Bulletin 06 05 2016 - St Joseph Catholic Church
OUR MISSION Annunciation hearts are burning to know, love and serve God by loving and serving others. Welcome to our Parish! Stained glass window in our South Colonnade depicting Resurrection. The Old Testament on the left: Jonah and the Whale. The New Testament on the right: Lamb with victory banner. June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fax: 407-869-4661 [email protected] www.annunciationorlando.org Phone: 407-869-9472 1020 Montgomery Rd. Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 /annunciationorlando Annunciation Catholic Church Mass Intentions for this Weekend SAT, JUN 4 8:00 am 5:00 pm (2 Tm 4:1-8/Lk 2:41-51) Catherine Trovato† Frances O’Hara† Emma Marques† SUN, JUN 5 8:00 am 10:00 am (Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Minna R. Trizzino† People of Our Parish Salvatore DiBella† Erin Boyle† Charles McDonald† Opal Caldwell† 12:00 pm 5:30 pm Mass Intentions for the coming Week Altamonte Springs, Florida Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for June Universal: Human Solidarity That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find–even within the huge cities of the world opportunities for encounter and solidarity. Evangelization: Seminarians and Novices That seminarians and men and women entering religious life may have mentors who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them wisely for their mission. Mass Schedule ¿Habla Español? Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12noon & 5:30pm* *A.S.L. interpreted Monday - Friday: 7am & 12:15pm Saturday: 8am Misa en Español el primer Martes del mes a las 11am. El grupo de oración contemplativo le invita a la Misa en Español. LUGAR: En la Iglesia CONTACTO: 407-869-9472 MON, JUN 6 7:00 am 12:15pm (1 Kgs 17:1-6/Mt 5:1-12) Victoria Siegel† Dr. Robert Mumby† TUE, JUN 7 7:00 am 11:00 am 12:15 pm (1 Kgs 17:7-16/Mt 5:13-16) Cercidia Luis† Special Intention Jaime Gomez† WED, JUN 8 7:00 am 12:15 pm (1 Kgs 18:20-39 /Mt 5:17-19) Lyle LeRoy Colton† Tom Moran† Portuguese Mass THU, JUN 9 7:00 am 12:15 pm (1 Kgs 18:41-46 /Mt 5:20-26) Lorraine Studney† Lyle LeRoy Colton† Please note: no school Mass during summer break. FRI, JUN 10 7:00 am 12:15 pm (1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16/Mt 5:27-32) Leo Bly† Richard Peter Moran† Wednesday: 7 - 8pm SAT, JUN 11 8:00 am 5:00 pm (Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3 /Mt 5:33-37) Landon Body† Therese, Lisa and Michael Sitler† Eucharistic Adoration SUN, JUN 12 8:00 am 10:00 am (Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Times) Arthur Carroccia† People of Our Parish Robert I. Wittick† Dolicia Meregildo† Jon Capri† Rosemary Gordon† 12:00 pm 5:30 pm READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY (2 Sm 12:7-10, 13/Gal 2:16a, 19b-20/Lk 7:36-50) Weddings - Congratulations! Dr. John Anthony Coppola and Christina Ruth Doan, Esq. Baptisms - Welcome! Liam Michael Tuazon Recently Deceased †Mary Ellen Collins †Ernesto Luna Cayetano †Marjorie Aigler †John Kleemann †Tony Busquets When: 11:30 am on Sundays. Where: Padre Pio’s Place Reconciliation - Blessed Sacrament Chapel Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 7:30am-9pm Where: Chapel of the Angels Please note: There is a temporary Tabernacle in the church. The permanent Tabernacle has been sent to be refurbished as it has become dull due to the elements. It will be a few weeks before the permanent one is returned to us. Flower Intention If you would like to help adorn the sanctuary in honor of a special event or deceased loved one please call our Parish Office at 407-869-9472 Funeral notices are now posted on our website, after family approval, at annunciationorlando.org/funerals Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 Ministry Leaders Meeting When: June 7th at 7pm Where: St Gabriel Life Center All ministry leaders are asked to attend or to send a representative to this meeting for an overview of our parish ministry and group guidelines. It is important to attend this meeting prior to reserving building and meeting room space for the 2016-2017 calendar year. Mission Sunday - June 4th and 5th. The Catholic Diocese of Ngong lies within the archdiocese of Nairobi in Southern Kenya. It covers an approximate area of 24,618 miles and has a population of over 1,500,000 people. The Diocese has 33 parishes divided into 4 deaneries (Kilgoris, Narok, Ngong and Loitokitok). To learn more visit: ngongcatholic.org Annunciation Catholic Church High School Teens! Three spots have opened up for our summer trip to Covecrest in Tiger, Georgia! Join us for a fun filled, spiritual week. Incoming freshman through 2016 graduates are welcome. The cost for the camp and transportation is $550. The bus will leave at 1am on Monday, July 11th and will return at midnight on Saturday, July 16th. If you have any questions or for more information about the camp, please contact Nikki Neswold at 407-215-7656 or visit