EPWA (Okecie)
EPWA (Okecie)
Airport Information EPWA (Okecie) General Info Warsaw, POL N 52° 09.9' E 20° 58.0' Mag Var: 3.6°E Elevation: 361' Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, Customs Fuel: 100LL, Jet A-1 Repairs: Minor Airframe, Minor Engine Time Zone Info: GMT+1:00 uses DST Runway Info Runway 11-29 9186' x 164' asphalt Runway 15-33 12106' x 197' asphalt Runway 11 (111.0°M) TDZE 361' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, TDZ Runway 15 (148.0°M) TDZE 349' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline Runway 29 (291.0°M) TDZE 342' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline Displaced Threshold Distance 1640' Stopway Distance 492' Runway 33 (328.0°M) TDZE 354' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, TDZ Communications Info ATIS 120.45 Okecie Ground Tower 121.9 Okecie Delivery Tower 121.6 Okecie Tower 118.3 Warsaw Director Approach Control 129.375 Warsaw Approach Control 128.8 Warsaw Approach Control 125.05 Notebook Info JEPPESEN JeppView JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 + JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW 10-1P 23 NOV 07 OKECIE WARSAW, POLAND AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EPWA/WAW OKECIE + JEPPESEN 23 NOV 07 1. GENERAL 1.1. ATIS ATIS 120.45 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1.2.1. PREFERENTIAL RUNWAY SYSTEM The following preferential RWY System has been established for noise abatement requirements: ARRIVALS RWY: 1) 33 2) 11 3) 15 4) 29 DEPARTURES RWY: 1) 29 2) 15 3) 33 4) 11 For arrivals and departures noise abatement should not be the determining factor in RWY nomination in the following cases: - if the RWY is not dry and clear; i.e. it is adversely affected by snow, slush, ice or water, or by mud, rubber, oil or other substances, - for landing in conditions when the ceiling is lower than 150m/500' above APT elevation, - for take-off and landing when VIS is less than 1.9 km, - when the cross-wind component, including gusts, exceeds 15 KT, - when the tail-wind component, including gusts, exceeds 5 KT, - when wind shear has been reported or forecasted or when thunderstorms are expected to affect the approach or departure. Exceptions will be granted only in emergency or in order to shorten arrival route. 1.2.2. NIGHT FLYING RESTRICTIONS Between 2200-0600LT: - conducting of test, training and technical flights is prohibited, - operation is allowed only for ACFT certified in accordance with chapters 3, 5 and 10 of ICAO Annex 16, volume I and after obtaining prior permission from the aerodrome manager. - scheduled flights may operate only after receiving a special permission from the aerodrome manager. Applications for permissions for flights between 2200-0600LT for planned seasonal flight schedules shall be sent until January 15th for summer season and August 15th for winter season, - non scheduled flights may operate only after receiving a special permission from the aerodrome manager not later than 1500LT on the day the flight is to be conducted. In case the flight is to performed on an official holiday, the application for permission should be advanced respectively earlier. For non scheduled flights information about permission must be inserted into field 18 of the flight plan. Flight plans for operations without relevant information in field 18 on permission obtained from the aerodrome manager will not be accepted by ATS Reporting Offices. Applications for permissions should be addressed as follows: APT Warszawa/Okecie Manager 1, Zwirki i Wigury Ave 00-906 Warszawa 19 P.O. BOX 3 Telefax: (48)-22-846-68-24 SITA: WAWCPLO AFTN: EPWAYDYX JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 10-1P1 WARSAW, POLAND AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL - purpose and type of flight, - information about the category of the noise certificate for the type of ACFT planned to be flown. These restrictions are not applicable for SAR flights, hospital flights, enforcing public order and in emergency. If atmospheric and/or technical conditions permit, departures and arrivals will be performed on RWYs 15/33. In order to maintain the lowest possible noise level it is highly recommended to avoid extensive reverse thrust and usage of full length of the RWY after landing. Crews are requested to reduce take-off power by usage of full length of the RWY respectively. 1.2.3. RUN-UP TESTS Engine test runs without appropriate protective attenuators are prohibited between 2200-0600LT. 1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP) 1.3.1. GENERAL RWY 33 approved for CAT II operations, Special Aircrew and ACFT certification required. During CAT II operations, special ATC procedures will be applied. Pilots will be informed by ATIS or by radio when these procedures are in operation. The following phraseology will be used: "LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURE CATEGORY TWO IN OPERATION". The following TWYs are available with follow me assistance during CAT II operations: C1, D1, D4, J, Z, T, M1, M2, F, P, U1 and U2. When special ATC procedures are in force a significantly reduced landing rate can be expected due to the requirement for increased spacing between arriving ACFT (up to 10 NM). Pilots who wish to practise CAT II ILS approaches shall to use the phrase "REQUEST PRACTICE CAT II APPROACH" on initial contact with Warsaw APP. 1.4. TAXI PROCEDURES While being transferred from OKECIE Ground to OKECIE Tower, crew is required to change frequency, initial call shall be omitted and Tower frequency shall be monitored for ATC call. TWY A0, U2 and Z2 available for ACFT with wingspan up to 118'/36m. For ACFT with wingspan greater than 72'/22m parking stands on Apron 1 are accessible from TWY D1. During taxiing via technical road between THR 11 and THR 15 the following procedure is in force: Taxiing from THR 11 is possible only to barriers placed perpendiculary to the road edges. Beyond barriers towards THR 15 towing is obligatory. Reverse procedure is obligatory while taxiing towards THR 11 (starting-up engines possible after passing the barriers). Holding and waiting on TWY T is prohibited for ACFT with fuselage length over 98'/30m. The application shall contain: - type and registration marks of the ACFT, - name and address of the operator, - date and estimated time of arrival and/or departure, CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Taxi procedures. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EPWA/WAW OKECIE + JEPPESEN 23 NOV 07 10-1P2 WARSAW, POLAND AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EPWA/WAW OKECIE + JEPPESEN 23 NOV 07 1. GENERAL 1.5. PARKING PROCEDURES JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 10-1P3 WARSAW, POLAND AIRPORT.BRIEFING 2. ARRIVAL 2.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONS Following procedures/limitations are in force on stands: - 3 thru 9, 47 and 48: Push-back is mandatory. - 3 thru 9, 30 thru 34, 47 and 48: Rotation of ACFT is prohibited. - 3 thru 9 and 30 thru 34: Backtrack with use of ACFTs engines for ACFT size not greater than ATR allowed under marshaller's supervision. - 61 thru 63: Push-back is mandatory for ACFT greater than ATR. Start-up engines while parking stands 109 and 110 is prohibited. If not otherwise instructed by ATC reduce speed to MAX 250 KT at Speed Limit Point (SLP). Speed adjustments on approach: IAS 160 KT when established on ILS/LLZ (for RWYs 11 and 33) or when performing VOR DME approaches (all RWYs). Maintain until D4.0 WAS (ILS RWY 11), D4.0 WA (ILS RWY 33) or D9.0 OKE (VOR DME approaches). If unable to comply, notify ATC immediately. Parking stands 1 thru 15R equipped with docking system safedock. Parking on stands 109 and 110 according to indications of docking system RLG or to marshaller's instructions. Parking on remaining stands according marshaller's instructions. Entrance and exit from stands is always to be performed in assistance with FOLLOW-ME car. 2.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES After landing, parking of ACFT on stand 70 with nose directed towards TWY D1 by towing car. 2.3. CAT II OPERATIONS 1.6. OTHER INFORMATION Carriers using cargo planes of size greater than ATR are obliged to ensure that an appropriate towing bar will be available for particular ACFT type at WARSAW/ Okecie aerodrome. Otherwise an ACFT must be equipped with its own towing bar. Aerodrome availability for special flights: On Monday and Wednesday 0030-0500LT aerodrome is available only for SAR, hospital and public order safety flights. Emergency landings are allowed. 2.2.1. REVERSE THRUST Use of thrust reversers by an ACFT landing between 2200-0600LT is recommended to be reduced. This is not valid in emergency situations. ATC will require arriving ACFT to use only the following TWYs: A0, D2, O1, R1 and S. Pilots are to delay the report "RUNWAY VACATED" until the ACFT nose has passed the end of the green/yellow colour coded TWY centerline lights, then the ACFT is required to stop and wait for assistance of the "FOLLOW ME" car. 2.4. RWY OPERATIONS 2.4.1. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY TIME For RWY 33, use the rapid exit TWY S, where possible as preferred exit. For RWY 11, use the rapid exit TWY N, where possible as preferred exit. It is essential to adjust landing roll speed to cross RWYs intersection efficiently. 