July, 2014 - Koinonia House
July, 2014 - Koinonia House
THE COMING WAR ON TRUE CHRISTIANITY Thomas Horn SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS Dr. Chuck Missler JULY 2014 WHERE WE BEGAN & WHERE WE’LL END Dr. Dan Stolebarger EXPOSING DARK & EMBRACING LIGHT Dr. Ted Baehr OUR NEW SPIRITUAL WILLPOWER Nancy Missler 2 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS COVER STORY THE COMING WAR ON TRUE CHRISTIANITY Thomas Horn CONTENTS ORDER p.6 Signs in the Heavens: Dr. Chuck Missler The Hebrew “Mazzaroth” has nothing to do with astrology. Rather it is a tool that uses the stars to tell a story. p.22 Where We Began & Where We’ll End: Dr. Dan Stolebarger We believe that the best place for the discipleship process to take root is in the midst of a small group, not a large congregation. p.27 Exposing Dark & Embracing Light: Dr. Ted Baehr Let us commend the good while gently instructing those who might have gone astray so that we may encourage everyone to focus on the Good News of Jesus Christ. p.12 THERE IS EMERGING on the world scene something that will become one of the greatest threats ever raised against the authentic (born-again) Body of Christ—Religious Christians. p. 3 3 O u r N e w S p i r i tual Willpower: Nancy Missler As Christians, we have God’s supernatural will and power. He counsels us as to what His will is, then He gives us His supernatural power to perform it in us. As Proverbs 18:13 states, “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” As maturing Christians, we should find value in diverse views challenging us to further study and to be open to additional perspectives. While we may not agree with all the details in each article, we see great value in them. These articles are intended to stimulate discussion among the Koinonia Institute membership as well as our Personal Update subscribers. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - DR. CHUCK MISSLER, EXECUTIVE EDITOR - DR. GORDON MCDONALD, MANAGING EDITOR - TRACY MCDONALD, DIRECTOR OF PRINTING - DAVID HANSON, LAYOUT EDITOR - GARRETT MCDONALD EXECUTIVE RESEARCH ANALYST - STEVE ELWART Personal UPDATE is a registered trademark of Koinonia House, Inc.. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Volume 24, Number 7. Personal UPDATE is published monthly for the supporters of the ministries of Koinonia Institute. Physical address: 4055 East 3rd Avenue, Post Falls, Idaho 83854. Mailing address: P.O. Box D, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347. Phone Orders: 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731). Office Phone: 1-208-773-6310. Fax: 1-208-773-6312. Koinonia House Website: www.khouse.org. Online Store: http://resources.khouse.org. To Subscribe call: 1-800-546-8731. The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 company. The Koinonia Institute mission is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian to sojourn in today’s world. President/Founder Dr. Chuck Missler CEO Louis Powell Managing Director Ron Matsen Executive Director, Israel Dr. Dan Stolebarger Executive Director, Communications Dr. Gordon McDonald Executive Director, Operations Pat Poole Registrar Stan Honn COVER 3 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 CONTENTS ORDER DIGITALCONTENTS TABLETEDITION STRATEGIC TRENDS YOUR LIFELINE TO UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD AROUND YOU! Stay informed on the many happenings that are shaping our present situations and their future outcomes. Every month Personal UPDATE’s tablet edition offers an enriching, multimedia learning experience for free to all of our subscribers. kiresearch.org KOINONIA INSTITUTE khouse.org/subscribe IT’S TIME TO GET SERIOUS AND BECOME A PART... FAMILY MATTERS: VOL 1 The institution of marriage was created by God. FAMILY MATTERS: VOL 2 Today, a hostile invasion is storming into our homes. FAMILY MATTERS: VOL 3 Your children will always need good guidance from you. Seriously study the Bible with a world-wide community of committed and informed Christians. koinoniainstitute.org 4 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER FROM THE EDITOR Dr. Gordon McDonald Executive Editor, Personal UPDATE IT IS OBVIOUS F OR MANY YEARS we have presented the perspective that the Church in America is somewhat spoiled. What we call “persecution” here is only a vague distraction elsewhere in the world. Those in the Middle East or Asia look at us with sympathy, not because of any pain we suffer for standing up for our faith, but because we are so “misled” to not understand what true persecution looks like. Across the world, there are vast numbers of our brothers and sisters praying for real persecution to begin within our borders. They neither do this lightly nor out of bitterness. They only want us to come out of our delusion-created blindness and into the light of what it truly means to be totally abandoned to Jesus. We will have our chance. It is obvious that the world is rapidly “turning on” true Christianity. The effort is happening with so much coordination and consistency that it reflects far more than just human cultural changes. Clearly we are being targeted, slowly but surely, by principalities and powers, as well as by self-serving humans. The Church in America will not be spared from what most of the world, for most of the last two thousand years, has had to endure. Our turn is coming. That should not induce fear. We are never alone. Never. There is an opportunity for victory and ministry in every situation God presents us. There is power in the truth. Tom Horn (one of our speakers at this year’s Strategic Perspectives conference—see page 20) has graciously written an article this month to remind us of what we were promised from the beginning and how fortunate we are to be able to see this day coming. Rejoice in this coming opportunity and remember: Jesus never fails! Dr. Gordon McDonald Executive Editor COVER 5 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 JUL2014 CONTENTS ORDER IN THE NEWS EACH MONTH WE SELECT NEWS THAT WE FEEL WILL HELP KEEP YOU INFORMED. MANY OF OUR NEWS SELECTIONS ARE NOT GIVEN ADEQUATE ATTENTION BY THE MAINLINE MEDIA. >> ISRAEL NETANYAHU PROMISES ‘JERUSALEM WILL NEVER BE DIVIDED’ Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat spoke at the special Jerusalem Day ceremony, honoring 47 years since the reunification of the Holy City. “Jerusalem was unified 47 years ago and it will never be redivided.” For more info: Click here. >> NIGERIA NIGERIAN GENERALS FOUND GUILTY OF ARMING BOKO HARAM Ten generals and five other senior military officers were found guilty in courts-martial of providing arms and information to Boko Haram extremists, a leading Nigerian newspaper reported. For more info: Click here. >> AMERICA OBAMA ADMINISTRATION PROPOSES RACE-BASED LEGAL SYSTEM IN HAWAII President Barack Obama’s administration has quietly suggested it is willing to create a two-tier race-based legal system in Hawaii, where one set of taxes, spending and law enforcement will govern one race, and the second set of laws will govern every other race. For more info: Click here. >> MIDDLE EAST US MILITARY BASE WITHIN IRANIAN STRIKING DISTANCE A top Iranian defense official’s claim that a U.S. militar y base in the Indian Ocean is now within missile range served both as a threat to American interests and a revelation that, if true, Tehran has doubled its striking distance. For more info: Click here. >> SCIENCE SCIENTISTS WIPE OUT MALARIA-CARRYING MOSQUITOES IN THE LAB In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, scientists from Imperial College in London have tested a new genetic method that distorts the sex ratio of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, the main transmitters of the malaria parasite, so that the female mosquitoes that bite and pass the disease to humans are no longer produced. For more info: Click here. 6 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER NEW E-BOOK SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS Dr. Chuck Missler - Founder THE HEBREW “MAZZAROTH” HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ASTROLOGY. RATHER, IT IS A TOOL THAT USES THE STARS TO TELL A STORY. I n this article, we’re going to look at the Mazzaroth, the Hebrew name for the zodiac. Many scholars believe the word zodiac comes from the Greek zidiakòs kýklos meaning “a circle of little animals.” The Sanskrit root word sodi, though, means “the way” and