Jim Beam Gentleman


Jim Beam Gentleman
Jim Beam Gentleman
Executive summary
Situation Analysis
Creative Strategy
Group 4:
Anna Johnson
Dana Lenkus
Sandy Guan
Melissa Fink
Casey Deeter
Executive Summary
Situation Analysis
Executive Summary
Seven generations of greatness have been working together to create Jim Beam as the best-selling
bourbon in the world. From its beginnings in 1795 Jim Beam has grown into Beam Inc. and the strong brand
it is today. The brand is currently at a crossroads. Jim Beam has a strong and loyal current consumer,
however, there is such opportunity is expanding and reaching a younger demographic. Through research
and a thorough understanding of a new, young, urban male drinker, Jim Beam’s opportunities shown
Through primary research it became clear the challenge is not getting these drinkers to drink hard
alcohol, but to drink Jim Beam. In order to accomplish this goal the new task is to create a brand image that
appeals to this younger demographic. Through a combination of integrated marketing components, Jim
Beam will have success with this new target demographic. The overall message of sophistication through a
“Jim Beam Gentleman” campaign will attract new consumers without offending current consumers. This key
message will be spread through traditional media, but mostly through digital and social media to create a
community and dialogue about not just the product, but concept of sophistication. This campaign will
successfully compete against Jack Daniels and even indirect competitors like beer, by persuading this target
audience to drink Jim Beam. The Jim Beam Gentleman concept is about creating a sophisticated community
that every urban male strives to be a part of.
Research Summary
We conducted a survey with fifty (50)
respondents and ten (10) in-depth personal
interviews within this sample, hoping to gain
an insight to target audience’s lifestyle,
drinking habits, social media involvement.
This information allows us to analyze
what people drink, what possibly motivates
them to drink, and who they are drinking
Situation Analysis
Company Research
Company Mission
“Bourbon history, much like the Beam family bourbon dynasty, mirrors U.S. history. Rebellion. Progress. Heroes.
Facts. Legends. It's why bourbon is, and will always be, America's Native Spirit—a spirit the Beam family has had a
tremendous hand in helping to create, foster and grow, both in the U.S. and abroad, as key players in a great American
The mission of Jim Beam is to make the highest quality bourbon on the market.
What does Jim Beam do and how do they do it?
Jim Beam owns distilleries in Kentucky, where they use all-natural ingredients to create their bourbon. There are
about 850 employees who work in Kentucky to create Jim Beam products. The company has been making Bourbon since
1795. They have grown with America’s history. Today, Jim Beam still makes one of the top selling whiskey brands is the
nation. This campaign’s purpose and focus is to expand awareness of Jim Beam drinks to a younger, more urban market.
The company, Jim Beam, creates, markets, and sells their products. The creation of the whiskey and bourbon is clearly
and conveniently laid out on their webpage. (http://www.jimbeam.com/about-bourbon/the-bourbon-process).
This process explains exactly how, where, when and why Jim Beam makes their product. In terms of being
authentic and the worlds #1 bourbon Jim Beam does a great job at being clear at their goals and how they achieve them.
This in turn builds their credibility.
In terms of marketing, Jim Beam uses numerous media outlets. In the past the company has used commercial,
print, and billboard advertisements. Jim Beam has a partnership with Rolling Stone magazine and ESPN networks.
Recently, Jim Beam has decided to start using digital advertising such as Facebook and Twitter. The company sells their
product at liquor stores and bars.
What do they do differently?
The company stands out against
competitors because of their established target
audience and consumers. In the past, the main
consumer of Jim Beam straight bourbon is a 40
year old male, who consistently and loyally
drinks Jim Beam. Jim Beam is so established
within this market and has decided it is time to
focus on a new, younger audience in addition
to keeping their primary target. Jim Beam
captures this older, most sophisticated market
by advertisements such as this one:
This print advertisement reads, “Choosing the highest rated North
American Whiskey. Not its trendiest”. This specific advertisement exemplifies the
way Jim Beam markets it’s whiskey as original, sophisticated, and authentic.
