:20AM – 12:05PM: Break-Out #3 EYES LEAD the BODY: Adjustments and Strategies for Pitch Recognition and Ball Tracking Rob Crews, Complete Game Founder, Author & Player Development Specialist 4 In-Flight Factors: Where is it? What is it? Where is it going? How do I get there? Where is it? The ability to identify the ball earlier in it's flight. Also the ability to get on the front side of the ball. What is it? The ability to determine pitch-type and pitch-speed. Two necessary factors for predicting arrival time and location. Where is it going? Identifying, calculating, anticipating, and predicting (TTC) time to collision based on visual information. How do I get there? Charting the course for the proper swing plane and bat angle. This also includes knowing when and where the collision will take place within a half a softball or 1 baseball. Corresponding Drills: 1. Tee Work a. Set Up b. Checking In c. Establish Visual Routes d. Use of multiples Contact Points 2. Hand Tee a. Visual Routes b. Hand Speed c. Decision Making d. Middle, oppo, inside, change, drop 3. Soft Toss a. Tosser Position b. Visual Routes www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 12:30PM – 1:00PM: Break-Out #1 2015 Recruit Standards: Measurables to Level the Playing Field Sue Enquist, NFCA Hall of Famer & Legendary UCLA Softball Coach 1. 3-Foundational measures of a collegiate hitter a. Efficiency b. Force on the ball c. Big zone 2. 3-Physical criteria college coaches are evaluating a. Criteria within each body part (during the swing) b. Zone discipline c. Game strategy and adjustments 3. 3-Non Physical criteria college coach is evaluating. a. Passion: Is she fanatical about training? b. Failure recovery: how quickly can she recover? c. Love: Is she in LOVE with the game? “Committed on good and bad days.” 4. Physical Measurables-COMPARE to COLLEGE a. NFCA Measurables-Offense specific vs. College Data i. Batted ball exit speed ii. Batted ball exit vs. bat speed differential 5. New Measurables College vs. Club/HS aged 6. Drills to test your readiness a. Drill to test barrel control b. Drill to test consistency c. Drill to put it all together d. One fast tip to own at LEAST half of the zone 7. High Performer Objective Measurables-“Who is the right side of the bell shaped curve?” www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 2:30PM – 3:15PM: Break-Out #1 Defense Assessment: Skill Differentiations by Position Sue Enquist, NFCA Hall of Famer & Legendary UCLA Softball Coach 1. SPECIFIC NFCA Objective Measurables - By defense position a. Pitcher assessment criteria b. Catcher assessment criteria c. Infield/Outfield criteria 2. GENERAL Defense Measurables - Necessary physical traits a. First step b. Angle c. Deceleration d. Glove footwork transition efficiency e. Throw strength f. Throw accuracy 3. RED FLAGS to the college coaches who are assessing your athletes a. Lower body criteria b. Game sense criteria c. Ball flight criteria d. Intangibles-Where and when does assessment of recruit begin 4. Specific Defense Skills by Position - Is your athlete COLLEGE ready? a. Catcher b. Pitcher c. Corners d. Middles e. Outfielder 5. Drills to enhance the defense player 6. High Performer Objective Measurables - “Who is the right side of the bell shaped curve?” 7. Resource attachments a. Recruit video playlist b. Defense drill progression www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 2:30PM – 3:15PM: Break-Out #2 Practice Activities to Improve Your Team's Offensive Production Jen McIntyre, Head Softball Coach, University of Connecticut Philosophy: Tee work for repetition and mechanics are essential every day. Base running is a lost art in our game where we can begin to learn to generate runs and cut down the number of hits required to score. When we do team structured drills, we make them as competitive as possible. We usually have a winner and a loser for the majority of our offensive sets. The key to improving culture, morale, and energy…COMPETE, COMPETE, COMPETE! 