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W W W. H I S E Y E W E A R . E U WELCOME Warum polarisierende Sonnenbrillengläser? Sehr geehrter Geschäftspartner, Dear Business Partner, wir freuen uns, Ihnen auf den folgenden Seiten die H.I.S polarized Sonnenbrillenkollektion 2011 vorstellen zu dürfen. Die Kollektion bietet nicht nur die bewährten, polarisierenden Sonnenbrillen mit TAC Glastechnologie, sondern auch 2 weitere polarisierende Linien: we are glad to introduce you to the following pages of the H.I.S polarized sunglasses collection 2011. This collection does not only offer the approved TAC lenses technology, but also 2 more polarized lines: H.I.S Variopol – polarized photochromatic lenses and H.I.S polycarbonate polarized – sunglasses and sport sunglasses with polycarbonate polarized lenses H.I.S Variopol – polarisierende, photochromatische Gläser und H.I.S polycarbonate polarized – Sport- und Sonnenbrillen mit polarisierenden Polycarbonatgläsern Polarisierende Sonnenbrillen sind vom Sonnenbrillenmarkt nicht mehr wegzudenken. Egal ob beim Stadtbummel, Sport, Autofahren oder in der Freizeit, mit H.I.S polarized bieten Sie Ihren Kunden ein breit gefächertes Programm an Qualitätssonnenbrillen mit polarisierenden Gläsern, bei denen das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis überzeugt. Der Kunde von heute möchte nicht nur eine modische Sonnenbrille tragen, sondern vor allem auch sein Auge gegen Strahlung und unangenehme bzw. teilweise gefährliche Blendung schützen. Immer mehr Kunden ist bewusst, dass erstklassige Gläser – und nicht die Fassung – die Augen schützen. Mit H.I.S polarized Sonnenbrillen bieten Sie dem Kunden beides – Mode und Technologie. Wir wünschen Ihnen für die bevorstehende Sonnenbrillensaison viel Erfolg mit H.I.S polarized, gute Geschäfte und viele zufriedene Kunden. We can hardly imagine todays sunglasses market without polarized sunglasses. No matter if walking around in town, doing sports, driving a car or at leisure activities, H.I.S polarized offers you and your customers a broad range of quality sunglasses with polarized lenses, convincing through a very good value for money. Today’s customer does not only want to wear fashionable sunglasses, but also wants to protect his eyes against radiation and unpleasant or even partially dangerous glare. More and more customers are aware of that it is the first class lens that protect the eyes – and not the frames themselves. With H.I.S polarized sunglasses you can offer the customer both – fashion and technology. We wish you much success with H.I.S polarized in the coming sunglasses season, good business and many satisfied customers. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Best regards, Dietmar Hermus Head of Sales and Purchasing, Product Manager H.I.S Eyewear Dietmar Hermus Head of Sales and Purchasing, Product Manager H.I.S Eyewear 2 Wenn Lichtstrahlen auf eine ebene Fläche (Windschutzscheibe, Wasserfläche, Schnee, Asphalt…) fallen, werden sie in alle Richtungen reflektiert. Vertikales Licht ermöglicht unserem Auge das Erfassen von Farben und Kontrasten, während das horizontale Licht für die störende Blendung verantwortlich ist. Polarisierende Gläser absorbieren diese „störenden“ horizontalen Wellen und lassen nur das vertikale Licht durch. Für den Träger einer H.I.S polarized Sonnenbrille ergeben sich dadurch folgende Vorteile: • bessere Sicht – blendfreie Sicht • ausgezeichnete Farbwahrnehmung – satte, kräftige Farben • erhöhte Kontraste – bessere räumliche Wahrnehmung • deutlich reduzierte Ermüdung der Augen – erhöhte Konzentrationsfähigkeit TAC-Gläser: Why polarized sunglasses? When light rays fall onto a flat surface (windscreen, water, snow or asphalt…), they are reflected in all directions. Vertical light enables our eyes to perceive colours and contrasts whereas horizontal light is responsible for the disturbing glare. Polarized lenses absorb these “disturbing” horizontal waves and only allow vertical light through. Wearers of H.I.S polarized sunglasses experience the following advantages: • better visibility – visibility without glare • excellent colour perception – saturated, powerful colours • increased contrast – better spatial perception • clearly reduced tiredness of the eyes – increased concentration. TAC-Lenses: Die Gläser der H.I.S polarized Sonnenbrillenkollektion bestehen aus einem polarisierenden Kern, der beidseitig von einer Tri-Acetat-Celluloseschicht (=TAC) umgeben ist. • TAC-Gläser bieten 100% Schutz vor UV-Strahlen, sorgen für blendfreie Sicht, genaue Abbildung, verstärkte Kontraste und Sehschärfe sowie tiefe und satte Farben. • TAC-Gläser sind temperatur- und feuchtigkeitsresistent (kein Schrumpfen der Gläser). • TAC-Gläser haben eine erhöhte Festigkeit und Stabilität. • TAC-Gläser profitieren von ihrer kratzfesten Beschichtung. H.I.S polarized Sonnenbrillengläser bieten somit alle Vorteile eines polarisierenden Glases. The lenses of the H.I.S polarized sunglasses collection consist of a polarized core surrounded on both sides by a tri-acetate cellulose layer (TAC). • TAC lenses provide 100% protection against UV radiation, Ensure glare-free vision, exact imaging, increased contrast and visual acuity as well as deep and saturated colours. • TAC lenses are temperature resistant and in contrast to traditional polarized lenses also resistant to moisture, i.e. the lenses of the H.I.S polarized collection show negligible shrinkage and remain firmly in the sunglasses. • TAC lenses have increased strength and stability. • TAC lenses benefit from their scratch-resistant coating. H.I.S polarized sunglasses offer all the advantages of polarized lenses. ohne H.I.S. polarized Sonnenbrille mit H.I.S. polarized Sonnenbrille 3 polycarbonate polarized COLLECTION 2011 4 H.I.S polycarbonate polarized Sonnenbrillen H.I.S polycarbonate polarized sunglasses -polarisierende Polycarbonatgläser -polarized polycarbonate lenses Polycarbonat ist eine Form von Kunststoff, der ursprünglich im technischen Bereich für Schutzbrillen und Visire verwendet wurde. Polycarbonat besitzt daher besondere Eigenschaften, die auch für Brillen relevant sind, die besonderen Belastungen standhalten müssen. As a form of plastic, polycarbonate was initially used in technical fields for safety glasses and vizors. Therefore, polycarbonate offers special features, also being relevant for sunglasses since they also have to be resistant to special strains. H.I.S polycarbonate polarized Sonnenbrillen schützen vor Blendung, sind kratz-und bruchfest und für jede Lebenslage geeignet. Egal ob beim Stadtbummel mit Freunden oder beim Downhillbiken – diese Brille passt überall! H.I.S polycarbonate polarized sunglasses protect your glare (sight), are scratch- and break- resitant and convenient for everyday life. No matter if walking around in town with friends or biking downhill - these sunglasses fit perfectly! SPEZIELL FÜR SPORTLER: Sportsonnenbrilen mit Wechselscheiben Alle polycarbonat polarized Sportbrillen werden mit Etui, Putztuch und 2 Paar Wechselscheiben geliefert. ESPECIALLY FOR SPORTS: sports sunglasses with interchangeable lenses All polycarbonate polarized Sports Sunglasses are deliverd with case, cleaning cloth and 2 pairs of interchangeable lenses. 