our consultancy service


our consultancy service
Our approach is different to other organisations
First–hand experience
that offer consultancy services. Consultancy is
4 Our first-hand experience in managing and operating one of the
busiest Roll on-Roll off (Ro-Ro) terminals in the world will allow us to
offer you the best expertise, knowledge and advice.
not our main business. We are a port operator
and our main business is and will remain
port management and operations. We know
from direct experience what the challenges
of port management are. We understand
4 Our highly skilled workforce is ideally placed to share the knowledge
and insight of the day to day responsibilities and requirements of
port and ferry operations. the constraints that port managers are under
4 Port of Dover managers are well respected and recognised
internationally for their industry knowledge and business expertise. and the pressures placed upon the business
A robust and tailored approach
by the requirements of good governance and
4 We believe that each client is different, with different needs,
ambitions and expectations. We recognise that every port is
different and has its own unique place in its local, regional and
international setting. compliance. It is precisely because we are
primarily a port owner and operator that we
can offer a different perspective on the role of
highly focused set of services to other port
4 Utilising our industry experts we will apply industry best practice to
deliver the efficiency and excellence needed to develop a successful
business and satisfy your customers. owners and operators with the client firmly in
A partnership approach
4 We will support you as a true partner rather than simply acting as
a service provider in understanding your business and developing
practical and workable solutions in a collaborative approach.
consultancy and can offer a cost effective and
Value for money
4 We will deliver this practical and collaborative approach by utilising
our expertise at highly competitive rates to ensure best value for
money for the customer.
The Port of Dover handles around 5 million
We can offer you:
vehicles and 13 million passengers each year. 4 Unrivalled expert knowledge of the ferry and Ro-Ro industry
Around £80 billion in value of freight passes
4 In-depth knowledge of Port Operations and Management, including:
through the Port of Dover’s 24/7 operation
4 Terminal operations
annually. Every day, we handle an average
4 Berth operations, slot management and scheduling
of almost 14,000 vehicles, routinely turning
4 Asset management
round large Ro-Ro ferries carrying up to 2000
4 Facilities management
passengers, 400 cars and 150 freight vehicles
in just one hour. This is achieved through the
highly efficient operation of the Port’s seven
modern twin-deck ferry berths and sophisticated
check-in, vehicle management and marine
control systems.
4 Finance
4 Forecasting
4 Business analysis
4 Business development
4 Tariff setting
4 Civil engineering
4 ICT management
The technical, engineering and management
4 Human resources
challenges of operating such a busy port are
4 Ferry-related training
considerable. Furthermore, the Port is a key
international gateway and a vital national asset
sitting immediately alongside its local community
within an urban setting. Balancing these
interests and the positive and negative impacts
that the Port can have is critical to our success
and makes having an efficient operation even
more important.
4 Quality and compliance management
4 Security
4 Safety management
4 Environmental management
4 Estates management
4 Technical administration
4 Stakeholder management
4 Marine services (supervision and control)
4 In-depth knowledge of relations between Port/Terminal Operator and
Ferry Operator
4 Development of Service Level Agreements between Ferry Operator and
Port Operator
Managing Europe’s busiest ferry port requires world class operations.
We know and understand the challenges and we know how to
overcome them.
Let us share that expertise with you.
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
Dover is a major European cruise port operating
We can help in all areas of activity, including:
both turnaround and port of call itineraries with
4 Cruise Terminal design
some of the most famous and prestigious cruise
4 Cruise Terminal security to ISPS standard
operators in the world. The Port’s favourable
4 Cruise Terminal operations including the full range of quayside services
access from the main shipping lanes in the
Dover Straits makes it the preferred port of
departure for European and Baltic cruises
originating in the UK. Dover is also a popular
and passenger facilitation
4 Cruise marketing and promotion.
From our own experience we have recognised that strong branding and
relationship building are essential in such a competitive market and by
using our excellent relationships gained over years of negotiating with top
port of call in the UK, offering excellent access
executives, we are able to provide:
to London and other major tourist attractions.
