Building a Good Gut
Building a Good Gut
natural secrets for a BETTER SMILE /// PROBIOTICS for weight loss & more T H E S H O P P I N G M A G A Z I N E F O R N AT U R A L L I V I N G 10 FEBRUARY 2016 | HEART HEALTH MYTHS GET SMART CHANGE YOUR DESTINY BY FEEDING YOUR GENES ABOUT YOUR HEART! two women’s inspiring stories HEALING BONE BROTHS! 4 ways to warm up & stay healthy HERBS TO CALLING ALL CHOCOLATE LOVERS! recipes on p. 54 Ǥ $UH<RXŏ&ROODJHQ'HƓFLHQW"Ő ͵Ͳǡ ͳΨ Ǥ ǡǯ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǡǡ ǯ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ϔ Ǥdz Ǥ ϐ Ǥǡ ǡǡ ǡǡ Ǥ ǡ ǯǤ Ǥ &%%#$!! ($. ͳ Ǥ &ROODJHQōV$QWL$JLQJ%HQHƓWV ǡǡ ǡǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǣȗ 1 %!$$ 1 ""# 1 *% #* 1 ! % 1 ! %'%$$& 1 %!$ 1 &$#% %! 1 &%*!$" 1 )#$#!'#* 1 $$&#"# ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ȌǤ ϐǤ Ȍǡ ǡ ǡ ȋ ͺ ʹͲ ȌǤ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ȋ ͳ Ǥ ǡ Dzdz Ǥ ! Q 3HSWLGHV 6L ǡ DNH DW %HGWLPH Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ ͳ ͶǡͲͲ ǡ ̾Ǥ Ǧ ǣ ! / # %$ 1 ϐ 1 ϐ 1 $!& +!% 1 ! */ &# %11 1 D ELOLW\ ϐ ǡ '$% .0364 % #% %!/#!## 3//722/878/8653, "%. 4846. ȗ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ʹͲͳͷ Ƭ ǡ Ǥ ȗȗ Ǧ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ + ! $ # # ( ( ##" ) #( # !# !"$#" # " ##" &# # " !" #" ## '!" !%! "#! 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A balanced microbiome can contribute to whole-body health. Heart Myths We cut through the misinformation and get straight to the facts about heart health. ASK THE ND Good Genes Can your diet really affect genetic expression? The answer is “yes.” Here’s how to eat for healthier genes. Healing Broths Traditional broths are making a comeback—and whipping one up is easier than you think. SECOND OPINION Spice Up Your Love Life Menopause Makeovers The month of romance is the perfect time to focus on sexual health and give your libido an extra boost. Can a low-carb, high-fat diet really roll back “the change?” Two women share their success stories. Discover the libido-boosting powers of passionflower. NATURAL BEAUTY All Smiles Treat your teeth and gums to a healthy dose of these natural ingredients for oral health and hygiene. KITCHEN MATTERS Chocolate Goodness With headlines trumpeting the health benefits of everyone’s favorite sweet treat, there’s never been a better time to indulge your love of chocolate. HEALTHY DISH Warm Winter Spread Step aside, chicken soup. This simple paste, made with garlic and spirulina, is our new go-to immune tonic. SHOPPING CART Product Spotlights Six stellar supplements that are at the top of our shopping list right now. QUIZ WHIZ Test Your Chocolate Knowledge Think you know cocoa? Give our quiz a try. Good news for coffee lovers: researchers have uncovered even more reasons to enjoy a daily cup of java. natural secrets for a BETTER SMILE /// PROBIOTICS for weight loss & more natural sec ets for a BETTER F O R N AT U R A L L I V I N G THE SHOPPING MAGA ZINE 10 F BRUARY 20 6 | THE SHOPPING MAGA ZINE FOR N AT U R A L L I V I N G S MYTH GET SMART for weight loss & mo e MYTHS M F BRUARY 20 6 | b t ernu r t on com CHANGE YOUR DESTINY BY FEEDING YOUR GENES HEA ALING BONE N BROTHS! 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"%,"%##(-+ "/% #()"#%-+ *(&&*#'%," ,3+!(("%,"&+#&)% 7 9 Ų 6 *(&(,+ .*%% &&-' %," Available at health, natural food and vitamin specialty stores. "+ +,,&',+ ". '(, ' .%-, 1 ," (( ' *-! &#'#+,*,#(' "+ )*(-,+ * '(, #',' ,( #!'(+ ,*, -* (* )*.', '1 #++ Ų , ,#& ( &'- ,-* 2 8 &*#' %," ' YO U R G U I D E T O N AT U R A L L I V I N G Winter’s Bone My grandmother was famous for her beef stew, which always tasted especially good on a cold winter’s day. What made her stew memorable was its bone broth, layered with rich flavors that came from simmering for hours on the stove. Everything old is new again, and bone broths are one of the latest trends to underscore this adage. But unlike some food crazes from the past, the recent popularity of bone broths is a good thing—for your health and your taste buds. Made with beef, pork, poultry, or fish bones, bone broths are brimming with proteins, good fats, minerals, collagen, and other wholesome nutrients. As puts it, “Bones are a perfect example of why you should never judge a book by its cover. Locked away inside that hard shell is a wealth of essential nutrients.” Bone broths are one of the best food sources of collagen, which is associated with improving bone and joint health, reducing arthritis pain, and improving hair, skin, and nail health, among other things. In fact, Chinese women are known to consume bone broth daily for its beauty-boosting benefits. There are other food sources of collagen, as well as foods that boost your body’s production of collagen, but not all of them supply an easy-to-digest form. Cooking bones breaks down collagen, so it’s much easier for the body to utilize. Ready to try your hand at homemade broths? “Healing Broths” on p. 38 can help get you started with recipes and how-to guidelines. We made all the recipes at our photo shoot, and everyone agreed they were delicious. “The Roasted Bone Broth was out of this world,” raved art director Rachel Joyosa. Make a pot of bone broth for someone you love this month! [email protected] Editor in Chief Creative Director Executive Editor Assistant Editor Copy Editors Beauty Editor Research Editor Contributing Editors Nicole Brechka Rachel Joyosa Jerry Shaver Elizabeth Fisher James Naples, Ann Nix Sherrie Strausfogel Sam Russo, ND, LAc Vera Tweed, Helen Gray Contributing Designer Rachel Pilvinsky Contributing Writers Jeannette Bessinger, CHHC, Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, Michele Burklund, ND, Kat James, Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, Lisa Turner, Neil Zevnik Production Director Cynthia Lyons Production Manager Mark Stokes Business & Editorial Offices 300 N. Continental Blvd.,Ste. 650 El Segundo, CA 90245 310-356-4100 Vice President, General Manager Kim Paulsen [email protected] [email protected] Group Publisher Joanna Shaw 800-443-4974, ext. 708 [email protected] Associate Publisher Bernadette Higgins 561-362-3955 [email protected] Midwest Ad Manager Lisa Dodson 800-443-4974, ext. 703 [email protected] West Coast & Mountain Ad Manager Cindy Schofield 310-456-5997 [email protected] Retail Development Group 142 Butterfly Lane Louisville, KY 40229 800-443-4974, ext. 703 Fax: 317-536-3708 Director of Retail Sales Kitty Riso 800-443-4974, ext. 704 [email protected] National Sales Representative John Potter 800-443-4974, ext. 701 [email protected] Business Development Kim Erickson 702-219-6118 [email protected] Digital Advertising Ron Goldy Operations Manager [email protected] Accounting & Billing Yolanda Campanatto 310-356-2248 [email protected] HEALTH IS WEALTH: “The Supplement That Made Me Feel Human Again” I remember standing in the baking isle of a grocery store, when all of a sudden it hit. That familiar feeling, like I had to go to the restroom right now. I tried to hold it in, but it was too late. I walked out of the store praying no one had noticed. A urologist prescribed something that reduced my urgency slightly, but I was left with frequent headaches. I got off the medication and quit going to the urologist. I tried avoiding caffeine and sugar and my urgency was reduced greatly. But I still didn’t feel 100 percent better. I began working at a natural foods store and a coworker told me about pumpkin seed extract. I started taking Go Less for Men and Women by Country Life. I couldn’t believe it—I noticed results after the first week. And I felt completely cured after three weeks. I’m still amazed how one supplement gave me my life back. —K. Fraley, via email Is Health Your Greatest Wealth? We are on the hunt for healthy success stories. Email us at [email protected]. Gift cards and other prizes will be offered to anyone whose story is published in the magazine. • FEBRUARY 2016 Chairman & CEO Andrew W. Clurman Executive Chairman Efrem Zimbalist III Executive Vice President & CFO Brian Sellstrom Executive Vice President, Operations Patricia B. Fox Vice President, Controller Joseph Cohen Vice President, Finance Craig Rucker Vice President, Research Kristy Kaus Vice President, IT Nelson Saenz BetterNutritionMagazine bnutritionmag betternutrition +Betternutritionmag betternutritionmag BETTER NUTRITION, ISSN #0405-668X. Vol. 78, No. 2. Published monthly by Cruz Bay Publishing. 300 N. Continental Blvd., Ste. 650, El Segundo, CA 90245; 310-356-4100 © 2016 Cruz Bay Publishing. All rights reserved. Mechanical requirements and circulation listed in Standard Rate and Data Service. The opinions expressed by the columnists and contributors to BETTER NUTRITION, are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Fraudulent or objectionable advertising is not knowingly accepted. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertising and for any claims arising therefrom. Articles appearing in BETTER NUTRITION may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publisher. Microfilm copies of BETTER NUTRITION, are available from University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by Cruz Bay Publishing, provided that the base fee of US $2.25 per copy, per page is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923 USA. The fee code for users of this Transactional Reporting Service is 0405-668X/1999 $2.25. For those organizations that have been granted a photocopying license by CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Prior to photocopying items for educational classroom use, please contact CCC at 508-750-8400. Organizations or individuals with large quantity photocopy or reprint requirements should call 770-988-9991. #1 FOR A REASON - Standardized black elderberry extract with guaranteed flavonoid BioActives,® Bioavailability/activity tested plus the widest variety of delivery forms: syrups, gummies, lozenges, liquid drops, softgels and fizzy drink mixes TSPINScan 52 weeks ending 10/04/15. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ED Heart Scare Inspires Transformation dropped from 210 to 169 pounds, and his body fat dropped from 35 to 9 percent. Since then, he has helped many of his patients transform their health too. The most important lessons he learned: Identify why you want to change The chest pains were bad. Certain that he was suffering from a heart attack, Francisco Torres, MD, rushed himself to the emergency room. At first, doctors agreed, but further testing revealed that rather than having a heart attack, he was “deconditioned,” meaning in poor physical shape. Frightful as it was, the incident was the beginning of a new life. “I made a decision,” says Torres, author of Dr. T’s Drop the Fat Diet: 12 Steps to a Leaner You Forever. And he quickly began to transform his health and his medical practice. • FEBRUARY 2016 At the time, Torres’ specialties were pain management and nonsurgical treatment of joint and spine disorders. Like most doctors, he wasn’t well educated in nutrition and fitness. He had struggled with his weight since childhood, and was 30 pounds overweight and far from fit at the time of his attack. Effective Change Torres began studying lifestyle medicine in earnest, and began eating and exercising in a new way. “In three months, I had a six-pack” he recalls. His weight and make a commitment to do what it takes. Sugar is the enemy—avoid it in foods and drinks. Instead of eating low-fat foods, eat lean protein; green and multicolored nonstarchy vegetables; and healthy fats such as olive, coconut, and flax oils. Alternate high- and low-intensity aerobic exercise, and regularly do weight training. “This is not a diet,” says Torres, “It’s a lifestyle.” MORE PERKS OF COFFEE People who drink moderate amounts of coffee— no more than 5 cups per day—are less likely to die from type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or neurological diseases compared to people who don’t indulge in the brew. That’s the conclusion of a 30-year study of more than 200,000 doctors and nurses, published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation. Both regular and decaf coffee had the same effects. “Bioactive compounds in coffee reduce insulin resistance and systemic inflammation,” says Ming Ding, MD, the study’s lead author. One dozen roses—a classic bouquet—meant a declaration of love in the Victorian language of flowers, but today it can also simply mean appreciation. Historically, the number 12 represents perfection or completeness, much like the 12 months of the year, 12 hours on the clock, or 12 signs of the zodiac. NEWTON is QUALITY • Hand-Prepared Encouraging Health & Promoting Balance TM • Cleanroom Environment • FDA-Registered Laboratory • Liquids/Pellets Packaged in Glass • Efective Formulations • Testing by Independent FDA-Registered Laboratory Formulated according to the teaching and philosophy of Belgian born Dr. Luc Chaltin. Natural, Safe & Easy to Use NEWTON offers over 100 combination remedies for your entire family and pets. 800.448.7256 Made in America • Family-Owned Statements have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. ©2015 Newton Laboratories, Inc., Conyers, GA 30013 FDA Est# 1051203 rev. 12/15 Blood Pressure Update Studies have found that two different supplements can lower blood pressure over time: Black raspberry powder: 312 mg daily for 8 weeks Grapeseed extract: 300 mg daily for 6 weeks Both supplements appear to have a dilating effect on blood vessels. Other studies have found that garlic supplements, flax seeds, and blueberries also help keep blood pressure in line. WHY ORGANIC PET FOOD? A report by the non-profit Cornucopia Institute highlights the value of organic pet food. According to the report, conventional pet food may contain unhealthy meat, additives, and moldy grains. In addition, says Cornucopia, both dog and cat foods may contain too much starch from sources such as corn, wheat, rice, oats, peas, and potatoes. Although humans generally vary their meals, pets typically eat the same foods over and over, so it’s important to watch for shortfalls and toxins. If it isn’t possible to buy organic pet food, Cornucopia recommends avoiding these ingredients: • Carrageenan, a seaweed-based stabilizer and thickener that can cause intestinal inflammation. • Synthetic preservatives such as BHA, BHT, propyl gallate, and ethoxyquin. • “Meat” that doesn’t specify the species of meat or is described as a by-product or being rendered. For a free buyer’s guide, visit $ ! ! " & & !"