Personal Update - October 2015
THE NEWS JOURNAL OF KOINONIA INSTITUTE OCTOBER 2015 Special Conference Issue: Speaker Bios Conference Schedule Local Restaurant Guide Registration Form DVD/AudioCD Pre-Order Form “Turning believers into Bereans” Koinonia Institute is an online Bible Institute with a focus on verseby-verse study where serious Christians can grow in knowledge, understanding, awareness and commitment! Here at KI, we delve into the relevance and reliability of Scripture, including prophetic insight both past and present. Koinonia Institute has changed my life. It’s a thorough, exciting study and fellowship experience that is effectively equipping me to live by faith and embrace our times with Biblical confidence. Anna – Appleton, WA Koinonia Institute is exactly what I was looking for. It’s a unique opportunity to seriously study God’s Word and apply it to the times we are heading into. Wes – Winnfield, LA The Bible was intimidating and I barely scratched the surface when I read it. Through doing KI’s program, it has opened up to me as truly the living Word of God. As a young person, I now have answers about my faith. Faith – Mollala, OR With a large selection of both guided and self-paced courses, students can get right into studying the Word of God based on in-depth Bible commentaries, exploring Strategic Trends and current events as well as interacting with the online KI community. Ready to check it out? Visit today! COVER CONTENTS ORDER CONTENTS OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18:13 As maturing Christians, we should find value in diverse views challenging us to further study and to be open to additional perspectives. While we may not agree with all the details in each article, we see great value in them. These articles are intended to stimulate discussion among the Koinonia Institute membership as well as our Personal UPDATE subscribers. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DR. CHUCK MISSLER DEPUTY EDITOR RON MATSEN EXECUTIVE RESEARCH ANALYST STEVE ELWART ART DIRECTOR/PUBLICATIONS DEAN PACKWOOD DIRECTOR OF PRINTING DAVID HANSON 5 Gaining a Strategic Perspective: Ron Matsen It seems as though 2015 has been a year filled with ominous expectations. From blood moons and the impact of Shemita to the global financial collapse and the growing threat of Islam... STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES CONFERENCE Speaker Bios Dr. Chuck Missler.......................................................... 6 Bob Cornuke................................................................ 9 David McAlvany ............................................................ 11 Joseph Farah................................................................ 12 Tom Horn...................................................................... 13 Robert Maginnis ........................................................... 13 Gary Stearman ............................................................. 15 Chris Corlett ................................................................. 30 Dr. Steve Elwart ............................................................ 33 Joel Richardson............................................................ 34 Dr. William Welty ........................................................... 36 Ron Matsen.................................................................. 38 22 23 24 26 27 Conference Registration Form Conference Accommodation Special Rates Info Conference Schedule Local Restaurant Guide Conference DVD/Audio CD Pre-order Form Personal UPDATE is a registered trademark of Koinonia House, Inc.. Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Personal UPDATE is published monthly for the supporters of the ministries of Koinonia Institute. Editor E-mail Address [email protected] Physical Address 4055 East 3rd Avenue, Post Falls, Idaho 83854 Mailing Address P.O. Box D, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347 Phone Orders/Subscriptions 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731) Office Phone: 1-208-773-6310 Fax: 1-208-773-6312 Online Subscriptions Koinonia House Website Online Store The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 company. The Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian to sojourn in today’s world. 42 Speaking/Tours Dates 43 Product Order Forms VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 3 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER VIRTUALRESOURCES DIGITALEDITION FACEBOOK For up to date information, c u r r e n t events and d i s c u s s i o n s, f o l l o w u s on Facebook. KoinoniaHouse TWITTER Personal Update comes to vibrant life with the Digital Edition, available for your computer, tablet or mobile device. Get everything you love about our print edition -- plus interactive links to videos and additional online resources. Follow K-House on Twitter. KoinoniaHouse INSTAGRAM Watch over 1000 hours of Bible Commentaries and Topical Studies online via your tablet, mobile device, laptop, PC or internet connected TV. Our Live and Video On-Demand streaming subscription service means you can watch Commentaries, Topical Studies, and Pay Per View Events when it suits you. @chuckmissler YOUTUBE Or, tune in to watch our Free Live Question & Answer sessions with Chuck Missler and guests. And it’s simple… just create a free account on our website 4 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 Follow K-House on YouTube. koinoniahouse COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE FROM THE EDITOR Ron Matsen Under Rower, K-House & KI GAINING A STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVE I t seems as though 2015 has been a year filled with ominous expectations. From blood moons and the impact of Shemita to the global financial collapse and the growing threat of Islam. One thing is for sure, no one seems sure of exactly what to do in this confusing world of conflict and contradictions. I believe that a key to keeping your cool in a time like this is to have a Biblical strategic perspective. As we have used the slogan “Strategic Perspectives” for the title of our annual conference, let’s breakdown this phrase into its components so you can better understand our objective for this conference. The meaning of the word Strategic is “the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them.” The meaning of the word Perspective is “a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.” Therefore, this year’s Strategic Perspectives Conference offers a lineup of speakers that will both inform and encourage you to have the right Biblical Aims and the Attitude during these troubling times. Remember, if you can’t be with us in person, book your place as a virtual delegate by purchasing our online streaming service which allows you to both watch us live during the conference AND view the sessions as a video-on-demand (VOD) anytime for a month after the conference. Check the options on our website at May God bless you as you continue to study His Word, Ron Matsen Under Rower, K-House & KI VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 5 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER The Coeur d'Alene Resort, Idaho SPEAKER BIO Dr. Chuck Missler President/Founder, Koinonia Institute C DR. CHUCK MISSLER huck was raised in Southern California by foreign-born parents who instilled an early love for the Scripture. He committed his life to Jesus Christ at an early age and was “confirmed” in a Lutheran Church as a teenager. He received a Congressional appointment to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Upon graduating with honors, he received his commission in the U.S. Air Force. When he left active duty, he had become Branch Chief of the Department of Guided Missiles at Lowry Air Force Base. 6 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE Chuck completed a Masters Degree in engineering at UCLA with additional postgraduate studies in applied mathematics, advanced statistics and information sciences. He earned a Ph.D. from Louisiana Baptist University in Biblical Studies in 1999. His civilian career began as a systems engineer at TRW, followed by a Senior Analyst position in a “think tank” serving both the intelligence community and the Department of Defense. Recruited by the Ford Motor Company into a Senior