May 31, 2009 - Gethsemane Lutheran Church


May 31, 2009 - Gethsemane Lutheran Church
May 2009
Volume 42, Issue 5
The Leaf – a monthly
publication of GLC
Gethsemane Lutheran
The Leaf
35 East Stanton
Stanton Avenue ♦ Columbus OH 43214 ♦ 614614-885885-4319
Senior Pastor
Rev. Karen Asmus-Alsnauer
[email protected]
Music Ministries
Lucas Weiss
[email protected]
Learning & Family Ministries
Terri Siebert
[email protected]
Child Care Center
Brenda Weilbacher
[email protected]
Outreach & Integration
Chris Lutz
[email protected]
Seminarian Bob Swanson
[email protected]
May 31, 2009
ONE SERVICE! 10:00am
Seminarian Mandy Oleson
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Diane Gutgesell
[email protected]
Bob & Cheryl Miller
Global Music Sunday
Dedication of the Cross
Picnic potluck lunch
In this Issue
Wear Red
Music Opportunities─P. 4
Swahili Service─P. 7
What a glorious day, and with the wind of the
Summer Worship─P. 8
Vacation Bible School─P. 8
Spirit blowing through our very lives….
way that Jesus calls us to live. You will find in these
pages all the opportunities to help you connect more
deeply into this Easter life, but if you are like me and
find it helpful to have a thumbnail of what is
happening, so here’s a peek, but see the articles
throughout the newsletter for the ‘rest of the story’:
Practice Resurrection!
By the Rev. Karen Asmus-Alsnauer
In Wendell Berry’s poem,
“The Mad Farmer
Liberation Front,” he
April 26: Earth Sunday. Mark S. Hanson, ELCA
Presiding Bishop, writes:
“We cannot escape the interconnectedness of the
earth’s fabric of life. Creation is the matrix of all our
activities, both as human beings and as Christ’s
church. God gives us and all creatures life through the
water, air, food, and all the other gifts that come to us
from the earth. Everything we do both depends on
these gifts, and has some kind of impact upon them. If
these gifts are treated with contempt and abused,
people, animals, and plants suffer together. If they are
graciously received and cherished, people will flourish
with the rest of creation. The question is not whether
the church will engage what our society calls
environment, but how. We will worship with the
theme around creation, and have an opportunity to
create awareness and action of our own practices that
help help/hinder our care for the earth, including a
carbon footprint!
...So, friends, every day do something that won't
compute. Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for
nothing. Take all that you have and be poor. Love
someone who does not deserve it.
...Ask the questions that have no answers. Invest in the
millennium. Plant sequoias. Say that your main crop is
the forest that you did not plant, that you will not live
to harvest.
...Expect the end of the world. Laugh. Laughter is
immeasurable. Be joyful though you have considered
all the facts....Practice resurrection!
Practice Resurrection…
Easter is a season of new life.
May 3: Our church leaders passed this mission
proposal for our congregation:
Tanzanian Outreach: Whereas, 2008
Gethsemane Church Council identified as a
goal the serving of persons of Tanzanian
heritage, and whereas, Gethsemane is
blessed with members of Tanzanian
heritage, therefore, Gethsemane Church
Council enthusiastically and prayerfully
affirms and supports efforts to intentionally
deepen ministry for and with these
Christian brothers and sisters.
How is God breathing new life into our community of
faith by opening the doors of welcome and worship to
For many in the U.S., winter is now giving way to
spring. God's creation is alive as buds, flowers and
grass, trees are popping, the sun is beginning to shine
over and rain is falling, the unexpected beauty of
rainbows on the horizon.
Easter is a time for to share the new life that comes
from Jesus with others in our communities. In the
seven weeks that follow Easter Sunday, we celebrate
our baptism and share in the joy that comes from
God's saving grace. To practice resurrection is to put
the power of Easter into our lives; it is to live in the
our Swahili-speaking brothers and sisters? Of course,
the entire congregation is invited to come, no matter
your language of origin, but be prepared to be present
with your heart as well as your ears as it will be led in
Swahili (except for the sermon and communion… ).