4 Essential introductions to decision makers in
targeted cruise lines
We built our cruise business from scratch,
growing it in 15 years to be an internationally
4 Guidance on sales missions, conferences, trade events and key
recognised major cruise hub port in Europe and
4 Support in delivering effective marketing tools and collateral.
the second largest cruise port in the UK. This
The Port of Dover is also an excellent example of a successful and award-
success was achieved by working with the major
winning destination partnership, because:
cruise companies in the world to deliver what
4 We provide a coordinated approach to the cruise lines, in collaboration
they wanted in terms of infrastructure, efficiency
and safety of operations.
Along the way we have developed an industrywide recognisable brand and we are well placed
to develop a marketing and sales strategy for
clients by helping to build strong and effective
with infrastructure providers (including airports), tourism organisations
and the local community
4 Through projects with Cruise Europe, Cruise Britain, Visit Kent,
Cruise Atlantic Europe and Atlantic Alliance we have brought different
destinations together
Dover is recognised by our cruise customers as providing first-class
customer service, and we can draw from the voice of the customer
experience and from board-level relationships with the major cruise
partnerships with cruise company itinerary
operators to develop services and facilities that match the expectations of
the industry in the 21st century.
Building our close relationship with the world’s major cruise companies and
delivering the best possible service to our cruise customers is something of
which we are proud. Why not tap in to the secret of our success?
Why not tap in to the secret of our success?
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
Marine safety
Operating Europe’s busiest ferry port 24/7
We can assist you with:
whilst facilitating the safe movement of cruise,
4 Designing a PMSC compliant Safety Management System
cargo and leisure traffic, demands the very
4 Designated Person Services
best in marine safety management systems
4 Peer Review Services
incorporating the very latest technology and
4 Understanding the duty holder’s role (liabilities and responsibilities)
utilising highly skilled and qualified staff in all
Our highly trained staff require and operate first class technical and marine
areas of marine operations. plant/equipment in order to consistently deliver excellent marine services. We fully comply with the UK Port Marine Safety
We can offer you our expertise in:
Code, the standard for best practice in marine
4 On the job training for aspiring Harbour Masters
operations. However, in seeking to deliver
4 Power boat level 1 and level 2 qualifications for coxswains
continuous improvement and working with other
4 Marina operations and management
leading industry experts our own Dover-specific
4 Harbour towage training
Port Marine Safety Code has been revised and
We are committed to excellence. We know what marine operations in a
further enhanced to make it even more robust,
busy environment are all about. We are experts in marine safety systems;
striving to set even higher benchmarks for best
we know how to train staff; to produce the best to provide the best.
Let us share this best practice with you.
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
Joint initiatives between airports and ports have become more important in recent years. The interoperability and inter-connections between the two has led to an increase in visitor numbers to countries and
regions, and can be a very attractive element in, for example, developing cruise services, linking air and sea
in ways that cruise ship operators demand when looking to new services from certain countries and ports.
Our Chief Executive and members of our senior management team have previously managed a number
of major regional and national airports and are therefore extremely well versed in airport marketing and
business. Many of the Port of Dover staff have aviation and other relevant experience that they can bring to
bear in developing this inter-connectivity between regional airport and ports.
We understand ports. We also understand airports and are in a privileged position to understand the
important links between the two.
Tap in to this specialist knowledge and make the connection.