Management position, Chuck established the first international industrial computer network. Leaving Ford to start his own company, he founded a computer networking organization later acquired by Automatic Data Processing (NYSE) to become its Network Services Division. He subsequently served as a consultant to the Board of Directors of Rockwell International for corporate acquisitions (which included Collins Radio, American Data Systems, and others); and has also participated in over 100 business ventures as a principal, strategic advisor, or turnaround specialist. Chuck has served on the Board of Directors of over a dozen public companies, and was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of six of them. Career Change As a result of a merger, Chuck became chairman and major shareholder of a publicly owned development company, Phoenix Group International, whose main thrust was to establish a very large international joint business venture with the USSR to provide personal computers to their 143,000 public schools. When the USSR’s political power regime split up, this joint venture unraveled and failed. Chuck was encouraged by his close friend Hal Lindsey (“Author of the Decade,” by the New York Times), to pursue his lifelong love of teaching the Bible on a full time basis. Chuck had spent over twenty-five years teaching the Word of God under Pastor Chuck Smith VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 7 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California. During that time he had acquired a large following and over six million of his teaching tapes had been distributed worldwide. Koinonia House was soon formed, with the mission to encourage people to seriously study the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. In 1992 this ministry was relocated to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and in 2010 an additional ministry base was established at The River Lodge in New Zealand. Koinonia House publishes the monthly Personal UPDATE, which highlights the Biblical relevance of current events, to subscribers worldwide and is available in both print and digital editions. K-House also puts out a weekly online eNews, which reaches over 100,000 subscribers worldwide. Koinonia House has established the leading Christian presence on the Internet through its website, This site also links to the Blue Letter Bible, a comprehensive study resource, co-developed by K-House, featuring an entire hyper-texted Bible—with Hebrew and Greek—provided free of charge. Koinonia House products include topical studies and verse-by-verse Bible commentaries in DVD, AudioCD, video and audio download, complete with notes, and both printed and electronic books. Koinonia House also produces the 66/40 radio broadcast, Chuck’s daily verse-by-verse teaching program. This program is carried on stations overseas as well as in the United States. Chuck is an author of over one hundred publications (in both print and electronic formats), including Prophecy 20/20, Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, Cosmic Codes, and Alien Encounters (an exposition on Genesis 6). Chuck met his wife Nancy while at the Naval Academy. They have four grown children and Nancy has her own ministry, called The King’s High Way which also supports a local outreach known as King’s Place. 8 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE SPEAKER BIO Bob Cornuke, Founder and President, BASE Institute BOB CORNUKE B ob Cornuke, a former police investigator and SWAT team member, is a biblical investigator, international explorer and author of nine books. He has participated in over fifty expeditions around the world searching for lost locations described in the Bible. These journeys include searching for Mount Sinai in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, looking for the remains of Noah's Ark in Turkey with astronaut Jim Irwin (the eighth man to walk on the moon) and researching ancient Assyrian and Babylonian flood accounts in Iran. He has followed ancient accounts of the Ark of the Covenant from Israel to Egypt and across Ethiopian highlands, and, most recently, his research team found the probable location of Paul's shipwreck off the coast of Malta. This find has resulted in the accounting of what many are saying are all four anchors, as described in Acts: 27. His most recent adventure is sparking international controversy. Chronicled in his new book "Temple", Bob makes the assertion that the Temples of Solomon and Herod are located in the City of David and not on the traditional temple mount platform. Bob has appeared on National Geographic Channel, CBS, NBC's Dateline, Good Morning America, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, History Channel and Ripley's Believe It or Not. He has authored six books and traveled across Afghanistan during U.S. bombing strikes on a video and photographic assignment. Bob is currently the President of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute located in Colorado Springs, CO. He also serves as special advisor for the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools and was invited by the President's staff to conduct a Bible study for White House personnel. VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 9 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Bob has earned a Master of Arts Biblical Studies and a Ph.D. in Bible and Theology from Louisiana Baptist University, but his children believe that his most notable accomplishment, to date, is having his findings featured as a question on a Trivial Pursuit™ card. While serving as a crime scene investigator assigned to major crime scenes, Bob gained invaluable training and experience in investigative and scientific research techniques. He has now turned his investigative skills toward Bible archaeology, using those skills and ingenuity to unlock the doors to sites that often go against traditional archaeological presuppositions. Bob is currently the host of the weekly Television show Gutsy Christianity on Direct TV on the National Religious Broadcasting Network (NRB). Originally sought-out by astronaut James Irwin (Apollo 15) as a security advisor, Bob was later recruited to join the expedition as they searched for the remains of Noah's Ark in Eastern Turkey. His assignment was to provide protection for Irwin's team as they operated in the Kurdish-terrorist held region, but, upon completion of the Mount Ararat expedition, Cornuke and Irwin found themselves colleagues and close friends. Bob later became vice president of Irwin's "High Flight" Foundation, an exploration consortium dedicated to the search for lost biblical locations and artifacts. Several years after Irwin's death, Cornuke founded BASE Institute to expand on the Mission of his mentor and friend. When not traveling the world, Bob lives in Colorado with his wife and children. From a majestic hillside near Pikes Peak, an expedition landmark for explorers from yesteryear, Bob directs the modern day efforts of the staff and volunteers of the Bible Archaeology, Research & Exploration Institute. 