reflects the Middle East understanding of the zodiac. The Mazzaroth has nothing to do with astrology or any attempt to tell our futures based on the stars. Rather, the Mazzaroth is a tool that uses the stars to tell a story. The Hebrews knew their constellations. They were not to worship the stars, but the first chapter of Genesis states that when God BIO created the heavenly bodies, He did so for several reasons. He said, Dr. Chuck Missler “…Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the President/Founder, day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for Koinonia Institute After a distinguished milidays, and years.”1 Stories in the Sky It is amusing to see planetarium shows still spreading the notion that the various pictures associated with the constellations were ancient imaginings taken from the arrangement of the stars. If you have carefully explored that conjecture, it is easily discarded as fanciful and absurd. Have you ever tried to visualize a “lady chained to a chair” in the bent-W known as Cassiopea? One can see Draco as a serpent-dragon winding and bending between the Big and Little Dippers, but Sagittarius looks more like a teapot than an archer. And yet, the names of the constellations tend to be consistent, with small variations, throughout different cultures around the world. tary career and more than 30 very successful years in the corporate business environment, Chuck was led to pursue a life-long endeavor of teaching the Bible on a full-time basis. He founded Koinonia House, an organization devoted to encouraging people to study the Bible. He also founded Koinonia Institute to enable people to have a Kingdom effect on the world today. 7 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER We also discover something else as we delve into these ancient records. We discover ancient Persian and Arabian traditions that ascribe the invention of astronomy to Adam, Seth and Enoch. Josephus credits the children of Seth with working to preserve the ancient knowledge in pillars of stone.2 I suggest that the names Those traditions do have roots back that far, of the stars and the conand I suggest that the names of the stars and the constellations originally conveyed meaning to stellations originally had Adam, Seth, and Enoch—that they were created meaning to Adam, Seth, to serve as a mnemonic, a memory tool, to tell and Enoch—that they a very important story. The story they tell has were created to tell a very significance to all of us, so much so that it was important story... corrupted in a temple at Babel and became the distorted soothsayer’s tool we see today in astrology. Associated with each sign’s constellation are three other smaller constellations called “decans” for a total of 36, each rising in the same area of the sky as their associated major constellation. Every ten days, a different decan is visible on the eastern horizon just before sunrise, and 2100 years before Christ, symbols on Egyptian coffins show they were used to keep track of sidereal time.3 The pictures in the sky are not as important as their names, and the corrupted Babylonian star names aren’t extremely helpful, although we can see a hint of the original names in a few places. The clue to unraveling the original story is to understand the Hebrew names. We owe a debt to E.W. Bullinger for his 1893 book The Witness of the Stars and his careful exposition of the Hebrew constellation and star names. 8 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER The Seed of the Virgin The first sign of the Mazzaroth is known best by her Latin name Virgo—the Virgin. In the Mazzaroth, the Hebrew name of this constellation is Bethulah, which also means Virgin, and she holds a branch in her hand (see graphic, left). That’s interesting. Why is the Virgin holding a branch in her hand? The brightest star in the constellation is Spica, Latin for “ear of grain.” The Hebrew name for the star, Tsemech, means “branch” as does the Arabic name, Al Zimach. In Egyptian, the star is Aspolia—“the seed.” There are 20 Hebrew words that can mean “branch.” Tsemach is consistently associated with the Messiah—the Branch who will sprout up out of the root of David (Isaiah 4:2, Jeremiah 23:5, Zechariah 3:8). The reference to the grain is interesting. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” John 12:24 If we can’t track the Hebrew names, the Arabic is usually very close, because the languages are similar. In Arabic, the whole constellation is called The Branch, and the other bright stars in the constellation are Zavijaveh, “gloriously beautiful” and Al Mureddin, “who shall have dominion” (Psalm 72:8). In Chaldean, this last star is Vindemiatrix, “son who cometh.” Bethulah/Virgo corresponds beautifully with Genesis 3:15 and Isaiah 7:14, the first Biblical prophecy of the coming Messiah, born of the seed of the woman, born of a virgin. 9 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Coma The three decan constellations associated with Virgo are Coma, Centaurus, and Bootes. In Hebrew, the root word Camah means “to long with desire” as when David says, “…my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is” (Psalm 63:1), and the derivative Comah means “the desired one.” In the Egyptian Temple of Denderah, The clue to unraveling Coma is portrayed as a woman holding the original story is to a child. Bullinger quotes the Arabian understand the Hebrew astronomer Albumazar saying of Coma, names of the stars. “There arises in the first Decan, as the Persians, Chaldeans, and Egyptians and the two Hermes and Ascalius teach, a young woman, whose Persian name denotes a pure virgin, sitting on a throne, nourishing an infant boy (the boy, I say), having a Hebrew name, by some nations called IHESU…”4 That’s an odd visual, because virgins do not suckle babies. The ancient Egyptian name for the constellation is Shes-nu, which means the “desired son.” Centaurus Another decan constellation associated with Virgo is Centaurus, and the centaur we know from pagan mythology. Half-man, half-horse, a centaur is a being with two natures. The name of the constellation in Hebrew is Bezah, which means “the despised”—as in Isaiah 53:3: “He is despised and rejected of men…” Asmeath, “sin offering,” was another name for this constellation in Hebrew, as in Isaiah 53:10: “Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin...” Our Savior was a despised sin offering with two natures—God and man. 10 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Bootes The third decan associated with Virgo is Bootes, a man walking rapidly with a spear in his right hand and a sickle in his left. His name is a Greek variation on the Hebrew word Bo, which means “to come.” Arcturus, the brightest star in this constellation and the brightest north of the celestial equator, is mentioned in Job 9:9 and 38:32. Its Hebrew name is `Ayish, from a root word that means, “to come quickly” or “to hasten.” He is the Coming One. It is likely that the entire constellation’s original name was Arcturus. By the time of the Greeks, Bootes is portrayed as a Plowman, holding his sickle. He is also shown driving the bears of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, or in recent centuries leading the nearby greyhound constellation. As a guardian, though, why does he carry a sickle? That’s the tool and weapon of the farmer, not the hunter. Yet, according to Revelation 14, Jesus Christ does carry a sickle in his right hand for the time of harvest (Revelation 14:14-15). After Arcturus, the next brightest star in Bootes is called Necar—“the pierced one” or Merga, “who bruises.” NOTES 1. Genesis 1:14. 2. J o s e p h u s , T h e Antiquities of the Jews, Book I:1-3. 3. Cockcroft, Robert & Sarah Symons (2013). “Diagonal Star Tables on Coffins A1C and S2Hil: A New Triangle Decan and a Reversed Table.” Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 10(3), p. 1. 4. Bullinger, p. 3435. Italics added by Bullinger. 5. Ibid, p. 44. The Gospel in the Stars Thus, we see in the constellation Virgo and her decans the framework for the story to follow. We see the Virgin suckling the greatly desired son, also called “the seed of the woman” and “the branch.” We then see the two-natured teacher and prophet who was pierced and sacrificed, and finally the Coming One, who will hurry with a sickle in his hand as ready for a harvest. “It is only one chapter out of twelve,” Bullinger writes, “but it distinctly foreshadows the end—even ‘the sufferings of Christ and the glory which should follow.’”5 This month our featured eBook is Signs in the Heavens. See the ad on page 11 for more information. 