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noconbcrBo t.rHAtltl 9/3, BoponqoBo nofls, Mocrsa, 105062 Ten.: (495)7837535 tDaxc: 9173430 Email: 28 Anpenn, 2016 MOS/JNCC/302/09/15 cBoe noqreHhe flOCOnucrso Vlnpnn s POCCttt4CxOr,t QeAepar-1ara a MOCxae CB[,qerenbfiByeT rxAuicxoro l-lpOrpauue \4egrb O coO6ulutru r4MeeT AAurnnCfpaqyrr KOCfpOmCrOra O6naCru 1,t npaBrTenb6reO hHAl4l'l 1. rex,mqecKoro r oKoHoMt4qecxoro corpyAHl4qecroa B paMKax KOTOPO!4 Kypcbl 411s pocclttic1gx rpaxAa6 B BeAyu{1,lx t'txAvtfrcxt'tx (l4T3C/ITEC), cnoHcr4pyer *p"r*o"po..r,"* i"**r.,"bi.r" yve6xste oSpaaoaarenuxurx ra yve6xutx 3aBeAeHhSX A O6naclRx KaK axrnricxrtl a3blK' nr 'axfi TeneKoMMyHr4xaqvtvt, ynpaeneHue, 6axxoeCroe AenO r OfiHaHCbl, npe,qnpnHltMaTenbcTBo H (lT)' r'A' nporpaMMbl ITEC c 1993 t-loconucrso hxgnn orMeqaer, qro poccun f,BnRercr BaxHbtM naprHepoM 3rt4x ner cMornh B TeqeHlle Poccuu ecefi co ypoBHff roAa 6onee 1000 npo$eccroHanoB pa3Horo pa3nuqHblx o6flacrnx HayKll' B B [lporparauoff npeAocraenf,eMuMl4 Bocnonb3oBarbcn Bo3MoxHocrRMH, 2 14nArn yqe6nutfr npeAnaraer o3HaKoMr4rbcs co cnrcxoM 6nrxataurx KypcoB Ha 2016-17 25-45 rpax4an gnn pocoaricxux roA, npeAocraBnfleMbrx B paMKax nporpaMMu ITEC, roropute orKpblrbl 3. ;loconucreo LIHA6H aHrnnttCXOrO nluxa; a 9CO$eHHOCT14 PJ'ts TeX, rrg yHl4BepcureTax, a raKxe B qacrnoM ceKrope' $eAepanb|,",/peryt6HanbHblx npasuTenbgrBax Ll pa6OTaeT ner. -nnaeOurx sxaHnR 4, B B nepener 3KoHoM KnaCcOM cogrBeTcrB1an C npgrpaMMgrl ITEC npaar'rrenbcrBg Vla1un o$ecnevraaer A hHArln, 6ecnnarnoe npoxt4BaH[e' crtrneHA]lto pa3MepoM ropoAa yvefixoro 3aBeAeH[R KaHAm.qaroB' 25000 pynrara B MeCfiLl, aTaKXe He o6naraer noulnrHol'l yqe6HHe Br3bl An8 Bbl6paHHblx r43 MOCKBbI .qO cahrax: Aeranu O npeAgcragngeMblx Kypcax u Kprarepuqx or6opa .qofiynHu Ha cclleAypu{ux ohp; Carir ITEC/hT3C: https:l/www.itecqoi.in/index. BCe (r-ra pyccxotvt) r*n u http:l/indianembassy. car,rr fioconscr"a 9991P:g!d:!!99/e! (xa axrnrficxou)' Ha 2016-2017 yqe6Hbrfr roA: rrypcax o npnnaan cCt rnxa Ha Opotxlopy 1 7 p df n/ d ow ileco o r. l/wwlv. s. ilp nlqagsl2!]920 I Cnrcox KypcoB na Onrxatirune MecnLlbl - B flphnoxeHtau. . r . 5. l4HArlt4cKoe noconbcrBo oopaulaercfl c npocbSoil pacnpocrpaHl4rb [HSopMaquP o nporpaMMe ITEC B a 3alHTepecoBaHHue BeAoMcraa, yHuaepc[Terbr r,t opraHusaquu, a raor<e oxa3blBarb co,qeticrsne pa6oraor B qacrHblx 3a6epeHuli $opu-axxer Ha yqacrre B nporpauue ITEC reu 3aRBrrenRM, Koropue KOMNAHTgX, 6 no aceir BonpocaM o nporpaMge ITEC uoxxo cBn3arbcn c Axxoti Flxoeneeoi [Ten.: (495)7837535 (go6.373;, E-mail: intweb@indianembassy. rul Z. lloconucreo VaIlnu a Poccr4licxori OeAepaqNn nonb3yercn cnyqaeM, vro6ut aogo6t'tosrru AAnirnnracrpaqrn KocrpoucKot4 oonacrr yBepeHrn B cBoeM BecbMa BblcoKoM yBaxeHrfi. A\AMuHl,rcrpaqrn Kocrpoucxoi o6nacru, PoccrR 2< ae- /{ 3,2/? -23 -O IlpunoxeHue !ara Hagaanne hncrrrYra Hagaaxre Kypca ,qara ANTEX Cepna$uxar 3HaHun axrnu ff croro fl3brKa u k1T-HasHxoa Cepru$raxar a o6nacrr rpa$uuecxoro grsar,tHa r axrnr fr cxota xorta uyH uraqrvl 14t06/2016 1Sl0812016 ANTEX Hat{ara tlEHTp no PASBklTt4lO nEPEAOBbIX CnequanusupoBaHHaR nporpaM KOMN bNTEPH bIX TEXHOfl OTTL1 - MOXAIIt4 TKC nrg. (panee neeecrxutfr rax KMK NTA") 14 BEPCI4TET AHTfl H I4CKOTO I4HOCTPAHHbIX R3bIKOB YH T HUfiT nTg Hr4tlT rA U Sasoaarft; Cpegxmfr ; [lpoAarxyrufi 14t06t2A16 02/0912016 ,[nnnou * arrnnftcxaff [ulT il cereaure HaBbtKtt 27t0612016 26t08DA16 KoMMyHuKaq{F, t4ccJr EAo BAH - cereBan Oegonacuocru 27t06t2016 26tAA2U6 11t07 t2016 17t09t2416 rta7t2a16 05/08/2016 127 HCtNrvr 3-x ypoaxeaan nporpaMMa: 3 Tier 2.5t47tzA16 20/08/2016 