10 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE SPEAKER BIO David McAlvany President/CEO, McAlvany Financial Group DAVID MCALVANY D avid McAlvany delivered his first speech on inflation standing atop a coffee table and wearing a three-piece suit – at the age of six. He spent his childhood traveling extensively with his father, Don McAlvany, to Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. During that time, David received a priceless and in many ways unparalleled education on geopolitical, social, economic, and intelligence developments around the world. David is the author of Intentional Families: Reverse Engineering your Family Legacy from Finish to Start, to be released later in 2015. He is a graduate of Biola University and an associate member of Keble College, Oxford University, where he studied philosophy and political theory. He later volunteered as an analyst in Chile with The Institute for Liberty and Development – an organization dedicated to providing free market solutions throughout Latin America and the Third World. He went on to achieve honors as a top salesman with Southwestern Company, and gained extensive business expertise with Morgan Stanley, including work with start-ups and business financing. David is CEO of the McAlvany Financial Companies – International Collectors Associates, ICA Europe, and McAlvany Wealth Management. He is a featured speaker on national television programs including CNBC, Fox News, Fox Business News, and Bloomberg; on radio programs; and at financial seminars around the world, analyzing major events and their impact on the global economy and financial markets. He can be heard weekly on his market commentary with world leaders, bankers, economists, and renowned investors at VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 11 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER David is a past board member of The Warren Electric Group in Houston, Texas. He has assisted several non-profit organizations over the years with fund raising and leadership, serving on the board or the staff at various times as needed. He is presently on the investment advisory board for the Ft. Lewis College Foundation, serving one of the foremost engineering schools in the country, where he shares responsibility for all endowment assets. He is a capital partner and advisor for Salt Light Ventures, a Kansas City-based private equity firm. As an avid reader on many subjects, including finance, economics, and philosophy, David facilitates a business-related monthly book discussion with his colleagues at the McAlvany Financial Group. His interests are varied, but he has a keen passion for cycling and mountaineering. He spends his free time with his wife and their children skiing, hiking, and enjoying the mountains of Colorado. SPEAKER BIO Joseph Farah, Founder WorldNetDaily JOSEPH FARAH J oseph Farah founded, in May 1997, It is now a leading Internet news-site in both traffic and influence. Inc. is an independent news source dedicated to uncompromising journalism, seeking truth and justice and revitalizing the role of the free press as a guardian of liberty. It remains faithful to the traditional and central role of a free press in a free society — as a light exposing wrongdoing, corruption and abuse of power. He is the author or co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The Tea Party Manifesto," and his classic, "Taking America Back," now in its third edition and 14th printing. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market dailies. 12 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE SPEAKER BIO Tom Horn, Author: On the Path of the Immortals, Blood on the Altar, and Exo-Vaticana TOM HORN T om Horn, one of my dearest friends, is incredibly accomplished publisher. Some of his books have just been fabulous really. He’s done three different books with Chris Putnam that have just made the market. He’s an outstanding speaker, and I'm very grateful for the friendship. For reasons that baffle me, he regards me as an intimate resource to him, and I'm glad to serve any way I can. He's is a publisher worth paying attention to, and he and Chris have created books that are absolutely unique and essential in my mind for my library. So I'm always delighted to be involved in anything he is doing. If he's involved I want to be involved as he is usually right on the cutting edge of what's coming. Dr. Chuck Missler SPEAKER BIO Robert Maginnis, Author and National Security and Foreign Affairs Expert ROBERT MAGINNIS L ieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis, US Army (retired) is a Washington, DCbased broadcast national security and foreign policy analyst with 22 years of extensive experience speaking on tough issues with most major broadcast and cable television and radio outlets to include Fox News and CNN. He is an author having been both a columnist for conservative outlets with more than 800 published articles on VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 13 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER national security and geopolitical issues. His book Deadly Consequences: How Cowards Are Pushing Women into Combat was published by Regnery in 2013 and his new book, Never Submit: Will the Extermination of Christians Get Worse Before It Gets Better? is published by Defender Publishing. Maginnis was a Fox News analyst during Operation Iraqi Freedom and served as a member of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s retired military analyst program from 2002 to 2006. Robert is a long-time Pentagon insider having served as an active duty officer on the task force that wrote the homosexual exclusion policy in 1993, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and for the past 13 years he is back in the Pentagon supervising a team specializing in international affairs as well as directing the Army’s sole course training Army officers to plan engagements with foreign partners. He has extensive overseas work experience – Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. That experience helps his current service as the vice president for operations with MESMO Inc., a Maryland-based small business that specializes in language services, intelligence analysis and security cooperation for the U.S. Government. Robert has extensive policy experience having served as a vice president for policy at the Washington, DC-based Family Research Council where he focused on human rights, religious freedom, illicit drug policy, foreign affairs and national security. In that capacity he advised senior government officials, spoke internationally and worked with international bodies such as the United Nations. He remains the FRC senior fellow for national security. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and the Naval Postgraduate School at Monterey. His special military training includes Ranger and airborne schools, Command & General Staff College and the U.S. Army War College Strategist Course as well as the Defense Language Institute. Robert is an active evangelical Christian speaking in local churches, at conferences, and in the media. Robert and his wife have two grown children. 14 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE SPEAKER BIO Gary Stearman, Prophecy Watchers GARY STEARMAN I grew up in the world of flight – aircraft design and an “airport culture.” From childhood, my expectation was that I would study engineering (which I later did) and learn to fly. During my youth, that world included being in the company of men who operated government research and development programs, some of which were highly classified. In their conversations, they also spoke of having experienced the reality of mysterious aerial phenomena – UFOs? Aliens? Supernatural? Natural? I wondered. While in engineering school, I felt called to try my skills as a writer, so I added studies in linguistics, languages (including Greek) and literary analysis. There, I honed the research skills that would later take me into the deeper studies of Scripture, though I had not been raised in the Gospel, and at that point, had never received Christ. After graduation, I was employed as a writer in commercial publications for two major aircraft corporations, participating in the marketing plans of both. I also accrued many hours of flight time in both newly-designed aircraft, and the old planes of the classic era. In the late 1960s, while experiencing commercial success, I felt a growing spiritual emptiness that translated into apprehension about the course of my life. At one point, I opened my old Gideon Bible (given to me upon graduation from junior high school) and began to read the book of Revelation. I’ll never forget the dismay I felt as I pondered the dreadful succession of judgments that God has in store for the future planet Earth. Having been raised in a formal denomination that placed little emphasis upon the Gospel and salvation, I felt spiritually isolated. VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 15 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER At that point, I prayed to God, simply asking that He might reveal Himself to me. The answer came to me through the radio ministry of the beloved Bible teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee. I knelt to receive Christ in the quiet sanctuary of my study. Immediately, the Lord began to open the Word to me, and I began to assemble a research library, which has now grown to thousands of books, tapes, CDs, videos and computer files. Very soon thereafter, I experienced the classic call to preach and to teach the amazing and miraculous intricacies of the Bible. Since 1983, I have been the pastor of the Bible Church in Oklahoma City – Grace Fellowship. There, we are devoted to deep investigation and application of God’s truth as expressed in Scripture. Beginning in 1987, I worked in partnership with J.R. Church at Prophecy in the News, producing a monthly magazine, weekly television programs and webcasts. I believe that we are now living in prophetically significant times. We are also living in a time when the dark spirits of old are beginning to openly reveal themselves, masquerading as visitors from other worlds. But they are liars, and the Bible exposes them for what they are. Little did I know that my life would come full circle, through the Bible, to answer my childhood questions about the strange aerial phenomena that had first sparked my imagination. These are the last days, and as the Bible foretold, we have entered the era of counterfeit spiritual phenomena that have plagued men since ages past. Only this time, our Lord has promised that He would return to judge the world. 