11 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER NEWFORMAT: eBOOKS Signs in the Heavens Kindle $9.95 US ea $7.95 USD ea. OTHER TITLES on Kindle Footprints of the Messiah $9.95 US ea $7.95 USD ea. Alien Encounters Cosmic Codes $9.95 USD ea. Hidden Treasures $3.95 USD ea. ORDER • Is there a message hidden behind the “Signs of the Zodiac”? • Are there secrets hidden in the original names of the constellations? What we know as the “Signs of the Zodiac” is known in Hebrew as “the Mazzaroth.” This eBook explores the possibility that the Mazzaroth, the pre-Babylonian original, anticipated God’s total plan for mankind. Implications on ancient calendars and other events are also addressed. 12 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER THE COMING WAR ON TRUE CHRISTIANITY by Thomas Horn Author, Radio Host T HERE IS EMERGING ON THE WORLD SCENE SOMETHING THAT WILL BECOME ONE OF THE GREATEST THREATS EVER RAISED AGAINST THE AUTHENTIC (BORN-AGAIN) BODY OF CHRIST—RELIGIOUS CHRISTIANS. In January 2014, the Pew Research Center (PRC)—a prestigious think tank based in Washington, DC (which provides information on social issues and demographic trends shaping the world)—published Religious Hostilities Reach Six-Year High. In this important report, the worldwide public-opinion surveyors chronicled the steady growth of religious persecution around the world and found that social hostilities involving religion are currently most frequently directed against people of Christian faith. The sharpest increase was in the Middle East, which, the reporters surmise, is the result of the 2010-11 political uprisings 13 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS known as the Arab Spring. That region’s score on the Social Hostilities Index rose from 5.4 in 2011 to 6.4 in 2012, three times the global median. A January 8, 2014 Breitbart News feature with the headline “A Report from the Non-denominational Group Open Doors Says the Number of Christians Martyred Around the World for Their Faith Nearly Doubled in 2013” separately confirmed the discoveries of the PRC report. Besides the Middle East, the Pew findings also detail an escalation in the United States from the lowest category of government restrictions on Christian expressions as of mid-2009 to an advanced category in only three years, where it appears poised to continue upward at the time of this article. One Nation Under God? ORDER BIO by Thomas R. Horn A u t h o r, R a d i o Host, Bible Scholar Thomas Horn is an internationally recognized lecturer, radio host and best selling author of several books, including his newest book, Blood on the Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian. He is a well-known columnist whose articles have been referred to by writers of the L. A. Times Syndicate, MSNBC, and Today. He is the CEO of the Raiders News Network and Defenders Publishing Group. If recent activity is any indication, it may not be long before “one nation under God” joins those red-listed countries where Bible-based believers find themselves under the most severe discrimination. Indeed, National Review Online recently posted a critical review by Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center who cites the 2014 World Watch List (which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted) to determine that “the U.S. is the chief facilitator of the persecution of Christians around the world today.” While Ibrahim’s assertion mostly reflects American involvement in foreign conflicts, examples of repression in the U.S. against people of Christian faith are growing and are easily obtained online. I found that a simple web search produces dozens of headlines and statistics in just a few minutes, illustrating growing hostility to expressions of Christian faith in the United States, such as CNN’s news report, “Legal Group Reports ‘Dramatic Increase’ in Hostility toward Christian Students in Public Schools,” or WND’s interview, “General: U.S. Christians Targeted For Murder.” But what such examples fail to mention is the developing emergence on the world scene 14 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER of what will become one of the greatest threats ever raised against the authentic (born-again) body of Christ—Religious Christians. Cry “Havoc!” and Let Slip the Dogs of War For some students of prophecy, the facts outlined here were not only predictable, but were a prophesied prelude to a period in history wherein true believers will be “beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and [for] not worship[ing] the beast, neither his image, neither [receiving] his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands” (Rev 20:4). Yet when discussing this end-times scenario, and in particular the subject of rigorous persecution, often overlooked is the role that religious “Christians” are being shaped today to play against the true body of Christ. The very idea could seem beyond credulity if it were not for what the inspired texts themselves convey. Jesus predicted a time when “whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service,” and in Matthew 24, He told His disciples: Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all [groups of people] for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:9-12 15 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Elsewhere in the Bible this coming era of Great Tribulation is described as when the Antichrist will have power “to make war with the saints, and to overcome them” (Rev 13:7; Dan 7:21). The Second Beast Immediately following those verses, there is description of a second beast with “two horns like a lamb” who speaks “as a dragon” (Rev 13:11). Most evangelical scholars identify this second “beast” as the leader of the end-times religious institution who will be under Satan’s control. The phrase “like a lamb” indicates he will pretend to represent the Lamb of God and the Christian church, while the expression “speaks as a dragon” identifies the devilish source of his authority and power. This final global super-church leader will be a murderer not unlike the Antichrist, and will cause “that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” (Rev 13:15). Thus the book of Revelation outlines how the political figure of the Antichrist derives ultranational dominance from the world’s religious faithful through the influence of an ecclesiastical leader (also called the False Prophet) who John at Patmos will not hesitate to swim in the blood of the genuine saints of God. In the days between now and when these men of sin are identified, this reality—that latter-day churchgoers will soon believe they are serving the kingdom of God by participating in or approving the death of conservative Christians—is not a concept lost on all contemporary churchmen. There are those who see things taking shape even now for a war that will eventually pit religious “Christians” against the real members of the body of Christ. 16 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Christian vs. Christian For example, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, stated early in 2014 that “modern Christians” will now be “called to suffer and even die for the faith” in a new era “of martyrdom.” But a clarifying document that was not supposed to be made public and which was authored by a senior advisor to Welby’s predecessor details how such a time of great persecution is coming because true believers will, according to the letter, be driven underground by liberal Christians and will become a dissident association comparable to resistance movements during World War II. Not long ago, Dr. Chuck Missler made me aware that Dr. J. Vernon McGee, one of America’s most beloved Bible teachers of the past century, taught the same and clarified that these true Biblical believers would ultimately be driven “underground” by none other than latter-day denominational churches. Another of the twentieth century’s most perceptive writers was pastor and author A. W. Tozer (who was not usually given to prognostication), who likewise wrote: Let me go out on a limb a little bit and prophesy. I see the time coming when all the holy men whose eyes have been opened by the Holy Spirit will desert worldly Evangelicalism, one