it`s how we`re drinking
it`s how we`re drinking
It’s not the drinking… it’s how we’re drinking Agency Against Drug and Alcohol Abuse The situation in Malta FACT Malta ranked 3rd among 35 participating countries in the proportion of 15 to 16-year old students who reported having had five or more drinks on one occasion during the last 30 days. Only 8% of the Maltese participants in the ESPAD study said that they had not had alcohol at least once in their lives. (The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs, ESPAD, 2007) FACT A study by the Health Promotion Department shows that Maltese children drank alcohol in the 30 days preceding the study in the following way: 11 year olds 13 year olds 15 year olds 30.1% of the boys 59.9% of the boys 71.4% of the boys 14.4% of the girls 21.5 % of the girls 62.4% of the girls (The Health Behaviour of School-aged Children Study, Health Promotion Department, 2006) FACT For those under the age of 17, it is now illegal to drink alcohol, to be in possession of alcohol, and to obtain or try to obtain alcohol. 1.What is alcohol? ■An alcoholic beverage is created when there is a fermentation process in which the yeast fungus feeds on the sugars and/or starches in certain plants such as barley or grapes. ■Drinks such as beer, wine (including home-made wine and fizzy wine), liqueur, champagne and shandy are all alcoholic beverages made with the same fermentation or distillation process. The different colours, tastes, potencies and flavours come from the different fruits or vegetables used as well as the additives, by-products and diluting substances of the fermentation process. 2.What is a UNIT of alcohol? ■Unit of alcohol is the amount of alcohol in one drink. (approximately 8 grammes) ■ 1 unit = half pint beer = 1 wine glass = 1 tot of spirits 3.How much can I drink before causing harm to my body? ■ For people under 18 years, according to the World Health Organisation, “there is no scientific evidence for a safe limit of alcohol consumption, and particularly not for children and young adolescents, the most vulnerable groups”. Therefore keep drinking to a minimum. ■ For people aged between 18 and 21 years: not more than two units on a single occasion, since the human body would be still developing up to that age; not more than once or maximum twice a week. ■ Men over 21 years: not more than 21 units per week, spread over five or six days. ■ Women over 21 years: not more than 14 units per week, spread over five or six days. ■Abstaining from alcohol for some days is always beneficial. ■Drinking more than 4 units in one session may cause harm. ■ Just because a person tolerates alcohol more than others, it does not mean that harm is not being done. This might be a sign that for that person, alcohol is becoming an addiction. ■One should also keep in mind that alcohol also affects memory, concentration, performance, and behaviour, and may lead to experiences which one may come to regret later. ■Excessive alcohol consumption during adolescence and young adulthood, when the brain is still developing, may cause serious harm later on in life. 4.Can everyone over 21 years drink alcohol? There are situations where a person should not drink alcohol since even the smallest amount can be harmful: ■ Pregnant women, women who believe they may be pregnant or women who may be trying to become pregnant. ■ Before driving or operating machinery. ■If a person has addictive tendencies. ■When under medication (it is always best to check with your doctor or pharmacist). ■When advised by the doctor to refrain from consuming alcohol. ■When someone is feeling down. ■When someone is worried and anxious. ■Women with a history of breast cancer in the family should not take more than the occasional drink. 