Secure Rural Schools and Community Self
Secure Rural Schools and Community Self
COUNTY COMMISSIONER MINUTES MAY 19,2009 1. LARAMIE, WYOMING Public Hearing. Use of Title III Funds regarding the "Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000. Sheela Schermetzler, Grants Manager spoke regarding the request that Scott Davis made for the Fuel Mitigation Fire Wise Project. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to close the Public Hearing at 9:36 a.m. Application for Transportation Enhancement Activities - Local (T.E.A.L.) from Wyoming Department of Transportation for feasibility study on Telephone Canyon section of 1-80. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to close the Public Hearing at 9:38 a.m. Discuss Proposed Enforcement Resolution MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to close the Pulic Hearing at 9:39 a.m. 2. Roll Call. Roll call showed present: Sullivan, Gabriel and Chesnut. 3. Public Comment. Patrick Ivers spoke about the Public Library Employees and health insurance benefits. Dustin Lester residing at 4231 Kerry Lynne Lane spoke about recently purchasing sale animals for the premium sale at County Fair. r am enlisted in the guards and will be at my 2 week training during the sale and the Fairboard is not allowing me to have my sister sell my animals for me. I am enlisting to serve my country and they will not allow me to sell my animals. Comissioner Chesnut will speak with the Fairboard about this matter and see what can be done. Larry lester said that there are a lot of kids that are in the military and are not able to sell their own livestock. I do not feel they should be penalized for not being able to be there. We need to support our kids and I do not feel like we are doing that if we do not allow them to have someone else sell their animals for them. 4. Consideration of Changes in Agenda. Remove item number 13, present for Approval, Lease agreement for Drug Court. 5. Approval of Consent Agenda. MOTION BY Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel, that the Consent Agenda be approved and that each specific action on the Consent Agenda be approved as indicated. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan, Aye. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA 4a. Minutes of the May 5, 2009 Regular Meeting of the Board. Action: that the Board APPROVES the May 5, 2009 MlNUTES of toe Regular Meeting of the Board. 4b. Minutes of the Albany County Public Library Board of Directors. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the March 24,2009 and the April 14, 2009 MlNUTES of the Regular Meeting of the Albany County Public Library Board of Directors. 4c. Minutes and Agenda of the Laramie Plains Civic Center Joint Powers Board. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDG ES RECEr PT of the April 14, 2009 MINUTES and the May 12,2009 AGENDA of the Regular Meeting of the Board. 4d. Minutes of the Albany County Weed and Pest Board of Directors. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the April 6, 2009 MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of the Board. 4e. Minutes and Agenda of the Albany County Planning and Zoning Commission. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the April 8, 2009 MINUTES and the May 13, 2009 AGENDA of the RegulaJ: Meeting of the Boal-d. 4f. Albany County Treasurer Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending April 2009 from Linda Simpson, County Treasurer. 4g. Albany County Clerk of District Court Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of tbe MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending April 2009 [rom Janice Sexton, Clerk of District Court. 4h. Albany County Assessor Monthly Statement. Action: tbat the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending April 2009 from Grant Showacre, County Assessor. 4i. Albany County Public Health Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending April 2009 from Marianne Viner, Public Health Director. 4j. Albany County Planner Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending April 2009 [rom Doug Bryant, County Planner. 4k. Albany County Clerk Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT ofthe MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending April 2009 from Jackie R. Gonzales, County Clerk. 41. Albany County General Fund Revenue Report. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the GENERAL FUND REVENUE REPORT for the month ending April 2009 as prepared by the Treasurer's Office. 4m. Albany County General Fund Expenditure Report. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the ALBANY COUNTY GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE REPORT for the month ended April 2009 as prepared by the County Clerk's Office. 4n. Albany County Public Library Revenues & Expenditures Budgeted vs. Actual Report. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the July 2008 through March 2009 REVENUES & EXPENDITURES BUDGETED VS. ACTUAL REPORT from the Al bany Coun ty Pu bhc Library. 40. Albany County Zoning Certificates. Action: that the Board APPROVES the following ZONING CERTIFICATES: Last Name First Name Zoning Permit # Street # Address Description of Use Zoning Accessory Building Ag R. D. ZC-034-09 3979 U.S. HWY 30 North Katherine ZC-035-09 21 Jack Rabbit Road Mobile Home Res Howard Jean ZC-036-09 1850 Brock ZC-037-09 3335 Modular Accessory Building Res Malcolm WY HWY 230 Fort Sanders Road Newkirk - - _Roten . -" 4p. Acknowledge ReceIpt of Correspondence. Res Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of CORRESPONDENCE from: Joe Evan s; LocaJ Govern men t LiabUily Pool; Wyoming Department of Transportation; Wyoming Water Development Office; Climb Wyoming; Conservation Leaders Network; Albany County Pu blic Library; Laramie Cou n ty Community College; Medicine Bow Routt National rorests and Thunder Basin National Grassland (3); Capitol Communications Incorporated; Fred Kelly Grant; Better Roads; Public Service Commission; NACO County News; 81 I Pipeline Safety; Laramie Economic Development COTlJoration; Office of State Lands and Investments; Wyoming Department of Family Services; Aron and Hennig, LLP; The Wyoming Transit Express; Laramie Area Chamber of Commerce; County Rx; American City & County; Wyoming Planning Association and Wyoming Road Work Guide. REGULAR AGENDA 6. Use of Title III Funds regarding the "Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel that the Board APPROVES the use of Title III Funds regarding the "Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000 in the amount of $19,875 to fund ongoing and future fuel mitigation requested by Scott Davis, Albany County Fire Warden. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Resolution of Support for submission of a Transportation Enhancement Activities - Local (T.E.A.L.) grant to the Wyoming Department of Transportation, Office of Local Government Coordination to conduct a feasibility study of the impact of highway accidents on Telephone Canyon portion of 1-80 on Casper Aquifer water supply in the amount of $40,000. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut that the Board APPROVES the Resolution of Support for submission of a Transportation Enhancement Activities - Local (T.E.A.L.) grant to the Wyoming Department of Transportation, Office of Local Government Coordination to conduct a feasibility study of the impact of highway accidents on Telephone Canyon portion of 1-80 on Casper Aquifer water supply in the amount of $40,800. The county will have a cash match of $5,100. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Proposed Enforcement Procedure Resolution. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel that that the Board APPROVES the Proposed Enforcement Procedures Resolution. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 9. ACCEPT bid or REJECT all bids opened on May 1,2009 for the Harmony Lane Overlay Project and AUTHORIZE issuance of Notice of Award. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel that the Board APPROVES the bid from La Farge in the amount of $715,858.00 Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 10. Give NOTICE TO PROCEED to Quality Electric to begin work on the Installation of Gas-Powered Backup Generators and Transfer Switches. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel that the Board gives NOTICE TO PROCEED to Quality Electric to begin work on the Installation of Gas Powered Backup Genertors and Transfer Switches. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 11. Consideration of directive to publish notice of Public Hearing for proposed nuisance regulations. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut that the Board APPROVES Consideration of directive to publish notice of Public Hearing for proposed nuisance regulations for the July 7, 2009 Meeting of the Board. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 12. Grant Agreement between the State of Wyoming Department of Agriculture and Albany County Commissioners in the amount of $47,850 for the purpose of Emergency Insect Management Program Grant 2009. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel that the Board APPROVES Grant Agreemen t between the S ta te of Wyom ing Departmen t of Agriculture and Albany County Commissioners in the amount of $47,850 for the purpose of Emergency Insect Management Program Grant 2009. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED 13. Affirmation of Declaration of Fox Creek Road. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut, that the Board APPROVES Affirmation of Declaration of Fox Creek Road. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED 14. ACCEPT bid or REJECT all bids opened on May 12,2009 for the Albany County Coroner Truck and AUTHORIZE issuance of Notice of Award. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel that the Soard ACCEPT Inssuance of award for the Albany County Coroner Truck to Tyrrell-Doyle of Cheyenne for the 2005 Chevrolet Silverado in the amount of $17,400. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED 15. AWARD Albany County Commissioner Scholarship. MOTION by Chesnut, seconed by Gabriel that the Board AWARD the Albany County Commissioner Scholarship to Kristy Bowers, Jori Lorenzi and Hannah Marie Nerone. 1 5t alternate is James Strauch and 2 nd alternate is Taylor Haley. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 16. Re-appointment of Loren Richards, Margaret Meranda and Carol Dozier for the Business Section of the CSBG Board. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded Gabriel by that the Board re-appoint Loren Richards, Margaret Meranda and Carol Dozier for the Business Section of the CSSG Board. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 17. Payroll and Vouchers for May 2009. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to APPROVE Payroll and Vouchers for May 2009 and DIRECTS the County Clerk to assign a voucher number to the following vouchers, signature stamp each voucher and to cause warrants to be issued in payment of each such account to wit: as per notation on the vouchers:GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: 71102, AFLAC, $2450.99, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71107, AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE, $130.46, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71110, ASPEN-BANNER ENGINEERING, $3335.00, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES; 71114, BOLT LLC, $1400.46, DRUG COURT RENT; 71122 CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT, $380.50, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71123, COLONIAL LIFE, $157.30, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71125, COMM SOURCE, $543.29, SUPPLIES; 71138, FORT DEARBORN LIFE, $1303.50, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71144, KIM GULLICKSON, $2183.84, TRAVEL & MILEAGE/SALARY; 71150, INBERG-MILLER ENGINEERS, $2911.94, BOSLER LANDFILL; 71152, INSURANCE COORDINATORS OF MONTANA, $1096.25, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71154, lVINSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, $50.00, CLIENT SERVICES; 71158, KALCO CONSTRUCTION, $1584.82, BUILDING MAINTENANCE; 71161, LARAMIE NEWSPAPERS, $183.76, ADVERTISING; 71169, LARAMIE YOUTH CRISIS CENTER, $5936.04, TANF-CPI GRANT; 71170, LEWAN, $29043.22, MOBILE DATA UPGRADE; 71172, LIFE INVESTORS, $280.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71179, MODERN PRINTING, $3738.00, SUPPLIES; 71180, MODERN PRINTING, $321.11, SUPPLIES; 71182, BETH MULLINS, $118.25, MILEAGE; 71185, ORCHARD TRUST, $6007.24, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71186, PAYFLEX, $2245.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71189, QWEST, $2786.42, TELEPHONE; 71190, QWEST, $441..63, TELEPHONE; 71205, UNITED WAY, $100.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71209, VALlC, $4636.97, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71213, WCS TELECOM, $78.56, TELEPHONE; 71215, RODNEY WEAKLY, $1432.00, MOBILE DATA UPGRADE; 71220, WI SCrF, $300.