3. DEPARTURE 3.1. DE-ICING De-icing of ACFT allowed only on aprons 6 and 10. Report the necessity for de-icing to ramp agent at first. Report the necessity for de-icing when requesting ATC clearance to OKECIE Delivery. For star-up/push-back contact OKECIE Ground only when completely ready (all passengers on board, doors closed, tug connected if required). De-icing position will be assigned depending on air traffic flow and ACFT type, taxi according ATC instructions. Enter de-icing stands only with follow-me guidance. ACFT taxiing to the de-icing position without following this procedure will not be accepted and sent back to a remote stand. ATC is not responsible for de-icing neither have contact with de-icing agents. CHANGES: Arrival info transferred to 10-1P3. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RWY operations added. De-icing. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Pilots of ACFT required full length of RWY 15/33 for departure have to notify OKECIE Ground prior commencing taxi. 22-30 21-30 EP(P)-1 ^ 150 21-00 20-00 20-30 ARDAG 180^ 1719' DEDOL D4 0 21 0^ KRN VOR DME LININ LIN VOR DME KARNICE 19-30 LODZ TITAK DODEK FL100 EP(P)-7 0 10 0 D6 CHANGES: Start-up, push-back and taxi procedures. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Sectors and altitudes revised. Lodz 19-00 51-30 52-00 52-30 10 IBARA 0 D6 RWY 29 will be mainly used for departures. Assistance of the "FOLLOW ME" car will be provided to TWY E2. ATC will require departing ACFT to use CAT II holding point at TWY E3. On request of ACFT crew or due to important operational reasons TWR may clear to conduct departure from RWY 15 or RWY 33. Assistance of "FOLLOW ME" car will be provided to TWY A3 or A4 while taxiing to RWY 15 or RWY 33. Further taxi instructions will be provided by TWR. 6070 2990 ^ 240 270^ 3.5. CAT II OPERATIONS 0 D 40 0 D2 2010 Warsaw R-1 09 EP(P)-10 2500 D1 WARSAW 3940 ADLAR 30 0^ Departures shall be performed in accordance with ICAO DOC 8168, ACFT Operations, VOL. I: RWY 11: Noise Abatement Departure Procedure A (NADP A) RWYs 15, 29 & 33: Noise Abatement Departure Procedure B (NADP B) 20 3.4.1. DEPARTURE RECOMMENDATIONS LDZ VOR DME 3.4. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 0 D2 30 MAX 250 KT below FL 100 unless otherwise cleared by ATC. R-174 IDAKO 40 ^ 330 50 ZABOROWEK Holding and waiting on TWY T is prohibited for ACFT with fuselage length over 98'/30m. WAR VOR DME Stand 70 - Start-up engines before take-off on TWY D1 after prior push-back by towing car only. D20 ULPAR D40 Stand 53A, when used as hldg point for take-off RWY 29, max wingspan 157 '/48m. VEKER 03 0^ Pilots of an ACFT not able to comply with these requirements shall notify ATC as soon as possible. 3.3. SPEED RESTRICTIONS 3940 ^ 060 Where possible, cockpit checks and cabin readiness shall be completed prior to lineup and any actions requiring completition whilst on the RWY shall be kept to the minimum. In order to ensure the appropriate level of safety and to avoid RWY 29 incursion, aircrews are requested to taxi to THR RWY 29 via TWYs A4, A5, A6 and L with caution, especially when crossing RWY 29. 090^ Pilots shall ensure, commensurate with safety and standard operating procedures, that they are able to taxi into correct position at the hold and line-up on the RWY as soon as the preceding ACFT has commenced its take-off roll or its landing roll. 22-00 SIEDLCE 361' EP(P)-3 128.8 125.05 Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' The MRVA values already include a correction for temperature higher and equal -25^C. - 2000m - 1850m - 1200m - 910m - 760m - 610m Apt Elev .Eff.18.Jan. .RADAR.MINIMUM.ALTITUDES. QNH WARSAW Approach (R) 134.92 In order to receive en-route clearance following info has to be passed to OKECIE Delivery 10 minutes prior to push-back or start-up: - ACFT call sign - parking stand number - APT of destination - planned cruising level - if any changes to flight plan Ground movement instructions are issued by OKECIE Ground. 10-1R 5 JAN 07 6570' 6070' 3940' 2990' 2500' 2010' WARSAW Radar WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN OKECIE 31 R-23 D .2 3. DEPARTURE 3.2. START-UP, PUSH-BACK AND TAXI PROCEDURES EPWA/WAW AIRPORT.BRIEFING FT/METER CONVERSION WARSAW, POLAND SIE VOR DME Eff.20.Dec OKE VOR DME 10-1P4 33 OKECIE + JEPPESEN 7 DEC 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 R-0 EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 12 0^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 D6 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN OKECIE 10-2 25 MAY 07 Apt Elev ATIS 120.45 .Eff.7.Jun. .STAR. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 361' 2200' OKECIE 10-2A 25 MAY 07 Apt Elev 120.45 2300' WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW ATIS 090^ ADLAR ONE NOVEMBER (ADLAR 1N) [ADLA1N] DODEK TWO NOVEMBER (DODEK 2N) [DODE2N] ULPAR ONE NOVEMBER (ULPAR 1N) [ULPA1N] RWYS 11, 15 ARRIVALS NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. .Eff.7.Jun. .STAR. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 361' 2200' 2700' MSA OKE VOR 2300' 090^ ADLAR ONE UNIFORM (ADLAR 1U) [ADLA1U] DODEK THREE UNIFORM (DODEK 3U) [DODE3U] ULPAR ONE UNIFORM (ULPAR 1U) [ULPA1U] RWYS 29, 33 ARRIVALS 270^ 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 270^ 2700' MSA OKE VOR FROM NORTH FROM NORTH FT/METER CONVERSION QNH DESCENT PLANNING At or below FL210 by OKE 50 DME unless otherwise instructed. Pilots should expect descent clearance as follows: ADLAR 1N: FL160 by ADLAR; DODEK 2N: FL240 by DODEK; ULPAR 1N: FL210 by ULPAR. D .9 9^ AT C By N51 56.0 E021 09.5 KRN ^ 214 ^ 29 90 A TC ^ 328 C AT By 7.5 CHANGES: MEA. KR SIE 5.9 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D78.1 R276^ ^ 148 By AT C D2 9^ R32 N 249^ 096^ LIN 90 29 0 299 299 ^ ^ 0 6 9^ LININ 117.8 KRN C AT By TC By A LIN 113.1 LIN HOLDINGS OVER BADUX 149 ^ KR CHANGES: MEA. D 2 29^ R3 N R27 WAR9^ 3 29 D20 C AT B y AT C By ^ 149 098^ D D KARNICE N51 56.8 E020 26.7 By AT C 29 90 WARSAW LODZ N51 48.0 E019 39.4 WAR 119 ^ OKE 113.4 OKE N52 10.2 E020 57.6 112.4 LDZ LDZ D 6570' - 2000m 2990' - 910m HOLDINGS OVER D By QNH N52 15.5 E020 39.4 034 FT/METER CONVERSION N51 56.8 E020 26.7 114.9 WAR R339^ KARNICE WAR N52 11.1 E021 01.8 ZABOROWEK 15.9 7000 WAR ZABOROWEK 114.9 WAR KRN 278^ EIS R276^ 11SIE 4.7 R3 0 3^ D DESCENT PLANNING At or below FL210 by OKE 50 DME unless otherwise instructed. Pilots should expect descent clearance as follows: ADLAR 1U: FL180 by ADLAR; DODEK 3U: FL240 by DODEK; ULPAR 1U: FL210 by ULPAR. 117.8 KRN KODUL 212 ^ 4.6 R0 3 2^ D1 R3 2 D N52 16.5 E020 59.1 D45.5 LEBRO D LODZ N51 48.0 E019 39.4 By ATC N52 10.2 E020 57.6 N52 15.5 E020 39.4 112.4 LDZ LDZ 001^ (OKE R-287/D29.4) MEDUR (OKE R-285/D28.2) D D D2.8 357^ OKE 113.4 OKE UL 2 PA 12 R ^ 1U D2 2 7.5 .1 70 00 ^ 212 AT C By ^ D 212 UL 70 2.1 PA 00 R 1N 2 R279^ R03 2^ 357^ 16 VAROD 700 0 N52 19.0 E020 14.0 (OKE R-286/D33.3) (114.7 SIE D78.1) WARSAW N52 18.3 16.7 E020 39.9 D57.4 POGAD 7000 11.9 N52 20.7 D1 3.6 7000 E020 12.9 5.6 5 D21. 7000 D25 (OKE R-284/D32.2) (WAR D20) D GORUK D74.1 ^ KODUL N52 19.9 E020 07.6 4 7000 9 R32 8 7000 1 1 .5 7000 278^ 4 7000 D33 NOT TO SCALE By AT C By ATC .5 D2 7 7 DODE000 K 2N N52 23.4 E019 40.3 9.3 D94.3 D85 SLP SIE 6.9 096^ 7000 DODEK 3 7000 U BADUX N52 21.2 E020 06.5 8.5 00 FL1 1 10. 0 0 F L1 SLP D28 WAR N52 27.4 E020 53.4 SLP D36 KRN DODEK SLP D36 KRN OMELA NOT TO SCALE 158^ 5 14. 00 N 1 1 FL LAR AD 9.1 D37.1 L .5 DODEK 5 14. 00 U FL1AR 1 Speed Limit Point AD N52 33.4 E021 00.6 N52 33.4 E021 00.6 .5 D50 ^ 149 ULPAR SLP SLP ULPAR SLP N52 23.4 E019 40.3 098^ N52 41.7 E019 49.2 ^ 149 N52 41.7 E019 49.2 Speed Limit Point SLP ADLAR D50 ADLAR 6570' - 2000m 2990' - 910m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN OKECIE 10-2B 25 MAY 07 Apt Elev ATIS 120.45 .Eff.7.Jun. .STAR. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 361' 2200' 2300' 090^ MARIA ONE NOVEMBER (MARIA 1N) [MARI1N] 1 SIEDLCE THREE NOVEMBER (SIE 3N) RWYS 11, 15 ARRIVALS NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW OKECIE Apt Elev 120.45 361' D WAR WARSAW, POLAND .STAR. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 2200' 2300' 090^ MARIA ONE UNIFORM (MARIA 1U) [MARI1U] 1 SIEDLCE TWO UNIFORM (SIE 2U) RWYS 29, 33 ARRIVALS 2700' MSA OKE VOR 270^ 2700' MSA OKE VOR FROM EAST & SOUTHEAST DESCENT PLANNING At or below FL210 by OKE 50 DME unless otherwise instructed. Pilots should expect descent clearance as follows: MARIA 1N: FL210 by MARIA; SIE 3N: FL240 by SIE. 114.9 WAR .Eff.7.Jun. 270^ FROM EAST & SOUTHEAST ZABOROWEK 10-2C 25 MAY 07 ATIS 180^ EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. DESCENT PLANNING At or below FL210 by OKE 50 DME unless otherwise instructed. Pilots should expect descent clearance as follows: MARIA 1U: FL210 by MARIA; SIE 2U: FL240 by SIE. FT/METER CONVERSION QNH 6570' - 2000m 2990' - 910m N52 15.5 E020 39.4 MEDUR N52 16.5 E020 59.1 261^ SIE 114.7 SIE NAPIS SLP D35 LIN D 17 700 0 12.9 7000 ^ 148 LININ DETOR N52 01.9 17 7 E021 37.0 7000 N . 