

Internasjonal engelsk
Elevar/Elever og Privatistar/Privatister
Eksamen varer i 5 timar.
Alle hjelpemiddel er tillatne, bortsett frå Internett og andre verktøy som kan brukast til
For norsk, samisk, finsk som andrespråk og framandspråka er heller ikkje
omsetjingsprogram tillatne.
Bruk av
Dersom du bruker kjelder i svaret ditt, skal dei alltid førast opp på ein slik måte at
lesaren kan finne fram til dei.
Du skal føre opp forfattar og fullstendig tittel på både lærebøker og annan litteratur.
Dersom du bruker utskrift eller sitat frå Internett, skal du føre opp nøyaktig nettadresse
og nedlastingsdato.
"Appendix 1": "Global challenges"
"Appendix 2": "Incident in Cairo"
om oppgåva
Du skal svare på begge oppgåvene: "Task 1" og "Task 2". "Task 1" er ei
kortsvarsoppgåve. "Task 2" er ei langsvarsoppgåve.
"Task 1": Du skal svare på både deloppgåve a) og deloppgåve b). I deloppgåve a) skal du
vise kompetansen din i å skrive ein overtalande tekst. I deloppgåve b) skal du vise
kompetansen din i å gjere greie for grunnleggjande trekk ved engelsk språkbruk og
grunnleggjande prinsipp for oppbygging av ein annonsetekst og i å analysere språklege
verkemiddel i ein annonse.
"Task 2": Du skal svare på eitt av alternativa a), b), c) eller d).
"Task 2a": Du skal vise kompetansen din i å drøfte ulike utfordringar ved å leve i
fleirkulturelle samfunn og i å samanlikne litterære verk eller filmar som tek opp dette
"Task 2b": Du skal vise kompetansen din i å reflektere over og drøfte globale
utfordringar ved å ta utgangspunkt i bileta i "Appendix 1".
"Task 2c": Du skal vise kompetansen din i å drøfte korleis kultur- og verdiskilnader
påverkar kommunikasjon og kva for konsekvensar desse kan ha for fridomen til media i
"Task 2d": Du skal vise kompetansen din i å reflektere over ulike sider ved engelsk som
eit internasjonalt språk og drøfte kva for framtidsutsikter det engelske språket har som
verdsspråk ved å ta utgangspunkt i sitata i oppgåveteksten.
"Task 1": "Svalbard Life Experiences – Wilderness Management Programme":
http://www.workingabroad.com/ (17.02.2012) (tilpassa).
"Task 2b": "Appendix 1": "Global challenges":
http://www.boredpanda.com/32-most-creative-wwf-ads/ (17.02.2012).
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"Task 2c": "Appendix 2": "Incident in Cairo": Women under Siege:
http://action.womensmediacenter.com/sites/siege/index.php/blog/entry/fromdarkness-dignity-why-sexualized-violence-must-move-from-the-shadows (17.2.2012)
"Task 2d": "Comments on international English". Utdanningsdirektoratet.
"So English Is Taking Over the Globe. So What.":
2"The tragedy of dying languages": http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8500108 (17.02.2012).
Sjå vurderingsrettleiinga med kjenneteikn på måloppnåing til sentralt gitt skriftleg
eksamen. Vurderingsrettleiinga finn du på utdanningsdirektoratet.no.
Eksamen SPR3008 Internasjonal engelsk
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Eksamen varer i 5 timer.
Alle hjelpemidler er tillatt, bortsett fra Internett og andre verktøy som kan brukes til
For norsk, samisk, finsk som andrespråk og fremmedspråkene er heller ikke
oversettelsesprogrammer tillatt.
Bruk av
Hvis du bruker kilder i besvarelsen din, skal disse alltid oppgis på en slik måte at
leseren kan finne fram til dem.
Du skal oppgi forfatter og fullstendig tittel på både lærebøker og annen litteratur. Hvis
du bruker utskrift eller sitat fra Internett, skal du oppgi nøyaktig nettadresse og
"Appendix 1": "Global challenges"
"Appendix 2": "Incident in Cairo"
Du skal svare på begge oppgavene: "Task 1" og "Task 2". "Task 1" er en
kortsvarsoppgave. "Task 2" er en langsvarsoppgave.