# "# !#"! JHWHISL VM Z\WWVY[PUN UVYTHS JHYKPV]HZJ\SHY OLHS[O HUK H UVYTHS PUÅHTTH[VY` YLZWVUZL 0U H YLJLU[ !"#& "% " "! "& " " !$ $!# #" ! %! $ !" $!! #" ! % ! !# " SPWPK SL]LSZ I` KPNLZ[PUN [OL ^HZ[L HUK KLIYPZ[OH[UVYTHSS` HJJ\T\SH[LZ ^P[OPU [OL ISVVKZ[YLHT '**# "(+'$ $%*,$ $+,&)*' '**# "(+'$ %-$, $+,&)*' #" ! !$ #! " !! HUK Z[PɈ HUK \UJVTMVY[HISL QVPU[Z :\IQLJ[»Z ISVVK ZSPKLZOV^ZLSL]H[LK,UKVNLUV\Z)SVVK7HY[PJSLZ &!! !%! #! 7HY[PJSLZ :\IQLJ[ OHZ ]PY[\HSS` UV QVPU[ KPZJVTMVY[ VY [LUKLYULZZ 5V HKKP[PVUHSZ\WWSLTLU[Z^LYL [HRLUK\YPUN[OPZ[PTL ! NE W & NOTABLE February Finds Products we’re falling for this month Pizza, Pizza! Pizza remains one of the all-time favorite foods of people young and old. But if you eat gluten-free, a lot of pizza (sadly) is off limits. We promise, this pizza will make you smile again! Smart Flour Foods Gluten Free Pizza has all the ooey gooey goodness of regular Italian-style pizza, and the crispy crust is made from nutrient-dense ancient grains. Two new taste-tempting varieties have just been added to the line: Chicken Sausage (Italian, pork-free chicken sausage atop an ancient-grain crust), and Tuscan Inspired Uncured 2-Meat (authentic Genoa salami is combined with the gentle smokiness of pepperoni—both nitrate-free—and the zestiness of pepperoncini). Buon appetito! Spots. Blemishes. Zits. Whatever you call them, nobody wants them. But topical treatments can only do so much. Everyday toxins, stress, and poor diets can cause and aggravate breakouts, so it only makes sense to treat acne from the inside out. Terry Naturally Acne Essentials does just that with skin-supportive and detoxifying nutrients. The formula features vitamins, minerals, and herbs formulated to support the skin’s natural defenses and reduce eruptions, including vitamins A and C, zinc, chromium, and boswellia. Coconut oil is a natural tropical oil that’s incredibly versatile—used for everything from cooking (it’s a great alternative to butter or canola oil) to moisturizing skin. But there’s coconut oil, and then there’s Vita Coco Organic Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil. • FEBRUARY 2016 Who knew we could get this excited about fish oil? But seriously, these fish oils are worth flipping over. Natural Factors SeaRich Omega3s are not only made using the freshest and highest-quality omega-3 fish oil, but come in yummy flavors you’ll crave—Coconut-Lime, Lemon Meringue, and Grapefruit Punch. Plus, they’re also available with vitamin D3. Just a spoonful will get your day off to a healthy start with no fishy aftertaste. Add these oils to smoothies too. Spot Check Crazy-Good Coconut Oil There’s no skimping when it comes to quality here—this oil is 100 percent raw, cold-pressed, non-GMO, gluten-free, and organic. Bottom line—it hasn’t been refined or damaged, so all the good stuff naturally present in the coconut remains intact. OMG Omega-3s Isn’t It Ionic? Liquid ionic minerals—sounds super scientific, but what it comes down to in layman’s terms is that these minerals are more easily absorbed by your body. And three new products from Trace Minerals Research provide the minerals your body craves in a liquid ionic form. Ionic Copper provides copper sulfate along with 72 naturally occurring trace minerals—plus a metered dropper that allows you to customize your dose depending on your needs; Ionic Plant Minerals is derived from humic shale, composed of prehistoric soils that are incredibly rich in naturally occurring minerals; and NO! Muscle Cramps adds essential electrolytes that help prevent nighttime leg cramps. GUIDE TO CUT TING - EDGE SUPPLEMENTS Building a Good Gut GUT-FRIENDLY FOODS From food cravings to frequent colds, many health issues can be resolved with probiotics ///BY VERA TWEED PROBIOTICS: A gut-friendly diet includes foods that are naturally rich in probiotics. Kellman’s top picks include: You probably don’t spend much time thinking about your microbiome, but it has profound effects on how your body functions. What, exactly, is it? “Biome” describes a community with its own unique location, characteristics, and forms of life. On earth, a biome could be a particular rainforest, desert, coral reef, or other distinct type of environment with its own climate, vegetation, and animals. In our bodies, the microbiome is a community of microscopic organisms— trillions of tiny bacteria that live in our intestines and influence just about every facet of health. Antibiotics, poor diet, and toxins can all disrupt our microbiome by killing off beneficial bacteria. This can lead to common digestive issues and a variety of seemingly unrelated maladies, from Y Sauerkraut made with live cultures skin conditions, foggy thinking, and food cravings to autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammation, and faulty metabolism that provokes weight gain and resists all attempts at weight loss. To support microbiome health, probiotic supplements contain different types of beneficial gut bacteria. While they aren’t a magic cure for a junk-food diet or a toxic lifestyle, when used correctly they can help restore balance to our microbiome, improve overall health, and even unlock the door to lasting weight loss. “Gut bacteria have far-reaching effects on numerous aspects of our physiology, including genetic control—turning genes on and off,” explains Raphael Kellman, MD, author of The Microbiome Diet. “They play a vast role in neurological function, gastrointestinal health, and the health of the gut wall, which plays a critical role in nutrient absorption and blocking absorption of toxins,” he says. And there’s more. Our microbiome both regulates our immune system and helps it learn to distinguish between friendly and harmful substances, Fermented foods like kimchi are naturally rich in friendly gut bacteria. • FEBRUARY 2016 fermented vegetables. Y Other fermented vegetables, such as pickles made with live cultures. Y Kefir, a fermented milk drink, preferably from sheep’s or goat’s milk, which is easier to digest than cow’s milk. Y Yogurt from sheep’s or goat’s milk, without added sugars. Yogurt with live cultures from nondairy milk is also available. Gut Power (check ingredients). Y Kimchi, a Korean version of PREBIOTICS: These are foods that nourish beneficial gut bacteria. If you experience gas or bloating, Kellman recommends avoiding all grains and perhaps beans for a few weeks until symptoms subside, and incorporating some of these prebiotic foods into your diet: Y Asparagus Y Jerusalem artichoke Y Garlic Y Jicama Y Onion Y Leeks Y Radishes Y Tomatoes Y Carrots Prebiotics such as inulin and arabinogalactans can also be found in supplements, but should not be taken if you’re experiencing gas or bloating. All-Natural • Gluten -Free so that it attacks only the harmful ones. This is critical for avoiding autoimmune diseases, where the immune system attacks healthy tissues. In addition, says Kellman, “It plays a significant role in controlling cancer development.” Asparagus is a potent prebiotic that nourishes healthy gut bacteria. Metabolism and Weight Gut bacteria can help or hinder weight control. When balanced, they can eliminate cravings and improve metabolism, enabling healthy weight loss. This, says Kellman, is how it works: An unhealthy diet leads to insulin resistance, where cells become insensitive to insulin and can’t take in fuel in the form of blood sugar. As a result, the pancreas produces excess insulin, which leads to inflammation, fat storage, and weight gain. Plus, there’s a rise in risk for diabetes, heart disorders, and other diseases. “The gut bacteria, and some of the probiotics, can play a very important role in improving insulin resistance, inflammation, metabolism, and one’s ability to lose weight,” says Kellman. How to Use Probiotics & " ! " $! $ " $! " % $ # # $! $ # ! % $ All-Natural • Gluten -Free $ $ # $! & ! " # EHQHÀW IURP % & $ & $ & ! ! Available in 8oz and our new portable 2oz size! For a healthy gut, Kellman emphasizes the need to eat a whole-food (rather than processed) diet, and to include foods that are natural sources of probiotics and prebiotics, which feed beneficial bacteria (see “Gut-Friendly Foods,” p. 18). When choosing probiotic supplements, look for a diversity of beneficial bacteria. “You’re dealing with a tremendous amount of synergy between the different bacteria and they work in fellowship,” he says. “The number one priority is to improve the overall ecology.” In a supplement, look for: At least three types of Lactobacillus, such as acidophilus, rhamnosus, and plantarum. Different types of Bifidobacteria. A daily dose of 25–50 billion CFUs (colony forming units). !( + #( !( + !&! # ($! '# , "# # #" ** ! ! ( %"# &&&) Kellman recommends taking probiotics with food and dividing the daily dose into two or more servings, but they can also be taken once daily or without food. For weight loss, after following the basic regimen for a few weeks, you can add Lactobacillus gasseri, a specific probiotic that aids with weight loss. TAKE YOUR PICK Probiotics come in all forms these days, and are also customized for individual health needs. Here are some of our favorites by category or type: FOR WEIGHT LOSS: Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics Fitbiotic FOR PREBIOTICS: Arthur Andrew Floraphage FOR SENIORS AND FREQUENT TRAVELERS: Flora Udo’s Choice Adult’s Probiotic EXTRA DIGESTIVE HELP: Enzymedica Digest Gold + Probiotics FOR KIDS: Nature’s Way Immunables Kids Immunity Probiotics CHEWABLE: American Health Chewable Acidophilus and Bifidum DRINK MIX: Nature’s Answer Probiotic Lite GUMMIES: Renew Life Ultimate Flora Probiotic Gummies CHOCOLATE: Solgar ohso Probiotic Chocolate Bars Vera Tweed is the author of Hormone Harmony and The User’s Guide to Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine. GET GLOWING NEOCELL COLLAGEN TM WITH NEOCELL'S COLLAGEN NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS WORK ON A CELLULAR LEVEL TO PROMOTE: t RADIANT & YOUTHFUL SKIN * t STRONG NAILS * t HEALTHY HAIR * AVAILABLE AT: FINE NATURAL RETAILERS NATIONWIDE. NEOCELL.COM **BASED ON SPINS DATA 3/2014. #GETGLOWING †BASED ON NEOCELL 2014 COLLAGEN STUDY. © 2015 NeoCell corp NEW LOOK! ANSWERS TO YOUR HE ALTH QUESTIONS Good Genes Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, has a private naturopathic practice in Juneau, Alaska, where she lives with her husband and daughter. She is the author of two books on natural health, including Managing Menopause Naturally. Visit her online at Learn how to improve your body’s methylation process and how this leads to healthier genes ///BY EMILY A. KANE, ND, LA C What is epigenetics? My cousin mentioned that she uses supplements to “improve her Epigenetics is the study of genetic variations caused by external factors, as opposed to changes in DNA sequences that happen as genes are passed down from one generation to the next. One