8 2 D E3 ATC SI 5.8 By 295 0 ^ 700 ^ SOMBO D18 R067 N52 00.0 E021 28.1 247^ 7000 .9 D 40 OKE WARSAW 113.4 OKE N52 10.2 E020 57.6 D LIN LININ (OKE R-114/D21.4) R200 ^ AT C By 90 214 ^ 020^ 020^ ^ 328 CHANGES: MEA. C AT | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 29 AT C By 220 ^ ^ 249^ By 299 ^ 90 29 90 29 ^ AT C 034 By AT ^ C D15 R200 ^ HOLDINGS OVER LIN 148 A TC ^ 325 ^ 325 By C AT congestion ATC may clear traffic to ELSEX for holding. C AT ^ R067 By By D 069^ 2990 By congestion ATC may clear traffic to ELSEX for holding. ^ 325 ^ 325 N51 39.4 E021 25.7 119 TC By A A TC D D 4 19. 00 1 70 1N A RI MA 338^ LI4N0.9 SLP 1 In case of traffic HOLDINGS OVER WAR SIE 158^ TC By A CHANGES: MEA. NOT TO SCALE MARIA N51 39.4 E021 25.7 By 1 In case of traffic 9.4 ^ N51 42.3 E020 59.6 SLP 2U SIE 700 9 . D40 D 1 00 U 7 0 IA 1 R MA 1 5 R14 ELSEX MARIA 247^ TC By A 18 7000 17 7000 2470^ N51 56.0 E021 09.5 ^ 328 ELSEX N51 42.3 E020 59.6 MEDUR ^ R067 113.1 LIN C AT By 90 29 N51 56.0 E021 09.5 DETOR N52 01.9 E021 37.0 247^ 5.9 5^ R14 339^ LIN 113.1 LIN D 5.9 SLP D35 LIN ^ 3 7000 OKE D N52 09.3 E022 12.0 N52 08.3 E021 03.2 N52 10.2 E020 57.6 SIEDLCE SIEDLCE (117.8 KRN R-059/D25.3) 113.4 OKE SIE 114.7 SIE N52 09.3 E022 12.0 N52 11.1 E021 01.8 (LIN D15.9) WARSAW D 220 5.6 5 D210.0 70 D D LEBRO Speed Limit Point SLP D15 12.1 R081^ 00 70 D Speed Limit Point SLP (SIE R-276/D45.5) NOT TO SCALE FT/METER CONVERSION QNH 6570' - 2000m 2990' - 910m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 2200' ARDAG TWO NOVEMBER (ARDAG 2N) [ARDA2N] LODZ TWO NOVEMBER (LDZ 2N) RWYS 11, 15 ARRIVALS OKECIE 2300' Apt Elev 120.45 361' D ARDAG TWO UNIFORM (ARDAG 2U) [ARDA2U] LODZ TWO UNIFORM (LDZ 2U) RWYS 29, 33 ARRIVALS 2700' MSA OKE VOR WAR ZABOROWEK MEDUR N52 16.5 E020 59.1 D 12.1 R081^ 00 70 (114.7 SIE R-276/D45.5) 5.6 5 D210.0 70 7000 113.4 OKE D MSA OKE VOR LIN NAPIS N52 08.3 E021 03.2 LININ LODZ 112.4 LDZ N51 48.0 E019 39.4 NEKSU 26 7000 N51 54.0 49^ 087^ E020 11.2 10 R2 0 394 6 SLP . 0 0 0 D2 70 TC D17 KRN By A 7 TC D 6 By A 0 D30. 13.6 700 069^ 7D0Z002U KARNICE L D 0 ^ 32A8TC By R267^ KRN 117.8 KRN 15 700 0 R200 ^ LIN 113.1 LIN N51 56.0 E021 09.5 LDZ D 9 29 N51 56.0 E021 09.5 N51 56.8 E020 26.7 D N51 56.8 E020 26.7 WARSAW N52 10.2 E020 57.6 (LIN D15.9) 113.1 LIN 117.8 KRN OKE 113.4 OKE D LININ KRN Speed Limit Point SLP ^ N51 54.0 4 9^ E020 11.2 10 R2 940 3 6 . SLP 20 7000 By ATC D17 KRN 7 D C T D A By 6 D30. 13.6 7000 00 ^ 0 9 7 6 0 2N KARNICE LDZ D D N52 11.1 E021 01.8 148 ^ 059 LEBRO D 12.9 339^ 7000 LODZ NEKSU 270^ 2700' 3 OKE WARSAW 3 25. 0 700 112.4 LDZ LDZ 2300' NOT TO SCALE 261^ D D DESCENT PLANNING At or below FL210 by OKE 50 DME unless otherwise instructed. Pilots should expect descent clearance as follows: ARDAG 2U: FL210 by ARDAG; LDZ 2U: FL210 by LDZ. 114.9 WAR N52 10.2 E020 57.6 N51 48.0 E019 39.4 2200' 090^ N52 15.5 E020 39.4 D .STAR. Alt Set: hPa (MM on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' FROM SOUTHWEST & WEST Speed Limit Point SLP .Eff.7.Jun. 270^ FROM SOUTHWEST & WEST DESCENT PLANNING At or below FL210 by OKE 50 DME unless otherwise instructed. Pilots should expect descent clearance as follows: ARDAG 2N: FL210 by ARDAG; LDZ 2N: FL210 by LDZ. 10-2E 25 MAY 07 ATIS 090^ WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW ^ 361' .STAR. R200 120.45 .Eff.7.Jun. 15 700 0 Apt Elev 10-2D NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 D 25 MAY 07 180^ OKECIE ATIS WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. ELSEX N51 42.3 E020 59.6 ELSEX 1 7003 0 HOLDINGS OVER LDZ MEDUR SLP D28 LIN CHANGES: New chart. 90 214 ^ 29 G2 U D42 .7 14. 7 7 RDA000 AT C By ^ 328 249^ N51 17.1 E020 41.6 C AT TC By A By | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 069^ 034 By AT ^ C By AT C ARDAG 90 020^ NOT TO SCALE ^ 020^ A HOLDINGS OVER LDZ LIN 29 CHANGES: New chart. N51 17.1 E020 41.6 12 4 020^ G2 N D42 .7 14. 7 ARD7000 A 12 4^ ^ 148 QNH 6570' - 2000m 3940' - 1200m 2990' - 910m FT/METER CONVERSION QNH ARDAG FT/METER CONVERSION SLP D28 LIN 6570' - 2000m 3940' - 1200m 2990' - 910m 020^ 249^ 338^ TC By A TC By A 158^ 069^ 1 700 3 0 By By AT C AT C N51 42.3 E020 59.6 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15 29 33 IBARA 2D IBARA 2G IBARA 2K ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 900' turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to ROKUR, turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-253 to IBARA. Climb on runway track, at 900', but not before OKE 2 DME turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to ROKUR, turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-253 to IBARA. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before AY or OKE 1 DME (if AY unserviceable) turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-253 to IBARA. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before OKE 1 DME turn LEFT, 223^ track, intercept OKE R-253 to IBARA. LININ D NISKA IBARA 2D unless otherwise cleared by ATC 5000' Initial climb clearance RWY 11 IBARA N51 57.0 E019 26.5 39.3 D57.7 - 245m - 270m - 1100m - 1500m - 2000m QNH CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. SID IBARA 2A KRN 117.8 KRN 180^ D CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. Noise monitoring point 33 1 DEDOL 2K MSA OKE VOR 29 2700' DEDOL 2G ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 900' turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to SOPEL, turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-202 to DEDOL. Climb on runway track, at 900', but not before OKE 2 DME turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to SOPEL, turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-202 to DEDOL. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before AY or OKE 1 DME (if AY unserviceable) turn LEFT, intercept KRN R-040 inbound to ANEPI, turn LEFT, intercept WAR R-188 to DEDOL. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before OKE 1 DME turn LEFT, intercept KRN R-040 inbound to ANEPI, turn LEFT, intercept WAR R-188 to DEDOL. 800' 900' 3600' 5000' 6570' 15 unless otherwise cleared by ATC 270^ DEDOL 2D 5000' 090^ RWY 11 MSA OKE VOR FT/METER CONVERSION Initial climb clearance SID DEDOL 2A 270^ 2700' 2300' N51 23.3 E020 21.6 2300' 2200' D5 2 D53.5 DEDOL 2200' 090^ 180^ DEDOL 2D This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) up to 5000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. N51 56.8 E020 26.7 KARNICE - 245m - 270m - 1500m - 2000m LIN 288^ D13 .8 (if AY u/s) OKE 1 DME 13. 5 QNH N52 06.1 E020 28.6 42 NOT TO SCALE 800' 900' 5000' 6570' NOT TO SCALE FT/METER CONVERSION D18.4 D27 .3 Noise monitoring point ROKUR 1 N51 56.0 E021 09.5 IBARA 2D 375 AY AY At 800' but not before AY or N52 10.5 E020 56.0 WARSAW KARNICE 117.8 KRN N52 01.2 E020 48.8 KRN R068^ N52 01.6 E020 50.9 IBARA 2D This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) up to 5000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. SOPEL N51 56.8 E020 26.7 40 253^ 2 .1 40 ^ D7 R0 D 2 DM E 5 RA 2G IBA OKE 2 DME 3600' D 7 At 900' but not before ^ 23 2 18 202 ^ 248^ 21 (if AY u/s) R068^ SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC 1 DEDOL 2D OKE 1 DME ANEPI DEDOL 2A 6 RAW 11 1884^.9 WAR 3 2 DM E N52 10.5 E020 56.0 1 DME AY At 900' OKE 1 DME 5 1 375 AY N52 01.9 E020 34.7 WARSAW N52 10.2 E020 57.6 1 DME At 800' but not before AY or OKE 113.4 OKE At 800' but not before 7 17 OL 2G DED WARSAW SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC D 4 14 22 0^ OL 2K DED 113.1 LIN WARSAW OKE 1 DME 20 .SID. IBARA 2A [IBAR2A] IBARA 2D [IBAR2D] IBARA 2G [IBAR2G] IBARA 2K [IBAR2K] RWYS 11, 15, 29, 33 DEPARTURES OKE 2 DME At 800' but not before 6 At or above 361' WARSAW, POLAND Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately after take-off. 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. 3. Rwy 29: EXPECT close-in obstacles. At 900' but not before Apt Elev 128.8 125.05 .Eff.30.Aug. 248^ WARSAW Approach (R) OKE DEDOL 2A [DEDO2A] DEDOL 2D [DEDO2D] DEDOL 2G [DEDO2G] DEDOL 2K [DEDO2K] RWYS 11, 15, 29, 33 DEPARTURES 11 128.8 125.05 10-3A 17 AUG 07 16 WARSAW Approach (R) OKECIE IBARA 2A Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' Apt Elev 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately after take-off. 361' 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. 3. Rwy 29: EXPECT close-in obstacles. JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW At 900' .SID. 3 WARSAW, POLAND 4 .Eff.30.Aug. RA 2K IBA 10-3 17 AUG 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 12 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW OKECIE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. N52 10.2 E020 57.6 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 113.4 OKE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N52 04.1 E020 37.0 D D21 .6 KRN 2 248^ 7.8 KARNICE D 117.8 KRN ^ R068 N51 56.8 E020 26.7 NISKA D13 .8 288^ LIN LININ URAGI N52 17.5 E021 23.2 D31.2 28 1^ SIE 114. 7 EIS Noise monitoring point 1 D9.3 2 AMIVA 113.1 LIN E 8 DM 16 IDAKO 3D IDAKO 3A At 900' 3 2 DM E 12 KOTEK 003^ OKE 2 DME N52 07.3 IDA 10 E021 11.9 KO 1 3 B At 900' At 900' but not before NOT TO SCALE 104^ 12 N52 10.2 E020 57.6 OKE WARSAW 113.4 OKE OKE 113.4 OKE D D N52 10.2 E020 57.6 Noise monitoring point 1 WARSAW R183^ N52 15.5 E020 39.4 SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC D36 114.9 WAR .SID. IDAKO 1B [IDAK1B] IDAKO 1E [IDAK1E] RWYS 11, 15 DEPARTURES VEBEL 2 N52 18.7 E021 15.5 2 - 270m - 1100m - 1500m - 2000m 361' WARSAW, POLAND Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately after take-off. 