Situation Analysis
What are they best at?
The company has such a long line of history which
dates back to the 1800s. The company does a great job at
pushing the importance of age, wisdom, and history in the
whiskey industry. Jim Beam capitalizes on the fact that
bourbon gets better with age. Since Jim Beam has been
around for over one hundred years, which proves that the
company must have a tasteful selection as well as an
efficient distilling process. The way that Jim Beam
advertises the company’s history is another way of telling
their consumers, “Hey, we have been doing this for a long
time, so you can trust us”.
More specifically, the company overall has gone by
the name Fortune Brands Inc. up until this year when the
CEO and Beam President, Matthew Shattock decided to
change the name to Beam Inc. Fortune Brands Inc.
previously owned units that sold golf, home, and security
products as well as Jim Beam. The decision to change the
name came easy to the company because the success of
Jim Beam products has always outweighed the other
sections of the company. Therefore, as a company in
general, Beam Inc. is best at producing and selling
What are their limitations?
The limitations of Jim Beam as a company
vary. There are financial limitations in terms of
how much whiskey can be made per year and how
much money can be invested in advertising every
season. These are common limitations that every
business will face. For the new digital marketing
campaign that the company is about to launch,
there are more specific limitations. Jim Beam is so
well established among older adult male drinkers,
so it will be difficult to recreate the brands image.
The new market of drinkers that the company
hopes to gain is younger, more urban and
hopefully more diverse. This means that the
marketing will have to change in order to grab the
attention of these new potential consumers.
What are other people saying about them?
Due to the company’s recent change from Fortune
Brands Inc. to Beam Inc. it is clear that their reputation and
success within the liquor and spirits industry is well-known.
Stockholders, investors, and consumers in general know Jim
Beam as a top seller of whiskey. However, in the new target
demographic not much is being said about Jim Beam. It is
considered an older man’s drink, which is why it does not
have a presence with this group.
What does their past and future look like?
Jim Beam has a history filled of
success. They have established brand
recognition and consumer loyalty. The
future for this company is a mystery. With
the recent selling of the home and golf unit,
the company has made room to focus
primarily on liquor sales. This sales move
indicates confidence and must have been
strategically planned so the future is
looking positive for the company.
The Consumer
Jim Beam has a long-lived reputation as a noble whiskey appealing to a specific
target audience. Consumers of this drink can be characterized as an older, wealthy,
experienced, white, southern male who primarily drinks Jim Beam on the regular. Typically,
you don’t see this as the drink to be passed around on a Ladies Night Out, or a college
dorm party for those just starting off drinking. That is why for nearly 200 years of
marketing, the male audience drinking in a non-social setting appeals the most to older,
shall we say, gentlemen with experience in drinking whiskey and other hard liquors.
For its track record, the advertising campaigns of Jim Beam have been trying to
appeal to many different cultures, including the Hispanic and Latino demographics in 2002,
but still focus on appealing to the boys. It has been said that in creating this connection
between such groups will be like “embracing friendships among young adult males” With
Jim Beam setting efforts towards expanding the variety of drinkers that exist among its
fans, this whiskey seeks opportunities to broaden the target market by specifically trying to
motivate certain groups of men.
So what age is drinking Jim Beam? It isn’t the college aged-beer drinker who forces
the drink down in order to surpass sobriety, and it surely isn’t a group of girls who are out
to ‘taste’ their fruity drinks made from vodka one sip at a time. A Jim Beam drinker who
prefers to take the whiskey straight is characterized as one that has many years of
experience drinking alcohol and is willing to 1-up the effect of its potent and ‘strong’
flavors. This is the older male who has surpassed the dull effects of washed down beers,
and chooses to do justice to unwind from his day with a crystal glass splashed with the
effective Jim Beam bourbon/whiskey.