by one. The house [institutional Christianity] will be left desolate and there will not be a man of God, a man in whom the Holy Spirit dwells, left among them. These Holy-Spirit-devoid church attenders will join other “religious types” to constitute the Antichrist’s apostate religious and political order (connected to “Mystery Babylon” in Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby 17 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Revelation, chapter 17) and, as unfathomable as it may sound, will seek to formulate perhaps the most egregious rank among the Man of Sin’s Gestapo members in their appetite for destroying latter-day, truly born-again believers. Impossible, some might say? Tell that to the trainloads of Jews who vanished beneath the brutality of Nazi Germany members who maintained their Protestant faith There are those who see or the hundreds of thousands of men, things taking shape for a women, and children who have died war that will pit religious since the days of Christ’s crucifixion “Christians” against real and the martyrdom of His disciples at members of the body of the hands of institutional church auChrist. thorities and holy temple leaders. The European wars of religion th (16 and 17th centuries) are further examples of such mayhem by very religious people, as could also be considered the Muslim conquests (7th to 19th centuries), the Crusades (11th to 13th centuries), the Spanish Reconquista (8th to 15th centuries), the Ottoman wars in Europe (15th to 19th centuries) and the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church (12th to 14th centuries). But now, what was old is new again, and as a militant spirit of evil pushes through the veil toward a final supernatural conflict (in which blood will flow to the horses’ bridle), violent clashes over matters of faith are once more boiling around the globe. Consequently, brutality wrought by the final The Crusades Antichrist and his end-time religious assassins will soon make the combined depravities of those wars mentioned above look like child’s play. When he raises his fist, “speaking great things…in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven” (Rev 13:5-6), at his right hand will stand those house-of-worship attendees who are vividly described in the final book of the Bible as “drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus” (Rev 17:6) as they 18 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER dance and sing in their mega-church “habitation of devils and hold of every foul spirit” (Rev 18:2). Nonetheless, A Light at the End of the Tunnel? In a chapter for the new book Blood on the Altar: The Coming War Between Christians vs. Christians, Dr. Chuck Missler outlines how something very good can, is, and will come out of the lead-up to that period in history mentioned above, when true believers will be thoroughly persecuted. Missler describes how so many real believers today have already started their exodus from institutional Christianity and are This offers hope reemerging in home groups, just as the church began that the true body of in the book of Acts. Christ always has and As also outlined in his must-read book, Prophecy will survive and even 20/20: Profiling the Future Through the Lens of Scripture, Chuck writes: triumph during times of persecution. There is presently a groundswell across America—as in many other parts of the world—in which people are meeting in small groups in homes during the week, rediscovering the Bible, and enjoying a more intimate fellowship than they find in “Sunday church.” Many of these are encouraged and supported by their formal church associations; others simply meet independently. This is especially true of many young people, to whom “Sunday church” is a spectator sport, and who seek more personal participation and accountability. After all, this is the way it all began: twelve guys along the seashore with their Teacher. All the remarkable episodes of the early church in the book of Acts occurred in homes. It wasn’t until the fourth century that edifices began to be erected, when Christians exchanged the rags of the caves for the silks of the court. And committed ambassadors were replaced with hirelings, inserted between an attendee and the Word itself. In more than sixty years as a practicing Christian, the place that I’ve always seen people really grow spiritually is within small group Bible studies: where they can ask questions and hold each other accountable. 19 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Dr. Missler goes on to list caveats to be considered in small groups, including the need to network and not become insular, as well as the need to “systematically spawn new leadership, and not become an end in themselves.” (Note: If you are interested in starting a home study group or would like more information on how the Koinonia Institute can provide resources, please visit www.koinoniainstitute.org and also see Dan Stolebarger’s article on page 22 of this issue). This recognition of vibrant Christianity growing outside the walls of Western religious centers offers hope that the true body of Christ always has and will survive and even triumph during times of persecution. This includes the coming war between Christian vs. Christian. * * * [Ed. Note: Tom Horn is a featured speaker at this year’s Strategic Perspectives conference. See the ad on page 20 or www.khouse.org/conference for details. We hope you can join us!] As the world races toward its momentous end-times encounter between good and evil (known in the Bible as Armageddon), a deepening antagonism is developing worldwide against conservative Christians. This trend may point to one of the most overlooked aspects of Bible prophecy—a war that ultimately pits born-again believers against religious Christians. In Blood on the Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian, leading national and international researchers, scholars, authors, and speakers share urgent information and specialized knowledge about this coming war and what you can do to prepare for it. Contributing authors: Thomas Horn, Gary Stearman, Chuck Missler, Cris Putnam, Michael Lake, Sharon Gilbert, Derek Gilbert, Larry Spargimino, Paul McGuire, Douglas W. Krieger, S. Douglas Woodward, and Terry James, with foreword by Stephen Quayle. $19.95 USD $14.95 USD Ava Mid-iJlable uly 20 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER 21 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER FEATUREDSERIES DVD AUDIOCD $19.95 USD ea. $39.90 for all 3! Audio Download $9.95 USD ea. $19.90 for all 3! RUNNING TIME 2 HOURS ea. WATCH IT! Learn more about this study in this special video excerpt. Vol. 1 ORDER Vol. 2 ORDER Vol. 3 ORDER The attack on the Biblical family unit has never been greater. The pervasive influences of secular philosophy, psychology and sociology have driven the traditional family unit to the brink of extinction. Like a spiritual tsunami, the influences of modern moral relativism are rapidly eroding the confidence of many Christians in Biblical foundational truths concerning marriage, family and parenting. Join Ron Matsen from the Executive Briefing Room of The River Lodge in New Zealand for this essential study series, Family Matters. 22 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER SMALL GROUPS Dr. Dan Stolebarger Exec. Director KI - Israel WHERE WE BEGAN & WHERE WE’LL END WE BELIEVE THAT THE BEST PLACE FOR THE DISCIPLESHIP PROCESS TO TAKE ROOT IS IN THE MIDST OF A SMALL GROUP, NOT A LARGE CONGREGATION. The Church began in homes and will one day end in homes. Chuck Missler I believe in the power of Small Groups! I believe that the best place for the BIO discipleship process to take root is in the midst of a small group, not a large congregation. Now, before I jump into this topic let me Dan Stolebarger, first say that I am not a Church hater! I am not anti-Church! I am E xe c u t i v e Di re c tor KI - Israel simply pro-Discipleship! The Original Small Group I do not believe it was a coincidence that when Rabbi Yeshua began His ministry He selected twelve, not twelve hundred, to be “with” Him. As the years go by we have seen the numbers in Koinonia Institute gradually grow. We believe our Medallion programs are excellent, but we believe that it is time for us to find creative ways to build the koinonia of our Institute. Again we are reminded of our Lord’s command to go into all the world and make disciples! With that being said, we are moving forward with an “intentional plan” to build small groups within the Koinonia Institute community by networking with our KI Deputy Provosts. I know that the small group concept exploded onto the church scene years ago and that they Dan was born and raised in San Diego, California. During his Senior year of high school, Dan came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Early on, Dan had a deep thirst for the Word of God, as well as a desire to be a sold-out man of God. Dan met Chuck Missler and traveled with him to the Mediterranean countries and Israel. Dan left San Diego and moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and is now the Executive Director - Israel at Koinonia Institute. 