Ormoni sessuali femminili
Ormoni sessuali femminili
scaricato da www.sunhope.it Prof. Antonio SINISI CATTEDRA DI ENDOCRINOLOGIA SECONDA UNIVERSITA’ DI NAPOLI ORMONI SESSUALI NELLA DONNA 1. FISIOPATOLOGIA 2. IPOGONADISMO NELLA DONNA 3. IPERPLASIA SURRENALE CONGENITA 4. IRSUTISMO [email protected] 0815666627 ORMONI SESSUALI NELLA DONNA OVAIO SURRENE E2, A, T, P4 DEA, A, T E3, E2, A PLACENTA 1 scaricato da www.sunhope.it FUNZIONE STEROIDI SESSUALI NELLA DONNA • • • • DIFFERENZIAZIONE SESSUALE MATURAZIONE PUBERALE RIPRODUZIONE AZIONE SISTEMICA 2 scaricato da www.sunhope.it PATOLOGIE SFERA RIPRODUTTIVA NELLA DONNA • ALTERAZIONI DIFFERENZIAZIONE SESSUALE • ALTERAZIONI DELLA MATURAZIONE PUBERALE • ALTERAZIONI DELLAOVARICA CICLICITA’ (AMENORREA, • PATOLOGIA ANOVULAZIONE, INFERTILITA’) • PATOLOGIA SURRENALICA • IPERANDROGENISMO • PATOLOGIA MISTA • TUMORI • PATOLOGIA IN EPOCA • ALTERAZIONI SISTEMICHE DA CARENZA/ECCESSO GRAVIDICA DI STEROIDI SESSUALI OVAIO 3 scaricato da www.sunhope.it 4 scaricato da www.sunhope.it FOLLICULAR PHASE LUTEAL PHASE 5 scaricato da www.sunhope.it IPOGONADISMO NELLA DONNA • EPOCA FETALE: ALTERATA DIFFERENZIAZIONE SESSUALE • MANCATO SVILUPPO PUBERALE • ALTERAZIONI DELLE MESTRUAZIONI (AMENORREA, OLIGOMENORREA) • ANOVULAZIONE (INFERTILITA’) AMENORREA: ASSENZA DI MESTRUAZIONI • PRIMARIA: MAI MESTRUAZIONI • SECONDARIA: ASSENZA DI MESTRUAZIONI DA > 3 MESI IN DONNA CHE HA PRESENTATO CICLI MESTRUALI 6 scaricato da www.sunhope.it AMENORREA PRIMARIA: assenza del menarca CAUSE 4 1. IPOTALAMO-IPOFISARIE 1 2. MALFORMATIVE UTEROVAGINALI IPOTAL-IPOFISI 3. GONADICHE 3 4. ENDOCRINOPATIE/ OVAIO PATOLOGIE SISTEMICHE 2 UTERO-VAGINA AMENORREA PRIMARIA : CAUSE IPOTALAMOIPOFISARIE LHRH ipotalamo LH FSH ipofisi estrogeni ovaio • • • • • • • DEFICIT IDIOPATICO DI GONADOTROPINE SINDROME DI KALLMANN TUMORI DIENCEFALO-IPOFISARI TRAUMI, INFEZIONI, GRANULOMI ANORESSIA NERVOSA MALATTIE SISTEMICHE GRAVI RITARDO/ALTERAZIONE COSTITUZIONALE 7 scaricato da www.sunhope.it IPOGONADISMO IPOGONADOTROPO • • • • Idiopatico Sindrome di Kallmann Funzionale Panipopituitarismo AMENORREA PRIMARIA : CAUSE GONADICHE DI AMENORREA PRIMARIA LHRH ipotalamo LH FSH ipofisi estrogeni ovaio • DISGENESIA GONADICA:SINDROME DI TURNER • FEMMINILIZZAZIONE TESTICOLARE • DEFICIT 17IDROSSILASI • AGONADISMO • PCO 8 scaricato da www.sunhope.it SINDROME DI TURNER • DISGENESIA GONADICA O STREAK GONAD ST • BASSA STATURA • RITARDO PUBERALE/AMENORREA PRIMARIA FN • FSH ALTO, E2 BASSO • CROMATINA SESSUALE ASSENTE • CARIOTIPO 45,X O MOSAICISMI X/XX O ALTERAZIONI STRUTTURALI X (ISOp, ISOq,rX) Turner syndrome: state of art Genetics • X monosomy is associated with the most abnormal phenotype, cardiac and renal • • • • malformations Mosaics: mild phenotype, spontaneous menses up to 40% Isochromosome: increased risk for autoimmunity Y material (5-6%): gonadoblastoma X-Ring: cognitive dysfunction. 9 scaricato da www.sunhope.it Turner syndrome: state of art Epidemiology • • • • 3% all female fetuses 7-10% all spontaneous abortions 1 : 2.500 live female births 1.5 million of adult women • Live expectancy reduced up to 13 yr • 3-fold increase of overall mortality (mainly cardiovascular diseases) Turner syndrome: state of art Age of diagnosis Question to clinicians • Embrio: occasional karyotype analysis • Fetus: imaging, duo- tri-test • Birth: c.v. disease, floppy infant, lymphedema (15%) • Adolescence and Puberty: short stature, absence of menarche and lack of sexual characteristics (26%) • Adulthood: infertility, c.v. sequelae (38%) 10 scaricato da www.sunhope.it Turner syndrome: state of art Age of diagnosis ADOLESCENCE • SHORT STATURE • DELAYED PUBERTY • LACK OF SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS • PARTICULAR FEATURES ALTERAZIONE ASPETTI ALTEZZA % 100 