The most experienced drinkers are the consumers who will be loyal, willing, and
returning drinkers of Beam. More recently, the switch of age has been marketer’s main
concern with how Jim Beam is being consumed. In addition, with the introduction of their
new ‘skinny girl cocktails’, Jim Beam now adds some flavor and cuts out the calories to
appeal to women in making a variety of mixed drinks. The social drinking scene, or going
‘out’ to consume Jim Beam, creates an entirely fresh and optimistic target to have Jim
Beam appeal to.
The Market
In getting a complete and thorough understanding of Jim Beam the brand and Jim Beam the whiskey the market for this
product needs to be learned and understood. The market for Jim Beam includes the geographic location of our customers. Where
are our biggest sales coming from? Are they coming from urban bars or does our market drink Jim Beam regularly in the home?
Also, it is important to notice the timeline and seasonality around whiskey and Jim Beam. For example, if our market loves to drink
Jim Beam on Halloween this is a specific sale that should be noted and understood. Finally, the frequency is another important
factor in understand the market aspect.
Geographically, several things are known about Jim Beam. First off, as Andrea Javor stated, the brand is extremely successful
in the South. Jim Beam’s distilleries are located primarily in the South in states like Kentucky and Tennessee. Furthermore, the brand
is weak and suffering in urban areas. Jim Beam’s competitors are at a similar price point in these urban areas so the market isn’t
buying Jim Beam strictly for branding reasons. Kimberly Palmer described in her article, Rustic Bourbon: A Hit Overseas, Ho-Hum in
U.S., the fall of bourbon in the United States, but the success abroad. European countries are able to use the American grassroots
appeal to gain drinkers, but this advertising technique does not have the same effect in the United States. Looking at this article
from the market of the product perspective gives a lot of information. In 1985 the US made up 91% of the overall bourbon market,
but as of 2001 its only 64% . If anything this shows there is a huge market for bourbon in the United States. Another interesting
number is that bourbon sales are up 25% in urban bars. This number will be crucial in attracting our new consumer base. This
number is hopeful and shows we can gain even more numbers with the right approach. With all this said, Jim Beam is hoping to
reach a specific market. Our market focus is these suffering urban areas in the United States. Jim Beam has its consumers abroad
and in the South, but the new goal for the market is to obtain the geographic urban markets in the United States.
Seasonality and when the market is choosing to drink Jim Beam is a very significant factor. After doing some research into IAB
Internet Advertising Revenue Report it showed that the second half of the year continues to see a larger part of the revenue. In
2009, 52% of revenue was made in the second half of the year, in 2010 this number grew and 53% of revenue was made in the
second half of the year. In fact, in the past 10 years the second half of the year has always shown higher revenue except for one year.
This could easily work into our strategy. By knowing this information we could increase our frequency and touch points
during the second half of the year to boost these later season sales even more. We already know that our client, Jim Beam, is trying
to reach new customers in a specific geographic setting. So by using the requested urban cities and increasing the frequency during
the latter part of the year could help to create a new consumer of Jim Beam. Also, as explained by Andrea Javor, whiskey is hot right
now. It is a good time market-wise to approach this new market. The resurgence of the classic cocktail is booming. The girlier “sex
and the city drinks” are dying out and bourbons are making a comeback.
As for the frequency of the drink, whiskey is more of a drink to be enjoyed. It’s not like the typical American beers where the
goal is to drink as many as possible to get drunk fastest. As stated before with the rise in whiskey drinkers comes the resurgence of
the classic cocktail. These cocktails are more expensive than beer, so they may only buy 1-3 cocktails in a night, but they enjoy them
much more than a beer.
The Product
The Jim Beam brand is an iconic line of bourbon that has shown
staying power among the countless brands of alcohol. The Jim Beam
Original White Label was first produced in the Jim Beam distillery founded
in 1795. Jacob Beam was the first to distill the bourbon. The bourbon was
named “Jim Beam” in 1933 after Colonel James B. Beam. Colonel Beam
was responsible for rebuilding the business after prohibition.