5 polycarbonate polarized COLLECTION 2011 H.I.S polycarbonate polarized Sport HP05100 * Set with case, cleaning cloth and 2 pairs of interchangable lenses HP05101 2 matt gold, demi B15 brown 1 shiny dark gun, dark red S15 smoke 3 matt purple, dark purple S15 smoke 2 shiny silver, olive G15 green 3 matt purple, dark purple B15 brown HP05102 HP06100 1 matt gold B15 brown 1 shiny black S15 smoke 2 matt black S15 smoke 2 burgundy B15 brown 3 shiny dark gun G15 green 4 demi brown B15 brown HP15100 HP15103 1 matt black G15 green 1 shiny gun S15 smoke 2 matt light blue S15 smoke 2 matt black G15 green 3 matt brown B15 brown 4 pearlized dark grey S15 smoke HP15105 HP15106 HP06103* HP06104* 1 antique shiny gun G15 green 1 matt blue S15 smoke 1 black - orange, orange rubber smoke silver flash mirror 1 brown - silver, grey rubber smoke silver flash mirror 2 antique shiny navy S15 smoke 2 matt brown B15 brown 2 black - blue, blue rubber smoke silver flash mirror 2 dark gun B15 brown 4 matt black G15 green dark grey - x‘tal green glitter, green rubber smoke silver flash mirror 3 HP16100 HP06105* HP06106* 1 red gradient S15 smoke 1 grey glitter, red rubber smoke silver flash mirror 1 sandy-nickel silver, orange rubber smoke silver flash mirror 2 purple gradient B15 brown 2 red - grey, white rubber smoke silver flash mirror 2 grey - nickel silver, grey rubber 3 black S15 smoke 6 7 smoke silver flash mirror COLLECTION 2011 H.I.S VARIOPOL Sonnenbrillen H.I.S VARIOPOL sunglasses -polarisierende, photochromatische Gläser -polarized photochromatic lenses Als Highlight bieten wir zusätzlich Modelle mit polarisierenden, photochromatischen Variopol-Gläsern an, die das Sehen bei variablen Lichtverhältnissen optimieren, von bewölktem Himmel bis zu hellem Sonnenschein! Diese Gläser stellen einen Durchbruch in der Glastechnologie dar. Variopol-Gläser reagieren nicht wie andere photochromatische Gläser nur auf UV Licht, sondern auch auf sichtbares Licht (= Helligkeit). Diese technische Neuheit ist besonders für Autofahrer von großem Vorteil: As a highlight, we offer additional models with polarized, photochromatic Variopol lenses, which optimize vision under variable light conditions, from overcast sky to bright sunshine! These lenses represent a breakthrough in lens technology. Variopol lenses do not react like other photochromatic lenses to UV light only, but rather also to visible light (= brightness). This technical innovation is a great advantage – especially for car drivers: Da die Windschutzscheibe eines Fahrzeugs grundsätzlich das UV-Licht blockt, zeigen herkömmliche photochromatische Gläser im Auto keinerlei Reaktion. Die Gläser der H.I.S-Variopol Sonnenbrillen reagieren aber auch auf sichtbares Licht, passen sich somit zusätzlich hinter der Windschutzscheibe den unterschiedlichen Lichtverhältnissen an und ermöglichen optimalen Sichtkomfort im Straßenverkehr! Since the windscreen of a vehicle basically blocks out UV light, traditional photochromatic lenses do not react in a