Concordia Nachrichten 2013-09


Concordia Nachrichten 2013-09
Nr. 513 September 2013
3 - 2011
ISSN 0384-952X
Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141
Internet: or for e-mail: [email protected]
21. September 2013 - 5:30 pm - Halle
11.-19. Oktober 2013
Jörg Kleinschmidt /
Winzerfest der Chöre
Klub Vorschau/Club Events
Concordia in September
7th Schenke - D.J. Christa
14th Schenke – TC Alpine Echos
14th Farm – Halloween Party
21st Schenke – D.J. Christa
21st Hall – Choir Winzerfest
28th Schenke – Edelweiss Trio
28th Weinstube – Trachten Sale –
10:00am to 4:00pm
1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing
Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00
Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30
Jaegerstube 7.00 pm
Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00
Concordia in October
5th Schenke – D.J. Christa
11th-19th Oktoberfest
with the Black Forest Band,
the TC Alpine Echos
& the Edelweiss Trio
20th-23rd – Club closed for general clean up
26th Schenke – Black Forest Band
Office Telephone
Extensions & Info Line
Front Office
Banquet Inquiries
Group Events
Weinstube 7.00 pm
Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00
Victoria Bowl 6.45
Jaegerstube 8.00
Gemischter Chor
Kinder & Junior Garde
Enzian Group
Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month)
Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month)
Horticultural Group
(2nd Wed. of month)
Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month)
(Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat)
Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month)
Senioren Garde
Table Tennis Group
“Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month)
General Inquiries
Ticket Sales
You can call the extensions or
announcements by using any
touch tone telephone.
Bericht des Präsidenten
der Stadt angerichtet hat. Wir haben nur 3
Tische von unserem Biergarten verloren.
Als erstes möchte ich
mein herzlichstes Beileid an die Familien von
Klaus Schwegel und
Rosalie Appelt aussprechen. Ihr Beide werdet
in unserem Klub vermißt und nicht vergessen. Klaus war ein langjähriges, treues und zuverlässiges Vorstandsmitglied und läßt eine große Lücke für das
auf uns zukommende Oktoberfest.
Das Wetter in diesem Sommer war unberechenbar, einmal heiß und dann wieder
kühl, stürmisch mit Regen und Wolkenbrüchen sondergleichen.Wir sind verschont geblieben von dem Sturm der viel Schaden in
Wenn ich diese Zeilen schreibe, wird unser
Oktoberfest-Zelt errichtet und der Vorstand
muss sich mit den Vorbereitungen für ein
reibungsloses Oktoberfest befassen.
Leider muss ich euch mitteilen, dass die
Aussenrenovierung unseres Klub Gebäudes
dieses Jahr wieder nicht durchgeführt wird.
Die Firma hat wie versprochen, das Holz für
uns nicht gelagert und vorbereitet und jetzt
würde die Zeit nicht ausreichen, vor dem
Oktoberfest. Im nächsten Jahr verlangen wir
einen Vertrag mit einem Fertigstellungs
Noch einige Bekanntgaben:
Am 21. September halten die Concordia
Chöre ihr alljährliches Winzerfest in der
Das diesjährige Oktoberfest beginnt am 11.
Oktober und ended am19. Oktober. Wir hoffen auf ein problemloses Fest.
Am Dienstag den 15 Oktober ist wie alljährlich der Pioniertag im Kitchener Rathaus (Rotunda). Im letzten Jahr war diese
Vorstellung schwach besucht. Bitte kommt
und seid dabei. Es ist traurig, viele Leute
geben sich die Mühe, unseren Pioniertag zu
organisieren. Schließlich wurde dieser Tag
für uns deutsche Einwanderer gegründet.
Der Bürgermeister Karl Zehr hat versprochen, das Parkhaus den Besuchern
dieses Jahr zu dieser Veranstaltung frei zu
Am 2. November feiern wir das KlubStiftungsfest in unserer Halle. Bitte besorgt
auch eure Eintritskarten zeitig und unterstüzt unseren Klub.
In der Hoffnung viele von euch bei diesen
Veranstaltungen begrüßen zu dürfen,
verbleibe ich,
Euer Präsident Karl Braun
President’s Report
Before I can discuss any other Club news
and events, I would first like to extend my
condolences to the families of Klaus
Schwegel and Rosalie Appelt, who passed
away this July. They will both be missed by
our Concordia Family. Klaus served on our
Board for many years. In the past he was in
charge of Oktoberfest, Building and Properties and most recently he looked after
our Rental Properties. He was a reliable person; he will be missed especially during
This summer was not the best for the
campers; hot, cool, and with lots of rain and
some storms. However, with all the rain
we’ve had, the gardeners did not have to
water the plants. With the last storm, which
uprooted and damaged many trees throughout the city, we were lucky – we lost only
three picnic tables on our patio.
Our patio party in July, which featured a pig
roast on the Barbeque, was well attended
and most of the guests sampled the free and
delicious Erdinger Weißbier vom Fass (Draft
Bier). During the party it started to rain, but
it didn’t dampen any spirits and everybody
moved into the Schenke.