The original Kentucky bourbon whiskey is made of
corn, rye, barley malt, and water. While the Jim Beam
brand remains true to its original vow of creating only
the best bourbon, there are some things that have
The Jim Beam White Label bourbon whiskey is aged four years. The
bourbon is 80 proof (40% Alcohol by Volume). This is the classic whiskey
that is perfect for mixing with cocktails, or simply enjoyed on its own. It is
an orange russet color with an aroma of vanilla and caramel notes.
The taste “opens sweet with light caramel and vanilla flavors and
later, a slight woody char. The finish is long, crisp, and clean, with a
gentle snap.”
The Jim Beam White Label
comes in a variety of sizes;
50ml, 200ml, 375 ml, 750ml,
1L and 1.75L.
The Competition
Jim Beam’s biggest direct competitor
in the whiskey category is Jack
Daniel’s. Jack Daniel’s Tennessee
whiskey is the leading brand of
Corporation and the world’s bestselling whiskey brand and industry
leader with a case volume of 4
million sold annually. Although
distributed in 135 countries, it is not
headquarters and location of its
major operational distillery.
Compared to Jim Beam’s
FaceBook presence of 1,069,020
likes and 18,226 active users, Jack
Daniel’s has a stronger social
media presence.
Consumer Perceptions
Jack Daniel's advertising campaigns have focused on the history and heritage
of its brand, and through these campaigns, has created an iconic association of
maverick independence to the brand. The whiskey is widely recognizable with its
iconic black-and-white label on the equally iconic square bottle that honors the
character and heritage of Jack Daniel, the brand's founder and first master distiller.
The image of a Jack Daniel's drinker is one of defiance and independence.
The central message and personality that the brand's marketing has been building
upon is authentic and consistent to its heritage. Its current campaigns have been
equating it with the independent American spirit, a shift that keeps the message
consistent yet appealing to the market. Jack Daniel’s focuses on a central message of
maverick independence is a solidly affixed personality that is consistent to image and
Sports Sponsorship
Jack Daniel’s current advertising promotions in the United States include
their continued 17-year sponsorship as the “Official and Exclusive Spirit” of the
Professional Bull Riders (PBR) and has an official team of bull riders who support the
brand with numerous appearances in the PBR National Tour.
Jack Daniel’s, like Jim Beam, promotes through music with “Studio No. 7”, a
website that allows consumers to select from over 200 soundtracks, mix them
together to create custom music. Jack also supports artists with a “Studio No. 7”
concert series that brings rising artists across the country for exclusive-access shows.
Social Media
Jack Daniels’s has an active social media presence on their FaceBook page
as it currently holds 2,570,446 likes and 72,724 active users generating content daily
by posting photos and comments, playing the Jack Daniel’s Barrel Bandits Game, and
interacting with the brand.
Jack also has an online digital campaign through FaceBook with “Jack
Independence”, a campaign of posters and short films that toasts the independent
spirit of America and is an extension of their brand personality.
The campaign includes the Master Distiller’s toast. The content is
customizable and allows consumers to make their own toasts and declarations to
American spirit and independence.
Indirect Competitor
Consumer Perceptions
Beer is an indirect competitor to all bourbon and whiskey sales,
especially considering the younger demographic market group that Jim Beam is
targeting. Beer is the largest alcohol segment nationwide as it accounts for
approximately 85% of all alcohol volume sold in the United States and annually
generates over $91.6 billion in sales.
According to the Brewers Almanac for 2011, the United States produced 194,169,303
barrels of beer and consumed 28.9 gallons of beer per capita in 2010. Also, domestic beer sales
are declining but import beer and crafts are gaining traction. Beer consumption is maledominated, with men accounting for more than 80% of the volume consumed. A majority favors
domestic light beers or domestic draft beer while females favor light beer or specialty micro
brewed beers.
Beer commercials have consistently focused on outdoor activities that present a challenge or risk of danger to the male.
The central theme of masculine activity is then associated with being a challenge or mastery over self, others, or nature.
