hispanic heritage committee - Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of
hispanic heritage committee - Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of
2014 CELEBRANDO NUESTRO HERENCIA Hispanic Heritage Month Calendar of Events 1 Presented by: The Hispanic Heritage Month Committee Layout Month done by: The Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Hispanic• Heritage 2014 2 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH September 15 - October 15, 2014 Chile and Belize also celebrate their independence days during this period and Columbus Day (Día de la Raza) is October 12. During National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 to October 15) we recognize the contributions made and the important presence of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the United States and celebrate the group’s heritage and culture. Hispanics have had a profound and positive influence on our country through their strong commitment to family, faith, hard work, and service. They have enhanced and shaped our national character with centuries-old traditions that reflect the multiethnic and multicultural customs of their community. The term Hispanic or Latino, refers to Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. On the 2010 Census form, people of Spanish, Hispanic and/or Latino origin could identify themselves as Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or “another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin.” IN NEW MEXICO FUN FACTS According to this Census, 50.5 million people or 16% of the population are of Hispanic or Latino origin. This represents a significant increase from 2000, which registered Hispanic Heritage Month, whose roots go back to 1968, the Hispanic population at 35.3 million or 13% of the total begins each year on September 15, the anniversary of inde- U.S. population. pendence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Source: http://www.hispanicheritagemonth.org/ Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Mexico, http://www.pewhispanic.org/states/state/nm/ Total Hispanic Population in New Mexico Hispanics as Percent of State Population Hispanics as Percent of U.S. Hispanic Population 1.9% Native-Born Hispanics (Percent of Hispanics) Foreign-Born Hispanics (Percent of Hispanics) Mexican Origin (Percent of Hispanics) Non-Mexican Origin (Percent of Hispanics) Population: 53 million. The Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2012, making people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic or race minority. Hispanics constituted 17 percent of the nation’s total population. In addition, there are 3.7 million residents of Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory. Source: American FactFinder: United States factfinder2.census.gov andwww. census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-04.pdf 972,000 47% 83% 17% 63% 37% 2.2% Percentage increase in the Hispanic population between 2011 and 2012. Source: 2012 Population Estimates National Characteristics: Population by Sex, Race, and Hispanic origin <http://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/asrh/2012/index. html> http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/35000.html Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2012 (b) Hispanic-owned firms, percent, 2007 47.0% 23.6% 128.8 million: The projected Hispanic population of the United States in 2060. According to this projection, the Hispanic population will constitute 31 percent of the nation’s population by that date. Source: Population Projections <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/ archives/population/cb08-123.html> 35.3 million: The number of Hispanics counted during the 2000 Census. Source: The Hispanic Population: 2010 www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/ briefs/c2010br-04.pdf> HISPANIC HERITAGE COMMITTEE ABOUT: Leaders from over 50 local, state and national Hispanic, education, government, civic, military and business organizations have formed an alliance to collaborate and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. MISSION: Our Mission is To promote and preserve Hispanic Heritage by coordinating local and statewide events that promote our Hispanic culture. DESCRIPTION: We are an open committee serving the Albuquerque Hispanic Community. The Hispanic Heritage Committee 3 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 CELEBRATING OUR HERITAGE! On behalf of the Hispanic Heritage Committee, We would like to invite the community in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 through October 15. The Hispanic Heritage committee (HHC) was established in 2007 to coordinate and highlight Hispanic Heritage Month events that are being offered by city and state-wide organizations. This is our eight year together that committee meets on a monthly basis. Many organizations have incorporated programming during the month to educate and engage all generations on heritage, traditions, and practices focused on the contributions that Hispanics have made to American society in the areas of fine arts, education, veteran affairs, business, government and health care. The goal of the HHMC is to promote and preserve Hispanic culture for present and future generations. It is through these events that we hope to continue the traditions and spirit that adds to our unique history, language and legacy. The month-long events will begin with a press-conference kickoff event on Friday, September 5, at 10 a.m. in Old Town Plaza. Mayor Richard Berry will host the event and the organizations represented on the HHMC, along with invited speakers that represent our vibrant diverse community. A calendar listing the month long events will be unveiled. Most events are open and free