"Task 1": Du skal svare på både deloppgave a) og deloppgave b). I deloppgave a) skal
du vise din kompetanse i å skrive en overtalende tekst. I deloppgave b) skal du vise din
kompetanse i å gjøre rede for grunnleggende trekk ved engelsk språkbruk og
grunnleggende prinsipper for oppbygging av en annonsetekst og i å analysere språklige
virkemidler i en annonse.
"Task 2": Du skal svare på ett av alternativene a), b), c) eller d).
"Task 2a": Du skal vise din kompetanse i å drøfte ulike utfordringer ved å leve i
flerkulturelle samfunn og i å sammenligne litterære verk eller filmer som tar opp dette
"Task 2b": Du skal vise din kompetanse i å reflektere over og drøfte globale utfordringer
ved å ta utgangspunkt i bildene i "Appendix 1".
"Task 2c": Du skal vise din kompetanse i å drøfte hvordan kultur- og verdiforskjeller
påvirker kommunikasjon og hvilke konsekvenser disse kan ha for medienes frihet i
"Task 2d": Du skal vise din kompetanse i å reflektere over ulike sider ved engelsk som
et internasjonalt språk og drøfte hvilke fremtidsutsikter det engelske språket har som
verdensspråk ved å ta utgangspunkt i sitatene i oppgaveteksten.
"Task 1": "Svalbard Life Experiences – Wilderness Management Programme":
http://www.workingabroad.com/ (17.02.2012) (tilpasset).
"Task 2b": "Appendix 1": "Global challenges":
http://www.boredpanda.com/32-most-creative-wwf-ads/ (17.02.2012).
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"Task 2c": "Appendix 2": "Incident in Cairo": Women under Siege:
http://action.womensmediacenter.com/sites/siege/index.php/blog/entry/fromdarkness-dignity-why-sexualized-violence-must-move-from-the-shadows (17.2.2012)
"Task 2d": "Comments on international English": Utdanningsdirektoratet.
"So English Is Taking Over the Globe. So What.":
2"The tragedy of dying languages": http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8500108 (17.02.2012).
Se vurderingsveiledningen med kjennetegn på måloppnåelse til sentralt gitt skriftlig
eksamen. Vurderingsveiledningen finner du på utdanningsdirektoratet.no.
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Task 1
Short answer
The text in the box below presents a programme offering international work experience
for young people.
Svalbard Lifetime Experiences – Wilderness Management Programme
You want the experience of a lifetime? Live and work in the heart of a pristine polar
paradise. Make a difference! Do your bit to help nature help herself. Act on your ideals
and come to the Svalbard archipelago. We need volunteers for three-week programmes.
We need you.
This programme is for you who are interested in experiencing wilderness camping and
rugged terrain whilst working to preserve and protect this area – nature’s precious
You will be helping with a variety of practical management tasks in the area, working
closely with our nature reserve staff. You’ll be out in the most astonishing, breathtaking
and overwhelming natural environment you could ever imagine.
This is your chance to do something unique. As a volunteer, you will be working in small
teams with qualified and experienced team leaders. Your work will include trail marking
and trail repair work and the removal of off-road driving tracks and moss
We want people to visit these amazing areas so we need you to help us mark the paths.
Why? To protect this vulnerable environment and to improve safety for visitors. The
reward from doing this vital work is that you will go home knowing you have left your
Inexperienced? No need to worry. Training will be provided by fully qualified leaders. The
working day normally runs from 09:00 – 17:00 with breaks for lunch and coffee. But
here, the weather often determines your working day.
Do you like to walk? Many of our worksites are in the wilderness with up to two hours of
walking each day. Talk about going that extra mile! You’ll camp under the stars, out in
the invigorating wild with the panoramic horizon for your blanket.
We accept volunteers from around the world. This will be your chance to form lasting
friendships with people from other parts of the world. For this reason, the working
language is English.
Are you up to it?
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Read the text "Svalbard Lifetime Experiences – Wilderness Management Programme"
and answer both questions a) and b) below.
You and a group of students from your class are considering a school trip to Svalbard to
take part in this programme.
Write two or three paragraphs asking the school administration to support your group’s
application for this international work experience programme.
Write two or three paragraphs in which you point out how language features and literary
devices are used in the text "Svalbard Lifetime Experiences – Wilderness Management
Programme" to persuade readers to apply for the programme.
Task 2
Long answer
Answer one of the alternatives a), b), c) or d) below.
Using two or three of the literary texts or films you have studied in your English course,
write a text in which you compare the challenges the characters have to deal with
because they are living in a multicultural society.
