2015 Annual Report - Georgia State University Giving


2015 Annual Report - Georgia State University Giving
georgia state university foundation
2015 Annual Report
million in Gifts
One after another, Georgia State University
broke records over the past fiscal year. The
university had its best fundraising year ever —
$43.5 million in gifts — headlined by the largest
single gift in its history. Total research funding,
too, set a new high, breaking the $100 million
mark for the first time. And innovations such
as the university’s crowdfunding site set
impressive marks in their first year.
On the academic side, our students broke records as well. Even
with total enrollment reaching a new all-time high, graduation rates
continue to rise at a rate that leads the nation. Both the graduating
class and the incoming freshman class were Georgia State’s largest
ever, and that freshman class had the highest grade-point average
of any in university history, not to mention record numbers of AfricanAmerican and Latino enrollees.
It is no coincidence that we are breaking these records all at the
same time. The incredible support shown by Georgia State’s growing
community of alumni, fans and friends is what builds the foundation
for amazing achievement. And it builds the kind of momentum that
puts us in position to break these same records — many times over —
in the years to come.
Table of contents
Letter from President Mark P. Becker 3
Georgia State University Foundation Board of Trustees 4
Letter from Foundation Board Chair Brad Ferrer 5
Regynald Washington: Making Future Leaders Feel at Home at the Robinson College of Business 6
Georgia State Alumnus Phil Oneacre Leaves a Wide-Ranging Legacy 8
The Creative Media Industries Institute: A Big Gift Creates Big Opportunities 10
New Endowments 14
Financial Highlights 16
Presidents Society 18
Photo Captions and Credits 29
Letter from President Mark P. Becker
When Georgia State kicked off the Burning Bright
campaign in Woodruff Park this past October, I asked
our supporters and friends to be our ambassadors and
help tell our university’s amazing story. I can confidently
assure them they will not be telling it alone.
Georgia State’s increasing prominence is evident in the headlines being made
by our academic innovations, cutting-edge research, talented sports teams and
difference-making outreach programs. It is also evident in our fundraising. The
$43.5 million raised in fiscal year 2014–15 — our highest single-year total ever —
is a symbol of the community’s increasing trust and confidence in our university
to provide unique educational opportunities, prepare tomorrow’s leaders for the
challenges ahead, and point the way to a brighter future for our city and our world.
In this report you will read about a few members of that community and why they
entrusted our university with their philanthropic support. They include Regynald
Washington, whose success in the food service industry has been based on hard
work and visionary thinking, and who felt that GSU students demonstrated the same
traits; alumnus Phil Oneacre and his wife, Jeanne, whose generous legacy gift will
benefit students from the Honors College to our athletics programs and beyond; and
the Woodruff Foundation, whose record-setting grant is underwriting direct inroads
for our students into a new-media industry that will impact Atlanta’s economy for
decades to come.
Allies such as these provide fuel for the achievements that define our university
as a model of innovation, diversity and student achievement for the rest of the
nation to follow. I thank them, and all of Georgia State’s loyal supporters, for not
only spreading the story of that success, but helping us add inspiring new chapters
to that story every day.
Mark P. Becker
Georgia State University Foundation Board of Trustees
As of June 30, 2015
Mark P. Becker, President
Georgia State University
Brad Ferrer (B.B.A. ’81), Chair
Walter Massey, President
Georgia State University Foundation
Steven Asplundh (MBA ’86)
Utilicon Solutions
John Bauer (MBA ’89)
Tropical Nut and Fruit Company
Sandra Bergeron (B.B.A. ’82)
Private Investor and Corporate Board Member
Kenneth L. Bernhardt
Georgia State University (emeritus)
Frances L. Breeden (MBA ’80)
SunTrust Banks Inc. (retired)
Anthony P. Burger (B.B.A. ’71)
Pritchard & Jerden Inc.
David Deeter (B.B.A. ’77; MBA ’78)
Frazier & Deeter
John M. Dyer (MBA ’87)
Cox Enterprises Inc.
David H. Flint
Schreeder, Wheeler & Flint LLP
Ronald J. Freeman (J.D. ’85)
Johnson & Freeman LLC
Timothy J. Gunter (MBA ’83)
Industrial Developments International Inc. (retired)
David F. Haddow (MBA ’82)
Haddow & Company
Richard J. Jacobson (MBA ’80)
Cox Enterprises Inc. (retired)
Eric J. Joiner (B.B.A. ’66; MBA ’69)
AJC International Inc.
Elizabeth A. Kenny (B.S. ’99)
Marjorie F. Knowles
Georgia State University (emeritus)
Donna A. Lee
AT&T Inc. (retired)
Lee A. Macenczak (B.B.A. ’84)
Owl Creek Associates
Cynthia H. Maloy (B.B.A. ’76)
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Nancy Reeves Mansfield
Georgia State University (retired)
Jerry J. Rackliffe (B.B.A. ’83; MBA ’88; J.D. ’05)
Georgia State University
Deepak Raghavan (MBA ’98; M.S. ’06; Ph.D. ’09)
The Deepak Raghavan Family Foundation
Julio A. Ramirez (B.A. ’75)
Burger King (retired)
Douglas F. Reid
Analytic Solutions
Joseph W. Reinkemeyer (B.B.A. ’81; M.S. ’87)
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (retired)
Joseph D. Sansone (MBA ’79)
Pediatria Healthcare LLC
T. Dallas Smith (B.B.A. ’86)
T. Dallas Smith & Co.
Geraldine P. Thomas (B.S. ’85)
Bank of America
Kurt Travis
Relay Health
Ray E. Uttenhove (M.A. ’72; M.Ed. ’75)
SRS Real Estate Partners
Christopher J. Valianos
Cordova Realty II
Jeffrey L. Warwick (B.B.A. ’85)
Compass Real Estate
Letter from Foundation Board Chair Brad Ferrer
Georgia State University enjoyed another year of recordbreaking results, from graduation rates to funded research
to fundraising.
Our record-breaking fundraising success over the past year is a point of pride for me both
as chair of the foundation board and as a Georgia State alumnus. This university opened
the door to wonderful opportunities in my life, and it is truly inspiring to watch GSU
provide those opportunities to many thousands of other students.
I am particularly proud that the open doors at Georgia State have led to success for
students from all backgrounds, including those students whose needs higher education
has long failed to meet — students who are first-generation, lower-income or from a racial
or ethnic minority. Our students’ success has made Georgia State a national role model as
our graduation rate has risen faster than any other public university in the country. And
the rest of the country has noticed — so much so that our Georgia State administrators
have devoted substantial time sharing these success stories with other educators and
our elected officials.
Scholarship funding by the foundation, which contributed to these improved graduation
rates, has grown an average of 19 percent annually from $2.9 million in 2011 to $5.9 million in 2015 — yes, another record. But more important, this annual report tells the story of
what those resources have the power to make possible. A growing community of support
— alumni, parents, businesses, foundations and friends of the university — has witnessed
this success and is continuing to invest in an even brighter future.
Beyond a physical diploma, our university’s success is helping lead the way to a brighter
future for our own students and our community, while a nation learns from our
good example.
With much gratitude for all your support,
Brad Ferrer (B.B.A., Accounting, ’81)
Regynald Washington:
Making Future Leaders Feel at Home
at the Robinson College of Business
Regynald Washington has overseen food and
beverage operations for Disney’s entire global
collection of resorts and chaired the board of the
National Restaurant Association, but to him, how
his career started is just as important as what it
later achieved.
“Busing tables,” he says. “Nowadays they call it a server assistant, but it
was a bus boy, that’s what we called it.” He pauses, then laughs. “I’m real,
by the way. I haven’t forgotten where I came from.”
Nor has he forgotten that every person in a restaurant operation, from
managers to dishwashers and busboys, is vital to its success. Throughout
his self-made rise to the top of the food service industry, that knowledge
is what has kept him grounded — a quality, he says, shared by students
at Georgia State’s J. Mack Robinson College of Business. That is why he
recently created a $1 million endowment at RCB’s Cecil B. Day School of
Hospitality, the school’s largest single gift since the Day family first
endowed the school in 1988.
“Georgia State students are very humble,” says Washington, who earned his
own hospitality degree from Florida International University and has spent
15 years on the Day School’s Industry Board. “They’re very grounded, they’re
respectful, they’re hungry for knowledge, they want to learn, they want to
move forward, they’re not egotistical. They’ve got all the elements you look
for in a successful hospitality leader.”
