AMKsian Family Day 2012 - Ang Mo Kio Secondary School


AMKsian Family Day 2012 - Ang Mo Kio Secondary School
Ang Mo Kio
Secondary School
Issue 1
MAY 2011
AMKsian Family Day 2012
By Stefanie Yeo (4/5)
On 10 March 2012, Sentosa’s Tanjong Beach was flooded with a large
crowd of AMKsians, all gathered to celebrate our AMKsian Family Day.
The day began at 8am, when students and staff began to arrive, rushing to
get the best picnic spots and preparing their picnic. The beach was soon
filled up with AMKsians, and the activities lined up for the day began.
The fringe activities included a mini-biathlon, beach volleyball, beach
soccer, captain’s ball, and tug-of-war. Some students have also started
their own games of Frisbee and kite flying that added to the fun-filled
atmosphere at the beach.
AMKsians were also able to dedicate songs to their friends and teachers
at the grandstand. The songs were played loudly but it was occasionally
interrupted by shouts of joy and excitement when someone was being
tossed into the water, only to be joined by their fellow classmates
seconds later.
At about 12noon, the event came to a close and students made their
way home reluctantly. It had been a roaring success- our AMKsian
Family returned home with smiles on their faces and fond memories in
their hearts.
Alumni Homecoming 2012
By Stefanie Yeo (4/5)
“Welcome AMKsians, isn’t it wonderful to be back in school?”
AMKSS’ Alumni Homecoming, held on 30 March 2012, and organised by Ms Tan Hui
Teng and Ms Loh Cheng Hwan, both AMKSS alumni, kicked off on a high note, as
alumni dating back to 1979 all the way to 2011 gathered in the school hall, greeting
their old friends and teachers with much joy and enthusiasm.
The event began at about 6.30pm, when alumni began arriving in school and registering
at the reception. They were then brought on a tour of the school by student helpers,
before being led to the hall, where they could play some traditional games, such as
five stones and gasing.
At about 730pm, the event went into full-swing, with a performance by the school’s
newly-formed jazz band, after which our Vice-Principal, Mdm Tong, made a short
speech to welcome AMKsians back to school. The emcees for the evening, Mr Kenny
Toh and Mdm Juliana, both AMKSS alumni, kept a friendly banter going, as they
announced various events.
Dinner was served at about 8pm, and during the dinner, there was a performance by
the Drama Club, about the Samsui Women from the olden days, and table games on
the history of AMKSS.
The school’s first principal, Mr Tan Joo Kheng, arrived at the school mid-way through
dinner, and received a standing ovation from all the alumni. When asked for his wellwishes for AMKSS in the years to come, Mr Tan remarked that he wished for “the
success of the school, so that one day, we will produce students who will initiate new
As dinner wound down, prizes for the table games were given out, and the event
ended with a sweet tinge of nostalgia with everyone singing the school song together
with pride and gusto. When the school song ended, three resounding cheers for
AMKSS rang through the campus.
Secondary Three Adventure Camp
By Sheryl Ang (3/5)
Every year Ang Mo Kio Secondary School organises an annual Secondary 3 camp.
Not only does it provide an exciting and unforgettable experience for the students,
they can also relax in the embrace of nature. In addition, the students get to take
part in many fun activities like the campfire, dragon-boating and the night trail.
Dragon-boating was the most challenging event. Personally, I find that it was a
wonderful opportunity for team bonding. Everyone has to row the paddle at the
same time in order to move the boat forward and this requires a lot of co-ordination
and co-operation. As we have only known one another for merely a month, our team
spirit was not very strong at first but after a few attempts, we managed to complete
the task. It was an experience that I would never forget.
A measure of courage was required for the next event, High Elements, which included
activities like Flying Fox, Rock climbing, etc. Some were eagerly anticipating this
event so that they could prove their bravery; nevertheless, there were also others who
could not overcome their fear of heights. I would say that each of the components
have different levels of difficulty which catered to everyone’s ‘risk appetite’ as well as
challenge the individual’s limit.