ENDOCRINE INTOLL GLUCOSIO,DM2,DM1, TIROIDITI , IPOTIROIDISMO, IPERTENSIONE 10-50 15 50 OCCHI Epicanto strabismo 20 ORECCHIE INFEZIONI SORDITA’ 60 30 BOCCA MICROGNAZIA PALATO OGIVALE 60 35 COLLO LINEA POSTERIORE BASSA CORTO E TOZZO PTERIGIO 40 40 25 CUTE AUMENTO DELLE RIGHE LINFEDEMA NEVI IPOPLASIA UNGHIA 30 25 25 10 SCHELETRO EO RITARDATA CUBITO VALGO OSTEOPENIA IV METACARPO CORTO GINOCCHIO VALGO 85 50 50-80 35 35 CUORE V.AORTICA BICUSPIDE COARTAZIONE AORTA ANEURISMA 15-30 RENI A FERRO DI CAVALLO IPOPLASIA 10 11 scaricato da www.sunhope.it Turner syndrome: state of art Short stature • Mean final height 143 cm • Possible causative roles: 1. Primary bone defect 2. SHOX homeobox gene 3. Partial GH insensitivity Turner syndrome: state of art SHOX gene Expressed on both inactive and active X and Y chromosome Isolated mutations of SHOX are associated with short stature and bone abnormalities sensorineural deafness 12 scaricato da www.sunhope.it Turner syndrome: state of art Ovarian Dysfunction • Most of TS undergo a progressive degeneration of oocytes, apoptosis of follicles and ovarian stromal fibrosis, with gonadal insufficiency • This is revealed by elevated levels of GnX (LH, FSH), with low levels of estradiol (E2) • Most of them have no pubertal development. Some have regular menses for varying lengths of time. Rarely they can achieve pregnancies. Turner syndrome: state of art Ovarian Dysfunction • Ovarian function is preserved in some women, with puberty and menses. 1. 2. Only 8% of X monosomy 47% of mosaics • Only few of them maintain that to fertility (5%), with 40% end with spontaneous abortion 13 scaricato da www.sunhope.it Cardiovascular disease Turner syndrome: state of art A. CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE. Most common in pure 45,X monosomy, consisting in a series of abnormalities, first of all bicuspid aortic valve B. AORTIC DISSECTION. Prevalence estimated to be btw 8-42% ! Risk factors (GH?): • Hypertension • Abnormal aortic valve • Other left-sided cardiac malformations It can be detected by MRI or Echocardiography Cardiovascular disease Turner syndrome: state of art C. HYPERTENSION. It occurs in children and in adults. Failure to recognize it may contribute to excess cardiovascular mortality. No association with karyotype (influence of therapies). Protection from estrogens. D. ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE. Twice compared with general population. Risk factors: • • • Insulin resistance, DM2 (up to 50%) Dyslipidemia Lack of estrogen protection Blood pressure, lipids and glucose must be monitored frequently. MRI or echocardiography must be performed to detect early cv abnormalities 14 scaricato da www.sunhope.it Endocrine disorders Turner syndrome: state of art • THYROID DYSFUNCTION (15yr mean) – Thyroiditis, up to 40-50 %, mainly in women with isochromosome – Hypothyroidism, 25-30 % • OVARIAN FAILURE • GLUCOSE METABOLISM – Most patients have normal fasting glucose and insulin levels, that rise progressively • B-cell failure primarily (role of SHOX?) • Some authors have observed an increase in T1DM Turner syndrome: state of art Renal disorders • Structural abnormalities bw 25-43 % Early defect in ureteric budding DOUBLE COLLECTING SYSTEM RENAL AGENESIS Abnormal migration of kidney PELVIC KIDNEY HORSESHOE KIDNEY Potential morbidity (not usually): 1. Pyelonephritis 2. Pelvoureteric obstruction 3. Renovascular hypertension CHRONIC RENAL IMPAIRMENT 15 scaricato da www.sunhope.it Turner syndrome: state of art Bone Defects Structural BONE DEFORMATIONS are responsible for TS stigmata and are mostly related to classic X monosomy short legs, shaped chest, wide nipples, cervical hypoplasia, scoliosis, cubitus valgus, wide carrying angle, Madelung wrist (bayonet