Jesus is risen. Alleluia! He provides faith and opens our
eyes so we can share abundant life.
As Christians, we follow Jesus' example, striving for
peace and justice in all the world. Get involved.
Strengthen your faith. Help our community. Practice
May 10: Pastor Leslie Fox, who is teaching Adult
Forum for 3 weeks (April 26th, May 3 and 10) on the
Power of Forgiveness, will also share with us through
preaching at both services. How does the Easter life
speak in our practice of forgiveness? How do we live a
forgiving life – knowing ourselves to be forgiven, and
extending that forgiveness to others? Worship
includes a Blessing for Mothers on this Mother’s Day.
Practice Resurrection!
May 17: Tour de Revs joins us in worship! From May
13th through August 20th, three ELCA pastors will be
riding a custom-made bamboo bicycle built for three
to raise awareness of hunger and wellness issues.
They will be in each of the 65 synods of our national
church, covering over 13,000 miles on their 3-month
tour. One of the pastors will serve as the preacher
and teacher for the morning. Among their goals is to
….Support this church in communicating our Godgiven opportunity and responsibility to provide for
those less fortunate so that all may have adequate
nutrition to sustain life and wholeness. The ride will
also stress the need for everyone to take personal
responsibility for health and wellness. What does our
new life in Jesus say about caring for one another and
our own bodies?
May 31: Pentecost Sunday. Global Music Sunday.
Dedication of the Cross. Picnic potluck lunch. Wear
Red. ONE SERVICE! 10:00! What a glorious day, and
with the wind of the Spirit blowing through our very
Hearts unfold like flowers before thee…
The Trinity Lutheran Seminary Choir
By Lucas Weiss
Director of Music Ministries
Including a few GLC Choir Members
the Mozart Trinity Mass, K167
within the context of a Choral Evensong
As I sit at my desk here in the
office at Gethsemane, I am
able to look out the window at
the bright, new green leaves
on the trees, the deep green
grass, and even the bright yellow dandelions… and my
mind is filled with the music and text of the first
stanza of a true treasure of global hymnody,
with the words exclaiming:
Friday, May 1, 2009
8:00 p.m.
Gloria Dei Worship Center
2199 E. Main Street, Bexley
Free Parking. Freewill Offering.
Pentecost Celebration Sunday!
Joyful, joyful, we adore thee,
God of glory, Lord of Love!
Hearts unfold like flowers before thee,
praising thee, their sun above.
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness,
drive the gloom of doubt away.
Giver of immortal gladness,
fill us with the light of day.
Global Music
Combined Early Worship & Choir Voices
Gethsemane Ringers
Instruments of all shapes & sizes
Sunday, May 31, 2009
10:00 a.m.
What a gift we all have been given through the beauty
and newness of spring, and through amazing hymns
and songs that assist us in expressing our joy-filled
gratitude to our Creator and Sustainer!
Here at Gethsemane!
Invite your family and friends!
Come celebrate and sing!
ALCM Columbus: Cantor Connection
Including GLC’s Director of Music Lucas Weiss
Just as the Spring flowers are popping up, so are many
wonderful opportunities for growth through worship
here at Gethsemane and in other parts of our Synod!
The second column of my page is devoted to the
special events that you should plan to attend during
the lovely month of May…. I know it is a challenge to
stay inside when the weather is beautiful, but I can
guarantee you, it will be worth the effort!
Paul Manz: A Life of Music, A Life of Service
A Hymn Festival
Celebrating Paul Manz’s 90th Birthday
Sunday, May 31, 2009
7:00 p.m.
Bethel Lutheran Church,
4501 Hoover Road, Grove City
God’s music and God’s peace!
and teach a lesson or go on a canoe trip. All it could
be is a smile and a greeting as a child walks through
the door….a prayer for a good day at school….a thank
you note to a youth who read scripture in church…a
‘job well done’ for a musical offering….taking a small
hand and sharing the peace….
