September 27, 2015 - St. Margaret Mary Parish


September 27, 2015 - St. Margaret Mary Parish
St. Margaret Mary Parish
September 27, 2015
Twenty Sixth Sunday of Easter
1450 Green Trails Dr.
Naperville, IL 60540 630-369-0777
5:00 pm
7:30 am
10:45 am
9:00 am
12:30 pm
Weekdays Monday-Saturday 8:15 am
Office Hours:
Embrace the Kingdom
of Justice & Mercy
Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Parish Office:
Religious Ed. Office:
All Saints Catholic
1155 Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
961-6125 or
New Parishioners:
Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me;
and those who welcome me welcome the
one who sent me.: (Mt 10:40)
St. Margaret Mary Parish wishes to welcome
everyone to our community as Jesus would.
For information, please call the parish office.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Confessions every Saturday from 3:30 to
4:30 PM or anytime by request.
Sacrament of Baptism:
2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month following
the 12:15 Mass. Please call Parish Office to
make arrangements for Baptism and required
Preparation Meeting.
Sacrament of Marriage:
Six months preparation required. Parish
music policies, which reflect Diocesan
guidelines, are to be followed.
Parish Social Mission Weekend, Sept. 26-27
Save the
Pastor’s Corner
The parish picnic a week ago was
a wonderful event and I want to
thank the Men’s Club for their
skill, planning and hard work. The
weather cooperated beautifully as
well. This past week I was on
retreat and again had fine weather.
Our presenter focused on
Carmelite spirituality, which is
among the finest in the Church.
This means basically the works of
Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross
and Therese of Liseux, all
wonderful spirit filled people.
A weekend of
the men of St.
Margaret Mary
From Saturday, November 14 at 8
am to Sunday, November 15 at 3
Contact Felice Chillemi at
773.456.1620 (email
[email protected]) or Scott Parks
at 630.967.8897 (email
[email protected]) for
more information about this
opportunity for spiritual growth.
Memorial Mass for
members of September
Saturday Oct. 3 5:00
Catered dinner will follow
in Parish Center
Urge Governor Bruce Rauner to ensure
that Illinois’ estimated 53,500 home care workers are protected
under the new Department of Labor regulations
concerning minimum wage, overtime and other worker rights.
Sign a postcard after Mass this Weekend.
Cost is $10.00 per person.
Please call or send a check
payable to SMMP
by Sept. 27 to
Dolores Peterman
3013 Oldham Dr.
Lisle IL 60532
God’s Share
Weekly Collection
Weekly Mass Offerings:
Year to Date 7/1/2015
to Present
Budget Goal:
(2,466 )
Automated Giving:
Over/(Under) Goal:
Making Room for the Kingdom of Compassion
“Sell all you have, give it to the poor, then come follow me”
Parish Social Mission Weekend, Oct. 10/11
“Called to be ‘neighbors’ of the smallest
and most abandoned,” Pope Francis
Because our parish social mission weekends are chosen
based on the Scripture readings at Mass they do not occur
at regular intervals throughout the year. This year we have
two social mission weekends that are only two weeks part.
This weekend we celebrate our “Embrace the Kingdom of
Justice & Mercy” parish social mission weekend as we advocate for worker protections for home care providers. Two
weeks from now (Oct. 10/11) we will celebrate our “Making
Room for the Kingdom of Compassion” parish social mission weekend as we urge Congress to support the increased
commitment made by the Obama Administration to increase
the number of refugees allowed in our country.
to the world stage. More than 59 million people were
displaced in 2014. Most were from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Eritrea. Many have found refuge in countries in the Middle East, like Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, while others are seeking refuge in
Europe. The United Nations has declared this the
worst refugee crisis since World War II.
Last weekend our parish took up a collection for the
refugees who have fled to Europe. This was a good
first step. Now, at Pope Francis’ urging we need to
do more.
As Catholic Relief Services
reports: earlier this month, a
picture of a little boy on a
beach shocked the world.
People everywhere took
notice—not because he was
enjoying a vacation with his
family, but because he was
dead. That 3-year-old boy,
Aylan Kurdi, has become
the image of the refugee
crisis unfolding in Europe
and the Middle East.
After first only committing to bring 10,000 of
these refugees to the United States the Obama Administration has increase
the total number of refugees from around the
world to 100,000/ year
over the next two years.
While this is a good first
step we need to urge Congress to support the President’s decision and to
insure that funds are available to quickly and thoroughly process these refugees and provide the resources need to help them become contributing
members of our communities.
Aylan lay face down in the surf on a beach in Turkey.
Not far from his body lay the bodies of his 5-year-old
brother and mother. They were refugees who fled their
war-torn home of Syria to seek sanctuary on the Greek
island of Kos. But they never made it. They were killed
when their small, overloaded boat capsized.
After all Masses on the weekend of October 10/11
you are invited to sign postcards directed to our
Illinois senators and representatives urging them to
support the increase number of refugees and to
provide adequate funding to insure the success of
this effort.
More than 360,000 people have arrived in Europe, via
land and sea, this year. In July alone, countries in Europe received 107,000 refugees. More than 80% of new
arrivals are refugees from Syria, with another 17% from
Iraq and Afghanistan.While Aylan’s story is tragic, his
death has brought the realities of a humanitarian crisis
Table for Two
“Growing Together in Emotional & Spiritual Intimacy”
A Dinner-Continuing Education Presentation
Sunday, October 25 (5:15 – 8:00 p.m.)
Dinner – 5:15 to 6:30 p.m.
Presentation – 6:30 to 8 p.m.
St. Margaret Mary COR Center
$50 (includes dinner for two and presentation)
(Reservations must be made by October 19 to 630.369.0777)
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Bradburn
Dinner * Wine * Soft Music
Personal Table for Two
Relationships are never static. They are either growing deeper or becoming less
intimate. In this presentation, couples will have an opportunity to learn about and
discuss seven areas of intimacy in marriage — physical, emotional, intellectual,
social, vocational, recreational and spiritual. This session will focus specifically on
emotional and spiritual intimacy. You will leave with some new insights and skills
to help you grow in intimacy in your marriage.
Rev. Dr. Bradburn is a pastoral counselor, coach and consultant at Samaritan
Interfaith, Naperville. He received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Northern
Seminary where he teaches courses in pastoral care and counseling. His doctoral
thesis focused on marriage. Before joining the Samaritan staff, Rev. Braeburn
served in full-time parish ministry for fifteen years.
