Apr-May 2016 - Bell Baptist Association
Apr-May 2016 - Bell Baptist Association
Bell News Apr - May 2016 Page 1 Connecting Churches April - May 2016 “The Bell Baptist Association of Churches is committed to empowering, enabling, and assisting member churches to accomplish their Great Commission.“ God is reaching the world through all of us! We ARE the hands and feet of Christ. Missions Emphasis ALL donations from the event will benefit partnership missions. TUESDAY - April 26th - 6:00pm First Baptist Church, Belton Tasting will be held in the gym. Suggested MISSIONS DONATION, $10.00 per adult $5 per child (Children 10 and under free) Bell News Apr - May 2016 Operation Christmas Child OPEN HOUSE Sunday, April 10 - 4:00-5:00 pm 19 S. 29th St, Temple Immanuel Baptist Church is allowing the Mid-Texas Area Operation Christmas Child to use one of the church's mission houses. They are having an open house on Sunday, April 10 from 4 - 5 pm at 19 S. 29th St, Temple. This is right behind the church. Come to see what we are doing and learn more about Operation Christmas Child. Everyone is welcome! Page 2 Thank you to Eastside Baptist Church and First Baptist Bartlett for assisting with a scholarship so that we could add an additional Summer Missionary (SM) for BBA. We are so excited to have a 7th SM! The Lord is really working through our previous SM’s and we wait with anticipation to see all that God is doing and will do in the future through these young people. Freedom Road had 91 for Easter and have a baptism coming up in April. Val Verde had 45 in their Easter Sonrise Service and 55 in their worship service. At least 11 new people came in response to their community mail-out. First Killeen baptized 3 on Easter Sunday and had 3 more request to be baptized in the near future. They also have a small group going to Haiti on mission this summer. Their Acteens recently donated over 110 stuffed animals to the Starry Foster Care System. Eastside had 90 at their Good Friday service and over 100 at their Walk With Jesus. Journey Church has called Tyler Hamilton as their new Student Minister. Miller Heights has called Donald Montelongo to be their Children's Director of Outreach. First Belton Pastor, Andy Davis, just returned from 2 weeks of teaching and sharing in Moldova. BBA is planning a joint missions trip to Salt Lake, July 23-29 (See info pg 6). If you are interested in being a part of this team contact the BBA Missions Center. We will have an interest meeting soon. Everyday Disciples had a large gathering of men at their Prayer Breakfast the Saturday before Easter. Journey Church is excited to call Ryan Pennington to their staff. After 10 years of service, Kyle Pierce has resigned as the Minister of Youth at Vista Community. Trinity has traveled to South Texas for a week of ministry in the small town of Lasara for the last 10 years. They will again minister there this summer in partnership with churches from Bryan/College Station and Huntsville to help with construction, sewing/ quilting, VBS and sports and music camps. Immanuel will be taking a group to join Franklin Graham and many others from across Texas on the Capital South Steps in Austin on April 26th. They are also planning missions trips to the Pacific Northwest and the DFW Metroplex this summer. First Trimmier held a revival in March and in the four day meeting they were blessed with 9 professions of faith. The 2016 BBA Evangelism Revival with Michael Gott was a great evening of praise and challenge. We had 103 in attendance which included a 140+ choir! The choir members were from 11 of our BBA churches. We are getting regular reports of people leading individuals to faith in Christ since Michael challenged “each one, reach one”. We are wrapping up a 40 day season of prayer and look forward to seeing how our churches will impact our communities. Stillhouse invites you to the newly remodeled event center at Hilltop Village Mobile Home Park on Sunday April 10th at 3:00pm. They will have free snacks, desserts and great music with a time of testimony with the San Antonio men’s group of, “Adult and Teen Challenge”. Cody & Vanessa Decker County Line has called Marshall Latham as their new Pastor. welcomed First Harker Heights has called retired Chaplain, Stanley Allen, as their new Pastor. Keep BBA in your prayers as we are planning Experiencing