car. Instead, the lenses of H.I.S Variopol sunglasses react to visible light, adapting themselves additionally to light conditions behind the windscreen and bringing about optimum visual comfort in traffic! Within 25 seconds the basic tint can change from 68% to 88%. Innerhalb von 25 Sekunden kann sich die Grundtönung von 68% auf bis zu 88% ändern. Dämmerlicht / Half-light Bewölkter Himmel / Overcast sky Schwaches Licht / Weak light 8 Tageslicht / Daylight Sonnenschein / Sunshine Hinter der Windschutzscheibe / Behind the windscreen 9 Sonnenlicht / Sunlight Heller Sonnenschein / Bright sunshine Im Freien / Outside COLLECTION 2011 HP81102 HP81104 HP01102 HP02100 1 shiny gun G32 green Variopol 2 shiny gun S32 smoke Variopol 2 shiny dark gun G32 green Variopol 1 x'tal dark brown B30 brown Variopol 2 shiny light gold B30 brown Variopol 3 shiny brown B30 brown Variopol 3 matt dark brown A30 amber Variopol 2 x'tal green S32 smoke Variopol 3 matt brown A30 amber Variopol 4 matt black S32 smoke Variopol 3 shiny black G32 green Variopol HP82103 HP91100 HP03100 HP03101 1 black G32 green Variopol 1 shiny dark gun S32 smoke Variopol 1 shiny dark brown B30 brown Variopol 1 matt black G32 green Variopol 2 brown S32 smoke Variopol 2 matt black G32 green Variopol 2 shiny dark grey S32 smoke Variopol 2 shiny dark brown B30 brown Variopol 3 dark demi red B30 brown Variopol 3 matt metallic brown B30 brown Variopol 3 shiny red G32 green Variopol 3 shiny grey S32 smoke Variopol HP91101 HP91102 HP11100 HP11101 1 antique light gun S32 smoke Variopol 1 shiny light gold B30 brown Variopol 1 matt black G30 green Variopol 1 shiny gold B30 brown Variopol 2 matt black G32 green Variopol 2 matt medium gun S32 smoke Variopol 2 shiny gun S30 smoke Variopol 2 antique brown S30 smoke Variopol 3 shiny dark brown B30 brown Variopol 3 shiny metallic dark gun G32 green Variopol 3 antique gun S30 smoke Variopol 3 shiny gun G30 green Variopol HP91103 HP91104 HP11104 HP11105 1 matt light brown B30 brown Variopol 1 matt black S32 smoke Variopol 1 matt black G15 green 1 dark gunmetal S15 smoke 2 matt medium gun S32 smoke Variopol 2 matt brown B30 brown Variopol 2 dark gunmetal S15 smoke 2 matt silver G15 green 3 shiny dark gun G32 green Variopol 3 matt light gold G32 green Variopol 3 light antique brown B15 brown 3 antique shiny navy S15 smoke HP92100 HP01100 HP011106 HP12100 1 grey striped G32 green Variopol 1 matt black S32 smoke Variopol 1 dark gunmetal G15 green 1 shiny black G30 green Variopol 2 brown striped B30 brown Variopol 2 matt light gold B30 brown Variopol 2 shiny silver B15 brown 4 x'tal purple S30 smoke Variopol 3 x‘tal petrol striped S32 smoke Variopol 3 shiny dark gun S32 smoke Variopol 3 shiny black S15 smoke 5 transparent red B30 brown Variopol 10 11 COLLECTION 2011 HP84113 HP84116 2 matt black G15 green 1 matt dark gun S15 smoke 4 shiny dark gun S15 smoke 4 matt black G15 green 5 shiny dark brown G15 green 5 matt brown G15 green HP84122 HP84130 1 shiny silver G15 green 1 shiny gun G15 green 2 shiny dark gun S15 smoke 2 shiny blue S15 smoke 3 matt black B15 brown 3 matt antique green C15 copper HP84150 HP94100 1 shiny antique silver G15 green 1 shiny gun B15 brown 3 matt black S15 smoke 2 shiny gold G15 green 3 matt copper C14 copper HP94101 HP94102 1 shiny gun B15 brown 1 shiny silver S15 smoke 2 shiny purple S15 smoke 2 matt dark brown G15 green 3 shiny dark brown G15 green 3 shiny gold B15 brown