The children all around us
By Terri Siebert
Director of Youth & Family Ministries
The Southern Ohio Synod
(a collection of ELCA
churches of which
Gethsemane is a part) has
had on its staff for the past
year a director of youth
and family ministry, Gary Pecuch. We are very
fortunate for his active presence which is the answer
to the need to nurture faith formation in our children
and youth. I am privileged to serve with Gary as a
member of the synod’s Youth and Family Team.
How many ways can we say ‘you are important and so
is your faith in God’?
This summer I will be coming to you with something
that will help build the faith webs of our children and
youth – Prayer Buddies. We did this a few years ago
when our high school youth were preparing for a
national youth gathering so some of you may recall
being a part of it then. Basically it is a pairing of an
adult with a child or youth to share prayers and
encouragement. You can so easily be a part of a
child’s faith web so when the time comes for signing
up as a prayer buddy, please prayerfully consider the
impact that you can have on a child. Be a part of a
faith web! You will most likely find that this child or
youth will become a part of your own faith web (yes,
adults have faith webs, too).
As Gary writes on the synod webpage, “the vision is to
wrap our children and youth in a web of faith from
which they do not wish to escape. Meaning, having as
many people of faith of all ages in our children’s ‘Faith
Web’ as possible.”
Visualize a spider web. The spider has spun its
intricate design of threads with the purpose that bugs
cannot escape. The threads are intertwined so to
create this strong net.
Last month I talked about blessings and suggested
some resources. One of those was our Sunday
worship bulletin. We on staff have intentionally
developed the bulletin into a total ‘package’ – one
that not only has your guide for the worship service,
but has announcements on the life of the church as
well as devotional readings for the week to come.
Our purpose is for you to take the bulletin home with
you each week. Leave it on your kitchen table or
counter so that you see it. Use the blessings as part of
your day. Read the lectionary scriptures each day. Let
it be a part of your devotional time. Take just a few
moments before heading out to a busy day to read
back over the prayers. Bring your Sunday experience
into your weekday life. You may just find it a blessing!
Now take that same plan and replace people for the
threads. There are teachers, youth leaders, guides,
mentors, friends. Those are the obvious ones but the
list in this web doesn’t stop there. I heard recently of
a church that has a “Grandma Brigade”, several
women who greet every child who walks through the
church doors every Sunday, not because the child
happens to be part of a family, but because that child
has come into the church and is a very real presence.
What an impact that must make on a child to be
greeted first over his/her parent!
So, you see, to be a part of the faith web of a child
doesn’t mean a major time commitment to prepare
By Chris Lutz
Director of Outreach & Integration Ministries
When was the last time you
were “new” somewhere?
Have you started a new job?
Gone to a new school?
Even shopped in a new store? It’s really disconcerting
being new. You don’t know where anything is, who
anyone is, or what kind of behavior is expected. Now,
think about those who are new to Gethsemane, either
visitors or the new members who have joined in the
last few months. What can you do to make things less
disconcerting for these folks? First, introduce yourself
– and don’t be afraid to introduce yourself again!
Better yet, wear your name tag. Someone new to
Gethsemane has around a hundred names to learn.
That’s not going to happen in one week, so please
help them out! (If your nametag has been lost or
mutilated beyond recognition, please let me or Diane
know!) Second, if you see someone looking slightly
lost or puzzled around the church, help them get
where they need to go! Our building, with its varying
levels and unique names (“Great Hall” “Trinity
Classroom”) can be confusing, too. We are all the
hosts and hostesses here, so lets do our best to make
the newcomers around us as comfortable as possible.
Thanks a lot!
Sunday, May 31
We don’t really need any reason to get together
and enjoy each other’s company, but on May 31st
we have an excellent one. That morning in worship
we will be celebrating the Festival of Pentecost and
dedicating the beautiful cross that now graces the
top of our building. Please stay afterwards to
enjoy fellowship over a meal with friends old and
new. Outreach Committee will be providing the
main dish; we will be looking for wonderful salads,
sides, and desserts from the congregation. Please
look for a sign up sheet later in the month so that
we can get an accurate count for the main dish.