to the public. Please help us support the many activities that are listed. On a final note, we would like to thank the many organizations that are working together to provide a unified effort to create educational and informational opportunities. We would also like to extend a special Gracias to MAS New Mexico who is our official media sponsor, and the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce that serves as our backbone organization providing ongoing support to HHMC. It is through both their commitment we are able to work toward offering and publicizing a series of events throughout the state. Join us in the many celebrations! Celestina GarciaDr. Jennifer Gomez-Chavez Co-Chair of 2014 Hispanic Heritage Month Committee Co-Chair of the 2014 Hispanic Heritage Month Committee ¡CELEBRANDO NUESTRA HERENCIA! A nombre del Comité del Mes de la Herencia Hispana, Se extiende una atenta invitación a la comunidad a celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre. La Comisión del Mes de la Herencia Hispana (HHMC por sus siglas en inglés) fue establecida en el 2014 para coordinar y destacar los eventos que ofrecen las organizaciones en la ciudad y el estado durante el Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Muchas organizaciones están dedicados a celebrar todo lo que los hispanos han contribuido a la sociedad estadounidense en el terreno de las bellas artes, la educación, los veteranos de guerra, los negocios, al gobierno y cuidado médico. La meta del HHMC es promover y conservar la cultura hispana para las generaciones del presente y futuro. Con estos eventos, esperamos prolongar las tradiciones y el espíritu que contribuye a nuestra historia, idioma y legitimidad. Los eventos durarán un mes entero. El lanzamiento será el viernes 5 de septiembre a las 10 a.m. con una rueda de prensa en el Old Town Plaza. El evento será presentado por el Acalde Richard Berry y las organizaciones representadas por el HHMC. Un calendario con una lista de todos los eventos del mes será anunciado. La mayoría de los eventos son gratis y abiertos al público. Para concluir, quisiéramos agradecer a las numerosas organizaciones que trabajan juntas esforzándose para crear oportunidades educativas e informativas. También, quisiéramos ofrecer un especial GRACIAS a Más New Mexico, nuestro patrocinador oficial de prensa, y a Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce por su dedicación, gracias a ellos podemos hacer público todos de estos eventos en el estado. ¡Únansenos en las diferentes celebraciones! Celestina GarciaDr. Jennifer Gomez-Chavez Presidenta de la Comisión del Mes de la Herencia Hispana del 2014 Presidenta de la Comisión del Mes de la Herencia Hispana del 2014 4 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH CALENDAR OF EVENTS S E P T E M B E R F R I D AY, F E B R UA RY 2 8 - S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 9 National Hispanic Cultural Center—Exhibit: Getting Up Pa’l Pueblo: Tagging ASAR- Oaxaca Prints and Stencils Qué: Getting Up Pa ‘l Pueblo: Tagging ASAR-Oaxaca Prints and Stencils features block prints and stencils from the ASARO (Assembly of Revolutionary Artists of Oaxaca) collection in the University of New Mexico’s College of University Libraries and Learning Science, Zimmerman Library, Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections (CSWR). “Getting up” is slang for posting and applying images in public places; generally, the expression refers to street art. ASARO is a contemporary Mexican artists’ collective working in block prints, stencils, and graffiti murals. The group was formed in 2006 after riot police repressed annual teachers’ demonstrations in the state capital of Oaxaca. In a localized adaptation of ASARO’s commitment to visual and verbal exchange, museum visitors can participate by physically “tagging” the art works as they view them or virtually labeling them on the exhibit webpage asaro.unm.edu/exhibit. These labels will be collected and digitized, eventually becoming a permanent part of the CSWR collection at UNM. Getting Up Pa’l Pueblo is curated by Dr. Suzanne M. Schadl, Latin American Collections Curator, College of University Libraries and Learning Science, UNM and Mike Graham de la Rosa, Curatorial Intern, NHCC and Master’s candidate in Latin American Studies, UNM, and is dedicated to the memory of UNM Distinguished Professor of Art History David Craven (1951-2012). Cuándo: Tuesday – Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Dónde: Art Museum Más Info: http://www.nationalhispaniccenter.org or (505) 246-2261 J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 4 - J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 5 National Hispanic Cultural Center—Exhibit: ¡Papel! Pico, Rico y Chico Qué: An ephemeral genre of popular art, papel picado (cut, perforated, or punched paper) is best known as a traditional Mexican art form. Papel picado is typically used to festoon celebrations, altares, churches, and other public or devotional spaces in Mexico; it is not unusual to see strings of papel picado banners crisscrossing streets in towns and cities throughout the country. As an accessible and affordable material, paper has been used for centuries In Latin American, Hispanic, and Latino communities to create beauty in everyday life. In New Mexico, ramilletas (layered floral garlands) are created from scraps of newspapers and magazines for festive occasions. These same materials are also cut out in designs and used to line and decorate shelves and trasteros (cupboards or cabinets). Using a popular art form and re-contextualizing it to represent contemporary identity and fluidity is one of the acknowledged characteristics of Hispano, Chicano, and Latino art. There is also precedent in Mexican and