of the most effective ways to change gene expression is through diet. After you eat, the nutrients extracted from your food enter certain metabolic pathways in your body, where they are broken down into “usable” molecules. One of these metabolic pathways is responsible for manufacturing methyl groups, which play a vital role in epigenetics. SAM-e (S-Adenosyl methionine) and B vitamins, particularly folate, are the main components of this methyl-making pathway. For this reason, diets high in these nutrients can rapidly alter gene expression, especially during early development when a person’s epigenome is being formed. Your mother’s diet during pregnancy and your diet as an infant both affect your epigenome. Animal studies have shown that diets lacking in choline (part of the B complex) or folate before or just after birth cause regions of the genome to be under-methylated for life. A methyl-deficient diet can also lead to a decrease in DNA methylation in adults, but this is reversible when methyl-rich nutrients are added back into the diet. The Key to Healthy Genes Thanks to a landmark study in 2003 (the Human Genome Project), scientists have discovered that the MTHFR gene—which contributes to health and well-being in multiple ways—is defective in as much as 60 percent of the population, with Hispanic populations at particular risk. When it’s working right, the MTHFR gene sets off a multistep process called methylation. Proper methylation is essential for binding and eliminating toxins and heavy metals. Here’s how it works: MTHFR gene) breaks down folate into more-useful 5-methyltetrahydrofolat (MTHF). MTHF helps convert homocysteine into methionine, an amino acid used to make proteins, improve the body’s utilization of antioxidants, and help the liver process fats. Methionine also helps convert the strong estrogen, estradiol (E2), into a safe, breast-health-promoting form of estrogen, estriol (E3). Methionine is converted in the liver to SAM-e, which What’s the difference between folate and folic acid? Folate, or vitamin B9, refers to a group of water-soluble B vitamins. It’s the naturally occurring type found in meat and dark leafy greens (such as Swiss chard, pictured). Supplements labeled as folate are made with the natural, easier-to-absorb form of the vitamin. Folic acid is the synthetic form used in many supplements. • FEBRUARY 2016 So, what happens when you have a defective (mutated) MTHFR gene? For starters, your body won’t break down toxins or heavy metals well, and you The MTHFR enzyme (produced by the FOLATE VS. FOLIC ACID supports immune function; helps produce and excrete serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin; and is involved in the growth, repair, and maintenance of all cells. PHOTO: ISTOCK/ © ANNA QUAGLIA body’s methylation process,” and that this is related to epigenetics. I am interested in learning more and how I might benefit from this as well. —Esther J., Hartford, Conn. may also have too much iron, copper, lead, or mercury in your system. Beyond that, your risk for numerous conditions increases, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, fatty liver disease, anemia, inflammation, depression, stroke, irritable bowel syndrome, miscarriages, migraines, chemical sensitivities, and dementia. According to a 2006 issue of the journal Molecular Psychiatry, “Schizophrenia-like syndromes, bipolar disorder, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and vascular dementia have all been associated with one or more mutations of the MTHFR gene.” Enhancing Methylation You can’t change a defective gene. But you can help it perform its job better and minimize problems. Here are a few steps to help improve your body’s methylation process and thereby enhance gene function: Get the best Bs. People with a mutated MTHFR gene have difficulty converting the inactive form of folate (folic acid) and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). To get around this, use supplements containing the active forms: 5-MTHF folate and methylcobalamin B12. Use methylated vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 can also be affected by a MTHFR genetic variation. Use pyridoxal 5 phosphate (P-5-P) instead of pyridoxine. Eat more folate-rich foods. Meat and dark leafy greens contain the active form of folate. Don’t forget gut health. According to Ben Lynch, ND, “repairing the digestive system...should be one of the first steps in correcting methylation deficiency.” Reduce exposure to toxins. Green your household cleaning supplies and TESTING FOR MTHFR MUTATIONS You can get your entire genome tested through, and this includes testing for MTHFR mutations. Or you can get a blood test from a standard lab, which is twice as expensive as 23andme. The following websites can help you interpret your results at no cost: Y GENETIC GENIE ( evaluates your methylation genetics from the raw data. Y LIVEWELLO ( provides information based on your 23andme results, including links for more about each gene’s potential problem. Y NUTRAHACKER ( specifies which supplements to take and which to avoid, all based on your mutations. don’t buy plastic. Who has time for cold sores? America’s #1 Herbal/Nutrient Treatment Super Lysine+ Ointment has been shown to cut healing time in half* while bringing immediate, soothing relief. Use it as part of our full line of Super Lysine+ products, including Tablets for daily immune support, the Invisible Bandage to hide and protect your cold sore and the Coldstick for moisturizing sun-blocking protection or dry, chapped lips. Get Super Lysine+ and cross “cold sore” off your weekly list as fast as possible. Store locators and info: / 800-448-1448 A NATUR AL POINT OF VIE W ON HE ALING Spice Up Your Love Life The month of romance is the perfect time to focus on sexual health and connect with your body on a deeper level ///BY MICHELE BURKLUND, ND Physical touch and pleasure are some of the best activities to improve the overall health of your body and mind. And these natural aphrodisiacs will enhance desire, improve enjoyment, and boost sensation. Try them alone or with your partner for maximum results. For Her According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, 43 percent of women aged 18–59 in the United States report some form of sexual difficulty in their lives. But even though these statistics might be alarming, nature offers many remedies for these common issues. These amazing plants will soon have you embracing your inner Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Enhance desire with ashwagandha: This wonderful plant is able to elevate libido on many levels due to its adaptogenic properties, which balance hormones and nourish the reproductive system. This powerful herb has been used for centuries to promote sexual health, and has been referenced in the ancient Indian Hindu book, the Kama Sutra, for its ability to increase sexual powers and libido. The Journal of Research in Ayurveda also found ashwagandha, in combination with other Ayurvedic herbs, to be an effective treatment for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, poor sleep, and erratic mood. Along with its benefits for sexual wellness, ashwagandha has long been used for antiaging, stress relief, and brain health. It can be taken in capsule form or infused in a tea for an instant boost. Get sensual with shatavari: Commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance desire and support fertility, this root is an amazing restorative herb for women. In fact, the name “shatavari” is derived from an Indian word meaning “a woman who has a hundred husbands,” due to its nourishing activity on the female organs. The Journal of Research in Ayurveda also calls shatavari a potential treatment for PMS, hormone imbalances, and PCOS. In traditional medicine, it is also said fenugreek • FEBRUARY 2016 to enhance feelings of spiritual love and togetherness with one’s surroundings. Foreplay with fenugreek: Fenugreek was a well-known aphrodisiac in Rome, Greece, and Egypt long before making its way to America. This delightful plant has a sweet yet nutty taste and offers many benefits. It has been used for centuries to decrease menopausal symptoms because of its actions as a phytoestrogen. In fact, a trial published in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics revealed that this spice could be an effective alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy. Use fenugreek when preparing your favorite Indian dish, brew a fenugreek tea, or take in capsule form. For Him In today’s medically advanced atmosphere, there are many pharmaceutical options for “improving” men’s sexual abilities and health—most of which have undesirable short- or long-term side effects. It’s important to remember that for many of these male sexual issues, natural remedies already exist—ones with fewer known side effects (if any). Check out these potent herbs to stimulate blood flow, increase libido, and improve stamina. Get the blood flowing with yohimbe root: Often called “the natural Viagra,” this root is originally from Africa but has made its way around the globe because of its ability to stimulate blood flow. A German study found that yohimbe is superior to placebo for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and offers fewer side effects than most oral drugs. The active component, yohimbine, supports the dilation of blood vessels by blocking alpha-2 receptors while causing smooth muscle relaxation in the penis, which tried & truthful on any MICHAEL’S® product (excluding traveler tubes) MANUFACTURER’S COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 30, 2016 CONSUMER: Redeem only by purchasing the brand and size(s) indicated. May not be reproduced. Void if transferred to any person, firm, or group prior to store redemption. Any other use constitutes fraud. Consumer pays sales tax. Discount may not be combined with any other offer. No cashback. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. RETAILER: Inner Health Group Inc will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus 8 cents handling in accordance with our redemption policy (copy available upon request). Consumer must pay any sales tax. Send all redeemed coupons to Inner Health Group Inc, Mandlik & Rhodes, PO Box 490, Dept #1356, Tecate, CA 91980. Failure to produce invoices on request providing purchase of stock covering coupons may void all coupons submitted. Void if copied, reproduced, altered, transferred, sold or exchanged. Cash value: 1/100¢. brings more blood flow to the area. Avoid this herb if you’re currently taking antidepressants or MAO inhibitors. Can be taken in capsule or powder form. Ignite your passion with passionflower: This absolutely stunning flower acquired its name from its sex-enhancing powers. Passionflower contains a wellknown chemical called chrysin, which has shown the potential to increase testosterone and boost sex drive. In fact, a 2012 trial involving male rats published in the Journal of Andrology revealed that chrysin increased sperm motility, sperm concentration, and serum testosterone levels compared to the control group. Researchers believe that chrysin’s ability to increase testosterone levels is due to its aromatase activity, which decreases the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. It is commonly taken in a capsule form or applied topically as a cream. For Her & Him A holistic approach to sexual wellness should be multifaceted, combining physical treatments with psychological methods. Try lighting candles, emptying your mind, and engaging with your love on an intimate level. Sit facing your partner, look into each other’s eyes, and sync your breathing. Embrace these chilly nights as damiana Passionflower (shown here) gets its name from its sex-enhancing prowess. the perfect excuse to cuddle up next to your sweetheart. And the following pleasurepromoting plants can help rekindle your passion and make your love life sizzle. Damiana: This plant has been documented as far back as the Mayan and Aztec civilizations as a potent aphrodisiac for both men and women. Damiana offers unique benefits because it increases sexual desire while also helping relax the nerves. Traditional medicine has used this leaf for a variety of conditions, including easing anxiety, supporting mood, and stimulating digestion. A 2009 study published by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology suggests that the flavonoids present in damiana could be responsible for its prosexual effect. Try it in a tincture or capsule, or brew the leaves in a tea. Muira puama bark: Otherwise known as “potency wood,” this formidable bark has long been used by the native people of the Amazon