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71225, VVYOMING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, $204.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71226, VVYOMING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, $743.79, PAYROLL CONTRlBUTION; 71227, VVYOMING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT. $150.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71233, WYOMING NCPERS LIFE, $864.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71234, WYOMING RETIREMENT SYSTEM, $63416.76, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71236, WYOMING STATE FORESTRY DIVISION, $2352.51, FIRE EQUIPMENT; 71237, WYOMING WORKERS COMPENSATION, $7912.70, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; COMMISSIONERS: 71157, JOHNSON CONTROLS, $452.50, REPAIRS; LARAMIE NEWSPAPERS, $3472.00, ADVERTISING; GENERAL ACCOUNTS: 71098, ACPE FCU, $273.31, FUEL; 71099, ACPE FCU, $30.00, FUEL; 71104, ALBANY COUNTY FAIR ASSOC, $189.87, UTILITIES; 71113, BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD, $118412.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; 71117, BRESNAN, $259.74, UTILITIES; 711 19, CARBON POWER & LIGHT, $242.26, UTILITIES; 71126, CONVENANT INSURANCE, $1600.00, CONSULTING SERVICES; 7 1127, COWBOY GLASS, $60.00, VEHICLE REPAIRS; 71159, LARAMIE AUTO PARTS, $140.00, FUEL; 71171, LEWAN, $1791.76, COPIER LEASE; 71183, NATIONAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS, $1175.00, POSTAGE; 71192, ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER, $1269.56, UTILITIES; 71197, SOURCE GAS, $5385.47, UTILITIES; 71228, WYOMING DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, $49.50, UTILITIES; 71241, WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, $7.00, PLATE & REGISTRATION; COURTHOUSE: 71106, ALSCO, $226.88, SUPPLIES; 71212, WAL-MART, $77.59, SUPPLIES; 71222, GARLAND WOODS, $216.50, SUPPLIES; CLERK: 71231, WYOMING LIVESTOCK BOARD, $35.00. 2007 BRAND BOOK; ELECTIONS: 71178, MODERN PRINTING, $573.50, SUPPLIES; IT: 71145, KATHERINE HELLER, $71.99, OFFICE SUPPLIES; 71215, RODNEY WEAKLY, $389.16, TRAVEL & MILEAGE; CSBG: 71103, ALBANY COUNTY COMMUNITY MEDICAL, $3200.91, CSSG APRIL 09; 71105, ALBANY COUNTY SAFE PROJECT, $316.67, CSBG APRIL 09; 71 116, SHARON BREITWEISER, $366.90, CSBG APRIL 09; 71129, DOWNTOWN CLINIC, $1416.00, CSBG APRIL 09; 71133, EPPSON CENTER, $1050.00, CSBG APRIL 09; 71166, LARAMIE REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, $279.30, CSBG APRIL 09; 71168, LARAMIE SOUP KITCHEN, $616.66, CSBG APRIL 09; 71 J.93, SALVATION ARMY, $768.00, CSSG APRIL 09; 71229, WYOMING INDEPENDENT LIVING, $291.66, CSBG APRIL 09: TREASURER: 71139, GASB, $365.00, DUES; 71214, WCTA, $90.00, DUES; 71216, WESTERN WATERWORKS, $40.00, SUPPLIES; SHERIFF: 71098, ACPE FCU, $547.62, TRAINING; 71099, ACPE FCU, $313.34, TRAINING; 71109, ANIMAL HEALTH CENTER, $356.00, K-9 SERVICES; 71115, BOSS SAFETY PRODUCTS, $405.00, SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM; 71146, HOLLAND CLEANERS, $98.85, UNIFORM EXPENSE; 71149, HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, $21.39, AUTO EXPENSE; 71160, LARAMIE FORD, $748.51, AUTO EXPENSE; 7 1163, LARAMIE NEWSPAPERS, $108.50, ADVERTJ SING; 71191 , RAY ALLEN MANUFACTURING; $1452.80, K-9 SUPPLIES; 71216, WESTERN WATERWORKS, $25.00, SUPPLIES; 71221, WIRELESS ADVANCED, $305.28, RADIO MAINTENANCE; 71230, WYOMING LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY, $350.00, TRAINING; DETENTION: 71112, BLOEDORN LUMBER, $31.48, DETENTION SUPPLIES; 71120, CHIEF SUPPLY, $317.79, DETENTION SUPPLIES; 71131, EAGLE PLUMBING & HEATING, $95.88, DETENTION MAINTENANCE; 71155, JO-ED, $2832.86, BOARDING OF PRISONERS; 71175, MEADOW GOLD, $293.27, BOARDING OF PRISONERS; 71198, STAPLES, $147.98, DETENTION SUPPLIES; 71207, US FOOD SERVICE, $1612.50, BOARDING OF PRISONERS; 71219, FOSTER WHITE, $250.00, DETENTION MAINTENANCE; 71235, WYOMING RETIREMENT SYSTEM, $245.04, REHIRED RETIREE FEE; ATTORNEY: 711 08, AMERI CAN PAINTBRUSH, $20.00, SUPPLIES; 71 199, JENNIFER STONE, $283.25, TRAVEL & MILEAGE; INTERGOVERNMENTAL: 71121, CITY OF LARAMIE, $24097.33, LARC REIMBURSEMENT; GIS: 71215, RODNEY WEAKLY, $199.99, OFFICE EQUIPMENT; PLANNING: 71100, SUSAN ADLER, $380.00, JANITORIAL; 71118, DOUG BRYANT, $210.52, TRAVEL & MILEAGE; 71140, DAVID GERTSCH, $192.61, TRAVEL & MILEAGE; 71156, JOHNSON CONTROLS, $437.50, BUILDING MAlNTENANCE; 71164, LARAMIE