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N u Epsilon dances for Leukemia
Below: Brother & Sister Fraternity and
Sorority, NEO and f X Z , get together
whenever possible.
Bottom: Seniors, Tracy O'Connor and
Cathy Pinckney.
Row 1: Andrea McManus, Kelly
Maschek, Debbie Dietz-Pres.,
Lauren Bunosso, Michelle BaconSec.
Row 2: Cathy Pinckney, Tammy
Huckabbee, Tracey O'Connor,
Donna Criegmuss-V.P.
Missing Laura Lee Coburn-Treas.,
Adviser-Mary Ann Valvocin.
NEO sisters- Cathy, Tracy, Sue, and Tammy- at Boppers during
Senior Week.
N E Q had a variety of activities for the 1990-91 academic year including a
c a n n e d f o o d d r i v e for a
s h e l t e r ; in O c t o b e r t h e y
held a D a n c e - A - T h o n for
the L e u k e m i a Society; and
sponsored a Comedy
Night in C h u b b y ' s featuring O p e n M i k e Night.
S o m e of t h e i r m o s t
m e m o r a b l e m o m e n t s include: " O h W h a t a N i g h t / '
Like a C a t , " "Tortilla sist e r s , " " W h e r e is S h e " , and
skit practices. N u Epsilon
t o o k 2 n d p l a c e in S k i t
N e w sisters for 1990-91
include B r o o k e , Rosanna,
and Laurie. G r a d u a t i n g sisters are D o n n a Creigmuss,
Cathy Pinckney, Tracey
O ' C o n n o r , and Sue C h o p .
Unity T h r o u g h Individuality
XZ f r a t e r n i t y f o r m e d in
1983 by 2 5 m e n w h o w e r e
upset w i t h t h e w a y life at
SHU w a s taking its c o u r s e .
Ever since the birth of F X Z
many m e n h a v e
their doors a n d still maintain
their motto, " U n i t y through
individuality." F X Z has m a n y
fun events a n d trips w h i c h
are enjoyed by all brothers,
such as trips to M c S o r l e y s in
New Y o r k , G r a t e f u l D e a d
concerts, J o h n V a l b y s h o w s ,
and going to t h e N e w p o r t
Folk festivals. S o m e of F X Z
are also m e m b e r s of t h e F X Z
fantasy football league. F X Z
would proudly like to m e n tion the 5 n e w brothers w h o
became brothers in t h e past
year: S t e v e L i z o t t e , J o e
DiVencenzo, T o m T o n e r ,
Dave Deolivera, a n d Z i k o .
r X Z brothers Kevin, Joe J., Joe D., Mike, and Frank.
Below: Steve Lizotte, "Walking Tall," as
an R.A.
Bottom: FXZ brothers acting sophisticated.
Beta places first in Skit Conripetition
w i t h , " A SHG L i n e . "
Bottom Left: Linda Manna, Laurel Hollo, Denise Kuhn, and Cindy
Street at the Christmas Semi-Formal.
Below: Linda Francoletti and Shalene Loehn all dolled up at the
Christmas Semi-Formal.
B A 0 sisters involve
t h e m s e l v e s in various f u n draising activities s u c h as a
B o w l - A - T h o n for Sloan
Kettering, Flea Market
bake sales, and a Car
W a s h . In a d d i t i o n , t h e y
sponsor a child in T h a i l a n d
and sing Christmas Carols
at t h e Fairfield G e r i a t r i c
Center. Memorable mom e n t s for the 1990-91
school year include the
Beta/Tau away weekend
to M a r t h a ' s V i n e y a r d ,
C h r i s t m a s Party D a n c e ,
W i n n i n g first place in skit
night, a n d the Beta ban-
Row 1: Kate Keegan, Marina
DiGlorgio, Linda Manna, Liz
Guilmette, Tracey Fortin,
AnnMarie Melissano. Row 2:
Linda F r a n c o l e t t i , U r s u l a
Direnzio, Melanie Cardone,
Denise Kuhn, Shalene Loehn.
Row 3: Shera Shumski, Melanie
Flavin, Cathy Swenson, Tracy
quet w h e r e n e w officers
are installed for the upc o m i n g year. A l s o , e a c h
sister is recognized for
her a c h i e v e m e n t s . C o n gratulations are e x t e n d e d on behalf of B A O to
t h e i r 5 n e w sisters D e n i s e , S h e r a , Shalene,
Melanie, and Stacey.