to promote energy, mental clarity, and relaxation. It’s also said to help both men and women improve their sex lives. A study of women who complained of low sex drive found that 65 percent of those who took muira puama in combination with gingko biloba reported significant improvement in the frequency of sexual desire, intercourse, fantasies, and total satisfaction with passionflower their sex lives. Try it in a standardized tincture or capsule, or infused into a tea. Shilajit: Abundant in more than 85 minerals, this plant-based resin is found deep in the Himalayan Mountains and treasured by locals for its healing powers. Shilajit is known to rejuvenate both spiritual and sexual energy as well as for its use as a “Qi tonic” in Chinese medicine, due to its ability to enhance vitality. A recent double blind, placebo controlled study of males between the ages of 45- and 55-years-old reported that subjects taking shilajit saw significantly increased free and total testosterone levels compared to those given a placebo. A chemical constituent called fulvic acid in this unique resin has also been extensively studied for its antiaging and restorative properties. Shilajit isn’t as well known as other natural aphrodisiacs, but this won’t last. It’s commonly taken in capsule form. Michele Burklund, ND, graduated from the prestigious Bastyr University in Seattle. “I have no doubt that the power of natural healing can enhance anyone’s life at whatever stage or age they are,” says Burklund, who specializes in helping neurological patients. Visit to learn more about Burklund and read her entertaining and informative blogs. • FEBRUARY 2016 TIRED OF BEING TIRED? Iron + Herbs helps reduce exhaustion and fatigue* Iron-deficiency symptom checklist Do you suffer from any of the following? Are you continually tired and lack appetite? Pale skin & dark circles under eyes Often have difficulty concentrating? Feel chilly or catch colds easily? Have brittle hair or fingernails that chip easily? Are you vegetarian? The more questions you answered “yes” to, the higher your risk of being iron deficient. Iron deficiency often goes undetected, so you may want to ask your doctor for a serum ferritin test. If you are feeling tired & run-down, Floradix could be the simple solution. Its unique low-dose formulation, with highly soluble iron gluconate as well as whole food concentrates and co-factor B and C vitamins, ensure that it is easily absorbed by the body. Floradix is an easily absorbed, plant-based, nonconstipating, liquid iron supplement with no artificial additives or preservatives and has been helping women reclaim their energy for over 60 years.* VEGETARIAN + NON-GMO + ADDITIVE- & PRESERVATIVE-FREE 888-436-6697 FLORAHEALTH COM TO FIND A STORE NEAR YOU 888 436 6697 | VISIT WWW WWW.FLORAHEALTH.COM YOU. *THIS STATEMENT HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. PURE INGREDIENTS FOR SKIN & BODY All Smiles Natural strategies for dental hygiene and oral health ///BY SHERRIE STRAUSFOGEL How well you take care of your mouth can affect the health of your entire body. Recent studies have shown that a leading cause of tooth decay and gum disease is an imbalance in the natural ecology present in the mouth. When the natural balance is upset, the pH of the saliva may become acidic, which leads to an overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth. When bacteria from the mouth leak into the bloodstream, it can cause numerous health issues. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, people with gum disease are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease. Another study, published in the Journal of Periodontology, uncovered a suspected link between periodontal disease and pulmonary diseases such as pneumonia and acute bronchitis. Modern oral hygiene practices may be partially to blame. Detergent-based toothpastes containing abrasives, mouthwashes containing alcohol, and other dental care products containing antimicrobial ingredients, such as triclosan and chlorhexidine, upset the homeostasis of the mouth and may actually cause gum disease and infection. Daily use of natural oral care products is the best way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, avoid aggressive brushing that will damage gums and enamel, and use a soft toothbrush. Floss at least once each day to remove plaque and food particles that cause bacteria. Rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash— alcohol dries the mouth and makes it more prone to decay. A quick rinse washes away the particles you loosened and freshens your breath. Sherrie Strausfogel is the author of Hawaii’s Spa Experience: Rejuvenating Secrets of the Islands (the first book to feature aromatherapy in its pages). Based in Honolulu, she writes about beauty, spas, health, cuisine, and travel. Her work has appeared in more than 100 magazines, newspapers, guidebooks, and Web sites. • FEBRUARY 2016 Soothe dry mouth and freshen breath with Spry Moisturizing Mouth Spray. The key ingredient xylitol prevents certain bacteria from sticking to the tissues of the mouth and upper respiratory tract. Aloe vera and natural spearmint flavor cool and hydrate your mouth and throat. Protect your teeth with Coral White Toothpaste. Ionic calcium from above-sea coral helps shift the mouth’s pH to alkaline, which neutralizes bacterial acids that cause decay. This fresh tasting toothpaste also gently whitens teeth and freshens breath. Remove plaque between teeth effortlessly with drTung’s Smart Floss. This cardamomflavored floss expands as it glides between teeth to remove up to 55 percent more plaque than traditional floss without shredding or discomfort to gums or fingers. Blast bad breath and tooth decay with Now Solutions Xyli•White Refreshmint Mouthwash. Xylitol protects tooth enamel by balancing the mouth’s pH levels, and a few swishes effectively rinse away food particles and debris. Alcohol-free, this powerful blend of mint essential oils naturally freshens breath. Lose the sensitivity with Eco•Dent Res-Q-Dent natural gel toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Potassium nitrate, an effective tooth desensitizer, is combined with baking soda and xylitol to clean teeth without abrasion. Aloe vera and spearmint oil soothe gums and freshen breath. WHAT IS OIL PULLING? “Lightly ‘chewing on’ and swishing oil in the mouth for 5–20 minutes helps soothe and moisturize the mouth and gums. It helps remove certain harmful bacteria, and research indicates that oil pulling can reduce plaque and improve gingival health. It also helps strengthen teeth and may help prevent tooth decay,” says Colin Davis, president of drTung’s Innovative Oral Care. “More than 600 bacterial species have been identified in the mouth, but many of these are good bacteria,” Davis continues. “Oil pulling is different from rinsing the mouth with a chemical mouthwash, which indiscriminately kills bacteria. Rather than create an imbalance in the oral microbiome, oil pulling is balancing and energizing to the mouth. Although coconut oil is popular for oil pulling, traditional Ayurveda uses sesame oil, due to its subtle, penetrating, and antibacterial effects.” Only Ester-C® gives you all of these benefits: đ Clinically studied to stay in white blood cells longer than regular vitamin C^ đ Patented formula with 24/7 immune support*‡ đ Non-acidic so it’s gentle on the stomach đ Once daily Ester-C® Capsules, Tablets or Delicious Orange Eff ervescent. Available at health, natural food and vitamin specialty stores. The Better Vitamin C. ® , Ester-C and The Better Vitamin C are registered trademarks of The Ester C Company. U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,197,813 & 6,878,744. ^White blood cells are an important part of your immune system ‡From one daily serving of Ester-C® ® ® *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Learn more at ©2016 American Health Inc. | 15-AH-1224 At Get Real Nutrition, we believe that probiotics and fermented food were meant to be together! We are proud to introduce a first-of-its-kind real food, organic, fermented probiotic formula that is designed to help take your digestive and immune system health to the next level.† Made exclusively from certified organic, sprouted and fermented super foods, Real Probiotic represents the latest formulation by natural health expert and New York Times bestselling nutrition author Jordan Rubin. It’s Time to Get Real with Your Gut – with Real Probiotic formulas from Get Real Nutrition. Real Probiotic offers 4 Strategic Solutions for targeted support for Immune System, Cleansing & Detoxification, Fitness & Metabolism or Brain Health. † GET TO KNOW REAL PROBIOTIC 10 PROMISES · Real Food, Organic, NonGMO, Vegan, and Gluten Free · Promotes regular bowel function and helps maintain immune health† · Supports healthy absorption and assimilation of nutrients† · Thrives in the toughest digestive environments and are undeterred by stomach acids† · Featuring Fermented Aloe Vera and Beneficial Eco-Bacteria (BEB) · Convenient On-The-Go Organic Capsules Jordan Rubin’s newest book, PLANET HEAL THYSELF, the Revolution of Regeneration in Body, Mind and Planet teaches the foundational principles of healthy living and environmental stewardship. Within these pages, you will learn: • Why rebuilding our nation’s disappearing topsoil should be our highest priority. • How real nutrients from real foods create real health • How you can begin to transform your health, financial future and the Earth by growing your own food. · Powerful, Proprietary Fermentation Process · Shelf Stable We invite you to join the Revolution of Regeneration and help us rebuild our nation’s topsoil with composting. Together we can turn today’s packing to tomorrow’s nutrition! Find out how to get your copy today at select premium Health Food Stores nationwide, while supplies last. Visit for a store locator 7ROHDUQPRUHYLVLWZZZ*HW5HDO1XWULWLRQFRP 7KHVH VWDWHPHQWV KDYH QRW EHHQ HYDOXDWHG E\ WKH )RRG DQG 'UXJ $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 7KHVH SURGXFWV DUH QRW LQWHQGHG WR GLDJQRVH WUHDW FXUH RU SUHYHQW DQ\ GLVHDVH Five pervasive half-truths, and the reality behind them BY LISA TURNER E verything you thought you knew about heart disease? It may be wrong. The latest research is disproving some of our long-held beliefs about what causes cardiovascular disease—and you might be surprised at what we’ve learned over the last decade. Here, five long-standing myths and the real truth behind each one. MYTH: Reducing homocysteine levels can protect against heart disease. Truth: The connection isn’t nearly as clear as we once thought. In the late 1960s, Harvard researcher Kilmer McCully reported that inflammation was the primary cause of atherosclerosis, a disease of the arteries marked by the formation of plaques, and that elevated homocysteine was the cause of this inflammation in at least 40 percent of cases. Other studies had also identified homocysteine as a strong predictor of cardiovascular disease, and claimed that treating homocysteine with a combination of folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 could reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. But recent research appears to contradict these earlier findings. One large study of 116,000 people—all of whom had a genetic condition that caused a 20 percent rise in homocysteine levels—found that none of them were at increased risk of • FEBRUARY 2016 heart disease. And over the past 10 years, a number of studies have found that reducing homocysteine did not reduce risk of cardiovascular disease—so, while elevated homocysteine may mean you’re at higher risk, lowering it won’t protect you. What you can do: Because the jury’s still out—and because the treatment protocol is safe, easy, and inexpensive—some doctors recommend supplemental B6, B12, and folic acid. If you go this route, choose folate (the natural form) instead of synthetic folic acid, and if your homocysteine levels are elevated, realize that’s only one predictor of heart disease risk. MYTH: Heart disease is a guy thing. Truth: It’s the leading cause of death in women over age 65, and kills five times as many women as breast cancer. Postmenopausal women are thought to be at higher risk for heart disease, partly because heart-protective estrogen levels decline and partly because other risk factors, such as weight gain and high blood pressure, become more prevalent. But there is some evidence that younger women are at an even greater risk. While overall mortality rates from heart disease have declined, some studies suggest that the disease is increasing among women age 29–45. One reason: risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity are affecting women at a younger age. Younger women are generally more stressed, a significant risk factor. And while smoking has declined among older women, young women still smoke. What you can do: Start now to protect your heart. Get your blood pressure checked, stop smoking, get active, and eat a heart-healthy diet. And consider supplements for an added boost. Some to try: t OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS have been shown to decrease risk of arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats), lower triglyceride levels, inhibit arterial plaque formation, and reduce blood pressure. t TURMERIC has been shown in to reduce inflammation, which is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke. t VITAMIN D may help reduce inflammation and prevent thickening and hardening of the arterial walls. t RESVERATROL, an antioxidant compound found in red wine, protects the lining of the arteries and reduces oxidative stress. t HAWTHORN: Research shows it supports stronger oxygenation and flow and contains flavonoids that help support cell wall integrity and combat free radicals. It keeps blood pressure in the normal range. And if there is any weakness of the heart, it helps to strengthen the heart. MYTH: Regular, vigorous exercise will prevent heart attacks. Truth: While earlier studies suggested that lengthy, high-intensity workouts several times a week were necessary for heart health, more recent studies suggest that 30 minutes of moderate exercise— such as a brisk walk—5–7 days per week can improve heart health. What’s more, the effects are cumulative; repeated, shorter bouts of activity, such as a 10-minute swim or carrying moderately heavy boxes up and down stairs, all count toward that 30-minutes-per-day measure. Other studies show that high-intensity interval training (HIIT)—concentrated, intense bursts of energy for only a few minutes at a time, followed by short periods of recovery—is superior to continuous endurance training for reducing heart disease risk. What you can do: If you don’t exercise, start—but start small. Choose an exercise that you can easily do for 15 minutes at a time, and work your way up to 30 minutes a day. Finding a workout that you love ensures that you’ll stick with it,. Some ideas: swimming, hiking, dance, and bicycling. And if you need a little help, try pain-reducing supplements such as arnica, MSM, and glucosamine and chondroitin. MYTH: Saturated fat causes heart disease. Truth: this relationship is significantly more complicated than we thought. The link between saturated fat and cardiovascular disease was first noted in the 1950s, when • FEBRUARY 2016 researcher Ancel Keys launched the Seven Countries Study. His reported findings— that saturated fat increases cholesterol and thus causes heart disease—were the cornerstone for dietary recommendations for the next four decades. However, researchers and nutritionists have pointed out flaws in the original study: Keys reportedly cherry-picked countries that proved his belief that saturated fat causes heart disease, and excluded countries where fat consumption was high but heart disease was low. Newer studies have found that the link between saturated fat and cardiovascular disease is confusing at best. A 2010 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that there wasn’t enough proof to link saturated fat to either heart disease or stroke. In 2014, the Annals of Internal Medicine published a meta-analysis of 80 studies covering 500,00 people showing that those who eat more saturated fat have no more heart disease than those who eat less. And a 2000 Cochrane meta-analysis (a leader in rigorous analytic and diagnostic methods for evaluating meta-analyses) found that diets low in saturated fats have no significant effect on deaths due to heart attacks. What you can do: Sorry, nothing sexy here—balance, as always, is the best approach. If your diet is based on vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruit, and modest amounts of grains and animal protein (unless you’re vegan), you won’t have a problem with too much saturated fat. And instead of eliminating saturated fat, cut out processed foods, especially sweets. Studies show that refined carbs and sugars increase lanolin resistance, raise triglyceride levels, and encourage the accumulation of abdominal fat, all risk factors for heart disease. MYTH: When it comes to cholesterol, lower is better. Truth: Not necessarily. Like saturated fats, the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease seems to be more complicated than once thought. Typical cholesterol tests measure total cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and HDL (“good”) cholesterol. But some studies suggest that the size of the LDL particle is just as important a measure. Small, dense LDL particles are thought to be more dangerous, since they can adhere to artery walls more easily than large, fluffy LDL particles. Additionally, smaller LDL particles may MAGNESIUM: TAKE IT TO HEART Magnesium is essential to heart health, but most people don’t get enough. Clinical studies have revealed that blood levels below 0.85 mmol/L are linked to a higher risk of heart disease, including arrhythmias, spasms in the blood vessels, high blood pressure, angina, and blood clots. But according to researchers at the University of Milan, magnesium plays a direct role in maintaining healthy endothelial function, adequate levels help ensure healthy blood flow by inducing the synthesis of nitric oxide. This mighty mineral may also help promote the growth of collateral vessels in those with chronic ischemia—an inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body. According to another recent study published in the journal Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, magnesium can also reduce the formation of calcium deposits inside arteries. Turkish investigators found that adding magnesium to tissue cultures significantly reduced the presence of calcium phosphate—a salt that forms when phosphate levels are high. This, in turn, reduced the development of hard calcium deposits that can narrow arteries and reduce blood flow. The best way to ensure you’re getting enough magnesium is through supplementation. Look for a powdered supplement that contains ionic magnesium citrate. Adding magnesium citrate powder to your water bottle and sipping it over the course of several hours can ensure absorption so you know you are getting the recommended 400 mg per day for optimal circulation. —Kim Erickson When the Pressure is On, Keep Your Blood Pressure Normal.* More than 20 human clinical studies Used for over a decade in Japan, have shown that the active ingredient this natural product has repeatedly in Ameal BP® helps maintain blood demonstrated its eicacy and safety. pressure within the normal range and So when the pressure is on, keep your promote normal blood flow.* blood pressure normal with Ameal BP.* 877-937-2422 | @QOLsupplements Quality of Life is proud to have taken the Natural Products Foundation "Truth in Advertising" Pledge, a formal commitment to disseminating only truthful, non-misleading, and substantiated information. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. HEART-SMART SUPPLEMENTS be more easily oxidized, and oxidation is a key factor in the formation of cholesterol plaques on artery walls. What this means: if you have normal or low LDL cholesterol, but the LDL particles are small, you may be at increased risk for heart disease. In one study, men with smaller, denser LDL particles had more than twice the risk of heart disease as men with larger LDL particles. What you can do: Ask your doctor about low-density lipoprotein particle (LDL-P) testing (the test is not routinely ordered, but it’s available through a number of labs). And lower your intake of sugar and carbs: studies suggest that reducing refined carbohydrates decreases the number of small, dense LDL particles. Lisa Turner is a certified food psychology coach, nutritional healer, intuitive eating consultant, and author. She has written five books on food and nutrition and developed the Inspired Eats iPhone app. Visit her online at 1 2 3 4 5 Barlean’s Wild & Whole Alaskan Salmon Oil Minimally processed salmon oil is rich in omega-3 fats, vitamin D3, and the antioxidant astaxanthin. Bricker Labs OptiFlow A proprietary blend of resveratrol and tomato concentrate helps maintain healthy blood circulation. Gaia Herbs Hawthorn Supreme A proprietary synergistic extract blend of hawthorn berry, leaf, and flower—full spectrum potency. Rainbow Light Berry D-Licious Vitamin D3 2,500 IU Gummies One gummy drop (in Juicy Raspberry Flavor) supplies 2,500 IU of vitamin D3. Wakunaga Kyolic Curcumin Made from a proprietary turmeric complex combining curcumin and phosphatidylcholine for increased absorption. e one of 100 lucky Better Nutrition readers to win a bottle of OptiFlow from Bricker B Labs! To enter, email your name and address to [email protected], with “BN OptiFlow” as the subject line. A Live Tonic For A Live Body • 100% Natural • GMO-Lactose Free • Unsweetened Tablets • Free of all synthetic fillers, binders & additives • Liquid Formula Sweetened with Raw Honey These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Exclusively distributted in the U.S. by Nature’s Answer® 23 Curamin® formulas are award-winning, leading pain† relief products, changing lives for the better all around the world. The clinically studied ingredients in our formulas are carefully selected for effective and safe pain relief.† Curamin® doesn’t mask occasional pain—it gets to the source and stops it.*† Stop Pain Now *† GUARANTEED! “My patients are looking for relief from pain, so I recommend Curamin.®† I feel better knowing they are getting results without the side effects.”* —Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD** Curamin® formulas provide safe and non-habit forming relief.*† †Occasional muscle pain due to exercise or overuse **Member of the EuroPharma Scientific Advisory Board *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. HEALING Make no bones about it: savory healing broths are here to stay BY LISA TURNER opular on trendy restaurant menus, packaged as ready-to-eat on retailer shelves, and sold in take-out containers at health food stores, broths are all the rage these days. And for good reason. Made by simmering bones, vegetables, and/or herbs, broths have a centuries-long history of healing uses that include joint repair, kidney strengthening, blood detoxification, digestive wellness, and hair, skin, and nail elixir. In general, longer is better when making bone broths. Slow and low is the way to go—a Crock-Pot is ideal. Be sure the ingredients are always covered with water to prevent drying out, and never boil. When the broth is done, strain out and discard solids, and keep the liquid refrigerated for up to five days. And while bone broths have long been the standard, vegan versions have many of the same benefits, sans animal products. Plus they’re faster and easier to make—vegetable and herb broths require a shorter cooking time, usually no more than 2 hours. Ready to experience the healing benefits of savory broths? Try these simple selections, and tap into some history today! PHOTOGRAPHY BY PORNCHAI MITTONGTARE / FOOD STYLING BY LIESL MAGGIORE / PROP STYLING BY ROBIN TURK • FEBRUARY 2016 BROTHS FEBRUARY 2016 • HEALING BROTHS VEGAN MUSHROOM AND KOMBU BROTH Makes 1 gallon (about 8 servings) Some plant-based ingredients have many of the same collagen-promoting benefits as bones, including sea vegetables, soybeans, celery, beets, and greens. Mushrooms add both immune-supportive compounds and a rich, earthy flavor, and red miso provides probiotics and a deep umami flavor. Another appeal: while bone broths take at least 12 hours to cook, this quick, healing version is ready in little more than an hour. When reheating this broth, be sure to warm gently on very low temperature to avoid damaging the miso. • FEBRUARY 2016 2 Tbs. olive oil 2 large yellow onions, chopped 3 celery stalks, chopped 10 cloves garlic, smashed 4 large carrots, chopped 3 medium golden beets, chopped 4-inch piece kombu sea vegetable 1 cup dried shiitake mushrooms 2 bay leaves Handful thyme ½ tsp. sea salt 1 tsp. black peppercorns 20 cups water 2 Tbs. wakame sea vegetable Handful kale stems (about 10), or 6 whole kale leaves, chopped ¼ cup red miso 1. Heat olive oil in large stockpot over medium heat. Add onions and celery, and sauté 5 minutes. Add garlic, carrots, beets, kombu, mushrooms, bay leaves, thyme, salt, peppercorns, and water. Bring to high simmer, just below a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, partly covered, 1 hour. Add wakame and kale, and simmer 20 minutes more. 2. Strain broth, discarding solids, and return to pot. Ladle 1 cup warm broth into bowl, and add miso. Stir until well combined, and return to pot. Serve immediately, or let cool and store, refrigerated, in large jars for up to 1 week. per serving: 150 cal; 7g pro; 4g total fat (1g sat fat); 22gm carb; 0mg chol; 250mg sod; 6g fiber; 6g sugar Keep a naturally calm heart with the best-selling, anti-stress drink. HEALING BROTHS SIMPLE CHICKEN BONE BROTH Makes 2 quarts (about 4 servings) This faster-cooking recipe skips the roasting, and uses chicken or turkey bones for a lighter broth. You can get bones from your butcher, or save the bones when you make chicken or turkey, and freeze them until you have 2 pounds. Include necks and, if available, feet, which are very high in nutrients and collagen; it’s also a good way to use all parts of the animal. Serve this simple soup as is, or use as a base for chicken or vegetable soups. 