The Oktoberfest Tent has arrived and some
sections are already standing. Yes, Oktoberfest is just around the corner and the
Board members are starting to organize this
very important event for our Club.
The outside renovations for our Club
Building will not take place this year. The
Contractor did not store and prepare the
wood last winter for an early start this
spring. For next year, we will have a
Contract with a binding completion date.
As always, here are a few reminders for the
upcoming events at our Club.
On September the 21st the Concordia
Choirs will have their yearly Winzerfest in
the main Hall.
Oktoberfest starts on the 11th of October
and finishes on the 19th.
The Clubs’ Birthday (Stiftungfest) will take
place on November 2nd in our main Hall.
Please come out and support our Groups
and our Club.
I hope to see you at the Club or on the Farm
during the comings weeks.
Your President,
Karl Braun
From the Manager’s Desk
Matt Schuster
After 30 years of
dedicated employment Matt has decided to retire from
his post on the
Matt has always been a very proud, loyal
and dedicated member of the Concordia
Club and has spent many hours here donating his time for the betterment of the Club.
From tending to the beautiful flowers, opening & closing for the choir every Monday
and answering alarms that have been triggered in the middle of the night, he has
always done this without expecting anything in return. I know I can speak for all of
the staff and Board of Directors here at the
Club when I say “we will miss you”. We
wish him a happy retirement and all the
best at the Casino. We hope that he continues to come around and check on his flowers and stops in to visit for regular coffee
Summer Patio Party
We had a wonderful turn out for our summer patio party even thought the weather
did not cooperate!
We had to move everything inside, band
and beer sampling, and the party continued
on. A big thank you to Ronny Horvath for
the donation of the pig for the pig roast!
Everyone really enjoyed it.
By the time you read this our Oktoberfest
tent will be up and construction of the interior will be well under way. Everything
from plumbing, electrical, heating, stage set
up, kitchen & washroom cleaning are on the
list of things to be completed. A lot of work
goes into getting it all ready to go, with only
a few weeks to do it in!
The list of government required training for
staff and volunteers is a never ending challenge! In previous years we have had to
have specific training in place for our
licensed security staff as well as our kitchen
staff for the week with regard to food handling. This year the new requirement is that
everyone, staff AND volunteers have training in how to deal with customers/clients
under the Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act (A.O.D.A.). This, of course,
will require a number of scheduled training
sessions to ensure that all staff, volunteers
working in the booths and supervisors are
certified under the Act. The group
Presidents have been provided with a list of
dates for the training sessions to ensure that
everyone will be able to attend one of the
The festivities start on Friday, October 11th
with the Schenke opening at 12:00noon, the
Main Hall at 4:00pm and the tent at
6:00p.m. Sunday and Monday of the
Thanksgiving weekend are the dates that
members can attend for free with proof of
membership so please bring your membership card along!
The family days are a wonderful opportunity to bring the whole family out for an afternoon of dancing, playing games and enjoying the entertainment of the scheduled
dance groups! Wednesday evening we will
be bringing Walter Ostanek back again for
another year to entertain the crowds of people in the tent. Tickets are available on line
for only $12.00 each.
ing cocktail hour, appetizers, dinner and
entertainment provided by the Edelweiss
Sunday Brunch
We will not be selling any tickets for
Stiftungsfest during Oktoberfest. The last
day for ticket sales will be on Thursday,
October 10 and we will start selling again
once the club office reopens after
Oktoberfest.....Thursday, October 24. A
great evening for our members to come
together and celebrate the clubs birthday
and recognize members for their years of
Our Sunday brunch continues to be a very
popular feature in the Schenke! However
due to the Oktoberfest schedule of events,
we will not be having Brunch on Sunday,
October 13th or 20th.
We will start back again on Sunday, October
27. Remember to make reservations!
Concordia Stiftungsfest Celebration
Our annual club birthday celebration will
be on Saturday, November 2, 2013. Tickets
will be on sale starting Tuesday, September
10 at the club office. The price per member
is $23.00. This includes the wine bar dur-
I hope to see you all during the week of
With best regards,
Ruth Rajna, Manager
Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1
Tel. (519) 745-1200 • Fax (519) 745-0467
in gewohnter
Call Karin for
Eis Stock-Group
Report of the First Tournament The Ontario
open club Masters
Hello to all of you,
the first tournament of the Ontario Open
Club Masters which where Hosted by the
Concordia Ice Stock Group on Saturday the
15. of June was a big success not just the
weather helped also all the clubs where
The Final Ranking turned out to become
just a Heart beat decision between Team
Concordia and Team Bayern Club with both
9 pts. in which Concordia took first Place by
just a better coefficient off 2.69 vs.1.59.
The Pictures speak for themselves so have
fun looking and hopefully looking forward
to our next Tournament on July the 13. at
9.30 am at the Federation Lanes behind the
Concordia Club.