Prog ramme: f-lporparr,t rua gnn HAU! IOHAI| bHbt t4 H O M t4 13t06t2016 05/08/2016 flporpaunaa o6u{ero ynpaanenfi F Anfl - Ceccus YNPABflEHI4F 3 KO Snanue AenoBoro o6ulenrn vt xh3HeHHblx HaBbtxoB (a rora qilcne klxrepxer u ee6-rexHonorur) crapufix pyKoBoAilreneft MMT4HI4CTPATT4BHOTO NEPCOHA,IIA H.qr4r4crfi 09/0912016 rx$opmaquoHHofr tl cereBoi Sesonacxocru CeprnQtaxar utlfrv1frcKulr xol I r.qlr 1BlA7l2A16 4t10t2016 no,qroroBKr,l KaApoB B oonacTr Cepru$uxar - pasroaopHutfi anrnuficxrfi H HaBbn(t1 paOoru c nporpauuoft MS-0ffice nrA loTIr TEXHOnO!)KtlC JITA t4 Ma 12t07tz}16 oxoHqaHnfl 14 KvM t4 HCT14TyT R TPyff O BO 14 Oy,qyrurx finAepoB Ceprm$rxar * nnaHupoeaHt,,e 29t06t2016 14t12n416 L{eJ',roBeqecKrx pecypcoB H pa3Bvfn4ff P A3BV1T V1fr HAqT4OHM bH b[4 t4 H CTr4TyT nPEgnPHHt4MATTnbCTBA 14 PA3Bt4Tt4fl MAfiOTO 6t13HECA HAqt4OHAJlbH btr4 yH H BEPC NflAHI4POBAHI4R h YNPABNEHHfl 'ITET B Mexqqyrapo,qxuri rrlt apxeru H r rj rno6an unaR xoH KypeHTocnoco6nocru o4ta7D016 12/AA2A16 MepyxapoAHafl nporpaMMa Anfl 18t07nal6 12t08t2016 pyt(oBoAureneft yue6nurx saeepenrfr O6PA3OBAH14l/,I fionxurti cnncox trypcoB t4 Bce,qerann, raxne KaK Kp[Teprr or6opa, ycnoBtaf, ccbrnKe https://www.itecgoi.in/downloads 12016-2017 .pdt. k1 r, A. iqocrynHH no EMBASSY OF IHDIA 9/3, Vorontsovo Polye Moscow 105062 Tel: (495)7837535 Fax: 9173430 ifiqa:{f{ Email: [email protected] April 28, 2016 MOS/JNCC/302109/15 The Embassy of lndia to the Russian Federation presents its compliments to the Government of Kostroma Region and has the honour to inform aboul the lndian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme, under which Government of lndia sponsors short-term technical training courses for Russian nationals in premier lndian educational and training institutions, in areas such as English language, lT skills, telecommunication, management, bankrng and finance, entrepreneurship etc. 2 The Embassy of lndia has the privilege of having Russia as an important ITEC partner country since 1993. More than 1000 Russian scholars from diverse backgrounds and {rom across Russra, have over the years availed of ITEC training opportunities in various fields in lndia. 3. The Embassy of lndia fonrrards the list of upcoming courses under the ITEC scheme for the academic year 2A16-17 which are open to Russian nationals between 25-45 vears of aqe havinq knowledge of Enqlish lanouaqe, especially to those working in federallregional governments, universities and in the private sectors. 4. Under the ITEC scheme, the Government of lndia provides economy class air fare from Moscow to the training institution in lndia, free aceommodation, a living allowance of Rupees 25,000/- per month and also a gratis visa to the selecled candidates. All details such as eligibility criteria, ternrs and conditions etc are available at the following websites: TEC website : http-s :l/www. itecqoi. in/index. ph p ; Embassy of lndia, Moscow website: http:llindianembassv.ru/index.pho/ileclrussia-and-itec/ru http:/li ndianem bassy. ru/index. phpfi tec/russia-and-itec:/en. Direct link for ITEC courses list is https://www.itecgoi.in/downloadsl2016-2A17.pdf l-he list of upcoming courses is attached as Enclosure. I or . 5. The Embassy of lndia reguest you to kindly disseminate information about the ITEC programme to interested departments, universities and organizations and provide assistance in approving the application forms for ITEC applicants who are working in private companies. 