SSe JOJ{1{ e:l (jjP,~)fCJ{(j) (PYlCJlJSJ


SSe JOJ{1{ e:l (jjP,~)fCJ{(j) (PYlCJlJSJ
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SSe JOJ{1{ e:l (jjP,~)fCJ{(j) (PYlCJlJSJ{ St. John Church, Columbus at Catalpa
St. Bernard Church, Delaware at Ogden
Parish Mission Statement:
"To grow as a Catholic
community, united by the
Holy Spirit, living ourfaith in
Jesus Christ and sharing
.God's truth and love with all
people. "
ConCessions: (at St. Bernard's)
Saturday 3:304:45 pm
and anytime by request.
S acraments Cor the Sick: Notify the
p astor oC those who are in ttie hospital
o r homebound, so they may' receive
the Sacraments.
Baptisms: Arrange with the pastor.
Marriages: Meet with the pastor at
least six months _before the wedding
New Parishionen: Please register
b y calling the rectory 01' by stopping in
the o,ffice.
Assistant: Fr. nan Doctor, ext. 13
Sunday Masses:
Saturday 5:00 p.m. (St. Bernard's)
Sunday 9:00 am (St. Jobn's)
11 :00 am (St. Bernard's)
(Sunday Mass is tap~delayed
broadcast on radio WHFB, 1060
AM, at 10:30 am)
Carol Oeblbaffen
[email protected]
Secretary, Marcia Grover, ext. 10
Lake Michigan Catholic School s
Contact Information
Office Asst. Pam Blakeman, ext. 11
ssj [email protected]
. Maintenance, William Grover
876-2559 [email protected]
Deacon CouPle:
Al & R.oeki Uzaga (H) 926-2822
[email protected]
Cell 1-169-861-0019
Sf. Bernard's Hall
St. John's Hall
, 925-9644
MiddlelHigb Scbool
& Business Office
915 Pleasant st.
St. Joseph, MI 49085
John Berlin
Executive DirectorlMiddle­
Higb School Principal
Janet Ordiway
Curriculum and Instructional
Parisb Nurse - Katrina Ogata
Offertory Gifts: Vorr~
Parish Office
600 Columbus Avenue,
Benton Harbor, 49022
Phone # 925-2425 Fax # 925-4678
Pastor, Fr. BiU Jacobs, ext. 12
[email protected]
Can Shirley
!M.arcli 14 e:l15, 2009
(926-8602) 926-8770
[email protected]
Sisten' Convent 926--6483
Catholic Community Center
(Sr. Rita & Sr. Mary)
346 Catalpa BH
Mail to 630 Columbus
The Readiness Center
(Sr. Paulita & Sr. Sharon)
347 Catalpa BH
Mail to 630 Columbus
The Loft
(Sr. Mary Jo Holmes)
580 Columbus, BH
Parish Council
Dan Fitzgerald
Nancy Johns
John Grover
Bill Shine
Mary Ann Hinz
AUen Zencka
Tom Strzyzykowski
Finance Council
Sara Duris
Jack O'Brien
Dick GarJanger _Fnmees Piggott
. Ed Nickel
Dave Simaz
Jim Vasin
Gerald Heath
Middle-High Scbool Assistant
Principal! Athletics Director
Cindy Payovicb Director, Business Services Elementary Scbool 3165 Washington st. Josepb, M.f 49085 1(;9-429-0227 Jody Maher Principal
Margaret Erich
Prayer Line: To request prayers, call
927-1810,983-7865 or 983-2930
Knights oC Columbus
(contact person)
John Grover
Cathollc'Comm'ultity Education ' Commissiog Memben Rev. Msgr. MicbaefOsborn Fr. William Jacobs
Robert Ballard
Dave Boeleke
Gary Bruce
Rusty Cutter
William Grover Deb Rermawi
Dolores Landeck Mason
Diocesan Superintendent of
Religious Education Morlock Center 211 Church St., St. Josepb . 983-1575 ext~, ~O
Peggy Gallagher
Sat., 3/14 5:00 pm (8) Randy Champagne 'G'by Lee Champagne
Sun.,3/15 9:00 am (1) Paul & Philip Herzog 'G' by Frances Herzog
11 :00 am (8) Bruce Temple 'G' by Tim and Lama Taylor
Mon.3/16 5:30 pm (1) Rosemary Davis 'G' by Elizabeth Scblutt
Tue. 3/17 8:00 am (1) Patrick Rosenthal & Larry Gleaton 'G' by Pat
9:30 am (LMCE) Ted Vemasco 'G' by H. & J. Berghoff
Wed. 3/18 5:30 pm (8) Charles Mickel 'G' by Aluina Dieckman
Thu.,3119 9:00 am (8) Bud Piggott B'day'G' by Frances Piggott
Fri., 3120 8:00 am (J) Our Parish Family
Sat, 3121 8:00 am (8) Dominic Bartalone 'G'* by M. & B. Estowski
5:00 pm (8) Helen Ann Watts 'G'by Mary Ellen Mammina
Sun.,3/22 9:00 am (J) Mildred Schultz 'G' by Tom & Sharon Sible
11 :00 am (8) Ruth Johnson 'G' by M. & M Richard Lauwers
EueJaaristic Adoratiou Fri., 8:30am-6 pm.(J)
Eueharistie Adoration MoD., 8 am - 4:30 pm (8)
* = Death Annivers
= Deceased
READINGS for the Third Sunday of Lent: Exodus 20: 1-17; I Cor.