Celebrate the day, the season, and our
Gethsemane family!
Swahili Service for the Columbus Community
Easter Eucharist
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Pastor Karen Asmus-Alsnauer
35 E. Stanton Ave.
Columbus, OH 43214
Phone: 614-885-4319
Email: [email protected]
Haleluya! Yesu amefufuka!
Hallelujah! Jesus is risen!
On Sunday, May 3, 2009, come and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with a
Eucharist Service in Swahili and English. The service begins at 3:30pm with music and
videos from the Upendo Group. Guest preacher is Rev. Michael Dube, who is a Lutheran
pastor from Zimbabwe. Holy Communion will be served and all baptized and believing
Christians are invited to the Lord’s Table to share in this meal. After the service, there will
be time to greet one another and enjoy African snacks. The service is at Gethsemane
Lutheran Church on Stanton Ave., which is ¼ mile off North High Street behind Tim
Horton’s. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call the
church or email Pastor Karen at the above address. The Swahili Service is a joint ministry
of Gethsemane and Ascension Lutheran Churches.
Sponsor Flowers and Bulletins
Do I usher today?
Do I serve communion next week?
Help! I’ve lost my serving schedule.
Would you like to sign up to sponsor flowers or
bulletins for Sunday worship? Sign up across the hall
from the church office or call 885-4319 or e-mail
[email protected]. Check below for available
days. Cost $30.00 flowers; $15.00 bulletins.
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
June 7
June 14
Ever have these problems? Well, there is an answer
and it can be found on the bulletin board across the
hall from the church office. Locate the Sunday, check
the list, and find out the answer to your dilemma.
It’s as easy as that!
June ─ July ─ August
10:00 AM
8:45 AM
Adult Bible Study (Library Upper Level)
Adult Education Opportunities
Sunday Mornings at 10:10
This group studies directly from the Book of Faith, the
Bible. Current focus is the Book of 2 Corinthians. The
study is led by Dick Lyndes, with assistance from Bob
Davis. You are invited to join at any time. For more
information, contact Dick at 885-6061.
Adult Forum (Multipurpose Room below offices)
April 26, May 3 and 10
“The Power of Forgiveness” led by Pastor Leslie
Fox. an ELCA pastor and graduate of both Luther
Seminary in St. Paul and Trinity Seminary in Columbus.
This 3-week class will be centered on a DVD entitled
“The Power of Forgiveness”. The film provides an
honest look at the intensity of anger and grief that
human nature is heir to. It is essentially seven short
stories about forgiveness and an examination of the
role forgiveness can play in alleviating anger and grief.
It shows the physical, mental and spiritual benefits
that come with forgiveness. To forgive someone can
be simple. But this simple act can have powerful
consequences – and may lead to a personal and
spiritual transformation. (taken from Journey Films
2009 Vacation Bible School
for children ages 3- grade 5
July 7-9, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Mark your calendars!
Save the date!
From Northern Ireland to Ground Zero to the Amish
countryside, the film features interviews with Nobel
Laureate Elie Wiesel, spiritual writer Thomas Moore,
and others.
A companion to this DVD is a book of the same
title, The Power of Forgiveness. It is available for
order at
May 17, 24 and 31
A Focus on Missions led by our Mission & Ministry
May 17 – KIVA, a program to assist small businesses in
Third World countries
May 24 – Tour De Revs
May 31 – Ways to make the world a better place –
starting with us (class will be at 8:45am on this day)
The schedule of events for the Revs while in the area
of the Southern Ohio Synod begins on Saturday, May
16 with their 20-30 ride into Trinity Lutheran
Seminary, of which Gethsemane ‘bikers’ are invited to
participate. More specific events and opportunities
will be held/offered during this visit which will
continue to take shape over the weeks to come.
Please keep a watch on these developments through
the bulletin and newsletter announcements, and on
the webpage. In the meantime, mark your calendar
for the bike ride on May 16 - in addition to worship
and education on Sunday morning, May 17!
