Connecting With U.S. Hispanic Buyers - Dealer E
Connecting With U.S. Hispanic Buyers - Dealer E
MAT KOENIG | CEO | BUSCADOR DE AUTO & KONIGCO CONNECTING WITH U . S . H I S PA N I C B U Y E R S FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter W H Y S H O U L D Y O U C A R E A B O U T S PA N I S H L A N G U A G E M A R K E T I N G ? M I S C O M M U N I C AT I O N MAT KOENIG | CEO | BUSCADOR DE AUTO | KONIGCO T H E U . S . H I S PA N I C M A R K E T 55M 18% $1.5T U.S. Hispanic Population according to the U.S. Census Bureau (2013) of the U.S. total population Hispanic buying power in 2015 Projected to be ~20% by 2017 FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter MAT KOENIG | CEO | BUSCADOR DE AUTO | KONIGCO T H E U . S . H I S PA N I C M A R K E T 1.9 Million Hispanics planning to purchase a new vehicle in next 12 months Expected to account for 18% of total new car sales FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter Source: Experian Simmons Research NGCS Winter 2014 MAT KOENIG | CEO | BUSCADOR DE AUTO | KONIGCO T O P H I S PA N I C M A R K E T S Source: Automotive News/Univision: The Road To Winning Growth – Why U.S. Auto Consumers Are A Must-Win Target, April 2015 MAT KOENIG | CEO | BUSCADOR DE AUTO | KONIGCO MORE LIFETIME SALES Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic Comparisons Category Hispanic Non-Hispanic Avg. Median Age New Vehicle Buying 39 51 43% 24% 3.4 3.4 At Least 3+ Adults in HH Purchase Frequency (Years) Potential for at least 3 Incremental Car Purchases In Their Lifetime Source: Automotive News/Univision: The Road To Winning Growth – Why U.S. Auto Consumers Are A Must-Win Target, April 2015 FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter U N D E R S TA N D T H I S … H I S PA N I C S A R E D I G I TA L FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter ACCORDING TO GOOGLE 78% use the internet as a primary source of information FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter Source: Google Data from Digital Dealer 18 Keynote April 2015 Digital Sources Used By Hispanic Auto Purchasers (104) search engines (101) dealer sites (99) manufacturer sites (106) professional review sites (111) consumer review sites (96) third party sites (111) regional dealer sites (119) video sites (117) (116) (105) (117) (123) social media classified/listing sites online mapping tools magazine sites Hispanics over index on digital auto research 110 over index on average auction sites (113) (114) newspaper sites other FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter Hispanic Total New Purchasers Imagine the opportunity FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter E A S Y P L A C E T O G AT H E R I N F O WE LIKE YOU, LIKE US TOO U N D E R S TA N D T H I S H I S PA N I C S A R E M O B I L E FOLLOW @konigco on Twitter D I D Y O U K N O W… 60% of US Hispanics live in mobile-only households 72% Of US Hispanics own smartphones, 10% higher than the general population 54% more time spent on mobile than non-Hispanics Source: Google Data from Digital Dealer 18 Keynote April 2015 T H E PAT H T O PURCHASE Hispanics are 20% more likely to use a mobile device in their Automotive Path to Purchase than the general population. Source: Google Data from Digital Dealer 18 Keynote April 2015 BE WHERE THE BUYERS ARE NUEVO TOYOTA YARIS LODI U N D E R S TA N D T H I S H I S PA N I C S R E LY H E AV I LY ON VIDEO CONTENT H I S PA N I C S W AT C H M O R E V I D E O 25% more time Source: Nielsen “The Digital Customer Report” February 2014 10% more time ONLINE VIDEO IS CRITICAL 67% of Hispanic purchasers utilize online video during the research process Source: Google Data from Digital Dealer 18 Keynote April 2015 Y O U T U B E R U L E S T H E D AY 1 2 0 0 V I E W S I N 6 0 D AY S W H AT V I D E O S A R E P R E F E R R E D ? 40% Test Drive 31% Highlights of vehicle options/features 29% Safety Tests 27% Walkthrough 26% Customer Testimonials 21% Automotive Review Financing Information Advertisements/Commericials 19% 17% Source: Google Data from Digital Dealer 18 Keynote April 2015 T H E B U Y E R W A N T S I N F O R M AT I O N TA K E T H E M F O R A D R I V E T H E M O S T I M P O R TA N T T H I N G T O U N D E R S TA N D THIS IS STILL A PEOPLE BUSINESS IF YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT ME WHY WOULD I CARE ABOUT YOU? HAPPY PEOPLE TELL OTHER PEOPLE K E Y TA K E A W AY S • U.S. Hispanics are Digital • U.S. Hispanics are Mobile • U.S. Hispanics rely on Video • This is still a People Business A C T I O N I T E M S W H E N Y O U L E AV E • Focus efforts online like targeted Facebook and AdWords ads in Spanish. • Offer mobile engagement opportunities in Spanish like ‘text for special offers’ • Create review style, walk around and test drive videos in Spanish for YouTube. • SHOW HISPANIC BUYERS YOU CARE ABOUT THEM TOO TEXT DE TO THE PHONE NUMBER 76626 C O N G R AT S I N A D V A N C E ON ALL OF YOUR SUCCESS Mat Koenig [email protected] @konigco on Twitter
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