Stock cool Hot Ice
Ronny Horvath
President Canadian Ice Stock Federation
We all enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere at
the Concordia Club Lanes with Coffee provided by the Concordia Group and a big
variety of Cup Cakes delivered by "Cakes by
Design" out of Barrie, big thank you to Jen
from the Bayern Club for that.
This all together made a unforgettable, competitive but relaxed, very fantastic Saturday.
Concordia Tennisgruppe
Although our Sunday morning games have
not been a great success, our Wednesday
night get-togethers have really taken off
with most of our members being present. It
gives us a chance to socialize, catch up on
what is happening in our group and for our
women, an evening without cooking.
A reminder that our next social will take
place on September 11, 5:30 pm in the
At this time, we are still looking forward to
our Mariposa dinner cruise on August 24th.
I will report on it in the next bulletin.
Enjoy what is left of the summer.
Maria Grupp
August!!! Der Sommer ist schon fast vorbei,
die grosse Hitzewelle haben wir hinter uns
und die meisten Mitglieder unserer kleinen
Gruppe haben den Sommer gut ueberstanden. Allerdings waren wir nur eine kleine
Schar am 7 August; manche waren auf Reisen, einige im Krankenhaus, oder es gab
andere Gruende warum man nicht kommen
konnte. Allerdings hinderte uns das noch
lange nicht trotz allem einen gemuetlichen
Nachmittag zu verbringen. Der Kuchen
schmeckte prima, die Musik (danke Heidi)
spielte flott und die Stimmung war positiv.
Wir gratulierten unseren Geburtstagskinder
fuer August – Sofie Seidel und Heinz
Kreizer (abwesend) und dachten an unsere
kranken Mitglieder – Jaco Heix, Marianne
Garbotz und Margarete Ziebert. Wir wuenschen euch allen eine gute Besserung und
hoffen euch recht bald wieder in unserer
Mitte begruessen zu duerfen. Bald haette ich
es vergessen: der Kuchen schmeckte besonders gut weil Emil Weyer den spendiert
hatte, anlaesslich seines 83. Geburtstags.
Emil, wir danken dir von ganzem Herzen.
Dann erfreute uns Heidi noch mit einigen
Anekdoten und Witzen, und langsam ging
der Nachmittag zu Ende. Wir treffen uns
wieder am 4. September in der Jaegerstube.
Geniesst die letzten Sommertage und freut
euch jetzt schon auf den wunderbaren bunten Indianer Sommer!
Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit,
Zoegernd kommt die Zukunft hergezogen.
Pfeilschnell ist das Jetzt entflogen;
Ewig still steht die Vergangenheit.
Friedrich Schiller
Ursula Harfmann, Schriftfuehrerin
und viele Lehrer waren schon Ende Juni
beim Umziehen der Bücherei und Unterrichtsmaterialien dabei, um für das nächste
Schuljahr vorbereitet zu sein.
Am 14. Juni 2013 feierten die Graduenten
der 8. und 12. Klassen ihren Diplomerwerb
und die Schüler der 9. bis 11. Klassen das
Jahresende. Der grosse Saal des Gastgebers
Concordia Club war wieder voll gefüllt mit
Schülern, Eltern, Grosseltern und dem Transylvania Club Chor. Frau Karen Thürnau
vom deutschen Generalkonsulat führte die
Liste der Ehrengäste an und gab auch die
Diplome für die deutschen Stufenprüfungen
Der Elternbeirat und die Eltern von Schülern in beiden Altersstufen freuen sich auf
diesen Wechsel, denn er erleichtert vieles.
Der festliche Abend war gefüllt mit musikalischen Einlagen des Kodaly Ensembles
der Schule, des Transylvania Chores, und
einem Solo der Schülerin Tarana Steinke
und auch mit den humorvollen Vorträgen
der ‘Valedictorians’.
Dazu kam, dass an diesem Abend auch der
langjährige Leiter der Schule, Herr Gerhard
Griebenow in den Ruhestand verabschiedet
und mit vielen Sondereinlagen, Beiträgen,
Glückwünschen, und abschließend mit
einer ‘standing ovation” gewürdigt wurde.
Der Wechsel der Schulleitung zu Herrn
Phillip Sallewsky, der fließend dreisprachig
und mit aller Computertechnik vertraut ist,
fällt auch zusammen mit einem Wechsel der
unteren Klassen von Crestview Public
School nach Grand River Collegiate in
Kitchener. Ab September werden nun alle
unsere Klassen ihren Unterricht unter
einem Dach erhalten. Der Elternbeirat, der
‘frischgebackene’ Rektor Phillip Sallewsky,
Die Schule ist in Waterloo Region die
einzige Schule, die für alle Jahrgänge je
zwei Klassen anbietet und für alle Leistungsklassen von 9 bis 12 Ontario Kredite
verleihen kann. Wir empfehlen allen, die
ihren Kindern und/oder Enkeln Brücken
zur deutschen Kultur und eventuell auch zu
Studien- und Berufschancen bauen wollen,
diese Gelegenheit zu nutzen.
Registrierung für das nächste Schuljahr ist
am 7. September, der 14. September ist der
erste Schultag.