Consequently, the beer acts as a reward for the male who has demonstrated his strength or proven himself, demonstrating his
(Coors Commercial - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMXbU4eNWlI)
Another theme featured in beer advertising is beer as a symbol of male bonding as it brings the all-male group together.
The beer is a reference point that unites the members of the group. They are not promoting sexual success, career advancement,
self-enhancement, or respect from their peers, but rather a seemingly genuine image of average and ordinary, but distinctively
male-only camaraderie and bonding. It presents an image of ordinary young men simply relaxing in each other’s company with
their common reference point of an ice cold beer.
(Budweiser Commercial - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJmqCKtJnxM&feature=related)
Advertising Campaigns
According to a social media analytics report from Amplicate, in the last 12 months, social media users are very positive
about popular beer brands on social media. A report reveals that FaceBook fans of popular beer brands were not only more vocal
than beer brands' detractors but their opinions influenced farther online. The average fan of beer brands had 763 friends or
followers on social media, while the average detractor had only 430 friends or followers. 77% of all opinions on social media about
popular beer brands were positive because these beer companies’ strong presence online allowed consumers to discuss brand
impact and marketing efforts.
Long-lived history
Loyal Drinking target audience
Strong Market
Lower price point than competitor
Variety of products within the line
Existing Competition
New market not responding
Loyalties are violated
Social Ties to the competition
Cheaper bourbon/whiskey more
Not a versatile consumer
Not consistent in Advertising
Inconsistent brand identity
(symbols, icons, etc.)
Creative Marketing to appeal to a
younger, more diverse target
Recreate the brand image
More variety in their products
Go beyond the typical
bourbon/whiskey products
Through research, we will gain understanding about
what makes our target audience choose or not choose
Jim Beam.
We do not know if our target demographic drinks or desires to
drink Jim Beam. This research will help us determine what it is that
makes our target market drink in general and more specifically, Jim
Beam. From this research, our group will also learn about the
drinking patterns and lifestyles of the market. Gathering information
on the occupations, social lives, and affluence of our target market
will assist is answering the things we do not know, which is the
general objective of our research
For our strategies, we decided to use both a quantitative approach and a
qualitative approach. We implemented a survey to fifty people to gain a better
understanding of drinking habits. We asked an array of questions from what they
believed the most popular whiskey to be, to what a typical weekend looked like
for them. This information allows us to analyze what people drink, what possibly
motivates them to drink, and who they are drinking with. These statistics allow
us to delve into the patterns of drinkers and help us pinpoint who drinks Jim
Beam and why.
We also chose to conduct a total of ten in-depth interviews. These
interviews were conducted by each member of the group and were intended to
be free-form where the questions were at the discretion of the interviewer. This
qualitative data allowed for us to find out the habits, in depth, of drinkers who
drink Jim Beam, and also those who do not.
The target audience was certainly taken into consideration from these
two methods of primary research as we tried to get an extensive sample, but
also include people who fit directly into our target audience. The survey had an
array of people marking their answers, but the interviews were to find more
pertinent information.
We selected 50 people chosen from a diverse
range of age, geographic location, professional
occupation, different lifestyles and drinking
Each market researcher contacted 10 different
respondents who voluntarily took the 14-question
survey. The purpose of this survey was to find out
exactly how many people drink Jim Beam, and what
the preferred drink of choice was consumed by males
and females ages 21 to 50. Secondly, for the
qualitative research, we each conducted a 5 minute
interview session with a peer, or someone that fit the
criteria of the target audience.
Primarily reaching out to the personal
networks in our survey, the market research team
reached out to their fellow classmates, colleagues, or
families. A random respondent from the bar-setting,
or someone who was spontaneously asked to
conduct the interview portion of the research was
Over the course of 2 weeks, researchers were
able to conduct a 10-survey and 1 interview study in
order to get a sound variety of age and locational
Problems & Opportunities
Willing to spend on
alcohol but research
indicates that they are
NOT spending it on
Jim Beam
Pricing is opportunity to use as
an advantage as Jim Beam is a
less expensive alternative to
Jack Daniel’s or other whiskeys.