Washington’s gift will support student scholarships in the Day School’s
graduate program, now called the Regynald G. Washington Masters of
Global Hospitality. It will also fund technology upgrades and new studyabroad opportunities. His personal and professional example, though,
may prove to be one of his most important gifts to Georgia State.
“Being able to meet with him in person was something I really appreciated,”
says senior Maria Bustamante, who aspires to a leadership position in
human resources. “He explained how important it is to give the people
you hire the right resources, the right tools, the right mentorship to help
them succeed. No matter what position you’re in, you should always strive
to be excellent in it.”
Georgia State Alumnus Phil Oneacre
Leaves a Wide-Ranging Legacy
Earning an MBA from Georgia State, says Phil Oneacre, helped
him grow as a business professional. More important, though, it
helped him grow as a person.
“When I was young, I was never one for high confidence — I was always kind of doubtful of
myself,” he explains. “But I met a lot of smart people when I went through the Executive MBA
program and being able to compete with them gave me a lot of confidence. I knew I had the tools
to do what I needed to do.”
To show his thanks for the way Georgia State changed him, Phil and his wife, Jeanne, are helping
to change Georgia State. Last year they revised their wills to include a substantial legacy gift that
will impact students across numerous programs, focusing specifically on the Honors College,
J. Mack Robinson College of Business and Panther Athletics.
“[Founding Dean] Larry Berman emphasized that the Honors College is an important piece for
getting the university to a higher level,” Phil says. “I got to meet some of the staff, and to me, what
they were doing was very impressive. With the quality of the students coming through, it’s a
truly unique environment at Georgia State.”
Berman describes the Oneacres’ contribution — the largest single gift ever given to the Honors
College — as “transformative.” “This generous gift will provide scholarship support for future
generations of Honors College students,” he says. “Those scholarships will help remove financial
burdens so that students will be able to pursue the types of enhanced research, leadership and
study-abroad opportunities that prepare them for lifetimes of achievement.”
The Honors College, which technically did not even exist while Oneacre was earning his
master’s, is just one example of the “tremendous changes” Georgia State has undergone since
then, he says. He is gratified to see that change directly benefiting students.
“I really wanted to see the fruits of my life’s work help produce fruits for the students at
Georgia State,” he says. “This institution is producing the next crop of people who will lead
their generation in making the world a better place, and it just makes me feel good to be a
part of that.”
The Creative
Media Industries
Institute: A Big
Gift Creates
Big Opportunities
Long before production crews
for films ranging from “The
Hunger Games” to “Ant-Man”
set up shop in the Atlanta area,
Georgia State’s art and design,
communications, and music
programs were training students
to work in the film and creative
media industries. Former communications department chair David
Cheshier estimates more than
4,000 students currently major
in the creative media arts —
everything from film and TV to
graphic design and work in the
music and games industries.
Keeping up with those industries’ rapid growth in Atlanta has not been an easy task.
Through the Creative Media Industries Institute (CMII), though, Georgia State
aims to meet the challenge. Supported by a $22.8 million grant from the Woodruff
Foundation — the largest single gift in the university’s history — the CMII, nicknamed “The Cube,” will immerse students in the latest communications technology
and put them shoulder to shoulder with established artists and entrepreneurs. “This
institute will help us more fully meet the workforce demands of the industry and
connect students with the digital creative careers to which they aspire,” says
Cheshier, now the CMII director.
The CMII will be housed in the three-story annex connected to Georgia State’s 25
Park Place facility, formerly SunTrust Plaza, at the south end of Woodruff Park. Each
floor will focus on a different aspect of the industry — workforce development,
entrepreneurship, and media arts research.
Students will even be able to refine their skills in areas such as virtual reality and
video-game design. “We will be able to offer specific programs that address content
creation across a number of different platforms, which we really think is the key to
21st-century creative industries work,” Cheshier says.
That is a thrilling prospect for Weston Manders, currently working toward a master’s
degree in video production. “Each of my production classes is dedicated to taking
our lessons from the classroom and into the workplace without sacrificing any
of the art. And I am looking forward to the in-house studio space coming with
The Cube,” Manders says. “After I leave GSU, I am confident that I will be joining
filmmakers in the industry who are not afraid to work both commercially
and artistically.”
Through students like Manders, Cheshier says, Georgia State and the CMII will not
only respond to the media industry’s growth but drive it.
“One hopes that Atlanta’s creative industries might employ 200,000 more people
20 years from now than today,” he says. “But that isn’t likely to happen because CNN
or Turner will multiply their Atlanta operations. It’ll be because of a new generation
of entrepreneurs with its own Ted Turner or Tyler Perry. We want to be the place that
prepares those artists.”
new endowments for fiscal year 2015
With gratitude, Georgia State relies on the invaluable support provided
by the following new endowments established between July 1, 2014
and June 30, 2015.
Jim and Kathryn Adams Basketball Scholarship
Jim and Kathryn Adams
Apperson Family Scholarship
Frank and Julianne Apperson
Joseph O. and Louise P. Baylen
Scholarship Endowment
James L. and Valerie Baylen
Bradford Scott Beerman Memorial Scholarship
Bruce and Janet E. Beerman
Arts and Sciences Dean’s Early Career
Award Endowment
Edward H. and Nancy Bullwinkel
Peggy and Keith Cooley Scholarship
H. Keith and Margaret P. Cooley
Bradford and Patricia Ferrer Professorship
in Analytics
Bradford W. and Patricia P. Ferrer
Judith Ottoson Scholarship
Lawrence W. Green and Judith M. Ottoson
John Haberlen Choral Travel Award Fund
John and Victoria Haberlen
Harrower Endowment for the Summer
Opera Workshop
Irene C. Harrower and Andres Diaz and
Julie Harrower-Diaz
J. Rhodes Haverty Scholarship in Nursing
and Health Professions
Elice D. Haverty
Phil and Jeanne Oneacre Athletics, Business
and Honors Scholarships
Phil and Jeanne Oneacre
Planas Family Scholarship for Doctoral
Student Support
Luis and Abrenda Planas
C.P.A.C. Reynolds Kappa Sigma
Athletic Scholarship
C.P.A.C. Reynolds and Linda K. Wiant
Madison Roarabaugh McLester
Scholarship Fund
Mary K. and Richard C. Roarabaugh
Dr. Bharat Shah Leadership Speaker Series
Bharat C. Shah and Mitesh K. Shah
Sorrells Family Scholarship Endowment
Carole P. and Michael C. Sorrells
Amis Stephan Endowment for
Undergraduate Retention
Paula E. Stephan and William D. Amis
Timmons Family Scholarship
Charles and Sherri Timmons
Wade Family Endowment
Randy A. Wade and Rodney D. Wade
Regynald G. Washington Endowment
Regynald G. Washington
Donald Wert Endowment
Donald J. Wert
JoAnna White Play Therapy Scholarship
JoAnna F. and James H. White
Dr. Steve and Lynne Wrigley Study
Abroad Scholarship
Steven W. and Lynne S. Wrigley
more donors in FY15
than previous year
Financial Highlights for Fiscal Year 2015
Georgia State University Foundation Inc.
for the benefit of Georgia State University
presidents society
for fiscal year 2015
i n c r ea s e o v e r F Y 1 4
fundraising total
leaders circle
The Georgia State University Foundation extends its gratitude
to this premier group of individuals and organizations in
recognition of their cumulative gifts totaling $1 million or
more. Members of our Leaders Circle and their groundbreaking
gifts provide fundamental support of the university’s mission
as a premier research institution.
$10 Million and Above
J. Mack* and Nita Robinson / J. Mack Robinson Foundation
Bank of America Corporation
Robert W. Woodruff Foundation
$5 Million to $9,999,999
Peter E. Blum
Kenneth and Donna Lewis
Pete and Janet Petit
Georgia Research Alliance
The Goizueta Foundation
GSU Research Foundation Inc.
The Marcus Foundation Inc.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
$1 Million to $4,999,999
John E.* and Helen M. Aderhold
Elena Diaz-Verson Amos* / John B. Amos
and Elena Amos Foundation Inc.
Douglas G. and Sandra E. Bergeron
Bobby Lee Cook
Thomas and Ann Cousins
Bill and Jill Dahlberg
Robert E. Heck
Catherine C. Henson and
Christopher Carpenter
Matthew and Dawn Heric
Ralph and Marjorie F. Knowles
R. Charles Loudermilk Sr.
William D. and Susan T. Reeves
Herman J. Russell Sr.* and
Sylvia E. Russell
Deen Day Sanders
Margaret A. Staton
W.J. Usery
Regynald G. Washington
Ernest G. Welch*
Frances Welch*
Andrew and Carolyn Young
Anonymous (2)
American Association of Managing
General Agents
Annenberg Foundation
Annie E. Casey Foundation Inc.