On June 14 the graduates of grades 8 and 12
celebrated their Diplomas, while all classes
from grades 8 to 12 celebrated the end of the
school year. The large hall of the host
Concordia Club was once again filled with
students, parents, grandparents, and friends
such as the Transylvania Club choir. Mrs.
Karen Thürnau. the deputy for press and
cultural affairs with the German Consulate
General of Toronto, topped the list of special
guests and also presented the German diplomas.
The festive evening was filled with musical
interludes by the school’s Kodaly ensemble,
by the Transylvania Choir, and a solo by student Tarana Steinke and also with humorous talks by the valedictorians.
In addition the long time principal Gerhard
Griebenow was sent off into retirement with
a number of special skits, presentations,
well wishes, and finally a standing ovation.
The change in the school’s leadership to Mr.
Phillip Sallewsky who is fluently trilingual
and also familiar with the new computer
techniques, also coincides with a move of
our junior grades from Crestview Public
School to Grand River Collegiate in
Kitchener. Beginning this September all of
our classes will be housed under one roof.
The Parent association, the freshly appointed principal Phillip Sallewsky, and several
teachers already moved the school library
and the teaching materials to the new location in order to ready for the new school
The Parent Association and the parents of
students in both age groups are looking forward to the change as it will make everything easier to manage.
This school is the only one in Waterloo
Region that offers two classes at every level
and can grant Ontario credits for grades 9 to
12. We urge all who wish to build bridges
for their children/grandchildren to the
German culture and possible future study or
work opportunities to make use of this
chance to study German.
Registration for the next school year will
take place on Sept, 7, and Sept. 14 is the
first day of school.
Concordia Bowlers
Hello Everyone!
I hope you all had a nice, relaxing summer.
As I write this report, we are still looking
forward to our Windsor/Pelee Island trip. I
am certain all of us are ready to start a brand
new season of bowling fun, so don’t forget
bowling begins Friday September 6th.
Please take note of the important dates listed below for the 2013-2014 bowling season.
New bowlers are always welcome.
September 6th
First Day of Bowling
October 11th- 19th
December 13th
Turkey Roll/Cosmic Bowling
December 22nd
Christmas Party
*this is a Sunday - noon
January 24th
February 14th
Annual Meeting
Cosmic Bowling
Bowling Tournament
April 18th
Last Day of Bowling
May 2nd Closing Banquet *this is a Friday - 5:30p.m.
Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers
who are celebrating a birthday this month.
12. Veronica Wallner
13. Anne Schmidt
20. Ted Hennebry
21. Stan Gaysek
Until next time, Monica Kauck
Garden Group
After a lovely summer of heat and rain , our
gardens are ready for new ideas. The first
fall meeting is on Wed. Sept. 11th . We hope
to arrange one more outing to a nursery for
fall plants, spring bulbs and a get together
outdoors. Edith will phone and let you
know when and where… or give her a call if
you’d like to join us.
There will be NO meeting in October due to
Oktoberfest activities at the club . The
November meeting in the Jagerstube on Nov.
13th at 7:30 will include a guest speaker, to
be announced later. Perhaps a timely topic
would be “winterizing our gardens”.
All the best. Mary Stammwitz
Bowling is fun! (Even when on vacation in
Salzburg, Austria)
For information, contact: Mike Gillespie, Partner KPMG LLP
115 King Street South, 2nd Floor Waterloo, ON N2J 5A3
Tel: 519-747-8800 Fax: 519-747-8830
Herta Rubenschuh
Jack Boghossian
Johann Bookjans
Franz Feest
Heidi Feest
John Feht
Holger Fischer
John Galfuss
Siegfried Gottsmann
Karola Leuschner
Daniel Heldmann
Vera Heldmann
Philip Kaspari
Alfred Kuers
Erika Kuers
Anna Liebel
Helen Majunke
Eckhard Michalski
Ingird Michalski
Vicki Montag
Fritz Muhlberghuber
Charles Powell
Evelyn Powell
Heinz Schramowsky
Karin Schramowsky
Jay Shaw
Fred Trautrim
Wendy Vaughan
Brenda Wiles
Michael Wiles
Sigrid Bakermann
Harry Beyerle
Claudia Brown
Alfred Cutajar
Rita Cutajar
Frances Doerr
Karin Franke
Otwin Franke
Ernest Jugovic
Maria Jugovic
Margaret Koch
Ewald Nowak
Heidi Nowak
Angelika Zimmerriemer
Manfred Zimmerriemer
Klaus Basler
Margot Desombre
Rene Desombre
Thilo Elste
Klaus Ertle
John Falkenburger
Hermine Harde
Joe Harde
Henry Heidt
Margaret Heidt
Dieter Herkert
Eleanor Herkert
Richard Hollingsworth
Rosa Mowinski
Erna Patzner
Margaret Reimann
Wolfgang Reimann
William Rowsell
Gerhard Schmidt
Wilma Schmidt
Agnes Sebastian
Christian Sebastian
Bert Steg
Doris Eisbrenner
Marianne Garbotz
Danuta Grigaitis
Theodor Holotta
Inge Klaus
Siegfried Klaus
Edelgard Roth
Ingrid Rottger
Irmgard Trautrim
Edmund Appelt
invite you to their annual
Harfenthöne Toronto
Saturday, September 21, 2013
At the Concordia Club 429 Ottawa Street South, Kitchener
Doors open at 5:30pm - Dinner at 6:00pm
Crowning of the new Weinkönigin
Music for your entertainment by the popular
Edelweiss Trio
Admission $32 per Person
(Meal $27.00, admission $5.00)
Reserve your tickets & seats at the Club-Office
Tel.# (519)745-5617
Tra irndl t
D nsch
Tischtennis Gruppe
Liebe Tischtennis Freunde,
Bevor ich mit meinem Bericht ueber die
letzten Ereignisse beginne, moechte ich
hiermit unser neues Gruppenmitglied, Werner Lindschinger, recht herzlich begruessen.
