Dear Parents/Guardians - Villa Cresta Elementary
Dear Parents/Guardians - Villa Cresta Elementary
Dear Parents/Guardians; As the school year comes to a close, I want to thank all of you for your support during my first year back at Villa Cresta. Villa Cresta parents actively participate in the educational program and that is key to the success of our school. We cannot accomplish what we do without community support. We want to wish a fond farewell to several staff members. Mrs. Anne Jones will be leaving us to teach second grade at Woodholme Elementary and Mrs. Kazia Patterson will work as a special educator at Chapel Hill Elementary. Grandmother duties are calling Mrs. Rose McQuay, paraeducator, but she will continue to substitute when she can. We will miss them and wish them well in their new endeavors. I also want to thank Jamie Vilcarino and our wonderful PTA for all their hard work. Their leadership and commitment is truly appreciated. I truly enjoy working with your children, our wonderful faculty and staff, and our supportive community. I look forward to next year as we continue to work together for students. Have a wonderful summer! Leslie Dunn, Principal SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, August 22, 2013 “GAME ON” Sneek Back to School Night—5:00 to 7:00 pm 1st to 5th graders only June, 2013 Calendar of Events 4 Junior Achievement Day 7 Field Day K, 1st, 2nd—9:15 to 11:45 3rd, 4th, 5th-12:30—3:00 Market Day pickup in gym—4:00-7:00 pm 12 PTA meeting in Library—6:30 pm 13 Grade 5 Farewell Assembly in gym 9:30 to 11:30 am 14 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL School Office Hours during the summer: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm (410) 887-5275 Message from PTA President- Jamie Vilcarino Dear Parents/Guardians, Can you believe it, another year has passed and our children are that much bigger and brighter. I would like to take this time to thank EVERYONE who participated in or helped at any of our PTA events this school year. We always say it but it really can’t happen without your support. I also would like to send a great big thank you to my PTA officers: Bea Wells, Bonnie Fox, Angie Thuman, Elena Lomicky and Jackie Romoser for their hard work and support throughout the year. I would like to wish the Rose White Scholarship winner; James King good luck at the University of Maryland Collage Park next year and in the future. The next PTA Board meeting is on Wednesday, June 12th at 6:30 in the library. All are welcome to attend! I hope that all of our current members will come back to support us next year. We continue to need new parents to join the Board as we plan for the upcoming school year. Please come to this meeting as we wrap up the year and start to plan for the coming school year. I hope that each and every family has a safe and relaxing summer. Take time to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. Don’t forget to complete the Summer Challenge to maintain those math and reading skills! My final farewell is to our outgoing 5th grade students : Good luck next year! Remember to keep working hard and always be proud of yourself and what you achieve. If anyone would like to share any ideas for next year or discuss anything from this year please feel free to contact me this summer at [email protected] or 410-215-8996. A note of thanks from the Technology Team of Villa Cresta: As Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Vilcarino have stated, can’t believe another school year is coming to a close. Thank you for your continued support of our school and students. Funds earned from the Box Tops for Education, Joe Corbi and Mixed Bag fundraisers along with a donation from the Brocato Family will provide Villa Cresta with a mobile laptop lab for the 2013-2014 school year! The students will be thrilled to have the ability to use a laptop computer in their classroom while sitting at their desk! We are grateful to our school families and the generosity of the Brocato Family! Have a great summer, Katie Harmon, Technology Integration Teacher. Reading Room “Level 10” Celebration This year’s Reading Room Celebration was held May 23rd. All the following students who completed all ten levels were invited to join in the celebration. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Reading Room program this year and continue to read over the summer. Kindergarten: First Grade: Second Grade: Third Grade: Fourth Grade: Fifth Grade: Carly LeVeque, Nora Wach Katelynn Adams, Shelly Callender, Haleigh Everd, Abby Lee, Iyke Mbaekwe, Leo Minton, Christian Narbut, Sophie Shanks Sofia Ardoin, Tyler Cigarski, Noah Duncan, Abby Fox, Regan Gerst, Emerson Lomicky, Paige Milam, Sylvia Minton, Connor Shanks, Natalie Trefill, Naomi Valentine, Shanti Valentine Dylan Collins-Bauer, Emma Fox, Nathan McDermott, Callie Polanka, Owen Evans Nick Gonzalez, Jillian Gray, Kevin Halford, Bonnie LeVeque, Munachi Mbaekwe, Tommy Pelle, Alexandra Santos, George Smith, Maxine Wells Tyler Brenner, Gavin Cigarski, Gage Crites, Tazania Elmore, Dylan Ford, Dylan McDermott, Guillermo Paquian, Joshua Poe, Anthony Sekulow, Hannah Stevenson, CJ Warnell The Chesapeake Watershed Inspired Mural has been completed and installed on the school building. The dedication ceremony will be on June 11th at 10:30. Congratulations to 5th grade for a job well done! School Safety Update “The safety of all students and staff in Baltimore County Public Schools is of utmost importance to all of us. Our school is utilizing a system for checking in all visitors beginning in the school year 2013-2014. The system is called V-soft by RaptorWare or Raptor. When you visit our school for the first time, you will be asked to present a government-issued photo ID, or a driver’s license to a staff member in the school office. The ID will be scanned and the following information will be collected: your photo, your name, and your date of birth. This information will be utilized to check you in, create an ID badge, and compare your information against sexual offender databases throughout the country. If your name appears on any of the lists or you refuse to allow the school to scan your ID, you will not be allowed access to the school. The only alternative will be to allow the staff to see your ID, verify your first name, last name, and date of birth to be entered into the system manually. However, this method does not store the information, and you must to this each time you visit the school. If you have your ID scanned, you will be asked to show your ID only on future visits, and your name will be selected from an existing list of previous visitors. You will also be asked to check out with the office staff upon leaving the school so that we know you are no longer in the building. You will be required to check into the system even if you are only coming to school to pick up your child. The information collected will not be shared outside of the school and is kept on a secure server. Your assistance in keeping our students and schools safe is appreciated.” Continue to Save Over the Summer Please continue to save box tops, Campbell’s labels, ink/toner cartridges, coke product lids/12 pack carton numbers. Thank you so much! Message from the Cafeteria Manager I will be sending home the cafeteria balance letters home with your student this month. The balance due needs to be paid off before the last day of school and all account balances are carried over to the next school year. Thank you for taking care of this matter, Cafeteria Manager Congratulations to 5th Grade Alaina Jacurak – 4th Place 4th Grade George Smith – 2nd Place 3rd Grade Safe Racer Team – Gavin Thorpe, William Snyder, and John Lewis Award - Certificate of Participation Thank you for representing Villa Cresta Elementary School at the county STEM Fair. Hawaiian Shirt & Flip Flop Day Friday, June 14th LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!