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 900' turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-104 to AMIVA, turn LEFT, intercept LIN R-017 to URAGI, turn LEFT, intercept SIE R-281 to EDULO, turn RIGHT, intercept OKE R-320 to IDAKO. IDAKO 1E 15 On runway track to OKE 8 DME, turn LEFT, intercept LIN R-005 to VEBEL, turn LEFT, intercept SIE R-281 to EDULO, turn RIGHT, intercept OKE R-320 to IDAKO. IDAKO 1B Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 This SID requires a minimum climb gradient 243' per NM 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 of 243' per NM (4%) up to 2600'. If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. 30 ZABOROWEK QNH unless otherwise cleared by ATC 003^ 900' 3600' 5000' 6570' 5000' 8.7 FT/METER CONVERSION Apt Elev .Eff.30.Aug. RWY 11 D MSA OKE VOR SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC ^ WAR 2700' FOR SIDS IDAKO 1B & 1E (RWYS 11 & 15) REFTER TO CHART 10-3C 320 D 128.8 125.05 270^ Initial climb clearance 9. 6 22 D3 EDULO 2300' 090^ IDAKO 3A [IDAK3A] IDAKO 3D [IDAK3D] RWYS 11, 15 DEPARTURES IDAKO N52 42.3 E020 19.7 N52 24.2 E020 41.2 2200' WARSAW Approach (R) 10-3C 17 AUG 07 SID IDAKO 1B 128.8 125.05 180^ WARSAW Approach (R) OKECIE 005^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' Apt Elev 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately 361' after take-off. 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW 113.1 .SID. LNI .Eff.30.Aug. D23.1 10-3B 17 AUG 07 017^ OKECIE NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIN WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 14 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 D23 .1 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 6 3 O K IDA1E N51 56.0 E021 09.5 CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. QNH 090^ MSA OKE VOR 900' 2600' 5000' 6570' 2700' 2300' 270^ N52 15.5 E020 39.4 ZABOROWEK WAR 114.9 WAR D EDULO CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. 2200' ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 900' turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to KOTEK, turn RIGHT, intercept WAR R-183 inbound to WAR, WAR R-003 to EDULO, turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-320 to IDAKO. Climb on runway track, at 900', but not before OKE 2 DME turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to KOTEK, turn RIGHT, intercept WAR R-183 inbound to WAR, WAR R-003 to EDULO, turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-320 to IDAKO. NOT TO SCALE 15 unless otherwise cleared by ATC N52 24.2 E020 41.2 IDAKO 3D 5000' IDAKO RWY 11 22 9.6 D3 N52 42.3 E020 19.7 Initial climb clearance SID IDAKO 3A Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. ^ 003^ D8.7 IDAKO 3D This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) up to 5000'. 3 20 180^ 3600' FT/METER CONVERSION IDAKO 3D At or above - 270m - 800m - 1500m - 2000m N52 01.2 E020 48.8 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN .Eff.30.Aug. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' WARSAW Approach (R) Apt Elev 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately after take-off. 128.8 125.05 361' 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. 3. Rwy 29: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 2200' 2300' 090^ 270^ OKECIE 10-3E 17 AUG 07 WAR ZABOROWEK 114.9 WAR 22 0^ D N52 15.5 E020 39.4 9. 6 28 MATEM WARSAW D 032 3.8 ^ Noise monitoring point IDAKO 2K 33 3 DME 7 5000' N51 56.0 E021 09.5 7 D1 1. 40 ^ R0 KARNICE 1 Noise monitoring point 15 30 9 4 ^ 1 DME IDA 1 2G KO D 5 OKE These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of D2 MARIA 1A: 346' per NM (5.7%) up to FL90. 4 .7 MARIA 1D: 328' per NM (5.4%) up to FL100. D49.4 Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 094^ 346' per NM 433 577 866 1155 1443 1732 LDZ 328' per NM 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 112.4 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. LD Z Initial climb clearance WARSAW 113.4 OKE N52 10.2 E020 57.6 unless otherwise cleared by ATC ROUTING On runway track to OKE 3 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept OKE R-309 to LAMID, turn RIGHT, intercept OKE R-320 to IDAKO. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before OKE 1 DME turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-309 to LAMID, turn RIGHT, intercept OKE R-320 to IDAKO. CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. KRN 117.8 KRN N51 56.8 E020 26.7 O 2K 300 2066 1519 1367 D NOT TO SCALE N51 51.6 E020 40.4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LININ SID MARIA 1A RWY 11 MARIA 1D 15 MARIA 1G 29 MARIA 1K 33 5000' NIDAS N51 41.8 E020 58.2 17.3 D RWY 29 OKE 1 DME 6 124 ^ LIN 113.1 LIN .4 19 ID AK Initial climb clearance D ^ 145 At 800' but not before 2 (if AY u/s) PETEL 12 SID IDAKO 2G OKE 1 DME 9^ R3 2 D1 2. 3 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of IDAKO 2G 304' per NM (5%) up to FL90. IDAKO 2K 413' per NM (6.8%) up to 3000', then 273' per NM (4.5%) up to FL100. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 413' per NM 516 689 1033 1377 1722 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 273' per NM 342 456 684 911 1139 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. 800' At 800' but not before AY or 15 N52 15.5 E020 39.4 1 At N52 10.5 E020 56.0 D24 N52 18.7 E020 43.1 At 900' 3 375 AY AY 13.6 LAMID - 245m - 910m - 1500m - 2000m WARSAW N52 10.2 E020 57.6 1 ^ ZABOROWEK QNH - 245m - 270m - 1500m - 2000m OKE 5 ^ 14M9ARIDA 320 WAR 800' 3000' 5000' 6570' 1 DME 13 QNH 113.4 OKE 1 N52 05.2 E020 39.8 FT/METER CONVERSION 800' 900' 5000' 6570' D IA 1G MAR 175^ D10.4 D3 NOT TO SCALE 4 7 270^ MSA OKE VOR OKE 1 DME IA 1K MAR 2300' 2700' At 800' but not before 15 IDAKO N52 42.3 E020 19.7 2200' 090^ FT/METER CONVERSION SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC 6 114.9 WAR .SID. MARIA 1A [MARI1A], MARIA 1D [MARI1D] MARIA 1G [MARI1G] , MARIA 1K [MARI1K] RWYS 11, 15, 29, 33 DEPARTURES MSA OKE VOR SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC D .Eff.30.Aug. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' WARSAW Approach (R) Apt Elev 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately after take-off. 128.8 125.05 361' 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. 3. Rwy 29: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 2700' IDAKO 2G [IDAK2G] IDAKO 2K [IDAK2K] RWYS 29, 33 DEPARTURES WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW 17 10-3D NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MAR 1 A IA 17 AUG 07 180^ EPWA/WAW OKECIE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. D66.7 MARIA N51 39.4 E021 25.7 unless otherwise cleared by ATC ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 900' turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-329 inbound to LIN, turn LEFT, LIN R-145 to MARIA. Climb on runway track to 800', intercept LIN R-329 inbound to LIN, turn LEFT, LIN R-145 to MARIA. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before AY or OKE 1 DME (if AY unserviceable) turn LEFT, intercept KRN R-040 inbound to MATEM, turn LEFT, intercept WAR R-175 to PETEL, turn LEFT, intercept KRN R-124 to NIDAS, turn LEFT, intercept LDZ R-094 to MARIA. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before OKE 1 DME turn LEFT, intercept KRN R-040 inbound to MATEM, turn LEFT, intercept WAR R-175 to PETEL, turn LEFT, intercept KRN R-124 to NIDAS, turn LEFT, intercept LDZ R-094 to MARIA. CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Apt Elev 128.8 125.05 361' 270^ SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC SIE 1G, SIE 1H SIE 1K, SIE 1L RWYS 29, 33 DEPARTURES MSA OKE VOR 2200' 180^ MSA OKE VOR 2300' 2700' SIE 1A, SIE 1D RWYS 11, 15 DEPARTURES CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. SIEDLCE | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SIE 1H 431' per NM (7.1%) up to 6570'. SIE 1L 474' per NM (7.8%) up to 6570'. 65 N52 10.2 E020 57.6 074^ (if AY u/s) OKE 1 DME Turn at 800' but not before AY or SIE 1G 375 AY AY WARSAW G SIE 1 KARNICE KRN 13 7 15 SIE 1K SIE 1H N52 10.5 E020 56.0 6 1 4 1 DM E 5 OKE 1 DME SIE 1K Turn at 800' but not before D WARSAW OKE 113.4 OKE 60 55 NOT TO SCALE QNH 800' - 245m 5000' - 1500m 6570' - 2000m N52 05.2 E020 39.8 MATEM D FT/METER CONVERSION CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. WAR ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 900' turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-104 to KOVOL, turn LEFT, intercept SIE R-258 inbound to SIE. On runway track to OKE 5 DME, turn LEFT, intercept SIE R-258 inbound to SIE. 114.9 WAR 15 unless otherwise cleared by ATC N52 15.5 E020 39.4 SIE 1D 5000' 175^ D10.4 ZABOROWEK RWY 11 QNH 900' - 270m 5000' - 1500m 6570' - 2000m 1L D Initial climb clearance SID SIE 1A FT/METER CONVERSION SIE 1L These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SIE 1A 267' per NM (4.4%) up to 6570'. SIE 1D 237' per NM (3.9%) up to 6570'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 267' per NM 334 446 668 891 1114 1337 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. SIE E DM .5 N52 09.3 E022 12.0 1 101 02^ ^ SIEDLCE Noise monitoring point SIE 114.7 SIE 1 D 33 KOVOL N52 05.1 E021 23.0 078^ SIE 1H SIE 1K R258^ 31 unless otherwise cleared by ATC 17 4 5000' E 5 DM D16. Initial climb clearance A 2 RWY 29 1D SIE 1 SID SIE 1G SIE 17 At 900' R0 4 3 .7 104^ 6 NOT TO SCALE N52 10.2 E020 57.6 22 0^ WARSAW 015^ OKE 113.4 OKE ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before AY or OKE 1 DME (if AY unserviceable) turn LEFT, intercept KRN R-040 inbound to MATEM, turn LEFT, intercept SIE R-254 inbound to SIE. On runway track to OKE 3 DME, turn RIGHT, 015^ track, intercept SIE R-282 inbound to SIE. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before OKE 1 DME turn LEFT, intercept KRN R-040 inbound to MATEM, turn LEFT, intercept SIE R-254 inbound to SIE. On runway track to OKE 6.5 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept SIE R-281 inbound to SIE. Noise monitoring point DM3 E D SIE SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC 1 .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately after take-off. 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. 3. Rwy 29: EXPECT close-in obstacles. N51 56.8 E020 26.7 090^ WARSAW Approach (R) .Eff.30.Aug. 117.8 KRN 2300' 10-3G 17 AUG 07 Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 431' per NM 539 719 1079 1438 1798 2157 474' per NM 592 790 1185 1580 1975 2370 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. 2200' OKECIE 270^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' WARSAW Approach (R) Apt Elev 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately 128.8 125.05 361' after take-off. 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW N52 09.3 E022 12.0 .SID. R R22882^ 1^ R254^ WARSAW, POLAND 2700' .Eff.30.Aug. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 0^ D 11 10-3F 17 AUG 07 180^ JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW OKECIE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 090^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 114.7 SIE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WARSAW, POLAND .SID. 2300' 270^ 2700' N52 33.4 E021 00.6 MSA OKE VOR .1 22 15 29 33 TITAK 1G TITAK 1K 900' 3600' 5000' 6570' SID ULPAR 2A ULPAR 3D D FT/METER CONVERSION Noise monitoring point 1 ULPAR 3D This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) up to 5000'. WAR ZABOROWEK 114.9 WAR N52 15.5 E020 39.4 D NOT TO SCALE QNH - 270m - 1100m - 1500m - 2000m OKE WARSAW 113.4 OKE N52 10.2 E020 57.6 At 900' At 900' but not before 2 DM E ULPAR 3D 12 KOTEK 3 ULPAR 2A 16 OKE 2 DME 2 N52 04.1 E020 37.0 D D21 .6 KRN 248^ 7.8 KARNICE D 117.8 KRN ^ R068 N51 56.8 E020 26.7 NISKA D13 .8 288^ LIN LININ 113.1 LIN N51 56.0 E021 09.5 N52 01.2 E020 48.8 ULPAR 3D At or above 3600' Initial climb clearance | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2200' 090^ SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC TITAK 2D unless otherwise cleared by ATC 5000' Initial climb clearance 3600' LININ .Eff.30.Aug. ULPAR ULPAR 2A [ULPA2A] ULPAR 3D [ULPA3D] RWYS 11, 15 DEPARTURES ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 900' turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to PIKAL, turn LEFT, intercept WAR R-261 to TITAK. Climb on runway track, at 900', but not before OKE 2 DME turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to PIKAL, turn LEFT, intercept WAR R-261 to TITAK. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before AY or OKE 1 DME (if AY unserviceable) turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-271 to PIKAL, turn LEFT, intercept WAR R-261 to TITAK. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before OKE 1 DME turn LEFT, 226^ track, intercept OKE R-271 to PIKAL, turn LEFT, intercept WAR R-261 to TITAK. N51 56.0 E021 09.5 LIN 113.1 LIN D TITAK 2D NISKA N52 01.2 E020 48.8 10-3J Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' WARSAW Approach (R) Apt Elev 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately 128.8 125.05 361' after take-off. 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. RWY 11 MSA OKE VOR 17 AUG 07 SID TITAK 2A D - 245m - 270m - 1100m - 1500m - 2000m 800' 900' 3600' 5000' 6570' 2700' 090^ At or above 288^ D13 .8 R068^ KARNICE KRN 117.8 KRN N51 56.8 E020 26.7 NOT TO SCALE QNH 270^ FT/METER CONVERSION 2300' 2200' OKECIE 03 2^ OKE 2 DME 2 (if AY u/s) OKE 1 DME At 800' but not before AY or N52 10.5 E020 56.0 WARSAW 375 AY AY 33. 2 1 Noise monitoring point TITAK 2D This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) up to 5000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. 1 271^ TITAK 1G D47 D44.2 19 N52 11.5 E019 27.8 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW R183^ At 900' but not before 2 DM E TITAK 2D 5 1 DME D36.4 261^ D25.2 N52 13.3 E019 58.7 TITAK 180^ PIKAL .SID. SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC 7 36 ^ 226 TITAK 1K N52 15.5 E020 39.4 D WAR 114.9 WAR 38 ZABOROWEK WARSAW, POLAND TITAK 2A [TITA2A] TITAK 2D [TITA2D] TITAK 1G [TITA1G] TITAK 1K [TITA1K] RWYS 11, 15, 29, 33 DEPARTURES 248^ At 900' 3 WARSAW OKE D OKE 1 DME 4 12 At 800' but not before 16 CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. .Eff.30.Aug. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately after take-off. 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. 3. Rwy 29: EXPECT close-in obstacles. TITAK 2A 361' N52 10.2 E020 57.6 Apt Elev 128.8 125.05 113.4 OKE WARSAW Approach (R) 6 10-3H 17 AUG 07 12 OKECIE NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 003^ JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. D NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RWY 11 15 5000' Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. unless otherwise cleared by ATC ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 900' turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to KOTEK, turn RIGHT, intercept WAR R-183 inbound to WAR, turn RIGHT, WAR R-032 to ULPAR. Climb on runway track, at 900', but not before OKE 2 DME turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to KOTEK, turn RIGHT, intercept WAR R-183 inbound to WAR, turn RIGHT, WAR R-032 to ULPAR. CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN OKECIE 17 AUG 07 10-3K .Eff.30.Aug. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' WARSAW Approach (R) Apt Elev 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately after take-off. 128.8 125.05 361' 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. 3. Rwy 29: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 2200' 180^ EPWA/WAW 2300' 090^ 270^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW OKECIE 17 AUG 07 10-3L .Eff.30.Aug. WARSAW, POLAND .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' WARSAW Approach (R) Apt Elev 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately 128.8 125.05 361' after take-off. 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. 2700' ULPAR 2G [ULPA2G] ULPAR 2K [ULPA2K] RWYS 29, 33 DEPARTURES JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 2200' 270^ 2700' MSA OKE VOR VEKER N52 25.2 E021 11.6 SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC 2300' 090^ VEKER 2A [VEKE2A] VEKER 3D [VEKE3D] RWYS 11, 15 DEPARTURES MSA OKE VOR 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. D ULPAR N52 33.4 E021 00.6 Noise monitoring point D2 2. 1 1 22 FT/METER CONVERSION NOT TO SCALE D 20 ^ 060 WAR ZABOROWEK 114.9 WAR N52 15.5 E020 39.4 R183^ NOT TO SCALE 900' 3600' 5000' 6570' D QNH - 270m - 1100m - 1500m - 2000m OKE WARSAW 113.4 OKE N52 10.2 E020 57.6 Noise monitoring point D1 0 UL PA R WAR 6 114.9 WAR 7 N52 15.5 E020 39.4 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of ULPAR 2G 340' per NM (5.6%) up to FL110. ULPAR 2K 413' per NM (6.8%) up to FL100. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 340' per NM 425 567 851 1134 1418 1701 413' per NM 516 689 1033 1377 1722 2066 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. Initial climb clearance SID ULPAR 2G RWY 29 ULPAR 2K 33 5000' KOTEK OKE 1 DME N52 04.1 E020 37.0 2K ZABOROWEK 3 DME D 12 At 800' but not before .4 30 9^ UL P 1 2GAR D 4 1 DME KRN D KARNICE 117.8 KRN D13 .8 ^ R068 OKE VEKER 2A 2 248^ 7.8 WARSAW D 288^ LIN LININ 113.1 LIN N51 56.0 E021 09.5 NISKA 113.4 OKE N52 01.2 E020 48.8 N52 10.2 E020 57.6 VEKER 3D At or above 3600' FT/METER CONVERSION QNH 800' - 245m 5000' - 1500m 6570' - 2000m unless otherwise cleared by ATC ROUTING On runway track to OKE 3 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept OKE R-309 to ALETA, turn RIGHT, intercept WAR R-032 to ULPAR. Climb on runway track, at 800', but not before OKE 1 DME turn LEFT, intercept OKE R-309 to ALETA, turn RIGHT, intercept WAR R-032 to ULPAR. CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. D21 .6 N51 56.8 E020 26.7 5 2 DM E VEKER 3D 16 060 OKE 2 DME 10 3 12 1 D4. ^ At 900' At 900' but not before ALETA N52 17.3 E020 45.4 003^ 032 ^ 1 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VEKER 3D This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) up to 5000'. Initial climb clearance SID VEKER 2A RWY 11 VEKER 3D 15 5000' Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. unless otherwise cleared by ATC ROUTING Climb on runway track, at 900' turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to KOTEK, turn RIGHT, intercept WAR R-183 inbound to WAR, turn RIGHT, WAR R-060 to VEKER. Climb on runway track, at 900', but not before OKE 2 DME turn RIGHT, intercept KRN R-068 inbound to NISKA, turn RIGHT, intercept LIN R-288 to KOTEK, turn RIGHT, intercept WAR R-183 inbound to WAR, turn RIGHT, WAR R-060 to VEKER. CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 OKECIE 17 AUG 07 10-3M .Eff.30.Aug. WARSAW, POLAND .