Noch geniessen wir den Sommer, der uns
neben dem teils wechselhaften Wetter auch
viele schoene Erlebnisse und Veranstaltungen brachte. Also denken wir noch nicht
an das bevorstehende Oktoberfest, obwohl
die ersten Stahlrahmen des Festzeltes schon
errichtet wurden, sondern vielmehr an das
„Concordia Club Golf Tournament“ am 31.
Mai. Hier geht unser Dank an Hans Malthaner fuer die hervorragende Organisation
des Turniers. Obwohl unser Tischtennisball
dem Golfball aehnlicher ist, hat dennoch
unsere Fussballgruppe den ersten Platz
belegt. Herzlichen Glueckwunsch an das
Team und vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer.
Unser Bild zeigt den verdienten Sieger.
Am 20. Juli fand unser jaehrliches Picknick
auf der Farm in der „Home of the Range“
statt. Unser Dank gilt der Outdoor Group
fuer die Bereitstellung des Gebaeudes und
Klaus Basler fuer die hervorragenden
„Chicken and Ribs“. Als besondere Gaeste
konnten wir unseren Klub-Praesidenten
Karl Braun und seine Ehefrau Katharina
begruessen. Neben der Pokalverleihung an
unsere diesjaehrigen Tournament-Sieger,
die wir ja schon im letzten Nachrichtenblatt
bekannt gaben, und der Tombola fand auch
wieder der „Bean Bag“-Wettbewerb statt.
Als Sieger hat sich dies Jahr das Team
Katharina Braun und Hans Seidemann
durchgesetzt. Auch hierfuer unseren herz-
lichen Glueckwunsch. Wir sollten aber
darueber nachdenken, ob der Siegerpreis
(Verzehrgutschein) im naechsten Jahr nicht
doch etwas grosszuegiger dotiert wird. Als
Hans Seidemann seinen Gutschein in eine
Runde „Freibier“ fuer unsere Gruppe einloeste, musste er noch ein paar „loonies“
Wie bereits eingangs angedeutet, das Oktoberfest steht demnaechst vor der Tuer. Dafuer benoetigen wir wie jedes Jahr freiwillige Helfer fuer den Auf- und Abbau unserer „Bude“. Stefan Babic wird ausserdem die
Teams fuer das Oktoberfest zusammenstellen. Bitte stellt euch zur Verfuegung. Die
Einnahmen kommen uns allen zu Gute.
Bis zum naechsten mal
Eckhard Michalski
Hello Friends,
Before I begin my report covering the latest
developments, I would like to extend a
warm welcome to the newest member of our
group, Werner Lindschinger.
At this time we are still enjoying the last
days of summer which, alongside some
volatile weather, has also brought with it
many enjoyable events and festivities. So
let’s not think about Oktoberfest just yet
(although the steel frames of the tent are
already being put up), and let’s instead
recap our „Concordia Club Golf Tournament“ that took place on May 31. Many
thanks to Hans Malthaner for organizing
this great event. Even though a golf ball
shares more similarities with a table tennis
ball, it was the Soccer Group (see picture
below) that captured first place. Congratulations go out to them, as well as to all who
On July 20th, the Table Tennis Group’s
Annual Picnic took place as usual at the
„Home-on-the-Range“ under perfect weather conditions. We would like to thank the
Outdoor Group for letting us use the building and to Klaus Basler for the excellent
chicken and ribs. Our Club President Karl
Braun and his wife Katharina were able to
join us as special guests. Aside from the trophy presentations (covered in the last bulletin) we again held a raffle and a highly
competitive bean bag tournament with the
team of Katharina Braun and Hans Seidemann emerging victorious. We might want
to consider increasing the value of the prize
for next year. When Hans recently cashed it
in for some „Freibier“ for the Group, he still
had to throw in couple of loonies.
As already alluded to, Oktoberfest is fast
approaching and we will again need some
volunteers to set up and take down the
booth. Stefan Babic will also assemble the
teams that will staff the booth during Oktoberfest. Please try to make yourselves available for a shift or two, since we all benefit
from this revenue.
