May-Jun - Holiness Messenger Home


May-Jun - Holiness Messenger Home
MAY - JUNE, 2009
Our Steps and Our Destiny
The first step away from God is the one away from the prayer
closet. The fire of love is kindled on the altar of our devotions. If
Is. 23:7 "...her own feet shall carry her afar to sojourn." It
our love and devotion is not kept fresh then we have taken that
seems that God is interested in the "steps"
first step in the wrong direction. It is then you step out to mow
of our life and indeed the steps are what
your lawn instead of attending Wednesday night service. These
journeys are made of. A snowflake is
are all steps in the wrong direction, but these steps will carry us
only part of the snowstorm that stops
afar. Long before there are sins of commission, there are those
transportation. An hour is only a part
sins of omission.
of a day, but all wholes are made up
of parts. I God would be so concerned
Beyond the cooling of love for Christ there is the step of us
about a step, why should we not carebecoming Casual toward our Christian Duties. Peter tells us in
fully guards our steps? Your destiny
his epistle, "And beside this, giving all diligence add to your
will be made up of steps that you have
faith virtue and to your virtue knowledge;
taken in life!
In this text I find that backsliding in a
CHOICE....your "own feet" shall carry
you afar. We may blame our wandering
from God upon a bad upbringing, the hypocrites in
the church, our own human nature, but the truth
is, our "own feet" that takes us to our destiny. I make the choice
to STEP out for fleshly entertainment, instead of Making a STEP
toward a prayer closet.
In this text I also find that backsliding is a PROCESS. The journey afar was not made with one giant leap or one colossal bound.
It was a journey made up of steps. Oh! How we should check
those first wandering steps and bring them back into accord
with Christ. I may stand upon the Bible and assure that when
we see a person who has feel into an immoral sin, or committed
some sin that makes us gasp with surprise; the commission of
this sin was not the starting place of their backsliding. There
were many steps that led up to this moment.
The two keys words are "diligence" and "add." We should make
it a great priority to have continual growth in our experience
with Christ. Observe a fruit tree in early spring and look at that
tiny bud as it forms upon the branch. In a few days that bud will
burst open into a blossom and then that blossom will lose its
petals and the tiny fruit will start its growth. In a few weeks
what began with a bud will grow into delicious fruit. Yet, the
moment that fruit ripens and stops its growth, it begins a rottening
process. When it stops growing it starts to die. So with us.
The backslider has taken a few steps away from God. His conscience, the God sent governor of his soul, reminds him of his
error. The next step will alter the conscience until convictions
ceases to be a shaping force in that life. Generally we find the
sinner justifying his wandering from God by the Comparison of
themselves with Faulty Standards.
In Luke 18, Christ gives us the example of a Pharisee and a
Publican. This Pharisee prays, "...God, I thank thee that I am
Backsliding begins With the Cooling of our Love for Christ...
(See Without Excuse, Page 3)
P.O. BOX 472202
Non-Profit Org.
U. S. Postage
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Permit 347
Rev. Ralph Cox
P. O. Box 472202
Tulsa, OK 74147
(918) 252-2967 or
(904) 824-4253
Rev. Bill Parks
9743 E. 66th. St.
Tulsa, OK 74133
(918) 638-3070
FAX: 918-252-1244
Email: [email protected]
Aaron Brock,, Leon Farley, Lloyd Shuecraft
The object for which it is formed is: To preach the Gospel of
Jesus Christ, and promote a better understanding among all brethren.
The Word of God alone shall be the Doctrine, Practice,
and Discipline of this Board of Members: it being understood
that we receive it as the inspired Word of God and the Divine
rule of faith and conduct.
We believe in God the Father Almighty. Maker of heaven
and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, who was
conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered
under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried and
arose on the third day according to the Scriptures, afterwards
ascended into heaven where He is now seated at the right hand
of God the Father, from whence He is come again to judge the
quick and dead.
We believe in Water Baptism and that it should be
administered to every believer according to the Scriptures given
by St. Matthew 3:17;28:19; St. Mark 16:15; Acts 8:36-38. We
teach that the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin, and
sanctifies the believer, thus making him or her eligible to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost which is given to them that
obey (Acts 5:32) and the evidence of such experience shall be
according to Acts 2:4.
We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the Communion of the saints, the Lord’s Supper and washing the saint’s
feet. We believe that divine healing for our physical bodies was
included in His suffering as mentioned by the prophet Isaiah
53:5. It is still available to all who meet conditions and according to His will (James 5:14).
We believe that all ministers should be of good report (1
Timothy 3:7-12) including Pastors, Evangelists, Deacons and
Elders (Titus 1:5-7); and husbands of one wife.
