The Eagle Eye - Hale Area Schools
The Eagle Eye - Hale Area Schools
The Eagle Eye January 2014 “A Look Into The Hale Area Schools” Hale Schools Back on Track INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Update from Lansing 1 Sports Schedules 2 District Calendar 3 District Information 4 STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION LANSING Daniel M. Hanrahan, Director Office of State Aid and School Finance Transportation issues and excused absences still need to be communicated in writing. Emergencies must be phoned in prior to the 2:15 pm deadline, to ensure the changes can be made. November 14, 2013 Ron Kraft, Superintendent Hale Area Schools 200 West Main Street Hale, MI 48739 Dear Superintendent Kraft: The Michigan Department of Education would like to take this opportunity to commend you, your administration, and your local school board on successfully eliminating the deficit fund balance during fiscal year 2013. A review of your board -approved budget also projects a positive fund balance at the end of the 2013-14 school year. Are your student’s shots up to date? State law requires that all students maintain current immunizations while enrolled in school. If you do not wish to have your child immunized, a waiver must be filed in the school office. Failure to do either can exclude your student from attending classes in our school. We must be in state compliance by Jan. 31. Thank you for your cooperation. Because the deficit has been eliminated, it is no longer necessary to submit the monthly budgetary control reports to our office. Sincerely, Daniel M. Hanrahan, Director Office of State Aid and School Finance cc: dd: Chad Urchike, Office of State Aid and School Finance, MDE Jeff Kolb, Office of State Aid and School Finance, MDE Copies of the enclosed letters can be seen in the administration office during normal business hours. Please be aware that your child may go out to recess daily. Children need to be dressed appropriately for the cold and snow. Please make sure that your child has a hat, warm coat, mittens, and when necessary, boots and snow pants every day. If your student needs something, please ask. Due to generous community support, we have some items available if you have need. Thank you. DISTRICT NEWSLETTER JV GIRLS Basketball All games start 6:00pm JV Boys Basketball All Games start 6:00pm Date Opponent Place Date Opponent Place Dec. 09 Rogers City High School HS Gymnasium Dec. 02 @ Wolverine High School Wolverine High School Jan. 07 Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy @ AuGres−Sims High School Fairview High School HS Gymnasium Jan. 08 Wolverine High School HS Gymnasium AuGres-Sims High Jan. 10 Au Gres−Sims High School HS Gymnasium HS Gymnasium Jan. 14 @ Fairview High School Fairview High School St. Mary’s School (Lake Leelanau) Atlanta High School Jan. 15 Jan. 23 @ St. Mary’s School (Lake Leelanau) @ Atlanta High School @ Alcona Community Middle/High School Alcona Community Middle/ High School Jan. 28 Mio−AuSable High School HS Gymnasium Jan. 20 @ Hillman High School Hillman High School Jan. 31 Alcona Community Middle/High School Hillman High School Jan. 21 Jan. 27 Feb. 07 Posen High School HS Gymnasium Jan. 30 Feb. 11 AuGres−Sims High School HS Gymnasium @ Oscoda Area High School @ Mio−AuSable High School Alcona Community Middle/ High School Oscoda Area High School Feb. 04 @ Alcona Community Middle/High School @ Hillman High School Feb. 12 Tawas Area HS (Hale JV vs Tawas Freshmen w/ Girls JV vs Tawas Freshmen) @ Fairview High School HS Gymnasium Feb. 19 Alcona Community Middle/ High School HS Gymnasium Feb. 21 Atlanta High School HS Gymnasium Feb. 26 @ Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy Feb. 28 @ Whittemore−Prescott MS/HS Whittemore−Prescott MS/HS Jan. 09 Jan. 13 Jan. 18 Feb. 14 Fairview High School Mio−AuSable High School HS Gymnasium Feb. 03 Hillman High School HS Gymnasium Feb. 06 @ Posen High School Posen High School Feb. 10 Au Gres−Sims High School Feb. 12 @ Au Gres−Sims High School Tawas Area HS (Versus Tawas freshmen / with JV boys) HS Gymnasium Feb. 13 Fairview High School HS Gymnasium VArsity GIRLS Basketball All games start 6:00pm Varsity Boys Basketball All Games Start 6:00 pm Date Opponent Place Date Opponent Place Dec. 09 Rogers City High School Hale HS Gym Nov. 21 Scrimmage @ Saginaw Arts SA & Sci Gym Jan. 07 Hale HS Gym Jan. 08 Wolverine High School HS Gymnasium Jan. 09 Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy @ AuGres−Sims High School AuGres HS Gym Jan. 10 AuGres−Sims High School HS Gymnasium Jan. 13 Fairview High School Hale HS Gym Jan. 14 @ Fairview High School Fairview High School Jan. 18 @ St. Mary’s School (Lake Leelanau) St. Mary’s HS Gym 5:00 pm start Jan. 17 @ Arenac Eastern Middle/ High School (Varsity only) Arenac Eastern Middle/High School Jan. 24 Atlanta High School (Varsity only) HS Gymnasium Jan. 27 @ Mio−Ausable High School Mio−AuSable HS Jan. 30 Alcona Community Middle/ High School HS Gymnasium Jan. 23 @ Atlanta High School Atlanta HS Gym Jan. 28 Mio−AuSable High School Hale HS Gym Jan. 31 @ Alcona Community Middle/High School Alcona HS Gym Feb. 04 @ Hillman High School Hillman HS Gym Feb. 07 Posen High School Hale HS Gym Feb. 03 Hillman High School HS Gymnasium Feb. 06 @ Posen High School Posen High School Feb. 10 @ AuGres−Sims High School AuGres−Sims HS Feb. 11 AuGres−Sims High School Hale HS Gym Feb. 14 @ Fairview High School Fairview HS Gym Feb. 19 Alcona Community Middle/High School Atlanta High School Hale HS Gym 7:30 pm start Hale HS Gym Feb. 13 