6. Prospective applicants could contact Ms. Anna Yakovleva [Tel. (495)7837535 (Ext.373), E-mail. intweb@ind ianembassy. rul for further clarifications. . The Embassy of lndia to the Russian Federation avails itself of this opportunity to renew to Government of Kostroma Region the assurances of its highest consideration. 7 Government of Kostroma Region, Russia 'a. Enclosure Name of the lnstitute Name of the Course APTECH Certificate of Proficiency in English and 14tA6t2016 19/08/2016 lT Skills APTECH Certificate of Proficiency in Graphic Designing & English Communication $pecialized Training Programme in lnformation and Network Security Proficiency in Business Communication and Life Skills (lncluding lnternet & Web Technology) Progress To Proficiency - Advanced, lntermediate: Basic CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED COMPUTING MOHALI TCS Ltd. (Earlier known as CMC Ltd.) ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY Start date End date 12/07t24rc 14t10t2016 18t0712416 09/0912016 13/06/2016 0510812016 14/06t2A16 42t09t2416 NIIT LTD Diploma in Communication English, lT 27106t2016 26t042arc and Networking Skills NIIT LTD Cedificate Course in Spoken Engtish and MS-Office Skills Certificate Course in Network Security 27t06tz016 26tA8t2016 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COLLEGE OF General Management Programme For Senior Executives Course - $ession 11t07t2016 05/08/2016 UTL TECHNOLOGIES LTD INDIA 11t07t2416 17t09t2016 127 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT 3 Tier Programme: Emerging Leaders' Programme NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LABOUR Certificate Course in Human Resource 29106/2016 14t12t2016 Planning & Development ECONOMICS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 25tO7t2016 2At0a2a16 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT lnternational Marketing & Global Competitiveness (IMGC) 44/07t2016 12t08t2016 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION lnternational Programme for Educational Administrators 18tA7t2016 12tA8t2A16 The full list of courses and all details such as eligibility criteria, terms and condrtions etc are available under the link https://www.itecgoi.in/downloads t2016-z01t.pdt. Hora flocoaucrsaVrrurr o nporparvrrue ITEC https //mai l.yandex.ru/neo2lprint : Hora [oco.rucrBa IIHATT o trporpaMMe ITEC j sx?mid: I5 875 I 8 868648 I 29 52& ... flH*exr. lloqra 5 ua.s 2016 rota s 14:56 Or rcoro: <Information Winp <[email protected]> Ko my : nfo @adm44. ru, alekse ev@re gion. ko stroma. ru Konrq: [email protected], maklakova [email protected], [email protected] ,Qo6puril 4eru! Hegaano flocoaucraoM B aApec flpaarreaucraa o6nasrn6ana HanpaBneHa Hora o I-lporpannrvre Vlugnilcxoro TexnrqecKoro r 3xonorilh.{ecKoro Corpy4nrvecrBa (J4T3C/ITEC), a pamxax xoropofi npaBnrenbctao Vlngnu cnoHc14pyer KparKocpor{Hbre rexHt4'.{ecKhe yve6Hute Kypcbt pla poccnficxnx rpaxAaH B BeAyult4x nagnitcxvtxo6paroearerbHbrx r yve6xurx 3aBeAeHhnx B TaKrx o6nacrnx xax anrnnitcxufi n3utx, l4T, reaexoruMyHhKaLlh14, ynpaB.neHre, 6anxoacKoe Aeno r $rnancur, n K peAn phH l4MaTenbcTBO h T.A. coxaneHna, $ahn Bo B/roxeHAA Bo anoNeHrh HaMV 6urn oQoprvr.fleH HeBepHo. HacroflqeMy nhcbMy - r4cnpaBneHHurfi AoKyMeHT (raxQopruaqhfl - ra xe, h3MeH eH hR B HeceH bt ro.n bxo a o$oprvraeH he AoHyMenra ). Ha noqroaurfi a4pec Agrunxrcrpa4nn o6nacrn 6y4er HanpaBneH ophrhHan Horur. K IlprHocrnn cBoh h3Bt4H eHnA u HaAeeMcn Ha ganunefiuee corpyAHl4qecrBo. Sincerely, Anna Yakovleva lnformation Wing Embassy of lndia, Moscow Twitter I Facebook Tel: +7 495783 75 35 ext:373 Kocrpoucxaq_o6racrb_Kypc u_l TEC_l4rous-I4rc;m. pdf o: l"I 05.05.2016 15:01