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
Master Planning
The Port of Dover was the first UK port
We have developed a master planning process considered within
to undertake a comprehensive 30-year
the UK as an exemplar in the industry. The process includes:
master planning process. This resulted in a
development plan that would deliver a second
ferry terminal (T2) at Dover when market
conditions are right which, when built, would be
the second busiest ferry terminal in Europe, the
first being Dover’s existing terminal (T1). T2
4 Establishing and looking at the impacts of long term traffic forecasts
across all sectors of the port’s operations
4 Assessing the capacity of the current port and the drivers of
future demand
4 Exploring the physical issues such as port access and egress, border
controls, check-in, assembly lanes, berths, ferry access/egress and
would become the largest single investment ever
4 Looking at the potential effects of legislation and competition
undertaken at a European ferry port, effectively
4 Examining the socio-economic impacts and policy fit
doubling the capacity of Dover’s ferry operation.
4 Investigating the historic environment, landscape and visual impacts,
T2 was unopposed when the UK Government
transport issues, the natural environment, air quality and noise impacts
gave formal approval for the scheme which, for
4 Exploring alternative development options and their impacts
a development of this scale, is an indication of
4 Developing a bespoke stakeholder management approach
the exceptional lengths taken to consult and
Master planning is also about:
engage with our wide range of customers and
4 People development
stakeholders. It is also a demonstration of the
4 Ensuring that the knowledge and skills base is developed to meet
incredible detail of the work undertaken on a
wide range of topics. Ultimately, it illustrates
our commitment to get things right.
the new demands placed upon the people who manage and operate the facility 4 Systems development
4 Being a catalyst for increasing economic and social improvement in the
The Port of Dover has faced all of these challenges and has developed a
deep understanding of how to make master planning relevant, deliverable
and financially robust in achieving a clear vision for future development. Master planning is the key to future efficiency, to competitiveness and to
the profitable expansion of the business. We know master planning - in the UK we have pioneered it. We understand
what needs to be done to get a practical, affordable and deliverable plan to
which your stakeholders can sign up.
Let us take you on the journey from now
to where you need to be.
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
The Port of Dover is an extremely busy
With our track record we can offer you a wealth of advice and
operational environment whose terminal facilities
expertise, including:
are routinely accessed and used by the public.
4 How to establish, embed and monitor safety management
Therefore we place safety at the heart of our
4 Health and safety knowledge training
culture and activities in all areas of the business
4 Peer reviews of safety management systems
with an absolute commitment and adherence to
4 Benchmarking
health and safety compliance.
4 Development and monitoring of safety KPIs
We have worked for many years with the
4 Audit of Safety Management Systems by qualified and
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
(RoSPA) in order to externally verify our safety
management system and have on occasion
been the only recipient of its top award (the
QSA Diamond Award). We now operate under
OHSAS 18001, an internationally recognised
management system for occupational health and
safety and have achieved full compliance.
Our accident incident rate is below the industry
average which, for a port as intensively operated
as Dover and with the numbers of vehicles and
passengers orders of magnitude greater than
any other port, is a significant achievement of
which we are proud.
competent persons
4 Development and monitoring of risk management systems
We know how to operate safely in the busiest of port environments.
Our record speaks for itself.
Let us help you to achieve the highest safety
standards for your port.
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
The Port of Dover operates to the International
We have developed best practice procedures in security, including:
Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), fully
4 General Safety and Security Awareness Training (GSSAT) specifically
complying with all statutory security checks. for ports
Dover Port was only the second port in the UK
4 ISPS Search and screening training
to be designated a Port Security Authority and
4 Port Security Authority (PSA) Risk Appraisal
have its Port Security Plan approved in line with
4 Development of PSA Security Plans
the Port Security Regulations 2009. We provide
We operate to the highest port security standards whilst ensuring that there
state of the art security equipment operated by
is no detrimental impact on the business performance of Europe’s busiest
fully qualified and highly skilled security staff. The Port of Dover has its own independent
police force charged with maintaining law and
order throughout the Port estate and providing
a reassuring and highly visible police presence
throughout the Port.
In addition to general security, the Port of Dover
Police has a number of nationally trained experts
in the field of Counter Terrorism Security.
international ferry port.
Let us show you how to do the same.