Using the four pictures and their captions in Appendix 1, write a text in which you explain
the global challenges they address and discuss how they draw our attention to these
Lara Logan is an award-winning correspondent for CBS’ "60 Minutes" and CBS News'
chief foreign affairs correspondent. She has written an article about her experiences
covering the Arab Spring in Cairo, Egypt.
Read Lara Logan’s article and the five reader comments on it in Appendix 2. Write a text
in which you respond to the reader comments and discuss how cultural differences can
interfere with the global media’s attempt to report news freely.
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Read the comments in the box below on international English. Write a text in which you
respond to these comments in a discussion on the status of international English in the
world today. In conclusion state what position you think international English will have in
the future.
Comments on international English
Why fight it? English is everywhere and we need a global language. It’s a lost
cause to fight against the tide1. (Jacques, a Frenchman)
It’s one thing to have a global language but quite another when all these English
words creep into and pollute your own language. In fact, I recently read an
article on the BBC website stating that half of the world’s 7000 languages2 are
in danger of disappearing and this doesn’t help, does it? (Günther, German
The trouble with international English is that more and more people are
speaking it badly, so that the language itself is suffering. I worry that we’re going
to end up with a sort of simplified English, where grammar doesn’t matter and
where the vocabulary is tiny. (David, English teacher)
It’s not the spread of international English that bothers me; it’s all the culture
that comes with it. (Pierre, French journalist)
The spread of English is the new imperialism. In addition to economic and
military world domination, they want to force their language on us too. I call that
word domination! (Ahmed, Iranian politician)
1 "So
English Is Taking Over the Globe. So What.":
"The tragedy of dying languages": http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8500108.stm
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Global challenges
SPR3008 V12 Appendix 1
Page 1 of 2
Picture 1: Animals around the world are losing their habitats due to climate change
Picture 2: 15 km2 of rain forest disappears every minute
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SPR3008 V12 Appendix 1
Page 2 of 2
Picture 3: The evolution of the elephant
Picture 4: Stop climate change before it changes you
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Incident in Cairo
SPR3008 V12 Appendix 2
Page 1 of 1
By Lara Logan — February 8, 2012
Lara Logan is seen here moments before a mob sexually assaulted and beat her in Cairo’s Tahrir Square in February 2011.
When I was overwhelmed by a mob of men in Tahrir Square in Egypt last February, I was filled with the certainty that I
would die there. In my mind, I could see an image of my body lying discarded in the dirt. It struck me that it would be a
truly meaningless death.
But instead of fighting for my life, I was at first fighting for my dignity. I believed in the sanctity of women in this
Islamic society. I had been told so often by Muslim men and women that women were sacred. Protected. More valued
even than in the West. And I had been told that though they may appear to be denied many of the rights I enjoy in
Western society, they actually are valued in a different, more meaningful way.
In my own experience, I had found myself frequently surrounded by Muslim men who were caring, protective,
respectful, and supportive. Some risked their lives for me. So I believed that someone, something, would stop the
attackers. Because everyone who was watching, everyone who was fighting for a piece of my body knew that what they
were doing was wrong.
Of course, it didn’t end that way. And it was chance — chance that the seething mob stumbled into a corner where I
was trapped between a group of women and some tents, and chance that my CBS security man Ray Jackson was able
to break free and compel nearby Egyptian soldiers to act — that I was carried from that square alive instead of dead.
And what I did not know then was how deeply entrenched sexualized violence is in Egyptian society. Or that agents
from the Mubarak regime, intent on discrediting the revolution, had targeted me deliberately and incited the mob. Nor
did I know that other female journalists were attacked that night. And I could not have known that there would be more
attacks in the months that followed, until foreign female journalists were advised not to travel to Egypt.
I never understood before my attack that sexual violence is a form of oppression. A very effective means for men to
not only dominate women, but also to deny them their rightful place in society. It is not as noticeable in Western
societies like the U.S., because women there are more powerful than in an Islamic country like Egypt. But it is still true.
Reader comments
-These damn Western media types bust in here like a herd of bulls imposing their ideals of so-called
free speech. They use this as an excuse to trample on everything we hold sacred!
-The international media are doing a necessary job. The only way things can change is when outside
media come into the country and get the message out to the world about what is really happening
-What does the rest of the world really care?
-What do you expect when a Western female journalist acts like she’s in her own country?
-What’s so special about Logan’s story? We all know that women can feel harassed anywhere, in any
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