5. Front Toss a. Philosophy i. Number of continuous cuts ii. Incorporate Single arm swings iii. Tees out on field iv. Situational hitting v. Change ups (machine balls vs. regular balls) 6. Vision Drills a. Numbered balls b. Dotted balls c. Machine vs. regular balls (Seams vs. No Seams) 7. Team Drills a. Countdown b. Teams on Teams on Teams c. Last man standing (Bunting/ Situational hitting) d. Live scrimmage vs. Dr. Feel Good e. Live on 5 8. Base Running a. Start of practice with live hitters on front toss or BP b. Runner at 2/ runner at home c. Runner at 2/ runner at 3 (grounders vs. fly balls) d. Leadoffs/ retreating to bases/ looking for the extra base e. Fake drag, steal of 3rd 9. Tee Warm-Up a. Single arm to extension in and out (x5) b. Double arm to extension in and out (x5) c. Single arm swings in and out (x5) d. Full cuts in and out (x5) e. Squared hips for hand path (x5) f. ¾ hips for hand path (x5) g. Step backs for power (x5) h. Walk throughs for rhythm and timing (x5) Practice Structure: Lots of tee work for repetition and feedback. Most of our mechanical work is done on the tees, we use front toss for progression and explosion. 1. 2. 3. 4. Hand Path Drills a. Single arms (lead and throw) kneeling vs. standing i. Bat size/ weight b. Double arms (extension and full cuts) c. Double tees for bat path d. Cones on the ground for extension/ path e. Squared hip drill & ¾ hips drill f. Triple tees for bat angle/ backspin Power Drills a. Basketball/ volleyball/ soccer ball b. Medicine ball throws mixed in c. Step backs d. Flamingo stance- drive into the pitch e. Double/ triple tees with some power tees Balance Drills a. Front shoulder angle to the pitch b. Angle of bat/ baby c. Toes on the line d. Flat cones Timing Drills a. Tennis ball bounce b. Walk throughs for rhythm c. Change ups on a tee (commit, lean into front leg) d. 3 plate drill www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 2:30PM – 3:15PM: Break-Out #3 Developing the Mental/Emotional Game from 9 - 19 Rob Crews, Complete Game Founder, Author & Player Development Specialist Where does CONFIDENCE come from? Past Success and Victories Work ethic / preparation Positive Parent/Coach Support Peer’s Success Environment-conditions Performance Issues Game Plan or No Game Plan Overcoaching paralyzes Performance Fear of Failure Outcome Driven vs Process Driven From the Neck Up Attitude Confidence Focus Relaxation Concentration Commitment Work Ethic www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 3:30PM – 4:15PM: Break-Out #1 How to Hit Location Pitches Patrick Murphy, Head Softball Coach, University of Alabama The nine different zones of the strike zone – same for righty/lefty Professional hitters can handle six of the nine zones Minor leaguers can handle four of the nine zones High school hitters can handle three of the nine zones Outside pitch absolutes: 1. Hitting Drills: A tip for all drills – put a piece of tape or use chalk for a point of reference for your feet. Too many hitters hear ‘outside’ pitch and they start diving into the plate. The tape/chalk will help keep the hitters in a good stance/stride. The stride should remain even and the same. Nothing changes with the hitter’s feet. We emphasize outside pitch drills as 70 percent of all pitches we see will be middle-to-outside/off the plate. 2. 1. Contact point drill/all nine hitting zones: 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. Catch drill/all fields: 3. Self-toss/all fields: 4. Outside tee: 5. Front toss/all fields/all pitches: Low pitch absolutes: 1. 6. Tony Gwynn Front Side Drill: 2. 7. Stop/hold drill: 3. 4. 5. Inside pitch absolutes: 1. 8. Four-part outside hitting drill: 9. False angle drill/inside/outside: 10. Hide drill: 11. Tony Gwynn drill II: 12. Target long tee/inside/outside: 2. 3. 4. 5. High pitch absolutes: 1. 2. 13. Throw drill w/short tosser Four ways to increase bat speed … 1. Strength training for forearms – wrist rollers, reverse curls, rice buckets, newspaper roll-ups 2. Underload/overload training – heavy, light, regular bat weights over a six-week period 3. Quick swings – get in as many swings as you can in a timed period (15 secs, 20, 25, 30). Keep track of what you have done and try to beat the number each time. 3. 