March/April 2015 - Peninsula Temple Beth El


March/April 2015 - Peninsula Temple Beth El
Our Voice
Bi - monthly
P e nin s u l a
t e mp l e
The Peanut Butter Fairies Have Retired
But Their Work Has Not
Rabbi Dennis Eisner
When was the last time you tried
to have dinner on a Saturday night
in downtown San Mateo? When
was the last time you tried to have
dinner on a Saturday night on
Burlingame Avenue, Laurel Street
in San Carlos or University Avenue
in Palo Alto? If you are one of lucky
ones who had the blessing of being
able to go out for a nice meal, you know our
dining establishments are full and getting a
table can sometimes be difficult.
Let me ask another question. How many of
you have enjoyed one of our abundant oneg
celebrations, a bountiful kiddush lunch or a
hardy celebratory meal at a lifecycle event?
In these moments as we celebrate a simcha,
a joyous occasion, with our community we
are treated to a plethora of sweet and savory
delights and all too often we find ourselves
stuffed and more than satiated.
We are blessed and we are fortunate to be
in a city with great food and community so
that loved ones can celebrate together. But we
cannot take all of our abundance for granted
and we must remind ourselves that there are
so many, right here in San Mateo County,
that never eat the way we do. There are so
many, right here in San Mateo County that
are never satiated. We must remind ourselves
that there are so many children right here in
San Mateo County who go to bed hungry
every night.
March/April 2015
Inside this Issue
Schedule of
Shabbat Services
Ed Programs
In the middle of Torah we find these verses
from the Book of Leviticus:
Senior Friendship
When you reap the harvest of your land, you
shall not reap all the way to the edges of your
field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest.
You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or gather
the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave
them for the poor and the strangers: I the Lord
am your God. (Leviticus 19:9-10)
Our Community
Adult Studies
These two lines commanding us to feed
hungry people are part of one the most
See Rabbi Eisner on page 2
President’s Message
Jill Goldring, President
On Rosh Hashanah I stood in
front of our community and asked
you to CROWD FUND our
annual fundraiser, GIVE ONCE. I
explained to those who were new to
this concept, that it is a way to pull
together a large number of gifts that
on their own might not seem like a
lot, but when pulled together add up
to a sizeable and impactful amount. I asked
you to give what you were comfortable with
for your own situation and motivation. We all
come to PTBE for our own reasons and we all
want to give in a way that is meaningful for us.
I related this to the Torah parsha (portion)
Vayakhel in which Moses asks the Israelites
to each give a gift to build the Tabernacle.
He asked them to give what they could from
their heart. Some brought wool and some
gold, some lamb skins and some silver. Each
See President on page 20
13-14 B’nai Mitzvah
Our Community
Give Once
23-24 Contributions
25-26 Calendar of
Kolenu Rabbi Eisner from page 1
Published Bi-Monthly by
Peninsula Temple Beth El
1700 Alameda de las Pulgas
San Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 341-7701
Fax (650) 570-7183
Education Office
(650) 931-0775
Gift Shop (650) 345-6563
A reform congregation
affiliated with the Union for
Reform Judaism
PTBE Staff
Dennis J. Eisner,
Senior Rabbi
Sara Mason-Barkin
Rabbi / Educator
Lisa Kingston
Rabbi / Educator
Callie Schulman
Rabbi / Educator
Elana Jagoda Kaye
Cantorial Soloist
Sanford E. Rosen, z”l
Rabbi Emeritus
Blair Brown
Chief Operating Officer
Andi Bales
ECE Director
Cindi Serbin
Kolenu Editor
Officers 2014-2015
Jill Goldring
First VP
David Greenseid
Second VP
Lawrence Siegel
Harriet Borofsky
Francene Gonek
Member at Large
Geri Wohl
Ed Committee Rep
Personnel Officer
Sharon Vinick
Campaign Officer
Lorna Siepser
Imm Past President
Phil Strause
Board of Trustees 2014-2015
Laura Barde
Judy Bloom
Judy Fisher
David Greenseid
Stan Gross
Sharon Blau
Jeff Hessekiel
Jeff Hyman
Carol Kadet
Lisa Meltzer Penn
Rich Polonsky
Leslie Reisfeld
Lawrence Siegel
Nicole Sorger
Abra Stein
Patty Steinhardt
Sharon Vinick
Geri Wohl
Debby Courtney, Ed Committee
Thalheimer, BEW
Dave Bauer,
Zara Jaffe, Senior
Friendship Club
Reuben Grossman
& Emily
Mellman, SMRTY
important Torah portions – Kedoshim.
Parashat Kedoshim, otherwise known as the
Holiness Code, reminds us that while we reap
the rewards of our crops we are obligated to
feed those who are hungry and less fortunate.
The Holiness Code reminds us to love our
neighbor as our self
so as we enjoy a good
meal we must make
sure that our neighbors
who are hungry also
enjoy a good meal.
The reality is PTBE is
blessed with countless
members who live
Torah through
their actions and
commitment to our
temple, the larger
Peninsula community
and our world.
Frank and Ingrid Jonas
Nothing makes us
prouder or feel more
blessed knowing that we have a congregation
that takes seriously the mitzvot of feeding
hungry people, housing homeless families,
caring for the sick and elderly and comforting
the bereaved. But unless a few extremely
committed individuals take charge and lead
this great work, it doesn’t happen.
For fifteen years Ingrid and Frank Jonas
have been two of PTBE’s inspirational leaders
of our Sunday Sandwich Hevre, better known
to most of us as SSH. Their commitment to
feeding hungry people in San Mateo County
has motivated them to prepare thousands
upon thousands of meals for hungry people
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
and they in turn have motivated us to prepare
thousands upon thousands of meals. They
have been appropriately dubbed the Peanut
Butter Fairies and they have helped us fill the
bellies of those most in need.
But now the time has come for Frank and
Ingrid, our two
wonderful Peanut
Butter Fairies, to hang
up their wings and turn
this great mitzvah of
feeding hungry people
over to Jennifer Benelli.
We cannot say enough
about Ingrid and Frank
Jonas. We cannot
thank them enough for
their leadership and
their inspiration. But
we can honor them by
making sure we step
up and continue to
provide needed food
and assistance to our
neighbors. We can thank them and honor
them by supporting Jennifer as she takes
over the reigns of this incredible program.
We can thank them and honor them as we
continue to stock our pantry on the High
Holy Days and show up on Sundays to make
lunches. We can thank them by not taking
our abundance of food for granted. We can
thank them by responding to our Torah’s
commandment to care for the needy, to lift
up the fallen, to feed hungry people and to
love our neighbors as ourselves.
Mission Statement of PTBE
Based on the principles of Reform Judaism, Peninsula Temple Beth El is a holy community
that cares for our members, the people and the State of Israel, and the world around us. We
promote the love of Torah from generation to generation by inspiring Jewish living through
study, prayer, fellowship and good deeds.
March/April 2015
Community-Wide Yom HaShoah
Wednesday, April 15
Peninsula Temple Sholom - Burlingame
6:30 pm Reading of Martyrs’ Names
7:00 pm Service of Remembrance
Flight for Life: Finding Refuge in the
Guest Speaker: Guenther Leopold
Multi-generational service - Survivors’
procession - Candle-lighting - Music and
song - Student artwork and writings
Guenther Leopold
More info: [email protected]
Schedule of Shabbat Services
Friday, March 6
6:30 PM Shabbat Hallelu, Rabbi Uri Regev
Saturday, March 7
9:00 am Tot Shabbat
10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service, Alec
Israelski becomes bar mitzvah
Friday, March 13
6:30 PM Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, March 14
10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service, Garrett
Carroll becomes bar mitzvah
Friday, March 20
6:30 PM Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, March 21
10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service, Hunter
Daniel becomes bar mitzvah
Friday, March 27
6:30 PM Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, March 28
10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service, Gabriel
Moussa becomes bar mitzvah
Challah Baking
and Coffee
Klatch with the
Friday, April 3
Erev Pesach, No Erev Shabbat Service
Friday, March 20
12:00 – 2:00 pm
Saturday, April 4
No Morning Service
Meet in the kitchen
with our board
president, Jill Goldring,
for an informal chat
while learning how to
make challah. Space
is limited. RSVP to
Cindi, 341-7701 or
[email protected].
Friday, April 10
6:30 PM Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 11
10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service,
Hannah Adler becomes bat mitzvah
Friday, April 17
5:00 PM Bim Bam Shabbat
6:30 PM Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 18
10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service,
Aaron George becomes bar mitzvah
Friday, April 24
6:30 PM Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 25
10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service, Jordan
Schwartz and Lea Twicken become b’not
Morning Minyan - Tuesdays at 8 am
Join Us in a
Special Oneg
to Honor and
Celebrate Blair
Friday, March 20
following the 6:30 pm
Erev Shabbat Service
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
It’s Time to Talk
Rabbi Lisa Kingston
During the first week of February, I had
the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia to
attend the annual gathering of the National
Association of Temple Educators (NATE). I
was lucky to meet with colleagues who lead
educational programs that inspire creative
visions for the future of Jewish education.
URJ Camp
Newman Wants
At our overnight
summer camp and
teen travel programs in
Santa Rosa, 3rd-12th
graders form lifelong
friends, develop new
skills, discover the
joy of Judaism, try
new things, explore
their passions, and
have a ton of fun with
activities like hiking,
swimming, art and
playing sports. Our
aim is to provide
every camper with
a meaningful and
memorable experience.
Watch our video
and learn more at
The highlight of our conference was hearing
the keynote speaker, Bruce Feiler, who spoke
about an issue that impacts from generation
to generation - our family life. Bruce Feiler
writes about contemporary family issues
in the “This Life” column in the Sunday
New York Times. His latest book, The Secrets
of Happy Families, collects best practices
for modern-day parents from some of the
country’s most creative minds, from a variety
of fields.
Feiler emphasized that what high functioning
families have in common is that they talk
A LOT! The topics are less important, but
he learned that families with open lines of
communication are able to better articulate
and act according to their values, making
informed decisions. And talking about our
stories with other family members helps us
gain a stronger sense of our family narrative,
and develop strong cultural identities.
Jewish family education is one way our
temple community hopes to enable families
to spend meaningful, talkative time together.
During our Gesher program or parent days
in Rishonim, we offer families opportunities
to engage in deep conversations surrounding
our Jewish values. At Shabbat dinner with
us on Friday nights, we encourage table
talks without a TV on in the background,
or a phone buzzing. And celebrating Jewish
holidays together helps us connect over our
family stories and passed down traditions.
As our children leave the nest, we have
opportunities to create these conversations
with the families we choose as well as the
families we build.
Through simple conversations, we are all
reminded that we do not travel through
life alone. We learn that we stand for
something beyond ourselves. We learn that
all of us struggle and sometimes fail. And
that everyone has the potential to overcome
Stories of ups and down, hardships and
growth, are the stories of our Torah, of our
people. As Jews we study Torah as we live
it, journeying through life in a search for
meaning. May your journey begin with a
great family conversation!