God weekends to Vermont in April and to their family on March 31st. Indonesia in October as well as the missions trip to Salt Lake in July. They also have two other children We are trying to identify the key prayer leaders in Carli and Jase. Cody is the Youth each church to try to help strengthen the prayer Minister at First Baptist Holland. ministries in our churches and BBA family. Also join us for prayer at the BBA Missions Center Tuesdays at 2:00. Jed Weston Decker Bell News Apr - May 2016 Page 3 “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 Pastor Chinese Mission - Goodwill Nueva Esperanza - Pendleton Community Outreach Minister Everyday Disciples Music Minister First Trimmier - Keys Valley For more information on these churches and contact information, please visit our website at www.bellchurches.com BBA Block Party Trailer Trng April 12, 1:00-3:00 Taste of Bell Baptists April 26 FBC Belton, 6:00pm BBA Executive Board Mtg 18 April, BBA Missions Center 12:00 (Lunch $7.00) Week of Prayer for Associational Missions April 24—May 1 VBS Clinic 14 May, Memorial BC, 9:00-3:00 I appreciate the privilege of serving as your Director of Missions and seeing what God is doing through our family of churches. Our churches are growing as Great Commission Churches by reaching out to share the Gospel with their world. We are growing as Great Commitment Churches as we focus on making reproducing disciples. We are also growing as Great Commandment Churches as we deepen our love for God and for one another in worship and fellowship. It is exciting to see God’s people working together in Kingdom concerns. During my orientation as a Director of Missions, I have learned that Associations have a great history in America. The Philadelphia Baptist Association began in 1707 as the first Baptist association in America. This year, we will celebrate the 309th anniversary of this historical highlight among Baptists. We find the genesis of the associational concept in the first century church in the book of Acts. Churches worked together then doing what they couldn’t do by themselves in missions, spiritual maturity, and deepening fellowship with God and one another. Today there are nearly 1,200 associations across the Southern Baptist Convention. The first association in Texas was the Union Association formed in 1840 with three churches and 92 members. Today there are 109 associations in Texas. Bell Baptist Association began in 1874 as the Salado Baptist Association. The name was changed to the Bell Baptist Association around 1923. It became the Bell–Williamson Area around 1965. It once again became the Bell Baptist Association in 1979. Currently the BBA has 72 churches and missions. I share this history lesson as a way of reminding us of the fact that God has used BBA and wants to continue until He returns. Our Lord Jesus has been the center of our BBA Family and through the years has challenged us to reach out in faith. As we did, we saw Him provide for all of our needs. We have seen churches and individuals rise to the opportunities before us and watched as God used willing vessels to accomplish His great plan. In this Easter Season, I want to encourage each of us in light of the presence of our resurrected Lord, to renew our personal commitment to Jesus in rededication, to renew our personal commitment to our individual churches in revival, and to renew our commitment to our Bell Baptist Association in resolve to work together in missions, discipleship, and fellowship. Back in Philadelphia, when Baptist Associations were approximately 70 years old, Benjamin Franklin was trying to rally the American colonies when he said, “Gentlemen, we must hang together or most certainly we will hang separately.” I believe God is calling us today to “hang together” as we “bear one another’s burdens” and fulfill His plan for our lives, our church families, and our world. In Christ’s Love and Victory, Tom Henderson Matthew 9:9 Bell News Apr - May 2016 Page 4 Schedule of Events: 9:00AM-10:25AM Opening Rally 10:30AM- 10:55AM Break Out Session 1 11:00 AM- 11:25AM Break Out Session 2 11:30 PM- 12:25PM LUNCH and Q&A time 12:30PM-12:55PM Break Out Session 3 1:00PM- 1:25PM Break Out Session 4 1:30PM- 1:55PM Break Out Session 5 2:00PM Closing Rally Are you Looking for a way to get ALL of your team on board for VBS 