The highlight of the camp, the Campfire, was an event that cannot be missed. Before
the campfire began, we were given ample time to prepare for a performance. I am
proud to say that my class’ performance was the most spectacular one; we danced
bravely in front of everyone. After days of bonding activities, we were more familiar
with each other and worked seamlessly as a team to perform successfully. After the
individual class performance, there was a surprise dance battle where two students
from each class would come up and compete against each other. At the end of the
day, no one cared about winning or losing as what mattered the most was the great
time we had.
Looking at all the fun we had, I can conclude that this Adventure Camp was a
big success!
Junior Show
Kenneth Ang (1/2)
Home Economics Young Food Ambassador Category
From this Junior Show, I have learnt to express myself confidently to promote
our product. I have learnt the history of some traditional foods through our
research. I have also internalised some habits of minds such as the Thinking
about Thinking and Striving for Accuracy. We must always think twice
about what we do and not act impulsively. When working on a project or
an assignment, we must think about the consequences and the difficulties
we might face during the process. We must also try to strive for accuracy
in whatever we do. We must not complete our work hastily. If we do that,
we would never improve on the topic or subject we were doing. I enjoyed
this Home Economics project work very much and hope to have another
task like this. I worked very well with my team mate and we enjoyed working
together. We greatly appreciated those that had helped out and the teachers
who organized this event.
Muhammad Syafiq - Digital Composition
Chen Pei Wen (2/1)
Kevin Kosasih (2B)
D&T Young Designer Award 1st
D&T Young Designer
Winning the Young Designer Award in
the D&T Junior Show is a great boost
to my confidence. I put in my best
effort in introducing my project to the
teachers and parents, hoping they
would vote for my toy. I strived to
describe my toy accurately and vividly
so that it would be well-received.
This Junior Show convinced me that
when I really tried to do something
to the best of my ability, I can do
well. I believe I can do better in the
upcoming projects too. During the
competition, I thought of many ways
to win over the teachers and parents
too. This helped me to obtain more
votes in the competition. I have learnt
a lot in this competition and I hope I
can participate again next year.
I have learnt numerous skills
from the Junior Show, such
as how to promote my toy
and brainstorm ideas with
my classmates. I got to know
more people from our school
one pupils. The most nervewrecking part was when I
was introducing my toys to
our school principal and vice
principals. There were times
when people judged my
design harshly but I smiled and
accepted the criticism as a
motivation to do better. I think
the Junior Show is very good
for the lower secondary pupils
because we got to interact
with an audience and practice
our presentation skills. I thank
all the teachers who have given
this opportunity.
On the 31st of March 2012, we embarked on a trip around
Singapore for the GeoTrail as part of the NUS Geography
Challenge 2012. We started off in the Preliminary Rounds
which tested us on our theoretical knowledge and skills. There
were two components to this round, an individual test and a
group Application Question. We did well enough to be ranked
among the top 30 out of the 94 participating schools and were
advanced to the 2nd Round of the Challenge, the GeoTrail.
The GeoTrail required us to cover 10 stations that were
related to this year’s Geography Challenge theme, “Sketching
Singapore, Our Urban Playground”. At each station, we had to
complete missions and questions regarding Urban Re-imaging.
We visited places like Chinatown and the eco-friendly City
Square Mall, where we worked together to clear each station.
Although we did not make it into the Top 3, we got to watch the
finalists battle it out at the Grand Finals. We witnessed a great
display of wit and knowledge of Geography, which was really
an eye-opener for all of us. This competition made us realize
that Geography is dynamic and ever-changing as it is the study
of how space changes over time. Geography’s relevance to
our lives cannot be underestimated.