Latino art history for using papel picado as a vehicle for cultural critique. Carmen Lomas Garza is widely recognized as one of the first artists who intentionally chose paper cut-outs to depict stories of her childhood, her family, and the racial prejudice experienced by Mexican Americans in Texas. Cuándo: Tuesday – Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Dónde: Art Museum Más Info: http://www.nationalhispaniccenter.org or (505) 246-2261 Sandia National Laboratories Hispanic Leadership Outreach Committee Youth Art Contest Qué: The theme is, “Hispanics: A legacy of history, a present of action, and a future of success”. Prizes will be awarded for paintings, drawings, and photographs in elementary, middle, and high school categories. Entry deadline for all artwork is September 22nd. To ensure entries arrive on time for the judging, students are encouraged to mail their entry no later than Friday, Sept. 5th. Cuándo: Suggested Entry Mailing deadline/fecha límite para solicitar: September 22th. Más Info: Erin Akinnikawe, http://www.aps.edu/ staff/weekly-announcements/hispanic-heritageyouth-art-contest F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 5 Hispanic Heritage Month kick-off & press conference Lanzamiento y rueda de prensa del Mes de la Herencia Hispana Qué: Join Mayor Richard Berry and the Hispanic Heritage Committee for the kick-off of Hispanic Heritage Month. Entertainment, food and a month-long calendar of events will be available. Únase al acalde Richard Berry y al Comité de la Herencia Hispana para el lanzamiento del Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Habrá entretenimiento, comida y un calendario con los eventos que se ofrecerán durante el mes. Cuándo: 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Entertainment, Santeros 10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Press Conference 11:00 a.m. – 8 p.m. A variety of Hispanic Entertainers will perform throughout Old Town Dónde: Old Town Plaza in Albuquerque Más Info: Jennifer Montano (505) 505.842.9003 ext. 138 or Jennifer Gomez-Chavez (505) 277-7763 S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 6 Sparx and Lorenzo Antonio Scholarship Concert Qué: Beginning in 2001, Sparx and Lorenzo Antonio have held a yearly concert in order to raise funds and to create awareness for their Scholarship. Not only will Sparx and Lorenzo Antonio be performing, but the legendary PAUL RODRIGUEZ will be there as well! Come and join the fun! Cuándo: 8:00pm Dónde: Sandia Resort and Casino Tickets: $50-$75, available now at Ticketmaster and at the Sandia Casino box office.Más Info: http:// sparxlorenzoantonio.org/about-us/the-concert/ SAT, SEPTEMBER 6 & SUN, SEPTEMBER 7 Bike MS: Pedal Los Pueblos presented by Sam’s Club Qué: More than 150 miles of picturesque Northern New Mexico, passing through five of the Eight Northern Pueblos. The Sunday route will include an out-and-back of approximately 7.5 miles each way, either to the Puye Cliff Dwellings or to Truchas. The routes include fully-stocked rest stops every 10-12 miles on both days. Relax, hydrate, have a snack, use the restroom, check in with a mechanic, re-apply sunscreen, and enjoy the volunteers at these oases. Finish with a banquet celebration under the big top on Saturday and barbecue on Sunday. We start, finish and overnight from the beautiful Cities of Gold Hotel & Casino in Pojoaque, New Mexico. Cuándo: Start time 7:00 a.m. Dónde: 10 Cities of Gold Road - Santa Fe, NM 87506 Más Info: Office: 505-243-2698 Toll Free: 1-800344-4867 - Press 2 at the prompt S U N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 7 Pauline Armijo Scholarship Fund 10th Annual Benefit Tournament Qué: The fund provides scholarships to enhance the education of numerous non-traditional Hispanic women entering the education field by providing scholarships through a partnership with Las Mujeres. El décimo Torneo Benéfico Anual para el Fondo Becario de Pauline Armijo: el fondo provee becas para mejorar el aprendizaje de mujeres hispanas no tradicionales que están iniciando la carrera de educación, y provee becas a través de una asociación con la organización Las Mujeres. Cuándo: 10 a.m. Shotgun Start at Noon $120 per player Dónde: Paa-ko Ridge Golf Club, Sandia Park Más Info: Melissa Armijo (505) 903-4571 [email protected] *They are also look hole sponsors W E D N E S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 0 5 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 OPENING DAY Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 11:00 AM - Folklorico del Valle, 1:30 PM Folklorico del Valle, 2:30 PM - Samuel D Band 4:00 PM - Invicto Norteno, 5:45 PM - Kenny Medina, 7:30 PM - Donna Christine Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 OIL & GAS DAY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DAY Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 10:15 AM - Baila Baila, 11:00 AM - Los Amigos, 1:30 PM - Los Alegres De Belen, 2:45 PM - Tierra Fina Band, 4:00 PM - Danny Boy, 5:30 PM - Encanto, 7:00 PM - Candace Vargas, 8:30 PM - Natajja Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Heritage Luncheon Qué: 2014 AHCC Hispanic Heritage Luncheon Keynote Speaker Alisa Valdés-Rodriguez joins us for this festive event. Tickets are $40 per person, $400 for a table of ten. Cuándo: 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Dónde: Crown Plaza, 1901 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 884-2500 Más Info: Rebecca Sanchez (505) 842-9003 – Pay online www.ahcnm.org W E D N E S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 0 National MS Society Legislative Reception in Las Cruces Qué: The National Multiple Sclerosis Society and New Mexico Government Relations Committee would like to invite individuals living with MS