4. 4. Core work – side-to-sides, pillars, side pillars, bird dogs, superwomans www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: I. Saturday, January 17, 2015, 3:30PM – 4:15PM: Break-Out #2 How Can Anyone Increase Their Speed - From Little League to College Jen Hapanowicz, USA Elite Training Founder & Youth Softball Instructor Speed Killers 1. Pre-turning 2. No high Knee 3. Left leg (right-handed pitcher) cut across the powerline 4. Glove Side out 5. Too long of stride 6. Back heel drops 7. Front plant foot not 45 degree angle on landing 8. Walk through pitch / no resistance II. III. How to Increase speed Using Video Feedback Does your athlete have muscle weaknesses? 1. Test your players 2. Strength drill for pitchers IV. Pitching Drills to Increase Speed & Power in the Motion 1. Knee Drill Speed Super Sets a. Various tools 2. High Knee w/ ankle weight (2-3lbs max) 3. Resistance Cords a. Leg strength and resistance b. Glove side 4. Elevated Mound 5. Long Toss – from the knee or full motion 6. Weighted ball work out 7. Burnout Drills www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com SESSION: TOPIC: PRESENTER: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 4:25PM – 5:15PM: Break-Out #1 Hitting Drill Package: Get College Ready! Sue Enquist, NFCA Hall of Famer & Legendary UCLA Softball Coach WHAT DOES YOUR FUTURE COLLEGE HITTER NEED TO UNDERSTAND? 1. COORDINATED SWING MOVEMENTS a. Understand simple physics & what we are measuring. b. Understand timing (what is 20-23/60th of a second) c. Understand whip (where and when?) d. Understand gradual acceleration e. Understand cadence consistency 2. PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT- IS SHE COLLEGE READY? a. Self assessment b. Objective without emotion c. Unwavering commitment to hard-Work ethic 3. MENTAL ASSESSMENTS-IS SHE COLLEGE READY? a. Passion-She couldn’t NOT care if she tried b. What does emotionally self-employed mean. c. Does she love the ‘test’? DRILL PACKAGE 4. INDIVIDUAL HITTER ASSESSMENT (SPECIFICS). (see chart) a. T-My CORE drills: Customized (recommendations) b. Toss-Side toss-1-arm/with Partner- Timing & Rhythm. All strikes c. Batting Practice (BP) Modified at 30’)-Fastballs-Timing & Rhythm. All strikes d. BP Fastball (reg. distance)-Timing & Rhythm. All strikes e. Game BP Rounds (mixed pitches:)-Rd #1-all strikes Rd #2 In/Out of zone. f. Situation (counts, off. strategy) Pitch in and out of zone. 5. VISION AND TRACKING DRILLS a. Stand Ins-Stand in station-track spin and call it out. 6. MENTAL TRAINING SYSTEM (green, yellow, red lights) 7. COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS: (see chart) a. Drills to help their weaknesses (Coach designate drills to fit player’s weaknesses). HITTING PACKAGE-CALENDAR YEAR 1. Pre Season a. Swing assessment. b. High volume individual drills. c. Focus on swing improvements. 2. In Season-MAIN FOCUS IS CONTROL AND PROPER SELECTION a. High volume live swings & situational hitting (machine or live). b. High accountability to make adjustments in the count i. Ahead in count. ii. Behind in count. c. Awareness when not confident. Plan B mentality (drag bunting, hit and run). d. Focus on situational hitting and execution. (hit and run, short game). e. Mental Toughness Management. (FAILURE RECOVERY SYSTEM). 3. Post Season a. Documenting how good you are b. Focus on the positives c. Celebrate the intensity of this part of the season www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com A Special Thanks To Our Partners… Carry the World Softball Coaches' Convention with you at all times! Our new app has everything you'll ever need to enhance your convention experience including a full schedule, floor plan, presenter bios and more! Scan the QR Code or Search “WorldSoftball” in the App Store and Google Play Store! www.SoftballCoachesClinic.com
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