"The Hunter and Manning Rivers" - Chapter 5 of "An historical and


"The Hunter and Manning Rivers" - Chapter 5 of "An historical and
that is, olle person for cver)' 6~ square miles. The '\I'hole
amount of the live stock, both in the counties and squatting districts, i.:s ns follows, viz. : -
Cll:\PTEll V.
UQt"IIl'd Cl\ltle
Pigs Sheep
,. llitissinll1' ~n'is;
Ql1in'lue gft'E''5 illi b.1!nnt'l1n, 'Iu,na rroib?n~.
ArlU<'DI~. ~t lerr:l11l cell.UlU ,crl<'~l :lnllrli.
\ lit(:• •
EII, "11. 53').
•. Fin' Ilf'nb.Ii~,' I>lr<ltilll! lloc\;~. his \>:lstures 6lrtl,
His land. 11 I",udft'd ~ "lie of OX~n 1111"<1,"
TlI[ lcrritorr of New Soulh \rales ('XlClllls for n great
Jistance (ron; Sydney. as a centre 1'0illl, to the Ilorthwnnl,
southward, and \\('slwanl: 1 propose, thcn'fort', 10 Jlrcsent tile r~ad('l' suc('cssi,'c!Y with a gCllcral description
of each of these tllI"CC great tlil'isions of the colony.
beginning with the Hunter auu i\lanning RivCI'S to the
1I11111cr's Hi,"",. ris('s in tile great dh'iding range of the
co'on~" and "':lIeu a lnl'ge extent of "alnahle agricultural
and pastoral country ill its course to the Pacific. In
Ihe upper part of its eOllr»c, it reeci\'e~ many tributary
streams, each of which I.a$ its separate I"lllc}', with its
agricultural and pastoral rlOpulalioll; and lower dowll.
whcre it is nal·igable br steamboats, it is joined by tll'O
olher na"igable l'il'cn from tllc nOl'tbll'anl, the Patlcrsoll
aud thc Willialll. The countics of NOl'thulllbcrland
Hunter, Phillijl, and Bligh arc "ituated on Ille south side'
or right bank of the rh'er; and those of Glouctster:
Durham, and Bl'bhallC 011 thc north, or Idt bank. Tllc
are~ of these ,;even counties is 1.5,590 s{luare mil(>s; and
\,. pOllu!ation, on tI,e 1st of ?llarch ' 1851 , \las SO,;:>0.
~ It I. ~11~e C~lIlltic,,> IIOII'cI'er, arc connected tlu:; s(luat.
hug dl~tnClS lllllllcUiately herond tl,em of Bli,dl Lil'cr, 1'1'
'c ,
alllS, I;W I'.nglull11, and Gw)'dir, comprising <In
al~a of 5~,0913 Seplarc miles, with a populatiun of 8,610,
There is mucll alhn-ial land, of the first quality for
cuhil'ation, on Hunter's Hi,'er, and its two principal tributaries; ,md there is llluch v;\lunllle pasture land in all
the !el'en counti~, together with much abo of an inferior
The ag:ricultural capabilities of much of the available
land in t;lis district generally arc of the first order, t1S it
not onl)' produces fair crops of all tile European gra.ins,
fruits, and roots, but is admirably adapted for the Culll\'alioll of the vine, and of tobacco and cotton. The di~trict
of Hunter's HiveI' is also the great coal-field of the
colony, alld the Irade in coal is alreadr .conside~bI~an~
rapidly increasing. The Jll'incipal 1011'11 in the dl~trl~t IS
)Iaitland, situated nearly at the head of the na vlgal.lOn,
with a I>oplllation of 4230: the tOWn and port of. :Se~'­
castle, at which the l'h'el' diselllboglles into the P3cdie, 1Il
Inlitllde 32" 55' hal'ing a population of I:HO. There are
other smaller towns in the district, which will be men·
tioned ill the se{lue\.
The following is a Heturn of th~ agric..u ltural prod~ce.
Ilithill the Police district of i\laltland , for Ihe ~enr
cuding 31st March, 185'2:-
,. '91
h:l~~!~u:~;gbusbcIS. ~lId' 27
gr:llO, IIt"OdU"',o """"')'
799 ,IN">:I nn er '" ~,
tbne 7,122 1I(,~
ul,.Jer cu ,'1\':>11011,
d "
110051 bush~l. lIn b
under WhClIl, f",' gra'lI, 1'1' uc>Ug
III tons' 4997 acres un er IUa,~e,
Tot:>1 neTtS
for gTftR food for "'1ul.. ;
for , ..alu, proolleing 16,929 bUiilll"ls, 69~
• l\hilland, ;1 ,,,,,Sl W obs\>....·cd, ;s 0111) III1C of Ill... polic...
"ilhill lhc ~c'Cll couulic' e'\"llIlC""IC,1 ,,\.love.
IIlRTom' 0[' NEW
Till> IlUS'TLR MO) M.\:O;:-J .... G
TI'l! I'rillcip.,1 ('sporl< from the tlistriCI of Ilulltl.'r';;
Rh'er :Ire wool, tallolt', lllltl COJI; lHll, ind"]I.'ntl"IlII,r of
thC:!!e great stapl" artiel"" of culonial product'. there L. all
el>lcn.h·e coa<ling-llT\.h:: to and frOI11 tilt' (\i-Irict, a" L1lc
following ab"tnlcl of tile c~poru for a ",ingle ,\('(:k will
Abstract. COlllllilcd frolll Ihe "Shipping Gazette." of
the ]lrincip.:lI IlrotJuC'e «('"elusive of wvol :"Iwl lallow),
recei"ed coaslwi....' , in S~(\Il(J. frolil lIulller's Ili'cr.
during the weel.: en(\ingJalluary 16. IS5~;Grain _ bush.
lllnu: - bu~h.
Barley _
Flour -tons
)bize 111eal_ bags
llrall -bagl
Ha)' -Ionl
PotatOl'$ -Ions
M~urd ked_ busb.
. '00
~obX'OO_k ..gs
(· ..~I>t'Ii_<.':I.....
CI,,·(:&<,< •
CD'es _
-~:lIldl,ills m'tl ~\\amr~-II,c principal prolluction of the
loclllily I'eing obtaille,1 I"r{Jlll Illltlrrgrollntl. There is (l.
1'.'lIHlrbhl... i<laud, ~omc\\ltrlt lil.:e lhe Cr<Jig of Ailsa on a
"",:oIlt'r ~enl ..., calk,1 No],vy'~ I.l,,"d, at tire rlllmncc of
th~ p.orl, 1)('1\"'('11 II,at i<laud an(\ tile main lan.l, there
Il'a~ lonllclly a lla"~3W' I'Hr ~mall ve$>f'!o; IJut a mole or
I,re:lklltlh:r !.as Il{'(n C'Jn<lructctl I,,' convict labour
\;Ctl\("11 till' i-Jantl :lllll lh... main. to'l,rc:lk lhe force 0;'
tht, !urf::r,<l)f till' 1'3cilic in ,null,f r1y g:llcs, alld 10 eOllfine
Ihe ('llrr,'llt of the rin, 10 tllf' 1'1"illcil':l1 chanllel. In
'Juarryin!;; II"nn Ihe "lUllIl,it or Xubl,{;; I-laud, 10 obtain
matcn:ll l'lr tI'e brf'aklt":llf'r, a",1 al_o to forl1l iI If 'cl
pl.tleau, fHr I.lrf' t'rN,ti'jIl or a lit;IIIIJOu<c 011 the higl,cst
I'art "~I ll'e 1,lan,I, Ihe workmen wcre jli~!!ing, ,,11('n l
>i<ltul 1111' 'pUI, throll!!], a -eam or cool or tl>'O or three
1',.('1 Ihid., II hidl :lpp'ared from Ihc deek of the ~t('am­
b<lat lil.e a black rihbon along the face of tlte rock, at a
gn'uI dl'tali<1II aIK,o\'(' t],e "ca.
TIlI're can be nu dO\IIJI that ::\e\\' Solltl, \\-,,11.' will,
"\lIlel' (II' Lth-r, Ix,<:OlUC a !!real manufaeturillg counlr)';
,IlI1 it i~ \"1",111.\ t·>i,It-llt II,at ::\e\lea~llc will b,'come thp
I'lilll'il"tl ~t"lt of il_ lllanulacluling illdu"Jrl', It has the
1\,"lulll a,I'alllaz,· fur lhi .. purfl'O~e of an' ine:'illau"tible
-ttpl'h' "f co,L!, anJ a 1'31 uour fil 1'01' ~hipJling of allY <ize;
\\ 11111' tIll' "llrruullllillg: ('oulllr)', in atldition 10 Ihe col.
lil'ri,-~ ;tllll till' COPI>!'r ~",dli"g hlabli<ltlnent already
lm·nli"llt"!. e,HI Mlllpl} I" any conc('i>aVle "':'itt'nllhe IT\U'
llIalt'ri.. 1 f".' ,Ill lhc m(l.lIul:tClurt's of Europ('. ,i~. "001,
.:,\IIUII, flitx, h"llIp, :tlhl ~ill.., Tllf're \I as an il'''''' rounder)'
,tllll a ':tlt l\t}rl. f"r sOllle lillle in Ihi. ,i('inily, lJUl vullt
"I' 111\'111 lIaHl r,.~1I ,1i~COllli"u('.1 rot' ~el'("ral years pa,,!.
I'Ju'rll \\,,~ :.1'0 a dot I, Ill:\"ltf:1t;It.)r~· of eOtlsid"rnvl" ,'\Ielll
'11 ~"l'l: ..~~l;.r operallull for se>'f'ral yC<Jrs at :;[OCl.:lOll, all
illcil)illll I'illag:t' "" rI,e "l'flo~i,,' sllo"c; vul Ille vuildillt:S
!La"ill;; 1..: ('11 ""forlllllatdr cOllsu",ed by tir.., sh,"'l])' b,"ton'
lhc gulll discuver)', it II:ls Ilot vn:lI I'l'Slll)l('l!; butl, Ilru-
for ~n food fllr colllr, mul iI f<)r lIoy, prod"cing 1119 tons; l~
ocr." "nder ,).>1$, for grain, prod"ciu!; :!~O hushl'!~, 90 for t::'reeu
food. a,,,1 a67!- (or h:l)'. pr.-..:I"ring Gl(l lOll!: ::!~~ "cr('>l "ndn r~r.
rroducing 41:1 btlshrls; 8j acres lludn minel, l'1"Q<I"e,ng IOi
bnshds; :!:!:! acr\'~ ",,,l,'r 10(113100'5, l,rod"e;llg 698 lOll" ; 30~ aerrs
nnder loh3CCO, I'rotlne;ng :1'3 C,,"I,; "nd 9S~ :In...• undn so"'"
gt':IS-«.'$,l'rod"rinl: 3,:!OI Ions h:lr. Th ..... UlUrnS ~ho ... 311 '''"rag..
l'Tooace, ]ll'r lie..... of !~~ b",h.. ls ,,'11";11, :!9 bushcl< llloitc-, :!I
huslorls !>;lr!.',·, 19 husbds 0,11$, 19~ bu<ht'1~ r~", I:!! bushds millel,
:} 10DS 3 C... I.· polalDl'll. 9~ c... t, lOJb.','Cll. and at lOOS h:l~' IQ Ih" :len'
orso... nl!~-M"'II".,I.lh" .. r".1\Ia} S, IllS::!.
TI.e 1011'11 of Ne\'c 11 ' " 1 .
10 I tl
,I. as I.' IS IlllC ). ~Ituated for ... 81'ippill"
1 r, le ground rNIl<' "I'fit! '11,
from the l'a1'lJ .. ' ""
U'l) to n IIlodcratc elevation
'd "'1 . OUl, hUI till.' countlT ill'oul,,1 it, 101' n ('Oll1.1 erau e dlstance l i~ "Cll 'l1
" cIa y ~t.eI'1 e [!Uti Ullillh:rcstirw
1Il8TQ!l\" ~W
:.,.:11' !'('IU"rn
TIlf. lIUNn:l: ,\>;'I'l
Imdll'" in the 'lIf'an lime g:<llll' 1\) th('
pril'lOr :nl< I WOI"I<Illen,
.. tli... ,~ill"'<:·
'"'" <> ,,'
, ' , ' " Iwnal !{'IlJ..lI\cllt.lherc I:H u<-,'11
,'I'WC;\~ t " . ·
. I ·"-"I"I(·t1 ,m the lli~h\·~t l:md n.-ar tlie 10"11. It
• ~
. " , .
I . ' , , mall)· '"car... · hUI .1 hrlt ~IO(.( .,0 Oll~,
h:H1 !K'<'1l (ISll~('{ o ·
'''1I011< till obil'cl fl'om the .,('<t. dial, It 1.:111
:Ill'! \\3S ~o (,Oll'P'~"
nn1'k fvr IllariIlCI'~, alld 1\:lS ,Il,llc;\tcd as
lH'COIlll' a am" ,
. '
, .".,. of th., cva<t. N'll :u\n'L'lllli,; to lllls
such 011 tIe Ch"
I \\('1'1'1' the 10ClIl "o\,cl"Ilmenl
ClrCIIIll"t:tu('e, I V ' "
the materials of th,- 0\(1 \\ illdmill tl) l>c so~d by :\\lC~IOIl,
and till'}' were pllrcha~ed acconlillgl} by a Scotch tll,lllder
· I I", '0' ,,,,
XOsoollcr, ho\\cwr, had the Sile takell
III [11'1"
-' •
II!JlCC, Iban Ibe har!Jour-ma"ter, anotln'r Scotel'luall, \I ho
hall not J.K>en clllIsulttd ill tln:: maller, anu \la" not aware
of the cirCUlu-lallCC till it ,,:IS too Intc, "l'Otc 10 the
GOI'erUlllent, rec,)l\lIuel1dillg that the "ale sllouhl by all
lI1elln~ 1>e annullcd, oll account of tIle importancc of tl,c
land-mark to nal'igr\lion, But tl,e 'Iily bnildcl', Ile~'l'illg
of the Cil'CullIstnnce, an<!llot willing to forego his hargain,
'Juictly collected a llulllbel' of the collicrs of thc I'icinit~·,
one e"cning, after they hau fillished their dail)' tn"k under
ground, who, lIl:'lrching up to the 'Iindmill in a body.
pulled it down, and canied off the m:lterials :It once. Im·
mediatelr thereafter, a shipmaster, a stl1luger on the coast,
ruuning alollg the land for N'pwca"th', and not fiuding Ihe
\\illdmil! where hi" chart dirccted Ilirn to look fur it, was
either kept at sea for days together, or Ilad to retul'll 10
]lort without reaching the ]llacc of his dcstination. Th<'
GOI'cl'nment had then,fore to erect an ol.Jeli~k of solid
masonry on the site of the old lI'iudmil\, the cost of \\ hich
was nect"Ssarily llIuch greater thall the sum realized from
the sale of the llmteri:l]s, while il was lllllcll less COIISI}icUOllS
al a land·mal'k for marincrs. BUI t1lis is Illel'dy one of
the numerous \)(.lIefits and IJICl>siugs \\ llich the colon)' deri,"es frotn the Il'Melll of centra1iUltion.
Tlu,re \,as bc.::1I a large e"p.entlitun" inClined, within tI,e
11ISt fe\\' )'car~, in the creetion uf It military LalTack ill tl.."
lown of Nc""ca~tlp. wilh :tll the ('xpcn~ive appendages of
tpmrtns for ..."cr)'bod)' \\ "ich such an cst:'lhlishrnent imI'lil~. B.. t ther(' arc 110\1' no lon;;cr an)' ~oh.lien in the
I'I:tcc, :trill Ihc lJuilrlin:!~ :lrc cOlIsl""-juelltly going 10 wrcck
:lnd ruill, A -imilar hilt lIIllch more extensive suite of
uuil.lings Irat! jn~t bpPII compl+'l('d ill the cjt~' of S)'dney, at
:I cost of :lbollt 50,000/" whirl, was p~,i,1 h.l' tlor colony on
tloc conditiOIl of gelting the sile of till:: Old Tbnack, which
it secms lH:lollged to Ihc Ol'dnauce J)cpal'lllwnt, when
nil order came oul from I,ome to reduce tbe militaryesta.
blblllllC!lt of thc colony tn a GOI'ernor's guard. Al the
latc p-encral election, I sugS~tcd to the citizrns of Sydney
that the }:ell' lhrracks, which were thus in great mea~ure rendered unnecessary. should bc cOIl\'erted inlo a
Lunatic .t\s~·lum, :t" an appropriatc memori:ll of the wi>o<lonl
of the projector~. I learncd in the cit), of Charlcstoll, in
Soulh Carolina, that the Ihitish barracks of the old
coloni:ll regime ill that cit), had beell cOIll'crled into a
Collcge for tloc cducation of rout I, after the \VUL' of Independcnce; the Amcricans finding Ihat Ihe)' had no further
use for such an cstablishlllellt afkr ther had achie"ed
their fr(,E'dolll, In short, barracks are requirt:d for keeping
a colony dOWII-110t for keeping it up.
To thc 1I0ltl,ward of the Pori of Kew('lstle, Ihe land
trends :lW:lS, fOl' aboul thirly miles, to the eastll'anl,
forming a df'(,p bight on tlie coast, illllllcdialelr to the
110rthward of \\'hich is Port Stephcll; :lnd still farther
nOl'lh, in latitll~lc 32", is the cntrallce 10 the i\lallll'U"
Hil'el', Port :;u'phcn is the I'ead (jUat't<'l's of the .\ustl'a~
lian i\gl'icultural COlUp;1I1)', onc of the nUlllerous joilltstock comllanie~ of the ~'c.. r l8'25, It was illcorllOrated
by HO~'al CI':lrICr, h:t,'ing a eal)i!al of oue milliOIl stE'r.
ling; and it obLduoo frOIll the GovernmCllt of the .Iar ;l
million of acre! of land in Ihe ('olonr, fr.:c of co,t, \litlt
as Illllch con,'ict laoonr besides as Ih~ Local GO\~'nlln"llt
cuuld ~parc, :lUll a munopoly of all Ihe cual lIIiul's 01
\'01.. 11.
"'H\<" SOLiTII W,l.L£S.
It i~ fQl'IIllW.lc,IIO\\'CI'C1',
. .
;.,. ,,"'i'~C m:l'"'nificcnt Jlch('lIIl's of lud,forlhcpu .. , c l l a "
\idual :Ig~ran( IzelUelJ •
,. ~ leec('d The Al1stralmn .\Crlcuhurnl
nil1cs, ,'cIT rllfC) ~I'
." nt its outset the
faifest plofesSlons
COllll)[lll)' pUI r01 I •
'0 \1"1 at it was "(11)0' 10 do for the coand pronll-Ses, as
" . '?
lOllY, nol forgetlillg CI'CIl the Abongllll's, who "ere to
. .,
., _,_ of the belldir. I lH\\'c IICI'cr llcaro,
come 1I1 or It ~ I" ..
lIowel'cr, of its doing all)' thiug forthc colony In an)' wa)'.
In sllorl, cupidity was its IlHlinspring: ils Illanagcme.nt
was long characterized by the shccre~t rolly-, ~nd liS
natural result was di~al)poilltll1cnt. One of the directors
ha.;; l'ecetltly gone out, at the in~tance of the ~o~npany,
to rrdnce the establishment, and to ]'e\'OlutlOll1ze the
\\'hole concern; and in both of these object.~, I understand, he kls madc considcrable progre~s nll'cad}', :'oly
nd,'ice to those eoncerlled would bc 10 lIil·idc the e~tate.
and other property, ;l1tO such portion~ :IS would M'1I to
pril'ate proprietors, and to dissoh'c the COlllj)anr as
speedil)' as possible, The land was originally selected
between Port Stellhen and the )fanning Hivcr; but Sir
Edward Parr)', wbo "as the Company's Commissionrr for
a time, recommended that the land illlmcdiately 011 the
coast, which was generall)' \\ol"lMcss, sllOulJ be sunelld",red to thc Crown, and a ncw !X'lectioll tuade of jlUl't of
the grant; and this recommendation l~ing acceded to
by the Colonial Office-a Ihing wllich would never hal'e
been done in the case of a private illdil"idual-about
600,000 acres of fine pastoral countr)' were selected on
the eQunln' or I IIll' ~ ) ,
~ Onl)' Ihink of tlu; to,,"n of Carringlon, in I'ort Slcphcn-the
Comp~nr'i principal Iv,,"O, whcre mllch Euglisb mOllcr hu heell
u~lelSly upeuded - bt,ing ~iluatcd whcre ,'cllSo:li canllot come
...;lhil1 a mile of tile ihore! If there bad been no dl~1' \nler within
t~ port, Ihere mighl ha"c be(,1l "'file cxcU$<: for thit;; 1>UI thcn:
,,:u; a I,lace WlIC,"" thc d«:p W~lcr i. dQlie to thc 10l1d and fr~8h
Wll,ter, '.·hidl was 1I000t, found ill the first instance in ll:ut loca!il}',
ha~ rcclully beel! UbtUlUed Ibcr" b)· b<.riug,
Tllf: IIUNT£I, A;\"J) )[,I=,l\INQ
the r"c1 n h'el" ilUd Livcrpool Plo ins in the interior, in
lil'll 01" a silllilol" extent 011 the eO;L5Ll'
With t1'c~e prelilllinar)' obseTl'ations, the reader will
understanu tI,e allusions in tIle following Rough Noles
of 11 Journey which I luatle ill tlle month of November,
1830, 10 1I11nter·~ Hh'cr, anl! from thence acr~ the
L\ustralian Agricultural Comp:I1lJ'!J land, to thc )Ianning:
Hh·C'r. 'flipy wen" ]JulJlislled at the time in a Jlopular
coklllinl journa.l ill 8)'1111(')'; alld as n pCl'8ona[ narr(lti"e i!J
generally more illlerc"tillg than a lIIere deserilltion or
,\.:;ricullnDI COnJll:ln,·'lI E!;tate nt Port StcJlhen
and acro>.Slo Ihe :llauning Fii'-cr
_ 43i,I02 acres.