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
To ensure optimal resilience and business
These are some of the areas where we can help:
continuity, the Port of Dover has developed
4 Emergency planning – a specific plan writing service to set out
an industry leading, holistic and systematic
approach to emergency planning in order to
deal effectively with incidents, whether they are
‘sudden impact’ or ‘rising tide’ emergencies.
We can offer a bespoke ‘one stop shop’ solution
to your emergency preparedness and resilience
risks with the option of hosting onsite, practical
demonstrations with our own practitioners.
organisational structures, management and staff roles and responsibilities,
communication and operational procedures in responding to an emergency
or critical incident
4 Shelter and evacuation planning – a template for a systematic
approach to identifying locations and buildings which could offer shelter
or safe rendezvous points, activation procedures to warn and inform
the community, advice and guidance for mobilisation and a system to
effectively aid self evacuation
4 Zoning and mapping – a universal and systematic approach to
mapping and zoning a site that will deliver a critical reference document
for the community in identifying the location of the incident, dispatching
responders, establishing cordons or safe working areas and / or informing
responders of agreed zones of operation
4 Community advice – a community-facing document designed to give
your tenants advice and guidance on emergency preparedness
4 Assembly points – a unique and innovative technical solution developed
by the Port of Dover that provides a cost effective, resilient and flexible
network (wireless telephony and solar powered beacons) of emergency
assembly points with equipment for fire and other emergencies
4 Emergency co-ordination and communication – an effective
communication strategy for warning, informing and mobilising your
community through a variety of mediums and technologies
4 Training and exercising – a well developed system for testing existing
emergency plans through either tabletop or live play exercises, reviewing
outcomes, validating plans and highlighting areas for improvement
Our team has extensive practical experience in emergency planning,
emergency response and business continuity based on real world experience.
We know how to keep the business going in times of crisis when others
Let us provide a bespoke, integrated and
professional solution to your emergency planning
and resilience needs.
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
The Port of Dover is committed to delivering
We have developed port-specific environmental expertise in a
a sustainable port operation that will minimise
range of areas, including:
environmental impacts and ensure the service of
the Port’s future generations. With 20 years of experience, the Port of Dover is
renowned as a leader and innovator in the field
of Port Environmental Management. 4 First port in Europe to obtain an accredited
environmental management system through
the Ports Environmental Review System
(PERS) in 2002
4 ISO 14001 certification for all port activities
4 Carbon management
4 Climate change adaptation
4 Environmental appraisal and assessment
4 Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
4 Legislative advice
4 Marine licence applications
4 Oil Spill Response Plans
4 Pollution prevention
4 Port Waste Management Plans
4 Stakeholder consultation
making Dover Marina the only ISO 14001
4 Sustainability
certified marina in the UK
4 Waste management
4 Energy management programme achieving
year on year reductions since 2006
4 Water Framework Directive Assessments
Our environmental reputation is extremely important to us. In 2012, we
4 Carbon Trust Standard bearer
were named locally as Sustainable Business of the Year and nationally we
4 Active member of the EcoPorts network
scheme the Carbon Reduction Commitment, achieving a top 3% place.
outperformed all other UK ports in the UK Government’s energy efficiency
Let us help you build your environmental
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
Training is crucial to the success of the
These are just some of the areas of training where we can help:
Port of Dover. We have a track record of
4 Port planning and strategy - establishing a master plan following strategic
developing the skills and industry knowledge
of our employees in order to maximise their
contribution to the organisation and the
achievement of its business objectives.
We can work closely with your team to
develop a targeted, cost effective and
tailored training programme suitable for your
environment but also giving you opportunity
analysis and measuring progress against the plan at key milestones
4 Establishing a Health and Safety (H&S) and environmental port management
plan including KPIs to measure performance against the plan
4 Managing risk - including business risk as well as H&S and environmental risk.
Emergency response and business continuity planning
4 Communications - including information and communication technology and
stakeholder communications
4 Customer service - identifying customer requirements and delivering a
commensurate standard of service
to train and gain invaluable experience in our
4 Major civil engineering and capital project development and management.
busy Port when it is deemed appropriate.
