Welcome to our Parish! - Annunciation Catholic Church
Welcome to our Parish! - Annunciation Catholic Church
Annunciation Catholic Church Mass Intentions for this Weekend SAT, MAY 21 8:00 am 5:00 pm (Jas 5:13-20/Mk 10:13-16) Emma Ruiz† Ted Piezul† SUN, MAY 22 8:00 am 10:00 am (The Most Holy Trinity) Vi Hollandsworth† People of Our Parish Mary Jo Smith† Jeannie Smith† Rose Luif† Adelaide Masiello† 12:00 pm 5:30 pm Mass Intentions for the coming Week Altamonte Springs, Florida Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for May Universal: Respect for Women That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed. Evangelization: Holy Rosary That families, communities, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelization and peace. Mass Schedule ¿Habla Español? Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12noon & 5:30pm* *A.S.L. interpreted Monday - Friday: 7am & 12:15pm Saturday: 8am Misa en Español el primer Martes del mes a las 11am. El grupo de oración contemplativo le invita a la Misa en Español. LUGAR: En la Iglesia CONTACTO: 407-869-9472 MON, MAY 23 7:00 am 12:15pm (1 Pt 1:3-9/Mk 10:17-27) Antonia Passalacqua† Alexander Innes† TUE, MAY 24 7:00 am 8:30 am 12:15 pm (1 Pt 1:10-16/Mk 10:28-31) Bernard Ciechowski† Linda Lauder† Tom Moran† WED, MAY 25 7:00 am 12:15 pm (1 Pt 1:18-25/Mk 10:32-45) Michael Ammazalorso† William Hart† School Mass - Tuesdays at 8:30am. All are welcome! THU, MAY 26 7:00 am 12:15 pm (1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12/Mk 10:46-52) Bridgette and Adolph Jacobs† Barbara Bossetti† Reconciliation - Blessed Sacrament Chapel FRI, MAY 27 7:00 am 12:15 pm (1 Pt 4:7-13/Mk 11:11-26) Marjorie Lombardo† Michael Murphy and James Murphy† SAT, MAY 28 8:00 am 5:00 pm (Jude 17, 20b-25/Mk 11:27-33) Catherine Trovato† George Mann† SUN, MAY 29 8:00 am 10:00 am (Corpus Christi) Vi Hollandsworth† People of Our Parish Matthew J. and Ann Lynch† Vincent Compitiello† Frank Kralic† Deceased members of the John Santen family† 12:00 pm 5:30 pm READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY (Gn 14:18-20 /1 Cor 11:23-26 / Lk 9:11b-17) Weddings - Congratulations! Vincent Mark Torina and Amber Lynn Whittamore Baptisms - Welcome! Oliver Thomas Bulecza Nolan Porter Whittle Recently Deceased †James Knapik †Pat Gaughan †Mary Corey †Sylvester Bies †Helen Falbo †Anthony Falbo †Santosh Gavva †John Eggars † Lynn Sienkiewicz † Peter Malatesta †Ruby Hutchingson When: 11:30 am on Sundays. Where: Padre Pio’s Place Portuguese Mass Wednesday: 7 - 8pm Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 7:30am-9pm Where: Chapel of the Angels Please note: There is a temporary Tabernacle in the church. The permanent Tabernacle has been sent to be refurbished as it has become dull due to the elements. It will be a few weeks before the permanent one is returned to us. Flower Intention Congratulations to Bob and Terry Caime on their 50th wedding anniversary! If you would like to help adorn the sanctuary in honor of a special event or deceased loved one please call our Parish Office at 407-869-9472 Funeral notices are now posted on our website, after family approval, at annunciationorlando.org/funerals The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity May 22, 2016 Around this time of year many Priests celebrate the anniversary of their Ordination. Below are the Ordination dates for the Priests that serve our parish community: Fr. Stephen Parkes Fr. Josh Swallows Fr. Bill Gohring Fr. Steve Baumann Monsignor Caverly May 23, 1998 May 23, 2015 May 26, 1984 June 6, 1992 June 10, 1961 Pra for Vocations “I have called you by name.” Isaiah 43:1 Are you interested in hosting our Vocation Blessing Cup? Please contact Cheryl or Bob Nettles at 407-297-1852 In gratitude to the following for hosting our Parish Vocation Blessing Cup: Mr. and Mrs. John Hart and Family John and Kate Sprinkle and Family Dan and Sally Cieslak Congratulations to our Confirmandi that received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, May 15th at St. James Cathedral. Photo with Confirmandi and their Sponsors Annunciation Catholic Church High School Teens! Three spots have opened up for our summer trip to Covecrest in Tiger, Georgia! Join us for a fun filled, spiritual week. Incoming freshman through 2016 graduates are welcome. The cost for the camp and transportation is $550. The bus will leave at 1am on Monday, July 11th and will return at midnight on Saturday, July 16th. If you have any questions or for more information about the camp, please contact Nikki Neswold at 407-215-7656 or visit the camps web site at campcovecrest.com. Save the date! Orlando City Soccer Game Middle School and High School Youth Ministry Field Trip: Orlando City vs. SJ Earthquakes When: June 18th Buses leave Annunciation Catholic Church at 5:30 pm. Cost is $25.00 per person. Sign up online at: annunciationorlando.org/ym Altamonte Springs, Florida Faith Formation Re istration O ens Faith Formation Registration Kicks Off May 22nd