Ditto.:1t Li\"crj>ooll'lains, n Iraet of an oblong
_ :<49,600
Ditto_ nt [he I'ec.'l Rivcr, la tDeI of irresular outline - 313,:!98
The t<>llo....inz if :l description of the Li\"erpool Pl:uns C(luntr~.
from an Ul1j,uhh.hed ICIICr Qf OT. Leichharot"s. Cassi!i" tbe Slan.
ing [>0;111, i~ in Ihe t·Pller Ilnntcr l)i'lri~t.
" I 'n,nt n(l the l.;'-erpool lbnge (from Cauilis) ...ilh a gentle_
In311 ..ho T:lS {;oing 10 eSl3blish a ,hl't'p.~13Iion at tbe R:mgt. .\11
dIe ~I"'no and t<.'C:ombry r:\tlgn, a$ "·ell :tS the Li..er"]>ool Range
ilSdf, are clltird}' flal al thc lOp. YOI1 dinlh up ,.ilh pe31 dif_
ticnhy 0' Cl· loosc, sltnl·Il-"uged, h3nl rocks, and )on find yOlll'scl1: tv
YOllr agTC't3b!... surpri.>C, on la pbin 110 smOOlh thal rOIl Illi,;ht dri .....
in la rnrriage. The I'bin of tbe Li..erpool Ran.;" is 31~1 lbr(>,>
nul..., broad. 11.1' TO('k be<oOIlH'S fl'\.'I\nellll)' cellular.:mu Ihe cellnle.
arc filled Wilh \I hile cr} .<lnllin.: sllbsmucc._difl"cl'cnl ;;1)('d,'5 lIf zeo·
lithe. Th (lrin"ijl31 trc!.'. arc the ba.lard box. lh.· ".hile gum, ao.!
a ,:um II'loiclo the A",}e~ rnt1e<1 bbck bull al Piri, bill "hidl
the}' call fO.....H llIahogsnr 1...1"('. It rtSCmbll'$ much Ihe .lrin~·
bark in its eXI~nlal a'l'e~t.
" N,'xt dar I ,J~scllJd(',J into IltC 1.;,'e1'[>oo1 PJailJs,~ :Ill ext,·n.;'·e
le,-d C(lllntry, ihowing a black .wil Cll\"('JX...J Wilh gras«, "ilh ("...... _
/,os;l,r and Uy••,"_, (onnul}' the 00110111 (If", l.:lrg" inlan<i bk"
,,·jlh hill. nnd ridg~ rising like i~bnd5. Th,·.... hill. aI',' "ilh,·..
san(!qone or 1>.1,:111. The 5:",d.lon" is ro:«.e :lnd soft, Th" lIah'I'
nlld allllllspltcl·C ha,·c wash",1 thc i,,,,,l olf, amI tonn"llI Li'",.r ...1"
6aod f"",," ...Ile 10 Ihret' llIil,'lI bl"(~"" n'''"u lhl! l'rill~;p:u l'hlUlI;.,ilU..
IL 2
IIl~T.)l:l· 0.'
SOlrU '1'.\1.1>.
'fUr. IlI\"Tf:H ,\'li0
~("elles rlml so:-elwry, I Irll~l tho:-~' will ~'QI be Llll.aCel'lllahk'
tI~ ~k,'lches of ('0101li:,1 life, tin.! cololllal traw·III11~.
Till; i\I \~NING nl\·L:n.
"S')dM)'. NM. G. 15:.0,_1,('(1 S}"dnc~, hr lhe nOS<' l\olearner, fO<"
)lnrp.;11l, Dl l('ll r.)I~ lud rt":lchro N......CMlll·. :lftt'r an :lgt'ff:lbl,·
"'~1$3~('. 1I si); .I,:N. nf Ihe 'lh. Y...r~ 1,It:\saut 10 hl~'e Ihe OCCIIl
Irt :r,he "0\ Ige di~posed of durillf: the night, Nc\\"c,,~tle )o;'roour
~IIiIC I co",r,;" 1\0'" 10;> whll it has
\){ol:n till \'Cr)' re~O:IItl)' ~o.·
t.-enl}.li,'" )"11"1 plst. Fur",,,!!!.I;ke Ih.. Dud ,s"I, no ~1j::U .ofhfc
npon ,l~
-..a1('N. ...ncl'l h('n :I rolitlr,. Sle;llllcr "':l!! p:I~,"g 10
:lDd fro bd....een lI"nle", Ill ,r Ind Ih... ('";\pill'; _ , full of hfe and
lB<.>lion. fbunting "ith $Iar, Ind ~Irtpn. h "'IS thought ~mark:lb.le
laSI ('('lIturr thlt Ihe e:lnhqulkt' II Lisoon should hl\"c been feh In
,he We~' Indi ...~; but it i. s"rel~' .\111 I"ore remarkable th:ll th...
~bakillg of ...arlh in their tillS aud cradles by tlie gold seekers of
(':,Iifornia 5houlll h:lrc bet,-n ro sensiblr fdt as il is hen: Oil the
I"\'m<.>le coost of Aust""lil. ICross dlt: oouodll'5S I':ldfic. Ind iD 111I~
opposite "'mi~pMre. No ff.-er Ihln I"'fnlr Ameri<:30 sbiJl$loodillg
COIls for &In "'",,nci~ at preseot in tbis b:lflM>ur - it is a n'O$t
int~rCllin" .ighl. Onlr Ihink of theu ~eS5('ls tr:'lnsforllll1lg ~uch
solitar)' isln as Wf ha"e hilheno 1Icen :lCeU.IOL"ed to con6id"r
Tlhiti, l'iL~3irn', Island. the Sand\\'ieh IslaT,ds, anu the Nudg3tors'
Isllnds, of tbt nSI Pacific. inlO lhe mcr(' balf'''':I} houset of olle
of lbe greal commercial bigh""ars of Iht' ....orld. This is dl'<:idl"dly
Out of thc mOSI .-ond,erlul rt~oIutions of this TCTolutiooarr I~t.
.. Thursdl)'. Noy. "I. - Uld the Uisbops of l\"e"C:ls,le and Kc...
Zealalld IS f~Jlo .. passeogen to Morpelh, bUI1I$ these ecclesiaslic:l1
dJf:nitaries neither slept in the geneml eabiu. nor breakfu~Ud at
Ihe calli" table, nor paced Ille deck with the COllllllun herd of cabiu
p;lsscogers, but mlinta;o('l! tll" isolJtctl posiliollther h,d 'Iken uI"
fron. url)' dlwn tilllh" .('MerS arrival al her binalion, ou lht
elfvat~ pbtform ntendins across lbe YI'S$fI bIol"'«n the paddle
bous• • f had mcrel,. Ihf honour of their ('(llllpan)' :lud nolhi"g of
the btnc6l Anificial d;gnilr pt'rhaps reqlliTC1l :I lillle isolation
fn. ;\1; npport_'l lelH the Craml I,ama of Thibet thinks »0. The
A\lO'itle Puul, however. was ofa differe"t opiniun, w!len u I,assenl>"el'
on boord the good ~I,;p (;Islor and l'o11u.~; olhen.ise he could
IIQt have made 110 OlIU)" COOVfrls as ht did durinl! his vo}al;l'S
"Tht'5(' \"0 I>lshops. it~",". are 51yled """"<»o"r.J "i~ho~ a"d
a lloard or M",ioos hu jlllot beeu furmed in Ihe wlouy uud"r ,heir
~'''I''('''''' i~ l'''''jr<v.1 ,,,,ro... /,,,,r~
""f/' l/.e l'",r/#-c
fllf Pro-
':I I/',. U";I,~1 ~lM,'1l of ,\meriea. Happy
110", th~ (',.1011;,,1 Io:l'i'e"I,,1I ('hllreh 1,;.. ),;,,1 the /.(ood sensc to copy
:"'.'"thill.': f.....", th;,t 'l"arler. Ilupe it will cunti,,,,e the I'r:Icticc,
as there i. "''''''lhi''l; d", 10 h" eopit'd from the "mc '1nartCf of It
leasl ('<1":11 j'''p''.lllllCt'. 1'.... cU'''\llc..."ery ~greJ;:llion in the
,\",("rican El,i..c<'f'.ll t:1'urfh has tI,t' dlOiet' of us o.-n pa!lor. u
nlw of a la}' dd"gale fr"'I' :l1Il.....g ic, o... n nlC"'bo;l"$. ..ho has an
'~I"~l 'We u'ith lhu 1',,>lQr al all IIIe<:t'ngs of tile Bisholl's or Diocesan ('Ollrt, '1'110 bishop lIin'sdf al.>o is alwny.• chosen by th"
whole t'O<I)' of I'''SlorS ""d la) delegales;n "ath dioces,,; lud whe"
ao,. clcq:, II>3n. like ;\Ir. Uu.",lIo :lod )Ir. BC:llIlish· (no.. of Port
I'hillip), has ch:lr,gn of In,. kind bro".S'ht I/,,,,inst him, he ill :l11o...cd
10 spnk for him",lr iD open COOIrl, In,1 crery nwo,mbo:r or lhat
COIIM•• 1."lhcr clerical or laic, has hbeMy of speech also on Ihe
c:t$C; which is d<'<'it:kd 3t Itllj::th br the "otes of the majority. the
hi,hop merely giving his cas,i"g "ote when there h~Pt'"ms 10 be 3n
e'lllalit}" of '·OIt'S for and again.t. ~o'" Ihis is rtl'9'Ou.> {,!JUI!! iD
~:llit.'". :lnd il is Ci>fnti~l to Ihe progre
t'Vt'n of t,,,it li/,frl!J in
Ihi colon} thlt Ih" Prolestanl Episrop.al l..'hurcb••·hicb (Qffiprlscs
>0 luge :I rroVO",on o( Ibt' fnli~ populalion. should obtain Ihis
measul"\) or dt'gret of libr.-n)' as ~pet.>di1r IS poss,ble; (or cj,·il liblon,.
:Lnd religious lilx·rt)· :ll\\"IYs go togclher. The Colonial Episcopal
Chureh, how","e,', 'l'lllnn'cr oLt3in this measnre of rdigious hberty
ulllil, like its sist",' ('hul",·:, in ,\nlerica, it is entirel)' separated
from the ~tate. all,l ldttu il. Qwn inhe~nt energies Inu Ihe Cbristian ~~ mpalhil'S of ils fl"OPI". .'or cHr~' .t::piS((lp;tIi:ln coogn-garioo
in this ('(llooy 10 I••ye the tl,oice of 'IS o ..n miniM... r. U ....fU a.s or'
" lay ddef:"te to f\.·pr.-st>nt lod "ote for il in all Clses. lik" tbOit'
jnst refcrf\.~IIO, io tbe Bisl....!'· eourt, would be of ilLfioilfl~' lP"·:lt... r
('Qu$e<]u"nce tu tbe r,.,,1 wclf:II'e aud "d"llu<:elOt'1l1 of lhat eOulllluniQn than ,,"eo to ha,'c 1';,uOOI. " )',,"", as at pr~scnt. from th"
public Ireaillry. (or the support of r~hgio;>u. '-or lb:lt moo,.y.
"llhou~h llrofcs"o,>dl)" ('("'tributro br th,. {;o.....rnlIlelll. is in ro::llily
Ul.CD 001 of Ihe potkeLS of till.' l~k in lhe fiN( io..t:ltKe, ano:l
...ould doubtloess be lJIutb wore judi<:'olUly ,1i>tribut,.,J if lcft by tlit'
Gowrnllltnl in the hands of th" JlCOllle. 10 be dNl! Out by Ih ...",sd,',.. to th" "'Olit dt"'''';''g. l'ha,,!;t'! c""" 01" ,his m"goitu,lt' will
I'··"'INI hi,i'N'f,,,II'/'Hrrh
.. CI"rgrmen of the Colonial El'i.cupul ('hureh "ho ,~ultl ",~t
,-onfor", 10 Ihc ":nn"",,t PIbt"} i~ ... of lhc ~olou~. 1...1 who h....l Ih,'r,,·
flH'\.' boxn olihg..... 10 Id"" it ftn" I'or! l'bJllip
llISTOr.Y ~••• Sr.W SOl'TU W.\U:S.
bot 'Juile I'r.leti(':lble under (Mlf ((lrlhrom;ng ~onslilution. and :'~l
..-11... b'.... the ..-c1r"ro of 11ll' rolon,. 31 l,e;l1"1 ,nll of roune do thc'r
UIDI"'" to clfl'd them.
.. Mrbrolhcr, Mr. A. '_,ng.of J)ullmore. P.. had sent" "'~n' for
me to rid,' 'H'er to his pbc(', 31>0111 four uHles from E35t :\13"I:md.
I ~ceol1linglJ took 1he road 300llt."0011, lout '. 113<1 SC31'Cc1" le(t
l;asl )bilbud when it begall 10 rnUl "cry lu,'a,-dr. amI 1 11111"11111)'
(,lIo11gh pUI Ill' my nmbrl'lla. ~o protecl Hl,:sdf from il. BUI like
('('Main other rolouial aulhonhC!I. the I1l:ln' 11 appE'ars had p3Ssed a
!}'Mrtlll, for all travellers 00 ber h:lcl.:, to Ihis effl't':~-:<O
nln~&U...s ",uowr.o HEIU:. although she bad inserted no DOliC('
of it in tb... GnCTTI:, :IS she OIlghl lluqu{'1.lionabl,· 10 ha'-e done,
aftrf the ..err frtqucnt example of the so.id :llIthoritil'S.· P~rcei,.iDg
m,· 111i;;t:II...... I proee«\ed of COUrMl to r«:tif)' it immedbt{'l)'; but
~fore I rould put down 111" umbrella, the ll13re had got me do"'n
at fuUlength on the "ighw~r for tr:msg,.ession of the rule aforesaid,
lU)' hnmble plea of ignorance notwithstanding. I escaped, howe'Ter,
without injury; and, thinking of Ihe late Sir nohcrt l'ed at the
moment, was thankflll it "lU no worse.
.. :\b.ilbnd, both E35t and West. h:lS nearl)' doublfd itself in &i~
:uJd popubtiOtl since m)' bat ..isil to this localit)' about fi ..e )'ears
.00. .A~b1y to appoinlIDCnt, deli"ertd a le<:tuTe to a numerous
.uditnet' at tbe Row Inn in the e..ening, on the general inleresls
of the district: pointing OUt the neeessit'\' for a constant l\nd eXlensive influx of industriOlls anll ,'irhHlus 'popnlation from home for
the de"elopmeut of the "ast N!sourees_mineml, agrieultut·aJ. and
puto,:l_o~ IIllnter'a River, nod showing how Easily so dcsirnble
un object mlgbt be accomplished. Directed ntteutiou pnl1icularly
to the growth of cotton, which haa ~n grown snC<'C'5Sfully OD
Pat~o's Rin'r,U well aaat Ne.. T01m, Sydney, by Mr. Bucknell.
and wblch promi5el io a fe .. )'n~ 10 become a staple produCI of
the district, as imponanl and as ..aluable as '1"001.
"No". 8.-Rode from Dunmore to Singleton_thiny_four miles
--:the day re'narknbly fiue for travelling, though lutterl)' rath<:,r hot.
lD ,
met ' h)' 'p_'
• 1·_
mem, a "cw nnlcs from town. by a fc'~ fri<:nds
ho neeon'l'anled me to Ihe residence of my hosllilable host, Mr. T.
• Tbis ..:IS undCl1tood
I>ftd.ltu Dl . ' .
as Il. !ahre upon Ibe Chief Justice, for his
l,lluphcatlon of Gl:l<l:UL RULE.! for the practice of tbe
p~rne COl,ln which had ~
pruf~ion. I'
me a perfect ouisance to Ihe leeal
I wu not Ilkel)', howC'Ter, to be forgotlen in that
W. Robin!Oll, whfJ Mndll"1S with gn'at credil and allC~S a I't"peeI:lble :I":lll,....y at Singleton, :lnd occupies tbe Scotch :'rlanse. :lb. R.
"':la f'lfW' of a numerous COqlS of schoolm;u;lers whom 1 had becon
instrun""ntal ill brillsin~(lut to Ihe colony in Ih" year IS3? It
,.,-as IWcllli~rlr gratif}ing to find him doing ,rell- much and deSl'r,'cdly l'(,sl'<,etetl.
"I had not IX'CD at Patrick'a Plainsfvr nineteen ycars before. The
t»wn of~ingl('lon *, which is really a rcs[X'ctable colonial towll, ...itb
a coosiMl':lbl... cum""r of creditnbl<: buildinw;, h:la sprung ioto
"",iSlence in Ihe inter..al ; although I ....as .so")' to find that proIWrlr of:sU kinds in iu ..icinity had latterly been iadl.,. re<hu:ed ill
,·al"e. wbile nlll:S fe.. of tbe neighbouring proprietors had .suF.~red
seriOll5 re"erses. 11 cannOl he ,",pposed, howe.-er. tbat in aloeality
&0 r."'o" ... bl)' sit"aled:ls Singleton, prop.,rly ahould long continue
al its pr<:'l-{'nt Ilellreciat<:'d rnte. All that is rl'<]uisite to in~"re its
rapid ris... is the sknlly influx of all inll"strioua fr..,e inlm;gTllnt
pOjJulation from hom<:,. to develoll the vast resources of th~
IIUIlti'r's Hh'('r district.
,. Delivcred :l lecture. similar 10 the one at:Haitbnd, in thc
Coorl 1l0u$O?, ~hich ~as full 10 o'Terflo..illg in Ihe evening: in
",hich I directed atlelltion panicnlarl,. to the eultintion of COtlon,
::.s :lo mueb less pr('(':u;QlIS :lond mneh more pro6table crop than
u·hdt. The subject appeal'$ 10 be exeiling [Qllch inleh"St :l.nd
atlelltion :l.rnong tIle Imall lettl..,n or IlTactical bnners io the
nortbnn districts of th... , ....lonr. Th...,. ~m to think :l.t first that
there is somcthing lll)tit<:'l'ious in ~otton enltiv:l.liOn, and COlltie.
'J.nentl)', whcn proposed to them ill :l cursory way, they do nOt sh'e
it IlIe re'lll~ile :loUenliOll ; "ut whell 101<1 that its culti"atiou is as
aimple and e:lS)' a pl'OCt'iiIi as th:lt of maize, and much the $;tme in
its ch:lracter, Iher t:lKe :I llrong interesl in il, and resolve to IlI.3ke
Ihe ulWrimtnt as _n ., Ih"'r can. 1t ...:IS prt'Cisel)' in this a~·
that the culti"ation of COtIOll bec:lme seneral in the cotton gro ing
Slal" of North Americ:l- Wu enterl.,nffi al supper by a fe'"
warm fricudti at the dO$<' of Ihe I('elure. There "-as no n(li<e.
nothing approaching to ex('eSS'-qnite an intellectual tr~at. :lud
much intercst shown in the wdfar.· lIud :l.llVallc..,lIl(·lJt of rh" cololH·.
.. SatuTtI:l)', Nov. 9. _ nO<le to Mllswell\u'ook, tw"nt)'·,·ight Illil~s
_thc d:l.y very hOl. The rood at Singleton Cl"VSS<'S I In,,rer'~ ni"H,
or rather its bed, for UllfO"Ullat~l)' Ihc rivcr h:l$ nOI ~Il fto,,-ing for
• Cootaillillg &30 illhabitauts.
mSTOlll" OF Nt;W SOl:iTn WALES.
'Olll~ n,onlb5 p:lil, ,nd thl.' CQ:IM n'I\S ha'rc t"'l"ndcd no farlher into
Ih.. inttrior l!tan !'ingltl"", or nlh"r llI,ck Creek, abolll half ...ay
froo" Mallland; th" COLlntry hightr up a5l'uming more and more
tilt rhanrll'r nf' d('ll('M al t..-eT)· $ltp. t;ll at Il.'nglh not a bl:id" of
ll.... >lI is 10 bt R'tn ;n an}' dil'l'("lion. Th.. ri,·..r lIluking a con.
sidrrabl... dtlOllr to 'ht 5Oluh..-aro iu 'his Il:I.rl of ilS ('OUI'5('. the
roo(1 lea"H the "alk)' of Ihe HUlller 10 the 1,·/"1. and Ihe COUnlry
nS~\lm"'i 'he character of an opeo forest, of '·:J.rring p:J.s,oral enpabili'ies.
")JuswrHbrook is well eho~en as the site of all inlnllu town, both
from ilS di,tilnec from Singleton, and from its bciug the centre of
n ronsidenble txtenl of grazing COUUlr)'. It is n !lll're $Il':1ggling
Tilbgt. ho.ul.'r, oceupying four t;m" Ibe srnce it oughllo h"'ve
doo.. for Ihl.' conftnitn~ of ",11 collcerne1l. There seems but little
laDd. in tbe Iltighbourbood fil fur cultivation, and Ihc prneul long
dronght is very' discouraging. For Ihis reason I fouod the popu.
lation bad mlber bttll dt"t're:u;,ng of latt. (Populalion 20~,)
.. Sunday, ~ov. 10, _ PTl'acbl'll. in tht Presbrll.'ri:!n Church, a
nut briek building, to a congnoga'ion of about a hundred-n good
one for the interior, The minis'er at Singleton "isits this loeali'y
once a mOlllh. Afterward!! rode 0"1'1' to Aberdeen, an incipient
viUn:;:c about eight miles further, and preached again to [I. con_
grega'inn of about fifty, at four P,ll. Donald i\J'!ntrrl.', Esq" of
Ca)'uga, llC" and Thom:u HaU, Esq., J, P., of lhrtbrook, bolb
I't$ide in Ibis laighbollrhood, and 1l'cre present III d,,';u(' $tr"iee
....ith lbeir falllilin
After stniee rode 10 )Jr. 1I:l.1I's, whl.'«' l
s~nl the Dighl. Mr, Han is ooe of lht sons of Ihe latt Mr. Geo.