2 lbs. chicken bones 1 lb. chicken necks and/or feet 1 large leek, cleaned well and chopped 2 large carrots, chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped 1 parsnip, chopped 1 small rutabaga, chopped 4 garlic cloves, smashed ½ tsp. black peppercorns 1 bay leaf 10 cups water 1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar 1 bunch parsley • FEBRUARY 2016 1. In large stockpot, combine chicken bones, necks and/or feet, leek, carrots, celery, parsnip, rutabaga, garlic, peppercorns, and bay leaf. Add water and vinegar. 2. Heat to high simmer, and cook, covered, on lowest heat possible, skimming off and discarding foam that collects on the surface, about 12 hours. During the last 10 minutes of cooking, add parsley. 3. Strain broth, discarding solids, and let cool. Refrigerate, then skim off fat that collects on surface and discard. Store in glass jars, refrigerated, for up to 5 days. per serving: 290 cal; 12g pro; 19g total fat (5g sat fat); 17gm carb; 70mg chol; 110mg sod; 4g fiber; 6g sugar You’ve got more important things to LDL TOTAL CHOLESTEROL (After 3 months) (After 3 months) (Previously 169) (Previously 221) Bill Lee, 63 Husband, Father, Grandfather, Search & Rescue Commander Individual results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. $4.00 OFF Any one of the followin : • Heart Remedy™ 5.6 oz. • Heart Remedy™ 30 ct. softgels Manufacturer’s Coupon Expiration Date 3/31/2016 Consumer: This coupon is to be used only on the purchase of Heart Remedy™ or Joint Remedy™ Omega Swirl or softgels. One Coupon Per Purchase. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers. Void if restricted by law or if altered, reproduced, transferred, sold or auctioned. Retailer: Value 1/100¢. Reimbursement: Face value of this coupon plus 8¢ which signifies your compliance with Barlean’s, LLC coupon redemption policy, which is available upon request. Coupon reimbursement is not to be deducted from Barlean’s, LLC invoices. Do not double or combine with any other offers. Send properly redeemed coupons to: Barlean’s c/o MPS P.O. Box 407, Dept. 761 Cinnaminson, N.J. 08077 HEALING BROTHS HERBAL BIELER BROTH ROASTED BONE BROTH Makes 2 quarts (about 4 servings) Makes 1 gallon (about 8 servings) Dr. Bieler’s Health Broth has long been a standard in the healing foods world. It’s known for being exceptionally high in potassium and alkalizing minerals. This adaptation includes potato peels to add even more potassium, as well as vitamin B6. (Don’t use the whole potato, to avoid a starchy broth.) Collect potato peels and store in the freezer, or peel several russet potatoes and save the peeled potatoes for other uses. A handful of healing herbs adds antioxidants, immune-supportive compounds, and detoxifying properties. Dried burdock and reishi mushrooms are available at Asian markets and most health food stores You can use a mix of bones, including beef or pork; or include knucklebones and neck bones, which are rich in collagen. Use bones that have some meat left on them, since bare bones make the broth harsh. 1 cup fresh or ½ cup dried burdock root ½ cup dried reishi mushrooms 1 large yellow onion, chopped 10 cups water 1 celery stalk, chopped 2 lbs. zucchini, chopped 1 lbs. green beans, stemmed 1 bunch parsley 1. In large stockpot, combine burdock root, reishi mushrooms, onion, and water. Bring to high simmer, cover, and cook 1 hour. Strain broth, discarding solids, and return broth to pot. 2. Bring to a boil, and add celery, zucchini, green beans, and parsley. Reduce heat, and simmer 7 minutes, until zucchini is soft. Purée in batches in food processor until very smooth, adding water as needed to reach desired consistency. Season to taste with sea salt and pepper. Serve immediately, or store in jars, refrigerated, for up to three days. per serving: 170 cal; 11g pro; 1.5g total fat (0g sat fat); 33gm carb; 0mg chol; 55mg sod; 9g fiber; 11g sugar 4 lbs. mixed bones 2 Tbs. melted coconut oil or olive oil 1 large onion, quartered 1 head fennel, chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped 2 large carrots, chopped 1 head (not clove) of garlic 2 bay leaves 1 tsp. peppercorns Handful thyme sprigs 20 cups water 2 Tbs. apple cider vinegar 1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Arrange bones on large baking sheet or roasting pan. Drizzle with oil and toss to coat. Roast 1 hour. 2. Transfer roasted bones to large Crock-Pot (or stock pot), and add onion, fennel, celery, and carrots. Cut garlic head in half, and add half to pot (reserve remaining half for other uses). Add bay leaves, peppercorns, thyme, water, and vinegar. Cover, and cook 12–24 hours, skimming off foam during first few hours of cooking. Check broth periodically to be sure water hasn’t cooked off. 3. When broth is finished, strain liquid and discard solids. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Let cool, and refrigerate. Remove fat layer that accumulates on top, and discard. Store broth in glass jars for up to five days. Broth can be frozen for up to two months. per serving: 60 cal; 1g pro; 3.5g total fat (3g sat fat); 8gm carb; 0mg chol; 40mg sod; 2g fiber; 2g sugar • FEBRUARY 2016 JUST AROUND THE CORNER! & Wild grown and fresh pressed. We are immune-enhancing plant extracts, hand selected, to boost your immune and respiratory systems.* We provide a valuable mixture of plant goodness packed full of antioxidants. Hello clean and healthy breathing passages!* Naturally sweetened with honey, no artificial additives. With our nature and your nurture, we’ll keep the pep in your pow and the zest in your zing – all year long! XOXO, SAMBUGUARD NON-GMO | GLUTEN-FREE | VEGETARIAN | HEALING BROTHS COLLAGEN SUPPLEMENTS C onsuming bone broth is just one way to reap the health benefits of collagen. Supplements are also a great option, and can be combined with food sources such as bone broth. Collagen is a structural protein that is essential for healthy joints, muscles, and hair, skin, and nails. While collagen loss is a natural part of aging, you can replenish the protein and boost your body’s absorption of it through supplements. Scientific studies show that more than 90 percent of the collagen found in the body is collagen types 1 and 3. But when it comes to your joints, collagen type 2 reigns supreme. Collagen provides cartilage with its strength, and creates a framework that houses the other components of cartilage. BioCell and UC-II are clinically studied, proprietary forms of type 2 collagen. Other proprietary forms include Verisol BioActive Collagen Peptides and CollaPure. Many formulas combine collagen with vitamin C, silica, biotin, and hyaluronic acid to enhance absorption and benefits. For best results, take collagen supplements on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Here are three different types of collagen to try: 1 Country Life Flex-Able with UC-II collagen 2 3 NeoCell Collagen Beauty Builder with BioActive NeoCell Collagen 1&3, biotin, vitamin C, and silica Reserveage Nutrition Collagen Booster with BioCell collagen, hyaluronic acid, and resveratrol Lisa Turner is a certified food psychology coach, nutritional healer, intuitive eating consultant, and author. She has written five books on food and nutrition and developed the Inspired Eats iPhone app. Visit her online at STOP ALLERGIES... Fast Relief Begins Here! • Fast-Acting • Drug-Free • No Side Effects • Safe For Daily Use Adults and Children 18 months & older Pregnant & Nursing Women Relieve Symptoms With This Unique, Patented Nasal Powder Spray Mechanical Allergen Particle Barrier Medical Device ©2015 | Bottle Patent #US 7,465,287 | Formula Patent #US 8,202,550 View video at: Good Health Isn’t Always By Chance… With Planning and Commitment the Payoff is Priceless Essential Formulas is proud to offer unparalleled, scientifically proven formulations containing the power to bestow abundant health and balance. Formulations actually support the body’s ability to maintain health from a microbial and cellular level. You could say that our formulas are Essential for good health!* Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics® award-winning formula provides the restorative biogenic formula needed to support your exclusive probiotic fingerprint.* Dr. Ohhira’s Award-Winning Line of Probiotic Skin Care Natural and chemical-free with probiotic support. Bacteria has never been so beautiful. Dr. Ohhira’s Essential Living Oils™ Vegan certified alternative to fish oil. Provides balanced Omega – 3, 6 and 9. Reg´Activ® Formulas These formulas contain Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3, the ONLY probiotic scientifically proven to actually produce the ‘Master Antioxidant’ glutathione from within the body. Our multi-functional formulas provide powerful results for Cardio, Detox and Immune System Wellness.* N- T I M E WI N R SEV NE E Dr. Ohhira’s Propolis PLUS® Vegetarian certified, remarkably potent immune support made from Brazilian Bee Propolis.* R SEV E NE &IND THESE FORMULAS AT BETTER HEALTH FOOD STORES NATIONWIDE s WWW%SSENTIAL&ORMULASCOM s * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. N- T I M E WI N ƂTUVJGTDCNDTCPF AFTER T women roll back “The Two C Change” with high-fat nutrition B JENNIFER MARTIN | PHOTOS BY KAT JAMES BY enny had never had a weight problem, or any other health problem for that matter. In fact, at 45, the San Francisco mother looked 28. But then, for what seemed like no reason at all, she started gaining weight. The first five pounds were annoying, but after an extra 15 ppounds crept onto her tiny frame—accompanied by insomnia aand the cessation of her period for four straight months—she k knew the writing was on the wall. Jenny was having classic “change of life” symptoms. Other emerging symptoms—anxiety issues, sugar cravings, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), dairy senssitivity, and a chronic pain in the area of her liver—were even m more troubling than the sudden weight gain. Th he Leptin Connection to Health BEFORE Jenny credits a low-carb, highfat diet with helping her lose 15 pounds and find relief from anxiety, IBS, and more. Jenny’s doctor recommended a typical caalorie- and fat-restricted diet and some ph harmaceutical options. Around the saame time, Jenny picked up the Decembeer issue of Better Nutrition and read an arrticle by health expert Kat James about th he healing effects of a low-carb, highfat (LCHF) diet. She decided to give it a try. (For details, search “Beyond Paleo” att Without understanding the impact th hat the little-known “master” hormone leptin has on all hormonal, autoimmune, th hyroid, and digestive functions (see “The Sk kinny on Fat, Cholesterol, and Hormone FEBRUARY 2016 • Balance,” below), it would be hard to believe what happened to Jenny next. By day three of the retreat, Jenny reported that her IBS symptoms and dairyinduced “digestive funkiness” were gone. Weight began falling off at the retreat. Most surprising, Jenny got her period for the first time in four months while she was at the retreat. Three weeks after attending James’ LCHF diet retreats, Jenny realized that many of her menopausal symptoms had disappeared as well. “I was the one who was always excusing myself to use the bathroom after drinking milk or putting cream in my tea,” says Jenny. “That sensitivity to dairy vanished once I eliminated carbs from my diet.” It was shocking, she said, and adds that her dairy-related digestive issues return these days only if she eats dairy and carbs at the same time. “My sugar cravings stopped and my belly bloat ‘deflated’ while at the retreat. Also, my sleep became deeper, and I felt much calmer by the time I got home— so much so that everyone noticed I