Until next time,
Eckhard Michalski
Keep those special moments in your life present
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13-31 McBrine Dr., Kitchener, ON
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As usual it’s been a busy summer for everyone.
Soon the leaves will be turning and soon the
“Oom-Pa-Pas” will ring in our ears.
In June the Treffpunkt group enjoy a very fun day
of Mystery on our ‘Fahrt ins Blaue’. Diane organized a great day again, as always. We started with
a long drive up past Barrie to go Go Karting at the
“Number One, Safest Track in Ontario” – Shanty
Bay Go-Karts! We followed all the rules, and
wore our helmets too. Next was a picnic lunch at
Wasaga Beach. Time to relax and enjoy a bit of
sun. The hi-light of the day was a very entertaining and informative tour of the ‘Flying Monkeys
Brewery’ in Barrie. We all sampled a little and
laughed a lot! Dinner was enjoyed at the ‘Local
Gastropub’ just down the road from the brewery.
Here we discovered that ‘baked Cesar Salad isn’t
as gross as it sounds. Our last stop on the way
home was at the Mustang Drive-In where most of
us caught the newest Superman movie, Man of
Steel, under the stars. And, some of us just
caught some “zzzzz’s”! Thank you Diane for such
a fantastic day!
Congratulations go out to Uli and Rudy who tied
the knot and got married on Saturday June 29.
What a beautiful day, and a beautiful celebration.
Plans are in full swing for our annual cottage
weekend after Labour Day. This year we will
enjoy the Germania Club’s lodge near Orillia on
Lake Dalrymple. Lots of food is planned (3
fridges!!) as well as a few fun games. This is a
weekend we always look forward to!
Just like all the other groups, we too are getting
ready for “The Big Party – Oktoberfest”. The
schedule has been sent around and prizes have
been ordered. Please be sure to sign up for at
least 2 shifts. Set up will take place likely on a
Saturday later in September.
5 ways to get ready for Oktoberfest:
1 – Dust off those Dirndls and Lederhosen
2 – Sign up for a shift or two in your group’s
3 – Set up your group’s booth, or help with
the Club set up
4 – Order prizes
5 – Shine up your Bier Stein
Our August meeting is being held at the
Schmidt’s house with a pot luck dinner and
some swimming. Thank you Uli and Rudy for
offering and organizing.
Sunday, October 6: Niagara 3-Wineries Bus Tour
with “Special Sightseeing Stop”; incl. Deli
Lunch & Refreshments. Contact Treffpunkt
Members or see 'Concordia Members' & 'Treffpunkt’s Facebook pages for Information and
On a sad note, our sympathies go out to Harald
and Christine and the entire Schwegel family on
the loss of their father Klaus. He will be missed,
but kept alive with memories.
Sandra Hattle
Concordia Soccer Group
It has been a busy but exciting season for the
Concordia team so far. After winning the
first division title last summer we were promoted into the Premiership for the 2013 season. We knew going into the season that we
would need to add some new bodies in
order to compete at the higher level. We
worked hard to recruit new players. Our
first game of the season was against last season’s Premiership winning team. We found
ourselves behind 2-0. You could see the new
players trying to figure each other out and we
were getting stronger as the game went on.
We shocked the champs with 4 unanswered
goals to win the game. Since that game we
have gotten stronger and are sitting atop the
standings with a 10-0 record scoring 45 goals
while giving up only 5. We are now in the
home stretch and have some tough games
ahead. Starting Aug 16th we will play 5
games over a 10 day period. Hopefully we
can continue our strong play and lock up the
league championship. Enjoy the rest of the
Für die Anteilnahme und Aufmerksamkeiten
für meinen verstorbenen Ehegatten
sage ich hiermit meinen herzlichsten Dank
Karin Dissler und Angehörige.
4169 King St. E, Kitchener, ON, N2P 2E8
Bus: (519) 570-4663
Cell: (519) 590-3056
Email [email protected]
wohin wir gehen.
Concordia Chöre
Unsere größte Nachricht ist das Ableben
von Klaus Schwegel. Klaus war zweiter Tenor. Er war ein Mitglied des Chorvorstands
und Hauptvorstand für viele Jahre. Er war
auch Leiter des Bedienungs- und Barpersonals für das Oktoberfest. Er war ein sehr
guter Manager und nahm immer ein Interesse an dem Wohlergehen seiner Mitarbeiter. Sein Herz hing auch an seinem gelben
VW-Käfer, ein Fahrzeug, das viele Auszeichnungen gewonnen hat. Der Käfer ist immer
noch in der Familie.
Auf andere Nachrichten, wissen wir, dass es
eine Fahrt ins Blaue gibt! Ich gab den
Organisatoren etwas Geld und fand heraus,
dass wir am Samstag, den 14. September
fahren. Ich fand auch heraus, dass es viel
Spaß geben wird! Die Kosten kommen auf
etwa $ 50 - $60, aber es könnte ein Zuschuss
vom Chor geben. Hören sie sehr genau zu,
Unser Männerchor sang an der Mother of
the Universe in Mannheim. Diese jährliche
Veranstaltung ist für die Deutsch-Kanadische Gedachtnis Stiftung. Der Empfang
wurde beim Deutsch-Kanadischen Jagd und
Fischerei-Verein gehalten.