St. Margaret Mary, along with other Parishes in the Area, Presents the 8th Annual Marriage Event:
Love & Laughter
Marriage Getaway
Bring laughter,
fun & adventure
back into your marriage
With Ted Cunningham
Ted is the author of several books and a graduate of Liberty University and Dallas Theological
Seminary. Ted and his wife, Amy, have been married for 16 years and live in Branson, MO with
their two children.
Sessions Include:
>Enjoying Life Together
>Making the Most of Each Day
>The 6 Levels of Communication >The Language of Sex
Join us for an engaging and entertaining day of
Love and Laughter
Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015 9am – 3pm
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, 2220 Lisson Rd. Naperville, IL 60565
$25 per person
Bring your own lunch OR pre-order box lunches from Corner Bakery at $12 ea.
(Ham or Turkey sandwich with chips, fruit, cookie and beverage.) Names:______________________________________________Phone:_______________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________ Parish: _____________________________
# Tickets _____ at $25 each = $__________
# Box lunches Ham_____ at $12 each = $_________
# Box lunches Turkey_____ at $12 each = $_________
Please send this form with your check payable to: IMET. Mail to: Deacon Terry Taylor, St. Margaret Mary
Parish,1450 green Trails Dr., Naperville IL 60540
OR register by Pay-pal on IMET website at
On Saturday, Oct 17th, join us for an engaging
and entertaining day of Love and Laughter from
9am ‘til 3pm…… with Ted Cunningham. This
daylong “marriage getaway” is being held at St.
Elizabeth Seton – 2 miles strait South of Saint
Margaret Mary off Naperville Rd. Our parish and
all the Naperville parishes are sponsoring the
On Sunday, Oct 25th, join us at Table for Two…..with Michael
Bradburn. This is an evening of new insights and skills to help you
grow together in Emotional and Spiritual Intimacy. It begins with dinner
at 5:15pm ‘til 8:00pm. The evening will be held at St Margaret Mary
in the COR Center.
Why TWO options? You have a choice of a Saturday or a Sunday; a
choice of a daylong or an evening experience; a lunch on Saturday or
dinner on Sunday; a large group on Saturday or a smaller group on
No one NEEDS another activity in their busy lives, but all married
couples DESERVE a day or evening getaway to rekindle the spark!
Sign up for one or the other……you have a choice!
Deacon Terry Taylor and Maureen Sullivan Taylor
Celebrate the Feast of St. Margaret Mary
Day of Quiet
St. Procopius Abbey
Friday, Oct. 16
9 am to 3 pm
$15.00 -includes lunch
The patron saint of a parish or person is important. The saint
provides specific ways of living Christian values. S/he acts as a role
model for us as we strive to emulate Christ’s virtues.
Friday, October 16th is the Feast of St. Margaret Mary. On that day
you are invited to St. Procopius Abbey to reflect on the attributes
of Margaret Mary. Reflection materials will be provided for this
Day of Quiet. Optional spiritual direction sessions will be available
with Gail Krema, Sr. Marybeth Martin and Sr. Madelyn Gould
Comfortable clothes and walking shoes are in order for the day.
Bring a lawn chair if you like praying in nature. Enjoy noon day
prayer with the Monks. Experience the richness of quiet reflection
with others who value the same.
To register, call 630-369-0777
You may have seen us in the yellow
vests at street intersections or on
storefronts the last two weekends. The
Knights of Columbus is conducting an
international Tootsie Roll Drive to
benefit the Intellectually Disabled.
Last year, the Knights of Columbus
donated more than $22 million dollars
to assist ID programs such as Special
The St Margaret Mary Knights
Council 16011 has been an active
participant in the ambitious, but
worthwhile event. Next weekend,
October 3-4, Knights will have tables
at both church entrances asking for
your support. THANK YOU very
much in advance!
The semi-annual St Margaret Mary
Parish Blood Drive will take place
October 17 from 7:30 to 11:30 am.
The Heartland Blood Center
representatives will be here…..please
consider donating this precious gift!
Congratulations to Knight Dan Patt
and his wife Antoinette who are
celebrating their 50th anniversary this
All men of the parish are invited to
join our new council at St Margaret
Mary. In October, we will be
conducting our membership drive in
conjunction with the Hospitality
Sunday. A new member information
meeting will be held shortly thereafter.
The Knights of Columbus is an
international Catholic men’s fraternity
dedicated to serving others, including
our families, our faith, and our
Our parish theme and calling in
God’s Word To Us
Reflection on Lectionary Readings
26h Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sept. 19/20
The invisible
who do important work
This week’s Gospel message is a clear call to us to refrain from
judging others who are doing the work of Jesus in a way that we
might resist or be uncomfortable with. Jesus tells his disciples to
be open and accepting of the unknown person who “gives you a
cup of water to drink” in the name of Christ. That person will be
rewarded. In the second reading James warns the wealthy to see
that worldly stuff will rot away, and God will hear the cries of the
workers who have suffered because of wages withheld.
It is so easy for us to pay little or no attention to those who are doing the work of Jesus - the people who are doing the hard work that
many of us find impossible, because of our own work commitments, or because we are simply not capable of doing “those
things.” We can overlook or disregard those “little ones” who do
that work which is necessary, particularly the work of those who are
caring for our loved ones at home.
Because they are not powerful, even in some ways invisible, we can
dismiss their needs. But today’s Gospel and the Letter from James
make it clear that those who are doing the work of Jesus, which certainly includes ministering to the sick and infirmed, are to be honored, and heard. When we hear the voice of the other, like the
prophet the young man complained to Moses about in the first reading, and the one John complained of in Mark’s Gospel, we need to
open our ears to that voice too. We must not consider ourselves as
the “insiders.” The little ones, and those on the margins hold a
special place, according to the preferential option for the poor, and
we must answer their call through our own prayer and support.
- Barb Burkhardt
“Seeking a Personal
Relationship With God”
Wednesday, October 14
9:15 to 11:15 am
In the COR Center
Speaker: Pat McDevitt
Donation: $8
“You shall seek the Lord, your God; and
you shall indeed find God when you search
with your whole heart and your whole
soul.” (Deuteronomy 4: 29).
We live in a multimedia time in history
where there are so many different options,
allurements, voices and temptations
inviting us to give ourselves “for what fails
to satisfy”. (Isaiah 55:2). The Morning
Enrichment Seminar will explore the
personal and communal connection in
developing a personal relationship with
God and how the Christian dimension of
Word and Sacrament are venues for our
desired intimate encounter with the Creator
God. We will look at how (1) POURING
DESIRE are the necessary requirements
for a meaning and beautiful relationship
with God.
“Our hearts are restless, until they can find
rest in you.” St. Augustine (354-430).
Confessions, Book 1.