T h e sisters w i s h good
luck to their 6 seniors:
Linda Manna, Marina
DiCiorgio, AnnMarie
Melissano, Michele
R y b n i c k , Kate K e e g a n ,
and Laurel H o l l o . T h e y
w i l l be m i s s e d .
Stentorians drive to K e n t u c k y for
Appalachia Drive.
Below Left: I T Q brothers Dave, Ron, and Steve celebrate their
senior year at the Back to Classes Party.
Below: Ninja Turtles make an appearance at the Costume Ball.
ITQ, also known as the
[Stentorians, was founded in
1968. Annually they hold
Itheir Appalachia Drive which
hakes place during the Fall semester. The brothers collect
clothing and money from
churches throughout Fairfield County. All of the goods
collected are put into storage
until the Christmas break
when they drive to Kentucky
and personally donate the
goods. In order to carry on
traditions, t h e a s s o c i a t e
brothers pledging the fraternity must also actively participate in the drive. Fach
brother willingly puts in lots
of time and effort in order to
make their annual drive a
successful one.
G r a d u a t i n g s e n i o r s include: Dave Steeves, Joe Bellardinelli, John Bilski, Ronnie
T e x i e r a , Steve P a z m a n d i ,
Clayton, and Pete Nikolis.
Left: I T Q Seniors Pete, John,
and joe proudly pose together.
Ahove: Ron Texiera snuggles
closely with his date.
The Oldest A c t i v e Sorority o n
Below: niO President, Kathy Bartram,
shows off her mini skirt.
Bottom: Pegi Mueller, V.P., receives an
award at the senior awards ceremony.
Row 1: Kathy Bartram-Pres.,
Tammi Patchen.
Row 2: Mary Ellen Foisey, Pegi
Mueller-V.P., Susan Braun.
Missing: Rohin PothanskzySec./Treas.
Robin Pothanszky, Sec/Treas., receives a special Shirly Temple doll
at SpringFest from her niece.
the oldest active
sorority on c a m p u s , w a s
f o u n d e d in 1 9 6 3 , originally
k n o w n as the Prosphelian
society, w h i c h stands for
" g o o d f r i e n d s " . Pi currently lists o v e r 6 0 0 a l u m n i ,
s o m e of w h o m are sill c o n tributing to t h e sorority,
mo is a social service org a n i z a t i o n d e d i c a t e d to
sisterhood and to the promotion of a c a d e m i c e x c e l l e n c e . T h e sisters involve
t h e m s e l v e s in various act i v i t i e s b o t h o n a n d off
c a m p u s . Pi Sigma Phi c o n tributes to a n d s u p p o r t s
Red C r o s s , the A m e r i c a n
Lung Association, Mary
Knoll Missionaries and the
International W i l d l i f e c o alition.
Inter-Fraternity/Sorority Council bonds
all of the Greeks together.
he IFSC consists of t w o
representatives f r o m e a c h
fraternity a n d sorority. T h i s
council m e e t s o n c e e v e r y
two weeks to discuss a n d relate activities i n v o l v e d w i t h
greek life o n c a m p u s . I F S C
helps to k e e p close ties a n d
friendships b e t w e e n o t h e r
fraternities a n d sororities.
In the S p r i n g s e m e s t e r ,
IFSC plans t h e e n t i r e SpringFest w e e k e n d w h i c h c o n sists of the King a n d Q u e e n
Competition a n d Skit C o m petition, and the SpringFest
Semi-Formal. T o c o n c l u d e
the year t h e I F S C plans a
greek picnic at S h e r w o o d Island. The picnic allows all t h e
greeks to c o m e together a n d
share friendships.
Beta sister, Kate Keegan, celebrates her senior year.
Bottom: Senior, Robin Pothanszky, is
happy to be graduating.
Below: Joe Bellardinelli and John Bilski dress up for the Costume Ball.
Row 1: Brenden W a l s h - r X Z ,
Sec-John Bilski-ITQ, Kathy Bartram-niO. Row 2: Joe Bellardinelli- ITQ,Treas.-Kate Keegan-BAO,
Pres.-Liz Guilmette- BAO, Tracey
O'Connor-NEQ. Row 3: Pegi
Mueller- NEQ, Todd Ross-ITQ,
Robin Pothanszky-niO, Catherine Pinckey-NEQ.
The CEC's activity calendar
began in October with the
appearance of Dr. Kenneth
Ring who spoke about the
near death experience. Their
Winter dinner dance was
held at the Mill River Country
Club on December 1, 1990.