Tour de Revs Visits Gethsemane
From May 13 through August 20, three ELCA pastors
will be riding a custom-made bamboo bicycle built for
three to raise awareness of hunger and wellness
issues. They will be in each of the 65 synods of our
national church, covering over 13,000 miles on their 3
month tour. The Tour de Revs will be stopping in
Columbus, Ohio May 16-18, 2009, and preaching at
three congregations in the Columbus area on Sunday,
May 17th: Christ in Bexley, Fellowship in Worthington,
and Gethsemane in Columbus. The three pastors are
The Reverend Fred Soltow, The Reverend Ron Schlak
and The Reverend David Twedt, all from the West
Virginia –Western Maryland Synod. Their goal is to
Revenue: The goal of this ride is to support
ELCA World Hunger Appeal in reaching its goal
of $25 million annually for ELCA World
Hunger. We believe this exciting venture in
ministry can raise $5 million.
If you have specific questions about the Tour de Revs,
please go to or contact Rev. Ruth
Fortis, GLC Mission and Ministry Committee and
Southern Ohio Synod Hunger Task Force, at:
[email protected].
Revelation: Support this church in
communicating our God-given opportunity
and responsibility to provide for those less
fortunate so that all may have adequate
nutrition to sustain life and wholeness. The
ride will also stress the need for everyone to
take personal responsibility for health and
Revolution: Stimulate people to formulate and
implement realistic plans to eradicate hunger
within this lifetime!
Attention Quilters!
Our day to get together and get tied up in knots
or keep each other in stitches while we make
quilts for Lutheran World Relief will be
Saturday, May 30 from 9 - 1 p.m. The quilt
group is made up of young and old, experienced
sewers and novices. Come join the fun! If you
have questions about the group, call Ruth Fortis
at 337-9332.
Notice the big yellow shower trailer in our parking
lot….it’s hard to miss! During use in early spring, it
sustained damage in an ice storm and is currently here
for repairs. Dave Kulikowski and Paul Siebert, original
designers and builders of the trailer, are accessing
damage to the water pipes and making the needed
Confirmation Class Completes Children’s
Hospital Service Project
Our Tuesday night confirmation class (grades 6-8)
recently completed a service project for patients of
Children’s Hospital. They purchased supplies for 8 arts
and crafts activity bags with money earned in selling
their homemade cookies. Thank you to the congregation for such great support! The following was
received by Children’s Hospital:
“Thank you for your wonderful gifts to Nationwide
Children’s Hospital. Your vision and generosity is
heartwarming. We are fortunate that tomorrow’s
leaders are already learning the important lesson that
thinking of others always helps us appreciate our own
health and happiness.”
Senior High Youth Raise Funds at Shack
City by Sleeping in Cardboard Boxes
Job well done, confirmation students!
News from Lutheran Social Services
At 8:00 pm on May 2 until 8:00 am May 3 the Senior
High Youth will participate in Shack City in downtown
Worthington. During this event they will learn about
Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent Builds as well as
sleep in cardboard boxes to raise awareness for
homelessness. You can support this project by making
a contribution to one of Gethsemane’s high school
youth for their “homeless” time in a cardboard box.
This is a wonderful opportunity to have a real impact
on assuring the creation of two new homes above
what would otherwise be built this year in Franklin
County. Make all checks payable to “Thrivent Builds”.
Receipts are available (Thrivent Builds/Habitat for
Humanity) for tax purposes.
A second Lutheran Social Services distribution center
has been opened in Vinton County as another
resource in the battle against poverty. Located in
McArthur, the distribution center will help county
residents meet their basic needs by providing
furniture, appliances, household items, clothing,
school supplies and hygiene kits. The current
distribution center in Caldwell from which many of us
have served will remain open to serve the needs in
that area. Mary Woodward will direct operations at
both centers.
The need is great – any and all goods are accepted.
Our garage is a drop-off place for these goods. If you
have something to donate, or know of someone who
does, place the goods in our garage. They will be
loaded onto the storage trailer and sent to either of
the 2 centers.