Patrick J. McDevitt,
CM, PhD ordained in
1986 is a member of the
Congregation of the
Mission (Vincentians).
He has worked in parish
ministry, seminarian
formation for dioceses
and for the Vincentians. Fr. McDevitt has
been a retreat director of lay communities,
religious women and priest. He has served
in provincial leadership with the
Vincentians. Presently, he is an Associate
Professor in the graduate counseling
program of the College of Education at
DePaul University in Chicago.
Upcoming Events:
~Monday, September 28th (Retreat Planning
7PM — Teen Center
~Sunday, October 4th (Peer Ministry)
9AM — Teen Center
~Monday, October 5th (Retreat Planning Team)
7PM — Teen Center
Visit the Parish Center
for an opportunity to
Take A Selfie With “Pope Francis”
Are you a high school student and looking
for ways to get involved at St. Margaret
Mary?? Join Peer Ministry!
Junior High Youth Day with POPPLE!!
Saturday, October 4th
1PM to 4PM
Notre Dame Parish, Clarendon Hills
$10 for youth and $5 for parents
Workshops, Activities, Music, and Fun!
We meet twice a month on Sunday mornings for
fun and fellowship
For more info:
Check us out on social media:
Website -
Facebook -
Instagram - @youthwithheart
Twitter - @youthwithheart
Snapchat - youthwithheart
Contact Us:
Dan Lawler - Director of Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Becca Siar - Echo Apprentice
[email protected]
Jesus, challenge me to live my life as you would
Celebrate the Feast St. Francis of Assisi – Blessing of the Animals
Please join us on Saturday, October 3rd at 10:30 a.m. for a special blessing of our pets. The prayer service will be held
in the courtyard outside the parish center. All family pets are welcome.
Columbus Day Break
To commemorate Columbus Day, we will not have any Religious Education classes starting Saturday, October 10th
through Wednesday, October 14th. Classes will resume on Saturday, October 17th.
First Reconciliation
Registration information was mailed to the homes of all second and third graders. If your child is eligible to receive the
sacrament and you did not receive a packet, please contact the RE office. The celebration of the sacrament is scheduled
for December 1st and 2nd at 7:00 pm.
The first Parent only meeting is Tuesday October 20th at 7:00 in the Upper Room. At least one parent is expected to attend.
The First Reconciliation retreat is scheduled for Saturday, November 7th, from 10:30 to 12:30 in the Parish Center. A
planning meeting will be on Wednesday, October 27th at 7:00.
First Communion Parent Retreat
We have created a half day retreat program that delves into the traditions of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Each presentation will challenge parents to understand how the sacred is woven into their lives. These sessions will take
place on Sunday October 18th and January 10th. We will begin with prayer and an introduction then lunch will be
served. We are asking that at least one parent from each family attend one session during the year. If you attended a
session last year, you are not required to attend again.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
The program is offered at 5:00, 9:00 and 10:45 Masses. After opening prayers children are invited to attend "Liturgy of
the Word." They are escorted to the Upper Room where they gather for an interactive session that helps the children
learn the readings of the day in language and activities they'll easily understand. The children rejoin their families after
the adult homily and share in the rest of the Mass. Children in kindergarten through third grade are invited to participate.
Please contact Sue Davey at 369-0833 with any questions.
Children” Adoption the Loving Option”, “Jesus Forgives and
Heals”, “Pray to End Abortion” and others. No graphic signs are
Sunday, October 4 2013 from 2 to 3 pm
NE Corner of Washington & Ogden Naperville
In this 28th year for National Life Chain, more than 1500 cities
and town across the U.S. and Canada will be participating—
many with multiple locations so that more than 1800 locations
will have a Life Chain presence this year! Bring your whole
family to the Naperville Life Chain. Participants are asked to
stand approximately 30 feet apart. Water, lawn chairs, umbrellas
and strollers are welcome and encouraged. Rain or shine. Pick
up your sign at the event. Signs proclaim “Abortion Kills
LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful and prayerful public witness of prolife Americans standing for one hour praying for our nation and
for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement of solidarity by the
Christian community that abortion kills children and that the
Church supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of
conception. For more information or locations of other chains
please visit Sponsored locally by
Illinois Citizens for Life 630-852-5448.
With God
all things are possible!
Prayer and Fasting
Peaceful Vigil
at: Access Health
1700 75th St.
Downers Grove
Community Outreach
If you don’t feel comfortable praying at the vigil site, you may
want to consider praying at an Adoration Chapel. Eucharistic
Adoration Chapels are available 24/7 at Sts. Peter & Paul Parish,
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish and St. Joan of Arc Parish.
Sept. 23
Nov. 1, 2015
Please join us for the
November 7th, 2015
Yes, it’s the Autumn Dinner hosted by the Men’s Club and those fun
loving guys have done it again. This year we’re going to host the affair at Maggiano’s Restaurant in a reserved room. As in the past
the dinner will be an evening of relaxation and conversation over a
great meal and all you have to do is sign-up and show up! Come as a
single, come as a couple, come as a group, all adults of the parish and
their friends are invited.
The evening begins at Maggiano’s Restaurant (1847 Freedom Drive, Naperville)
at 6:30pm with appetizers and a cash bar. Dinner will be served at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be served family-style and includes:
- Appetizers - bruschetta & fried calamari
- Pasta - rigatoni w/ vegetables & spaghetti w/ meatballs
- Entrées - chicken parmesan & lemon salmon
- Dessert - tiramisu & spumoni
Tickets are $50.00 per person.
Checks may be made payable to SMMP Men’s Club - Attire is business casual
A cash bar will be available in our room for the entire evening.
For tickets and questions please contact:
• • Keith Brown
• • Dave Schwartz
Hearts on Fire!
Come Encounter Jesus. Embrace His Kingdom
Four Session Small Faith Sharing Groups
In response to our parish theme calling to encounter Jesus and embrace His Kingdom of love,
forgiveness and mercy, we are offering a four-session small faith sharing group process that
will start in October and end in December.
Groups will meet at the parish or in homes. Participants will gather for prayer, and
discussion of short reflections contained in the “Hearts on Fire!” participant booklets (free
copies available). These four small group sessions explore ways to weave our parish theme
into our lives.
This resource can be used with your CRHP group or neighborhood group. Feel free to form a
new group or we will assign you to one. Register for a group by completing the form below
by September 23 . Bring/mail your form to the Parish Office or drop it in the collection
If you have any questions or if you wish to preview the materials, please call Sr. Madelyn
(630-369-0777). We hope you will choose to join us!
[You can register on-line Starting Sept. 13th at our parish website,]
Please check one of the following:
I am willing to facilitate a small faith-sharing group: Preferred day and time:
I wish to be part of the group that meets at church on Mondays 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the COR Center.