at the Parish Picnic Open registration for all grades and those eligible for Sacramental Preparation Classes. You can register in person at the parish picnic on May 22nd and after this date registration forms will be available online but must be returned in person to the Parish Office. VBS Camper Gear Pick-up Sunday, May 22nd 9am to noon at the Nazareth Center -oron the first day of camp. VBS Youth Volunteer Training Sunday, May 22nd at 1pm in the Nazareth Center. Year of Mercy - Holy Door "Selfie" Challenge We are challenging all of our parish families to take a "Selfie with a Holy Door" and submit them to us at: annunciationorlando.or /hol -doors. Our diocesan Holy Door is at the Basilica of Mary, Queen of the Universe which is located at 8300 Vineland Road Orlando. If you are traveling, you can find Holy Doors listed throughout the United States and around the world at annunciationorlando.or /holy-doors. May 22, 2016 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Rosar Cam ai n for Peace Did you take a card and commit to praying Rosaries for Peace? We would like to keep track of the number of rosaries being said so we can publish them in the bulletin throughout the year. At the end of each month, please visit: annunciationorlando.or /peace to submit your prayers for peace. Thank you! How do you become a Catholic? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or the RCIA was given to the Church through a directive of Vatican II. It really is the restoration of the method by which adults became Catholic Christians in the early Church. RCIA is a journey of conversion – conversion of the heart and mind! The first part of RCIA is called Inquiry or the Pre-Catechumenate. Inquiry will meet every other week.... Upcoming dates include: Wednesday, 5/25 OR Sunday, 5/29 Wednesday sessions start at 7:00 pm, in the St. Gabriel Life Center. Sunday morning sessions begin at 9:15 am in the Nazareth Center. To register or for more information, please contact Mary Ann Fox at [email protected] or 407-869-9472. Pre-registration is not required. There are no fees for the RCIA process. Annunciation Bo Scouts Earn Reli ious Awards During a Troop 849 Court Of Honor on May 11th, six Scouts earned their Ad Altare Dei Catholic religious awards, and were honored with medals to mark this achievement after nine months of study. The award is given by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS). Pictured: (L to R) Eleanor Johnson (NCCS), Asst Scoutmaster Greg Fox, Rev. Steve Baumann (Troop 849 Charter Representative), Scouts - Keaton Forgue (Troop 773), Brendan Tuliao, Nicholas & Matthew Tarantino, Brendan Caldwell, Scott Howell & Scout family members 5th grade students were on a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Mary, Queen of the Universe to visit the Holy Door of Mercy. Annunciation Catholic Church Altamonte Springs, Florida Annunciation Council of Catholic Women Report for the 2014-2016 Term As we conclude our 2014-2016 term, we wanted to share with you some of our activities over the past two years as well as announce our 2016-2018 Board and Circle Chairs. During the past two years, the women of ACCW, who number 151, have volunteered 119,000 hours of service to our parish, our charities and to the community. We have helped over 31 needy organizations. Here are a few highlights: we bought home water treatment equipment for some of the families in our sister diocese, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter meals for needy families in our parish, Be An Angel gifts, countless cookies for our Academy children, monthly dinners (coupled with Mass) for our UCF students, Christmas toys for migrant children, birthday gifts for children residing at SafeHouse, snacks for our deployed service men and women, school supplies for the Diocese of Cuddapah in India, Boxes of Joy Christmas gifts for children in Haiti and Venezuela and last but important, Christmas wreaths for our fallen warriors. On May 10, Fr. Parkes and Fr. Baumann celebrated with us as our 2016-18 Executive Board and Circle Chairs were installed. Please pray for our new leadership as they assume their responsibilities. Executive Board Circle Chairs President……Vicki Torres 1st Vice President …Diane Nelson 2nd Vice President…Leesa Salazar Secretary……….Susan Stacy Treasurer…….Susan Frost All Saints Circle…..CoChairs Angela Buono & Jan DeMuth Mother Teresa of Calcutta….CoChairs Jennifer Hitt & Ydia Medina-Diaz St. Joan of Arc Circle….CoChairs Erna Johnson & Laura Krot St. Rita’s Circle…….CoChairs Lorrie Andrews & Patty King St. Therese of the Little Flower……Rose DiSalvo From left to right: Fr. Baumann, Angela Buono, Jan Demuth, Laura Krot, Erna Johnson, Patty King, Lorrie Andrews, Rose DiSalvo, Leesa Salazar, Diane Nelson, Vicki Torres, Fr. Parkes If you would like more information on joining a Circle, please contact Vicki Torres at [email protected] or 407-774-2717. Annunciation Council of Catholic Women Esteemed Life Members for 2015 and 