SMRTY Volunteers at the MLK, Jr. Day of Service
Elle Tzur
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,
‘What are you doing for others?’”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
In the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), there are
613 commandments or mitzvot that we are
obligated to fulfill throughout the course of
our existence. While some mitzvot are less
likely to be attained than others, it is our
responsibility as Jews, and members of our
society, to continue fulfilling as many as we
can, especially those that remain relevant
To love all human beings who are of the
covenant (Lev. 19:18)
On January 19, SMRTY (San Mateo Reform
Temple Youth) spent Martin Luther King,
Jr. Day reading to children at Fair Oaks
See SMRTY on page 5
March/April 2015
Elementary School. Teens from Peninsula
Temple Beth El (and also other congregations
in the Bay Area) decided to spend their
intended lazy Monday morning in Fair
Oaks, giving back to the community. More
than 500 volunteers from 20 different faiths
participated in this incredible experience,
purely out of their own generosity.
need to be able to know
that community service
is something worth
sacrificing a few hours of
your weekend for. The
selfless feeling you get
when helping others is
something you cannot
really study.
As a high school student, committing time
and effort to something outside of academics
can sometimes feel like more of a sacrifice
than a service. That is exactly why it is so
important to engage teens in opportunities
like the MLK, Jr. Day of Service! Teens
Thank you to everyone
SMRTY teen reading at Fair Oaks School
who helped make this
event such an amazing
success and I hope you all will consider
joining us for more social action events in the
SMRTY from page 4
Interfaith Friendship Committee participates at MLK Jr. Day of Service
Dick Heiman and Michele Epstein, Co-Chairs
Epstein, Judy Maller, Judy and
Joel Miller and Dick Heiman led
some of the projects.
Preparing a garden at a rwc school
Our congregation led the way with 87
volunteers who participated in the Peninsula
Multifaith Coalition’s Martin Luther King,
Jr. Day of Service on Monday, January 19. A
total of 510 volunteers were dispatched out to
27 projects at 11 venues along the Peninsula.
Projects included cleaning classrooms,
installing shelving, painting and building
backpack hooks at three local elementary
schools, making crafts for orphans in the
Ukraine, singing for the elderly, and feeding
the homeless. PTBE participants Michele
Three years ago our committee
led the formation of the
Peninsula Multifaith Coalition
PMC. This is now a group of
18 congregations representing
all five major faiths: Judaism,
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism
and Hinduism. We study and
socialize together, but the core
of our mission is to learn to
appreciate each other through
working together to improve our
Uniformly, the recipients of these services
were ecstatic over the results. One person
said, “This was one of the finest volunteer
operations we have ever been involved with.
Thank you so very much for choosing our
excellent school for your event. This will never
be forgotten!” And 90% of the volunteers felt
the experience was so worthwhile they gave it
an excellent rating. A typical comment was,
See IFC on page 11
Seniors Ride the
Van to Temple
The PJCC will offer
bus transportation
to services at PTBE
on March 13. There
is no charge and bus
transportation is doorto-door.
Make your reservations
by calling the PJCC
at 212.7522 by the
Wednesday before
the service you would
like to attend. This
program is made
possible by funding
from PTBE and a
grant from the Jewish
Community Newhouse
Fund of the Jewish
Community Federation
of San Francisco, the
Peninsula, Marin and
Sonoma Counties. 
Beth El Senior Friendship Club
Zara Jaffe, President
Bag lunch at noon. Program begins at 1:00 pm with “Afterthoughts” program at 2:00 pm
Contact: Rhonda Press, 378.2717
March 5 On a regular basis, Larry Moskovitz
and his dog, Molly, visit three hospitals, an
assisted living facility and an elementary
school. Learn what pet therapy is all about
and how they bring happiness and smiles to
those they visit each week.
2:00 Rap with the Rabbi
March 12 Karen Hutchinson (piano) and
Rufus David Olivier (bassoon) perform
classical and popular solo and duet pieces.
This lovely combination of instrumental
voices is sure to delight and soothe. Karen
has toured internationally and Rufus
has performed with the San Francisco
Symphony, Opera, and Ballet orchestras.
2:00 Current Events with David Nigel
March 19 Join us for the movie, Shattered
Glass, a film based on fact which depicts the
rise and fall of disgraced magazine journalist
Stephen Glass, a staff writer at The New
Republic and a contributor to Rolling
Stone who ultimately fabricated many of
his stories, which led to his downfall. Steve
Zahn plays the technology
reporter who uncovered the truth about
Glass’s deception. (99 min.)
March 26 Russian-born and Israeli-raised
guitarist Yuri Liberzon ranks among today’s
foremost classical guitarists in the United
States and the world. He will be performing
music from Latin American, Spain, Bach
and the American Jazz pianist Keith
Jarrett. His playing has been described
as “transcendent technical prowess at the
service of gracious musicality. He is a
natural born guitarist.”
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
April 2 Stephen Gill and Nancy Bloomer
Deussen perform S’WONDERFUL, a
one hour bio-musical about the life and
music of George Gershwin. Included are
marvelous renditions of some of his greatest
hits: “Embraceable You,” “Swanee,” “I’ve
Got Rhythm,” with a medley of songs
from “Porgy and Bess,” and some piano
renderings of “Rhapsody in Blue.” Stephen
S. Gill has worked professionally with
Theatreworks, American Musical Theatre,
San Jose Stage Company. Nancy Bloomer
Deussen is a renowned composer and
musician whose melodic works have been
performed nationally.
2:00 Rap with the Rabbi
April 9 Join us for a traditional Passover
Seder with a light lunch, including the
traditional seder plate foods and dessert.
Beth El Senior Friendship Club members:
$12; Non-members: $15. Paid reservations
must be received by March 26. Call
Rhonda Press 378-2717 for reservations.
2:00 Current Events with David Nigel
April 16 Today is Holocaust Remembrance
Day. Bring your bag lunch and join us for
the documentary I Have Never Forgotten
You which relays the remarkable story
of architect turned Nazi hunter, Simon
Wiesenthal. After losing nearly 90 family
members in the Holocaust and surviving a
death camp, Wiesenthal helped track down
more than 1,000 war criminals. (105 min.)
April 23 We will meet today at the PJCC
for lunch and the viewing of the current
art exhibit, Mi Polin/From Poland. The
unique pieces on display are created by
Mi Polin - a contemporary Jewish design
studio founded by the Warsaw based duo
of Helena Czernek and Aleksander Prugar.
Each piece tells the story of Poland, Jewish
tradition and spirituality. Mi Polin is a sign
of the revival of Jewish life in Poland. We
will also participate in a short art project
in which no artistic training or talent is
needed, just a desire to be involved and to
have some fun! Lunch is free for members
See Seniors on page 20
March/April 2015
Beth El Women
Judy Thalheimer, President
Beth El Women is a place for women to
Connect, Have Fun, Grow and Contribute.
• Assist as ushers and book attendants during
High Holy Day Services
Do you know what the above BEW tagline
Do you know that BEW grows future leaders
that go on to contribute their talents to PTBE
and the greater community?
Do you know that BEW is a great way for
the women of PTBE to connect and build
community within our PTBE community while
having lots of fun? Our programs are varied
and cater to the diversity of our members. Join
us at a Girls Night Out, a Mah Jongg evening,
attend our annual brunch or go bowling with
the Brotherhood!
Don’t miss out on the many opportunities to
connect with the women of PTBE! Check out
our BEW page on the PTBE website for a list
of upcoming events and dates and see below to
learn about events that are coming up soon!
Do you know that BEW provides programming
for women to grow physically, intellectually
and spiritually? From our Shabbat Service,
Torah Yoga, speaker series to our monthly Rosh
Chodesh celebrations, there is something for
Here are some of the many ways that BEW
contributes to PTBE:
• Financially supports Shabbat Hallelu, the
education programs, and provides general
support of many other temple initiatives
• Serves lunch at the annual Senior Friendship
Club’s Chanukah luncheon
• Sponsors an evening at Home and Hope
• Runs our Judaica Gift Shop for the PTBE
community and holds various holiday gift
fairs with the proceeds going to support PTBE
• Supports SSH
• Bakes and sells Hamantaschen in support of
the PTBE education programs
Grow with us! We are searching for talented
women who want to make a difference in BEW.
If you would like to get more involved, help
shape the future of BEW, develop leadership
skills and hang out with a great group of
women, please consider serving on the BEW
board or chair one of our committees for 201516. Please contact us at [email protected] to learn
BEW Gift Shop
Passover Fair
Sunday, March 22
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Upcoming Programs
Hamantaschen Sales
Purim Carnival, Sunday, March 8
Each year Beth El Women raises significant
funds for our education programs. You can
help by attending the Purim Carnival and by
purchasing some delicious hamantaschen. The
filling choices are cherry, chocolate, poppy
seed, prune, apricot, raspberry and a special
homemade orange/apricot filling. If you have
questions or would like to pre-order, contact
BEW Hamantashen chairs, Amy Hollander,
[email protected], or Ellen Fellenz,
[email protected].
Women’s Passover Seder
Sunday, March 29, 5:30 PM
Once again, let’s gather as a community of
incredible women to prepare ourselves spiritually
for the Passover experience. As last year, this
special gathering will take place before Passover.
We will celebrate a pre-seder to share and
experience new and traditional ideas. Our
special seder will be led by our rabbis and
cantorial soloist, Elana Jagoda Kaye. Watch for
the details on how to register for the seder. If
you have questions or would like to volunteer to
See BEW on page 20
We have all of your
Passover seder needs
A wide selection of
seder plates
matzoh covers
. . .and more
Gifts for family and
All BEW Gift Shop
proceeds directly
support PTBE
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
7th Annual Rabbi Dennis Eisner Golf Tournament 2014
Dave Bauer, President
Brotherhood’s calendar is very full this Spring
Upcoming Events
* Purim is approaching quickly. Again the
Brotherhood will open the Shushan Cafe
with sumptuous, tasty burgers and dogs
along with other delights (yes, there’ll be
vegi-burgers as well) to satisfy
your hunger. Come one, come
all in your best costumes!
May is a HUGE Month for Brotherhood.
Saturday, May 2, 7:30 pm: We have
an evening and talk with KGO radio
personality Ronn Owens. Ronn will take
questions and speak to us on the most
recent and important topics. Then we
will enjoy dessert and wine while Ronn
continues his visit with us. Bring the family
and friends. Contact Larry Karp,
[email protected] for tickets.
They are $10/advance (we’ll bill
your temple account) or $15/at
the door.
* Our annual Chinese Banquet
will be on March 26. This
year it will be held at the
Sunday May 3, The 8th Annual
Hong Kong Flower Lounge in
Rabbi Dennis Eisner Golf
Millbrae. Our speaker for the KGO radio personality Ronn
evening will be former State
Once again our Brotherhood is
Assemblyman, Ted Lempert.
hosting the Rabbi Eisner Golf Tournament on
The cost for the dinner is $37. RSVP
the World Famous Ocean Course at Half Moon
[email protected] for reservations.