(October 19 & 26; November 2 & 9)
I wish to be part of the group that meets at church on Mondays 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Rm. 11 (Oct. 19, 26, Nov. 2 ,16)
I wish to be part of the group that meets at church on Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Rm. 12 (Oct. 13, 27, Nov. 10, 17)
I wish to be part of the group that meets at church on Thursdays 7:00-9:00 pm in the COR Center.
(October 8, 15, 29 & November 5)
I wish to be part of the group that meets on Saturdays 3:00-4:30 p.m. @ the home of Victoria Kosirog.
(Oct. 10, 24, Nov. 14, Dec. 5)
Name: ______________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Faith, Church and Mental Illness: Hope and Healing
Wednesday October 21st
7:00—8:30 p.m. Upper Room St. Margaret Mary Parish
Speaker—Deacon Tom Lambert
Sponsored by the Mental Health and Wellness Ministry of SMMP
and the Interfaith Mental Health Coalition West Suburban Cluster
A Combination of input and video
What is Mental Illness and what are our experiences with it?
How does God, Faith and the Church inform these experiences?
How do we work together to create a safe and compassionate space in our church?
How does faith help me to understand mental health challenges and bring hope and healing?
Time for Questions and Answers
$8.00 Donation at the door
Deacon Tom Lambert - married 48 years to Rita, has 4 daughters, and 9 grandchildren.
His oldest daughter has a mental illness. In 1983 he was ordained a Deacon for the
Archdiocese of Chicago, currently serving on staff at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish in Chicago.
Tom co-chairs the National Catholic Partnership on Disability’s Council on Mental Illness located in Washington
D.C., is editor of NCPD’s Council on Mental Illness monthly newsletter, a founding member (1990) and co-chair of the
Archdiocese of Chicago’s Commission on Mental Illness, Chair of Advisory Board for Faith and Fellowship, Oak Park, Ill,
on the Board of Pathways To Promise, served on the Board of NAMI-Faithnet, and a past president of NAMI-Illinois.
Tom has led workshops on faith and mental illness for the Archdioceses of Chicago, Cincinnati, and Los Angeles,
Dioceses of Gaylord Michigan, St. Augustine Florida, Toledo Ohio, Joliet Illinois, Orange California, and for the formation
programs for Deacons in the Archdiocese of Chicago, and the Diocese of Peoria Illinois. Tom authored the manual “Mental
Illness and Faith Community Outreach,” Tom operates a website for faith initiatives at
Please Join Us !!
RSVP below or on line: link also on our website
Name ______________________________________________
Faith Community _____________________________________
Phone # / Email ________________________________________
# Attendees _________
Role: Member _______
Clergy ________
Staff ________
Save the
October 17th,
7:30 AM to 11:30 AM
following is
a summary
of the
draft of
By: Don Wenig,
from the
Pastoral Council
September 1,
Sponsored by Heartland Blood Centers
2015 SMMP
Won’t you join us in the Parish Center
Pastoral Council meeting. The final
and give the gift of life to those in
minutes, as approved by Council,
along with the Commission and
Please schedule an appointment to
Committee reports, will be available
donate on line at
on the parish website:
and click on “Donate”. The website
contains lots of information for blood
• Presentation on Alzheimer’s
donors. If you prefer to schedule by
Support Group: Linda
phone, call Joan at 630-253-7680.
Tomasello, an active SMMP
Donor requirements: male or female
member for the past 32 years,
at least 17 years of age (16 with
presented a plan to start an
parental consent), minimum weight 110
Alzheimer’s support group at
lbs., no surgery requiring blood
SMMP in conjunction with the
transfusion within the last twelve
Alzheimer’s Association
months, or pregnancy within the last six
( Linda is
weeks. You may give blood every 8
experienced in the field as she is
weeks (up to 5 times per year). There
currently working in the Memory
are some restrictions on certain
Care Community at an assisted
medications or travel to foreign
living center in Glen Ellyn (Arden
countries. A detailed list of
Courts). If approved by SMMP
requirements and restrictions is on the
and the Alzheimer’s Association,
above web site.
the group will be open to all
members of the community, not
Please have something to eat before
just SMMP parishioners. They
you arrive and bring a photo ID with
will meet once per month at
SMMP as the host site. There
If you are a regular donor, we welcome
currently is only one other
you back! If you have never donated, or
Alzheimer’s Association support
if you have not donated for a long time,
group in the area located at
we extend a special invitation to you.
Sunrise Assisted Living in
The professional staff of Heartland
Naperville at 535 W Ogden.
Blood Centers will take you through the • Parish Theme Kickoff & Fall
process, which takes about an hour
Leadership Meeting: Tom
from arrival to departure.
Cordaro and Cabrina Attal
reviewed plans for Council’s help
The best part of donating blood is the
with the kickoff for the new
way you’ll feel afterward, knowing that
Parish Theme and Calling,
you have helped to save someone’s life!
“Hearts on Fire: Come Encounter
Thank you so much,
Jesus and Embrace His
Joan Allemeier, Blood Drive
Kingdom.” Tom offered a recap
Coordinator for SMMP
of the 8/22/2015 Fall Leadership
630-253-7680/[email protected]
meeting which was very well
*If you are interested working as a
attended and very productive.
volunteer at the blood drive, please call
SMMP “Ministry Information
Table”: To better engage new
members, Victoria Kosirog (Head
of the Newcomers Committee),
offered some ideas: such as an
information kiosk.
Parish Volunteer Appreciation
Dinner: Carl Van Dril and Don
Wenig will be planning the
upcoming Appreciation Dinner on
Saturday, January 16, 2016.
Commission Reports
Administration: The main HVAC
system for the church is being
replaced. The target installation
is mid October 2015. Parish
exterior sign requires major repair
and ultimately replacement.
Stewardship: Neil noted that no
financial reports about weekly
collections have appeared in the
parish bulletin since mid June.
Discussion was had about a more
cost and environmental conscious
approach to the parish
contribution envelope mailings.
Christian Worship (CWC): Brian
Pelz reported that the
Commission will hold its kick-off
meeting next month and meets 4
times during the year.
Christian Education (CEC):
Janene Parisi reported that the
recent catechist orientation
meeting went well. Three
elementary and five junior high
catechists are still needed for
2015-16. Sandy Renehan, All
Saints Academy Principal, will
retire at the end of the 2015-16
school year and a search is on for
a replacement.
Christian Service (CSC): Cabrina
Attal, CSC Representative,
reported that the Sharing Parish
Committee is continuing its
research to find a new sharing
parish partner from within the
Ideas for the Eagle Scouts?