HP94111 HP94113 1 shiny dark gun G15 green 1 shiny gold B15 brown 2 shiny dark purple S15 smoke 2 matt silver G15 green 3 matt metallic brown C14 copper 3 antique purple S15 smoke 13 COLLECTION 2011 HP94119 HP94121 1 shiny dark gun, demi C14 copper 1 shiny dark gun S15 smoke 2 shiny gold, olive demi G15 green 2 shiny dark brown B15 brown 3 matt black, grey S15 smoke 3 matt light gold G15 green HP04106 HP04119 1 demi,shiny dark brown B15 brown 1 matt brown B15 brown 3 demi,shiny dark gun G15 green 3 antique gun G15 green HP04120 HP04123 1 shiny gold B15 brown 1 shiny gold B15 brown 2 antique dark brown C14 copper 2 shiny brown B15 brown 3 shiny dark gun G15 green 3 shiny purple S15 smoke HP04124 HP14100 1 shiny gold B15 brown 1 antique gold S15 smoke 2 shiny purple S15 smoke 2 antique blue B15 brown 3 shiny dark gun G15 green 3 antique wine S15 smoke HP14102 HP14108 1 pearlized blue S15 smoke 1 shiny blue/shiny gun S15 smoke 2 shiny gun G15 green 2 white/matt silver G15 green 3 semimatt black G15 green 3 gold-brown gradient B15 brown 15 COLLECTION 2011 HP14109 HP14112 HP88109 HP88110 1 shiny rose-shiny silver S15 smoke 1 dark wine/pink pattern S15 smoke 2 demi, shiny gold B15 brown 4 black G15 green 2 shiny orange-shiny silver B15 brown 2 shiny black/grey pattern G15 green 4 transparent burgundy, shiny gun B15 brown 5 demi B15 brown 3 shiny purple-shiny silver S15 smoke 3 shiny gun/rose pattern S15 smoke 6 transparent purple S15 smoke HP14114 HP14118 HP88111 HP88114 1 shiny gun/green G15 green 1 antique greyblue S15 smoke 1 black-transparent red B15 brown 1 black – grey S15 smoke 2 shiny gun/petrol S15 smoke 2 antique brown B15 brown 2 black-transparent brown G15 green 2 transparent red B15 brown 3 shiny brown/brown B15 brown 3 antique gun G15 green 3 black-transparent green S15 smoke 3 grey-green G15 green HP14120 HP14126 HP88125 HP88129 1 shiny gun/light green G15 green 1 shiny light gold B15 brown 1 black G15 green 1 burgundy G15 green 2 shiny brown/brown B15 brown 2 shiny light gun S15 smoke 2 demi B15 brown 2 brown B15 brown 3 shiny black/white S15 smoke 3 shiny dark brown G15 green 3 transparent dove blue S15 smoke 3 black S15 smoke HP14127 HP14129 HP98103 HP98104 1 shiny gun S15 smoke 1 shiny gun G15 green 1 black G15 green 1 shiny black G15 green 2 shiny blue S15 smoke 2 shiny brown B15 brown 2 brown B15 brown 2 dark wine S15 smoke 3 shiny brown B15 brown 3 shiny blue S15 smoke 3 crystal olive S15 smoke 3 dark brown B15 brown HP88102 HP88105 HP98113 HP98116 1 matt black G15 green 2 black S15 smoke 1 brown pattern B15 brown 1 brown pattern B15 brown 4 demi B15 brown 4 demi, shiny gold B15 brown 2 grey pattern G15 green 3 olive-green G15 green 5 black S15 smoke 5 transparent dark purple, shiny gun S15 smoke 3 transparent olive S15 smoke 6 x'tal red B15 brown 16 17 COLLECTION 2011 HP98119 HP98121 2 crystal clear red B15 brown 1 black S15 smoke 3 white pattern C14 copper 2 demi brown C14 copper 3 olive-green G15 green HP98122 HP98124 1 x‘tal dark red B15 brown 1 dark purple S15 smoke 2 x‘tal lpurple S15 smoke 2 dark wine-brown B15 brown 3 shiny black C14 copper 3 black G15 green HP98125 HP08105 2 transparent red B15 brown 1 shiny black G15 green 3 shiny black G15 green 2 pearl burgundy-white B15 brown 3 white S15 smoke HP08106 HP08109 1 shiny black x‘tal green G15 green 1 shiny black G15 green 2 shiny dark brown x‘tal brown B15 brown 2 demi brown B15 brown 3 