We believe the Church of Jesus Christ to be a living
Organism. The Body of Christ, and habitation of God through
the Spirit (Ephesians 2:20-22), and that each true believer is a
member of the Body (1 Corinthians 12:14; Acts 2:47).
By Brother Ira J. Roberts
The yearly subscription rate for the single
subscriber is $6.00. Fill in the blanks below
and send with subscription rate.
tongue is
the pen of
a ready
Ps. 45:1
We must pay return postal rates, and it is an unnecessary cost to us when you do not notify us
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GOVERNMENT CHANGE OFADDRESS, or a postcard. Give your old address as it appears on this
issue, and your new address. We appreciate your
Rev. Ralph & Doreen Cox
9737 E. 66th St. Tulsa, OK 74133
Dear friends and readers: greetings in the name of Jesus.Each month the
readership of the Holiness Messenger
grows. Although I don’t know all of our
readers, you would be surprised at how
many phone calls and letters we get concerning this work. Recently, a brother
from a distant state called. He asked if I
knew the men whose announcements we
publish. I turned to the page that he was
referring to. “Are these all good men,” he
asked. “Yes they are,” I replied. I’m glad
I could tell him that. Now for my sermonizing.
Brethren, we are in the last days.
Paul said that perilous times would come,
but I think that we can say with certainty
that perilous times have come. Furthermore, we must say this: Our country, the
U.S.A., is in the worst shape it has ever
been. Young people, who are now raised
without the knowledge of God, have little
chance. TV and the internet have doomed
the youth of our nation. The sins of Sodom
and Gomorrah are promoted by the mass
culture. Some churches have even accepted
common-law marriage. But the New Testament gives no place for a man to keep a
concubine. A supposedly Holiness doctrine which allows for sodomy or fornication could only be promoted by a preacher
who is mentally ill.
Compare the time of Noah (Genesis 19) and our Lord’s prophecy of the
last time (Matthew 24:37). Who could
doubt that there is increasing violence here
and abroad? Unless we repent, both England and America are doomed. There is
no hope for any nation unless they follow
Jesus Christ.
The elder preachers warned us
of this time. That old elder Vince Wilson
(the wonder of the east) feared a time of
backsliding – even in himself. But Brother
Wilson stayed faithful; we will see him
again. Blessed Lord, what a welcome he
will give us. He and Claude Ely may be
waiting at the gate. Maybe Brother Claude
will sing us a sing.
They were great singers. Those
old blessed men. Brother Leon Buzzard
sang for Brother Neil Bridges in jail, just
as Paul and Silas sang together in Acts
16:25. But well they should sing. For all
the people of God have been singers. And
those holy women have always, likewise,
been singers, shouters, dancers and yes,
prophetesses. Miriam, Moses’ sister, was
a singer, a dancer, a timbrel player and a
prophetess. How beautiful and wonderful
it must have been to see her worship God
in the song and in the dance. How cheap
and how tawdry the filth of the world
seems in comparison.
Moses, Miriam and the men and
women of Israel sang. But a few generations later, Deborah also sang (Judges 5:1).
David and his son, Solomon, were great
singers. Solomon wrote one thousand and
five songs (I Kings 4:32). Even though
he failed to use the wisdom that God gave
him and even though his many wives
turned his heart from God, nevertheless
he still understood music and worship.
He had singers both men and women
(Ecclesiastes 2:8). Maybe it was this
emphasis on worship that allowed him to
still retain his wisdom and come to the
conclusion of the whole matter –
Ecclesiastes 12:14 Fear God and keep his
commandments for this is the whole duty
of man.
Brethren we are going to the judgment, but while we are on our way let us
fear God and keep his commandments.
Even in this perilous time let us sing with
Psalms and hymns in our hearts.
(Ephesians 5:9) With Psalms and hymns
and spiritual songs, let us sing to the Lord
with grace in our heart. (Colossians 3:16)
Thanks for your financial support. It is a must for the work to continue.
God bless all of you,
Brother Cox
Page 2
Our Steps and Our Destiny
From Page One
not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulters, or even as
this publican." We may justify just about any sin we choose by
comparing ourselves to the faulty standard of another sinner
whose sins are "far worse" than our own.
This is just a useless attempt of the sinner to quiet the cries of his
own conscience. You may muffle the voice of conscience but
you still must face the recompense of sin. Nothing illustrates this
better than a part of a story from classic literature:
When Macbeth had murdered Duncan, Lady Macbeth arranged
a feast, that in company, revelry, jest and song, the murderer
might escape from the cries of his own conscience. And how
did it succeed? In the very midst of the feast, when the merrymaking was at its height, when jest and jollity freely flowed,
Macbeth gave a great start, and cried, "Never shake thy gory
locks at me." What did he see? The ghost of the one had mur-
From Keller, Texas...