Uli und Rudy sind verheiratet! Das große
Ereignis war der Traktor. Es ist ein 1944
John Deere, ursprünglich im Besitz von
Rudys Opa. Rudy hat den Traktor restauriert
und baute einen Zwei-Personen-Sitz ein,
damit er und Uli beide fahren konnten! Was
für eine Show! Das Bild zeigt Rudy im
Gespräch mit Opa und Uli auf dem Traktor.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Winzerfest und Oktoberfest stehen vor der
Tür! Winzerfest ist die Veranstaltung von
den Choren. Für Oktoberfest, gibt es immer
einen Bedarf an Freiwilligen. Auch wenn
Sie nur fuer eine Schicht helfen koennen
wuerde das viel helfen. Caitlin St. John hat
die Liste zum einschreiben
Die nächsten Termine:
Samstag 14. September - Fahrt ins Blaue
Samstag 21. September - Winzerfest
Freitag 11. Oktober - Oktoberfest beginnt
Lied Hoch, Andre Schilha
Our biggest news is the passing of Klaus
Schwegel. Klaus was second tenor. A member of the choir and main boards for many
years, he was the manager of the wait and
bar staff for Oktoberfest. He was a very good
manager and always took an interest in the
well-being of his staff. One other item special to his heart was his yellow Volkswagen
Beetle, a vehicle that won many awards for
being in original condition. The Beetle is
still in the family.
Onto other news, we do know that we are
having a Mystery Tour! I gave the organizers
some money and found out that we are
going on Saturday September 14. I also
found out that it should be lots of fun! We
might sing. The cost will be around $50 $60 but there might be a subsidy from the
choir. Listen very closely to where we are
Our Male Choir sang at the Mother of the
Universe memorial in Mannheim. This annual event is for the German-Canadian
Remembrance Society. Reception was held
at the German-Canadian Hunting and
Fishing Club.
Uli and Rudy got married! The big event
was the tractor ride. It is a 1944 John Deere,
originally belonging to Rudy’s Opa. Rudy
fully restored this machine and built a twoperson seat in to take him and Uli to the
Concordia Club from the church. What a
show! The picture shows Rudy speaking to
Opa and Uli on the tractor. Congratulations!
Winzerfest and Oktoberfest are coming up!
Winzerfest is the choirs event. For Oktoberfest, there is always a need for volunteers as
many do multiple shifts. If you are able to
volunteer on one shift, please see Caitlin St.
Other Upcoming Dates:
Saturday September 14 - Fahrt ins Blaue
Saturday September 21 - Winzerfest
Friday October 11 - Start of Oktoberfest
Yours in song, Andre Schilha
Die Skatgruppe möchte hiermit, Karin
Dissler und ihren ganzen Verwandten,
unser herzlichstes Beileid ausdrücken, zum
Tode von Tony Dissler, der ein langjähriges
Mitglied der Skatgruppe war. Wir werden
ihn sehr vermissen. Eddie Appelt auch Dir
und eurer Familie unser herzlichstes Beileid zum Tode Deiner lieben Gemahlin Rosalie. Es ist immer traurig und schwer, wenn
man einen lieben Menschen verliert.
Unserer Ulrike und Ihrem Mann, gratulieren wir herzlichst zu ihrer Hochzeit. Hurra!
Natürlich hoffen wir auf Nachwuchs für die
Skatgruppe und den Chor. Alles Liebe und
Gute für euren gemeisamen Weg.
Unser Sommerpokal wurde am Sonntag den
28. July ausgespielt.
1. Preis
Rudy Freiheit
2. Preis
Günter Baur und Karl Braun
3. Preis
Maria Huschka
4. Preis
Gertrud Frim
5. Preis
Oswald Radtke
Dass es bei dem Turnier 2 zweite Preise gab,
wurde am Sonntag geklärt.
Anschliessend Brunch mit Partner. Es war
ein sehr schöner Tag.
Wie immer , Gut Blatt.
Two River Cruises:
1. The Legendary Danube
June 19/2013
2. Burgundy & Provence
Wine Cruise - Oct. 27/2013
India - April 4/2013
The President’s Tour
Sept. 27/2013
For information on any of the above:
Please call or e-mail Mike.
Phone: 519-622-7777
Toll Free: 1-800-294-0656
e-mail: [email protected]
Tico Reg. # 50019761
European Vision
of Fashion
Master Dressmaker
80 Wellington St. N.
Kitchener, Ontario
Bus: (519) 571-9169
(Corner of Waterloo Street
& Wellington Street)
Nicht vergessen!
2. November 2013
in der Halle
Wichtige Veranstaltungen
Important Events
Labour Day Klub geschlossen
14. Sept. Halloween Picknick Farm
21. Sept. Winzerfest Halle,
2. Sept.
doors open at 5:30 pm
11.-19 Okt.
