Passivhaus documentation
Passivhaus documentation
Passivhaus documentation Diffuse house in Allonzier la Caille (Department n°74) PassivHaus database n°3841 2.1 Responsible designer : Mathias LANGUILLAT This house was built for a family on the heights of the town of Allonzier‐la‐Caille in the department of « Haute‐Savoie » n°74. The construction system is composed by solid wood panel of 62 mm thick. It is built on garage, oriented full south and composed by a ground and a first floor. The roofs are not convertible and accessible only from the outside. Features: ‐ Compact system for preheating, hot water and controlled double‐flow mechanical ventilation, ‐ Solar thermal panels for hot water. Value U exterior wall : 0,110 W/m².K PHPP need annual heat : 15 kWh/m².year Value U garage roof : 0,108 W/m².K Value U roof : 0,09 W/m².K PHPP primary energy : 101 kWh/m².year Value U windows : 0,92 to 1,25 W/m².K Heat recovery : 80 % test of air permeability : 0,32 h‐1 2.2 Brief project description The house is built in the «Haute‐Savoie » department in France. It is built on garage, oriented full south and composed by a ground floor and a first floor. At the ground floor, there are a living‐room, a kitchen, a room for friend with bathroom, a technical room and a workshop. At the first floor, there are 3 rooms, a playroom, a bathroom and a washroom. The roofs are not convertible and accessible only from the outside. The construction begins in october 2012. This project has many things interesting and complicated to achieve the PassivHaus level : ‐ Localization of the project : Haute Alpes department which is one of the coldest in France, ‐ One part of the heated volume is above a basement ond the other part is above the ground ‐ Stairs to go to basement in heated area, ‐ Far Umbrage : Mountains, house close to the South‐West, trees to the East ‐ Structural Umbrage : Own house corner at the South‐East, balconies to the West I realize the PHPP and the ventilation sheets. I decided to advance windows to the South the most outside possible to maximize solar gain and increase insulation in roof and walls. What it was possible at the moment where i finished the first study. All elevations are following: North and East elevation South and West elevation 2.3 Pictures of the construction ‐ Exterior Pictures North Elevation East Elevation South Elevation West Elevation 2.4 Interior Pictures I. Kitchen Living Room Kitchen 2.5 Cross section Cross Section n°A Cross Section n°B Cross Section n°C 2.6 Floor Plans I. Basement plan Basement Plan Ground Floor Plan First Floor Plan 2.7 Construction details A particular attention was conducted to minimize thermal bridges and reach the excellence level of the Passihaus. The values are the following calculated thermal bridges: Type of Thermal Bridge W /m.K Full Earth - Exterior wall Basement - Exterior wall Soil above the stairwell - Exterior wall Intermediate floor - Exterior wall Top floor _ Exterior wall Exterior Wall - Exterior wall_Outgoing Angle Exterior Wall - Exterior wall_Returning Angle -0,077 -0,064 -0,075 0,016 -0,071 -0,063 -0,070 Link : Ground Floor – Exterior wall Link : Two Exterior Walls Link_ Ground Floor – Exterior wall : The link between ground floor ‐ exterior wall is composed by a wall which is constituted by a wood panel (62 mm, l = 0,13) with woodwool (300 mm, l = 0,036) in wood frame and fiberwood (60 mm, l = 0,046). The ground floor is formed by polystyrene (320 mm, l = 0,036) between a concrete slab (200 mm, l = 1,75) and a concrete screed (60 mm, l = 1,15). This design achieves the absence of thermal bridge with a thermal continuity through different insulations. Link_Two Exterior Walls : The link between exterior wall ‐ exterior wall is constituted by a wood panel (62 mm, l = 0,13) with woodwool (300 mm, l = 0,036) in wood frame and fiberwood (60 mm, l = 0,046). This design achieves the absence of thermal bridge with a thickness of insulating important. The following calculation of this thermal bridge: Pont thermique Pt int Pt RT Pt PHPP 0,041 0,041 -0,063 Coeff de couplage thermique 0,156 W/m Link : Roof Section and Exterior Wall Link_ Roof Section and Exterior Wall: The link between Roof Section and Exterior Wall is composed by a wall which is constituted by a wood panel (62 mm, l = 0,13) with woodwool (300 mm, l = 0,036) in wood frame and fiberwood (60 mm, l = 0,046). The roof section is formed by cellulose wading between wood frame (200 mm, l = 0,040), an OSB plate (18 mm, l = 0,13) and cellulose wading (300 mm, l = 0,040). This design achieves the absence of thermal bridge with a thickness of insulating important. Windows : Orientation North, East and West Windows : Orientation South Windows are built by M SORA Company, triple glazed. Windows Characteristics are following : Uf = 1,2 W / m².K Ug = 0,639 W / m².K g = 61,4 % Pont thermique Intercalaire 0,042 W /m.K It is one point very important in this project, maximize solar gain by advancing the glass over the outwardly. The following calculation of this thermal bridge with a shutter: Pont thermique Pt int Pt