to attend a reception on September 10th in honor of the Legislative Health & Human Services Committee. This is an excellent opportunity to meet some of your legislators and thank them for their work on health care issues that are important for New Mexican families who are affected by MS. In addition, you can connect with others from your community and learn more about the role of an MS Activist. Cuándo: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Dónde: De La Vega’s Pecan Grill & Brewery 500 S Telshor Blvd Las Cruces, NM 88011Más Info: Más Info: Call 1-800-344-4867 T H U R S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 1 LAW ENFORCEMENT DAY Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 10:15 AM - Los Primos, 11:15 AM Dance, 12:15 PM - Mariachi Nacional de Nuevo Mexico, 1:15 PM - Conjunto El Gato Negro, 2:15 PM - Baile Espanol de Santa Fe, 3:15 PM - Kevin Michael, 4:30 PM - Atrisco Heritage 4:30-5:00, 5:00 PM - ABQ High 5:00-5:30, 5:45 PM - Crossroads, 7:30 PM - Ana Maria Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice T H U R S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 - 1 4 ¡Cine Magnífico! Qué: Instituto Cervantes, Spain Arts & Culture & the National Hispanic Cultural Center are proud to celebrate Spanish and Latin American Culture through its second annual Albuquerque Latino Film Festival ¡Cine Magnífico! Ticket prices: Individual tickets are $10 per film, $8 for students and seniors. And there is a $5 Family Matinee at 11:00am on Saturday, September 13th for the children’s film, Anina. A 4-movie punch card is available for $30, and a Full Festival Pass is $50. And be sure to join us for tapas and a cash bar at the Opening Night Fiesta Cuando: 5:30pm on Friday, September 12th Dónde: Disney Center for Performing Arts Más Info: (505) 724-4771 F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 5:30pm - Opening Night Fiesta with tapas and cash bar, 7:00pm - Spanish Affair / 8 Apellidos Vascos, 9:15pm -The Lock Charmer / El Cerrajero SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 11:00am - Anina (children‘s film), 2:00pm - School Days / Días de Clase, 4:30pm - The Golden Dream / La Jaula del Oro, 8:00pm - My Straight Son / Azul y No Tan Rosa S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 3 El Grito presented by the Consul of Commerce Mexican Indepencence Celebration Qué: An annual celebration of the Mexican Independence of Mexico. Live music, Mexican cuisine, and dancers. Cuándo: 4 p.m – 9 p. m. Dónde: Ragle Park in Santa Fe, NM – (Park for free at Santa Fee high school – 2100 Yucca Street – free shuttle service) Más Info: [email protected] or call (505) 247-2147 6 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 3 PARADE DAY Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 11:00 AM - Folk/Mis Suenos, 12:15 PM - Antonio Reyna con Mariachi, 1:30 PM - Grupo Impresion, 2:45 PM - Chimayo Boyzz, 4:00 PM - Miguel Timoteo, 5:45 PM - Blue Ventures, 8:30 PM - Gonzalo Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice S U N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 4 Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 12:15 PM - Ballet En Fuego, 1:30 PM Dave Gomez, 2:45 PM - Ernestine Romero, 4:00 PM - Cuarenta Y Cinco, 5:30 PM - Juntos Unidos, 7:30 PM - Tanya Griego Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice. S U N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 4 John Donald Robb Musical Trust: Qué: ¡Música del Corazón: A Celebration of Nuevomexicano Music! This concert honors the contributions of John Donald Robb, Sr., former dean of the University of New Mexico’s College of Fine Arts and a recognized music pioneer. The 2014 concert, “¡¡Música del Corazón: A Celebration of Nuevomexicano Music!!,” features performances by musicians of all ages who are linked to the Robb legacy. Cuándo: 2 PM Dónde: Wells Fargo Auditorium T U E S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 6 Consúl of Commerce Mexican Independence Celebration Qué: An annual celebration of the Mexican Independence in New Mexico. Live music, Mexican cuisine, traditional dances and the Civil Ceremony of “El Grito” are the essentials of the event. Join Consul Titular Mauricio Ibarra and the Mexican community in New Mexico in a wonderful celebration that occurs simultaneously in Mexico City and all the Mexican Consulates and Embassies around the world. Cuándo: 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Dónde: MRC/City of Santa Fe, 205 Caja del Rio, Santa Fe, NM 87505 Más Info: Lee Wong-Medina (505) 765-7606 http://www.sre.gob.mx/albuquerque/ F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 4 S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 3 Mexican Independence Day Celebration Qué: Celebrating Mexico’s Independence with live music and entertainment. Free Cuándo: 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm Dónde: Civic Plaza, Downtown Albuquerque Más Info: Jesus Martinez (505) 340-1960 S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 3 10th Annual Salsa Festival Qué: 10th Annual Salsa Fiesta. A fun time for all! This year’s event expands to the Plaza, where the competition for “Best Salsa” will be featured, for members of the general public who will compete in the “Best Homemade Salsa” event. Cuándo: 12:00 p.m. - 8 p.m. - with Headliner: Charanga del Valle Salsa Band Dónde: Old Town Albuquerque Más Info: For more information call: 768-3561 or 311 or visit www.cabq.gov S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 3 La plática bajo la resolana with the Hispanic Education Act Advisory Council (HEAC) Qué: Organizations, educational institutions, businesses, policy makers, etc are invited to be strategic partners in the important work of the Hispanic Education Act (HEA). This is a