SMMP’s Boy Scout Troop 107 is
seeking ideas from the parish
community for possible upcoming
Eagle Scout projects
Executive Committee receives the
applications and resumes of all who have
Dear St. Margaret
been approved by the Catholic Schools
Mary Parish Families,
Office and are interested in the principal
While we look
position at ASCA. To date the Executive
forward to a very
Committee has received the application
productive and spirit
and resumes of 20 interested persons. On
filled year, it is also a year of three
September 11, 2015 the Executive
“G’s”…..Grieving, Gratitude, and
Committee met and, after prayerful
Growth. In June 2016, we will say
discernment, forwarded to the search
farewell to our beloved founding principal, committee resumes of those candidates the
Dr. Sandy Renehan who is retiring.
Executive Committee feel qualify for
Throughout this school year we want to
further consideration. As additional
take every opportunity to express our
resumes come in after September 11th, the
gratitude for her dedication, leadership and Executive Committee will again meet to
love. We will also look forward to the
review those candidates. The search
future growth of All Saints as we prepare committee will meet on October 27, 2015
to welcome a new principal.
to develop a principal profile and
determine which candidates will be invited
I believe in good communications and
transparency, therefore I want to give you to an interview. Interviews are scheduled
an update on the principal search process. in November and December 2015.
I’ve heard the rumor that the new principal Input from those with a vested interest in
has already been decided. This is very far ASCA is being sought in the following
from the truth!!! The exhaustive process
just began in May 2015 and has a long
• Focus groups facilitated by Karen
way to go! In May the Executive
Udell, Asst. Superintendent/
Committee appointed a principal search
Leadership & Personnel
committee. The Executive Committee
consists of the pastors of St. Elizabeth
• Parents (August 20 and September
Seton, St. Margaret Mary, and St. Thomas
29, 2015 at 1:15pm – 3:15pm)
the Apostle, the three parishes who 10
• Founder’s Society (September 29)
years ago each took on a debt of $3.3
million to make All Saints a reality. These • Faculty and Staff (August 20)
three parishes still have several years
remaining on their debt obligation and are • Board of Trustees (September 8)
making annual payments at considerable
• School Board Members (September
sacrifice to parish ministries and
operations. The Executive Committee also
decided to utilize the process of the Joliet • Pastors Current & Former (September
Diocesan Catholic Schools Office to
conduct the search for a new principal.
• ASCA Junior High Students
The search committee had its initial
(facilitated by Fr. Don McLaughlin,
meeting on June 12, 2015 and does not
date TBA)
meet again until October 27, 2015.
• An on-line survey will be available
We are conducting a national and local
24/7 in English and Spanish from
search. The job opening is posted on the
September 8 through October 23,
following websites: National Catholic
2015. To participate, please go to the
Education Association, University of
following links:
September 2015
Notre Dame Alliance for Catholic
Education, K-12 Job Spot, DuPage
County AppliTrack, Diocese of Joliet
AppliTrack as well as the websites of the •
other dioceses in Illinois. In September,
the job opening will appear in parish
bulletins throughout the Diocese of Joliet.
Applicants are screened and interviewed
by the Catholic Schools Office to verify
their credentials before they can be
interviewed by the search committee. The
AllSaintsCA - in English
ASCASpanish - in Spanish
Parishioners from parishes with children
attending ASCA, Benefactors – anyone
with a vested interest in ASCA!
As previously mentioned, on October 27,
2015, the search committee will meet to
develop a principal profile as well as first
and second-round interview protocols that
are based on the input received from the
Focus groups and the on-line survey.
Using this profile as a guide, the search
committee will prayerfully discern those
candidates who will be invited to
interview. Interviews are scheduled in
November and December 2015. The
search will be narrowed down to three to
four candidates who will be invited for
second interviews. Following second
interviews, the search committee will
recommend to the Executive Committee
the final two candidates. Assuming these
two finalists are approved by the
Executive Committee, the two finalists
will have an informal “meet and greet”
session with the faculty and staff.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the
Executive Committee, the pastors of the
three founding parishes of ASCA, make
the final decision as to who will be hired
as the next principal. Our goal is to
announce and introduce the new principal
of All Saints Catholic Academy by spring
break 2016.
Please keep the members of the search
committee in your prayers!
Fr. Don McLaughlin, Pastor St. Thomas
the Apostle / ASCA Pastoral President
Fr. Paul Hottinger, Pastor St. Margaret
Fr. Richard Smith, Pastor St. Elizabeth
Matt Gambs, Chair ASCA Board of
Jennifer Nolan, Chair ASCA School Board
Alma Alvarez, School Parent
Dr. Brian Barnhart, ASCA Alumni Parent/
Superintendent Western Springs Dist 101
Sr. Carolyn Sieg, OSB, Retired Principal
St. Joan of Arc, Lisle
Karen Udell, Asst. Superintendent/
Leadership & Personnel Diocese of Joliet
Everyone is invited to participate: parents/ Sincerely in Christ,
guardians, parents who no longer have
Rev. Don E. McLaughlin
children at ASCA, alumni of ASCA,
faculty & staff, Board of Trustees, Pastors, ASCA Pastoral President 2015 - 2017
“Whatsoever you do for the least of these, you do for me”
Offer hospitality to the homeless at our parish shelter.
Become a PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) Volunteer.
Join our team of caring individuals who provide food and hospitality for the homeless on the THIRD THURSDAY/
FRIDAY of each month, September thru May. Also need help on the 2nd week of each month for breakfast and
cleanup, and during the summer at a nearby Pads site. Donations needed: coffee (decaf and regular), laundry detergent, plastic sandwich (ziploc) bags, washcloths and hand towels, small (travel size) toiletries – esp. razors
(individually wrapped), laundry detergent, toothbrushes and toothpaste, sheets, blankets and pillowcases (twin
size only), DVDs for adults (PG). Drop off outside Room 6, labeled FOR PADS.