Atlanta Law School
Berner Charitable and
Scholarship Foundation
Bill Usery Labor Management
Relations Foundation
CLC Foundation Inc.
The Coca-Cola Foundation
Community Foundation for
Greater Atlanta Inc.
Cousins Properties /
Cousins Foundation
Cox Enterprises Inc.
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
E.I. DuPont De Nemours and Company
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fuller E. Callaway Trust
Georgia Power Company / Georgia
Power Foundation
IAVO Research and Scientific
John and Mary Franklin Foundation Inc.
John Templeton Foundation
The Johnny Mercer Foundation
Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation
Kresge Foundation
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Inc.
Mark and Evelyn Trammell
Foundation Inc.
National Philanthropic Trust, DAF
Peachtree Presbyterian Church
Pittulloch Foundation
RealtiCorp 528 LLC
SunTrust Banks Inc. and SunTrust
Directed Funds:
Florence C. and Harry L. English
Memorial Fund
Greene-Sawtell Foundation
Harriet McDaniel Marshall Trust
Tull Charitable Foundation Inc.
Walter H. and Marjory M. Rich
Memorial Fund
United States Agency for
International Development
Wells Fargo and Co.:
Atlanta Foundation
David, Helen and Marian
Woodward Fund
Ida A. Ryan Charitable Fund
Mary Allen Lindsey
Branan Foundation
Price Gilbert Jr. Charitable
Trust Fund
W.M. Keck Foundation
* Deceased
Benefactors Circle
Members of the Benefactors Circle have made transformative
gifts to Georgia State University totaling $100,000 to $999,999.
The university is grateful for the gifts made by these esteemed
individuals and organizations.
$500,000 to $999,999
Angie and Sam Allen
Kathleen B. and R. Lawrence Ashe
Timothy A. and Diane Benich
Kenneth L. and Katherine S. Bernhardt
W. Lee Burge* and Burge Family
Michael C.* and Thalia N.* Carlos / Thalia
and Michael Carlos Foundation
C. L. Chandler Jr.*
John H. Cowart Sr. / John H. Cowart
Family Foundation
Cherry* and Mary Emerson
Virginia Ezzard*
Bradford W. and Patricia P. Ferrer
Duane L. and Drada P. Hoover
David G. and Vesta O. Jones
Jack R. and Patricia C. Kelly
James and Sarah Kennedy
Michael P. and Elizabeth A. Kenny
Florence Kopleff*
Richard H. and Susan M. Lenny
Henry F. McCamish Jr.* / HFM
Foundation Inc.
Ruth Dobbs McDonald*
Henry* and Nancy Miller
Bernard* and Eugenia* Ramsey
Frank D. and Judy J. Strickland
Joseph* and Lou Taylor
Steve B.* and Diana L.* Woodruff / J.W.
and Ethel I. Woodruff Foundation
Carl R. Zwerner
Anonymous (2)
40 Pryor Street LLC
After-School All-Stars
American Cancer Society
American Foundation for Hellenic Studies
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Board of Regents, University System
of Georgia
Callaway Foundation Inc.
Carl R. Zwerner Philanthropic Fund
CF Foundation Inc.
Charles Loridans Foundation Inc.
The Coca-Cola Company
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Deloitte and Touche LLP
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Einhorn Family Charitable Trust
GSU Building Foundation
Healthcare Georgia Foundation Inc.
IBM Corporation
Jim Cox Jr. Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Lend Lease Real Estate Investments Inc.
Mathematica Policy Research Inc.
Munich Reinsurance Company
PeopleSoft Inc.
Pew Charitable Trusts
Pfizer Inc.
Reading Recovery Council of
North America
Schwab Charitable Fund
Southern Company
Starr Foundation
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
Turner Broadcasting System Inc.
The University Financing
Foundation Inc.
$250,000 to $499,999
Anonymous (5)
Miles J. and Elaine B. Alexander
Leila B. Armknecht
M. Bobbie Bailey*
G. Dennis and Kathy T. Berry
Richard E. and Sandra B. Bowers
Bennett and Sheri Lynn Brown
E. Ted Byers
S. Truett Cathy* / Chick-fil-A
H. Keith and Margaret P. Cooley
Kathleen D. Crouch*
Charlotte B. Dixon
Michael D. and Anne Deeley Easterly
Sidney H.* and Clara L. Feldman
Colleen M. Flinn
Patrick L. Flinn
David H. and Sandra L. Flint
Ron and Gwen Freeman
J. Michael and Lauren Gearon
Thomas James Guzzo
Aziz A. and Farahnaz A. Hashim
William C.* and Betty S. Hatcher
Wayne S. Hyatt
Eric J. and Barbara S. Joiner
Kenneth and Mary Matheny
Lawton and Brenda Nease
Gary D. Nelson
Eric and Katherine Ohlhausen
Janet and Iqbal Paroo
Carl and Gretchen Patton
Charles and Catherine Rice / The
Charles and Catherine B.
Rice Foundation
Bharat Shah
Mitesh K. Shah
J. Grover and Catherine L. Thomas
American Heart Association
American International Group Inc.
Atlanta Chapter of the Risk Insurance
Management Society Inc.
Autism Speaks
Bard Inc.
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Inc.
East Lake Foundation Inc.
Equifax Inc.
Ernst and Young LLP
FINRA Investor Education Foundation
Georgia Real Estate Commission
The Gerber Foundation
Hitachi Foundation
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
International Association of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers
Jesse Parker Williams Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater
Atlanta Inc.
John H. Cowart Family Foundation Inc.
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of
Georgia Inc.
Kathleen D. Crouch Trust
Lettie Pate Evans Foundation
The Lighthouse Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Mabel Dorn Reeder Foundation
March of Dimes Foundation
Mary Alice and Bennett Brown
Foundation Inc.
New United Motor Manufacturing Inc.
New York Life Foundation
The Payne Fund
Raytheon Company Charitable
Gift Fund
Real Estate Alumni Group / Atlanta Board of Realtors Educational
Foundation Inc.
Rollins Center for Language
and Learning
Towers Watson
University System of Georgia
Foundation Inc.
$100,000 to $249,999
Anonymous (3)
Jim and Kathryn Adams
Thomas and Kay Aderhold
Henry F. Anthony and Carol R. Geiger
Robert J. and Amy Arogeti
William C. and Margaret M. Balzer
Mark Becker and Laura Voisinet
Kenneth Black Jr.*
Stuart C. and Vicki W. Blandford
David C. Blumenfeld and Paula K. Eubanks
Paul F. Bowles
Louis S. Brooke*
Edward H. and Nancy Bullwinkel
Anthony P. and Mary D. Burger
Maxwell M. Burns
Linda S. Byars
Chris M. Carlos
Almand B. Carroll*
James E. and Patricia W. Copeland
Alonzo A.* and Gwendolyn M.* Crim
Jarrett and Mary Davis
The Family of R. Means Davis Jr.
R. Means and Margaret T. Davis
David A. and Cantey L. Deeter
H. Talmage Dobbs Jr.*
R. Howard Dobbs Jr.* and Josephine A.
Dobbs* / R. Howard Dobbs
Jr. Foundation
Terry and Marilyn Dornbush
Julian W. and Sue Eidson
Elze Epps and Evern Cooper Epps
A. L. Feldman*
Brad and Marie Foster
F. Sheffield Hale
Courtney Hanna
Frank J. Hanna Jr.
Joe Frank and Elizabeth C. Harris
Kenneth W. and Georganne F. Honeycutt
Leyton B.* and Kathryn J.* Hunter
Robert Hunter
Jeff G. and Sherry Hwang
Ben F. Johnson Jr.*
Mahmood* and Carelle L. Karimimanesh
Noah Langdale Jr.* and Alice C. Langdale*
Mary B. Long
David A. and Barbara M. Lowenkopf
Bill* and Billie* Lowery
G. Michael and Lee A. Lumpkin
Margaret K. Lupo* / Merle K. Lott Trust
Manoj K. Mishra and Neha Mishra
L. Anthony and Jackie E. Montag
Ralph C.* and Margaret U.* Moor
Keith A. and Marsha S. O’Daniel / F.A.