16 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE THE KOINONIA INSTITUTE RESIDENT STUDY PROGRAM K oinonia Institute has established a “Resident Study Program” at the River Lodge in New Zealand. Participants can come for one month, three months, six months, or longer to study with us, advance in the KI Medallion Program, and prepare for supplemental “tent making” skills, all specifically tailored to their specific calling. For more information visit: KI Resident Students above: James Robertson (Silver Medallion - Australia), Steve & Audrey Ludeman (Silver and Bronze Medallion respectively - U.S.) The River Lodge is situated in the middle of the North Island of New Zealand (right). Drive just a an hour or two in any direction and you'll come across some of the many great destinations to visit during your stay, from beaches to Snow Skiing. Mount Maunganui (below) and the Bay of Islands (bottom-right). VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 17 Keep up-to-date: #SPCX2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE Can't Attend the Conference? Watch the Strategic Perspectives 2015 LIVE! Alternatively, watch later as Video On-Demand... Visit our website and purchase the Live Stream of the Strategic Perspectives Conference and watch on your tablet, mobile device, laptop, PC or internet connected TV. You will not only have access to watch the Video Feed from the Conference sessions Live, but also the ability to watch the recorded sessions as many times as you like, whenever you like for One Month.* Create a free account on today and start enjoying some of the free videos and broadcasts we have available. * Month access to SP2015 expires no earlier than 31st November 2015 VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 19 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER NEWBRIEFING PACK BUNDLE Angels Series Includes Angels Vol 1, 2 & 3 DVD US$49.95 Audio CD US$49.95 RUNNING TIME Approx. 6 HOURS AVAILABLE from our online store: For thousands of years, most of us have either had or still hold to misconceptions, myths, legends or traditions about angels and our own reality. This three volume collection deals with these and many of the questions you may have such as: • Are Angels real? • What are the implications of being misinformed? • What are the discoveries in the advance of science that may shed light on understanding Angels? • What does the Bible say about Angels, Fallen Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Nephilim and Demons? • Who are the major players in the Angelic Realm? 20 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE NEWBOOK MISSLER Daniel's 70 Weeks Book US$5.95 US$4.95 study of Daniel's 70 Weeks, you will discover azing prophecy in the Old Testament predicted y day that Jesus presented Himself as the ach Nagid, the Messiah the King, to Jerusalem. venty Week Prophecy of Daniel 9 includes st incredible validation of Jesus Christ as ssiah, which He held His people accountable known. Daniel’s 70 Weeks el Chapter 9 is unquestionably the amazing passage in the entire eBook Bible. nfidential briefing to His disciples, Jesus also hts this passage as the key to understanding r prophecies concerning His return. ential to understanding the Book of Revelation. Copyright 2015 AVAILABLE from our online store: oinonia House O. Box D oeur d’Alene, ID 83816-0347 _01.indd 1 Dr. Chuck Missler Do you know the Most Amazing Passage in the entire Bible? 17/08/2015 10:30:58 a.m. In this study of Daniel's 70 Weeks, you will discover this amazing prophecy in the Old Testament predicted the very day that Jesus presented Himself as the Meschiach Nagid, the Messiah the King, to Jerusalem. The Seventy Week Prophecy of Daniel 9 includes the most incredible validation of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, which He held them accountable to have known. In a confidential briefing to His disciples, Jesus also highlights this passage as the key to understanding all other prophecies concerning His return. It is essential to understanding the Book of Revelation and other related passages. VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 21 Detach SEATS LIMITED, SO BOOK NOW! Register Online at Order online, post to K-House, or hand this form in at registration desk at the Conference: Contact: Mail Orders: 1-800-KHOUSE-1 (546-8731) Koinonia House fax 208-773-6312 P.O. Box D or online at Coeur d’Alene ID 83816-0347 22 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 Detach October 22-24, 2015 Coeur d'Alene Resort, ID COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE Stay at the Coeur d'Alene Resort while attending the Strategic Perspectives 2015 Conference! Special Rates Available for Conference Attendees! •Lake Tower: US$215 per night—these have a balcony (and some have a fireplace). All Rooms face the lake. •Park Tower: US$195 per night—some have a view of the lake, town and/or mountains, some have a balcony. •North Wing: US$165 per night—most rooms have a walkway outside the door and limited view. Call this number to book at the Coeur d'Alene Resort the special rates: 1-844-597-4487 (If you call the resorts regular number, 1-208-209-5031, ask for the special rate for the Koinonia Institute Conference in late October) 115 S. 2nd Street Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 23 STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Conference Schedule General Admission - Schedule THURSDAY - 22 OCTOBER 11:00am Registration Begins 1:00pm Welcome & Opening Prayer 1:15pm Session 1 - Dr. Chuck Missler 2:15pm Session 2 - Dr. Steve Elwart 3:15pm Session 3 - Chris Corlett 4:00pm KI Awards Ceremony 5:30-7:00pm Dinner Break 7:30pm Session 4 - Gary Stearman 8:30pm Session 5 - Joel Richardson FRIDAY - 23 OCTOBER 9:45am Welcome & Opening Prayer 10:00am Session 6 - Dr William Welty 11:00am Session 7 - Tom Horn 12:00-12:15pm Logos Bible Software Presentation 12:15-1:30pm Lunch Break 2:00pm Session 8 - Gary Stearman 3:00pm Session 9 - David McAlvany 3:50-4:10pm Afternoon Break 4:10pm Session 10 - Bob Cornuke 5:30 - 7:00pm Dinner Break 24 7:30pm Sesskion 11 - Joseph Farah 8:30pm Session 12 - Dr. Chuck Missler | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE SATURDAY - 24 OCTOBER 9:45am Welcome & Opening Prayer 10:00am Session 13 - David McAlvany 11:00am Session 14 - Ron Matsen 12:00-1:30pm Lunch Break 2:00pm Session 15 - Joel Richarson 3:00pm Session 16 - Tom Horn 3:50-4:10pm Afternoon Break 4:10pm Session 17 - Bob Cornuke 5:30 - 7:00pm Dinner Break 7:30pm Session 18 – Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis, US Army (retired) 8:30pm Session 19 - Dr. Chuck Missler Special Event Admission - Schedule THURSDAY - 22 OCTOBER 5:30 - 7:00pm Dinner with Dr. Chuck Missler FRIDAY - 23 OCTOBER 8:00 - 9:30am Breakfast with Joel Richardson 12:15 - 1:30pm Lunch with Joseph Farah 5:30 - 7:00pm Dinner with Dr. Chuck Missler SATURDAY - 24 OCTOBER 8:00 - 9:30am Breakfast with Bob Cornuke 12:15 - 1:30pm Lunch with David McAlvany 5:30 - 7:00pm Dinner with Gary Stearman SUNDAY - 25 OCTOBER 8:00 - 11:00am Breakfast Cruise with Dr. Chuck Missler and many other speakers Times