3rd/4th Quarters 2008


3rd/4th Quarters 2008
Volume 3, Issue 3
Credit Union House
3rd/4th Quarters 2008
Highlights From The Hill
The Capitol View Room, sponsored
by Pennsylvania’s credit unions,
provides a great location for your
next event.
f rom t h e
At the end of each year, I enjoy
reflecting upon the accomplishments
that you have helped Credit Union
House achieve. This month, my
reflection goes further back to the
many ways Credit Union House has
grown during my time here.
for the credit union difference
for a credit union presence
on Capitol Hill
to making a political impact
Inside This Issue...
GAC Activities
Event Overview
Hall of Leaders
2008 Contributors
M e s s age
100% States
Contribute Today
When I began with Credit Union
House, I hoped to be successful in
increasing awareness of this unique
advocacy tool. As a league employee,
I had visited Credit Union House
and was impressed by the benefits
of having a location so close to the
Capitol. Over the past three years,
I have enjoyed sharing the benefits
with credit union and league
employees throughout the country,
as well as Members of Congress
and their staff. It has been great to
see the positive impact increased
awareness has had on Credit
Union House. The appreciation of
the uniqueness of Credit Union
House seems to steadily grow as it
continues to better serve our credit
union movement.
Since opening, Credit Union
House has experienced ongoing
improvement in all areas: 2008 saw
increases in credit union system
events, political visitors, and annual
contributions. (Learn more about
current annual contributors and
E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t or
some of the most recent
events throughout this
In addition to the buzz
of event activity and
visitors, 2008 included
a renovation that has
greatly improved the
LLC-owned building next
door. The renovation is
an exciting investment,
improving property value It was a pleasure to welcome Wright-Patt
and creating increased Credit Union (OH) for a 2-day planning
opportunities session and appreciation reception.
through high-end rental
what I have learned here during the
space and additional event space.
next step of my career.
A generous sponsorship from CoOp Financial Services has helped
On January 12, I will join MaPS
the main room transition into
Credit Union (Salem, Oregon) as VPelegant gathering space to better
Development. In my new role, I am
serve credit union and political
excited to use what I have learned
from so many of you about member
service, credit union advocacy,
As I reflect on the ongoing
and making a difference in your
success of Credit Union House,
communities. Thank you for your role
I am so thankful to all who make
in preparing me for this opportunity.
this continued success possible,
I look forward to continuing to cross
and who have made my time with
paths with many of you at CUNA’s
Credit Union House such a positive
GAC and other events around the
experience. I have thoroughly
enjoyed working with the many credit union industry. Learn more
credit union people I have met and about my successor at Credit
will miss welcoming thousands of Union House, Sue McCue,
credit union visitors to DC each on the next page.
year. I know I will use so much of
CU H ouse S pe c i a l F e at u r e
H a l l O f L e a de r s
At CUNA’s 2008 GAC, Credit Union House unveiled a brand new Hall of Leaders to permanently recognize
credit union leaders who have made a difference at a local, state, or national level. In its first year, the Hall
of Leaders inducted 15 individuals from 10 states.
With the 2009 GAC just around the corner, the call for nominations has once again been issued.
Nominations must be in by Jan. 25, 2009, for recognition at the next GAC. If you know an outstanding
leader in your state, please see page 3 of this newsletter to learn more about making a nomination to the
Credit Union House Hall of Leaders, or contact Credit Union House.
Page 2
Volume 3, Issue 1
New CU House Manager
Sue McCue has been named manager of Credit Union House on Capitol Hill. Sue joined
Credit Union House on Jan. 5 after nearly three years of working in CUNA’s CEO office,
coordinating numerous projects and events, and working closely with CUNA CEO Dan Mica
and EVP/COO Richard McBride, and the CUNA Board.
Her strong understanding of the credit union movement, familiarity with Washington D.C.,
and experience in events management will make her a great asset to Credit Union House.