23 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 CONTENTS COVER ORDER come in all different shapes and sizes. So, let me give you a basic tutorial of where we are heading. The Basics A minimum size of a small group is two. If you only have one, then it’s not a group—it’s just you! For the record there is nothing wrong with a group of two! Consistency is one of the keys to success, so be clear when it comes to your group’s expectations. • • • • • This should be a group experience, remember people learn best by participating. Seek to maintain a balance between teaching and discussion. Encourage discussion and transparency. Stress and maintain confidentiality. I do not believe Stay flexible for surprises. Global Groups it was a coincidence that when Rabbi Yeshua began His ministry He selected twelve, not twelve hundred, to be “with” Him. Our vision is to have Koinonia Institute Groups globally. Who knows how long our religious freedoms will continue? I think it is prudent to plan ahead and I do believe that as the “end” approaches we need to have our network in place. As an online community we know the importance of communication, but oftentimes we do not have the luxury of face-to-face encounters. Our Local Group Currently we have started a small group on Tuesday nights at our facility in Post Falls. We believe that those best to address small groups are those who are actively involved in a 24 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER small group! So, here’s what we are doing: We gather together at 6:45 pm and end at 8:15 pm. One thing that I think is important is to begin on time and to end on time! We then divide our evening into three sections. We have a weekly reading schedule that our group receives daily, so when they come on Tuesday night we are prepared to answer our pre-assigned discussion questions. We use our three Koinonia Institute pillars as the foundation to our evening. In other words, we have a time to discuss world events, this is our ISSACHAR section, then we head into our BEREAN time where we have a short prepared devotional from our reading, and then we launch into our group discussion. We conclude our evening with our KOINONOS pillar, which for us is a set time for intercessory prayer. We have a prayer list that is connected to our reading schedule. Here is an example from a recent Tuesday night small group meeting: • READING SCHEDULE Daniel 9-12 / Acts 21-25 / 1 John 1- 5 • BEREAN TEACHING Jerusalem Council and Acts 21 • ISSACHAR The Vatican’s Visit to Israel • GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS DANIEL 1. What makes the seventy weeks of Daniel the most amazing prophecy in the entire Bible? 2. Jesus warns us that in the end deception will be thick and it will take effort not to be deceived! How does one keep from being deceived? 25 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER ACTS 3. Who are some of the relatively unknown GREATS in the Bible? 4. What is the key to a good conscience? 1 JOHN 5. What are the ramifications of the following verse: “Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.” 6. What are the major themes of John’s epistle? One of our goals as we develop our world of small groups is to record these building blocks and make them available weekly on our website in order to assist groups in getting started. One thing that we have learned over the years is the importance of structure. The Bronze program is highly successful, and I believe that one of the reasons is that we provide an easy and understandable pathway. You take four classes, we provide you the curriculum and suggest an order, and then turn our new member loose! In the same way we want to provide a structure to start our Small Groups. Again, we are excited to begin this new adventure and encourage you all to start a small group. And then keep an eye out for our additional guidance on how to get involved with building small groups. An Invitation To Join Us! At our Strategic Perspective Conference in Coeur d’Alene this fall, on Thursday night, October 23, we will host an open forum with our KI members. Small groups will undoubtedly be a main topic of these discussions. Watch for our live streaming invitations for the conference. [Ed. Note: For more information on small groups, listen to session three of Spiritual Disciplines by Dan Stolebarger.] COVER 26 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 CONTENTS ORDER KOINONIA INSTITUTE “Turning believers into Bereans” Is it time for you to join the community? BEREAN ISSACHAR KOINONOS SERVE Is God calling you to a deeper understanding of his Word? Does He want you to get connected with your brothers and sisters around the world? Are you hungry to be filled with all God has for you? Come Be A Part Of What God Is Doing! For More Information Go To: www.koinoniainstitute.org 27 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER CULTURE WARS Dr. Ted Baehr - Chairman, Christian Film & TV Comm. EXPOSING DARKNESS & EMBRACING LIGHT LET US COMMEND THE GOOD WHILE GENTLY INSTRUCTING THOSE WHO MIGHT HAVE GONE ASTRAY SO THAT WE MAY ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO FOCUS ON THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST. T wenty years ago, when Jesus’ name was used in a movie, it was usually used as a curse word. Last year, 67 percent of the movies released had at least BIO some pro-Christian, pro-Biblical content. This year, in 2014, an incredible number of the major movies being released have D r . Te d B a e h r Chairman, Publisher positive, overt Biblical—and often evangelical—content. As might be www.movieguide.org expected, many of these movies have attracted criticism. Sadly, some Ted Baehr is the Chairman of the most spiteful, angry and mean-spirited criticism has come from of The Christian Film & Television CommisChristians. Our Ministry’s Mission MOVIEGUIDE® was built on the premise of exposing the fruitless works of darkness and commending the good. As a result of doing this consistently for many years, we have seen a great growth of the Good, the True and the Beautiful, and a decrease in the darkness in the movies released. Much of that could be attributed to our detailed economic analysis of the box office, combined with the fact that we see the Gospel for what it is: Good News! So, we try to present our analysis and criticism in light of the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control), which dictates that we love the people who created the works we’re examining enough to try to be constructive. sion™ and Publisher of MOVIEGUIDE® (www. movieguide.org), a family guide to entertainment. An award-winning media authority, he is used by God to redeem the mass media and teach families to be media-wise. His books include How To Succeed In Hollywood (Without Losing Your Soul) and The Culture-Wise Family, among many others. For more information, please go to: www.movieguide.org 28 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER There are exceptions, but the exceptions are not the rule. Recently, there’s been a tremendous amount of criticism bashing Darren Aronofsky and the producers of Noah, criticizing Roma Downey and Mark Burnett for Son of God, and even criticizing the producers of Heaven Is For Real. Recently, I had a chance to talk to one of the top people at Paramount Pictures, whom I’ve known for years, who’s a co-producer of Noah. He had told me about Noah years ago when we met for lunch. He wanted the movie to be very evangelistic, which it is not, and he wanted to tell an Old Testament story in light of the There is no doubt New Testament revelation of God’s grace. I asked him about Darren Aronofsky, and