the camps web site at campcovecrest.com. Save the date! Orlando City Soccer Game Middle School and High School Youth Ministry Field Trip: Orlando City vs. SJ Earthquakes When: June 18th Buses leave Annunciation Catholic Church at 5:30 pm. Cost is $25.00 per person. Sign up online at: annunciationorlando.org/ym Altamonte Springs, Florida Faith Formation Registration Faith Formation Registration is Open! Early Bird Discounts still apply. Registration is open for all grades and those eligible for Sacramental Preparation Classes. Registration forms are available online at: annunciationorlando.org (click on the link on the home page). Vacation Bible School Cave Crew can't wait to see our campers on June 13th beginning at 8:45 am. Year of Mercy - Holy Door "Selfie" Challenge We are challenging all of our parish families to take a "Selfie with a Holy Door" and submit them to us at: annunciationorlando.org/holy-doors. Our diocesan Holy Door is at the Basilica of Mary, Queen of the Universe which is located at 8300 Vineland Road Orlando. If you are traveling, you can find Holy Doors listed throughout the United States and around the world at annunciationorlando.org/holy-doors. June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Rosary Campaign for Peace Did you take a card and commit to praying Rosaries for Peace? We would like to keep track of the number of rosaries being said so we can publish them in the bulletin throughout the year. 258 Rosaries for peace have been prayed so far. Please visit annunciationorlando.org/peace to submit your Rosaries for Peace. Thank you! Pope: Christians serve with joy and not with a grimace (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday urged Christians to serve other people, without delay or hesitation, saying if we learned how to reach out in this way, the world would be a very different place. His remarks came during his homily at the morning Mass in the Santa Marta residence where he used the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary for his reflections on the theme of Christians at the service of others. May 31st was the final day of the month dedicated to Mary and the Pope used the day’s readings to illustrate Mary’s courage, her helping hand and concern for others and above all her joy, a joy, he said, that fills our hearts and gives meaning and a new direction to our lives. Referring to Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth, Pope Francis said this is a liturgy full of joy that arrives like “a breath of fresh air” to fill our lives. Joy and a grimace “Christians with a grimace or disgruntled expression on their faces, sad Christians, are a very ugly thing. It’s really ugly, ugly, ugly. However, they are not fully Christian. They think they are (Christians) but they are not fully so. This is the Christian message. And in this atmosphere of joy that today’s liturgy gives us like a gift, I would like to underline just two things: first, an attitude; second, a fact. The attitude is one of service or helping others.” The Pope pointed out how the gospel describes Mary as setting off immediately and without hesitation to visit her cousin, despite being pregnant and despite the risk of meeting robbers along the route. This young girl of 16 or 17, he said, was courageous by getting up straightaway and setting out on her journey. The Church’s courageous women “The courage of women. The courageous women who are present in the Church: they are like Mary. These women who bring up their families, these women who are responsible for rearing their children, who have to face so many hardships, so much pain, women who look after the sick…. Courageous: they get up and help other people. Serving others is a Christian sign. Whoever doesn’t live to serve other people, doesn’t serve to live. Serving others and being full of joy is the attitude that I would like to underline today. There is joy and also service towards others.” The second attitude whose importance was stressed by the Pope is reaching out and meeting other people. Referring once again to Mary’s meeting with her cousin, he noted that the two kinswomen greeted each other with joy and their encounter was very festive. In conclusion, Pope Francis said if we could learn these two things: to serve others and reach out to them, how much our world would change: “Reaching out to others is another Christian sign. Persons who describe themselves as Christian and who are unable to reach out to others, to go and meet them are not totally Christian. Being of service and reaching out to others both require going out from themselves: going out to serve and meet others, to embrace another person. Through Mary’s service towards others, through that encounter, our Lord’s promise is renewed and makes it happen now, just as it did then. And it is really our Lord – as we heard during the first Reading: ‘The Lord, your God, is in your midst’ – the Lord is about helping other people, the Lord is about meeting