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' WARSAW Approach (R) Apt Elev 1. Contact WARSAW Approach immediately after take-off. 128.8 125.05 361' 2. All turns require bank angle of 15^. 3. Rwy 29: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 2200' NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EPWA/WAW WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN 10-8 11 MAY 07 OKECIE CONSTRUCTION WORKS PHASE 3 180^ JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. REFER ALSO TO LATEST NOTAMS U1 2300' 090^ 270^ 2700' VEKER 1G [VEKE1G] VEKER 2K [VEKE2K] RWYS 29, 33 DEPARTURES 94 93 MSA OKE VOR U1 92 91 95 SPEED: MAX 250 KT BELOW FL100 UNLESS OTHERWISE CLEARED BY ATC 96 97 V 52 R2 Y Z X 51 8 7 VEKER N52 25.2 E021 11.6 1 Y Z X Noise monitoring point 10R D22 D WAR 31 ZABOROWEK 32 ^ 060 114.9 WAR N52 15.5 E020 39.4 M1 33 35 36L 3 13L 13 13R 2 1 15L 36R 33 5/ Y1 015^ RW 6 4 12 NORTH PIER 14L 14 14R 34 ME 6.5 D 5 10 11 A3 U2 6 10L 9 15 15R 2 2 R KE VE 2K 4 3 DME O1 24 VE K 1G ER 1 5 M2 D SID VEKER 1G RWY 29 VEKER 2K 33 5000' INS COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES 1 N52 10.4 E020 58.3 2 thru 4 N52 10.4 E020 58.2 5 thru 7 N52 10.5 E020 58.2 8 thru 10R N52 10.5 E020 58.1 11 thru 13 N52 10.4 E020 58.1 OKE WARSAW 113.4 OKE N52 10.2 E020 57.6 FT/METER CONVERSION QNH 5000' - 1500m 6570' - 2000m unless otherwise cleared by ATC ROUTING On runway track to OKE 3 DME, turn RIGHT, 015^ track, intercept WAR R-060 to VEKER. On runway track to OKE 6.5 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept WAR R-060 to VEKER. CHANGES: Noise monitoring points. DOMESTIC TERMINAL S NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance TERMINAL 2 TERMINAL 1 7 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of VEKER 1G 431' per NM (7.1%) up to FL110. VEKER 2K 474' per NM (7.8%) up to FL110. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 431' per NM 539 719 1079 1438 1798 2157 474' per NM 592 790 1185 1580 1975 2370 If unable to comply request non-standard departure from ATC before start-up. AIS + MET | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14 14L 14R 15 thru 15R 21, 22 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.3 10.1 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 58.2 58.1 58.2 58.2 58.3 23, 24 31 thru 33 34, 35 36L/R 47, 48 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.1 10.4 10.4 10.3 10.0 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 58.4 57.9 58.0 58.0 58.5 51 52 91 92, 93 94 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.5 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.7 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 57.8 57.8 58.1 58.0 58.0 95 thru 97 145 SOUTH PIER 21 22 23 24 F 145 47 RW Y1 1/ 29 48 E2 N52 10.6 E020 58.0 N52 10.0 E020 58.4 CHANGES: Phase 3. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EPWA/WAW 361' 10-9 7 DEC 07 N52 09.9 E020 58.0 ATIS 120.45 121.6 121.9 D3 D4 479' D5 For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages VOR 9186 ' S 4000 E1 M3 ARP J HS3 5000 1500 T N H1 HS1 When approaching RWY 15/33 from TWY D2 pilots should be aware that taxiway is not standard 90 degree angle to the runway. MOST DANGEROUS: Taxiing to RWY 29 holding position on TWY A4 do not miss TWY E1 (LEFT turn). Note special markings and signs. FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9A H2 A8 456' B6 Elev 351' B7 52-09 B8 HS3 VERY DANGEROUS: When vacating RWY 33, expect traffic on RWY 29, listen carefully to ATC instructions. When vacating RWY 11 do not mistake TWY T with TWY J and TWY J with TWY A5. When approaching RWY 33 from TWY H2 for full distance departure cross RWY 33 efficiently. 20-57 20-56 419' 291^ A7 52-10 20-59 33328^ 21-00 ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION RWY 11 1 29 15 33 HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS-II SFL TDZ 2 HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS PAPI-R(3.0^) RVR RVR HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS PAPI-L(3.0^) RVR USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND Glide Slope TAKE-OFF 7776' 2370m Threshold 8990' 2740m 7546' 2300m HIRL (60m) CL (15m) ALSF-II TDZ PAPI-L(3.0^) RVR 1 Rwy grooved, except intersection with rwy 15/33. 3 TORA RWY 11: From rwy head twy D3 int 4 TORA RWY 15: From rwy head twy D2 int twy O1 int WIDTH 3 164' 50m 4 197' 60m 2 PAPI-L (angle 3.0^) RWY 29: From rwy head twy N int (displ thresh) twy M3 int 7546' (2300m) 5358' (1633m) RWY 33: From rwy head twy H2 int twy T int 12,106' (3690m) 10,305' (3141m) 8593' (2619m) .JAR-OPS. 10,965' 3342m Push-back stand 20-58.1 20-58.2 20-58.4 Engine(s) taxiing from intersection of TWY D1 with TWY W from/to apron located in front of hangar(s) is prohibited. 52-10.9 APRON 1 52-10.8 78 78A APRON 4 77 D1 76 73 75 72 74 A1 71 A2 Trees up to 29 HS4 L 476' Elev 337' E3 A6 RUNWAY INCURSION "HOT SPOTS" HS4 148' AGL E2 A5 FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9A 20-58 20-58.3 82 80 86 84 81 W 85 83 88 87 52-10.7 A4 20-57.9 LEGEND Taxiway Parking stand OKECIE .Eff.20.Dec. HANGARS U1 52-10.7 APRON 2 94B 94A 93B APRON 9 93A 92B 92A 91B 70 91A 95 Z3 90B MILITARY 90A 96 52-10.6 APRON 97 APRON 6 98 HANGARS 52 R2 Z2 8 51 10L D2 7 9R9 52-10.5 A3 10R10 6 APRON 52-10.5 Z1 31B R1 11 5 7 12 13L 13 31 20-57.5 20-57.6 20-57.7 4 D3 13R 32 3 APRON 10 20-59 33 APRON 5 14L 14 52-10.4 (Available for temp parking 52-10.4 14R of acft awaiting departure 34 15L 15 rwy 29) APRON 3 35 15R AIS + TERMINAL MET E2 53 53A1 16 52-10.3 54 Entrance INTERNATIONAL 33 5/ Y1 1000 04^E HS2 28 00m Control Tower 3000 INCURSION HOTSPOTS (For information only, not to be construed as ATC instructions.) HS2 A3 95 26 GA + VIP HANGAR TERMINAL 1 A0 LEGEND 10-9A RW 500 52-10.9 492' HS1 RUNWAY O1 06' 12,13690m 2000 AIS + MET K 492' 150m Stopway 1000 R1 . . . . . . . Elev 361' Meters 0 Cranes up to 177' AGL D2 C1 Feet 0 U1 HS1 APRON 11 52-10 20-57.8 . Elev 351' 415' 1 1111 ^ 20-57.7 FLIGHT INSPECTION APRON 469' A0 20-57.6 WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN 7 DEC 07 21-00 52-11 .. 105' AGL 11548^ 20-59 .. 406' EPWA/WAW 20-57.5 118.3 .. 52-11 Tower 20-58 Trees up to NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 OKECIE *Ground 20-57 Lctr .Eff.20.Dec. OKECIE Delivery 20-56 WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN Apt Elev JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 9186' (2800m) 7546' (2300m) 6247' (1904m) 12,106' (3690m) 9839' (2999m) 6312' (1924m) TAKE-OFF 1 52-09.8 and exit on apron 10 by Follow-me only. RW Y1 O1 1/ 29 110 S N APRON 3 DOMESTIC 109 1 Holding E3 52-10.2 21 point 22 20-58.8 20-59 CARGO APRON 23 24 52-09.4 A6 H2 A4 52-10.1 61 52-10.1 62 All Rwys LVP must be in Force A B C D RL, CL & mult. RVR req RL & CL RCLM (DAY only) or RL 150m 200m 250m 200m 250m 300m RCLM (DAY only) or RL NIL (DAY only) 47 48 63 52-09.3 52-10 400m ARP 500m 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m. CHANGES: Communications. Notes. Hotspots. Twys. 52-09.3 A8 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20-58.8 20-58.9 20-59 CHANGES: Note withdrawn. Twys. Stand. 20-57.9 RW Y E1 11 /2 9 M3 20-58.2 20-58.3 52-10 E2 20-58.4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN 30 JUN 06 10-9B WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EPWA/WAW WARSAW, POLAND JEPPESEN OKECIE 30 JUN 06 10-9C OKECIE INS COORDINATES STAND No. STAND No. COORDINATES COORDINATES 3 thru 5 6 7 thru 10R 11 thru 13R 14 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.4 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.4 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 58.2 58.2 58.1 58.1 58.2 70, 71 72, 73 74 thru 78A 80 81 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.6 10.7 10.7 10.8 10.8 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 57.8 57.8 57.7 57.7 57.8 14L 14R thru 16 21 22 23, 24 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 10.1 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 58.1 58.2 58.3 58.3 58.4 82, 83 84 85 86 87 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 57.7 57.6 57.7 57.6 57.7 31 thru 33 34 35 47, 48 51 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.4 10.4 10.3 10.0 10.5 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 57.9 58.0 58.0 58.5 57.8 88 90A thru 91B 92A thru 93B 94A, 94B 95 thru 98 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.8 10.6 10.6 10.7 10.6 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 57.6 58.1 58.0 58.0 58.0 52 53 53A, 54 61, 62 63 N52 N52 N52 N52 N52 10.6 09.8 09.8 09.3 09.3 E020 E020 E020 E020 E020 57.8 58.9 59.0 58.9 59.0 109, 110 N52 10.2 AUTOMATED DOCKING SYSTEM - RLG Available on apron 3 A. DESCRIPTION The RLG Automated Guide-In Docking System consists of a display located on the extension of the centerline leading into the aircraft stand and a set of sensors installed in the apron surface. The system is aligned with the LEFT