he that my friend needed guidance and perhaps said Aronofsky was wrestling with forgiveness and mercy because of a crisis in his family. The producer, even faith formaone of the brightest, most conservative Christians in tion, but personal, Hollywood, noted that the same thing had happened ill-conceived attacks to him. We discussed the fact that Mel Gibson had don’t make it easier been bashed so badly for the trumped-up charge of Anti-Semitism that he went off the deep end. for him... Darren Aronofsky Critiques are Warranted; Personal Attacks Are Not There is no doubt that my friend—and Aronofsky—needed guidance and perhaps even faith formation, but personal, ill-conceived attacks don’t make it easier for him, as a conservative evangelical Christian, to do more movies that touch upon Christian and Biblical themes. With regard to Roma and Mark, the situation seems even more mean-spirited. One attack article claimed The Passion of the Christ was more Biblical, when in fact The Passion was based on visions a Catholic nun had over one hundred years ago. Other articles commended the Jesus film, which for the record is only 66% of the Book of 29 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Luke and is produced by a good friend of mine who is Jewish and extremely wary of the Christian community, and a director who’s known for some very salacious movies. In fact, the star of the Jesus film told me years later he was an atheist. Also, Jesus of Nazareth was funded by a Muslim and directed by a bisexual who chased one of the male stars around his villa. Thus, of all the 130 or so “Jesus films” that have come out, Mark Burnett and Roma Downey Mark and Roma’s Son of God is one of the few made by people who constantly say they love Jesus. That doesn’t mean they got everything right. In fact, I sent them a theological analysis months before the movie was locked in editing. In this regard, however, has any sermon ever gotten everything right? If so, I have yet to hear such a sermon, though I have walked out several times on sermons that have gotten most of their theology wrong. Many of the mean-spirited articles about Noah have been written by people who admit to having never seen the movie. Others have been written by people who don’t seem to understand some of the Bible’s basic theological concepts or realize the difference between a Christian ontology ...as a conservative (a real world, with real sin and real pain, that needs a evangelical Christian, real Savior, Jesus Christ) and an anti-Christian, nomito do more movies that nalistic ontology (a non-material, great thought, maya world where all is an illusion and there is no need for a touch upon Christian and Biblical themes. savior, such as The Last Temptation of Christ). MOVIEGUIDE® has been critical of Noah, but also fair. We’d love to see the theology of each movie improved and would love to see the theology of most of the critique articles improved. One theologian complained to us that, unlike Heaven Is For Real, no one has gone to Heaven and come back, although I pointed out to him that Paul said he did just that in 2 30 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Corinthians 12:2. Was Paul lying? Where do we get such strange eisegetical views? Thank God that iron does sharpen iron. They Will Know Us By our Love But even so, what enabled a small group of Christians to overthrow the most debauched Empire in history, Rome? As Professor Alvin J Schmidt The Apostle Paul points out in the book How Christianity Changed the World, one major reason was that people knew the Christians by their love and wanted to convert. Did the people who criticized Mel Gibson love him? Or, those who criticize any of the Christians working behind the scenes in Hollywood? Most Biblical movies, and most movies dealing with Heaven, contain things you won’t find in the pages of the Bible. To make a really dramatic movie that millions of people will go see requires at least some dramatic artistry. Furthermore, it’s really easy to poke holes in almost any movie, whatever the subject matter. So, let us commend the good while gently instructing those who might have gone astray so that we may encourage everyone to focus on the Good News of Jesus Christ that enlightens us all. 31 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER 32 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER 33 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER AGAINST THE TIDE Nancy Missler, Founder, KHW OUR NEW SPIRITUAL WILLPOWER AS CHRISTIANS, WE HAVE GOD’S SUPERNATURAL WILL AND POWER. FIRST HE COUNSELS US AS TO WHAT HIS WILL IS, THEN HE GIVES US HIS SUPERNATURAL POWER TO PERFORM HIS WILL IN OUR LIVES. I n the summer there’s nothing better than a tall glass of ice tea—heavy on the ice. In the winter there’s nothing better than a cup of boiling hot tea. But tea that goes lukewarm, regardless if it is in summer or winter, gets thrown out! This can be contrasted with our spiritual walk. It’s so easy durBIO ing the summer to get lukewarm in our relationship with the Lord— Nancy Missler neither hot nor cold. In Revelation 3:14-22 Jesus talks about the LaDirector/Founder odicean church being lukewarm, but in verse 18 He gives us the answer of King’s High Way Nancy Missler has to staying hot in our relationship with Him: I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. Revelation 3:18 If you are being “refined in the fire,” the Lord wants you to understand His grace. If you feel naked and ashamed, the Lord wants you to see the clothing of His righteousness. If your spiritual eyes feel blinded, the Lord wants to illuminate the eyes of your heart to His Word. The world, the flesh and the devil want us lukewarm and defeated. But God wants us walking in the power of His Faith, Hope and Love. In the following article that Nancy wrote in 2003, she teaches on the supernatural willpower that all Christians receive when they are born again. May published four studies: The Way of Agape, Be Ye Transformed, Faith in the Night Seasons, and her latest, The Kingdom, Power & Glory. In addition to these popular studies she also has published six Plain and Simple Series books, as well as two In His Likeness Series books. Nancy has been married for over 50 years to Chuck Missler. They are the parents of four grown children, one of whom has gone to be with the Lord, and eight grandchildren. 34 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER this teaching encourage you to be an overcomer for the times we are living in! Agape, Debbie Holland, Kings High Way Director To him who overcomes “I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. Revelation 3:21 Over and over again in Scripture we see the wonderful and yet terrible consequences of man’s free will, enabling him to either follow God or follow self. David tearfully humbles himself at the feet of God (Psalm 51), but Saul proudly plots to get his own way (1 Samuel 15). Joseph continually turns away from Potiphar’s wife (Genesis 39:7-9), but Samson rushes into the arms of Delilah (Judges 16). At the exact moment John the Beloved is choosing to lay his head upon Jesus’ breast, Judas is choosing to betray Him (John 13:23-27). Mary of Bethany spends a year’s income to anoint Jesus with costly perfume (Mark 14:3-9), yet Ananias and Sapphira lie in order to withhold a small portion of their income (Acts 5:1-11). A poor widow gives her last few coins to the Lord (Luke 21:2-4), but the rich young ruler won’t let go of his great wealth (Luke 18:18-25). Parthian magistrates travel a great distance to worship the babe in a manger (Luke 2:1-2), but the Pharisees won’t walk six miles into Bethlehem to meet their Messiah! Our choice to follow our own thoughts and emotions over what God is prompting is where God’s Spirit gets quenched and sin begins. Any choice to disobey God causes the door of our hearts to be shut and God’s Life (in our hearts) blocked from coming forth. Our Will—The Passageway of Life Consequently, our will (our free choice) is the passageway, the doorway or the gateway for God’s Life (in 35 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER our hearts) to flow out into our lives. This passageway or doorway can be “opened,” so God’s Life can flow easily; or it can be “closed,” and God’s Life quenched. Our will in the Greek is called dianoia. Dia means “channel” and noya means “of the mind.” And this is exactly what our will is, the channel or conduit for God’s Spirit to flow from our hearts out into our lives. In other words, our choice is the key to whose life will be lived in our soul. Faith choices allow God’s Life to come forth; emotional choices quench God’s Life. Here’s a perfect example. Wendy A friend of mine, Wendy, had to travel on business from Durango, Colorado to the next town, which was 40 miles away. This part of Faith choices allow Colorado is spectacularly beautiful, but quite desolate God’s Life to come as far as cities or population. There is nothing beforth; emotional tween Durango and the next town. Wendy had received The Way of Agape audio choices quench God’s tapes a few months previously and had been periodiLife. cally listening to them. She thought this long drive would be a perfect opportunity to finish the series, so she took them along with her. As she became so engrossed in what she was hearing on the tapes (all about our constant, momentby-moment “faith” choices), she didn’t realize she was nearly out of gas and that she had just driven past the last gas station in Durango. There would not be another station for 40 miles. 