We’re excited to report plans for
a Re-Dedication of the open air
tabernacle at Florence Holiness
Church are being made for this fall.
Subsequently, after sitting idle for a number of years, refurbishment work has begun with funds received and designated to bring the ol’ tabernacle back to it’s original state.
Many memories have been shared about HOT campmeeting
days at Florence with bologna sandwiches and watermelon. But more importantly, memories of wonderful
moves of God have been recounted - kindling a renewed
interest in “going back” to the old days for a few services
under the tabernacle.
Essentially, we have identified three of the former speakers of the tabernacle meeting. Some of these ministers
will be participating in this re-dedication during October if
the refurbishing work goes as planned. Bro. Carl Page is
the last known living FHC camp speaker of the 50s. Bro.
Tommy Toliver preached services at the outdoor camp
during the 60s. In the 70s, Bro Don Rich ministered out
under the tabernacle (scheduling conflicts won't allow him
to participate).
We would be interested to hear from any minister who
preached the Florence Holiness Church outdoor camp.
Please contact us as soon as possible so that our historical
narrative of the camp could be as accurate as possible.
Rev. Robert Sheffield, Florence Holiness Church
dered! The deed of yesterday intruded into the feast, and even in
the very heart of pleasure painted before him the ghost of the
one he had slain. Oh! These ghosts! These ghosts of yesterday,
these ghosts of past sins, how they will sneak into our revelries
and change them into bitterness and pain!
A step we should all fear is that our conscience may "defiled" or
"seared." From here a person steps into moral insanity! In a sin
maddened mind one may think they may skirt the inevitable judgement of God and punishment of sin. It won't happen. In the Sin
maddened mind God's moral right becomes something that is
mocked and evil becomes something that is defended. I urge
you, before you come to this place RETRACE your steps!
In the text I find hope for the backslider. "...her own feet shall
carry her afar off to sojourn." "Sojourn" generally means a
temporary place of abode. You don't have to die where your feet
have carried you. Please don't misjudge the goodness of God out
of your own inability to forgive yourself. Please don't be fatalistic and say "there is no use" when you find yourself the victim of
your own mistake.
A prodigal son went into a far country. When he came to himself
I am sure that He thought of that long trip home. Yet when the
lad was a "great way off" the Father ran and fell on his neck and
kissed him. It might have been a long way home, but when the
Father goes out to accompany you home, those steps don't seem
so far. If you have taken one or many steps away from the
fellowship with Christ, make that first step back now.
-Bill Parks
his book is primarily an apologetic work refuting the
One-ness Pentecostal heresy. It also deals with certain very important
Theological subjects,
such as: the incarnation,
the kenosis, the hypostatic union, the impeccability of Christ, many
various erroneous points
of Oneness Theology,
and obviously the triune
nature of God.
For orders of 10 or more:
Books are $10.00 each
(plus $1.00 shipping &
David Lamb Ministries
P.O. Box 876
Dover, FL. 33527
Anyone can order the
book at this website:
Page 3
"Even the Youth...Shall
Mount Up with Wings as
the Eagles."
David Brock II
Charity Tabernacle Cold, Springs KY
Our guest writer for the next few months, Bro.
David Brock, is a gifted preacher, that I know
will bless you readers.
“What Are You Trying To Hide?”
Lu 6:6 And it came to pass also on
another sabbath, that he entered into
the synagogue and taught: and there
was a man whose right hand was
7 And the scribes and Pharisees
watched him, whether he would heal
on the sabbath day; that they might
find an accusation against him.
8 But he knew their thoughts, and
said to the man which had the
withered hand, Rise up, and stand
forth in the midst. And he arose and
stood forth.
Do You Have Something to Hide?
People are always trying to hide their
deficiencies. Something that’s lacking
in their lives that they don’t want
anybody to see. There’re many things
they do to hide them. Such as, cream to
hide the wrinkles, a hat to hide the
baldness, coloring to hide the grayness,
make-up to hide the blemishes(some
must have a lot of them, wow!), and
alcohol or drugs to hide their problems.
They never want people to see what’s
really going on and what they’re
Those with disabilities do the same
thing. They try to hide their deficiencies. I know in my own life growing up
with a disability I always tried, and still
do to hide my problem. The reason is I
don’t want to be different. I don’t want
to stand out in a crowd.
