Yoga and Mindfulness Tools for Children
Yoga and Mindfulness Tools for Children
10/20/15 My Backgrou nd Yoga and Mindfulness Tools for Children Diana Ane. M Ed. Schoo! Counselor licensed Yoga 4 ClassroomsFramer D!~~3@yabo= • I am a School Counselor, with several years of experience working with students. • I am a Certified Child light Yoga Instructor (on- the· mat yoga for kids). • I am a Licensed Yoga 4 Classrooms Trainer (staff workshops and public workshops). I enjoy the benefits of yoga tools as an adult, and see the potential benefits for students. Why Are You Here? Why Are You Here? • What challenges do you feel children today are facing? • Stress and anxiety- due to increased academic demands, testing and over-scheduling • Under-developed personal and social skills- due to Increased availability and use of technology • Unsafe environments and trauma- due to adverse life or home circumstances, bullying, traumatic events, etc. Stress and the Brain Yoga 4 Classrooms Sequence "Excessive stress damages the developing brain architecture, leading to vulnerability to lifelong problems in learning, behavior and overall health." National Scientific Council of the Developing Child (2007) Yoga and mindfulness tools can be used to reduce stress, so the earlier kids can learn these techniques the better. 1 10/20/15 The Relaxation Response The Relaxation Response Breathing Rate Blood Pressure Heart Rate Metabolism Blood Sugar • Written by Herbert Benson, a Harvard physician and researcher, in 1975. 1 I • The Relaxation Response is the opposite of a "fight or flight" response. Adrenaline Sensory Awareness I Thought Processes Creativity Concentration I Immune System Function Digestive System Function The Relaxation Response The Relaxation Response Proven techniques for evoking the Relaxation Response: • Visualizations/ By teaching children yoga and mindfulness techniques, you can help them learn to evoke the relaxation response, which can reduce their reactivity to stress. imagery • Progressive muscle relaxation • Repetitive word or phrase (chant, mantra) Mindfulness meditation Focusing on breath What is Yoga? Yoga and Religion • Yoga means "to yoke" or "unite". • It IS a way to connect the rmnd, body and SPIrit. • Yoga is an ancient system of holistic healthcare, empowering health, happiness and an Increased sense of self. for • Yoga is currently practiced worldwide With many diverse cultures "Rather than enforcing a doctrine, yoga instead gives kids a tool for spiritual exploration. Kids may have big questions and yoga doesn't seek to answer those questions. That is the parents' job, or the job of your religion. Yoga simply encourages kids to find their own spiritual identity. What a wonderful gift for a child!" • It Involves mindful breathing, movement and builds awareness and focus. 2 10/20/15 What is Mindfulness? • Mindfulness is an open, undivided, non-judgmental, non- reactive, present-centered attention to and awareness of what is happening within and around oneself. Benefits of Mindfulness Practicing mindfulness • Shift attention Improves the ability to: when needed • Self- regulate feelings and stress • Concentrate on a task Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness ·Research on yoga In schools IS Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness in the early stages. Elementary: Additional benefits of yoga in schools: Decreased test anxiety, Increased Independence, Increased concentration, Improved mood, increased ability to deal with pressure, and decreased negative behaviors • Nurtures resiliency Middle School: • Fewer negative thought Improved work habits, increased cooperation, Improved academic emotional performance. Intelligence, stress • Increased seltesteern more alert. Increased less aggression, Improved ability to cope with patterns • Provides direct instruction on self- regulation and awareness Promotes overall strength and development Yoga Books Yoga Games and Activities MINDFUL MOVEMENTS 3 10/20/15 Yoga Tools Yoga Books ~A. ~ Yoga and Mindfulness Apps Yoga Websites and Blogs Anything you would like to share? Thank You for Coming! Namaste! Diana