1:22-25; John 2:13-25.
Our Offeriog of Tbanlis to God last weekend:
Adult envdopes:
Student eavdopes:
Loose offering
33week average: $16,909.63
Needed to make weekly budget: $15,250.00
OVER budget to date: $54,767.86
From the Desk of the Pastor:
My Dear Friends in Christl
Today we continue our journey through the 3 n1 weekend of the Lenten
Season - a Season that has hopefully challenged us to consider the many
"extras" available in our Parish Community IIIld Faith Family. Hopefully,
you've been able to attend some of the extra Liturgies, and that you' ve been
able to begin your journey via the Black Books, Adoration, and other "quiet
moments." As we began this special Season, we certainly looked forward to
that beautiful time of extra Prayer, Fasting, and Alms-Giving. It's a time to
celebrate the Eucharist more often if possible - please consider Monday and
Wednesday evenings, as well as Saturday mornings. As I mentioned in my
Ash Wednesday Homily, it' s also a time to die to Sin - one of the meanings
of the Ashes that were ·administered to each us who could attend the Ash
Wednesday Services. (Maybe that sin that we keep repeating each time we
go to Confession.) Or, maybe it's a time fur "random acts of kindness" to
those we love or interact with most - kindness to our spouse, our children,
our family, our neighbors, co-wOIkers, etc.
In the Gospel today: God's law is important in our lives. Christ implements
the Ten Commandments, teaches His followers the truth, and speaks with
BUthority. God presents us with the "perfect gift" - His Son! Jesus said you
shall know the truth and the truth will set So it is with this in mind
that we search out what is right and what is wrong; it is absolutely critical to
know the real truth. Morality for instance is not primarily a question of
sexual behavior, it is a question of our whole life. That is why doctrine
matters. And that's why the Church, the community and all of us matter.
Where else can we go, but to Himl The goal of Lent, the end of our fasting,
is the paschal mystery, the joy of Easter. This is the matter of the ligbt of
faith, the light we seek: during this special time. Just as Christ would
conquer the desert during His 4O-day sojourn, so too can we conquer any
temptations that come our way; His obedience to God is the pattern fur our
own. With Him, we can do all things...
BENTON HARBOR MI When we think of today's Gospel, have we ever tried to imagine what the risen Christ would look like? Even in anger or disgust as mentioned today, what did He look like? I have a picture in my office at the Rectory that I think captures what He might have looked like. It's the face of a young man who appears strong, yet inviting; firm, yet gentle, purposeful yet loving. It' s a picture I received as an ordination gift - a picture that I truly treasure .. . In the I- Reading: We find the words of everlasting life in the Bible. Above all, the Ten Commandments are not "recommendations", but are to be treated as "absolutes" in our lives; if we follow them, they guide us to peace, happiness and eternal joy. In the 20d Reading, We know that the preaching of the Gospel does not make sense to everyone. The Word of God demands that we changed om way of thinking and that we change our lives. That is the demand Jesus places on us today. During this Lenten Season, we begin our preparation for Easter. We focus on conversion of heart, resistance to temptation, and the very nature of Sin.. . Let us cherish the vision of the Gospel, the wisdom of the saints, and our perspective ofbeliei A Sign In Front Of an Old Church: "Sorry, but the fruit of the Spirit doesn 't include sour grapesl ** FAST & ABSTINANCE: FASTING: ("Slow Down on Consumption" Ages 18-59 fast on Good Friday, limiting ourselves to one full meal and two smaller meals each day, with no snacking between meals. ABSTINENCE: ("Abstain from meat") Ages 14 & older are to abstain from meat and meal products on Good Friday and all the other Fridays of Lent. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAYER:
LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS: The Stations of the Cross will continue throughout the Lenten Season. A light Lenten Meal will precede each of the evening Liturgies when at St John's, and a complete Fish Dinner when at St. Bernard' s (please see Master Schedule). Good Friday will not have a meal. The Knights of Columbus, Woman's Ministty, Men' s Group, IIIld Youth Ministty will be chairing this activity this year. Schedules for all liturgies for the entire Lenten Season were in a prior bulletin - extra copies may be found at the entrances to the Church. OPERATION RJCE BOWL: Please give serious consideration to this annual very worthwhile cause. Rice Bowls and accompllllying literature are available at aU entrances to both Churches. This program supports the needy throughout 40-plus countries including the United States and our local Catholic Community Center. This will be collected at the Holy Thursday Celebration or anytime during the Triduum or Easter weekend. COMMUNAL PARISH RECONCIUATION SERVICE: On Sunday March 22, at 2:30, we will gather at St Bernard' s Church for a Parish Communal Penance Service. It is expected that at least nine (9) Priests will be available for individual Confessions, immediately following a brief liturgy. RC.I.ACANDIDATES: Please keep them, as well as our Catechists who lead them, in your prayers as they make final preparations fur their entrance into the Church at the Easter Vigil. They are Katherine Ellis and Michelle Horton. I ST PENANCE SERVICE: On Saturday, March 28 at 9:00 AM, our second graders will be making their I- Reconciliation at Sl Bernard's Church. Families of these youngsters are certainly encouraged to also receive this special Sacrament at that time. I" Holy Communion will be Sunday, May 3 at 2:30 PM at Sl John' s Church. Rehearsal for this special event is scheduled for Friday evening, May I, at 6:30 PM at St. John' s Church. Also lSI Communicants and at least one
Parent or Guardillll should plan to be present!
Truly yours in Christ, Your Pastor, Fr. Bill Jacobs
Third Sunday of Lent
March 14 & 15'12009
Mary Champion, Raquel DeVerona,
Anna Gober, Ike Hampton,
Linda Harrington, Betty Harris, Jim Humburg,
Ron Jennings, Robert Kemosicy, Mike [(jewel Josephine Naylor, Jack O'Brien,
Sue Radenbaugh, and Kathy Teunis. Please let us know when someone is in
need of prayer and when they are recovered.
Today after 11:00 A. M • .Mass Spaghetti Dinner in the Parish Center to benefit
the Catholic Community Center.
Friday AprilJ, 2009 Fish Dinner in the Parish Center serving 5: 15 to 6:45 P.M.
Dear Parish Family,
My most heartfelt greetings to all of you during the Lenten Season.
Monday April 6,2009 Regular Business Meeting 7 :00 P.M. Officer Meeting
5:45 P.M.
On Ash Wednesday we began our Lenten journey by observing a day of silent
reflection. During the day of silence, we meditated on several aspects of Lent
giving alms, prayer, fasting and the preparation of our hearts for Christ. After
this day of reflection, I became filled with great strength and grace to begin this
new Lenten journey.
For the next forty days and nights, I will be praying and fasting (to some degree)
for you, my loved parish family. I offer my time for you. If you have any
prayers you would like me to include, please feel free to write Of' email your
requests to me. You all have done so much tor me, I am pleased to offer my
Lent for you.
Help needed April 28, 29, 30 and May 1 during the day for Birthright rummage
sale 8:00 AM. to 5:00 P.M
Monday March 23, 2009 4'" degree dinner 7:00 P.M meeting 8:00 P.M. SS
John & Bernard Parish Center.
VIRTUS CERTIFIED VOUNTEERS needed for childcare during Financial
Peace University classes Sunday evenings at St. Bernard's. Contact Emily Lab at
926-0597 if you can help out Classes are 6:30-8:30 pm.
BISHOP TO BLESS HOLY OlLS: Bishop Murray will bless the olive oil that
will be used in all parishes throughout the diocese for the blessings of
catechumens, Dedication of Churches, sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation,
Anointing of the Sick and Ordination. The Chrism Mass will be Tue., April 7,
7:30 pm, at St Augustine Cathedral, 543 W. Micrugan Ave., Kalamazoo. All
are invited to participate in this special Holy Week Mass.
I love you and humble remain Yours in Christ,
Joseph Mileski, Seminarian, Diocese ofK.aIamazoo, MI
For those who would like to send a greeting to Fr. William Limbert:
c/o June Laviolette, 526 Oak St., Niles, MJ 49120.