Sue is originally from Rhode Island and is a graduate of James Madison University. For
any questions regarding Credit Union House, please contact Sue at (202) 548-3130 or
[email protected].
Maren McBride has also recently joined Credit Union House as the Business Development
Specialist. Maren previously worked at Susan Davis International Public Relations Firm and
has deep roots in the credit union movement, with internship experience at Philadelphia
FCU. Maren joined Credit Union House in October.
Sue McCue, Manager, (right) and Maren
McBride, Business Dev. Specialist joined CU
House during the 2nd half of 2008.
Sue and Maren are both looking forward to welcoming visitors to Credit Union House
during CUNA’s GAC next month and throughout 2009. Please stop by to tour Credit Union
House and meet Sue and Maren on your next visit to our nation’s capital.
E v e n t H igh l igh t s
2008 was a record-breaking year
for events at Credit Union House,
with more than 100 events hosted
throughout the year.
During the third and fourth
quarters, Credit Union House staff
kept busy welcoming state leagues
from throughout the country,
Members of Congress, and WOCCU
staff and liaisons.
September brought a busy
month of league Hike the Hills to
Credit Union House, with 13 states
visiting over the month. A number
of leagues welcomed Members of
Congress to speak at their events,
where they learned about hot topics
in the legislature. Idaho, Illinois, and
Wisconsin all experienced great
success in attracting Members to
join them at Credit Union House.
Wright-Patt CU, Fairborn, Ohio,
also visited Credit Union House
Sen. Mike
Crapo (R, ID)
meets with
a group from
Idaho’s credit
to engage in a planning session
and host a dinner reception
during September while Dept. of
Commerce FCU, Washington D.C.
met here in August.
Members of Congress from 11
different states visited Credit
Union House over the past few
months, to meet with credit union
representatives, host their own
fundraisers, and conduct strategy
sessions. These visits from
Members of Congress continue
to bring value to the credit union
movement, providing excellent
opportunities for credit unions to
deepen their relationships with
Members of Congress.
from Maryland
and DC’s credit
unions mingle
To share photos or stories from
your own events at Credit Union
House for publication in this
newsletter, please contact Sue
Rep. Eleanor
Norton (D,
DC) addresses
visitors on Int’l
CU Day.
Come see us at the GAC!
Stop by the CU House
booth on the
L Street Bridge
Vist our Open House
Wednesday, Feb. 25,
for a break
between hill visits
League Presidents:
Don’t miss the annual
LLC Membership
9 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 22
Representatives from
Illinois’ credit unions
show their appreciation to
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. for
joining them at
Credit Union House.
Highlights from the Hill
Page 3
L e a de r s I n duc t s 15, C a l l s F or M or e
During 2008, fifteen credit
union leaders were named to
the Credit Union House Hall of
Leaders, honoring their significant
contributions to the credit union
The Hall of Leaders was created
by Credit Union House, LLC, to
provide lasting recognition for
individuals who have demonstrated
an outstanding commitment to
credit unions and who have made
a significant impact on the credit
union movement at the local, state,
or national level.
As credit unions’ permanent
presence in the nation’s capital,
Credit Union House is the ideal
location for this lasting recognition;
the display of names serves
as a reminder to all who visit
of the many individuals whose
cooperative efforts and strong
commitments have built our credit
union movement.
With CUNA’s GAC fast approaching,
it is time for another call for
nominations to the Hall of Leaders.
Please consider if this recognition
is right for a credit union leader you
know, then contact Credit Union
House or your state league to learn
more about making a nomination.
recognized on a plaque at Credit
Union House, and also receive
annual contribution recognition for
the $2,500 sponsorship of their
Guy M. Hood, President/CEO of
the Florida Credit Union League
and past Treasurer of Credit Union
House, LLC was the first individual
inducted to the Credit Union House
Hall of Leaders.