Watch for the start up date for the next
house that Gethsemane volunteers will
work on here in Columbus.
2009 National Youth Gathering
July 22-26, New Orleans
The Southern Ohio Synod youth will be wearing a T-shirt
that was designed by our very own Katlin Hiller. Almost
400 T-shirts have been sold to our synod youth and adults! Katlin’s design was chosen at the synod’s youth
gathering in January. That’s exciting! Katlin’s design is below.
(T-shirt back)
(T-shirt front)
The Senior High Youth have begun preparing for their trip to New Orleans. In the past weeks they have explored
Hurricane Katrina and its effects on those who lived in the areas that were hit. They also attended a get-together
with other churches from the Southern Ohio Synod. In the next few months they hope to meet the other groups
that will share the bus with them on the long trip down.
Gethsemane youth attending the New Orleans Gathering in July are Tyler Kulikowski, Bethany Keyser, Adam
Siddall, Elizabeth Ankrom, Rachel Murphy, Morgan Melton, Adam Norris, Katlin Hiller, and Sarah Lucco. Adults
accompanying them are Judy Kulikowski, Mike Siddall, and Jen Tatz.
The Senior high Youth thank all those who attended the Easter Breakfast.
It was a great success and we could not have done it without you!!!
Small Group
First Reflections
Monday Bible Study
[email protected]
Saturday Bible Study
[email protected]
Connections: Faith in
the Workplace
Judy Reuning
[email protected]
Men’s Breakfast
Bob Davis
[email protected]
Habitat for Humanity
Bill Darlage
[email protected]
Mom’ Group
Becky Lickfelt
[email protected]
LWR Quilts
Ruth Fortis
[email protected]
Prayer Shawls
Kathleen Addlesperger
[email protected]
Call the
Church Office
Scrip Card Fundraiser
Take a look at an order form that
can be found on the narthex table and
you will see what a variety of scrip
cards are available through this great
fundraising program. Whether it be
clothing, food, dining, entertainment,
home improvement, electronics,
books, it can be purchased with a scrip
card. Each merchant sets a percentage
of profit for their cards and it’s that
percentage that we retain from the
sale of cards to support our youth
programs and the church general fund.
Pick up an order form, make an order
with a check made payable to
Gethsemane Lutheran Church and
drop both in the box on the table.
Order date is every 3rd Sunday of each
We have a few cards available for
direct purchase without ordering –
Giant Eagle $100 cards, Bob Evans $10,
Wendy’s $10, Panera $10, CVS $25.
See either Terri Siebert or the church
office for purchase.
For more information on the program,
see Terri at 885-4319 or
[email protected].
Kroger Community Rewards
Check your mailbox for information
on the new Kroger fundraising
program. Gethsemane participates in
this community outreach by Kroger
and, in the 4 ½ years of our
participation, we have earned $16,867.
The program has been updated to
make it easier for participants. The
only requirement is an online
registration so be sure to read the
information. If you have any problems
or questions, please see Terri Siebert,
program coordinator, 885-4319 or
[email protected]. If you
haven’t participated in this for GLC,
please consider doing so if you are a
Kroger shopper. The benefits are great!
Health Ministry Team… Blood
Glucose Evaluations
According to WebMD, blood glucose
testing measures the amount of a type
of sugar in your blood called glucose.
This glucose comes from foods
containing carbohydrates, and it is the
main source of energy our bodies use.
After eating, it is normal for blood
glucose levels to increase slightly; this
increase tells the pancreas to release
insulin (a hormone produced in the
pancreas) into the blood so that the
blood glucose level does not get too
high. Blood glucose levels that remain
high over a period of time can damage
your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and blood
vessels. There are several different
types of blood glucose tests.
Coming in the fall the HMT will be
offering fasting blood sugar (FBS)
testing. This measures blood glucose
after you have not eaten for at least 8
hours, this is often the first test done to
check for diabetes. So, keep your eyes
open for more information and a signup
sheet. Due to the need to be fasting we
plan to offer a light breakfast for those
participating in this program.