We can emphasize that Jim
Beam retains the taste of
quality whiskey without the
high prices of our direct
Problems & Opportunities
25.2% of adults’ daily media time is spent on the internet and
social media, but received just 18.7% of US ad spending.
Participation is a valuable indicator of success
An engaged customer is a highly valuable one.
Create touchpoints that have high
relevance to consumers.
Develop an emotional connection
between consumers and the Jim Beam
OPPORTUNITY: Jim Beam should take
advantage of the dynamic and rapidly growing
presence of digital and social media. The
competitive market still spends a large amount
on traditional mediums while technology
provides a great opportunity to establish many
touch points but spending on digital has not
risen to match consumption patterns.
Capitalize on the both the current popularity of the
bourbon/whiskey category and the accelerating
dominance of social media
Create meaningful connections and
experiences with the target consumers.
A large number of Jack Daniel’s drinkers are
open to the possibility of drinking Jim Beam.
Redeploy money, time, manpower, or efforts
to maximum effect to promote deeper
experiences for consumer with the brand.
Jim Beam is not capitalizing on the social and
digital media opportunities to create
touchpoints with targeted young urban
Pages could be
stronger and
encourage more
2-way dialogue
Target Market Profile
Age: 21-45
Young Professional
Urban Residence
Social Drinker
Digitally Active
Meet Dave!
Dave lives and works in Chicago,
IL. He just moved in with his girlfriend
and their new dog. Dave is a young
professional who commutes to the
Loop for his 09:00 – 5:00 job where
he will often go out for drinks with his
friends and co-workers after work.
Dave has a iPhone with which he
constantly checks his email, FaceBook,
Twitter, and YouTube.
He says social networking plays a
huge role in his and his girlfriend’s
everyday life.
Live in Sophistication as a
Jim Beam Gentleman
instead of Jack Daniel's
'rockstar' image
We want to focus our marketing strategies in major cities Los Angeles, New
York, and Chicago. This will give us a good measurement on the products
that are sold. The main goal is to increase sales by 10% from the summer of
2012 to 2013. We will measure this by amount of the product sold in and
around these major cities.
Communications Objectives
The main goal is to increase Jim Beam’s presence online as well as increase brand
awareness. We want to make the official Jim Beam Facebook page interactive:
Increase the amount of “Likes” by 20%
Increase Twitter following by 20%
By keeping a consistent brand image on social media outlets, in hopes to gain more
Follow celebrities on Twitter (endorsements)
Send out promotions to Facebook Fans
The marketing and communication objectives
of our Jim Beam brand campaign is to increase brand
awareness as well as Jim Beam sales. We decided to
focus on three major cities, New York, Los Angeles,
and Chicago. With these being the major cities, we
will be able to track the amount of increase in sales
in and around these cities easily.
To increase brand awareness, we want to make
Jim Beam a more interactive brand via social media.
From the marketing standpoint, Jim Beam has the
opportunity for expansion of their brand image to
take their whiskey to a more sophisticated level. By
exuding this sophistication through print ads as well
as other media efforts, Jim Beam can grow as a
brand with a consistent image. The competition of
Jack Daniels can we set aside because with this
rebranding effort, the two brands of whiskey will be
able to stand alone, both representing a different
From the communication standpoint, we want
the Jim Beam brand to be more interactive with their
consumers. We want to attract more sophisticated
“Jim Beam Gentlemen”. For this objective, we plan to
begin following celebrities that we feel represent the
Jim Beam brand well and re-tweet what would
constitute as a #JimBeamGentleman tweet. The
followers of these celebrities would then link to Jim
Beam, seeing the correlation. We also plan to use
FaceBook as a platform for promotions and Jim
Beam contests so that the consumers can interact
with the brand more.
The marketing communications strategy will
merge both public relations and advertising to be the
brand out to the public. We want to attract a specific
demographic of males that reflect the Jim Beam brand
of tradition and excellence.