Other inductees are:
Carroll D. Beach, Former
President/CEO, Credit Union Assns.
of Colorado & Wyoming
David L. Chatfield, Former
President/CEO, California & Nevada
Credit Union Leagues
Joseph E. Cumbo, Former Board
Chair, South Carolina FCU
Chairman & Board Member,
Anheuser Busch Employees’ Credit
Union (MO)
Russell A. Easterling, Former
President/CEO, CPM Federal Credit
Union (SC)
Charles E. Elliott, Jr., President/
CEO, Mississippi Credit Union Assn.
Eugene H. Farley, Jr., Former
President/CEO, Virginia Credit
Union League
O u r N e w S pac e
Visitors to Credit Union House this
year have witnessed much activity
at the adjacent building. Credit
Union House has been working
on a major renovation that is now
The renovated space provides
elegant options for credit unions to
use as gathering space when they
come to DC, and also provides a
more high-end tenant space that
has improved our options for leasing
the space.
We are very proud of the final look
of the renovation, and know you will
enjoy visiting this space when you
are in Washington D.C.
This renovation was made
possible due to support from credit
unions throughout the system, but
we are especially thankful for the
generosity of Co-Op Financial
Services. Co-Op has pledged to
sponsor the event space located on
the first floor.
The Co-Op Conference Room will
be available for visitors to view
during the GAC. Please stop by and
see credit unions’ improved place
on Capitol Hill!
Bruce Foulke, Former Chairman
& Board Member, Pennsylvania
Credit Union Assn.
John Kebles, Former Chairman &
Board Member, Pennsylvania Credit
Union Assn.
Thomas E. Sargent, President/
CEO, First Tech Credit Union (OR)
Riley B. Wynn, Former President/
CEO, Central Sunbelt FCU (MS)
In memory of James P. Kirsch,
Virginia Credit Union League
In memory of Glen Reese,
Nevada Credit Union League
Inductees to the Credit Union
House Hall of Leaders were
nominated by credit unions or
leagues. All nominations to the Hall
of Leaders are confirmed by the
league with which the nominating
organization is affiliated. Each year,
states can have up to 4 inductees
in the Hall of Leaders.
Th a n k s !
Thank you to these twenty
states that have achieved 100%
of their annual fundraising goals
during 2008:
South Carolina
Help your state join the
list! Complete and return the
contribution form on the last
page of this newsletter.
Page 4
Volume 3, Issue 3
Thank You 2008 Contributors
Linda Walker at Riverdale CU
North Alabama Educators CU
Redstone FCU
Alaska USA FCU
Altier CU
Arizona State CU
Deer Valley CU
Desert Schools FCU
Hughes FCU
In Memory of Pam Jarman
Arkansas CU League
Arkansas FCU
Dee Edie at Diamond Lakes FCU
Pine Bluff Cotton Belt FCU
Arrowhead CU
California CU League
Carol Woolard
CoastHills FCU
E1 Financial CU
Fresno Fire Department CU
Pacific Service CU
Schools First FCU
Southern California Postal CU
Star One CU
Travis CU
Western Healthcare FCU
Xerox FCU
Bellco CU
Dale L. Rutt
Fitzsimons Community CU
Long Peaks Chapter of The CU
Association of Colorado
Marilyn James Rhoades
Mike Litzau
Premier Members FCU
Pueblo Area Chapter of CUs
San Luis Valley Chapter
Sooper CU
Dutch Point CU, Inc.
Franklin Trust FCU
Hartford Municipal Employees FCU
American Spirit FCU
Chestnut Run FCU
Del One (Delaware FCU)
Delaware Alliance FCU
Delaware CU League
Dexsta FCU
ICI America FCU
Joel and Louisa Romaine
New Castle County Delaware EFCU
Provident FCU
Robert Walls, Sr.