shiny black x‘tal blue S15 smoke 3 grey pattern S15 smoke HP08114 18 HP08117 1 dark brown B15 brown 1 transparent red-blue glitter B15 brown 2 black-green S15 smoke 2 greybrown S15 smoke 3 pearl dark grey-light green G15 green 3 matt black G15 green 19 COLLECTION 2011 HP08118 HP08119 HP18112 HP18114 1 pink-black pattern S15 smoke 1 red brown S15 smoke 1 x'tal grey - x'tal S15 smoke 1 black/silver S15 smoke 2 brown-purple pattern S15 smoke 2 purple S15 smoke 2 x'tal blue-x'tal-x'tal purple S15 smoke 2 dark brown/gold B15 brown 3 green-grey pattern G15 green 3 brown-demi B15 brown 3 x'tal brown-x'tal-x'tal green B15 brown 3 dark red/x'tal G15 green HP18100 HP18101 HP18115 HP18118 1 shiny black S15 smoke 1 black-purple S15 smoke 1 black G15 green 1 rose/black S15 smoke 2 x'tal demi G15 green 2 brown-turquoise B15 brown 2 browngrey S15 smoke 2 dark brown/beige B15 brown 3 brown-x'tal brown grad. B15 brown 3 redbrown-light rose B15 brown 3 dark brown B15 brown 3 black/white S15 smoke HP18103 HP18104 HP18119 HP18120 1 black/yellow line S15 smoke 1 dark purple glitter S15 smoke 1 beige B15 brown 1 demi B15 brown 2 x'tal olive/green line G15 green 2 brown glitter B15 brown 2 petrol S15 smoke 2 white G15 green 3 brown/orange linge B15 brown 3 white glitter S15 smoke 3 pink G15 green 3 dark pruple S15 smoke HP18106 HP18107 HP18124 HP18125 1 black - purple S15 smoke 1 dark brown - rose B15 brown 1 black S15 smoke 1 white-black S15 smoke 2 dark brown - petrol B15 brown 2 black - petrol B15 brown 2 x'tal purple S15 smoke 2 black-silver G15 green 3 black - pink B15 brown 3 black - pink S15 smoke 3 brown/light brown B15 brown 3 pink B15 brown HP18108 HP18126 HP18127 1 demi B15 brown 1 black/gold; gold+brown B15 brown 1 blue/brown S15 smoke 2 black G15 green 2 purple, gun+purple S15 smoke 2 black/brown B15 brown 3 x'tal clear S15 smoke 3 white, black+white G15 green 3 purple S15 smoke 22 23 COLLECTION 2011 HP18128 HP18129 1 black/red S15 smoke 1 x'tal black G15 green 2 black/white S15 smoke 2 x'tal red S15 smoke 3 dk brown/petrol B15 brown 3 x'tal purple S15 smoke HP18130 HP18131 1 black-x'tal gradient G15 green 1 x'tal brown B15 brown 2 brown-blueish gradient S15 smoke 2 black G15 green 3 brown-x'tal gradient B15 brown 3 x'tal grey S15 smoke HP18132 HP18133 1 black G15 green 1 brown-x'tal light blue B15 brown 2 demi B15 brown 2 purple-x'tal light blue S15 smoke 3 x'tal blue S15 smoke 3 black-x'tal G15 green HP18134 HP18135 1 x'tal white pattern S15 smoke 1 x'tal grey S15 smoke 2 x'tal light brown pattern B15 brown 2 brown B15 brown 3 black G15 green 3 black G15 green HP18136 1 black S15 smoke 2 demi B15 brown 3 olive G15 green 25 SPORT COLLECTION 2011 SPORT COLLECTION 2011 HP07101 HP87101 HP17102 HP17103 2 shiny silver S15 smoke 1 demi brown B15 brown 1 black/x'tal dark green G15 green 1 greygreen/x'tal greygreen G15 green 4 shiny dark red G15 green 4 matt black G15 green 2 dark brown/yellow B15 brown 2 dark brown/x'tal brown B15 brown 5 dark pearl grey S15 smoke 3 black/purple S15 smoke 3 dark blue/x'tal blue S15 smoke HP87103 HP87104 HP17108 HP17109 1 demi brown B15 brown 5 matt silver S15 smoke 1 red + red/grey rubber temples + nose G15 green 1 brown B15 brown 3 matt black G15 green 6 shiny red B15 brown 2 grey + grey/lt.blue rubbert temples + nose S15 smoke 2 silver S15 smoke 4 dk pearl grey S15 smoke 3 black + black/lt.red rubber temples + nose B15 brown 3 dark blue S15 smoke