Through print advertisements in meticulously
chose print media, we hope to reach the specific
demographic we are looking for. Sales promotions and
contests will be easily accessed through our social
media pages. Consumers are able to deem themselves a
“#JimBeamGentleman” on Twitter, as a bragging right
that they uphold the classic qualities of a true
All of these efforts combined will help
to accomplish our objectives as well as
bring the Jim Beam brand to higher
recognition and esteem.
Creative Strategy
The creative strategy for the Jim Beam campaign is
going to emphasize the idea of the Jim Beam Gentleman
with a contemporary, urban setting. To formally compare
and contrast the images of preconceived notions about
whiskey drinkers as older and more conservative.
Our main goal is to transform the look of a new type of
lifestyle. Moving away from the ‘rockstar’ party-goer or
someone who drinks to an obnoxious level, the ideology of
having Jim Beam as the ultimate drink of class and
sophistication would help attract the younger, more urban
landscape of our target demographic audience.
The purpose that we are
advertising this campaign is to
clean up the look of Jim Beam,
sharpen the sophistication about
this high-life style drink, and
maintain an image that was able to
attribute to the long-going success
of the particular product, White
Reaching the urban landscape
for young businessmen ages 21-40,
or ideal intention would be to drive
up the sales of Jim Beam through
appealing to a younger, more
viable target market of ‘class’.
IMC Strategy
Live in Sophistication as a
Jim Beam Gentleman
instead of Jack Daniel's
'rockstar' image
Our print advertisements would be that of our strongest within the magazines that we
channel them through: to maintain a consistent image of a young, good-looking, business
professional male who enjoys drinking Jim Beam because he enjoys the reputation of such a
lifestyle. Photographs of the model would show him interacting at the bar-setting in a
comfortable, yet casual way without getting rowdy or out of control. The bar atmosphere would
be that in an urban setting that is newly renovated, elegant, and ‘the place’ where all male
professionals would hang out. We would like to push the idea of the billiards room, just because
it has that classic and traditional feel, yet is appealing to the men of elegant sophistication,
playing together without causing a scene.
Cleaning up the Facebook
page would help focus the
attention of the followers on the
concept of being a gentleman,
and doing gentleman-like things
for society.
The overall idea of trying to
connect with the audience to
appeal to the particular lifestyle
would help us be recognizable,
memorable, and marketable as a
brand image in the Alcohol
Social media that follows
this image would help the
community for both men and
women who will be raving about
the 'Jim Beam Gentleman.'
A viral video contest would enable the majority of our followers to
interact in a more competitive way. Since men are typically more
competitive when they want to accomplish something, the viral video
contest would help drive up sales as well as spreading the awareness of
this new concept. Not only will people be acting in a tasteful way, but
also enabling Jim Beam to be implemented in their lifestyle. YouTube
and labels with QR codes, located within 150,000 Jim Beam White Label
drinks would interactively utilize this particular contest.
Mixing together
a new combination
with class of Pepsi and
Jim Beam, instead of
the traditional Jack
and Coke.
Media Objectives
Key Message:
“Jim Beam Gentleman”
Achieve minimum 35% reach
of young professional men
(ages 21-45) in urban areas
like Chicago, New York, and
Los Angeles 3 or more times
per week.
This cannot be obtained using traditional media
alone. To supplement this, the remaining budget could
be dedicated to creating a stronger social media
Where should we advertise? (location and medium)
3 Major cities - New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles
Transit- subways cars, bus shelters, billboards on large
Online and print ads in magazines to these areas, in-house
advertising in restaurants and bars.
Advantages of transit advertising – increase visibility
of Jim Beam by the local commuters. Our main target
is the 9-5 pm young working professional. Will
increase brand awareness. This is a pretty affordable
medium and has minimal disadvantages.
Advantages of Magazine Ads - both print and digital.
Esquire, GQ, and Modern Luxury are magazines that
share the same target audience as our Jim Beam
campaign. This will increase our visibility with that
market. Disadvantage- Prices are highest for this
medium. We will use flight advertising for this.