2016? Central Texas VBS clinic 2016 is just around to corner! If you are using Group or Lifeway Curriculum, be prepared to be quipped to reach families for the Saturday May 14, 2016 at Memorial Baptist Church in Temple. An event you and your VBS Team will not want to miss! Kingdom of God! Bring you and your whole team! Pastor, teachers, leaders, youth workers, and anyone you have enlisted to help you this summer! Your team will get to enjoy worship in song and in God’s Word together. Each member will be able to attend 5 different break out sessions they feel is important to their area of service. At this event your team will soak up a lot of ideas and information. Your team will be filled to the brim so much that it will overflow to the families they encounter this summer through VBS. “Follow Me” Matthew 9:9 If you are using Group, Lifeway or any other Curriculum, there is something here for you! Please visit: http://memorialchurch.us/vbs-clinic-2016/ to sign up or to get more information. (Follow the sign up link and select volunteer registration) The total cost of the training is only $5 per person which covers the cost of lunch! This can be paid the day of training. If you have any questions please contact Kacie Jumper by email at [email protected] Bell News Ashli Georgia Jesse Apr - May 2016 Kaci Katie Page 5 Sarah Rebekah We are excited to announce the Summer Missionaries for Bell Baptist Association. Ashli Adams, Georgia Lewis, Jesse Ramthum, Kaci Chandler, Katie Stringer, Rebekah Mills and Sarah Love will be serving our churches this summer. We have been so blessed with our Summer Missionaries in the past, and we know that God has great things in store for these young people this summer. God can use each of these individuals to impact the lives of hundreds of children, youth and adults this summer. Please join us in prayer as we eagerly wait and watch to see how God impacts our community through their ministry. We still have dates open for service. If you would like to have the services of our Summer Missionaries, please contact Kathy Diaz at [email protected] or 254-939-0761. Georgia Georgia Ashli Adams is Kaci Kaci Sarah Sarah Jesse Jesse a Junior at UMHB. She is a member of Temple Bible and teaches a 6th grade Bible study there. She is active in the youth choir and loves traveling with them and getting to know different people. She has been on mission to Galveston, she loves singing and performing praise dance, she would like to one day become a teacher. Georgia Lewis is a Junior Education major at UMHB. Georgia is a member at Westside BC and helps with Mission Friends. She is the student worker at BBA and is involved in helping with Lupus awareness. Georgia participated in Bible Drill for nine years and loves sharing her passion for Christ with others. She has been on mission to Galveston, a Homeless Mission and with other ministries. She loves to sing and says that working with children is her passion. Jesse Ramthum is a Freshman at Hardin Simmons. He is a member of Trinity BC and is involved with the Praise Band, Bell Choir, Worship Choir, Nursery Worker and Youth Leader. He has been on mission to Lasara and Galveston. He is an Eagle Scout and plays the trumpet and guitar, loves leading recreation and is looking forward to seeing what new talents God reveals to him. Kaci Chandler is a Freshman Biology major at UMHB. She is a member of First Belton, and previous member of Lakeview BC where she was a leader in the Youth Praise Band, Preteen Counselor, VBS Leader and was involved with Mission Arlington. She is Rebekah Rebekah Katie Katie Ashli Ashli Student Leader in the College Group at First Belton and was a part of the UMHB Beach Reach over Spring Break this year. She sings, is very crafty and is looking forward to the summer. Katie Stringer is a Senior Speech Communication Major at UMHB. She attends First Belton and is a member of Sawdust BC in Spring. She is leading Bible studies and is a co-leader in the UHMB “Random Acts of Kindness” Ministry. She has been involved in the Youth Praise Band, Youth Council, and loves leading music. She has been on mission to Galveston and has been a Cru Leader at UMHB. She loves drama and acting and is excited to work with children all summer. Rebekah Mills is a Sophomore Nursing major at UMHB. She is a member of Pleasant Green BC in Longview