Labradoodle Coats – What do the labels mean?


Labradoodle Coats – What do the labels mean?
Labradoodle Coats – What do the labels mean?
NOT all labradoodles will have non-shedding or allergy friendly coats regardless of generation. Labradoodles
can have coats that shed a lot, shed a little, and do not shed at all. There are differences you should be aware
of to help you determine which coat would be better suited for you and your family.
It can be difficult for a breeder to predict coat types all of the time. Some pups are wavy when born and have
produced very fleece type coats when they got older. A pup’s coat does not completely come in until they
have transitioned or 'blown" their initial puppy coat, somewhere between 6 mo. and 15 mo. of age. Do not be
surprised if your pup sheds at first or matts up during this time. It's important that good grooming manners be
established at a young age. Depending on the coat of your dog, it will be a part of his routine care.
Listed below are some of the coat description terms being used. Hopefully understanding these terms will be
helpful to you in your selection of your perfect pet.
Wavy or Hair coat (shorter, wavy, shaggy) - A coat that varies in thickness and length, but typically is
straight or minimally wavy. Very low maintenance as far as brushing goes, your all-purpose wash and wear
doodle. Some will be heavy shedders, others very light shedders. Typically seen in F1's (first generation or
poodle to lab breeding). Resembles a lab puppy with a shaggy scruffy appearance. Occasionally one can get
a nice fleece coat in a first generation breeding.
Borderline or Fleece coat - Loose curls or waves over entire body, has a soft downy feel, not like
the hair or wool coats. Some feel this is the "ultimate labradoodle coat". Puppy coat is easy to care for, but
during transition to the adult coat can become very high maintenance due to matting. The final adult coat may
or may not be easy care after puppy transition has been completed. Mostly non-shedding, but some have
been known to shed. Should be fairly allergy friendly with no doggie odor. This coat is typically seen in F1'bs
or second generation and mutigen lines. There are different types of fleece coats as well, some fine or thick,
some wavy, curly or straight. As a puppy this sometimes can be hard differentiate between a fleece coat or a
wool as an adult. The dogs below are all F1b's or F2 American labradoodles with varying fleece coats.
Curly or Wool coat (Multi Generation) - Tight curls like a poodle but can have looser curls as
well. There are different classifications of wool. These coats can be high maintenance when long
unless a spiral wool fleece. They can be kept trimmed short for easier maintenance. This is a nonshedding coat. Usually allergy friendly...Often seen in multigen's and second generation dogs. Wools
need trimming and grooming to keep optimal.
Which coat is for you?
You need to decide what is most important to you. The questions below are designed to help you determine
which coat is probably the best for you in regards to shedding, allergy issues and grooming needs.
Is the curly/wool coat best for you?
 Do you absolutely want or need to have a non-shedding coat?
 Do you have severe allergies that require the most allergy friendly coat?
 Are you willing to spend a significant amount of time grooming and keeping a coat matt free? Or,
willing to keep your labradoodle clipped very short?
 Paying a professional groomer is an added expense but can be a blessing for those who love this type
of coat but can't maintain it without assistance.
Is the borderline/fleece coat best for you?
 Do you have only mild allergies that tolerate some dogs, but not others?
 Would a coat that may or may not shed very minimally be okay?
 Are you willing to spend an average amount of time grooming your dog’s coat? 2-3 times weekly. This
coat can mat up if not groomed, especially during transition. A shorter clip helps alot with this coat and
is very elegant in apperance.
 A professional groomer can be a blessing here as well, but then again an additional expence.
Is the wavy/hair coat best for you?
 Do you want an easy care coat that needs very little grooming or brushing on a regular basis?
Allergies are NOT an issue?
Are you okay with a coat that may shed anywhere from very little to alot?
Once you have determined which things are most important to you, then you are better communicate with a
breeder about what you are looking for in a coat. What it boils down to is what you are looking for in regards
to grooming maintenance, allergy needs and shedding issues.