and dates shown are PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) UTC/GMT -7 hours. If you're unable to attend the conference, watch LIVE on Local Restaurant Guide and Conference DVD Pre-order Form next page a Keep up-to-date: #SPCX2015 VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 25 st Blv d 1st St The Olympia Uva Trattoria Scrud’s Gourmet Grub Coeur d’Alene Ave Lakeside Ave No Bakery by the Lake at Parkside r Front Ave Grille From Ipanema Sherman Ave Crafted Tap Scratch Restaurant House + Kitchen & Lounge Fire Pizza 6th St The FORK @ Lakeside Canton Restaurant Iron Horse The Wine Cellar Bar and Grill Kaiju Sushi & Spirits Cricket’s Restaurant and Oyster Bar Vault Coffee San Francisco Sourdough Pita Pit 4th St Seasons Fresh Grill Calypsos Toro Viejo Coffee Bonsai Bistro Hudson’s Hamburgers 3rd St Front Ave 5th St Restaurant Guide 2015 t hw e Sherman Ave Dockside Restaurant Tito’s Italian Grill Starbucks 2nd St Beverly’s 7th St | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 26 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 Detach PRE-ORDER FORM ONLY WITHIN THE U.S. & CANADA. International Pre-Orders visit Detach Hand in at registration desk at Conference, K-House sales booth, or post to K-House before December 1st, 2015: Contact: Mail Orders: 1-800-KHOUSE-1 (546-8731) Koinonia House fax 208-773-6312 P.O. Box D Online Store Coeur d’Alene ID 83816-0347 VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 27 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER 2013 Strategic Perspectives • Dr. Chuck Missler - The Christian Challenge for the Years to Come • Dr. Peter Flint - The Dead Sea Scrolls, Prophecy, and the New Testament • Dr. William Welty - When God Disciplines His Own • Tom Horn - The Vatican, Pope, and UFOs: How are They Linked? • Panel: Are We Really in the End Times? Dr. Chuck Missler, Tom Horn, Dr. William Welty, Joel Richardson • Joel Richardson - The Impact of Islam • Panel: Middle East Update - The Nitty Gritty Dr. Chuck Missler, Joseph Farah, Joel Richardson, Gordon McDonald • Dr. Dan Stolebarger - A Selah Moment - A Call to Prayer • David McAlvany - Can America Endure the Coming Years? • Panel: Preparedness for the Times to Come - Dr. Chuck Missler, David McAlvany, Tom Horn, Mark Gustafson 2014 Strategic Perspectives • Avi Lipkin - Russia, Ukraine, ISIS at the Gates • Dr. William Welty - Surviving God’s Discipline of a Nation • Dr. Dan Stolebarger - The Future is Now: Koinonia Institute Small Group Fellowship • Ron Matsen - The Reemergence of Assyria? • The King’s High Way Panel - The King’s High Way Ministries with Debbie Holland and Tim Tyler • Louis Powell - China: The Sleeping Dragon • Mark Biltz - The Blood Moons • Dr. William Welty - I, Jesus an Autobiography • Steve Elwart - WWIII: A Hundred Year Old Prophecy • Joseph Farah - ISIS-SCMISIS: God’s Middle East Plan • Dr. Chuck Missler - The Spiritual Entrepreneur: The Encroaching Darkness • John Loeffler - Stumbling Toward an Omega Point • Jay Seegert - Evolution: Problem or Problematic • L.A. Marzulli - On the Trail of the Nephilim • Bill Salus - Nuclear Showdown in Iran: Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam • Bob Cornuke - Amazing New Discoveries: The Temple Available from our online store: 28 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE NEWBRIEFING PACK BUNDLE The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse DVD US$49.95 Audio CD US$49.95 RUNNING TIME Approx. 8 HOURS AVAILABLE from our online store: They have become a popular idiom even in secular literature, in connotative terms, of the ‘End Times.’ However, Biblically, they speak specifically of real events that will characterize an actual period of time that will appear in the future. Will that occur in our lifetime? How do we know? Do we need to prepare in some way? Or are there specific steps we should be taking? (Contains the following products in a single pack) VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 29 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER SPEAKER BIO Chris Corlett, Koinonia Institute Deputy Provost and Teaching Assistant CHRIS CORLETT C hris Corlett currently serves KI as a Deputy Provost and Teaching Assistant. He and his wife of nearly 30 years host regional events and conferences serving primarily Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada. He speaks and writes on many topics and relies on his background in public education as a teacher and curriculum writer for much of his presentations and publications. He presented at the 2014 Strategic Perspectives conference during a workshop on the topic of "Education as the Everyman Strategic Perspective" and currently moderates a forum on Education available through members' dashboard. EDUCATION AS A STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVE PREPARING FOR WHAT LIES AHEAD by Chris Corlett Our second presentation on Education opens the Tenth Annual Koinonia Institute International Strategic Perspective Conference in Coeur d’Alene Idaho later this month. To whet your appetite, I take this opportunity to briefly update on a few emerging issues from the past several months. This article will be the final in a series of articles included in recent editions of the Personal UPDATE.1 The 2015 administration of standardized testing received record push back from parents allowing their children to “opt out” of them. New York State estimated between 220,000 and 250,000 eligible students opted out of their tests, up from an estimated 100,000 the year before. This movement has many leaders and at the same time it has no leaders. Each parent is the leader for their child or children. 1 February 2014, June 2015, July 2015 All recent Personal UPDATE editions are available at: 30 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE The following sums it up the best: “At a time when opt outs have reached critical mass and parents across the state have pledged to refuse to allow their children to be subjected to state-sanctioned harm, both (New York) Governor Cuomo and (New York Education) Commissioner Elia confirm what Hudson Valley parents have long known to be the truth: parents have a fundamental and absolute right to direct their children’s education by refusing the controversial Common Core tests.”2 In fact, the parents’ productive pushback pushed Cuomo to soften his support of Common Core testing by appointing a commission to review the Common Core initiative and implementation. We will track that story as it develops. We previously reported the federal government threatened a loss of federal funding when Oregon lawmakers proposed and passed a law making it clear parents have the right to opt out.3 The original Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was signed by President Johnson in 1965. During this summer’s debate over the “umpteenth” reauthorization of the ESEA, the parental right to opt-out was ping ponged around by our legislators. The Senate version – dubbed the “Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA) of 2015” – conflicted with the House version – dubbed the “Student Success Act (SSA) of 2015” – over several provisions, including opting out of testing requirements. “In the end, the Every Child Achieves Act opt-out provision is not stated as clearly as is the opt-out provision in the House version of the ESEA reauthorization, the Student Success Act, but it is there, nonetheless. The difference is that the ECAA opt-out is left up to the states to decide – in contrast to the House version, which has already made the decision for the states.”4 How does any of this argument help children learn or help teachers teach? Bureaucratic reform is not educational reform. During the late summer of 2015, parents, grandparents and teachers were joined by others in a hunger strike to derail Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel’s attempt to close Dyett High School. 