work session to develop a five year plan for HEA that guides educational leaders and policy makers in making needed educational reform decisions on policy, program and resources. To register please go to http://www.formstack.com/forms/dlenm-heac_registration Cuándo: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Dónde: Double Tree Hotel 201 Marquette NW, Downtown Albuquerque Más Info: For more information email HEAC@ dlenm.org T-Mobile Hiring Event Qué: T-Mobile is seeking individuals to hire. Come learn about employment opportunities. Cuándo: 10am – 1pm Dónde: 5421 Jefferson St NE 87109 Más Info: Amanda Armenta - (505) 843-2042 M O N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 5 SENIOR CELEBRATION DAY HEALTHY LIVING DAY Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 10:45 AM - Bailadores De Oro, 11:15 AM - Sociedad Dance, 12:15 PM – Marcha, 12:45 PM Chile Bean Express, 2:00 PM - Samuel D, 3:15 PM - Conjunto el Gato Negro, 4:30 PM - Legacy of SF, 5:45 PM Brown Sugar, 7:30 PM - Los Garrapatas Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice T U E S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 6 PATHWAY TO CAREERS & COLLEGES DAY ENVIRONMENT APPRECIATION DAY Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 11:00 AM - Ana con Mariachi, 12:00 PM Mary K. Miranda, 1:15 PM - Los Primos, 2:30 PM Invicto Norteno de Miguelito Romero, 3:45 PM Carlos Medina, 5:00 PM - Ritmo 4, 6:15 PM Campeones Del Desierto, 7:30 PM - Grupo Control Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice W E D N E S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 7 MILITARY/VETERANS CELEBRATION DAY Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 11:00 AM - Los Amigos, 12:00 PM Mariachi, 1:30 PM - Mariachi Nacional de Nuevo Mexico, 2:30 PM Grupo Rico, 4:00 PM - Los Chavos, 5:45 PM - Kevn Michael 7:30 PM - Rhythm Divine Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice W E D N E S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 7 UNM Main Campus Noontime Events Qué: UNM Student Activities and the Hispanic Heritage Committee of Albuquerque present programming sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, UNM, HHC and LULAC Youth Council. UNM Student Activities y HHC presentarán programaciónes que están patrocinada por la Oficina del Vicepresidente de Asuntos Estudiantiles, UNM, HHC, y el Consejo Juvenil de LULAC. Cuándo: 12 – 1 p.m. Dónde: Student Union Building (SUB) Atrium, UNM Main Campus, Albuquerque Más Info: Jennifer Gomez-Chavez (505) 277-1723 T H U R S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 8 S U N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 4 2:00pm - Bad Hair / Pelo Malo, 5:00pm - New Mexican Short Films, 7:00pm - We are the Nobles / Nosotros los Nobles 7 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 NEW MEXICO TRUE DAY Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 12:00 PM - Mariachi Nuevo Sonido, 2:30 PM - Marty G Band, 4:00 PM - Baila Baila, 5:45 PM Simpatico, 7:30 PM - Black Pearl Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http:// exponm.com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2014 AHCC Hispanic Heritage Month Golf Classic Qué: Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic. Annual Golf Tournament proceeds benefit the AHCC Educational Scholarship Program. Businesses have the opportunity to be an event sponsor, team sponsor or hole sponsor. $150.00 Single Player, $600 Foursome. Cuándo: 9 a.m. Dónde: Cochiti Golf Club 5200 Cochiti Hwy Cochiti Lake, NM 87083 • (505) 465-2239 Más Info: http://www.ahcnm.org/events.aspx or (505) 842-9003 F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 9 FIREFIGHTERS DAY/SMOKEY BEAR DAY Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 10:15 PM - Mariachi Nacional de Nuevo Mexico, 11:00 AM - Baila Baila, 12:15 PM - Los Primos, 1:30 PM - Dickie Cordova Y La Pleve, 2:45 PM - Amber Anaya & Jagg, 4:00 PM - Los Chavos, 5:30 PM - Red Wine, 7:00 PM - Northern 505, 8:30 PM - Sangre Joven Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice F R I - S AT, S E P T E M B E R 1 9 - 2 0 ¡Globalquerque! Qué: New Mexico’s Tenth Annual Celebration of World Music and Culture, returns to the NHCC with three stages of music from five continents over two nights. Performers in 2014 include the Afro-Cuban All Stars, Calypso Rose, Los Texmaniacs, and Robert “Tree” Cody & Native Wisdom Dance Theatre. Ticket prices: $42 adults, $19 children day of show; discounts for two-day passes Cuándo: 4 PM Dónde: NHCC Campus S AT U R DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 0 Unidos Project Community Resource Fair Qué: Are you looking for ways to help yourself and your family? Join educational institutions, community organizations and services to receive resources about Education, Health & Career opportunities! Free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided. Cuándo: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Dónde: West Mesa high school Más Info: Unidos.unm.edu or call Lorena Blanco-Silva at (505) 277.1238 S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 0 Qué: New Mexico State Fair – Villa Hispana Cuándo: 10:15 AM - Los Tapatio’s, 11:00 AM Mariachi Tradicional, 12:15 PM - Baile Illusion, 1:30 PM Mariachi Mystery Tour, 3:00 PM - Grupo Mizterio, 4:30 PM - Severo y Grupo Fuego, 6:00 PM - Darren Cordova, 8:30 PM - Ana Maria y Los Chavos Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2014 MARAVILLA: UNA NOCHE EN BRAZIL Qué: This is the largest event of the year for the National Hispanic Cultural Center. It also is its more important fund raising event of the year. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the NHCC and there will be special events to go along with the evening gala. There is a reception and silent auction as part of the festivities. Their signature annual fundraiser, Maravilla: Una Noche en Brasil. Featuring live Brazilian music, cuisine, dance and martial arts. Este es el mayor evento del año organizado por el Centro nacional de Cultur Hispana. También es el evento de recaudación de fondos más importante del año. Este año marca el 10mo aniversario del NHCC y habrá eventos especiales junto con la gala de la noche. Habrá una recepción y subasta silenciosa en el marco de las festividades. Ticket prices: $150 each Cuándo: 6 pm - midnight Dónde: Hotel Albuquerque 800 Rio Grande Blvd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87104 Más Info: www.nhccnm.org or (505) 246-2261 ext. 189 Cuándo: General Hours of Operation are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 0 “Reaching for the Stars”--Supporting our Local Teen’s Dreams to Careers Program. Qué: Rising stars in the Southwest, a non-profit organization celebrates 3rd year with a Spanish themed fundraiser at the Governor’s mansion.”Hispanic youth leadership day” will be recognized and celebrated during the fundraising event also. Ticket info: $50 Tickets may be purchased thorugh website: www.RisingStarsSouthwest.org, as well as AlphaGraphics and The Spanish Table (only cash and checks will be accepted at these two locations). Purchased tickets are available until September 17th or until sold out, and are not available at the door. Cuándo: 5:30pm to 8:30pm Dónde: New Mexico Governor’s Mansion in Santa Fe Más Info: Roy B. Martinez ,roybmartinez@gmail. com ,505.216.6049-office, 505.515.1387-mobile S U N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 1 Qué: New Mexico State Fair - Villa Hispana Cuándo: 10:00 AM - Los Primos, 11:00 AM , Baile Espanol de Santa Fe, 12:15 PM, Trio Los Gallos 1:30 PM Dwayne Ortega Band, 2:45 PM - Los Garrapatas, 4:00 PM - Preston Garza, 5:30 PM Abel Lucero, 7:30 PM - Johnny Sanchez Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700, http://exponm. com/things-to-do/villa-hispana-schedule/ *Artists and times subject to change without notice 8 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 W E D N E S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 4 UNM Main Campus Noontime Events Qué: UNM Student Activities and the Hispanic Heritage Committee of Albuquerque present programming sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, UNM, HHC and LULAC Youth Council. UNM Student Activities y La Comité de Herencia Hispana de Albuquerque presentarán programaciónes que están patrocinada por la Oficina del Vicepresidente de Asuntos Estudiantiles, UNM, HHC, y el Consejo Juvenil de LULAC. Cuándo: 12 – 1 p.m. Dónde: Student Union Building (SUB) Atrium, UNM Main Campus, Albuquerque Más Info: Jennifer Gomez-Chavez (505) 277-1723 T H U R S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 5 “ENCARNACIÓN VÁZQUEZ & ALEJANDRO BARRAÑON CONCERT” Qué: LATIN AMERICAN CONCERT AND SPEAKER SERIES AT UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Cuándo: 6:30 pm Dónde: Keller Hall at UNM Center for the Arts, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 Más Info: http://lamc.unm.edu THURS-SUN, SEPTEMBER 25-28 Siembra: Latino Theatre Festival Qué: When the Stars Trembled in Río Puerco: An oral history play based on the work of folk historian Nasario García, adapted and directed by Shebana Coelho, and presenting vivid recuerdos of life in four ranching communities—now ghost towns—south of Cuba, NM in the 1920s through the 1950s. Co-presented by Recuerdos Vivos New Mexico and Teatro Paraguas. Cuándo: 7:30 PM Thursday-Saturday, 2 PM Sunday Dónde: Albuquerque Journal Theatre NHCC An oral history play based on the work of folk historian Nasario García, adapted and directed by Shebana Coelho, and presenting vivid recuerdos of life in four ranching communities—now ghost towns—south of Cuba, NM in the 1920s through the 1950s. Co-presented by Recuerdos Vivos New Mexico and Teatro Paraguas. cies and institutions will be on hand to provide information about the services they offer. Types of participating agencies include: Scholarship Organizations, UNM Services, Program and Transfer Information, Law Resources, Student Success Organizations, Counseling Services, Transportation Services, Tutoring Services, Bilingual Education Programs, GED and ESL information, Job Connection Services, and much more. Cuándo: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Dónde: Student Services Bldg, CNM Main Campus, Albuquerque Más Info: Nancy Valenzuela (505) 224-4000 ext. 51578. F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 6 Youth Development Incorporated Charity Golf Classic Qué: The Youth Development Incorporated (YDI) Charity Golf Classic was established to provide much needed support for the educational and social service programs. Part of a nationally recognized organization, YDI provides educational, developmental and humanitarian assistance to thousands of children, youth and families in central and northern New Mexico. El Clásico Benéfico de Golf de Youth Development Incorporated (YDI) se estableció con la meta de proveer el apoyo necesario a los programas de enseñanza y de servicio social. Como parte de una organización conocido a nivel nacional, YDI provee asistencia de enseñanza, desarollo y humanitaria a miles de niños, jóvenes y familias en las regiones central y norte de Nuevo México. Cuándo: 7:30 a.m. registration Dónde: Four Hills Country Club Más Info: Michelle Luna (505) 212-7440 F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 2 6 2nd Annual Job Fair presented by Senator Jacob Candelaira Qué: Come to apply for Job opportunities. In addition, this year college counselors and job training program representatives will be available with information about higher education