Bay. Send your reservation in early to reserve
your spot. Last year we had to turn away players,
* Our annual Financial Night brought to us
and we don’t want you to miss out. Cost: $150
by Bob Balopole is on April 16. Bob will
including golf, lunch and awards.
bring us the 25th version of his wisdom
and insight into the financial marketplace.
RSVP to Art Paley by sending your check to
Bring your question and prepare to be
2236 Semeria Avenue, Belmont, CA 94002.
For scholarship information, contact Blair
March/April 2015
P urim and P assover at P T B E
Be Happy – It’s Adar – Celebrate Purim at PTBE
Erev Purim
Purim Celebration and Carnival
Wednesday, March 3, 7:30 pm
Sunday, March 8, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
As part of the teen Wednesday Night Program
we will have the Reading of the Megilat Esther
for all parents of teens and adults.
Continue the celebration of this joyous
holiday beginning with Purim songs, reciting
of the Megilah, and seeing our clergy tell the
Purim story as you’ve never heard it before. At
11:00 am, the carnival begins with food and
fun games.
Friday, March 6, 7:45 pm
Rabbi Uri Regev will speak on Lessons of
Megilat Esther and the Upcoming Israeli
Elections (See Page 12)
Passover Seder Matching Program: See Page 16
for details.
Passover Events at PTBE
Passover Begins at Sundown
on Friday, April 3 **
Seder Matching Program – Do you need a
seder to attend? Would you like a family to
join your seder? Do you have room at your
table? Please see page 15 for details.
Passover Faire
Sunday, March 22, 9 – 1 pm
Visit the BEW Judaica Gift Shop for seder
plates, haggadot and more.
BEW Pre-Passover Women’s Seder
Sunday, March 29, 5:30 pm
All women, 13 and older, gather with the
rabbis and Elana to spiritually prepare for the
holiday. Watch for details.
Senior Friendship Club Seder for members
and guests.
Thursday, April 9, 12:00 pm
See page 6 for details.
Passover Yizkor Service and Matzoh Brei
Friday, April 10, 8:30 am
The Jewish calendar provides four occasions
during the year when special memorial
services are held: Yom Kippur, Shemini
Atzeret (last day of Sukkot), the last day of
Pesach, and Shavuot. It is appropriate to
honor the memory of our loved ones by
attending these special memorial services.
Passover History, Rituals, Recipies and
Visit the website, for lots
of information.
** Because the first seder falls on Erev
Shabbat, we will not be holding Shabbat
Services. If you have a yahrzeit that falls then,
the names will be read on March 27.
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
Tree of Life
Ellen Fuchs presents
Shirley Lerner with a
leaf on her 95th Birthday
The following leaves have been placed on the
Tree of Life in the foyer.
Honoring Shirley and Joe (z”l) Lerner
On Shirley’s 95th birthday
With much love
Lunchtime Learning Circle
In Loving Memory of
Rheta Kurant
Beloved Wife, Mother,
Nanny and Friend
Perpetual Memorial Honoring the
Memory of our Loved Ones
A Perpetual Memorial has been established for
Gary Rechnitz by Bea Rechnitz and family.
Yahrzeit in Jewish tradition is the annual
anniversary of the death of a near relative
and is observed on the date of the death.
It is customary to kindle a light on the
eve preceding the date of the Yahrzeit, and
to keep it burning for twenty-four hours.
It is also customary to attend services and
to recite kaddish at the synagogue on the
closest Shabbat to the Yahrzeit. When you
establish a perpetual memorial, kaddish
will be said by the rabbi for your loved one
into perpetuity, as long as the temple is in
For information on the Tree of Life or
a Perpetual Memorial, contact Cindi at
It’s Time to Vote
We have a tremendous opportunity to
influence and impact what happens in Israel
and all one needs to do is simply VOTE! The
elections for the World Zionist Congress are
once again upon us, and we need every single
member to be loud and to be counted.
The purpose of the World Zionist Congress
is to discuss the burning questions facing the
Jewish world and to vote on how to deal with
these issues. The math is simple: Electing a
large ARZA/Reform Movement delegation
to the next World Zionist Congress (WZC)
will strengthen Reform Judaism’s call for the
values and ideals we cherish – like equality,
egalitarianism and peace – and will grant the
Reform Movement greater influence to shape
what it means to be Jewish in the Jewish
For more information and to vote go to www.
March/April 2015
Movie Midrash – The Invention of Lying
Saturday, March 21, 7:30 pm
Gervais has consistently cared less about the
majority public opinion than he has about
sharing his personal, embarrassing and
uncomfortable experiences with this thing we
call existence. His directorial debut is no less
off-putting and controversial than anything
you’ve known him to do, however this
particular project of his calls into question
Join Rabbi Callie and Matt Schulman as
the creation/existence of religion, the benefits
we explore Judaism through the medium of
of kindness, and the virtue of ignorance
film. Each month we will screen a film that
and “little white lies.” A very funny film
illustrates a particular Jewish text, idea or
that should not be approached lightly, The
value. Matt will provide the lens of the film
Invention of Lying, is sure to spawn a myriad
critic, while Rabbi Callie will connect the
of opinionated and enlightening debates that
film to a Jewish teaching. was clearly Ricky Gervais’ intention from
Few entertainers have been as controversial
day one. Won’t you join us for an evening
and as popular as Ricky Gervais. From
of innovative filmmaking and involved (and
his comically off-putting TV series The
provoked) discussion?
Office to his countless awkwardly funny
RSvP [email protected].
moments hosting the Golden Globe Awards,
IFC from page 5
“I believe that multifaith groups can become
powerful agents of change.”
feeding hungry people through our Samaritan
House sandwich program, PTBE is the leader
in the Bay Area. You are invited to participate
on one of these teams.
Your next two opportunities to join
us include:
Freedom Seder to End Human
Peninsula JCRC’s Annual Interfaith
Sunday, March 22, 7 to 9 pm
Congregation Etz Chayim, 4161
Alma Street in Palo Alto
$30 per adult, $18 for youth 18 and
Volunteering on MLK Jr. Day
Our Interfaith Friendship Committee,
mentored by Rabbi Callie Schulman, is but
one of many Social Action efforts at PTBE.
Whether it is housing homeless people
through our Home & Hope project or
Register at https//
Peninsula Multifaith Coalition’s Songfest
Sunday, April 19, at 3:00 pm
The Congregational Church of Belmont
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
Rabbi Uri Regev, Esq.
Friday, March 6, 7:45 pm
(following 6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Services)
The Challenge of Creating a Jewish and
Democratic State: Lessons of Megilat
Esther and the Upcoming Israeli Elections
Rabbi Uri Regev is a rabbi, attorney and
internationally recognized leader and advocate
of religious liberty and the liberal movements
of Judaism in his native Israel and around
the world. He is the founding president of
Hiddush, a non-denominational and nonpartisan Israel-Diaspora partnership that
advocates for religious freedom and equality.
Torah Yoga Series
Sundays, 4 – 5:15 pm
March 22 and April 12
Led by Ellie Klein. Connect to your Judaism
in a new way by exploring the intersection
between your body, breath and ancient Jewish
texts. This class is appropriate for students of
all levels. Bring your own mat. Sponsored by
BEW. Cost: $10, payable at the door.
Space is limited. Reservations are necessary.
RSVP [email protected].
Vegetarian Cooking
Monday, April 27, 7:00 pm
Taught by Erin Gleeson author, photographer
and illustrator of The Forest Feast Cookbook.
She worked as a food photographer in New
York before a transfer to the Bay Area where
she has been inspired by living in a cabin
amongst the redwoods. She is inspired by
the outdoors around her and creates many
healthy vegetarian dishes that are simple to
make yet impressive for a party.
Erin Gleeson
Brought to you by PTBE Wellness, a series
of cooking classes made possible by partial
funding from a mini-grant from Hazon,
an organization whose vision is to create
healthier and more sustainable communities
in the Jewish world and beyond.
Space is limited. RSVP [email protected].
One Bay One Book
Monday, May 4, 7:30 pm. Book discussion
led by Lisa Meltzer Penn
The Betrayers by David Bezmozgis
One Bay One Book is a yearlong
reaching Bay
Area adults
for lively Jewish
learning. Books
will be available
to borrow after
March 23. To
put your name
on the list,
contact Cindi
at 341-7701.
B’nai Mitzvah
March/April 2015
B’nai Mitzvah
The congregation is invited and encouraged to attend the special Shabbat services when the children
of our congregation become Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Services are on Saturdays at 10:30 a.m.
Alec Blaze Israelski – March 7
Gabriel Moussa – March 28
Alec is the son of Kristina and Dennis Israelski.
He has an older brother, Aidan, 14, and a
younger sister, Kame, 11. His hobbies are
lacrosse, building cool things, video games,
theater and hanging out with friends. He
dreams of being an inventor when he grows
up. He also wants to always do what is right
by working well with others while taking
full responsibility for his actions and always
being his best. For his Mitzvah Project he
worked with SSH to help make lunches for
the Samaritan House and also with Zee Bags,
a non-profit organization that benefits women
and children with HIV in Zimbabwe to assist
with medications, therapy and living costs.
Gabriel is the son of Davina and Joseph
Moussa. He has an older brother, Ezra, 15
and a younger sister, Evette, 10. Gabriel is in
7th grade at The Nueva School. His hobbies
include playing the clarinet, juggling, stilting,
and playing Magic the Gathering. Gabriel
also enjoys soccer, reading, playing games
and having breakfast at anytime of the day.
His goals are to learn more circus skills like
juggling 5 balls, to master multiple genres
on his clarinet and to always be a good
supportive friend. Gabriel’s Mitzvah Project is
to bring happiness to others by volunteering
with programs like Kids and Art and Family
House that create healing and a sense of peace
for children and families touched by cancer.
Garrett Carroll – March 14
Garrett is the son of Sheri Carroll and
Charles Carroll. His hobbies include drawing,
building models, listening to all kinds of
music, cooking with his mom, playing video
games, and hanging out with his friends.
Garrett is a fan of the SF 49ers and the SF
Giants. He loves to travel to cool places with
his family and his goal is to go to college, get
a master’s degree and work in a technology
field. He will continue his Mitzvah Project of
volunteering his time and money to Jewish
charities, including Jewish Children and
Family Services.
Hunter Daniel – March 21
Hunter is the son of Vicky and Jim Daniel.