2 3 Personal UPDATE, July 2015, page 17 4 VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 31 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Dyett High School is the only remaining open-enrollment public high school left in the community of Bronzeville. “Supporters say the city neglected the school for years before announcing plans to close it. Under Rahm Emanuel, the city has closed about 50 schools in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods as part of what critics say is a push to privatize education.”5 This is not the first confrontation with professionals and parents in Chicago for Emmanuel. Shortly after taking office, Emmanuel’s treatment of public school students and teachers led to the Chicago Teachers Union strike in 2012. Before that and while serving as President Obama’s White House Chief of Staff from 2008 through 2011, he pushed through the ill-conceived Race To The Top initiative which served as one of several springboards to the current high stakes testing and aggressive teacher evaluation. And Chicago is not the only current confrontation worth following. Seattle teachers are on strike as school begins in September. “Teachers in Seattle will walk picket lines Wednesday after last-minute negotiations over wages and other issues failed to avert a strike in Washington state’s largest school district. Classes for 53,000 Seattle Public Schools students were canceled Wednesday, on the scheduled first day of school.”6 These times are unsettling and uncertain and exciting and engaging. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 We will expand on these and so many more topics at our upcoming presentation in Idaho. For those of you able to attend or who will livestream the conference, the answer to the question which will be presented is “Malachi 4.” That’s right … when the question appears, “Which Old Testament end-times prophecy includes Jesus, Moses, Elijah and fathers?” the answer is Malachi 4. Your homework from this educator is to read chapter 4 of Malachi (any translation will do and you will never go wrong reading from the International Standard Version!) I look forward to seeing you there and hearing your thoughts on this important strategic perspective. 5 6 32 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE SPEAKER BIO Dr. Steve Elwart, Executive Research Editor, Koinonia Institute DR. STEVE ELWART Steve Elwart is the Executive Research Editor for the Koinonia Institute and has been a member of the Institute since 2006. He has spent 40 years in the Oil Industry. In those 40 years, Steve has had the opportunity to work not only in private industry, but also as a consultant with numerous government agencies. As a Subject Matter Expert on energy, automation, and cybersecurity, Steve has worked with two presidential administrations, several cabinet level departments, as well as numerous congressional staffs and state commissions. Steve has also served as interim pastor of his church. Steve also produces the weekly KI Research Global Intelligence Updates. Steve Elwart is one of our poster children for the role of the Senior Analyst at the Institute. Here's a guy that has distinguished himself all the way to being appointed to the National Intelligence Board. He has a very conspicuous arena of achievements, but what fascinates me is he always insists upon choosing, of all his different titles, the one he always uses publicly... Steve is Senior Analyst of Koinonia Institute. And people always say “What’s that?”, and that gives him an excuse to tell them what we do. So he not only served us so well he really has become perhaps our best example of someone who has distinguished himself by his own expertise in cyber-warfare and in the energy industries. He really busies himself in knowing what's going on in those controversial areas. Dr. Chuck Missler VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 33 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER SPEAKER BIO Joel Richardson, Author, Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist and Why We Left Islam JOEL RICHARDSON J oel Richardson is a New York Times bestselling author, film-maker, internationally recognized teacher and the host of the weekly program The Underground. Joel lives in the United States with his wife and five children. After living in the Middle East (Egypt, Israel, and Jordan) during the early 90’s, Joel began reaching out evangelistically to Muslims at university which he continued for over a decade. In 1994, Joel wrote The Islamic Antichrist, a work that would become an instant classic work on Islamic eschatology. Joel followed his first book with Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist. Together these two books have awakened many notable Christian leaders and theologians to the idea that the Antichrist, his empire, and his religion, will come from the Middle East and not Europe or a revived Roman Empire, as so many have previously taught. Today, the Islamic End Time Paradigm has been embraced or endorsed by such notable leaders as Old Testament scholar Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Messianic scholar Daniel Juster, Chuck Missler, Kay Arthur, and Dr. Michael Youssef. Shortly after the explosion of the Arab Spring, Joel travelled throughout the Middle East, interviewing key Christian, Messianic, Jewish and Muslim leaders creating the documentary End Times Eyewitness: Israel, Islam and the Unfolding Signs of Messiah’s Return. In 2015, Joel released When a Jew Rules the World: What the Bible Really says about Israel in the Plan of God, a seminal work that confronts replacement theology, preterism and amillennialism head on. Joel’s heart is thoroughly missional, with a special love for all the peoples of the Middle East—both Jew and Gentile—and passion to make Jesus known throughout the region. Today, Joel ministers among the underground churches of the Middle East in some of the most restricted 34 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE nations in the earth, and travels globally teaching on the gospel, living with Biblical Hope, and the return of Jesus. Joel is also the director or producer of the following two documentaries: • Sheep Among Wolves (Winter 2015) • The Global Jesus Revolution: Israel, Islam and the Gospel at the End of the Age (Spring 2016) Joel has also been featured on, or written for numerous radio, television and news outlets across the world. His web-site is Watch over 1000 hours of Bible Commentaries and Topical Studies online via your tablet, mobile device, laptop, PC or internet connected TV. Our Live and Video On-Demand streaming subscription service means you can watch Commentaries, Topical Studies, and Pay Per View Events when it suits you. Or, tune in to watch our Free Live Q&A sessions with Chuck Missler and guests. And it’s simple… just create a free account on VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 35 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER SPEAKER BIO Dr. William Welty, Executive Director, The ISV Foundation DR. WILLIAM WELTY W illiam Welty is Executive Director of the ISV Foundation, producers of the Holy Bible: International Standard Version. He is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School of Deerfield, Illinois and holds a Ph.D. from Louisiana Baptist University. He taught New Testament Greek for 10 years at Simon Greenleaf University. About the ISV Foundation The ISV Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt educational corporation. It does not solicit public contributions, nor does it make solicited private or public grants. The Board of Directors are George Giacumakis, Ph.D., Charles W. Missler, Ph.D. and William P. Welty, Ph.D. The ISV Foundation, is a combination of two distinct visions. 1)LEARN, Inc. was founded as a nonprofit organization in 1967 under the direction of Mr. William Whitney, Fullerton College Reference Librarian. Over the years, LEARN, Inc. has produced microfilm and microfiche copies of out-of-print books and documents for personal research libraries of ministers and Christian workers. Thousands of books and documents, available only through such media, were produced through this organization. 2)The second vision was that put forth in 1986 by Dr. William P. Welty to develop a research center that would produce an updated version of the Hebrew Old Testament text. From this proposed first project would flow other related academic materials for the biblical scholar. Both of these visions came together in 1996 under The ISV Foundation. 