5 pm
9 am
FAMll..Y PERSPECTIVE: Listen to Jesus in today's Gospel story: "Stop making
my Father's house a mmet place." Has your home been reduced to an
extension of the shopping mall a chaotic feeding station Of' a laundromat? If
you are not busy and productive do you free you are wasting time? This week,
waste time just being together.
Liturgical Ministers Schedule for March 21 & 22, 2009
S. Jones, K. O'Brien
J. Polaskey
C. Vojtko
J. Pinkowski, M. Vojtko
E. Nickel
H. Nahikian
R. Shaffer
II am M. Scbueneman
P. Hanley
H. Christensen
N. Campbell, S. Hanley
S. Corbe
PLANNING YOUR FAMILY TOGETHER is an introduction to Natural Family
Planning which includes the scientific basis for NFP and Catholic Church
teaching about NFP, married love and responsible parenthood and wiU be held
Wed., Mar. 18, 7 pm, at the Chancery, 215 N. Westnedge Ave., Kalamazoo or
Sat., Mar. 21 10 am. here at S1. Bernard's. This program is designed for
engaged couples or anyone wanting to know about NFP. Registration is
required two business days before the session by calling 269-349-8714
xl 14/1 10. S25fee.
Extraordinarv Ministers of Communion:
5 pm: Sr. Paulita Walters. J . Otl J. Carpentier. R. Lazaga M. Grover, R.
Fish, P. Petersen, B. Grover, R. Shaffer
9 am: E. Bean. J. Zencka, J . Nahikian, J. Harvath, P. Sirl{, G. Gaunder, B.
Williams, C. Taylor, A. Zencka
II am S. Smith, M. McDonough. P. Dorstewitz. B. Klein, M. Jenning.<;, R.
& L. Ptacek, N. Campau, S. Kohler
RETROUVAILLE: If your marriage bas become troubled or stresseel unloving
or uncaring, if you are thinking about separation or divorce, but want to try to
save your marriage, there is help availablel A Retmuvaille weekend is being
helel April 3-5 at Camp Geneva, Holland. For more into, please call the
Retronvaille community at 616-752-7004 or the web at
Greeters for Mar. 22 : Bob & Ryan G1eissner Nursery Volunteers for Mar. 22: 9 am - Anne and Nicole Campbell 11 am - John and .Becky Vojtko LAKE MICHIGAN CATHOUC SCHOOLS: ~ng ~atholic
CATHOLIC COMMUNITY CENTER; As your offering this coming
weekenel please bring deodorant, dish soap and toothpaste. Thanks
TEENS: MarX your calendar....M.rth IS, M.rth 29, and April 19 are the next i
few Youth Masses. Please plan on attending. There will be a gathering after i
every Mass for high scboolers. More details to come.
00 YOU UKE FEEDING PEOPLE? Our Parish Youth Group is looking for a ;
few people who would like to feed hungry teenagers. We have three upcoming i
Youth Masses with a social afterwards and we need to reed the teens. If you are
interested in cooking please call Juanita Grover at 556-9388 to sign up.
Delaware has a wish list and is looJcing for a springtime Santa We are in need
of some team bleachers and fan bleachers. The wish list total is $5,600. The
field is now used for girls and boys soccer and JH and N football. Anyone witb
information on some bleachers or interested in a cash donation please contact
Tom Strzyzykowski at 1-269-325-2771.
Education ~eeds Everyone
raffle tickets are available. Proceeds benefit
If you wish to donate a new item or service
ticket, please contact Mrs. Chris
[email protected]. Auction: April 17 & 18. $10,000. LMC financial assistance program. to the Auction or purchase a raffle Glendening at 429-0227 or SUPER BOOKS are available. You can purchase one at the Lake Michigan
Catholic business office at the middle/higb school or at the elementary school.
Cost is $38.95 and LMC profit is $8 per book. Thanks for supporting Lake
Michigan Catholic Schools.
Peggy Gallagher. Director. 211 Church St., S1. Joseph, MI 983-1575 x 10
Religious Education Home Study reviews have just been completecl thank you
to all our parents and students. We will have one more review in April.
First Communion Family meeting with Fr. Bill this Sunday at 12:15 in St.