He has a brother, Dylan, 10. Hunter is a
sports enthusiast, playing soccer, baseball,
flag football and he’s looking forward to
joining the track team at Borel Middle School
this Spring. He also plays the oboe and
will participate in the school musical. For
his Mitzvah Project, Hunter will volunteer
with SSH and in his elementary school’s
Hannah Adler – April 11
Hannah is the daughter of Martha and
Michael Adler. She has an older sister, Sarah,
16. Her hobbies are reading, writing, acting,
singing, playing violin, watching Doctor
Who, taking care of animals and playing with
her dog. Her goals are to become a forensic
anthropologist and write novels on the
side. For her Mitzvah Project she has been
volunteering with her mom at P.A.W.S. (Pets
Are Wonderful Support), an organization
where they help people who have pets but
are unable to take care of them themselves
due to illness, age, disability, or financial
circumstance. By volunteering at P.A.W.S.,
it enables individuals who may not have
been able to keep their pets to continue to
benefit from the human-animal bond which
is essential to some people’s health and wellbeing.
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
Aaron Gil George – April 18
Jordan Schwartz – April 25
Aaron is the son of Jacqueline and Randy
George. Aaron has a younger brother, Ari, 8,
and an older sister, Adia, who is a pediatrician
in Chicago. Aaron’s hobbies are tennis, golf,
and art. He enjoys playing saxophone in the
Ralston Middle School Band. Aaron’s goals
are to work in the field of marine biology,
and to play saxophone in New Orleans, the
birthplace of jazz. For his Mitzvah Project,
Aaron is working at the Redwood City
Public Library at Kindercard Super Saturday,
Summer Reading Kick-Off, and Friends
Selling Books.
Jordan is the daughter of Gail and Michael
Schwartz. She has a younger brother,
Benjamin, 10. Her hobbies are soccer, cello,
Girl Scouts, arts and crafts and biking. Her
goals are to get good grades and play for a
professional soccer team.
Lea Elena Nelson Twicken – April 25
Lea is the daughter of Jill Nelson and Joe
Twicken. Her hobbies are soccer, basketball,
volleyball, reading, running and listening
to music. This year, Lea and her 7th grade
class at Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day
School are dedicating their entire year to
performing tzedakah. Each student choses a
non-profit organization that they feel most
aligns with their personal values to fundraise
for, advocate, and support. Lea is focusing
on fighting hunger with American Jewish
World Service (AJWS). AJWS raises funds
and advocates for impoverished people in
developing countries.
Nathan Verba
Nathan Verba, son of Wendy and Jeremy
Verba, became bar mitzvah in Israel in
March/April 2015
In Memoriam
We express our heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of the recently departed. May
their memory be for a blessing.
Ron Bloom
Father of Karen Bloom (Gregg Bellomy)
Grandfather of Danny Bloom Bellomy
Jamie Halbert
Wife of John Halbert
Mother of Sam and Corey
Jeremy (Jeremiah) Cohen
Son of Gloria and David Cohen
Dorothy Kingston
Grandmother of Rabbi Lisa Kingston (Joshua
Carolyn Fletcher
Sister of Steve Mikulic (Barbara)
Aunt of Jennifer Minton (John)
and Michelle Paul (Brian)
Israel Gordon
Father of Cindy Strause, (Phil)
Grandfather of Gordon Strause (Tina)
and Chip (Yoshie) and Emily (Brian) Sena,
Great Grandfather of Hallie, Maddie and
Jeremy Strause; Noah and Hana Strause and
Jacob, Luke and Maggie Sena
Ada Haikin
Aunt of Dar Bahatt (Anita Siu)
Welcome New Members
Beverly Derish
Arlene Herman
Judy Mayer
Anita Cohn and Fabio de Souza
Susan and Allen Swei and their daughters,
Keira and Jenna
Bruchim Habaim
Please welcome these new members into
our temple community. We look forward
to many years of sharing Jewish enrichment
Inge Lehmann
Mother of Debbi Lucchesi (Jeff) and Yvonne
Grandmother of Chana Schames
Theophilo Regello
Husband of Barbara Regello
Irving Star
Father of Ron Star (Faye)
Grandfather of Elliott and Rachel
Sarah Tiano
Mother of Faye Star (Ron)
Grandmother of Elliott and Rachel
Or HaLev
(Light of the Heart) Jewish Meditations,
Mondays from
7:00 – 8:15 pm
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
April 6, 13, 20, 27
May 4, 11, 18 Or HaLev (Light of the Heart) is the Center
for Jewish Spirituality at Peninsula Temple
Beth El. We are in our 12th year of weekly
teaching and meditation. We meet in the
meditation room which is located behind the
ark in the sanctuary led by a rotating faculty.
Whether you are an experienced meditator or
new to meditation, please come join us. If you
have any questions, please contact Judy Fisher,
at [email protected]. Looking forward
to seeing you there!
Mazal tov
Mazal tov to Rabbi
Sara, Josh and
Charlie MasonBarkin on the birth
of their daughter
and sister, Sela
Mazal tov to
Heather and Eric
Green on the birth
of their son, Simon
Ezell. Nathan is the
proud big brother.
Mazal tov Xuan
Chen and Dan
Kallman on the
birth of their son,
Milo. Big sister is
Mazal tov to
Simona Katcher
and Josh McGinn
on the birth of
their son, Maverick
Katcher McGinn.
Mazal tov to Zelda
Levin on the
birth of her great
grandson, Gage
Hunter Levin
Mazal tov to Karen
Wagshul and Joe
Wagshul on the
engagement of
their son, Bryce,
to Kristin Nicholl.
Kristin is the
daughter of Kathy
and Rob Nicholl.
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
Seder Matching Program
Do You Need a Family for Passover
First Night of Passover – Friday, April 3
The rabbis have long recognized that Passover is among the most beloved and popular of Jewish
holidays because it is, most of all, a holiday celebrated in the home with family and friends.
We believe everyone should have a place at a family’s seder table for the first night of Passover on
April 3.
Our Four Questions are:
Are you a congregant WITHOUT a family to celebrate Passover?
Do you NEED a family table at which to sit?
Do you have a seder table that is NOT filled?
How many empty chairs do you HAVE?
Please contact temple member Kenneth Spicer, 341-7701, or [email protected]. We will do our
best to try and connect you with a family.
Name:_ ____________________________________ Phone #_ ________________________
Children:______________________________________ Ages_ ________________________
Email Address:_______________________________________________________________
❏ I would like to have a place at the Seder table.
❏ I am willing to travel between _____________ and ____________
I need transportation. ❏ Yes
❏ No
❏ I have room at my table, I have _____ seats. ❏
I can help with the transportation.
❏ I do not have room at my table but I can help with transportation.
give once
March/April 2015
Our fourth annual GIVE ONCE fundraiser was a huge success: 448 families contributed over
$197,000! Thanks to you, we are a community taking action to ensure strength in our Jewish
future. Your contributions help fund educational, spiritual, and social action programs at PTBE,
as well as the amazing clergy and staff who make it all happen. And your generosity allows us to
provide membership regardless of financial situation. These pieces of temple life come together
to make one big picture. Your annual Give Once dollars enable us to make that picture a reality.
Thank you to all our contributors for helping us fill in so many important pieces of the puzzle!
Mitzvah Circle
Martha & Michael Adler
Maddy & Frank Blumenthal
The Judy & Tom Fisher Family
Fund of the Jewish Community
Judy Fridman & Barry Frankel
Jill Goldring & Marc Haugen
Julia Varshavsky & Jeff Helterbrand
Lorna Siepser & Steve Klebe
Karen Posner & Allan Kuperstein
Erin & Jeff Lager
Sharon & Elliot Maluth
Beth Springer & Paul Rosenblum
Debbi & Ron Seligman
Patty Steinhardt & Howard Krieger
Chai Circle
Roma Auerback
Jan & Ed Austin
Arlene & Philip Bernstein
Harriet Borofsky & Peter Johannet
Deborah & Joseph Chait
Susan & Lee David
Michelle & David Ebersman
Lori & Michael Fineman
Beth & Bill Freeman
Nora & Arnold Goldschlager
Bonnie Wolf & Michael Gottesman
Arleigh Grossman
Debbie & Craig Hoffman
Stephanie & Rudy Hoffman
Eve & Jerry Lerman
Rita & Art Levinson
Randi Shafton & Drew Lieberman
Ellen & Jerry Saliman
Jennifer & Steve Sarver
Florette & Bill Schwartz
Patricia Curtis & Lawrence Siegel
Faye & Ron Star
Cindy & Phil Strause
Diana Hardy & Dave Viner
Joyce & Norm Weil
Katie & Mike Wolff
Anonymous (1)
Shalom Circle
Kara & Eliot Alfi
Jamie & Edmund Baxter
Joann Ames & Jack Bernstein
Lisa & Bob Bernstein
Debi & Stu Birger
Stephanie & Steven Blau
Judy & Jordan Bloom
Faun & Yitzik Brenman
Suzy & Jeff Cantor
Sheri Carroll
Linda & Daniel Cooperman
Dawn & Martyn Crew
Marian & Jordan Dolgoff
Rebecca Schwartz & Roger
Marian & David Finkelstein
Susan & David Folkman
Lolli & Harvey Freedman
Julie & Andy Garlikov
Larry Gerrman
Carolyn & Ron Gevurtz
Linda & Gary Goldberg
Gloria & Jerry Goldberg
Robin & Keith Goldberg
Fran Gonek
Aliya & Gil Gordon
Debbie & David Goren
Sara & David Green
Elizabeth & Doug Green
Sharon Vinick & Arie Grossman
Laurie Hepler
Jane Herzog
Melissa & Jeff Hessekiel
Hillary Weingast & Jeff Hyman
Helen & Don Jaffe