36 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE The ISV Foundation undertakes to produce accurate biblical materials both in printed and electronic formats for use around the world. Projects that are currently being developed include: • A computer network based on biblical texts located in different countries • Critical editions of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts of the Bible • Translations from the various texts of the Old and New Testaments • Bible related computer software • Critical textual commentaries on the Old and New Testaments. Some of Dr. Welty's affiliations include: Dr. Welty serves as Research Analyst in Advanced Communication Technologies and Adjunct Professor of Middle Eastern Studies on the faculty of Koinonia Institute. He and Chuck recently coauthored the book, I, Jesus: an Autobiography. William has been on the Board of Directors of Koinonia House since 2009. Dr. Welty was a founding member of the board of directors of the Museum of Biblical and Sacred Writings, a southern California-based organization that provides programs and facilities for research of ancient writings. Regular public lectures are provided in the areas of historical and archaeological studies, biblical archaeology, and ancient inscriptions. The Museum sponsors a learning center for students to experience hands-on activity with ancient archaeological artifacts. Founded Hoyt Engine Alternative Technologies, LLC to serve as an advocate of the technology behind the Hoyt Reciprotating Hydraulic Engine and to support Mr. Hoyt in his efforts to develop the rights, the IP set, and all technologies related to it. Founded Leading Edge Technologies, LLC to sponsor SWANsat™, the Super-Wide Area Network™, an innovative constellation of highpowered geosynchronous telecommunications satellites that will provide exponentially better telecommunications system capability worldwide than any currently-existing system. VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 37 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER SPEAKER BIO Ron Matsen, Under Rower, K-House & KI W RON MATSEN ith over 30 years in the pastoral ministry, Ron has taught verse-byverse through the Bible many times, hosted a live two-hour TV programme broadcast across Europe for more than two years, and taught extensively on the subjects of evangelism, leadership, and end-times topics. Although Ron and his wife are native Californians, they moved to England in 1992 and in 2011 immigrated to New Zealand where they now partner with Chuck and Nancy Missler at the ministry base, The River Lodge. Ron is currently the Managing Director of Koinonia House and Koinonia Institute. Entire Bible on MP3 PC DVD ROM US$550.00 Dr. Chuck Missler Commentaries of the Old Testament: Approx. 360 Hours MP3 Audio Files PDF Notes included New Testament: Approx. 264 Hours MP3 Audio Files PDF Notes included Also available as Audio Download from our online store: 38 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 Discipleship Matthew 28:18-20 Great Teaching, Mentoring and Counseling Resources This fall let’s not just talk to others about the Gospel— Let’s show them how to live it out . . . *plus shipping and handling Order Today from or Phone 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731) (208) 773-6310 FEATURING THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD VERSION FOR SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS Jesus of Nazareth Speaks in His Own Words about Himself, His Purpose, His Nature, and His Mission HANCES ARE, Jesus isn’t who you think He is. No matter what you may have read before about this first-century rabbi from Nazareth, there’s a good possibility that you’ve been misinformed. In fact, maybe you’ve been wrong from the start about the most amazing man who ever walked the surface of the earth. Many people who knew Jesus understood Him well enough to admire Him, to respect Him, and to love Him. Others were terrified of Him. Some of His own relatives said He was out of His mind. The politically and religiously intolerant leaders of first-century Israel hated Him. So they murdered Him. But that wasn’t the end of the story. Dr. Chuck Missler Not by a long shot. Today, more than twenty centuries later, respected Bible scholars Dr. Chuck Missler and Dr. William Welty bring Jesus of Nazareth to you in the most unconventional way possible… by bringing Jesus of Nazareth to talk in His very own words about Himself, His purpose, His nature, and His mission. Dr. William Welty Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER STUDY TOGETHER The KI Resident Study Program - Take the Bible Seriously! Journey through the whole Bible with Dr. Chuck Missler and other special speakers as you gather valuable insights into God’s “integrated message system that is from outside our time domain.” Koinonia Institute offers a unique opportunity in the centre of North Island, New Zealand. Each residential student will: • Participate in a guided classroom environment that will be comprised of lectures, open discussions, and testing, • Live communally with other students in the beautifully isolated grounds of The River Lodge in Reporoa, Bay of Plenty on the banks of the Waikato River, and • Grow individually in his/her knowledge of the Bible so he/she can gain the maximum benefit of this intensive preparation experience. Accelerated and Long Term courses available. For more information, visit: SPEAKING New Zealand The River Lodge (Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen) Live Q&A Broadcast Tuesdays 8 PM CST, (Wednesdays 1 PM - New Zealand Standard Time) Watch the Live-Stream for free via our website: E-mail your questions to: [email protected] 42 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Mark Titles Below And Add Total To The Summary At The Bottom Of This Page. OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE Topical Studies by Chuck Missler on CD or DVD - For Download Pricing visit Each study is $19.95 and contains approximately two hours of audio or video BASIC BIBLE STUDIES CD Qty DVD Qty DVD108 GETTING STARTED SERIES A Walk Thru the Bible CD Qty DVD Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm CDA114 Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War CDA115 DVD109 How to Study the Bible CDA60 DVD28 Angels Vol. 3: Denizens/Metacosm CDA135 DVD135 How We Got Our Bible CDA55 DVD27 The Grand Adventure CDA47 Behold a Black Horse CDA151 DVD160 Behold a Livid Horse CDA152 DVD161 Behold a Red Horse CDA150 DVD159 Armor For the Age of Deceit CDA30 Behold a White Horse CDA149 DVD158 Being Faithful in Faithless World CDA46 Church in the End Times CDA123 DVD122 Halloween: Invitation to Occult? CDA17 Eternal Security CDA82 DVD56 Kabbalah CDA26 DVD23 Footprints of the Messiah CDA37 DVD105 Spiritual Gifts - 3 Hours CDA42 DVD155 Fulcrum of the Entire Universe CDA134 DVD134 Storm Warning--Missler/McDonald CDA110 DVD100 Heaven and Hell CDA18 DVD07 Thanksgiving CDA84 CDA45 PERSONAL CD Qty DVD Hidden Treasures CDA128 DVD127 The Architecture of Man Inheritance & Rewards CDA101 DVD71 The Da Vinci Deception CDA23 DVD18 Israel and The Church CDA116 DVD110 The Once & Future Church CDA16 DVD05 DVD124 Jesus: Who & Why? CDA125 Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet CDA103 Letters To Seven Churches CDA39 Manifesto of our King CDA62 DVD31 FOR TECHNICALLY INCLINED Return of the Nephilim CDA14 DVD06 Beyond Coincidence CDA34 DVD82 The 7th Day CDA093 Beyond Newton CDA108 DVD85 The Agony of Love CDA51 Beyond Perception CDA36 DVD84 The Beginning of Wisdom CDA136 DVD136 Beyond Time & Space CDA31 DVD80 The Christmas Story CDA58 DVD49 Biotech: Update CDA02 DVD30 The Easter Story CDA68 DVD40 Digging Up the Truth CDA03 The Feasts of Israel CDA76 DVD44 DNA by Design - Meyer/Missler The Flood of Noah CDA43 The Vortex Strategy CDA77 DVD45 Twilight’s Last Gleaming? CDA49 DVD61 What Is Truth? CDA63 CD DVD CDA40 CDA85 DVD58 In the Beginning…was Information CDA32 CDA148 DVD157 Monuments: Sacred or Profane? CDA48 The Prodigal Heirs CDA104 Seat of Mercy CDA07 The Rapture CDA13 Signs in the Heavens CDA35 The Sovereignty of Man CDA41 Stretching the Heavens CDA57 The Trinity CDA33 The Holographic Universe CDA119 DVD116 The Whole Counsel of God CDA102 DVD72 The Hybrid Age - Missler/Horn CDA113 DVD107 This Generation CDA27 DVD24 Technology & the Bible CDA80 DVD52 Thy Kingdom Come CDA08 DVD63 The Mysteries of Mars CDA38 CD A Legacy of Hate (Chuck & Avi) CDA05 