Complete the Sign-Up Form Below
and bring it to the Parish Office (M-F, 9am—5pm) or
put it in the Offertory Collection Basket or send to [email protected]
mail to : St. Margaret Mary PADS, 1450 Green Trails Dr., Naperville 60540
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________________________________________
Email address: ____________________________________________________________________________
I am available to help with the following activities (GREEN—greatest immediate needs)
Setup (Thursday, 5:30 - 6:30 PM)
____ Food Service, kitchen cleanup (Thursday, 6 pm - 8:30 PM)
Cooking - starch, vegetable for 25 people
____ Shopping - milk, OJ, fruit, salad, bacon, eggs, etc.
Baking - cookies for lunch or other baked goods for dessert
Overnight: 11 PM - 3AM*
____ Overnight: 3 -7 AM providing hospitality and
____ Cleanup - 6AM - 7:30 AM (2nd or 3rd week)
____ Breakfast - 5:30 - 7:30 AM (2nd or 3rd wk.) shop,
cook & serve
____ Clean and store pads (requires light lifting)
____ Pick up laundry at Edwards - Wednesday
____ Return laundry to Edwards - Friday AM (Requires lifting
and vehicle large enough for 4 - 6 large bags
Are there any months where you will not be available? _____________________________________________________
Volunteers will be assigned, and contacted with a monthly schedule.
For more information contact [email protected]
To the businesses and people who donated items to the Parish Picnic and Silent Auction. The people who solicited
and purchased these donations our picnic could not be the success it is. To the Men who labored so hard
(especially the kitchen crew) Thank you for your time and dedication.
Remember, all the money raised stays in the parish and local community
Power Play Delivery /
Home Run Inn Pizza
Allegra Marketing Print
Alpha Bakery - Joe
American Mattress
Andersons Bookstore
Angelic Creations
Apricot Lane Boutique
Baird & Warner - Joan
Bellock & Coogan Ltd
BK Jewelry
Bolingbrook Golf Club
Brian & Marybeth
Reily / Men's Club
Brian & Vicki Shapley
$1,000 Cash Donation
Joan Grassman
Keith Brown
Two Downtown Naperville $50 Gift
Quilted Halloween Wall Hanger &
Handmade Tote Bag
Raffle Ticket Printing
Pre-Sales Food/Ride Tickets
Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns for
the Picnic
Two Pillows & Zero Friction Driver
Gift Set
Lady Jayne Pansy List Block w/Pen
JoAnn & Ray Jeffreys
Larry Rielbold
Brother Laser Printer
Laura & Jerry
Cape Cod Night: Soft Sided Cooler &
Miscellaneous Items
"Sparky" Sloth Book and Doll &
Jason Mott Novel
Baby Dolls, Pillow & Stuffed
Handbag Republic - Handbag
Lee's Cleaners
$20 Gift Certificate
Legion of Mary
Wood Religious Wall Art
Linda and Steve Griffin
$50 Gift Certificates - Walkers
Charhouse& Treverso's
Butterfield Country Club - Golf for
Three(3) People
BK Jewelry $100 Gift Card
Lisle Lanes
One Night Stay in Deluxe
Two Lisle Lanes e Five People, Two
Hours Bowling
River Bend Golf Foursome with Carts
Bolingbrook Golf Club - Golf
Grill Steak Dinner for 10-12 People
Lisle Park District River Bend Golf Club
Lisle Park District - Sea
Lion Aquatic
Lou Mitchells
Lynch Law Offices
Four Sea Lion Aquatic Daily
Admission Cards
Lou Mitchells Assorted Coffee &
Miscellaneous items
$100 Cash Donation
Carol & Rick Eckstien
Samuel Adams Barrel Room
Square Dance Quilt
Gift Basket with $50 Maggiano's Gift
Six Bottles of White Wine
$25 Gift Certificate
Mario Tricoci
Mario Tricoci Gift Card
Chama Gaucha
Two Lunch Certificates
Massage Envy
One Hour Introductory Massage
Chicago Marriott
Christine Ory
One Night Stay with Breakfast
Michael Connelly
Two Gift Baskets: each with Two
Cubs vs Cards Tickets
$25 Gift Card
Illinois State Senator "Page-For-ADay"
American Express $100 Gift Card
Lightweight Collapsible Metal Detector
One overnight Stay with Breakfast
Seven Bejo "DoubleTake" Wallets
in Various Colors
Ultimate Car, Van or SUV Spa Day
Nestle Waters
Water (25 cases)
Northwestern Athletic
Oberweis - Wheaton
Chicago Bears vs. Vikings Pair
Craftsman 193-PC Mechanics Tool
Two Gourmet Wines & ND vs
Wake Forest Tickets
Two Take Home Bleachings
OCI Handbags and
Oil Depot
Northwestern Basketball - NonConference Four Tickets
Oberweis Large Ice Cream Party and
25 Kid's Cones
Jean Purses - Leopard Print, Cubs,
Bears and Blackhawks
Car Care: Miscellaneous Items
P. Martin Jewelers
14k Gold Cross & Chain
Past Presence Frames
$25 Gift Card
Pepsi Cola General
Bottlers Inc
Pet Supplies Plus
Wood Photo Frame w/$25 Gift
Certificate & Irish Wall Art
Pop, Water and Gatorade (25 cases)
Country Inn & Suites
Cynthia Corbett
Dan Wolf Automotive
Dennis & Margie Flynn
Douglass Ace
Dr. Francis Lichon
Dr. Thomas F. Brown
Elegant Salons & DAY
Elegante Salons and
Day Spas
$25 Gift Certificate
Twelve Can Convertible Duffel
Cooler and Blanket& Picnic Mat
Pinot's Palette
Two Dog Gift Bags
Two Hour Class, $38 off Class, Two
Wines & Paintings
Fair Oaks Ford
Two $50 Gift Card for Parts and
Fairfield Inn & Suites
Complimentary Weekend Night
Famous Dave's
$25 Gift Certificate and Three(3)
Bottles BBQ Sauce
Fannie May Chocolates: Pixies,
Meltaway’s & Mini-Pretzels
One 24x36 Canvas Print Gift
Brach's Candy Box: Chuckles,
Lemonhead, Red Hots, etc.