Seaford FCU
Bruce Forbes
Campus USA CU
Community Educators CU
Envsion CU
Florida West Coast CU
Gold Coast FCU
Tampa Bay FCU
Georgia’s CUs
Cynthia Connelly
The Coca-Cola Family FCU
Valdosta Teachers FCU
Bernard Balsis, Jr.
Advantage Plus FCU
Connie Miller
Denay Moles
Idaho Advantage CU
Mountain Gem CU
Shell-Fir CU
Advantage One CU
Area Educational CU
Bloomington Postal Employees CU
Canals & Trails CU
Catholic & Community CU
Central Illinois Chapter of CU
Central Illinois CU
Consumers Cooperative CU
Cornerstone CU
Corporate America Family CU
CSX Chicago Terminal CU
Danville Bell CU
Elgin City Employees CU
Financial Plus CU
Fox Valley CU
Illinois Community CU
Illinois CU System
Jeff-County Schools FCU
Karen Woods
Kaskaskia Valley Community CU
Land of Lincoln CU
Members Choice CU
Moline Municipal CU
MWRD Employees CU
NuMark CU
Peggy Cummins
Peoria Postal Employees CU
Planites CU
Premier CU
School District 40 Employees CU
Scott CU
SDC Employees CU
Service Plus CU
Shell Community FCU
South Division CU
Staley CU
Streator Community CU
Streator Onized CU
Thom Ewen
Thomas Cook
Three Rivers Community CU
Tom Kane
Ukrainian National CU Association
Win-Hood Co-op CU
Doris K. Stowers
Indiana CU League
Ronald Hamilton
Smokey Stowers
Collins Community CU
Iowa’s CUs
Boeing Wichita CU
Capitol CUSO, LLC
Crossroads CU
Hutchinson CU
James D. Holt
Kansas State University FCU
Kansas Teachers Community CU
KC Fairfax FCU
Marla Marsh
New Century CU
United Northwest FCU
Wichita FCU
Autotruck FCU
Class Act FCU
CommonWealth CU
Kentucky CU League
Kentucky Employees CU
Richard E. Skaggs
Connie Major
Atlantic Regional FCU
Five County CU
Maine CU League
Maine Highlands FCU
Oxford FCU
Peoples Choice CU
Rainbow FCU
Brian Bradley
Daniel A. Mica
Department of Commerce FCU
Department of Labor FCU
Educational Systems FCU
Fort Meade CU
John R. Godwin
Library of Congress FCU
Peggy Spangler
Prince George’s Community FCU
Saint Agnes Employees’ FCU
State Employees CU of Maryland
Transportation FCU
St. Anne’s CU of Fall River
St. Jean’s CU
Don Yuvan
James Kirk
Michael Balls
Michigan’s CUs
Peoples Trust CU
United FCU
Affinity Plus FCU
Central Minnesota FCU
Dawn Dunkelberger
General Mills FCU
Hiway FCU
Lynn Kothe
Members Cooperative CU
Minnco CU
North Memorial FCU
Postal CU
Spire FCU
Topline FCU
Mississippi DHS CU
Mississippi Farm Bureau FCU
Vicksburg Railroad CU
Alliance CU
Anheuser-Busch Employees CU
Assemblies of God CU
First Community CU
Missouri Corporate CU
Patrick Adams
Roshara Holub
United Consumers CU
United CU
West Community CU
William Humpfer
Avanta FCU
Billings FCU
Community Federal Credit Union
Fergus County FCU
Lincoln County CU
Missoula FCU
Montana FCU
Montana First CU
Park Side FCU
Rocky Mountain CU
Nebraska’s Credit Unions
Arnold Ramirez
Bruce Rodela:
in memory of Glen Reese
Weststar CU
Highlights from the Hill
Page 5
Thank You 2008 Contributors
New Hampshire
Triangle CU
New Jersey
Atlantic City Electric Company EFCU
Atlantic FCU
Bob Steeves
Cindy Rein-Zima
County Educators FCU
CU of New Jersey
Deepwater Industries FCU
E53 Federal Credit Union
Eileen Crean
James J. Miller, Jr.