was not as easily frazzled by my kids. I lost 11 of the 15 pounds I’d gained over the previous year within a week of returning home, without much effort. That is the most incredible thing to me. It feels like a new lease on life,” says Jenny. Fast-forward two months: “I’ve gone down three jean sizes—I’m basically back to where I was before the menopausal symptoms started,” says Jenny. According to Ron Rosedale, MD, a world-renowned metabolic and hormonal health expert and author of The Rosedale Diet, the hormone leptin has a major impact on all other hormones—including estrogen and progesterone—due to its control over reproductive and hypothalamic brain functions, which, in turn, control ovarian function via the pituitary gland. “As someone becomes more sensitive to leptin through a high-fat, very-low-carb diet, proper FSH and LH signaling is restored, and a woman’s menstrual periods are likely to resume, even if menopause seemed certain before. “Leptin also has a profound impact on thyroid function, and thus, significant impact on hair and skin. Its ability to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems generally brings on deeper sleep and capacity for both rest and digestion. In addition, the immune-modulating capabilities of leptin will resolve a wide variety of autoimmune reactions, including reactivity to certain foods. Essentially, what is happening is that aging is being somewhat slowed and in some cases reversed.” Cheryl’s Story: Taking Life by the Horns BEFORE Cheryl Chery yl says her friends were “stunned” when they saw how differently she was behaving around food. A F TE R Ch heryl from Alberta, Canada, a 50-year-old mother of five, suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, IBS, and what shee describes as “food prison.” As she approached menopause, Cheryl worried that her health issues would worsen. She knew herr diet needed an overhaul, so she signed up for one of James’ LCH HF diet retreats, which take place across the U.S. throughout the yyear. And that’s when her health turnaround began. A At the week-long retreat, Cheryl learned to completely revamp her diet by dramatically cutting down on carbs and sugarr, increasing intake of fats (in the program, whole-fat dairy, avocaado, olive oils, grass-fed meat, and eggs are all on the menu— trans--fats are not), and learning to listen to her body’s cues. “I was amaze amazed that by the time I got back to Canada a week later, all that cruddy food in the supermarket was no longer appetizing to me,” Cheryl says. “My energy and productivity went through the roof. My friends were stunned, not only by how I looked, but also by how differently I suddenly behaved around food—no more portion control or negativity around food! I am down 35 pounds. Friends say it looks like I’ve lost 50. But the real miracle is that all of this happened without willpower or suffering.” Cheryl has seen all of her major health challenges (e.g., IBS, type 2 diabetes) virtually disappear as a result of following a LCHF diet. “My blood pressure, blood lipid, and blood sugar Helping Our Heroes Stay Healthy Fireighters put their lives on the line every day. Along with the obvious dangers they face, on-the-job stress takes a toll on their cardiovascular system. But you don’t need to be a ireighter to be at risk. Living a high stress lifestyle can boost anyone’s odds of developing heart disease.* Kyolic® Formula 110 is a unique blend of Aged Garlic Extract™ and Coenzyme Q10, two powerhouse nutrients that can help protect your heart by supporting healthy cholesterol, circulation, blood pressure and arterial health.* Research shows that ireighters are two to four times more vulnerable for heart attack or other cardiac events on the job compared to the rest of us. But here’s the good news: a recent UCLA clinical study on ireighters suggests that taking Kyolic Formula 110 may help improve heart health in a variety of ways.* If the nutrients in Kyolic Formula 110 can help guard ireighters from efects of stress, just think of what it can do for you.* Have you had your Kyolic today? Call 1-800-421-2998 and mention this ad for a FREE SAMPLE. Visit and join us! Wakunaga of America Co., Ltd., Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (800) 421-2998 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Kyolic® is a registered trademark of Wakunaga of America Co., Ltd. numbers all fell back into the normal range, and I was able to stop taking prescription meds for these conditions,” she says. But that’s not all. Cheryl has noticed several other changes as well. “My rosacea is even clearing,” she says. “I feel and look better now than I have in, easily, 15 years. I’m learning to ride a motorcycle and taking life by the horns again.” For more information about Kat James and Total Transformation, the original LCHF diet and inside-out transforma- tional lifestyle retreats, visit James online at For live interviews with health experts and reallife makeover stories, listen to James’ radio show on Family Talk SIRIUS XM channel 131 ( SUPPLEMENTS FOR HORMONAL HARMONY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LeptiPURE by OptiChoice to modulate insulin and leptin response for improved cellular sensitivity to leptin and overall hormonal balance and production. Transitions Herbs for Menopause by Pure Essence Labs to assist with overall hormonal balance and a wide variety of perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms. Pregnenelone Cream by Life-Flo Natural Living as a precursor for the body’s progesterone and DHEA production; useful in cases of estrogen dominance. Gamma Oryzanol by Source Naturals to reduce hot flashes and help regulate blood lipids. Ultimate Omega 2x fish oils by Nordic Naturals for mood, skin, blood sugar, joint, and cardiovascular support. Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics by Essential Formulas to reduce digestive issues and autoimmune tendencies, optimize hormone processing, and reduce estrogen dominance, weight gain, and cravings. Thyroid Balance by Dr. Venessa’s Formulas for comprehensive thyroid support. Jennifer Martin is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer who specializes in natural health. .$)%" , "" $" .%* )% $ ) ,' , ) $ .() ( &'%(( %$" ()'$) %'#*" $)'%*( &'% %) (&%'( )) '(( +". '%, %*) $ .() ) %$"". -)'#". &%)$) .() () $ (.()# $/.#( ' " )% $*)'" / $ . $ .() , LUHISLZ HSS \ZLYZ [V H]VPK [`WPJHS¸KPLVɈ¹ VY KL[V_ Z`TW[VTZ + #( % "%% &"(# (%, %$$)') %$( % $ .() '! ISV[JOLZ 7HY[PJPWHU[ Z\ɈLYZ MYVT ) * &%%' ##%'. + $" ) $ %# $" (%#%') $ &%%' ("& + "%% (%,( $%'#" $ "+"( ') &$) ( $ ) $'. "+"( ' ' )$ + $ -&' $ $ %+' .'( ( %$ $ () %$ ' $%, $%'#" $ "" %)' ((*(+(*( + ( ),,,(.$)%"%'%'"" These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Everyone needs healthy blood circulation. OptiFlow® and Two outstanding ingredients in one capsule! Fruitflow ® is a breakthrough ingredient. With it, OptiFlow® established a new category in heart health for dietary supplements – Circulatory. Did you know that blood platelets can become “spiky” Supports healthy platelets and smooth blood flow. Derived from tomatoes, ® healthy blood circulation by keeping platelets smooth. t Effective. Starts to work within 90 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. t Safe. Both ingredients have extensive clinical studies. t Easy. Just one capsule contains ® and 30mg of ® resVida taken once daily. resVida® enhances blood vessel dilation. resVida® is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps prevent free radical damage. It is also the purest form of transresveratrol, and a high-potency supplement that meets high safety standards. WHAT HAPPENS IN THE KITCHEN IS IMPORTANT Chocolate Goodness Headlines trumpeting its health benefits have delighted the hearts of chocolate lovers everywhere ///BY NEIL ZEVNIK recipe on p. 56 nership, based on dialogue, transparency, and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade.” In theory, it improves quality of life and upgrades the community, but the structure allows for inefficiency and corruption, and does not necessarily benefit the actual farmers involved. Thus there is considerable controversy over the efficacy of this designation. If you’re looking to do good socially with your chocolate purchase, the “Direct Trade” designation—including the NATURAL VS. DUTCH COCOA Unsure what to buy and why? Go with natural cocoa. Dutch is processed with alkali to neutralize chocolate’s natural acidity, and this destroys most of the flavonoids that are essential to the healthy aspect of the chocolate. • FEBRUARY 2016 “bean to bar” concept and “single origin” chocolate—may be the way to go. This indicates that the maker has obtained beans directly from the grower, thereby eliminating any number of possible middlemen and ensuring both greater quality control and a greater share of profit to the farmer. In any event, you will want to shun those mass-market confections shouting at you from display racks at the front of your local supermarket, and find your way to the artisanal treats discreetly clustered elsewhere, with their sweet but subtle siren songs promising organic ingredients, Fair or Direct Trade sourcing, and high percentages of cocoa within. It’ll do your body, your heart, and your head a world of good. PHOTO: PORNCHAI MITTONGTARE; FOOD STYLING: LIESL MAGGIORE; STYLING: ROBIN TURK; (BOTTOM) LETTY17 / ISTOCKPHOTO Research has shown that the right kind of chocolate can be good for you—the right kind being dark chocolate and cocoa powder. When it comes to solid chocolate, unsweetened, bittersweet, and semisweet are the terms most often seen in the marketplace, with many manufacturers specifying the percentage of cocoa within their products. The optimal figure is 70 percent or higher, guaranteeing a useful concentration of antioxidant flavonoids. Natural cocoa powder is the highest, usually close to 100 percent. It is largely those flavonoids that are the source of chocolate’s reported health benefits. Studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Harvard University School of Public Health, among others, point to reduced risk of heart attack and improved cardiovascular function from the flavanols found in the cacao bean. And observed effects upon serotonin levels in the brain following consumption may explain chocolate’s purported mood-boosting abilities. But chocolate’s renewed popularity brings its own set of problems. Enormous demand leads to increased pressure on natural resources in areas where it’s produced and impacts the workforce in multiple ways, including unfair prices to farmers, environmental degradation, and child labor bordering on slavery. The problem is complex, and solutions equally convoluted and hotly debated. One of the primary movements to rectify the process is Fair Trade. As described by a consortium of the top certification organizations, Fair Trade is “a trading part- IT’S TIME! )ORRG\RXUERG\ZLWKWKHFOHDQVLQJSRZHURI)ORUŤ(VVHQFH . With W each sip of ® this traditional herbal cleanse, the synergistic blend of herbs help release the toxinss that build-up from everyday life. While it’s easy to see when we’re dirty on the outside, we can’t see the toxins that are in the air we breathe, the food we eat, or even in our own homes. If you’re feeeling sluggish, tired, or just don’t feel like your usual beautiful self you could benefit from a cleanse. Gentle HQRXJKIRUGDLO\XVH)ORUŤ(VVHQFHLVDWLPHKRQRUHGIRUPXODWKDWPDNHVGHWR[LıFDWLRQHDV\/HW \RXUERG\VKLQHZLWKWKHFOHDQVLQJSRZHURI)ORUŤ(VVHQFH — Gluten-Free i non-gmo i organic i plant-based i vegan To find a store near you, visit: 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Line large baking TROPICAL CHOCOLATE FONDUE sheet with parchment paper. Sift together flour, baking soda, and salt into large bowl and stir in sugar, cherries, and chocolate. Add buttermilk, and stir just until dough is evenly moistened but still lumpy. Serves 4 1. In medium saucepan, bring cream and honey to a bare simmer. Stir in chocolate, and remove from heat. Let sit 5 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Stir in Cointreau and macadamias. 2. Pour into a bowl, and serve immediately beside bowls of pineapple and mango, with skewers to seize and dip the fruit. per serving: 640 cal; 6g pro; 29g total fat (16g sat fat); 95gm carb; 30mg chol; 15mg sod; 10g fiber; 76g sugar 2. Transfer dough to well-floured surface; CHOCOLATE CHERRY IRISH SODA BREAD Makes 2 loaves (16 thick slices) Serve this fragrant loaf for brunch. It’s best enjoyed slightly warmed and slathered with soft butter! 