HaU, of Pin TO....1l, ....00 arrived in the oolony as one of a Slll3l1
bod~' of P~Jteriall cmignnts, chieflr from Scolland, nod formtd
an 'otnnt1ll8 ~l1cmenl on the hank. of tht Ihwktlibufl' at
Ponland Hnd, wh~ Ihe}' e~led, iu the Jellr 1809 at a c~t of
about. 4~., the first pllce of ....orsl,iJI erected bl' the ,'oluntnry
contrlbullOns of the P"Ollle on this continent; one of their own
nUlllbt~, tbe late Mr, James i\lein, of Portland Head II nuly
allOlltnhe, man, ollicia'ing fnl' thcm as a ea'echist wi~ho\lt l'lo~;neratlon, of any kind, for tLe long period of t",e~'J.four yeau.
en7. sta)'l~~ .•fur n ni~ht at old 1\Ir. lIalr. many years ago. Ihe old
eman unu. 'ne "lth a d
self-oompl.~ncy which W35
''l.lIite lIatura.1 th ~
"as marriod 'an:~II,~ad stYt~ sons, and that his t~ son, who
ralt,' I obse.,'ed'
n~ar bnu, had styen sons al6o. • At tbat
I rtotol~1,
,you. "'111 SOOO oYtr.llall the eolonr' i\lr JI
..... mud. ple~ both "'ilb tht pun and "'i;h the ~I\:~
plimenl,· Ili.50111 hut "er}'exI~nS;ye ~;07lI. in this part:bt
'he c<>IOlI)', both in l:I.n,1 and in flnch and helds.
•. )Iontb}', No.., t L _ Rode about ci:;ht or ten mild LO '8coorc,
o,'er a bealltir"lIy uml"latins eounuy of Iht ricl,~ soil irnasihab~,
bUl uloibilin~ 1101 ;l ~iDSle ve!iligt: of vegetation in the .hapV:~
pasture fQr WICk of a"y kind, It is Itn extrenll.'ly dlsmnl (IfllSlfl:e
nn" l"x-s;;uIS a "'Ost rcmarkable contrast to the IU:Hlri~nt "e~.
,ion olJS<:rva1Jlc cYer)'wht'rc 'o,yonl. the coast. The l,ea"ens are
'IS bra;;;; "bo,'e, ami the earlh n. iron bl'neath, 11 looks as if a
curse had lighte(l n[lon the conntr)'. There is still, howe~er, som...
lJaSI"rc on the hilll anti in 1~1rtil.'ular localitin in the mount:!in
"a1lc)$' and 10 Ih<'Se Ihe sh{'('p and caule aT(! dr'vl.'n at snch kasolUl.
Al:'ricnltlln: ,n s"ch circumstances ;s almost OUI Qf the qnrstion;
but the population Qf &~ aDd its Yiclnity don Dot depend much
upon agriculture. 'fhl.'fl:l:a«, :aboul ~50.000 sbeep shorn in Ibe
nei~bbourhood; Ind public houws, .hich are ~i,ber fe ... DOr f",1'
bel.""'n, gm... very "'1'11 in s"cb loca.lilie:s. l.'ven ",ilhout rain.
J)di"ered a lecture. or addreu. luiltd to the gtntral state and
IlfOSp<'CtS of lhe dislriet, in the Conn 1[ome. at Scoue, at three
o'c1~k, J'. Jl.; pointing oUlthc importance and necessity of making
Will... combined effort for the llrelcnoat;on of a snllicient supply of
wa'er il) sueI. loealitics. both for tbe ordinary purl'O'es of maD,
and for parlial irri:;atioll. againSI the recurrenl.'e of such cnlamilolls
sea$()llli of droughl :IS Ih" pt'('kllt; ami showing how olher cOUntrit5.
~iDlil:lrly Silualed ;u '0 e\inuk, cspccinlly in tbe ancient .orld.
1,;tU 10 l!ep"'oo priDcirallr, if not exe\"sJ'rel}·. on anilieial.uppliu
of Yaler, I also IlOiutcd out the .onderful :Idaplation for Ihc pur.
posn of conu~TallCt', of ..hral> Iraml'(lO.u, or .ooden rail.a)-s -10 be
construcled elllircl} of tbe iudigcnous limber of tbe colony _to tbe
"ants of such a co'llltr)' and dim3tt lU ours in tbe IDltnor....hen>
neilher food 1101' \laler can 1.M.' ololaine1l for th.. working ('aule in
seasons likc the preSl.'nt, With llrtifi{"illl supplica of ,uter aDd
wood"n tramroa,b. bolh of ".hid. wo"ld be (Iuite pr.lct;cable at 11
comparati"cly s"mll eo.t iu many loeDlili.... in the inr"rior, nlt_
mel'OIlS ,racu that aN now ll11inh"bilable eould be nmde to support
a comp:lr:lli"dy dense IlOpllla'iQll,·
" At ,h.. d05~ of "') leclllrc I had Ih~ honour 10 b.I pruent",i. b}'
Thomas lIall, F.$Ij., J, P., with" "et}' gr"'lifring u,J.,J......i. sigutd by
·Onr4a.1 ii Q st'3 Ilhr.uoe. •",1I k"own 10 all ,,-ho
sea vorage, ~'enifying fg ".1
I" ,igltls,
t Th",pl'('${"nt popul,tion of &<>11.. il ISU.
m.;:TOI:\" (n" 1a;11' SOl'Tn ",'1.1':5.
him>elr. )Ir. noll~1<l ;\1'1"1)"1'(', M.C'.. ami abrlm un of
h~bir~lIb (Of oX""... :1IIt! it< \ i"n';'} ; h> "hiel. uf co......... I "'~tl" ..
$Qilablt :tt'~no l..ugm{'nl.
In .111' ('.... "itl~ I Ilrt:ld,~"t in the
COIIr! 11011-«', 3,t:: _hl~· 10 :IPllOi"llllrlll. {(' " mn... h 1l\:1l,'r o:on;~_
thall 1 "nlicjp.~It"d :\1 sllth " li"'.... :mtl "fl('",~nl. rock rock
to )[r. Ibll'!'. ",hto~ I 3ITind "loom ek,....n r.)l,
.. ~II" 1035 "hf3~s iJ<'l:1. r:llher an UiSIl'Cr.llic nl.'i"I'OOllrboo.l,
of ... hkh I had :I rJIX' 5j\l'Cj"U:'n. .\11 t')<·skil,pcr, of the Ilame of
Bin,gil.', '1\"00 is kllkd in ,I,,· '-;eini'r:l5 one of ,he OiSPCllkrs of
jus';c!' III 1]0(' 'nlt·rior. aUlI wloo, it SN'1l1('d. had bo.~n Sllld~-i1\;; tht
11'\'lS:IXr. /HYERS.
,)\.hl\;"'~',l,· ""lInll,I,' 10 Ihi~ 1,n.. ."t hou~?
The synem hilhl'rto
1 f\lr Ihc la<1 Ihirt,.
ha< hten to el't'llC onl,. two e13S5e$
in Ih~ 1..",·. '·;r.-l",'ds (hr r;um-1' liehpillllOS) an,J se~fl. Nay,
ill ... "iell ,rnnI'oe~y e,,~ hne MD srstemalieallr
;:On( "I' D/l:a;MI lI1lotr.-ndin.c; indi..id"aI5 of Ihe ...o"king c1:1-ut"I, at
th~ '-':"',,,(, 'oendw<: of Ihe illl"rih~, to eff<"Ct Ihtir Ulle~ ",in b,.
aOl" 1'1"<)('" or law. ""re 1\('1'11 numerous hernod b.:lief. and ha1"e
nO! 1'("("11 ronfin('(l 10/lny on(' ,li"riCI in p:lrticular.
I ha"e e"en
lIee" tQlrl of well alllhcllticat"d ca'cs in which hCl\(b of fnmilies
k",,, \.occn <)'st~lI1atic~lI)' l'"r$('(uteoJ an,1 ruined, whose onl,. Qitl.'llee
ha,1 bel'n Ih"i" l'"e$lImill"; to) deftll,l Ihe honour of Ihelr "'IV"S and
daughter, frolll th" I'rotligacy Ill' Ilrlllalil)' of Ihcil' he/lu!.
lr~m('d nonM'n~ of rhos<' ,,·orlh,. se1l3lors, ~Ie5sr$. Wen/worth,
PO>llnhlt'Oll, :\lnrr.ly. :Il1d Co., noont I)c1l1n;joguc5, DCIIH)('r:lU,
l,.'ollulllln;sls, Socialists. ,t;c.• 1ll'~S"'lliug, froUl some mislake ~bollt
lUy "urnW-r. in his ;U"rQ"u's signal-book, that I ,,~s sailing
nud.'r out' or otb~l" I)f Ih~st h05lile flags, and should 110t th"rcfore
1><' I'ern,ium 10 e~s Ihe line into his alistOCr.J.lic JlI'CS('n'\', bad
,mlleD a leller to the Clerk of Ihe lIeneh, which I sa.~. forbidding
him, al Ilis pl'ril, to allow Ihe lISt (If till" Court House 10 Dr. r.."lDg.
UDIt'SS b.. "1"Tt' dul,. amboriud 10 do so by thl" lllagistrac}·. (}lr.
lbll b:H1 II,...a1,. COllS~IlIf'd to tbt use of Ibe Court HOllSe for Ihc
purpow, aud C:lptain DuDl:lIftl'l, "'bl"ll refelTt'd to, ball made no
ohjetlioo.) The best of it ...:u, bo... e~er, Ihe use of the Coc.rt
n~. for an)' public pu~ ...hale"er, is usually gl':lDlcd to :my'bod)'llnd e"erybody lhat asb fOf it, aDd had recently lxcn gr.1Dled
eren 10 ~ stroUing playtn !
.. Spt'l~ing or aristoerlllic magistr:ltes in Ihe interior. but ,,"ilhout
an,. parhcubr referenel' to the ease of Scone, the Locol Co'·ern..
menl hos for neadr Ihirty )'eal's past, or eyel' since the dnys of
g~ old Gonrn~r M~equarie, betn ,·irlllall,. in a sort of conspiracy
~1I1~ thc~e functlonanes to ruiu and aebas<: Ihc working classes of
~ e llllenor, aud to prevcllt the llOSSibilily of Ih(olr "radual elevatloll
In tbe sealc of aociet.\'.
En·ry facilily, for eJ:lm~e. is held OUI to
Iht. 5b~pherrl Or stoek.ketper, or otber hil'<!d labourer IQ the intmor, to lpeod his mout,. in riotous dil<sipalion in ono! or otbtr of
tilt OUllleroll5 .public ho~ .... hich tbest arislOC:.ats, forsooth have
got 10 ~n..ellleDtly pl~, Illd licensed for the purpoose o~ dleir
I'UpetU1"1' "tates. nUI ... here
;n~ tb!_ or the .
. are I ere any facilIties for Ihe work_0.
llltl'MOr to 1111"$ Iheir nrnin,1 in stock in land
' " In tom ortable hou5ec
Iot"ti lbe hi~h I
. (> tbf,r o... n? G01"l'fllOr 3,f:tC(luarit dt'th~ aclual good ~ :.~. n~ only fo~ ...hal he attcm]'t,'tl, hut for
lot had ID "'ork e. l' .10 Ihu; "a)'... ilh the \'ery inf"rior materials
.....utI of Ihe Ha ....k1I'mtllt:Oldll<:'alf
'mCl> 0 r tI le colony' as the
.. "5 ury, the distrieta of Alrds und ApI:iu, Dnd
nm.-rr.t: ,\xn
tlt~ nl.I,1' <ettkm...nH of the c<:>lnny gener.llly, bear .. itoc<~ !fIll.
Bm ... ltal r.,wnuN since h~5 e..e.. c..en alleml"W 10 rollo... his
.. ' For ,lark a' th" accents of lo,."rs· far('""l1
Are Ihc d........ \s Ihal Ih('} do, and Ihe tales tbat they tell.'
In Ihis "':lY hundreds of .....putal.ole families of tbe hllrobler Cl.a!SI'S
thai, to 1II) e"rtain ~nu\rlffl!::e. would greall)' h:>.,"e p..... fe~ spendin.::: th"i~ da~< in the ;nte~ior, hare been ..irtually dri..en oo.ek iulO
Ihe coloniaIIO..-nS; till S)dne), in panieular. ba' bceolD(! ill :Ne...
~uth Walt'$ ... h:>.t Coooot uk'tl to d~sc:ribe I,oodoo lIi baring
bt<.-<">!ne iu ,,:.daml. ,-iz.. a prodigious 'fen, lotall}' dispt'Oponioned
to Ih~ lize Qf Ihc Ij"ing bod), ou \rhich it is:>. mere nnhe:>.lchy and
morbid ('''C~l:1lee.
"TuM<1n~, No,'. I~. _ ,\ requisition h",'jng been fororarded
through ;llr. I fall. from S<>l'", persons at .'JusswellbrO<Jk. OU )Ionda~',
r("lu~'lin~ m~ 10 ddi"H a 1~C1l1l'e Ihen' Oil lll)' rClurn, Mr. H. had
disl,ateh"a a nlan QIl h('rscback at darbrcak ta gi,'c notice that r
should tldiver an :uldl'css or lecture m )lllsswellbrook nt elt"cn ,\, )1.
1 accordingly fouud Un audience. on lily I'cturn to that localily. of
n. reS[lCctablc chn....'etcr, nlld "uHicient to fill .'Jr. Jolwscon's large
billiard room, ana aCCi>\\linSly ddi.er,'(\ a l""tur~ of 1'1\'(1.' mudl
tht s.1mc purport as the on~ I bad given Oil tl,,' pre. ious da}" at
&one. Anenvards rode on 10 Archer6....d. th .. <'Slat\' of Goorg..
no..-lllau. ~ .•, of I~iehnlond. about Ml mil..s frOUl Singleton.
nu-king about Ihin}" milK aIlO',;:",her for Ihat day. There h:ad I),"'n
:l thunde~ sbo"-l"~ about one (I'clock QO Sun<b) at )ht»... c\lbn.... k.
\rhicb bum. hO\rl"Vl"r. but :I fe..- Ul;nlllC$, Ther,' ,,'a, anOlhcl'
to-day of about a qll3rler oran bour. lo"-ards ,,'·eoing. "", h''3''':I'
to ",et nl\1 completely, and to let all th... lilll;: r;11$ a-TUouing. It
• No ... a AI"ul\)('r of ('<lUnei!.
,. 6
W3S nor fcll. how{'wr.
)Jr. nOWI1lUIl'~ house, nhhouSh olll}' 1'01'0
miles disl:mt.
.. Wl'dn('klo,.. ~·o ... 13. - Arr;,'cd :H Ill) hrolhcr'~ pbce at nun_
mol'(" lO....llrdS e\"l·!ling. ancr anolher 101lt;' ride of aboul (on\,.fil·c
mill$, mrllOI'$(! hll,·jng done his ",orl.: remarkabl)' 'l"ell,
[1Ir. I.:lDf:"" t"5lnlC of Dunmono consists of about 2;,(;0 ac~ or
fO)llT 5qu,1't' miles, of b.nd OD Pall{,~Il'1 1I'\,{'r. ,,-hich, in Iha. p;3n
of i,s rou~. i, n:l.Vigable for the I:Irgl'1il "c~ls : the :lUlI...ial bnd
011 ;15 b:toks ~;n~ of 11'1.. rid,es, descrilltion, and 11'11' indigenous
Te~alion mOlt luxnri3D1. The C'OUrse of the ri ..('r being I'1lther
(';1'('0;10111, it fomls the boumbr)' of the propen)' for fh'c miles.
Hutl\~r'l r.il"tr, into ...!lich the PallerSOD empties itself about IhteE'
mi~ fnlber dO'll"D, forms the otber boundar,. for a sbon di laD~
from a point I'lt ...hich the t ... o ri.en approoch within 200 nrds
of C3ch Olber. and theD d;v...rge, forming a ptD;DSDI:t of -1100
acll.'S of Ihe richest allu\·ial land. Ihe isthmu, being m,. brother's
bouudarl' towards the pen;Dsula. Th;s peninsula has formed,.
bl'l'n a lake, and been COD\·...rtOO ;nlo solid bnd, ;n Ihe course of
succc$$iv~ age~, b,· Ihe deposits from both r;vers in Sl!asons of ;nun_
d~tioll: for Ihe former proprietor of the peninsula hns told me that
in digging " well on the land lie had found quantilies of ... harred
wood ~I a deplh of H;ne feet under the present surface, or about
Ihe pr"'5(!nl level of Ihe rivers. M)' brother', Prol>Cl'tJ' comprises
aooul 1500 aCT"l'1 of nllu\'ial land, inc1uoling Ihe drJ' beds of several
lagtl<llll; Ihe res] being foresl or grnzing land. Under Ihe eom';cl
l)"l.tem of former )"l~ars, Mr. LaDg farmed prelll' eXlensi"el,', having
usual.l)' about 300 aetes under wheal, and emlllo, ing aboul forI,.
conv'ct ~t\'an15 "ith a hired OTerseer.
Now he lets I,;' land in
liIIlall farml, of variollS sizes from 20 acres to 150 a...r" to a t!'pU~ble ftl't' emigl'llllt tenanl!')', ...110 eulth'Me grain ~nd otber
a~ncu1tu.,1 ~rod~c... for Ihe S,.dney market....hi...h Ihe adnnlage
of lileam DlI\·I~11<)ll enabl" Ih('m 10 do wilh great faeilit). Tbe
land Il'Is ",,01,1)' i l b ' ·
n .1S."a" aeeord'ng: 10 the 5UP~ \":lIne. at
~rom Itn 10 h,:enty sh,Umgs an :lC1'l:: of "early ttnt. The propen,.
, u a. POPUbllOll of about 300 _Is. h has a steam flour mill of
onnC('D.bor$e po...tr on Ib .
al>'\ a fcboo':>l
e r'Hr ank, a Pl'('Sb)·teriall ehureb,
lilt school ilu~r the Na.ti?"al Hoard. Th~ lut lime I ,·is;too
11Lt eMdtt'
Suenl)""'" pupils, all of .... hom bUI thrce weR
.• '
" 1 le t~na"lrr onlh~ propert).)
rhundl') Nov 1<1 Ik·
my r~lurll tu' I)u";",, ·-f lng r~ r~s~\.,j b,. a nighl's ren 3fter
,Illi n",n,io,; fur 0 I re l'<)~' lll) VISII 10 SeCln~, 1 Itarted ngain
1I10re, "'y l"rulllcr'. :.:g~~ J."u'·~~).IO tl,,, Muulling: n;'·~r. Duna~, IS "lu~led ou Ihe tight bank of du~
TilE: IlUl'1Tlm AIIIl ll,\l'1l'1ING nIVlms.
J'aller<01l fliv~r. 0111' of tIL... I,rineipal tribulariu of the 1l1lnl~r.
The l'anereo", nOhrithstanding ils mOSI unp<)etieal alld furbidding
nallle....'hid, I a", ~ure ...ill he the '·er, ,letestatiOll of ererr fmure
l\lIalml~~1I poet, i. an inlet<'S.ing and beau.if,,1 ri..er,throughout ilS
enlire COUrst', ;an,1 i hto:ill and d~1' enough al Dunmore '0 ftoat:l;
M'rent,._fOl'r. Crmocol IlIe riTC'f in a pUllt. and Ihcn rode aefOQ
the counlr,.. abolll nine or leD mil(>ll, to )lossmall'l pIlnl. the eross·
ing I'bce on Wilhan,'1 Rinr. anOlher of Ihe prineip:allributari~ of
.lll! Humer. if II hOllld 1101 mther be considered tbe principal
~I""m. for il is dceidl.,JI)· Ihe brg 1 of Ibe Ih~.
Thtl'\! is mueh
.UuT;al bnd of lhe fil'$l qualit,. on Pa.llerson's Rirer, alld a COII<idff_
able exlent also. althouoh not 10 n'ueh. on the willum. The 10....
countrr ever,..rhere al p.....ent looks bnuliful. and a IUJ[uriant
",hrat erop is r:ll'icll,. whilening for ha....w.
., .'1,. brother bd accompanied III~ 10 llallyC:trry, lhe n!sidence of
his father-ill-law, 11. Caswell, Escb II.N.• about lweh'e milet from
J)unlllore; anti on slarlin~ al,laill for ~uoud. ;\Ir. Caswell proposetl
10 aceompan,' me a felf lIlil~s lhrou:;h Ihe bush 10 plll me on the
";:;hl toad; but he actllall)· sa~e me more Ihan eren U &-oteb
eo,,,o,. oft....ent) miles, 10 1100ral. one of lhe principal Slalio"s of
Ihe A",traliun ,,\!(rieulturul Comran), alld Ihe ~lii(lenee of Ihe
]lre.ent eommi_.ioner, Mr. Ebswonh.
"I II"'S gratified :Lt o~TI';"g thal }lr. Caswel1 hall ueluall)' olone
what I had so retentl,. before be~n recommending to <ltheN some·
whal simibrl,· liil\lalcd. up Ihe coulllr,., ,·iz. eonstt"eled a dam
aero,;; the bed of a "alUr~1 lorl'\'nt or watercourse in front of his
hou$('. for ,I,e I'("ention and pl'('s<:f>'alion of the surface wall,r of
Ihe \·ieinil,.. It "-as quile full fron, Ihe bte mins. and formed a
beautiful sheel of ..·al~r more Ihan 30 ft. deep al lhe 10l<er end.