In Luke 6:6, we read where Jesus
entered a synagogue to teach, and a
man with a withered right hand was
there. People had already noticed he
was there, because when Jesus walked
in they waited to see what he would do
with him. A withered hand meant it
was lacking the nutrients that it needed
which results in a loss of size and
power. For this there’s no remedy.
Then something happens that I don’t
believe the man expected. Jesus says
to him, “Rise up and stand forth in the
mist.” Here’s what I don’t understand
about this story, WHY WASN’T HE
AREADY THERE? He was in the
right place at the right time, so why
when you know the Healer is in the
house wouldn’t you run to Him for
help. What was he trying to hide?
We come to church hiding our deficiencies. We don’t celebrate Halloween, but we’ve got so many disguises in
church it would put those little trickertreaters that knock on our doors to
shame. All the smiles, the pride, and
going through the motions, all the while
we’re lacking something necessary for
us to function properly. We’ve lost our
size and power that we once had. This
man wasn’t born this way. It just
gradually kept getting worse & worse
until he’s remodeling his house to suit
his problem. Does that sound familiar?
There’re too many of us remodeling
our lives to suit our problems. We’re
just like him in that we’ve gotten so
used to living this way so why change.
That comfort zone is so hard to get out
of. It’s a whole lot easier even when
you’ve got a spiritual deformity to stay
in the zone and say to yourself, “I’ve
made it this far. I’m used to my surroundings. I’ve finally got everything
going for me. I got a good job, making
good money. A nice car I can feel good
about. I’m ready to find that significant
other to complete it all”, but what about
that deficiency that you’re trying to
hide. Yeah, you might have everything
going for you in the natural sense, but
you know a withering has taken place
somewhere in your life to make you go
into hiding.
Young men and young ladies there are
many of you right now whose lost size
and power with God you once had, and
you’ve been doing your best to try to
hide what you’ve lost. You can’t
function spiritually like you used to. The
arms don’t go up in praise like they
once did. Those hands fail to clap to
the moving of the Spirit of God like
they have so many times. Oh yes,
we’re still faithful to the House of God,
but we settle with just hiding out in the
crowd masking our problems. Well, I
don’t mean to bust your bubble, but
people can see right through your
disguise, and if they can, you must
know God can. This man would’ve
been content and no doubt had died
with a withered hand if Jesus hadn’t
knew he was there
Just like He knew that the man was
sitting in the crowd, He also knows you
are as well. His plead to you is this,
“Stretch forth thy hand” or stretch
forth thy problem. He’s waiting for our
revelation, because he can restore &
make us whole. Don’t be so full of
pride that you can’t ask for help.
Having deficiencies in my own life I
knew when the path was rough the
only way to stay standing was too ask
for help. Not caring if anyone saw I
would turn to my dad and say, “Hold
my hand I don’t want to fall.”
So, let’s stop hiding & start stretching
& revealing our problems to God
because I know He can make us
Rev. David Brock II
Charity Tabernacle
Cold Spring, KY
Page 4
Holiness Resources
he Family of Rev. Rick Simpson have produced another CD. Three of these
songs on this project were written by Bro. Rick. Following is the contact info
and recommendations by a few holiness people.
We just recieved and listened to a prerelease copy
of the Simpson families New Recording, and we
love it. Bro. Rick is a great singer and songwriter.
With Sabrina & Hope’s beautiful voices singing the
words of those new songs, joining with some of
Nashville’s best musicians comes a CD you will
want to add to your collection . -Jimmy Jon Millikin
There is nothing better than family harmony. I have
known these folks for a long time and they live
what they sing. Another touch that makes this
project so special is the three original songs written by Rev. Rick Simpson. When you
hear this recording you will know that the Simpson family has labored tirelessly to
bring the Holiness movement a quality recording that they can be proud of. -Rev.
David Webb
Good song selection, great music and tremendous singing! It is plain to see that Sabrina
and Hope have worked hard to produce a Great project. It is going to bless you. We
Love This CD!! -Davy, Kelly and Odie Boggs
To order Contact: Rick SImpson, 290 Alabama HWY 143, Marbury, AL 36051334730-8744
he Problem with Pants, is the second book in a series
called Holines Helps. This is a scriptural and historical look at the issue concerning women wearing pants. It is very well
documented and scripturally grounded. This
books foolows the previous publication of The
Hype about Hair.
The Author, Bro Jayme Carter, graduated from
FGBI in 1993 and has been involved in various aspects of ministry since. Their home
church is in Covington, KY, where Bro. David
Brock is pastor.
The book is $5.00 plus $2.00 for shippping.
