8 僖穦䇂ᆼ匟昅8 - Nestlé Malaysia
8 僖穦䇂ᆼ匟昅8 - Nestlé Malaysia
U\[YPWYV U\[YPWYV -LH[\YL MAGGI ® gathered a handful of F&B professionals at Rohani Jelani’s picturesque culinary retreat, Bayan Indah, to have fun while expanding their culinary horizons. All smiles! : Nestlé Professional’s business partners, as well as (front row, from left to right) Wan Alleena Faiza Abdullah (Brand Manager, Nestlé Professional), Rohani Jelani (culinary consultant), Jackie Ng (Food Business Manager, Nestlé Professional), and Goh Wei Lee (design consultant; on the right). Standing behind Rohani is Soo Phye (freelance photographer). F &B professionals are constantly on their feet for hours. Once in a while, it is nice for them to take a break from the hectic nature of the industry. Through MAGGI ® Assisting the Amazing, we teamed up with Rohani Jelani, Malaysia’s renowned culinary consultant, to help 14 selected F&B professionals rediscover creativity and passion in the kitchen. 竏 箊Ģ쬗塤凄ᶝᶝḇ秖甒➝痈䣥䋞៘弱剆柯즏์뺕嚌Ѵᝡ 印ȗ们ḠĢߙĹ≷横ɲữ㪾ܻ➁㿷⟶Ɍ栛ḅἿư뺔Ȑ沖 毭/#))+ #55+56+0) 6*' #/#<+0)㋀ߣ뺕ⅸȼĐ紁⧀憑DŽ 墫ਅ䇂㢤箆秙痂 41*#0+ ,'.#0+ យⓂ⇜ː뺕ȵࣷߤ濜✤㚴 ਅ㬐汳䇂竏箊ĚĢǾᅦ㢤箆⇁쩓⤽䇂܇沥ߓ㢑Ṃ뺔 僖穦䇂ᆼ匟昅 ᆼ㏫➎ş㢤箆⏑䲖뺕́㽡/#))+ 52.'0&+&➊ᬷॱ↿ 穦⦤뺕ⅶߗ䐧ۛȲǾ༷㌵ধి㪗䇂僖穦뺕Ί苑勆र뺓㏍ 䉀僑勆娙埮管箘뺔 8 U\[YPWYV -LH[\YL U\[YPWYV ⊲≧ᆼ哨㤇䇂 㢤箆ᫀː /#))+ 剡盶ƪĀ僺竏箊ĢĚĢǾᅦ뺕ؑঞ4QJCPK,GNCPKʽƳ穔㽹䇂 $C[CP+PFCJ㢤箆ᫀː뺕汾毭歮⧟昮䝮Ჲ⊘Ƞȼ䇂㢤箆秡ྻ뺔 ⍗⍃僖穦穔⫧쟄 41*#0+܃㎙ˢĐ짛ᘕ੬ۮǢĀDž⤽ؔ穦૿ⓓᶄ䇂∦᫂뺔 Ƞȼ㽌哶ࠏƳ⏕া穦㫹ⓓᶄ䇂⋯ↀ쥵 埮ऀ즳旑ᆼি즫 쭤旑秙痂媫坰昸প⤽ؔ쭤旑埮ऀᙻ㉏Ί䇂ư秔뺔ঞĐ凄ưਆ㽌 哶⤽⦉ɼDZ哨ߣ⇜쭤旑哨䇂埮ऀ뺔 Power of Teamwork “A little teamwork can go a long way. The bond that I shared with my teammates at the retreat will remain close to my heart.” ๏痳䯜䘷䇂ߓ濞 ĀĶ๏痳Ŷৠȵᆼ⤽ːʼn뺔ⅸďɼḝ无ົᫀ ːĹĐ痳ভȼᮙ勷ƺߤ䇂ᛏ۰쬠䰾뺔 An Eye-Opener “I cannot wait to introduce the deep-dish pie and other ideas from the retreat to our fusion-themed café — we did not think of serving those Paneer Chelvam Head Chef Ŋॱ Reggae Hotel, Jalan H.S. Lee dishes!” Ჲ痨䋕㾓 Kwan Chung Li (ؔḭ䗬) Chef ॱ Star Café, Old Klang Road qⅸ水ďপ쨺䇂ᾯᝌົᫀːᘕŷܧ 䇂㏍䉀管箘ؗȠⳠṈ᳓気ⅸȼ䇂差 埮Ŋ秳ુ௪箢뺕์淁⟶ⅸȼȗ ᾯ毭ৠ⏚ۛ䇂埮쥵 9 U\[YPWYV -LH[\YL ȅŜ⟶ቃ䇂埮ऀ즳旑쟢 10 U\[YPWYV -LH[\YL “The culinary retreat hosted by MAGGI ® is a breather from the backbreaking professional kitchen work for the participants.” Rohani remarked. “The workshop provides great learning curve for the participants as it looks beyond the culinary aspect of the foodservice business; covering menu design and food photography sessions!” “It is also an opportunity for them to learn more and get creative with quality products like the MAGGI ® Splendid 4. The products provide economical and simple, yet good bases for more creative dishes. “Take MAGGI ® Mashed Potato Complete Mix for instance. You can stir in fresh herbs like chives or Italian parsley with the product for creamier, more ÁDYRXUIXOKHUEHGPDVKHGSRWDWRHVµ 㮴秡穔㘴 q㽭/#))+Ŋߖ䇂㢤箆ᫀːৠȲঞĐ凄ȗ߱䲯䇂 ॱ↿ưߙĹঽᶽ䏮⡧ɲữ뺕r41*#0+昤洔뺔 qᫀːʼnঞĐ凄␓̧ƪĀĶᶨ㵕ᾯ䇂ᘕŷ毭䝮즏์ ʼnؗ昮䝮ᮙďឝ瘴Ƴ㢤箆竏箊Ģߙ✴砂뺕氒㍮䈾ƪ埮ऀ 쭤旑প穦㫹ⓓᶄ쥵r q气Ŷ⟶旙Ƞȼ気Ā、ƪ戮/#))+ 52.'0&+&气綟 ૿柴䇂ǝ૿뺕ȗ减⌊➁瘴܇Ί䇂ĀĶᆼቃ⦉ɼ뺔쬌 ǝ૿癒ƪ쬗㋙ᙿᾗ㽡㈰䧠ऀᆦ뺕Ŷ⟶旨ᆪ܇Ί埮匉⇁ ďƪ䇂Ŋ憔滢✄뺔r qŎ̓⧀昤뺕ὁৠȵົ/#))+ 紁쮕嫯㉋✤⊌ث肅 䇂箵圚磧埮ⅾΊ嘻坜뺕́ş⤟ؘ㋞深ስ㈉প箵圚 ઔ뺔r Rohani Jelani was a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu London. After 25 years of experience in professional kitchens, she has now established herself as a culinary consultant as well as food writer and stylist. She is the founder and owner of Bayan Indah, Malaysia’s YHU\ÀUVWFXOLQDU\UHWUHDW 41*#0+,'.#0+サĢƳʊ⚮ ㈰妐ᬚ㢤箆嗳⥻ᘕ癏뺔ॄ쬗 ᆪᮖĚĢॱ↿ᙿ椃쬗紡䇂 ሻ뺕㳞ົďʴ圽࣬ʼnĀਅ㢤箆 Ěᚯ뺕➝Ŷ؟ɓ僖穦ːᚯ 沥ག뺔ሻŶ⟶紁⧀憑DŽ䥮Ā Ķ㢤箆塤$#;#0+0&#*䇂܇ ዠǾĢŊ뺔 Behind the scenes in every restaurant in Malaysia, something amazing is happening. Chefs are overcoming limited time and resources to get the perfect result on every plate, every day. It takes precision planning, meticulous sourcing, exceptional skills, teamwork and a delicate, caring touch. At MAGGI ®, we are dedicated to helping chefs in their mission. ェ⇁竏箢䇂匨ਆ뺕Ẩ⤽ĀDž僖ቼ䇂⚀ưົ㉄ܲ䋞뺔ॱȼェĀᆿ湍 ḇ秖➝⥂ב痈栐㒼䇂ឝ瘴뺕㢤昳ۛĀ䉀䉀ᙚ僖䇂✄㵕뺔气Dž湍睠 憔䯜䒣䇂懾ۼ뺓䯜俔䇂汳✄뺓ࣾ桩䇂ॱ嗳뺓๏痳䯜䘷俔听ḅṽ뺔ົ /#))+ 뺕ⅸȼ哸ߓࣷߤॱᙚⅶȠȼ䇂́ઠ뺔 The Splendid 4: MAGGI ® Mashed Potato Complete Mix, MAGGI ® Cream of Mushroom Soup, BUITONI ® Coulis de Tomate, and MAGGI ® Basic Brown Sauce Mix 6JG5RNGPFKF즎/#))+紁쮕嫯㉋뺓/#))+ስ㈉宙埏㆐뺓$WKVQPKΊᆼܟ㿀嚷 漦ȵপ/#))+悦嗨ㅞ䮋 11