other people.” Annunciation Catholic Church Community Partner Spotlight Altamonte Springs, Florida Free tickets to the Mascot Games Some of our Fall Festival proceeds were distributed to New Hope for Kids. As a thank you to our parishioners, they are offering free tickets to the Mascot Games on Saturday June 18th at 2pm. Tickets are limited to 4 per family and as supply lasts. Stop by our Parish Office to pick up the tickets. New Hope for Kids mission is to support children and families grieving the death of a loved one and to grant wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses in Central Florida. New Hope achieves its mission through two programs – The Center for Grieving Children and Wish for Kids – which provide assistance to children and their families during some of life’s most difficult challenges. New Hope for Kids also provides support services such as family events, resource information, and referral to other agencies for assistance when necessary. Our programs are available to children ages 3-19 who live in the Central Florida area. For more information including volunteer opportunities please visit: newhopeforkids.org The Mascot Games feature approximately 30 mascots from sports teams across the country competing in a variety of games. More than 18,000 fans enjoy thrilling and pulse-pounding competition, as mascots from MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA and the Arena Football League battle through gladiator themed games, to see who are the true champions of the mascot world. To learn more visit mascotgames.org Around this time of year many Priests celebrate the anniversary of their Ordination. Below are the Ordination dates for the Priests that serve our parish community: Fr. Stephen Parkes Fr. Josh Swallows Fr. Bill Gohring Fr. Steve Baumann Monsignor Caverly May 23, 1998 May 23, 2015 May 26, 1984 June 6, 1992 June 10, 1961 Pray for Vocations Are you interested in hosting our Vocation Blessing Cup? Please contact Cheryl or Bob Nettles at 407-297-1852 In gratitude to the following for hosting our Parish Vocation Blessing Cup: Michael and Geri Lense Ron and Chris Burroughs Richard and Mary O’Connor Visit: orlandodiocese.org/ministries-offices/vocations for more information about both of these events. “I have called you by name.” Isaiah 43:1 June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Eucharistic Adoration Guardians Needed Please consider signing up for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration. We need additional guardians during the summer months due to travel. The only requirement is to commit to coming during your hour, signing in and waiting until the next guardian arrives for their hour. Specific times that we need are: Mon. 9-10am & 2-3pm; Wed. 10-11am & 3-4pm; Fri. 4-5pm & 5-6pm. If you are interested please contact Renee Nemethy at [email protected]. Do you have a prayer request? Are you interested in becoming a prayer partner to pray for the needs of our Parishioners? The late Msgr. Thomas McGread, who was pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Wichita, Kansas for more than 30 years, and is called by some the “Father of Stewardship,” said as he looked back on his experiences supporting and forming stewardship in his people, “The real success of stewardship in our parish is found in the hearts of the people. Without a conversion of heart, no one is able to give of themselves as Christ has asked us to do.” In today’s Second Reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, Paul speaks of his conversion, a change of heart that provided him with the inspiration and the strength to become the apostle and evangelist he was. We are called to conversion by stewardship but it does not have to be as dramatic as Paul’s experience. Nevertheless, conversion influences us to be good stewards, and living stewardship translates into a lifestyle of service. Msgr. McGread recognized that serving rather than being served could be challenging for people. He said, “Stewardship is a spiritual way of life and that is never easy, but anyone I have ever known who became committed to being a steward never went back. Once they adopted that way of living, they were in it for the duration, for life.” Please send prayer requests to the email below. They will be added to our prayer list and sent out to our Prayer Partners. If you are interested in becoming a Prayer Partner please send your request to: [email protected] Music Ministry Stewardship Reflections on the Readings Mark McCabe at 407-869-9472 [email protected] We must understand that to be a disciple of Christ, to actually be one of His followers, requires not just conversion, but action, doing something to serve others. There are many opportunities for service right here in our parish and in our communities. thecatholicsteward.com Excerpt from the Second Reading GAL 1:11-14A, 15AC, 16A, 17, 19 June 4/5 Group Cantor 5:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 5:30pm