May 29, 2016 Bulletin
May 29, 2016 Bulletin
Corpus Christi May 29, 2016 " The Shrine " St. Odilo Parish National Shrine of the Poor Souls St. Odilo Church is the only parish in the United States dedicated to the Souls in Purgatory. It was founded and sanctioned as the Shrine of the Poor Souls by His Eminence, George Cardinal Mundelein, in 1928, with a special indulgence of 200 days granted upon each visit to the shrine. Rectory: 2244 East Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 School: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 Convent: 2319 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 CCD Office: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 Web Address: Fax: Pastor: Rev. Anthony Brankin Priests: Rev. Msgr. Richard Saudis Rev. Robert Coleman Deacon: Mr. Alfonso Salgado School Principal: Mr. William Donegan School Secretary: Ms. Laura Canaveral CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Idalia Gonzalez Music Director: Mr. Paul Rau Mass Schedule: Monday thru Friday: 6:30 and 8AM Saturday: 8:00AM, 4PM Sunday: 7AM (Sp.), 8:00 (Eng.), 9:30 (Latin) & 11AM (Eng.) & 12:30PM (Sp.) Holy Days: 6:30PM (Eng.) the previous evening; 6:30, 8:10AM, 12:00 Noon and 6:30PM (Sp.) Church is open: Weekdays from 6AM - 6PM Confessions: Saturday 11:15AM - 12Noon & by appointment. Rectory Office hours: Monday thru Friday: 9AM -9PM Saturday 9AM-6PM Sunday 9AM-3PM (708) 484-2161 (708) 484-0755 (708) 680-0909 (708) 484-5321 (708) 788-0565 Business Manager: Mrs. Beth Ritzenthaler Secretary: Mrs. Gail Kunce Marketing/Advancement: Mrs. Ruby Martinez All Sacraments and ceremonies are available in Italian, Latin, Spanish & of course English. Baptisms: Every Saturday at 10:30AM & Sunday at 1:30PM. Parents are required to register for baptism with a priest. Parents should be registered parishioners. Please call to make an appointment. Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance with a parish priest. Please call the rectory to make an appointment. Visits to the Sick: Please inform the rectory for hospital or homebound visits. Quinceaneras: Cotillion Masses are available for our girls who have been confirmed-please call. Ramblings - Fr. Brankin “SEVEN STANZAS AT EASTER” (JOHN UPDIKE) Make no mistake: if he rose at all It was as His body; If the cell’s dissolution did not reverse, the molecule reknit, The amino acids rekindle, The Church will fall. It was not as the flowers, Each soft spring recurrent; It was not as His Spirit in the mouths and fuddled eyes of the Eleven apostles; It was as His flesh; ours. The same hinged thumbs and toes The same valved heart That—pierced—died, withered, paused, and then regathered Out of enduring Might New strength to enclose. Let us not mock God with metaphor, Analogy, sidestepping, transcendence, Making of the event a parable, a sign painted in the faded Credulity of earlier ages: Let us walk through the door. The stone is rolled back, not papier-mache, Not a stone in a story, But the vast rock of materiality that in the slow grinding of Time will eclipse for each of us The wide light of day. And if we have an angel at the tomb, Make it a real angel, Weighty with Max Planck’s quanta, vivid with hair, opaque in The dawn light, robed in real linen Spun on a definite loom. Let us not seek to make it less monstrous, For our own convenience, our own sense of beauty, Lest, awakened in one unthinkable hour, we are embarrassed By the miracle, And crushed by remonstrance. Archbishop Blase J. Cupich, Auxiliary Bishops and Priests Celebrate Cemetery Field Masses Memorial Day, May 30 Chicago, IL (May 23, 2016) – Archbishop Blase J. Cupich, the Auxiliary Bishops and Archdiocesan Priests will celebrate Memorial Day with Field Masses at 37 Catholic cemeteries on Monday, May 30. These Masses are in conjunction with the national program, “Serving God and Country: A Memorial Day Salute to Our Heroes,” developed by the Catholic Cemetery Conference, to honor men and women of the armed forces who died while serving, as well as active military and veterans. During all 37 Masses, veterans present will be asked to come forward for a special blessing followed by the playing of Taps. Archbishop Cupich will celebrate a Memorial Day Field Mass at Resurrection Catholic