Odyssey of the Mind
By Tay Su Xia (3/5)
OM (Odyssey of the Mind) has played a very important role in my
life. Through OM, I have learnt many things and also got to know
myself better. Together with my teammates, we found a common
goal and worked hard for it. Our bond grew deeper and we learnt
to take good care of one another. OM has benefitted me a lot.
In OM, we have to be sensible and responsible to get things done.
We cannot have a teacher nagging at us to get up and start work.
We have only three months to prepare for this competition.
Being the leader of the group, I have faced many difficulties such
as getting my team to cooperate with me. However, as time
passed, many of us became more mature and we pulled together
to work as a team.
Nearing the date of our competition, we met up almost every day
to rehearse and do the final touch-ups to our props. Everyone
took their roles and duties seriously and great improvements were
made. We had almost every meal together and I got to know more
about my teammates.
The bonds that were forged in these three months were born
out of hours and days of argument, laughter, sweat and tears.
They are not just my teammates; they are my family in school.
Although we did not win the competition, I still feel that we are the
champions in my heart. The time we spent, the effort we put in
and the memories that we shared would not be forgotten.
Even though results are important but the preparation process
for the competition is what I valued the most. All in all, I am very
proud to be in OM and will never regret joining it.
NCC Land diving course
By Sherman Pang
From the 28th of November to the 9th of December 2011,
the Naval Diving Unit (NDU) conducted the 117th Basic
Diving Course, which was conducted only for cadets, cadet
officers and teachers from the National Cadet Corps (NCC),
at Sembawang Camp, in the Naval Diving Unit, Dive School.
This was one of the very few prestigious courses offered by
the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) to NCC. It was only after
passing two physical tests and one medical test that I, together
with 17 other cadets/cadet officers from various NCC units all
over Singapore, had the privilege of attending this two-week
long course.
In these two weeks, we were exposed to many different things
that we had never come across before, which included the
learning of diving physics in our theory lessons and also learning
how to dive during our pool time. In order to pass this course,
we had to complete a set of tests, one of which included
In-Water Proficiency (IWP). For this test, we had to thread water
in three stages, firstly with fins, next with two additional weights,
and lastly with our full equipment for one min, which included
the thirty kg heavy double cylinder. We also had to go through
and pass Pool Competency, where instructors would launch a
mock assault on us and cut off our air source while we were
diving, just like in a real life situation, when you get assaulted
by the enemy. We had to recover our air source and rectify the
problems caused by the instructors, such as tying back our
cylinder strap.
Initially, when I was nominated for this course, I did not expect to
get in because of its stringent selection criterias. When I finally
got into the course, I felt a sense of pride, but I still feared that
I might not be able
to pass the course.
Luckily, we had a
group of dedicated
were willing to go
the extra mile for
us, and helped us
through any difficulty
we had. On the day
of our graduation
ceremony, as my
parents pinned the
Diver badge on my
uniform, I felt a great
sense of achievement
and pride. Finally,
we made it through the two weeks. At that moment, I can’t
help it but tell myself, “I have done it”. Even now, whenever I
pin my Diver badge on my uniform, I can still feel the sense of
achievement I felt 3 months ago.
Through this course, I have made many new friends, and also
learnt many new things. I got to experience life as a Diver in
NDU as well. All this wouldn’t have been possible without
the support of my parents and teachers, who pushed me to
become the first ever Diver in AMKSS NCC LAND history and
I am grateful for their help. It has truly been a great experience
for me!
NCC (Air)
By Law Tao Shun (3/5)
We arrived at Shanghai on 11 March 2012 .The first place
that we went to was the Nanjing Massacre Museum. Then
we went to Ming Xiao Ling before finally checking in at
the Nanjing Vogue Hotel. On that day, I got to learn more
about the modern history of China and got acquainted
with the cold weather in Nanjing. Although we did not get
to enter the museum, I learnt some information about what
happened in Nanjing during the Japanese Occupation.