Antichrist: Alternate Ending CDA12 Babylon: Alternate View CDA21 Betrayal of the Chosen CDA50 Daniel’s 70 Weeks CDA25 Europa Rising CDA15 Hosea, Can You See? Qty DVD Qty OTHER AUTHORS CD Qty DVD Death of Discernment - Matsen CDA117 DVD112 DVD03 Defending the Bible - Matsen CDA137 DVD137 DVD14 Discovering God - Matsen CDA131 DVD130 Doctrines of Demons - Matsen CDA142 DVD144 DVD19 Family Matters Vol. 1 - Matsen CDA143 DVD146 DVD04 Family Matters Vol. 2 - Matsen CDA144 DVD147 CDA44 Family Matters Vol. 3 - Matsen CDA145 DVD148 Jihad: America’s New War CDA06 Human Nature - Matsen CDA132 DVD132 Roots of War: Profiling MidEast CDA11 Leadership/End Times - Matsen CDA124 DVD123 The Kingdom of Blood CDA092 The Gospel - Matsen CDA127 DVD126 The Kings of the East CDA61 DVD32 The Great Commission - Matsen CDA130 DVD129 The Magog Invasion: Alt. View CDA107 DVD77 The Love of God - Matsen CDA129 DVD128 The New World Order CDA52 The Next Holocaust CDA65 The Sword of Allah CDA105 TOPICAL STUDIES ORDER SUMMARY ** Individual Topical Studies ** CD DVD02 Qty DVD79 Genesis and the Big Bang The Physics of Immortality PROPHETIC UPDATES Qty DVD34 Qty The Origin of Evil DVD75 Qty CDA56 Qty DVD36 Qty DVD Qty CD Qty DVD Qty ** Individual Topical Studies ** All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change. See also our online store: VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 | 43 Personal UPDATE | OCTOBER 2015 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Other Topical Studies CD Price CDA155 CDA121 CDA24 CDA141 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 CDA097 49.95 Kingdom, Power & Glory Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs On the Trail of Discovery - Cornuke: 2 hrs * NEW * CDA126 CDA154 49.95 19.95 Redesigning the Church - Stolebarger: 2 hrs Revealing Jesus - Stolebarger: 2 hrs Shiite/Sunni - Lipkin Sleeping in America - Lipkin Strategic Trends 2012 - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 4 hrs The Beyond Series Collection - Chuck Missler: 8 hrs The Case for Mecca - Lipkin The Coming Conflict - Lipkin The "Creator" Series - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman: 8+ hrs The Dead Sea Scrolls - Flint: 2 hrs The End Times Scenario - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: 8 hrs * NEW * The Holy Spirit - Ron Matsen: 4 hrs The Mystery of Melchizedek - Chuck Missler: DVD - 1 hr The Old Paths - Stolebarger: 2 hrs The Reemergence of Assyria - Ron Matsen: 1 hr The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs Turkey: Turn Thee Back - Lipkin Weathering the Coming Storm - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 5 hrs CDA122 CDA111 CDA79 CDA19 CDA118 CDA109 CDA099 CDA72 CDA096 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 29.95 49.95 19.95 19.95 49.95 DVD121 DVD103 DVD47 DVD11 DVD114 DVD86 DVD69 DVD38 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 29.95 49.95 19.95 19.95 CDA090 CDA153 CDA138 49.95 49.95 29.95 CDA091 CDA81 CDA120 29.95 19.95 39.95 DVD89 DVD113 DVD162 DVD138 DVD152 DVD133 DVD154 DVD143 DVD53 DVD117 19.95 49.95 49.95 29.95 14.95 19.95 14.95 29.95 19.95 39.95 # Price CD102 CD111 CD103 CD107 CD104 CD105 29.95 19.95 29.95 39.95 39.95 44.95 Angels Series - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs * NEW * An Agape Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs Expectations of the Antichrist - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 6 hrs Family Matters Vols. 1-3 - DVD - Matsen ** Getting Started Series - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs Qty Islamic Uprising - Lipkin DVD Price DVD165 DVD118 49.95 49.95 DVD141 DVD149 49.95 39.90 DVD97 19.95 DVD125 DVD163 49.95 19.95 MP3 CD-ROMs by Chuck Missler Cosmic Codes on CD-ROM w/automated PowerPoint (over 8 hrs) Prophecy 101 CD-ROM (4 hours) The Creator Series on CD-ROM - over 8 hours of audio Seasonal Favorites CD-ROM - over 10 hours of audio The Legacy: Israel in Prophecy CD-ROM - over 12 hours of audio Learn the Bible in 24 Hours CD-ROM - w/automated PowerPoint Commentaries (plus notes) Genesis (24 sessions) Exodus (16 sessions) Leviticus (16 sessions) Numbers (8 sessions) Deuteronomy (16 sessions) Joshua/12 Tribes (16 sessions) Judges (16 sessions) Ruth & Esther (8 sessions) I & II Samuel (16 sessions) I & II Kings (16 sessions) I & II Chronicles (16 sessions) Ezra & Nehemiah (8 sessions) Job (8 sessions) Psalms (24 sessions) Proverbs (8 sessions) Ecclesiastes (8 sessions) Song of Songs (5 sessions) Isaiah (24 sessions) Jeremiah/Lamentations (24 sessions) Ezekiel (24 sessions) Daniel (16 sessions) Prophets to the N. Kingdom (13 sessions) Prophets to the Gentiles (8 sessions) Prophets to the S. Kingdom (13 sessions) Prophets to the Post-Exile (22 sessions) 44 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 10 MP3 CD116 CD011 CD037 CD046 CD043 CD018 CD038 CD019 CD040 CD041 CD048 CD042 CD033 CD049 CD047 CD039 CD017 CD022 CD015 CD008 CD004 CD051 CD052 CD050 CD053 Price Qty 44.95 39.95 39.95 29.95 39.95 39.95 39.95 29.95 39.95 39.95 39.95 29.95 29.95 44.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 39.95 34.95 29.95 34.95 44.95 CD Price Qty DVD Qty Total Qty Total Price Qty CDC01 89.95 DVD15 89.95 CDC04 44.95 DVD94 44.95 CDC20 44.95 DVD66 44.95 CDC09 69.95 DVD76 69.95 CDC12 CDC05 89.95 44.95 DVD43 DVD29 89.95 44.95 CDC30 CDC33 44.95 89.95 DVD98 DVD139 44.95 89.95 CDC16 CDC02 CDC26 CDC27 CDC25 89.95 69.95 59.95 44.95 59.95 DVD60 DVD20 DVD91 DVD92 DVD87 89.95 69.95 59.95 44.95 59.95 All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store: COVER CONTENTS ORDER Commentaries (plus notes) Cont. Matthew (24 sessions) Mark (16 sessions) Luke (24 sessions) John (20 sessions) Acts (16 sessions) Romans (24 sessions) I & II Corinthians (22 sessions) Galatians (8 sessions) Ephesians (8 sessions) Philippians (6 sessions) Colossians (8 sessions) I & II Thessalonians (8 sessions) I & II Timothy/Titus/Philemon (8 sessions) Hebrews (16 sessions) James (8 sessions) I & II Peter (8 sessions) I, II, & III John (8 sessions) Jude (8 sessions) Revelation (24 sessions) Minor Prophets Set on MP3 CD-ROM Entire Old Testament on MP3 CD-ROM Entire New Testament on MP3 CD-ROM Entire Bible on MP3 PC DVD-ROM MP3 CD006 CD028 CD021 CD027 CD023 CD009 CD055 CD012 CD020 CD030 CD034 CD032 CD014 CD016 CD013 CD024 CD029 CD010 CD005 CD054 CDOTEST CDNTEST Price Qty 44.95 39.95 44.95 39.95 39.95 44.95 44.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 39.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 44.95 99.95 499.00 399.00 OCTOBER 2015 | Personal UPDATE CD CDC06 CDC23 CDC29 CDC32 CDC31 CDC10 CDC34 CDC15 CDC17 CDC28 CDC21 CDC24 CDC13 CDC11 CDC07 CDC18 CDC22 CDC08 CDC03 Price Qty 89.95 69.95 89.95 74.95 69.95 89.95 89.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 69.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 89.95 DVD Price Qty DVD33 DVD81 DVD96 DVD120 DVD104 DVD46 DVD164 DVD55 DVD59 DVD93 DVD74 DVD83 DVD51 DVD54 89.95 69.95 89.95 74.95 69.95 89.95 89.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 69.95 DVD64 DVD78 44.95 44.95 DVD26 89.95 DVDMP3BIBLE 550.00 Small Group Packs (1 DVD set + 6 Workbooks) Prophecy 101 Small Group Pack Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Small Group Pack Genesis Commentary Small Group Pack Numbers Commentary Small Group Pack Proverbs Commentary Small Group Pack Daniel Commentary Small Group Pack Prophets to the N. Kingdom Small Group Pack Prophets to the S. Kingdom Small Group Pack Prophets to the Gentiles Small Group Pack Matthew Commentary Small Group Pack Mark Commentary Small Group Pack Luke Commentary Small Group Pack John Commentary Small Group Pack Acts Commentary Small Group Pack Revelation Commentary Small Group Pack Comprehensive Study Workbooks Cosmic Codes Comprehensive Workbook Hermeneutics 101 Workbook (How we Got/How to Study Bible) Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Comprehensive Workbook Prophecy 101 Comprehensive Workbook Genesis Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Numbers Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Proverbs Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Daniel Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Prophets to the N. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook Prophets to the S. 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