You can mix and match the books, 2 for $9.00
$3.50 for shipping, or 5 for $20.00 shipping is
$5.00. Contact:
Bro. Jayme Carter
215 Parkgrove Ave.
Greendale, Indiana 47025
Special Services
Youth Meeting
Franklin, Ohio
Roberts Road Pentecostal Church
Youth Camp June 22-25
10 AM ............................ Bro. Darrell Allen
2 PM ............................. Bro. Donald Tapio
7:30 PM ............................ Bro. Rocky Kirk
Pastor Jimmy Jewell
Lake Placid, FL
New Life Holiness Church
South Florida Holiness Youth Camp
June 22-26
Night Spkr .................. Bro. Travis Matney
For info call Bro. Rufus Caraway 863-9900054 or 863-993-0655
Sapulpa, OK
Sapulpa Holines Camp
Youth Camp, June 23-26
Day Spkr ...................... Bro. Doug Cornett
Night Spkr ..................... Bro. Brent Gabard
Contact: Bro Steve Smith
North Fork, CA
Western Holiness Youth Camp
June 24-27
Spkr ........................ Bro. Kevin Bloomfield
Contact: Bro. Fred Wood 209-869-1132
Mt. View, Missouri
Ozark Youth Camp July 6-10
Night Speaker ........................ David Webb
Day Speaker ........................... Matt Homer
Contact: Rev. Mark Hutson 417-924-3432 or
Rev. Dwain Galiher 417-257-1055
Purcell, OK
Central Oklahoma Youth Camp
July 7-10
Day Spkr ....................... Bro. Dennis Heath
Night Spkr .......................... Bro. Tim Brimm
Contact: Steve Moore 405-527-3851
Texarkana, AR
Preston Hunt Bog Scout Camp
Youth Retreat, July 14-17
Night Spkr ..............Bro. Abdias Cervantes
Contact: Bobby Norman
Page 5
Russellville, AR
Bible Holiness Fellowship Youth Camp
June 15-19
Speaker ..................... Bro. Lloyd Shuecraft
For info call Paul Snow 918-302-3855 or
David Harrison 479-967-1036
Bond, KY
Bond Holiness Youth Camp
July 21-24
Morn. Spkr ........................ Bro. Tim Brimm
Night Spkr ..................... Bro. Dennis heath
Contact: Bro. Brent Gabbard 606-224-3253
or Darren Cunagin 606-364-2605
Nipgen, OH
Free Pentecostal Holiness Youth Camp
July 27-31
Morn. Spkr ................. Rev. Stacey Holden
Afternoon .................... Rev. Doug Cornett
Night Spkr ............. Rev. Douglas Meadow
Contact: Brian Miller (513) 288-5891 or Jerry
Pascarella (859) 512-5035
Potosi Pentecostal Church
2nd Annual Youth Camp July 27-31
Days Spkr .......................... Local Ministers
Night Spkr ....................... Rev. John Sewell
Camp Registration July 27th
Camp Directors: John and Amanda Pruitt
Henryetta, OK
Tiger Mt. Holiness Youth Camp July 27-31
Day Spkr ................... Bro. Jonathan Brock
Night Spkr ..................................................
Contact Clayton Wagner 903-278-6286 or
Bro. Leon Rich 918-693-4573
Shanks, WV
Evangel Holiness Church
Annual Youth Service, July 31, 7:00 PM
Spkr .............................. To Be Announced
Pastor Kenneth Powers Jr. 304-822-7772 or
Blanchard, OK
Trinity Holiness Church
Youth Fellowship, Sept. 11-12
Saturday, 10:00 AM
Night Spkr ....................... Bro. Matt Homer
Pastor Lendell Birdsong 405-387-2346 or
Bro. Jarrod Mize 404-830-5946
Russellville, AR
Bible Holiness Youth Retreat Sept 5-6
Fri. Spkr ........................... Bro. Matt Homer
Sat Spkr ........................ Bro. Stacy Holden
For more info call Joseph Snow 251-4047487 Shaun Thompson 606-391-8530
Mobile, AL
Gulf Coast Holiness Youth Retreat
Sept 25 - 26
Fri. p.m. ........................ Bro. Stacy Holden
Sat. a.m. .......................... Bro. David Webb
For info call Joseph Snow 251-404-7487
Matt Homer 228-363-1757 Joey Dean 229423-6731
Chatom, AL
Reynolds Holiness Church
3rd Annual Reynolds Holinesss Youth
Retreat, Oct. 23-24
7:30 p.m.(Fri) .............. Bro. Michael Switzer
11:00 a.m.(Sat) ........... Bro. Michael Switzer
2:00 p.m. (Sat) ............................... Fun time
For info call Pastor Troy Bailey 251-8472464 or Rev. Larry West 251-847-6250
Fellowship, Camp Meetings
Bay Minette, AL
Little River Holiness Church
Camp Meeting, June 1-5
7:15 PM ......................... Bro. Brylon Griffen
10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Minsiters
Pastor D. L. Harville 251-937-4746 or 4905137
WInston, GA
Canaan Land Campgrounds
54th Annual Campground, June 7-12
Spkr ................................ The Blythe Family
Pastor Roger Luke 770-386-1771 or I. L.