Play and Learn
Christian Child Care
Telephone: 846-7576
[email protected]
Web Site:
Administrative Staff
Brenda Weilbacher, Dir.
Emily Hatem, Asst. Dir.
Baby Bears
(Children 6 wks – 18 mos)
Kelee McGuire
Petra Molina
Brittany Seitz
Kim Weissman
Elmo’s Express
(Children 18 mos–2 ½ yrs)
Debbie Miller
Aida Montalvo
Big Birds
(Children 2 ½ – 3 ½ yrs)
Kate Bumster
Angela Pulley
Cookie Monsters
(Children 3 – 4 yrs)
Shirleen Erhart
Cheryl Miller
(Children 4 - 5 yrs)
T’mia Gilson
Annette O’Stroske
Kitchen Staff
Lorie Flynn
Children Learn To:
Work alone and with others
Share and take turns
Explore thoughts, ideas, and feelings
Listen to others
Develop feelings of security and success
Activities Are Designed To:
Build self-confidence
Develop vocabulary
Encourage recognition of differences in sound, size, shape and color
Increase interest in books, numbers, and people
Improve coordination
Introduce new ideas
Develop self-esteem
Daily Activities Include:
Group time
Story time
Arts and crafts
Reading, writing, and math readiness
Health and safety
Gross/large motor skills
Fine/small motor skills
Life skills
Speaking skills and language development
Science and social studies
Outdoor play (weather permitting)
Structured play in centers, such as housekeeping, puzzles, and blocks
News and Upcoming Events
Friday, May 1st – Chicken Noodle Fundraising Dinner in the Great Hall (5:00 – 7:00
Play and Learn appreciates your support of this fundraiser. Dine-in and carry-out
dinners will be available. Proceeds will be used to renovate the classrooms.
Employment Opportunities
If you or someone you know is looking for a rewarding full-time or part-time job and
enjoys working with children, please call the Play and Learn office (846-7576) to find
out more about our available positions.
May Birthdays
Arlene Hendrickson
Dory Shoemaker
Aaron Portzline
Brian McLean
Tyler Kulikowski
Dorothy Tyrrell
Colin Schleappi
Jay Fry
Kate King
Cathy Jung
Karl Koch
Krista Nesser
Ruth Gahl
Kate Portzline
Aliya Myers
Chris Augenstein
Carrie Feldman
Chris Gaines
Brian Murphy
Mark Geary
Katlin Hiller
Victoria Hine
Rand Methfessel
Don Huiner
Brian Sieberth
Anna Conrad
David Perin
To submit an article
e-mail it to newsletter or
leave it on Diane’s
Our Prayers and Concern Are
With . . .
“Pray in the Spirit at all times in every
prayer and supplication. To that end
keep alert and always persevere in
supplication for all the saints.”
Ephesians 6:18
Members we continue to pray for:
Marie Cooper
Jean Fritchen (Norworth)
Ken Gerken
Eleanor Nagy
Rebecca Oldaker
Norma Wilson (Whetstone)
Reva Woodruff.
Family and friends:
Stephen Berger (friend of Gary Rader)
Donna Dahlstrom (cousin of Bob
Sandy Davis (friend of Jan Davis)
Brown Dobyns (father of M. Meredith
Judy Good (daughter-in-law of Myrtle
Julia Griffiths (sister of Frank Bunk)
Karen Heriaud (friend of Don Huiner)
Son of Rev. Jon and Jennifer KiblerMcCabe
Betty Moeller (friend of Don Huiner)
Anna Page (aunt of Chris Lutz)
Dorothy Pilz (aunt of Jim Siebert)
Jack Portzline (brother of Ralph
Rosemary Rauch (friend of Dick
Judy Tansky (mother of Nate Tansky)
Ruth Vollrath (cousin of Jane Sieberth)
Arnold Woods (father of John Woods)
Matt Young (nephew of Lee Ann Perin).