Fairview High School HS Gymnasium Feb. 17 Arenac Eastern Middle/High School (Varsity only) HS Gymnasium @ Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy @ Whittemore−Prescott MS/HS SA & Sci Gym Feb. 20 @ Atlanta High School (Varsity only) Atlanta High School Feb. 21 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 Whittemore HS Gym “WE ARE THE EAGLES, THE MIGHTY MIGHTY EAGLES” DISTRICT NEWSLETTER HALE AREA SCHOOLS Operating Millage Renewal Election On Tuesday, February 25, 2014, Hale Area Schools will ask its voters to renew, for a ten-year period, the authorization for the School District to levy 18 mills on all "non-homestead property" located within the School District's boundaries. The property tax revenues that the School District will collect from the millage levy will be used to finance a portion of the School District's operating costs. "Non-homestead property" does NOT include principal residence property, qualified agricultural property, qualified forestry property or industrial personal property. Furthermore, commercial personal property is exempt from the first 12 mills of the 18 mills to be levied by the School District. The School District's authorization to levy this millage expired with the School District's last property tax levy on July 1, 2013. Voters may recall that this 18 mill operating tax levy was part of a complex plan to restructure the source of funding public school district operations in Michigan that culminated on March 15, 1994, when the voters approved a State-wide ballot proposal commonly known as "Proposal A" to amend the Michigan Constitution, in part, (i) to increase the State sales tax from 4% to 6% in order to reduce the reliance on local property taxes for school operating purposes and (ii) to reduce the per pupil finance resource disparities among Michigan school districts. The State aid package passed by the Michigan Legislature as part of that school finance reform legislation instituted a per pupil foundation allowance for each public school district beginning in fiscal year 1994/95. This foundation allowance is funded by the 18 mill operating tax levied by each school district on the non-homestead property located within its boundaries and a 6 mill State Education Tax levied by the State of Michigan on all taxable property throughout Michigan, along with the other taxing sources described below. Before the approval of Proposal A, the operating costs of all Michigan public school districts were financed primarily by local property taxes levied by each school district and secondarily by contributions from the State. After the approval of Proposal A, such operating costs are financed primarily by contributions from the State and secondarily by property taxes levied by each school district. The revenues for the State's contribution to the foundation allowance for each school district are derived from a mix of taxing sources, including, but not limited to, the State Education Tax described above, a State sales and use tax, a real estate transfer tax and a cigarette tax. However, in order for each school district to receive its FULL per pupil foundation allowance, it must levy the 18 mill operating tax on all "non-homestead property" located within the School District. Consequently, Hale Area Schools will ask its voters to renew the authorization for the School District to levy this millage on Tuesday, February 25, 2014. The following is the operating millage renewal proposal as it will appear on the ballot: OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Hale Area Schools, Iosco and Ogemaw Counties, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 10 years, 2014 to 2023, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2014 is approximately $2,840,237 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2013 tax levy) DISTRICT NEWSLETTER September 19, 2013 Mr. Ronald Kraft, Superintendent Hale Area Schools 200 West Main Hale, MI 48739 Dear Mr. Kraft: I would like to offer my compliments to the administrators and staff of the Hale Area Schools on their successful efforts to bring the district into compliance with State and Federal requirements as identified by the Fiscal On Site Review team on November 29, 2010. Bill Anderson, of the Financial Unit of the Office of Field Services (OFS), has Informed me the Fiscal On Site Review compliance plan submitted for Hale Area Schools has been implemented. With all the responsibilities that schools must address, it is commendable that you were able to successfully achieve this important goal. Since all deficiency findings have been addressed and policies and procedures have been developed and implemented, Stephenson Gracik, P.C. is released from their assignment to your district. Michael W. Radke, Ph.D. Director, Office of Field Services A letter to Michael Boensch our Business Manager from RJ Naughton Bond Consultant Mike, Good afternoon. Here is a summary for the pending refunding bonds: In 2004 the District had issued refunding bonds to refinance the 1996 School Building and Site Bonds. With a refunding bond, new bonds are issued at current interest rates in order to replace bonds at a higher interest rate – much like refinancing a mortgage. The refunding in 2004 resulted in interest cost savings of $686,891 realized over 17 years. This was a present value of $475,314 or 6.77% of refunded principal. The debt levy was reduced 0.95 mills from 3.10 mills in 2014 to the current debt levy of 2.15. This millage reduction was due to increased Taxable Value, repayment of principal