SWIFT 2015 Update #3


SWIFT 2015 Update #3
SWIFT Update #3
Sky City
Hiking down Sky City
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
All caravans were sure to hit the road early enough to make the 10:30 tour at Acoma.
Acoma, an ancient pueblo, located high on a mesa and known for its protective
architecture and ancient church. Nicknamed Sky City, Acoma specializes in fine, thinwalled pottery created of white clay. In addition to taking a walking tour of the pueblo
and museum (led by a resident of Acoma), our students saw a good number of Acoma
artists and their locally-created pottery for sale on card tables outside the pueblo
homes. They also had an opportunity to sample traditional fry bread.
An interesting feature of the pueblo is the ancient steps, foot- and hand-holds that are
carved into the mesa on which the pueblo is located. This is the ancient secret pathway
up and down the mesa that was created to evade the unwanted visitors. Making their
way back to the visitors’ center, our students climbed their way down this challenging
Photos from the Acoma tour:
Mr. Nolan’s caravan hiking Acoma:
Latest note from Ms. Kay:
Sydney, Beatrice, Revati, Jadyn, Lauren, Alaina, Elena,
and chaperons hiked down from Sky City!
The students are so adventurous!
More notes from Monday’s adventures:
Chaperon Farnaz Mehrayin (Kay caravan) reports that the travelers enjoyed shopping
for artifacts yesterday. The students bought everything from bows and arrows, to
jewelry or fetishes. They got great deals and are very excited about their finds. Later,
the Kay crew had a great time hiking up to the top and then later sliding down the dunes
at its base. Luckily, Red Rock is one of the shower stops of the week. Back at the
campsite, Garrett found a bird’s nest with eggs in a tree right next to the campsite.
Red Rock
Shopping for the perfect artifact
Hiking up and sliding down the dunes
Discovering a bird’s nest buried in a tree trunk
Chaperon Heather Steer (Ruppert caravan), reporting on Monday’s events, said that
everyone had a great overnight at the KOA in Flagstaff where there were nice showers
and bathrooms. The kids shared lots of funny stories as they hunkered down in the RVs
to keep warm and get some sleep. They had a nice couple hour drive to Zuni and
stopped at the Petrified Forest visitor center to stretch, get gas and learn a little bit along
the way. The Ruppert caravan met up with the entire group in Zuni at the Old Mission
Church for an amazing lecture by Mr. Ken whose family has been key in the restoration,
in particular the paintings, inside of the church. His father, Alex, who sadly passed away
a little over a year ago, has been called the Michelangelo of the Southwest. The artwork
is a wonderful coming together of the Zuni religious beliefs and Catholicism. No pictures
were allowed in this area but there are plenty of news stories on the Internet to check
out. After the tour, the travelers hit the shops where the kids found jewelry, fetishes and
kachina dolls. They spent the night next to Bluewater Lake where the kids skipped rocks
and had a great campfire.
Popsicle break…
everyone chose a different color
Skipping rocks
Fun with shadows
Sunset over Bluewater Lake
Campfire storytelling time
Chaperon Tara Saffold (Nolan caravan) reports that shopping was a success at
Turquoise Village. The Nolan RV members are proud owners of a fetish horse, eagle
fetish, Zuni ring, thunder Covina, Zuni necklace pendant, and Zuni pottery. Who bought
what will remain a mystery until Friday. Yesterday’s hike was quite the workout. It is no
wonder that everyone slept soundly but was ready to take on Acoma today. The trip
thus far has been amazing. The students are all pitching in with the chores and getting
Navigating El Morro…
Hiking El Morro…
Resting at El Morro…
Tonight the campers are looking forward to scrumptious meals prepared by Bethani,
Sariah, and Maddie C. (Nolan caravan), Sydney and Alaina (Kay caravan), and
Domenic and Sammy (Ruppert caravan). Tomorrow all caravans will have the
opportunity to explore Santa Fe.