4 Terminal traffic organisation and management - optimal space management,
lane allocation, signage and traffic segregation
4 Dangerous goods management - identification, approval, segregation
4 Port asset management and maintenance - identification of key operational
assets/infrastructure and the establishment of appropriate inspection and
maintenance regimes (both civil and mechanical)
4 Harbour operations - harbour master competency, port control, mooring/
unmooring, pilotage, towage and conservancy
4 Port emergency planning - emergency response plans for marine and terminal
operations, pollution response planning
4 Security – security zones, traffic screening, access control, both ashore
and afloat
Standards required
Training standards are delivered to recognised UK and International criteria (e.g.
ISM Code, ISPS Code, Port Marine Safety Code, IDG Code). Any specific local
standards can also be factored into the training plans.
We train our people to be the best in order that the business receives the
best. Our success is founded upon the highest standards of safety, customer
satisfaction and operational efficiency.
Let us help your people become the best
they can for you.
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
Understanding every aspect of the Ro-Ro
We can offer you a range of services, including:
business is the key to our commercial success. 4 Business model development
We do not only understand our own business,
4 Identification of commercial opportunities
but also that of our customers. Our economic
4 Financial and commercial expertise (tariff setting, P&L, investment
analysts and commercial team have developed
an expert knowledge of tariff structures and
market trends across a range of business
streams. In our own Port our business analysts
have developed a Ro-Ro forecasting model
based on the latest economic and market data.
appraisal, asset maintenance)
4 Analysis of the market trends and opportunities for Ro-Ro
and ferry services
4 Traffic forecasting and analysis of passenger flows, identifying suitable
ferry schedules
4 Supply and Demand analysis
4 Competition analysis relevant to revenue and cost analysis
4 Monitoring of Ro-Ro and ferry markets (providing knowledge and due
diligence of potential partners, information regarding vessels available on
the market and latest technology)
4 Feasibility studies, economic analysis and KPI development
4 Analysis and knowledge of transport and infrastructure
4 Route and terminal and vessels capacity analysis (on land and water)
4 Analysis of impact of infrastructure constraints on traffic flows
4 Customer and stakeholder analysis, management and service –
identifying customer requirements and required standard of service
We know how to grow businesses and we understand what works. We
have an in-depth knowledge of the industry and competition.
Let us use our insight to develop your business.
W orld C lass O perations – F err y
W orld C lass O perations – C ruise
W orld C lass O perations – M ari n e
W orld C lass O perations – A irport / P ort C o n n ecti v ity
W orld L eadin g - M aster P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S afety
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – S ecurity
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E mer g e n c y P la n n i n g
W orld R enowned M ana g ement – E n v iro n me n t
W orld S tandard T rai n i n g
W orld R espected B usi n ess D e v elopme n t a n d A n aly sis
Port of Dover Consultancy Services
Harbour House Marine Parade Dover Kent CT17 9BU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1304 240400
F: +44 1304 240465
E: [email protected]
Led by the Chief Executive, Dr Bob Goldfield, our team of specialists draw together a diverse range of skills and
expertise across an array of business disciplines.