Jay Flanagan
Jersey Central FCU
John C. DiNofrio
Leon Fulginiti
Liberty Savings FCU
Local 1233 FCU
M & C (Menlo Park) FCU
Marc Vogel
Montclair Postal Employees CU
Paul Gentile
Rina Pantano
Sean McDonald
Steven D. Schlundt
Tracy Sussmann
New Mexico
Animas CU
Artesia CU
CU Association of New Mexico
Del Norte CU
Deming School Employees CU
Eddy FCU
Estacado CU
Everyone’s FCU
Guadalupe CU
High Plains FCU
Lea Community FCU
Los Alamos Schools FCU
New Mexico Central CU
Permaculture CU
Quay Schools FCU
Rincones Presbyterian CU
Roswell Community FCU
Southwest FCU
U 1st Community FCU
White Sands FCU
New York
Melrose CU
New York’s CUs
North Carolina
Blue Flame CU
Century Employees SFCU
Champion CU
Charlotte Metro CU
Coastal FCU
Fort Bragg FCU
Hickory Springs FCU
Members CU
Piedmont Aviation CU
Premier FCU
Riegelwood FCU
Telco Community CU
Vision Financial FCU
Winston-Salem City Employees’ CU
Black Hills FCU
Dakota Plains CU
Dakota Territory FCU
Dakotaland FCU
Guy Trenhaile
HealthCare Plus FCU
Huron C N W FCU
Mid America CU Association
New Salem CU
North Star Community CU
Railway CU
Town & Country CU
Ohio’s Credit Unions
66 FCU
CU Association of Oregon
Daniel C. Penn at MaPS CU
First Tech CU
Northwest Community CU
Northwest Priority CU
On Point Community CU
Providence Health System FCU
Rivermark Community CU
Rogue FCU
Unitus Community CU
Allegheny Energy FCU
American Heritage FCU
AmeriChoice FCU
Benchmark FCU
Bill Harmon
Choice One Community FCU
Clearview FCU
Cookie Yoder
Cornerstone FCU
Cross Valley FCU
First Choice FCU
Freedom CU
Frick Tri-County FCU
Glenn Rambler
Guthrie FCU
Irvin Works FCU
Jim McCormack
Keystone United Methodist FCU
Lebanon FCU
Mon Valley Community FCU
P. G. & W. Employees FCU
PA State Employees CU
Pathfinder FCU
Patricia Hain
Penn East FCU
Pennsylvania-American Water FCU
Philadelphia FCU
PPG & Associates FCU
Riverset CU
Service 1st FCU
Sun East FCU
Utilities Employees CU
Valley 1st Community FCU
Rhode Island
Navigant CU
Pawtucket CU
South Carolina
Carolina Trust FCU
Cryovac FCU
Ed Presnell
Greenville FCU
Health Facilities FCU
Heritage Trust FCU
Lakelands FCU
Palmetto Citizens FCU
Ray Partain
SPC Cooperative CU
Alcoa Tenn FCU
Cornerstone Financial CU
Kimberly Clark CU
The Tennessee CU
America’s CU
Big Spring Community FCU
Carol Murray
Cosden FCU
David Roman
First Community CU
Randolph Brooks FCU
Sherry Roman
Tamera Barber
Association of Vermont CUs
1st Advantage FCU
BayPort CU
Beach Municipal FCU
Beacon CU
Belvoir FCU
Benjamin F. Gravely III
Bronco FCU
Call FCU
Celco FCU
Central Virginia FCU
Chuck Molina
CommonWealth One FCU
Danville City Employees FCU
David B. Nolan, Esq.
DuPont Fibers FCU
Entrust FCU
Fairfax City FCU
Freedom First FCU
Goodyear-Danville Family CU
Hampton Roads Educators’ CU, Inc.