Atrocities were committed against the women in Nanjing
and many people were cruelly killed. The museum is a
memorial for the Chinese citizens killed by the Japanese
Forces in what is now known as the Nanjing Massacre
On 12 March, I visited Nanjing University of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge and
Sun Yat Sen Museum. In the university, I learnt more
about the earlier models of planes used in China from
the 1920s to the 20th century. In the Yellow Bridge, we
saw the wonderful view from the top of the building and
experienced the biting wind there. At the Sun Yat Sen
Museum, we paid our respect to the first president of the
Republic of China, Dr Sun Yat Sen. After that, we checked
into the Snowy Sea Hotel.
On 13 March 2012, we visited Great Wave Pavilion
(UNESCO World Heritage Site), Suzhou Pingjiang District
experimental school, Hanshan Temple, Tiger Hill and
Suzhou Silk factory. During the visit to the school, I realised
how lucky we are in Singapore to be able to receive good
education. I was reminded of the importance of
doing well in our studies and the implication it will
have for our future. It was a wonderful experience
to visit the historically significant landmark of Tiger
Hill and Hanshan temple. Indeed, I could not help
but remember the poem by Tang Dynasty poet,
Zhang Ji, A Night Mooring by Maple Bridge which
mentioned the famous temple.
On 14 March, we visited MeritRC Technology,
Zhujiajiao ancient water town, the bund and
Huangpu River. In the water town, we walked around
the place and bought some souvenirs. I also learnt
some important historical facts about Suzhou.
On 15 March, we visited Nanjing Road, Cheng
Huang Temple Shopping Street, Shanghai Hongkong
Stadium, Aircraft model shop and acrobatic
performance. This day was my favourite day of the
trip as I had the chance to see the acrobats perform
in front of me. Their gravity-defying feats were truly
This trip was an eye-opener for me and I learnt a lot
about China’s history. Being at the site of significant
historical events and hearing about it right there makes
history comes alive for me. The traffic system in China is
quite different from Singapore’s and I could not get used
to it. I would like to go again but it would have to be a
shorter and less tiring trip!
All Participants
Malay Mother
Si Pemakai Topeng
Mentari pagi sudah tinggi di atas kepala dan angin bagaikan sudah mati. Keadaan di rumah banglo yang terletak di hujung
Jalan Damai dirundung kesunyian pada pagi yang malang itu. Perasaan sedih, marah, kecewa dan malu semuanya terdapat
di dalam diri sepasang suami isteri yang tinggal di banglo tersebut. Ombak kecewa memukul pantai hati mereka sebaik sahaja
sang isteri melahirkan seorang bayi yang tangannya kudung sebelah.
Dikelilingi dengan kemasyhuran dan kekayaan, pasangan suami isteri tersebut enggan mengaku bayi itu sebagai anak mereka
kerana dia akan mendatangkan malu kepada mereka. Oleh itu, mereka dengan segera mencari sebuah rumah usang di
daerah perkampungan tersebut untuk menjual bayi itu. Dengan memberi sedikit habuan, bayi tersebut pun diserahkan ke
tangan seseorang makcik yang hidup melarat.
Sejurus sahaja menerima bayi tersebut, Cik Salmiah pun menamakannya Fauziah. Masa berlalu dengan pantas dan bunga
kasihnya kepada Fauziah juga berkembang. Fauziah membesar dan menjadi seorang yang hormat kepada orang-orang
di sekelilingnya, peramah dan rendah diri. Maka itu, Fauziah menjadi seseorang yang disukai ramai, walaupun dengan
keadaannya yang kudung tangan kiri.
Walaupun keadaannya kadangkala dicaci oleh masyarakat, Fauziah tetap berjuang
untuk mendapatkan biasiswa supaya dia boleh meneruskan pelajarannya hingga ke
peringkat universiti. Beberapa bulan kemudian, Fauziah telah layak menjadi salah
seorang penerima biasiswa setelah mendapat tahu keputusannya yang cemerlang di
pusat pra-universiti itu.