Mixed Ensemble Chamber Quartet Chamber Choir Adult Bell Choir Chris McCabe/CP Band Rebecca Pagan Rebecca Ashley Phyllis McCabe Phyllis McCabe Chris McCabe June 11/12 5:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 5:30pm Group Cantor Chris McCabe – Soloist Amy Culhane – Soloist Mixed Ensemble Quartet MacKenzie Miller – Flute Young Adult Choir Chris McCabe Amy Culhane Amy Culhane Phyllis McCabe Chris McCabe I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel preached by me is not of human origin. For I did not receive it from a human being, nor was I taught it, but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ. For you heard of my former way of life in Judaism, how I persecuted the Church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it, and progressed in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my race. But when God, who from my mother’s womb had set me apart was pleased to reveal his Son to me, so that I might proclaim him to the Gentiles, I went into Arabia and then returned to Damascus. Annunciation Catholic Church Altamonte Springs, Florida St. Vincent de Paul Truck for Donations WHEN: The weekend of June 11th and 12th before and after all of the Masses. The truck will be located in the North parking lot, between our Church and the Saint Gabriel Life Center. We will be collecting any new or used clothing , furniture and small appliances, to help the poor in our area. Children's clothing and extra large adult clothing are especially needed. We are also collecting NEW underwear and socks for both children and adults. These items will be given to families at no charge to them. We are also in need of GENTLY USED tennis shoes in sizes 9 to 12. We will not be collecting any food items at this time. For large items please call the St Vincent DePaul Thrift Store at 1-888-986-4483 and arrange for a home pickup. Annunciation Council of Catholic Women Report for the 2014-2016 Term As we conclude our 2014-2016 term, we wanted to share with you some of our activities over the past two years as well as announce our 2016-2018 Board and Circle Chairs. During the past two years, the women of ACCW, who number 151, have volunteered 119,000 hours of service to our parish, our charities and to the community. We have helped over 31 needy organizations. Here are a few highlights: we bought home water treatment equipment for some of the families in our sister diocese, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter meals for needy families in our parish, Be An Angel gifts, countless cookies for our Academy children, monthly dinners (coupled with Mass) for our UCF students, Christmas toys for migrant children, birthday gifts for children residing at SafeHouse, snacks for our deployed service men and women, school supplies for the Diocese of Cuddapah in India, Boxes of Joy Christmas gifts for children in Haiti and Venezuela and last but important, Christmas wreaths for our fallen warriors. On May 10, Fr. Parkes and Fr. Baumann celebrated with us as our 2016-18 Executive Board and Circle Chairs were installed. Please pray for our new leadership as they assume their responsibilities. Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us. Executive Board Circle Chairs President……Vicki Torres 1st Vice President …Diane Nelson 2nd Vice President…Leesa Salazar Secretary……….Susan Stacy Treasurer…….Susan Frost All Saints Circle…..CoChairs Angela Buono & Jan DeMuth Mother Teresa of Calcutta….CoChairs Jennifer Hitt & Ydia Medina-Diaz St. Joan of Arc Circle….CoChairs Erna Johnson & Laura Krot St. Rita’s Circle…….CoChairs Lorrie Andrews & Patty King St. Therese of the Little Flower……Rose DiSalvo If you would like more information on joining a Circle, please contact Vicki Torres at [email protected] or 407-774-2717. Summer Music Theater Camp When: June 27th – July 1st Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (for students entering grades 2 - 5) 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (for students entering grades 6 & above ) Presented by Elaine Ashley and Heather Thorn Celebrating 10 years of delightful drama at Annunciation Catholic Academy and Stage. A fun musical theater experience for youth at an affordable price! Registration fee: $190 Enrollment is limited - Reserve your Space Today! Morning session is now full. Book Store The Joy of Love Pope Francis is now available. Store Hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30am – 5pm Saturday: 4:30-5pm; 6-6:30pm Sunday: 9am-1:30pm Call (407) 215-7666 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For more information please call our Parish Office at: 407-869-9472 or email [email protected] June 5, 2016 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We look forward to welcoming your child into our family at Annunciation Catholic Church! For information regarding the Sacrament of Baptism for Children, please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Experience the joy of forgiveness… Confessions are offered on Wednesday from 7pm until 8pm and on Saturday from 3:30pm until 4:30pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel or by appointment with one of our Priests. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit… For information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation for youth, please contact our Faith Formation for Children and Youth at 407-869-9472. If you are an adult in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact our Adult Faith Formation Office at 407-869-9472. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE …and the two shall become as one. Mark 10:8 For information regarding the Sacrament of Marriage, please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472 at least six months prior to your anticipated wedding date. VOCATIONS …I have called you by name. Isaiah 43:1 Do you feel called to Priesthood or Religious Life? We look forward to speaking with you. Please contact our Clergy at 407-869-9472. HOSPITAL VISITATION-ANOINTING OF THE SICK Are you or a loved one in need of healing? If you or someone in your family is in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472. In case of emergency or if you or a family member are in the hospital, please contact the Parish Office to receive a pastoral visit. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Now may be the time… and this may be the place! For more information on the journey of Christian Initiation, please contact Mary Ann Fox at 407-869-9472. ANNULMENTS Questions about divorce and remarriage? For information regarding Annulments, please contact Jody North at 407-215-7639. Clergy Very Rev. Stephen Parkes, V.F. ............................... Pastor Rev. Stephen Baumann.............................. Parochial Vicar Rev. Josh Swallows ................................... Parochial Vicar Rev. Monsignor Patrick J. Caverly, P.A. ...... Pastor Emeritus Rev. William Gohring ......... Hospital Chaplain (In Residence) Religious Sisters Sr. Maria Teresa Acosta, SCTJM ............... Pastoral Assistant Sr. Christine Hernandez, SCTJM .. Stewardship & Ministries Sr. Rachel Gosda, SCTJM ....................... Baptism Preparation Administration/Finance/Facilities Mark McLaughlin ........................... Director of Operations Nanci O’Reilly........................................... Office Manager Christina Sinacola .............................. Operations Assistant Linda Amato ................................................Administration Liliana Hill...................................................Administration Vicki Fordham .......................................... Records & Data Patti Murphy ................................................Administration Scott Stafstrom ........................................ Communications Nick Campo Jr. ............................................... Maintenance Nick Campo Sr. ..................................................... Security Terri Becher .............................. Book Store: 407-215-7666 Annunciation Catholic Academy ................ 407-774-2801 Patricia Kahle ..................................................... Principal Annunciation Catholic Pre-School.............. 407-869-9404 Christine Golas ..................................................... Director Evangelization & Faith Formation Lois Wirth............................................... Children & Youth Mary Ann Fox ........................ Adult & Christian Initiation Cathy Tardif.......Asst. Coordinator Adult Faith Formation Vicki Ridgeway ................................................ Elementary Nikki Neswold .................................. Middle / High School In need of assistance? Please contact our Alex MacPherson .................................... Early Childhood Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 407-215-7669 Jody North ...............................Marriage Prep/Annulments or email: [email protected] Liturgy and Worship Mark McCabe ...................... Director of Music & Worship PASTORAL COUNCIL: Mary Ann Fox ......................................................... Liturgy Fred Tombros, Council Chair …….……….……… 407-869-9472 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Wednesday: 8 am to 8 pm Thursday and Friday: 8 am to 5 pm Sunday: 9am to 12 noon Bulletin Information Please call Scott Stafstrom at 407-869-9472 or email: [email protected] To advertise in our bulletin, please call Diocesan Publications at 800-292-9111. EVANGELIZATION & FAITH FORMATION Mary Boik, Commission Chair…….……….……… 407-869-9472 LITURGY & WORSHIP Don Warzocha, Commission Chair …….……….… 407-869-9472 PASTORAL CARE & OUTREACH Marty O’Donnell, Commission Chair…….……….…407-869-9472 COMMUNITY LIFE Michael Zaccardo, Commission Chair….……….… 407-869-9472 STEWARDSHIP & DEVELOPMENT Selim Ayoub, Commission Chair…….……….………407-869-9472 COMMUNICATIONS Scott Stafstrom, Commission Chair…….……….……407-869-9472
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