Hampton V.A. FCU
Henrico FCU
Joanne Duncan
Justice FCU
Langley FCU
Martinsville DuPont CU
Northwest FCU
Peoples Advantage FCU
Richmond Fire Department CU
Richmond Postal CU, Inc.
Roanoke Postal Employees’ FCU
St. Matthews FCU
State Department FCU
SunComp CU
University of Virginia Community CU
VaCorp FCU
Valley Industrial CU
Vantage Point FCU
Virginia Beach Schools FCU
Virginia Boxer FCU
Virginia CU, Inc.
Seattle Metropolitan CU
Spokane FCU
Spokane Teachers CU
West Virginia
Alloy FCU
Cha-Tel FCU
Eastern Panhandle Community FCU
Fairmont FCU
Hancock School Employees FCU
Janet Sowder
Peoples FCU
Reliant FCU
Union Trades FCU
West Virginia Central CU
Blackhawk Community CU
Dean Archer
Focus CU
Great Wisconsin CU
Point Plus CU
Tom Decker
Wisconsin CU League
System Entities
World Council of Credit Unions
CUNA Mutual Group
Page 6
Volume 3, Issue 3
Credit Union House
403 C Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
Tel: 202-548-3131
Fax: 202-548-3148
web: www.cuhouse.com
Board of Directors:
Rick Pillow
Rosie Holub
Vice Chairman
John Dill
Charles Elliott
Dick Ensweiler
Dan Mica
Sue McCue
[email protected]
Maren McBride
Business Development Spec.
[email protected]
G et I n volv e d
Just like cooperatives, Credit Union
House becomes stronger with each
new individual or credit union that
gets involved.
If you are not yet one of the many
credit unions or individuals that
made Credit Union House part of
your 2008 budget, now is a great
time to get involved.
CU House GAC
Open House
Title:_ _______________________________________
CU/Organization:_ ______________________________
CU ID#:______________________________________
With the current economic and
political climate, it is important
to make sure credit unions are
still seen and heard in DC. Your
contribution to Credit Union House
can help continue these efforts.
To become a contributor, please
complete and return the attached
form. Contribution levels are divided
in the following categories:
Friend Level
Bronze Level
State: _ ___________ Zip:_________________________
Contributor Level (Check One):
___ Patron
___ Chairman
___ Platinum ___ Gold
___ Silver
___ Cornerstone
___ Bronze
___ Friend
Contributor is a(n) (Check One):
___ Individual ___ Credit Union
___ Other
Recognition Name:_ ______________________________
Attached is my check/share draft for $_ __________________
Please charge my: ___ Visa ___ Master Card $_____________
Number: _____/_____/_____/_____ Exp. ___/___
Silver Level
Name on card:_ __________________________________
Gold Level
Name:_ ______________________________________
Mailing Address:_ _______________________________
Cornerstone Level
3 Leagues
A contribution to Credit Union
House-- as low as $25 per year-can
help maintain this unique advocacy
tool and continue to send a message
of the strength and permanence of
the credit union system.
Upcoming Events
Annual Contributor Form
Platinum Level
Chairman Level
Patron Level
3 political fundraisers
1 other
non-profit group
Signature:_ _____________________________________
Please make your contribution to:
Credit Union House
403 C St. NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
Fax: 202.548.3148
Phone: 202.548.3130
Note: Contributions to Credit Union House are not tax deductible as
charitable contributions; however, they may (consult your tax advisor)
be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.
CU House in the Community
Credit Union House continued its tradition of working with
students at Peabody School (next door to Credit Union House) to
create our annual holiday card. After the cards were produced,
the students joined us at Credit Union House for cookies and
juice and a tour of the building.
Maren McBride assists the holiday card
artists with cookies and juice.
To thank the students for their hard work in creating this
unique holiday card, Credit Union House presented the school
with a donation to the art program and provided each young
artist with their own pack of ten holiday cards to share with
friends and family.