Brooke & Marc Joseph
Carol Kadet
Susan & Barry Karl
Kendra & Tom Kasten
Jennifer & Jeffrey Kaufman
Ronnie & Alan Klein
Amy Juster & Phil Klein
Stephanie & Michael Leavitt
Zelda Levin
Sherry & Brian Lipson
Linda & Bill Loewenthal
Heidi & Matt Malden
Susan Manheimer
Tanya & Gene Manyak
Nancy & Alan Marx
Laurie & Larry May
Leslie Kulakow & Ted McKinnon
Elise & Jay Miller
Ellie & Rip Miller
Miriam & Richard Morgan
Davina & Joe Moussa
Marcia Muggli
Michael & Lauren Neidle
Stephanie & Jeff O’Rourke
Lynne & Bruce Pasternack
Lisa Meltzer Penn & Jon Penn
Karen & Douglas Perry
Joyce & Rich Polonsky
Beth El Women PTBE
Susan & John Roos
Jessica & Jamie Rosenberg
Karen Christensen & John
Dina Artzt & Len Rosenduft
Tricia & Daniel Schoenbaum
Anne Scholes
Nancy & Alan Schwartz
Linda Schwarz
Emily & Brian Sena
Senior Friendship Club
Cindi & Bob Serbin
Cathy Bloomfield & Brock Siegel
Bernice & Saul Siepser
Barbara & Murray Simpson
Marian & Jeff Sosnick
Aya & David Spievack
Abra & Brad Stein
Lynn Gitlin-Stein & Michael Stein
Ellen Stern
Tina Shih & Gordon Strause
Berta & Don Sugarman
Karen Latina & Evan Susser
Sydney Kapchan & Steve Tulkin
Karen Alexander & Ross Weiner
give once
Carla & Hal White
Carol & Hal Wilner
Neal Winchell
Geri & Ron Wohl
Karen & George Wolff
Nancy Schneider & Rick Wysong
Catherine Nelson & Todd Young
Sheila & Craig Zeldin
Cori & Ilan Zipkin
Anonymous (2)
Friends of PTBE
Pam & Al Abraham
Emily Abrams & Bill Scheppler
Nadine & Jim Abrams
Joan & Phil Abrams
Millie Adelman
Floie Ambrunn
Marjorie & Harry Ambrunn
Laura Chavkin & Alex Aravanis
Dana & Brian Ascher
Kimberly & Michael Attell
Noemi & Hector Avram
Maureen & Sandy Backman
Debbie & Earl Bagby
Anita Siu & Dar Bahatt
Andi Bales & Gabe Molnar
Laura & Adam Barde
Susan & Gordon Bardet
Marcia & Steve Barkoff
Olga & Alexander Basman
Elizabeth & Dave Bauer
Kim & Tim Beauchamp
Rachel Perkel & Shawn Becker
Don Belaief
Amy & Marc Bender
Jeni & Brian Benelli
Sherry & Burt Berenstein
Dana Spanger & David Berger
Jane & Ira Berk
Harriet Bernard
Mary Walsh & Ellis Berns
Deena & Rob Bertolina
Miriam Majofis & Steve Beyer
Valerie & Adam Binder
Karen Bloom & Gregg Bellomy
Sheryl Blumenthal
Lynne Bobson
Pam & Doug Bodin
Arnold Bookspun
Tatiana Blank & Alex Borshchenko
Nancy & Howard Bott
Melissa & Ken Brenner
Peggy Andrews & Norman Brod
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
Barbara Brodie
Maxine & Ronald Brody
Phyllis Bronstein
Lisa & Blair Brown
Cathy & Tom Brown
Kathy & Roy Bukstein
Harriet & Gary Cellini
Dayna & Ivan Chalif
Nancy & Bart Charlow
Joan Chintz & Bob Heck
Gloria & David Cohen
Roxanne & Dave Cohen
Susie & Joel Cohen
Carol & Michael Cohen
Wendy & Steven Cohen
Miriam Perlson-Cohn & Fred Cohn
Mildred Cohn
Debra & Ken Constantino
Phyllis & David Cook
Patricia Dailey & Joshua
Deborah Marcus & Tom Cross
Judy & Phil Davis
Judith Delue
Barbara DeNola
Boo & Dan DeWitt
Sharon & Matt Diamond
Susan & Steve Diamond
Megan & Scott Ducker
Wayne Durlester
Melissa & Lou Durlofsky
Judy Edelson
James Edelstein
Mandy & Rabbi Dennis Eisner
Bernice & Ellis Ellison
Mary & Gary Ellison
Rosalie & Barry Emanuel
Jessica & Dan Epstein
Hani & Rotem Farbman
Sandra & Philip Feinn
Leslee & Wayne Feinstein
Silke & Jason Feldman
Ellen & Tom Fellenz
Jen Fine & Rob Schmeltzer
Blair Fingerhut
Adriana & Steven Finnie
Ellen Fisher
Orit & Mark Foord
Nicole & Jonathan Fox
Edith Foyer
Bobbi Freedman
Sheila Freedman
Jody & Bill Freedman
Howard Freiberg
Sanford Friedman & Jerry Hipps
Wendi & Tony Gansen
Linda & Peter Gardner
Shirley & Douglas Gaston
Hilde & Eric Gattmann
Dany Gerard
Marni & Richard Gerber
Carol & Stu Gilbert
Nancy Gittleman
Sue Glick
Laurayne & Leo Gluck
Maureen Goldrath
Marilyn Frank & Martin Goldstein
Ariella Goodwine Fisher & Rich
Glorianne Goorin
Beth Gorney
Vickie Green
Dorothy Greene
Michele Brenner & Rob Greene
Dolores Gould-Greenseid & David
Barbara & Gary Greensweig
Joan & Stan Gross
Julie & Dan Grossman
Ida & Aaron Gruber
Myra & Ralph Gruschka
Barbara & Joe Gurkoff
Carol & Martin Harband
Rennie & Barry Harris
Sharon & Scott Hartley
Siva & Richard Heiman
Shirley Heiman
Lois & Sandy Heisler
Diane & Larry Herman
Holly & Steve Heyman
Valerie & Zachary Hoffman
Amy & Jason Hollander
Dorothy Glusker & Philip Horowitz
Zara Jaffe
Faye Jennings
Ingrid & Frank Jonas
Ava Chen & Dan Kallman
Maria Gorelik & Lee Kaplan
Marni & Rob Karel
Francy & Larry Karp
Janet & Rick Karp
Shirley & Nolan Katz
Sandie & Dennis Kay
Karen & Glenn Kesselman
Rose & Fred Kessler
Judy Thalheimer & Brian Kirshner
Linda & Leon Klapper
Darren Kleinberg
give once
Diane Friedlaender & Ken
Karin & Sam Kolb
Keren & Jeff Kotowitz
Leslie Kramer
Heather Cahan & Kartik Krishnan
The Estate of Rheta Kurant
Lori & Michael Landry
Shana & Bryan Larson
Pamela Dreizen & Dan Laudor
Danielle & Michael Lawrence
Bonnie Leboff
Bobbie & Ken Lebovitz
Sheila & George Lederer
Carla & David Leibowitz
Lisa & Marshall Leisten
Laurie & Ken Lerner
Shirley Lerner
Julie & Andrew Lev
Feralee & Charles Levin
June & Wally Levin
Katie Levine
Mandy & Dany Levitt
Lori & Doug Levitt
Carolyn Levy & Gil Rosoff
Nancy & Larry Lewis
Vibeke & Stephen Libby
Barbara & Steve Lipson
Marla Becker & Daniel Lipton
Sahara Lirone
Pam Derish & Ed Luby
Judy Maller
Rebecca Hankin & Greg Mand
Doris & Allen Mannies
Florence & Steve Marchick
Diane Marcus
Yanhia Camino-Margolis & Jeff
Barbara & Larry Margolis
Nancy & Frank Markowitz
Julie Cohen-Marshalek & Barry
Julia Mates
Lynne & Bill Mayer
Lauren Mayer & Scott Grinthal
Pam & Richard Mayer
Martha Kokes & Jay Mellman
Barbara & Andrew Menkes
Lisa & David Merenbach
Barbara & Steve Mikulic
Bobbie & Ed Miller
Irene Miller & Paul Guaraglia
Judy & Joel Miller
Paula Miller
March/April 2015
Bonnie & Robert Miller
Judy & Steven Mitchell
Sandy & Bob Morse
Sarah & Jeff Moskovitz
Patti & Larry Moskovitz
Sallie & Morris Moussa
Sara & Thane Myers
Michelle Corbett & Mark Nachlis
Cheryl & Paul Nadler
Barbara Nevins
Sandie & Eric Nierenberg
Lynn & Richard Nightingale
Annette Salinger & Brian Nimni
Monica & Ken Oestreich
James Olson
Jackie & Jeff Palmer
Joan & William Parmer
Lois & Steven Paster
Norman Plotkin
Kathy Pollack
Sheree Polonsky
Margaret & Jack Prost
Sylvia & George Prozan
Sandra Delrahim & Rob Purnell
Ellyne Rabin
Dorothy & Boris Ragent
Rhonda Press & Larry Ragent
Charlotte & Evan Reader
Bea Rechnitz
Barbara Regello
Sally & Bob Reingold
Sandy Reinin
Leslie & Bob Reisfeld
Dominique & Timothy Rhodes
Maureen & Don Rome
Michal & David Roof
Gina & Lorne Rosenfield
Adriane Roth
Terry Esposito & Howard Roth
Cheryl Miller & Adam Salles
Gerda Salzer
Sally Samuels
Lisa Gooze & Rick Sandor
Holly & Gary Schaezlein
Cathy & Steven Schechter
Marilyn & Nathan Schmidt
Terri & Michael Schmier
Helen Dolan & David Schoenbrun
Monica & Matthew Schreiber
Sandra & Harvey Schuster
Liz Stoll & David Schwartz
Michelle Hudson & Joel Scott
Amy Schwimmer & Mark Segal
Ruth & David Serepca
Omar Shair-Ali
Joyce Share
Sunya Shaw
Mindy & Jeff Shelton
Wendy & Steven Shray
Julie & Lawrence Shubert
Amy Shulman
Pauline & Semyon Shulman
Maryanne & David Silber
Naomi Silverstein
Sandra Slosberg
Elaine & Robert Sloss
Jennifer & Adam Smith
Lori & Tom Solorzano
Susie & Rich Sorkin
Michele Stafford
Felice Stahl & Al Barraza
Ilse Steirman
Yoshie & Chip Strause
Joyce & Jay Strauss
Davida Talcove
Marilyn Tapson
Jennifer & Marc Taxay
Shirley & Bernie Toplitzky
Talia & Ely Turkenitz
Jill & Rob Ultan
Cyndi & Scott Urman
Marge & Jack Vanderryn
Abby & Gary Verbin
Geri Crane & Kenneth Wach
Richard Wachter
Joan & Ronald Wachter
Karen Wagshul
Marilyn & Murry Waldman
Ellen & Jeffrey Wang
Leslie Weil & Neal Laybhen
Anne Marie Weiss
Susie & Rick Weiss
Jules & Loren Wheeler
Marilyn Wolper
Ruth & Bob Woolf
Marjorie Rubin & Phillip Yeater
Suzi Yourtz
Inga & Alex Zukin
Jennifer & Maurice Zwass
Anonymous (13)
Seniors from page 6
of the Beth El Senior Friendship Club; nonmembers, $5. People may choose to bring
their own bag lunch. Meet at the PJCC at
noon. If a ride is needed, meet at PTBE
and catch the van at 11:45 am. Van fee is
$6 for a round trip. If you will be ordering
lunch, specify if you want ½ a tuna or
vegetarian cheese sandwich along with
bowl of soup OR you may order a Greek
salad with falafel (no soup with this order).
Dessert included. Reservations required for
lunch and transportation by April 13. Call
Rhonda Press at the PJCC at 378-2717.
BEW from page 7
help, please contact [email protected].
Torah Yoga
Sundays, 4:00 - 5:15 pm
March 22, April 12, May 17
Connect to your Judaism in a new way by
exploring the intersection between your body,
breath and ancient Jewish texts. Led by Ellie
Klein. This class is appropriate for students of
all levels.
$10, payable at the door. Bring your own mat.
RSVP to Judy Fisher at [email protected].
Upcoming Monthly Monday Mah Jongg
President from page 1
gift alone would not make the Tabernacle, but
with the entire community participating they
made a tremendous one. And each person
gave because they saw the value for them to
Like the Israelites, you answered the call
and 448 of you participated in our annual
fundraiser, Give Once. Together your gifts
added up to a record setting $197,000.