RT Pt PHPP 0,027 0,027 0,027 Coeff de couplage thermique 0,405 W/m The shutters are adjustable breeze sun. Airtight Envelope : Cross Section n°A Airtight Envelope : Cross Section n°B Airtight Envelope : Cross Section n°C The airtight envelope is composed principally by the wood panel for all walls. The links between wall ‐ ground and wall ‐ roof have been treated with airtight scoch. The airtightness penetrations have been realized with an elastic tab (outdoor lighting, electric shutter, …). Air Test Result Ventilation Strategy We try to limit at maximum the loss of pressure in ducts, minimize their length. Almost all ducts are in the heated volume. There are all insulated. Legend : Air Neuf : Fresh air, Air Vicié : Stale air, Boitier de répartition Insufflation : Box of insufflation distribution Boitier de répartition Extraction : Box of extraction distribution Ventilation Materials : Localization There are two types of materials in this project : ‐ Canadian well : Confo Fond from Zehnder company, ‐ Compact system : Compact P from Nilan company. Effective performance of the heat exchanger (Nilan Compact P) : 80 % (PHI certificate), Electric efficiency : 0,45 Wh / m3. The fresh air is taken in the technical room; the Stale air is rejected to outside crossing the stairwell basement. The fresh air is preheated by a Canadian well. The following rooms in insufflation are the living room, friend sleeping room, entry, game room, and sleeping rooms n°1, 2 and 3. The following transfer rooms are clearance on the ground and first floors. The following rooms in extraction are kitchen, workshop, bathrooms, cloakroom, toilets, technical room, cellar, dressing and washroom. 2.7 Heat production The heat production is provided by the compact system from Nilan : Compact P. The compact P system is ventilation with passive heat recovery (the system uses energy from extract air and converts heat without using energy additional) and the system exploits the energy recovered by extract air and converts heat via a Heat pump. The system discharges the hot air and wet building and reinjected warm air and filtered. There is also an electric towel dryer in the bathroom at the first floor and an electric radiator in the The system exploits the energy living room. air or ground to produce water hot. The system exploits the energy air or ground to produce domestic hot water. When it's warm inside and outside of the house, built by a pass lets in fresh air directly to maximum cooling without using energy additional. Heat Production 2.8 Verification Formulaire bâtiment passif Photo ou dessin Projet: Localité et zone climatique: Maison passive de M. et Mme GRENTZINGER F - Annecy Adresse: Code postal / localité: Pays: Type de bâtiment: Maître de l'ouvrage: Adresse: Code postal / localité: Architecte: Adresse: Code postal / localité: Bureau d'étude fluides / techniques spéciales: Adresse: Code postal / localité: Année de construction: Nombre de logements: Volume extérieur du bâtiment Ve: Nombre d'occupants: 74350 France MAISON INDIVIDUELLE EN DIFFUS M. et MME GRENTZINGER 430 ROUTE DE BEAUMONT 74160 ARCHAMPS LES ATELIERS ARCHITECTES 4 RUE DE LA TUILERIE 69610 SAINTE-FOY L'ARGENTIERE APESBAT LA FONDELYS - ROUTE DE THURINS 69510 RONTALON 2013 m3 20,0 Apports internes: 2,1 °C W/m2 5,6 Valeurs rapportées à la surface de référence énergétique Surface de référence énergétique ARE: 196,6 m2 Méthode mensuelle 15 kWh/(m a) Résultat du test d'infiltrométrie: 0,4 h 101 kWh/(m a) 58 kWh/(m a) Besoin en énergie primaire Besoin en énergie primaire (ECS, chauffage et électricité auxiliaire): Besoin en énergie primaire -1 2 Critères respectés ? 15 kWh/(m2a) oui 0,6 h-1 oui 120 kWh/(m 2a) oui 2 2 kWh/(m a) économ isée par la production d'électricité photovoltaïque: Puissance de chauffage: 10 Surchauffe estivale: 0 Besoin de refroidissement annuel: Certification standard passif: 2 Besoin de chaleur de chauffage annuel: (ECS, chauffage, refroidissem ent, électricité auxiliaire et dom estique): Température intérieure: 1 838,3 Méthode utilisée: ALLONZIER LA CAILLE 2 W/m % sup. à 2 kWh/(m a) 25 °C 15 kWh/(m 2a) 2.9–2.10ConstructionCost 2300 € HT / m² 2.11 YearofConstruction 2012 ‐ 2013 2.12 –2.15Overviews The clients are convinced of the relevance of having a home labeled passivhaus. Thanks to that, they understand that we need a compact house and very opened at the south to respect all criteria from the PassivHaus Institut. One point which was vey complicate in this project is to have the staircase leading to the basement in the volume of home. These walls and ceiling have to be insulate as exterior wall and ceiling. This project is labeled PassivHaus because it is compact, we use wood panel for insulation and airtightness and solar gain are very important. Concerning materials, we use the Compact P system from Nilan for the heat production, hot water and ventilation and we have electric convector in the living room and bathroom if winter is very cold. Some thermal panels are installed on the roof for hot water.
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