5.If I choose to drink alcohol, what should I keep in mind? ■Think before you drink and never drink more than 4 drinks in one session. ■Do not feel uncomfortable saying “No Thanks!” or “That’s Enough”. ■Avoid hanging out with heavy drinkers. ■Avoid situations where alcohol is consumed at a higher rate than usual. ■ Consume beverages with a lower alcohol level. ■Never drink on an empty stomach. ■Alternate between alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic drinks (soft-drinks, water, sports drinks etc). There are 5 basic phases related to alcohol consumption, but only the first two are considered as healthy: ■ Abstinence: drinking no alcohol at all. ■ Social drinking: done on appropriate occasions with no serious negative consequences (refer to no. 4 to see on what occasions one cannot drink alcohol, not even occasionally). ■ Problem drinking: exceeding the limit, including bingeing, with a negative impact on the drinker’s life. ■ Habitual drinking: both a psychological and physical dependency on alcohol that starts developing due to one’s increased tolerance. ■ Alcohol dependency: If one attempts to stop drinking, one finds stopping difficult, or one starts feeling withdrawal symptoms and/or cravings. At this stage, one needs to seek professional help to stop drinking. 6.What is binge-drinking? Is it really that harmful? ■A general definition of binge-drinking is “the consumption of considerable amounts of alcohol within a short span of time, usually with the intent to get drunk”. This may be referred to as the consumption of 5 drinks or more in one sitting. ■ Bingeing, thus, could be a health hazard, and may include various short and long term effects. ■Studies have also suggested that bingedrinking and other forms of substance abuse during adolescence increase the likelihood of feeling psychological problems and an increased risk of alcohol dependence later in life. ■ Dipendenza mill-alko˙ol: meta tipprova tieqaf tixrob, issib li biex tieqaf hu diffiçli, jew tibda t˙oss sintomi ta’ nuqqas mix-xorb (withdrawal symptoms) u/jew leblieba. F’dan l-istadju jkollok bΩonn tfittex g˙ajnuna professjonali biex tieqaf tixrob. 6.X’inhu binge-drinking? Jag˙mel daqshekk ˙sara? ■ Definizzjoni baΩika ta’ binge-drinking hi “l-konsum konsiderevoli ta’ alko˙ol f‘˙in qasir, normalment bl-intenzjoni li tisker”. Din nirreferu g˙aliha b˙ala l-konsum ta’ ˙ames drinks jew aktar f’darba. ■ Bingeing, g˙alhekk, jista’ tkun ta’ periklu g˙as-sa˙˙a, u jista’ j˙alli diversi effetti kemm immedjati kif ukoll fit-tul. ■Studji wrew ukoll li l-binge-drinking u forom o˙ra ta’ abbuΩ ta’ sustanzi matul l-adoloxxenza, iΩidu ç-çans li wie˙ed ikollu problemi psikolo©içi kif ukoll jiΩdied ir-riskju li wie˙ed jiΩviluppa dipendenza mill-alko˙ol aktar tard f’˙ajtu. 5.Jekk nag˙Ωel li nixrob l-alko˙ol, x’g˙andi nΩomm quddiem g˙ajnejja? ■ A˙seb qabel ma tixrob u qatt tixrob aktar minn 4 drinks f’sessjoni wa˙da. ■ T˙ossokx skomdu tg˙id “Le grazzi!” jew “Xrobt biΩΩejjed”. ■ Evita li to˙ro© ma’ persuni li jixorbu ˙afna. ■ Evita sitwazzjonijiet fejn l-alko˙ol ji©i kkunsmat aktar mis-soltu. ■ Ag˙Ωel xarbiet b’livell ta’ alko˙ol aktar baxx. ■ Qatt tixrob fuq stonku vojt. ■ Ixrob xarba bla alko˙ol bejn xarba alko˙olika u o˙ra. (b˙al soft-drinks, ilma, sports drinks, eçç.) Hemm ˙ames faΩijiet baΩiçi ta’ konsum ta’ alko˙ol, però l-ewwel tnejn biss jitqiesu li ma jag˙mlux ˙sara: ■ Astinenza: ma tixrob xejn alko˙ol. ■ Xorb fuq livell soçjali: tixrob fl-okkaΩjonijiet addattati ming˙ajr konsegwenzi negattivi (irreferi g˙al numru 4 biex tara meta ma tistax tixrob alko˙ol, lanqas kultant). ■ Xorb problematiku: teççedi l-limitu, inkluΩ bingeing, b’effetti negattivi fuq il-˙ajja tieg˙ek. ■ Xorb li qed isir vizzju: dipendenza psikolo©ika u fiΩika fuq l-alko˙ol li tibda tiΩviluppa