36 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Sure enough, about 15 or 20 miles outside of Durango, she ran out of gas. The car literally stopped. She pulled over to the side of the road and became totally distraught as she realized her precarious predicament. Since she was going to a business appointment, she was all dressed up (heels and all), thus there was no way she could walk any distance. And even if she could have, there was no place to go for help. The few cars that did pass her, she said, terrified her. They were mostly men with beards and long hair, driving 4x4 trucks with shotguns on racks in their rear windows. (Sounds like our cars and trucks in Idaho.) As she sat there contemplating her situation, God impressed upon her heart what she had been listening to on those tapes—about making faith choices (non-feeling choices), to give any and all situations over to God. It became apparent to her that even in this scary situation, she had a choice. She could either become paralyzed with fear (which she was already beginning to experience) and make emotional choices to follow the flesh; or, she could make faith choices, to relinquish herself to God and trust Him to perform His perfect Will through her (just like she was hearing on the tapes). She decided to try the latter. Without “feeling” anything, she chose by faith to give God her fear and apprehension and to trust Him to protect her and make a way for her. After her prayer, she decided to try the ignition one more time. She gently turned it on and, surprisingly, the motor sputtered and then started. She was ecstatic! She put the car into first gear and crept down the highway on the far right side. The farther she went, the more elated she became. She had made the appropriate faith choices, God had heard her prayers, and He was now performing a miracle right before her eyes. Wendy drove that “empty” car all the way (about 20 miles) to the next city. She told me later that when she would come to a hill, she simply made more faith choices to commit herself to God, softly stepped on the gas pedal, and there always seemed to be just enough “oomph” to make it over the hill. 37 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER When she finally did arrive at the next city, she stopped at the first gas station feeling absolutely overjoyed. The gas station attendant even asked her if she was all right, because she looked so radiant. She was able to witness to him and tell him the whole story. Wendy made it to her appointment a little late, but nevertheless, she arrived safely and learned an incredible lesson about God’s faithfulness. Now, I don’t recommend putting God to the test and going out of town without gas. But, to me, this is a perfect example of the importance of faith choices in our lives. When we trust God enough to constantly choose His way, we free Him to perform miracles. When we don’t, we quench His working in our lives. God Also Has Two Kinds of Will When we trust God enough to constantly choose His way, we free Him to perform miracles. When we don’t, we quench His working in our lives. It’s interesting because God also has two different kinds of will. In the Greek they are called thelo, which means His instinctive, emotional desires (or that which He takes pleasure in); and boule, which means His planned purposes (or the resolve of His Mind). Now, of course, for God, both of these kinds of will are “perfect.” Since we are created in the image of God, we, too, have two kinds of will. But, unlike God, what we desire and what we want is not always perfect! The Greek words for these two kinds of “human” will are thelema, which means our own natural, emotional desires (things we take pleasure in); and boulomai, which means our “disciplined willing,” or our choices free of any emotion—faith choices. What this says is, we can either make an emotional choice (thelema) and be carried away on the tide of emotion by our own uncontrolled feelings, negative thoughts, and self-centered desires (just like an unbeliever); or, we can make a faith choice (boulomai), a disciplined choice, free of any feelings (but often against the tide of 38 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER our own strong, self-centered emotions) to follow what God has prompted us to do, and then rely upon His strength to perform those choices in our lives. We must remember that our emotional choices, because they are felt and because they are experienced, are often much stronger in intensity than our faith choices. In other words, emotional choices are ones that we “want” to follow and we “want” to act upon. Thus, choosing to put our real feelings and emotions aside and making faith choices can be extremely difficult. Consequently, we must continually remind ourselves that, yes, faith choices are difficult to make and, yes, they go against every natural “feeling” that is in us, but if we succumb to making an emotional choice, we will open ourselves up to the clutches of Satan and end up in bondage to our flesh. Faith choices—even though they are more difficult to make than emotional choices—are Sanctification for all of the only choices that free us from the enemy and us is a process and it’s unleash all of God’s power to come to our aid. amde up of a thousand Consequently, Christians are the only truly free daily choices. people (if they so choose to be)—free from themselves, free from other’s responses, free from their circumstances and Satan’s control! This is what Calvary was all about! As 2 Corinthians 3:17 states, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [freedom].” That freedom comes in the form of a constant choice! Life, therefore, is really just a series of ongoing choices. For the believer, it’s a momentby-moment choice either to follow our own thoughts and desires or say like Jesus, “not my will, but Thine.” How wonderful it would be, if we could just choose once a day—say, just in the morning—to stay Spirit filled. Wouldn’t that be great! But, no, God has made the Christian walk a moment-by-moment exercise. A Moment-by-Moment Walk Here’s a beautiful example of how important our second-by-second choices are. Sanctification for all of us is a process and it’s made up of a thousand daily choices. Naomi was a victim of sexual abuse as a child. Throughout her life, even as a Christian, a wife and mom, the pain and desperation from that experience overwhelms her, and she 39 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER continues to battle despair and depression. Along the way, Naomi tried numerous Christian therapists, Al-Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, etc., but because she couldn’t see God’s hand in any of them, she stopped. She always knew something was missing! Sooner or later her symptoms of anxiety and depression would again resume. Her family doctor just thought it was stress, but she and her husband, Phil, knew better. Naomi ended up having a complete mental breakdown. God kept her safe, even though she tried to end her life. Phil, who works at the sheriff’s department, was across town when he heard about his wife’s collapse. He rushed home to be at her side, to love her, to care for her and to keep her from trying the same thing again. God finally rescued her from the valley of death. Confusion