This is an impactful amount that makes a
tremendous difference in what PTBE can
offer. It allows us to have enough staff to
provide innovative education programs for
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
April 30 Meet Reiner Stenzel who hiked the
arduous Pacific Crest Trail over the course
of two years, starting when he was 73 and
completing it at age 74. The Pacific Crest
Trail goes from Mexico to Canada and is
2,650 miles long. It reveals the beauty of
the desert, unfolds the glaciated expanses
of the Sierra Nevada, travels deep forests,
and provides commanding vistas of volcanic
peaks in the Cascade Range. View his slides
and hear the tale of his remarkable journey.
You will not want to miss this program.
2:00 Current Events with David Nigel
Mondays, March 9 and Monday, April 13,
7:00 pm
Join us for Mah Jongg fun at all levels of
experience which is generally held on the second
Monday of each month. RSVP to Martha Kokes
at [email protected]. You must be familiar
with the rules for American Mah Jongg and have
a 2014 rule card.
Upcoming Rosh Chodesh Services
Thursday, March 26 Rosh Chodesh Nisan
Thursday, April 23 Rosh Chodesh Iyar
Join other women for a meaningful Rosh
Chodesh service each month. For more
information and to RSVP contact Judy Fisher at
[email protected].
different types of students or different family
needs. It allows us to provide adult education
experiences from talks and lectures by leaders
in various fields of interest including cooking,
meditation, Jewish Yoga and experts on the
Middle East. It allows us to provide moving
worship experiences from Shabbat Hallelu to
Shabbat Unplugged to our High Holy Days
services and all they entail. It allows us to
be innovative and lead the way in providing
meaningful Jewish experiences that help us to
keep Judaism relevant in our modern world.
Thank you for your participation and for the
trust that we will do our best with your gifts
to enrich your lives and experiences at PTBE.
It’s a WIN/WIN for YOU and PTBE
When you donate a car to PTBE, you will help grow the Endowment
Fund ensuring a strong temple for generations to come.
Recycling your car saves energy and natural resources
Proceeds from the sale of your car helps PTBE
You may receive a tax donation if you itemize
running or not!
Jewelry and real estate too!
Contact temple member, Jerry Robbins, at
650-572-0989 (H) or 650-766-7233 (C), or email at [email protected].
Be sure to identify yourself as a temple member.
Ganon Early Childhood Center at PTBE has openings!!
We would love for your family to be part of our
Ganon community! Call now for a tour!
Andi Bales, ECE Director, 650.341.7701 x 225
[email protected]
We are pleased to
announce that
Dina Jan Artzt
Senior Vice President – Investments
Has joined our Palo Alto Office
1950 University Avenue, Suite 300
E. Palo Alto, CA 94303
[email protected]
Investment and Insurance Products: u NOT FDIC Insured u NO Bank Guarantee u MAY Lose Value
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company.
©2012, 2013 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 1012-00190 [79510-v3] A1255
Gan Hazikaron
Garden of Remembrance
Highway 92 at
Skyline Blvd.,
San Mateo
Only Jewish Cemetery on the Peninsula
Owned by
Peninsula Temple Beth El
1700 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo.
Call Blair Brown for details
650.341.7701 x230 [email protected]
Fund Contribution Form
This contribution of $ ______ is
❒ in Memory of ________________❒ in Honor of __________________
It is to be put into the fund checked below.
Contribution from:
Yo u r Na m e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ad d re s s : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p h o n e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Send Acknowledgement to:
Na m e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A d d r e s s : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
❒ Beth El Women
❒ Brotherhood
❒ Senior Friendship Club
Discretionary Funds
❒ Rabbi Dennis J. Eisner
❒ Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin
❒ Rabbi Lisa Kingston
❒ Rabbi Callie Schulman
❒ Cantorial Soloist, Elana Jagoda Kaye
Endowment Funds - Restricted
❒ Daniel Berk Israel Scholarship
❒ Daniel Levine Cook Israel Scholarship
❒ Ida Michaels Scholar-in-Residence
❒ Malka Frydman Fund for the Arts
❒ Other
Endowment Funds - Unrestricted
❒ Jerry Grotsky Music
❒ Marcus Leadership Development
❒ Samuel Blatteis
❒ Temple Endowment
❒ Tom Lowenstein
❒ Other
Designated Funds
❒ Adult Education Programs
❒ Brandon Brier Play Space
❒ Camp Scholarship (Newman / Tawonga)
❒ Caring Committee
❒ David Barry Berger Memorial Special Needs
❒ Early Childhood Education Center (Ganon)
❒ Education Programs Scholarship
❒ Floral and Landscape Enhancement
❒ General Fund
❒ Green Team
❒ Helen Weil Youth Activities
❒ Home and Hope
❒ Interfaith Friendship Committee (IFC)
❒ Israel (Confirmation Trip Support)
❒ Jaffe Library for Jewish Family Life
❒ Memorial
❒ Mishkan T’filah Prayer Book
❒ Music (Epstein Music)
❒ Oneg Shabbat
❒ Or HaLev - Meditation
❒ Shul Shleppers Transportation Summer
❒ Sunday Sandwich Hevre (SSH)
❒ Temple Library
❒ Torah Restoration & Preservation
❒ Tot Shabbat
❒ Tzedakah
❒ Other
Designated Funds are used to help finance specific activities and programs. Endowment Funds, created by the temple or through the generosity of a
donor. Restricted Endowment Funds are used for a specific purpose. Yearly revenue from Unrestricted Endowment Funds enhance our temple programs as
part of the general operating budget.
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support
PTBE by remembering and honoring their friends
and loved ones through their generous contributions.
The following contributions have been received as of
February 13. Donations received after that date will
be in the next issue of the Kolenu. To learn about
other ways of meaningful tributes and ways to support
PTBE, please contact COO, Blair Brown, bbrown@ or 341-7701.
Beth El Women
supports activities of this auxiliary
In Memory of
Max Gitlin...................................... Lynn Gitlin-Stein and Michael Stein
Mary Gitlin..................................... Lynn Gitlin-Stein and Michael Stein
Bonim B’Yachad Fund
In Honor of
Lorna Siepser.................................................................... Sunny Grotsky
In Memory of
Israel Gordon........................................ Ellen Fuchs and Charles Ledden
Rheta Kurant................................................................ Jane and Jay Selig
Robert Ornstein........................................ Carolyn Levy and Gil Roskoff
Dorothy Kingston........................................ Joyce and Richard Polonsky
Dorothy Kingston..............................................................Kathy Pollock
Dorothy Kingston................................................. Katie and Don Levine
Dorothy Kingston................................................. Cindi and Bob Serbin
Dorothy Kingston.........................................Lolli and Harvey Freedman
Dorothy Kingston................................. Ellen Fuchs and Charles Ledden
Dorothy Kingston..........................................Charlotte and Evan Reader
Maxine Plotkin............................................... Susan and Gene Kaufman
Maxine Plotkin.................................................Enid and Ron Goodman
Maxine Plotkin.................................................................. Timothy Low
Maxine Plotkin......................................................Lois and Julian Rhine
Maxine Plotkin............................................................... Matthew Mintz
Maxine Plotkin......................................... Nancy and William Campana
Maxine Plotkin................................................................... Isabel Hogan
Maxine Plotkin...................................................................Gloria Dreon
Maxine Plotkin..........................................American College of Dentists
Maxine Plotkin.................................................................... Susan Rosen
Maxine Plotkin..............................................Henrik E. Hansen, D.D.S.
Maxine Plotkin..............................................................Carolyn Cottrell
Maxine Plotkin.......................................Marilyn and Dave Zimmerman
Maxine Plotkin............................................................... Benjamin Ruhs
Maxine Plotkin................................................June and James Friedman
Maxine Plotkin................................................Suzanne and Brian Young
supports activities of this auxiliary
In Memory of
Jeremy Cohen.................................................... Eve and Jerome Lerman
Building Fund
In Honor of
In Appreciation...............................................................Beth El Women
Camp Scholarship (Newman/Tawonga)
In Honor of
Rachel Perkel and Shawn Becker.................Mauree Jane and Mark Perry
In Memory of
Maxine Plotkin.....................................................Robbie and Len Cohn
Rebekah Finer.........................................................Lisa and Blair Brown
Eleanor Greensweig................................... Barbara and Gary Greensweig
Caring Committee
funds the activities of this committee
In Honor of
In appreciation................................................................. Sunny Grotsky
In Memory of
Patricia Landman..............................Sydney Kapchan and Steven Tulkin
Clergy Discretionary Funds
supports various individuals, organizations or
programs at the discretion our clergy
Cantorial Soloist Elana Jagoda Kaye Discretionary
In Honor of
Lucas Courtney becoming bar mitzvah.......... Debby and Brian Courtney
Benjamin Barde becoming bar mitzvah................Laura and Adam Barde
In Memory of
Jean Wilner Fein................................................... Carol and Hal Wilner
Morris Wilner....................................................... Carol and Hal Wilner
Jamie Halbert......................................................... Lori and Dave Reddy
Terrie Dolan................................... Helen Dolan and David Schoenbrun
Rabbi Dennis Eisner’s Discretionary
In Honor of
David Bauer..........................................................................Anonymous
Allen Eskenazi.......................................................................Anonymous
Judith Alderman....................................................................Anonymous
March/April 2015
Our son, Lucas, becoming bar mitzvah.......... Debby and Brian Courtney
our son, Benjamin, becoming bar mitzvah..........Laura and Adam Barde
In Memory of
Leo Heyman.................................................Arlene and Philip Bernstein