Arie, M. Ed., School Counselor Diana [email protected] 4 Yoga and Mindfulness Games and Activities Balance Game: Play music and have the children dance around. When the music stops they must freeze. Beach Ball Yoga Poses: Draw stick figures or write the names of yoga poses on a beach ball. Kids toss the ball around a circle and demonstrate the pose that their thumb lands on. Chime Listening: Kids sit silently and listen for the sound of the chime. When they no longer hear the chime, they raise their hand. Crab Races: Kids race while doing a crab walk pose, Create-a-pose: Kids create their own idea for a group pose, All kids must be connected or touching in some way. Each group demonstrates their pose for the other groups. Follow the Leader: Kids choose a yoga pose card from the center of a circle, then demonstrate and lead others in the pose they selected, Gratitude Ball: Kids toss a ball around the circle and each student shares something they are grateful for when they receive the ball, Mandala Coloring Pages: Mandala coloring books can be purchased and free Mandala coloring pages can be found online (WWW____J2ril1tm.andala,com), Kids can color them while listening to relaxing music. Mindfulness Walk: Have students look for details related to all of their senses while taking a walk or hike. Mirror: Pairs of children stand face-to-face and put their palms against the palms of their partner, They mirror each others movements and facial expressions. Musical Mats: Similar to musical chairs, but replace the chairs with yoga mats. Place yoga pose cards at each mat (or space), When the music stops, kids demonstrate the pose for the space they are in, Pass the Chime: Kids try to pass the chime around the circle before the sound stops. Tree Tag: Similar to regular tag, When someone is "tagged" they must go into tree pose until someone untags them. Yogi Says: Similar to Simon says, using yoga poses and breaths for the movements. Kids Yoga Books (and other resources) The ABCs of Yoga for Kids By Teresa Anne Power Babar's Yoga for Elephants By Laurent De Brunhoff Be Good to Your Body: Learning Yoga By Roz Fulcher Frog·s Breathtaking Speech Frog's Breathtaking Speech: How Children (and Frogs) Can Use the Breath to Deal with Anxiety, Anger and Tension By Michael Chissick \,~ ~; Good Night Yoga ... ,." 0 -"';' 0 " •• 0 J .dlli. :. 0 o. 0" __... - "'... _G..-. 0 .. By Mariam Gates Kids Yoga Books (and other resources) The Happiest Tree: A Yoga Story By U rna Krishnaswami Meditation is an Open Sky: Mindfulness for Kids By Whitney Stewart MINDFUL MOVEMENTS Mindful Movements: Ten Exercises for Well-Being By Thich Nhat Hanh Moody Cow Meditates By Kerry Lee MacLean Peaceful Piggy Meditation By Kerry Lee MacLean Kids Yoga Books (and other resources) Peaceful Piggy Yoga By Kerry Lee MacLean Stretch By Doreen Cronin Walk Like a Bear, Stand Like a Tree, Run Like the Wind: Cool Yoga, Stretching and Aerobic Activities for Cool Kids By Carol Bassett You Are a Lion! And Other Fun Yoga Poses By Taeeun Yoo Kids Yoga Books (and other resources) Creative Yoga for Children By Adrienne Rawlinson Imaginations: Fun Relaxation Stories and Meditations for Kids By Carolyn Clarke Little Flower Yoga for Kids: A Yoga and Mindfulness Program to Help Your Child Improve Attention and Emotional Balance By Jennifer Cohen Harper Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents) By Eline Snel Storytime Yoga: Teaching Yoga to Children Through Story By Sydney Solis Kids Yoga Books (and other resources) The Yoga Adventure for Children By Helen Purperhart -_-- ~ Yoga for Children: 200+ Poses, Breathing Exercises, and Meditations for Healthier, Happier, More Resilient Children By Lisa Flynn Yoga Games for Children: Fun and Fitness with Postures, Movements and Breath By Danielle Bersma and Marjoke Visscher YogaKids: Educating the Whole Child Through Yoga By Marsha Wenig , ...UTISM SPECIAL NEEDS Yoga Therapy for Children with Autism and Special Needs By Louise Goldberg Kids Yoga Books (and other resources) CDs: Dance for the Sun: Yoga Songs for Kids Kira Willey CD How to Be a Cloud Kira Willey CD I Grow With Yoga: Yoga Songs for