This praClice is likel) 10 become bClleral all o<'er t~ (:(&Ion,.-I
rn('3.D ....hereTer il is Ilr:lelieable and nece~TJ'-at:l much t'arli.. r
period Ih"n II1"nJ mighl ilna!:"ine. For I lran>ed :u D;onbrook a
faCI of ...hieh 1 ....;llI not I'~viousl~' a...are, and ..-hi<,h eannOl fail 10
gire ri>e 10 Ter,. know apl'....hensions. viz. lIuI tbe uud.. rground supply of ...ater il DlI" f;oiti"g in D",nJ Ioe:Ililil'$ in the
inlerior, ;n ..bieh il had I'.... ,iowl~ been abundanl. .:\II'. Ihll. for
exam pi.·, informed ~, lhat D.bout "ightl"l!D ~-<'al"$ ago••hen he fiNt
kU!ed al l);or.brook. he had olltaiueU an abundaut SUI'pl~ of ....aler
for his cstabliihmenl from a. ....... 11 16 ft. dee!'; but Ih.. iUPI,I,. ha,ing
failed al I.. nglh, lhe lI'ell bad afterwat<.ls 10 be dee",,"nl; and tbis
process had been eon.illufll from lim<, '0 .im<'. e<JW'Ciall,. ill ,,':b<)ns
of drought, inson,nch thut the I""",,,nt depth or .h" well is 1101 k.s
lbau ~:! ft. And Ih'lI, il fi(:cm~, is quill' a generul ease in that I'Dr!
of thc \'Ollnln', In ,liorl, Ihc GTllllcl llroblenl ill pl'y$ies (or Ihi~
emDllllloily.riil rcr), lloonl)' be, '110'" 10 seenre a COOl13nt and
$uftieicnt surpl} of water for all thc pu~ o( man, e5p«ially in
lleasons of droll;"t,'
,. The !:lnd througb ,..hieh thc ro;td from Ra)mond TClT:lccpasses to tbe norll"ranl is gencrally of a "tr.1" indilT('~nt character,
allhollsh remarkably welt walered-. After the finn fe ... mill"S, it
belongs exdllsirel)' to the AustTllIi:l.n Agricullm'al ('o""Janr. On
the bank;; of the Kar\\:l Rh·cr. at Booral. there is l\ considerable
cxtcnt of nI1l1\'ial land of the first quality. on which a few agricul.
tural families, pl"ineill;lllr Sc:otch, are sellled as tenants of lhe COOl·
pany; and the scenery altogether h(ls as much of the character of a
rich English laudscape as anrthiog I ha,'c ~n in the colony,
)Jr. Eb;;1l"onh', cotlage is be:mtifull), situated on a oatuT;11 telT,lC(!
orerlooking Ihc rirer and the c:ultirated land; aud en'rything
about it indicatrs tbe residl"Dce of aD English gentleman of refined
ta5le and in affluent circumstances.. In short, John Comp;my bn
~n by no me:l115 nig~rdly in the :l('(;ommooatiou he has prorided
for his agents and c"uryU rfuffai,a in Auslralia. At the same
tinle, there is nothing that could reasonably be objected to on the
score of e:<pendillll'C at Booral. ·We cnllc-d on the commissioner,
whom wc found preparing to resign his office ond return to England.
There is evident!)' sometbing wrong \rith the COmIXln)"s machine
of government ot present, and things are rapidly tending towards
an entire revolutinn in this little illlptri.... in imperio.
.• The Companr'$ laud from Booralto Stroud, seven mil~s, con,
sins of hill and dale, aod fonus '·er)' good grazing land, the KaTU:l
Rivtr winding along in a deep valley, and prt"5eoting but a "~rJ
limited e:'Hent nf allu\'ial land to tht left. Arrh'ed at Str'Oud a
linle btfore suoset, after a ride for the da)'. whid. was reI")' hot
throughout, ofthiMy.nine miles. having still the same willing horse
as Oil my journey to Scone.
"Friday. November IS.-Stroud: is decidedly one of the finest
"iIIagea or inland towns in the colony; and if the sight of it should
n~l euetly suffice to console the propridors at hOUle, nod.". the
1".II~tlless of feding which so many annual announcements o( 110
d,v.d....d, or o( ollly rllte ptr cent. are likely to create it ... i11 doubt~~ t~ alleviate 'hat (eeling considerablr; fo; wheo ~ple's
h. ~ ..... n~lly thrown away,:l.II Dot II little of the Compaoy's
• ,\ '. 1I0ruewhat eoraolstory to tbink that there is some- A n.ing ;nbnd "''''n t h J
Riven... Pnl'Ublion 31S~ a \ l' llllCtloo of the William Illd Hunter
TIlC Illi:>TF.R "-NO 3IA..' I':>ISG mn:ns,
thinll;worth lookin;! at to shoW' for it after 011. I.ikt tht ·Iangto....n
t,' I\irt.:aldy; ~roo,d consist' of a ingle Itrttt: the houses. wbich
"re IlrineilQlIy n(':lt rottages. being Ihro1l"n baek a eon$idernblt
d;$tan«. On each sid..,. from thc lin" of TO:Id.....ith 1I0...cr gardtDS
and $hrnl,ll(;ries in frout, lIis Honor tloe Superintendent n( Pon
I'hillil' "5<:<1 to 1',,11 the squatting station of M,$S Dr)'!;d:tle (an un_
man-ied sister "r the bte Sir Willi~m Dr,·sd:t1c. treasurer of lhe
citl' of Edinburgh, who hall cmigrated to dlllt di.trict $hoftlJ' aftcr
its sculelll..,nt, :",,1 fixed herself ncar Geelons). the modcl s'luatfing
st~tion of Port J'hillip, frolll the air of ne~tne5S and comfort it
exhibited thro"C;hout, with a comparati\"ely slight tX~lIditure of
capital. Scro",1 may, in like manner, be called the model ;nland
10wo of Ne... South W"Ies. It r(cminded me ratber of a ;X.., ...
England tillagt, such a..s I h;lll1 5!"t'n in the States: of Conllfft;cut aud
::IIllS9chuoMlS, tban of all English village. There is one ornament,
ho_e'·er. ofwhicb the Amcrkans ne very fond ....hich it ...ants,
I m("an a ro"" of umbra~s trees on each side of Ihe wide road ne
st~t in front of the !itlle g;tnlen fenl'l"! by which the differtnt
allotmet1ls arc bounded. This is one of the mon intereSting feature,
o( ,\meriean c;"ili.ation. ami sa"\: me a high idea of the real refinement of the people. In the Northern Statcs, the trees planted in
this way ~l'e (;"cuer~llr plane trees, oaks. or elms; in North and
South C~rolilla, "'here Ih" climate is C:Ollsidcr~bly hotler. like that
of this colou)', the pride of In,lia is the tr« usuall,. employed for
this pUTJIOll'C.- nut in our inlaud tOwDS_ ....itb $neh wisdom tbe
Au,lralian ...orld is gorernctl! _ there is no room left evl"ll foc the
planting of a ro'" of trees on each side of tht principal sll'ftt!
There is not even an inch of grouDlt left :a.ny_beN, in our iubod
to",ns. for a poblic S'Juare; I pl'(':Sume. lest .• tbe mob" sbould
eoo{;"N"gllte oetasiollall)' in such 1)la~s, Ilud pass disagtffable "'solutions abou, the POII"crs th"t ht.
" Th\:re is n eonsiderable extent of good agricultural land in
t},e ncighbonrhood of Stro"d ; and one of Ihe thieke~t seamt of
coal in lh\: COIOIlY c''Op' out a few miles disl:lllt. 'l'his seaUl or
strntnnl is said to be thirtJ"·r,v" f~l'c ill thielwess- fiLl! the site QC
the 10"'" ha' "ot lI..'Cn judiciousJ,. chosen ancr all, and in the e~ellt
of the Company', el;llenditul'\! on it being-discontinued Ihortly.....hieh
is not improbable. t!>e.... is lIothing to k....p it up. Indeed, "'ithOllt
allllding to the Companr at all. Colonial GoverOlnent ineapac;t)· i
in nUlbing ,nore conspicuous Ihan in Ihe sites of to"'D~ CUl"dit3
and dishonttily combined, On tbe part of f'CO!,lc in po... er. ha" ..
• The Wbite cedar,
M~/iu .1~(d"Nd•.
lllSTom- O~' NEW SOUTll WALl,S.
doubtl~ss h~(l Si>methil1g
to:> (1(> with it ;11 '~Qt n 'f~\\' instnll('~s; 1I,c
I'"hl;c iUll'n'S! h""iuB' hl"''' frf~"Cnll.r s~cnfic('d IQ bendil So nud
So. Esq., of $" au<i So, ,I. P., who has hud " fl"lcnd ill the "ight
" HOOc fro'" Slrond to GloHecslcl', OI1C of the Compull)"s agricul_
tural ;",,j grazing stations, Illirlr miles distnul, 0"")' " sood past•.wn]
COUOII"', of hill and <laic, anl\ reu'nrknhlr wdl W"IHcll. I saw it
dOllbll~ss in its ,-crr b.·~l stOic, fur Ill<' season has been j)<,cllli'll'!r
fnNllrablc. GlouceSter is onc Qf the best sit<>s for an inland town
J 1o",'c S<'('1l in the colony; nud if (he ro:,d 10 :111(\ from New England
shonl<ltnh this pal"lien]"r direction, lIS it is supposed likel). to do,
nl lenst 10,\' the Compan}"s SNvalltS, it would soon bl.'comc a place of
som~ importance. A raogc of pictnrl.'squc monntains, call1.'11 b}' thl.'
aborigines Th., .llllccans, of aoout )200 fCel in lwight, bOllnds the
horizOIl to the wesnraJ'd. l\!ong the base of these mountains, the river
Gloncestl.'r wends its ,-rar to the northward, leal'ing a large extent
of nllll"iallaud on its right t>.1nk, which the Compauy has cleared
(lud brought into culti"ation; the site of the buildings that form thc
sta~ion, inclUding a house of aCCOllllllod'lIion for tra l'eHers, beillg on
a Tls,ng ground 10 the eastward of the allul'ial tlats. 11 is altogl.'thel'
a \x>autiful spot in the wilderness, and thel'C an; man}' such on the
Compau(s estale,
'~Salurday, Nol', 16.-Slarted at eight, witb a mounted aboriginal
oall\"e for ml' guide for the fil"t ten miles; for whose seniccs in
thal capaCity.,' had beeu i~debted 10 the good offices of Mr. Darb}',
the Comp.an} S o\'crsel.'r 01 stock .11 Gloueesler, to wholU I had had
~:ote of mtroouetion from a mutual fl'Lend, Dr. Douglas, at Slroud.
e counlry for tbe first Il.'n miles is pretty much of the same
character as that which I had passed O"el' on the prcI'ioll$ da}'
b~III'een SU'O}ud and GI()ucestl.'l' - hill and dale with occasional fl(l1S
~nd good pa~lure. On this part of thc route Ihe BaJ'rio<>tOll River
IS crossed t'\"Iee.
It contaius a I· hod
to} thc s(lddl . h
y of water, rcaeh,ng neady
~ise;t~n ~L:lr~,~:n~~i:::~,s :~:~,t~';~~~~a~~~"~~~ s~~:~:csJJoat~::~:
~an~ s "'el". it tlows along the base of Ib., I'an ....c called the
n:~~ans, to tll.e w~slwal'd, and receives t.he Gloucestc; river at Ihe
r Jern lennmatlon of thal r
p.nj"'s station S 'Ill
all?e, a 1Il1le or 'wo bdow the COl1lanti (m all 11 ' ~' ower down It is joined by the JlOII'Olan Hi"er'
lese l'IVers I ascertained that Ihere was a considerable:
• .'I'he VOI,uhtion of the towns On
lI11neUlttn'al (:ell"]!a,,y is llot .i . . tlle property of the Anstralian
'''OSOll, 1,j" no\ know.
g n" III the I'ee""t census; fOl' what
Ttn; IIUI\"TEP. ,\';1) .'tANI\"ING ntv!·:ns.
alth"n:;h by 110 lllca,,~ a large, e~tl.'nl of anllviallan<1. well adapted
I:,r ,I,c ~cttlcn,,,nt ,,1' an ,,~riellltlll',,1 popnlation. The n"rringlon is
"ne (,I' the IH"ine'l'al lrihnt"l'ies of lhe Manning. It is always run_
ning. allhough snhjcc', likc ,,11 l\<Istralian rivcrs,lo occasional
O<><.Xls. 'I'h" hla<:kfcl\n,," tol\1 "'e th"l the native n:tme, either of it
of l1'e GI"ncester (for I co,oId lIot ,,,,eertai,, which he meant) wa.~
Wiunek, a,,<1 tllat of Ihe :\I"nlling, nrne)"-gangallinha. n~t r could
nQI ase~r(ain afterwards that the natives of Ihe lIhn,,;ng district
kn~\\' the riyer i>}' that tl"me, and was lold they had various names
for it at (litTcrent parts of its eOnr$e.
"Afler ero>si"g the Ib...ingtQn a second time we moot two blackf<'1lo\\'s on foot, and ~ht>l"llr afterwanl.'i :t third, a sen'ant of Ihe
Companr, on horseback. From the two pedestrians, Waur, my
guide, aseerla;ned Ihat IhNC had been a fight amQng the aborigiues
On thc :'la'llling Hi,'er, Ln which one man had been killed, In
deserihing the fray. and tspcciallr the ",ultilude of spears that had
been IhrO\\'l1 upon the oce:tsion, Ih" bla~kfrllo\l" was particularly
elOllucnl, illuSlrating his 1111l"rali"<"l b)' pointing wilh his own spear
in all dir~~lions, and using as much gestieulalion as a Frenchman,
"'allJ' infonne(\ mc, after we hao. left them, Ihat bolh the horseman
and the two pedestrians were 10 w:tit for hill} ou his return, as he
wished .. 10 1I.:ar the news:' They arc a "cry social people, as
lInlike Ihe American I"diaos as possible,
" Watt}' had searcel}' tuken leave of mc, at the ten miles statioo,
t" return to GloueestH, when it began to rain in righl earnest, and
I was ,"ery soon completely drcnchc•.!. The road also, from thi$
point, Wa$ one of the WOl"St ( had. ever Iranlled in the colony;
with stecp ascents approo.ehiug almost to the perpendicular, and the
p"th oc<'asionally .."",ing aloug the face of I'rl'eipitous hills, with
the ril"Cr, which has again 10 be cros~cd twice iu this vart of the
routc, llowiug deep and bl'oo.d at their tmse. Thl.' rain had al$o
lllade the clay soil so slippt'I"Y Ihal I fouud it dangerous to walk
"1'1'1.'1, as a single false slep mi;;:ht have p"ecipitaled me into the ri"er;
and J h:td fre'lucntlJ' to sera,,,bl,, aloug lhe bl.'st way I could 00 my
han(\s and fcet, dragging Ulr h01"$e behiud Illl.'. lu short, it is a
miserable roo.d ,'u wet u·c,tI/'er, and I was h~al'tily glad when I found
I had c1car~d the l:lst hill, and got down, although wel and wear)",
into Ihe I'a\le)' of the- .\launing.
"The l\lauuillg, in the upper part of ilS <'"ours,', forms Ih~ OOuo<larr of Ihe Agrieultllnol Company's cstate in this p:t"l of th~ t~ro'i_
101')"; and thao'e is douhtless a consi,lcl'able c~tent of aJlu,'ial bnd.
within that bO\lud~r)", "5 w~1l as on th,' llarl"ingt .." , ami iu ,",-'"_
!luents, ol'ailabl,' for Ihe sellkllJ~nt of "" iUII\lSlriou, l'opul.'li"".
1l1$TOI:Y (IF XI;W .~nIlTll 1r.\I.r.~.
H"t 11,,, \\ h~le ('Xf,'nt "rll.'" b'~d III r",· "'''lli,-oti,''~ nIl Ihe ('n"'I,.111)'
e.st~I<' nr .U".flo" ~''1"'''. ,n tl'" I,,,r, "I' 11", ho'·"""")'. i< ("""I""''',
1)\",,1., ""'.' ~,n:oll. ,\n,I.", "I"" j.ll", .'~Ienl ""'n "I' g-"nd 1':'''''1'"
I~ud-f.)r I "",kr,I""ll I ',:,,1 ~,.{,,, 11,,· 1...<1 of i1 : lhe .'I,'ril" ;",d
""""Ihl,,.~ '1',~lil) g-r,'~t1.1 I'f{',I"",in~ling, <"IO(""i"II.,· I()wanl. 1h"
.. ~hdik{' lloe 11",,1(0,'. till: .'I1:l1luiug ,I...,·;,..,s i18 s"l'pli('8 fw'n ]'C.
femu:,1 , .. ",,','S :""''''~ ll'e tu""nlai",, of N"w E"gln,,,l, ~",l Ihere_
1''';:(' I)<'\",;f f"i!_<. 1':"0'" ,he g"{'~l ".~I,·,,1 "I' it< ill')' -<hinSI)' b"d, it is
("'"Io·IIII.I' s"I'),·... I. Ioke'lllo~t i\".lr"li~n ri"('r" 10 <'X'e".~i,',· i"u",Ja.
~'O'l~. ~n,1 ,"'~'~I throl\" :IIl imt"ens,· h(>(l)' of wakr 011 th,'se c~:easions
'''lolhe J " ... Itie. I "I·o.<~,',l il "1 " lord whid, I e:lsHr fOUlld, "nd
Ih,'u "~I,, (l,,"'n 1'''1'11.\' ,hr,,"gh a lhick brush On ils Jeft b,,"k (or
"bo'~1 1110 mlles. tl) Ih" hous,; of Mr. Jos"l'h :\wln'ws, wh";'e I
ree('l\'ed" "el',' ..."r,li,,1 ",,'Ieome the rid,· ii'nm GJollec~ter h .
\je" 1\1·euly_two.m,ld. )11'. Alldl'ew~ had come out 10 Ibe cololl •
nuder '''y ~"I:"I'l1llelHleo<'e, as " sehooltn~stel', in the S'HUe "ess;l
~Tltlt Mr. llob'~'80n: <Jf Singlelou, in the re"r 1837. He h"d "eled
III 'hat ('~J"'''''l)' ~or s""e~1 )""~I'S in Sydn"y, "nd ~fkr\l":lfds at
~un",ol·e. III leacl"ng a school on 111)' brothel"s property; bUI h",'.
;n s 1'\"'clt:l~I, "t (I cOlllpar:lliYdy low price, the properlY on whieh
,e now re."des~(In eSlate of 750 (Iel'es wilh a good hOIl~c 011 il "n(l
~~h~r .-alhU~~ljC llll~)fO"eWeuls_hc is now onc o( the residellt j)ro]);'ie... ~: on I. e " a~lI,ng,
letters from S.l'dney 10 Mr. Andrews. in.
would ;rcach at
. ~ccled 10, rc"ch the iH~nnillg on Ihe Hah, alld
h,d int.-ndcd, ir :~: :~~~:rs~~:ble sl.atioll S on the following day, I
Mr. A.'s I,laee in good tim
conllllucd fine, and I h"d re"ehed
ridden dowlI Ihe ri"er in ~ to ;aWJ borro'll"cd another horse and
miles 10 where I h d dIe a lernoon olher eighteen 01' Iwenty
a lln erstood the pop] .
trated. But Mr A d
u Ulton was more COllcen·
bOlh o( whie~
~ re,"".S h~d ne"er recei"cd eilher o( llly letters
. ascer,amcd !>c(ore le'
lying safe in the poSI office", Po,.t Ma a"IIl~: le ri"('r, were Ihen
lherefore,oi'lllyeOnling bad be
. cqllart('.
As no inlimation,
I had had en~ugh of't ~
en gIven; as 1 found, lUoreo"el', th"t
uud~l' tOl1'eU1S of . ' or olle day "fier crossing the moulllains
ra'n; nud as the .
under ~It-. A.'s h01lpitatole r
ra,u Sll COlllinued, 1 remained
"8""uay Nov 17
G ooftllllhc (oUowillS morniug.
Mr. AUurc,,"s fo~ R~~l\ ~I n fresh horse, and started early with
there is a eonsiuerable ;T;s~o~'a'.'b the moulb o( the ri~er, where
• ,.
)ler'an population from Scollanu and
N'n~ty n,iles farther north h .
• av'ng beeu (orwol'de<\ b)' se".
'rlll: III
,\SI' \1'\;'1;.11;;0 H1VIm,!<.
th,' "">'110 "I' 1,·d~",1. Th ... ""l\"l'l~I;"n 'm 11,,· al1",'i"ll;1n,1 On the
1o.",L~ .. r 110.' ,.iv,·r i. '''1'",10, n,,<1 I ll:l' 1,:,1'1')' t.. I,,:,,'n it i. ellsil)'
,·1,-;.... ·01 .,,,,1 10"1'",01 "II', cr""p,,,·,,l with the 1"10",,, ~ll(l en~t"f dear.
i"" ~,,,,;I.,r bnd "n Ill<" II"nh'r. 'I'I,,-r,· is n" en,L1e's variety of
""" 1',,' "1""'1""" ,,,,,I 1'" ..."i.i".,1 I,I~"I" ~,,,I Ihe nd1le-tree "bo"nds
ill th .. Iloi ... 1. 10'·",1,.·.., ~"oJ i\"r",\S tu :In i,,,,,,,,n'\O 8;7.0. 1\ i$ ea~i1y
,1.,,11''')''01, 10"11',,,·,·1'.
i"l"rin,' h"i"1 'I"il" ""ft :I"'l f""go,,!.