where she has been a leader in Sunday School and VBS. She is a Cru Leader at UMHB and loves all types of recreation and shopping. Rebekah is looking forward to spending her summer reaching out to youth and sharing her faith and passion for God. Sarah Love is a Home School High School Senior. She is a member of First Moffat, where she is a leader in the Praise Team, Children’s Ministry and VBS. Sarah teaches guitar and loves to sing. She has been on mission to Sri Lanka and involved in several Experiencing God weekends. She has been helping with the BBA Galveston Missions trips and was an Intern Summer Missionary with BBA last year. Sarah has a heart for the Lord and missions and is excited to share it! Bell News Apr - May 2016 (B) Birthdays (S) Staff Anniversary (W) Wedding Anniversary April May (Continued) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 6 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 20 22 8 Richard & Judy Worden (W) Val Verde 11 Penny Reveile (B) BBA/Soldiers of the Cross 11 Richard Vickers (B) Crystal Lake 12 Don & Penny Reveile (W) Soldiers of the Cross 12 Kathi Morehouse (B) Miller Heights 13 Luke Donahue (S-1) Immanuel 14 Tauek Kim (B) Korean-American Grace 15 Alfred & Barbara Young (W) Macedonia 15 Margarita Rios (S-15) Heights 17 Landon & Mary Hebison (W) Miller Heights 18 Harold Miller (B) Corinth Missionary 19 Kory Jumper (S-1) Heights 18 Chris Rice (S-2) First Killeen 18 Larry Henry (B) First Temple 19 Dave & Kim Jeffreys (W) Vista Community 19 Landon Hebison (S-3) Miller Heights 20 Bryan & Linda Davis (W) First Responders 20 Jason Goings (S-9) First Belton 21 Doug & Terri Young (W) First Temple 21 Jonathan Brown (B) First Temple 21 Deborah Jones (B) First Temple 21 Ernest Thompson (B) East Highway 25 Evan & Brittany Duncan (W) First Temple 27 Denise Fuentes (B) First Bartlett 23 24 26 27 28 Adam Fischer (B) Vista Cherrie Deen (S-2) First Salado Whytney Pruitt (S-1) Pershing Park Ashley Unger (S-2) Salado Blake Gearhart (S-2) First Trimmier Wayne Sage (S-12) Eastside, Cove Judy Auten (S-3) New Sunset Wallace Dimery (S-16) Westside Mike & Lynne McMurtry (W) First Troy Ronnie Hood (S-6) Canyon Creek Tiffany Southall (S-1) First Killeen Whitlee Casey (S-2) First Troy Daniel Patrick (S-5) Crystal Lake Teresa Powell (S-5) Canyon Creek Justin Childers (B) Miller Heights Marilyn Shine (S-6) Meadow Oaks Hallie Tolbert (S-30) Westside Billy & Edye Rosebur (W) Light House John & Belvia Stevenson (W) Red Sea Margaret Smith (B) Soldiers of the Cross Will Alley (B) Soldiers of the Cross Merlene Dials (S-10) First Belton Tandra Ledbetter (B) Soldiers of the Cross Sue Flynn (S-3) 3C Cowboy Fellowship Justin Lopez (B) Taylor’s Valley Alecia Dedear (B) First Trimmier Chester Harrison (S-49) Mt. Olivee Jeff & Lesley Burns (W) Heights May 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 Jack Helmer (S-7) First Belton Mary Ann Dodson (S-21) Canyon Creek Marsha Chitwood (S-17) Fellowship Charles Hardage (S-13) Lifeway Fellowship Ed Talley (S-7) New Sunset Nona Hilliard (W-1) First Nolanville Jose Mendoza (B) Alfa y Omega David & Cherrie Deen (W) First Salado John Stevenson (S-12) Red Sea David Middlebrook (S-1) Heights Scott Mescher (B) First Salado C.R. Siprian (B) Goodwill Mexican Jimmie Auten (B) New Sunset Steve & Barbara Springer (W) BBA/First Belton Billy Koinm (B) Heights Jimmy Towers (B) Lifeway Fellowship Bok Hyun & Kye Lew (W) Korean Memorial 27 Verna Tolbert (B) Westside 28 Ruth Bridges (B) Corinth Missionary 31 Tami Thomas (S-5) First Holland Page 6 Mission Trip to Salt Lake City Tri-Partnership Project Southern Wisconsin Baptist Association - Bell Baptist Association - Salt Lake Baptist Association July 23 – 29, 2016 Places of Service Redemption Church, Ogden, UT Redeeming Life Church, Salt Lake City Alta Canyon Baptist Church, Sandy, UT Ministry Projects Help Redemption Church with Pioneer Days parade in Ogden Assist Redeeming Life Church with ministry during the week Work with Alta Canyon with ministry/ Pioneer Days Training Sessions 3 training sessions – April 25, June 4, July 16 Must attend training sessions in person or online. If unable to attend, must watch video . Who can go? Christian, Adults 18 & up, Youth with leader, Children 8-12, if accompanied by parent Cost and Deadline $475 per person after $200 scholarship (First 20 applicants) Sign