O’Daniel Foundation
William A. Pannell
William C. Pate and Judy Trotochaud
E. Vachel and Shirley C. Pennebaker
John and Jan Portman
Douglas and Patricia Reid
Kenneth and Frances K. Reid
Wayne D. and Rubye L. Reid
Joe and Karen Reinkemeyer
Nancy B. Robitaille
Mason B. and Ana M. Rountree
Joseph and Sara Sansone
Stuart Schwarzschild*
Wilbert H. and Dorothy R. Schwotzer
Kelly and Ginny Smith
James A. and Gail E. Stark
Juanita S. Stokes
David and Nancy Stonecipher
Andrew B. and Ruth E. Suzman
Arthur M. and Leslie M. Thurston
Ted Townsend
Richard and Ardith Vines
Paul Wachter
Joseph and Felicia* Weber / The
Joseph and Felicia Weber Family
Foundation Inc.
Leszek Wegrzyn*
Bruce and Jeanene Weiner
Karen C. Wilbanks
Suzan and Stephen Zoukis
AirSept Inc.
The Alice and Noah N. Langdale
Jr. Foundation Inc.
American Bankers Insurance Group Inc.
American Diabetes Association
Research Foundation Inc.
American Hotel and Lodging
Educational Foundation
American Legacy Foundation
Andreas Foundation
Andrew and Eula Carlos Foundation Inc.
Aon Foundation
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Argus Financial Software
The Arnold Foundation Inc.
Arthur Andersen LLP
Association of Public and Land Grant Universities
Atlanta Music Festival Fund
AutoTrader Group Inc.
Bank South Corporation
Bausch + Lomb
BBDO South
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Boeing Company
Camden County Sheriff’s Office
Carlyle Fraser Employees Benefit Fund
Century 21 National Advertising Fund
Chubb Corporation
CIBA Vision Corporation
Club Managers Association of America
Continental Telecom Inc.
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
of America
Danish Agency for Science, Technology
and Innovation
Deere and Company
Delta Air Lines Inc.
DuPree Foundation
Elton John AIDS Foundation
Emory University
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Exxon Education Foundation
Fitel Lucent Technologies
Genuine Parts Company
Georgia Collaborative to Improve Care
at End of Life
Georgia-Pacific Foundation Inc.
Georgia-Pacific LLC
Georgia State AFL-CIO Labor
Awards Committee
Georgia State University
Alumni Association
The Gerontological Society of America
The Halle Foundation
Harriet McDaniel Marshall Trust
Hasbro Children’s Foundation
Helene Fuld Health Trust, HSBC Bank
USA, Trustee
Herman J. Russell Foundation
Hunter Hotel Investment Conference
ING Life of Georgia
International Association of Fairs
and Expositions
Iowa Child Foundation
Jack Tarver Foundation
James M. Cox Foundation of
Georgia Inc.
James S. Kemper Foundation
Jefferson-Pilot Corporation
John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland
Charitable Foundation Inc.
Johnson and Freeman LLC
Katherine John Murphy Foundation
Kenneth M. England Foundation
Kinetic Biosystems Inc.
Livingston Foundation Inc.
M. Bobbie Bailey Foundation Inc.
Marsh USA Inc.
McDonnell Douglas Foundation
Mills B. Lane Memorial Foundation
Milton M. Ratner Foundation
National Association of Exposition
Managers Foundation Inc.
National Geographic Society
Education Foundation
The New York Community Trust
Paroo Charitable Trust
Qualtrics LLC
Raymond James Charitable
Endowment Fund
Real Estate Investment Advisory Council
Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly
Authority of Fulton County
Rich Foundation Inc.
Robert and Polly Dunn Foundation
Salisbury Community Foundation Inc.
Southeastern Bankruptcy Law
Institute Inc.
Southeastern Regional Reading
Recovery Association
Spencer Educational Foundation Inc.
State Farm Companies Foundation
The Strickland Family Foundation Inc.
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Troutman Sanders LLP
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Disabled Athletes Fund Inc.
United Way of Greater Atlanta Inc.
University of Copenhagen
The Vasser Woolley Foundation Inc.
Whitehall Foundation Inc.
William Bingham Foundation
William M. Suttles Foundation
The Woodrow Wilson National
Fellowship Foundation
YMCA of Metropolitan Atlanta Inc.
Zeist Foundation Inc.
Zygogen LLC
* Deceased
Legacy Circle
The Legacy Circle recognizes alumni and friends who have
included Georgia State University Foundation in their estate
plans. These enduring gifts made by our Legacy Circle members
ensure the long-term security and excellence of the university.
Anonymous (15)
Jim and Kathryn Adams
Samuel E. Allen
Richard J.* and Barbara N. Anderson
Beverly J. Armento
Janice H. Arsan
Kathleen B. and R. Lawrence Ashe
Richard K. and Carole Babush
J. Fred and Linda Bailey
John and Isabel Baker
E. Jo Baker-Henry
C. Duncan and Ellen Beard
Gary L. Bernes
Yezdi and Perviz Bhada
Mark E. Biernath+
Kenneth Black Jr.*
Boyd J. Blevins*
W. Frank and Mary Ellen Blount
David C. Blumenfeld
Thomas E. and Beth Ann C. Boland
Donna S. Brazzell
Thomas J. Bremer
Agnes C. Brook*
Louis S.* and Mary F.* Brooke
M. Steven and Gail Brotherton
Bennett A. Brown III
Brian and Nan Brown
George H. Brown
John and Gwen Bullock
W. Lee Burge* and Burge Family
Nancy A. Byron
Martha B. Carlton
Almand B. Carroll*
Raymond M.* and Karen C. Cash
James D.* and Lenora V.* Caswell
Willie Mae Cathcart*
Burton Cloud*
Michael J. and Donna N. Coles
James E. and Patricia W. Copeland
Donald P. and Geraldine A. Crane
Robert S. Crane*
John A. and Annie Crawford
Deborah P Crockett
Kathleen D. Crouch*
Jeanette G. Cummings
Bill and Jill Dahlberg
Thomas R. Daniel Jr. and Susan Brooks
M. Eleanor Davis*
Malcolm Davis*
R. Means and Margaret Davis
Ralph and Linda Davis
Samuel J. Davis
Diane A. Dean
William G. Densmore*
Ronald J. and Suzanne F. Donner
Betty H. Dunn
Hugh L. Durham
John M. Dyer
Michael D. and Anne Deeley Easterly
Susan H. Eckert
Richard A. Elmer* and
Katherine R. Lloyd*
Carrie L. Elrod+
Charles Epstein*
Virginia Ezzard*
William E.* and Victoria O.* Farnell
Colleen M. Flinn
Patrick L. Flinn
Alfred J. Floda
Thomas and Annie Flournoy
Fran and Joe Fowler
Diane L. Fowlkes
Daniel P. Franklin
C. Elisia Frazier
Angela Porter Giles and Alan
Richard Giles
Thomas* and Virginia A. Gilmore
Donald S. Gingrich
Jeanne M. Goldie
William and Valerie Goodwin
Emily Graham*
Elizabeth Balliet Grefe*
Steven and Katharine Haase
John and Victoria Haberlen+
Janice M. Haddrill
Jay B. Haney and Anne Page Mosby
George M. Harper*
Irene C. Harrower
William C.* and Betty S. Hatcher
J. Rhodes* and Elice Haverty
Melvin B. and Lucille W. Hayden
Ronald J. and Janet S. Henry
Catherine C. Henson
Carole E. Hill
Kenneth E.* and Denise Hill
Richard E. Hodges Jr.
Tony G. and Pamela G. Holcombe
Katy L. Hope*
Sally and John Howard
Henry R. Hunter*
Kathryn J. Hunter*
M. Christine Jacobs
Ben F. Johnson Jr.*
Charles B. Jones Jr.