Children Sammie Haynes and Lisa Flynn CD Card Decks: Yoga 4 Classrooms Card Deck Created By Lisa Flynn Yoga Pretzels Card Deck Created By Tara Guber and Leah Kalish Kids Yoga Books (and other resources) Yoga Tools: Hoberman Sphere - used to demonstrate inhale and exhale Zenergy Chime - used to gain attention - used for mindfulness games: pass the chime, listen for the chime Color-changing iHome Wireless Speaker - used to play music - used for "candle gazing" meditation exercise Yoga and Mindfulness Apps NameofApp Arabian Nights by Relax Kids Breathe2Relax Description I Cost Includes 5 soundtracks I Free (in MP3s section), and 4 adventure exercises Includes a pre- and post-rating scale for rating stress levels, and guided breathing exercises Recognizing emotions and practicing breathing I Free Includes guided relaxation and breathing exercise I Free Free The Breathing Butterfly Teaches breathing and I Free problem solving Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame Street Calm by Includes guided meditation sessions with beautiful nature scenes Includes guided relaxation, relaxing sounds, empowering techniques I Free $1.99 Calm Down Now Daily j ournal for 1$1.99 documenting gratitude Gratitude Journal Happify • Headspace iZen Garden 2 Meditation Jar My First Yoga I Developed by scientists I Free to train you to overcome negative thinking and build skills for overcoming challenges Basics of meditation in I Free 10 minutes a day I I Zen garden without 1$3.99 any mess from sand, gives you the ability to place objects in the I sand and rake the sand I Yoga story $3.99 Yoga story 1$4.99 Guided meditations to help kids relax I $1.99 Similar to a "calm downjar"- the jar fills with color and clears up with time I Free Yoga flashcards for animal poses Free o Omvana Serenity- the relaxation app Settle Your Glitter Huge library of guided meditations I Free Interactive water and fish Free Relaxing music with color changing backgrounds Free Interactive water Free Beautiful, relaxing video and audio destinations $1.99 Calming strong emotions and deep breathing Mindfulness meditations separated by age groups Daily check ins and guided meditationshighly rated Stop, Breathe and Think I Free Free I Free Teaches kids yoga poses and breathing techniques I Free Super Stretch Yoga Daily mindfulness activities Take a Chill- Stressed Teens Coming soon! Yoga 4 Classrooms App $1.99 Kids Yoga Slogs ht!_p_JL'{Q.g_~ . :.I.QV~.! o~!:! 01/11.. . cC!.!Jli. Kid ~_£r~...QQ~ .9_~s:!._C!l>_I~_Y9_g_'LYjd e Q?_ ht! .r:!l i n dl..!:!LIl~~s-e~~g_?_~.: :_t_Q:-.!_~yL ht~QjL~~~.D..a m ~~ d :~Q___r}1Jl~~.!:!1.LIs! . ~.:Y_Qg9.: 2.9s~ htt_pj~w, kids'y_Qg~!_9 ..~L~?":f_Q!!.'Lhl9?"::YQ_@_: pos~g_ n! yoga 4 classrooms Professional Development Workshop for Educators • Integrale simple classroom friendly yoga and mindfulness tools into your class day supporting self-regulation and sooal and emotional learning skill OUrr .... rch demonstrates ImDfOV8m8flts In: . academic performance , focus and attention . stress management , confidence . sodal interaction Facilitate learning readiness. which can Improve student achievement • Cultivate well-being, resilience and a posfive classroom climate • Become a more effective educator as you practice these tools with your students ''Yoga'' CI._rooma.'. the m._lngl'nlc ourschool. need to brillfl all type. of leamers together, present, ,rounded and ready to "aml~' - J. 0., Educator Upcoming Workshop in Columbus, ..January 16, 2016· 11 :30·5:30 OH: Funcore Fitness Studio 1108 Gahanna Pkwy, Gahanna, OH 43230 Registration deadline: 7 days prior Contact: Diana Arie, Licensed Trainer [email protected] I 614.352.6923 ThiS workshop is appropnate for all K-12 classroom teachers adminIStrators, school counselors physical education teachers. health educators, therap SIS. paraproreSSionals and other scboot professionals. AbaoIut.., no,.... ............ requlredl $180 Tuition Includ .. : Bhr Workshop, Program Manual and Note-Taking GUide Downloads, Certificate of Completion Recommended Resource: Yoga 4 Classrooms· Card Deck can be purchased at or on site at the worksho Register online! 603.343.4116