Raffle Stuffing Letter Printing
Ross Meitin
Gordon Biersch One
Complementary Growler Fill
Grand Geneva Golf Vouchers Four
(4) one round of Golf
Growler Refill, $25 Gift Card,
Brewery Tour
Free haircut Certificate (8)
The Morton Arboretum
Fannie May
FedEx Office
Ferrara Candy
First Time Books - Jim
Gordon Biersch
Grand Geneva Resort &
Granite City Brewery
Great Clips
Maintenance - Joe
Resale Connection
Studio 10
The Westin Lombard
Therese Pasin
Thermal Process
Technology - Tom
Tony & Joan Dolinar
Bread Basket
Hilton - Lisle/
Home Depot
Over Night Stay for Two & Sunday
$25 Gift Card
Indian Boundry YMCA
Three(3) month adult membership
Villa St. Benedict
Jackie & Ed Doran
Von Maur
Jeans & a Cute Top
Jeff Krebs
Thomas Kinkade Painting "A
Holiday Gathering" w/COA
$40 Gift Card, Private Shopping
Party & Jewelry
BBQ Grill Corn Holder
Three $25 Gift Cards
Restaurants that donated gift
Mortons Steak House
Las Palmas
630 Restaurant at Seven Brideges
Aurelios Pizza
Bar Louie
Braconi's Pizza
Buffalo Wild Wings
Butterfields on Naperville Road
Chinn’s 34th Street Fishery
Colonial Café
Bread/Chip Bowl & Dip Bowel w/Dip
Bears vs. Redskins, Pair Tickets
Shannon Law Group,
SMMP Men's Club
St. Patricks Residence
Great Harvest Bread
Green Meadows Golf
Gus & Rocky Fischer
Green Meadows Gold Club - Golf
Foursome with Carts
Notre Dame vs. USC - Pair Tickets
Wine for the Parish Picnic
Touch 53 Car Wash
Twelve(12) Car Washes
& Two $30 Gift Cards
Trader Joe's
Notre Dame vs. UMass, Pair Tickets
Two Baker's Dozen Wine Collections
Oversize Carrying Bag, Purse &
Miscellaneous Items
$25 Gift Certificate, Men's Shave
Balm, and Perfume
Four The Morton Arboretum Daily
Admission Cards
One Night Stay for Two
Radio Flyer Covered Collapsible
Corn, tomatoes, and watermelons for
the picnic
Blackhawks vs. Redwings Pre-season
Tickets w/Parking
Touch 53
Whole Foods
Gift Basket with Various Trader Joe's
Food Items
Top Golf $35 Gift Card, Drink Cup &
Golf Balls
Gourmet Basket: Twisted Olive Oils &
Miscellaneous Items
T3 Single Pass Whirl Curling Iron &
Miscellaneous Items
$25 Gift Card
Williams Chiropractic
Cross Pen and Pencil Set & Basket:
Cubs items
Traversa Solutions
Cooper's Hawk Winery & Rest.
Country House
Dairy Queen
DMK Restaruants
Dunkin Donuts
Egg Harbor Café
Evviva Bar and Eatery
Flat Top Grill
Fox Restaurants
House of Emperor
Jimmy’s Grill
John & Eddie's Pizza
Juicy O
Kernel's Gourmet Popcorn
Little Italian Pizza
Lou Malnati's
Mongolian Grill
Morningside Café
Mullen's Bar & Grill
Pancake Café
PF Chang
Steven's Restaurant
Succulent Seafood
Suparossa Woodridge
Fr. Paul’s Homily
Our Journey with and to God
Wis 2:12, 17-20; Jas 3:16—4:3;
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time/B
September 20, 2015 9:00 AM
Mk 9:30-37 (Life is about becoming more aware of God and God’s love for us.)
Today we hear of Jesus and his
disciples on a journey, and that idea of
a journey is a common template in the
Bible from the time of Abraham
onward because our lives are
journeys. We are constructed that
way, to be on the journey all the time,
whether we actually go anywhere
geographically or not. So this is a
model for us. We too are on a journey,
and—and—Jesus is with us teaching
us. It’s most important we understand
this: Jesus is with us teaching us along
the way. Perhaps from time to time we
need to pause and listen. In fact, God
has begun our own journey. They
begin with God and they end with
God. The difference is in the
beginning of our journeys we are not
aware of where we are going or with
whom. So life is about becoming
more aware of God and God’s love
for us and of our willingness to
embrace it and be filled with it and to
recognize it is the only thing that will
ever make us happy because we are
created for it and for God, for him.
Mark says that Jesus is now teaching
his disciples about his eventual
betrayal, his loss of friends, his passion
and death, and even his resurrection.
He is talking about his own life as he
sees it unfolding in front of him, but
they don’t get it. They don’t
understand what he is talking about.
That’s not blameworthy; the problem
was they were afraid to ask him.
That isn’t good because Jesus’ whole
effort was always to establish
friendship and communication. He
was always about love, and love is
inviting and fear is not. It’s the
opposite. Fear is stopping
communication. Fear is rejecting
communication. So they are not really
where he wants them, where he is
trying to get them.
They are fighting along the way.
Ironically—ironically—as he is
talking about his impending gift of
self, they are talking about selfimportance. These are two
diametrically opposed ways of being.
Jesus is talking about giving self away.
This realization doesn’t come easily. That’s what God is all about. “Jesus
did not deem equality with God
Naturally we are placed on a planet
with all kinds of opportunities and we something to be grasped,” but let go of
himself, poured himself out, gave
get going and we start all kinds of
projects and we do all kinds of things, himself away. This is his way of being.
This is God’s way of being. The
mostly for the better, but sometimes
disciples, on the other hand, are
our experiences and our
about preserving and protecting and
accomplishments become
distractions and lead us away from building up that self, not giving it
away, holding it in, holding it up,
the real goal of life. They are, after
all, not the ultimate goal. No matter
comparing it with others.
how important they may seem, they
We have to admit this is something we
cannot be. Even more, we often take
all tend to do. We tend to compare
ourselves wrongly; we don’t
ourselves with others because of
understand who we are. We believe course we don’t know who we are.
what the world tells us. We believe
We look at ourselves from the world’s
even what our families tell us, but that perspective trying to promote our own
isn’t really what God tells us, too
importance or our own value in a sort
often. Too often it isn’t. That is the
of competitive spirit. However, if the
specific topic of today’s gospel lesson. journey is to God and to union and
Who are we?
communion with the whole creation,
then a competitive spirit is
counterproductive. It goes against our
own best interests. Our best interests
are served by merging them with the
best interests of everyone else. And
that’s what Jesus is trying to get his
disciples to see. So the only
competition would have to be in
serving and loving and giving
oneself in the greatest possible
measure. And that’s what he says,
“The greatest will be the one who is
servant of all.” That makes perfect
sense from what he is trying to teach
and live. So therefore what we see in
the world: egocentricity, selfcenteredness, selfishness, selfinterest, all those things, tribalism,
nationalism, all of it is an enormous
waste of time. And just think for a
moment how much time and how
much energy is wasted as the world
So the whole story now hinges on this
child that Jesus brings into the midst.
He used a child because he wants to
stress that there is absolutely
nothing we need to do to attain the
love he is talking about. The child is
already loved from the moment of
conception, and loved infinitely, not
because the child does anything. It’s
because the child is God’s.
Naturally in life we want to
accomplish things. We are put on this
kind of a planet where that’s
appropriate. We have responsibilities,
and we need to do our best to
accomplish them. The problem comes
when we think that anything we do
or anything we have is going to
make us happy. They cannot, not
really; they maybe content us for a
short time. But we are, in fact, made
for infinite happiness; nothing we do,
nothing we have, will ever provide it.