James A. Kaufmann*
Susan J. Kelley and Ronald F. Verni
Jack R. and Patricia C. Kelly
Jeff and Teresa Kelly
Roland J. Knobel*
Ralph and Marjorie F. Knowles
Charles C. Knox
Florence Kopleff*
Keith and Karen Kuchta
Michael A. LaFleur
W. Edmund and Cecil W. Laird
Noah* and Alice* Langdale
William D. and Florence E.* Lathbury
Louis L. Lawson
J. Kenneth* and Loyce H. Lesley
Jay L. Levine*
Kenneth and Donna Lewis
Tom and Patty Lewis
Edith Daniel Little*
Leigh Anne Liu
Kevin E. Lofton
William G. and Rita K. Loventhal
William G. and Connie Lucas+
Salvatore J.J. Lucido
Grant and Arabelle Luckhardt+
Kenneth and Mary Matheny
Vicki H. Wilson McElreath+
Bob and Michele McGinnis
Louise M. McGuire
David M. and Sarah H. McKenney
Richard and Kirsten Meneghello
Elizabeth M. Mercer*
Michael H. and Enid M. Mescon
Ralph C. Moor*
Gaylon D. Morris
J. Elaine Murphy
Lawton and Brenda Nease
John C. and Agnes V. Nelson
Michael R. Neuenkirch
J. Warren Newman*
Phil and Jeanne Oneacre+
William A. Pannell
Carl and Gretchen Patton
Debianne and Robert S. Peterman
Luis and Abrenda Planas+
J. Allen Poole
Alwyn V. Powell
James and Barbara Prickett
C.P.A.C. Reynolds
Julian F. and D. Annette Hill* Rhinehart
Ned and Marsha Richards
Donna M. Robertson
John Charles Rolison+
James and Mary Rowley
Georgette A. Samaritan
Joseph and Sara Sansone
Naomi Satterfield*
Amanda L. Scott and Michael P. Kehoe
Carole E. Scott
Nancy and Geoffrey* Seamans
Fredrick V. Sherwood*
Kay R. Shirley
Martha E. Sik
David G. Simons*
Daniel T. Sims
Evelyn M. Sohn*
Howard S. Starks*
Dorn Swerdlin
Myrna R. Truitt
Aileen and Chris Valianos
Christopher R. and Elanna R. Valley
Richard and Ardith Vines
Bailey M.* and Ethel K.* Wade
Randy A. Wade+
Rodney D. Wade+
Joseph L. Walker
Leszek Wegrzyn*
Hugh W. and Linda M. Welborn
Ernest G. Welch*
Frances Welch*
Donald J. Wert+
Diane E. White
William B. White
Ralph and Marie Williams
Kirk and Jackie Wimberly
Wayne* and Rebecca* Woody
Alice C. Young
J. Hoyt Young+
Norman E. Zoller
Suzan and Stephen Zoukis
+ New Member Fiscal Year 2015
* Deceased
largest single gift in
Georgia state history
Partners Circle
The Partners Circle represents those donors whose gifts totaled
$1,000 or more between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. These
annual gifts provide vital support for Georgia State.
$5,000 and above
Anonymous (1)
Keith E. Adams and Kerry L. Heyward
Randall R. and Brenda G. Addington
Miles J. and Elaine B. Alexander
Angie and Sam Allen
Alison Altman and Mark S. Piven
William D. Amis and Paula E. Stephan
Henry F. Anthony and Carol R. Geiger
Mike Arasin
Eliot M. and Phyllis Arnovitz
Robert J. and Amy Arogeti
Manubir “Manny” and Cathi Arora
Steven G. and Lisa N. Asplundh
Sheldon D. Balbirer
Harold L. and Juliette B. Ball
Milton J. and Linda J. Ball
William T. and Linda Barber
Neda A. Barqawi and Khalid Hamied
James L. and Valerie Baylen
Bruce H. and Cindy A. Becker
Mark Becker and Laura Voisinet
Bruce and Janet E. Beerman
Douglas G. and Sandra E. Bergeron
G. Dennis and Kathy T. Berry
Robert C. Blicksilver
Simon H. Bloom
W. Frank and Mary Ellen Blount
Frank H. and Karen P. Boykin
Ahmet C. and Fatos Bozer
Stephen and Mary Bradshaw
Ben and Suzy Briggs
Louis S.* and Mary F.* Brooke
Edward H. and Nancy Bullwinkel
Anthony P. and Mary D. Burger
Dennis R. and Janel E. Byerly
Christopher and Ann-Marie Campbell
Chris M. Carlos
Van E. Caswell and Wimberly Warnock
Rahim B. and Mahnaz R. Charania
Craig and Sydney Cleland
Antione D. Collins
H. Keith and Margaret P. Cooley
Joel and Geraldine Cowan
R. Keith Cox and Phyllis L. Parker
Kay C. and Carter W. Craigie
Charles and Ansley Crawford
Stewart M. Dansby
Tye and Cathy Darland
Jeffrey R. Davis and Carrie L. Christie
The family of R. Means Davis Jr.
R. Means and Margaret T. Davis
David A. and Cantey L. Deeter
Andres Diaz and Julie Harrower-Diaz
Rene M. and Barbarella Diaz
Linda K. DiSantis and George R. Kerr Jr.
Charles G. “Lefty” and Joyce G. Driesell
Sandra L. Dwyer
John M. and Joyce B. Dyer
Howard C. Ehni and Donna A. Lee
Julian W. and Sue Eidson
E. Patrick Epps
R. Fenton-May
Bradford W. and Patricia P. Ferrer
Colleen M. Flinn
David H. and Sandra L. Flint
Scott M. and Marie Frank
Ron and Gwen Freeman
John W. Gamwell
Angela Porter Giles and Alan
Richard Giles
Janet L. Gossage
Martin F. and Kelly A. Grace
Larry E. and Christina M. F. Gramlich
Duncan S. and Julia J. Gray
G. Patrick Green
Lawrence W. Green and Judith
M. Ottoson
Luke and Susan Gregory
Timothy J. and Kathleen Gunter
John B. and Victoria A. Haberlen
David F. and Mary L. Haddow
F. Sheffield Hale
James D. and Molly A. Hargather
Jefferson L. Harralson
Irene C. Harrower
Aziz A. and Farahnaz A. Hashim
William C.* and Betty S. Hatcher
Catherine C. Henson and
Christopher Carpenter
Kenrick N. Higa
Tony G. and Pamela G. Holcombe
Philip E. and Melinda Holladay
Geoffrey T. and Mechelle M. Horst
David J. and Julie Hungeling
Robert Hunter
Derek M. and Gillian T. Jackson
Richard J. and Marcia N. Jacobson
David and Deana Johnson
William B. Johnson
C. David and Elizabeth H. Johnston
Eric J. and Barbara S. Joiner
A. Tom and Judy Jones
David G. and Vesta O. Jones
James W. Kelley
Jack R. and Patricia C. Kelly
Michael P. and Elizabeth A. Kenny
Ralph and Marjorie F. Knowles
Michael A. LaFleur
David T. and Ellen Lee
Richard H. and Susan M. Lenny
Charles C. and Pamela B. Leonard
Kenneth D. and Donna C. Lewis
Kevin E. Lofton
Mary B. Long
Lawrence J. and Barbara LoRusso
David A. and Barbara M. Lowenkopf
Bruce W. and Lorianne Mack
J. Alan and Cynthia H. Maloy
Nancy R. and Laurence E. Mansfield
Isaiah and Sharon W. Mapp
Kenneth and Mary Matheny
Felicia and Rodney Mayfield
W. Ken and Connie D. McDaniel
Colleen E.B. McEdwards and
Scott Burnside
Charles H. and Margaret R. McTier
Gary Meggs
John R. Parks and Erika Meinhardt
Mark S. Mesler Sr.