Patrice Kaplan............................................. Gloria and Jerome Goldberg
Nick Goldberg............................................ Gloria and Jerome Goldberg
Dora Kamalman.......................................... Gloria and Jerome Goldberg
Renee Gottschalk.........................................................Naomi Silverstein
Mark Silverstein...........................................................Naomi Silverstein
Burton Silver.....................................................................Beverly Derish
Rose Mozer...................................................Lolli and Harvey Freedman
Ethel Klinger................................................... Florette and Bill Schwartz
Celia Linsey.......................................... Pamela Derish and Edward Luby
Bernard B. Fineman....................................... Lori and Michael Fineman
Queenie Behrman...............................................Helen and Donald Jaffe
Rose Jacob......................................... Cathy Bloomfield and Brock Siegel
Ruth Katz...............................................................................Nolan Katz
Bertha Mandell................................................Jeanne and Peter Mandell
Carolyn Fletcher................................ Lynn Gitlin-Stein & Michael Stein
Jamie Halbert...................................................................... John Halbert
Albert Rudofsky....................................................................... Sue Glick
Jamie Halbert......................................................................... Rita Albert
Lawrence Lerman............................................... Eve and Jerome Lerman
Alexander Blau............................................... Stephanie and Steven Blau
Irving Krulevitch............................. Lynn Gitlin-Stein and Michael Stein
Bee Finger......................................................... Lois and Sanford Heisler
Harold Gevurtz............................................... Carolyn and Ron Gevurtz
Nathan L. Land..............................................Charlotte and Evan Reader
Shelley Gould..................................................... Karin and Howard Abel
Rabbi Lisa Kingston’s Discretionary
In Honor of
Our son, Lucas, becoming bar mitzvah.......... Debby and Brian Courtney
In Memory of
Neil Margolis................... Yanhia Camino-Margolis and Jeffrey Margolis
Rabbi Sara Mason-Barkin’s Discretionary
In Honor of
Our son, Lucas, becoming bar mitzvah.......... Debby and Brian Courtney
Rabbi Callie Schulman’s Discretionary
In Honor of
Our son, Lucas, becoming bar mitzvah.......... Debby and Brian Courtney
The naming of our granddaughters,
Inez Rose and Lucia Maria........................ Barbara and Gary Greensweig
In Memory of..................................................................................Donor
Charlotte Saltzman................................................................ Anne Weiss
Marc Schnitt......................................................................... Anne Weiss
Gail Benson................................................Michele and Miles Goldstein
Helen Dellheim................................................Sharon and Elliot Maluth
Harry Gerstel........................................................................ Anne Weiss
Daniel Berk Israel Scholarship
helps fund teen travelers to Israel who are in need
In Honor of
The birth of Jane and
Ira Berk’s grandson, Elan............... Voices of Jewish Women Book Group
Speedy recovery of Alice Verby...... Voices of Jewish Women Book Group
In Memory of
Daniel Berk............................................................. Judith Oppenheimer
Daniel Berk.......................................................... Barbara and Alan Berk
Daniel Berk....................................................................... Karen Horlick
Daniel Berk......................................................................... Gloria Greco
David Barry Berger Memorial Special Needs
funds special needs programming
In Memory of
Burton (Bud) Silver......................................... Patti and Larry Moskovitz
Early Childhood Center (Ganon)
helps support teachers and programming for our ECE
In Honor of
In appreciation................................................... Tiffany and Rob Twilley
In Memory of
William Pincus........................................Irene Miller and Paul Guaraglia
Education Program
funds special religious and educational needs for young people
In Memory of
Rebekah Finer....................................................... Katie and Don Levine
General Fund
In Honor of
In appreciation................................................Susan and David Folkman
Ava, Dan and Niki Kallman............................. Rena and David Kallman
In Memory of
Irving Share..................................................... Susan and Gene Kaufman
Kurt Stern............................................. Joyce, Rich and Sheree Polonsky
Grossman Family Endowment
In Honor of
Arleigh Grossman’s 80th birthday......................................Etty Korengold
See Contributions on page 20
Contributions from page 19
Harold Weinhoff Endowment
In Memory of
Harold Weinhoff............................................................Elayne Weinhoff
Helen Weil Youth Activities
In Memory of
Helen Weil........................................................ Adrienne and Dave Weil
Helen Weil..................................................Evie, Susie, Karen and Sandy
Louis Weil...................................................Evie, Susie, Karen and Sandy
Home and Hope
supports our bi-annual housing of families-in-need
In Memory of
Lorraine Rose.........................................................Lynne and Bill Mayer
helps fund the temple operations
In Memory of
Gerald Samuel........................................................ Pam and Al Abraham
Sam Irving..........................................................Linda and Leon Klapper
Morris Bach........................................................ Suzan and Robert Bach
Sylvia Fink.......................................................... Suzan and Robert Bach
Burton (Bud) Silver....................................... Jeanette and Henry Glasser
Kurt R. Stern.......................................................................... Ellen Stern
Jamie Halbert.................................. Harriet Borofsky and Peter Johannet
Jamie Halbert......................................................Marion and Curt Meier
Betty Giusti...................................Cynthia Greenberg and Robert Giusti
Irma Klapper......................................................Linda and Leon Klapper
Sylvia Irving.......................................................Linda and Leon Klapper
Marjorie Karp..................................................... Frances and Larry Karp
Henry Appel.............................................Stephanie and Rudy Hoffman
Walter Klebe ............................................Lorna Siepser and Steve Klebe
Ernie Michels.......................................................Jan and Edward Austin
Mishkan T’filah Prayer Book
funds acquisition of new prayer books
In Memory of
Joseph Kay................................................................. Albert E. Polonsky
Or HaLev – Meditation
funds programming and the hiring of teachers
In Honor of
In appreciation..........................................................Stephanie Rosekind
Schul Schleppers (Transportation)
helps provide transportation for seniors
In Memory of
David Kipnis.....................................................Sarah and Jeff Moskovitz
Celia Ostrow..................................................................... Mildred Cohn
Senior Friendship Club
supports the clubs activities to help keep event fees down
In Honor of
The birth of my great grandson, Gage Hunter Levin............. Zelda Levin
PTBE Staff
Dennis J. Eisner, Senior Rabbi
Sara Mason-Barkin, Rabbi/Educator Lisa Kingston, Rabbi/Educator
Callie Schulman, Rabbi/Educator Elana Jagoda Kaye, Cantorial Soloist
Blair Brown, Chief Operating Officer
Andi Bales, ECE Director
Tamir Frankel, Assistant ECE Director
Kaity Chan, Assistant ECE Director
Cindi Serbin, Programs/Communications Manager
Meg Batavia, Youth Director
Anita Siu, B’nai Mitzvah Program Manager
Lolli Freedman, Clergy Administrator
Kim Beauchamp, Education Program Administrator
Kenneth Spicer, COO Administrator
Katie Levine, Events Coordinator
Karen Chan, Bookkeeper
Mick Chand, Facilities and Maintenance
Jose Kolich Facilities and Maintenance
Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775
In Memory of
Karl Mautner........................................................................ Edith Foyer
David Weingrun.................................................................... Edith Foyer
Lily Grab............................................................................... Edith Foyer
Rheta Kurant.................................................................... Robert Barkoff
Rheta Kurant............................................................Lisa and Tom Keiser
Basia Reiter.......................................................................... Gerda Salzer
Kathe Salzer......................................................................... Gerda Salzer
Leo Levine...........................................................Cheryl and Paul Nadler
Sydney Levin......................................................................... Zelda Levin
Sunday Sandwich Hevre
supports our sandwich making program for feeding hungry people
In Honor of
In appreciation............................... Margherita Soule and David Eligator
In appreciation............................................... Independent Poker Players
In Memory of
Jeremy Cohen..................................................... Sally and Bob Reingold
Jeremy Cohen................................................................The SSH Family
Jeremy Cohen ............................................................The J-Hike Group
Hilda Kapchan Rhodes.......................Sydney Kapchan and Steve Tulkin
Lew Sugarman..................................................Berta and Don Sugarman
Rita Roth.........................................................Berta and Don Sugarman
Mae Tulkin..........................................Sydney Kapchan and Steve Tulkin
Temple Library
In Memory of
Marjorie K. Lewis................................................ Nancy and Larry Lewis
Tom Lowenstein Endowment
In Memory of
Evelyn Silber.................................................Maryanne and David Silber
Torah Restoration & Preservation