It can’t.
(continued, page 20)
(continued from page 19) And when we think it has or will, we have created an idol. That’s what idolatry is. St. Thomas
Aquinas says there are four basic false gods: wealth, power, pleasure, and fame—the most common idols we
make. None of them can make us happy. None of them has ever made anyone happy.
But this child already possesses inside this perfect happiness, but she doesn’t know it, not yet. But even a child is
instinctively capable of opening herself or himself to love, and has very little trouble doing that. “The kingdom of God
is made for just such as these.” To be human means that the image of God lies within us. And when we get in touch
with it, love and peace and joy and goodness can come out of us and radiate forth. That is what the journey is about,
letting that come about. So he placed a child so that they can see the love in the child, which perhaps a child herself
doesn’t see—perhaps. And then when we start to see that love in the child, we can also see love elsewhere,
eventually, hopefully, everywhere and in everyone, even in our enemies. That was Jesus’ teaching. It takes some
time. It takes a lot of quiet and a lot of patience, but it can happen. We dialogue with this love. We listen to this love.
We let it change us.
In fact, finding God in others and finding God in the Eucharist are part of the very same thing. How sad it is that
so many people don’t find God in the Eucharist! Well, that’s part of the blindness that it is very common on our planet.
The union or communion with God and with the whole of creation, which is what we are aiming at, the goal of
life, we celebrate every time we gather for the Eucharist. Not only do we celebrate it, we anticipate it. We
participate in it in a mysterious way. And this is why we call it “the source and summit of our worship.” What it
anticipates and promotes is what St. Paul called “God becoming all in all.” Our vocation is to help that along.
St Margaret Mary Parish is offering a Grief Support group for adults
who are grieving the death of a loved one.
Meetings will held on Tuesdays beginning Tuesday, October 20th for six weekly sessions.
Meetings will run from 10 am to 11:30 am
Barbara Burkhardt and Barb Zdon will facilitate the meetings. Barb Burkhardt is a hospital chaplain and has
facilitated Grief Support groups at Edward Hospital. Barbara Zdon is a survivor of grief and has attended grief
support counseling. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, we welcome you with open hearts and open
arms to walk with you on your journey.
RSVP required by October 18th
Please contact Barbara Burkhardt at 630-803-0104 or at [email protected]
Masses for the Week
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
October 3
October 10
Monday— September 28
8:15— Frank Baroni—Bonnie Valiant
Tuesday— September 29/Ss. Michael, Gabriel &
8:15— Louis Novak—Patricia Michaels
Wednesday— September 30/St. Jerome
8:15— Frank Baroni—Virginia & Michael Munkvold
Thursday— October 1/St. Therese
8:15— Thomas Eberhart — Rich & Janet Coffey
Friday— October 2/Holy Guardian Angels
8:15— Doris Jage— Bill & Cheryl Blum
Saturday— October 3
8:15— Chester & Clara Winiarski — Winiarski Family
5:00— Deceased Members of the September Club
Sunday— October 4
7:30— Eben Palmquist — Buch Family
9:00— Florence Nowaczyk — Ed & Shirley Talbot
10:45*— For the Parish Family
Fr. Paul
Fr. Paul
Please remember in your prayers
those members of our parish and
family and friends who have
recently passed away.
Sr. Emily Rokos, sister of George Rokos
Bob McManus, brother of Bill McManus
Julie Ann Vancura
*Interpreted for the deaf
Eucharistic Ministers
Schroeder,M & S.
B. Ryan
L. Carsello
Deacon Ken
Fr. Paul
De Los Reyes,Lucina
Bonkalski,B. & P.
M. Ciccarelli
Deacon Ken
Fr. Julian
Hall, Jackson
Mc Manus,Bill
Sanchez,Mary Beth
Van Dril,Ingrid
La Bore,Peter
Van Etten,Margaret
I. Van Dril
Y. Figueroa/S. Gale
Deacon Don
Fr. Paul
Floresca, Bea
Deacon Don
Fr. Paul
G. Purpura
Deacon Ken
Fr. Paul
St. Margaret Mary Parish
First Reading — Moses said, “Would that all the people of
the LORD were prophets!” (Numbers 11:25-29).
Psalm — The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart
Second Reading — Come now, you rich. The wages you withheld from
the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud (James 5:1-6).
Gospel — Whoever is not against us is for us (Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48).
Art & Environment Coordinator
Business Manager
First Reading — The man said, “This one is bone of my bones and flesh
of my flesh; this one shall be called ‘woman’ ” (Genesis 2:18-24).
Psalm — May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives (Psalm 128).
Second Reading — He who consecrates and those who are being
consecrated all have one origin
(Hebrews 2:9-11).
Gospel — Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child
shall not enter it (Mark 10:2-16 [2-12]).
Faith for the Journey
Scripture Readings for the Week
Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Lk 9:46-50
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5;
Jn 1:47-51
Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6; Lk 9:57-62
Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11; Lk 10:1-12
Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 18:1-5, 10
Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Lk 10:17-24
Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128:1-6; Heb 2:9-11;
Mk 10:2-16 [2-12]
Naperville/Lisle -- 630-369-0777
Parish Staff
Courtney Ballard Murtaugh
Pat Henke
Michael Prus
Building Manager
Bob Stezowski
Ziggy Owiesek
Deacons (Permanent)
Deacon Joe Ferrari
Deacon Don Helgeson
Deacon Ken Miles
Deacon Fred Straub
Deacon Terry Taylor
Justice/Outreach Minister
Tom Cordaro
Liturgy Coordinator
Deacon Ken Miles
Music Director
John Schlaman
Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor
Sue Carroll
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Madelyn Gould, S.S.S.F.
First Friday Adoration &
September 4
Pastoral Council President
Mike Newell
Eucharistic adoration is held in the chapel the first
Friday of each month following the 8:15 am Mass
and Benediction until noon.
Rev. Paul Hottinger, Pastor
Julian von Duerbeck, OSB, Weekend Asst.
Fr. Pat McDevitt, Weekend Asst.
Congratulations to—
Daniel Diebold & Sara Kalkman
Rosalie Fall & Loretta Mercadante
John Smith & Jennifer Kapelinski
Director of Religious Ed., Pre-school - 5
Sue Davey.
Kevin Lunardini &Shannon Mayor
Director of Youth Ministry
Richard White & Mary Melia
Dan Lawler
who are being married at SMMP during September.
Religious Education Secretary
We offer our best wishes and prayers that the peace of Christ may
live always in their hearts and in their homes!
Religious Education Staff Assistant
Arlene Serio
Debbie Brutlag