Smith 770-386-0726
Anderson, SC
Faith Holiness Church
Tent Meeting, June 8-12
Spkr .................................. Bro. B. V. Wright
864-226-2549 or 226-4069
Sapulpa, OK
Sapulpa Holiness Camp
Campmeeting, June 16-19
Night Spkr .......................... Bro. Ben Shaw
Contact Bro. Larry Wood
Castleton, VA
NPEA Campmeeting
June 22-26
Day Srvcs Thur & Fri. Visiting Ministers
Night Spkr ..................... Bro. Randy Webb
Contact: Bro. Alvin Dovel 540-298-9695 or
Bro. Ricky Gheen 540-439-1951
Savannah, GA
Holy Church of God
Campmeeting, June 22-26
10:00 AM .......................... Bro. David Brock
7:30 PM .............................. Bro. Lynn Head
Pastor Ryan Ralston
Ozark, AL
Lighthouse Holiness Church
June 29 - July 3
10:00 AM ......................... Visiting Ministers
6:00 PM ............................... Youth Services
7:30 Pm ................... Bro. Russell McDonald
Pastor William Parr 334-774-0688 or Pastor
Jon Isaaacs 334-897-1816
Elco, IL
Elco Adult Camp Meeting
June 29 - July 3
Morn. Spkr ................... Bro. Dwain Galiher
Night Spkr .......................Bro. Doug Webb
Contact: Bro. Geoff Bond
Jersey, GA
Jersey Holiness Church
June 29 - July 3
10:00 AM ......................... Bro. Aaron Brock
6:00 PM ................................. Youth Service
7:30 PM ............................ Bro. Jeff Wilcher
Pastor Anthony Lester 770-464-2301 or 770464-0765
Homedale, ID
Northwest Holiness Campmeeting
Trinity Free Holiness Church
July 1-7
Day Spkr .............................. Bro. Carl Page
Night Spkr ...................... Bro. Terry Guthrie
10:00 a.m. ......................... Chldren's Church
For Info all Pastor Samuel Page 208-3375021
Wilkesboro, NC
Blue Ridge Holiness Campground
29th Annual Campmeeting, July 4-10
11:00 AM ......................... Visiting Minsiters
7:30 PM ......................... Bro. Kenny Morris
Contact: Bro. Billy Wagoner 336-838-3142
or I. L. Smith 770-386-0726
Hollywood, AL
Remnant Holiness Tabernacle
Campmeeting,, July 7-10
Day Spkr ....................... Bro. John Gabbard
Night Spkr .............. Bro. Bennie Sutherland
Pastor Jamie Holcomb
256-259-2717 or 256-599-0891
Page 6
Jacksonville, FL
Bethel Holiness Church Campmeeting,
July 12-17
Alternating Speakers:
Rev. J. D. Turner & Rev. Curtis Teague
Pastor Eugene Smith
904-781-5400 or 904-757-9046
Nauvoo, AL
Midway Holy Bible Church of God
Campmeeting, July 13-17
10:00 AM ....................... Visiting Ministers
2:00 PM ..............................Youth Services
Night Spkr .......................... Bro. Bill Finley
Homecoming Services
July 19, 11:00 AM & 6:00 PM
Spkr ............................. Rev. Rick Langford
Pastor M. L. Irvin 256-226-1691 or 226-1678
Russellville AR
Bible Holiness Fellowship Campmeeting
Morning Spkr ................ Visiting Ministers
Evening Spkr ..................... Bro. LD Savage
For info call Paul Snow 918-302-3855 or
David Harrison 479-967-1036
Verona, VA
Verona Full Gospel Church
28th Holiness Convention,
July 14-17
Spkr ................................ Rev. Mike Roberts
Pastor William Strickler 540-248-7872 or
Peter Grimm 540-943-4189
Milry, AL
Sand Ridge Church of God
Annual Fellowship Meeting
July 14-17
Day spkr ............................ Bro. Bill Preskit
Night Spkr ..................... Bro. Randy Webb
Pastor Ronald Hobby
251-846-3405 or 251-377-4088
The Central Alabama Campmeeting, hosted
by New Jerusalem Holines church will be
postponed for a year due to construction.