HP87106 HP87108 HP17110 1 demi grey G15 green 1 pearl silver, yellow rubber G15 green 1 brown/orange B15 brown 3 demi brown B15 brown 2 pearl red, grey rubber B15 brown 2 black/blue S15 smoke 3 demi blue S15 smoke 3 dark pearl grey, orange rubber S15 smoke 3 brown/yellow S15 smoke HP87109 HP97107 1 pearl green, orange rubber G15 green 1 dark red-brown B15 brown 3 pearl red, blue rubber S15 smoke 3 shiny black G15 green HP17100 HP17101 4 dark brown/light orange B15 brown 3 white/light blue rubber S15 smoke 5 black/light red G15 green 4 black/purple B15 brown 6 red, grey rubber S15 smoke 5 grey, blue rubber G15 green 28 29 KIDS COLLECTION 2011 HP80112 HP80113 1 pearl purple G15 green 1 blue G15 green 3 pearl blue S15 smoke 2 black G15 brown 4 black B15 brown 4 pearl green S15 smoke HP80115 HP80116 1 matt red G15 green 1 navy blue G15 green 2 matt pearl grey B15 brown 2 red B15 brown 4 blue grey G15 green 3 purple S15 smoke HP80117 HP80119 1 navy blue G15 green 1 blue grey G15 green 2 red B15 brown 2 pearl red B15 brown 4 pearl purple S15 smoke 3 grey S15 smoke HP80123 HP90100 1 light turquoise S15 smoke 1 pearl blue, grey rubber S15 smoke 2 pearl red G15 green 2 shiny black, yellow rubber G15 green 3 pearl brown B15 brown 3 pearl dark grey, red rubber C14 copper 4 pink B15 brown HP90101 HP90102 1 shiny black G15 green 1 matt black S15 smoke 3 pearl dark blue S15 smoke 2 pearl wine S15 smoke 4 red B15 brown 3 pearl blue G15 green 31 KIDS COLLECTION 2011 HP90103 HP00100 HP10106 HP10108 1 pearl pink G15 green 1 antique dark gun S15 smoke 1 black G15 green 1 shiny silver S15 smoke 2 matt pearl blue S15 smoke 2 shiny dark gun G15 green 3 green-orange grad. B15 brown 3 matt black S15 smoke 3 pearl light purple S15 smoke 3 light gold G15 green 4 orange-red grad. B15 brown 4 pearlized purple B15 brown 4 pearl light purple B15 brown HP00101 HP00105 HP10109 HP10111 1 x‘tal dark demi B15 brown 1 blue S15 smoke 1 red S15 smoke 1 shiny black S15 smoke 2 x‘tal demi G15 green 2 pink S15 smoke 2 blue S15 smoke 2 matt greygold G15 green 3 shiny black S15 smoke 3 turquoise S15 smoke 3 antrazith S15 smoke 3 x'tal brown B15 brown HP00106 HP00107 HP10112 HP10113 1 blue S15 smoke 1 blue S15 smoke 1 matt pearlized petrol S15 smoke 1 black G15 green 2 black S15 smoke 2 white S15 smoke 2 matt pearlized wine G15 green 2 red S15 smoke 3 red S15 smoke 3 black S15 smoke 3 matt black S15 smoke 3 blue S15 smoke HP00108 HP10114 HP10115 1 light purple - pink glitter S15 smoke 1 brown/orange B15 brown 1 brown/orange B15 brown 2 purple glitter S15 smoke 2 black/purple S15 smoke 2 black/yellow G15 green 3 light pink glitter S15 smoke 3 brown/turquoise B15 brown 3 dark blue/blue S15 smoke HP10100 HP10103 2 black - x'tal S15 smoke 1 black/grey G15 green 3 dark purple - light purple S15 smoke 2 demi/beige S15 smoke 4 x'tal pink - x'tal S15 smoke 3 black/yellow B15 brown 32 33 CLIP-ONS HP1000 DISPLAYS HP1001 A brown A smoke B smoke B brown C copper C copper HP1003 HP1004 A silver/wide saddle for injection smoke B silver/wide saddle for injection brown DISPLAY-72HP DISPLAY-108HP DISPLAY80HP DISPLAY80HPV HP1005 A silver/narrow saddle for metal smoke A TR90 bridge brown lens B silver/narrow saddle for metal brown B TR90 bridge smoke lens C silver/narrow saddle for metal dark brown HP1006 A TR90 bridge brown lens B TR90 bridge smoke lens 34 35 u www.hiseyewear.e
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