Marion Whitlock (Riverside)
Elaine Haines (Riverside)
Gloria Bockstiegel (mother of Dorian
Meredith Davis Dobyns (mother of
M. Meredith Dobyns
Stephanie Kucic (friend of Anita
Mariam Mader (friend of Anita Gardner)
Tim Zelinski (friend of Anita Gardner)
Mother of Meredith Dobyns
Family and friends serving overseas:
Chris Augenstein (son of Mike and Jonell
Steve Bair (brother of Scott Bair).
Would you like to add your
For Prayers of the People:
Contact church secretary, Diane, at 8854319 or [email protected] by
Thursday. Family and friends stay on the
Gethsemane prayer list for one month.
Please contact the church office if
continued prayers are needed.
For prayers during the week:
Call Beryl Cumberland (471-0408) or
Barbara Nelson (888-6257).
Highlights of Council Meeting – April 16, 2009
A copy of the Council and Committee minutes and Financial Report is posted in
Atrium Way. PLEASE READ BUT LEAVE POSTED. Take home copies (minus
attachments) are available in the Welcome Center.
Bill Darlage
Vice President
Judy Reuning
Jeff Luedke
Day Care
Diane Langner
Mission & Ministry
Joyce Geary
Rick Langner
Wendy Luedke
Jim Siebert
Gary Rader
Dan Erwin
Jim Sauer
Don Dell
Carol Prigan
Youth & Parish
Paula Sauer
Holy Week Services – Thanks to staff and members for teamwork that made for
wonderful worship. Planning had begun in November. Triduum bulletins are
available in the Welcome Center.
Worthington Community Good Friday service – Pr Karen rewrote the service,
Morgan Melton typed it, Lucas Weiss carried the GLC cross and was pictured on
the front page of the Worthington News.
Worship Summer Schedule begins June 7 – one service at 10 am following the
Education Hour.
2008 Discretionary Benevolence Funds – Mission and Ministry designated $500
to Helping Hands Health Clinic at Ascension Lutheran Church; $500 to Clintonville
Resource Center which has had a great increase of people requesting assistance;
and $2185 to Play and Learn for carpeting for the Main Center. The 2-centsworth Lenten appeal yielded $270 in coins for hunger relief.
Roof Cross is on the roof!
Intern for fall 2009 has been assigned, no details yet. MIC students: Bob
Swanson finishes in May; Mandy Oleson will continue for another year.
Gethsemane report showed a shortfall for the month of approximately $7,860
which is about $3,400 more than budgeted. Contributions in March designated
for Gethsemane’s operating expenses were approximately $24,600 which is
$10,100 less than budgeted. Year-to-date contributions were better than
budgeted. However, after adjusting for the accelerated contributions of
approximately $15,000, the year-to-date contributions would be approximately
$10,700 less than budgeted. Since we began 2009 with a deficit of
approximately $11,200, our cumulative deficit is approximately $22,300. Play &
Learn loan payment was received. The unpaid balance is $4,500.
Play and Learn Report - not available
Remembrance/Special Purpose Funds Procedures – These will be posted in Atrium Way and put in the
Policies and Procedures Book
Tanzanian Outreach: Whereas, 2008 Gethsemane Church Council identified as a goal the serving of persons
of Tanzanian heritage, and whereas, Gethsemane is blessed with members of Tanzanian heritage,
therefore, Gethsemane Church Council enthusiastically and prayerfully affirms and supports efforts to
intentionally deepen ministry for and with these Christian brothers and sisters.
Deposit of the bequest from Estelle Shirley’s estate in the Undesignated Remembrance Fund.
Timeline for Church Governance changes – to be ready for vote at November Voters meeting.
Tanzanian Worship and Fellowship – Sunday afternoon, May 3, 2009. The Planning Committee is from
Ascension, Gethsemane and Trinity Seminary.
Executive Committee Meeting – Monday, May 11, 2009, 2:00 pm
Tour de Revs – Worship and Adult Forum – Sunday, May 17, 2009
Congregation Council Meeting – Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:30 pm
Delegates for Synod Assembly June 5, 6 at Capital – Don Dell; female delegate needed.
Judy Reuning