Please plan to attend next year in our new
Pastor Chris Roper
Broxton, GA
Calvary Holiness Campmeeting
July 18-24
10:00 AM ........................... Rev. Lynn head
6:00 PM ............................... Youth Service
8:00 PM ......................... Rev. Steve Gentry
Contact: Bro. Ed Smith 229-423-7146 or 4251609; Bro. Fred Smith 912-359-3003
Gastonia, NC
East Gastonia Church of God
Holiness Camp Meeting July 15-19
10:00 a.m. ........................ Visiting ministers
11:00 a.m. ....................... Bro. Ryan Ralston
7:00 p.m ............................... Bro. Don Rich
Contact: Pastor Glen Mecum
Lumberton, NC
Pentecostal Faith of God Church
Campmeeting, July 20-24
11:00 AM ......................... Visiting Ministers
7:30 PM .......................... Rev. Floyd Moore
Pastor Russell Kinlaw Sr.
Fouke, AR
Fairland Holiness Church
Campmeeting, July 20-26
10:00 AM .................... Bro. L. D. Savage
& Visiting Ministers
6:00 PM ............................. Youth Service
7:30 PM ................................ Kevin Lloyd
Pastor Lloyd Shuecraft 870-653-5132
Richmond, IN
Pentecostal Tabernacle
July 22 – 24, 2009
Pastor/Ronnie Baker – Minister of Music/
Jeff Wyatt
Concerts Nightly at 7:00pm With many
guests: Choirs, Soloist, Groups,
Instrumentals, etc. We will be combining a
Mass Choir for the last concert.
Classes Thursday & Friday 9:00am –
4:30pm. 50 music classes, 8 Ministerial
Classes on the Study of Psalms.
Chapel Services at 11:30 with Millikin
Brothers /Thursday and George Davis, Jr./
Friday. Contact: Jeff Wyatt 765-966-1068 or
Granite City, IL
Sunset Hill Family Camp
July 27-31
Morn. Spkr ....................... Rev. Joey Hight
Even. Spkr ................ Rev. Lloyd Shuecraft
Contact Rev. David Brimm 618-931-3724
Pensacola, FL
Solid Rock Holiness Church
July 24 - 26
10:00 a.m. ....................... Visiting Ministers
6:00 p.m. Sat ........................ Youth Service
7:30 p.m. .............................. Bro. Don Rich
For further info call Rev. Drew Minchew
850-207-5908 or Bro. Aaron Wood 850-7480961
Douglas, GA
53rd Holiness Baptist Campmeeting
July 25-July 31
10:30 a.m. ....................... Bro. Ronnie Baker
and Visiting Ministers
7:30 p.m. ...................... Bro. Dollas Messer
For more info call Bro. Edsel Young 229423-2149 or Bro. Brad Fuller 229-532-7476
Paden, OK
Trinity Holiness Tabernacle
July 27 - August 7
7:30 .................... Rev. Jimmy John Milikin
Sunday night service starts @ 7:00
For more info call Rev. Paul Heard 405-9324263
Bedford, IN
Shady Springs Adult Camp
Campmeeting July 26 - 31
10:00 a.m. ..................... Re. Charles Barnett
1:00 p.m. ........................ Visiting Ministers
6:00 p.m. .............................. Youth Service
7:30 p.m. .......................... Rev. Randy Web
Contact: Bro. Larry Dalton (812) 834-5232
Chatom, AL
Reynolds Holiness Campmeeting
July 27-31
10:00 a.m. ........................ Bro. David Webb
6:15 p.m. .............................. Youth Service
7:30 p.m. ................... Bro. Shad McDonald
For info call Pastor Troy Bailey 251-8472464 or 251-225-9171
Richlands, VA
Richlands Tabernacle
Campmeeting, Aug. 2-7
Day Spkr ...................... Bro. John Gabbard
(Visiting Ministers speaking in other day
Night Spkr ......................... Bro. Joey Hight
Pastor Ralph Horton
Athens, AR
Athens Campmeeting
Aug. 6-9
10:00 AM ....................... Visiting Ministers
7:30 PM ........................ Bro. Eugene Walls
Bro. Olin Vaughn 870-583-6402
Mt. View, MO
Ozark Family Camp
August 10-14
Night Speaker ...................... Rev. Don Rich
Day Speaker .................. Visiting Ministers
Contact: Rev. Dwain Galiher 417-257-1055
or Rev. Ronnie Wheeler 417-934-6135