1',.,,,,,.llhe ri",,'" ,,,il,, "r Iw<> 1",lnw .'Ir. 1\.·•. ",,,l.tr"ek inlulbe
"pen f"re't "" th,' "pI""i,,· hi.l<-, I" c"l "If "S""~l ben,1 ..hid, lhe
",ver Inhs I.. 'he Idt. 11."111,,.. tf,(.,rq.:" th" plc","re 1 "nli"il'~ICd
in 1,,11""';"1; Ihe "i",-r d"" ", wfoie]' i"oI,·.'d i< "'arccly l,raClicalJlc.
",Ht"I'" "i'l" of "ightecn ",;1,·,. r""cl"',l 11'0 bo"s" "I'" hibhly
iutc1ligellt :In,1 reSpect"hl .. !\\'IlI"I" f,'''''' Ihe j\O',rlh 01' Seotl:""I, wh"w
\\'ife-:, ""omull "f ~up~ri,.r cd"e"ti"n :"Hl l"'c"liarly <'llJ>;.ging
mallnas ~,ul di'po'iti',,,, wh,) 1 le:'rned had h<:cn un;,·"rsaJly
"'lcemed in the di,trict_haol Sh<>Tlly ltefnre cO)",n';lted s"jdde
during" l'~r"XYSlll {,f l'""rpcr;d i",,,nitr, I"",-;ng h"r uo(ortunate
hush,,"d with" f"mily uf ""0 chil,lren in tXlr<:n,,, desolation. Ex_
peered to h",'o crOSScd the ri"er in a bo~t at Ihis 10Clllill', and Iheo
cros<inS" ~n isthmus 011 fOol, whero it swe~l's ro"",1 " peoimml"
with a long cirenitous eours<:', 10 have gODt down 10 Rcdloank hy
waleI'; hilt unetrla;nt;.. "s to whcrhel' we should find a boat "I the
I'h'ce whero we should have wanted it, i"uuced us 10 JI"rform lhe
r;,st o( lhe journey. "bo"t Iwrl"c miles toy land, "Iso Oil hors.:baek.
It WaS ~ "ery disagrcl:able ri'.le, for it rained he""il)", aud I SOOIl got
completely drenehed once morc. .\ly I"cecption "t Hcdbank, wher,·,
(1'0111 Ihe cireum~laueo J h,,"e mentioned, my visit had nO)t betn
cxp,;{'t"d, was gmlif.l'iog in Ihe higheS! degree. I look up m.,'
abode ,,1 lhe house of -'Ir. &utuel Gibson. a respectable P ....sbrlcrian gelllcr from the norlh of lrel"nd, who hall b<-en six year~ on
Ihe '-'bnning, ami waS f:\I'millg upwards of 10(1 ocres of IIlC ri"he~t
:dln"i"l bnd. which ho h~d l'"rchlUlcd 011 its hank. Tbe u~u"J bush
rare w"s immNli:lkly :,'Ot "Ndr, and a l:ltge til"e, ",bidl sp('i'dily
blale(l 0)11 Ill" he:lrlh, ,ras nol more n"ce~sar,· to d'T our babilimcnts,
lhan il was ffom lhe cold o( lbe dar. I "fICI'''-ards found that Ih e
11th h:ld b<-en "n llnusaallr cold dar for lhe seasou of the ye:lr all
o"el" lbe colon)'. Pre"che,1 iu the ",.enillg 10 a eongregalioo h"Slil)'
assembbJ, hnt consisting aln,ost exchl<il'elyof Scoleb and north o(
Ircl"nd Prosbylerian. seHled on Ih" aoljoining f"rnls.
"il10no1,,)', No,.. 18._ The rain all bone, aull Ihe wealb(", de.
lighlful. l"'eached og:l,n, "t nin" ,l. ,,-, Ill" coogr~ga!ion con~ide\".
"bl)" more numerons lhan lhat of tb~ preceding ewni"g. Al th,'
close of the service. succeeded in makiog lhl: r~qui"ile aJ"l"ang~llJ~Ul;;
IlI:;TOI:,' OF /n:\\'
for lloe in,mr<!i:1lc ~ltlem''fll of:1 Precbfl'" ian ",inist"r in lJ,c "I~n_
ningdislrirt, ,,-hieh 1,:>,II>t'<'nthe Ilri""'I'al ol>jN'1 of",)' \';~il. The
people (If llffik!nk_h''''ing j",t gO! a ~c1'ooJ",n.t"r (ro,,, home,
'rho, r W:lS hnl','r h> find, w:>s g;"inS thel11 gr"nl .:>Ii.«:leli",,_ ,,"cri)
buildiujl; hi", n s"bstnllti"l seloooll",u<o of ""<'nl.l'·si,; b)' f;fteen feN,
,..hich ",as 1I1so to ~r,." as a tl'U't'oraTr I"ace of woTshil>, th(' sc],ool
Ix'ing under Ihe lknominlllional lloard. The n"mbo.-r of scholars
..-:\S llln!td~ up..ards of Ihir/r.
Ilold lilt' 1,,",,01,1... Iht')' mll$l-.expt'Ct
10 be.- pul undt'r the ~:lliOD:l1 Board afwr U(')(I ~·ear. 10 ".hi<-b Ihey
st"Cmro lJuile N"Ii{1nfd. Thert'".ilI be eomllaralinl)' liule difficulty
in cfrceli"g s"ch II tronsformat;oll,:ls f:lr al II':lSI as Ih" Preib"lcrian
schools oflhe colon)' art' couccrnc,l.
., lino;!crolao,ling Ihat there load been some exeitemeUl in thll
dislricl on lhe subjl'<'t or Ih(' culli'fation of COllon. and that one or
1"0 Imlprit'lors of considerable lroCls of land, in panicular Mr.
Altinson. had ~n f('('omml'nding it to Ibeir Ifnanls. I had annoonCf'd, my intenlion to deli'fer a I~turt' on tbe subj~1 in tbe
roufW of Ihis day al TahTff. a cenlnl Ioc:alitr about Il'fe miles up
Ihe ri'fer b)' ",ater; and I learned a~Ordingl)' in the course of tI,e
lOoming, tbat a good man)' of tbe Rl'dbank people were going up
to allend it. To sa\'{' thom thi8 trouble and inconvenience, bowe'fer, I proposed 10 ddi'fer the leeture, as far ll.'I they were con_
cerned, on Ibe spot, whieh was eheeriul1)' acceded 10, and I did 10
;l.eeordingl)·. It is a noble count')' for that sPfiil'll of enllir.uion ;
and as Mr. Gibson.·, whe:u crop bad ~u dl'lllro)'ed b)' l'11lit, which
bad CUI it off afler the late nins, I took occUlon to show bow much
len prff:lrious a cotton crop ... as likely to prove in that elimale
tb.an,wheal, a~d bo... mueh more profitable. The Manning is just
lI"ubm I~,e !lnttr-second degree of liOUlh lalilude, p~eisely in Ihe
same lal1lnde as lhat of Cbarle51on, in South Carolina one of the
principal couon-gro'll'ing stales of America, in the o;posile henlisphere.. :rhe Red.bank people e:s:preued themselves much gratified
at, Ill): VIl'I-, '~d at the lillle effon I had Ibutl made to suppl), tbew
..,t~ mfonna\Ion on a subjecl (IQ whieh tbey ".ere all appan-olly
allJla~ to oblllin il. ?Ilr. Aodre",s and !lr. M'Lean (another
fe~lo,,'-tra"el1erfor the last twelve miles), ha"ing to return by bud
""tb Ihe borsts, I WlllI rowed up the river ill a boat to 'I'ahl'ee by
oneoflheRedbank se 'I
t ers, a ta 11 ,8tout, '
farmer frOIl ' tbe
nOI1h or Ireland.
.. The Mannin, is a no" .
. h
I atu _fid..1I tbfl"t' . ,~e rIver ,n t e lower part of its course , and
''slit, f... ..>. . UI I. '.'"'uch grtatu utent of land of the first
-. e""U'fRtlO" (IQ 11$ ba"k
'Inbut.arit'S, u ..ell u on lhe ..la ... and On .thO&<! of Its numeroWl
ndI to... arda III tno\llh, than tbere ill
TIll; HI "TU: ":'11>
"l!(>J:;dl,er Oil Ihe Il"nter. PalleTfOn. ao,l William Rivers. It ia
na>·ig:lMc i,hnm the "'",e distaMc inland as these rivers; h"t 'here
i~ tl,i~ gre"l ,liflcr~"re tl<.'tw~~n the 1"'0 district~, Ihat ,,'hcr~:u a
lnrgc I'rOIH,rlion of lh~ Innd on the Ilunler, towntth the C!':lSt, 15
comr~tralivcJ)' w"rlldc", the good land "n lhe Maoning e:tltoM
10 Ihe very head •. and is almn.. all within TCarh of lIc:lm navi.
g:llion. In ,horl, il is '1ulle l(naec<>"nlahle lhl a distriel of '''ch
superior agri.."hu",1 cal'al.tililin should ha'fe remained for 50 1oll;
a per~ coml>3rali'f..ly ,,".no..·o. To Il$t' the laogtlage of the
~Ioon in 'h" fahl...... hen, romplaining Il> lh... su" Ihal he loo.l'Ii 10
d"lI and .. h(.... rles~ a' h"r ""ring a" eclipse, ~he obser\'.-d lhat it
was lI'at dirly planet tl'e I":arlh t1,~t had got 1Ie,""een them; I prc~umc it ia the A:;ric"ltllfal Com]!a,,)", eSlalc that h3S hilherto got
belween Ihe Manning <lod tht 5\!llJl~1 dislricls of lbe colony gene.
rallr. :lnd Pl'1'woleU lhe colt\tli$U from recogoiaing Ihe superior
cap;>bililiu of that inlponant dislricl.
.. The i\lanniog has two enlranl:'t'5, ;I &1JUlhcro and ;l. nonhern,
Ihe 1"'0 chanol'l. being separaled by O..ley and Mitchell Islands,
".hich asain 3re soeparated rrom l'Ich otber tor a navigable channel;
Mltchcll hland bo1ing towards the oc:ean, and O:dey Island inland,
The soulhern I'ntranee, however, has for some time past been filled
up, anti lhe northern chanoel is of course lhe only ooe used. There
is a bar at ils mouth, l>I in most Auslnolian rivers; bul tht bar, I
W;1.5 informed, W"ould prove but a eompan'i'fely .light ob6tacle in
the ...a)' of Sleam na,"ig:uion, all il is more pnoclieable at prewllt
than thl.l of almOSl any other hnftd riwr 011 Ibis M:I$1:, Redbaok
is opposile Oxley Island 10 the toulhW"ard, and is only about five or
silt miles from the 1(>"llIerll enlrance. There is much laod of lbe
first (t"olit)' III this "icillity, as '1'<,11 as Oil all lhe islands, fOT lh~re
are others, btsides thOfC I ba"e IlIcnllooed, higher "p. lIr..'\11<;0lOO', .. slate of 1$.000 acres. formerl)' Ihe property of Harl Daries.
Esq.• i\1.P., is on Ihe north.. rn channel, oppo$ile Orle)"s bland. It
is ealled by its uallve name, Candle Cundle. .lb. A. has alrndy
formfd a small agrieuJlunl RUlemeOI Upoll il. hlr.e that of Redbant, and has had lh "late sur"eyed and laid oll" rec~nd~' i" 'lDlall
farm&. 1'her~ is alllhe difr~rt'nce in .~ yorJd, howe'·.. r, boH....et.'n
the condillon of sm~11 farmers, sellJc<1 Oil Ih";r Own J.. nd. lik~ lloe
lleople :il Rcdb:ink, and a mere lenano." su~h as illr. Atkillson
propoSl'1 10 form. ,\"d il is one of the most gr:>lifJin~ ~i~"",.
st:llIces im:lginable io Ihe ca.se of lhe Manoing di!lricl, Ihac Ih('re iJ
SliJl a large exlCllt of lan<1 of lbe first lJualllY on Ihal rin'r iu Ihe
hamls of tbe Go~ernnlent, ...hich I1 at P!'l'Sellt in the rou .....· 01
Rllleroent by swall proprielOrs from other pariS of lh.' cok>,,),
lIISTonY OF Kt:W roUTIJ ,,",\1.1:5.
cllicll) from 1Iunter', ni-·er. )11'. G!~n, of n('(lb~nk: felicit~'cll
llilusc1f uot ~ liltk. in connl·.ing Wllh me ()~I 'he sul!J,·ct. on the
circumSI~nC(' nf 1lt'il\~ n" longcr a 'ell~nt; WIHCh. howcvcr. he hnll
been f,)I' lib. rl'3l'l1 aOcr his aTTi"nl in tbe c~'o~~' ~I JI.111t('r'$ Ili"er,
If" mnn unnof &:1r of 'his ('OUnl~', .. Thu; 1$ Ill)' o...n, llIJ 11:lIi1"e
land." lel billl ot lcn~1 be nblc to S:1r of (l fc ... ncres of Ihc best of
il 1(,8~ or nlOre, " This i~ Ill)' ..."'n, lllr l'ur;.·hnsct! land:' I hC~1X1 of
not (c,,"cr Ihal' uiuelccll f~l\liliC$ of this class thal wel'<' c"l)(.,<,Icd to
senl... al ,he )lanninl; nOcr harns!. )\ larJ;c proportion 6f tileSl'
f:1milil'$. as ... cll:as of Ihe prtRllt popub,ion of til... district ;::enf.'T.lll)·,
consisls of t'llIigTlDlS from &otl:l1ld :md Ihc north of Ird:lUd. In
short, thcre ~re few districts in thc colony of which Ihe ropnbtioo
pTOllliS<'sto be of 50 p«uli~rIr h('~1thy ~ chornclcl'-I lllcnn sO('iall,-,
politically, aod lnor:lll}' -liS thnt of the lInnning RiveT.
.. Arriwd at T:lh~. furnlerly Ihe propeny of W. W}'III... r, Esq.,
n.K.. no'" Ihat of his $OIl·in.la..., - fl"'ll, Esq., abont t...-o
nOO :Inn dioing ",ith )lr. "'rntCT aod his famil)', dtli,,('retl n h.'('.
lurc or ndurc5s on cotton cuhh':lt;on in a neat schoolhollse recently
er<'eted in Ihe "icinitr of lIIr. W~-ntn's rcsidcnec. Thc notice
bad been Vl'Ty short, and tht" Redbank peol'l~ .......re absent for Ib~
n>a~n 1 haTe mwtioned, but Ih~ atlend:lnee ".205 " ... rJ fllir notwith"aoding.
"The estate of Tahree, consisting of 2,~GO acres, or fOllr sqllat·c
wiles, forms a pcnillsuln, ooulldcd on three sides by the l·i,'cr. It
consim almost exclusivel)' ofalh.villllaod of the first qU:l1it~·, thieU,.
wooded. Mr. W"oler', h~ U on :I n:ltural terr.u:e t01\"ards the
iilhm~ and Ibe vie... from il OVtr tbe cleartd land. the noble rh·er,
n.nd t~ d~ foresl &1o...1y disappc:lring undcr the a:l:e ofci,·iliu.
non, 's dccldedlr olle ur Ihc finest in thcse colonics. In the lowe\'
~arl .of;15 course, thc rivt\' is geucrall,. from a quarter to half.a.mile
III "'idth, :lOO the land ill tht" ,Uuvi:!1 liats on ill banks is of sur·
p~in! fenilit,.. When I 'bted, DD the aUlhorily of 3.lr. BuekD(!ll,
o~ Kc".to..-o, that four acres in COtton, at Iht" mte of produce he Ilad
blm~lf r~alized, ,>ould be 511fficknt to maintain nu industl'ious
f.Olll)", Mr. Fletl told "le lhat hc had himself caleuhted that I'VO
or 600dcd land on tl,e ~lanning "'ould be sufficieot for thl'
m~ntenallceof a familr-Ih:tt he hid himself leen Ihe produce of
InlUU 011 lhe river aCluall)' mensured at Ihe mte of 100 bushd$ nn
acre 7.lhat
crops could be rcaped in ti,e )"car _ ao(1 that nn,'
concc'\aIJle amOunl of food ~
be nlu.e<l C'Cll 011 Ihal i . C;; man, ami 101' pigs and poultr)' could
family If h I ' _ . lUa Cll:tellt of gro"nd b)' nn industrious
am c~6dt t .t t~ 1"lI-t'0l1 of eOllon lloO<l\d b.:eOllle gencml a$ I
lit It .'111, I 5iog\.., l"la\'li,bmcDl, al $Ome l'..,lltr.1 'point,
Till: UliNTI;F: A:'iD J.tANKt:'\O nl\'Ul".
lik,' Tnhrec, wo"l,] I>(> sumdvnt rOI' chmning 311d fiuing fllr the
Ul:lrktt th" l'rQ\lue" nf thv wbole ,'istrict, by m~a"s of " ~Ill:l11
l>t.~~Ill,·r to run to an,l fro OIl thc ri ...~r. Thcre is no doubt ..hltlCTer
Ihal. • i,h it. 1"3'i1 nat"ral 1'tSOUrccs. tI'e )[anning ...ill, at uo dislaut llt<nod. Ioe onc or th" ..."ahhi..,,,- disrrietli of tlLe colon)', aud
formth" seal "fa dVllse IIOIHlJ:.lio".
.. The (:"vvrnrnvut ha< I",en $lI·anSel,. neglcctful of this ,lislrict.
It ha. no ll(ll;t...,mc.·, an,1 I"ucl'll thrccted 10 the .Manning :Ire :It
Ilrt~nt for"'an1e,J 10 I'on )l;:u"/u:>ri(,, lOOn' thall (:ight)' ruiln
(",·ther, .·heTl" dle' Illay lie for ........,'" N n"n mOllths. A 1\"('('kl)'
I_t frolll Stro"d "ould be kept "I' al n co'"par~ti"clr .mnll cx.
[>Cllse, nnd would pro"" nf i"calcul:'lJle bendi, to the disll"ict.~
Wheth"r it has cvcn a sillgle constabl" or not n. )"et, I did not
"TIll"WJ, No... I~.-)Ir. Fklt, ... ho i5:t nali~ of C:tithoeliS, in
Scotland, and who I,u .. fin.." healthy J\uslrali:ln family growing up
around him, walkcd with me in Ihe morning across the iSlhmu$ 10
where :\11'. Andre,rs was to 'ueet lIIe Wilh a boat on tbe QPllOsitc
.idt of the l~nillsul;L )Ir. Flelt also v(:ry hand$QD1Cly promised
:lceDlumndalion in a "acanl cotl3ge OIl- his CSl:lt~ for tbe IQinisler
and hi$ famil)" ...hom I h:ld :lrr:onged to SCfId up to the district. Tb'"
sit"n1ion is pecoliarly eligibl(: for !iuch a purpose, from its being'
eentl~,l. ooth for the Upper and for lloe Lo,rer il!anning. J w~s
much gr~llili(.'I1 at Ioa"ing sueceed"d in Ihi~ minor arr,1ogelllcut. On
eroso.ing Ill.: l'i"er "',, 3-liCt:uded what is called a CT<'t"k. bu.t mOU;I
un'lueilioDabl, ha,'" bet-n th.: ri....r i~lf al some tarli"r ~riod ;
:I pl!nin.ula of aUu"ial bnd, ,,-hicb il (om,....ilh thc n\'er, baying
e"idvmly "''ell nn i.land, nnd lJoe.co united wilh the lnainland by
what bl"Olher Jonalhllll calls a t'II/1 of fallen li",b,·r blocking' up
onc of the ch:ulllel. in a lime of t1oool. Vne of the di..tinguithicg
featut("'S of the 113'oniog U the llumber of <:~ks N rivulets 110""
ins into it, on nl<)fl or ... hkh, as 011 Diugo, &1.>0, Ind Burnll
C,.,ek5, th..,rt is a greater Of' le" ...xttnt of IUu,·j:a.! laD,J tit jor
.. nod~ up with Mr. Audl.... ws. ami 311'. 31'l.can to Mr. Andr~",s'
holUl', l."igbteen mi!u, arri,-ing about 1l0011. Tbe", allvr balting rQr
aa hour, woonted 111)" o.-n hotS!' :lgain and ,.,"""'''' thl." T\.1Q,J OX"
rathtr l)eateo path to Cloul."\"$l"r, 1fr. And", ..., Si"iug me:l f"rtlo~r
000\'0)' ofa fvll' 1I1il,"$. Towards e\'Clliug, wheu I had done ""'arl,.
fort)' mill's, and wll5 gelling ra' her til'c'd, :lu<1 riding with a sLid,
• Thcre i. a diTl1'Ct po$(al tOUlWllDic-:tliun "ith S.,dnl·~ nu ...
rein, I wns suddenly arouse<! (rom a reverie into wllich , had fallell
at the moment b,. the fall of Ill)' horse. Ill' hnd been trotting
gtotlJ do.... n a 1'cr)' slisht dl'<:li,.i'J, and I :,,"lIS '.hro..o ...·ithaomc ,.io.
lenee O'l"H hi. head on lilt ro(Id. but pT'OndCDIl:lll}' rscaped n ~lld
time almost nnhurt 'fhe sun was slowly descending lwhind the
Bucc:lIls as I reached Gloucester, Talhel' stiff, and a lillle lame frolIl
my fall.
.. WflIne5d3y, No,.. 20. - Lefl GlOllcnlcr at eisht A.~r., lilOPpl'd
lle<'lrly an bour at the collage of a Scotch fami!)' in the 6enice of
the Company br tbe war, and reached Stroud :It Iwo I'.al., anCT:l
ride of thiny mi!rs. Had given notice the pre,oiOlls Thursday tbat
I Ihould rellll'1l 10 Stroud tbis day and ptrfOl'lll di,.ine M'rviee at
four I'.J[. in the court-hou5e, ,,-11;<:11 bad bet>n granted for the purpor;e,
there loeing a cousidcrable number of Scolch families in the vicinity
either as tenants or servants of Ibe Compnny. Preached accord·
ingly at the hour appointed, the attendancc being considerably
betler than t anti('ip3ted, one family Il:l.ving come in tell. miles.