min˙abba li tkun Ωdiedet it-tolleranza g˙all-alko˙ol. 4.Kull min g˙andu ‘l fuq minn 21 sena jista’ jixrob? Hemm sitwazzjonijiet meta persuna m’g˙andhiex tixrob alko˙ol, min˙abba li anke l-içken ammont jista’ jag˙mel ˙sara: ■ Nisa tqal, nisa li ja˙sbu li huma tqal u dawk li qed jippruvaw ikollhom tarbija. ■ Qabel ma wie˙ed isuq jew juΩa makkinarju. ■ Jekk persuna g˙andha tendenzi ta’ vizzji. ■ Meta wie˙ed ikun qed jie˙u xi mediçina (wie˙ed g˙andu dejjem jiççekkja mat-tabib jew l-ispiΩjar). ■ Meta t-tabib ikun ta l-parir li wie˙ed g˙andu jastjeni mill-alko˙ol. ■ Min qed i˙ossu mdejjaq. ■ Min qed i˙ossu inkwetat jew anzjuΩ. ■ Nisa b’kaΩijiet ta’ kançer tas-sider fil-familja m’g˙andhomx jie˙du aktar minn drink kultant. 3.Kemm nista’ nixrob qabel ma nibda nikkawΩa ˙sara lil ©ismi? ■ G˙all-persuni ta˙t it-18-il sena, skont l-G˙aqda Dinjija tas-Sa˙˙a, “ma hemm l-ebda prova xjentifika li tg˙id liema limitu ta’ alko˙ol hu sikur g˙all-konsum, speçjalment g˙at-tfal u Ωg˙aΩag˙, l-aktar gruppi vulnerabbli”. ■ G˙all-persuni li g˙andhom bejn it-18 u l-21 sena: mhux aktar minn 2 units f’darba, peress li ta’ dik l-età, il-©isem ikun g˙adu qed jiΩviluppa; mhux aktar minn darba jew darbtejn fil-©img˙a. ■ Ir©iel ‘il fuq minn 21 sena: mhux aktar minn 21 unit fil-©img˙a, imqassmin fuq ˙ames jew sitt ijiem. ■ Nisa ‘l fuq minn 21 sena: mhux aktar minn 14-il unit fil-©img˙a, imqassmin fuq ˙ames jew sitt ijiem. ■ Ikun ta’ benefiççju li wie˙ed jastjeni mill-alko˙ol g˙al xi jiem. ■ Li tixrob aktar minn 4 units f’darba jista’ jikkawΩa ˙sara. ■ Li persuna tifla˙ aktar g˙all-alko˙ol minn o˙rajn ma jfissirx li ma tkunx qed issir ˙sara. Dan jista’ jfisser li g˙al din il-persuna, ix-xorb qed isirilha vizzju. ■ Wie˙ed g˙andu jΩomm quddiem g˙ajnejh li l-alko˙ol jaffettwa l-memorja, il-konçentrazzjoni, il-prestazzjoni u l-im©iba, u jista’ jwassal g˙al esperjenzi li wara wie˙ed jista’ jiddispjaçih li jkun g˙amilhom. ■ Konsum eççessiv ta’ alko˙ol matul l-adoloxxenza u Ω-Ωg˙oΩija, meta l-mo˙˙ ikun g˙adu qed jiΩviluppa, jista’ jirriΩulta fi ˙sara serja aktar ‘il quddiem. 1.X’inhu l-alko˙ol? ■ Ix-xorb alko˙oliku jsir permezz ta’ proçess ta’ fermentazzjoni ta’ ˙xejjex u frott b˙al barley jew l-g˙eneb. ■ Drinks b˙al birra, inbid (inkluΩ inbid li jsir id-dar kif ukoll inbid bil-gass), likur, xampanja u shandy huma kollha xarbiet alko˙oliçi mag˙mulin bl-istess proçess ta’ fermentazzjoni u distillazzjoni. Il-kulur, it-tomg˙a u l-qawwa tal-alko˙ol ji©u skont il-frott u l-˙xejjex uΩati, kif ukoll permezz ta’ dak li ji©i miΩjud waqt il-proçess tal-fermentazzjoni. 2.X’inhu UNIT ta’ alko˙ol? ■ Unit ta’ alko˙ol hu l-ammont ta’ alko˙ol fi drink wie˙ed (madwar 8 grammi). ■ 1 unit = nofs pinta birra = tazza nbid tas-sieq = grokk spirti Is-sitwazzjoni f’Malta FATT Malta ©iet fit-tielet post fost 35 pajjiΩ fil-proporzjon ta’ studenti ta’ bejn il-15 u s-16-il sena li rrapurtaw li xorbu ˙ames drinks jew aktar f’okkaΩjoni wa˙da, fit-30 ©urnata ta’ qabel. 8% biss tal-parteçipanti Maltin li ˙adu sehem fl-ESPAD irrapurtaw li qatt ma ˙adu alko˙ol f’˙ajjithom. (The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs, ESPAD, 2007) FATT Studju li sar mid-Dipartiment g˙all-Promozzjoni tas-Sa˙˙a juri li tfal Maltin xorbu l-alko˙ol matul it-30 jum ta’ qabel ma sar l-istudju kif ©ej: Tfal ta’ 11-il sena Tfal ta’ 13-il sena Tfal ta’ 15-il sena 30.1% tas-subien 59.9% tas-subien 71.4% tas-subien 14.4% tal-bniet 21.5 % tal-bniet 62.4% tal-bniet (Health Behaviour of School-aged Children Study, Dipartiment g˙all-Promozzjoni tas-Sa˙˙a, 2006). FATT Dawk li g˙adhom ma g˙alqux 17-il sena, issa hu illegali li jixorbu l-alko˙ol, li jkollhom l-alko˙ol fil-pussess tag˙hom, u li jakkwistaw jew jippruvaw jakkwistaw l-alko˙ol. Mhux g˙ax nixrob... imma kif nixrob AÌenzija kontra l-AbbuÛ tad-Droga u l-AlkoÓol