Bernard's Chnrth. All children preparing for the Sacraments of Penance and
Eucharist need to attend this meeting. Thank you
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PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. "'WeLCome" 7'0 Our Newey 'Baptized" as of:March 10, 2009
Luke :J{enry :MiCanowsii
'Roberto Sancliez
Jascm Isis Lopez
.J\.iden :Morean Patrici
Xmma XCaine 'Radife
Jonathan Vavil£Jo[[ay
Jaciscm SliefdimJo[[ay
CCaire XveCyn Jo[[ay
'Benjamin Jerry Jo[[ay
Xfizabetli :Marie Straub
'TyCer VOUlJfas VaJiCen
(javin '11iomas Langnese
OzieCLeaesma Lopez
.Antlicmy 'l1imna.s Poiorsii
Jacqueline :Marie PafaJox
:Marrisa :Marie 1tios
'Rube Jo 'Barr
Simon Vienes
Sopliia (juzman
Leticia LiLiana Leaezma
Josepli 'Reynatfa Leaezma
Jolin :MicfiaeC(jibscm
J\.Lex J\ntlicmy :Mandarino
:J{at£ky Catlierine :Freer
Sierra NICole Zencia
Jennifer XmmCie 'Yates
Siyf£r X. 'Besliiers 1tuiz
Juan J\.d"rian (jonzaLez
VanieCJesus (jarcia
J\.d"riana Lisette (jarcia
Vanie[[a 'Barfaan Lcmtoc
Olivia Lynn 'BurCineame
'Vercmica Lyn Snytfer
XvanJamescm 'Watts
VyCan :MicfiaeCSareent
.J\.kxand"er PauC:J{oclistetter
fluinn 'Wil[iCam Carmody
.J\.kisantfra 'R.usbasan
Sopliie Ines (jomez
Sopliia Lenore (jrear
Zusette (jonzaLez
JacuCyn (jonzaLez
'BrandOn Lee (jonzaLez
Jeovany (jonzaLez
'Rosemary Jean .J\.ppLetcm
Olivia Ji\nn 'Vanden£rure
Zac/iary S/ia{[
(jianna t;race Newcastle
LeCantfXennett O'Ccmne{[
Veanna NICole JuCian
Carscm (jCen 'I1iurstcm
'Brianne :Marie 'VoeLeweae
:Martin .54guirre. Jr.
.J't.l:fonso :M.i.sae{ ..7tquirre-:J-{ernanaez
:Myrta SeCene .7tguirre
We are in need of funeral luncheon dish preparers. If you could make a dish for a funeral luncheon we would give your name to one of our luncheon ladies and they would call you when we have a funeral and ask you to bring a dish. Please call the rectory at 925-2425 if this is something that you could do for our parish. "NFP" (Natural Family Planning) will be at St. Bernard's Church on Saturday, Mar. 21 at 10:00 a.m.
Our lenten Communal Penance will be March 22 at 2:30 p.m. at St. Bernard's Church.
First Penance will be celebrated March 28 at 9:00 a.m. in St. Bernard's Church
(not in the social hall as mentioned on a previous insert.)
Gngod'p C'''Qt Workllaop for Wpm
Gregorian Chant is one of the most beautiful forms of Sacred Music, and the music whicb the
Oaurch accordS c~de of place" in the liturgy. Many people love the sound of chant, but think
that singiDI it is too difficult or "beyondU them.
However, Chant is for you! Cllant is meant to be the music of an the people of God.
A unique opportuDity to learn more about this beautiful music. and how to sing it. is coming
soon. On Saturday, Marcll28, 6'Chant for JJeainnen - An Introdudory Chant Workshop"
will be held at St. Bernard parish in Benton Harbor. The workshop will introduce the basics of
singing chant and reading chant notation. Participants wiU learn some of die fuDdameD1Bl cbants
of the Roman rite, and will sing at the parish vigil Mass at 5:00 PM. No experience of chant is
nccessary - this is for beJinncrs! The presenters will be:Fr. Rob Iohansen of St. Stanislaus parish
in Dorr, and Fr. David Gronch, of St. Philip Nen House in Kalamazoo. The workshop will be
held from 9:00 AM until 6:00 PM. The cost of the workshop is $30.00. which includes lunch.
st. Bernard parish is at 555 Eo Delaware. In Benton Harbor. For more infonnation call SSe John
and Bernard parish at (269) 925-2425.
Parish Nurse Hours
Monday- office hours at St. Bernard
Parish 9-2
Tuesday 9-3
Wednesday 10:30-3
Thursday 9-2
These are general hours and I plan
to be flexible to meet the parish
needs. Always call and leave a
message and I will get back to you
as I check my phone messages
The duties of our parish nurse,
Katrina Ogata are to visit our sick,
and to take them Holy Communion.
She holds blood pressure clinics
monthly after all the Masses.
She will also plan educational
programs about various health
issues... diet, exercise, heart issues,
diabetes, etc. All parishioners are
encouraged to call her if you have
any questions. Katrina is quickly be­
coming a very important part of our
parish community. Her kindness &
compassion are such a blessing for
all of us.
More Information On Backside