Whalever part of the colonr I happen 10 "isit, Inhra)'s find families or individuals who bnve either been members of m)' o'll"n 1'00pgation in S)"dney pl'rbap$ for )'ean togelher, or who have come
nnt to the eolony through my instrumentality; and from such
persons, cspet'ially when comfoJ1abl)' sellled in the world, liS is generally the cue, I alluJ's eXpl'rience a cordial reception. Evcn a
vote of ceDlure and condemnation passed upon me by the famous
thirteen, or DElL'S DOZE.'I', of the l~gislatiTe Council, has no effect
upon such people-:md I found 50me of them herE'.
"Very hospitably entertained b)" Dr. Douglas, n genuine Seot,
and Mr. Corlette, of the Company'a service, at StTOud. Visited a
Scotch family after service, about two miln from Stmud, where a
young 1I"0maD, a daughter of the famil)', was reported to be dying.
There ate several &oleh families, tenan($ of the Company, in tbe
neighbourhood, very comfortably settled. They are mostly from the
Highlands of Scotland.
.. Tbunda)', Noy. 21._ Rode 10 Boo"", seven milea, and rested
an hour or two (for Ihe day 1I"as excessively hot), at Mr. Renwiek's,
a tenant of the Compan)', occupying a tract of alluvial lnnd on tile
KarDa river. There arc three or fOllr Scotch families VHy comfortab~y se.tlled here, tbe Company being ucellenl landlords. Mr.
·01'.... '1'1< ~ II thorougb.hred farmer (rom tbe llOuth of Scotland.
. . a lllollth or twO
h .
re t urlle dfmm Cahforlllll
8a~ F3YUI~ been vcry fortunate. Other two had just arrived uf
ranellcu, "When the fh,t
colQny. He had. .
Wl\8 Qn t e eve of ret"ruing to the
J~t tlute 10 we them fitted out and titllrt oft· for
TilE TlUNTf:11. AND ,rA..'1:Srlm n1\'Ens.
the ",ines. I was torr)", ho..-e,·er. to learn, on my arriul at ~(>11".
c~tle, that the two y<Hlnger brothers h:>d both returned again to
the colon)'. having 1000t their health at the "diggings." Hownu
calamirous it ma)' 1>0 to indil'iduulg, it is snrcly well for these colonies that tllis ('ulifo'lruia r"ania should reeei"e a check even in thi,
way. Mr. flcn ..ick's eldcr son IHld other two )"oung men who had
accompanied hiIQ had c].eartd 1001. each u the cnd of the chird
...eel< after their lIrri"al at &an l'ranci$CO, in the c'pacit)· of lira)".
mcn employcll in u"loading vcs~e1s. The)" hud done wcll, lIut not
quite 50 "'1'11 as tbis. at tire mines, and Ibe)' had enjo)'ed perfect
health during the hole period of their sa)" in Calj(omia. The
t1l"0 )"<Hlnger brothe
I w:u infoTTl'l('d. bad returned in a worn.plight than the)' len the colony in, with loss of time, of passage
money 10 and fro. and even of health.
.. Left _\lr. Ilen..-ick's at Dnf' o·eloek. Theda)" was cuc55irely hot,
and I felt the ne;<t t ..enty milet the mO!iI fatiguing part of m)"
journey. .\rrived al )Ir. Caswell's, al llallycarrr, where I again
experienced a very hospitable f('ception, towards fi"e, I'.~t.
"f'ri(\a)", nnll Nov.- node down to Rapnond Termce, len
miles, 1I"itb :Ur.C~s1l"ell,e:trlr in the morning. Cot into theM Th~t1e"
ste:tIll('T, as she pa$5Ctl, and arriwd at S"dner, aner a pleMant
VO)'a~, at seven. P.)! .
.. I had thus, during the si:deen duysor my :l.bsenee_ besides che
vopgn. of about 100 miles each, to and from Hunter's River_
ridden "00 miles. cbiell,. undu the hot wn ; prnched six times:
leetnred Or deliTertd addTC'Ut'll six limes; been thrice drenehed
with nin. and twiee thrown from In)"hor8e. The ObjL'C-1 of my tonr
":ns ehietl)' c1erie:l.l, to aSCtrlllin the spiritua.l condilion of certain
district.s. and 10 make arrang'Olmellts for the kttlemenl of minUlen
in the interior; and in this respecl it "as quite suc«ssful Tbe
lectuTet were intended lnercl,. to do a little good. of a differenl
kind, b)" the way:'
I made a similar journey ill the month of i\1:a.rcb. 1851,
to anotllcr p:l.rt of this extellsi.'e district, of which I 31so
published a few Hough Nolt's al thc time, ill auotlrer
colonial journal; nnd as observ3.tionJ mo.de on the spot
are likely to be of lllore "alue to intending emigrants
than mere genero.l deductions, I l!hall Illake 110 apology
for inserling them here.
llISTOTlY Of' Kl;W S('IliTII W,\U;8,
LIAi\fS Hl\'Elt.
., J1:l\in:! h3d OC'C3~ion 10 \'isitlhc be:lUtirul1}' l,ictllrt"!'ll"C' \'il13g....
orStro",1. \\hich (onu~ Ih" he:Hl-qu~rl\.'Tli or tl,c l\llSlr"li~lI l\gri_
cultural C.... ml)~1IY'$ ('st~h\i~llllli.'nt. 011 Ill) 'r:ly 0I'el'1;1I1d 10 <ll1d rrOll1
the i\bnnill~ ni'·.... r. illth... monlh or NO\'em1)cr last. [ lJ:l(1 .1Ner_
minl"d 10 embr.aee tll... liT'lit Ol,porlunit}, Ib~1 lIIi:;ht (lft"'r or C$Caping
for :l rC\\' d3\"S rrom the du._t and otlll.·r :mno)":Jll«'S of S)"dne}'. 10
..i<it tll<' ~d;l(,lllent of Dnnl::0g, Willimu's lIi,'cr. ,,"hidl is (111)' aOOnt
~ixt(' ...n miles distallt from Stro,,(\; ~s it allR~I"('u to nle thM the two
hieb 1 .r~s onl)' :Iequ.:aiutcd with Ihe ((\rmer b}'
rel'0;1.) pr~'S('nt''d I. lufficicnl1}' \.'xtms;'·(' :md ~ulia~Ir eligihle
lid" for the StUI(>1I\i.'1l1 of a Pr(>shyteri:m mini.ler, I aecordingl)
krt ~,un",'l,,· the sttamer "Thistle" on 'he e"euing of i\londay. the
1"1. ~f i\ia~h, and n':lched Dun1l\0Tl.', ~lItl'$On's UiYtr, the residence
11\,' brother, (':Irl)' on Ihe (ol1owine- da}·.
1j.c(0Tl' the ilitrotJllccion of'sleam n:wigation into this colon,.. by the late C:J!'tnin
r::iddulJlll. n.N., in the Fnr 1831. tbe IIsual lLlode of travelling to
the 11llnter's River distritl was on horseb:lck o\,(>r the moun·
tains. and the ,iouroer uSII..11y occupied three (ull d3f$; the
el1pcn_ of llIan ..nd hoTM', .. t lbe illns :Ind pllblie-IH'lUSC'S b}' the
,,'ar, being generally collsiderabl)' more thnll the entire r"n'. with
the cost of refreshnU'nts included. by the steambo:ll. /n shurt,
Ue;tm na<ig:ltion h3S beeD Ihe makino: of I-ll\nter's Birer. and it
is, doubtlt'SS. dcitincd to renuer the same service 10 a whole K'ri{"S of
other rivers a similar dCl;Cri!,tion along the coast 10 the nDnh".-al'd.
"1'01' the tirst firtl"t'n or t",enly milu b,. ,,"mer rrQm lhe mouth
oftbe ri"er, the land on either side is gcner:>Ily 10..... swan'!,,-, and
st('rile, IhouSh ror the mOSI pUI thieklr co\"Crtd with tim~r; bUI
higher 1I!" and along Ihe' banks
lhe two Iributar}' liIreams, lhe
~oil for 11 considerable diSlanee from the banks is entire),. allul"inl,
and of the highest (ertmt)", and the SCenerr rrolll tile ,,"Mer exeCt'dlDglr beautiful Let the Tl'ader figure 10 bimselfa noble ri"'(·r.
as .ode as Ihe Thames in Ihe lower ~M of its course, U"indillg
.10..-1)' to..... rds the ~an, among forests Il,nt have nev{-r felt lhe
ijll'oke of tbe UlI:e. or Il'en anr hUl1Uln face till latel,. but thut of the
"'lIndering harmrian, 011 eitber bank. the loft,. gum.tree or
('u<:lll) l'tll$ shoots 111' its ...hite naked stem 10 Ihe Ileighl of I ~O (~I
rr<tm Ihe rid, alluvial Mlil, while ullderwood o( mOSt IUXllr;3nl
1'<0,,-1\, eOll\l'ltlcly COVen Ihe ground; and numerous wild vincs,
~s t,1<e ~,,~e"ing suruhij .."d Jlara&ilical plants of t],~ allnviallatll\ are
Illd,.tnn"natel)· t:l\k..t h)' 'he lelllen, dip their 10llg bnnehel
(or ...
ItU~TF.n A~n
'tANNtNtl ntn:ns,
cm ......... 1 wilh .....lle no...e~ illlo the very wnlu. The voit'e orlhe
lark. or Ill{' lin",·t. or 11", nighlin~lc. is. dooblle<.-. ne"er beard
"I<lllll: tlot "anh IIf the ""Oll'r; f",r N(·.. &"'110 \\"31" i. strangt'ly
,lefiei...."t in lite "",.•i" ...fthllgr.:.,·,'!!: ""tthe . . )·e is gratified i,,~tend
uf lhe c;lr; tilr th,,-,~s "r ",hit" or lIlaek coekntoo<, \fitb lheir
}l·lI",.· or Tl'OI cr..,.N, fl<l':l,;onall,. Ilit ael'f)$$ from bank to b:Ink;
and inn"n'''l':IbI" c1l1q';lIp:: l>;Irl"Oll"el'. or 11I011 sllpl.'rb and illC'Oll('('i\'3111,. ,-arit;''lItl'O.1 Ilhllll:l,l;e, aN:! et'er nnd anon hOI'[lin;; about
from ul':1neh 10 bl'allch. I have been lulU, indeed, thn! lhere is
''',1thi''g like illler<ostillg nat"ral ~ecncr)' in New So"th W:lll'S: my
O..-IJ eXIX'I'ien« 3nd <lbiicr"lltion enable me 11:Itly 10 COfItr:ldil'llhc
:lSSl'rtion. There at"(: dOIJbl~ IJlllOeTO\OS pbC'fll Ihrou(;"hout the
ll'rrito,"}' nnillt,,«'sting enollgl., ~~ the render may cOIIl'eive 1I\1I~t
nec.....saril)" be the case in situations ,,"here the prospect of a $cttlcr"s
c1nn>t\ land is bollndcd 00 nuy lio.1c by Ion,. 3nd braochless lrees,
but in many Jl:IMS or Iht' territO<)·, both 10 the norlhward and lhe:
:),'Uller, both berond the Hlue ,Mounlains 10 the Wdt,
"'~r<I, an,I for many miles along the Hawkcsbllry and Nepean
U;""rs th..t wash their eastern b>tsc. I ha"e 5CCII Ilatlll':ll lICenrry
combining ("'el')' r.lrifty or the be:l.lltirul. the I'ictll"""l'te. the wild,
and Ihe ~bliOle. aDd tqu::tllil,g 3"}' thing I h:ld e..er lif1'1I ill SeOlland, J:nJ;:lalld, II\"Iaml, or W~les.
,. The l'ul1...wing pastoral, by an ,\ustralinn poet, "'ill sho\l' that
Ihen- ~ .....mNbillg to capti,'ale Ihe :Idm;~r o( 03tllTe io Ihe woods
~nd ... ild~ of .\\lj(r:tlia. and ...ill ~I:;o afford Ihe re:l.der lOIne idf:t- of
the rural ~elll."r}' (ID tbe banks of Hunter's Ri ..cr and i~ tribuI3r)'
~trc .. ms:-
·ODE.TO n30IAXG W.\TEIl.• 011 \"i"''''3ul;'l ronks Ilo..e 10 llray
And d,:>nn tloe "aeant ho"r a..-a,.,
At e~r1)' dawll or sllhr)' uoon.
Or blest C\"tUillg, "'hell Ihe moon
Looks 0.10...
like 3 pe3Unt'I dau~hter.
To "ie'" Iwr eharuu ;Il lbe SliJI .. al~r,
There would I ....all.: al e:lrlr lIIonl
Along Ihe I'anks of Indian corn.
Whoso: uew-bcs(llln;;lw 100.dsshioe
Like diaOlondll from Golcondn's lU;Il\",
.. Y;nllll~ng is Ihe lIboL'igillal name of P,,!tl."rSOU'S Rh'cr, onc of Ih..
Ilrillcip3-llrihut:tries of the HUlltl."r,
TlI:1oTOI:\' 01' :;:~;W rol'Tn W"LF.~.
"llill' PI1,.,rr..>n~
ot1tlln~ing) idcl
F~ir rm"lif;(' of:a h"rn"i'l·(j,·ld.
Thrr,' ,,",)Ill<! I 11111'" 0)11 "'~llIr,,'~ book.
R~' ,I,'el' b~()On or ~h:lIJ.,· hr""k,
When th,' Ionj."ht ~"n ~.e('l\d8 011 hi!:h,
Nor ~,...,~ ~ doud in :all till' ~k~' ,
And 1101 J\"l'<'",her"~ .sullrr bn·l.'1"
s..·~rN' UlOYH IIlI' 1''':In of ~'oud,'r trN'$'.
Tb"D from tht' f"'('«5 thid;~t ~h~d".
&-3rOO ~, tl", ..onud mr $[('('S h:HI. ,.,3d....
Th......'·...r-gr:<""flll bng-~roo
"'ould wnml, ~nd on,'n 510P to ,·i... w,
1\ Ild look ~. if h... 'Maut to $('<111
Th" tr:<its of Eurofl('3n man.
The'" ,,"ollld I iit in Ihe cool Sli3di'
n~' SOW" ,:dl('tC:ar"1 br:lDehl:'ll m::tdl',
Around ,..hl:*' sr<-m full m3nr a .. ilK'
And kUIT)·jong· thtir If'ndrils {'..-iot;
Wbill' lMn.Ull'OUS I,il'dl of ""l'r)" hul'_
Parrol. m~e;1'\T, ~nd eoek:atooSlt;1inhlg their imi(;1I;'·1' IhrO;1II,
And chirping all their tunel~1 1Ioll's,
And ftulttring still from 'rt'" to tn'l',
Right Sl::tdl)' hold rorroborr. t
Mt'all1l"hilt, ptT('h'd on a bnonf'h hard by
With hud alk:r.nce 3nd ,.ili:l~ 11).,
Some old B1ue·)Iollntain pnrot chatll'1'$
About his own dODll"5tie m~lterl :
A.s ho,r he bllil! 11i$ Ot.st of ha}",
And fiuish"d it on Christln:as_da"
High on a tree in )"otlder glen, . '
Far from Ibe baunts of pr-ring men:
Or bo'" mad:lme ha, booen tonfio'd
Ofnrinl-Ihe preuinl Oflheir );ind_
kurr)'jong i, a tree or slll'\1b abou1Hling in alluvial land
f ['"
l!tO::1nncroork ow
lie I lS used by lhe n:alivcs fo,' the rnanuf;1cture'
or a sort orcorl~,or tWIn(',..,
rw, 'lld, tLey make nels, bags, &c.
t C<JI'rob,.'!J ,s an abori'" a l . ' __•. .
6'1'" '. __ ' .
wor", a"" .s,gn,fjt'S a .()i6y aunMlJo~
.. ......-"'''ClI:lIlSabo~
a n<o:eting f b'
o«al'ona )'1" the oolony 10 designal"
d""ted, Wi~'I~'k ~I", providt'd their P~ing:t ne not wo""'IU"'te prOP""I)' aOO decotllln,
Till: 111')0, I U: .\XO .).tM':XIX<o 1H\'f1:$.
11.,... ",",,'~ Ih"'I,iNllrc of lIi",«'lf_
/l I'll],' grc,·" 1,111,·.I,,·~,I,-,1 drWI"I ... (",Ii,,!, liulc ch;rl'illl; fdlow
I~ like "'''''''''.', lJe,lr,':,k',1 "'id, ,-dlv,r:
l}r l'vI\" poor ""d" 1',)11 w:<~ kill"l
When "aliug cor" ill ) onder lidd;
Thl1"dd ~I~I hghlning!_,I"wn I.., lIulIcr'd_
,\"d 1\1,0( a s)lIaLI" 111, "uerd.
Hill tlal'I",1 h;~ "'illg-", ~ll<1 g::J'I,'d. and difd.
While 11,,, 1Jlo"d 11<)""'1 fr"m "ilh"r ~ide ~
Jh f"r hi''',df, S01ll\.' tin)' thing
.struck him Su h:<l'd, it bruke his ",in!!",
So tlmt he scare... ha,l sll·... l1gth to \\"alk vfl';
It ~rt"o:d him a ",hule monlh IQ talk of!·
Th".s b)" Ill)" !JeaUl0:QU5 ronk;;. pu", str,,:l1D I
I lo.-c to "\tl~ aloo" and dreaDl,
At e:J.r1)' da .. o Qr .s"ltl,- noon,
Or un•.lt'mealh Ihe midnight moon,
Of da) i '\Then all 'he laud shall I;"
AIlI)('ae~rul ~,\tt ullpure lik ... Ihe".'
.• )1)" brothel', )Ir. ,\, "an;;, J. P" of I)l1nmon, being lI.Menl
alh:nding the eourl at )1"i,I:a1>'.\ "'h~n I r;o-achlK/ his plaet', I p3id :I
"isil tQ his l,rinf'ipa.l, inc-dh:SS~r. 0')" old friefld )1 r. Cearge Scbmid.
~ Wiinc'l:,·r:<>r, t"... ~n Ihe lIei"hoourbood or' ::;tutgarot,_::t highly
fl1''Olll':lble Ip<"clmen of Ih" cklss (0 .·llIch he bt.-l"ogs, till." industrious, "inuolls, and thoroughl~' Pn)lf'$lant pl'~santry of Ihe wuth of
Gt'nnall~. I nm sun: m,.I....)th..., \\'ould ne'"er h:an· had a ~inepr,J
but for this 111051 ,·a(nabl... "'an. Ill' had come OIl{ "nlird,- at his
o\\'n expense. and had l!rough! 11 wile ",ilh hi,,, frolll Genuao,-; but
sbe look ill ~,,(I difd a f,· ... ~,-a~ :llkr his arri"nl io the ('0100", ",nd
h.. has since repbN'd bH Wilh ~ nllliw of tbc lI'ghlao,ls of .:koI:Ia"d, ..ho forlunately Mlnl>Ol ....pn:.ch hi", ..ilb his ilUpi"rt~f
a(''lu3inta.nce .-ith EnSli.sh. as it ~ cYideml)" 'l,1I II for... igu tongut'
to both, Germa" a.ud Gaelic fonn r:uher a sinGular, but still a ,...r,.
ancient ~lld "e"er~bl(' conjunction; fvr Ario"i~tuJ ,hc Genuao, and
the ancient Gaulli of I'tallee, must ha,·c ho'lJ th,-ir pal'lt')"i in th";;,,
.. ParrolS ami eockatOOll (the btter (,1i1lt'\:i~lI.'-) :art ,·('r,. d''1tl'lIetin to Ibe growing eonl, amI ar.. wmctim", sh~ b)" Ihc ....1I1,·r Qr
his ~rY:lnU .-. jlu!l'llI'fe delicto. Of COOn(' th,· Austr:alian 1>:I1TtX
e:J.CDOI: 1M' wpposed to uDden.taDd lhe "',-'ter, t» tir"-~ru1f ...· t ....
wcll as a European bird,
' .
two ancient tonglll'" "" the banks of th" Rhi,\<', many <,elltllriu
hefof\' lh(' English Ianguag" waS ('I'cr spok~n hy m"" -lwf"r~
eilher Prt>'!r: """,t or 11",,' 'f!l<' <Iv? was 1";;l1'll on {'illt"l' side "I' tIL"
British Challlld,
" "Jr, I.ang's ,-ill,,)-alll. which cOlllprises aoollt {'ig-ht ael'{'S, ;111 C:lfe_
flll1~- tr{'neh,>d hi:fol'{, th<'- ,'i11['s w['r('l'lankd, is silllated ill the rich
alll"'ia\ dCl'ilSil on Ihe b~nks of the PaltHSOn Hi"cr. III tll{' year
IS3;, I ob$.('1'<'cd a whole Series of I'incyard_ in a st>ll1elfh:1t similar
situation 011 thc Ilhine, in tll(' Gr;llld Duchy of N:lssau; and [ was
rather sllrpriwd nt the time to tinll the vin{' clllti"akd ill such a soil
aod situatioo, as 1 had "pcn gi"en to umll'rstaud that it prrfel'reti a
light saudr or gr,w{'l1,\' soil 011 the slopes of hills, like thMe ofthc
Johannis~rg, Hoehhcill:er, and Rudesheilll,'r \'illeyards, "IOllg the
('ourse of that c1assi('al strcam. BIIl Mr, SChlllid assures me that
the lOCal it)' was \rell and jlldil'ionsly chosen, as iud~ed it must have
been whcn he was Satisfied with it. The hills in the Count)" of
Durham ore generall), of trap formation, and Ih~ir debris, \I hiel1
forms thc alluy;alland on the banks of the Patler~on and William's
Hivers. must be a good soil for vines. I suspe{'t, ],o\l"c\"el", that rhe
,'iue in such situations will be more rCllmrkablc for tit" quantity
than for thc qualit)" of its produce.