had permeated her mind, but through the loving arms of her husband and friends, God showed her that she could, if she reThe key was that ally wanted to, be healed completely and never have she would have to to fear losing her sanity again. “choose” every single The key, however, was that she would have to “choose” every single day, and occasionally many times day, and occasionally a day, to go God’s way. That was the missing link in many times a day, to all those other therapies: choosing to acknowledge go God’s way. her depressed thoughts, and then giving them over to God. She found when she made those faith choices, with God’s help, she could go on with her life, be an instrument for His use and He was faithful to align her feelings with her choices. “There will always be a battle for my mind,” Naomi says, “but I don’t have to fear the enemy anymore. God will always be there for me if I make the right choices. He even 40 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER showed me what my continual choice will be: to live in constant fear of depression and feeling sorry for myself or, moment by moment, live with Him and never fear anything again.” The key, as Naomi writes, is depending upon the supernatural power and authority that God has given us to choose His will, regardless of our feelings or our circumstances, and realize with confidence that no matter what occurs in our lives, He is still in control. Our Will and the Power to Perform It Before we close, let’s clarify one more thing about faith choices. What good is knowing we can make a faith choice, if we don’t understand that God has also given us the supernatural ability to perform that choice in our lives? In other words, we not only have God’s authority to choose His will, we also have His strength and His power to accomplish that will in our lives. This critical area of our makeup is called our willpower or our volition—it’s our will, and then, the power to perform our will. As Christians, we have God’s supernatural will and power. First, He counsels us as to what His will is, and then He gives us His supernatural power to perform His will in our lives. (Philippians 2:13) In other words, He hasn’t left us incapable of carrying out His will. He has given us all that we need. Only the choice is ours. As Christians, God has given us incredible freedom to follow His Spirit and believe and trust in Him, or to follow our flesh, believe and trust in ourselves. He has given us the authority to open up and abandon ourselves to His will; or, to shut ourselves off and follow what we think, feel and desire. It all comes down to our own choice: Are we willing to set aside what we think, feel and want to do, in order to do what God asks? Or will we yield to our own self-centered thoughts and emotions and do what we want? Again, the choice is continually ours! COVER 41 / UPDATE / JULY 2014 CONTENTS ORDER SPEAKING/TOURS Idaho Post Falls (Dan Stolebarger) July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Aug 5, 12, 19, 26 Sept 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Koinonia Institute Bible Study 800-546-8731 Coeur d’Alene (Chuck & Others) Oct 23-25 Strategic Perspectives Conference (see ad on page 20 for details) 800-546-8731 New Zealand Christchurch (Chuck) Aug 22-23 Promise Keepers La Vida Centre Wellington (Chuck) Sept 12-13 Promise Keepers Lane Park New Zealand Auckland (Chuck) Oct 3-4 Promise Keepers Victory Convention Centre www.promisekeepers.org.nz/ purepower.html Israel Various Cities (Dan Stolebarger) Oct 29-Nov 7 Issachar Tour to Israel Nov 8-15 Revelation/7 Churches February 2015 Israel School of Discipleship (see ad on page 31) 800-546-8731 [email protected] www.promisekeepers.org.nz/ purepower.html The KI Resident Study Program STUDY TOGETHER Are you looking for intensive and comprehensive Bible studies utilizing the online facilities of KI? Participants can choose to come for one month, three months, or six months (or longer) to study with us, advance in the KI Medallion Program, and prepare for supplemental “tentmaking” skills, all specifically tailored to your specific calling. For more information, visit: www.kitrust.org/resident-study-programs Topical Studies by Chuck Missler EACHcontains STUDY CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 2 HOURS OF AUDIO OR VIDEO Each study approximately two hours of audio or video NEWEST RELEASE! AUDCD/DVD DWNLD Family Matters Vol. 1 - Matsen Family Matters Vol. 2 - Matsen Family Matters Vol. 3 - Matsen Family Matters Vols. 1-3 Matsen 19.95 19.95 19.95 39.90 9.95 9.95 9.95 19.90 BASIC BIBLE STUDIES AUDCD/DVD DWNLD The Beginning of Wisdom Fulcrum of the Entire Universe Hidden Treasures - Missler Jesus: Who & Why - Missler Church in the End Times Israel & The Church Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War Angels Vol. 3: Denizens/Metacosm Footprints of the Messiah Eternal Security From Here to Eternity Heaven & Hell Inheritance & Rewards Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet Letters To Seven Churches Manifesto of our King Return of the Nephilim The Agony of Love The Christmas Story The Easter Story The Feasts of Israel The Flood of Noah The Origin of Evil The Prodigal Heirs The Rapture The Seventh Day The Sovereignty of Man The Spiritual Gifts The Trinity The Whole Counsel of God This Generation 19.95 19.95 9.95 9.95 19.95 9.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 Thy Kingdom Come 19.95 9.95 What Is Truth? 19.95 9.95 To view product descriptions or order, click on the product title. Topical Studies by Chuck Missler EACHcontains STUDY CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY two 2 HOURS OF AUDIO VIDEOor video Each study approximately hours of OR audio PROPHETIC UPDATES AUDCD/DVD DWNLD A Legacy of Hate (Chuck & Avi) 19.95 9.95 Antichrist: Alternate Ending 19.95 9.95 Babylon: Alternate View 19.95 9.95 Betrayal of the Chosen 19.95 9.95 Daniel’s 70 Weeks 19.95 9.95 Europa Rising 19.95 9.95 Hosea, Can You See? 19.95 9.95 Jihad: America’s New War 19.95 9.95 Roots of War: Profiling MidEast 19.95 9.95 The Kingdom of Blood 19.95 9.95 The Kings of the East 19.95 9.95 The Magog Invasion: Alt. 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Topical Studies by Chuck Missler EACHcontains STUDY CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY two 2 HOURS OF AUDIO VIDEOor video Each study approximately hours of OR audio PERSONAL AUDCD/DVD DWNLD Storm Warning--Missler/McDonald 19.95 9.95 Armor For the Age of Deceit 19.95 9.95 Being Faithful in Faithless World 19.95 9.95 Halloween: Invitation to Occult? 19.95 9.95 Kabbalah 19.95 9.95 Striking Back 19.95 9.95 Thanksgiving 19.95 9.95 The Architecture of Man 19.95 9.95 The Da Vinci Deception 19.95 9.95 The Once & Future Church 19.95 9.95 The Vortex Strategy 19.95 9.95 Twilight’s Last Gleaming? 19.95 9.95 Weathering the Storm 19.95 9.95 AUDCD/DVD DWNLD The Hybrid Age: Missler/Horn 19.95 9.95 Biotech: Update 19.95 9.95 Digging Up the Truth 19.95 9.95 DNA by Design -- Meyer 19.95 Genesis and the Big Bang 19.95 9.95 In the Beginning…was Information 19.95 9.95 Monuments: Sacred or Profane? 19.95 9.95 Seat of Mercy 19.95 9.95 Signs in the Heavens 19.95 9.95 Stretching the Heavens 19.95 9.95 Technology & the Bible 19.95 9.95 The Mysteries of Mars 19.95 9.95 FOR TECHNICALLY INCLINED To view product descriptions or order, click on the product title. 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Eastman 16.95 Learn the Bible in 24 Hours -- C. Missler 19.99 Hidden Treasures -- C. Missler 5.95 Foxe Voices of the Martyrs: Hardcover Book 14.95 Which None Can Shut -- Reema Goode 9.95 Son of Hamas -- Mosab Hassan Yousef 4.95 Prophecy 101 Price Prophecy 101: MP3 on CD-ROM (4 hours) 19.95 Prophecy 101: Audio CD set (4 one-hour audio CDs) 29.95 Prophecy 101: DVD set (2 DVDs - 4 hours) 29.95 To view product descriptions or order, click on the product title. 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Subscriptions & Memberships Personal UPDATE Koinonia Institute Conferences Price 2013 IDAHO Strategic Perspectives Conference DVD (10 hrs) 59.95 2013 IDAHO Strategic Perspectives Conference Audio (10 hrs) 59.95 2013 Tom Horn - Vatican, Pope & UFOs (1 session DVD) 14.95 2013 Peter Flint - Dead Sea Scrolls and the NT (1 session DVD) 14.95 2013 Joel Richardson - The Impact of Islam (1 session DVD) 14.95 2013 David McAlvany - Can America Endure? 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