Cemetery and Mausoleums, 7201 Archer Avenue in Justice, at 10:30 a.m. Immediately following the Mass, the Archbishop will bless a 20 foot tall bronze statue of St. Pope John Paul II that is placed on a six foot ten inch tall American black granite base. The statue was commissioned by the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2013 and designed by Teresa Clark of Clark Design. Here are some of the Masses that will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. at the following Catholic Cemeteries: All Saints Catholic Cemetery and Mausoleums, 700 North River Road, Des Plaines • Celebrant, Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert, Retired Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago Good Shepherd Catholic Cemetery, 16201 South 104th Avenue, Orland Park • Celebrant, Most Rev. Alberto Rojas, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago Mount Carmel Catholic Cemetery, 1400 South Wolf Road, Hillside • Celebrant, Rev. Michael P. Knotek, Executive Secretary, Priests’ Placement Board Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Cemetery, 1400 South Wolf Road, Hillside • Celebrant, Very Rev. Stephen F. Kanonik, Moderator of the Curia Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery and Mausoleums, 1400 South Wolf Road, Hillside • Celebrant, Most Rev. Jospeh N. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago St. Adalbert Catholic Cemetery, 6800 North Milwaukee Avenue, Niles • Celebrant, Most Rev. Andrew P. Wypych, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago St. Casimir Catholic Cemetery, 4401 West 111th Street, Chicago • Celebrant, Rev. Michael P. Ahlstrom, Vicar Emeritus, Office of the Diaconate St. Joseph Cemetery, Belmont and Cumberland Avenues, River Grove For more information about Catholic Cemeteries in the Archdiocese of Chicago, please visit or call 708-449-6100. TODAY AT 2PM World Wide Marriage Encounter Jesus loves us so much. Let His love fill your marriage to new life. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on June 10-12, 2016 or August 12-14, 2016 or October 7-9, 2016, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through . Adquieran las herramientas para amar de verdad a su cónyuge y recibir toda la alegría que la unidad puede traer en uno de nuestros Fines de Semana de Encuentro Matrimonial. Para más información de los Fines de Semana en español, si vive en los suburbios o pertenece a la Diócesis de Joliet, comuníquese con Javier y Gaby Vargas (630) 621-8984 [email protected] , en el área de Chicago llamar a Oscar y Luz Delgado (847) 826-9525, [email protected], para los que vivan en el área del sur de Chicago y el Noroeste de Indiana llamar a Juan y Elia Zambrano (708) 825-4099 [email protected] . Se recomienda registrarse con anticipación ya que el cupo es limitado. REFLECTION FOR THE WEEK THE 10 COMMANDMENTS TELL US WHAT WE MUST AND MUST NOT DO IN LIFE. THE CORPORAL AND SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY TELL US HOW TO LIVE OUR LIVES. Group Contact Information Armory of Christ-708-681-6879 Guadalupanos-708-484-2161 Legion of Mary -708-623-9280 Knights of Columbus-708-204-3761 Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima -708-484-1204 Little Flowers-469-487-9506 or [email protected] ESL-708-287-7347 Spred-708-287-7347 Ushers-708-788-8136 Concierto de Violonchelo Martes 7 de Junio a Iglesia San Odilo Cello Concert Tuesday, June 7th at St. Odilo Church The following loved ones were also included in the Mother’s Day Novena: Futter, Marion Ryan, Bonnie Szot, Bertha g min 4th o c e s Thi ay, Jun rd Satu TO: ALL LEADERS OF ORGANIZATIONS THAT MEET AT ST. ODILO PARISH The calendar meeting is June 6th at 7PM in the rectory. Every St. Odilo organization must have a representative attend this meeting if your group plans to use meeting rooms in the parish between June 2016 and June 2017. A list of your meeting dates were due at the rectory on Friday, May 24th. If you haven’t sent them in please do so now. They will be put on the calendar. Then at the June 6th meeting we will discuss any problems or conflicts. MASSES FOR THE WEEK SICK RELATIVES & FRIENDS Please remember the sick - Regina Szatkowski, Josephine Sprovieri, Ernest Karamas, Charlie Turek, George Kasper, Alice