"The vincral'd al Dunmorc is divided into comportments by walks
rrossing each olher al right angles; and in the cent rc, ,.-I;CI'C Ihc
t'll'O pl'incip.11 walks cross each other in a n:lllln.l h"l1",,-, thCl'e
is a dra'v_well with a 1'0"1'1', over which Mr. $chmitl has ne{"fed
w1lal the Germans call a l"fl-huIIs or pltaSllre-!lO""C,
It is "
circular erection, formed of trellis· work, and is all'eady Ollllost
eo'-ered with vines, which form a most agreeable shade from the
hot summer sun of Ihis scorchins climate,
"I was quite astounded at the itrms of informntioll I picked up
fl'om Mr. Schmid aud my brolher, respecting the produce of this
I-ineyard. j\"., Long lold me that bst year he had sold f!'Om a
single acre of vines, of Ihe Bbck Hambul'gh I'ariet)", thil'ry' JlOlmds'
worth of grapes, and had had seventeeu hundrcd gallons of winc
fl'om it hi:sidcs. Tbr grapes al'e sold h)- wholesale on the
spot at the rate of thrcc half-pence pel' pound, 120 lbs. being
rc~koucd 10 t~le lOO. The)' 3r(' rcmo"cd in carl.loads h)' rhc pur~has:TS, I hi:hcve pl'incip31J)' f"r the Maitland f.. uit market. FI'Olll
~n e'ghth part ofth~ same acre of vines, Mr, L. told file that Ihere
had already !xl
\d d '
(lf ra
en. &0
lI,.,ng the present year, twelve pounds' worth
aekgno:::~~~:tt~~ I~" ;ate of !Jet. an ac"e! l\h. l:ichmid, who
lH<:lan V, 110" acr~a ;" lad n"v-~r ~ecn &u:h !ll'oduee ill Germany, I
, S lowe me a .,nglc vme of which be had just
w,'i::h{'ll Ihe I"''''''''''', arrcl' having uuloadP'1 ;1 of its bur,lcu. It
",ril'."h~,1 4411... : wllich. at Ihc whol"sale Tal~ "I' thr{'e half-~uc~
a 1'",,,,01, ,,"0,,1<1 ,.."ou"t to :,." I,d. I'M Ihe ll"oduce of a single
I'bnt! lu ~11"l't the agricultural C~I,ah;lir;e~ of this country ur,'
s'·e:.t t.eyolI(j all caleulati"n, anu "'plaiting is evidenrly ,1~Slinell, at
lH) ,tisla"l p~I'i<'>!I, lr, bc [,aidy ~c1il),,"~t hy agriculture_ At all e"ents
the i'ka Ih"t all "ere "I' "in"" "'ioht yet hi: t;-,.",d as I'rofitablc ,,, a
tholl_an,1 sh~,"l', is "" "hsll ...lit)".
"This is Ihe SC"lnn of II,e \'int~ge, a,,,t ( found ;Ur. Schmid,
wh~" 1 rca{'h(-d hi" c"l(a;;e, ~nl!ag~d ill distilling bra"<Jr fro'n th,'
l'd""se of the ;!ral'e". "rtc,' they had I><.'('n subjected to Ihe actiOll of
llw ",ill~ press, It i' clear and coloul"1css tikr Highlaud whisker_
though rather fier)".
" I h"d somc writi"S todo fur II,t S,~dIlC!J mar/let bdore starting for
Dungog, :ulll h"d rescn'c,l it for the cvenin", b"t arter walking~bo"t
lmd{'r the hot Snn all da)', as a se'l\lcl to a night in the steamer, I
found if was useless to attempt it. So I got up "c,~t mo!'ning m
four, a"d lighting my candl,', finishcd it olf in lime for an "'Id)" breakfast: aftel' whid. lmoull!ed Ill}' horse for what proved to t.c rarher
a longn day's journey th~n I anfieip~ted, .\1)" brothl' accol~paui~d
lllt' On horse\.>a{'k as fal' as the woodcn hri,lge across Tokell Creek.
The' conntry ill this neighboul'1lood is bolh rich and b"amiful, ~iu:;
Hnely di"crsificd wilh hill and <Jalc. and pl'esenliog a brge ~:-;teut {ll'
dcar{'d land or' Ihe {j,·,t '1lOaEty for {'uhi"alion,
"The e,:.lt~ (If "!,,'kell, fO"merty the prOp,rl)' of Ihe latc J. P.
\\"('hocr, ";s,\,. J. 1'.. oue of Our e~rliest Huuter'3 Ri"er {'OIOllists,
nol\' bd<Jngs to Fdi" Wil,o", E~'l'. of l\~w Town. The mansiOn
house is a liue building, '1";le in the styl" of a cOllnt'·~· gentlemau's
resilience in England, and is ~a\ltihllly ~ituat,'<1 ou a ,.i~iu; l;l"(Hlnd,
with two fine "cad'es of POIl~rson's Hiwl' in '·;e,r. A mile or t"'"
from Tokcll, wc met a ,·cSI'(·ela\.>le old mandri"iu" (' d,~ise "art to,varo
Maitland, \\"ho, Ilearued, as Ill' I",~s~d, was" working gard ..",'r, "'bo
rcaB lli~ garden at T"kell from iIlr. Wilsoll, 101' ,rhid. he 1'''.'"-'
301. () rear, Thcre is nO doubt that an indll,lrious f.1tlli1r will \.>e
(I]}I{' to make onl () very {'omfortabte li,-iug iu ~lIch a situation, an,l
it is gl"lltif)"ing to tind Ihat a~ the' "usr resourl'l'S "I' the ('''''lltr~' ar~
gradually de"eloping, such falllilies are establishillg ,helll~el<'es in
comfort and comparat;"c indepeml(·o{'c in all suitahl" hx'aliti,'~.
Therc is a I>ollndl~ss field for them in this l'il'h agri"ultlll'al ,Iislrict.
"The bridge aCI"O"" Tok,·1t Cl'~ek is a ""rr rt·.. <1ital>!{' .fru,'l\""-'
11 WJS eredcd, I.bdie'·e, b)' th.' Distriet l'''un,·il. an,1 "oSI little'
mOre than 300/., and no fllss Oboll' il. It is a su\:t;<[~"tia1 W"",kll
~tl"ueture, aud lUny 61alld !){'I'h"l's tw~ulr re:oro.
A bri.lg~ "r"
simibr de~eription. ,. liHle ~trol)g<'r ~ll<1 wider, o,'er Wallis Cr~ck
near )I"itbnd, m;sl,( lo:,,,c ,erH,1 the public fo" many )e~r8 to
rome. ~nd mi~ht h:1I'e bct.'n <.'1"('eted, under the 5ul'crilltcodcnce of
the- 10<.':11 authori,;'-s :1t :1 compClr:llh'cl,. sma1\ ~Ulollnt; bUI ffOlll
some- I'C:lson .... hic!l 1 did not ('nquir.. ioto. the District Council,
I'rob:1bl)' feeling it~lf snubbed in :1 cO'rtain qn~rtcr, threl\' IIp the
matter in di'su't,:md the Go,'crnment-the omnipn's.. nl GO"erllmeut
_h:1s :1eeOr<.lingl)' 5.."t down a SUl"'riUlend.. nl of Bridges, forsooth,
( .."bost- salar,. and expcn!!e$ will ab50rh no inronsid<'nble porlion of
the .."hok .Il'"1ilable flll}(b) to be qU:1Ml.'red upon t!le district till this
G01'emmeut .."ork is fini~hed. BUI this is onl,. a specimen of the
intolenlble system of eentr~1iz~tion to whieh this colonr has been so
long 'ubject.:d, and of Irhieh Ihe frllits h~I'e been so bitter and 50
calamitow to the eommnni!)'. The Local Governmcnl, or in other
..ords, the Colonial Secret:ary (for Ihe pbn$C'5 are no.. prell)' nearly
sp\Onrwolli) 1'irtuall)' sa)'. to genllemen in lhe interior, l'Olre"er
intelligent and however deepl,. interested in anr m:lller of common
eOlleernment, like the oue in question - ' Gentlemen, )'on hnl"e
huds, and 10 has a pin; but we ha,'e a head here for which the
public bal"e 10 pa)' ~OOOI, a year. aDd ..hicb has therefore a rigbt 10
Ihink and deeide for rou all" Get about )"our business, therefore;
""e will do it all for )"uu.'
" A case of a somewhat similar kind, and onc of peculiar agsrn'"alion, has just becn brought under In}' nOlice from a different I,att
of tbe counlry, A bridge ""U to be erected over Ihe 1'151 Ri'"er,
and ,commitl~ of geotlemen OD Ihe spot ..as appointed 10 gl'! tbe
,,"ark aecon11'lishtd. A buildt'r of tbe Dame of Gunning tendered
for it, aDd his lender hl!ing accepted, he bad carried it half way 10
completion; borrowing money as he could upon the head of it, till
be .hould hi! entitled to dl'llw what he- had gi\'eo I'alue for. In Ihis
stage of Ibe lran",ction somebody f('Cls dissatisfied ..ilh tI,e ,rork,
or !as 1'ie....s of his 0'lll"Il to promOle in a dilfe....m <juarter, and sends
a secrH complaint to Ihe GQvt'rDment, fOl'loolh; and tlte Go\"(~rn­
'nent send up a suneyor alllhe way to Yass·, who tea,"s down :I
jl<lrtion of the building ,,"itlt, crow bar, ond makes a report 10 the
Govcrnment and tbn lC'av('II the locality; Ihe committee, in Ihe
1lI~0 tinw, ... ho art merely .Icling on b('halfof Her Majl.'SIV, coolly
tclhnl; the conlraclor tbal Ibey hove ,,";u;hed their I,and; of the
malter" The COntraclor is rdul><"d a copy of the repol"t on
the ~l'ot, ~nd hat 10 come to Sydney to toeg fOI" it through n
IIlJNThH ANn )IAl'>l'1ING mVlWS.
rrom the (;overnmcnt, by whom it is of courS<! refused!
lu tile Ult~n time. the IlOOr m:1Il ;s uucrl)' r'lincd. I bave no ...ish
10 <'Xprl"Sllnr 0l,inion "JlOf' tb~ ebarncttf of Ihis man's ...ork; but
1 mailll:iin. thal !he srSI(-In u!Hler ....hieh such acts of atrociollll
injustice as Ih~ one'lr which he h~s I.'vi,l....nrly I~n thc victim 3re
pel"pttratcd,01lSh: to be got rill of, :l~ an intolerable nUISanCe, as
slltCtlily as po<sihle"
.. I had iCarcely crosse<.l Tokell I.lridg.... whcn it bcg:an to r:lin
hC'a1'ilr, the ram being mingled witll h~it, and 1 was complctely
d~l>Cbcd before J reached the to...n of 1':i1l"l'5On,
)Iy brother,
..ho \oao.! in (he llll'antimc rClUrncd in the opposite direction, got
olll)" a fc\\" drops of Ihis r:lin, and I obs~T\"ed Ihat it hll not
I'>:t~ndt'tl more Ihan a mile or two beyond !'atter$O<l. TIte c<>nfonn~liO<l of Ill<' COUnlry prowblr a«ounls f'X" t1,is p«uliaritr, I'atleri611 heing surrounded by nnges of hills of "cry considerable
.. The lown of Pallcr;;on is "eQ' piCl"I"eS'l\lcly situatcd, I.>ut it ought
cenainl,. 19 ha"e t...-cn a noile or SO highcr Ill' the rivcr al Ibe head
of Ihe n:H·ip.lion. The 10.;$ which Ihe dislrict will SUl;tain in all
f"tllre li"", from thi:! illexeU13b!e blundcr. '>fI tm. part of the Loo.I
GO\"crument of the lim.... i:! "uile inealculable" J'recisdy the $ame
lhillg wa, d",H' hne as ut )[nitlalld; Ih('re toeing highly eligible siles
f.-n" comll1ercialtown< in bolh localitid at the he:,d 'Jf the ll:lvigutiOll; but the land in both ca~:! '':is in l)ri'"ull' hands "Iten lite
lowns "'ere p '.il.'<'lcd~ut )lorl"l'lh iu Ihl»C" of .::.. Clos<. Lq", for_
lnerl)' 11. e", a 1 at Ihe Old Wharf, on Ihe I'att, rwn, in Ih<M of an
oflict'r's \\-i,Jow, )11";;. \lard, ,,1>0>01' I)t(:'s.:nt namc I do 001 f<"('(>lleN.
11 wus n"t"ral fvr th{";;e parlies, on lindin;r Ihat Ih,·)" had :.:01 ~~s·
siou of d'gible ll"CIs ot' land, tl) stand Oul tor n good pr;ce ,~hell
the}' undehlooJ Ihal ILe Go....mmenl. whicb OlI_~lll ...,hr 10 ha...,
alicll:iled such bnd o':lC"pl for to..1l$, .. i,he<! 10 lM,)" il back: and il
"'ai follr ill Ihe eXlrellle for lbe Gon"r"'Ilet\1 10 ref~ them Ihe
price th ..." a,ke'll, e,·...n h~d it be<;>" le" li",,'$ mol"\' Ihan if \\"a," Hut
the Goyem",~nt rern,ed" in both e",,'s, th~ l"e:l>onal.>l~ !,,,i,'{-s "Ilk!>
wt're a,k."IIQr the only proper ,itcl ill bolh J....':olilics: :lud th~ COUl·
n,unit," .."ill have 10 s"lf,'r for Ihat roll,· III all timc co",iu~.
,. P;l\er""Il's 11;"er i§ nol ool~ a '''renor j.l ... i,,·~l"(>will;rC'OIllltr~-;
it is t'quoU" famous fllr ill ";nel and loooeell" )Ir. Park. all o""I,'n·
~i\"e l)ropr;~lllr On thc uPJl('r part of Ihe rller, ~n,J a n..ph..", or ,h,"
iI,-cut ,H"ic"ll t"",'clle'", h:11 " "jll'"~'nrll or "llr l{,,, rloan ;.I:, :,~r," :
au,J Ih~ pr"""ee of 10baceo ill Ih~ d'striel is ","".' ,·oll.i,l.'r:ohk l
Wall 5Orr}'IO find, I""..enr, thal .hc euhi'aIlOt' ur Ihe ,-iu,' lu.
lCI bC'ell by no w~aU.$ f3Yoor:abl~ to lit.. morals uf the di.I'''I.
18rge p<)rtion of the bbonring 1I0l'ul:ltion of Ihi. oolllllr}' is so hoJIC_
lessl\' a(ldiel~'(\ 10 intelllperance, thnl the tCIIlptMkm of cl".>;o]' wine,
\l'loi~h thl'T purchase in buckclfub froUllhc growers, ill irr('SiSlibl(-;
and conlinu:tl ponrty and cxtcnsi'fe ruin :IT@ the lantent:r.bl.., I"\'$ult.
"It :roppearl 10 ml' lhat the raJlidl)' cxI('nding euhh'alion of Ill'"
"ine in Ihis colon)', i,likel)' to lead, al no dislant period, to some
organic cbaugc in our ('ntire Custom 1I0use s~ stem, De]l.en~ing as
wc are in grcal u,.:!asurc foL' a revenue at llL'eSl'nt on Ihe llUpOrl
dUlit'!l on ",i""l :\Od spirils. thDt r<'VCIlUC .... ill Ill"C('6Sllrily fall of{
grc:ltlr as ",ine aDd bnoo) of coloni:r.l Sro",th _supersede Ih~
(ort'ign al1icll', u Ibl''' 1Il1" sure 10 do 1''f('nlu.a1l)', "'hflll,llen shall
I'fe ha\'e to do br and b~? Whl" we I1I11St greatl)' eurtall Ihe expt'nditure 00 the Due hand b)' (\imillishinS salaries, and aholishing
offiC>!'I (\lid vc IH\l$t endea\'our on Ihl' other to gel rid of the CUSlom
1l0U5t' altogether-declaring S,-dney a Fr~ Port like Sing:t[lOrt,
Dnd nising tI...: sm:lll I"l"fenue 'l're shall noquin> for our ehnp
Go,'ernmcut by dirtd taxation.
"The to'HI of Patleuon has nOI advanced as it ollghlto h:l"e done
froll' Ihe gnat advanlages of ils situ:llion,:lS being ueal' the head of
the navigation or a noble river, ~u,1 in the midst of agrain-gro,ring, ,.ine.gr(l"ing, and lobacc:o-gr(lwing di,lrict. Thii has probabl)'
ar~n from :mother piece or gO"cmment:t1 wisdom, 'l'rhich the lne:llily exhihilS; for inSlead of holding the purchasers or lown :11101HlI'I1\S bound to creel buildings of some kind UPOll Ihese allotments,
"ithin 8 limited period, Ihe townshill fdl into the I,allds of It f"w
speculalo1'$, " tbe nte or M, an aerc. for ..hich the moder:r.le llriec
of ;aI, is no'" ash'\:l, and of rourse uked (or tbe mOSI I,art in \'ain.
In short, Ihe dass of pt'rsons for wbom the establi.l"nent of a lOll n
,vas peculiarl)' dl'siruble, viz, medoan;cs of all ,Ieseriptions, bhol"
keepers, I.e., have becn virtually pr"reuled frOlllllurehasiug aIlotnocnts
in tbe 10Wll, .nd l'n'Cling hou!'C$ for lhem""lve, ~(jtwilh,t:r.ndin~all
these' serioWl dra.. bados, hO"ever, PalleT'SOn cannot fail. cYcnlUallr,
fro,n its comm.nding situ.lion, to be .n ir.land lown of verr considerable imJ><Jrtauee,
"The roa" tQ Dungog, on Willia",'s /li'-er, leads oil' to lhe ril!lJt a
lillle ....y be)'Ql1d Palterson; hut lik" IllUuy otl,,,1'5 who h:r.ve been
tn,'"mllg in the same di~tioll, I louk 11Wi! roa.d 10 Ih" leA. llnd only
fO\l"d <>Ut Ill)' n,;stake .fler I b~ ridden up the l'aU"rwn mile ",iles
IlI')'QI,d tl'e pI.illl M which I ol<ghl tu have Inrlll'>.! ofI', The "'i:o<:o""1')' or having "i"I'I1''''' ,.. ile~ ud"'e<1 10 a d;'y'a jnul'u"y of ~"l1leij:nt
\e"i?llo "Irea<ly, t,,,~ ..., uller" tlishcart1'"ing dl""t Ul'"n a tn.n'l[..,r,
1",.,tlc'S ~,',~nK;"1\ l,,~ vIa", ~ 1,"1 Ihue "'U '10 hdl' (;'1' il in lloll
1'n."",Ill ''''la,""" am11 k.ul j"," tu lll"kl' 11,,, best ur '''r ....) oo..,k
TIn: IlUXT}:n AND lrMO,IXG nH'Ens,
10 lhe I'ighl r{)~d, ~nd enmmcnce Ill)' journey 10 Dungog af~sh, I
10.t olher ("ur miles I,y I"king the wmng r«ld a ~cond lion\: in a
subse>1"j:nt part of "ly nlUte, an'" it had bet'n '1nite dark for up..ards
of :In honr :100 a half ..I,en I reaehed DUDgDj!. after a rme or tip..-ants of fin) mil..... including Ihese IWO a",k1l":ltd addilioos.
"J)uugog is finely situated for IlH inland colonial 10"'0, and it
(,,.,,no! f"il, ~t no ...isl:lnt period, 11) become a place of im[lOrlaD"'~,
Th~re i< much alluvial bod of the first 'Iualily for culti,';tlion.
..ithi" len or 1""'Vll Illilcs of il. bol:h up the river :ron'" do...n; and
:u bn,l of this ch:lQCler is gntrally fouDd in delaebtd p:11ehK .ilh
a l:trger Or slll:lller e):lenl of I.rettr ~ p&lUre :ro<1joining il, it is
IlI'c"liarl)' :n]apled for lhe St'ulem"lll of an ~gricullU!1l1 population;
and mall)' repnlable f"milic, of Ihi~ class h:l\'ll :le1'ordinglr ,ellled
",ilhin a lIlotkral~ dislanet of the toorn .luring Ibe lut lell fears.
.. Tbe CO<,lnlry IIas a hill :rond dale eharacltr....bkh pll';l.S\'S lbe
e,e. and the Oungog moonlain is of considerable ele"alioo. ",bile
ils sillt'S afford good Il:IMurt in mOSl ,;easons.
.. illueh of Ihe a'nibble lan,1 in lh" dislrict of Dungog is still in
a st:ll" of lll1tur", :111(1 lhe ricb bru,hcs on Ihe ri,'cr bauks slill
abouud ...ilh ect.lar of SUJICrior quali!),. C. L, Brow.., EMI., J, p,.
001' or the ol,l~ wlonisn in the distriel. .ilh whom I b:cd 1(MIl!'
been acquainled, and I'fhose llO.pitality I experienced during my
~hort ~I")'. r"u~ oul wilh me to one of th,-se bru.hn on his est:ll~,
10 see the 1)I'oce<s of eo;'(\:I"_culling, and in panicula", 10 se~ a
i'('lllarkable Ir,.., of that dcs<:riplion, the largest )Ir. B, ha<1 ~"er
·~ ..n, Il"u ') f",,1 in diam"ler, "'h~re il h,<1 b«u .... I througlt
"illt Ill" er"o,_,,1 saw. aoo :!9 f""t in eireumfe""",'<' al tt." ground.
It ...as f>"rf~,,'tly wund througho"t, a"d w,. cstiln,l(od ro ~'i~W
:)(J.IJV" f,'CI Qf limlo:r.