4 cups all-purpose flour 1½ tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt 3 Tbs. superfine sugar ¾ cup dried cherries 4 oz. dark chocolate, coarsely chopped 1¾ cups buttermilk 2 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted knead gently with floured hands about eight times to form a soft but slightly less sticky dough. Halve dough and form into two balls. Pat out each ball into a domed 6-inch round on baking sheet. Cut a ½-inch-deep X on top of each loaf with a sharp knife, then brush loaves with butter. 3. Bake on middle oven rack until golden brown and bottoms sound hollow when tapped, 35–40 minutes. Transfer loaves to racks to cool completely. per serving: 220 cal; 5g pro; 5g total fat (3g sat fat); 37gm carb; 5mg chol; 290mg sod; 2g fiber; 10g sugar Neil Zevnik is a private chef in Los Angeles who tends to the culinary needs of the rich and famous; blogs about food, nutrition, and the environment for The Huffington Post; and volunteers with marine mammal rescue whenever he can. Learn more at PHOTO: (TOP RIGHT) PORNCHAI MITTONGTARE; FOOD STYLING: LIESL MAGGIORE; STYLING: ROBIN TURK ⅓ cup whipping cream 3 Tbs. honey 7 oz. dark chocolate, grated 1 Tbs. Cointreau liqueur 1 Tbs. finely chopped macadamia nuts 1 ripe pineapple, cut into chunks 2 large ripe mangos, cut into chunks Stronger. More Effective. CuraMed ® Softgel 750mg = Up to 500 CAPSULES Up to ^ OR of Turmeric 10 CAPSULES ^^ of Plain Curcumin • BCM-95® Curcumin used in 25 groundbreaking, published studies • Healthy Inflammation Response*† • Cellular Health Support * • The ONLY PATENTED curcumin with turmerones containing turmeric essential oils You Deserve Results When it’s your health, count on CuraMed ! ® Absorbs Better • Works Longer • More Effective • Clinically Proven Results † Occasional inflammation due to exercise or overuse ^ Five hundred 500 mg capsules ^^ Ten 500 mg capsules *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. RECIPE MAKEOVERS FULL OF MODERN FL AVOR Winter Superfood Spread Step aside, chicken soup. This simple paste, made with garlic and spirulina, may soon be your new go-to immune tonic ///BY JONNY BOWDEN, PHD, CNS, AND JEANNETTE BESSINGER, CHHC PUNGENT TAHINI MISO SPREAD Makes 1 Generous Cup (about 8 servings) Don’t let the color turn you off—spicy garlic and cayenne and rich tahini create a bold-tasting paste with a variety of culinary uses. 1. Combine all ingredients in food processor and process until smooth, scraping down sides as necessary. 2. Refrigerate spread in glass storage container. Flavors will combine and strengthen over time. Per 2 Tbs. Serving: 130 cal; 7g pro; 8g total fat (1g sat fat); 12gm carb; 0mg chol; 550mg sod; 4g fiber; 3g sugar NOTES FROM THE CLEAN FOOD COACH This pungent spread will last for weeks. I usually make a double batch and keep it all winter long. Because of its warming qualities and the antibacterial nature of raw garlic and cayenne pepper, it acts like a kind of winter tonic. I use it at the first sign of any cold-weather bug. The flavor is very strong, so it should be used sparingly. Spread it thinly over whole grain crackers or toast; stir it into hot veggies or grains; or use as a dip with crudités. You can alter the ingredient amounts according to your personal taste preferences. Keep the miso/tahini base consistent and customize the rest for yourself. FEATURED NUTRIENT: Garlic is one of the oldest medicinal foods on the planet. It lowers blood pressure, fights off bad bacteria, and boosts immunity, stimulating white blood cell production and making antibodies more efficient. One of the foremost garlic researchers on the planet is Dr. Matthew Budoff, a cardiologist at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Budoff’s team has done a significant amount of research on aged garlic extract, which has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve oxidative stress, and enhance circulation. Budoff’s most recent research showed that aged garlic extract can actually halt or reverse the progression of atherosclerosis. The brand I recommend—and the one most studied by Budoff—is Kyloic Aged Garlic Extract. Jeannette Bessinger, CHHC, is a certified holistic health counselor and recipe developer. Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, is a nationally known health, nutrition, and weight-loss expert. Bessinger and Bowden have collaborated on numerous cookbooks, including The 150 Healthiest Slow Cooker Recipes. Visit them online at and • FEBRUARY 2016 PHOTO (TOP LEFT): PORNCHAI MITTONGTARE; FOOD STYLING: LIESL MAGGIORE; STYLING: ROBIN TURK; (BOTTOM RIGHT) 20/21 / ISTOCKPHOTO If your immune system is compromised, your health is basically toast. Your immune system is made up of an intricate network of cells, organs, and tissues that work together to accomplish one basic task: guarding your body from harmful influences. It does this by neutralizing foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, as well as by fighting against the body’s own cells that may have changed due to an illness (cancer cells, for example). A big part of the immune system is the liver, which is basically ground zero for detoxification. The liver processes everything that comes into your body— food, environmental toxins, medicines (prescription or recreational), or anything else. It performs this detoxification dance with an intricate series of enzymes known as the cytochrome P450 enzymes, and it does it in two phases—aptly named Phase One and Phase Two—both of which are dependent on nutrients. So support your liver with this spread, which is like a power pack for that vital organ. Fermented raw miso teems with probiotics for digestive and immune health, and spirulina has long been used as a detoxifier. Nutritional yeast adds a creamy texture with a zippy flavor that has been described as somewhere between nutty and cheesy. —Dr. Jonny ½ cup tahini ½ cup mellow white miso 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 Tbs. grated fresh horseradish (or use jarred, prepared) 2 Tbs. nutritional yeast 2 tsp. spirulina powder (or young wheatgrass or barley grass powder) ½ tsp. cayenne pepper SHOPPING CART Product Spotlights Natural Vitality Natural Calm Natural Calm is the bestselling magnesium supplement in the natural products market. Natural Calm supports heart and bone health, better sleep, natural energy production, and natural stress reduction. This multi-award-winning, non-GMO certified powder drink mix comes in a variety of delicious organic flavors. Get Real Nutrition Real Probiotic Fit Real Probiotic Fit is a synergistic combination of real foods, super juices, and traditional botanicals transformed by patent-pending, MicroBiome Transformation System (MTS) probiotic fermentation technology. The MTS draws from principles of traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic herbal modalities, utilizing powerful living cultures combined with energized water, light, and sound frequencies to pre-digest and pre-metabolize real food nutrients. Michael’s Naturopathic Programs Sleep Factors A good night’s sleep just became easier to achieve naturally, using calcium and magnesium with the herbs skullcap, hops, and passionflower. These nutrients are complemented with 5-HTP and melatonin. NeoCell Glow Matrix Glow Matrix internally hydrates the skin and promotes a glowing complexion. This formula works through multiple mechanisms of action. Clinically proven Ceramosides lock in moisture at the skin’s surface; hyaluronic acid draws deep hydration into the underlying dermal layer of skin; GLA conditions the skin with essential fatty acids; and pine bark extract, astaxanthin, and lutein all protect the skin from free-radical damage. Get glowing today! Quality of Life Kinoko Platinum AHCC Kinoko Platinum AHCC, one of Quality of Life‘s bestselling products, features AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound), an effective, well-absorbed, and proprietary immune-supportive mushroom extract backed by more than 20 human clinical studies. Nova Forme CytoGreens for Athletes CytoGreens is a truly green formula, featuring an exclusive, nutrient-rich Green Performance Matrix to help you achieve your optimum performance. This soy- and lecithin-free product contains double the amount of green ingredients as leading “greens,” and was developed for highly active people who demand more from their bodies. FEBRUARY 2016 • PUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO THE TEST Chocolate, Unwrapped Whether you savor artisanal varieties on special occasions or get your fix from the office vending machine, chocolate has universal appeal. But how well do you know this delicious concoction? Take our quiz to find out ///BY VERA TWEED a) Heavier b) Thinner c) The same 1. b) Researchers at the University of San Diego found that adults who ate chocolate regularly actually weighed less than those who did not, even though chocolate lovers did not eat fewer overall calories or get more exercise. 2. c) Hershey scientists tested various chocolate cake mixes and recipes and found that because of its alkaline quality, baking soda destroys the antioxidants in chocolate. However, when baking soda was replaced with baking powder, which is more acidic, chocolate cake retained virtually all the antioxidants naturally present in chocolate. 3. e) Several studies have shown benefits for the heart and memory. More recently, a study of Korean women found that a daily high-antioxidant cocoa drink improved skin elasticity and subtly reduced formation of wrinkles. 4. d) It takes 25 cocoa beans to produce one ounce of chocolate. 5. b) Dutch researchers compared appetites of people who fasted and then ate 3.5 ounces of either dark or milk chocolate. During the next 5 hours, they could eat unlimited pizza. Those who ate dark chocolate ate 15 percent less pizza and had less desire for sweet, salty, or fatty foods. 6. b) A Scottish study found that people who ate chocolate had healthier hearts, even though they ate mostly milk chocolate. Researchers speculated that ingredients other than cocoa antioxidants, which are higher in dark chocolate, could be responsible for these benefits. 7. c) Made from ground cocoa beans, the drink was not sweet but spicy and frothy, and could be hot or cold. 8. b) The first milk chocolate was invented by a Swiss chocolatier and produced by the Swiss company Nestlé in 1875. In the United States, Milton Hershey invented his own milk chocolate, which became available in 1900. 9. d) Today, 70 percent of our cocoa comes from West Africa. 10. c) Foods made with real chocolate, rather than “chocolate flavoring,” should contain beneficial antioxidants in the chocolate. Check the list of ingredients. ANSWERS • FEBRUARY 2016 8. Milk chocolate was originally invented in: a) True b) False a) South America b) Europe c) Africa d) North America 10. Chocolate flavors of sweet foods are healthier than other flavors. 6. Only dark chocolate offers health benefits. a) True b) False c) It depends upon the food a) 40 b) 100 c) 70 d) 25 a) Milk b) Dark c) Neither a) A healthier heart b) Improved memory c) Fewer wrinkles d) Heart and memory improvements e) All of the above 2. In chocolate cake, all or most of the antioxidants in chocolate will be destroyed by: 4. How many cocoa beans does it take to make one ounce of chocolate? a) Heat during baking b) Sugar c) Baking soda d) Baking powder e) All of the above a) Indonesia b) China c) South America d) Africa a) Chewing cocoa beans b) Soaking beans in water to extract flavor and nutrients and drinking the water c) Making a drink from ground cocoa beans 9. Today, most of the cocoa in our chocolate is grown in: 7. Ancient Aztecs and Mayans consumed cocoa by: 5. Which type of chocolate is likely to reduce cravings for sweet, salty, or fatty foods? 3. According to studies, benefits of chocolate include: 1. Compared to people who don’t eat chocolate, those who eat it regularly are: Now, Solgar unlocks the power of curcumin like never before. 9 ©2016 Solgar, Inc. More active. 185 times better bioavailability. Faster absorbed. * That’s the difference with New Solgar ® Full Spectrum Curcumin. For the first time, Solgar transforms poorly absorbed curcumin from a fat-soluble to a water-soluble phytonutrient… making it immediately body-ready, faster absorbed, more active, and more bioavailable than ever before. 9 Solgar ® Full Spectrum Curcumin is so advanced, just 40 mg of curcumin in one softgel delivers the equivalency of nearly 75 (100 mg) capsules of standardized curcumin extract. Even more, in a recent clinical study, Solgar ® Full Spectrum Curcumin was shown to be longer lasting so it stays in your system for a full 24 hours. 9 Now, for brain, joint, and immune health – Solgar changes what you believed was possible from curcumin… forever. 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