Kowalski, Henry Kereluk, Sr. Johanna Trisoliere, Ramon Marentes, Richard Wenc, William Stepanek, Karen Lewis, Joseph Kirchoff, our Veterans, Barbara Defina, Ralph Cannataro, Mike Kadrowicz, Eddie Shishkoff, Baby Carmody, Frances Rapacz, Maurice Ford, Milly Kosinar, Shirley Klein, Anita Sanchez, Karen Halter, L. R. Hammond, Patricia Niwa, Barbara Mance, Deborah Ferguson, Francisco Solis, Mary White, Jeanette Sprovieri, Hubert Ruiz, Mike Reato, Joseph Cannella Jr., Robert Bujnowski, Patricia Dewk, Danny Gale, Joan Brunner, Pat Fitzgerald, Patricia Stalzer, Norma Kmet, Mary Mascitti, Frank Niwa, Tuley Ruzicka, Jim Wisniewski, Narda Zendlock, Donna Oborski, Paul Burke, Elizabeth Andrejek, Ashley Hess, Jean Bonin, Isabelle Rodriguez. REST IN PEACE Please remember all those God has called to Himself from our parish family, Kelsey Kosenesky & Patricia Mars. WEDDING BANNS III-Jose Guzman & Natalia Lopez III-Rudolfo Avila & Anareli Lucas II-Ignacio Quijano Bahena & Araceli Moreno II-Miguel Patlan & Maria Abellaneda I-Freddy Juarez & Marilyn Vasquez OUR WEEKLY OFFERING May 22, 2016 Last Year $8,641.65 $8,779.52 Thank you! Fr. Brankin MONDAY, MAY 30-MEMORIAL DAY 6:30AM & 8:10 AM-The People of St. Odilo Parish TUESDAY, MAY 31-THE VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 6:30AM-Intentions of Anne Marie 8:10AM-Anna Stockhausen (Joan Stockhausen) -Birthday Blessings for Sr. Mary Martin (Santos Family) -Ted Batko (Mary Jeans) 3PM-Divine Mercy WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1-SAINT JUSTIN, MARTYR 6:30AM-Intentions of Jacob Family 8:10AM-John & Mary Gerdevich THURSDAY, JUNE 2-SAINT MARCELLINUS AND PETER, MARTYRS 6:30AM-Ed & Lorraine White (Family) 8:10AM-Josephine Gaudin (Carmelina Barbuscio) -Intentions of Adriana Perilla (Jose P. Sanchez) -Paula Deardurff (Rosa Family) -Caleb Dillon Mantooth & Family (Maria) FRIDAY, JUNE 3-THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS 6:30AM-God’s Blessing upon the world 8:10AM-Filippo Bilotto (Bilotto Family) SATURDAY, JUNE 4-THE IMMACULATE HEART OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 8AM-Tony D’Agastino (Mary, Frank, & Kay D’Agastino) 12PM-Samantha Corral-16th Birthday 2PM Wedding of Rodolfo Avila & Anareli Lucas 4PM-Stephen Kutz (Mary Helen) SUNDAY, JUNE 5-TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7AM-Birthday Blessing for Adriana Perilla (Mom) 8AM-Rose & Edmund Gorman (Family) 9:30AM-Maureen Walsh (Walsh Family) 11AM-To all graduates of 2016 (Family) 12:30PM-3 yr. Anniversary of Juan Vega (Vega Family) SCHEDULE OF EVENTS TUESDAY… 6:30-Little Flowers (PH) 6:30-Legion of Mary (SR) 6:30-To Teach Who Christ Is (PR) 7PM-Spred (PrR) WEDNESDAY… 6PM-ESL Beginners (PH) 7PM-VBS Committee (PrR) 7PM-School board (SCH) 7:30-ESL Intermediate (PH) THURSDAY… 6PM-Arts & Crafts (SR) 6PM-Mexican Folklorico Dance (PH) 7PM-Armory of Christ (CB) 7PM-Bible Study (PR) FRIDAY… 2:10-Pin & Ribbon (CH) 6PM-Mexican Folklorico Dance (PH) 6:30-Pequeño Rebaño (CB) 7PM-Faith Formation (PR) SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK June 4 & 5 Eucharistic Minister Lector Altar Servers 4PM A. Kowalski B. Ouska C. Ocampo J. Watts J. Rau G. Gleeson 7AM (Esp.) M. Marin R. Marin O. Pereda R. Cruz E. Lopez, J. P. Lopez 8AM D. Kaminski S. Sandoval J. Stockhausen J. Gutierrez S. Herrera M. Herrera 9:30AM W. Morrall, S. Morrall W. Estrella, L. Estrella 11AM Armory of Christ Armory of Christ V. Hernandez C. Hernandez 12:30PM (Esp.) E. Coronado V. Chavez, E. Marquez A. Salgado, B. Salgado Not Available J. Diaz J. Diaz Servers for May 30-June 4: M. Herrera, S. Herrera, J. Rau CHURCH NAME AND BULLETIN NUMBER St. Odilo Church #512062 ADDRESS 2244 East Avenue Berwyn, IL 60402 TELEPHONE NUMBER 708 484-2161 CONTACT PERSON Gail Kunce SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP Laserjet 1020 Series NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 8 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN May 29, 2016 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 4:45 PM E-MAIL ADDRESS [email protected] SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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Ernest Karamas, Charlie Turek, George Kasper, Alice Kowalski,
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