Karen J. Minyard and Richard W. Turner
Manoj K. Mishra and Neha Mishra
Kevin W. and Colleen Mooney
Alan S. Neely and Helen deGolian Neely
John C. and Agnes V. Nelson
Mark A. and Lynne R. O’Brien
John E. and Caroline Pallat
William A. Pannell
Richard K. Paradies
Janet and Iqbal Paroo
Debianne and Robert S. Peterman
Parker H. and Janet Petit
J. Allen Poole
Gregory S. and Michelle J. Pope
Neil L. and Mebane Pruitt
George W. Rainbolt
William D. and Susan T. Reeves
Douglas and Patricia Reid
Wayne D. and Rubye L. Reid
Thomas J. and Wendy W. Reiman
Joseph W. and Karen W. Reinkemeyer
C.P.A.C. Reynolds and Linda K. Wiant
Sami L. Rizk
Mary K. and Richard C. Roarabaugh
Mason B. and Ana M. Rountree
Jeffrey C. and Deborah B. Rupp
Joseph and Sara Sansone
Robert A. and Carol S. Sargent
Anil D. and Ujwala A. Sawant
John R. and Elizabeth Scarbrough
Wilbert H. and Dorothy R. Schwotzer
Bharat Shah
Mitesh K. Shah
Michael S. and Cynthia C. Shannon
Jagdish N. Sheth
Nicholas and Anne Marie Shreiber
Harold V. Shumacher and
Nancy E. Nolan
Frank and Deborah T. Slover
Kelly and Ginny Smith
Roy M. and Bonnie G. Sobelson
Carole P. and Michael C. Sorrells
Paul and Sue Sparks
Margaret A. Staton
Dante S. Stephensen
Juanita S. Stokes
Frank D. and Judy J. Strickland
C. Meade Sutterfield
Andrew B. and Ruth E. Suzman
Mark and Suzanne Sykes
J. Stephen and L. Gail Tanner
Bernard Taylor
Geraldine P. Thomas
Arthur M. and Leslie M. Thurston
Celia Till
Willard N. and Wanda F. Timm
Derrick and Trish Treadwell
Mary L. Turick
Timothy J. and Edith M. Twomey
John B. and Ray E. Uttenhove
Christopher J. and Aileen B. Valianos
Richard and Ardith Vines
Karen and Dexter B. Warrior
Jeffrey L. and Cindy Warwick
Allison L. Webb
JoAnna F. and James H. White
McRae F. and Brenda C. Williams
Ruth E. Windham
Steven W. and Lynne S. Wrigley
David D. and Andye H. Zell
Suzan and Stephen Zoukis
$2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Henry and Billye S. Aaron
William T. and Carol M. Adams
Kimberly A. Agnew-Heard
Ian Almond
Richard H. and Marty Alterman
Donald T. Anderson
Frank and Julianne Apperson
Beverly J. Armento
Judith F. Arrington
John L. Avery
Carolyn S. Ballew
Armand E. and Dickey L. Balsano
Richard E. and Danielle M. Balsano
John R. and Angela Y. Bauer
Alfons L. and Barbara R. Baumstark
Jay A. Bernath
David C. Blumenfeld and Paula K. Eubanks
William C. Bogner and Pamela S. Barr
Thomas E. and Janine A. Bowen
Steven and Elizabeth Bowles
Thomas B. and Denise E. Boyd
Katrina T. Bradbury
Frances L. Breeden and Bruce Brittain
Harvey J. Brightman
Margo A. Brinton
David and Donna Brown
Annelle N. Burch
E. Tyrone and Tracey M. Burke
Carole Z. Carreker
T. David Caudill and Julia K. Bannerman
P. Troy and Mazie Lynn Causey
James C. Chambers Jr.
Terry R. and B. Lynn Chastain
Phillip H. and Julie S. Cook
Ryan H. Crooks
Erroll B. and Elaine Davis
Michael C. and Wendy Marsh Dendy
Vicki M. Denmark
Lawrence A. Dietrich
Dabney W. and William T. Dixon
Ronald J. and Suzanne F. Donner
Jere A. and Patsy C. Drummond
Wesley C. and Joanne L. Duesenberg
James and Nancy C. Dykhouse
Robert J. and Shelley C. Evans
Patrick L. Flinn
Fran and Joe Fowler
Janet L. Fox
Michael K. Fuller and Lauren P. Carrigan
Stephen W. and Marianne D. Garber
Robin L. Griffith and Dawn R. Smith
Shelby R. and Lynne E. Grubbs
Joe Frank and Elizabeth C. Harris
Roy Harris Jr.
Robert T. Henson
Kerry T. and Kimberly S. Hixon
Sandra C. Hofmann
John D. Hogan and Anna M. Craig
Jeff Howorth
K.N. King and Susan A. Cole
Naomi M. Kirkman-Bey
Robert A. and Lynn S. Koch
Richard I. and Lana C. Krebs
David L. Kuniansky
Michael G. and Susan Lambros
Emanuel V. Lauria Jr.
Tom and Patty Lewis
Dennis P. Lockhart and Mary R. Taylor
G. Michael and Lee A. Lumpkin
Michael E. and Shelia G. Manely
Lisa C. Martin
Walter T. and June K. Massey
Walter F. McDowell
David T. McMurrain
Michael and Theresa M. Metzler
Robert E. Moore and Julie L. Hotchkiss
Arthur J. Morris
Stephanie M. Morris
Fred T. Mote and Bradley L. Wilkinson
Aldus C. and Jan Myers
Lynda A. Newsome
William C. Pate and Judy Trotochaud
George E. and Kathryn F. Pierce
Lorene C. and James B.* Pilcher
David A. Portwood
Charlie F. and Doris Prince
Julio A. and Myriam Ramirez
William H. and Ashley S. Rogers
Mary Ann Romski
B. Sterling Roth
Louis A. Ruprecht Jr.
Brian G. Sadler
David W. and Sharon E. Schachter
George and Alayne Sertl
Rose A. Sevcik
Jung P. and Michelle Shim
Joanna P. Skinner
T. Dallas and Monica C. Smith
Felicia A. Speetjens
Raj Swami
Amit Thaker
Edgar C. and Julia Torbert
Esperanza Torres
Mark D. and Carol Trail
Dan and Kim Turner
Rose Marie Wade
Hugh W. and Linda M. Welborn
John V. Wilson
Gail K. Winkle
Andrew M. and Helen Wolff
W. C. Wyatt Jr.
James N. and Michele M. Young
$1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (4)
Justin C. and Laura A. Abbott
Gregory A. and Wanda C. Adams
James M. and Kathryn Adams
Mark C. Adams
Timothy F. and Rhonda L. Agnew
Donald G. and Ellen Ahearn
H. Elliott Albers and Amy Erwin
Paul A. Alberto
Hugh and Delcie J. Albritton
Jason F. and Courtney Aldrich
Gary P. and Sam Alexander
William T. and Donna N. Allbritton
Randall L. Allen and Mary
Lou Montagne-Allen
Robert T. and Tami Armagost
Ellen F. Arnovitz
Craig E. and Jane G. Aronoff
Mezzie L. Ash and Paul J. Brownson
Joyce Atkinson
Robert A. Azar
Richard K. and Carole Babush
Laurence and Terri F. Bagen
David A. Balos
Henry Spencer Banzhaf
Grene N. Baranco
John W. and Barbara B. Barber
Melody E. Barnett
Sandra Kay Barnhill
Richard and Barbara Baskerville
Charles W. and Joan S. Bass
Harry H. and Deborah L. Baughman
John S. Bayne
Dorothy T. Beasley
Katalin S. Beck
Joseph M. and Marjorie L. Belth
Nathan and Linda Bennett
Francis E. Beres
Robert J. and Aubree L. Bergmann
Lawrence S. Berman
Kenneth L. and Katherine S. Bernhardt
Leonard E. Berry
Amy T. Berthouex
Leonard Bevill
Harold L. and Judy G. Bevis
Yezdi K. and Perviz Y. Bhada
William F. Bibb
James J. Biello
Colin E. and Jessica M. Blalock
Mark Blankenship and Laura E. Cayce
Clarence W. Blanton and
Karen M. Vereb
Leslie L. Bleecker
James A. Blissit*
Ned and Renay A. Blumenthal
Thomas D. and Mary Beth C. Body
Thomas E. and Beth Ann C. Boland
Matthew L. Bower
Richard E. and Sandra B. Bowers
David W. and M. Ellen Boykin
John D. and Lisette D. Branscomb
Gary B. and Melissa B. Brennaman
S. Perry and Shirley Brickman
John O. and Gertrud A. Briggs
Jason E. and Anna Bring
Gary S. Brochin
Mary M. Brockington
James C. and Karen W. Brooks
James L. Bross
William B. Browning
Debra A. Bryan
Mark G. and Melissa M. Bryson
Joanna Buffington and William D. Brook
James A. Burke
Andrew C. and Lisa M. Burnett
John A. Burrison
F. Melvin Burton
John R. and Roberta M. Caldwell
G. Michael and Jan Callahan
Marie Cameron
Martha B. Carlton
Brian T. Casey
Michael W. and Bobbelise B.* Ceigler
Michael P. Cerchiaro
Patricia Cervenka
Laurie Champion
Rachna D. Chandora
Guantao Chen and Daoling Bi
David M. Cheshier
Tseng Yen Chuang
James T. and Lindsey G. Churchill
Conrad S. and Elizabeth A. Ciccotello
John D. Clark
Andre B. and Brenda E. Cleveland
Charles G. and Lindsey Cobb
J. Alfred Cochran
James G. and Mary A. Cochran
William B. and Mildred M. Cody
Walter O. Coffey and G. David Sprowl
Cheryl C. Collier
Beverly H. Collins and Patrick Head
Charlotte A. Combre
Ralph Conti
Sarah L. Cook and Kevin P. Byers
John W. Cooledge
Douglass F. and Renee Covey
John A. and Danah C. Craft
Mark S. and Leland Crews
Daniel B. Crimmins
Christopher Crittenden
Deborah P. Crockett
Sidney A. and Constance Crow
Clarence T. and Annette Cummings
Bradley N. and Sally Currey
Brett H. and Jaime Curry
Carolyn N. and William A. Curry
Daniel B. and Margaret M. Curtis
Jan Dahlin Geiger
Harry L. and Julie R. Dangel
Wayne W. Daniel
Darrell W. Daniels
Teresa T. Dau and Amanda McMillan
Walter F. and Jean E. Daves
Elizabeth H. David
J. Narl Davidson and Edith M. Guyton
Braxton K. Davis
Samuel J. Davis
Sherman R. Day
Kean J. and Rebecca A. DeCarlo
William C. and Suzanne G. Degnats
Michael DeKoning
Michael J. and Kristen M. Delaney
Joseph R. and Tracy M. Delgado
Jerry and Harriet Dempsey
Charles D. Derby
Geert J. de Vries
David Diaz and Candace E. Bird-Diaz
Sarma and Rajalakshmi Dittakavi
Caitlin M. Dooley
David N. and Kathy K. Dorough
Paula L. Dressel
Irene M. Duhaime
Joyce Dunaway Parker
Douglas G. Dunlap
Betty H. Dunn
Michael and Anne Easterly
John F. and Sara A. Edgar
Michael Eisenstadt
W. Crawford Elliott
Johnnie M. and Patsy B. Engesser
Michael P. and Paula Eriksen
Russell W. and Lori R. Etheridge
John F. and Susan M. Euart
James O. Evans
Stephanie A. Everett and Jason Wiles
Joe B.* and Daphna B. Ezell
Jamie L. Fanelli
Casey J. and Melissa C. Farmer
Paul J. Ferraro and Kristin L. Rowles
Jill S. Finan
William C. and Sally G. Finch
Mary B. Fink
Lynn M. Finley-Davis
Virginia A. Finne and Geoffrey Churchill
William N. and S. Denise Floyd
Gregory S. and Cheryl L. Ford
John B. and Sarah C. Ford
Stephen D. and Denise B. Forrester
Diane L. Fowlkes
David J. and Linda C. Fraboni
Jerrold France
Samuel O. Franklin III
Martin D. and Carol M. Fraser
Laura D. and George V. Fredrick Jr.