In Memory of
Murray Novak............................................... Lauren and Michael Neidle
Tzedakah Fund
In Honor of
In Appreciation............... Rebecca Hankin and Greg Mand, Alana Mand
In Memory of
Marleen Katz.........................................................................Sunya Shaw
Early Childhood Center (Ganon)
Wells Fargo Foundation, matching Tiffany and Rob Twilley donation
Give Once
Salesforce Foundation, matching Wendy and Steven Cohen’s donation
Michelle Corbett & Mark Nachlis
Robert Simon, Car donation
Office Number 650.341.7701
[email protected]..................... x229
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11 Adar
12 Adar
2 Nisan
9 Nisan
5:30 pm BEW Pre-Seder
9:00 am BEW Passover Faire
9:00 am Rishonim/Hebrew
4:00 pm Torah Yoga
K-6 Family Retreat
3 Nisan
10 Nisan
7:00 pm Or HaLev
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Or HaLev
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Or HaLev
25 Adar
24 Adar
18 Adar
7:00 pm BEW Monthly Mah
7:00 pm Or HaLev
10:00 amPurim Skit and
Megillah Reading
11:00 amPurim Carnival
17 Adar
26 Adar
11 Nisan
4 Nisan
8:00 am Morning Minyan
12:00 pmLunchtime Learning
7:00 pm Lay Led Torah Study
8:00 am Morning Minyan
12:00 pmLunchtime Learning
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Lay Led Torah Study
8:00 am Morning Minyan
12:00 pmLunchtime Learning
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Lay Led Torah
8:00 am Morning Minyan
12:00 pmLunchtime Learning
7:00 pm EComm
7:00 pm Lay Led Torah Study
19 Adar
10 Adar
13 Adar
27 Adar
20 Adar
5 Nisan
March 7
March 14
March 21
March 28
28 14 Adar
21 Adar
28 Adar
6 Nisan
12:00 pmSr. Friendship Club
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Adult Hebrew I
7:00 pm Rosh Chodesh
12 pm Sr. Friendship Club
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Adult Hebrew I
K-6 Family Retreat
12:00 pmSr. Friendship Club
7:00 pm Adult Hebrew I
7:30 pm Brotherhood
12:00 pmSr. Friendship Club
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Adult Hebrew I
7:30 pm Ed Committee
Ki Tisa
Vayak’heil / P’kudei
8 Shevat Parshat
29 HaShavuah9 Shevat
2:30 pm Hebrew
6:00 pm WNP, 7-10
2:30 pm Hebrew
6:00 pm WNP, 7-12
2:30 pm Hebrew
6:00 pm WNP, 7-10
7:30 pm Reading of the
Megillah for teens
& adults
Adar/Nisan 5775 • March 2015
8:00 am Morning Minyan
12:00 pmLunchtime
Learning Circle
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Lay Led Torah
of Events
9:00 am BEW Hamantaschen 9:00 am Hamantaschen
3:30 pm Hebrew
9:00 am Rishonim/Hebrew
11:30 amMadrichim Meeting 7:00 pm BEW Board
7:00 pm Or HaLev
Brotherhood Ski/Golf Weekend
15 Adar
22 Adar
29 Adar
10 Shevat
7 Nisan
Exodus 30:11−34:35
Exodus 35:1–40:38
Leviticus 1:1−5:26
Leviticus 6:1−8:36
6:30 pm Erev Shabbat
12:00 pmPresident’s Coffee
6:30 pm Erev Shabbat
6:30pm Erev Shabbat
5:30 pm Gesher Dinner
6:30 pm Shabbat Hallelu
7:45 pm Rabbi Uri Regev
16 Adar
23 Adar
1 Nisan
11 Shevat
8 Nisan
Call In Number
9:00 am Torah Study
10:30 amShabbat Morning
Service, Gabriel
Moussa becomes
bar mitzvah
7:00 pm President’s
9:00 am Gesher
9:00 am Torah Study
10:30 amShabbat Morning
Service, Hunter
Daniel becomes bar
7:30 pm Movie Midrash
K-6 Family Retreat
9:00 am Torah Study
10:30 amShabbat
Morning Service,
Garrett Carroll
becomes bar
9:00 am Torah Study
9:00 am Tot Shabbat
10:30 amShabbat Morning
Service, Alec
Israelski becomes
bar mitzvah
Peninsula Temple Beth El
16 Nisan
17 Nisan
9:00 am Rishonim/Hebrew
8 Iyar
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Vegetarian
Cooking Class
7:00 pm Or HaLev
7 Iyar
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Or HaLev
9:00 am Rishonim/Hebrew
11:30 amSSH
1 Iyar
30 Nisan
24 Nisan
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Or HaLev
7:00 pm BEW Monthly
Mah Jongg
23 Nisan
9:00 am Rishonim/Hebrew
4:00 pm Kevah
4:00 pm Torah Yoga
7:00 pm BEW Board
7:00 pm Or HaLev
13 Shevat
18 Nisan
14 Shevat
25 Nisan
2 Iyar
9 Iyar
8:00 am Morning Minyan
12:00 pmLunchtime Learning
3:30pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Lay Led Torah Study
8:00 am Morning Minyan
12:00 pmLunchtime Learning
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:00 pm Board of Trustees
7:00 pm Lay Led Torah Study
8:00 am Morning Minyan
12:00 pmLunchtime Learning
7:00 pm EComm
7:00 pm Lay Led Torah Stud
8:00 am Morning Minyan
12:00 pmLunchtime Learning
7:00 pm Lay Led Torah Study
Parashat Hashavuah
Yom Rishon Shel Pesach Exodus 12:37-42, 13:3-10
Pesach Sh’mini I
Leviticus 11:1-23
Shmini II Leviticus 9:1 - 11:47
12 Shevat
April 4
April 11
April 18
April 25
3 Iyar
10 Iyar
2:30 pm Hebrew
6:00 pm WNP, 7-12
Yom HaZikaron (Memorial
2:30 pm Hebrew
6:00 pm WNP, 7-10
26 Nisan
19 Nisan
12 Nisan
2:30 pm Hebrew
6:00 pm WNP, 7-12
6:30 pm Yom Hashoah
Observance - PTS
13 Nisan
20 Nisan
11 Iyar
4 Iyar
12:00 pmSr. Friendship Club
7:00 pm 6th Grade Parent
WNP Orientation
7:00 pm Adult Hebrew II
Yom HaAtzmaut
(Independence Day)
12:00 pmSr. Friendship Cluboffsite
7:00 pm Adult Hebrew II
7:00 pm Rosh Chodesh
27 Nisan
Yom HaShoah (Holocaust
Remembrance Day)
12:00 pmSr. Friendship Club
7:00 pm Adult Hebrew I
7:30 pm Brotherhood
Financial Night
12:00 pmSr. Friendship Club
3:30 pm Hebrew
12:00 pmSr. Friendship Club
3:30 pm Hebrew
7:30 pm Ed Committee
Nisan/Iyar 5775 • April 2015
of Events
14 Nisan
21 Nisan
5 Iyar
11 Tevet
6:30 pm Erev Shabbat
28 Nisan
5:00 pm Bim Bam
6:00 pm SMRTY
6:30 pm Erev Shabbat
Last day of Passover
Office/Ganon Closed
8:30 am Yizkor Service
& Matzoh Brei
6:30 pm Erev Shabbat
Erev Pesach First Seder
no Shabbat Service
22 Nisan
12 Tevet
6 Iyar
Call In Number
29 Nisan
9:00 am Torah Study
10:30 am Shabbat Morning
Service, Jordan
Schwartz and Lea
Twicken become
b’not mitzvah
9:00 am Gesher 9:00 am Torah Study
10:30 amShabbat Morning
Service, Aaron
George becomes
bar mitzvah
7:30 pm Movie Midrash
9:00 am Torah Study
10:30 amShabbat Morning
Service, Hannah
Adler becomes bat
15 Nisan
9:00 am Torah Study
Peninsula Temple Beth El
March/April 2015
March Yahrzeits
Read March 6
Edith Abraham
Helen Alterman
Charlotte Appel
Kay Barner
Samuel Bronstein
Toby Chait
Anna Chivian
Eddie Cooper
Doris Creed
Lilyan Dolgoff
Sylvia Feinstein
Morris Friedman
Anna Garelick
Edward Gruber
Richard Harris
James Jaffe
Frank Kenner
Eliahu Koren
Enid Krieger
Adolphus Lee
Samuel Lerner
Leo Levine
Victor Liff
Sadie Marks
Anne Meadow
Ernest Michels
Edward Nelson
Naomi Parker
Rita Roth
David Siepser
Harry Steinberg
Rosa Weingrun
Max Weinhoff
Sofia Wexler
Nathan Wolf
Joseph Wolfe
Read March 13
Sarah Abrams
Harry Behrendt
Fannie Bookspun
Yury Broytman
Arthur Carmel
Joseph Castle
Jill David
George Dilloff
Henry Ellis
Phil Fichman
Donna Fulton
Leona Goldring
Arthur Greenberg
Belle Gruber
Dolores Harris
Lena Holtzberg
Reva Iscoff
Ernst Koch
Harry Kurant
Don Kusunoki
Herbert Lefort
Jeannette Libby
Linda Lipton
Marion Mintzer
Henry Moss
Phillip Nadler
Alexander Nickinson
Gussie Novak
Laura Ornstein
Otto Plaat
Dan Rosenbaum
Steven David Rosoff
Cecile Segal
Ruth Wohlfeiler
Read March 20
George Abbott
Alfred Auerback
Olga Berman
Ruth Bernstein
Barbara Castle
Helene Elsbach
Annie Eron
Alan Friedman
Bertha Gattmann
Minnie Gershow
Harry Gross
Maurice Harband
Harry Hoffman
Sue Hufford
Phil Karp
Gertrude Kaseff
Monroe Kroll
Irving Krugman
Gute Krupp
William Malina
Catherine Miller
Barbara Miller
Martin Parker
Juan Pradenas
Dean Recht
Patricia Richardson
Edward Rothschild
Jeanne Schapiro
Sonya Schechtman
Ellen Schwimmer
Abraham Shochat
Harry Speert
Sylvia Spitz
Rita Ward
Herb Weiss
Janet Wolk
Read March 27
Daniel Baxter
Beverly Beck
Louis Bercovitz
Henry Bergman
Dolly Blue Chalif
Ana de Souza
Irma Fasenfest
Lietol Ferouz
Julius Gattmann
Robert Hayman
Albert Heydemann
Hans Katz
Ann Kokes
Leah Lehrer
Don Levenson
Mary Ellen Levy
Mary Lipson
Alice Lourie
Sol Mindell
Beatrice Moskovitz
Josh Pearlman
Richard Posner
Sylvia Reader
Lorraine Satler
Victor Schuster
Sarah Sendrovich
Robert Seymon
Dora Simmons
Denny Simonson
Milton Udelson
Walter Vogel
Margaret Walsh
Harry Wecker
April Yahrzeits
Read April 3 (These
names will be read
on March 27)
Matthew Artson
Bertha Becker
Theresa Block
Evelyn Byrne
Carolyn Colman
Nancy Cooper
Sophie Fain
Stanley Fisher
Cyril Freedman
Al Friedman
James Greear
Charles Grotsky
Anita Harris
Rose Jaray
Karl Jonas
Mary Kadish
Jay Klein
Simon Lee
Kenneth Levin
Gerald Lustig
Sanford Marcus
Yetta Messing
Sam Mozer
Sarah Neusihin
Erna Pander
Kathryn Plager
Vivian Porath
Margaret Rosenthall
Peggy Rosenthall Kana
Alexander Rubin
Kathryn Samuels
Imre Sandor
Agnes Berenstein
A.M. Schwarz
Rosa Shmulvesky
Myrtle Singer
Therese Vella
Selma Wolfes
Joel Wolff
Arthur Zemel
Read April 10
Lottie Austin
Harriet Bernstein
Herbert Cahn
Lawrence Cantor
Phillip Cohn
Harry Epstein
Sophie Fain
Ben Feinstein
Barbara Fishbain
Ernest Fisher
Sara Gordon
Paul Hayman
Willis Johnson
Ann Kaplan
Robert Katz
Royston Lee
Sarah Lester
Alexander Libby
Lester Majofis
Ben Margolis
Paul Meadow
Barry Mierbach
Clarice Miller
Henry Newman
Regina Ostroviecki
Gwen Phillips
Abe Plotkin
Abe Plotkin
Minnie Radin
Herman Rosenkrantz
Ann Ross
Robert Share
Emanuel Solos
Sylvia Syers
Helen I. Weil
Herbert Winchell
Merton Yolles
Read April 17
Ruth Alexander
Leonard Barricks
Ruth Berger
Sam Berger
Samuel Blickman
Milton Bronstein
Rae Brooks
Morris Chalif
Daniel Levine Cook
Janice Crary
George Dougherty
Mel Elliot
Evan Ellison
Rabbi Jerome D.
Rose Folkman
Ben Folkman
Dick Frankel
Bessie Freedman
Phineas Geliebter
Julius Heisler
Edith Highman
Robert Jacobs
Zelda Jankelson
Rose Jaray
Samuel Kapchan
Aaron Kehimkar
Abram Khutoryanski
Ben Lebovitz
Aida Liff
Irene Maisels
Sophie Marblestone
Sarah Margolis
Jeremy Marx
Joan Mayer
Ida Miller
Ilse Mueller
Martin Oettinger
Heinz Pander
Shirley Pollock
Jacqueline Rosenthal
William Rubinchik
Esther Singer
Ellen Sorkin
Justin Stahl
Leon Zolbrod
Read April 24
Samuel Backer
Sidney Blitzer
Doris Brown
Libby Bunyan
Ellis Diamond
Lillian Finger
RaTheda Finnie
Ruth Fischer
Darwin Frank
Rubin Gale
Alayne Gandelman
Louise Geliebter
Richard Gonyaw
Elizabeth Gonzalez
Henry Haugen
Wendy Kaufman
Sophie Kay
Charles Levin
Leo Levine
Ralph Madoff
Jen Margolis
Linda Beth Markell
Arnold Nachlis
Julius Nelson
Veronica Nickinson
Joy Paper
Simon Paper
Ernest Perry
Sadie Pink
Sophelina Reingold
Helen Schuster
Aida Scot-Smith
Stephen Spanierman
Ron Stern
Daniel Stone
Leslie Ultan
Rose Verbin
Esfiz Vitkina
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Dated Material
Brotherhood’s 8th Annual
Rabbi Dennis Eisner
Open Golf Tournament
Even Better Than Last Year! Home of the Eisner Trophy
Sunday, May 3. 7:30 am
Play On the Ocean Course at the Beautiful Half Moon Bay Golf Links
Open to All PTBE Members and Their Guests – Men & Women Alike
The Brotherhood wants
your participation.
See page 8 for details
and scholarship information.