opportunities, and financing. Individuals can register for Medicaid at this event, if they qualify. Cuándo: 11:00 a.m. Dónde: West Mesa Community Center in Albuquerque Más Info: email Senator Candelaria at [email protected] SEPTEMBER 27 TO JANUARY 18, 2015 EXHIBIT “MIGUEL COVARRUBIAS: DRAWING A COSMOPOLITAN LINE” AT GEORGIA O’KEEFFE MUSEUM Qué: Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, in collaboration with the Consulate of Mexico in Albuquerque are organizing a cultural project featuring a “Miguel Covarrubias: Drawing a Cosmopolitan Line” from September 27th, 2014 to January 18th, 2015 Cuándo: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Dónde: Georgia O’Keeffe Museum - 217 Johnson Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501 Más Info: www.okeeffemuseum.org M O N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 9 Unidos Project Hispanic Education Legislative Summit Qué: Join Unidos Project members, New Mexico Legislators and community members for a discussion on Hispanic Education in New Mexico. Help to craft legislative priorities on Hispanic Education during this upcoming 2015 legislature. Cuándo: 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Dónde: CNM Workforce Training Center Más Info: Unidos.unm.edu or call Lorena Blanco-Silva at (505) 277.1238 O C T O B E R W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 UNM Main Campus Noontime Events Qué: UNM Student Activities and the Hispanic Heritage Committee of Albuquerque present programming sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, UNM, HHC and LULAC Youth Council. UNM Student Activities y La Comité de Herencia Hispana de Albuquerque presentarán programaciónes que están patrocinada por la Oficina del Vicepresidente de Asuntos Estudiantiles, UNM, HHC, y el Consejo Juvenil de LULAC. Cuándo: 12 – 1 p.m. Dónde: Student Union Building (SUB) Atrium, UNM Main Campus, Albuquerque Más Info: Jennifer Gomez-Chavez (505) 277-1723 W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 Central New Mexico Community College Qué: Central New Mexico Community College and the Hispanic Heritage Task Team/Nuestra Gente will host its second Hispanic Student Success Resource Fair. CNM Hispanic students and all students can learn about internal CNM student resources as well as community resources that support Hispanic student success. Representatives from CNM and local community resource agen- 9 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 S AT U R D AY, O C T O B E R 4 – S U N D AY, O C T O B E R 5 San Felipe de Neri –12th Annual Santero Market Qué: Food, Music, Dance and Religious Arts & Crafts all day around the Historic Old Town Plaza area. Cultural Performances at the Gazebo. Cuándo: 12:00 7:00pm Dónde: Old Town Plaza Más Info: For more information call: 768-3561 or 311 or visit www.cabq.gov W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 8 UNM Main Campus Noontime Events Qué: UNM Student Activities and the Hispanic Heritage Committee of Albuquerque present programming sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, UNM, HHC and LULAC Youth Council. UNM Student Activities y La Comité de Herencia Hispana de Albuquerque presentarán programaciónes que están patrocinada por la Oficina del Vicepresidente de Asuntos Estudiantiles, UNM, HHC, y el Consejo Juvenil de LULAC. Cuándo: 12 – 1 p.m. Dónde: Student Union Building (SUB) Atrium, UNM Main Campus, Albuquerque Más Info: Jennifer Gomez-Chavez (505) 277-1723 F R I D AY, O C T O B E R 1 0 New Mexico Music Series: SD20 Concert Qué: An Evening with Soul Divine A one-night only reunion of the Albuquerque-based R&B group, established in 1997, that provided the soundtrack for a new generation of soul music lovers over nearly 20 years. The original band has not performed together since 2000; the concert is a celebration of the group’s musical legacy. Cuándo: 8 PM Dónde: Albuquerque Journal Theatre NHCC F R I D AY, O C T O B E R 1 0 COMADRE A COMADRE:THE 5TH BIENNIAL CELEBRATION OF LIFE EVENT Qué: To honor the courageous women and their loved ones who have faced breast cancer. Please join us for food, door prizes, raffles, live music & entertainment with: Fun for the whole family! There is No charge for this event, Free Parking, Casual dress Cuándo: 5:30 - 8 pm Dónde: University of New Mexico: Student Union Ballrooms B & C Más Info: Please call (505) 277-2350 & reserve you & your loved ones seating by September 26, 2014. W E D N E S D AY , O C T O B E R 1 5 “Paving the Way” – In celebration for 2014 Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 - Oct.15), Closing Celebration Qué: The Hispanic Heritage Month Committee will be celebrating Hispanics in our community. Individuals will be highlighted for their success. This includes: Hispanic Business owners, Hispanic Organizations/Association, Hispanics with a terminal degree in higher education, Hispanics in Public Service. Nominations will be taken until September 15 at ahcnm.org Cuándo: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Dónde: National Hispanic Cultural Center – 1701 4th St SW, Albuquerque, NM Más Info: www.ahcnm.org or call Rebecca at (505) 842-9003 SU N DAY, O C TOB E R 2 6 , F R I DAY O C TO B E R 3 1 , SU N DAY N OV E M B E R 2 Opera Southwest presents: Hamlet (Amleto) NHCC $12, $22, $32, $52, $62, $70, $72, $77, $82 Qué: Opera Southwest will present composer Franco Faccio’s (best known as conductor of the premieres of Aida and Otello) adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet (Amleto) in the fall of 2014. Premiered in 1865 with a libretto by Arrigo Boito (who went on to fame as the librettist for Verdi’s Falstaff & Otello), it was conceived as an anti-Verdi/pro-Wagner manifesto for the “music of the future.” Amleto was a critical and audience