2016 Sharon Lane Crouch and Jan DeMuth Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us. May 22, 2016 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity The Annunciation Boy Scouts and the Knights of Columbus, St. Patrick Assembly Joint Fundraiser PANCAKE BREAKFAST Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. That means we are celebrating God on this holy day. In the Catholic Church a solemnity is the highest ranking holy day possible (followed by a feast and a memorial). The Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of our Catholic faith. As Catholics we acknowledge the Holy Trinity when we arrive in a church, and several times during our liturgies as well as other times. Every time we make the sign of the cross, every time we pray most likely, we are expressing our faith in the Trinity and our faith that the Trinity was revealed by Jesus on the Cross. One part of stewardship is knowing our traditions and the meanings behind them. WHEN: Sunday, June 5th following the 8 am and 10 am Masses WHERE: St. Gabriel Life Center PURPOSE: Raise funds to assist the Scouts with their projects and to help the Knights of Columbus conduct their annual Christmas party for disabled American Veterans MENU: Pancakes, Bacon, sausage, juice & coffee COST: $5 per person in advance (RSVP at annunciationorlando.org/knights) $6 at the door. Kids 5 and under are free. All are invited to come and support the works of the Knights on behalf of U.S. Veterans and the Boy Scouts. Music Ministry Stewardship Reflections on the Readings Mark McCabe at 407-869-9472 [email protected] Making the sign of the Cross should never be an empty gesture on our parts. Jesus told us that if we love Him, God (the Trinity) will come and dwell within us. More than once St. Paul reminds us that we are “temples of the living God.” God is within each and every one of us. Do we realize that? Do we live out that truth? Today’s feast confronts us to examine ourselves and our lives. As good stewards we need to live with the certainty that the Blessed Trinity is present in us. Then we need to reflect that presence. Pope Francis, in his homily on the Feast of the Holy Trinity in 2013, said, “In today’s feast we praise God for His glory is immense. We praise Him and thank Him for He is love, and He calls us to embrace Him and those around us with that love.” thecatholicsteward.com Excerpt from the Second Reading ROM 5:1-5 May 21/22 5:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 5:30pm May 28/29 5:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 5:30pm Group Cantor Adult Bell Choir Grace Gavin - Cello Chamber Choir Mixed Ensemble Chris McCabe/CP Band Phyllis McCabe Allan Goddard Phyllis McCabe Joan Braun Chris McCabe Group Cantor Rebecca Ashley – Soloist Colin Fox - Soloist Mixed Ensemble Chamber Choir Chris McCabe/CP Band Rebecca Ashley Colin Fox Ken Kiesel Phyllis McCabe Chris McCabe Brothers and sisters: Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. Annunciation Catholic Church Photos from our Mother Son Fun Night! Book Store The Joy of Love Pope Francis is now available. Store Hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30am – 5pm Saturday: 4:30-5pm; 6-6:30pm Sunday: 9am-1:30pm Call (407) 215-7666 Summer Music Theater Camp When: June 27th – July 1st Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (for students entering grades 2 - 5) 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (for students entering grades 6 & above ) Presented by Elaine Ashley and Heather Thorn Celebrating 10 years of delightful drama at Annunciation Catholic Academy and Stage. A fun musical theater experience for youth at an affordable price! Registration fee: $190 Bring a copy of this bulletin for $25 off registration. Enrollment is limited - Reserve your Space Today! Altamonte Springs, Florida The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity For more information please call our Parish Office at: 407-869-9472 or email [email protected] May 22, 2016 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We look forward to welcoming your child into our family at Annunciation Catholic Church! For information regarding the Sacrament of Baptism for Children, please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Experience the joy of forgiveness… Confessions are offered on Wednesday from 7pm until 8pm and on Saturday from 3:30pm until 4:30pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel or by appointment with one of our Priests. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit… For information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation for youth, please contact our Faith Formation for Children and Youth at 407-869-9472. If you are an adult in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact our Adult Faith Formation Office at 407-869-9472. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE …and the two shall become as one. Mark 10:8 For information regarding the Sacrament of Marriage, please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472 at least six months prior to your anticipated wedding date. VOCATIONS …I have called you by name. Isaiah 43:1 Do you feel called to Priesthood or Religious Life? We look forward to speaking with you. Please contact our Clergy at 407-869-9472. HOSPITAL VISITATION-ANOINTING OF THE SICK Are you or a loved one in need of healing? If you or someone in your family is in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office at 407-869-9472. In case of emergency or if you or a family member are in the hospital, please contact the Parish Office to receive a pastoral visit. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Now may be the time… and this may be the place! For more information on the journey of Christian Initiation, please contact Mary Ann Fox at 407-869-9472. ANNULMENTS Questions about divorce and remarriage? For information regarding Annulments, please contact Jody North at 407-215-7639. Clergy Very Rev. Stephen Parkes, V.F. ............................... Pastor Rev. Stephen Baumann.............................. Parochial Vicar Rev. Josh Swallows ................................... Parochial Vicar Rev. Monsignor Patrick J. Caverly, P.A. ...... Pastor Emeritus Rev. William Gohring ......... Hospital Chaplain (In Residence) Religious Sisters Sr. Maria Teresa Acosta, SCTJM ............... Pastoral Assistant Sr. Christine Hernandez, SCTJM .. Stewardship & Ministries Sr. Rachel Gosda, SCTJM ....................... Baptism Preparation Administration/Finance/Facilities Mark McLaughlin ........................... Director of Operations Nanci O’Reilly........................................... Office Manager Christina Sinacola .............................. Operations Assistant Linda Amato ................................................ Administration Liliana Hill................................................... Administration Vicki Fordham .......................................... Records & Data Patti Murphy ................................................ Administration Scott Stafstrom ........................................ Communications Nick Campo Jr. ............................................... Maintenance Nick Campo Sr. ..................................................... Security Terri Becher .............................. Book Store: 407-215-7666 Annunciation Catholic Academy ................ 407-774-2801 Patricia Kahle ..................................................... Principal Annunciation Catholic Pre-School.............. 407-869-9404 Christine Golas ..................................................... Director Evangelization & Faith Formation Lois Wirth............................................... Children & Youth Mary Ann Fox ........................ Adult & Christian Initiation Vicki Ridgeway ................................................ Elementary Nikki Neswold .................................. Middle / High School Alex MacPherson .................................... Early Childhood In need of assistance? Please contact our Jody North ...............................Marriage Prep/Annulments Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 407-215-7669 Liturgy and Worship or email: [email protected] Mark McCabe ...................... Director of Music & Worship Mary Ann Fox ......................................................... Liturgy PASTORAL COUNCIL: Parish Office Hours: Monday - Wednesday: 8 am to 8 pm Thursday and Friday: 8 am to 5 pm Sunday: 9am to 12 noon Bulletin Information Please call Scott Stafstrom at 407-869-9472 or email: [email protected] To advertise in our bulletin, please call Diocesan Publications at 800-292-9111. Fred Tombros, Council Chair …….……….……… 407-869-9472 EVANGELIZATION & FAITH FORMATION Mary Boik, Commission Chair…….……….……… 407-869-9472 LITURGY & WORSHIP Don Warzocha, Commission Chair …….……….… 407-869-9472 PASTORAL CARE & OUTREACH Marty O’Donnell, Commission Chair…….……….…407-869-9472 COMMUNITY LIFE Michael Zaccardo, Commission Chair….……….… 407-869-9472 STEWARDSHIP & DEVELOPMENT Selim Ayoub, Commission Chair…….……….………407-869-9472 COMMUNICATIONS Scott Stafstrom, Commission Chair…….……….……407-869-9472 View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com Diplomate American Board of Oral Implantology/ Implant Dentistry 35 years placing & restoring dental implants One Doctor – One Office For all your Treatment 407 831 4008 drdonpreble.com 499 E. Central Parkway, Ste 220, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 AMERICA’S #1 IC RE ADY-TO- US E GARL View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com General Contractor Commercial & Residential 321-256-1211 www.ktsconsultants.com John M. Sprinkle, Licensed General Contractor CGC1509084 View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com Established 1979 ELECTRIC AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING © 2016 Diocesan Publications, inc.
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