NEWSPAPERS, $274.20. ADVERTISING; 71180, MODERN PRlNTING, $1665.30, SUPPLIES; 71216, WESTERN WATERWORKS, $25.00, SUPPLIES; 71224, WYOMING BUSINESS REPORT, $19.97, SUPPLIES; 71238, WYOPASS, $150.00, DUES; ENGINEERING: 71141, GORMAN ENGINEERlNG LLC, $3069.85, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES; CORONER: 71101, ADVANCED MEDICAL IMAGING, $84.00, MEDICAL SERVICES; 71142, JENNIFER GRAHAM, $13.05, POSTAGE; 71165, LARAMIE PLAlNS CIVIC CENTER, $115.00, RENT; 71167, LARAMIE SCREEN PRINTING, $238.00, SUPPLIES; 71174. MCKEE MEDICAL CENTER, $1131.67, MEDICAL SERVICES; 71181, MONTGOMERY-STRYKER, $1000.00, MEDICAL SERVICES; 71230, WYOMING LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY, $870.00, CONTINUING EDUCATION; 71239, MANDl L. ZARUBA, $378.00, CONTRACT SERVICES; COOPERATIVE EXTENSION: 71136, FEDEX OFFICE, $49.47, OFFICE SUPPLIES; 71206, UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING, $30.00, CONTINUING EDUCATION; CLERK OF COURT: 71179, MODERN PRINTING, $1148.18, SUPPLIES; DISTRICT COURT: 71202, TRENT LAW OFFICE, $183.33, LEGAL SERVICES; DRUG COURT: 71216, WESTERN WATERWORKS, $28.00, SUPPLIES; ROAD & BRIDGE: 71097, AC ELECTRIC, $108.89, BUlLDING SUPPLIES; 71106, ALSCO, $149.99, SAFETY CLOTHING; 71130, DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES, $308.08, SHOP EQUIPMENT; 71135, FAT BOYS TIRE, $996.00, HEAVY EQUIPMENT; 71147, HOWARD SUPPLY, $769.57, SHOP EQUIPMENT; 71148, HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, $860.55, SHOP EQUIPMENT; 71151, INDUSTRIAL DISTRlBUTORS INC, $184.99, VEHICLE REPAIR; 71159, LARAMIE AUTO PARTS, $285.11, VEHICLE REPAIR; 71203, TRUE VALUE, $26.56, HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR; 71204, UNION TELEPHONE, $53.51, TELEPHONE; 71223, WYOMED LABORATORY, $40.00, FOT.; 71232,WYOMING MACHINERY, $ 1746.23, H EAVY EQUIPMENT; 71240, ZEP MAN U FACTURING, $297.92, SHOP EQUIPMENT; FIRE: 71200, LYNN TODD, $210.00, SUPPLIES; 71201, TOMS WELDING & REPAIR, $867.59, MAINTENANCE; 71217, WHEATLAND COOP, $33.50, FUEL; 71218 WHEATLAND VFD, $300.00, REPAIRS; 71095, WHEATLAND REA, $24.38, GARRETT ELECTRIC SERVICE; PUBLIC HEALTH: 71111, BERNA PRODUCTS, $960.00, VACCINE; 71124, COLORADO MACHINERY, $690.50, EQUIPMENT REPAIRS; 71143, MARY ALICE GULINO, $29.70, MILEAGE; 71187, PHYSICIAN SALES & SERVICE, $305.45, MEDICAL SUPPLIES; 71194, SANOFI PASTEUR, $3653.22, VACCINE; 71196, AMANDA SLUSS, $1.65, MILEAGE; 71210, VAN'S WHOLESALE, $156.58, SUPPLIES; 71211, MARIANNE VINER, $84.42, MILEAGE; WIC: 71176, RILEY MEYEN, $30.00, CONTINUING EDUCATION; 71188, QWEST, $10.86, TELEPHONE; 71189, QWEST, $68.52, TELEPHONE; 71213, WCS TELECOM, $.47, TELEPHONE; 1% SALES TAX: 71128, DONALD R FREY & CO, $2186.50, SOFTWARE; 71132, ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE, $1636.37, SOFTWARE MAJNTENANCE; 71137, TRACY FLETCHER, $421.35, CONTINUING EDUCATION; 71159, LARAMIE AUTO PARTS, $186.00, ROAD MATERIALS; 71183, NATIONAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS, $348.02, APRIL 09 RENEWAL CARDS; 71195, SHEELA SCHERMETZLER, $396.42, TRAVEL & MILEAGE; MCHjTANF: 71162, LARAMIE NEWSPAPERS, $83.06, CONTINUING EDUCATION; 71173, LYNDSEY LOVE, $10.56, MILEAGE; 71177, JOYCE MILLER, $15.95, MILEAGE; 71184, AMANDA OLIVER, $15.19, MILEAGE; 71196, AMANDA SLUSS, $78.10, MILEAGE; 71208, LINDA VALENTI, $86.64, MILEAGE/CLIENT SERVICES; DETENTION M:EDICAL: 7 1134, EXPRESS PHARMACY, $514.67, M EDI CAL EXPENSE; 71153, INTRAWEST MEDICAL SERVICES, $20000.00, E-R PHYSICIANS CONTRACT; FIRST INTERSTATE BANK: 71081, $31. 94, SUPPLIES; 71082, $263.03 J SUPPLI ES /TRAV £L & MILEAGE; 71083, $261.15, EQUIPMENT REPAJR/TRAVEL; 71084, $1843.38, FIRE SUPPLIES; 71085, $114.75, POSTAGE; 71086, $428.25, COMPUTER SUPPLIES/MEALS; 71087, $787.85, SUPPLIES/TRAVEL & MILEAGE; 71088, $712.20, SUPPLIES; 71089, $12.76, TRAVEL & MILEAGE; 71090, $82.57, TRAVEL & MILEAGE; 71091, $308.42, SUPPLIES; 71092, $442,17, SUPPLIES; 71093, $1618.89, TRA.VEL & MILEAGE/POSTAGE; 71094, $778.37, SUPPLIES; 71096, $74.56, OFFICE SUPPLIES; TOTAL GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: $390,081.64 TOTAL PAYROLL: $385,320.47 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $775,402.11 J 18. ADJOURN MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to ADJOURN the Regular Meeting of May 19,2009 at lO:27a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS lsi Tim Sullivan, Chairman