The following outlines what we can offer you:
4 Management of operations
4 Technical administration
4 Finance
4 Business development and marketing
4 Building
v Infrastructure development
v Master planning
v Civil engineering
v Facilities management
v Building surveying
4 Civil
v Infrastructure development
v Master planning
4 Management of operations
v Port operations
4 Technical administration
v Infrastructure
4 Finance
4 Business delivery
4 Support services
4 Strategy
4 Analysis
4 Economic forecasting
4 Modelling
4 Marketing
4 Programme development
4 Governance
4 Management reporting
4 Management systems
4 Compliance
4 Asset Management
v Civil engineering
v Facilities management
v Surveying (survey/CAD management, 2D and 3D)
v Environment
v Security
v ICT management
v Port landside planning, design and delivery
v Highway design
v Contract preparation (ICE & NCE)
v Contract measurement
v Construction supervision
v Design, construction and project management
v Facilities management
v Surveying (survey/CAD management, 2D and 3D)
4 Electrical
v Port infrastructure management
v Electrical engineering (including research and
implementation of energy saving solutions)
v ICT management
4 Geospatial
v Surveying (survey/CAD management, 2D and 3D)
4 Marine
4 Port operations
v Infrastructure development
4 Infrastructure
v Master planning
4 Security
v ICT management
4 Waste management
v Marine engineering
4 Ships waste management planning
v Project Management in vessel repair
4 Oil spill response planning
4 Climate change adaptation reporting
v ISM accreditation for vessels
4 Reduction of energy consumption
v Design of civil works associated with RoRo,
4 Energy solutions
Cruise and General Cargo
v Mechanical & electrical management
v Surveying (survey/CAD management, 2D and 3D)
4 Managing a combined Management System
4 Ensuring compliance in ISO 9001, ISO 14001
& OHSAS 18001
4 Mechanical
v Mechanical & electrical management
v Reduction of energy consumption
4 Management of operations
v Energy solutions
4 Technical administration
4 Surveying
v Civil engineering
v Facilities management
v Surveying (survey/CAD management, 2D and 3D)
v Building surveying
4 Business delivery
4 Support services
4 Financial control
4 Accountancy
4 Auditing
4 Capital accounts
4 Strategy
4 Analysis
4 Management of operations
4 Economic forecasting
4 Technical administration
4 Modelling
4 Finance
4 Business delivery
4 Support services
4 Property estate management
4 Commercial property management
4 Policy development
4 Procedures
4 Legal
4 Governance
4 ICT management
4 Cruise Operations
4 Programme development
v Business development
4 Governance
v Marketing
4 Management reporting
v Marine operations
v Marine services
4 Legal and governance
v Port operations
v Infrastructure
v Environment
4 Ports policing
4 Incident/emergency management
4 Land and maritime counter terrorist protection
(including counter terrorism security advice)
v Security
v Supervision and control
4 Marine Operations
v Marine services
v Marine engineering
4 Contingency planning
v Project management in vessel repair programmes
4 Change management
v ISM accreditation for vessels
4 Terminal Operations
v Port operations
4 Management of operations
v Environment
4 Technical administration
v Security
4 Finance
v Infrastructure
4 Business development
v Technical administration
4 Business delivery
v Finance
4 Support services
v Marine operations
v Marine services
v Supervision and control
4 External and corporate affairs
4 Public relations
4 Media relations
4 Managing a combined Management System
4 Stakeholder engagement
4 Ensuring compliance in ISO 9001, ISO 14001
& OHSAS 18001
4 Port operations
4 Environment
4 Security
4 Infrastructure
4 Marine operations
4 Marine services
4 Terminal operations
4 Ports policing
4 Incident/emergency management
4 Contingency planning
4 Supervision and control
4 Legal
4 Governance
4 Managing a combined Management System
4 Ensuring compliance in ISO9001, ISO14001 &
4 Ports policing
4 Incident/emergency management
4 Land and Maritime counter terrorist protection
4 Port and port community Counter Terrorism Security
4 Supervision and control
As you can see, there is a good deal of overlap
between the various business sectors in terms of
the business disciplines applicable to them and
so we are able to be very flexible and tailor our
service to your specific needs.
To find out more about the wealth of experience
available to you and to discuss how we can assist you
4 Port operations
in meeting and hopefully exceeding your requirements,
4 Environment
please get in touch and we will be delighted to help.
4 Infrastructure
4 Marine operations
Contact us at:
4 Marine Services
Email: [email protected]
4 Contingency planning
Tel: +44 (0)1304 240 400, Ext 4440