Setelah sekian lama, syarikat yang menaja biasiswa tersebut mengadakan sebuah
upacara untuk meraikan kerja keras setiap pelajar. Pemilik syarikat tersebut percaya
bahawa setiap orang berhak untuk berjaya, walau dia cacat sekalipun. Ia semua
bergantung kepada usaha dan kegigihan seseorang pelajar itu. Fauziah, bersama ibu
angkatnya, Salmiah, diundang untuk menghadiri upacara tersebut. Malangnya, nasib
tidak berbau kerana Cik Salmiah sedang dalam keadaan yang kurang sihat pada waktu
itu. Walaupun begitu, Salmiah menasihatkan Fauziah menghadiri upacara tersebut untuk
menunjukkan penghargaannya kepada orang yang telah membantunya dalam segi kewangan
hingga dia dapat ke menara gading.
Pada hari upacara tersebut, Fauziah berdandan supaya dia
kelihatan ayu pada malam itu. Ramai penerima biasiswa lain juga
datang dan memeriahkan upacara itu. Banyak gambar diambil
sebagai kenangan waktu indah. Selesai upacara tersebut, tiba
masanya Fauziah bergegas pulang. Fauziah sempat mengambil
gambar bersama penaja biasiswa tersebut sebelum pulang.
Pada keesokan hari, apabila Cik Salmiah sedang membaca akhbar,
dia terkejut apabila ternampak sebuah gambar yang terpampang di
muka hadapan. Fauziah sedang berdiri dan berjabat tangan dengan
sepasang suami isteri, iaitu pemilik syarikat tersebut. Lalu dengan
segera, dia dapat mengenal pasti bahawa mereka ialah pasangan
yang telah menjual anaknya kerana tidak mahu malu berdepan
dengan masyarakat.
Cik Salmiah lalu berbisik di dalam hatinya, “Hidup manusia ini
penuh dengan kepalsuan. Berpura-pura baik di hadapan orang
ramai, tetapi sebenarnya, munafik.”
Hasil Karya:
Siti Nadiah Binte Senin (4/4)
王嘉夕 (2/1)
许铭淋 (3B)
Major CCA Achievements 2012
The achievements here reflect inter-school and national level achievements, updated till 21 April 2012.
Uniformed Groups
Red Cross
NCC (Air)
NCC (Land)
Award Type
Red Cross Youth Excellence Unit Award
Red Cross Youth Community Service Award
Award Level
Red Cross Youth National First Aid Competition 2012
Champion at Zone and National
Best Leader Award- Red Cross Youth National First Aid
Competition 2012
National Level
Best Unit Competition
Free Style Exhibition Drill Competition (Air District)
NCC (Air) Best Cadet Award
Best Unit Competition
Land District Freestyle Drill Competition
Best Cadet Award
Unit Overall Proficiency Award
Girl Guides
Puan Noor Aishah Award
Sports and Games
Award Type
South Zone Badminton Championship (C Boys)
South Zone Badminton Championship (C Girls)
Award Level
South Zone Badminton Championship (B Boys)
National Level Badminton Championship (B Boys)
South Zone Badminton Championship (B Girls)
South Zone Volleyball Championship (B Boys)
South Zone Volleyball Championship (B Girls)
Table Tennis
South Zone Table Tennis Championship (B Girls)
3rd National Cheerleading Championships 2012
2nd Position
Award Type
Award Level
Media Library Club
iMediate Video Challenge 2011
2nd, National
to Madam Ng Kae Peng on the arrival of her baby boy, Keegan!
ADVISORS: Mdm Tong Wai Han | Mrs Carol Lim
TEACHER ADVISORS: Mdm Komathi | Miss Tan Chui Ling
STUDENT REPORTERS: Stefanie Yeo 4/5 | Amabel Yeo 3/5 | Seah Wen Xin 3/5
a touche design production @ 6659 1876