success at its premiere, after which the Faccio and Boito joined Garibaldi’s forces. During their military travels, Faccio became more intimately acquainted with the music of Wagner, and made extensive revisions on his score in preparation for an 1871 Scala revival. That performance proved disastrous due to the illness of the leading tenor. Faccio was discouraged by the incident, and unlike Puccini’s rather plucky response to the initial fiasco of Madama Butterfly, Faccio withdrew the work, never to be performed again. Contrary to standard practice, a piano vocal score of the work was never made, and it languished in obscurity for over a century. Cuándo: 7:30 pm –Friday, 2 pm - Sundays Dónde: Albuquerque Journal Theatre Más Info: http://www.nationalhispaniccenter.org or (505) 724-4771 S AT - S U N , O C T O B E R 1 8 - 1 9 Dracula, A Love Story Qué: Festival Ballet Albuquerque is a nonprofit 501c(3) corporation headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 2014-2015 season promises to be even more exciting as FBA celebrates its 5th year. The season begins with this ballet performance that is back by popular demand. Dónde: National Hispanic Cultural Center (NHCC) Más Info: 505-296-9465 http://www. festivalballetabq.org/ T H U R- SU N , O C T O B E R 1 6 - 1 9 & OCTOBER 23-26 Siembra: Latino Theatre Festival NHCC Qué: The Boxcar: Based on actual events, the lives of eight undocumented immigrants are recreated in a story of extraordinary bravery, passion, love of family, and hope, written by award-winning Latina playwright Silvia González S. and originally presented in Spanish as El Vagón by famed New York theatre company Repertorio Español. Co-presented by Teatro Nuevo México. Cuándo: 7:30 PM Thursday-Saturday, 2 PM Sunday Dónde: Wells Fargo Auditorium NHCC T H U R S D AY, O C T O B E R 3 0 Latin Diva Series (NHCC) Qué: Ani Cordero: singer-songwriter and drummer, born to puerto rican parents, grew up both in the states and on the island, surrounded by music. A founding member of the celebrated mexican rock band Pistolera, she also fronted her own bilingual band Cordero. Her latest album, recordar, features folk ballads, protest anthems, and love songs from throughout Latin America. Cuándo: 7:30 pm Dónde: Bank of America Theatre NHCC 10 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 FRI-SUN, DECEMBER 19-21 The Nutcracker in the Land of Enchantment NHCC Qué: Festival Ballet Albuquerque is a nonprofit 501c(3) corporation headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 2014-2015 season promises to be even more exciting as FBA celebrates its 5th year. This ballet performance retains all the beauty of the classical tradition but is set in Territorial New Mexico in the late 1800’s. It’s unique approach is definitely something worth seeing. Dónde: National Hispanic Cultural Center Más Info: 505-296-9465 http://www. festivalballetabq.org/ THURS, NOVEMBER 6 & FRI, NOVEMBER 7 Pathways to Strong - Family-School Partnerships CESDP/ENLACE NM Back to School and Youth Leadership Institute Qué: Join parents, grandparents, youth, school staff, community members and organizations for 2 days of sharing resources, inspiring speakers, networking, building pathways to success, and more. Cuándo: November 6 & 7 Dónde: Buffalo Thunder Más Info: http://www.cesdp.nmhu.edu/backtoschool/backtoschool.html THANK YOU TO ALL OUR COMMITTEE MEMBERS & SUPPORTERS Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Small Business Committee Albuquerque Business First Albuquerque Public Schools Barelas Community Development Center Bernalillo County Commission Big Brothers Big Sisters City of Albuquerque, Cultural Services Department Central New Mexico Community College – Academic Advisement & Job Connection Services Comcast Community Leadership Foundation Consulado de Mexico Cordova Public Relations ENLACE New Mexico EXPO New Mexico FEB Diversity Council Festival Ballet Albuquerque Hispanic Organization of Postal Employees Hispanic Round Table Hispanic Statement of Cooperation Hispanic Women’s Council Home Instead Senior Care Instituto Cervantes Kirtland Air Force Base LULAC of New Mexico Las Mujeres LVC Shoes for Kids MALSA MANA de Albuquerque Mask y Mas MAS New Mexico National Hispanic Cultural Center National Multiple Sclerosis Society New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association New Mexico Hispano Entertainers Association New Mexico 8 (a) and Minority Business Association New Mexico PTA New Mexico Rail Runner New York Life PLC Enterprises Prestige Event Center Sandia National Laboratories Spanish Colonial Arts Society State of New Mexico, Department of Workforce Solutions State of New Mexico, Department of Veteran Services SouthWest Organizing Project T-Mobile US The Original Hacienda U.S. Department of Labor/VETS U.S. Forest Service U.S. Postal Service United Way of Central New Mexico-Hispano Philanthropic Society University of New Mexico: 11 Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs Office of Student Academic Success El Centro de la Raza ENLACE Division for Equity and Inclusion Comadre a Comadre Title V Graduate Resource Center Unidos Project UNM LULAC Young Adult Council YDI Come in and experience The Green Chile in Town! Best B ring your sweetheart in for Valentine’s Day! GIFT CARDS NOW AVAILABLE! Two Great Locations Albuquerque Cuba 8806 4th Street 505-897-0444 Highway 550 Main St 575-289-9429 Sun - Wed 11a.m. - 9p.m. Thur - Sat 11a.m. - 10p.m. Mon - Sun 11a.m. - 10p.m. ic an g Herita e Month Co ittee mm Your His p Sundays open for breakfast at 11
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y Los Gallos, 3:30 pm Johnny Sanchez y Puro Norte, 5:00 pm Cuarenta Y Cinco, 7:30 pm Sangre Joven
Dónde: Villa Hispana, Expo NM
Más Info: Expo NM, 505-222-9700,