In February, 1991, Susan Taylor, editor of Essence magazine, spoke at SHU and was
honored at a reception following her appearance. In
April the CEC sponsored a
trip to N.Y. to see "Crand
Hotel". Also in April, the CEC
cosponsored with the Freedom Institute, an appearance
by Dr. Arthur Miller, Professor of Harvard Law School
and legal consultant to ABC
News. The CEC awarded ten
scholarships to part time students based upon academic
achievement. In addition, a
computer was given as a gift
to the Library.
Right: Susan Taylor, Editor-inChief of Essence magazine,
speaks to an audience at Sacred
Heart University.
Attendees of the Winter CEC dance at Mill River Country Club enjoying the
evening on the dance floor.
Continuing Education
Far Left: Dr. Cernera,
SHU President; Lisa
Bronowicz, CEC
President; and Mrs.
Cernera at the
Winter dance.
Left: Professor Arthur
Miller makes an
appearance at SHU.
His appearance was
the result of efforts
by the CEC and
Freedom Institute.
Below: Members of
the Continuing
Education Council.
CEC Members
Lisa Bronowicz
Joe Celentano, Monica Roberts, Gary Rudis, Irish
Aquilia Klauser, Joyce Pillotti-lulo.
e CEC was well attended as is shown in this filled room at Mill
River Country Club.
Continuing Education
Hello 1991 Graduate!
Congratulations on your recent graduation from Sacred
Heart University. Welcome
to the most important part of
the Sacred Heart family —
the Alumni Association. Your
Association proudly serves
over 11,000 graduates.
A future graduate sits with the
Easter Bunny (Mike Veneri '89)
before heading off to the Alumni
Association's Easter Egg Hunt.
The Spring event included a magic show with Gandalf the Wizzard-CIown.
As a graduate, you're entitled
to special privileges such as
the campus library, career
planning and placement services and a 25% discount for
non-credit courses. In addition, you are always welcome
to attend campus lectures,
seminars and athletic events
where many of our alumni
network with faculty and
Throughout the year, you
may participate in a variety of
activities sponsored by the
Association which include:
our Alumni Coif Tournament,
the Annual Summer Event,
our Homecoming events, an
Alumni Networking Reception, a Career Workshop,
theater events, and bus trips.
ture campus activities, you
will he receiving the University alumni newsletters, FOCUS and SHU News, and the
President's Annual Report.
Please notify the Alumni office when you move, change
employers, receive a promotion or marry, because you
will receive special recognition in the Class Notes section of FOCUS.
Members of the Association
are represented by the Alumni Executive Committee
which acts as a liaison between the Association and
the University Administration. If you are interested in
b e c o m i n g an e x e c u t i v e
member or volunteering to
serve on a special committee,
please let us know.
I look forward to seeing you
at our exciting, upcoming
alumni events. Best wishes
for a happy and successful
year ahead.
Laurie Bellico '88
To keep you informed of fu-
Graduates of the 24 past classes celebrate the University's Silver Anniversary
Commencement exercise May 18, 1991.
Desiree Monreale(left) and Delia Cruz were among the SHU students
"worked the phones" to raise money for the University's Annual Fund.
Far Left: Bill Roberti '69 follows through on
his drive. Each participant in the Second
Annual Pioneer Open received a golf shirt
from Brooks Brothers, the Manhattan-based
clothier of which Roberti is president.
Above Left: Sharon Miller is all smiles as she
stands with fellow graduates commencement morning. Sharon is the 1991 class
representative to the Alumni Executive
Below Left: Key alumni figures this year
were Kieran Kilbride '68 (left). Alumni chair
of the 1990-91 Annual Fund drive, and
Douglas Kennedy '78, chair of the Alumni
Executive Committee.
Below: Alice Chaves puts her degree to
work when a light rain fell at Commencement '91.
1990-1991 A l u m n i Events
Mr. Lucky Cruise
August 3, 1990
Freshmen Orientation
September 4, 1990
Alumni Networking Receptions
November 27 & December 4, 1990
Alumni Homecoming
February 9, 1991
Senior Challenge Party
February 11, 1991
Phonathon & SHU Derby Race
February 4 — March 14, 1991
Children's Show and Easter Egg Hunt
March 30, 1991
Alumni Career Workshop
April 20, 1991
SHU Alumni Coif Tournament
June 19, 1991
"A Caribbean Nighf'-Annual Alumni Summer Event
August 10, 1991