In-house advertising in restaurants and bars. This is a
cheap and effective way to increase visibility.
Which specific media vehicles should we use?
Magazine Advertising – Print and Digital
Public Transit – Subway cars. Bus shelters, billboards
In-house – Local Restaurants and Bars
When should the advertising be concentrated? (Seasonality, time of
day, etc.)
We will heavily advertise in the fall and winter months because
our secondary research shows that these months are when Jim
Beam sales are the highest.
Web and In-house advertising is the cheapest and will be
continuous year round.
How often should we run the advertising so it breaks
through? .
Flight Advertising – Magazine, Transit; This will
reinforce the message of our campaign in the most
important sales months of the year. Jim Beam is
known as a “wintery drink” so it will increase brand
loyalty in the fall and winter months.
Continuous advertising – Web, In-house; these are our
cheapest advertising platforms. We will run ads,
Facebook promotions, and digital advertisements year
round. Our target audience is very digitally-savvy and
use social networking so this is a very favorable
medium to take advantage of.
4 Important Questions
Target Audience
Age: 21-45
Young Professional
Urban Residence
Social Drinker
Digitally Active
• Lives and works in an urban areaSpecifically Chicago, New York, and Los
• Young Professional , works 9-5
• Goes out to drink at bars, social
events, group gatherings, at least twice
a week.
• Active participant in the digital age.
Uses Facebook, twitter, YouTube, flikr,
and blog sites multiple times a day.
Media Mix
Media Tactics
Continuity Schedule/Flow Chart:
This chart indicates which months we
advertise using specific mediums.
Men's Book
Cross-Ruff Sample
Place Based
The campaign starts in June of 2012 and ends in May of 2013.
We want to start our campaign in June because it gives us a few
months to increase brand awareness before the target selling months
$ 20,000.00
Cost Estimates
These are rough estimates are based on the pricing that
was accumulated from company websites, phone messages,
and research.
Our final cost estimate is $2,104,859.33
– Notice that our budget is almost half of what the campaign was
originally given. This is because our campaign is placed
emphasis on the success of our YouTube contest as well as the
social network re-vamp. This is a low cost digital make-over for
Jim Beam. Our rational for this is because our target audience is
very in tune with social networks and is digitally-savvy. We
suspect that our digital campaign will do well; therefore we
have more money to spend once the campaign kicks off.
Print/Digital Advertisments
Modern Luxary.com
facebook.com (cost-per-lead)
$ 5,000.00
New York City Transit
MTA Rail Car
Los Angeles
QR Code
Bottle/Label Production (150,000)
$1,206.83 1 order
youtube - video production
Chicago Transit
CTA Bus Shelters (4 wks)
CTA Brand Rail Car (4 wks)
Re-vamp Social Networking
Estimates Budget Sheet: Jim Beam
Gentlemen Campaign
COST/per ad Amount # Total
Living in class and sophistication may seem simple and passé, however when a
real gentleman is around it sweeps a woman off her feet and raises the quality of the
people around him. The Jim Beam Gentlemen campaign will challenge men in urban
environments to live up to this standard. The objective of this campaign directly
addresses its biggest competitor in urban regions by stating the goal, “to live in
sophistication as a Jim Beam Gentleman instead of a Jack Daniel’s partier.” This
campaign will increase brand awareness in urban environments where the brand is
currently suffering, but more importantly, it will create a dialogue and a relationship
with the new target audience. It provides the new target audience with an outlet to
brag about their gentlemanly acts, whether they provide a Youtube video of them
doing something polite, a Facebook picture of their dapper outfit, or a Twitter
#JimBeamGentleman hashtag. The whole campaign works to create brand awareness
and a relationship at the same time.
This thorough understanding of this target audience helps to relate to this new
consumer. Research and analysis have proven that these groups will drink whiskey and
bourbon. Half the challenge is already completed. At this moment the opportunity is
for Jim Beam to grab these groups of consumers and encourage them to join the
sophisticated Jim Beam Gentlemen community.