and interest cost savings from the 2004 refunding. The District is planning to take advantage of low interest rates and refund the outstanding 2004 Refunding Bonds in 2014. The 2014 Refunding Bonds are estimated to save $247,000 over 8 years and is an estimated present value savings of $232,000 or 5.50% of refunded principal. The estimated millage savings for the pending refunding is 0.19 mills. The savings and estimated millage impact will be determined after the pricing of the refunding bonds – stay tuned. Please reply or call if you need more information. Thank you. Robert J. Naughton, Vice President Stauder, Barch & Associates, Inc. 3989 Research Park Drive Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 HALE AREA SCHOOLS 200 West Main HALE, MI 48739 BOARD OF EDUCATION Mrs. Valerie Cryderman, President Mr. Terry Bovee, Vice-President Mr. Ric Braun, Treasurer Mrs. Karol Shellenbarger, Secretary Mr. John Heydon, Trustee Mr. John Brindley, Trustee Ron Kraft, Superintendent / Michael Bowman, K-12 Principal Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No.11 Hale, MI. 48739 Local Postal Patron BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS ARE HELD THE SECOND MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 7:00 pm IN THE K-12 Library, 311 N. Washington., Hale December 19, 2013 Mr. Ronald Kraft, Superintendent Dear Mr. Kraft: I would like to take a moment to commend you, the District Business Manager, the Board of Education and all the staff at Hale Area Schools on the District’s accomplishments over the past three years. In the first year of our audit engagement, June 30, 2011, Hale Area Schools faced a deficit fund balance of $702,933. In addition to the deficit, the District also faced mandated Tier 2 Compliance Testing over their Title I funds, due to the Michigan Department of Education deeming the District as being significantly out of compliance with the Federal Funding requirements. These two situations forced the District to make tough decisions regarding budget cuts, caused the unions to take steep pay concessions and triggered management to evaluate possible consolidation arrangements and review existing contracts for necessary services. In order to get the Title I program into compliance, management had to work with and train various staff on the mandated procedural changes and also had to develop written policies and procedures for several areas identified by the State. As of June 30, 2013, the District ended its fiscal year with a positive fund balance of $347,686. This is an increase from the deficit shown in 2011 of $1,050,619. In addition, on September 19, 2013, the District received notice from the Michigan Department of Education stating that Hale Area Schools had successfully implemented all the requirements of their Title I Corrective Action Plan and were no longer required to receive the additional oversight involved with the Tier 2 Compliance Testing. To take this accomplishment even further, in a meeting held with the Michigan Department of Education on November 18, 2013, one of the State’s Fiscal Auditors openly discussed how impressed he was with the policies and procedures developed by Hale Area Schools and even went as far as to say that he would like to utilize Hale’s documents as templates provided to other Districts as examples. Congratulations to the entire District of Hale Area Schools. W e applaud you and your entire staff for the time and effort put forth in turning a negative into a positive and in putting the children of your District first in making sure that Hale Area Schools is still around to provide them with a quality education. Sincerely, Cynthia R. Scott, CPA Audit Manager Stephenson, Gracik & Co., P.C. 2014 DATES TO REMEMBER January 6 January 20 January 23 January 24 January 31 February 3 March 21 March 27 March 28 March 31 School Resumes Professional Development Day / No students Exams Early Dismissal Exams Early Dismissal / End of Marking Period End Of Open Enrollment Professional Development Day / No Students End of 3rd marking period Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences Spring Break Begins / No school Central Administration Office 728-7661, x 302 Superintendent: Ron Kraft 200 West Main St. Athletic Department 728-6499 Directors: Joe Kimmerer & Ryan Parkinson K-12 School Office 728-3551 Principal: Michael Bowman 311 N. Washington St. Food Service 728-5752 Supervisor Rhonda Brindley 311 N. Washington St. Transportation 728-7771 Supervisor: Brian Curley Web Address DISTRICT NEWSLETTER SCHOOL CANCELLATIONS Occasionally schools must be closed due to inclement weather. The decision to close schools is made when it is determined that busses cannot safely navigate the roads to pick up students. Generally, the decision to close is not made until early morning after an evaluation of road conditions is completed. Announcement of closing is made immediately and periodically on the following radio and television stations: TELEVISION WNEM - TV 5 WBKB - TV 11 WEYI –TV 25 WJRT- TV 12 RADIO WKJC/WIOS Tawas WHNN 96.1 –Flint KCQ 98.1 Saginaw WBMI - West Branch STUDENT SCHEDULES Elementary School Day (grades K-6) 8:10 a.m.-3:20 p.m. Junior High/High School (grades 7-12) 8:10 a.m.-3:20 p.m. Breakfast served daily 7:35 a.m.–8:10 a.m. When an early dismissal is scheduled, student releases are at: 12:35 These times are for regularly scheduled days only. Emergency situations due to weather or unforeseen circumstances will be handled on an individual basis.
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