up by April 25. First information meeting Monday, April 11th at 6:00, BBA Missions Center. “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 Bell News Apr - May 2016 Bell Baptist Association Announces… A New Delivery! A New Block Party Trailer! The Block Party Trailer includes: Hot Dog Cooker Cotton Candy Machine Griddle Pop Corn Machine Snow Cone Machine Igloo Drink Coolers Ice Chests 6’ Tables Folding Chairs Table Games Sound System Canopies And More! But First… Training! Someone from your church must be trained before you can use the trailer. Tuesday, April 12th 1:00 pm—3:00 pm At Bell Baptist Association 1125 College St * Belton, TX Call 254-939-0761 or email BBA to Register! Page 7 Counseling Services Bell Baptist Association is offering counseling services at the association office. These services include individual, couples, family, and group counseling. We are also available to do seminars on multiple subjects at your church including Child Abuse awareness and recognition, marriage enrichment, and financial planning. We are able to prepare for other subjects as needed. We have two counselors helping with this ministry. Services are provided on a slidingscale according to individual needs which is still at a rate lower than most therapists in the area. Referrals from leaders in the association are appreciated. Services are available during the week in the evenings. Contact Information: Rhonda Ramirez, LPC 254-231-2690 or e-mail at [email protected] Nidal Pascoe, LPC 254-231-1520 or email at [email protected] Free Books & Resources We have an entire closet FULL of books, resources and materials that are FREE to anyone who can use them. These are materials that have been donated by our churches, and we would love to pass them on to you. There are Bible study books, leaders guides, commentaries, leaders kits and much, much more. (We even have VBS kits and decorations from previous years ) Come by the association offices Mon thru Thurs 8:00-4:00 or Fri 8:00-12:00. For information contact Penny Reveile, BBA WMU Director at [email protected] These materials are shelved and easily accessible. Bell News Apr - May 2016 Page 8 Bell Baptist Association PO Box 1447 - Belton TX 76513 - 254-939-0761 [email protected] - www.bellchurches.com We would like to encourage everyone who can, to please join us at the BBA Missions Center in the Moon Bldg at UMHB every Tuesday at two o’clock for prayer. We are praying for revival in our hearts, homes and churches. Director of Missions : Tom Henderson - [email protected] Administration & Prison Ministry Coordinator : Kathy Diaz - [email protected] Financial Administrator : Barbara Springer - [email protected] Counselors : Nidal Pascoe, MA, LPC - [email protected] Rhonda Ramirez , LPC - [email protected] Bi-vocational Consultant : Larry Givens - [email protected] Office Support : Ralph Montgomery, Pat Pate, Penny Reveile & UMHB Student Worker: Georgia Lewis - [email protected] TESTIMONIES OF GOD AT WORK! April 5 & 6 Mission Funding Mtgs as scheduled, BBA Missions Center 7 BBA Finance Committee Mtg - BBA Missions Center 11:00 12 Block Party Trailer Training - BBA Missions Center 1:00-3:00 18 BBA Executive Board Mtg - BBA Missions Center 12:00 (Lunch $7) 24-May 1 Week of Prayer for Associational Missions 25 BBA Leadership Training on Mormonism - BBA Missions Center 10-1 & 6-8 (repeat) 26 Taste of Bell Baptists - First Belton Gym 6:00 27 Administrative Professionals Day May 14 VBS Clinic - Memorial BC 9:00-3:00 30 Can’s For Kids Collection - First Baptist Belton 11:00-1:00 30 Memorial Day - (BBA Missions Center Closed) During the Kairos weekend at the Hughes Unit of TDCJ there were 1620 prayer chain links displayed on Friday night. This number represented 16 people from all over the US and Canada praying every hour for the brothers in white for every hour of the weekend. Additionally, there was a 15 year old girl from Johnson City who had given $150 of her babysitting money to sponsor one of the brothers in white for the weekend! Both of these things had a profound effect on the 42 participants. Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Connecting Churches Belton, TX 76513 Permit No. 66 PO Box 1447 * 1125 N College Street Belton, TX 76513 Follow us on Facebook Return Service Requested
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