Patrick K. Freer
Fred J. Friedel
Lee J. and Joan M. Friedman
Gwen A. Frishkoff
Eleanor J. Fulton
Peggy A. and Kevin C. Gallagher
David H. Gambrell
Pallavi Garg
John M. Garrigan
Gerald D. and Mary B. Gay
Pamela L. and Jonathan Gayles
Jerry Geiger
James F. and Patrice P. George
Phillip E. and Jerri A. Gilbert
Robyn Gillespie
Donald S. Gingrich
Raymond A. and Jillian L. Giornelli
Marjorie L. Girth
J. Lewis Glenn
H. Fred and Merrilee A. Gober
Jeanne M. Goldie
Leon C. and Betty C. Goldstein
Irene E. Goodale
Scott K. Goodell
Lynda T. and Ray Goodfellow
Glenn E. and Jodie L. Gouge
Frederic J. and Linda Grant
Donald H. Gudehus
F. Stuart and Kathleen C. Gulley
Matthew and Angela P. Gunning
Donald and Tamara Hale
George and Carolyn T. Hall
John W. and Virginia W. Hall
Frank T. and Barbara C. Hannah
Eugene J. Hanratty III
Edward J. and Caroline Hardin
James L. and Margaret T. Harkness
Hubert L. and Joan C. Harris
Dabney A. Hart*
Gil Harvard
Robert R. and Polly L. Harwell
J. Rhodes* and Elice Haverty
Melvin B. and Lucille W. Hayden
John R. Hayes and Karen A. Schriver
Gene T. Haywood
Kenneth J. Heaghney and Dean
Mary E. Walker
Daniel E. and Marianna C. Hendricks
Ronald J. and Janet S. Henry
Andrew M. and Kimberly S. Hermann
Glenn H. Hewitt
Derek Heyden
Hunter M. and Sharon K. Hicks
Seabie W. Hickson III
Christopher P. and Adrienne Hill
Leo J. and Florissa B. Hill
Patsy J. Hilliard
William R. and Lisa M. Hinson
Barry T. and Linda Hirsch
Frankie H. Hobbs
David M. and Faye H. Holland
Samuel J. Hooper and
Michelle R. Holdgreve
Carl H. Hoover
R. Craig Hoover
John D. Hopkins and Laurie E. House
Leslie and Sharon Hough
Sally S. and John R. Howard
Richard T. and Janice P. Howerton
Zhenhua Hu
Carl D. Hudson and Jennie Raymond
James W. and Lea Ann Hudson
Randall L. and Linda S. Hughes
Anna M. Humnicky
Christopher M. Humphrey
Cheryl E. Hunley
Ronald E. and Amy Hunter
Willard P. Hurst Jr.
Rebecca L. Huss-Keeler and
Terry Keeler
Edward J. Hux
Randy E. Hyman
Mie Igarashi
George E. and Dorothy S. Ingram
Douglas and Leslie Isenberg
Michael J. Ivie
Angela G. Jackson
James W. and Ann J. Jackson
Scott and Claudia Jackson
G. Eric and Allison A. Jacobs
Nicole James
Olga S. and Robert E. Jarrett
Ralph W. and Sandra F. Jernigan
Jin Jin
Olubunmi U. Jinadu
Hiram D. and Barbara K. Johnston
Dawn M. Jones
Emanuel and Gloria Jones
Frank I. Jones and Debra L. Kibbe
Jean Ellen Jones
Margaret A. Jones
Van D. and Belinda D. Jones
Bidhu Joseph
Teresa F. Judon
Jason M. Jundt and Stephanie
L. Kresky-Jundt
Steven J. Kaminshine and
Cathy C. Jamison
Barbara B. Kaufman
Susan J. Kelley and Ronald F. Verni
Jeffrey W. and Teresa G. Kelly
Julia M. Kerlin
Daniel P. Kidder and Lisa P. Armistead
James A. and Lori E. Kilberg
Sharon S. Kilfeather
D. Kimbrough King Jr.
Weston C. Kirk
Sidney and M. Carolyne Kirschner
Thomas J. and Jacquelyn L. Kiss
Gloria M. Kittel
Nancy P. Kropf
Dana L. Krützfeldt
V. Kumar
David C. and Susan K. Laird
Patricia A. Carter and Richard D. Lakes
Beverly Y. Langford and Charlie P. Boyd
Susan K. Laury
Harrell and Carla B. Lavender
Jonathan L. and Marlo O. Leach
Sheila H. Lee and Jonathan J. Davies
Keith J. Leggett
John M. Leonard
Loyce H. Lesley
Brian G. Leslie
James E. and Mary N. Lester
Noah A. and Berna S. Levine
Brad and Anne W. Lewis
Jian D. Li and Haidong Xu
William G. and Barbara K. Lipe
Adam H. Litke
William J. and Mary Long
J. Michael Lorton and Gary E. Youngblood
William G. and Rita K. Loventhal
Roger W. and Candy C. Lusby
John R. and Sandra Z. Lutzker
Peter and Teresa M. Lyons
Kimberly C. and Lee A. Macenczak
James L. Maddex Jr.
Dionne Mahaffey
Mark W. and Sharon Maloney
Dexter K. Manning
Kimberlee K. Martens
Anthony L. and Suzanne Martin
David R. and Ana L. Martin
David V. and Lynn D. Martin
Roger G. Martin
Jorge and Sherron Martinez
Sue S. Massey
Lars K. Mathiassen and Lene Agerskov
Helen Mathis
Todd Maurer
James H. and C. Annette* Maxey
Robert D. McCallum and Mary Rankin
Weems McCallum
James M. McCarten
Karen J. McClure
Charles E. and Brenda J. McDonald
Michael J. McDonald
Michael McGrane
Thomas D. and Sharon L. McKinney
William P. and Betsy B. Meagher
Annemarie K. Michaud
Andrew A. Mickle
J. Bart and Carol T. Miller
James J. and Vera E. Miller
Roger O. and Mary K. Miller
William G. Miller and
Jo Ann Haden-Miller
Jeremy B. and Christina C. Million
Michael J. and Sharon Milton
Stacia S. Minton
John C. Morman
Robert D. Morris and Elisabeth Groth
Sherrill A. Moss and Joseph W. Lawson
Gregory J. Mullin
Carlton Mullis
J. Elaine Murphy
Kathy Murphy
James B. and Lorain S. Myer
Sherri Nadeau
Julius G. Napoles II
Alonzo A. Neese Jr.