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Gilbertwon, AL
Gilbertown Holy Church ofGod
Annual Campmeeting,
Aug. 10-14
Day Spkr .................. Bro. Brent Gabbard
Night Spkr ................... Bro. Aaron Brock
Pastor Jamie Norman
Granite Falls, NC
True Vine Church of God
Campmeeting, Aug. 17-21
Night Spkr .................... Sis. Linda Porter
Bro. Grady Annas 828-396-1603 or
Cheryl Stiles 828-244-9411
Verona, VA
Verona Full Gospel Church
50th Anniversay Services
Aug. 25-30
Spkr ................................ Rev. Don Rich
Pastor William Strickler 540-248-7872
or Peter Grimm 540-943-4189
Shanks, WV
Evangel Holiness Church
Annual Christian Heritage Revival
Sept. 9-13
Spkr ............................ Bro. Rocky Kirk
Pastor Kenneth Powers Jr. 304-8227772 or 540-771-0177
Glade Springs, VA
Highway of Holiness
Annual Campmeeting,
Sept. 10-12
10:00 AM ................... To Be Announced
7:00 PM ..................... To Be Announced
RV spaces and call for motels
Pastor Tracy Puckett 276-429-2798 or
Sapulpa, OK
Sapulpa Holiness Camp
Annual Fellowship Revival
Sept. 14-18 & 21-25
Night Spkr ................. To Be Announced
Contact Bro. Larry Wood
County Line Holiness Church
Campmeeting, Sept. 15-18
10:00 AM .................... Visiting Minsiters
Night Spkr ................. Bro. Randy Webb
Pastor Mike Maxon Jr.
Sumter, SC
Pocolla Holiness Church
Fellowship Meeting, Sept. 25-27
Day Spkr .................. Bro. David Horton
Night Spkr ................. Bro. Ralph Horton
Pastor Timothy Hudson 803-481-3541
Bond, KY
Bond Holiness Campmeeting
Oct. 6-9
Morn. Spkr ..................... Bro. Bill Parks
& Visiting Ministers
Night Spkr ........... Bro. B. D. Sutherland
(building new tabernacle)
Contact: Bro. John Gabbard 606-3643180 or Bro. Jeff Scalf 606-364-5881
Branson, MO
Settle Inn Resort & Conference Center
Pentecostal Ladies Retreat Oct. 7-9
Sis. Bessie Galiher & Sis. Ruth Brimm
Contact: Tricia Hight 417-255-1703,
Brenda Galiher 417-257-1055 or Ladona
Blue 618-697-5720
Lake Placid, FL
New Life Holiness Church
Campmeeting Oct. 13 - 16
10:00 a.m. .................. Visiting Ministers
6:00 p.m.. ........................ Youth Service
7:30 p.m. ........... Bro. Russell McDonald
For info call Bro. Rufus Caraway 863990-0054 or 863-993-0655
Mount Airy, NC
Boones Hill Emmanuel Holiness Church
Campmeeting, Oct. 14-17
11:00 AM .................... Visiting Ministers
7:00 PM ......................... Bro. Lynn Head
Pastor Tommy Jackson 336-786-6666
Branson, MO
Southern Missouri Ministers Conference
September 1-3
Tuesday 7:00 PM, Thurs. 10:00 AM : Bro.
Lloyd Shuecraft
Wednesday 7:00 PM: Bro. Bill Parks
Tuesday & Wednesday 10:00 AM: Bro.
Bro. Darrell Meadow & Bro. Steve Moore
Contact: Tracy Holden 417-499-2333, Joey
Hight 417-255-5335, or Bro. David
Special room rates at the Savannah House
Motel. 1-800-335-2555
Ask for Southern Missouri
Ministers Conference Rates.
Oklahoma City, OK
Mt. Vernon Holiness Church
Fellowship Meeting, Oct. 15-18
10:00 AM .................... Visiting Minsiters
7:30 PM ...................... Bro. Davy Boggs
Pastor Rickey Searcy 405-636-4206
Thayer, MO
Midway Pentecostal Church
Fall Fellowship Meeting, Oct. 22-25
Day Spkr ......... Bro. Jimmy Jon Millikin
Night Spkr ............ Rev. Darrell Meadow
Pastor Don Tabor 417-264-2958
Note that most day services begin on the
second day of the meeting. Please call
contact number for that information
ambling, Does God Care? and
Tattoos and Body Piercing,
Does God Care? are illustrated
booklet tracts written by Bro Arron
Brock, Pastor of Lighthouse Holines
Church, Prague, OK
Contact: Truth in Publications (TIP), PO
Box 222 Prague, OK 74864
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