15. Okt.
2. Nov.
Pioneers Day im Rathaus
Stiftungsfest Halle
Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig.
Welcome to. . .
The Schenke
Open 6 days a week
purchase one entree and get the second
of equal or lesser value at half price!!
2 Wiener Schnitzel Dinners with
Potatoes and Vegetables
all your favorites and much more
Lunch: $10.95
Dinner: $14.95
Live Entertainment
All prices plus applicable taxes Gratuity not included
Certain exclusions/conditions exist as of August 2008
Regular Menu & reasonable prices
11:00am - 2pm
BRUNCH $17.99
Reservations are recommended
Ladies Group
We hope that all the ladies had a wonderful
relaxing summer. Well we are now coming
into our busy season. Oktoberfest is only a
little over a month away, so please check
your calendars so that you can sign up for
the days that you would like to volunteer.
Make sure that you are at the September
meeting to make sure that you get your
dates. We are not many ladies so please try
and volunteer for two different time slots if
possible. We will also be talking at the
September meeting about our trip to the
Dunfield-Drayton Festival Theatre to see
“Lend Me a Tenor”. Hope everyone is busy
making crafts for our November bazaar.
See you all at the meeting.
Elisabeth Rowsell
Barristers & Solicitors,
Notaries Public
Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W.
Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5
Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395
e-mail: [email protected]
Walters, Q.C.
Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B.
A r e a s o f Pra c t i c e I n c l u d e :
Powers of Attorney
Wills and Trusts
Estate Planning and Administration
Real Estate and Mortgages
Corporate Law
Business and Commercial Law
Weekend and Evening Appointments Available
English and German Spoken
Greetings from the Farm!
The end of another great camping season is
quickly approaching!
A lot has happened since my last report. We
had a very successful Canada Day weekend,
with Karaoke on Friday night, our Volleyball Tournament and Dance on Saturday,
followed by Frühschoppen and Farm
Olympics on Sunday. Saturday’s fireworks
were once again the best show between
Baden and New Hamburg! Thanks to everyone for your financial contributions.
In August, we had our Bocce Tournament,
and Summer Picnic. I’m writing this before
the event happened, but I’m going out on a
limb, and guessing it was a great success,
and the weather cooperated once again!
The Camper’s Annual meeting was held on
Sunday August 25th, and a report on that
will be in the October Nachrichten.
Our final event of the season will be held on
Saturday September 14th, at the Home on
the Range. It’s our annual Halloween Party,
and Talent Showcase. Children are welcome
to Trick or Treat between 3 and 5pm at
campsites displaying a balloon. Food and
beverages will be available at the Home on
the Range shortly after 5pm, with the talent
showcase starting around 7pm. (can you tell
it’s a relaxed atmosphere at the farm? All
times are approximate)
More details on this event will be available
on our Facebook page, and on our enewsletter. If you haven’t already subscribed to the e-newsletter, simply send an
email to [email protected] and
you’ll be added to the mailing list.
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Concordia Club Board of Directors 2013/2014
1st Vice President:
2nd Vice President:
1st Secretary:
2nd Secretary:
1st Treasurer:
2nd Treasurer:
Committee Members
Club Buildings
Club Historian
Club Ombudsman
Club Rental Properties
Concordia Seniorenhaus
Economic Affairs
Employee Liaison
Karl Braun
Eckhard Michalski
Peter Schoepke
Ali Nowak
Sarah Fretz
Peter Schoepke
Robert Kerr
Hans Malthaner
Peter Bergen
Mike Brasch
Bob Nowak
Joe Liebel
Alexandria Thoene
Ronny Horvath
Ruth Rajna
Karl Braun
Eckhard Michalski
Alexandria Thoene
Hans Malthaner
Joe Liebel
Rob Kerr
Peter Bergen
Ronny Horvath
Joe Liebel
Hans Malthaner
Karl Braun
Leo Tukums
Horst Beyerle
Bob Nowak
Ronny Horvath
Karl Braun
Eckhard Michalski
Peter Schoepke
Karl Braun
Rob Kerr
Ali Nowak
Sarah Fretz
Hans Malthaner
Alexandria Thoene
Farm Committee
Eckhard Michalski
Peter Bergen
Finance Committee
Peter Schoepke
Ali Nowak
Rob Kerr
Karl Braun
Float Committee
Mike Brasch
Ronny Horvath
German Culture
Eckhard Michalski
Honorary Member
Hans Malthaner
Ali Nowak
Karl Braun
Long Range Planning
Peter Schoepke
Eckhard Michalski
Ali Nowak
Karl Braun
Bob Nowak
Miss Concordia
Alexandria Thoene
Nominations and
U. Werner Schlueter
Karl Braun
Ali Nowak
Oktoberfest Chair
Hans Malthaner
Oktoberfest Inc.
Peter Schoepke
Hans Malthaner
Eckhard Michalski
Rob Kerr
Sales and Marketing
Peter Schoepke
Rob Kerr
Joe Liebel
Rob Kerr