)11', Brown $CUi> lhe limb~r 10 a conl,,~ClOr
alII, p"r Ihousan,l leel, 1,",'aIM on Ihe $pOI. Tbi.' hig trc,' w:li
th"reru~ worlh not l~.,. tll:ln 301, The grouod ou which rhi;;
nobl... t~ !""'" had been boughl b)' )Ir. lJ. from lh... GO'fl'mu.cllt
:It li•. an ae~·, an'" oennl ...'Clions, or squ:>re ",itn. which h luJ
pun:haiCll Oil lh" S.''''~ lenus, ha<1 been elllird,. 1''';<.1 for frOU1 It,,·
eC(]ar grll\\'ing on Ih" land "I lhe lillo" of lh~ ]l"reh"s,',
.. TI,e e~'\I"r lrade gi,'es c",pln., men! 10 , co"si<1,'r"lol~ "uuo!h'r
of sa....}ers. who are l)riucip"ll}' ,>lU ha,Hl•. and ... 110, I a", ...,rr,· tn
by "0 ",,,,,nS p"""r". of ,-;rtUt'. "irher ;n
lu I, n,_
['Cl'lInC(', or to :tllphing d~ al all en:<lir:r.ble h, rl.... ,,,,I,, "Iu.ll. lln
line." to " ...."ly )"'UU agu, when lhe ,,,ini,,,,,,,, ..."i",· n."
Il ro ",
5 •• 'UI
Ih(' conlr~rr, Ih('}' too (r('lI"Cnll,. .<1>('11(1 tile high Wllges ther Cllm
in sccnes of \)('lIs11,. illtellll'ennee -selling 1111 thc dr<:cttl'il's 111;(1 pto.
prklil'S of ci,iliM'l1 life III ddilllw('. 1 rode "I' "ilh iIIr. BroWIII"
the mi8{'r:lb1c hllrk·hul ill Ihe bush wltere 11 [l;Iir of S.111'}'l·Tl; IIU(1
their fh11lilil"S wcre dOlllieilt~1. Onc of them "'nB 1111 old 1':'nd,1I
relirt of th" oldcn ti"'ts of the rolon)', who, I lludel'l\tood. had
c);hibited in his \1"holl' I'har:":ler and comlne! a l~rf('(:t disregllnl of
<"'crphing rt"pul(lhll' (lnd \'irtuous. Ilis mate, 'I\'ho, J W(lS sorr)' to
find, hlld betu (ollo...in; his ball <''':lmple, a]lhOllgh hut :I reeelltl"
arri,'{'(I (T<'e immi;t:lnt from E"slal1d. "':1$ a n'mark3bl}' good.
looking )'OUllS 1U3n. J .... 3S surprised to find Ch:lt bolh lIe aud his
"'ift" a lid)' little English u·om3n. I'\'('ogniscd IllC 3S:ln old aC'quaint_
auC<'. ha"ing both bten rrt'$('Dt at 3 lecture I dclinred on Ihe ca]l3biJiti<'s of Ihe colon,. as :'I. field for tmigt:llio". in the 10....11 of
Lttds. ill Engl3nd. It ....115 one of II,e larStst nlffiings I h3d addlY55l1d on lbe subje-ct in EnSblld, and ....:1$ mOl!t enthu~iaslic, The
,.oulIg mall had ~n :\ cIOth....orker at home, 3nd his f:'lther, who
hd dj~ }'oung, and I{'ft his 3l1"ai11 in qutslion:lbl{' h3nds, had h3d
a clOth.factory of his o....n. He b:ld tabn up his p~nt occupalion at bis o"'n b3nd, :'I11u"'>l by Ihe high ....ag{'$ ....hich it off~1"l'd ;
bUI it 'nS e..ident he hat! bftn ll:0ing fnt do...n hill, from the bad
eompany into which Ill' h:ld f:lllt,". I uked Ili$ ...ife ...hether I
had t<)ld allY stories 3bout the colon)' at Leeds? Sbc :IIckno....led!!ed
I~al I bad oQ(, but.obstrred Ibat il 1nI5 a much roull:her sort'" of
hr.. Illt~·y ....crr leatlmg Ihan sbe h:td anlicipatl"d. I told ber that
I~:ll was ellt.irel)' tb~ir o...n fdull; for evco in their Pl'l!SC."nJ o«upa_
lion the}' mIght tas,l)' make themseh'ca Tcry t"Omfot1:11b1e ir the}"
c~, especi:ll~l)' ....ith Ih.e bigh ....ages tbry 'll"ere earning. nut if
Ihe} SpeOI Ibr,r moue)' III druokclllleiB, as tb'\! hllib:lnd '-ckno.... _
ledged.lhey had beco doiug, whal could Iht'}' expect bllt miS(>rJ'
and rum? Mr. Brown and J g:ll'e Ib.. t",o 11."')'1'11 11 joint lecture
On lemperance Dud Ihe otber Christi:.n "inuca; the old h:l.lld profeaso.'tI to be ,'cry pt'nit{'ot, ond both promise(],31 ]{'llSl 10 ref0111l
(or lbe future.
. ': '~he cedar Ir:r.de ,. al Ilrl'Stnt the principal d{'JH'lldance of this
~~C'l\.'IY, :'Iud I was crl>dibly illformed Ihat it brin,::;. intolhe Dun"og
Q~'l~'~t not le"lh.~IlIWO or thrce huuoJrtd pollnoJsa "'eel.. Qnanti7ies
in w;~e~~lllabl.e tllnber are diSCovered frOIll time to time in localitie.
.' 'taexl'l~nee ha<1 nOI bt.'t.'ll
old hf~-KUlll'<lsn,an of Walerloo .U~~i('C1 ,before. For H1st'll1ee, au
at Mulellnaa, about s..".." mil:. '~~" a \\ ule)'an Local Pr~at:lll.'l·
fro", a brolhn of Ihe lUll' 11 ~~n Dnngog, had rCllll'il a f"rm
Ul'I'cr Willial"'. !liver I" a' . \\ 'ode)'",., ESlt·, /11. c. 011 the
'111 "'8 u qualllity of eedur On 'the laua,
TJlI; ltuwn:l: AND )IAI\;;tNO mvr.ns.
'lfl\.·rc,l ~Jr. W. ,,01. for lh~ ~1:l11diug lillllJer, which of course wn~
,1(11,,11)' :'f<''"I'kd: 10"1. al lhe ,illl~ of Ill)' ''is'I, cedar to the ..alue of
:1("'11. hn,C ht-,·u ~"hl "If lhi. \'ery lnn(1 hy the I~nant, "nd bc h3d
"ill nn ('(lual 'I,,:,ulil}' 10 sell.
"Th,· th,nl ..,f Ilulll;0'; h:u a l',oll"blion of about 300; it has 3
nlt':'llll .'(>lIr·l11ill." ")h,~. ro_f"ctor)', on{' or 1\'0 good inos., an erisl"<lllal church n'':'Irl)' fin'shed,:'I nalionalllt:hool, "nd a COUT'. holll(',
_a .. ~ry cr~dil"hl" bllil,finl!: illdl...>d.
.• TI"....., is 3 eleTl:) 111311 of ,h{' Church of Englalld, the Re ... :Hr.
'nom... ,,·h., b3S bt.'<::1l ~1l11} kltlro ill Dungo:;, alld who, I 'nS
hnl'P} 10 Inn!, i. b...nt-nll, 311<] dcSt.'r...ooly llOJ.'ular in Ihe district.
At Ihe su~gnlion of «'rla'lI of Ihe inhabit:lll1&, I caused it 10 be
3nnnl1l'crd th:lt I shoold Ilre:llch ill Ih .... !.'Ourt homoe. 1l'hi{'b bad
bfto gt:loted fnr lh.. . 1"'rJ.or.e by :\lr. Uro"'lI, in the "..cniog- of Ihe
d.~ I sl"'lll in Ih d;$Inrt; and "nnll as Ih.... ,·illag... is, and short :I.lI
.. a~ Ihe noticc si ,n. I "'ss gratLficd 10 find a eongn'g:llioo of about
100 pcr6Gn' as>tulbll'ti for dj"ine 6I:"·i('('. It W20S 3 .....ry &'OOl'3bl"
indic:ltion indeed <>f lbe chanCier of Ihe pbC'C.
.. )Ir. Urow,,', hOOk. c3lled C"irnmolt, from a mounl.in iD. G3110""'" in :kotbnd. is beautifully "lIlalw on lbe fal'<' of :l bill about
b"lf -a m,le from lhe \·'Ibge. )lr. Il:s e.stale, comprising murh
bru,h land of Ihe fiNt '1ll:Ilit)' for clllLi,·:llion. is 6,000 acres ill
"xtent. Tb.... diSlrH:1 of DungDg, like Ih", of lhe Palte..-, is ad",il'3"'}' 3l13pled for the ,ine and for tobatto, a.s ell ..., for Ihe
~'1'Qwth of m3i~e, :lnd that the rotlon pbnl will Sll eeed equall),
..tll in bvlh. 1 had o<:ular denlflllstratil)lI. In short, the.... is c,'''I)'
rt:I~1I 10 beli.,n~, Ihal I)uugog will rooll bt'cou.e :In imporlant in_
1:1111,1 lo...n. anti lh:ll the SUTTOUlldill:; dlStricl ...ill ere long bll' Ibc
WIll of a numcrous, indu.strioos, and \'irtuOllS agricutlllral popul:lIioo.
"I left Dungog Oil Jo'ridnr. !Ist .1i:lrrll. :'Ift"r tiTS! Cl'O$Sillg Ibel
ri"cr 10 di$llImse Ihe ordinallc... of b3.plism at lbe residenC'C of 3
Tt·vulabl... SCOI . . h fllmil}·. lOll:; wuled. ill th" distrief. TbI' cour.... of
the rin'r is '·cr,. ...ircuitoll.lI. 1100:11 11><'"" are gt'lIet:llly ronllitl"r~ble
p"lchu of IIlh"'ial land 011 onc or otber of ils b.:lnks. Ibe....· a.....
manr stll;lll !'lln". of a thr;"illg nppellr~"ce alon,; il5 co"r.ie. About
fl)ur mil{'s bo.-Io... 0110g0';, on Ihe ro,,<110 Cb....·nce To..-u. Ilurned
asid ... 10 Ihe Idt 10 lIt.'t.' Ill" farm of Ihe .:\le..r•. Ila"I"', 11I"ll ...... l"'~t­
abl~ llnmnrriw s..:olcluuen, frllm th... n~'ghbourhood of GI3S:;"'"
who. I had be... n told. wer" tbe besl pr'.leli<·al farmers in the d;'l1·i~l .
Tltc)' muely renl 40 aUd or all""'ial lalld. of the first 'IlIalil}·.
1\'011I the i\1~ssrll. Ilooke, ""kllsi,·... Ilrol'ri~lOr. l)f 1:11)(1 :'Inu ilu,"",
011 Willi"",', \liyer; of 1I"I,ie!>:l0 n~""1I "n' ,'kare,1 3nd iu ""hi'a_
ti"n,lheir prclcut r{'ulal being l)u1r tit. :I ~·'·lIr. ~l~s.rll. Ihxta·.
mSTOln' 0)' NE\\' SOU1'U WALES,
farm form, l penilllula, being lll.·nly sUlT()undcd by 'b, 0"
I e 501 I! of SlIl'JI'lS5lng f("r!ilitr, ,bo..in" J ,) f("el deep 0' 'b .'
Id I '
<> •
e r'chesl
mOll dId nOI ascert:uD ..h,u ("XII'n1 of <tound 'h b d
In ... ~at, or ... bat had been Ihe rate of produce; bUI Ihe mail
crop_the ~ond crop or stubble COtu, nftl'T the wheat
had yielded 80 bushels 10 Ihe acl'(", The)' had two an,l, h ,',t _
o 10 aceo, t le produce of whIch, allloullliug to t\l'O tOilS 10 ,I d
eOll,tractffi 10,-self to M", Pill, manufacturer of the artic;e i:)"r~:1
Maul~lld, at a1t.f, ,per Ib, Now tllis is ,urel}' a. remlLneralill as
squatU,llg, and It sho,.' .... hat is 10 be eXP'f'C'ttd from Ibe IO~ in
e:>:t~n,,1'c tT:::lcts of th" ~DlrJ, und("1' a jUdieiou, .,.slem of culli.
~1l()D. But tbe G:rell dlfficully bt're, u else.... bere, is tI,e .'DI of
'~llr, T~ Mess~, B:lJ:lt'r had had 1"0 labourers _ free immi.
gm Is, b~u;;ht OUI Hl,OIlt' of Ihe G01'eTDlllenl ships._ but tbe)' bad
~Il obtige<l ~o gel rId of them before they had been more than
s'x moulh. 'll"uh tbem, M they W('re persons of .neh n eharuetcr
tha\the r could not eonsiuer their lil'e, safe, so long as Ih(",. rem~ined
ou t e fnl'n"
i'lLr, Baxter added Ibat if Ibev C<luld only ~ ,
Ihrte su("h labo
<>~' "'0 or
,urers ~s the f~rm Sl"nllnlS of the "'1'1t of Seolland
Y COn d easIly den ~OOf, a-Jen off Iheir farm
h Bnl ...bal I felt the ItfU.I~t illte,,"t ill
~:~a;~ f:-;; ~mall plat of eOIlOO_abou,::n:u:~t;I:~:~::~
ProcllrN, Ihrou~h A. Warren );'.- W'I'" "
R ""'er, ( rom S. Donaldson
Esq i\
'---t', I lam S
Ibre.:: feel apart, Ihe usu~i dis;'a~:~~'n Ith~dbeen ~Ianll'd iD roll's,
evidl'utl)' l'e'luire to he I
South Carolina; hm it will
the ~llllvial laud of ,'" I' nnl(" III to.... fi"e 01' si.~ feel upnrt in
UIS,",Ouutry Tthal
' d
ground at Messrs, BUler's, and ;he I ('o'ere .'he whol(" of Ihe
close to each other c>,
, '
p ,aDls ...ere ev,dentl)' mll("h too
. ~me 11 'I was In bI
poo.4 fairl)' formed and re$l' W'
OSSOOJ; otbH plalll$ had
fhese plallts Mr, Bnter
~~g a small pear; lDd on one of
orm"" nl(" he had
500 pods! He wn i:llis6ed il
C'Ot1Dled np..ards of
ou Id
dimate of this COllQtr)' admira:
'l~oS'rr~r fot Loth the t;oil ~nd
prospect of remuneratill em I y.
ere IS th("reforl' a bouodll'SS
lioll in this lll'lluch of el~' ~ o)'Inellt for an agricultural Ilopuln"Afto' a ride of I 'l,vall~n on thel<l rivers,
we "e ""ll's thro I I
"n~lel'l-oceasion:lll)' gellin a
' ug I t I~ bll~h, frOIll M("ssrs.
' ..lIon fal'ms a i , '
g peep UI the 1',1'("1' and at lh" ,,"
lIg lis eour&c_] '.
u II "population of Clal"Cll~ T
luehed Clal'('IlCC Towu, \\'h~1
bUI ... a.slldb·
o..n may 11(:1 I
o t at It "'as mueh i t .
("ou UOI ascert~ill,
u enOt 10 DlIlJgog, .... hid" a. I ha,'c
They "'ere re
1 By th<: ("ellS"::/;8S:p~rat)' boys,
, IIIlPI>eara lo]x, 193,
Tnt DU/Io'TER ANI> lL\X'~L."'G R1VET',$,
observed, ("Qtlld boast of onl,. .:lOO inh"'bitanu, 3ishop
'f,'rr("l1, from New("astl(", had been in Ihe place some lime before,
nnd ..h('n uking wheTl' th(" 10WII ...."s, w"s told he ..as Ihen in the
middle of il, I could re:ulily believe Ihe story, for ( e'-'nfess there
i. ver)' little to ~ tieen bllt Ire("s.
"Clnrellee 'l'own i8 beautifully sill"'led, with a broad river in
front, a n"'lllr",1 terra«l running along ita right b.1nk, and a fine
range of Ililll llTeM"nting a oold outline on Ihe opposite side. It is
Ilot quill" al tbe ht>ad of Ihe na1'igation, but it o«upies the point
...here the road 10 DUllgog st1'i1r.es Ihe ri.'er, Air. Lo...e, till' shipbaildl'f, had a ve$l("l on Ihe stocks at his building·,."rd ("\05e to Ihe
" As a heavy thullder shower, ...bich 'II'"S follolrtd b)'" genlle
l1Iin for all hour ~nd a halt; came Oh just a3 I had reaehoo the inn
ut Clarenee Town, I had only aOOnl an hOllr and a balf ofdarlighl
remaining when I staned for the Palterson, ~nd il soon got quite
dark, Tbe "alle)'s of the P"t1erson and \\'i1liam's Ri~ers are
sep..~I'ated from ("~eh olbn h)' '" di"iding range of "er)' considerable ele~ation, whi("h t("nnilUltn on WilliaUl', Rh-er ~I Porphyry
"ainl. On the road from "atlHSOn 10 DungO'.;, Ibis "'lIge il called
Ihe WaJbro!la Hill. On lhe road from Clareo("e TowlI to the Pal_
tC1'I011, il ill (""lied the Hungry Hill I bad nnn IT:::Inlled the
road before; bal presuminG: that my horse had done 10, lll'ft the
maU("r prell)' mu("h ill hi. hands, Tbere h"d been an l"xteusi1'e
fire on the mountaiu, which had quite obliterated Ihe Irack in som"
plae(:S, und , eOlll<lnol help admiring thc sngaei1r of the ~llilllul in
findiug it again repeatedly wh("n wc h~d lost it, although 'll"C did
differ in "pinion oceasionallr ai to the proper roule. It "'~s uiuc
o'dock ..hen I 1't':tched '" Ihoemaker's hut in thl' '-:Iller ot tb("
Pat\erlOll, ... bo I'coposet.l that I should gi"e all appre-lui("e 00" hl'
had a shilling to mount a horse of his alld guide me b)' 11l1' nlllllrrons slip·rails 1(1 the pUlll, T(I tbis arrangewfIlt I gladl,. :U'l'nt<"d.
and I found m" guide au imelligl'nl boy, Ihe son (If ODe of thr
frN immigrant. from France, who had b....... u sent Ollt I(> the c<>lon)"
b)' the ilom>! Go,'er>Hllcllt 'hOI'fly aftcr th~ la.t Fr~ncb ll""olu,
tiou. It w~s teu o'clock b('fore I reached In)' t"'ol!ler's. and l
rctumed 10 S)'dnc)' b), Ibe ROle stealllel' 011 :::'~tllrday e"I'uiug,"
The squatting dish'jcts or Bligh, U ......,·pool Pll1ins, N("\,
England, and Gl\')'<lir, comprisiug 11 \'l1~t extent "I' P3S_
lI)1':al countr)' 10 tI,e northwanl aud 1l0rth-\\hIWl1r,I, aI','
all connected with the Hunter's Hill'!' ,li~tricl; Ih.,ir pro-
111E IIUNTF.1t A~J) )1A..'"1iING
duce, chiefly wool and tallow, bring fOTII'unlcl! fOl' Cl.:]Jorllltion 10 London IJrincipnlly by way of Mailland.
The district of Lil'crpool Plains is Y.."IJnratcd from tll(!
county of Brisbane b)' n range of mouutains, ca\le<l the
Lil'cl'pool rrlnge, of the ascent of which, as well M of the!
ph}"sicnl character of the countl]' generally. n description
by the «Icbrnted tru\'ellcr, Dr. Leichhardt. will be found
in page 195.
Liverpool Plains comprise nn area of 16,901 squ:\l'C
miles, amI are 921 fect above the !c\'c1 of the sea: the
IJrincipal entrance from the eastward is by a pnS5, discO"cred by the lale Alan CUllningham, Esq., ctllled Pandura's PaM. The town of Tamll'onh, 011 the Peel Hil'cr
which is noli' the centre of an cXlcnsil'C gold field, ha~
already a population of 25-1- PPfSOllS; the Agricultural
Company's Estates of nearly 600.000 acres being ill the
immediate neighhourllood.
The squatting district of New England forms a paral.
lelogram of about 130 miles in length, f.'om south to
north, and 100 in breadth, from east to west, comprising
an, ~rea of 13,100 square miles, or upw:u'ds of eight
,1I.lI~l1ons of acres, It consists of clcl'ated table laud,
I'lSlllg gradually for thirt}' miles from the summit of the
eo~t range to the westwal'd of Port Macquarie, and then
fall.lIlg gradually for a similar distance towardll the illte~lor; the. more elevated pm"tion of the Pluius or Downs
hemg eOI~s.d('rabl)' upwllrds of 3000 feet high, wllile the
surroulldlllg mountains tower upwards to 6000 f,
cet, all
are requent), covered with snow_ The climate is cOllse.
quelltl~· much colder thall 011 the coast • l'"1'·.
"IZ ... (oes 1I0t
gr.lIIY, but ~ohhe~t'8 eoi'll, a small sjJecies of maize. called
~) ~~c Itahans clllqmmtillo, from iu coming to maturity
In ly dayi, Succeeds well. Wheatlms ne"cr failed TI
COulltrr is thinly wo d i d
stn:H1lllS with I'of'ky i.I~U Cl 'b~~ ~\'ell \:-atered b)' Ilumerous
ill Scotlallu '"
. \l~ Y eds, hke IlIollnlain slL-eams
,e 80,1 18 gel
11 r I
ductive; anu tile eo t
lern y Ig .1, but "ery Ilro·
UII ry, Wilh its rich crops and green
fields, has fInite all English IIspect. Armidale, n rising
lown in New Englnllll, has already l\ population of 556.
It is 270 miles from l\Iaitland, and 370 from Sydney_
New England is decidel!ly n pastoral country, having
lllrelllly 1,90,'1, J:H sheep, besides hOfllecl cattle lInd ho~'scs;
but a large I}()rtioll of il is admirably adllpttd for llgncul.
ture, and it is capable of supporting a. numerous popu!?lion. In shorl, Ihere is prohably as much good ~and I,n
New England as in the whole colony of Van DLeman s
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