deformity), genu valgum, short metacarpals, micrognathia, high arched palate (deletion of connettive-related-gene) Turner syndrome: state of art OSTEOPOROSIS affects a large majority of TS people and responsible is for morbidity This seems related both to primary bone defect of mineralization and to estrogen deficiency Treatment with estrogens and growth hormone improve to maintain peak bone density, but not to normalize (fracture risk 3-fold rather than normal people) No correlations with karyotype 16 scaricato da www.sunhope.it Turner syndrome: state of art Hepatitis High rate of plasma liver enzymes is a common finding in TS • Transaminase levels upon normal range in 44% • gamma-GT rises in 47% of subjects • Infections and alcoholic disease excluded Histological examination on liver biopsies revealed hepatic fibrosis, vascular abnormalities, features as newborn liver and fatty infiltrations. The risk of progression to CIRRHOSIS is unknown, but this condition seems to be 5-fold the normal population Controversial role of estrogens Protective role against hepatic failure, and reduction in liver enzymes transdermal and natural compounds (E2 valerate) Rise of serum liver enzymes with conjugated estrogens. Deterioration of liver function with ethinyl-estradiol Turner syndrome: state of art Psychosocial Development • Intellectual function: NORMAL in TS • Cognitive function: – impaired nonverbal skills, – visual-spatial processing, – motor coordination, – perceptual abilities (45,X) • But… … … 17 scaricato da www.sunhope.it Turner syndrome: state of art Psychosocial Development …despite these problems, a significative number of TS complete a university degree, with • 33% university (compared to 19% of other American females) • 10% postgraduate degree It remains to solve: • difficulty to make friends • problems to enter into sexual relationships • Poor self-image Amenorrea primaria • Femminilizzazione testicolare • Deficit 17idrossilasi • agonadismo 18 scaricato da www.sunhope.it FEMMINILIZZAZIONE TESTICOLARE SINDROME DI MORRIS PSEUDOERMAFRODITISMO MASCHILE DA INSENSIBILITA’ AGLI ANDROGENI MASCHIO 46,XY TESTOSTERONE ALTO FSH LH ALTI ASSENZA UTERO VAGINA A FONDO CIECO TESTICOLI NELL’INGUINE PSEUDOERMAFRODITISMO MASCHILE DA INSENSIBILITA’ PARZIALE AGLI ANDROGENI 19 scaricato da www.sunhope.it INSENSIBILITA’ AGLI ANDROGENI • ALTERAZIONE DEL GENE DEL RECETTORE DEGLI ANDROGENI • TESTOSTERONE NON AGISCE • TUTTI GLI EFFETTI DIFFERENZIATIVI SULL’APPARATO GENITALE VENGONO MENO E SI FORMA UN FETO IN SENSO FEMMINILE (GENITALI ESTERNI) 20 scaricato da www.sunhope.it 21 scaricato da www.sunhope.it DIAGNOSI PEM • • • • • • • MASCHIO 46,XY TESTOSTERONE ALTO FSH LH ALTI ASSENZA UTERO VAGINA A FONDO CIECO TESTICOLI NELL’INGUINE IPERANDROGENISMO NELLA DONNA IPERPLASIA SURRENALE CONGENITA • 21-HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY • 11-HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY • 3BETAHYDROXYSTEROID DEHYDROGENASE D. TUMORI SURRENALICI TUMORI OVARICI PCO IRSUTISMO IDIOPATICO 22 scaricato da www.sunhope.it • Ipertricosi è un aumento del vello (peli non pigmentati, sottili), • irsutismo è un aumento dei peli terminali con un pattern di distribuzione M • Virilizzazione definisce una condizione di irsutismo severo associato a stempiatura ed ipertrofia clitoridea 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 + 23 scaricato da www.sunhope.it CAUSE DI IRSUTISMO 1. OVARICHE 2. SURRENALICHE 3. IATROGENE PCOS • • • • • • • IRSUTISMO, AN O IPERANDROGENISMO INFERTILITA’ ALTERAZIONI MESTRUALI OBESITA’ LH/FSH GLUCOSIO/INSULINA <4.5 ESCLUDERE LOAH, IPERTECOSI O TUMORE AS (Slowey, 2001) • OVAIA INGRANDITE, MICROPOLICISTICHE (nel 67-85%) 24 scaricato da www.sunhope.it 25
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