hand pilot's seat only. 747 Aircraft Type Indicator (digital display) Green: Start Stop Point Guidance E020 58.3 Yellow: Caution Red: Stop Red Light Bar: LEFT of centerline Centerline Guidance Green Light Bar: ON CENTERLINE Red Light Bar: RIGHT of centerline B. ACTIVATED SYSTEM 1. The system is ready for use when: - the aircraft type is shown on the digital display, - the pair of green lights is switched on, - the green vertical light bar is switched on. 2. The pilot should be aware that the correct type of aircraft is displayed before using the system. C. CENTERLINE GUIDANCE The centerline guidance is provided by means of three vertical light bars: - Visibility of the green bar only means that the aircraft is on the centerline. - Visibility of the green and the left red bar means that the aircraft is left of the centerline; turn right. - Visibility of the green and the right red bar means that the aircraft is right of the centerline; turn left. D. STOP POINT GUIDANCE The guidance of the aircraft to the stop point is performed on the basis of three pairs of lights as shown in the diagram above. When the yellow lights become active the taxi speed of the aircraft should immediately be reduced to the minimum taxi speed. The braking action should be commenced immediately after the red lights become active. In case of unexpected system failure and/or power cut, docking should be completed on the basis of signals given by ground personnel. CHANGES: Parking stands. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2001. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN 12 OCT 07 10-9D NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 WARSAW, POLAND .Eff.25.Oct. TM BRIEFING STRIP The system is based on a laser scanning technique which tracks the lateral and longitudinal position of the ACFT. The system ist accomodated to be read from both pilot's seats. 11-1 28 APR 06 OKECIE VISUAL DOCKING GUIDANCE SYSTEM (SAFEDOCK) WARSAW, POLAND ILS DME Rwy 11 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW OKECIE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. ATIS WARSAW Approach (R) 120.45 128.8 125.05 LOC WAS Final Apch Crs 109.9 111^ .Eff.11.May. *WARSAW Director OKECIE Tower *Ground 118.3 121.9 129.37 ILS DA(H) GS D3.8 WAS (1204') 2700' MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 2990', continue as directed. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Proceed STRAIGHT AHEAD to D10.0 OKE, then Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa MSA OKE VOR 299 119 2990 ^ ^ (IF) 119 KONAM ^ Flashing red arrow W114.9AWARR ZABOROWEK Yellow centre line D3.8 WAS 1135' WAS 52-05 20-40 ALTITUDE KONAM 1480' 20-50 5.4 2070' WAS DME 4.3 1730' 111^ GS 1565' D0.8 WAS GS 600' LOC 2.9 Gnd speed-Kts ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D0.8 WAS AB: B PANS OPS 3 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. C: (200') D: FULL WAIT message means temporary necessity to stop the ACFT. CHANGES: New chart. 561' RVR ILS 70 90 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 HIALS-II PAPI MDA(H) 1000m 790'(429') ALS out RVR 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1500m RVR 1800m RVR 2000m Max Kts 100 CHANGES: Trans alt. Procedure. RVR 1400m 2990' MDA(H) VIS 1500m 135 810' (449') 870' (509') 180 1010' (649') 2400m 205 1070' (709') 3600m 600m D 361' CIRCLE-TO-LAND Not authorized Northeast of airport LOC (GS out) ALS out RWY 11 0.6 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 11 571' (210') 581' (220') RVR RVR 3.0 377 550m C TCH 59' 1570' 2.8 DA(H) 2.2 1050' D3.8 WAS 111^ When the ACFT has parked, OK will be displayed. .JAR-OPS. 21-00 3.2 1380' D6.7 WAS D9.5 WAS 2500' AY WARSAW KONAM may be used for tactical vectoring. If not otherwise instructed by ATC, expect radar vectors to leave 2990' on the glide path. KARNICE 117.8 KRN 249^ LOC (GS out) A WARSAW 375 AY 0 394 If the acft is approaching faster than the accepted speed (4 knots), the system will show SLOW DOWN as a warning to the pilot. Slow down immediately. D WAS OKE VOR DME required. KRN D If the ACFT has overshot the stop-position, TOO FAR will be displayed. O113.4KOKEE D0.8 ILS DME MISSED APCH FIX WITH RADIO FAILURE 069^ 1138' WAS 111^ 109.9 WAS 20-30 Red lights 2000m 1200m 910m 760m 480m D6.7 111 ^ 52-10 When the ACFT is less than 39'/12m from the stop position, the closing rate is indicated by turning off one row of the centre line symbol per 2'/0.5m covered by the ACFT. - D9.5 WAS 90 (IAF) Yellow arrow 6570' 3940' 2990' 2500' 1570' EP(R)-58 2 29 .6 D When the correct stop-position is reached, the display will show STOP and red lights will be lit. Pilot is to stop an ACFT IMMEDIATLY after displaying STOP message. Trans alt: 6570' FT/METER CONVERSION QNH 52-15 Appearance of yellow field of approach speed indicates that an ACFT has been detected by the system. A flashing red arrow indicates the direction to turn. The vertical yellow arrow shows position in relation to the centre line. Trans level: By ATC EP(R)-140 Floating arrows 270^ 361' RWY turn RIGHT (MAX 185 KT) to KRN VOR climbing to 3940'. Pilot is obliged whether appropriate ACFT type is displayed. Floating arrows indicate that system is active and ready to dock ACFT to the stand. WARNING: Pilot may not commence docking procedure if system is inactive or displays inappropriate ACFT type. 2300' 361' 090^ Apt Elev Refer to Minimums 1565' 2200' 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 1600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 128.8 LOC WA Final Apch Crs 110.3 328^ 125.05 OKECIE Tower 129.37 118.3 ILS DA(H) GS D5.2 WA (1659') Apt Elev 361' RWY 351' Refer to Minimums 2010' MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to KUTEV, then turn LEFT (MAX *Ground ATIS 121.9 120.45 2200' 2300' 090^ 270^ 185 KT) onto 277^ climbing to 2990', then as directed. 2700' Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to KUTEV, then turn LEFT (MAX 185 KT) onto 277^ to D15.0 OKE, then turn LEFT to KRN VOR climbing to 3940'. Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 277^ O113.4KOKEE 1138' D KUTEV 6570' 3940' 3150' 2990' 2010' 1390' 935' D3.0 OKE 1135' MSA OKE VOR Trans alt: 6570' 52-10 328^ 129.37 GS D5.2 WA (1659') 2010' *Ground 118.3 121.9 CAT II ILS RA/DA(H) Apt Elev 361' Refer to Minimums RWY 351' MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to KUTEV, then turn LEFT (MAX 2200' 2300' 090^ 270^ 185 KT) onto 277^ climbing to 2990', then as directed. Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Special Aircrew and Aircraft Certification Required. FT/METER CONVERSION QNH EP(D)-30 EP(R)-58 WARSAW WA 110.3 125.05 OKECIE Tower 2700' MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Trans level: By ATC 1283' EP(R)-140 EP(R)-58 128.8 Final Apch Crs *WARSAW Director Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to KUTEV, then turn LEFT (MAX 185 KT) onto 277^ to D15.0 OKE, then turn LEFT to KRN VOR climbing to 3940'. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) WARSAW Approach (R) LOC 11-2A 23 FEB 07 OKECIE TM TM 120.45 *WARSAW Director WARSAW, POLAND CAT II ILS DME Rwy 33 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW BRIEFING STRIP WARSAW Approach (R) 180^ ATIS BRIEFING STRIP 11-2 23 FEB 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 WARSAW, POLAND ILS DME Rwy 33 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW OKECIE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. - 1283' 2000m 1200m 960m 910m 610m 425m 277^ EP(R)-140 EP(R)-58 O113.4KOKEE 1138' D KUTEV EP(D)-30 EP(R)-58 WARSAW FT/METER CONVERSION QNH 6570' 3940' 3150' 2990' 2010' 935' D3.0 OKE 1135' MSA OKE VOR Trans alt: 6570' Trans level: By ATC - 2000m - 1200m 960m 910m 610m 52-10 EP(P)-10 EP(R)-58 D0.7 EP(R)-58 WA WA 1480' WA 866' D5.2 LASKU, GOSED and MASAK may be used for tactical vectoring. If not otherwise instructed by ATC, expect radar vectors to leave 2990' on the glide path. LASKU MASAK D10.3 WA 21-10 4.9 1890' LIN VOR148^ D3.2 WA D0.7 WA GS 571' 351' 1390' Gnd speed-Kts ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D0.7 WA .JAR-OPS. FULL PANS OPS 3 A B 70 90 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 561'(210') D: 571'(220') RVR ALS out 550m RVR C RVR RWY 33 ALSF-II 1000m 680'(329') MDA(H) 840'(489') ALS out RVR 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1500m RVR 1800m ALS out RVR 1000m RVR 1200m 600m D CHANGES: Note. RVR RVR RVR 1400m RVR 2000m RVR 1600m 1500m MDA(H) 135 180 1010' (649') 2400m 205 1070'(709') 3600m 2000m 21-20 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 21-30 3150' 328^ 2010' ^ 328D5.2 LASKU WA TCH 58' 4.5 0.5 D7.2 WA 2.0 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 .JAR-OPS. VIS 870' (509') 1500m 870' (509') 1600m 100 3.00^ GS Not authorized Northeast of airport Max Kts 351' Gnd speed-Kts KUTEV CIRCLE-TO-LAND w/o D3.2 WA 21-10 LIN VOR 148^ D7.2 WA 33 LOC (GS out) MDA(H) 21-00 GS 571' PAPI with D3.2 WA 20-50 MHA 2990 3150' 2.0 377 C: 551'(200') 2.0 249^ D0.7 WA STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ILS DA(H) AB: 2.5 0.5 WA (IAF) LININ D 328^ 2010' ^ 8 32 D5.2 LASKU LOC TCH 58' 0 394 21-30 3.8 1560' PANS OPS 3 ALTITUDE 21-20 2.7 1220' KRN ^ 21-00 1.6 870' WA L113.1I NLIN 328^ 110.3 WA KARNICE D 117.8 KRN 069^ D12.0 WA ^ 328 20-50 WA DME GOSED ILS DME 148 LININ D 0 394 249^ LOC (GS out) MHA 2990 (IAF) D10.3 WA MISSED APCH FIX WITH RADIO FAILURE ^ KARNICE 117.8 KRN MASAK 20-40 148 328^ 110.3 WA KRN RWY 33 D7.2 WA D12.0 WA WA L113.1I NLIN ILS DME OKE VOR DME required. LASKU, GOSED and MASAK may be used for tactical vectoring. If not otherwise instructed by ATC, expect radar vectors to leave 2990' on the glide path. LASKU 52-00 ^ 328 069^ WA GOSED MISSED APCH FIX WITH RADIO FAILURE D D5.2 OKE VOR DME required. D7.2 WA 20-40 866' 1480' WA 52-00 EP(P)-10 EP(R)-58 D0.7 EP(R)-58 D3.2 ALSF-II PAPI KUTEV STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 33 CAT II ILS A B C D RA 106' DA(H) 453'(102') RA 121' DA(H) 469'(118') RA 133' DA(H) 482'(131') RA 146' DA(H) 495'(144') RVR 300m 1 RVR 400m RVR 450m 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Note. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 OKE Final Apch Crs 113.4 105^ *Ground 118.3 121.9 129.37 Procedure Alt D8.2 OKE (2629') MDA(H) Apt Elev 840'(479') 2990' 2200' ATIS 2300' 090^ 361' 270^ 2700' MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 2990', continue as directed. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Proceed STRAIGHT AHEAD to D10.0 OKE, then MSA OKE VOR turn RIGHT (MAX 185 KT) to KRN VOR climbing to 3940'. ^ D10.8 WAR 105^ 113.4 OKE 52-20 WAR ZABOROWEK D 1135' EP(R)-58 114.9 WAR D5.0 OKE 0 299 KARNICE 117.8 KRN 52-05 1480' 20-40 WARSAW 935' 20-50 5.4 2090' 4.3 1730' NELPA D8.2 D10.1 OKE D2.3 WAR OKE Descent Gradient 5.59% or 396 [3.20^] Descent angle MAP at OKE VOR 100 120 140 160 510 566 679 793 906 RVR 1000m 840'(479') RVR 1500m RVR 1200m RVR RVR 1600m CHANGES: Procedure. Minimums. 20-30 ALTITUDE D14.0 OKE 990' [RW11] 1.7 [TCH 59'] APT 0.5 .JAR-OPS. 180 1010'(649') 2400m 205 1070'(709') 3600m 2000m 21-00 21-10 3.2 1420' 2.2 1010' OKE VOR D5.0 OKE 2010' 2.0 2.7 70 90 100 120 140 160 432 556 618 741 865 988 MDA 4.4 1600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A RVR 1400m B RVR 1500m C RVR 1600m D RVR 1800m CHANGES: Procedure. 920'(569') 2990' PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 15 MDA(H) 351' RWY 15 HIALS CIRCLE-TO-LAND VIS 1500m 135 OKE 4.3 Descent Gradient 6.1% MAP at OKE VOR 840'(479') 870' (509') 100 D7.7 D9.7 OKE 1480' 361' CIRCLE-TO-LAND Not authorized Northeast of airport MDA(H) VELAV 153^ 2990' PAPI 20-50 4.3 1810' 1190' HIALS-II Max Kts 20-40 5.4 2220' Gnd speed-Kts ALS out B 249^ 2990' MDA 6.0 90 ^] KARNICE 117.8 KRN OKE DME [22VOR] [3. 20 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 11 MDA(H) 0 394 D2.2 OKE 105^ 1.9 70 2.2 990' OKE VOR 990' Gnd speed-Kts 069^ [FD11] 124^ 2.5 21-00 3.2 1370' EP(R)-58 KRN D PANS OPS 3 249^ 2990' PANS OPS 3 OKE 113.4 OKE MISSED APCH FIX WITH RADIO FAILURE WAR VOR D EP(R)-58 1283' 20-20 52-10 ALTITUDE C D EP(D)-30 1135' OKE DME A 1138' 249^ 20-30 MISSED APCH FIX WITH RADIO FAILURE .JAR-OPS. - 2000m - 1200m 910m 610m Do not mistake Warsaw (Babice) 938' D9.7 OKE 069^ OKE 0 394 VELAV D7.7 OKE EP(R)-140 [RW11] 069^ MSA OKE VOR ^ OKE WARSAW D [22VOR] D 2700' 6570' 3940' 2990' 2010' eis 285^ 114. SIE 7 (IF) D14.0 D2.2 KRN 270^ 351' FT/METER CONVERSION QNH (IAF) 1138' 375 AY 52-10 RWY 2300' Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 1. Final approach track offset 6^ from rwy centerline. 2. VELAV may be used for tactical vectoring. 350^ W114.9A WAR R 920' 2200' 361' 090^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 2990', continue as directed. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Proceed STRAIGHT AHEAD to D10.0 OKE, then 10.8 (IF) ZABOROWEK D 121.9 Apt Elev OKE AY [FD11] 118.3 MDA(H) (569') 2990' - 2000m - 1200m 910m 300m WARSAW D8.2 OKE *Ground 153 D10.1 OKE D2.3 WAR 153^ 129.37 Procedure Alt D7.7 OKE (2639') 153^ 124 113.4 OKECIE Tower 4.9 6570' 3940' 2990' 990' NELPA 52-15 OKE Final Apch Crs .Eff.6.Jul. FT/METER CONVERSION QNH EP(R)-58 299 ^ 119 2990 ^ *WARSAW Director 128.8 125.05 VOR 13-2 turn RIGHT (MAX 185 KT) to KRN VOR climbing to 3940'. Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Apt Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 1. Final approach track offset 6^ from rwy centerline. 2. NELPA may be used for tactical vectoring. EP(R)-140 WARSAW Approach (R) 120.45 TM 128.8 125.05 VOR OKECIE Tower 30 JUN 06 OKECIE 033 ^ BRIEFING STRIP TM 120.45 *WARSAW Director WARSAW, POLAND VOR DME Rwy 15 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW BRIEFING STRIP WARSAW Approach (R) .Eff.6.Jul. 180^ ATIS 13-1 30 JUN 06 OKECIE NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 WARSAW, POLAND VOR DME Rwy 11 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. Max Kts ALS out RVR 1500m RVR 2000m 100 135 180 205 Not authorized Northeast of airport MDA(H) VIS 920' (559') 920' (559') 1010'(649') 1070'(709') 1500m 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 120.45 128.8 125.05 VOR OKE Final Apch Crs 113.4 295^ *WARSAW Director OKECIE Tower 129.37 *Ground 118.3 Procedure Alt D9.1 OKE 121.9 MDA(H) Refer to Minimums 2990'(2646') ATIS 2200' Apt Elev 361' RWY 344' 2300' 090^ 270^ 2700' MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to 2990', continue as directed. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Proceed STRAIGHT AHEAD to D10.0 OKE, then MSA OKE VOR turn LEFT (MAX 185 KT) to KRN VOR climbing to 3940'. D0.8 OKE 6570' 3940' 2990' 1010' D2.7 OKE [27VOR] D 1480' 120.45 128.8 125.05 VOR OKE Final Apch Crs 113.4 325^ OKE EP(R)-140 EP(R)-58 295 ^ ATGAN 277^ W 034 20-40 214 034 0 [3.0 2.0 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 29 With D2.7 OKE W/o D2.7 OKE (396') ABC: MDA(H) (566') MDA(H) (416') D: PANS OPS 3 A RVR 1200m 910' ALS out RVR 1500m ALS out RVR 1400m B RVR 1300m RVR 1500m C RVR 1400m RVR 1800m RVR 1600m D RVR 1600m RVR 2000m RVR 1800m CHANGES: Procedure. Minimums. RVR RVR 1500m 2000m RWY 33 Gnd speed-Kts 2990' Descent Gradient 5.30% or Descent angle [3.00^] MAP at D2.2 OKE .JAR-OPS. 135 180 205 Not authorized Northeast of airport MDA(H) 910' (549') 910' (549') 1010'(649') 1070'(709') 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. B C D 325^ 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 760'(409') 2.0 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1400m CHANGES: Procedure. RVR 1500m ALSF-II RVR 1800m RVR 2000m ALS out RVR 1500m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m MASOV CIRCLE-TO-LAND 940'(589') RVR 1000m 4.5 PAPI W/o D4.9 OKE MDA(H) 2990' 1150' 4.8 90 ALS out RVR D11.7 OKE STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 33 MDA(H) A OKE 940' MDA 2.7 0.7 OKE XELBO 0^] [3.0 70 With D4.9 OKE VIS 1500m 351' 21-30 6.5 2040' D9.7 OKE [49VOR] OKE [MD33] 1500' [TCH 58'] 21-20 D16.2 D2.2 3.6 MHA 2990 5.4 1680' D4.9 CIRCLE-TO-LAND 100 21-10 4.3 1330' 2990' PAPI Max Kts 21-00 OKE HIALS .JAR-OPS. 740' 760' 295^ LININ OKE VOR D14.7 PANS OPS 3 Descent Gradient 5.24% or Descent angle [3.00^] MAP at D1.1 OKE ALTITUDE 6.5 2220' L113.1I LINN 3.2 990' 910' 6.4 D 20-50 1480' 1.9 Gnd speed-Kts ^] 1010' MDA 344' 5.4 1870' D9.1 OKE ATGAN D11.1 OKE 249^ OKE (IAF) KARNICE 117.8 KRN OKE DME 21-20 4.3 1530' OKE [27VOR] [TCH 50'] KRN 0 394 ^ ^ 299 0 069^ (IF) D16.2 ^ OKE [RW29] RWY 29 D11.7 OKE D D2.7 866' [49VOR] 52-00 21-10 OKE VOR - 2000m - 1200m 910m 455m D9.7 OKE XELBO LININ D0.8 D4.9 OKE ^ 113.1 LIN 3.2 1190' OKE DME ALTITUDE 6570' 3940' 2990' 1500' EP(P)-10 EP(R)-58 [MD33] MISSED APCH FIX WITH RADIO FAILURE 21-00 MSA OKE VOR 148 249^ WARSAW ^ 325 ^ 328 0 394 OKE 113.4 OKE ^ 325 069^ 2700' D14.7 OKE LIN KRN D 270^ FT/METER CONVERSION QNH EP(D)-30 EP(R)-58 D2.2 OKE 361 W 1480' (IAF) KARNICE D 117.8 KRN D WARSAW 20-50 MISSED APCH FIX WITH RADIO FAILURE 2300' 090^ 351' 935' EP(R)-58 866' ^ 52-00 RWY 2200' 361' 52-10 (IF) EP(R)-58 Apt Elev (CONDITIONAL) 1138' D3.0 OKE D11.1 OKE 123 121.9 MDA(H) 2990'(2639') 760'(409') MASOV EP(P)-10 EP(R)-58 OKE 118.3 Procedure Alt D9.7 OKE 1283' - 2000m - 1200m 910m 305m D9.1 113.4 OKE 129.37 *Ground MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to MASOV, then turn LEFT (MAX 185 KT) onto 277^ climbing to 2990', then as directed. MISSED APCH WITH RADIO FAILURE: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to MASOV,then turn LEFT 1135' WARSAW OKECIE Tower Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 1. Final approach track offset 3^ from rwy centerline. 2. XELBO may be used for tactical vectoring. FT/METER CONVERSION QNH [RW29] 52-10 WARSAW Approach (R) *WARSAW Director .Eff.6.Jul. (MAX 185 KT) onto 277^ to D15.0 OKE, then turn LEFT to KRN VOR climbing to 3940'. Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' 1. Final approach track offset 4^ from rwy centerline. 2. ATGAN may be used for tactical vectoring. 935' 13-4 30 JUN 06 OKECIE TM WARSAW Approach (R) WARSAW, POLAND VOR DME Rwy 33 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW 180^ ATIS .Eff.6.Jul. BRIEFING STRIP TM BRIEFING STRIP 13-3 30 JUN 06 OKECIE NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 WARSAW, POLAND VOR DME Rwy 29 JEPPESEN EPWA/WAW JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RVR 2000m Max Kts 100 135 180 205 Not authorized Northeast of airport MDA(H) 940' (579') 940' (579') 1010'(649') 1070'(709') VIS 1500m 1600m 2400m 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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