William Newnam and Carol K. Winkler
Carmen R. Newton
Alisa J. Nofsinger
James T. Norris
Frank D. and Sherri Noyes
Mildred B. O’Brien
John F. and Nancy S. Oglesby
Mark F. and Elizabeth R. Olson
Steven D. Olson
Amiel E. and Petra Orquiola
H. Edwin Overcast
J. Mark Owen
Dale and Lisa R. Palmer
Thomas and Sara Pankey
William A. Parker Jr.
Paul N. and Charlotte P. Parks
Kyle W. and Brooke P. Parris
Carl L. and Libby S. Patrick
William S. and Mary H. Patrick
Lance Patterson
Todd A. Perkins
Daniel D. Person and Karen D. Loch
David Peterson
Robert Pettignano
W. Scott and Kathryn Y. Petty
C. Sue Phelps
Curtis and Kimberee J. Phelps
Richard D. and Kelly A. Phillips
George F. and Elizabeth H. Pickett
Luis A. and Abrenda S. Planas
Bobbie Ann Pope
G. Richard Pope
James A. and Joanna E. Pope
William D. and Michelle Y. Posey
Norman E. Powell Jr.
Robert S. and Camille Price
Roger K. and Joanna W. Quillen
Christopher Railey
Richard A. and Elizabeth H. Rand
Sebastian G. Rand
Christopher J. and Dawn A. Randolph
Donald Ratajczak
Stephen R. Ratterree
Charles L. Raudonis and Mary F. Radford
William and Frances Rauschenberg
Julie A. Reader
H. Wade Reece
Joel W. Reed and Mary Lou McCloskey
W. Allen and Martha R. Reed
Jonathan D. and Carol S. Reeder
Joel F. and Jean S. Reeves
Laura E. Reinhold
Donald C. and Lois J. Reitzes
Thomas E. Reynolds
Maurice M. and Ramona Richardson
T. Anthony Roberts
N. Allen and Patricia R. Robertson
Carolyn L. Robison
Reemberto Rodriguez and
Geraldina Dominguez
Dominic and Denise Romeo
Brian and Jerridean N. Rooker
H. Jerry and Dulcy Rosenberg
James D. and Kyla T. Ross
Greg Roth and Linley Jones
Duane M. Rumbaugh
Francis W. and Barbara B. Rushing
J. Peter and Sheron D. Ruys
Greg J. and Kathy Ryan
Harley E. Ryan Jr.
Sabrina D. Sanders
Monica Scarbrough
Catherine L. Scarver
Beth Schapiro and Janet L. Womack
Mary Jo Schrade
A. Jay Schwartz
Robert E. Schwarzmann
I. Glenn and Rita C. Scoggins
Louis B. Scott
John R. Seffrin
Donna D. Sellen
Cynthia D. Sellers-Simon
William A. and Zenobia D. Sessions
Cary M. Shackelford
Russell E. and Erica Shepley
James M. Shevlin
Suresh K. Sitaraman
David L. and Virginia E. Sjoquist
Harold D. and Toni P. Skipper
Barbara Smith
Brenda D. and Richard W. Smith
C. Anthony Smith
Kavin K. and Mary H. Smith
Larry C. Smith and Leigh C. Hurt
Richard M. and Lynne C. Smith
Preston Snyder and Cindi M. Fetch
Stanley H. and Deborah G. Sonenshine
David Songy
Robert G. and Ann S. Sproule
James A. and Gail E. Stark
Chandra R. Stephens-Albright and
Warren Albright
Claire E. Sterk and Kirk W. Elifson
Christian O. and Angela D. Stevens
Michael P. and Donna F. Stevens
Michael S. Stevens and
Deborah W. Brown
Sandra A. Stewart-Kruger and
Walter J. Kruger
Jerome W. and Michelle R. Strong
Jennifer M. Summa and Stuart Robertson
Andrew T. and Elizabeth B. Sumner
Barbara S. Sunday
Paul and Marie Swope
C. Dwight and Wynn H. Tabor
Phang-Cheng and Ying-Mei Tai
Michael B. Talley
John H. and Pamela C. Tarpley
Patricia E. Tate
Jacqueline R. Taylor
Mark K. and Judith G. Taylor
Richard J. Terrill
Thomas D. and Lisa J. Thayer
Jaime Theriot and Wesley Tailor
Walter and Annese C. Thomas
William R. and Jeanie J. Thomas
Helen P. Thompson*
J. Felicia Thompson
Jack R. and Kathleen C. Thornton
Benjamin W. Thorpe
William S. Thurston
Richard F. Tigner
Charles M. and Sherri R. Timmons
Daniel L. Todd
Kurt C. and Linda Travis
James A. and Laura T. Trivette
Shaan K. and Joanne E. Trotter
Lori A. Turbe
Akinyele K. and Joy A. Umoja
W. Keith and Sandra Valentine
Peter C. and Gina VanAmburgh
Arthur and Catherine Vandenberg
William H. and Jennifer B. Victor
Erik and Jane D. Vincent
Steven D. Wakely
Peggy H. Walker
Sally Wallace and Bradley A. Moore
Walter L. and Xianqin G. Wallace
Allan A. Waller
Stanley A. Walters
Binghe and Siming Wang
Kurt Wassenar
Bradford L. Watkins
James W. and Beth Webster
James R. and Tonya Westbury
James R. and Diane D. White
Ronald T. White
C. Noelle Whitmire
Frank J. and Joy L. Whittington
Jason N. and Allyson Wiggam
Allen and Tracy Wilbanks
Walter Wilczynski
Daniel C. and Angela Wilkin
Christine N. Williams
David H. and Kathleen G. Williams
Jack F. and Pamela S. Williams
L. Neil* and Sue Williams
Margaret C. Wilmoth
Douglas M. and Sherrie W. Winokur
Jamie Winokur
George F. Woelper
Thomas C. Wohlford and
Deborah A. Warren
Leslie E. Wolf
Calvin R. Wright and
Angelia D. Dunagan
Ming-Ming Yang
Ping Yeung
J. Brady Young
Zeljko Zelic
Norman E. and Harriet J. Zoller
Michelle L. Zoss
The donor lists in this publication include gifts made between July 1, 2014 and June 30,
2015. Every effort has been made to ensure all information is accurate. We welcome your
feedback. Please contact Kim Cretors, Director of Donor Relations, at (404) 413-3424 or
[email protected].
Georgia State University, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an equal opportunity
educational institution and an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
photo captions and credits
Cover photo
Georgia State University’s physical presence in
downtown Atlanta continues to expand with the
opening of the new College of Law Building (which
is depicted throughout this report) headlining that
growth. Located at the corner of Park Place and
John Wesley Dobbs Avenue, the college’s new home
officially opened for fall semester 2015. The effort that
secured funding for the building is a perfect symbol
for the partnership between government, nonprofit
foundations and private citizens that has powered
transformative progress throughout the university.
Photos by Brian Robbins and Bob Toomy.
p. 6
Regynald Washington (center), CEO of Hojeij
Branded Foods, one of the nation’s largest airport food
service providers, describes Georgia State students as
“grounded, respectful and hungry for knowledge.” He is
pictured with two such students, seniors Joshua Laster
(left) and Maria Bustamante. Photo by Tony Benner.
p. 9
Phil Oneacre (left, with wife, Jeanne) says his feeling
of connection with Georgia State was rekindled by the
Panthers’ headline-making upset in the first round of
the 2001 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. Part of
the Oneacres’ legacy gift will support scholarships for
new generations of Georgia State student-athletes.
Photo by Tony Benner.
p. 11
David Cheshier (center), director of Georgia State’s
Creative Media Industries Institute, says the CMII will
put Georgia State students in better position than
ever to take advantage of the explosion of growth in
Atlanta’s film, music and new-media industries. He
is pictured on the roof of the CMII’s future home at
25 Park Place with (left-right) senior Ajahn Richard,
senior Cody Stapleton, junior Dee Parker, and senior
Nicholas C. Smith. Photo by Tony Benner.
p. 13
For now, the building that adjoins Georgia State’s
25 Park Place facility is empty, but thanks to a
record-setting grant from the Woodruff Foundation,
it will soon be filled with opportunities for Georgia
State communications students. When the building’s
transformation into the Creative Media Industries
Institute is complete, students will be able to work
side by side with artists and entrepreneurs in a vast
array of communications specialties, exploring
everything from film production and web design to
video game programming and virtual reality — and
gaining a foothold in an Atlanta media industry that
has rapidly become one of the most dynamic in the
world. Photo by Rebecca Breyer.
Georgia State University Foundation . P.O. Box 3963 . Atlanta, GA . 30302-3963 . 404.413.3402 . giving.gsu.edu